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2003, Judaica librarianship
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Research has confirmed that strong school libraries are linked to academic achievement. Yet, school librarians often confront significant difficulties in obtaining support from administrators. Thoughtful and informative programs to educate administrators demonstrate the vital educational role of the library and librarian in building a strong academic environment.
Suclies have shown a strong link between school libraries and academic performance. However for a school library to effectively have an impact on academic achievement, it must fulfill a number of requirements such as, a conducive physical infrastructure, which is well furnished,· be well equipped in terms of computers (with internet facilities) and photocopiers; a strong collection with relevant and up to date materials: and qualified skilled staff to run the library. The school must also effectively integrate the library activities into the school curriculum with a strong programme to enhance information literacy skills amongst learners. This paper is based on a study entitled: "The impact of school libraries on learning and academic achievement: a case study of Caprivi, Omusati, Omaheke, Karas and Khomas regions in Namibia" which was conducted by the University of Namibia's Department of Information and Communication Studies from July 2009 to February 2010. The study employed a qualitative and quantitative research design using a triangulation of data collection methods including surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, and observation. The study's main research question was, ''Do well run school libraries make a difference to academic performance in Namibia?" Although the study showed the existence of libraries in all the schools; more than 80% of these were not adequately resourced in terms of reading materials, equipment, staffing and hence the impact on academic petformance was negligible.
Praxis International Journal of Social Science and Literature (PIJSSL), 2022
Delivering quality education is at the heart of every school. It prepares students for life outside the school in terms of skill, capacity building, requisite subject knowledge, and reading proficiency. It is here that the school library plays a huge role in the holistic development of the students. It is not only concerned with reading and literacy skill development. School libraries are the epicenter where each learner can have a well-rounded educational experience irrespective of gender, religion, economic and social status. School Libraries are places that provide personalized learning environments and offer equitable access to all resources across grades. When led by a certified school librarian, a school's performance improves drastically. The best school libraries are those which embrace an attitude of teamwork, partnership, and collaboration and are infused with a culture of literacy. This article enumerates how a school librarian prepares students for college. The aim is to provide a clear picture of the role of a school librarian in college preparedness. The findings in this article are based on a literature review and the author's own experience/observations while working in several schools across various boards.
Partimento and Continuo Playing in Theory and in Practice, 2010
Today the word conservatory connotes, as it has since Victorian times, an institution dedicated to conserving one of the classical performing traditions of European culture. Originally, however, a conservatorio was a Catholic charitable institution dedicated to conserving orphans, foundlings, and other destitute children. I Poveri di Gesù Cristo (The Poor Ones of Jesus Christ), the name of one of the early Neapolitan conservatories, was not just a religious metaphor. It summed up the plight and social standing of many of the students. In a world where family connections were paramount, a child without an intact family needed special assistance. If a fatherless boy could be taught a valuable skill, he might one day earn a living on his own.
') Волнообразное; 2) въ видѣ дрожанія; 3) два толчка; 4) подземньій ІОлі.; 5) полмообразное; 6) въ видѣ качаніл. Вмѣстѣ сь сотрясеиіемъ °ьіль гулъ; замѣчоно безпокойство домашнимь животныхъ. Трещины Въ Зданіяхч. какъ вь сырцовыхъ, такъ и вь каменныхъ. Многими за-Ьчено, что во вроми перваго толчка было въ родѣ молніи; иообыкно-Йе «ний свѣть вмѣстѣ сь сотрясеніемъ. Колсбанія почвы были шестого ЧИс ла вь 9 ч. 5,9 м.; 11 ч. 59 м.; 2 ч. 30,9; 4 ч. 35.9; 11 ч. 35,9 н°Ч и п въ 1 ч. 35,9 м. ночи. ^перва вертикальноѳ, потомч. горизонтальное; два главныхъ толчка, "°слѣ которыхъ было много слабѣйшихъ; подземный гулъ, безпокоЯ-Ст «о животныхь. Въ домахъ значительныя треіцины. в°лиообрнзное, посуда падала съ полокь, со стѣнъ городскихъ во-Р°Т'Ь упали зубцы. ^олнообразноѳ въ видѣ дрожапія; часи остановились, былъ слышень ві. нѣкоторыхъ зданіяхъ незначителышя трещины. б^Р'івильноо; толчковъ было два; сопровождалось гуломъ; замѣчено °3 і| оісойстно животныхъ; трещияы въ сырцовыхь стѣнахъ u потолкахъ. ^•"чообразное; часы остановились; плоскость качанія часовъ W-0. ^°лнообразное; минутъ за 30 до зомлетрясонія многими лицаии за-Ьч ено было подобаоо жо колобаніе почвы. Времл ириблиэительно.
ABSTRACT Drawing an analogy among the splits in US Constitutional democracy, in Communist totalitarianism, in our field, and in many of our patients’ psychic foundations, the essay advances the idea that the disruption of fundamental splits—often fastened together by keystone selfobjects —is vital for an emancipatory psychoanalysis. My argument is that to heal our democracy, and to help many of our patients heal, our praxis must cultivate a generative rupturing of the psyche/social status quo that goes beyond the incremental work that often characterizes what we do, and builds upon the promise of Winnicott’s “breakdown experience” and Fanon’s decolonial praxis. The author further considers resonances across her conception of “feminine law” and the vaginal signifier as the zero of the signifying chain, Koichi Togashi’s “psychoanalytic zero”, and Hortense Spilers’ reading of the black feminine as the zero of the social order. This zero, she argues, acts as a site of rupture and radical transformation, enabling alterity, contradiction, and the operations of a disordered apres coup temporality. Clinicaly, this manifests as desperation and desire coalescing as a liberatory force, infused with ethical charge, with the potential to dismantle archaic oppressive structures and aliances. The essay concludes that that we are at the brink of a colective, paradoxical experiment in constituting ourselves as fuly human in which we reclaim an alienated (material) dimension of human subjectivity, surrendering to the other- than-human, for the sake of joining liberty and love, present and ancestral truths, in a relationship that doesn’t require splitting.
Henry Boateng ,Franklin Gyamfi Agyemang and Michael Dzigbordi Dzandu
The study sought to ascertain the challenges and benefits of library automation and to recommend how the challenges could be addressed. The study employed single case study techniques as the research design. Semi-structured interview was used for the data gathering. Data was qualitatively analysed using a thematic approach.It highlights retrospective conversion, lack of local experts, lack of trained staffs, unstable power supply, desert of job, attitudinal problems as the challenges confronting the library. The study also shows that as a result of automation, the library is faster and efficient than before in its operations.
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