UK/KRCEE Doc #: P11.6 2007
Final Report: Seismic Hazard Assessment at the PGDP
Prepared by
Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Environment
233 Mining and Minerals Building
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0107
Prepared for
United States Department of Energy Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office
Acknowledgment: This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under
Award Number DE-FG05-03OR23032.
June 2007
UK/KRCEE Doc #: P11.6 2007
Final Report: Seismic Hazard Assessment at the PGDP
Zhenming Wang
Kentucky Geological Survey
228 Mining and Mineral Resources Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Edward W. Woolery
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
309 Slone Research Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
June 2007
Executive Summary
Selecting a level of seismic hazard at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant for policy
considerations and engineering design is not an easy task because it not only depends on
seismic hazard, but also on seismic risk and other related environmental, social, and
economic issues. Seismic hazard is the main focus. There is no question that there are
seismic hazards at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant because of its proximity to
several known seismic zones, particularly the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The issues in
estimating seismic hazard are (1) the methods being used and (2) difficulty in
characterizing the uncertainties of seismic sources, earthquake occurrence frequencies,
and ground-motion attenuation relationships. This report summarizes how input data
were derived, which methodologies were used, and what the hazard estimates at the
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant are. Three seismic sources (the New Madrid Seismic
Zone, the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone, and the background seismicity) were identified
and characterized. Four ground-motion attenuation relationships were used in this project.
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and deterministic seismic hazard analysis
(DSHA) were performed. A panel of six members, who are experts in geology,
seismology, earthquake engineering, and statistics, provided a review of the report. The
review comments and responses are included as appendices.
In PSHA, seismic hazard is defined as the annual probability of a ground motion being
exceeded. The inverse of the annual probability of exceedance is defined as the return
period. Therefore, seismic hazard is also defined as a ground motion being exceeded in a
return period. PSHA calculates seismic hazard from all earthquake sources in
consideration, and implicitly incorporates uncertainty in earthquake size and location and
ground motion. Figure E-1 shows the peak ground acceleration (PGA) hazard curve on
hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant calculated in this study. Table E-1 lists
ground-motion hazards on hard rock for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant at several
return periods.
PGA Hazard Curve
Ann. Prob. of Exc.
PGA (g)
Figure E-1. PGA hazard curve on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
Table E-1. PSHA ground-motion hazards on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
Ann. Prob.
Return Period
Exc. Prob. in 50
years (%)
0.2s PSA
1.0s PSA
In DSHA, seismic hazard is defined as the ground motion(s) from a single or several
earthquakes that are expected to produce maximum values (impacts) at a site. DSHA
emphasizes ground-motion hazard from an individual earthquake (scenario), such as the
maximum credible earthquake (MCE) or maximum considered earthquake, and explicitly
determines ground-motion hazard with a level of uncertainty. DSHA results show that the
large earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone dominate seismic hazard at the
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. Table E-2 lists ground-motion hazards estimated for
the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from large earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic
Zone. The return period for these ground motions is about 500 to 1,000 years.
Table E-2. DSHA ground-motion hazards on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
0.2s PSA
1.0s PSA
Median (g)
Median +1σln,y (g)
Median +2σln,y (g)
1.5 Median (g)
Return period: 500 to 1,000 years
The results from this project show that PSHA and DSHA could provide significantly
different hazard estimates for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. DSHA provides a
ground-motion hazard with a level of uncertainty (Table E-2) from the large earthquake
in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, whereas PSHA provides a range of ground-motion
hazards (Fig. E-1) from all earthquakes being considered. Table E-3 lists recommended
ground motions for engineering design consideration for facilities at the Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion Plant. All the hazard estimates are on hard rock, and no amplification
by the near-surface soils is considered in this report.
Table E-3. Recommended ground motions on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Exc. Prob.
in 50 years
Median + one
standard deviation
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………...i
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………….................iii
List of Acronyms ……………………………………………………………................. iv
List of Figures ………..……………………………………….………………………....v
List of Tables ………………………………………………….………………………. vii
1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………..…….1
2.0 Methodology …………………………………………………………………….4
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis ………….……………………….4
Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis ……………..………………....10
3.0 Seismic Sources ………………………………………………………………..12
New Madrid Seismic Zone ……………………………………………..12
Wabash Valley Seismic Zone …………………………………………...17
Background Seismicity ……....……………………………………….…21
4.0 Magnitude – Recurrence Relationship ………………………………………24
New Madrid Seismic Zone ……………………………………………..24
Wabash Valley Seismic Zone …………………………………………..26
Local Source Zone …………..……………………………………….…26
5.0 Ground-Motion Attenuation Relationship …………………………….…….29
6.0 Results ………………………………………………………………………….37
PSHA Results…………………………………………………………..38
DSHA Results…………………………………………………………..41
7.0 Conclusion and Recommendations……………………….............................43
8.0 References ……………………………………………………………………..46
9.0 Appendix A …………………………………………………………………..A-1
10.0 Appendix B ………………………………………………………………......B-1
11.0 Appendix C ………………………………………………………………......C-1
12.0 Appendix D ………………………………………………………………......D-1
List of Acronyms
Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis
Electric Power Research Institute
Global Positioning System
Maximum Credible Earthquake
Modified Mercalli Intensity
New Madrid Seismic Zone
Probability Density Function
Probability of Exceedance
Peak Ground Acceleration
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Peak Ground Velocity
Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
Seismic Hazard Analysis
United States Geological Survey
Wabash Valley Seismic Zone
List of Figures
Figure 1. Earthquakes with magnitude 5 or greater since 1900 in California and
the New Madrid Seismic Zone ..........................................................................2
Figure 2. Ground-motion attenuation relationship...........................................................6
Figure 3. Hazard curve at a site 40 km from the source for a characteristic earthquake
of M7.7 with a recurrence time of 500 years in the New Madrid Seismic
Zone. ................................................................................................................7
Figure 4. PGA hazard curves showing the effect of ground-motion uncertainty ............9
Figure 5. PGA hazard curves from the Yucca Mountain project ..................................10
Figure 6. Seismicity between 1974 and 2005 in the central United States ....................13
Figure 7. New Madrid faults. Pseudo-faults (red) were used in the 1996 and
2002 USGS seismic hazard maps ...................................................................15
Figure 8. Bouguer gravity anomaly and 1974–94 earthquake epicenters and the
New Madrid Rift Complex .............................................................................16
Figure 9. Dense seismic network and earthquakes recorded between January
2003 and June 2005 in the Jackson Purchase Region.....................................17
Figure 10. Epicentral locations of the damaging earthquakes in the Wabash Valley
Seismic Zone ..................................................................................................19
Figure 11. Earthquakes and faults in the lower Wabash Valley ......................................20
Figure 12. New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zone.............................................21
Figure 13. Seismic sources that were considered in the national seismic hazard maps...22
Figure 14. Background earthquakes (Mmax) used in the national seismic hazard maps...22
Figure 15. Maximum background earthquakes in Kentucky ...........................................23
Figure 16. Magnitude-frequency relationship in the New Madrid Seismic Zone............25
Figure 17. Magnitude-frequency (Gutenburg-Richter) curve for the New Madrid
Seismic Zone. .................................................................................................25
Figure 18. Magnitude-frequency relationship in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone .......27
Figure 19. Magnitude-frequency (Gutenburg-Richter) curve for the Wabash Valley
Seismic Zone. .................................................................................................27
Figure 20. Recorded earthquakes with magnitude greater than 2.5 surrounding
PGDP between 1978 and 2006 .......................................................................28
Figure 21. Magnitude-frequency (Gutenburg-Richter) curve for the local source ..........28
Figure 22. Horizontal uncorrected PGA vs. distance to the fault for the Parkfield
earthquake of September 28, 2004 .................................................................30
Figure 23. Strong-motion stations and accelerograms recorded in the 2004 M6.0
Parkfield earthquake, for the east-west component........................................31
Figure 24. Magnitude-distance-region distribution of selected recordings .....................33
Figure 25. Log values of horizontal component 5% pseudo-acceleration at frequencies
0.5, 1, and 5 Hz, and PGA, for ENA rock sites. .............................................34
Figure 26. PGA attenuation relationships at hard rock for an M7.5 earthquake in the
central United States .......................................................................................35
Figure 27. PGA attenuation relationships at hard rock for an M5.0 earthquake in the
central United States .......................................................................................36
Figure 28. The 0.2s PSA attenuation relationships used in this study at hard rock
for an M7.5 earthquake in the central United States ......................................36
Figure 29. The 1.0s PSA attenuation relationships used in this study at hard rock
for an M7.5 earthquake in the central United States ......................................37
Figure 30. Seismic sources for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant ............................38
Figure 31. PGA hazard curve on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant .....40
Figure 32. The 0.2s PSA hazard curve on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant................................................................................................40
Figure 33. The 1.0s PSA hazard curve on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant................................................................................................41
Figure 34. Isoseismal map of the February 7, 1812, New Madrid earthquake ................45
List of Tables
Table 1.
Table 2.
Table 3.
Table 4.
Table 5.
Table 6.
Table 7.
Table 8.
Table 9.
Table 10.
Table 11.
Table 12.
Table 13.
Table 14.
Table 15.
Comparisons between California and western Kentucky.................................2
Parameters of earthquakes ..............................................................................16
Damaging earthquakes in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone .........................18
Earthquakes with magnitude equal to or greater than M4.0 in the New
Madrid Seismic Zone......................................................................................26
Median ground motions for an M7.7 New Madrid earthquake at 15 km
for a hard-rock site from several attenuation relationships ............................32
Input parameters and weights being used in PSHA for Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant................................................................................................39
Ground-motion values on hard rock at Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant ....39
Median PGA on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from
the three seismic sources ................................................................................42
PGA at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the characteristic
earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.................................................42
The 0.2s PSA at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the
characteristic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone ..........................42
The 1.0s PSA at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the
characteristic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone ..........................42
Ground-motion hazards on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion
Plant determined by PSHA.............................................................................43
Ground-motion hazards on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion
Plant determined by DSHA ............................................................................43
Recommended ground motions on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant ....................................................................................................... 44
Comparison of mean PGA estimates on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant determined from PSHA.........................................................45
1.0. Introduction
Federal agencies including the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the
Environmental Protection Agency, State agencies such as the Kentucky Environmental
and Public Protection Cabinet, and other government and private organizations such as
the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and the
Building Seismic Safety Council use seismic-hazard maps produced by the U.S.
Geological Survey (Frankel and others 1996, 2002) for seismic safety regulations and
engineering design. The maps currently being used show the ground motions with 2
percent probability of exceedance (PE) in 50 years. These maps predict very high ground
motion in many counties in western Kentucky: peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 1.0g
or higher. These high ground-motion estimates affect everything in western Kentucky
from building a single-family home to environmental clean-up at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant (PGDP) at the Superfund site. For example, it would be difficult for the
U.S. Department of Energy to obtain a permit from Federal and State regulators to
construct a landfill at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant if the USGS maps with 2
percent PE in 50 years are considered. The Structural Engineers Association of Kentucky
(SEAOK 2002) found that if the International Residential Code of 2000, which was based
on the 1996 USGS maps with 2 percent PE in 50 years, is adopted in Kentucky without
revision, constructing residential structures in westernmost Kentucky, including Paducah,
would be impossible without enlisting a design professional.
Figure 1 shows a schematic comparison of seismic hazard for the New Madrid Seismic
Zone and southern California on two time scales (Stein and others 2003). The 2000
International Building Code (IBC-2000);(ICC 2000), based on the 1996 USGS maps with
2 percent PE in 50 years, requires a design Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of about
0.6g in Paducah and about 0.8g at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. Currently, the
highest building-design PGA used in California (UBC-97) is capped at about 0.4g. These
high design ground motions for western Kentucky are not consistent with the level of
seismic activity. Although earthquakes are occurring in Kentucky and surrounding
states, especially in the well-known New Madrid Seismic Zone where at least three large
earthquakes (M7.0–8.0) occurred in 1811–1812, earthquake recurrence rates are much
lower in the region than in California, the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska. Table 1
compares the basic geological and seismological observations and design PGA in
California and western Kentucky. These comparisons clearly show that the higher design
ground motion in western Kentucky may not be warranted.
Selecting a level of seismic hazard for policy considerations and engineering design is
very complicated. The selection of the level of seismic hazard not only depends on
seismic hazard itself, but also on seismic risk and other related environmental, social, and
economic issues. Seismic hazard assessment is the main focus. The objectives of this
project were to gain a better understanding of the seismic hazard assessment at the
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant and its surrounding area, and to communicate the
hazard information more effectively to users and policy makers. In order to achieve these
objectives, the following tasks were established: 1) micro-seismicity observation in
Paducah area, 2) thorough literature review, 3) seismic source characterization, 4)
probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), 5) deterministic seismic hazard analysis
(DSHA), 6) preliminary report, 7) panel review, and 8) final report (see Appendix A).
The focus of this project was to review the methodology and data used by the U.S.
Geological Survey due to the broad implication of the U.S. Geological Survey’s seismic
hazard assessments. As a result, a series of activities were carried out, including
workshops, professional conferences, publications, and personal meetings and
communications (Wang, 2003a and b 2005a, b, c, and d, 2006a and b, in press; Wang and
others 2003a and b, 2004a and b, 2005; Cobb, 2004, 2006; Wang and Ormsbee 2005).
Figure 1. Schematic comparison of seismic hazard for the New Madrid Seismic Zone
and southern California on two time scales. Circles mark area of shaking with
acceleration > 0.2g (Stein and others 2003).
Table 1. Design ground motion, geology, and seismicity comparisons between California and
western Kentucky.
Design PGA
San Andreas Fault
Displacement≥20 mm/y
M7–8: ~100y
M6–7: ~20-50y
Western Kentucky
New Madrid Fault
Displacement≤2 mm/y
M7–8: ~500y or longer
M6–7: ?
A review panel consisting of national and international experts on geology, seismology,
engineering seismology, and engineering was formed to review a preliminary report that
summarized the results from tasks 2) through 5). A statistician was added to the panel
under the suggestion of other members of the panel (Appendix B). The review was
divided into two parts, individual review (three days) and a panel review (one day) held
in Lexington, Kentucky. The preliminary report was submitted to the members in late
February 2007 for the individual review. The written comments on the preliminary
report and responses provided by the members are included in this report as Appendix C.
Subsequently, a panel review meeting was held on April 30, 2007 to discuss the
preliminary report with focus on 1) ground-motion attenuation relationship – uncertainty,
dependency, and hazard calculation in PSHA, 2) seismic hazard analysis (SHA) –
temporal and spatial measurements, uncertainties, and quantification, and 3) seismic
hazard assessment for PGDP – input parameters: sources, occurrence frequency, and
ground motion attenuation. Even though there was not enough time to fully discuss all
issues, the panel reached some consensus. These include:
1. The ground-motion hazards with a 2,500 return period estimated by the U.S.
Geological Survey (Frankel and others 1996, 2002) are conservative.
2. PSHA, as a methodology, is the common approach for seismic hazard assessment,
but some improvements are needed.
3. It is difficult to provide an estimate of seismic hazard for the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant because a reasonable estimate is subjective.
The recommendations from the review panel at the meeting on April 30, 2007 were:
1. to perform a PSHA with some discussions for improvements,
2. to perform a DSHA,
3. to revise the local source zone.
A draft final report was completed according to the recommendations and sent to the
members of the review panel for final review on May 11, 2007. The comments on the
final draft report from members of the review panel is included in Appendix D.
Appendix D also includes responses to the members’ comments.
2.0. Methodology
Two methods, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and deterministic seismic
hazard analysis (DSHA), are commonly used for seismic-hazard assessment. PSHA and
DSHA follow similar steps in estimation of seismic hazard (Reiter 1990; Kramer 1996):
(1) Determination of earthquake sources
(2) Determination of earthquake occurrence frequencies by selecting controlling
earthquake(s): the maximum magnitude, maximum credible, or maximum
considered earthquake
(3) Determination of ground-motion attenuation relationships
(4) Determination of seismic hazard.
The differences between PSHA and DSHA are in step (4), on how to define and calculate
seismic hazard.
In PSHA, seismic hazard is defined as the annual probability of a ground motion being
exceeded at a site (National Research Council, 1988; SSHAC, 1997; Frankel, 2004;
McGuire 2004). The reciprocal of the annual probability of exceedance is called the
return period and has been interpreted and used as “the mean (average) time between
occurrences of a certain ground motion at a site” (McGuire 2004). Therefore, seismic
hazard can also be expressed as a ground motion being exceeded in a specific return
period such as 500, 1,000, or 2,500 years. PSHA calculates seismic hazard from all
earthquake sources and considers the uncertainty in the number, size, and location of
future earthquakes and ground motion (i.e., considers the possibility that ground motion
at a site could be different for different earthquakes of the same magnitude at the same
distance, because of differences in source parameter, path, and site condition) (Cornell
1968, 1971). The end results from PSHA are seismic hazard curves: a relationship
between a ground-motion parameter (i.e., peak ground acceleration [PGA], peak ground
velocity [PGV], or response acceleration at certain periods) and its annual probability of
exceedance or return period.
In DSHA, seismic hazard is defined as the ground motion(s) from a single or several
earthquakes that have maximum values (impacts) at a site (Reiter 1990; Krinitzsky 2002).
DSHA emphasizes the ground motion from an individual earthquake, such as the
maximum credible or maximum considered earthquake, maximum probable earthquake,
or design basis earthquake. Although the determination of recurrence interval of ground
motion is not required and often not emphasized in DSHA, it is equal to the recurrence
interval of an individual earthquake (Wang and others 2004).
2.1. PSHA
PSHA was originally developed to derive theoretical ground-motion hazard curves at a
site where there are little or no observations (Cornell 1968). Later, Cornell (1971)
extended his method to incorporate ground-motion uncertainty (i.e., the possibility that
ground motion at a site could be different for different earthquakes of the same
magnitude at the same distance, because of differences in source parameters and path
effects).-. According to Cornell (1968, 1971) and McGuire (1995, 2004), the heart of
γ ( y ) = ∑ vP[Y ≥ y ]
= ∑ v ∫∫ {1 − ∫
2π σ ln, y
(ln y − ln y mr ) 2
2σ ln,
where ν is the activity rate, fM(m) and fR(r) are the probability density function (PDF) of
earthquake magnitude M and epicentral (or focal) distance R, respectively, and ymr and
σln,y are the median and standard deviation at m and r. The fM(m) and fR(r) were
introduced to account for the uncertainty of earthquake magnitude and distance,
respectively (Cornell 1968, 1971; McGuire 2004). The ymr and σln,y are determined by the
ground-motion attenuation relationship (Campbell 1981, 2003; Joyner and Boore 1981;
Abrahamson and Silva 1997; Toro and others 1997; EPRI 2003; Atkinson and Boore
2006). Ground motion Y is generally modeled as a function of M and R with uncertainty
E (capital epsilon):
ln(Y ) = f ( M , R) + E .
The uncertainty E is modeled as a normal distribution with a zero mean and standard
deviation σln,Y (Campbell 1981, 2003; Joyner and Boore 1981; Abrahamson and Silva
1997; Toro and others, 1997; EPRI, 2003; Atkinson and Boore, 2006). In other words,
the uncertainty of ground motion Y is modeled as a log-normal distribution, therefore,
equation (2) can be rewritten as
ln(Y ) = f ( M , R) + nσ ln,Y ,
where n (a constant) is a number of standard deviations measured as the difference
relative to the median ground motion f(M,R) (Fig. 2).
According to Benjamin and Cornell (1970) and Mendenhall and others (1986), if and
only if M, R, and E are independent random variables, the joint probability density
function of M, R, and E is
f M , R , E (m, r , ε ) = f M (m) f R (r ) f E (ε ) ,
where fE(ε) is the PDF of E. The exceedance probability P[Y≥y] is
P[Y ≥ y ] = ∫∫∫ f M , R , E (m, r , ε ) H [ln Y (m, r , ε ) − ln y ]dmdrdε
= ∫∫∫ f M (m) f R (r ) f E (ε ) H [ln Y (m, r , ε ) − ln y ]dmdrdε
where H[lnY(m,r,ε)-lny] is the Heaviside step function, which is zero if lnY(m,r,ε) is less
than lny, and 1 otherwise (McGuire 1995). E follows a normal distribution, equation (5)
can be rewritten as
P[Y ≥ y ] = ∫∫ {∫ f E (ε ) H [ln Y (m, r , ε ) − ln y ]dε } f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
= ∫∫ {1 − ∫
2π σ ln, y
(ln y − ln y mr ) 2
]d (ln y )} f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
2σ ln, y
where ln ymr=f(m,r). This results in equation (1), the heart of PSHA (Cornell 1968, 1971;
McGuire 1995, 2004).
Figure 2. Ground-motion attenuation relationship.
The return period (Trp) is the inverse of the annual probability of exceedance (1/γ):
Trp ( y ) =
γ ( y)
∑ v ∫∫{1 − ∫
2π σ ln, y
(ln y − ln y mr ) 2
]d (ln y )} f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
2σ ln,
If all seismic sources are characteristic, the return period is
Trp ( y ) =
(ln y − ln y mr ) 2
)d (ln y )]
∑ T ∫ 2π σ
ln, y
where T is the average recurrence interval of the characteristic earthquake (Mc) at
distance Rc. For a single characteristic source, equation (8) becomes
Trp ( y ) =
1− ∫
2π σ ln,c
(ln y − ln y c ) 2
)d (ln y )
2σ ln,
Figure 3 shows how a PGA hazard curve is constructed at a site 40 km from the source
with a single characteristic earthquake of M7.7 and a recurrence time of 500 years in the
New Madrid Seismic Zone.
Annual Probability of Exceedance
0.002 (1/500)
ε=0. 84
Probability Density
PGA (g)
Figure 3. Hazard curve at a site 40 km from the source for a characteristic earthquake of
M7.7 with a recurrence time of 500 years in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The median
ground motion (µ) is 0.36g, and the standard deviation (σln) is 0.60. ε=(ln y –ln µ)/σln
(Wang and others 2005).
