Dual-energy Subtraction Chest Radiography
Application in Cardiovascular Imaging
Kianoush Ansari-Gilani, MD,* Yasmeen K. Tandon, MD,*
David W. Jordan, PhD,† Leslie Ciancibello, RT,† David L. Wilson, PhD,†
and Robert C. Gilkeson, MD*
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Abstract: The chest radiograph is the most frequently performed
imaging in radiology and by including the heart and central vessels
can suggest the presence of cardiovascular disease. Dual-energy
subtraction radiography of the chest provides improved detection of
a wide variety of cardiovascular pathologies including coronary
artery disease, valvular pathologies, and pericardial disease given
the presence of calcification in many subtypes of these diseases. We
review the principles of dual-energy subtraction radiography and
demonstrate its added value in the assessment of cardiovascular
Key Words: dual-energy, subtraction, chest radiograph, cardiovascular
(J Thorac Imaging 2020;35:W75–W81)
ual-energy subtraction radiography (DESR) of the
chest has been used for the assessment of noncalcified
and calcified chest pathologies of both cardiovascular or
noncardiovascular origin.1 Noncardiovascular applications
include better detection of lung nodules, hilar and mediastinal masses, and tracheal lesions. Assessment of bone,
pleural, and chest wall pathologies has also been discussed in
the literature.1,2 The presence of calcium is a well-recognized
biomarker of cardiovascular disease. Coronary artery disease,
aortic and mitral valve stenosis, and constrictive pericarditis
are characterized by the presence of calcium. DESR enables
detection of calcified structures with high sensitivity,3 which
can be therefore advantageous in detecting abnormal calcium
in the detection of cardiovascular disease. Although computed tomography (CT) is almost universally available, its
higher radiation dose and relative cost limits its routine utility
as a screening tool.3 Even though DESR is not as widely
available as conventional radiography, its lower cost and
lower radiation dose compared with CT can provide a
promising future for more widespread use in the assessment
of the diseases.
In this article, we review the basic principles and
physics of DESR. The 2 types of dual-energy radiography
systems with their advantages and disadvantages will be
discussed. We also discuss and illustrate the advantages of
this imaging modality in the assessment of cardiovascular
From the *University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center; and
†Department of Radiology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical
Center & Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Correspondence to: Kianoush Ansari-Gilani, MD, Radiology Department,
University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center, 11100 Euclid Avenue,
Cleveland, OH 44124 (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000472
J Thorac Imaging
Volume 35, Number 3, May 2020
pathologies. Some of the limitations and artifacts associated
with DESR will also be reviewed.
In dual-energy radiography, tissue decomposition is
carried out on the basis of using 2 different x-ray energies to
exaggerate the difference between 2 different materials,
which otherwise have significant overlap in imaging appearance.
As linear attenuation coefficients (LACs) are energy-dependent,
using 2 different energies results in 2 different LACs, which can
be used to decompose the imaged structures (Fig. 1).4
DESR is based on the differences in the degree of body
tissue attenuation of low-energy and high-energy photons.
As a general rule, tissues containing elements that have
higher atomic number (such as bone with large amount
of calcium, which has a higher atomic number) attenuate
x-ray beams more efficiently than tissues that contain
lower atomic number elements (eg, soft tissue which has
lower atomic number elements such as oxygen, hydrogen,
carbon, and nitrogen). Because of the different LACs
mentioned above, low-energy photons are more attenuated
than the high-energy photons in different body tissues, and
this is especially more pronounced in bone that has calcium
with higher atomic number and therefore has higher attenuation
coefficient (Fig. 1). The higher differential attenuation of bone
as a function of photon energy, as compared with soft tissue,
allows the ability to decompose the 2 images taken at different
x-ray energies into soft tissue only and bone-only images.5,6 This
is carried out by calculating the amount of calcium in any
imaged pixel and then subtracting it from the original image to
produce the bone and soft tissue–specific information in the
imaged pixel.
Currently, there are 2 clinical systems available for
dual-energy radiography5,6:
Single-exposure system: in this system, which is also called
sandwich or passive detector system, one radiograph is obtained
by exposing 2 storage phosphor plates that are separated by a
copper filter.1 Copper filter absorbs lower x-ray energies. The
imaging plates are stacked and aligned, and therefore, with one
exposure, 2 images are obtained. This eliminates motion artifact. As the energy separation in this system solely relies on the
detectors and as only one exposure is used (with no major
variation in the energy of exposed beam), the energy separation
between the 2 image pairs remains small, and therefore signal to
noise ratio is relatively low at typical patient exposure (Fig. 2).
