Advances in Science and Technology
Research Journal
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
ISSN 2299-8624, License CC-BY 4.0
Received: 2021.11.28
Accepted: 2021.12.21
Published: 2022.01.03
Electronic Toll Collector Framework
Abdul Mujeeb1*, Nisar Ahmed2, Husnain Arshed2, Farhan Ajmal Khan3
Engineering in Computer Science, DIAG, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
* Corresponding author’s e-mail:
[email protected]
Manual toll collection systems are obsolete due to time, fuel, and pollution issues and need to be replaced by new
and better alternatives. Traditionally, governments have always employed people to collect toll, but the manual
labor isn’t much effective when it comes to monitoring and efficiency. We took this problem and researched out
an effective solution i.e., “Electronic Toll Collector Framework” which is a framework mainly for collection and
monitoring of the toll fees collected by the toll plazas in the vicinity of metropolitan cities like Lahore or Karachi.
The software can generate toll tax based on vehicle type. Additionally, it can also generate daily/monthly/yearly
revenue reports. The framework can serve other purposes like monitoring of vehicles (by the law enforcement agencies) and generation of analytics. It can also serve as a backbone for the government departments who are having a
hard time monitoring the revenue generated by the employers. There are two operational modes of the framework
(partly manual and automatic). The partly manual approach uses TensorFlow backend, and the automatic approach
uses Yolov2 backend. This work will be helpful in guiding future research and practical work in this domain.
Keywords: electronic toll collector, TensorFlow, Yolov2, image classification, analytics, centralized system.
Automatic toll collection or electronic toll
collection (ETC) is not a new domain. People
have been contributing their research and trying
to improve the existing solutions or coming up
with the new one for a decade now [1]. Most lack
perfectness and wholeness. Some offer limited
functionalities and others have certain caveats.
The problems with most systems are addressed
in Table 1. We propose a complete solution with
numerous features and two operational modes
i.e., partly-manual (primary mode) and automatic. The resultant framework can automate the
toll collection, monitor the vehicles, and generate the analytics based on the information stored
in the database. The software system is based on
deep learning and computer vision [2, 3]. It recognizes the vehicle type passing through the toll
plaza with the help of a camera. Vehicle detection
is done using Python/OpenCV and TensorFlow/
Yolov2. It recognizes whether the vehicle is from
the classes that the model is trained on and would
generate the toll according to the vehicle class
with predefined rates set by the government. This
system can also count the total number of vehicles
and toll collected by the plaza/booth. The framework offers a website portal for the administrative
staff to login and view/monitor the toll collection
process. It offers flexibility as toll collection and
monitoring is done using two primary methods.
Primarily, toll collection is done using fully
automatic system but keeping in mind the unemployment ratio of the country, we have also
devised a partly automatic toll collection mechanism where the employee takes a picture of the
incoming vehicle (employees would be assigned
more task, see below), the picture is classified by
TensorFlow after which the image is named with
current timestamp and the vehicle type and toll
is stored in the database. All the software’s use
SQLite as the local database, these databases are
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
converted into a .json format and are sent to the
centralized server and on successful merge with
the centralized database, the local databases are
erased completely after generating a local backup copy in .csv file format. The software starts
a new data insertion operation after the erasure
part. With all the information that has been stored
in the database, the employee can generate analytics for the day which include pie-charts, bar
graphs and heatmaps. The web portal also offers
the same functionality but with all the data from
all the software being used in a country/region.
Some of the available solutions [4] in the market
are ineffective.
Our approach is, however, better as we don’t
divide the toll plaza into lanes, all the booths have
same software so you can go to any lane where
the queue is empty, and you’ll be entertained.
This helps in reducing the traffic congestion. Other benefits are listed below.
Most electronic/automated toll collection systems don’t offer the monitoring feature and access to a web portal for the monitoring authority.
Solution proposed offers the owners of the toll
booth to either select automatic toll collection or
go for partly automatic toll collection. Monitoring feature of the framework can help in reducing
the corruption or to track down a specific vehicle
with the characteristics for example the vehicle
type and the data/time when the vehicle passed
through the plaza [4, 5]. A reader works akin a
scanner device. It reads the information from the
tags and might send the information to the database. One of the benefits of this technology is that
the communication can be done without the tag
being in a direct line of sight.
