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2009, arXiv (Cornell University)
4 pages
1 file
The presence of a period-doubling cascade in dynamical systems that depend on a parameter is one of the basic routes to chaos. It is rarely mentioned that there are virtually always infinitely many cascades whenever there is one. We report that for one- and two-dimensional phase space, in the transition from no chaos to chaos -- as a parameter is varied -- there must be infinitely many cascades under some mild hypotheses. Our meaning of chaos includes the case of chaotic sets which are not attractors. Numerical studies indicate that this result applies to the forced-damped pendulum and the forced Duffing equations, viewing the solutions once each period of the forcing. We further show that in many cases cascades appear in pairs connected (in joint parameter-state space) by an unstable periodic orbit. Paired cascades can be destroyed or created by perturbations, whereas unpaired cascades are conserved under even significant perturbations.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2012
The appearance of infinitely-many period-doubling cascades is one of the most prominent features observed in the study of maps depending on a parameter. They are associated with chaotic behavior, since bifurcation diagrams of a map with a parameter often reveal a complicated intermingling of period-doubling cascades and chaos.
Physical Review E, 1996
We study bifurcations associated with stability of the lowest stationary point (SP) of a damped parametrically forced pendulum by varying ω 0 (the natural frequency of the pendulum) and A (the amplitude of the external driving force). As A is increased, the SP will restabilize after its instability, destabilize again, and so ad infinitum for any given ω 0. Its destabilizations (restabilizations) occur via alternating supercritical (subcritical) period-doubling bifurcations (PDB's) and pitchfork bifurcations, except the first destabilization at which a supercritical or subcritical bifurcation takes place depending on the value of ω 0. For each case of the supercritical destabilizations, an infinite sequence of PDB's follows and leads to chaos. Consequently, an infinite series of period-doubling transitions to chaos appears with increasing A. The critical behaviors at the transition points are also discussed.
In this paper, with varying excitation amplitude, bifurcation trees of periodic motions to chaos in a periodicallydrivenpendulumareobtainedthroughasemi-analytical method. This method is based on the implicit discrete maps obtained from the midpoint scheme of the corresponding differential equation. Using the discrete maps, mapping structures are developed for specific periodic motions, and the corresponding nonlinear algebraic equations of such mappingstructuresaresolved.Further,semi-analyticalbifurcation trees of periodic motions to chaos are also obtained, and the corresponding eigenvalue analysis is carried out for the stability and bifurcation of the periodic motions. Finally, numerical illustrations of periodic motions on the bifurcation trees are presented in verification of the analytical prediction. Harmonic amplitude spectra are also presented for demonstrating harmonic effects on the periodic motions. The bifurcation trees of period-1 motions to chaos possess a doublespiralstructure.Thetwosetsofsolutionsofperiod-2l motions (l = 0,1,2,...)to chaos are based on the center around2mπ and(2m−1)π(m =1,2,3,...)inphasespace. Other independent bifurcation trees of period-m motions to chaos are presented. Through this investigation, the motion complexity and nonlinearity of the periodically forced pendulum can be further understood.
Applied Sciences
We examine the nonlinear response of two planar pendula under external and kinematic excitations, which are very relevant as paradigmatic models in nonlinear dynamics. These pendula act under the action of an additional constant torque, and are subjected to one of the following excitations: a further external periodic torque, and a vertically periodic forcing of the point of suspension. Here, we show the influence of the constant torque strength on the transition to chaotic motions of the pendulum using both Melnikov analysis and the computation of the basins of attraction. The global bifurcations are illustrated by the erosion of the corresponding basins of attraction.
It is not easy to find periodic motions to chaos in a pendulum system even though the periodically forced pendulum is one of the simplest nonlinear systems. However, the inherent complex dynamics of the periodically forced pendulum is much beyond our imaginations through the traditional approach of linear dynamical systems. Until now, we did not know complex motions of pendulum yet. What are the mechanism and mathematics of such complex motions in the pendulum? The results presented herein give a new view of complex motions in the periodically forced pendulum. Thus, in this paper, periodic motions to chaos in a periodically forced pendulum are predicted analytically by a semi-analytical method. The method is based on discretization of differential equations of the dynamical system to obtain implicit maps. Using the implicit maps, mapping structures for specific periodic motions are developed, and the corresponding periodic motions can be predicted analytically through such mapping structures. Analytical bifurcation trees of periodic motions to chaos are obtained, and the corresponding stability and bifurcation analysis of periodic motions to chaos are carried out by eigenvalue analysis. From the analytical prediction of periodic motions to chaos, the corresponding frequency-amplitude characteristics are obtained for a better understanding of motions' complexity in the periodically forced pendulum. Finally, numerical simulations of selected periodic motions are illustrated. The nontravelable and travelable periodic motions on the bifurcation trees are discovered. Through this investigation, the periodic motions to chaos in the periodically forced pendulums can be understood further. Based on the perturbation method, one cannot achieve the adequate solutions presented herein for periodic motions to chaos in the periodically forced pendulum.
