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2017, Journal of Education and Practice
7 pages
1 file
This paper explored menopause and sexuality in women and the counselling implications. Menopause is seen as the end of female menstruation and marks the end of a woman's ability to conceive children. While menopause itself is a normal life stage that does not cause health problems, the menopausal transition is marked by some physical, emotional and psychological symptoms caused mainly by hormonal imbalance. The causes, types and transitional phases of menopause were discussed. It was noticed that menopause negatively affects the overall sexuality in the menopausal woman in that her sexual drive, desire, arousal and sexual activity declines. Dryness and thinning of the vagina which makes penetration during sex painful was seen as a problem during this period. It was also noted that some women pass this change in life without much stress while some encounter all symptoms and conditions. The overall conditions of the menopausal woman is challenging and therefore implicated for...
Romanian Journal of Medical Practice
Many women spend a third of their lives in postmenopause, and it’s a given that sexual life must go on after menopause since its benefits were vastly proven. A number of factors influence sexuality in postmenopause: the age at which menopause sets in, how menopause sets in, physical and mental state, quality of sexual life in perimenopause and the quality and duration of the relationship with the partner. The hypoestrogenism that characterizes menopause leads to a decrease in libido, to changes in the genital apparatus (vaginal atrophy, dyspareunia) or other changes (hot flushes, impaired urination, depression), which negatively affect sexual health. Assessing sexual dysfunction is not easy. The interplay between the types of factors that predispose, precipitate and maintain sexual dysfunction requires preparation on the part of the clinician in identifying the elements of interest and indicating appropriate therapy. Research on the quantification of sexual dysfunction in women has ...
Medical discourse has positioned the menopausal transition as a time of sexual atrophy and loss of femininity, with hormonal replacement as the solution. In contrast, feminist critics have argued that women's experience of sexual embodiment during menopause is culturally and relationally mediated, tied to discursive constructions of aging and sexuality, which are negotiated by women. The aim of this article is to present a critical examination of women's experiences of sexuality during and after the menopausal transition, drawing on previous research in this field, as well as qualitative research we have conducted with women at midlife, and women who have experienced premature menopause as a consequence of cancer treatment. We aim to challenge myths and misconceptions about the inevitability of sexual decline at menopause, as well as nor-malise the embodied changes that some women experience – whether menopause is premature, or occurs at midlife. We argue that sexual difficulties or disinterest reported by women during and after menopause are more strongly associated with psycho-social factors than hormonal status, in particular psychological well-being, relationship context and a woman's negotiation of cultural constructions of sex, aging and femininity. However, sexuality can continue to be a positive experience for women throughout adult life and into old age, with many menopausal women reporting increased sexual desire and response. This undermines the biomedical construction of menopause as a time of inevitable sexual atrophy and decay.
Human Andrology, 2015
Menopause is a natural critical period of every woman's life that is usually associated with physical, behavioral, and psychological changes. This review article aimed to highlight female sexual changes that could take place during such period. A review of the already published articles in this context was carried out using PubMed, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) database, Excerpta Medica dataBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Google Scholar, and Scopus engine until March 2015. The following keywords were used to assess exposure, outcome, and estimates for concerned associations: menopause; sex; female sexual dysfunction; libido; behavior; menopause; postmenopause, humans, and aging. Most studies on this subject correlated hormonal changes during this period with significantly decreased domains of female sexual functions, such as desire, arousal, satisfaction, orgasm, lubrication, and experiencing coital pains. Fortunately, many scientists have taken efforts to alleviate these disorders using emerging treatment methods, topical remedies, and suggested alternative medicament. Significant decreases in female sexual domains are experienced during the postmenopausal period. However, proper counseling, explanations, specific AQ3 remedies and partner guidance are helpful in overcoming female sexual changes during this period.
