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This course will introduce students to religion in pre-modern and contemporary China. We will spend much of the semester engaging questions such as, what is religion and is it universal? How do debates between religious traditions in China challenge our conceptions of religion? How did adherents of Chinese religious traditions talk about their own tradition and the traditions of others? What issues did the authors of Chinese religious texts believe to be at stake in the texts they produced?
Market Maker: Intermediario che si assume il compito di garantire, in via continuativa, la negoziabilità di determinati titoli. Dealer: Intermediario finanziario che nell'industria dei servizi di investimento opera sul lato dell'offerta operando in contropartita diretta della clientela su richiesta della stessa. In sostanza i dealer effettuano negoziazioni di strumenti finanziari per conto proprio, acquistando strumenti che confluiscono nel loro portafoglio di proprietà (inventory) e vendendo strumenti detenuti in proprietà e traendo da tali negoziazioni un profitto. Mercato a Negoziazione Continua: Mercato secondario organizzato in forma di asta in cui gli ordini immessi dagli operatori sono immediatamente eseguiti se trovano un ordine compatibile di segno opposto. Mercato a Pronti: È il mercato nel quale lo scambio dei prodotti trattati (merci, titoli, valute) avviene con liquidazione (consegna dei titoli e pagamento del controvalore) immediata (cioè con un differimento di pochi giorni).
the pattern of religious harmony, and how it is applied in the context of North Sumatra. To reveal this, this study uses a phenomenologic-interpretive approach, using data collection techniques, priorities in the FGD (Focus Group Discussion). From this study it was found that: First, the harmony ideals built by the North Sumatra FKUB rested on a pattern of religious non-pluralism harmony. This pattern means that the truth claim in each religion cannot be equated
Ante a Era do Espírito, clareia-nos a razão, a fim de compreendermos a tua palavra em dimensões mais altas. * * * Agora que os homens erguem o facho da indagação, além dos conhecimentos habituais, concede-nos os meios precisos para caminhar com eles ao encontro da verdade em luz de amor que lhes honorificará o futuro, segundo os teus ensinos. * * * A inteligência terrestre fixa hoje elevadas perspectivas na conquista da Consciência Cósmica.
Sociologisk Forskning, 2017
Medborgarskapspositioneringar i berättelser om tillhörighet i migrationens tid Paradoxes of citizen formation: Citizenship positioning in stories about belonging in an era of migration This article analyzes the formation of citizenship in today's multi-ethnic Sweden with a particular focus on how migration renders visible existing citizenship ideals, defined in terms of similarity and difference on the basis of ethno-cultural background. Analysing three individual stories of women who have migrated to Sweden, with different biographies and stories of how they ended up in Sweden, the article focuses on negotiations of the boundaries and contents of citizenship in multi-ethnic Sweden. The point of departure for the analysis is a post-structuralist and discursive approach. In all, the stories address the crucial question of who should be included into the social community and on what conditions-and who should be left out? This particular question is also at the very centre of the political debate in today's Europe. On the one hand, there are strong arguments about the 'death of multiculturalism' and demands for new forms of ethno-culturally graduated citizenship-also in Sweden. On the other hand, in Sweden as well as in other European countries, claims for the development of a new and more inclusive societal community have been raised, expanding the rights of citizens to accommodating also those who have been excluded from them.
Discute a construcao do espaco da biblioteca como elemento integrante do processo de mediacao da informacao no ambiente escolar. Aborda a significacao do espaco enquanto uma construcao de sentido fundamental para amparar o estabelecimento das estrategias de sua organizacao, incluindo a escolha de sua localizacao no conjunto arquitetonico da escola. Examina a gestao ambiental a partir da percepcao de acoes e esforcos para a organizacao do espaco da biblioteca escolar envolvendo as caracteristicas da distribuicao espacial, bem como das ambientais, com especial destaque para acessibilidade, iluminacao, mobiliario, sinalizacao e ventilacao. Conclui afirmando que os elementos dispostos no contexto espacial da biblioteca escolar se configuram de modo a fazer com que ela cumpra seu papel de agente mediador da informacao. Palavras-chave : Biblioteca escolar. Ambiente de biblioteca. Espaco fisico. SCHOOL LIBRARY ENVIRONMENT: adde value to the provision of information service Abstract It disc...
abstrak : Salah satu bentuk pelayanan publik yang harus diwujudkan oleh pemerintah daerah adalah penyediaan infrastruktur. Dalam penyediaan infrastruktur ini daerah memiliki opsi pendanaan melalui penerimaan daerah. Namun pendanaan pemerintah daerah masih sangat bergantung kepada Pendapatan Transfer yang berasal dari pemerintah Pusat. Opsi Pembiayaan dana melalui hutang khususnya untuk membiayai infrastruktur telah lama dikenal dinegara maju. Di negara Amerika Serikat, Pemerintah Daerah mengeluarkan obligasi yang dikenal sebagai Municipal Bond untuk membiayai pembangunan daerahnya. Pada karya tulis ini penulis akan menguraikan bagaimana mengembangkan Municipal Bond di Indonesia sebagai opsi pembiayaan pembangunan Infrastruktur di Daerah. Pada landasan teori penulis akan mengulas mengenai kelebihan dan keuntungan penerbitan Municipal Bond bagi penerbit dan investor serta bagaimana suatu negara mengembangkan instrumen Municipal Bond. Pada pembahasan diuraikan bagaimana Municipal Bond di Indonesia serta membandingkan unsur-unsur yang dikembangkan di luar negeri dengan unsur unsur yang terdapat di Indonesia serta apa saja yang mesti dikembangkan lagi. Kata kunci : infrastruktur, pembiayaan, municipal bond
Международные договоры в области борьбы с допингом и их влияние на российское законодательство, 2024
В учебнике излагаются основные положения Конвенции Совета Европы против применения допинга 1989 г. и Международной конвенции ЮНЕСКО о борьбе с допингом в спорте 2005 г., рассматривается соотношение международно-правовых и российских нормативных актов, регулирующих противодействие допингу в спорте и борьбу с ним, освещаются нормативные основы и механизмы координации антидопинговой деятельности в Российской Федерации.
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, 2024
Sociohistórica, 2021
Cancer Research, 2005
International journal of dermatology, 2005
Journal of Algebra, 2022
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2020
2013 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2013
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 1995
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat