Case Report
Cervical Neurinoma Encasing Vertebral Artery: a case
report and review of the literature
Afsoun Seddighi, Amir Saied Seddighi, Maryam Sadegh Azar, Amir Hossein Zohreh Vand
Functional Neurosurgery Research Center, Shohada Tajrish Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Our case was a 48-year-old man with cervical pain radiating to the upper limbs. Imaging
showed an intradural tumor with extradural component encasing the vertebral artery. The tumor
diagnosed as a neurinomaand had been removed surgically. The post operation magnetic resonance
imaging showed that the tumor was completely removed and the vertebral artery was intact at
the entire length. The goal of surgery of neurinoma is a total removal of the tumor, however
if the vertebral artery is completely encasing by the tumor, it is advisable to remove the tumor
to the level that the vertebral intactness is saved.
Keywords: Neurinoma; Cervical; Vertebral artery
ICNSJ 2014; 1 (2):65-68
Correspondence to: Amir Saied Seddighi, MD; Functional Neurosurgery Research Center, Shohada Tajrish Hospital, Shahid
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; E-mail:
[email protected]; Tel: +98(912)2151591
Received: July, 24, 2014
Accepted: October, 19, 2014
Cranial neurinomas are benign and relatively slow
growing tumors, but growing in unusual sites can
cause several clinical manifestations by compressing
surrounded neurovascular structures1. About 25%-40%
of the schwannomas are in the head and neck region2.
Extradural component of this tumor is located in the
mediastinum or pre vertebral areas, and the expatiation of
this component make neurinoma as one of most common
tumors causing medullary compression at the cervical
level3. Extradural and extra spinal extension occurs in
about 15% of this tumors4. Complete removal of these
tumors can cause a series of problems in nerve root
preservation and saving the stability of the spine and
the vertebral artery and can lead to fatal out comes5.
Preoperative vertebral angiography should be performed
to identify the compromising of the vertebral artery by
a cervical neurinoma6. The resection of the tumor can
be done by aposterior, anterolateral, anterior approach
based on the location, size and the involved area4. Mainly
the posterior surgical approach to cervical cord tumors
is preferred, with favorable post-operative results 7.
Recurrences of these tumors after total removal are rare2.
A 48-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with
pain over the neck, left shoulder and arm. Neurological
examination revealed left-sided spastic hemiparesis, more
pronounced distally hypoesthesia below C2 dermatome
and hyperactive deep tendon reflexes. T1-weighted
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine
showed a hypointense mass measuring 1.5x2x2.5 cm and
occupying the left neural foramen and left half of the
spinal canal. The lesion had a prominent hyperintense
center with a hypointense periphery on T2-weighted
images. There was a marked contrast enhancement of
the periphery of the lesion following gadolinium injection
(Figure 1).
Intradural component of the mass was showed
compression on the left side of the spinal cord while the
extradural component was close to the vertebral artery.
Cranial diffusion perfusion MRI performed to depict
cerebral vascularization and collateral circulation was
normal (Figure 2).
International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 1, No 2, Autumn 2014
Cervical Neurinoma Encasing Vertebral Artery—Seddighi et al
Figure 2. Axial T1 weighted MRI which shows left sided neurinoma.
Figure 1. MRI of the cervical spine of our patient showing C2
Vertebral MR angiography was performed to determine
the course of the vertebral artery and to plan the surgical
procedure (Figure 3).
The patient was operated via a post exposure with
cervical laminectomy. The tumor was considered as a
neurofibroma, there were possibilities of spinal cord
compression by the intradural component and adhesions
of the extradural component to the vertebral artery and
venous structures around it (Figure 4).
Majority of the nerve fibers are entrapped within
tumoral tissue in dumbbell neurofibroma cases, as in
our case. It is impossible to remove the tumor without
sacrificing the nerve root and aggressive surgery that may
result in severe neurological deficits. Partial resection
in dumbbell neurofibroma cases is safer but there is
always the risk for recurrence and reoperation may be
more hazardous. Since we predicted the encasement
of the vertebral artery, we asked a vascular surgeon to
To remove the parts of the tumor that were attached
to the vertebral artery proximal, ligation was performed
and after complete resection of the tumor, vertebral
Figure 3. Preoperative MR angiography which shows patent vertebral arteries.