The main purpose of PSHA is to directly incorporate uncertainty in earthquake size,
frequency, location, and ground-motion. As demonstrated above, ground-motion
uncertainty is implicitly incorporated and becomes an integral part of PSHA. Other
uncertainties are incorporated explicitly through logic trees, by which different weights
are assigned manually to a set of expert estimates for each input parameter (SSHAC
1997). These implicit and explicit incorporations of the uncertainty also have
disadvantages. One such disadvantage, recognized by the first thorough review of PSHA
by the committee chaired by Aki (National Research Council 1988), is the individual
earthquake (single physical event) is lost “because the aggregated results of PSHA are
not always easily related to the inputs.” In other words, “the concept of a ‘design
earthquake’ is lost; i.e., there is no single event (specified, in simplest term, by a
magnitude and distance) that represents the earthquake threat at, for example, the
10,000-yr ground-motion level (which we call the ‘target ground motion’)” (McGuire
1995). McGuire (1995) also proposed a methodology (de-aggregation) to seek the
“design earthquake.”
Another disadvantage is that uncertainty, ground-motion uncertainty in particular,
becomes a controlling factor in PSHA. This can be seen clearly in recent studies
(Frankel, 2004; Wang and others 2003b, 2005; Bommer and Abrahamson 2006), at low
annual frequencies of exceedance (less than 10-4) in particular. Figure 4 shows how the
computed hazard varies with truncation of standard deviation (Bommer and Abrahamson
2006). This is the reason that PSHA could result in extremely high ground motion (10g
PGA or higher) if a long return period (100,000,000 years) is considered for facilities at
the nuclear waste repository site in Yucca Mountain, Nev. (Stepp and others 2001;
Abrahamson and Bommer, 2005; McGuire and others 2005; Musson 2005). As shown in
Figure 5, a PGA of 11g would be the result at the nuclear waste repository site in Yucca
Mountain, Nev., if a return period of 100,000,000 years is considered (Abrahamson and
Bommer 2005). A significantly higher ground motion would have to be considered in reevaluation of the nuclear power plants in Switzerland if a return period of 10,000,000 to
100,000,000 years is considered (Klügel 2005; Scherbaum and others 2005). Bommer
and Abrahamson (2006) attributed these high ground-motion estimates directly to the
way the ground-motion uncertainty is treated in PSHA (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. PGA hazard curves showing the effect of ground-motion uncertainty (Bommer
and Abrahamson 2006).
Figure 5. PGA hazard curves from the Yucca Mountain project (Abrahamson and
Bommer 2005).
2.2. DSHA
As discussed earlier, there is a fundamental difference between PSHA and DSHA in how
to define and calculate seismic hazard. DSHA emphasizes the ground motion from an
individual earthquake, such as the maximum credible earthquake and maximum probable
earthquake. The steps outlined in Reiter (1990) and Krinitzsky (1995, 2002) are herein
used to derive ground motions at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The advantage of
DSHA is that ground motion is directly related to an earthquake, specified by a
magnitude and distance. The uncertainty, including ground-motion uncertainty, is
explicitly expressed in the results from DSHA. The advantages of DSHA are 1) “an
easily understood and transmitted method of estimating seismic hazard” and 2) “clear to
the analyst (earth scientist), the user (engineer) and those elements of the general public
who are interested in nuclear power plant safety or earthquake related problems” (Reiter,
DSHA also has disadvantages. One such disadvantage is that “it (DSHA) does not take
into account the inherent uncertainty in seismic hazard estimation” (Reiter 1990). The
other disadvantage is that “frequency of occurrence is not explicitly taken into account”
(Reiter 1990). In other words, DSHA does not carry units of time. As pointed out by
Hanks and Cornell (1994), however, “it is generally possible to associate recurrence
interval information with plausible deterministic earthquakes.” The plausible
deterministic earthquakes are always associated with a recurrence interval, so in this
sense DSHA actually does carry a unit of time (Wang and others 2004).
3.0. Seismic Sources
The causes of intraplate earthquakes in the central United States are not well understood
(Braile and others 1986; Zoback, 1992; Newman and others 1999; Kenner and Segall
2000). Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain this seismicity: (1) selective
reactivation of preexisting faults by local variations in pore pressure, fault friction, and/or
strain localization along favorably orientated lower-crustal ductile shear zones formed
during earlier deformation (Zoback and others 1985) and (2) local stress perturbations
that may produce events incompatible with the regional stress field (Zoback and others
1987). In the central and eastern United States, the regional stress field is reasonably
well known from well-constrained focal mechanisms (see, for example, Herrmann and
Ammon 1997), yet the link between the stress field and the contemporary seismicity
remains enigmatic. In fact, many dramatically different seismic source zones have been
proposed and used in the seismic-hazard estimates for the central United States (EPRI
1988; Bernreuter and others, 1989; REI, 1999; Geomatrix Consultants Inc. 2004).
Seismic source zones considered in this study are discussed below.
3.1. New Madrid Seismic Zone
3.1.1. New Madrid Faults
The New Madrid Seismic Zone is a tightly clustered pattern of earthquake epicenters that
extends from northeastern Arkansas into northwestern Tennessee and southeastern
Missouri (Fig. 6). Earthquakes along the northeast-trending alignment of earthquakes in
northeastern Arkansas and those events in southeastern Missouri between New Madrid
and Charleston, Mo., are predominantly right-lateral strike-slip events. The earthquakes
along the northwestern trend of seismicity extending from near Dyersburg, Tenn., to New
Madrid, Mo., are predominantly thrust events. Focal depths of the earthquakes in the
New Madrid Seismic Zone typically range between 5 and 15 km (Chiu and others, 1992).
Even though they have been well studied, the locations and maximum magnitude of the
New Madrid faults are still uncertain. This is illustrated in the USGS national hazard
maps (Frankel and others 1996, 2002).
According to Frankel and others (1996), “to calculate the hazard from large events in the
New Madrid area we considered three parallel faults in an S-shaped pattern
encompassing the area of highest historic seismicity. These are not meant to be actual
faults; they are simply a way of expressing the uncertainty in the source locations of
large earthquakes such as the 1811–12 sequence. The extent of these fictitious faults is
similar to those used in Toro and others (1992). We assumed a characteristic rupture
model with a characteristic moment magnitude M of 8.0, similar to the estimated
magnitudes of the largest events in 1811–12 (Johnston, 1996a, b). A recurrence time of
1000 years for such an event was used as an average value, considering the uncertainty
in the magnitudes of prehistoric events.” These parameters for the New Madrid Seismic
Zone were used in the 1996 USGS national hazard maps (Frankel and others 1996). In
the 2002 USGS national hazard maps used quite different parameters for the New Madrid
Seismic Zone (Frankel and others 2002): ‘The 2002 update incorporates a shorter mean
recurrence time for characteristic earthquakes in New Madrid than was used in the 1996
maps, as well as a smaller median magnitude than that applied in 1996. A logic tree was
developed for the characteristic magnitude (Mchar) and the configuration of the sources
of the characteristic earthquakes, where the uncertainty in location is described by using
three fictitious fault sources as in the 1996 maps. A mean recurrence time of 500 years
for characteristic earthquakes is used in the calculations (Cramer 2001). This was based
on the paleoliquefaction evidence of two to three previous sequences prior to the 1811-12
events (Tuttle and Schweig 2000).”
New Madrid Seismic Zone
Figure 6. Seismicity between 1974 and 2005 in the central United States.
As shown in Figure 7, the northern extension of the New Madrid faults has a significant
effect on seismic-hazard estimates at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. Although
many researchers have postulated that the New Madrid faults probably extend northeast
into the Jackson Purchase Region in western Kentucky, even into southern Illinois
(Wheeler 1997; REI, 1999), consistent geologic and seismologic evidence indicate that a
northwest-trending structure separates the Southern Illinois Seismic Zone from the New
Madrid zone (Braile and others 1997; Wheeler 1997). This is evident in Figure 8, which
shows the Bouguer gravity anomaly and 1974–94 earthquake epicenters in the New
Madrid region (Braile and others 1997). As suggested by Wheeler (1997), the northeast
extensions of the New Madrid faults can be substantiated by further seismic network
monitoring. Recent studies (Wang and others, 2003a; Anderson and others, 2005; Horton
and others, 2005) indicate that the New Madrid faults may not extend northeast into the
Jackson Purchase Region. A dense seismic network of nine stations was installed in the
Jackson Purchase Region (Fig. 9) in late 2002 (Wang and others 2003b). Table 2 lists the
earthquakes recorded by the dense seismic network between January 2003 and June 2005
(Anderson and others 2005). The focal depths of these earthquakes are all less than 10
km. The June 6, 2003, Bardwell, Ky., event (MW4.0) is extremely shallow, only about 2
km, with southeast-northwest maximum compression (Horton and others 2005). These
short-period and dense network observations suggest that the characteristics of
earthquakes in the Jackson Purchase Region are different from those of earthquakes in
the central New Madrid Seismic Zone. Thus, there is no evidence (microseismicity) to
support the northeast extension of the New Madrid faults into the Jackson Purchase
The study by Baldwin and others (2005) showed that the New Madrid North faults are
coincident with current seismicity in southeastern Missouri, which is consistent with the
findings of Johnston and Schweig (1996). In addition, detailed coring data collected near
the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant show no evidence for Holocene (<11,000 years)
displacement along previously interpreted faults underlying the site (William Lettis &
Associates Inc. 2006). Thus, no geologic evidence suggests the New Madrid faults
extend northeast into the Jackson Purchase Region, particularly near the Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion Plant site.
For this project, we used the locations of the New Madrid faults determined by Johnston
and Schweig (1996), which are consistent with more recent studies (Wang and others,
2003a; Anderson and others 2005; Baldwin and others 2005; Horton and others 2005).
3.1.2. Maximum Magnitude
The other large uncertainty for the New Madrid Seismic Zone is the estimate of the
maximum magnitude. A single moment magnitude of M8.0 was used in the 1996
national maps (Frankel and others 1996), whereas an Mchar logic tree was used in the
2002 national maps for the New Madrid Seismic Zone: M7.3 (0.15 wt), M7.5 (0.2 wt),
M7.7 (0.5 wt), M8.0 (0.15 wt) (Frankel and others, 2002). More recent studies (Hough
and others 2000; Mueller and Pujol 2001; Bakun and others 2003) suggest that the
magnitude is about M7.2 to 7.5. GPS observations also suggest a similar magnitude
(~M7) (Newman and others 1999, Calais and others 2006).
Although the uncertainties in the locations of the New Madrid faults and the associated
maximum magnitude are large, there is a general agreement among scientists that the
location of the New Madrid faults outlined by Johnston and Schweig (1996) is more
appropriate for seismic hazard assessment (Cramer 2004; Geomatrix Consultants Inc.
2004; Windeler 2006). Recent studies also suggest that the maximum magnitude for the
New Madrid Seismic Zone is lower M7 (Newman and others 1999; Hough and others,
2000; Mueller and Pujol 2001; Bakun and others 2003). In this report, we used the
location of the New Madrid faults given by Johnston and Schweig (1996) (Fig. 7) with a
mean maximum magnitude of M7.5. As shown in Figure 7, the distance between the site
(PGDP) and the New Madrid faults (blue lines) are much shorter than the one between
the site and the faults (red lines) used in the national hazard maps (Frankel and others
1996, 2002).
Figure 7. New Madrid faults (Cramer 2004). Pseudo-faults (lines in red) were used in the
1996 and 2002 USGS seismic hazard maps (Frankel and others 1996, 2002).
Figure 8. Bouguer gravity anomaly and 1974–94 earthquake epicenters and the New
Madrid Rift Complex (Braile and others 1997).
Table 2. Parameters of earthquakes (Anderson and others 2005).
Figure 9. Seismic network and earthquakes (stars) recorded between January 2003 and
June 2005 in the Jackson Purchase Region (Anderson and others 2005). Triangle – shortperiod seismic station; Circle – strong motion station.
3.2. Wabash Valley Seismic Zone
Nuttli and Herrmann (1978) first proposed the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone on the basis
of (1) the number of earthquakes, (2) the occurrence of five ≥5 mb,Lg earthquakes in the
area between 1875 and 1975, and (3) the presence of the Wabash Valley Fault Zone. The
boundaries of the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone as drawn by Wheeler and Frankel (2000)
are shown in Figure 10. Also included in Figure 10 are the epicentral locations of the
damaging Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI≥VI) earthquakes in the seismic zone
(Stover and Coffman 1993) and the location of the 5.1 mb,Lg September 27, 1909,
earthquake (10) that occurred just north of the seismic zone. Dates, times, and epicentral
locations of the damaging earthquakes shown in Figure 10 are listed in Table 3. Unlike
the seismicity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, where there is a well-defined pattern,
seismicity in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone is diffuse over a broad area.
Despite the number of damaging earthquakes in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone, there
has never been an adequate number of permanent seismic stations in the seismic zone to
derive well-constrained focal depths or focal mechanisms. As previously indicated, of
the 18 events listed in Table 3, the only events for which well-determined focal depths
and focal mechanisms have been estimated are events 15 through 18. These four
earthquakes were large enough to generate sufficient surface-wave data that their focal
depths and focal mechanisms could be estimated using the radiation pattern of their
Rayleigh and Love waves (Herrmann and Ammon 1997).
Table 3. Damaging earthquakes in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone.
July 5, 1827
Aug. 7, 1827
Aug. 7, 1827
Sep. 25, 1876
Sep. 25, 1876
Feb. 6, 1887
July 27, 1891
Sep. 27, 1891
Apr. 30, 1899
Sep. 27, 1909
Nov. 27, 1922
Apr. 27, 1925
Sep. 2, 1925
Nov. 8, 1958
Nov. 9, 1968
Apr. 3, 1974
June 10, 1987
June 18, 2002
Magnitudes (mb,Lg) are from Stover and Coffman (1993) except for events 8 and 15. The 5.5 mb,Lg
for event 17, the November 9, 1968, southern Illinois event, is more generally accepted than the
5.3 mb,Lg given by Stover and Coffman (1993). The mb,Lg magnitude, seismic moment, and
epicentral location for event 18 are preliminary estimates based on data from the University of
Kentucky Seismic and Strong-Motion Network and R. Herrmann at St. Louis University (personal
Except for events 15, 16, and 17, moment magnitudes (Mw) were derived using the mb to seismic
moment (Mo) to moment magnitude conversion. Moment magnitudes of events 17, 18, and 19
were calculated using the seismic moments given in Herrmann and Ammon (1997).
Focal depths are from Herrmann and Ammon (1997), except for event 18, which is based on a
personal communication from R.B. Herrmann.
Figure 10. Epicentral locations of the felt earthquakes in the Wabash Valley Seismic
The largest instrumentally recorded historical earthquake in the Wabash Valley Seismic
Zone is the November 9, 1968, earthquake (event 15 in Table 3). McBride and others
(2002) believed that the November 9, 1968, earthquake occurred as a result of the
reactivation of a fault plane within a series of moderately dipping lower-crustal reflectors
that are decoupled from the overlying Paleozoic structure. The June 18, 2002,
Darmstadt, Ind., earthquake (M4.6) was well located (Table 3). Kim (2003) also believed
that the June 18, 2002, earthquake occurred as a result of the reactivation of a fault within
the Wabash Valley Fault System (Fig. 11).
The Wabash Valley Fault System (Fig. 11) is a series of north–northeast-trending normal
faults with right-lateral offsets across the Herald-Pillipstown and the New Harmony
Faults. The locations and extent of faulting are well known from the extensive set of drill
logs and seismic-reflection lines acquired for oil and gas exploration. The Albion-
Ridgeway and New Harmony Faults is the Grayville Graben, so named by Sexton and
others (1996) and shown by Bear and others’ (1997) as exhibiting Cambrian extensional
slip. Based on Bear and others’ (1997) interpretation of the fault movement, Wheeler and
Cramer (2002) identified the Grayville Graben as Iapetan and considered the graben and
the Wabash Valley Fault System non seismogenic. Woolery (2005) found that the Hovey
Lake Fault (one of the Wabash Valley faults) moved as recently as approximately 37,000
years before the present.
Figure 11. Earthquakes and faults in the lower Wabash Valley.
As discussed above, there is no clear evidence to directly link any of the earthquakes in
the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone to a specific fault. Thus, the Wabash Valley Seismic
Zone was treated as an areal source in the seismic hazard analyses (Frankel and others,
1996, 2002; Wheeler and Frankel 2000). The maximum magnitude of M7.5 was
assigned to the zone in the national seismic hazard maps (Frankel and others 1996, 2002;
Wheeler and Frankel, 2000), and was based on the magnitude estimates from
paleoliquefaction studies by Obermeier and others (1991, 1993), Munson and others
(1995, 1997), and Pond and Martin (1997). Recent studies by Street and others (2004)
and Olson and others (2005), however, suggest that the best estimates of those
paleoearthquakes are in the range of 6.2 to 7.3. The Tri-State Seismic Source Zone, one
of the alternative source zones suggested by Wheeler and Cramer (2002) for the Wabash
Valley Seismic Zone, was used in this study. We assigned a mean maximum magnitude
of M6.8 to the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone (Fig. 12) based on these studies (Street and
others, 2004; Olson and others 2005).
Figure 12. New Madrid faults and Wabash Valley Seismic Zone.
3.3. Background Seismicity
Earthquakes have occurred throughout Kentucky and surrounding states, many of them
not associated with any known seismic zone or geologic/tectonic feature. For example,
the February 28, 1854, earthquake (mb,Lg4.0) in central Kentucky is not associated with
any known seismic zone. Many earthquakes were recorded by the University of
Kentucky Seismic and Strong-Motion Network since 1984 (Street and Wang 2003).
These earthquakes were called background seismicity (Street and others, 1996).
Contribution to seismic hazard from the background seismicity was considered with
smoothed spatial seismicity at grid points in the central and eastern United States
(Frankel and others, 1996, 2002) (Fig. 13). A uniform background zone (Fig. 14) was
also considered to account for the large earthquakes in the central and eastern United
States (Frankel and others 1996, 2002). Although magnitude is large (M7.0 and 7.5), the
large background earthquakes have no contribution to the seismic hazard because of (1) a
large-area source zone and (2) a longer recurrence interval (more than 10,000 years) in
the national seismic hazard maps (Wang 2003a). Therefore, the use of these large
background earthquakes is not necessary (Wang 2003a).
Figure 13. Seismic sources that were considered in the national seismic hazard maps
(Frankel and others 2002).
Figure 14. Background earthquakes (Mmax) used in the national seismic hazard maps
(Frankel and others 2002).
In this study, we adopted a method used by Street and others (1996). Based on historical
and instrumental records, Street and others (1996) proposed a mean maximum magnitude
for the background seismicity in the eight counties in western Kentucky (Ballard,
Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Marshall, and McCracken) of 5.3 mb,Lg
(M5.0) (Figure 15). This magnitude is based on moderate-size historical events, and
occasional events recorded by the University of Kentucky Seismic and Strong-Motion
Network (Wang and others, 2003a). Within the eight counties, many earthquakes
measuring 3.0 mb,Lg or larger have been recorded, such as the Bardwell, Kentucky
earthquake (M4.0), which caused some damage. The focal depths for the small
earthquakes in the area are generally in the range of 5 to 20 km. Assuming an epicentral
distance of 10 km and focal depth of 10 km, the shortest distance from this local source is
14 km. The shortest distance of 15 km was used for this project. A point source of M5.0
earthquake with a distance of 15 km was considered to account for hazard contribution
from the background seismicity.
mb,Lg5.3 (EE)
mb,Lg5.5 (PE)
mb,Lg5.7 (MCE)
Figure 15. Maximum background earthquakes in Kentucky (Street and others 1996).
4.0. Magnitude-Recurrence Relationship
In the central United States, seismicity rate is relatively low in comparison with
California and there are no instrumental recordings on strong and large earthquakes
(M>6.0). There are only two post 1811-1812 strong events (6.0<M<6.5): the 1843
Marked Tree, Ark., and the 1895 Charleston, Mo., earthquake (M6.0). Bakun and others
(2003) recently suggested that the 1895 Charleston, Mo., earthquake was located in
southern Illinois, about 100 km north of Charleston (not in the New Madrid Seismic
Zone). The 1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes were great events (7.0<M<8.0) and are of
safety concern in the area. The instrumental and historical records are insufficient to
construct the magnitude-occurrence relationships in the central United States, so
prehistoric records (paleoliquefaction) had to be used (Tuttle and others 2002) (Frankel
and others 1996, 2002). Figures 16 and 18 show the magnitude-occurrence relationships
for the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Frankel and others, 1996) and the Wabash Valley
Seismic Zone (Wheeler and Cramer 2002) based on instrumental, historical, and
paleoliquefaction records.
4.1. New Madrid Seismic Zone
As shown in Figure 16, the annual rate derived from instrumental and historical
earthquakes is not consistent with that derived from paleoliquefaction records. Figure 16
also shows that there is a lack of strong earthquakes of M6.0 to 7.0, or an earthquake
deficit, in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. A b-value of 0.95 was used in the USGS
national seismic hazard mapping for the central United States (Frankel and others, 1996,
2002). Based on the a and b values determined from instrumental and historical records,
the annual occurrence rate of a M7.5 earthquake is less than 0.0001 (recurrence interval is
longer than 10,000 years) in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Fig. 16). Paleoliquefaction
records, however, reveal an annual occurrence rate of about 0.002 (recurrence interval of
about 500 years) for a M7.5 earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. A recent study
by Holbrook and others (2006) suggests that earthquakes may be temporally clustered on
millennial scales and that these large earthquakes have been treated as characteristic
events (Frankel and others, 1996, 2002; Geomatrix Consultants Inc. 2004).