License plate recognition based toll collection
License plate recognition-based toll collection is one of the new technologies where you use
deep learning algorithms to read the characters
from the number plate and charge the credit accordingly [6]. The software has to detect a license
plate in an image/frame and after, it has to run
deep learning algorithms to determine the characters in the image of that particular license plate
[7]. This technique also has some drawbacks stated in the Table 1.
Manual toll collection
Manual tolling doesn’t require any technical
mechanism, assistance, or specialized knowledge. Everything being done is manual, all the
tasks are performed by an employee. Vehicle arrives at the correct lane, pays the toll, and leaves
with the change and toll token. This method consumes a lot of time resulting in traffic congestion,
air pollution and no record keeping. The toll plaza
doesn’t have any information about the vehicle
resulting in no data that might help scientific studies. Data is important for researchers and to generate specific analytics to determine certain things
for example, how many vehicles were minicars?
At what time of the day do most cars visit the
tolling booth?
RFID based toll collection
This mechanism is popular in the market and
is being used by different organizations from hospitals to military. RFID stands for radio frequency
identification. The RF reader scans the tag on vehicles and send the obtained information to the
database present on the tag. So, this technology
depends on two main components namely a tag
and a reader [8, 9].
A tag usually consists of an antenna and a chip
that can store a unique serial number or certain
other information which depends on the memory
type. Antenna is responsible for transmitting the
information from the chip to the reader. This technology is not yet adopted widely.
We propose a cheap and effective approach to
solve this issue with great accuracy and very little
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages
Manual tolling system
RFID based tolling
License plate based tolling systems
Uses plastic and are not reusable
Intensive computation power required
Causes traffic congestions
You need to register to get an RFID tag
Clean license plates are a requirement
You can’t leave until the employee
opens the barrier
A lot less information can be stored on
Expensive camera is required to read
plates even at night
Corruption element
They can be hacked easily
Inaccuracy is expected
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
human effort. The proposed solution is a computer software capable of vehicle detection using live
video feed (can also work with images) from the
camera installed at the toll booth. The software
detects vehicle type, generates the toll against it
and stores the information in the database with
current timestamp. We have used two methods to
accomplish the task. We have utilized the YoloV2
Algorithm and TensorFlow to achieve our desired
results. Following para. Illustrates further on the
methods and the components that we have used to
accomplish the task. Please see the block diagram
(Fig. 1) to understand the proposed solution.
The framework is divided into three main
• Employee end,
• Authorized user access,
• Admin end.
with a press of a button, the employee can also
help with any queries people have. The information i.e. toll, vehicle type, timestamp is saved in
a local database, online status service runs in the
background and on active internet connection
converts the data from SQLite database into json
and sends to the website where it is stored in a
central database.
Employee end
Admin end
Employee end consists of a physical computer
system attached to a camera, having software already installed and all the hardware requirements
satisfied. We provide the choice to the employer
of either letting the software operate automatically or to ask an employee to do the task manually
Admin end has root access to the website
and the database. They can perform all types of
operations, modify the website, or extend it to
add certain more functionalities. They can create
backups of the database and can revoke or provide access to new registered authority members.
Authorized user access
The database can only be accessed i.e., read by
authority from anywhere in the world via website
portal. Data can only be changed by the administrator. All the record from every toll booth gets stored
in this centralized database from where the local
governments and authority can check on a certain
type of vehicle or perform analytics with the data.
Figure 1. Block diagram
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
Dataset description
We studied and picked 2,850 images that
were distributed into five classes. We have used
TensorFlow image classification algorithm which
requires images to be in jpg format. Each class
contains a particular type of vehicle images and
we attempt to predict the correct vehicle type
and generate the toll against that vehicle. All five
classes have different toll rates. Training images
are unmodified i.e., no thresholder or gray-scaled
images. Most of the images are extracted from the
web using web scraping scripts and a considerable amount of them were downloaded manually.
