Reach for the sky

2001, Nature Reviews Cancer

AI-generated Abstract

This research investigates the role of the Ink4a and Arf proteins, which are critical tumor suppressors frequently mutated in human cancers. The studies conducted by Sharpless et al. and Krimpenfort et al. independently demonstrate that while both proteins are essential for preventing tumorigenesis, Ink4a specifically facilitates growth arrest and impacts susceptibility to various tumors, as evidenced by mouse models. This work clarifies the contributions of these proteins to cancer development and highlights potential therapeutic targets for addressing malignancies associated with their dysregulation.


The Ink4a accumulates with the onset of senescence in a process that depends on telomere shortening. However, both Ink4a -/and Ink4a */* MEFs undergo growth arrest in culture or when RAS, a potent oncogene, is overexpressed. In contrast, Arf -/-MEFs continue to grow at the same rate under these conditions, which indicates that Arf is the principal mediator of senescence. Despite this, Ink4a -/cells still immortalize at a greater frequency than Ink4a +/+ cells, and this does not always accompany loss of Arf or p53. Ink4a may therefore be able to facilitate escape from growth arrest. When susceptibility to tumorigenesis was examined, some differences between the two groups' approaches emerged. Krimpenfort et al. showed no significant increase in the number of tumours when wild-type and Ink4a */* mice were compared. Also, introduction of the Ink4a */* mutation to Eµ-Myc mice -a wellestablished model of B-cell lymphoma -did not increase B-cell lymphomagenesis. However, when exons 2 and 3 of the second Ink4a allele were deleted -to generate a genotype frequently found in human tumours -there was a marked increase in tumour number. The remaining Arf allele was present in most of the tumours and gene silencing by methylation was not detected, so the increase in number was not due to loss of the second Arf allele. One of the key uses for this mutant will be to model metastatic melanoma -the most predominant tumour type for humans with germ-line mutations at this locus. Application of DMBA, a known carcinogen, increased both the frequency of melanoma and the extent of metastasis.

Sharpless et al. showed that Ink4a -/mice developed more tumours than wild-type and heterozygous mice; treatment with a variety of carcinogens further increased both malignancy and tumour type. As carcinogen-treated Ink4a +/mice were more prone to tumours than wild-type mice, the authors investigated the status of the functional Ink4a allele in those tumours. Ink4a protein was not detected in any tumour; the Ink4a/Arf locus was not rearranged or deleted, but the gene could be epigentically silenced by promoter methylation -a mechanism of Ink4a loss also noted in many human tumours and an obvious target for therapy. These papers provide a long-awaited answer to the conundrum of which protein is important in tumorigenesis -the answer being both. Questions for the future include which tumour suppressor is inactivated in which tumour type, and how this loss is brought about -through gene silencing or gene deletion.