Elsevier logo Journals & Books Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016
This study aimed to systematically review the articles on factors affecting sexual function during menopause. Searching articles indexed in Pubmed, Science Direct, Iranmedex, EMBASE, Scopus, and Scientific Information Database databases, a total number of 42 studies published between 2003 and 2013 were selected. Age, estrogen deficiency, type of menopause, chronic medical problems, partner's sex problems, severity of menopause symptoms, dystocia history, and health status were the physical factors influencing sexual function of menopausal women. There were conflicting results regarding the amount of androgens, hormonal therapy, exercise/physical activity, and obstetric history. In the mental eemotional area, all studies confirmed the impact of depression and anxiety. Social factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, the quality of relationship with husband, partner's loyalty, sexual knowledge, access to health care, a history of divorce or the death of a husband, living apart from a spouse, and a negative understanding of women's health were found to affect sexual function; however, there were conflicting results regarding the effects of education, occupation, socioeconomic status, marital duration, and frequency of sexual intercourse.
Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 2008
The physiological changes that occur in menopause alter sexual function and affect well-being. Hormonal changes contribute significantly to reduced sexual function in older women and sexual dysfunction may well be amenable to treatment with exogenous hormones or other agents. Relevant clinical studies were identified by a computerised literature search. The collated data were presented to fellow gynaecologists for review, analysis of results and discussion in a series of meetings dedicated to finding the best evidence in menopause management. The evidence was assessed and used to prepare guidelines around the management of women who are affected by sexual dysfunction in menopause. Hormone therapy benefits many women who have dyspareunia related to vaginal atrophy, reduced libido and decreased satisfaction, particularly if these symptoms adversely affect their quality of life. Alternative agents such as tibolone and sildenafil citrate can be useful adjuncts. It is increasingly import...
Climacteric, 2018
Sexual well-being frequently declines following the menopause transition and can be associated with significant personal and relationship distress. This distress is the hallmark of female sexual dysfunction (FSD). FSD is highly prevalent in postmenopausal women. The prevalence of sexual problems increases with age, but conversely this is associated with decreasing distress with advancing age. This pattern has been seen across multiple international populations with varied cultural norms. While the etiology of FSD is multifactorial, the physiological changes of sex hormone insufficiency and postmenopausal symptoms, such as dyspareunia, are primary factors contributing to FSD at midlife. The International Menopause Society is working to increase awareness of FSD and to provide a framework for practitioners to address sexual medicine concerns. This White Paper aims to review the process of care for female sexual well-being following menopause, from initially approaching the discussion of FSD, to identifying clinical signs and symptoms, and ultimately determining the best available biopsychosocial therapies. As with most processes of care, the first step is often the most difficult. Health-care practitioners need to broach the topic of sexuality in the clinical setting. Lack of information on, comfort with, and biases about the topic of sexuality after menopause are significant hurdles that the International Menopause Society addresses in this document. Each member of the Writing Group remains committed to continued advocacy for the validity of FSD as a diagnosis, the need for therapies for women to be both available and included in health insurance coverage, and continued therapeutic research to provide evidence-based solutions.
Nitya Publications, 2021
This book is especially for developing and accessing. Cyber-security hardware and software solutions, engineers and entrepreneurs. Infosec professionals, for example forensic researchers, malware analysts and other cyber-security professionals are included in this group, which are using, building and testing new technologies for their regular tasks. Some will have experience in programming, others will have working knowledge of different security instruments (EnCase for forensics, Wire shark for network analysis, IDA Pro for reverse engineering, etc.). All these disciplines are subject to the scientific method. Cybersecurity can be applied to daily issues including testing for bugs in a new smartphone, endorse company security choices for a limited budget, persuade people that your additional security packaging is better than the competition and balance precision and productivity with intrusion detection. Most people today know more than they did last year about cyber-security
por las personas que nos rodean y a consolidar la relación que con cada una de ellas tenemos.