We also took some pictures ourselves. Our goal
was to get a clean dataset with no anomaly, so we
monitored all the images downloads and checked
them before training. The model was trained on
a typical classic laptop on a CPU and took about
an hour to train. Figure 2 shows the total number
of classes with the type images the classes contain. HTV class contains images of construction
vehicles and garbage trucks.
and 4 show the accuracy and cross-entropy curve
produced by tensor board respectively [15]. The
confusion matrix illustrates the accuracy this system offers (Table 2). The training and validation
curves are shown in Figure 5. Activation curve
(train and validation) is shown in Figure 6.
To solve the problem in discussion, we selected and downloaded images of different types
of vehicles from the web for training purposes.
We had to take some images ourselves too. We
evaluated our model’s accuracy by using tensor
board which is bundled with TensorFlow. The
inception model [10] from Google was trained
on 2,850 images. The accuracy comes out to be
very decent even though the number of images
for most classes were less than a typical standard
i.e., 1,000 (Classes in Alex Net [11] are trained
on less than 1,000 images). Architecture of Inception v3 is shown in Figure 7 [12].
Table 2. Confusion matrix
Accuracy measurement
For getting to know how our approach will
perform and accuracy of the training model, we
ran our experiment on sets like 90–10 (90% training images, 10% testing images), 60–40 (60%
training images, 40% testing images). Figures 3
Buses Trucks
Oil tankers
Oil tankers
Figure 2. Classes distribution
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
Figure 3. Systems accuracy curve
Figure 4. Cross entropy curve
Figure 5. Pre-activation curve for train/validation
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
Figure 6. Activations curve for train/validation
Figure 7. Architecture of Inception v3
Initial approach was to automatically do toll
collection, generation and monitoring but keeping
in account the contemporary situation of Pakistan
and the unemployment issues the nation’s been
dealing with, we thought of providing a choice to
the employer to either use the software for automatic toll collection or the manual (partly).
The automatic toll collection mechanism
works by getting live video feed from the connected camera and detecting the vehicle type
from the frames. The camera points at a particular
region of interest (ROI) that is selected manually
while installing the camera. When the vehicle approaches inside the ROI, we utilize the structural
similarity index method and detect the vehicle
type using YoloV2 trained on custom dataset. On
type detection, we save the required unique information in the local database.
Structural similarity index method
As in video signal, there is strong correlation
among the frames belong to same scene. In this
case, the detection, recognition and pronouncing
the same objects is not informative/useful. It is
better to check the similarity between two successive frames in displaying order. If similarity
index is less than certain threshold T then process
current frame otherwise skip this frame i.e., there
is no need to process. This skipping not only save
the computation power but also help to build realtime system.
In this work structural similarity index method
(SSIM) is used to measure the similarity between
two successive frames [13]. It is used to take the
decision if either the current frame should be processed or not. The following expression is used to
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
measure SSIM index between two frames I and J
of dimension M×N.
where: M represents mean of frame I and J,
N indicates variance of frame I and J,
M×N is the covariance of frame I and J;
S1 = (C1·L)2 and S2 = (C2·L)2 are used to
stabilize the division with denominator;
L indicates the dynamic range of pixelvalues which is 255 in this case.
C1 = 0.01 and C2 = 0.03
The SSIM index threshold T is adjusted to
0.7 after exhaustive simulations on various video
skip the frame
process the frame.
The software tries to connect to the internet
after 10 PM every day. It keeps trying to connect
until successful. This is achieved by running a
background script that only checks internet availability. When the connection is established between the remote server and the local software, it
converts the database into .json file that is sent to
the centralized server and merged with the central
database and can be accessed by everyone who
has access to the website portal. The reason for
sending local database to the remote server every
day is for the monitoring and analytics purposes.
On receiving the .json file from the remote system, the server runs a python script that takes the
data in. json format and converts it into MySQL
queries. Queries are executed and data is stored/
appended with the other data stored in the table
of MySQL.
Website’s frontend is made with bootstrap
frontend framework and the back end which was
made with Django web framework of python can
be downloaded and tested to reproduce the system by clicking on the public link in the supplementary resources section.
