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2017, Revista Educação e Emancipação
8 pages
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Catalogação da publicação na Fonte da Biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal do Maranhão
org/sesbc/index Scope & Topics 5 th International Conference on Software Engineering, Security and Blockchain (SESBC 2024) Will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Software Engineering, Security and Block chain. Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Software Engineering, Security and Block chain.
The Ventotene Manifesto is supposed to be a fundamental point of reference for the construction of a federal Europe based on democracy and social inclusion. However, the textstrongly criticises democratic participation and does not call into question the market as ameans of redistributing wealth. Spinelli also endorsed the technocratic approach to Euro- pean integration and its development in a neoliberal sense. We are thus faced with mythsthat need to be questioned in order to reflect seriously on the political order capable ofachieving an acceptable balance between capitalism and democracy.
El diseño gráfico es una profesión cuya actividad consiste en concebir, programar, proyectar y realizarcomunicaciones visuales, producidas en general por medios industriales y destinadas a transmitir mensajes específicos a grupos sociales y con objetivos claros y determinados. Esta actividad posibilita comunicar gráficamente ideas, hechos y valores procesados y sintetizados en términos de forma y comunicación, factores sociales, culturales, económicos,estéticos y tecnológicos. También se conoce con el nombre de diseño en comunicación visual, debido a que algunos asocian la palabra gráfico únicamente a la industria gráfica, y entienden que los mensajes visuales se canalizan a través de muchos medios de comunicación, y no solo los impresos.
Metaphor and Symbol, 2020
In the book Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Zoltán Kövecses presents a holistic view of how conceptual and contextual factors influence metaphor production and comprehension, with a comprehensive review and evaluation of contemporary metaphor theories. It is mainly based on Kövecses's previous studies of "main meaning focus" (Kövecses, 2000, p. 82), of the tripartite division between the supraindividual, individual, and subindividual levels of conceptualization (Kövecses, 2002/2010), of the metonymic basis of correlation metaphors (Kövecses, 2013), of global and localcontexts (Kövecses, 2015), and of hierarchical levels of metaphor (Kövecses, 2017). In the preface, Kövecses makes the following five central claims: "It may be that there is no literal language at all. It may be that metonymies are, in a sense, 'more primary' than primary metaphors. It may be that conceptual metaphors are hierarchically linked conceptual structures on different levels of schematicity. It may be that conceptual metaphors are not only conceptual but also necessarily contextual. It may be that conceptual metaphor is simultaneously an offline and online phenomenon (i.e., it is not only offline)" (p. xii). In Chapter 1, Kövecses addresses key issues regarding Lakoff and Johnson (1980) Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). He reformulates conceptual metaphor as "a systematic set of correspondences between two domains of experience" (p. 2). He distinguishes between three views about restrictions on metaphorical mapping: Lakoff's (1990) "invariance hypothesis" relying on the properties of the target concept; Grady's (1997) "primary metaphor"on the relationship between the source and target domains; and Kövecses's (2000) "main meaning focus" on features of the source concept. Furthermore, Kövecses differentiates between five kinds of hierarchical metaphor systems, in which generic-level concepts are elaborated by specific-level concepts in different ways. Finally, Kövecses introduces the core topics for discussion in the following chapters: (a) the demarcation between the literal and figurative meanings, (b) the metonymic basis of primary metaphors, (c) the organization of conceptual structures, (d) the contextual factors for metaphorical conceptualization, and (e) the online and offline nature of metaphor. Can concrete concepts be conceptualized figuratively? The answer is yes. In Chapter two, Kövecses argues that even many basic categories, such as basic level objects and spatial relations, are conceptualized figuratively rather than literally, with etymological evidence of their metaphorical or metonymic origins. He holds that "ideal" source domains for metaphorical conceptualization (such as SMELL), due to their experiential basicness, may be used as target domains. The view that both abstract and concrete concepts may be conceptualized metaphorically or metonymically is different from the view of unidirectional metaphorical mapping from the concrete to the abstract domain in CMT. In order to save the CMT view of unidirectionality, Kövecses divides a concept into an ontological part and a cognitive part. He explains that concrete concepts are more frequently conceptualized literally because "the ontological content predominates over the cognitive construal part," whereas abstract concepts are more frequently conceptualized metaphorically or metonymically because "the construal part predominates over the ontological part" (p. 32). Do correlation metaphors emerge directly from our basic physical experience or indirectly from metonymies? In Chapter 3, Kövecses claims that correlation metaphors arise from "frame-like mental structure" (p. 46) indirectly through a metonymic stage. In this view, a correlation metaphor emerges through a two-stage process. First, the correlation between two elements within the same frame (e.g., downward bodily orientation and sadness within the SADNESS frame) gives rise to the metonymic relationship between them (e.g., DOWNWARD BODILY ORIENTATION FOR SADNESS). Second,
Topoi , 2022
O presente artigo parte de debate ocorrido na segunda metade do século XIX na historiografia brasileira a respeito de qual deveria ser o ponto de partida de uma narrativa da história do Brasil: a Europa (por meio do contexto da expansão europeia e das Grandes Navegações) ou a América (descrevendo-se, primeiramente, o território e as populações indígenas). Este debate envolvia a questão de definir os “antecedentes” da história do Brasil, assumindo para a história uma lógica narrativa dotada de implicações. O processo histórico assim escolhido definia um “centro” para a história do Brasil, que poderia ser “interno” (território e popula- ções indígenas) ou “externo” (Europa, ou processo de expansão do capitalismo comercial). Aqui, buscamos analisar as implicações dessa tríade teórica antecedentes-processo-centro na historiografia de formação brasileira à luz, por fim, de reavaliações possíveis do lugar e papel das populações indígenas e da natureza na história.
Images of Others in Russian Science, Politics and Law. Moscow, 2001 [contains a chapter of indigeneity construction in various periods of Russian history in English]. Historical typologies and classification principles of non-Russian populations are described. The current construction of the legal statuses of indigenous peoples and national minorities are analyzed. В книге рассматриваются наиболее общие принципы классификации этнических сообществ и влияние на них особенностей восприятия русскими иноязычных, инокультурных и иноверческих народов в различные эпохи российской истории. Особое внимание уделяется современной топологии мышления о «Других» и ее связям с политическими статусами народов и меньшинств. Адресована широким кругам гуманитариев, политикам, правоведам, интересующимся проблемами национальной политики, преподавателям и студентам гуманитарных факультетов.
Businesses today are expected to look beyond self-interest and recognize that they belong to a larger group, or society, that expects responsible participation. Thus, if any group, society, or institution is to function, there must be a delicate interplay between rights (such as what people should expect) and responsibilities (what people are expected to contribute) for the common good. The adage “no man is an island” best applies to the relational and integrative nature of society. Although businesses are not human beings, they plan develop goals, allocate resources, and act and behave purposefully. Thus, society grants them both benefits and responsibilities.
Australian Journal of Public Administration, 1997
Research Square (Research Square), 2021
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operation Management, 2020
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2011
Having in MindThe Philosophy of Keith Donnellan, 2012
Journal of polymer science, 1981
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1996
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 2000