ASP Conference Series, Vol. **VOLUME**, **PUBLICATION YEAR**
AMiBA: Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy
K. Y. Lo, T. H. Chiueh
arXiv:astro-ph/0012282v2 13 Jan 2001
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (ASIAA) and
Physics department, National Taiwan University (NTU)
R. N. Martin, Kin-Wang Ng
H. Liang
Physics department, University of Bristol
Ue-li Pen
Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) and ASIAA
Chung-Pei Ma
Physics department, University of Pennsylvania and ASIAA
Abstract. As part of a 4-year Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics
(CosPA) Research Excellence Initiative in Taiwan, AMiBA − a 19-element
dual-channel 85-105 GHz interferometer array is being specifically built
to search for high redshift clusters of galaxies via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich
Effect (SZE). In addition, AMiBA will have full polarization capabilities,
in order to probe the polarization properties of the Cosmic Microwave
Background. AMiBA, to be sited on Mauna Kea in Hawaii or in Chile,
will reach a sensitivity of ∼ 1 mJy or 7µK in 1 hour. The project involves extensive international scientific and technical collaborations. The
construction of AMiBA is scheduled to starting operating in early 2004.
The Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics and the National
Taiwan University Physics department in Taipei, Taiwan are jointly developing
experimental and theoretical Cosmology.
The idea of a ground-based millimeter-wave interferometric array (MINT)
to study the primary anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
was first suggested by Lyman Page of Princeton University at a workshop on
Cosmology held in Taiwan in December 1997. Subsequently, the ASIAA focussed
on designing an instrument specifically for observing the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich
Effect (SZE) to study clusters of galaxies and to search for high redshift clusters
to take advantage of the distance-independent nature of the SZE. The resulting
Author & Co-author
specifications consist of a high sensitivity 19-element 90 GHz interferometer that
can achieve one arc-minute resolution.
In response to the Research Excellence Initiative of the Ministry of Education and the National Science Council in Taiwan, a proposal on Cosmology
and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA) was jointly submitted by the NTU Physics
department, the ASIAA, the National Central University and the National Tsinghua University during the Spring of 1999, with the goals of developing cosmological research and Optical/Infrared Astronomy. CosPA consists of five interrelated projects: (1) construction and use of the Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMiBA); (2) theoretical work in Cosmology; (3) access to
large Optical/Infrared (OIR) facilities; (4) improving the infra-structure at the
Lulin observatory site in the Jade Mountains in Taiwan; (5) a feasibility study
of cold dark matter detection.
During December of the same year, the 4-year US$15M CosPA proposal was
funded in full. In February 2000, a science and engineering specification meeting
on AMiBA was held in order to define an instrument that will have unique
scientific capabilities when completed in late 2003. The important conclusion
was reached to achieve full polarization capability for AMiBA in order to probe
the polarization properties of the CMB, in addition to observing the secondary
anisotropy of the CMB.
Science Goals
There are three principal science goals for AMiBA: (1) a survey for high z clusters
via the SZE; (2) in search of the missing baryons in large scale structures via
the SZE; and (3) the polarization of the CMB.
High z Cluster Survey
The formation history of clusters depends on Ωm , the matter density and Λ, the
cosmological constant (e.g. Barbosa et al. 1996), as well as σ8 , a measure of the
initial fluctuation amplitude (Fan & Chiueh 2000). What is needed observationally to define the history is a survey of high z clusters over a sufficiently large area
of the sky, so that the cosmic variance does not affect the results significantly.
Because the SZE is distance independent, surveying for the SZ decrement in the
CMB is very well suited to search for clusters at high z (Sunyaev & Zel’dovich
1972; Birkinshaw 1998).
To optimize the sensitivity of the survey, AMiBA is designed for maximal
sensitivity, by maximizing the number of elements, adopting dual channel for
the receivers and to have a 20 GHz bandwidth. The choice of the 90 GHz range
is to minimize the foreground and point source confusion, and to minimize the
scale of the array.