Dual-exposure system: in this system, a flat-panel detector with a fast readout capability is used. The first acquisition
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especially of the aorta. The energy separation, on the other
hand, and therefore signal to noise ratio for any given patient
exposure is relatively higher in this technique, as, by default, 2
different exposures using two sets of energies are used (Fig. 3).
We used the dual-exposure technique to obtain the
images in this article.
Dual-energy subtraction chest radiographs are displayed as 3 separate images (standard or conventional, soft
tissue–selective image, and bone-selective image) and always
carried out in posterior-anterior (PA) projection. A standard
lateral radiograph is usually added (total of 4 images).
It has been suggested to reduce the dose of the lateral
view to compensate for a slight increase in radiation dose
caused by dual exposure.1,7
FIGURE 1. The effect of the difference in attenuation coefficient
on the attenuation of high and low-energy beams. There is much
greater attenuation of bone at low energies (60 kVP) and almost
similar attenuation of bone and soft tissue at higher energies
(120 kVp). The effective energy of a spectrum is equal to the
energy of a monoenergetic x-ray photon with the same overall
attenuation. Shown are typical x-ray “effective energies” for
spectra generated at 60 kVp (green) and 12 kVp (purple).
occurs with the high (120 kV) energy beam, and then a fast
image readout is performed. This is immediately followed by
the low (60 kV) energy beam acquisition, and then another fast
image readout. An ∼200-ms delay is present between the 2
exposures/readouts,7 which can result in motion artifact due to
voluntary and involuntary patient motion including respiratory motion, heart motion, and pulsation of the great vessels,
DESR can be used in the detection of cardiovascular and
noncardiovascular pathologies. Noncardiovascular applications
include better detection of calcified and noncalcified lung nodules,
hilar and mediastinal masses, tracheal lesions, and bone, pleural,
and chest wall pathologies and have been previously discussed in
the literature.1,2 We will discuss the cardiovascular application of
DESR in this article. As most of the radiographically detectable
cardiovascular pathologies have calcification, bone selective
images are the most sensitive to depict those pathologies.
Valvular Disease
Aortic valve stenosis is the most common valvulopathy.
Whether it is caused by a degenerative process in the tricuspid or
bicuspid aortic valve, calcification is a constant feature of the
disease.8 Multiple studies have established aortic valve calcification as a sensitive marker of aortic valve stenosis. There is a
strong correlation between the amount of aortic valve calcium
quantified on CT and the echocardiographic assessment of aortic
valve stenosis.9,10 The bone-selective image of DESR is able to
better depict aortic valve calcification (Fig. 4) when compared
with the standard image. However, as calcification of the aortic
FIGURE 2. Single-exposure system: x-ray generator produces a single-energy beam (120 kVp). Two image plates are used with a copper
filter sandwiched between the 2 layers. This produces 2 sets of images: low-energy image by the front plate and high-energy image by
the backplate. The low-energy image has higher bone-tissue contrast than the high-energy image. For the final images, either the bone
signal is nulled for a “soft tissue only” image or the soft tissue is nulled for a “bone-only” image.
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Cardiovascular Applications of Dual-energy Radiographs
FIGURE 3. Dual-exposure system: x-ray generator produces two beams (60 and 120 kVp) and 2 image acquisitions. The first acquisition
occurs with the low (60 kVp) energy beam, then by low-energy image readout. This is followed immediately by the high (120 kVp)
energy beam acquisition, then by high-energy image readout. Approximately, a 200-ms delay is present between the 2 exposures/
readouts (65+135 ms). The low-energy image has higher bone-tissue contrast than the high-energy image. Again, for the final images,
either the bone signal is nulled for a “soft tissue only” image or the soft tissue is nulled for a “bone-only” image.
valve on the PA view usually overlaps with thoracic vertebral
bodies and sternum, the distinction of the 2 can be challenging.
Slightly oblique images or the presence of scoliosis in the thoracic
spine improves detection of aortic valve calcification (Fig. 4E).
Mitral annular calcification (MAC) is a chronic process
involving the fibrous annulus of the mitral valve. It is a very
common finding in the older population.11 Although annular
calcification is associated with mitral regurgitation, the amount
of regurgitation is usually trivial, and most patients are
asymptomatic.11 Contrary to aortic valve calcification, calcification in the mitral valve annulus is not significantly associated
with mitral valve stenosis.12 In contrast to the aortic valve calcification, MAC can be more readily seen on PA bone selective
image due to more lateral location of the mitral valve (Fig. 5).