International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 1, No 2, Autumn 2014
Cervical Neurinoma Encasing Vertebral Artery—Seddighi et al
Figure 4. Intraoperative view shows the gross tumor bulk.
artery reconstruction was done. Post operation MRI
and angiography was performed for fallow up of the
patient showed no visible damage to the artery (Figure 5,
Figure 6). There was no recurrence of the symptoms at
one year follow up.
Dumbbell- shaped neurinomas constitute 6% of all
spinal tumors. In the cervical region 71% of the tumors
are dumbbell shaped. Mainly the spinal neurinomas are
intradural benign tumors, with a slow growth and an
occurrence of 43.3% to 58.3% in the cervical region3.
The extradural and intardual expansion of this tumor can
lead to compressions of the spinal cord and the close
vascular systems that make the preoperative imaging
Figure 6. Post-operative angiography showed a complete preservation
of the vertebral artery.
evaluation of the tumor advisable to distinguish the
location and origin of the tumor8. A total removal of the
tumor without any complication can be challenging due to
the location combined with the close anatomical relation
of the tumor to important vascular and nervous structures.
Partial resection in dumbbell neurofibromaisis safer but
the risk for recurrence and the need of reoperation may
be more hazardous. A total resection usually had a good
long-term outcome with low recurrence risk. Although
the involvement of the vertebral artery from both sides
make the resection of tumor complicated. The resection
Figure 5. Post-operative MRI with contrast shows complete tumor removal.
International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 1, No 2, Autumn 2014
Cervical Neurinoma Encasing Vertebral Artery—Seddighi et al
of the tumor can be done by aposterior, anterolateral,
anterior approach based on the location, size and the
involved area4.
The anterior or anterolateral approach has several
advantages like safe separation of the tumor from the
vertebral artery due to the direct visualization of the
vertebral artery. It also had a low risk of injuring the
spinal cord by removing of the extra spinal canal tumors9.
Overall, the posterior approach for cervical cord tumors
is preferred. This approach is useful in intraspinal canal
tumors, but the extraspinal canal tumors are relatively
inaccessible by this approach3. In the literatures the
modified posterior approach had showed the advantages
to be a less invasive method to the cervical vertebrae and
due to that, the occurrence of postoperative instability and
angular deformity, and long postoperative immobilization
had been reduced7. However an angiography is needed
to identify the diameter and involvement of the vertebral
artery before the operation, to avoid complication due
to the ligation of the vertebral artery if it is necessary.
In such cases the diameter of the ligated vertebral artery
should not be larger than the not involved one10. The
approaching method should be chosen by including
all the important factors such as location, size and the
involved of the area by the tumor, to prevent further
surgical interventions. To avoid incomplete resection or
the involvement of nerve or vascular systems by the
removing of the tumor, consulting should be done before
and at the time of surgery.
of the tumor with adequate spinal cord decompression
can be preferred to prevent vertebral artery injury.
The most significant feature of dumbbell neurofibromas
is the adhesion of the tumor to the environment by
enlarging the foramen and projecting outward from the
spinal canal. The goal of surgery is total removal of the
tumor. Although a variety of surgical approaches for
these lesions is available, most cervical spine dumbbell
tumors can be effectively managed with a single-stage
posterior exposure with partial laminectomy and unilateral
facetectomy. However, in selected cases partial removal
8. Righini CA, Motto E, Faure C, Karkas A, Lefournier
V, Reyt E. [Schwannomas of the neck. About 3 cases,
and literature review]. Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord).
2007;128 (1-2) :109-15.
Conflict of interest statement
None of the authors has any potential conflict of
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International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 1, No 2, Autumn 2014