Original article
P. Stratta 1, A. Rossi1 2
Department of Mental Health, ASL 1, L’Aquila,
Italy; 2 DISCAB Neuroscience, University of
L’Aquila, Italy
Neuroeconomic models:
applications in psychiatry
Neuroeconomics is a discipline aimed at investigating the neural substrate of decision-making using, along an interdisciplinary way, research methods and information deriving from
economics, cognitive and social psychology, and neuroscience. The combination of economic game theory and neuroscience has the potential to better describe the interactions of
social, psychological and neural factors that may underlie mental illnesses. These concepts
will allow a description of psychopathological disorders as deviation from optimal functioning. Neuroeconomic models can lead to identify quantitative phenotypes that will allow for
further investigations in individuals with mental disorders. In this paper evidences from the
interaction between neuroeconomics and psychiatry are reported, supporting the utility of
economic concepts such as under ambiguity/risk and social decision making to psychiatric
research, in order to improve diagnostic classification and therapy eventually.
Key words:
Neuroeconomics • Decision making • Game theory • Psychiatric disorders • Social cognition • Social
In October 2017 Richard Thaler was awarded with the Nobel Prize for
Economics for its contribution in integrating the economic and psychological analysis of the individual decision-making process. This award has
sealed, if ever there was a need, the importance of the neuroeconomics,
as a relevant field of interest in which economists as well as psychologists
and psychiatrists focused their studies. The aim of neuroeconomics is the
understanding of human decision making (DM) using, along an interdisciplinary way, research methods and information deriving from economics,
cognitive and social psychology, neuroscience.
Alterations of DM processes have been studied not only in the human ‘behaviour’, investigating how neuroeconomic models, i.e. the study of how
the economic behaviour can drive the person to do “the best for himself”
and the best way to utilize resources, but also in psychiatric disorders.
Neuroeconomy and decision making
Paolo Stratta
Department of Mental Health,
ASL 1, via Capo Croce 1, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy
• Tel. +39 0862 368896 • Fax +39 0862 368814
• E-mail:
[email protected]
The neuroeconomic perspective focuses and explain the needs derived
from adaptation and survival. Deployment and utilization of the resources in
order to obtain the maximum reward and the best probability of survival is
an economical question eventually. This perspective possesses therefore an
evolutionary computational connotation in terms of adapting energy expenditure in the environmental economy so that the probability of survival can be
maximized. Although it could seem complex, everyone in its everyday life
operates decisions, quite automatically, without apparent mental effort.
DM implies complex processes involving higher-order cognitive functions,
as executive functions are, focused to the choice and regulation of the
P. Stratta, A. Rossi
possible action that lead to the optimal outcomes. It
modulates reward and punishment perception so that
advantageous choices can be made.
DM processing by the central nervous system depends
from three temporally and functionally distinct, although
partially, processes: assessment and formation of preferences among the possible options; selection and
execution of an action; experience or evaluation of an
outcome 1.
Being DM so pervasive and necessary for human, both
in physiological and in pathological cognition such as
in mental disorders, necessity to obtain information to
understand choice mechanisms and their link to neurobiological substrates is warranted. To do so, application of game theoretic probes (i.e. economic games) as
quantitative ways to investigate subjects’ choices that
match or deviate from optimal has been productive.
Economic games, far from being an object of amusement, are approaches to understand the features of
strategic interactions, a decision problem with structure,
so that the player’s payoffs can depend on its motivated choices under some input. These games reflect the
investment of the limited energetic resources of an organism to pursue prey or food resource in the presence
of uncertainty: choices therefore that are of biological
value under selective pressure. They permit to explore
the limitations in capacity to estimate probabilities, calculate the likelihoods of payoffs and the risks involved,
and, as the game progresses, the player capacity to
adequate its behaviour.
Several research paradigms have been elaborated to
investigate and compute these real-life DM processes,
likely the most utilized is the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) 2.
It was developed for the evaluation of the orbitofrontal
cortex (OFC) functioning associated with uncertainty,
reward, and punishment processing.