To detect clusters more massive than 2.5 × 1014 M⊙ at z >
∼ 0.7, the AMiBA
will be more sensitive compared to X-ray detection by satellites such as the
XMM (fig. 1). A comparison of the sensitivity of AMiBA with other existing
and planned instruments that can be applied to such a survey is also shown in
fig. 1. We plan to survey for 50 square degrees of sky at a speed of 1.2 square
degree per month.
APS Conf. Ser. Style
Figure 1.
LEFT:A comparison of the limiting sensitivity of AMIBA
(dotted curve) and XMM (Solid curve) for detecting clusters at various
redshifts. AMIBA is more sensitive than XMM at detecting clusters
beyond a redshift of z >
∼ 0.7. Limiting X-ray luminosity in ergs s
for a 5σ detection in 20 ksec for both telescopes for a typical cluster
of core radius rc = 250 kpc, shape parameter β = 2/3 and gas temperature Te = 8 keV, assuming an average galactic neutral hydrogen
column density of N (H) = 6 × 1020 cm−2 for the X-ray observation.
(XMM sensitivities provided by Monique Arnaud) RIGHT: A comparison of brightness sensitivities (in 1hr) of various ground based aperture
synthesis telescopes for the SZE either in operation or planning. The
telescopes plotted is by no means a complete list of telescopes capable of detecting the SZE. The brightness sensitivity in µK over 1hr’s
observation is plotted against the uv-spacing (or size scale) expressed
in terms of the number of wavelengths (multiplied by 2π gives l). A
hexagonal close packed configuration is assumed for AMIBA, and a
scaled version of a standard BIMA D-array configuration is assumed
for the non-platform arrays BIMA, OVRO, AMI and JCA.
Author & Co-author
Super-clusters, Filaments - Missing Baryons ?
In addition to the hot gas in highly collapsed objects such as rich clusters,
a weaker SZ effect should be produced when CMB photons scatter off warm
baryons in lower-density environments such as filaments and inter-cluster regions in superclusters. There is a growing consensus that a significant fraction
(from 1/3 to 1/2) of the present-day baryons from big bang nucleosynthesis may
be in the form of warm to hot gas with 105 < T < 107 K which has mostly
eluded detection thus far (cf. Fukugita et al 1998). Both gravitational and
non-gravitational (such as supernova feedback) heating mechanisms have been
discussed for this gas component (Dave et al. 2000; Cen & Ostriker 1999; Pen
1999; Wu et al. 1999) The gravitational case is due to shock heating as intergalactic gas flows along dark matter in filaments and the large scale structure.
The dark matter in these regions are at moderate overdensities with a mean of
10 to 30, and the expected SZ distortion is of order 10 µK. Detection of signals
from sensitive, non-targeted SZ surveys over large regions of the sky may be feasible, but it will be challenging to separate out the warm gas component from
the primary anisotropy and the hot gas in clusters. We are currently carrying
out more detailed studies to assess this exciting possibility.
Polarization of the CMB
The CMB polarization contains a wealth of information about the early Universe.
It provides a sensitive test of the reionization history as well as the presence of
non-scalar metric perturbations, and improves the accuracy in determining the
cosmological parameters (Zaldariaga et al 1997). The degree of polarization is
of order a few µK at l ∼ 1000 (Bond and Efstathiou 1984).
So far, the current upper limit on the CMB linear polarization is 16 µK (Netterfield et al 1995). A handful of new experiments, adopting low-noise receivers
as well as long integration time per pixel, are underway or being planned (Staggs
et al 2000). The MAP mission, launched in 2001, will be sensitive to the
temperature-polarization correlation. The balloon-borne Boomerang and Maxima experiments are scheduled flights in 2001 to measure polarization with an
angular resolution of l < 800 and pixel sensitivity of a few µK. The ESA space
mission Planck will have sensitivity to CMB polarization, but the mission is not
scheduled for launch until 2007.
