ISSN 1849-0638
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
22. skup o prirodnom plinu, toplini i vodi
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
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, V. Prokop
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15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
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S. Švoger
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
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Á. Vér
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, M. Stojkov
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
Liquefied natural gas is a mixture of gases
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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is purified natural gas that turns into a liquid state by cooling for
easier transportation. In international traffic, the abbreviation for liquefied natural gas is LNG,
according to the English name liquefied natural gas. Liquefied natural gas occupies about
1/600 of the volume of natural gas in the gaseous state. It is colorless and odorless, nontoxic and non-corrosive. The reasons for the increase in use, and with it transport, are
multiple. Its most often mentioned advantages over other energy sources are significantly
less environmental pollution, fuel with high heating power and possible large deposits
Keywords: LNG, Natural Gas, Consumption, Transport, Markets
plin je
1. Introduction
Gas is one of the most important energy sources in the global heat and energy market. Due
to the large gas reserves, the important role of gas will certainly not change in the coming
Natural gas is a mixture of methane (more than 90 mole percent) with smaller amounts of
ethane, propane and higher hydrocarbons, and may also contain carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide (such gas is called sour), nitrogen, and sometimes helium and lives According to the
proportion of heavier hydrocarbons, they differ: dry gas, whose proportion is insignificant,
and wet gas or wet gas, whose proportion of heavier hydrocarbons is greater and significant
from gas and gas condensate reservoirs. Natural gas has limited possibilities as a fossil fuel.
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
It is estimated that natural gas reserves could last another hundred years at current usage
levels. The biggest problems with gas is that the proportion of methane in it varies from
country to country, so for example in Russia the proportion of methane in natural gas is
around 98%, while in the Netherlands it is 80% to 85%.
LNG is natural gas which has been condensed into a liquid. Natural gas can be transformed
into a liquid state by the application of pressure or extreme cooling or a combination of both
sure, the LNG
industry adopts a cooling process which operates at atmospheric pressure. LNG is
predominantly methane, with small proportions of ethane, propane, butane and pentanes.
The resulting liquid is chemically inert in respect of most substances and will not burn or
explode. At ambient temperatures LNG boils away leaving no residue, and any LNG which
transforms into gaseous state is about half the density of air and consequently rises and
disperses. The transformation of methane gas into liquefied methane yields a volume
reduction of approximately 600 to one. This super-cooled liquid can be stored cryogenically
in insulated tanks constructed of special steel (as normal steel cannot withstand the low
temperature of LNG) or aluminium, which can then be installed on ocean-going vessels for
2. The Energy Development Strategy
The Energy Development Strategy sets guidelines for the implementation of activities to
achieve a sustainable, reliable and flexible energy system through strategic management
and market exploitation to achieve safe operation. and affordable energy supply, limiting
greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector, more efficient energy use, and
development and implementation of environmentally sustainable energy technologies [2].
Every country should have an energy development strategy because it is a fundamental
document that determines the rules of the game in the energy sector.
The goal of the strategy is to replace electricity for space heating and domestic water
production with other types of energy: solar energy, biomass, natural gas and liquid gas in
areas far from the natural gas network. This purpose does not apply to the use of electricity
for heating and hot water production with heat pumps. In transport, forms that reduce energy
intensity are promoted.
3. Energy Efficiency
Despite the increase in energy efficiency, the further development of the economy requires
an increase in energy consumption, which means that one of the basic conditions for
economic growth and development is fulfilled [3]. At this point, it should be emp
the main role of the state in this sense is the approval, implementation and control of energy
policy. The main instruments of energy policy implementation are regulation of the energy
sector, adoption of energy efficiency measures, consumer protection, including the cost of
external effects of energy prices, etc.
The efficient use of energy in production, transmission and immediate consumption is the
basis of development guidelines for all sectors of the energy system. In the field of oil, oil
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
of refineries and the use of advanced technologies in the disposal of oil fields and gas
deposits. In the energy industry, energy efficiency requires the implementation of more
efficient energy conversion technologies, such as advanced coal combustion technologies,
high-efficiency gas-fired power plants, and cogeneration, as well as reducing transmission
and distribution network losses, site-friendly. promotion of dec
efficiency of energy conversion, implementation of cogeneration equipment and reduction
of losses of heat energy distribution, decentral
energy sources.
4. Natural Gas
Natural gas is a fossil energy source that was formed deep underground. Natural gas
contains a large number of different compounds. Methane, a compound with one carbon
atom and four hydrogen atoms (CH4), makes up most of the composition of natural gas.
Natural gas also contains smaller amounts of natural gas liquids (NGLs, which are also
hydrocarbon gas liquids) and non-hydrocarbon gases such as carbon dioxide and water
vapor. We use natural gas as an energy source, fuel and for the production of various
materials and chemicals.
