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2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
4 pages
1 file
Although concept maps have been found to be effective in science education research, these are critiqued for being informal due to informal usage of relation and attribute names thereby resulting in ambiguity. Refined concept mapping, a development over the regular concept mapping is an approach towards introducing rigor and parsimony in representing knowledge. The method proposed suggests to substitute the ambiguous relation names with well-defined relation names to concepts consistently while mapping a domain. We suggest the use of this method for introducing rigor in concept mapping and position it among the other models of knowledge representation in an inverse semantic spectrum.
… : Theory, Methodology, Technology. Proceedings of the …, 2006
Journal of research in science teaching, 1990
This article describes the genesis and development of concept mapping as a useful tool for science education. It also offers an overview of the contents of this special issue and comments on the current state of knowledge representation. Suggestions for further research are made throughout the article.
Concept maps measured a student’s understanding of the complexity of concepts, and interrelationships. Novak and Gowin (1984) claimed that the continuous use of concept maps increased the complexity and interconnectedness of students’ understanding of relationships between concepts in a particular science domain. This study has two purposes; the first one was to test this claim and examine how the repeated use of concept maps affected the complexity and interconnectedness of concepts independent of science subjects in elementary school, the second one was to compare the sensitivity of the Ruiz-Primo et al. (1997), and the Novak and Gowin (1984) grading systems for concept maps. The sample group consisted of 23 students including 14 male and 9 female students. We employed paired sample t-tests to answer the research questions, and found that the scores obtained for the fifth science unit was significantly different from the first one. Also, Novak and Gowin’s (1984) scoring system was better than Ruiz-Primo et al. (1997) to evaluate complexity in students’ thinking except for one of the units. We conclude that concept maps have the potential to measure change in complexity and interconnectivity of concept maps. Furthermore, repeated use of concept maps has the potential to increase the complexity and interconnectedness of student concept maps, and therefore improve their understanding of science independent of science content.
Concept mapping is a method to determine the achievement of knowledge. Concepts are linked with labelled lines to proposition. The concepts create a graphical structured meaningful relationship. The method is also proved to be effective for testing, indicating well students' mentality and its structure. This article describes three case studies using concept maps as assessment tools. Two studies measured the necessity of animations describing abstract topics in chemistry. Memorizing time period, different learning materials, topics, and structure of animation were used as parameters. The third study detected the time when higher taxonomy scored concept maps were created. Could students find concept themselves from the exercise, or should they be given by the instructor? We argue that concept mapping method gives a unique possibility to visualize the structure of students' knowledge.
Verbum Vitae, 2024
This essay is an attempt to explore different contexts of the phrase "you are the salt of the earth" found in Matt 5:13, one of the most confusing expressions used in the whole of the New Testament. The author deals with its original meaning, exposing in the process the earliest layers of transmission of Jesus' sayings. Versed in the Hebrew scriptures, Jesus combined the meanings of MLḤ in Exod 30:35 (incense salted is potent/good/pure/holy) with that in Isa 51:6 and Jer 38:11-12 (something MLḤ might vanish away/wax old/become rotten) and put it in a new context. Jesus' pun-loaded with multiple layers of meanings and shades of meanings-was lost in translation as simply "salt."
Nuclear crisis, extinction narratives, the imaginaries of urban collapse or of refugee and detention camps, the geopolitics of the United Fruit Company, “New Cold War” nostalgia narratives, the global infrastructures of the New Silk Road and cultures of surveillance and censorship are phenomena of our contemporary moment that prompt us to reimagine and redeploy Cold War structures of feeling about human and non-human extinction and survival. This collection seeks to understand post-Cold War built atmospheres that reference or update far-ranging Cold War affective geographies , geopolitical atmospheres and subjective forms in architecture , literature, popular culture and the arts. Atmospheres of Extinction seeks to enable a crossdisciplinary conversation between scholars interested in, but not limited to, the critical study of the relationship between space, emotion and the geopolitical imagination of the Cold War in the 21st Century.
Las "colas" son un aspecto de la vida moderna que nos encontramos continuamente en nuestras actividades diarias. En el contador de un supermercado, accediendo al Metro, en los Bancos, etc., el fenómeno de las colas surge cuando unos recursos compartidos necesitan ser accedidos para dar servicio a un elevado número de trabajos o clientes.
BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Manusia adalah makhluk individu yang tidak dapat melepaskan diri dari hubungan dengan manusia lain. Sebagai akibat dari hubungan yang terjadi diantara individu-individu (manusia) kemudian lahirlah kelompok-kelompok sosial (social group) yang dilandasi oleh kesamaan-kesamaan kepentingan bersama. Namun bukan berarti semua himpunan manusia dapat dikatakan kelompok sosial. Untuk dikatakan kelompok sosial terdapat persyaratanpersyaratan tertentu. Dalam kelompok social yang telah tersusun, susunan masyarakatnya akan terjadinya sebuah perubahan dalam susunan tersebut merupakan sebuah keniscayaan. Karena perubahan merupakan hal yang mutlak terjadi dimanapun tempatnya. 1 Manusia sepanjang sejarahnya, selalu memiliki beberapa kelas (kelompok). Ada kelas atas dan ada pula kelas bawah. Kelompok masyarakat yang berada pada kelas atas ini adalah kelompok yang paling menentukan. Mereka memainkan peranan dalam bidang politik dan ekonomi, bahkan kadang-kadang cenderung monopoli. Adapun masyarakat kelas bawah adalah kelompok masyarakat yang ditentukan, bukan yang menentukan. Kelas ini biasanya mayoritas dalam kuantitas, tetapi minoritas dalam kualitas. Mereka selalu menjadi mangsa kelas pertama di atas. Justru mereka ini sering juga disebut dengan kaum tertindas. Al-Quran menyebutnya dengan kaum dhu'afa' atau mustadh'afin. 2 Kelompok masyarakat tertindas ini antara lain adalah kaum wanita, anak-anak, orang yang berekonomi lemah (miskin), orang-orang yang kurang mengerti hukum (masyarakat awam), dan budak. Hak-hak mereka sering terabaikan. Dalam tradisi masyarakat yang mempercayai Kitab Talmud, kaum wanita dikucilkan terutama pada masa haid, karena menurut keyakinan mereka, dikelilingi oleh daerah terlarang dan sebagian hidupnya harus dihabiskan dipengasingan. Bahkan dipedalaman Eropa, Asia Tengah, dan Afrika Utara, dipercayai bahwa tatapan wanita yang sedang menstruasi mempunyai kemampuan untuk menimbulkan berbagai bencana. Kepercayaan seperti ini mendatangkan pandangan yang negative terhadap kaum wanita, sehingga dalam tradisi masyarakat tertentu wanita itu dipandang sangat rendah dan hina. Hal ini terlihat dengan jelas dalam tradisi agama Masehi. Musthafa A-Siba'i menjelaskan, bahwa setelah orang-orang Barat memeluk agama Kristen, pandangan tokoh-1 Abid Rohman, S. Ag., M. Pd.I., PATOLOGI SOSIAL PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR'AN (KAJIAN TAFSIR TEMATIK SOSIOLOGI), hlm. 1.
Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, 2013
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International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2015
International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review, 2018
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