MAC is a very common entity with an estimated prevalence of 10%.13 It appears as a semicircular calcification on
radiograph due to more severe involvement of the posterior
annulus. Unlike typical MAC, caseous mitral annulus calcification is more commonly symptomatic, causing mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation, left ventricular outflow obstruction, or
systemic embolization.1,14 It can be better characterized on
DESR, demonstrating a more mass-like appearance on
imaging (Fig. 6).
Mitral valve leaflet calcification, on the other hand, is
less common and may be found in patients with a history
of rheumatic fever, noninflammatory calcific disease,
and chronic renal failure, and it is difficult to be seen on
Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary artery calcification is associated with increased
risk for a major adverse cardiac event.16 The coronary calcium
score is a strong predictor of coronary artery disease and
coronary events and provides predictive information beyond
that provided by standard risk factors.17
Although coronary artery calcification is rarely seen on
a standard chest radiograph,18 bone-selective image of
DESR can improve the detection of coronary artery calcification. DESR has shown promising results in detecting
patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease and with high
FIGURE 4. A 21-year-old man with shortness of breath. Conventional chest radiograph (A) is unremarkable. Bone-selective image (B)
shows a subtle area of calcification in the expected location of the aortic valve (red arrow). There is a curvilinear black area near the left
ventricular apex (blue arrow), which is due to pulsation/motion artifact. Reconstructed coronal gated computed tomography of the chest
(C) confirms calcification in the aortic valve (arrow). Parasternal long-axis transthoracic echocardiogram with color (D) shows aliasing at
the level of the aortic valve (arrow) due to the gradient across the aortic valve confirming the presence of aortic stenosis. The presence of
aortic valve calcification is better appreciated in the presence of thoracic scoliosis (arrow in E), as there is less overlap of the aortic valve
and thoracic spine.
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FIGURE 5. A 64-year-old man for routine assessment before renal transplant. Conventional chest radiograph (A) is unremarkable. Boneselective image (B) shows a curvilinear area of calcification in the expected location of the mitral valve (arrow) in keeping with mitral
annulus calcification. Coronal reconstructed gated CT of the chest (C) shown in maximum intensity projection confirms the presence of
significant mitral annulus calcification (arrow).
FIGURE 6. A 75-year-old man with caseous mitral annulus calcification (CMAC) and severe mitral regurgitation. Conventional chest
radiograph (A) shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette size with no other significant abnormal findings. Bone-selective image (B) shows a
round mass-like calcification (arrow), which corresponds to the patient’s known CMAC. C, Transesophageal echocardiogram in midesophageal 4-chamber view shows a mass-like echogenicity attached to the posterior aspect of the annulus and posterior mitral valve (*),
causing significant posterior shadowing (arrows) due to calcification and in keeping with patients with known CMAC.
FIGURE 7. An 87-year-old man with severe 3-vessel coronary artery disease. Conventional chest radiograph (A) is unremarkable except
for mild cardiomegaly. Bone-selective image (B) shows extensive coronary artery calcifications. This includes a short area of calcification in
the left main coronary artery (red arrow), a slightly curvilinear but horizontal calcification in the left anterior descending coronary artery
(blue arrow), and slightly curvilinear but vertical calcification in the left circumflex artery (yellow arrow). Right coronary artery calcification
is projecting over the spine and has a vertical/oblique course (green arrow).
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Cardiovascular Applications of Dual-energy Radiographs
FIGURE 8. A 55-year-old man with a history of coronary artery disease status-post percutaneous coronary intervention. Conventional
chest radiograph (A) is unremarkable. Bone-selective image (B) shows the left anterior descending coronary artery stent (arrow).
FIGURE 9. A 57-year-old man with a prior history of pericarditis. Conventional chest radiograph (A) shows right lower lung consolidation
and pleural effusion with an enlarged cardiac silhouette. Bone-selective image (B) shows a linear area of calcification in the inferior aspect
of the cardiac silhouette (arrow), which corresponds to pericardial calcification inferior to the right ventricle in the reconstructed coronal
nongated computed tomography of the chest (C, arrow).
FIGURE 10. A 61-year-old woman with a known history of pulmonary artery hypertension. Conventional chest radiograph (A) shows
enlarged cardiac silhouette and prominent main and right pulmonary arteries (arrows). Bone-selective image (B) shows calcification in
the right main pulmonary artery (red arrows) in keeping with the patient’s known pulmonary artery hypertension. Aortic arch calcification
(blue arrow in B) is also visible. Dark lines adjacent to the border of the right atrium, left ventricles, and aortic arch (yellow arrows in B) are
due to pulsation/motion artifact. Coronal reconstructed CT of the chest (C) shown in maximum intensity projection confirms the
presence of calcification in the pulmonary artery (red arrows) in keeping with the patient’s known pulmonary artery hypertension. Aortic
arch calcification can also be seen (blue arrow in C).
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FIGURE 11. A 52-year-old man with a long history of end-stage renal disease and hemodialysis. Conventional chest radiograph (A) shows
left more than right basilar opacities with left pleural effusion. Bone-selective image (B) shows significant improvement in visualization of
a femoral approach central venous catheter, which is terminating in the expected location of the junction of the superior vena cava (SVC)
and right atrium (red arrow). There is also a focal calcification in SVC (blue arrow in B), which can be better seen in axial noncontrast
computed tomography of the chest (arrow in C) and in keeping with patients with known chronic SVC occlusion.
calcium score3; however, its role in patients with lower
calcium score is unclear.3
The location and course of the calcification, as seen on
chest radiograph, can be helpful in locating the abnormal
coronary artery. The left main coronary artery is usually seen
as a small area of linear calcification adjacent to the left side of
the thoracic spine, while left anterior descending and circumflex calcification are respectively seen as horizontal and vertical
curvilinear calcifications to the left side of the spine (Fig. 7).
Right coronary artery calcification is seen as a curvilinear area
of calcification with a horizontal/oblique course overlying the
thoracic spine or immediately to the right of the spine (Fig. 7).
Coronary artery stents are also better seen on the boneselective image of DESR given their metallic content (and
therefore higher atomic number) (Fig. 8).
Pericardial and Myocardial Calcification
Pericardial calcification is more frequently detected due to
more common use of chest CT and can be due to more
common causes such as cardiac surgery or radiation treatment
versus less common causes such as viral pericarditis, trauma,
malignancy, and connective tissue diseases.19 Tuberculosis is a
less frequent cause in developed countries. It can be associated
with constrictive pericarditis.19 Pericardial calcification is seen
more commonly adjacent to the right ventricle and right
atrioventricular groove20 (Fig. 9).
Myocardial calcification is usually seen as a sequela of
prior infarction, especially in the presence of myocardial
aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm, and is seen more commonly
over the left ventricle.20
While standard PA or AP (anterior-posterior), chest
radiograph can show pericardial or myocardial calcification,
and bone-selective image of DESR can increase the conspicuity of the calcification in more subtle cases (Fig. 9).
Miscellaneous Cardiovascular Applications
Vascular, either arterial or venous, calcification including pulmonary artery calcification can also be better seen on
the bone-selective image of DESR (Fig. 10). Calcified venous
or arterial thrombus and lines and tubes are also better seen
on bone-selective images (Fig. 11).
Misregistration artifact can be seen on dual-energy subtraction images that are obtained by dual-exposure technique.
This is due to 200 ms delay between the 2 exposures/readout and,
as can be predicted, happens more frequently adjacent to moving
organs such as the diaphragm, heart, aorta, or pacemaker
wires1,7 (Figs. 4, 10). Misregistration artifacts can be seen as white
or black lines and are most pronounced on the bone-selective
images. Reviewing the standard image is helpful to understand
the cause of these extra lines/interfaces and to correctly interpret
the study.
Respiratory motion artifact can also occur in DESR.
While a generalized haziness is seen on respiratory motion
degraded conventional image, the effect of motion would be
exaggerated and more pronounced on subtracted images.
Again, reviewing the conventional image is helpful to better
interpret the study in these scenarios.
DESR is associated with a slight increase in radiation
dose.1 It cannot be applied to the lateral chest radiographs
or portable x-rays. The increase in radiation dose, however,
is minimal.1
Another limitation associated with DESR systems is their
limited availability, as compared with ubiquitously available
conventional radiography units. The cost of obtaining a radiograph using this system can also be potentially slightly higher,
which might limit its use.
As described above, the detection of midline calcified
pathologies can be challenging due to the overlapping thoracic
spine and sternum.
Dual-energy subtraction chest radiography improves the
radiologist’s ability to detect and more accurately diagnose a
wide variety of cardiothoracic pathologies, both cardiovascular
and noncardiovascular in origin. Bone-selective images make
the calcification more conspicuous and better delineate many
calcified cardiovascular pathologies. This technique, however,
has some limitations including misregistration artifact and
slightly higher radiation dose.
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