An interferometer array is very attractive for CMB observations in that it
directly measures the power spectrum. In addition, many systematic problems
that are inherent in single-dish experiments, such as ground and near field atmospheric pickup, and spurious polarization signal, can be reduced or avoided
in interferometry (cf. White et al 1999). Balloon-borne experiments are usually
plaqued by pointing accuracy.
The AMiBA, with dual-channel receivers and 4 correlators, will be able to
measure all four Stokes parameters simultanesously, so that the array will be
much more sensitive to detecting CMB polarization than existing arrays, such
as the Very Small Array (VSA), Degree Angular Scale Interferometer (DASI),
Cosmic Background Imager (CBI). The AMiBA, when used with the 0.3 m
apertures, will be sensitive to CMB polarization over the range 700 < l < 2000.
The S/N ratio in polarization in 24 hr is about 4 at l ∼ 700, and about 2 at
l ∼ 1150.
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AMiBA Specifications
Frequency (ν)
Bandwidth (δν)
Polarisations (Np )
Receiver type
System Temperature
Number of Antennas (N )
Size of antennas (D)
Number of Baselines
Primary beam
Synthesized beam (full range)
Fequency bands
Flux Sensitivity
Brightness sensitivity
85-105 GHz
20 GHz
2-linear (XX,YY)
HEMT, cooled to 15 K
70 K
2 sets; 0.3m,1.2 m
11 ,44 FWHM
1 - 19
8 chunks over 20 GHz
1.3mJy, 20.5 mJy in 1hr
7µK in 1hr
Hexapod Mount: 3 rotational axes used
CFRP structure - 3 fold symmetry
Organization of AMiBA
The AMiBA project is a collaboration principally between ASIAA/NTU and
the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), with important participation
by scientists elsewhere. K. Y. Lo is the PI, with Robert Martin as the project
manager, T. H. Chiueh as the project scientist, Paul Shaw (NTU/ASIAA) as
the project administrator, Michael Kesteven (ATNF) as the system scientist.
The other science and engineering team members include Ron Ekers, R. Sault,
M. Sinclair, Ravi Subrahmanyan and W. Wilson from the ATNF, M. T. Chen,
Y. J. Hwang, Kin-wang Ng from the ASIAA, T. D. Chiueh, T. Chu, and H.
Wang from NTU, Haida Liang (Bristol), Chung Pei Ma (Penn/ASIAA), Ue-li
Pen (CITA/ASIAA), Jeff Peterson (CMU), and John Payne (NRAO).
Some AMiBA Technical Details
The dual channel 85-105 GHz receievers will be based on the MIC InP HEMT
amplifiers supplied by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, with similar
specifications built for the MAP project (Popieszalski 2000). The local oscillator
system will be based on photonic devices with fiber-optic transmission lines,
which will minimize component counts and make the distribution more stable.
The 20 GHz bandwidth poses considerable technical chanllenges that are being
met by a 17-lag analog correlator. There will be four correlators built to provide
full polarization capabilities for AMiBA. The 19 apertures will be mounted on
three 2.5m platforms supported on hexapod mounts.
As the project is also funded to develop the research capabilities of the
universities in Taiwan, there are parallel development projects on the InP and
GaAs MMICs that are aimed at satisfying the requirements of the AMiBA.
Author & Co-author
However, these development efforts are not placed on the critical paths of the
AMiBA construction.
Schedule of events
A preliminary design review meeting was held in July 2000 in Taipei, where the
decision was made to build a prototype by September 2001 to test the basic
concepts and specifications. After the proving of concepts, the full system will
be built to be completed in late 2003 and to start observations in early 2004.
To further review the science goals and to keep up with the latest development in this rapidly evolving field, an international workshop in Taiwan on
AMiBA-related science goals is being planned for June 2001.
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