This task permits to investigate the degree to which a
subject selects small immediate gains, but associated
with long-term gains (advantageous option), over large
immediate gains associated with long-term losses (disadvantageous option). It also measures two kinds of decisions under uncertainty, i.e. risk and ambiguity. Decisions under ambiguity have to be performed in the first
trials, while choice under risk in the last trials of the task
as the game progresses.
The distinction between these two kind of uncertainty is
based on the probabilities assigned to the outcomes. A
choice under risk is linked to a foreseeable probability of
possible outcomes and their associated payoffs, i.e. the
player has some possibility to estimate the probability
of the outcome. A choice under ambiguity instead possesses little or no evidence for having confidence in the
assignment, with the unclear possibility to forecast the
outcome. Evaluation of sensitivity to risk and ambiguity
is important in the investigation of cognitive processing
of persons with mental disorders for which impulsivity
valuation and the DM can be perturbed 3. The risky condition, in which an outcome probability prediction could
be reliably estimated is more frequent in everyday life.
However, the outcome of choices under ambiguity is inevitable and necessary eventually, to compute the risk
of future decisions based on probability knowledge.
Recent studies using gambling games reported abnormal DM performance in several mental disorders. From
a clinical perspective, this impairment can be considered a transnosographic trait that may influence the
therapeutic response, determinate interpersonal difficulties, be related to suicidal risk and aggressive acts. It
can be a feature of a wide range of impulsive spectrum
disorders. The personality trait of impulsivity has been
frequently suggested to be associated with DM impairment: subjects with impulse control problems display
a decreased reasoning on the consequences of their
choices. This can be the case, for instance, of disorders
such as addiction and schizophrenia 4.
Estimation of the impulsivity often expressed by addicts, utilized DM games in order to determinate temporal discounting behaviours. Drug addicts by definition
make poor decisions, such as continued drug abuse in
the face of adverse consequences (i.e. a kind of ‘myopia for the future’); gambling tasks can identify quantifiable neurobehavioural hallmark of addiction. Persons
with alcohol dependence have been found to operate
more disadvantageous choices leading to lower scores
in their IGT performance, significantly related to impulsivity evaluation. These data suggest that DM impairment is related to impulsive dimension, an important
feature in subjects with alcohol dependence likely with
a role in increasing the proneness to a chronic relapsing
course 5 6.
Studies using DM games, particularly IGT, on patients
with schizophrenia showed conflicting results. Some of
these did not find differences from healthy controls 7,
while other ones showed instead impairment 8. Researches examining the association between DM performance and symptoms of schizophrenia suggest that
OFC dysfunction is associated with social behaviour
impairment and possibly negative symptoms 9. Moreover, imaging studies examining neural correlates of IGT
revealed that subcortical areas, other than OFC, were
highly involved in DM processing 10. These subcortical
areas can be associated with different symptoms. Some
studies reported a positive association between IGT impairment and negative symptoms 9, although an association with positive symptomatology was also found 11.
Interestingly, recent reports show that individuals with
schizophrenia are particularly impaired during the last
IGT trials 11 12. As a matter of fact, after an initial strategy
Neuroeconomic models: applications in psychiatry
in facing choices under ambiguity similar to that of controls, patients did not modify their DM behaviour when
the choices are under risk, operating disadvantageous
choices because they continue their behaviour as they
cannot forecast probabilities.
Motivational difficulties might have further accentuated
the differences in DM performance 13. These observations support a problematic lack of shifting behaviour
using DM strategies that may lead the subjects to poor
functioning suggesting this impairment as a relevant
cognitive underpinning of functional outcomes.
The capacity of neuroeconomic games to capture real life DM, possessing highly recognized ecological
validity more than most laboratory tasks, leads them
to be suitable instruments to explore the relationship
between decision making and community functioning
outcomes 14. This association has been found in both
in individuals with a substance abuse diagnosis 15 and
subjects with schizophrenia 16.
These observations could support the hypothesis of
dopamine (DA) as a wind blowing on the decision making impairment 17. If so DA can be considered as a key
neural substrate for tracking the value of stimuli and
actions and modulating decision-making within a neuroeconomic perspective. DA abnormalities have been
implicated in regulation of energy expenditure, characteristic across disorders, such addiction and schizophrenia, as well as depression and attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder, all showing a common dysfunction in the brain allocation of energy and resources in
economic DM.