Table 4 lists instrumental and historical earthquakes with magnitude equal to or greater
than M4.0 known to have occurred in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Bakun and Hopper,
2004). Figure 17 shows the Gutenberg-Richter curve for earthquakes with magnitudes
between M4.0 and M5.0 in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Table 4). The a and b values
were estimated to be about 3.15 and 1.0, respectively, from earthquakes with magnitudes
between M4.0 and M5.0 (Fig. 17). The b value of 1.0 is consistent with that used in the
national seismic hazard maps (Frankel and others, 1996, 2002) (Fig. 16). As shown in
Figures 16 and 19, if the a and b values are used to extrapolate large earthquakes (M≥6.0)
in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, the recurrence interval for large earthquake would be
quite long, about 700 years for M6.0, 7,000 years for M7.0, and 70,000 years for M8.0
earthquakes. This is why the large earthquakes (M≥7.0) in the New Madrid Seismic
Zone are treated as characteristic. In this study, we assigned a magnitude of M7.5 with a
mean recurrence interval of 500 to 1,000 years for the characteristic event along the New
Madrid faults. The mean recurrence interval of 500 to 1,000 years is based on the
geological studies (Tuttle and others 2002; Holbrook and others 2006).
Figure 16. Magnitude-frequency relationship in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Frankel
and others 1996).
Log (N)
Figure 17. Magnitude-frequency (Gutenburg-Richter) curve for the New Madrid Seismic
Zone. Diamond–historical rate, triangle–geological rate.
Table 4. Earthquakes with magnitude equal to or greater than M4.0 in the New Madrid
Seismic Zone (Bakun and Hopper 2004).
1811-12-16 "dawn"
4.2. Wabash Valley Seismic Zone
The paleoliquefaction studies by Obermeier and others (1991, 1993), Munson and others
(1995, 1997), and Pond and Martin (1997) suggest a mean recurrence interval of about
5,000 years for the large prehistoric earthquakes in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone. As
shown in Figure 18, this recurrence interval is consistent with the intervals projected from
the seismicity of small and moderate earthquakes (≤M5.0) (Wheeler and Cramer 2002).
Figure 19 shows the Gutenburg-Richter curve for the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone based
on Bakun and Hopper (2004) data (a=3.0, b=1.0). We derived a mean recurrence interval
of about 4,000 years for an earthquake with magnitude of M6.8 or greater from Figure
19. This recurrence interval is consistent with the geologic data (Obermeier and others
1991, 1993; Munson and others, 1995, 1997; Pond and Martin, 1997) and was used for
the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone in this report.
4.3. Background Seismicity
The occurrence frequency of the maximum earthquake for the background earthquake
was determined from the earthquakes with magnitude greater than M2.5 surrounding the
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (Fig. 20). This is similar to the smoothed seismicity
that was used in the national seismic hazard maps (Frankel and others 2002). The a and b
values were estimated to be 2.56 and 0.97, respectively (Fig. 21). The mean recurrence
interval is projected to be about 200 years for an M5.0 earthquake.
Figure 18. Magnitude-frequency relationship in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone
(Wheeler and Cramer 2002).
Figure 19. Magnitude-frequency (Gutenburg-Richter) curve for the Wabash Valley
Seismic Zone. Diamond–historical rate, triangle–geological (paleoliquefaction) rate.
Figure 20. Recorded earthquakes with magnitude greater than 2.5 surrounding the
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant between 1978 and 2006.
Figure 21. Magnitude-frequency (Gutenburg-Richter) curve for the background
5.0. Ground-Motion Attenuation Relationship
As shown in Figure 2, the ground-motion attenuation relationship describes a spatial
relationship between a ground-motion parameter (i.e., PGA, PGV, MMI, or PSA at
different periods) and earthquake magnitude and source-to-site distance with uncertainty
(equation [2] or [3]). This can be demonstrated through the following example of how
the ground-motion attenuation relationship is modeled. Figure 22 shows horizontal
uncorrected PGA vs. distance to the fault (RRUP) and five ground-motion attenuation
relationships for the Parkfield earthquake of September 28, 2004 (Shakal and others
2006). Figure 23 shows strong-motion stations and accelerograms recorded in the 2004
M6.0 Parkfield earthquake for the east-west component (Shakal and others 2006). As
shown in Figure 23, source-to-site distance is measured as the shortest distance to the
fault rupture (RRUP), not the epicentral distance (REPI). Figure 23 also shows that the
epicentral distances are quite different from the rupture distances. RRUP is about 4 and 2
km for stations FZ11 and FZ16, and REPI is about 10 and 15 km, respectively. As shown
in Figure 22, a different set of parameters (i.e., f(M,R) and σln,Y) would result if the
epicentral distance was used (blue diamond). This shows that the ground-motion
attenuation relationship, equation [2] or [3], depends on how earthquake source (i.e.,
point vs. finite), source-to-site distance (i.e., RRUP, RJB, REPI, or RHYP), and site conditions
(i.e., rock vs. soil) are considered. In addition, many different functional forms are being
used by different modelers. For example, Atkinson and Boore (2006) used the following
functional form on hard rock for the central and eastern United States:
log( PSA) = c1 + c 2 M + c3 M 2 + (c 4 + c5 M ) f1 + (c6 + c7 M ) f 2 + (c8 + c9 M ) f 0
+ c10 Rcd + nσ log,PSA
where f0 = max (log(R0/Rcd), 0);
f1 = min (log Rcd, log R1);
f2 = max (log (Rcd/R2), 0);
Rcd = the closet distance to the fault (RRUP);
R0 = 10 km;
R1 = 70 km;
R2 = 140 km.
And Silva and others (2002) used the functional form:
ln(Y ) = c1 + c 2 M + (c6 + c7 M ) ln(R + e c4 ) + c10 ( M − 6) 2 + nσ ln,Y
where R is the closest distance to the surface projection of the rupture surface (RJB).
Therefore, the ground-motion attenuation relationship depends not only on the functional
form and associated constants being used, but also on how earthquake source (i.e., point
vs. finite), source-to-site distance (i.e., RRUP, RJB, REPI, or RHYP), and site conditions (i.e.,
rock vs. soil) are considered. In other words, there may be a dependency between the
statistical parameters (i.e., constants and standard deviation) and the variables (i.e., M and
R). In fact, many researchers (Youngs and others 1995, 1997; Abrahamson and Silva
1997; Sadigh and others, 1997; Toro and others 1997; Campbell 2003; Akkar and
Bommer 2007) have found that ground-motion uncertainty depends on M or R, or both.
As discussed earlier, however, ground-motion uncertainty is treated as an independent
random variable in PSHA (Cornell 1968, 1971; McGuire 1976, 1995, 2004). The
dependency between the statistical parameters in the ground-motion attenuation
relationship needs to be explored further, because it may have a significant impact on
hazard estimates (Carroll 2003; Wang and Zhou in press).
Figure 22. Horizontal uncorrected PGA vs. distance to the fault for the Parkfield
earthquake of September 28, 2004 (Shakal and others 2006). Blue diamonds are plots for
stations FZ11 and FZ16 if the epicentral distance is measured.
Figure 23. Strong-motion stations and accelerograms recorded in the 2004 M6.0
Parkfield earthquake for the east-west component (Shakal and others 2006). RRUP - the
closet distance to fault rupture; REPI – epicentral distance.
One of the fundamental differences between assessing seismic hazard in the western and
central United States is in the ground-motion attenuation relationship (Wang and others
2005). The attenuation relationships developed for California are based on observations,
such as those by Abrahamson and Silva (1997), Boore and others (1997), Sadigh and
others (1997), Boore and Atkinson (2006), Campbell and Bozorgnia (2006), and Chiou
and Youngs (2006). Figure 24 shows the world-wide data used for development of
ground-motion attenuation relationship for the PEER-Lifelines Next Generation
Attenuation of Ground Motion (NGA) Project by Chiou and Youngs (2006). In contrast,
all the attenuation relationships currently available for the central United States are based
on theoretical models with very limited observations (Frankel and others, 1996; Toro and
others, 1997; Somerville and others, 2001; Silva and others, 2002; Campbell, 2003;
EPRI, 2003; Atkinson and Boore, 2006). Figure 25 shows the simulated data being used
for the ground-motion attenuation analysis by Atkinson and Boore (2006) for the central
and eastern United States.
This significant difference results in differences in ground-motion uncertainties (in both
median and standard deviation) for the central United States. As shown by Frankel
(2004), the median ground motions for California vary only slightly between proposed
attenuation relationships. For example, PGA ranges from 0.30 to 0.38g between four
attenuation relationships for a M7.8 earthquake at 15 km in San Francisco (Frankel,
2004). For comparison, Table 5 lists the median ground motions (PGA) for a M7.7
earthquake at 15 km from the New Madrid Seismic Zone with five attenuation
relationships. The range of the median PGA in the central United States is between 0.69
and 1.20g. Similarly, Frankel (2004) showed a large range of median ground motions,
especially near-source (<30 km). The theoretical models predict higher median ground
motions (PGA and 5 Hz S.A.) in the central United States than the ones in the west for a
similar earthquake. Thus, the theoretical models predict not only higher median ground
motion in comparison with a similar magnitude in the West, but also a larger range
(uncertainty). Some theoretical models also predict higher standard deviations in the
central and eastern United States than in the west. Recent studies suggest that the
standard deviation should be similar in the two regions (Atkinson and Boore 2006).
Table 5. Median ground motions for a M7.7 New Madrid earthquake at 15 km for a hardrock site from several attenuation relationships.
Frankel and
Toro and
Atkinson and Campbell Somerville and
others (1996)
Boore (1995)
others (2001)
PGA (g)
Figure 24. Magnitude-distance-region distribution of selected recordings (Chiou and
Youngs 2006).
Figure 25. Log values of horizontal component 5% pseudo-acceleration at frequencies
0.5, 1, and 5 Hz, and PGA, for rock sites in eastern North America. Dots show PSA from
simulations, including aleatory uncertainty, for M 5 (light) and M 8 (dark). Solid lines
show predicted amplitudes from regression equations developed from a simulated
database for M 5, 6, 7, and 8 (Atkinson and Boore 2006).
Use of different attenuation relationships will result in different ground-motion estimates,
for near-source (10 to 30 km) in particular. As stated by Frankel and others (2002),
“significant differences between the 1996 and 2002 maps are caused by the inclusion of
additional attenuation relations in the 2002 maps. In 1996, we used the attenuation
relations of Toro et al. (1997) and Frankel et al. (1996), which were assigned equal
weight. For the 2002 maps we have added the attenuation relations of Atkinson and
Boore (1995), Somerville et al. (2001) and Campbell (2003).” As concluded by SSHAC
(1997), “one key source of difficulty is failure to recognize that 1) there is not likely to be
‘consensus’ (as the work is commonly understood) among the various experts and 2) no
single interpretation concerning a complex earth-sciences issue is the ‘correct’ one.”
There is no consistent or unique way to chose ground-motion attenuation relationships for
seismic hazard analysis. Recent studies have shown that ground motion at near-source
has been over-predicted, however (USGS/NRC Workshop 2005; Atkinson and Boore
2006), even on the West Coast, where ground motion was overly predicted at near-source
(Abrahamson, 2006; Boore and Atkinson, 2006; Campbell and Bozorgnia, 2006; Chiou
and Youngs 2006). There is a consensus that many current attenuation relationships
predict too high ground motion at near-source, particularly Frankel and others’(1996)
attenuation relationship, in the central and eastern United States (USGS/NRC Workshop
2005). Figure 26 shows some of the ground-motion attenuation relationships for a M7.5
earthquake in the central United States. As shown in the figure, the Frankel and others
(1996) attenuation relationship predicts higher PGA at near-source between 10 and 50
km. Figure 27 shows some of the ground-motion attenuation relationships for a M5.0
earthquake in the central United States.
In this report, we used the ground-motion attenuation relationships of Somerville and
others (2001), Silva and others (2002), Campbell (2003), and Atkinson and Boore (2006).
These attenuation relationships represent different approaches (i.e., finite source/green
function, double-corner, and hybrid methods). Figures 28 and 29 show 0.2s and 1.0s
response accelerations of the four attenuation relationships for a M7.5 earthquake in the
central United States. The rupture distance is used throughout this report.
PGA (g)
Distance (km)
Figure 26. PGA attenuation relationships at hard rock for an M7.5 earthquake in the
central United States.
PGA (g)
Distance (km)
Figure 27. PGA attenuation relationships at hard rock for a M5.0 earthquake in the
central United States.
0.2s PSA (g)
Distance (km)
Figure 28. The 0.2s PSA attenuation relationships used in this study at hard rock for a
M7.5 earthquake in the central United States.
1.0s PSA (g)
Distance (km)
Figure 29. The 1.0s PSA attenuation relationships used in this study at hard rock for a
M7.5 earthquake in the central United States.
6.0. Results
Three seismic sources affect the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: the New Madrid
faults, Wabash Valley Seismic Zone, and small earthquakes nearby (Fig. 30). The mean
distances from the plant to the New Madrid faults and Wabash Valley Seismic Zone are
40 and 60 km, respectively. The source-to-site distance from the New Madrid faults is
treated as characteristic, and is similar to the characteristic source used in the national
hazard mapping and other studies (Frankel and others 1996, 2002; Geomatrix Consultants
Inc. 2004). The Wabash Valley Seismic Zone is a large areal source. As shown in
Figure 20, local earthquakes around Paducah may also contribute to the hazard. In this
project, we used a point source at 15 km with a maximum magnitude of M5.0 (Fig. 30) to
account for local earthquakes for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
TC=4,000 yrs.
Background Seismicity
R=15 km
TC=500-1000 yrs.
Figure 30. Seismic sources for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
6.1. PSHA Results
The ground-motion uncertainty is inherently a part of PSHA, and other uncertainties,
such as fault location, which are treated with logic trees, by which different weights are
assigned manually to a set of expert estimates for each input parameter (SSHAC 1997).
In this project, the weights in Table 6 were used to account for the uncertainties in
location, magnitude, recurrence-interval, and attenuation relationship. It has been shown
that the ground-motion hazard at site in the New Madrid Seismic Zone can be estimated
with a single equivalent magnitude and distance (Frankel 2004). The de-aggregation
analysis also shows that ground motion hazard in Paducah can be approximated by a
single equivalent magnitude and distance (Petersen, 2005). Although this analysis (Table
6) is not a standard PSHA, it can provide a good estimate (Frankel 2004; Petersen 2005)
and is easy to understand. The hazard curves for PGA, 0.2s PSA, and 1.0s PSA are
shown in Figures 31 through 33. Table 7 lists ground-motion values on hard rock at
several annual probabilities of exceedance at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
Table 6. Input parameters and weights used here in our PSHA for the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant.
Distance (km)
interval (yrs.)
500 (0.75)
AB-06 (0.25)
1,000 (0.25)
Campbell-03 (0.25)
Silva-DC-S (0.25)
Somerville (0.25)
4000 (1.0)
AB-06 (0.25)
Campbell-03 (0.25)
Silva-DC-S (0.25)
Somerville (0.25)
200 (1.0)
AB-06 (0.33)
Campbell-03 (0.33)
Silva-DC-S (0.33)
Table 7. Mean ground-motion hazards on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion
Ann. Prob. Exc. Return Period
0.2s PSA
1.0s PSA
PGA Hazard Curve
Ann. Prob. of Exc.
PGA (g)
Figure 31. Mean PGA hazard curve on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion
0.2s PSA Hazard Curve
Ann. Prob. of Exc.
0.2s PSA (g)
Figure 32. Mean 0.2s PSA hazard curve on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion
1.0s PSA Hazard Curve
Ann. Prob. of Exc.
1.0s PSA (g)
Figure 33. Mean 1.0s PSA hazard curve on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion
6.2. DSHA Results
Table 8 lists the median PGA values for the three sources affecting the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant (Fig. 30), using the four attenuation relationships. As shown in Table 8,
the characteristic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone dominates the hazard at
the plant. Tables 9, 10, and 11 list PGA and 0.2s and 1.0s PSA hazards at the Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the characteristic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic
Zone for the four ground-motion attenuation relations (Somerville and others 2001; Silva
and others 2002; Campbell 2003; Atkinson and Boore 2006). The return period for these
ground motions is about 500 to 1,000 years, the same as the recurrence interval of the
characteristic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
Table 8. Median PGA on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the
three seismic sources.
Table 9. PGA at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the characteristic earthquake
in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
Median (g)
Median +1σln,y
1.5 Median (g)
Table 10. The 0.2s PSA at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the characteristic
earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
Median (g)
Median +2σln,y
1.5 Median
Table 11. The 1.0s PSA at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the characteristic
earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone.
Median (g)
Median +2σln,y
1.5 Median
7.0. Conclusion and Recommendations
Estimating seismic hazard at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant is difficult because of
the lack of instrumental ground-motion observations from large earthquakes in the
region. Three seismic sources (i.e., the New Madrid Seismic Zone, the Wabash Valley
Seismic Zone, and background seismicity) were characterized based on currently
available information on geology and seismology in the central United States. Four
ground-motion attenuation relationships were chosen and used for evaluating groundmotion hazard on hard rock at the plant. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and
deterministic seismic hazard analysis were performed for the plant. Table 12 lists
ground-motion hazards derived from PSHA at several commonly considered return
periods. Table 13 lists ground-motion hazards with associated uncertainty derived from
Table 12. Ground-motion hazards on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
determined by PSHA.
Ann. Prob.
Return Period
Exc. Prob. in 50
0.2s PSA 1.0s PSA
years (%)
Table 13. Ground motion hazards on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
determined by DSHA.
Average 1.5
Average Median
Average Median
Median (g)
+1σln,y (g)
Median +2σln,y
0.2s PSA
1.0s PSA
These results show that PSHA and DSHA utilize the same geological and seismological
parameters, but produce quite different estimates of ground motion at the Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion Plant because of the differences in defining the seismic hazard. In
PSHA, seismic hazard is defined as the return period (or annual probability of
exceedance) having a ground motion larger than a specific value. PSHA calculates
seismic hazard from all earthquake sources in consideration, and incorporates uncertainty
in earthquake size and location and ground motion implicitly. In DSHA, seismic hazard
is defined as the ground motion(s) from a single or several earthquakes that have
maximum values (impacts) at a site. DSHA emphasizes the ground motion from an
individual earthquake, such as the maximum credible earthquake or maximum probable
earthquake, and explicitly determines ground-motion hazard with a level of uncertainty.
What level of ground motion should be considered for engineering design of a facility at
the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant? The answer to this question is complicated and
depends on many factors, such as which methodology is used, what type of facility is
being considered, and what environment is being considered. There should be a
scientific basis in selecting a design ground motion. It is well understood that large
earthquakes, similar to the 1811-1812 New Madrid events, in the New Madrid Seismic
Zone pose the biggest hazard in the central United States, at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant in particular. This study shows that the best estimate (mean) of PGA is
about 0.25g at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant from the New Madrid earthquakes
(Table 13). This estimate is consistent with the limited MMI data (Fig. 34). Figure 34
shows that the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant site experienced a MMI VIII intensity,
which is equivalent to a PGA of 0.20 to 0.30 g (Bolt 1993; Atkinson and Kaka 2007).
This suggests that the PGA level of 0.25 to 0.3g would be appropriate for engineering
design of ordinary buildings and facilities at the site and surrounding areas. Therefore,
the ground motion with 1,000-year return period, derived from PSHA (Table 12), would
be appropriate for engineering design of ordinary buildings and facilities. This is why the
ground motion with 1,000-year return period, produced by the US Geological Survey
(Frankel and others 1996), was proposed and selected as the basis for seismic design of
residential buildings in western Kentucky (SEAOK 2002). The ground motion with
1,000-year return period has also been considered as the upper level ground motion for
seismic retrofit of highway structures in the central and eastern United States (FHWA
2006). For other important facilities, the DSHA ground motion with one standard
deviation (0.51g PGA) might be considered (Table 13). This ground motion (0.51g
PGA) is similar to the ground motion (0.49g PGA) with a 2,500-year return period
derived from PSHA (Table 12). Table 14 lists the recommended ground motions for
design consideration for facilities at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.
The results from our PSHA are consistently lower than those from the national seismic
hazard maps (Frankel and others 2002) and the site-specific study by REI (1999) at the
same return periods (Table 15). These differences result from the difference of the input
parameters, particularly the location of the New Madrid faults (Fig. 7), a smaller mean
magnitude (M7.5) for the characteristic earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and
use of a lower ground motion attenuation relationship.
Table 14. Recommended ground motions on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion
Median + one
standard deviation
Exc. Prob.
in 50 years
Figure 34. Isoseismal map of the February 7, 1812, New Madrid earthquake (Hough and
others 2000).
Table 15. Comparison of mean PGA estimates on hard rock at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant determined from PSHA.
Return Period This study USGS -20021) REI –1999
1) USGS values were converted from PGA for soft rock by a factor of 1.52.
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Appendix A – Project Proposal
Enhancing Earthquake Monitoring and Assessing Seismic Hazard for the
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky
The goals for this proposal are:
1) to better monitor and locate earthquakes in the area and;
2) to provide an independent and peer reviewed ground motion hazard assessment for
the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP).
In the central United States, the best information for determining seismogenic faults
(faults that are capable of generating earthquakes) is seismicity (earthquake activity).
Until recently, the lack of seismic stations in the area has precluded any definitive
determination of the active faults in the area. Earthquakes occur periodically in area
surrounding PGDP, for example, the August 26, 2003 west Paducah earthquake (mb 3.2).
In order to better monitor and locate earthquakes, a temporary seismic network has been
deployed in the area, with support from the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The seismic
stations are still not dense enough to accurately locate earthquakes in area surround
PGDP, however. Additional seismic stations are needed.
Federal government agencies, including the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, use
the seismic hazard maps developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for seismic safety
regulations. These maps are based on a 2 percent probability that a ground motion will be
exceeded in 50 years (2,500-year return period). The maps predict very high ground
motion for the area surrounding the PGDP. These high seismic hazard estimates for the
area have a significant impact on seismic regulations and engineering designs for
facilities at the PGDP. The seismic hazard at the PGDP has also been estimated by many
other public and private organizations. The results are significantly different among these
The tasks for this study include:
Task 1. Micro-seismicity observation in Paducah area. We propose to complete two
seismic stations, one at the PGDP and the other in Paducah, and to install three
new seismic stations in the area. These stations, combined with the eight existing
seismic stations, will enhance our capability to monitor micro-seismicity in the
Task 2. Thorough literature review. There are many new developments and data on
seismic hazard assessment methodology, geology, and seismology locally,
regionally, and nationally. The focus will be on the new geological and
geophysical investigations in the area. The literature review will ensure the use of
the best data and methodology.
