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2024, Melati Mulya
11 pages
1 file
PPT Akuntansi Syariah
Bekerja nine to five memang sudah menjadi satu kebiasaan tesendiri dan rutinitas bagi masyarakat urban seperti di kota besar. Bangun pagi, terjebak macet, berusaha tiba sampai tujuan (kantor) tepat waktu, dan pulag sesuai waktu yang sudah di tentukan. Belum lagi, mungkin anda tidak puas dengan
Conference presented at the panel discussion of Catherine Malabou's Stop Thief!, ACLA, Montreal 14-17 March, 2024
Direito dos Valores Mobiliários, 2015
Resumo: O presente trabalho, décimo capítulo do livro Direito dos Valores Mobiliários, publicado em 2015, trata dos títulos e contratos de investimento coletivo. Devido à técnica legislativa utilizada na redação original da Lei n. 6.385/76, que concedeu à CVM um campo de atuação limitado por uma listagem exaustiva de valores mobiliários, os contratos de investimento coletivo encontravam-se em um limbo até 1988. A partir de tal data, o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro passou por uma mudança paradigmática adotando uma definição ampla e abrangente de valores mobiliários. O estudo aborda, em um primeiro momento, a evolução normativa que ensejou tal alteração, bem como seus fundamentos históricos. Em um segundo momento, o trabalho aponta o importante surgimento dos pools de investimento coletivo, que passaram a desempenhar um papel central no desenvolvimento econômico de diversos setores, tratando em detalhes dos conceitos, regulação e peculiaridades do condomínio; crowdfunding; clubes de investimento; certificados de investimento; e fundos de investimento coletivo; na qualidade de mecanismos utilizados na coletivização dos investimentos. Abstract: This text is the tenth chapter of the book Direito dos Valores Mobiliários (Securities Law) – published in 2015. It analyzes the collective investment contracts. Due to the legislative technique applied in the original drafting of Federal Law no. 6,385/76, which granted the CVM a field of action limited by an exhaustive listing of securities, collective investment contracts were unregulated until 1988. From then on, the Brazilian legal system underwent a paradigmatic change adopting a broad and definition of securities. The study addresses, at first, the normative evolution that gave rise to such change, as well as its historical foundations. Following, the work underscores the relevant emergence of collective investment pools, which started to play a central role in the economic development of several sectors, bringing forward in details the concepts, regulation and peculiarities of the condominium; crowdfunding; investment clubs; investment certificates; and investment funds; as mechanisms employed to collectivize investments.
Sistemi di propulsione alternativi, 1993
Appunti di storia automobilistica.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz SSLLT 5 (2). 2015. 301-325 doi: 10.14746/ssllt.2015.5.2.6 Unveiling the relationship between language learning beliefs, emotions, and identities 1 Ana Maria Ferreira Barcelos Federal University of Viçosa , Brasil [email protected] Abstract Several authors (Frijda, Manstead, & Bem, 2000; Van Veen & Lasky, 2006) suggest that emotions, cognitions, and identities are intrinsically related. Authors in social psychology (Fiedler & Bless, 2000; Frijda, Manstead, & Bem, 2000; Rosiek, 2003) have considered how beliefs are particularly sensitive to affective influences and how emotions, cognitions, and identities are intrinsically related. Understanding this relationship would help researchers to reveal complex key issues in beliefs research, such as the relationship between beliefs and action. Yet, although re-search on beliefs in applied linguistics goes back to the 70s and 80s, there has been scant connection with emotions and identities. This paper aims to reflect on the relationship between beliefs, emotions, and identities by looking at these co- constructing, overlapping concepts to advance our understanding of language learning and teaching. Through a review of studies on beliefs, emotions, and iden- tities within applied linguistics and other areas, I illustrate how beliefs and emotions are intrinsically and interactively related, and how beliefs within a socio-historical context influence the construction of identities. Identities influence the kinds of emotions and beliefs that individuals attribute to themselves and to others. Emotions, in turn, can influence identities and how we construct them. Implications for research on beliefs, emotions, and identities are suggested. Keywords: emotions, identities, beliefs, language teacher education, language learning.
Google researching secondary data on the internet is like searching in a sea of vast seas of information. This can be very daunting, overwhelming and frustrating, even for the trained let alone the untrained. The thoughts of where to research, who to research and how to research, can become more preoccupying than the research itself. Like the professions of dentistry, carpentry, or even law, the practitioners of these professions are, only, as good as the tools they use to practice their respective, profession. In this regard, the field of research is no different, hence the need to develop proficiency in the following skills:, 2022
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