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1 2 ii KATA PENGANTAR Profesi guru dan tenaga kependidikan harus dihargai dan dikembangkan sebagai profesi yang bermartabat sebagaimana diamanatkan Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen. Hal ini dikarenakan guru dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan tenaga profesional yang mempunyai fungsi, peran, dan kedudukan yang sangat penting dalam mencapai visi pendidikan 2025 yaitu "Menciptakan Insan Indonesia Cerdas dan Kompetitif". Untuk itu guru dan tenaga kependidikan yang profesional wajib melakukan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan. Guru dan tenaga kependidikan wajib melaksanakan PKB baik secara mandiri maupun kelompok. Khusus untuk PKB dalam bentuk diklat dilakukan oleh lembaga pelatihan sesuai dengan jenis kegiatan dan kebutuhan guru.
Publication Date: August 22 , 2024 Number of Pages: 16 All four problems in this paper , were featured in the 2024 AIME Contest. A.I.M.E stands for American Invitational Mathematics Examination. And it is organized by MAA (Mathematical Association of America). The four problems can be found in the website , The four problems are listed as PROBLEMS 1-4 in the introduction of this paper; pages 1-3. Below , we state two of the problems ; PROBLEMS 3 and 4. PROBLEM 3 2024 AIME PART I February 1 , 2024 Problem 5: Rectangles ABCD and EFGH are drawn such that D , E , C , F are colinear. Also , A , D , H , G all lie on a circle . If BC=16 , AB=107 , FG=17 , and EF=184 , what is the length of CE ? (See illustration on page 2 ; and also on page 9). We present a solution to this problem in Section 4 , pages 9-12. We show that the length of CE is 104 . PROBLEM 4 2024 AIME Part II February 2 , 2024 Problem 7: Let N be the greatest four-digit integer with the property that whenever one of its digit is changed to 1 , the resulting number is divisible by 7. Let Q and R be the quotient and remainder , respectively , when N is divided by 1000. Find Q + R. We solve the above problem in Section 5 , pages 13-16 of this paper. We show that there are exactly two 4-digit positive integers with the property described in PROBLEM 4: 5624 and 5694 . Thus 5694 is the largest such integer ; N=5694 . If we divide 5694 with 1000; we obtain (Quotient) Q = 5 and (Remainder) R = 694. Therefore , Q+R = 699 .
La vida en un mundo centrado en la red Aspectos básicos de networking: Capítulo 1 Objetivos Describir cómo las redes afectan nuestra vida diaria.
This article attempts to explore the plight of the Yemenite Jews in Ali Al Muqri's The Handsome Jew. It seeks to highlight the persecution of the Jewish community as a result of fanatical thoughts, jingoistic attitudes, and extremist culture. The novel traces the conditions of the Jews of Yemen and their exile to Mawza. The Yemenite Jews experienced marginalization at the hands of the Zaydi sect (dynasty), especially during the seventeenth century. Besides, the controversial question of interfaith marriage and its impact on the relationship between the Jews and the Muslims in Yemen has been dealt with by Al-Muqri. Al-Muqri reveals the reasons behind the violence and prejudice against the Yemenite Jews and has demonstrated that religious fanaticism, ultranationalism, and taboo culture have caused several waves of violence that disturbed the interrelationships between the Jews and the Muslims in Yemen.
La Gestión de Procesos de Negocio es una metodología corporativa y disciplina de gestión , cuyo objetivo es mejorar el desempeño (eficiencia y eficacia) y la optimización de los procesos de negocio de una organización, a través de la gestión de los procesos que se deben diseñar, modelar, organizar, documentar y optimizar de forma continua. Por lo tanto, puede ser descrito como un proceso de optimización de procesos.
Az alábbi dolgozat az MTA BTK Magyar Őstörténeti Témacsoportjának kutatási eredményeit mutatja be, melyeket az elmúlt években a korai magyar történelem területén elért. Az eredményeket egy poszterkiállítás keretében mutattuk be, melynek anyaga az alábbiakban olvasható. A munka első felében azokat a Kelet- Európai lelőhelyeket vesszük számba, ahol mai ismereteink szerint elődeinkhez köthető leletek kerültek elő, s amelyek egyúttal kijelölik azt a teret, ahol őstörténetünk egyes fejezetei lejátszódhattak az Uráltól keletre fekvő Uelgitől a Dnyeszter menti Szlobodzejáig. A második részben a régészeti leletek egyik legkézenfekvőbb „felhasználási módjával” ismerkedünk: azt próbáljuk áttekinteni, hogy mit is viselhettek, hogyan nézhettek ki őseink, illetve szomszédaik, amikor új lakóhelyükre megérkeztek.
DISCIPLINA: Geometria Plana e Desenho Geométrico CURSO: Licenciatura em Matemática CARGA HORÁRIA: 80h CÓDIGO DA DISCIPLINA: MGD001 EMENTA Postulados de incidência; ordem; separação e congruência; posição relativa de retas e planos; triângulos: congruência e desigualdades geométricas; perpendicularismo; postulado das paralelas: o papel da sua independência no desenvolvimento histórico da Geometria; semelhanças; polígonos: estudo especial dos quadriláteros; circunferência; construções geométricas: o método dos lugares geométricos. OBJETIVOS DA DISCIPLINA Examinar a Geometria Elementar de um ponto de vista rigoroso e preciso gerando uma reflexão crítica sobre a abordagem usual na escola secundária; destacar o papel da Geometria Plana no desenvolvimento histórico da Matemática; promover o desenvolvimento do raciocínio dedutivo e de habilidade e sensibilidade para resolução de problemas geométricos; estudar os procedimentos utilizados nas construções geométricas com régua e compasso, questionando e justificando sua validade. CONTEÚDO PROGRAMÁTICO 1. Noções de lógica e Postulado da Incidência 2. Postulados de ordem, separação e congruência, posição relativa de retas e planos 3. Triângulos: congruência e desigualdades geométricas 4. Perpendicularismo 5. Postulado das Paralelas: o papel da sua independência no desenvolvimento histórico da Geometria 6. Semelhanças 7. Polígonos: estudo especial dos quadriláteros 8. Circunferência
Electrochimica Acta, 2015
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