Task 3. Seismic source Characterization. Based on the information derived from Task 1
and 2, the seismic sources in and around the PGDP and their characteristics will
be defined.
Task 4. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). PSHA will be performed based on
the seismic source data from Task 3.
Task 5. Deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA). DSHA will be performed based
on the seismic source data from Task 3.
Task 6. Preliminary report.
Task 7. Panel review. A 5-member review panel consisting of national and international
experts will be formed to review the preliminary report.
Task 8. Final report.
Appendix B – Agenda of the Independent Technical Review Meeting
Independent Technical Review
Final Research Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment
for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Zhenming Wang and Edward W. Woolery
Date: April 30, 2007
Place: Room 102, Mining and Mineral Resources Building, UK campus
Ed Woolery
Nature of the Project
Lindell Ormsbee (Director,
Kentucky Water Resource Institute)
Issues Related to Seismic Hazard Assessment in Western Kentucky
Jim Cobb (Director, Kentucky
Geological Survey)
Ground Motion Attenuation Relationship – uncertainty, dependency, and
hazard calculation in PSHA (focus) Woolery/Wang
Zhenming Wang
Q/A and Discussion Panel members
from attendees
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Seismic Hazard Analysis (SHA) – temporal and spatial measurements,
uncertainties, and quantification (focus)
10:30-11:00 Presentation
Zhenming Wang
11:00-11:50 Q/A and Discussion
Panel members
11:50-12:00 Q/A
from attendees
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:30 Seismic Hazard Assessment for PGDP – input parameters: sources,
occurrence frequency, and ground motion attenuation (focus)
13:00-13:30 Presentation
Zhenming Wang
13:30-14:20 Q/A and Discussion
Panel members
14:20-14:30 Q/A
from attendees
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-16:00 Discussion and Summary
Members of Independent Technical Review Panel
Roy B. Van Arsdale
8872 Farmoor Road
Germantown, TN 38139
[email protected]
Phone: 901-678-4356
Gail Atkinson
280 McLean Ave.
Arnprior, ON K7S 3T2
[email protected]
Phone: 613-623-3240
James E. Beavers
James E Beavers Consultants
6318 Beaver Ridge Road
Knoxville, TN 37931
[email protected]
Phone: 865-690-8936
Kenneth W. Campbell
1030 NW 161st Place
Beaverton, OR 97006
[email protected]
Phone: 503-533-4359
Leon Reiter
1960 Dundee Road
Rockville, MD 20850
[email protected]
Phone: 301- 279-0509
Mai Zhou
Department of Statistics
849 POT
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0027
[email protected]
Phone: 859-257-6912
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Document /
Section or Page #
Roy VanArsdale
Roy VanArsdale
Roy VanArsdale
Response to Comment
Although the work of Tuttle et al. is the most recent to
address earthquake recurrence in the New Madrid seismic
zone, an earlier article came to the same conclusion. Kelson
et al. (1996) concluded that the recurrence interval on
Reelfoot fault earthquakes in between 400 and 500 years.
This is significant because the earthquake recurrence
interval is tied to a specific fault.
I did not see any treatment of multiple large earthquakes
occurring on the New Madrid seismic zone like that which
occurred in 1811-1812. Tuttle et al. (2002) address this and
there is also evidence for this clustering in Van Arsdale et
al. (1998). Does this clustering of large earthquakes not
affect your results?
There is a large hole in our basement data at the north end of
Reelfoot Rift. We really do not know how the Reelfoot Rift
links with the Rough Creek Graben. I have a Ph.D. student
(Ryan Csontos) who just completed his dissertation in which
he took a stab at this. It appears that the Precambrian
crystalline basement rises between the northern end of the
Reelfoot Rift and southern end of Rough Creek Graben.
Ryan interpreted the Reelfoot fault to be a normal fault at
depth which forms a step up and out of the Reelfoot Rift. In
his model, the Reelfoot fault is an inverted normal fault.
Another issue about the structure id the strike of fault in this
transition zone. Do the faults continue N45E or do they
curve and merge with more easterly Rough Creek Graben
faults? This should have a bearing on the stress on these
faults from the N60W regional maximum stress
A recent study by Holbrook et al. (2006) indicates the earthquake recurrence
interval of about 1,000 years for the same fault. This is the reason that a range of
recurrence interval, 500 to 1,000 years, is considered.
Seismic hazard is defined as an earthquake of magnitude M or greater
(cumulative) or ground motion generated by the earthquake at a site vs. mean
recurrence interval (or return period for ground motion). Seismic risk is defined as
the probability of at least one occurrence of M or greater earthquake (cumulative)
or the ground motion at a site over a period. The clustering is considered, and will
not have effect on your results.
These are very good comment. The questions need to be addressed through future
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Document /
Section or Page #
Response to Comment
Roy VanArsdale
You do not address the large number of earthquakes that
trend into western Kentucky inllustrated in Figure 11.
The data quality, in terms of magnitude, location, and focal depth, for earthquakes
before 2003 in western Kentucky is very poor due to the lack of seismic stations.
Based on those earthquakes, wheeler (1997) suggested the northeast extensions of
the New Madrid faults, but also suggested that that can be substantiated by further
seismic network monitoring. Recent studies by more dense network (Wang and
others, 2003a; Horton and others, 2005; Anderson and others, 2005) shows
consistent difference between the earthquakes in the New Madrid and those in the
Jackson Purchase Region, indicating that the
New Madrid faults may not extend northeast into western Kentucky. There is no
geologic evidence indicating the extension in the Jackson Purchase Region. On the
other hand, there are geologic evidences showing the northeast extensions of the
New Madrid faults on Missouri side, such as Baldwin and others (2005).
Roy VanArsdale
How can you have high seismic risk without seismic
Roy VanArsdale
Chapter 3, Section
1 (page 21)
Roy VanArsdale
Roy VanArsdale
Roy VanArsdale
Chapter 3, Section
1 (page 21)
Chapter 3, Section
1 (page 21)
Chapter 3, Section
1 (page 24)
The Reel rift –Rough Creek graben-Rome trough is
commonly considered to be one large perhaps discontinuous
Cambrian rift
What about dense seismicity in W Ky in Fig. 11?
In the report, we state “High seismic hazard does not necessarily mean high
seismic risk, and vice versa.” This means that low seismic hazard does not
necessarily mean low seismic risk or there could be high seismic risk even though
seismic hazard is low. If there is no seismic hazard, there is no seismic risk. This
can be illustrated through following examples: 1) Mojave desert has high seismic
hazard (frequent large earthquakes, such as Hechtor Mine earthquake), but has low
seismic risk because few exposures (people and property). 2) San Simeon area has
relative low seismic hazard (compare to Mojave desert), but has higher seismic
risk because high expotures.
This is good comment. There relationship between them in Quaternary,
particularly in Holocene, is not clear which has impact on seismic hazard
See response to comment #4.
True, also a black hole of no data
See response to comment #3.
Why not through 2006?
All earthquakes up to March 2007 will be included.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Gail Atkinson
Document /
Section or Page #
Response to Comment
This report deals with seismic hazards to the Paducah
gaseous diffusion plant and the
methodology by which they should be assessed. The report
is clearly written and easy to follow for the most part, but
the reasoning used to propose an alternative methodology is
flawed. The report does not actually provide a probabilistic
seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for the site. Rather it is
focused on providing arguments as to why PSHA may not
be applicable. I did not find these arguments convincing. 1)
PSHA is a well accepted
technique throughout the world, and the subject of many
knowledgeable and definitive articles and textbooks by
leading scientists and engineers over the last 40 years. In my
view it has a much sounder basis than the new methodology
proposed here, which is a hybrid approach (elements of
deterministic and probabilistic methodologies) that has been
termed Seismic Hazard Assessment (SHA). 2) The proposed
methodology (SHA) is seriously flawed, as discussed in the
points below.
These general comments can be summarized into two questions 1) Is PSHA appropriate
even though it has been used for seismic hazard assessment for three decades? 2) Is the
proposed methodology (SHA) seriously flawed?
The answer to the question 1 is clear: PSHA may not be appropriate for seismic hazard
assessment because it contains a mathematical error in its formulation: incorrectly treating
the ground-motion uncertainty as an independent random variable. The ground-motion
uncertainty is an explicit or implicit dependent variable as it is modeled in the groundmotion attenuation relationship. The mathematical error results in double/triple counts of
uncertainties in earthquake magnitude and source-to-site distance. The mathematical error
also results in mixing temporal measurement (occurrence of an earthquake and its
consequence [ground motion] at a site) with spatial measurement (ground-motion variability
due to the source, path, and site effects). The results from a PSHA study are artifact.
The answer to the question 2 is also clear: SHA is appropriate because 1) it was peer
reviewed (paper no. 416, Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, April 18-22, 2006; Chapter 24, GSA Special Publication 425, in press), 2) it is
analogous to flood and wind hazard analyses for engineering design, and 3) it is similar to
the Milne-Davenport approach (1969) and Stein and others (2005, 2006).
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Gail Atkinson
Document /
Section or Page #
Response to Comment
I also question why an entirely new methodology would be
proposed in the context of a specific engineering project.
For engineering projects, it is generally considered
important to follow accepted practice. I appreciate that the
motivation for such an approach arises from the
consideration that PSHA suggests large ground motions at
low probabilities for many regions of the CUS influenced by
the New Madrid seismic zone and other nearby sources.
However I do not believe that the methodology proposed is
a correct way to deal with these issues. Depending on the
regulatory requirements that may apply, there could be other
approaches to dealing with the site issues that would be
more defendable. Just as an illustrative example (not a
recommendation), it may be considered acceptable to find
the probabilistic ground motions associated with each
potential source separately (New Madrid, Wabash,
Background), for some target probability – one might then
say, for example, that the facilities can accommodate the
2%/50 year motions from each of the potential sources,
while recognizing that this is not the total probability of
receiving the ground motions. (The implicit rationale would
be that the facility is not expected to be able to withstand a
significant event from more than one potential source during
its lifetime.) I emphasize that this is not a proposed solution,
just a discussion point, and that this argument may not be
applicable depending on whether there are specific
reliability targets for the project.
As shown in the report and response to comment #1, the results from a PSHA study are all
artifacts, and may not be appropriate for seismic hazard assessment. As demonstrated by
Harris (ATC-USGS hazard workshop, 2006), return period derived from PSHA is
interpreted and used as mean recurrence interval (MRI) and compared with those of wind,
snow, and other hazards. However, the return period is not equal or equivalent to MRI.
The proposed approach is not new, but a re-introduction of an old one (Milne and
Davenport, 1969) with addition of uncertainty. Return period derived from the proposed
approach is identical to MRI derived from wind, flood, and other hazard analysis.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Gail Atkinson
Document /
Section or Page #
Response to Comment
The proposed methodology is really a recasting of the
concept of the “Maximum Credible Earthquake”, in which
specific source scenarios (New Madrid, Wabash,
Background) are assigned in terms of a fixed distance and a
subjective maximum magnitude. The casting of a recurrence
relation for each source into a probabilistic
ground-motion distribution only applies for the specific
distance and maximum magnitude. In the case of
background earthquakes and poorly-understood sources
(such as Wabash), the maximum magnitude and distance are
arbitrary. The maximum magnitudes for the Background
(Mx=5) and Wabash (Mx=6.8) sources are not justified. The
results of this proposed methodology will be very sensitive
to the assigned maximum magnitude and distance. The
derived ground-motion probabilities are not correct as they
do not consider that for each of the considered scenarios,
there is a significant probability of a larger event at a closer
location. They also do not properly account for the effect of
sigma on ground-motion probability. The variability of
actual ground motions about the
predicted median increases the frequency of exceedence of
any given ground motion
level, as is shown in the appended illustration. Thus no
probabilistic ground-motion
distribution is actually obtained by this method.
These comments are really about how to treat temporal and spatial uncertainties
(variability) of earthquake. First, the temporal and spatial uncertainties are two intrinsic, but
fundamentally different measures, and must be treated separately. PSHA mixes the
temporal uncertainty with the spatial one (this is the result of incorrect formulation of
PSHA), i.e. using the ground motion uncertainty to extrapolate the frequency (temporal
measure). The proposed approach treats the temporal and spatial uncertainties separately.
The “Maximum Credible Earthquake” is the best estimate (mean) of the maximum
earthquake in a source zone, not subjective one. The maximum magnitude for Wabash
(Mx=6.8) source is based on the most recent studies (Street and others, 2004; Olson and
others, 2005). The maximum magnitudes for the background (Mx=5) source is somewhat
subjective. The distances or source boundaries (Wabash) are more subjective, These
subjective determinations of magnitude and boundaries are consistent with current practice
in the region.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 1.2)
It would be useful to discuss what regulatory requirements,
if any, apply to the Plant – is there a specified target
probability, for example? This is more relevant than the
general issue of the 2% in 50 year maps and their possible
implications for buildings and other projects in the region.
There is no specific target probability or regulatory requirement. This report has a general
implication for engineering design and policy consideration in Kentucky.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 1.6)
There is no need to discuss the USGS maps if they are not
required by the applicable code – this is not really relevant
and should be deleted.
With universally referred in government regulations, codes, and other relevant documents,
the USGS maps have to be discussed. Revision will be done to reflect these and add more
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Document /
Section or Page #
Response to Comment
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 2)
Fig. 1 is not relevant due to the very short time span (1
week) – if you want to illustrate the known seismicity of the
country from a hazards viewpoint, plot something like all
damaging earthquakes in the historic record.
Revised to use Stein and others (2003).
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 3.3)
The focus seems unbalanced – when performing an
assessment of seismic hazard for a specific site, it would not
be the appropriate venue to review the national seismic
hazard maps of the USGS, nor to propose a new
As described in the responses to comments 4 and 5 (universally referred in government
regulations, codes, and other relevant documents, and general implication for engineering
design and policy consideration in Kentucky), the USGS hazard maps have to be discussed
and reviewed.
Specific (P 5)
(and throughout) The definition of risk versus hazard used in
this report does not follow the accepted convention. There
was initial confusion between the terms hazard and risk in
the early days of seismic hazard methodology. However, it
is now nearly universal usage that seismic hazard refers to
the likelihood of receiving seismic ground motions (or other
seismic effects), while seismic risk is the product of the
hazard and the
consequence (exposure or vulnerability). Thus a site with
moderate seismicity but a hazardous or critical facility may
pose a high seismic risk, while a site with high seismicity
but few facilities may have low seismic risk.
Gail Atkinson
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 6)
This page deals with hazard, not risk. A magnitude
recurrence curve is not on its own
relevant to hazard, as events need to be associated with
distances to determine ground
As shown, PSHA is mathematically incorrect; an alternative needs to be developed.
The definition of hazard and risk used in this report follows the accepted convention,
particularly in engineering (hydraulic, flood, wind, and snow). Seismic hazard describes
phenomena, such as surface rupture, ground motion, ground-motion amplification,
liquefaction, and induced landslides, generated by earthquakes that have potential to cause
harm. Seismic risk, on the other hand, describes the likelihood (chance) of experiencing a
specified level of seismic hazard in a given time exposure. These definitions are also
consistent with those of McGuire (2004) and Reiter (1990).
As defined by McGuire (2004), seismic hazard is “a property of an earthquake that can
cause damage and loss. A PSHA determines the frequency (the number of events per unit of
time) with which a seismic hazard will occur,” seismic risk is “the probability that some
humans will incur loss or that their built environment will be damaged. These probabilities
usually represent a level of loss or damage that is equaled or exceeded over some time
period.” A similar definition was described by Reiter (1990),”seismic hazard describes the
potential for dangerous, earthquake-related natural phenomena such as ground shaking, fault
rupture, or soil liquefaction; seismic risk is the probability of occurrence of these
As defined, “seismic hazard is a property of an earthquake that can cause damage and loss,”
a magnitude recurrence curve is a hazard curve because an M6.0 earthquake can cause
damage and loss.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Response to Comment
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 7)
The discussion of flood hazards is not relevant.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 8)
The description of seismic hazard versus risk is not a correct
description of these
concepts as they are used today. Furthermore, the discussion
of seismic risk is not
required here, as the report is dealing with seismic hazard.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 11)
The arguments presented regarding Eqn 4 are not
convincing. The issue of E being independent of M and R is
not central, in my view. Furthermore, E is in fact largely
independent of M and R, as shown by recent ground motion
databases (PEER/NGA). The opposing references cited are
largely taken out of context - there are many analyses,
authored by the same sources cited on this page, to show
that E does not depend strongly, if at all, on M and R. The
conclusions reached on the validity of Equations 4 and 9 are
not justified.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 15.5)
There is no suggestion in the cited papers that ground
motions will occur in 108 years. The arguments advanced
here are not correct, nor do they appear relevant.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 15.8)
This reasoning is not correct. PSHA is simply a compound
probability, like any other compound probability. Space and
time are both relevant in determining the likelihood of
receiving strong ground motion at a site.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 16)
A hazard assessment for a critical facility is not the place to
introduce a new trial methodology, in my view.
It is relevant because seismic hazard and risk analyses were developed based on analogy to
flood, wind, and other analyses.
The description of seismic hazard versus risk is consistent through this report. The
discussion of seismic risk will help to understand why and how we do seismic hazard
R in Eq. 4 is focal distance (Cornell, 1968). In the ground motion attenuation relationships,
R is measured as rupture, JB, or seismogenic distance. The ground motion standard
deviation will be different if different R is used (R dependent). fR(r) in Eq. 4 is to account
for the uncertainty of focal point (distribution). The uncertainty of focal point is accounted
in part by the uncertainty of ground motion because R is measured as a single distance
(rupture, JB, or seismogenic) regardless focal distance. Eq.4 counts the distance uncertainty,
at least some portion, twice.
Similarly, fM(m) in Eq. 4 is to account for the uncertainty of magnitude (distribution). Also
similarly, the ground motion standard deviation is dependent of M. Again, Eq.4 counts the
magnitude uncertainty, at least some portion, twice.
As defined by McGuire (2004), return period is the mean (average) time between
occurrences of a seismic hazard. The reciprocal of return period is frequency. “PSHA
determines the frequency (the number of events per unit of time) with which a seismic
hazard will occur” McGuire (2004).
The same interpretation was also given by (Frankel, 2004, 2005; Holzer, 2005)
The temporal and spatial uncertainties are two intrinsic, but fundamentally different
measures, and must be treated separately.
This report is not necessary for a critical facility. The main goal of this report is to conduct
scientific research on the methodologies, geological and seismological parameters, and the
results related to the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant and the region.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Response to Comment
As shown earlier, ground motion uncertainty is a dependent of magnitude and distance. The
uncertainty in the location of a future event is considered by confident level.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 18)
This SHA hazard curve is inherently limited in scope and
applicability. It assumes a fixed distance to a single source,
with no uncertainty in the location of a future events being
considered. It is simply a transformation of the GutenbergRichter relation (Fig. 2), with a discontinuity imposed at
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 20)
Include the location of Paducah on Fig. 11, 12. Note that
this discussion highlights the fact that the location of a New
Madrid event is uncertain, not fixed.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 24.8)
The reference to Fig. 10 is incorrect (Fig. 15?)
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 26)
Include Paducah location on Fig. 15
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 28)
A maximum magnitude of M6.8 cannot be arbitrarily
assigned to the Wabash source in this way. This is a
subjective “MCE” with an unknown exceedence probability.
It has no physical basis as a limit on magnitude.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 28.5)
Add lat, lon to figure 17.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 29)
A maximum magnitude of 5 cannot be credibly assigned
anywhere in the world. This would imply we have identified
all capable faults in the crust with spatial scales of about 1
km or more, and ruled out earthquake motion on any of
them. There is no physical basis for such a claim.
Worldwide experience has demonstrated time and again that
large earthquakes happen, albeit with low recurrence rates,
even in stable regions that
appear to be nearly aseismic. Assigning Mx=5 to
background seismicity is not justified.
See response to the general comment #3.
See response to the general comment #3.
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Response to Comment
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 30)
Figure 20 demonstrates that the possibility of a large local
earthquake (M6 to 6.5) is not a negligible contributor to
hazard. Why is there no contribution from M5 to 5.5 shown
on this figure?
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 33)
It is possible on Fig. 22 that we are seeing a temporary
deficit of moderate events due to the after-effects of the
1811-1812 sequence.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 36)
The data points for the GR relation for the background
seismicity need to be shown.
For all zones, the report should clearly show the zone
boundaries that are associated with
the magnitude recurrence relations. The completeness of the
catalogue used needs to be
discussed. The conversions from local magnitude scales to
moment magnitude need to
be presented.
Will revise.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 37.4)
Discuss why ENA ground motions are higher than CA
motions, and point out that this only applies at high
Will revise.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 37.5)
The differences in standard deviation are exaggerated. Most
recent studies suggest that sigma should be similar in ENA
and CA (eg. EPRI, 2004; Atkinson and Boore, 2006) –
about 0.25 to 0.30 in log(10) units (cite units when
discussing sigma) in the general case.
The differences in standard deviation are in the range of 0.6 to 0.8 (in ln).
This figure is from Peterson (2005) showing that there are earthquakes closer to the site
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Response to Comment
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 37.6)
The AB95 and F96 relations (and arguably also the T97
relations) do not apply well to large finite sources like New
Madrid for which a point source is a poor model. You may
wish to quote only finite-fault models. The recent Atkinson
and Boore (2006) ENA model uses a finite-fault source. It
predicts a PGA of approximately 0.7g for the cited distance
of 15 km from an M7.7 event on hard rock. Thus the
relevant estimates of median PGA for hard rock, in my
view, range from 0.7g (AB06 and S01) to 0.9g (C03).
Good comment. Will revise.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 38)
Discuss distance measures used in the plots. Have they all
been converted to one measure? Note that AB06 is for
distance to fault, so in the case of moderate events this is
likely to always be greater than a few km (eg. an M5.0
earthquake would likely correspond to about Dfault=10 km
at the epicenter).