Natural gas is not toxic, it is lighter than air (density of natural gas is about 0.68 kg/Sm3
compared to air density of 1,293 kg/Sm3). We usually measure it in standard m3 (One Sm3
corresponds to the amount of gas occupying 1 m3 of space at a pressure of 1,01325 bars
and a temperature of 15oC).
It is important to distinguish natural gas from LNG (LNG or propane-butane). LNG is
produced by processing crude oil and is stored in tanks and gas cylinders. Unlike natural
gas, LNG is heavier than air, so the rooms where it is used must be carefully ventilated.
Its main characteristics are flammability and explosiveness, but only when mixed with air
and exposed to flame. The ignition temperature is 640 °C. It burns with a bluish flame, and
if there is not enough oxygen during combustion, the flame acquires a yellowish to reddish
color. When it burns, it releases a large amount of energy. Depending on the proportion of
methane and other hydrocarbons, 1 m3 of natural gas burns about 9 to 12 kWh of gas
Natural gas burns without harmful combustion products, soot, ash and a very small amount
of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, which is one of the most ecologically clean energy
Natural gas is a competitive substitute for liquid fuels on the market, and the replacement of
liquid fuels with renewable energy sources must be strongly encouraged by various means
[4]. Households and services will continue to use liquid fuels, especially liquefied petroleum
gas. LNG and fuel oil also cover the peak loads of the natural gas supply system for
consumers in the event of a natural gas supply interruption, which balances the imbalance
in the natural gas supply system.
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
5. Liquefied Natural Gas
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that becomes liquid (liquefied) after cooling to
about -160 °C. The volume of natural gas in the liquid state is about 600 times smaller than
in the gaseous state. This liquefaction process allows natural gas to be transported to places
where natural gas pipelines cannot reach.
When natural gas pipelines are not possible or available, LNG is a means of delivering
natural gas from production areas to consumer markets. The reduction in volume makes
transporting long distances much more economical.
LNG liquefaction and export facilities receive natural gas through pipelines and liquefy it for
transport on special LNG ships or tankers. LNG is transported by tankers with refrigeration
(cryogenic) tanks. LNG is also transported in smaller containers that can be placed on ships
and trucks. LNG vessels can be more than 300 meters long and the minimum water depth
must be more than 12 meters when fully loaded. They must also be double-diaphragm and
specially designed to withstand the low temperatures of LNG.
At import terminals (regasification receiving terminals), LNG is unloaded from ships and
stored in cryogenic tanks before returning to its gaseous state. After regasification, natural
gas is transported by gas pipelines to end users - industry, gas plants, and private and
commercial customers.
Extracting the natural gas from the ground is the first step in the LNG value chain [5]. The
gas supply that comes from the production field is called “feed” gas and the feed gas is first
sent to the onshore processing plant for treatment prior to liquefaction. It is important to note
that raw natural gas has to be purified before it is suitable for use by consumers. While the
natural gas used by consumers is almost entirely methane, natural gas is associated with a
variety of other compounds and gases such as ethane, propane, butane, carbon dioxide,
and sulfur, as well as oil, water, and other substances. All of these must be removed prior to
the liquefaction process. Because the composition of natural gas can vary widely depending
on the gas field, pipeline companies and LNG buyers typically specify allowable ranges of
components and heating values. In particular, the specifications for higher heating value
(HHV) and gas interchangeability vary significantly worldwide, as do the LNG characteristics
from worldwide sources.
Historically, LNG product specifications were not major plant design issues since plant
designs were based on long-term contracts with specified buyers so there was little need for
flexibility in the plant designs. This situation has changed in recent years as LNG trade has
become more global, with owners of liquefaction plant often targeting more than one market.
Moreover, the growing spot market for LNG provides more opportunities for buyers and
sellers who have the ability to be flexible on product specifications. As a result, various
technical solutions have been developed for conditioning LNG on liquefaction and receiving
ends. For example, LNG extraction is a common method for adjusting LNG HHV downward
on both the receiving and liquefaction ends. Nitrogen injection is also used in existing
terminals to reduce HHV.
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
In the last few decades, LNG has become an important part of the natural gas value chain
in Europe and East Asia [6]. More recently, LNG imports by the United States have been
accelerating. LNG and its impact on natural gas pipelines merit mention.
