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Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie III. Historia Medieval, 2024
This study examines the fiscal implications of the conversion to the Christian faith of the Mudejars of Castile in 1501-1502, with special emphasis on the situation of the communities settled in the lordships of the Military Orders, as well as on the collective negotiating process of the new Morisco statute. Although baptism entailed the suppression of «differential taxation» perceived by the Christian powers on the Muslim communities, the persistence of tax collecting by, and requirement of services to the lords generated conflicts in the first years of the sixteenth century. The Morisco communities reacted by defending their new legal and fiscal status, supported by the Crown's policy aimed at recognizing the exemption of this burden as a way to facilitate assimilation. The result observed in the lordships of the kingdom of Murcia, Campo de Calatrava and the community of Hornachos are analysed as representative case studies.
Revista Mythos, 2022
No início de 2021, a Revista Mythos lançou o dossiê Mulheres no Mundo Antigo. Pesquisadoras dos variados rincões do Brasil e da América Latina aderiram à chamada e a coleção de artigos planejada para um número se transformou em duas, uma publicada em meados daquele ano e esta agora, em 2022. Bons frutos do trabalho acadêmico em curso, desde meados dos anos de 1990. Nesta trajetória, as contribuições das epistemologias feministas e de gênero, formuladas tanto no Brasil como no estrangeiro, têm sido cruciais na redefinição das abordagens teórico/metodológicas das pesquisas sobre as mulheres, na grande maioria realizadas por elas, cada vez mais presentes nos espaços acadêmicos (Rawson, 1995; Dias, 2019). Com o avanço das investigações no decorrer destes anos, cada vez mais compreendemos as possibilidades inúmeras dos significados de ser mulher, identificadas nas múltiplas identidades constituídas no cotidiano de cada tempo histórico (Wyke,1998; Candido, 2012). Avançamos em relação à noção de categorias fixas, universais e apenas biologizantes de feminino e masculino, definidas por uma essência, indelével, a-histórica e atemporal. Por meio dos debates, identificamos o espaço social como um campo plural, dinâmico, de conflitos e parcerias, composto não pela mulher, mas por mulheres, diferentes em suas singularidades étnicas e regionais; em suas trajetórias culturais e vivências sexuais; marcadas pelo acesso à liberdade jurídica, à educação e aos bens materiais, ou pela falta ou limitações deles.
KNJIGA SAŽETAKA 1. Europska GREEN konferencija, 2023
Our global food system makes a major impact on the environment and is in desperate need to transformation. An effort to improve the food system needs expertise from multiple disciplines, food actors, policymakers, citizens, and involvement of the young generations such as students to succeed with this ambition. The food system is responsible for 26% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and since more than 1/3 of all food is wasted 6-10% of the greenhouse gas emissions come from food that is never eaten. Moreover, other major challenges are linked to the global food system, the use of scares food resources, the effect on biodiversity loss, unhealthy diets, and the lack of available food for vulnerable groups. Therefore, joining forces to improve today's food system in necessary. This presentation will include a selection of examples of recent teams that are built to mobilize for sustainable food with a basis from academia. I will present aims, activities, co-creation, methodologies and how these teams' function. Furthermore, the presentation will include aspects around the Code of Conduct instrument from the EUs Farm to Fork Strategy that the university uses as a strategic working plan to ensure working towards a sustainable food future.
Resumen: Este artículo examina la falta de progreso de Paraguay en el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) a través del marco conceptual de la captura del Estado. Analiza varios aspectos de tres ODS interrelacionados: i) acción climática y protección ambiental, ii) desigualdad y iii) paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas, centrándose en la seguridad personal. Estos ejemplos sugieren dos cosas: primero, que el actual modelo de desarrollo paraguayo es insostenible en términos económicos, sociales y ambientales. Afirmamos, en sentido contrario, que se basa casi exclusivamente en los intereses de una pequeña élite y en contra del interés nacional. En segundo lugar, se observa que el progreso en el cumplimiento de los ODS se ve socavado por la captura del Estado y la influencia de estas élites que bloquean, retrasan, y diluyen reformas y políticas que puedan amenazar sus intereses. En este sentido, la captura del Estado socava el desarrollo sostenible, la seguridad nacional y la gobernabilidad democrática.
Resumen: La sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el caso Radilla Pacheco contra México puso al debate muchos temas, entre ellos, el relativo al llamado control de convencionalidad. De acuerdo con esa sentencia y algunos de sus precedentes, los tribunales nacionales deben ejercer dicho control. Sin embargo, un análisis cuidadoso nos muestra que ni la Corte Interamericana ni algunos doctrinarios que la siguen han logrado establecer con precisión y uniformidad qué implica, quién lo debe de llevar a cabo ni cómo se debe de hacer. Por ello, aquí intentamos desarrollar esos aspectos y proponemos la manera en que debería denominarse la actividad que el tribunal interamericano pide que ejerzan los tribunales nacionales en la región. Palabras clave: Control de convencionalidad, Interpretación acorde a tratados, Corte Interamericana, tribunales nacionales, obligaciones internacionales, derechos humanos.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2009
Objective-Increasing evidence exists linking childhood trauma and primary psychotic disorders, but there is little research on patients with primary affective disorders with psychotic features.
European Journal of International Relations, 2010
I advance an endogenous explanation for the systemic transformation of international politics and offer to neatly resolve the debate between offensive realism and defensive realism through a social evolutionary approach. I contend that international politics has always been an evolutionary system and it has evolved from an offensive realism world to a defensive realism world. Consequently, offensive realism and defensive realism are appropriate grand theories of international politics for two different historical epochs. Different grand theories of international politics are for different epochs of international politics, and different epochs of international politics actually need different theories of international politics. Because international politics has always been an evolutionary system, non-evolutionary approaches will be intrinsically incapable of shedding light on the evolution of the system. The science of international politics must be a genuine evolutionary science and students of international politics must 'give Darwin his due'.
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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education, 2016
Археологічні дослідження в Україні 2018, 2020
Journal of World Business
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2021
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1995
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Profesorado Revista De Curriculum Y Formacion De Profesorado, 2000