Will revise.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 40)
The results are an incorrect assessment of the hazards from
these sources, as they do not consider uncertainty in
location, nor are the assumed maximum magnitudes for
local sources reasonable. The local M5.0 at 15 km is
particularly arbitrary. The nearest location for both NMSZ
and WVSZ are subject to uncertainty, as are their maximum
magnitudes (and recurrence intervals). Note that the
combination does not consider the additive nature of the
ground motion probabilities.
The uncertainties in location and maximum magnitude are considered in the confident level
because uncertainty in ground motion is dependent of both of them. Otherwise, uncertainties
will be counted twice or three times (in PSHA).
Fig. 32 is not actually the probability of exceedence of the
ground motions, as the given probabilities relate only to a
specific subset (given distance). The effects of sigma on
increasing expected ground motion are not included for a
given probability are not included. Effects of maximum
magnitude on truncating the ground-motion estimates are
apparent. Note that the likely importance of the Background
seismicity, if extended down to accommodate larger events
than assigned Mx=5, is apparent.
The annual probability of exceedance (i.e., frequency by McGuire [2004]) is temporal
measure. The sigma (ground motion) is spatial measure. The temporal and spatial measures
should not be mixed together.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 42)
Also see the response to the general comment #3 on M5.0 and the distance.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Response to Comment
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 44.2)
The definition of seismic risk given is not correct.
See response to comment #8.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 44.5)
The conclusion regarding PSHA is not correct.
See response to comment #1.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 45)
The suggested methodology is seriously flawed and will not
result in a defendable estimate of seismic hazard. This could
be demonstrated by a Monte Carlo simulation without resort
to the PSHA equations.
See response to comment #1, 2, and 3.
Gail Atkinson
Specific (P 46)
The ground motions presented can only be considered as
judgmental scenario motions, without any associated
probabilities. They are not a quantitative hazard calculation.
The likelihood of exceeding the motions could be assessed
by performing a PSHA using accepted methodologies. Note
that the motions are for bedrock, and are likely to be
significantly modified by site response.
The proposed approach considers separately the associated uncertainties (probabilities) in
time and space.
Gail Atkinson
The example shows the problem associated with mixing the temporal measure with spatial
one. The examples you shown are all “deterministic” interpretation.
The probability that PGA exceeds 0.1g is 84 percent if M7 event occurs. An event with 84
percent probability of occurrence is not necessary to occur (statistics), but is interpreted as
sure to occur (one event). Similarly, the probability that PGA exceeds 0.1g is 50 percent if
M6 event occurs. If earthquake occurrences follow Poisson distribution, the probability that
at least one PGA exceeds 0.1g is about 99.3 percent if 10 M6 events occur. This can not be
interpreted as 10 events (PGA exceeds 0.1g). The probability that PGA exceeds 0.1g is 16
percent if M5 event occurs. The probability that at least one PGA exceeds 0.1g is about
99.99999 percent if 100 M5 events occur. This can not be interpreted as no event (PGA
exceeds 0.1g) to occur.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Response to Comment
Jim Beavers
comment #1 (Pi, 1st
LL Line 7, it is stated: Seismic risk, on the other handed,
describes the likelihood (chance) of experiencing a
specified level of seismic hazard . . .”
In hydraulic engineering, risk can be defined as the probability of a peak
discharge being exceeded in a time period, such as 1% of 10,000 cfs being
exceeded in one year (Gupta, 1989). Similarly,
Comment: I do not think I would call this Seismic Risk.
Risk is a concept that denotes a potential negative impact to
an asset or some characteristic of value that may arise from
some present process or future event. In everyday usage,
"risk" is often used synonymously with the probability of a
loss. What you are talking about here is frequency of
occurrence. I have a risk of an earthquake causing my
historic building in Urbana, Illinois to collapse. Thus, I
passed this risk on to my insurance company.
According to McGuire (2004), seismic hazard is “a property of an earthquake
that can cause damage and loss. A PSHA determines the frequency (the number
of events per unit of time) with which a seismic hazard will occur.” Because
magnitude is a property of an earthquake, the larger magnitude, the higher
potential to cause harm, a magnitude M or greater with a MRI is seismic
hazard. Similarly, MMI or ground motion at a site is a property of an
earthquake, MMI VIII (or PGA 0.25-0.30g) or greater with a return period is
seismic hazard. MMI VIII is described to have a considerable damage to
ordinary buildings. Consequently, a considerable damage or greater to ordinary
buildings at a site with a return period is seismic hazard, too. Therefore,
measurements of seismic hazard can be different, from magnitude to damage
(loss) level to buildings, and one measure can be converted to another through a
statistical relationship (i.e., ground motion attenuation and fragility curve).
As defined by McGuire (2004), seismic risk is “the probability that some
humans will incur loss or that their built environment will be damaged. These
probabilities usually represent a level of loss or damage that is equaled or
exceeded over some time period.” A similar definition was described by Reiter
(1990),” seismic risk is the probability of occurrence [in time] of these
consequences.” From these definitions, seismic risk is quantified by three
elements: probability, a level of consequence (damage or loss), and time.
Because damage or loss is also a property (measure) of an earthquake, the
likelihood (probability) of its (M or greater) occurrence during a specific time
period is risk.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page i, Paragraph
2. Last sentence it
is stated:
“Temporal and
uncertainties are of
characteristics and
must be considered
separately in
I think I disagree with this statement.
Jim Beavers
Since this subject is quite controversial I, as a reviewer, will
be expecting to see considerable detail in the report about
how this process is better than the PSHA process, sort of a
one on one comparison.
This report has a detailed description and discussion on PSHA and SHA. There
are also several references on these.
Jim Beavers
Page i, Starting in
Paragraph 3. Line
16 it states: “There
is a mathematical
error in the . . .”
This discussion is
continued through
paragraph 4.
Page 1, Paragraph
1. Line 13, it states:
“For example, it
would not be
feasible for the
U.S. Department of
Energy to obtain a
permit from
Federal and State
regulators to
construct a landfill
at the Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion
Plant . . .”
I do not believe you can say this, because we do not
officially know that it is not feasible. Where is the
feasibility study that says it is not feasible? In fact, the
CERCLA Cell report for Site A had a peak ground motion
design value of 0.48g. The CERCLA Cell project was
stopped for political reasons not technical.
This statement reflects the fact that Kentucky Solid Waste Division refused to
issue the permit by citing the USGS hazard estimate.
Response to Comment
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Response to Comment
Jim Beavers
Page 1, Paragraph
2. Line 4, it is
stated: Currently,
the highest
building design
PGA used in
California (UBC97) is capped at
about 0.4g.
This is true; however, I believe that this capped value will
be removed shortly because it truly underestimates the
hazard in California. This cap was imposed by a bunch of
engineers in the mid 1980’s.
With the deterministic cap and the NGA attenuation relationships (near-source
saturation), this cap (0.4g) may still be valid.
Jim Beavers
Page 1, Paragraph
2. Line 12 it is
stated: “It clearly
shows that the
higher design
ground motion in
western Kentucky
does not make
sense scientifically.
This is where you are going to have to show why the PSHA
is indeed the incorrect way to consider the uncertainties, to
convince me and others. Comparing earthquake activity in
California to the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) may
make sense to the layman, but I can see where the PSHA
approach might make sense, especially with the body of
literature out there that continues to support PSHA,
especially the EPRI and LLNL methodologies. I really
believe the DSHA does not consider all of the uncertainty. I
have had a lot of discussion on this DSHA with Ellis
Krinitzky and was not convinced that DSHA considered all
of the uncertainty. However, in the 70’s and 80’s I would
look at the PSHA approach to seismic hazard and then the
DSHA approach and then make a judgmental decision on
what the seismic design basis should be for a DOE facility.
As shown in this report, there is a mathematical problem: treating the groundmotion uncertainty as an independent random variable. As it modeled in modern
attenuation relationships, the ground-motion uncertainty is not an independent
random variable.
Jim Beavers
Page 3, Paragraph
This paragraph is right on target.
Jim Beavers
Page 3, Paragraph
2. First line it is
stated: “Objectives
of this project are .
. .”
I would think one objective would be to clearly show why
the PSHA approach overstates the seismic hazard.
With this mathematical problem, PSHA is difficult to understand and use.
PSHA approach may understates the seismic hazard. For example, the ground
motions with 500-year return period is considered to be low in the New Madrid
area. The end result from PSHA is a hazard curve from which one could not tell
it is a high or low estimate.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page 4, Paragraph
1. First sentence it
is stated: “Two
methods . . .”
I currently do not believe that both PSHA and DSHA are
commonly used today. I think the use of PSHA for
outweighs the use of DSHA. In a recent correspondence
with from John Schneider (Geoscience Australia), he states:
Response to Comment
This is an interesting comment. “In fact, in many instances, the deaggregation of
a probabilistic analysis has been used to identify and justify specific scenarios,
which are in effect deterministic solutions.”
I find it puzzling that there is still a debate over this issue.
In my view PSHA is merely a means of formally accounting
for uncertainty. I can’t imagine why anyone would have
any philosophical objection to that! In fact, in many
instances, the deaggregation of a probabilistic analysis has
been used to identify and justify specific scenarios, which
are in effect deterministic solutions. In short, I don’t know
anyone apart from Ellis in the deterministic camp.
Jim Beavers
Page 4, Paragraph
4. Last sentence
states; “Wang
(2004) . . .”
I assume Wang (2004) is Wang, Z. (in press) reference
document at bottom of page 53 or is it Wang et al. 2004.
Also on page 53 you have a Wang 2003 with no title or
reference. In addition, I would suggest you list your
reference based on name and then earliest date, i.e., Wang
2003 would come before Wang 2004 in your reference list.
The reference list needs to be verified, e.g. later in the report
you reference Wheeler 1997 and site SRL Vol. 63 which
should be Vol. 68.
These will corrected.
Jim Beavers
Page 5, Paragraph
2. Second sentence
it states: “The
probability that no
earthquake will . .
Suggest this say: “The probability that no such earthquakes
will . . .”
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page 5, Paragraph
2. Fourth sentence
it states: “Equation
(3) shows the
between seismic
risk, . . .with X
percent in PE in Y
years, and seismic
hazard, expressed .
. .”
Jim Beavers
Page 5 Paragraph 2
continued on page
6. Last sentence it
states: “Equation
(3) also shows that
the probability p
shows . . . and has
no relation to
characteristics of
the hazard . . .”
Jim Beavers
Page 6, Paragraph
2. General
Response to Comment
In the introduction, I think you need to clearly state what is
meant by seismic risk and seismic hazard in the introduction
and stick with that notation throughout the document. See
Comment on Item 1. What you are calling seismic risk I
still see as frequency because a 10% chance in 50 years has
a frequency on the average over hundreds of thousands of
years every 475 years. In addition, changing time interval
notation in Equation (3) from t to Y could leave the reader
confused. Another example of using the words “seismic
risk” is the Ohio Department of Natural Resources where
they state: “The brief historic record of Ohio earthquakes
suggests a risk of moderately damaging earthquakes in the
western, northeastern, and southeastern parts of the state.”
Here the risk is in terms of potential damage.
This is true, however we are only talking about PE of a
magnitude M or greater in a certain source zone. However,
to mitigate effects of the hazard’s occurrence I must design
my building for a peak ground acceleration or spectral
value. Thus, I have to know where the earthquake is going
to occur because of the attenuation factors which are
directly spatially related. Even in a DSHA, I still have to
put the earthquake some place to get my design values. In
the old days we put it right under our site.
Seismic hazard and risk are two different concepts. They have been used
interchangeably quite often. The attempt in this report is to distinguish and use
them consistently.
I basically agree with this paragraph assuming your
Gutenburg –Richter curve represents the earthquake activity
of the NMSZ. However, when I got to pages 16 through 18
I realized that you had labeled Figure 2 wrong. The
abscissa should be labeled N, not Log (N). See also Figure
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Response to Comment
Jim Beavers
Page 6, Paragraph
2. Last sentence it
states: “The risk
posed by . . .”
This is still frequency to me.
By common definition, a frequency is used to describe how often an event
occurs, is not a probability to occur over a time period.
Jim Beavers
Page 6, Paragraph
3. First sentence
states: “In practice
. . .”
To me this is where the spatial aspects come into the
Jim Beavers
Page 6, Paragraph
3 continued on
Page 7. Fifth
sentence states:
“From Figure 3 a
mean annual . . .”
There needs to be some definition of Pf before it is
introduced here.
Jim Beavers
Page 6, Paragraph
3 continued on
Page 7. Seventh
sentence states:
“Similarly, the
ground motion and
their MRI’s at a
site . . .”
Here you are going from Equation (3), which you justified
on page 5 as the probability of earthquakes equal to or
greater than a specific size (M) with X percent PE in Y
years, and . . ., which I agree with, and now all of a sudden
you are implying that it is equally compatible to replace (M)
with ground motions. I do not think you can do this????
It is a simple mathematics. From equation (6),
ln(Y ) = f ( M , R) + nσ ln,Y ,
We have
M = g ( R, ln Y , nσ ln Y ) .
Combining equation (16) with equation (15)
= e − 2.303a + 2.303bM
Results in
= e − 2.303a + 2.303bg ( R ,ln Y ,nσ ln Y )
Review Comments and Reponses
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Jim Beavers
The Milne and Davenport attenuation curves do consider
only an estimated value and show no concept of the
uncertainty in the ground motions. See Bommer and
Abrahamson 2006.
This is true and is addressed in this report, the equation (17).
Jim Beavers
Page 6, Paragraph
3 continued on
Page 7. Seventh
sentence it states:
“Similarly, the
ground motions
and their MRI’s . .
Page 6, Paragraph
3 continued on
Page 7. Eighth
sentence it states:
“An empirical
method, which is
identical to the
empirical floodhazard analysis . .
.” . . .”
The Milne and Davenport paper is just that, an empirical
paper that uses an attenuation equation that has no
uncertainty and basically is a measured methodology using
assumptions that most would not be considered appropriate
today. As a result, I think this approach may underestimate
the seismic hazard.
The proposed approach is to consider the uncertainty. A similar approach has
also been proposed by Stein and others (2005, 2006).
Jim Beavers
This is correct if you use equation 3; however, I question
using equation 3 for PGA especially when you based your
justification for equation 3 on probability of earthquakes
equal to or greater than a specific size (M) with X percent
PE in Y years. See Comment 17.
See response to comment #18.
Jim Beavers
Page 6, Paragraph
3 continued on
Page 7. The
eleventh sentence
states: For a
building with an
exposure . . .”
Page 8, Paragraph
1. Third sentence
it states: “Seismic
risk, on the other
hand, describes a
probability of . . .”
Again, I am having some trouble calling this seismic risk. I
think of it as a frequency.
See response to comment #15.
Response to Comment
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Jim Beavers
Page 8, Paragraph
1. Fourth
Sentence it states:
Seismic risk not
only depends on
seismic hazard . .
.used to describe
the occurrences of
I agree that seismic risk depends on seismic hazard,
exposure and model. My problem is the model where with
the leap of faith from justifying the Poisson model (equation
3) based on the on probability of earthquakes equal to or
greater than a specific size (M) with X percent PE in Y years
and then saying that is the same for ground motion. See
Comments 11, 12, and 17. To introduce the ground motion
parameter requires a spatial element as noted in Comment
12 and 15.
See response to comment #18.
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
I agree, but not for the same reasons. If there is a high
seismic hazard geographic area and I build an important
building in that area that costs $5 million I have a high
seismic risk. However, if I build a small cattle barn that
cost $500 I don not have a high seismic risk. This is why
there are no nuclear power plants within a 120 mile radius
of the NMSZ.
I agree, but I do not agree with your supporting logic,
because you are only considering frequency of magnitude of
events and not the uncertainty of ground motion.
This is good example showing that lower exposure (building) gives you lower
risk even though hazard is high.
Jim Beavers
Page 8, Paragraph
2. Second
sentence states:
“High seismic
hazard does not
mean high seismic
risk . . .”
Page 8, Paragraph
2. Third sentence
states: “Moreover,
the mitigation
policy is mostly . .
Page 8, Paragraph
2. Last sentence
states: “That is
why we have to
spend more
resources . . .”
I agree with the statement but disagree with the implied
reasoning. We are spending more resources and effort to
mitigate seismic hazard in San Francisco because they have
a greater seismic risk as a result of the built environment
and population density, and they understand their seismic
hazard better than those in the NMSZ.
The comparisons in the report are based on the same exposure. Higher exposure
makes the comparison more valid.
Response to Comment
The uncertainty of ground motion is considered by a level of confidence, like
the flood risk.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
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Page 9, Table 2.
Comparison of
Hazard and Risk
Page 10, Paragraph
3. This paragraph
starts with:
“According to
Benjamin and
Cornell . . .”
Page 11, Paragraph
2. This paragraph
starts with: “As
above . . .”
Response to Comment
This table is accurate with respect to the probabilities about
MRI’s of earthquakes having various magnitudes, but it
doesn’t stand up for considering ground motion MRI’s. In
this respect, in the Wang and Ormsbee 2005 EOS paper it is
stated: “Figure 2 shows that PGA with 2% PE in 50 years is
0.97g.” It is then stated: “This PGA (0.97g) does not mean
that it could occur in 2500 years: but rather that there are
0.0835, 0.0294, and 0.0086 probabilities that PGA will
exceed 0.97g if each of the three earthquakes occur.” In my
view it means that the probability of exceedance of a 0.97
PGA will occur on the average once every 2500 years over
hundreds of thousands of years.
While this is mathematically true, I currently believe that
there is enough independence of the ground motion
uncertainty that E can be treated as an independent variable,
like M and R.
In the Wang and Ormsbee 2005 EOS paper it is stated: “Figure 2 shows that
PGA with 2% PE in 50 years is 0.97g.” It is then stated: “This PGA (0.97g)
does not mean that it could occur in 2500 years: but rather that there are 0.0835,
0.0294, and 0.0086 probabilities that PGA will exceed 0.97g if each of the three
earthquakes occur.”
While this is true in the explicit sense. At the present state
of knowledge, I do not see an alternative. Maybe this is
why you have been having a hard time convincing others
about your approach. Along those lines, it is very
interesting to me that you reference Shakal and others, 2006
research on the M 6.0 Parkfield to position your justification
that the ground motion uncertainty is dependent on M and R
or both and at the same time Bommer and Abrahamson
(2006) in the BSSA are using the M 6.0 Parkfield event to
clearly show the uncertainty of ground motion for any
The key point here is that the distance being measured for a finite fault (modern
attenuation), in comparison with the distance being measured for a point source.
In reality I know that both the ground motion are dependent
on both M and R, because if you do not have M you do not
have ground motion and until you know R you do not know
what levels the ground motion will be. But it looks like to
me they (your nonbelievers) have a pretty good justification,
so far, that the uncertainty is independent of M and R.
A probability of 0.0835, 0.0294, or 0.0086 that PGA will exceed 0.97g if each
of the three earthquakes occurs does not mean this will occur.
No response.
We agree with that “In reality I know that both the ground motion are dependent
on both M and R, because if you do not have M you do not have ground motion
and until you know R you do not know what levels the ground motion will be.”
This will results in different formulation for hazard calculation. In other words,
current PSHA has a mathematical problem.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page 11, Equation
Jim Beavers
Page 12, Last
Paragraph. This
paragraph starts
with Equations
(11) through (13) .
. .”
Jim Beavers
Page 12, Last
Paragraph. Last
sentence, here you
use the term
Response to Comment
Below this equation you describe σsource and σpath and do not
describe σmodeling is there a reason for this? I do not have
EPRI 2003 to verify.
It appears that you are using equations (11) through (13) to
show that the PSHA result in an invalid formulation. But it
is not clear to me what you are trying to say. At first brush,
it looks like to me you are saying the following I have
equation 13 which says Trp (y) = T divided by the
uncertainty of ground motion and since Trp (y) is a return
period and T is the characteristic earthquake return period,
they are the same so equation 13 is invalid. However in
your EOS paper you imply that if I have a characteristic
earthquake of return period T at some distance R and
probability of exceeding a certain ground motion that the
probability of the ground motion being exceed at the site of
interest is (1/T)x(probability of exceedance). For
characteristic earthquakes, I believe this is the correct
approach if you know the distance to the site of interest. In
my mind I think equation 13 is still good because Trp (y) is
the return period of (y) being exceed while T is the return
period of the characteristic earthquake. See earlier
comments 13, 18, 21 and 23.
σmodeling describes modeling uncertainty.
This is also called Chaos Theory, if you look at Bommer
and Abrahamson (2006), you might call the uncertainty of
ground motion that because the spread is one order of
magnitude based on the M 6.0 at Parkfield.
The term ergodic assumption was defined by Anderson Brune (1999).
These equations show the fundamentally difference between the recurrence
interval (T) of an earthquake and the return period (Trp) of a ground motion that
is generated by the earthquake at a site.
Occurrence of a ground motion at a site must be associated with an earthquake.
There would not be a ground motion at a site if there is no earthquake. However,
PSHA could produce a range of return period from a single recurrence interval.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page 15, First
Paragraph. Fifth
sentence that starts
with: “This
fundamentally . . .”
Jim Beavers
Page 15, First
Paragraph. Eighth
and ninth sentences
that both start with:
“Figure 9 shows . .
Jim Beavers
Page 15, First
Paragraph. Last
sentence where it
states: “In other
words . . .”
Jim Beavers
Page 15, Second
Paragraph. First
Response to Comment
I agree that in the discussion above that it kind of gets
ludicrous when we go talking about a 100-million year
earthquake. However, I really do not think you are
changing the physical and statistical meanings except maybe
to the lay person. We all know that this still remains a
probability of occurrence. Going to a return period is just
the nature of the Beast and we need to live with it whether
we are talking about a 100 year return period in flooding or
a 100 million return period in earthquakes. I guess a 100
million year return period in terms of magnitude would be
an Mw of 12.0 which as I recall would split the earth in half.
It is quite clear to me that if you have a M 7.7 that has an
MRI of 500 years in the NMSZ and the uncertainty does
exist per Campbell (June 2003), BSSA, that you will have
the uncertainty show in Figure 9and if the median PGA is
0.36 g then the probability of exceeding 0.36 g, given the
earthquake occurs, is (1/500)x0.5 or 0.001 annual frequency
or an event that has a return period of 1000 years of during
the 50 year life of a building there is a 5% chance the
building will experience that kind of ground motion. In past
designs, the rule was to design for a 10% chance in 50 years
which is the “500 year earthquake” in better words (more
accurate) an earthquake that might occur from the
characteristic fault that could cause the building experience
at PGA of 0.36g or more in its life time.