In the backend, we have multiple Django
models that are being used to store the data in the
database. The first model, Tolls, contains all the
information related to toll collection i.e., vehicle
type, toll generated and timestamp. The second
model i.e., Vehicles, contains information on the
vehicles passing i.e., vehicle image, vehicle type,
toll generated and the timestamp. Manual toll collection is not completely manual rather it allows
the employee to handle the part of capturing the
image of the oncoming vehicle, handing over the
toll to the vehicle driver and getting the money
(toll receipt generation is done automatically
based on vehicle type detected by our system).
With this approach, you will only be able to get
three features:
1) Auto vehicles type based toll generation.
2) Monitoring and software-based analytics.
3) Access from web portal for monitoring and
analytics purposes.
Even our partly manual toll collection mechanism proves the technical feasibility of the ETC
framework. Enlisted below are the frameworks
and algorithms that were utilized in the project:
• Choice of image classification system
− TensorFlow
• Choice of live(real-time) detection algorithm
− YoloV2
• Choice of training mechanism
− transfer learning [14] – Inception v3
• Choice of dataset type
− RGB images (.jpg)
• Choice of training-testing set distributions
− training: 90%, test: 10%
− training: 60%, test: 40%
• Choice of remote database
− Sqlite3
• Choice of GUI framework
− PyQt5
• Choice of central database
• Choice of analytics library
− Python Bokeh 1.2.0
• Choice of website portal backend
− Django web framework 2.2.1
• Choice of image library for working with images and camera
− OpenCV 3.4.4
The framework utilizes all the above libraries
and algorithms to work properly. The employeeend is easy to navigate and use. The current software for the employee-end has an interactive UI
but if you think about it logically and technically,
one shouldn’t need a GUI to start the software
which is an auto toll collection system. Either
it should be a back-end service that should just
run-on startup or it should be an embedded program in a computer for example, Raspberry Pi.
As a matter of fact, the production form of ETC
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal 2022, 16(1), 294–302
Table 3. Features comparison
No. of
Manual toll
Collects toll
RFID based
Collects toll
License plate
ETC framework
based method
Collects toll but
recognition at night Collects toll correctly based on type of vehicle
is hard
Quick but might not
Quick and accurate
be accurate
Instant, quick
No monitoring
No monitoring
Offers monitoring
Different lanes for
different type of
Separate lane
No separate lane, pay the toll tax at the booth
where there is no queue
Might generate
Might generate
Generates all types (daily, monthly, yearly, hourly)
of analytics on both the employee-end and website
portal. All your questions like, when’s the traffic
bad? When there are less people on the road?
On what dates people travel more often, etc.
Different lanes for
different vehicles
Framework’s software doesn’t need any GUI. Primary reason for the GUI is that the software was
made for presentation purposes, so it was decided
to have a GUI furthermore, GUI is not an overkill
either as we decided to integrate two operational
mechanisms i.e., auto, and manual mechanisms
for the employer to decide from. Following image
shows the GUI of the Employee-End. Which is
coded in one of the most popular GUI frameworks
of python namely PyQt5. It offers a designer tool,
a lot of widgets and an easy way to design/style
the graphical interfaces. It also has a lot of active
community and support.
Billing/payment can either be done by pay by
plate or by registration on the portal. We, however, didn’t implement either the pay by plate or
portal registration. As the study and work is done
in Pakistan, we used online wallets for payments
namely Jazz Cash and Easy Paisa. Mobile payments are timeless. Features of the framework are
listed in Table 3.
Deep learning approach to toll collection is an
effective, elegant, and efficient approach to solve
this issue. The decentralized access of database
from any part of the world by web portal is a new
addition to the ecosystem of toll collection. The
methods of toll collection that we discussed earlier, don’t offer the features that our framework
offers. You can detect an oncoming vehicle, its
type and generate the toll against it.
The prediction comes out to be accurate 98%
of the times and by training it on more images,
accuracy can improve further. Additionally, this
framework offers two operational modes that are
elaborated above and offers flexibility to the employer or organization that might use the framework for toll collection purposes. Moreover, you
have the data of all the tolls around the country,
which apparently, is the new oil and can be utilized for further machine learning related work.
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