Social decision making
The human brain is essentially ‘designed’ to be social 18.
If so the social exchange and interactions necessitate
the capacity to assign or refuse credit for shared outcomes in order to act appropriately. In social exchanges,
computation of assignment of credit for an outcome is
essential. Breakdown of assignment of social agency is a
feature of several mental illnesses such as schizophrenia
and autism spectrum disorders. Social agency computations are the basic models of other’s mental states comprehension, i.e. the so called theory-of-mind 19 20.
The gap between decision-making in real life, where the
influences of the social context are relevant, and the decision-making process evaluated in the laboratory often
intentionally without any social influences, is wide.
The combination of Game Theory tasks with the neuroeconomic paradigms in the study of social DM, can allow
greater understanding on how decisions are made in an
interactive environment. This is the case of the games
of bargaining and competition, in which the brain system of reward and the ability in the strategic game is
linked to the evaluations of the intentions of the other 21.
In other words, the thoughts and actions of an ‘agent’
depend on the variation of the actions and mental states
of other social ‘agents’ 22.
Decision making in complex social interactions needs
to interpret intentions and the development of a Theory
of the Mind (ToM) of others; this capacity is mediated
by the medial prefrontal cortex function 23. An extended
neural network contributes to the evaluation of the costs
and benefits of social and socioeconomic exchange
of the decision-making process, including cooperation
and altruistic punishment.
The literature on game theory can provide guidance on
solving problems related to social exchange. The cooperation and sanctioning of non-cooperative behaviour
(i.e. the altruistic punishment) is regulated by cognitive
and emotional mechanisms that have evolved in human
beings in response to the need for mutual cooperation
in complex social groups. The ToM, the prediction of
reward, and the appreciation of social norms, are necessary, although sometimes not sufficient, mechanisms
involved in social exchange and functioning.
Economic exchange games represent a relevant quantitative research paradigm to evaluate the social exchange, in terms of the subject’s internal norms assessment for the fairness in an exchange, and they require
that each subject models their partner’s mental state.
There are several games, computationally well-defined,
widely used as experimental probes in social DM research: the most known are the prisoner’s dilemma,
the dictator game, the ultimatum game, the trust game.
These games have been proven valuable in clinical
The most known and used is likely the ‘ultimatum game’
that offers a good example to the comprehension of cooperation or altruistic punishment behaviours. It can be
also defined as a game ‘take-it-or-leave-it’: it involves
two players, a proposer and a responder. The proposer
possesses a given resource, e.g. 100 euros, that have
to split with a responder. For instance, the proposer offers 20 euros to the responder, maintaining for itself the
remaining budget. If the responder accepts the split,
both ‘take’ the money, otherwise neither one gets anything (i.e. ‘leave’). Theoretically the proposer should
give the minimum possible to the responder, while this
latter should accept all non-zero offers. This is not instead the case, where the modal offer is 40/100 and in
50% of the cases the responders refuse the 80/20 split
proposal. This is a behaviour observed across different
cultural and experimental settings and provides the detection of the usual response to fairness deviations 24.
This is however a so called ‘one-shot game’, a kind of
game that does not provide the possibility of observing
the result of the social signal offered to the partner, as
well as the response, i.e. the consequent learning. The
P. Stratta, A. Rossi
social signal is indeed devoted to the expectation of adjusting the future partner’s behaviour in the interaction.
This opportunity can be seen in games involving cooperation by repeated interactions (relationships) with
possibility to modulate the relationship in a more ecological setting, such as by multi-round fairness games.
Neuroeconomic paradigm using this approach is the iterated ‘Trust Game’. Similarly to the ultimatum Game it is
based on a shared sense of fairness that lead to a mutually satisfying exchange 25. The ‘player’ has the role of
‘investor’ that send some money to a social partner, the
‘trustee’. The sum sent arrives automatically tripled to the
‘trustee’ that has the possibility to choose the sum to repay the ‘investor’. Trust can be therefore quantified as
the amount of money one person sends to the other one.