I think you are overstating the case when you say: “. . .
however, to mean that that ground motion will occur at least
once in 2,500 years . . .” My question is who has been
interpreting a 20 percent probability of being exceeded in
500 years as being the ground motion occurs at least once in
2,500 years? They should be interpreting it as: “on average,
over hundreds of thousands of years, this ground motion
will be exceeded once every 2,500 years.
I think I disagree with this statement and do not support the
logic you have used thus far that mixing temporal and
spatial measurements is causing any kind of problem,
especially you discussion in the first paragraph. See earlier
comments 13, 18, 21, 23, 33, 34, and 35.
Good comment.
Good comments. These show the differences between PSHA and the proposed
According to McGuire (2004), return period is: “the mean (average) time
between occurrences of a seismic hazard – for example, a certain ground motion
at a site, or a certain level of damage or loss.” Frankel (2005) and Holzer (2005)
interpreted exactly that way.
Temporal and spatial measurements are two the most fundamental elements of
the world. Mixing them one way or the other would cause problem.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page 15, Second
Paragraph. Second
sentence that starts
with: “Temporal
and spatial . . .”
Jim Beavers
Page 15, Second
Paragraph. Last
Jim Beavers
Pages 16 through
18. Section 2.2
New Approach—
Seismic Hazard
Response to Comment
I am confused. Here like you are saying that the temporal
measurements (M) and spatial measurements (ground
motions) are two intrinsic independent characteristics of and
earthquake . . . and must be treated separately. If that is
true, why can’t I consider M, R, and ground motion as
independent events for PSHA?
I think you are overstating the issue. I do not think of it as
being inappropriate or confusing, only to the lay person or
engineer that has no experience in seismic design. Based on
the two DOE projects, one at Portsmouth and one at
Paducah, in which I am the DOE site reviewer there are a
number of engineers in the Midwest and east that are not
familiar with seismic design.
When I started reviewing this report, especially when I saw
your table in the Executive Summary, and knowing certain
issues you have had with the USGS methodology and viceversa, I thought I would do a DSHA to see what I get and
how it compares to your results. Based on the PSHA work
that had been done for me at Paducah (McGuire 1999 (REI
99)) and my use of the USGS methodology I had access to
the deaggregations. The deaggregations for both (McGuire
and USGS) show that a magnitude M 7.5 or 8 was driving
the PSHA ground motions 20 kilometers (km) from the
PDGP. The 20 km is based on (Johnston and VanAresdale,
Appendix to REI 99). So I said: “Ok, let’s have a DSHA
earthquake of M 8.0 occur 20 kilometers from the PGDP
and let’s also be more realistic and have an M 8.0 occur 60
km from the PGDP where the February 11, 1812 event
occurred. After I did these I decided to look at it from your
perspective of 30 km.
M, R, and ground motion at a site are not temporal measurements.
Unfortunately, it happens all the times.
Your analyses show how PSHA can derive different return periods for a single
earthquake with a recurrence interval. If an earthquake occurs every 500 years,
the ground motion generated by the earthquake at a site must also occur every
500 years.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page 22. Last
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Page 20. Last
paragraph. Last
sentence which
starts out as: “This
can be seen clearly
. . .”
Page 21. First
paragraph. Sixth
sentence where it
states: “These
short period and
dense network . . .”
Page 21. Second
paragraph. Last
sentence that starts
with: “Thus, there
is no evidence . . .”
Page 21. Last
paragraph. Last
sentence where it
states: “In this
report, we used the
location . . .”
Pages 24-28.
Section 3.2.
Jim Beavers
Page 29. First
Response to Comment
In this paragraph it appears that you reference Wheeler 1997
in support the NMSZ extending northeastward toward the
PGDP and site Wheeler 1997 in support of it not extending
toward the PGDP. This is confusing to the reader unless
you quote statements made by Wheeler showing his own
uncertainty on the issue. As I recall you have done this
elsewhere in the document.
As an engineer when I look at Figure13 it doesn’t mean a
thing to me. You need to explain what I am supposed to be
seeing. Also, if I look at Figure 4 of Braile et al. 97 it looks
to me like Johnston and VanAresdale (REI 99) have a
justification for the northeast extension.
These will clarified.
In what way do these observations suggest that the
characteristics of earthquakes in the Jackson Purchase
Region are different from those of earthquakes in the central
In terms of stress field and focal dept.
Will revise.
I think the jury is still out on this.
I agree with using a maximum magnitude of M 7.5.
I have read this section and am not going to comment as I
feel it has little bearing on PGDP.
I don not have a copy of Peterson 2005 although I was at the
It is summary for a meeting between KGS and USGS in Lexington.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Page 29. First
paragraph. Fourth
sentence that starts
with: “The use of
these large
earthquakes . . .”
Page 32. First
paragraph. Last
sentence that starts
with Figures 22
and 23 show . . .”
Page 32. Last
paragraph. Fifth
sentence that starts
with: “A recent
study by Holbrook
and others (2006) .
. .”
Page 37. Last
continuing on to
Page 38. Ninth
sentence that starts
with: “As shown
in the Figure,
Frankel . . .”
Page 40. Last
paragraph. First
sentence that starts
with: “Figure32,
shows median
PGA . . .”
Response to Comment
I believe they do if you are doing a PSHA and are needed
for completeness.
It has also been shown by Frankel (2004) and Petersen (2005).
In this sentence you imply that Figure 23 is for the Wabash
Valley Seismic Zone; however, this figure is labeled as
magnitude-occurrence relationship of the NMSZ.
Will correct it.
Just before this sentence there seems to be some missing or
misrepresenting text because at the end of the fourth
sentence it states: “. . . New Madrid Seismic Zone However
(Fig 22).
Will revise.
The figure actually shows Frankel attenuation curve at near
source similar to Campbell (2003). It is AB06 that is higher
in the near source. Maybe Frankel and others did not get
put on the graph, because the one I first thought was Frankel
and others now looks like it is Silva-DC-S
The comparison should be at distance between 10 and 40 km. Frankel and others
(1996) did not provide values less than 10 km.
I am confused here. You talk about using Campbell (2003)
attenuation equations in the earlier parts of the document
and all of a sudden here, for your detail work, you say you
are going to use Atkinson and Boore (2006) which, in
Figure 27, has the highest near source attenuation values,
but in Tables 7 through 8 you us all attenuation equations
except Frankel.
In this report, we used the ground-motion attenuation relationships of
Somerville and others (2001), Silva and others (2002), Campbell (2003), and
Atkinson and Boore (2006). Figures 29 and 30 show 0.2s and 1.0s response
accelerations of the four attenuation relationships for an M7.5 earthquake in the
central United States.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Jim Beavers
Page 40. Last
paragraph. Last
sentence that starts
with: “Tables 7, 8
and 9 list the the
PGA . . .”
Response to Comment
I am also confused as to how you got these numbers. The
old building code process required seismic design of a
building to be designed for an earthquake that had a 10%
probability of being exceed during its assumed life. The
assumed life was 50 years. For a 10% probability of
exceedence in 50 years represents an event that occurs every
475 years to be exact or 500 years This turns out to be the
return period of the New Madrid earthquakes as you have
said and you have called them characteristic earthquakes
and rightfully so. If the characteristic earthquake occurs
you showed in Figure 10, page18 that the mean PGA would
be 0.44g so how could your mean PGA ground motions in
Table 7 be below 0.3g. You need to have more discussion
in you report on how you got these numbers and the
justification for it.
0.44g is the median PGA for a site at 30 Km distance. Table 7 is for
PGAs at a site of 45 km.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
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Response to Comment
In general, I have found that the draft report is lacking in
technical justification for a number of the methods used and
the assumptions made. This is particularly true for the
proposed approach called "Seismic Hazard Analysis" (SHA)
and the definitions of seismic hazard and seismic risk.
Some of my criticisms may be due to the draft report's lack
of clarity in explaining and justifying what was done. A
clearer explanation may alleviate some, but not all, of my
This report is not a typical site-specific seismic hazard assessment, but a summary of
scientific research on geological and seismological conditions, the methodologies, and
the seismic hazard assessment related to the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant and the
surrounding area. Therefore, it may be reviewed in a different way than a normal sitespecific technical report.
The proposed approach, SHA, is not really a new one, but an old one (Milne and
Davenport, 1969) with inclusion of ground motion uncertainty. A similar approach has
also been proposed by Stein and others (2005, 2006). SHA is analogous to flood, wind,
and other hazard analysis and technically sound.
The definition of hazard and risk used in this report follows the accepted convention,
particularly in engineering (hydraulic, flood, wind, and snow). These definitions are
also consistent with those of McGuire (2004) and Reiter (1990).
A better explanation on the methods used and the assumptions made will be addressed.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
#1 (P 1, 2nd
How can Figure 1 show that that higher seismic design in
western Kentucky doesn't make sense when the total
recording period is only one week? During one week you
could be seeing the effects of a swarm that could give you
an atypical increase in seismicity or seismic quiescence that
would show anomalous low seismicity. If you want to make
this point show a longer period of time.
Revised to use Stein and others (2003)
Leon Reiter
DSHA does not (as stated in (2)) require the determination
of earthquake occurrence frequencies.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
#2 (P 4, 1st
Specific comment
#3 (P 4, last line)
There is no Wang (2004) in the list of references. Is this
Wang (2003), which is listed, but without a title?
It should be Wang and others (2004).
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
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Specific comment
#4 (P 5, Section
Response to Comment
In this section and at other locations in the text the authors
introduce their definitions of seismic risk and seismic
hazard. These definitions are unclear and cause confusion.
The commonly accepted definitions of hazard and risk (e.g.,
Reiter, 1990, McGuire, 2002) define seismic hazard as those
earthquake-related properties that have a potential to cause
damage or loss. Seismic hazard may be described
deterministically (DSHA) or probabilistically (PSHA).
Seismic risk is the probability of occurrence of adverse
consequences from seismic events to humans or their built
environment. This fits in with the classic definition of risk
(Kaplan and Garrick, 1981) stating that risk analysis
answers three questions: what can go wrong, how likely is it
to happen, and what are the consequences or outcomes.
According to the authors (bottom of p. 5) "Equation (3) [the
probability of at least one earthquake with magnitude equal
to or greater than a specific size occurring in t years] shows
the relationship between seismic risk, expressed in terms of
an earthquake magnitude (M) with X percent PE in Y years,
and seismic hazard, expressed in terms of an earthquake
with a magnitude M or greater and its MRI [mean
recurrence interval] in an area or along a fault." Thus,
according to the authors, the magnitude of an earthquake
(and its mean recurrence interval) represents the hazard and
the likelihood of its occurrence during a specific time period
represents the risk. These are simply different ways of
expressing the same information. Risk, in this case,
assumes a Poisson model of earthquake occurrence.
(continue to next page)
Seismic hazard and risk are two fundamentally different concepts. Seismic hazard is a
natural phenomenon generated by earthquakes, such as ground motion, and is
quantified by two parameters: a level of hazard and its mean return interval (MRI) or
frequency. Seismic risk, on the other hand, describes a probability of occurrence of a
specific level
of seismic hazard over a certain time, and is quantified by three parameters:
probability, a level of hazard, and exposure time. These definitions are consistent with
those defined by McGuire (2004) and Reiter (1990).
According to McGuire (2004), seismic hazard is “a property of an earthquake that can
cause damage and loss. A PSHA determines the frequency (the number of events per
unit of time) with which a seismic hazard will occur.” Because magnitude is a
property of an earthquake, the larger magnitude, the higher potential to cause harm, a
magnitude M or greater with a MRI is seismic hazard. Similarly, MMI or ground
motion at a site is a property of an earthquake, MMI VIII (or PGA 0.25-0.30g) or
greater with a return period is seismic hazard. MMI VIII is described to have a
considerable damage to ordinary buildings. Consequently, a considerable damage or
greater to ordinary buildings at a site with a return period is seismic hazard, too.
Therefore, measurements of seismic hazard can be different, from magnitude to
damage (loss) level to buildings, and one measure can be converted to another through
a statistical relationship (i.e., ground motion attenuation and fragility curve).
As defined by McGuire (2004), seismic risk is “the probability that some humans will
incur loss or that their built environment will be damaged. These probabilities usually
represent a level of loss or damage that is equaled or exceeded over some time period.”
A similar definition was described by Reiter (1990),” seismic risk is the probability of
occurrence [in time] of these consequences.” From these definitions, seismic risk is
quantified by three elements: probability, a level of consequence (damage or loss), and
time. Because damage or loss is also a property (measure) of an earthquake, the
likelihood (probability) of its (M or greater) occurrence during a specific time period is
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Response to Comment
There is no mention of the critical issue of consequences
such as building damage or loss of life. Using their
definitions, the same information is needed to define hazard
and risk. The authors are using their definitions to make a
point. Frankly, I am not sure why they chose these
definitions and am not sure why they chose these definitions
and what point they are trying to make. If they insist on this
approach they should systematically explain how they differ
from the classic definitions of hazard and, particularly, risk
and why they are using these definitions. I have
unsuccessfully attempted to find clearer definitions and
rationales in some of the other papers the authors have
It is very important to mention the assumption of a Poisson model of earthquake
occurrence (in time). The risk (probability) calculations throughout the report are
based on this assumption. The probability will be different if a non-Poisson model of
earthquake occurrence is assumed. This is one of the differences between seismic
hazard and risk: in order to estimate seismic risk, we have to make an assumption on
earthquake occurrence in time (Poisson or non-Poisson). Seismic hazard is estimated
from observation (data).
The other important parameter, exposure time, is also very important to mention here.
The exposure time is a normal life time or considered time for something (building,
dam, bridge, etc.) being exposed to the hazard. The exposure time and physical content
(regular two-story house, concrete dam, etc.) are properties of something being
exposed, but not properties of an earthquake. Therefore, seismic risk is an interaction
(or so-called product) of seismic hazard and something being exposed. Thus, seismic
hazard and risk are different.
Will revise.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
Figure 2 and Figure 23. Vertical axis should be "N" not
"Log (N)"
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P 7)
Figure 3. The authors give an example of flood hazard and
say that they can convert this to risk, by using equation (3).
I did a quick foray into the web looking at definitions of
general, and flood, hazard and risk. These definitions make
use of the classic definition I mentioned above with respect
to seismic hazard and risk, i.e., adding the component of
consequences (e.g., building vulnerability and loss of life).
See response to the specific comment #4
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P 9)
Table 2. When MMI is used an argument could be made
that this is true risk because it considers the level of damage.
If MMI is ok, why not M? (response to the specific comment #4)
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
Leon Reiter
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Section or Page #
Specific comment
(P 11)
Specific comment
(P 12)
Response to Comment
1st full paragraph. The authors raise an important point here
that the uncertainties may not be independent. I am not sure
whether they are correct, but it seems to me that even if they
are correct it may be a necessary evil that we try to work
around, but can't get rid of completely. This is something I
would be happy to hear discussed by my colleagues at the
review panel meeting. The authors also claim that Bommer
and Abrahamson (2006) attribute the large uncertainty in
Figure 6 to the use of site-fault distance rather than
epicentral distance. However, Bommer and Anderson
(2006) argue that the large variability reflects the variability
due to wave propagation from a finite fault that is
characterized only by the distance from the station to the
closest point on the fault.
1st full paragraph. I don't understand how "Equations (11)
through (13) demonstrate that the invalid formulation of
PSHA results in extrapolation of the return period from the
recurrence interval of the earthquake and the ground-motion
uncertainty …or the so called ergodic assumption
(Anderson and Brune, 1999.)" Anderson and Brune (1999)
showed that when determining hazard for a specific scenario
(e.g., x km from the San Andreas fault), the use of
generalized attenuation equations based on many
earthquakes may overestimate the hazard when compared to
ground motion-like data (precarious rocks) that exist for that
scenario. They argued that the aleatory uncertainty in the
generalized attenuation equations included epistemic
uncertainty that could be reduced when a specific scenario is
being considered. Do the authors have any data like this
that could be used to reduce the uncertainty in the Paducah
hazard analysis? This could be another good topic for
review panel discussion.
In the ground motion attenuation relationships, R is measured as rupture, JB, or
seismogenic distance. The ground motion standard deviation will be different if
different R is used (R dependent). fR(r) in Eq. 4 is to account for the uncertainty of
focal point (distribution). The uncertainty of focal point is accounted in part by the
uncertainty of ground motion because R is measured as a single distance (rupture, JB,
or seismogenic) regardless focal distance. Eq.4 counts the distance uncertainty, at least
some portion, twice.
Similarly, fM(m) in Eq. 4 is to account for the uncertainty of magnitude (distribution).
Also similarly, the ground motion standard deviation is dependent of M. Again, Eq.4
counts the magnitude uncertainty, at least some portion, twice.
These will be fully discussed at the review meeting.
Ground-motion uncertainty has been separated into aleatory and epistemic parts. But it
is difficult to do so, particularly in the CEUS. This will be discussed at the meeting.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
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Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P 15)
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P 15)
Response to Comment
1st paragraph, first sentence. The authors state that geologic
records of earthquakes are limited to the past 11,000 years
(Holocene). This is not true. Many records go back much
longer, e.g., the area around Yucca Mountain contains
geologic records of earthquakes that go back many hundreds
of thousand of years.
1st paragraph, last line (see also statements in the middle of
the first paragraph.) I can't find the statement in Frankel
(2005) which says that ground motion with a 2500 year
return period will [authors' emphasis] occur at least once in
2500 years. On the contrary, Frankel (2005) talks about the
ground motion being exceeded once on average [my
emphasis] over 2500 years. Also, in a response to Wang and
Ormsbee (2005), Holzer (2005) clearly states that the 2500
year PGA is not guaranteed [my emphasis] to occur in
2500 years. How important is this to the authors' criticism of
But not hundreds of million of years.
Figures 1 and 2 in Frankel (2005) shows that (which is the acceleration that will be
exceeded). Frankel’s explanation is a “deterministic” interpretation. An event with a
63% probability of occurrence may not occur, but was interpreted and shown to occur.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
Document /
Section or Page #
Specific comment
(P 15)
Response to Comment
last paragraph. The authors' statement that PSHA is invalid
because it inappropriately mixes temporal measurement
(occurrence of an earthquake and its ground motion) and
spatial variation (ground motion uncertainty due to source,
path, and site effects), appears to be a key point in this
report that needs to be clarified. I don't understand how
spatial variation (as defined above) cannot be taken into
account (if that indeed is what the authors are stating) when
describing the likelihood of exceeding a given ground
motion over a period of time. If there were no spatial
variation, every time an earthquake occurred we would
more likely know what the ground motion would be.
Because there is spatial variation (much of which is
assumed to be random based on current knowledge), the
likelihood of reaching a certain ground motion when an
earthquake of given size occurs has to be different, because
of increased uncertainty, than if there were no spatial
variation. Eventually I assume we will increase our
knowledge of spatial variations such that we will have a
better idea of what the source, path and site effects are and
they won't be assumed to be random.
It was stated that “the invalid formulation causes PSHA mixing the temporal
measurement (occurrence of an earthquake and its consequence [ground motion] at a
site) with spatial measurement (ground-motion uncertainty due to the source, path, and
site effects).”
Temporal and spatial measurements are two intrinsic and independent characteristics
of an earthquake and its consequence (ground motion) at a site, and must be treated
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
Document /
Section or Page #
Specific comment
(P 17)
Response to Comment
middle paragraph and Figure 10. It's very important to
understand what the authors' proposed SHA does and does
not do. For example, Figure 10 shows that at a given
distance (30 km) from the New Madrid faults, the
earthquake with an average recurrence rate of 0.004/yr, will
produce ground motion whose median is 0.1g (and whose
16th percentile is about 0.04g and whose 84th percentile is
about 0.22g). Ground motion contributions at 0.1g from
other earthquakes with smaller or larger recurrence rates are
not considered in this statement and have to be addressed in
terms of earthquakes with other average recurrence rates.
The statement on p. 17 that "Equation (17) describes
a….hazard curve in terms of ground motion and its MRI
[my emphasis] at a site." can be misleading. Thus, if one
stated that the median ground motion associated with a
recurrence rate of 0.004/yr was 0.1 g, it would be incorrect.
A similar problem exists in the last paragraph on p. 17,
although the last sentence is clearer. Both paragraphs
should be reworded to make absolutely clear what SHA is
and is not. The last paragraph on p. 17 also states that Figure
10 (SHA) is comparable to Figure 3 (flood hazard at Lock
4). How can this be so? I assume that the flood hazard curve
is derived from annual peak discharge recorded at the same
place. This includes all the uncertainty and is much simpler
than having to derive magnitudes, recurrence information,
and attenuation equations to determine what the seismic
ground motion hazard at a given place (e.g., Paducah). Also
the data base used for determining flood includes floods of
different sizes and is not comparable to the SHA curve in
which the peak ground motion is only associated with a
given size earthquake.
In SHA, temporal and spatial measures (including associated uncertainties) are
considered separately. Ground motions from earthquakes with different recurrence
rates should not be considered all together, particularly in the way of PSHA. This can
be demonstrated from Figure 10. If there are only two characteristic earthquakes, M5.5
and M7.5, with 0.004/yr and 0.002/yr (Fig. 2) both at 30 km. At 0.22g, the confident
level is 84% (16% PE) if M5.5 occurs, and 16% (84% PE) if M7.5 occurs. Here,
ground motion with a confident level of 84% is compared with the one with a
confident level of 16%. This comparison may not be statistically correct. Comparison
for two statistic datasets should be based on the same level of confident.
Equation (17) describes a hazard curve in terms of ground motion and its MRI [my
emphasis] at a site has a clear physical meaning. The hazard curve directly converted
from G-B curve (Eq. 15) and ground motion attenuation (Eq.16), i.e. converting the
source measurement (magnitude) to the measurement (PGA) at a site at 30 km.