LNG import terminals temporarily store the LNG until it is regasified, warmed back up to
normal pipeline temperatures, and delivered into transmission lines as a vapor. At first blush,
handling LNG in a natural gas line would seem to present no liquids problems. After all,
when LNG is created at its origin, the gas has to be cooled to –160 ºC to get it into the liquid
state. In the process, long before that temperature is reached, the ethane, propane, butane
and heavier molecules liquefy and could easily have been removed from the natural gas
stream. But LNG often comes from stranded gas, a term that implies the gas production is
located in some remote place, far from energy markets. If that is true, the market for NGL
may be equally isolated. The owner of the LNG operation may be interested in leaving the
NGL in the LNG as a means of transporting it cheaply to a market or increasing its BTU
content. Some LNG can even be spiked with extra propane and butanes because the
destination market pays a premium for the liquids. In this case, the liquids-laden LNG may
pose the same liquids problems covered earlier. For this reason, LNG specifications and
quality are receiving considerable attention.
6. Global Consumption
Global consumption of natural gas has been steadily increasing over recent decades [7]. In
the period 2000–2019 alone, consumption increased by nearly 60% from 2,400 billion cubic
metres (bcm) to over 3,900 bcm. Despite increased global consumption, documented
natural gas reserves are also growing as a result of new technology developments and
discoveries of new gas fields. During the period 2000–2019, the volume of documented
natural gas reserves increased from 138,900 bcm to 198,800 bcm, of which nearly 50% are
located in the Russian Federation, Iran and Qatar. At the same time, the share of natural
gas in global primary energy consumption is increasing. Analysing the process of
consumption growth, we observe that natural gas consumption is growing fastest in the
Middle East, Asia–Pacific and Africa. The fastest growth in the last two decades has
occurred in global exports of liquefied natural gas. Between 2000 and 2019, international
trade in liquefied natural gas increased from 140 bcm to 485 bcm, i.e. more than threefold,
with particularly rapid growth over the past five years.
Although the SARS CoV-19 pandemic, i.e. COVID-19, has contributed to a decline in gas
consumption globally in 2020, the annual global LNG trade is expected to increase to 585
bcm by 2025. The pandemic contributed to a correction of the IEA’s (International Energy
Agency ) forecasts reducing the assumed average annual growth rate from 1,8% to 1,5%
by 2025, which means a loss of 75 bcm of natural gas growth in this period. This underlines
the strategic importance of LNG in enhancing the security of supply to end users, and
contributes to a competitive natural gas market in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Discovery of further sources of natural gas in places remote from the existing and planned
routes of transmission pipelines, as well as the development of maritime transport have
contributed to the dynamic development of the global liquefied natural gas market.
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
The development of global trade in liquefied natural gas is determined by the number of
countries with energy infrastructure capable of exporting and importing it. The availability of
liquefied natural gas on the global market, which is being increasingly liberalised, is steadily
increasing. LNG supply contracts are increasingly flexible, they are concluded for a short
period of time, and the raw material price is indexed to the price of gas hubs. This means
that the process of development of the global LNG market is similar to the way the global oil
trade has developed.
7. Transport
Natural gas in a great many ways represents a unique case study in the International
Relations context [8]. Natural gas as an energy commodity has unique characteristics.
Because it is a gas, not a liquid or a solid product, it has historically been delivered through
pipelines in most interstate cases. This development has set the framework for long-term
contracts between states and companies. Previously, concerns over supply security have
dampened the success story of natural gas for years. However, due to the emergence of
fundamental changes in the market owing to liquefied natural gas (LNG), which is mainly
transported via ship and unconventional gas, a global, or at least a more interconnected
system of natural gas markets emerges out of the formerly distinct interregional markets.
However, the peculiar nature of natural gas-as it is diffusible in its natural state and not a
complex liquid solution like oil-makes the value chain and especially the transportation of
the molecules a more difficult issue, compared to oil. Gas pipelines dominate the global
supply system, but pipelines come with their own strategic and economic implications, as
pipelines, once built from the supply region to the demand center, cannot be rerouted. This
leads to fixed political and economic dependencies, and crossborder transit through third
countries comes with additional legal, geostrategic, and therefore political consequences.
Undoubtedly, natural gas trade and transportation is more complex compared to other
commodities as additional forces and risks are associated. Out of the International Relations
and international bargaining perspectives, natural gas trade is a special case where
domestic-international linkages expose national interests and are set for a long period of
Most long views incorporate increased global natural gas consumption for decades ahead
[9]. Hundreds of billions of dollars invested in gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply
chains and gas-consuming infrastructure every year, backed by long-term contracts, support
these expectations. There are few good, cost-effective options for balancing electricity
provided by intermittent renewable energy sources. However, much less is said about the
use of natural gas as “a,” or perhaps “the,” baseload fuel for electric power generation
although at one time it was almost a generic assumption. For that matter, not much is said
about natural gas as “a,” or “the,” key baseload fuel source for other applications, like
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
transport, or even petrochemicals, in spite of the tremendous advantage natural gas
molecular feedstocks have in the U.S. and the importance of materials to the global
economy. Notwithstanding relative abundance and low cost, and regardless of its critical
importance as a primary heating fuel in colder climates, natural gas is most often discussed
as an incremental fuel source, one that ultimately would be replaced by vast additions of
renewable energy capacity, hydrogen, and electrification.