If both players in this game share and act upon a common social norm, for example they share the winnings of
a game equally, an optimal shared strategy is used: e.g.
the ‘investor’ sends its entire endowment to the social
partner and this ‘trustee’ sends back half of the tripled
investment. If so, a shared norm and cooperative strategy mutually benefit both players. If the investor instead
considers the payment from the trustee too poor, he can
refuse it and both the players don’t receive nothing.
Again, as in ‘one shot’ game, the ‘investor’ should accept all non-zero offers, giving instead the ‘trustee’ the
minimum possible. Differently from this basic theory, the
modal observed behaviours show a rejection of less
than 20% of the total amount, showing a tendency to
altruistic punishment that con modulate the subsequent
responses to fairer exchanges. The game therefore is
really based on trust: if the ‘investor’ and the ‘trustee’
respect trust reciprocating money, both players end up
with higher payoff.
These neuroeconomic quantitative/computational paradigms have been used to study social interaction in
mental disorders, such as borderline personality disorder (BPD), externalizing behaviour problems, depression, social anxiety, psychosis 26.
Studies of BPD with iterated Trust task showed failure
in cooperation, associated with an insensitivity of anterior insular cortex 27 28. In a study on adolescents with
externalizing behaviour problems a reduced reciprocity
during social reasoning independent from ToM functioning was shown 29. Monterosso et al. 30 provided similar
evidences in the addiction area. Ernst 31 examined reward-related and goal-directed processing in relation to
symptoms of depression supporting connection of the
DM processing to neural dysfunction. Diminished activity for social than to non-social partners (i.e. a computer)
in a region of the medial prefrontal cortex implicated in
ToM was found in patients with social anxiety. Patients
with psychosis showed lower baseline levels of trust
compared to healthy controls at Trust Game 32.
These results demonstrated a validity of neuroeconomics
tasks to investigate and discriminate psychiatric disorders.
Future directions
Although the social neuroeconomic tasks used are of
relatively good ecological value, they present however
some pitfalls. As a matter of fact, the conceptualization
of ‘social cognition’ is limited because these tests are
typically ‘off-line’, i.e. are related to hypothetical scenarios in which the participants ‘do not interact’ and the
event does not happen in real time, does not represent
a real social interaction, does not elicit full emotional
and behavioural involvement.
An alternative paradigm is the integration of a computer-aided task by which the subject experience a real
social neuroeconomic interaction, i.e. the interchange is
‘on line’ with a ‘Trustee’ that responds in real time to the
investment proposal of the subject. The subject, moreover knows some essential characteristics of the partner,
such as name, sex, age (Fig. 1). Preliminary data using
this paradigm show association of the neuroeconomic
indexes, such as invested and gained money with daily
life functionality (Riccardi et al., in preparation).
These studies suggest that fairness games through the neuroeconomic computations they provide can identify quantitative phenotypes in individuals with mental disorders.
Social exchange is common to all humans. When the
biological substrates implementing these models are
damaged or altered, abnormal behaviour is expressed.
Economic games are beginning to provide new ways to
capture and quantify this behaviour and the associated
neural correlates, and may produce new biomarkers of
mental diseases 33.
DM impairment can be considered a transnosographic
trait that influences the symptomatology of many disorders and modulates the therapeutic response. Its
definition allows a reformulation of those conditions that
are described with various terms such as “impulsivity”,
“disinhibition” and “risk taking behaviour”. All these generic descriptive terms can be interpreted in the light of
knowledge about DM processes; their evaluation can
offer useful information in the psychopathological, clinical and rehabilitation fields.
DM processes, particularly those relating to decisions
under risk conditions, are associated with the functional
deficit and social cognition constructs in people with
mental disorders, such as schizophrenia.
The study of the diagnostic and predictive utility of neuroeconomic approaches in understanding these conditions is at the moment at the beginning. The possibility
however that the DM processing investigated by fair-
Neuroeconomic models: applications in psychiatry
FIGURE 1. Trust game ‘on line’: example of an ongoing economic transaction.
ness games could be sensible to modulation by pharmacological (e.g. serotonergic or oxytocin modulation)
or other kind of interventions (e.g. cognitive remediation) is exiting 4.
Once that the concept of DM will reach an adequate
definition in pathophysiological, neuropsychological
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