Figure 10 (SHA) is comparable to Figure 3 (flood hazard at Lock 4) in terms of
meanings, the way how the curves are constructed and used. In fact, PSHA was
originally developed from analogy of flood, wind, and snow hazards (Cornell, 1968).
The problem with PSHA is that there is a mathematical error (dependency of variable)
in the formulation.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
Document /
Section or Page #
Response to Comment
Specific comment
(Fig. 10)
Figure 10. What would the mean seismic hazard be? In the
title to this figure the authors imply that the median is the
same as the mean for the characteristic earthquake. This is
not correct if the ground motion was derived from
attenuation equations that assumed a log normal
distribution. Can SHA calculate the mean hazard, which is
used extensively for many regulatory purposes?
This is a good point. Mean and median are different and need to be clarified.
Figure 11 and other map-figures following. It would be very
helpful if the authors showed the location of the Paducah
facility on these maps. I think it only appears on Figure 31
and, possibly, as a yellow dot on Figure 20.
last paragraph. How specifically does Figure 12 show that
the northeast extension of the New Madrid faults has a
significant effect on seismic hazard estimates at Paducah?
How much closer to Paducah is the New Madrid fault if one
assumes that there is a northeast extension?
Will revise.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 20)
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 20)
A mean curve will be added to Fig. 10.
The distance will be less than 10 km from the faults (in red) to the site. Our
measurement from the faults of Johnston and Schweig (1996) to the site is about 45
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Response to Comment
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 21)
1st paragraph. As stated above, the authors believe that the
northeast extension is a significant issue. They have cited
some evidence against its existence; however, this evidence
should be laid out carefully and systematically. For
example, the authors could show the location of the Jackson
Purchase region with respect to the surrounding area
(including the Paducah facility), the proposed extension of
the New Madrid fault, the proposed northwest-trending
structure, and discuss their significance. They could also
show the plots of micro-seismicity (or modify the existing
figures) that support the argument that the New Madrid
faults don't extend into this region. A table comparing the
aspects of earthquakes in the New Madrid zone, the
seismological and geological evidence (as stated on p. 20)
would be useful. One can then judge whether the evidence
supports the claim. Do other hazard maps (e.g., Frankel
2002, Risk Engineering, 1999) make the same assumptions
that the authors of this report do about the Jackson Purchase,
the northwest-trending structure and the northeast extension
of the New Madrid faults? If not, justify the choice.
Good comment. Will revise.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 22)
Figure 12. It is not clear what the blue lines represent and
the basis for their definition. Do they represent faults as
identified by the authors and Johnston and Schweig (1996)?
Should be the same as the New Madrid faults shown in
Figure 31? What are the blue boxes trending NNW
supposed to represent?
The blue lines represent New Madrid faults (SW, BL, NE, W, and thrust-box) and rift
boundaries (ER and WR) by Johnston and Schweig (1996). The faults in Fig. 31 are
the same as those of Johnston and Schweig (1996), except the thrust fault presenting
by northern edge.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 24)
1st paragraph. The authors refer to Figure 10. Do they
mean Figure 15?
Yes, Fig. 15.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
Leon Reiter
Document /
Section or Page #
Specific comment
(P. 27)
Specific comment
(P. 28)
Response to Comment
top paragraph, Figure 16, and bottom paragraph. How old is
"Iapetan?" What are the dotted circles in Figure 16? What
is the significance of the J.T. Myers Locks and Dam shown
on Figure 16? Can the Paducah facility be located on this
Figure and Figure 15? (see comment 12 above). Do the
authors mean to say "areal" rather than "aerial?" (see also
"aerial" in paragraph 1 of p. 40)
What is the rationale behind the authors' use of the Tri-State
Seismic Source zone? How would the other alternative
models affect the hazard calculations? I assume that a
maximum magnitude of 6.8 was picked because it was
midway between 6.2 and 7.3. Is this correct?
The Figures 15 and 16 were taken from other reports. The references will be cited.
It should be “areal”.
The zone has been called by different names, such as the Wabash Valley. I prefer the
Wabash Valley zone and will revise that.
Different models (zone boundaries) surely affect the hazard calculations.
A maximum magnitude of 6.8 was picked because it was midway between 6.2 and 7.3.
Leon Reiter
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 29)
Specific comment
(Fig. 21)
Discussion of background seismicity. The authors contend
that large earthquakes (M=7.0 to 7.5?) in the background
zone do not make any contribution to the hazard (citing
Figure 20 taken from Petersen, 2005) and, they cause
confusion. Figure 20 is not clear, but it looks like nearby
(background?) magnitude 6 and 6.5 earthquakes (blue and
green bars surrounding Paducah facility) are contributing to
hazard. How is this consistent with the magnitude 4,7 to 5+
maximum background earthquakes shown in Figure 21?
Also how do large background earthquakes "cause
Figure 21. The text states the Paducah facility is located in
McCracken County shown in Figure 21. I cannot locate
McCracken County on this map because the print is too
As shown in Figs. 18 and 19, large earthquakes (M=7.0 to 7.5) in the background zone
was used in the national mapping. The recurrence interval of the large earthquake is in
10,000 years or greater. In PSHA, these large earthquakes were distributed in large
areas (Fig. 19) such that contributions from these large earthquakes to any site are
negligible. This can be seen in Fig. 20. In other words, the large earthquakes were
introduced, but have no effect on hazard calculation.
Some people, even seismologists, have used Fig. 19 to generate ground motion hazard
maps to show the general public and policy makers. This is clearly confusion.
Fig. 20 was used to show that there is no contribution to the hazard from the large
background earthquakes. Magnitude 6 and 6.5 earthquake shown in Fig. 20 was
derived from the smoothed seismicity (Fig. 18) by Frankel and others (2002). The
magnitude 4,7 to 5+ maximum background earthquakes shown in Figure 21 were
derived from historical observations plus one standard deviation (~0.25 unit).
A bigger map is needed to show county boundary.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Response to Comment
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 32)
1st paragraph. The magnitude recurrence relationship for the
Wabash Valley Seismic Zone is shown on Figures 24 and
25, not Figure 23 (as stated in the text).
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 32)
2nd paragraph. Make it clear that Figure 23 itself does not
come from Bakun and Hopper (2004), but rather it is based
on data from that source. Also, do the authors assume that
the1811-1812 events can be considered as a single,
magnitude 7.5 earthquake? If so, how significant is this
Will revise.
Yes, we assumed that the 1811-1812 events can be considered as a single, magnitude
7.5 earthquake. In this report, seismic hazard is defined as an earthquake of magnitude
M or greater (cumulative) or ground motion generated by the earthquake at a site vs.
mean recurrence interval (or return period for ground motion). The cluster events are
considered through the cumulative effect.
It should be, but directly cited from Frankel and others (1996).
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
Figure 22. Is the red curve a line drawn through individual
seismicity data points?
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 33)
Table 5. What happened to event #6 in Bakun and Hopper
(2004), the February 7, 1812, M=7.8 earthquake in the New
Madrid Seismic Zone? Has this been left out of the authors'
calculations? If so, justify this choice and estimate its
That was a mistake. Will be added. The hazard calculations will be the same.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
Figure 26. Overlay the data mentioned on p.34 that served
as a basis for drawing the magnitude frequency relationship
for the background seismicity.
Will be added
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 37)
1st paragraph. Contrary to what is stated, Table 6 contains
five, not six attenuation relationships, the lowest value of
which is 0.69g, not 0.46g. Also I am not clear what range of
standard deviations the authors are assuming for the central
U.S. Is it 0.6 to 0.8?
Errors will be corrected.
0.6 to 0.8 is the range of standard deviation for all attenuations in CUS. Exactly
number used are based on each attenuation.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
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Response to Comment
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 37)
2nd paragraph. I look for my colleagues Ken Campbell and
Gail Atkinson to confirm the statement that "There is a
consensus that many current attenuation relationships
predict too high ground motion at near source, particularly
Frankel and others attenuation relationship (USGS/NRC
Workshop, 2005)." I contacted someone from the NRC who
was at the workshop and the USGS organizer of the
workshop and they do not remember this statement about a
There is video CD for the workshop.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
Figure 27. I cannot see the symbol for the Frankel curve
(referenced in the text on p. 38) on the figure. Is the high
near-field curve from Atkinson and Boore (2006)?
Frankel and others (1996) did not provide attenuation equations, but only a table with
cut-off distance at 10 km. The comparisons were made at 10 km.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 39)
1st paragraph. Why did the authors choose these 4
attenuation relationships?
Was Frankel and others
relationship left out only because they felt that there was a
consensus to support leaving it out, or were there other
It was a “outlier”
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 40)
1st paragraph. Re background seismicity, what is the
justification of using a 15-km distance to the source? Also,
the contributions from background seismicity shown in
Figure 32 (e.g., PGA) look pretty high even though the
maximum earthquake is only 5.0. On p. 29 (see also
comment 22) the authors justify not using a higher
magnitude cutoff by saying that higher magnitudes won't
contribute much. Can they do a sensitivity test showing
what the effects of having higher cutoffs would be?
The focal depth is generally between 2 and 20 km in the region. We assumed a focal
depth of 11 km and epicentral distance of 10 km. This results in a focal distance of
14.9 (round-up to 15) km.
Figure 31. In comparing this to the blue lines in Figure 12, I
am not sure why these particular New Madrid faults and
lengths were chosen. Please explain.
The New Madrid faults in Fig. 31 are the same in Fig. 12. See response to comment
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
Higher background earthquake will have (and should have) significant effect on hazard
calculation. But the large background earthquakes have no effect because the way they
were treated in a PSHA study. See response to comment #22 for further explanation.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Leon Reiter
Document /
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Response to Comment
Specific comment
(P. 43)
Tables 7, 8, and 9, when compared to Figures 27 to 30, and
32 show that what the authors did was equivalent to a
deterministic scenario (M=7.5 at 45 km). The ground
motion from other magnitudes and distances are not
incorporated into the estimate; uncertainty at a given ground
motion is shown assuming a fixed magnitude and distance.
Is this what the authors wanted? If so, provide a rationale
why this is acceptable? This was also discussed in comment
For a single characteristic source, SHA is equivalent to a deterministic scenario.
See explanations to comments #8, 12, and 13.
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 43)
It would be highly useful if a table was made comparing
these results with those of other studies that estimated
seismic hazard at Paducah, e.g., Risk Engineering, Inc.,
(1999); Frankel and others, (2002); and any others that may
exist. The authors of the report could then explain the
differences between the results, the specific causes of these
differences, and why their results are more valid. Although
parts of this have been discussed in a general way in the text
of the report, a specific discussion and evaluation of critical
differences would be very helpful in evaluating this report
and the novel way it approaches seismic hazard.
A table comparison is not easy because hazard comparison is not only on ground
motion value, but also on frequency (return period). For a single characteristic source,
SHA derives a single frequency (return period), but PSHA derives a range of
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 44-45)
There are many important issues raised here. Comments 4,
8, 9,11, 12, 13, 14, 35, and 36 address these issues and the
content of pp. 44-45 should be addressed in light of these
comments. Similar concerns exist with respect to the
executive summary.
1st paragraph. It should be made clear that although Reiter
(1990) and Wang (2006) agree that seismic hazard and risk
are different concepts they do not agree on what these
concepts are. The same statement is made on p. 5, 1st
All these really come to a single question: is PSHA (Cornell-McGuire method) right?
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 44)
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 46)
What is the basis for the authors' recommendation of using
the average of the median and the median plus one standard
deviation? Why not use, for example, the mean (not shown)
or the one standard deviation estimate?
It has been shown that PSHA is mathematically incorrect. This will be discussed
thoroughly at the review meeting.
See explanations to comment #4.
There is confusion in terms of mean and median hazards. These will be addressed and
discussed at the meeting.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
Comment on “Seismic hazard assessment for Paducah gaseous diffusion plant” by Z. Wang and E.
Mai Zhou
Department of Statistics
849 Patterson Office Tower
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
[email protected]
Ground motion Y is generally modeled as a function of M and R with variability E in a regression
ln(Y ) = g ( M , R) + E .
The variability E is modeled as a normal distribution with a zero mean and standard deviation σln,Y.
In other words, the variability of ground motion Y is modeled as a log-normal distribution.
Therefore, equation (1) can be rewritten as
ln(Y ) = g ( M , R) + nσ ln,Y ,
where n is a number of standard deviations measured as the difference relative to the median ground
motion g(M,R).
Modern PSHA is based on the following equation
γ ( y ) = ∑ vP[Y ≥ y ]
= ∑ v ∫∫ {1 − ∫
= ∑ ∫∫ [1 −Φ(
2π σ ln, y
ln( y ) − g (m, r )
σ ln, y
(ln(ξ ) − g (m, r )) 2
]d (ξ )} f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
2σ ln,
) f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
where ν is the activity rate, fM(m) and fR(r) are the probability density function (PDF) of earthquake
magnitude M and site-to-source distance R, respectively, and g(m,r) and σln,y are the median and
standard deviation at m and r, Φ(t) is the cumulative probability function for the standard normal
random variable.
Since the modeling consequences are so crucial, I would point out a few places in the PSHA
calculation that I feel needs caution and a through review is perhaps needed.
1. Whether the error distribution is normal or not? Even it is normal, whether the variance of
the error distribution remains a constant, as M and R changes? The systematic change of the
variance, called variance structure, do not affect the estimation of the regression function
g(m,r) too badly. But for exceedance probability, this variance structure is very important.
2. The estimation of σln,y, the standard deviation of E, is crucial, and is usually a harder task
compared to the estimation of the regression function. If the regression function g(m,r) is not
specified accurately, or if there is other systematic influence on the regression being
ignored, then often the discrepancy in the regression functions are treated as error and
regulated to E, thus inflating the σln,y. For example, site condition is not considered in the
model. Also, if the distance R are measured with large error, the changes in ground motion
due to these factors may be mixed with the intrinsic variability of E.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated February 2007
April 2007
3. The probability density function (PDF) fM(m) and/or fR(r). The form and accuracy of these
two densities affects the exceedance probability a great deal. How confident we are when
we plug-in a PDF for fR(r)?
The assumption of normal distribution for the error E is usually granted when a regression model is
assumed. This is not critical when the purpose of the model is mainly for estimating the regression
function g(M,R). Since the least squares method used in the estimation of regression function is also
consistent when the error follows other type of distributions, or the variance is not constant.
But we are using the model to calculate the exceedance probability, which involves the tail behavior
of the error term. The assumption of normality, and the assumption of constant variance is critical.
Even if the normal assumption is reasonable, its variance may depend on M, R. Only when M, R,
and E are independent random variables, the joint probability density function of M, R, and E can
be written as a product
f M , R , E (m, r , ε ) = f M (m) f R (r ) f E (ε ) ,
where fE(ε) is the PDF of E. The exceedance probability P[Y≥y] is
P[Y ≥ y ] = ∫∫∫ f M , R , E (m, r , ε ) H [ g (m, r ) + ε − ln( y )]dmdrdε
= ∫∫∫ f M (m) f R (r ) f E (ε ) H [ g (m, r ) + ε − ln( y )]dmdrdε
where H[g(m,r) + ε –ln(y)] is the Heaviside step function, which is zero if g(m,r)+ε is less than
ln(y), and 1 otherwise.
Because E follows a normal distribution, equation (5) can be rewritten as
P[Y ≥ y ] = ∫∫{∫ f E (ε ) H [ g (m, r ) + ε − ln( y )]dε } f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
= ∫∫{1 − ∫
ln( y ) − g ( m , r )
= ∫∫{1 − ∫
ln( y )
2π σ ln, y
= ∫∫ {1 − ∫
2π σ ln, y
2π σ ln, y
exp[ −
)dε } f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
2σ ln,
(ε − g (m, r )) 2
]dε } f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
2σ ln,
(ln(ξ ) − g (m, r )) 2
]d (ln(ξ ))} f M (m) f R (r )dmdr
2σ ln,
Therefore, we have equation (3), the heart of modern PSHA.
As demonstrated above, equation (3) is derived from the pre-condition that only if M, R, and E are
independent random variables. However, if the ground-motion variability E depends on M and R,
then hazard calculation, equation (3), in PSHA is not correct.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
Document /
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Response to Comment
Roy VanArsdale
An appendix illustrating your calculations for both
Roy VanArsdale
DSHA calculation is shown in table 8 though 11.
A brief discussion in your conclusion section point out This has been added.
the differences between your values and the USGS
PSHA calculation is straight forward, but very time consuming (long). We decided
not to include it.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Response to Comment
Gail Atkinson
The subject report deals with seismic hazards to the Paducah gaseous
Responses are only provided to the highlighted (yellow) ones.
diffusion plant. This review deals with the Revised Version, entitled: “Final
Others have been revised accordingly.
Report on Seismic Hazard
Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, dated May 11, 2007. The
report is clearly written and easy to follow. Technically, it is much improved
over an initial draft
(March 2007) that was reviewed by a review team and discussed at a team
meeting in Lexington KY on April 30. The methods and conclusions of the
report are now for the most part well reasoned, with a few significant
exceptions that need to be remedied to make the report technically sound and
defensible overall. I have listed my comments below by page and fraction (eg.
2.5 indicates the middle of page 5). All suggested changes are straightforward
to implement. With the highlighted comments addressed as suggested, the
report will then form a good assessment of the seismic hazard at Paducah.
Gail Atkinson
The use of Mx=6.8 in Wabash is inconsistent with the estimated range of
M6.2 to 7.3 for paleoseismic events. The Mx for WVSZ should be at least
7.3, and possibly 7.5. See also Figure 18, which also shows higher
magnitudes for paleo events.
Gail Atkinson
The treatment of the background source is not satisfactory. You cannot justify
a low Mx (in the M5 range) anywhere in the world. Most global studies
suggest Mx~7 for stable craton regions (eg. Johnston et al., 1996). You also
cannot fix an arbitrary distance. This highlights one of the weaknesses of
DSHA; it cannot handle background seismicity. I suggest that for the DSHA
you just state that the DSHA focuses on the perceived dominant hazard
source, the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and ignores other potential
contributions such as the local seismicity and WVSZ, which are handled in
the PSHA.
We used mean values (best estimate) for any set of parameters
throughout this report.
Fig. 18 was the old estimate and used by the USGS (Frankel
and others, 2002).
As discussed in Wang (2003a), there is no contribution from
those large background earthquakes because (1) a large-area
source zone and (2) a longer recurrence interval (more than
10,000 years). Use of the large background earthquake only
causes confusion.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Response to Comment
Gail Atkinson
Is Figure 20 the definition of the background zone? Show the spatial
definition of this zone explicitly.
Gail Atkinson
Figures 26-29
State the type of distance used in the plots; this is especially important as you
made a big point of the types of distances and their impacts on these plots
earlier in the report.
Gail Atkinson
The sentence, and corresponding approach “We used a point source at 15 km
with a maximum magnitude of M5.0 to account for the local earthquake” is
not justified. A proper areal source zone with the magnitude recurrence
relation as defined from Fig. 21 should be defined and included in the PSHA,
with a suitable Mx (6.5 to 7. based on global precedents). It is fine to exclude
the local source from the DSHA, as long as it is
properly included in the PSHA.
The USGS also used the point source (grid point) to account
for the seismicity (Frankel and others, 1996, 2002).
Gail Atkinson
Figure 30
Show exactly how the local and WVSZ areal sources are defined for the
The local zone (background) is a point source at 15 km.
WVSZ is an areal source shown in Fig. 30.
Gail Atkinson
The most important uncertainties for a logic tree in this case are the GMPEs
and the source geometry. You have ignored uncertainty in the spatial
definition of the source zones. This uncertainty should ideally be considered,
or as a minimum you should state explicitly that you are ignoring uncertainty
in the definition of the source zones. It is OK to use a singe Mx value, as long
as it is sufficiently large to be above the range of
interest/sensitivity to this parameter. Properly chosen, hazard results are not
very sensitive to Mx. The local seismicity is not properly treated here, as
noted above, and needs to be properly included in the analysis.
It has been shown that a properly chosen Mx and distance can
be used to quantify hazard at a site in NMSZ (Frankel, 2004;
Petersen, 2005).
The background seismicity was treated as a point source,
which is similar to the smoothed grid seismicity in the USGS
maps. Fig. 20 shows the earthquakes that was used to derive a
and b values.
Rrup was used throughout this report.
The background seismicity was treated in a similar way to the
USGS mapping (Frankel and others, 1996, 2002).
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
Gail Atkinson
Gail Atkinson
Document /
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Table 6
Response to Comment
What weights were used for the GMPEs? Does Table 7 and Figs 31-33 refer
to the mean-hazard PSHA results? Sensitivity to the alternative models
should be shown. The presentation of the PSHA results is incomplete.
Delete the entire paragraph under Table 15. You consider only probabilities
to 1/2500 in the report, then appear to state at the very end that your target
probability is much lower. There is no suggestion in the report that
probabilities of 1/100,000,000 are
of interest, and thus none of this discussion is relevant. It just detracts from
the report, which should simply end after Table 15.
Equal weight (0.25) was assigned to four GMPEs.
Table 7 and Figs 31-33 refer to the mean hazard.
No sensitivity to alternative models was carried out in this
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
Jim Beavers
Jim Beavers
Document /
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Response to Comment
Zhenming, per our conversation today with regard to your PSHA PGA number
(0.49g)on hard rock (USGS Type A foundation) at 2500 years we talked about three
things that brought the number down from the 0.8g PGA I had calculated from the
USGS (1996) B-C boundary of 1.2g and the corresponding 0.8g Risk engineering
had calculated. These three things were These all make sense to me, as a result, the
0.49g seems realistic to me knowing these three items changed. To convince others
that 0.49g is the right number for this study I would run a sensitivity
analysis. For example, run your PSHA with just using Frankel's attenuation and see
how much it raises the 0.49g. Then increase the magnitude to 8.0 and see how much
further it raises it. Finally change the distance to what Art used. By then you should
be closer 0.8g. This will give you a feel for what is contributing to the reduction.
The only other variable that may cause the 0.49g to go up is the lower return period
500 verses 1000, but you used that anyway. In McGuire's and Frankel's 0.8g was an
M 8.0 and R of 1000. Make a few comments about your sensitivity study in Section
6.1 about these contributions. This will help you down the road in case other external
reviewers are brought in at the PGDP, which is highly likely to occur for the
upcoming DOE CERCLA Waste Disposal Facility.