Expanding the role of natural gas even as a vital incremental fuel source faces many
challenges, more so in regions and locations where infrastructure is weak and “rules of the
game” do not provide clarity for risky investment. Value creation across the natural gas
to transport natural gas from production areas to consumption centers. Effective natural gas
systems need production gathering at the field level and processing to separate out various
molecules so that mostly methane can be supplied to pipeline networks and other molecules
for methane and natural gas liquids (NGLs) to balance daily and seasonal fluctuations in
demand. For direct use of gas, effective natural gas systems incorporate local distribution
companies to move methane to factories, businesses, and homes via smaller diameter
pipelines. All direct methane and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) consumers need appropriate
appliances. If customers will receive natural gas as imports via pipelines or as liquefied
natural gas (LNG), they will need pipelines and LNG receiving terminals (along with
supporting LNG supply chains). Natural gas infrastructure is expensive to build, maintain,
represent a large portion of end-user prices.
9. Energy Transition
The energy transition is aiming for an eventual replacement of fossil fuels with renewable
low-carbon resources [10]. The additional impact of these changing dynamics in the realm
of energy security will create further economic and political challenges for gas-exporting
states. To illustrate, due to the gradual decrease of natural gas demand under low-carbon
scenarios, between 2020 and 2050, natural gas traded as LNG is projected to decrease 60
per cent, and gas trade via pipeline is expected to fall by 65 per cent. This can reach up to
a 75 per cent fall in annual per capita income from oil and natural gas in export-dependent
countries by 2030. Furthermore, the vulnerability of states dependent on natural gas exports
is far beyond their fossil fuel revenues and socio-economic structures attached to their
hydro-carbon dependent systems, since they have heavy investments in human capital, and
scenarios, the expected decrease of natural gas demand can therefore result in spillover
implications for export-dependent countries, including socio-political turmoil.
These factors and the role of natural gas as a temporary transition technology which ideally
foresees a decreasing share of natural gas in the energy mix, have already led some gas
exporters to diversify their economies away from natural gas, shifting their extractive
revenues into alternative energy technologies such as hydrogen, wind or solar.
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22nd Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
15th International Natural Gas, Heat and Water Conference
On the other hand, if these suppliers are to dominate the changing map of the global gas
market, which is projected to shift into emerging markets (especially to Asia), they can be
still required to invest in new networks, new extraction capacities and technologies, which
risk locking them into natural gas financially and technologically, by also delaying their own
prolonging the existence of natural gas in the global energy mix, as the
previous section has already addressed. This creates a dilemma for natural gas exporters
to invest or not into a technology considered to be only a transition fuel in the short and
medium terms.
10. Conclusion
Natural gas placed in LNG plants will be treated by removing water, hydrogen sulfide, carbon
storage. LNG is a mixture of gases dominated by methane, and smaller percentages of
ethane, propane and butane are found in the mixture. According to its chemical composition,
methane is a saturated hydrocarbon with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.
11. Literature
[1] Dyer, E.; Reinbott, D.; Williams, M.: Liquefied natural gas in Picton-Turbervill, G: Oil and
Gas - A Practical Handbook, Globe Business Publishing Ltd, 2009, pp. 113.
[5] Sakmar, S. L.: Energy for the 21st Century - Opportunities and Challenges for Liquefied
Natural Gas (LNG), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2013, pp. 33. – 34.
[6] Miesner, T. O.; Leffler, W. L.: Oil & Gas Pipelines in Nontechnical Language, PennWell
Corporation, 2006, pp. 92.
The Development of Global LNG Exports in Liuhto, K.: The Future of Energy
Consumption, Security and Natural Gas - LNG in the Baltic Sea Region, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2022, pp. 1. – 2.
[8] Kuhn, M.: Enabling the Iranian Gas Export Options - The Destiny of Iranian Energy
Relations in a Tripolar Struggle over Energy Security and Geopolitics, Springer Fachmedien
Wiesbaden, 2014, pp. 30
[9] Foss, M. M.; Gülen, G.: Building Sustainable Natural Gas Markets in Foss, M. M.;
Macmillan, 2021, pp. 363. – 364.
[10] Sever, S. D.: Natural Gas and Energy Security in Olawuyi, D. S.; Pereira, E. G.: The
Palgrave Handbook of Natural Gas and Global Energy Transitions, Palgrave Macmillan,
2022, pp. 109. – 110.
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