Physical Review E, 1996
We study period doublings in N (N = 2, 3, 4,. . .) coupled parametrically forced damped pendulums by varying A (the amplitude of the external driving force) and c (the strength of coupling). With increasing A, the stationary point undergoes multiple period-doubling transitions to chaos. We first investigate the two-coupled case with N = 2. For each period-doubling transition to chaos, the critical set consists of an infinity of critical line segments and the zero-coupling critical point lying on the line A = A * i in the A − c plane, where A * i is the ith transition point for the uncoupled case. We find three kinds of critical behaviors, depending on the position on the critical set. They are the same as those for the coupled one-dimensional maps. Finally, the results of the N = 2 case are extended to many-coupled cases with N ≥ 3, in which the critical behaviors depend on the range of coupling.
Chaos and Complexity Letters, 2022
The chaotic behavior in the Duffing oscillator has been studied by means of computer simulations based on numerical solution of its differential equation along up to 30 million time-steps. By extracting longitudinal and transversal Poincaré's tomographies of the state space of a chaotic event selected at random, it is found that there seems to be more than a single family of attractors, which is verified by counting the number of timesteps needed to close an orbit in state space. Those orbits in state space closing with a number of time-steps which are multiple of the simplest one of them are considered members of the same family of attractors. In this study two families of attractors have been detected. It has been encountered that the transition to chaos in the Duffing oscillator is via intermittency, this is, stages of chaos intercalated by very well defined oscillation periods, though not necessarily of a single period, the mentioned stages of chaos show sometimes short period bifurcations, but never display a complete cascade of bifurcations. It has also been verified that the chaotic oscillation in the Duffing equation have a symmetric distribution of peaks and valleys. It has as well been found that there is no gradual shrinking of periodic stages along a chaotic event, which would wind up in a continuous chaotic regime.
Physical Review E, 1998
We consider a parametrically forced pendulum with a vertically oscillating suspension point. It is well known that, as the amplitude of the vertical oscillation is increased, its inverted state ͑corresponding to the vertically-up configuration͒ undergoes a cascade of ''resurrections,'' i.e., it becomes stabilized after its instability, destabilize again, and so forth ad infinitum. We make a detailed numerical investigation of the bifurcations associated with such resurrections of the inverted pendulum by varying the amplitude and frequency of the vertical oscillation. It is found that the inverted state stabilizes via alternating ''reverse'' subcritical pitchfork and period-doubling bifurcations, while it destabilizes via alternating ''normal'' supercritical perioddoubling and pitchfork bifrucations. An infinite sequence of period-doubling bifurcations, leading to chaos, follows each destabilization of the inverted state. The critical behaviors in the period-doubling cascades are also discussed. ͓S1063-651X͑98͒03809-4͔
The purpose of the present chapter is once again to show on concrete new examples that chaos in one-dimensional unimodal mappings, dynamical chaos in systems of ordinary differential equations, diffusion chaos in systems of the equations with partial derivatives and chaos in Hamiltonian and conservative systems are generated by cascades of bifurcations under universal bifurcation Feigenbaum-Sharkovsky-Magnitskii (FShM) scenario. And all irregular attractors of all such dissipative systems born during realization of such scenario are exclusively singular attractors that are the nonperiodic limited trajectories in finite dimensional or infinitely dimensional phase space any neighborhood of which contains the infinite number of unstable periodic trajectories.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2009
This paper introduces a new 2D piecewise smooth discrete-time chaotic mapping with rarely observed phenomenon – the occurrence of the same chaotic attractor via different and distinguishable routes to chaos: period doubling and border-collision bifurcations as typical futures. This phenomenon is justified by the location of system equilibria of the proposed mapping, and the possible bifurcation types in smooth dissipative systems.
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