Also for your top of soil numbers I would just go to the Bechtel-Jacobs 2002 report
(BJC/PAD-356) and scale the soil amplification numbers from figures 7.3-1a for
PGA, 7.3-1b for 0.1 sec. and 7.3-1c for 1 sec. We did not do a 0.2 sec curve. The
CERCLA will have longer period motions, probably around 1 sec. It looks like your
0.49g will lower the long period motions. I took a quick look at the Bechtel-Jacobs
report and with a hard rock PGA of 0.49g from figure 7.3-1a I get an amplification
factor for PGA at top of soil of 0.8, from figure 7.3-1b I get an amplification factor
for 0.1sec at top of soil of 1.2, and from figure 7.3-1c I get an amplification factor at
1 sec at top of soil of about 2.0. You will see in Table 8-1 we ended up with a
preferred method that had amplification factors respectively of 0.73, 0.68 and 2.55.
You have a little more amplification at PGA and at the 0.1 sec because of the PGA
being 0.49g, But when you get out to the 1 sec period we had a 25% higher
amplification because our hard rock PGA was 0.8g or 0.71g
after refinement of my earlier calculations in the Bechtel-Jacobs report.
The three things are: 1) the location of the New
Madrid faults (further west), 2) a smaller mean
magnitude (M7.5 vs. M7.7) for the characteristic
earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and 3)
use of lower ground motion attenuation relationships.
Soil amplification is not part of this project.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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General #1
General #2
Response to Comment
It is not clear what role the Independent Expert Review Panel had in the study. It
is very important that the roles of these reviewers be described together with such information as:
(1) when and where the review meeting was held and how long the meeting lasted, (2) the amount
of time that each reviewer was given to
perform the review, (3) the materials provided to the reviewers for review, and (4)
the recommendations that were made at the review meeting by each of the
reviewers. It is also important that reasons be given why some of the
recommendations of the Review Panel, both written and verbal, were not adopted
in revising the report.
The so-called PSHA conducted in this report is not a standard PSHA such as is
done in practice. The PSHA presented in the report only takes into account the
characteristic earthquake on the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) and the
maximum magnitude earthquakes on the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone (WBSZ)
and the Local Source Zone (LSZ) located at specific distances to the PGDP site.
This will not necessarily represent events that contribute the greatest to the
probabilistic ground motion for a given probability of exceedance, because of
trade-offs between the recurrence interval of the events and their magnitudes and distances. On
the other hand, a true PSHA would also allow the noncharacteristic earthquakes to float within
their area sources, thus allowing many events to occur farther from the PGDP site than was
assumed. Of course, there would be some floating earthquakes within the LSZ that would also
occur closer to the PGDP site. For a full standard PSHA, the complete recurrence curves
(magnitude-frequency distributions) and distance distributions for every source
should be used. Also, the epistemic uncertainty characterized by the use of
multiple attenuation relationships should be included as part of the epistemic
uncertainty model.
Revisions have been done to address
these. And other materials were also
included as appendix.
The probabilistic analysis carried out in
this project is not a standard PSHA. As
shown by Frankel (2004) and Petersen
(2005), a simpler one, like the one carried
out in this project, can provide a good
estimate. This serves the purposes of this
1) to gain better understanding on the
seismic hazard assessment at the Paducah
Gaseous Diffusion Plant and its
surrounding area, and 2) to communicate
the hazard information more effectively
to the users and policy makers.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Response to Comment
General #3
It was unanimous amongst the Review Panel members that, not only should a full
PSHA be done, but that the PSHA should account for epistemic uncertainty in
such parameters as the characteristic and maximum magnitudes and the distances from the site to
the seismic sources (in this case, the New Madrid Fault Zone and the boundaries of the WVSZ
and LSZ). No such uncertainty was included in the revised report. In lieu of formally accounting
for epistemic uncertainty, a series of sensitivity analyses could be used to show the sensitivity of
the results to the modeling assumptions that were made.
The recommendation is to perform a
PSHA with some discussions for
improvements. This report reflected that.
More analyses, including sensitivity
analysis, could be done, but there is a
time constrain.
General #4
In some cases, there is no such
documentation to support a decision to
use one parameter over the other. This is
particularly true in CEUS. We had tried
our best in this report.
General #5
There is a general lack of documentation regarding why certain decisions were
made, such as why the specific attenuation relations used in the analysis were
selected and why others were excluded and why certain investigators
characterizations of seismic sources were used and others were not. Without such documentation,
the reader gets the impression that the selection was arbitrary and designed to achieve a certain
result, even if that was not the case. Since the USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project
(NSHMP) will generally be considered the basis for comparison, any deviation from that Project’s
model should be clearly described and explained.
Although the revised report has been improved considerably from the original
version, there is still a perceived undercurrent of bias against PSHA that gives an
impression of unprofessionalism. It is certainly appropriate to point out the
weaknesses of PSHA, but they should be balanced by also discussing its
strengths. DHSA also has weaknesses and strengths, but comments throughout
the report tend to emphasize its strengths while emphasizing the weaknesses in
Text has revised to address the
weaknesses of DSHA.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Page 1.
Page 1.
Response to Comment
It appears that the USGS hazard maps, specifically with respect to their
use in design, are being misrepresented. The ground motion values from the maps are not used
directly to derive design ground motion in the NEHRP and IBC design codes. Aside from the
issue of deterministic caps in the design maps, the ground motion from the hazard maps are
multiplied by the site factor representing the NEHRP site class for the site of interest and this
value is in turn multiplied by 2/3. For a hard rock site in the CEUS (NEHRP site class A), the site
factor is 0.8 for all ground motion parameters. Therefore, the mapped value of ground motion
would be multiplied by 0.8 x 2/3 = 0.53 to derive the design value, nearly a 50% reduction in
ground motion. Continually referencing the mapped values is confusing and gives the impression
that these mapped
values are used for design.
The statement that “These high design ground motions for western
Kentucky are not consistent with scientific research and observations” is not justified and, in my
opinion, should be deleted. Probabilistic ground motions approaching or exceeding, say, those in
San Francisco, can possibly be justified given the relatively short recurrence interval of large New
Madrid earthquakes (i.e., 500 years), the factor of two increase in short-period ground motion for
the same magnitude and distance in the CEUS, and the lower rate of attenuation in the CEUS.
The design values (0.6g and 0.8g) were
reduced by a 1.5 factor.
Page 8.
Deaggregation methods were developed to overcome the disadvantage in
the PSHA methodology that was identified by NRC (1988) and has now been accepted by
practitioners and regulators alike as a valid means of developing one or more design earthquakes
from PSHA results.
De-aggregation is an effort in PSHA to
try seeking the “design earthquake.”
Page 8.
It is important to mention that the second disadvantage of PSHA of
obtaining excessively large ground motion values at very low probabilities of exceedance is not
an issue when the results are constrained to reasonable probability levels (e.g., ≥ 2% probability
of exceedance in 50 years). Even Figure 4 shows that the contribution of uncertainty caps out at
2-3 standard deviations for probabilities constrained to such levels.
The ground-motion uncertainty is an
integral part of PSHA, a cap on it may
not statistically sound.
This has been revised.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Response to Comment
Page 10.
There seems to be a clear bias against PSHA, since only its disadvantages
are listed, whereas only advantages are listed for DSHA. See General Comment 5 for additional
discussion of this topic. In fact, since both methods have strengths and weaknesses, there is clear
justification for using both methods.
Page 11.
Page 13.
References for the possible causes of seismicity in the NMSZ are quite
old. Several new theories have been put forth since these references were written that should also
be presented.
The few small events that have been recorded in the Jackson Purchase
region are not sufficient to justify the strong conclusion that “there is no evidence
(microseismicity) to support the northeast extensions of the New Madrid faults into Jackson
Purchase region.” Many more recordings would be required to justify such a conclusion. Even if
true, the fault could be located just outside of the Jackson purchase region, or it could be locked
and not generating earthquakes at even the microearthquake level.
There are some new references,
particularly from GPS. However, those
could cause confusion.
Those records are surely not sufficient,
but at least they are real data.
Page 13.
It would be useful to show a map of the New Madrid faults that were used
to define the New Madrid characteristic earthquakes in relation to the PGDP site.
It is shown in Figs. 7 and 30.
Page 20.
Page 21.
It is not clear why the so-called Tri-State Seismic Source Zone rather than
other alternative source zone configurations of Wheeler and Cramer (2002) were used to represent
the WVSZ. These alternative source zones would have made a valid epistemic uncertainty model.
The characterization of the LSZ in terms of magnitude, distance, and focal
depth distributions seems arbitrary and needs to be justified. For example, as discussed in the
review meeting, Mmax (Mw) = 5.0 is too low to be a reasonable estimate of the largest
earthquake that can be expected to occur in the background region surrounding the PGDP site.
Based on a worldwide study, EPRI proposed that Mw = 6.3 ± 0.2 represented a reasonable
estimate of maximum magnitude in non-rifted SCR crust. Alternatively, one could look at a much
large region of the CEUS (and possibly eastern Canada) with tectonic conditions similar to the
region around the PGDP site to come up with a more reasonable estimate of Mmax.
Different names have been used for the
zone in the literature. WVSZ was used
throughout this report.
A M8.0 or even larger earthquake can be
put at the site. But, it is meaningless for
hazard assessment, particularly for
PSHA, if the associated recurrence
interval is unknown. Determination of
these earthquakes should be consistent
with historical and geological data.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Page 23.
Page 28-29.
Page 28-29.
Page 31.
Response to Comment
The only comprehensive study of recurrence intervals on the New Madrid
fault is the paleoliquefaction studies reported by Tuttle and her co-workers. She shows evidence
of at least three past sequences of large liquefaction events rivaling that in 1811- 1812 that
suggests a mean recurrence interval of 500 years for such large events. The 1,000-year recurrence
interval used previously by the USGS and others would appear to be longer justified.
The UK statistician, Mai Zhou, who was a member of the Independent
Expert Review Panel, indicated to me during the review meeting that he did not see any problem
with framing the PSHA integral the way that it is, even if the standard deviation of ground motion
is a function of magnitude and/or distance, as long as this function of magnitude and/or distance
was included in the analysis. So any statement to the contrary should be deleted.
There is no reference to studies (e.g., the recent NGA studies; Boore et al.,
1997) that have concluded that the standard deviation of ground motion is not a
significant function of magnitude. These newer studies should be reviewed and could possibly be
used to justify a revision of the aleatory uncertainty model currently used to characterize ground
motions in the CEUS.
The range of median PGA values from Table 5 is 0.69-1.20, not 0.46-1.20.
Here is one reference published recently:
Holbrook, J., Autin, W.J., Rittenour,
T.M., Marshak, S., and Goble, R.J., 2006,
Stratigraphic evidence for millennialscale temporal clustering of earthquakes
on a continental-interior fault: Holocene
Mississippi River floodplain deposits,
New Madrid Seismic Zone, USA:
Tectonophysics, v. 420, p. 431–454.
There are some GPS studies available,
but were not used in this report. Mark
Zoback also suggested 1,000 year
recurrence interval at a recent EarthScope
See his review comments on the
preliminary report.
As the way it is being modeled (finite
source and global data), ground-motion
uncertainty is a dependence of magnitude
and distance.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Page 34.
Page 38.
Page 38.
Page 38.
Response to Comment
The plot of the attenuation relationships in Figures 26-29 could be
deceiving. For example, the plotted relationships do not all use the same distance measure and do
not represent the same site conditions. If these differences were not taken into account, then the
figure is incorrect and so, too, might be the estimates of ground motion from these relationships.
If these differences were corrected for, then how were the corrections done? The relationship by
Frankel et al. (1996) is not that different from many of the other relationships in the distance
range 10-100 km, so I don’t understand the statement to the contrary. Furthermore, the Frankel et
al. relationship represents NEHRP B site conditions and, using the USGS conversions factors,
should be divided by 1.53 to represent the hard rock site conditions for which estimates are
As mentioned in General Comment 2, Table 6 does not represent a true
PSHA, since it does not include: (1) epistemic uncertainty in Mchar and Mmax, (2)
epistemic uncertainty in the location of faults and the boundaries of source zones, (3) aleatory
uncertainty in the characteristic magnitude of the New Madrid fault or in the exponentially
distributed magnitudes of the source zones, (4) aleatory uncertainty in the locations of
earthquakes distributed within the source zones, and (5) epistemic uncertainty in recurrence
parameters. It is really a pseudo-deterministic model, where the only uncertainty is the aleatory
uncertainty in the estimation of ground motion.
Why were the specific attenuation relationships selected for use in the
study? For example, why was the Silva DC-S model chosen over the other three that he has
developed and used to characterize epistemic uncertainty? Was the hard rock or NEHRP BC
version of the Atkinson and Boore (2006) attenuation relationship used? Were differences in
distance measures between the various relationships taken into account? Were differences in site
classes between the various relationships taken into account?
All attenuations are for hard rock site.
The distance is Rrup. No distance
conversion was done. Frankel’s ground
motion values was corrected by the factor
I don’t see the justification for giving the 1,000-year recurrence interval on
the New Madrid fault 25% weight. As mentioned before, this estimate is no longer considered to
be valid and is contradicted by the latest paleoliquefaction studies.
See response to comment #16.
See response to the general comment #2.
All attenuations are for hard rock. The
Silva DC-S model provides a reasonable
value. Others represent different models,
i.e., composite, double-corner, and
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Page 43.
Response to Comment
Using an estimated value of PGA from an estimated value of MMI at the
PGDP site for the 7 February 1812 earthquake using the simple relationship between PGA and
MMI given by Bolt (1993) should not be used as justification for selecting a return period of
1,000 years for determining design ground motions for the PGDP site. New relationships between
PGA and MMI, some developed specifically for the CEUS, have been published and should also
be reviewed and cited. Selecting an exceedance probability (or return period) should be based on
other factors as well, such as whether the risk is acceptable for the particular facility and site and
whether it conforms to relevant public policy guidelines.
A new reference (Atkinson and Kaka,
2006) was added.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
Leon Reiter
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Response to Comment
At your request, I have reviewed the revised report on the Paducah facility by Zhenming Wang
and Edward W. Woolery, and my comments follow. Similar to my review of the February 2007,
draft report, I have employed the same general approach I found useful in reviewing many
nuclear facilities and in the peer review of seismic hazard analyses submitted to professional
journals for publication.1 This general approach emphasizes clarity and technical justification for
the methods used and the assumptions made.
In general, the revised report represents an improvement over the draft report in that the
controversial definitions of seismic hazard and risk and the use of a new methodology (SHA)
have been omitted. Most of the comments in my review of the draft report are no longer relevant
or have been addressed. However my specific comments #2, 17, 20, 21, 23, 32, 33, and 36 have
only been addressed partially, if at all, and they are relevant to my review of the revised
This report is not a typical site-specific
seismic hazard assessment, but a summary
of scientific research on geological and
seismological conditions, the
methodologies, and the seismic hazard
assessment related to the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant and the surrounding area.
Therefore, it may be reviewed in a
different way than a normal site-specific
technical report.
The specific comments #2, 17, 20, 21, 23,
32, 33, and 36 for the early version have
also been addressed in some degree.
The primary difference between the draft and revised report is the addition of a PSHA and a
DSHA for the Paducah facility and the introduction of a two level design basis. My comments
on the new material in section 6 (Results) follow along with some new specific comments on the
rest of the report.
Please note that my review represents my own views and not necessarily those of my past employers, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S.
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
Leon Reiter
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Comments on
section 6
Response to Comment
It was not clear to me what are all the assumptions and input parameters behind the PSHA.
Based on a May 25, 2007, e-mail exchange and subsequent telephone conversation with Dr.
Wang, I draw the following conclusions. The New Madrid (NMSZ), Wabash Valley (WVSZ),
and local source zones, were the only ones considered in the analysis. Only one magnitude
(Mmax) for each source zone was used. Only one distance for each earthquake was used for
each of the New Madrid and local source zones, while the earthquakes in the WVSZ were
allowed to occur anywhere within that zone. The NMSZ allowed two different recurrence
intervals for the controlling earthquake, while the WVSZ and the local source zone allowed only
one recurrence interval for each of the controlling earthquakes in each source zone. Four, and in
one case three, different equally weighted ground motion relationships were used assuming the
standard deviation determined by the originators of the relationships. Therefore, no uncertainty
was assumed in the magnitude of controlling earthquakes, the location of these earthquakes in
the NMSZ and local source zone, the recurrence intervals for the controlling earthquakes in the
WVSZ and local source zone. Also the effects of earthquakes smaller than Mmax in each source
zone were not taken into account. A typical PSHA would address these uncertainties. Although
some of these omissions may, as Dr. Wang maintains, have little or no effect upon the results,
this remains to be shown. Assumptions about the local source zone may have a larger than
assumed effect, particularly for PGA. Other assumptions that need further proof include the lack
of presence of the northeast extension of the NMSZ and the choice of the four attenuation
relationships. It would be very useful to those assessing the PSHA to have a better
understanding of the bases for these assumptions and their importance. Sensitivity tests to
different assumptions would be very helpful. Jim Beavers in his May 25, 2007, e-mail to Dr.
Wang made a similar suggestion. Justification of some of the assumptions in the revised report
by referral to the USGS studies, is not necessarily a valid approach because a seismic hazard
analysis for an individual nuclear facility site may require a higher level of justification than
local seismic hazard extracted from a generalized nationwide study.
PSHA and DSHA in this report are not a
site-specific. The main purposes are to gain
better understanding on the seismic hazard
assessment at the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant and its surrounding area.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Section or Page
The introduction of a two level design basis represents a positive step. The choice of a 1,000year return period for ordinary structures seems to have a good basis. This is not as true for the
use of the DSHA for important structures. The rationale behind the choice of the median plus
one standard deviation and its correlation with the PSHA is important, and needs to be laid out.
However choice of design levels is not a seismological decision because it implies a certain level
of risk acceptance, which is a social decision. Seismology is most useful when it provides the
analysis that allows social decision-makers to make informed decisions.
There is some confusion between the use of the terms "mean" and "median." Based upon my
understanding of the revised report the PSHA results is a mean because it represents the average
of the weights applied. (Theoretically it is still a mean even if the uncertainties are
underrepresented). In the DSHA, the number used is the average of the medians, and, as far as I
know, not what analysts intend when they use terms like "best estimate" or "mean." I suggest
that the report identify this, as it does in some, but not all tables (e.g., Tables 15 and E-3) as the
average of the medians or the medians plus one standard deviation.
It is true that “Choice of design levels is
not a seismological decision because it
implies a certain level of risk acceptance,
which is a social decision.” But
seismologists need to provide hazard
information that can be understood. This is
our main effort.
Specific comment
#1 (P 2, Fig.1)
Identify the location of the centers (0 km, 0 km) of the seismicity plots.
The map is a schematic and cited from
Stain and others (2003). No reference
point was given.
Specific comment
#2 (P 4) third
This paragraph implies that the SSE and the OBE for nuclear power plants are only determined
through DSHA. This is not true. The OBE was always defined (10CFR Part 100, Appendix A)
as "…that earthquake which could reasonably affect the plant site during the operation life of the
plant;…" 10CFR Part 100.23 states that "…uncertainties in defining the SSE must be addressed
through an appropriate analysis such as PSHA or suitable sensitivity analyses." USNRC
Regulatory Guide 1.165 describes how PSHA can be used to determine the SSE.
Although these terms originally have a
clear meaning, they are confused. All those
could cause confusion have been deleted.
Why is this figure located here? As far as I can tell it is only referred to on p. 28.
It is described on page 5.
Leon Reiter
Comments on
section 6
Leon Reiter
Comments on
section 6
Leon Reiter
Leon Reiter
Leon Reiter
Response to Comment
comment #3 (P.
6, Figure 2)
Median is only applied to each ground
motion attenuation relationship. Mean is
for all others.
Review Comments and Reponses
Report on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Dated May 2007
June 2007
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Response to Comment
Leon Reiter
comment #4
(P. 8, First
The report's concern about the lack of a design earthquake fails to mention that McGuire (1995)
not only mentions this concern but also proposes a methodology (deaggregation) to address
concern. Why isn't this discussed?
De-aggregation is an effort in PSHA to try
seeking the “design earthquake.” (revised)
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
Reiter (2004) does not appear in the list of references.
It is an abstract and deleted from the
The report introduces two terms for essentially the same phenomenon (randomly occurring
nearby earthquakes); "Background Seismicity" and "Local Source Zone." It would be helpful if
you made clearer the distinction and your use of these terms.
These have been revised to use the
background seismicity only.
(P. 28-29. )
What is the point of the discussion of the different source to site distance measures in the revised
report? Is anyone suggesting the use of epicentral distance in the attenuation relationships? This
discussion may be a leftover from the key arguments in the draft report about whether or not
distance and magnitude are independent random variables. This is really not an important issue
in the revised report.
There is a difference between epicentral
and fault or other distances. This may be
one of the areas that PSHA needs to
Specific comment
If the report does include this figure (see discussion above), the title should mention and explain
the use of REPI and RRUP in the figure.
Rrup is used throughout this report (revised)
The final report states that ground motion at near-source has been over-predicted and references
a USGS/NRC workshop in 2005 and Atkinson and Boore (2006). The USGS/NRC workshop
does not appear in the list of references and Figure 26 shows that at distances less than 10 km the
AB06 ground motion relationship predicts higher ground motion than the other models used in
the PSHA. The term "near source" needs to be clarified to justify the report's conclusion.
The basis for picking the four attenuation relationship and excluding others (e.g., Frankel) needs
to presented.
A CD on the workshop is available. Frankel and
others (1996) only gave ground motion values
from 10 km and greater.
(P. 8, Second
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 20, last
Leon Reiter
Leon Reiter
Leon Reiter
Specific comment
(P. 30, Figure 23)
Leon Reiter
comment #9
(P. 34, First
Specific comment
(P. 34, Second
Near-source means in this report 10-50 km.
These attenuation relationships represent
different approaches (i.e., finite
source/green function, double-corner, and
hybrid methods).