Design Thinking es un herramienta y una formada manejo de situaciones que ha existido desde hacia ya vario tiempo, pero que al fin y al cabo su unción sigue teniendo el mismo fin. Es una táctica de gran utilidad que nos ayuda a tener una mayor comprensión a lo que la gente necesita, ya que este método genera importantes beneficios en el diseño de la solución de problemas , dando así la oportunidad a las empresas de tener una mejor comercialización de productos. Este método, nos permite tener una perspectiva de los problemas desde el punto de vista de el afectado, para poder ofrecer una solución que verdaderamente sea funcional para el mercado que se esta trabajando, y no solamente hablando del diseño, si no que este método puede ser utilizado para demás aspectos en la vida diaria laboral, enfocándose en comprender al usuario buscando conocimientos sobre la situación a la que se enfrenta. Este método, también se encarga de generar una empatía con el o los usuarios, mediante la observación del mismo; Definir el problema también es un paso a seguir en este mismo, se tiene que tener bien establecida el problema y la solución que se presente ante este, para poder alcanzar el objetivo. Idear es otro punto sumamente importante a seguir. Las ideas son una parte sumamente importante, son las que continuamente están generando soluciones ante un problema, en este punto también cabe destacar el uso de prototipos, la creación de algo tangible para poder tener una idea mas clara de a donde se quiere llegar y en base a esto hacer mejoras al resultado final; Por ultimo la evaluación final de el producto, que hace notar si el fin al que se quería llegar fue el obtenido. Este método puede parecer algo complejo y difícil de explicar, pero en si, la idea de el método es bastante sencilla, ya que se pone desde una perspectiva donde su misión es hacer de manera mas efectiva los productos finales y así poder generar al usuario una mejor solución y al mismo tiempo cubrir sus necesidades. Adentrándose un poco mas en el tema, se puede decir que este método es una forma de hacer las cosas de una manera mas efectiva, y centrándose a lo que es verdaderamente lo importante, el solucionar problemas y solucionarlo desde diferentes perspectivas, culturales, sociales, políticas y/o económicas, desde una perspectiva mas humana, que no solo se centre en el producto o servicio, si no que pueda adentrarse en sus pensamientos y sentimientos, saber quien es, que es lo que hace , por que lo hace o las cosas importantes para el, saber por que lo hace de esa forma. Considero esto algo importante de implementar, ya que es un método que muchos de los diseñadores ya usan por instinto, pero no solo es un buen método para ciertas personas, si no que todas en algún punto necesitamos encontrar o idear la solución a algún problema. Parte de este método consiste en innovar continuamente, claro, que esto no significa que innovar tenga como resultado una buena idea, innovar es tener un objetivo, tener un plan sencillo, se tiene que crear una cultura innovadora, donde las personas tengan ideas y no solo las mantengan en su mente, si no que las lleven acabo y pueda salir al mercado o puedan conseguir su finalidad de acuerdo a cada situación. Parte de este método, consiste en evaluar la reacción de la gente ante las soluciones dadas, percatarse de lo que piensan las personas con este producto y por hacer, en base a las opiniones de la gente, una mejora de este cumplir con los parámetros deseados. Parte de este método consiste en hacer preguntas a los usuarios, poder tener en claro su punto de vista y así poder trabajar sobre ello para llegar a la finalidad de hacer un producto con todas las características que este necesita, lo que podría facilitar las actividades del día a día. Es necesario tener una mente muy creativa para buscar solución a todos los problemas que se nos presenten involucrando de alguna manera al usuario en parte de la solución, para esto se generan los prototipos. " Echen un vistazo a una sala para proyectos y verán prototipos por el suelo (...). Verán utensilios que van desde el cuchillo hasta el cúter, pasando por la cinta adhesiva ". Tim Brown, IDEO. Tim Brown habla de que en la empresa IDEO se asignan ciertas salas especialmente al diseño de prototipos que es un espacio donde libremente puedes diseñar lo que estas pensando, teniendo todos los materiales útiles para esto, investigaciones, fotos, etc., lo que indica que no solamente es generar la idea y plasmarla, si no indagar sobre el tema en el que se esta trabajando, saber mas de este y como funciona, por ejemplo, si nuestro objetivo es algún cartel de publicidad, se tiene que planear una investigación previa y cuestionar el por que las cosas son de esa manera y que consecuencias abría si de alguna forma esta se cambia, el impacto que tienen
Experimental Astronomy, 2021
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