Introduction to Quantum Theory


INCOMPLETE REVIEWER CHEM 173.31 Principles of Quantum Chemistry, Lecture 1st sem, A.Y. 2021-2022, Ateneo de Manila University

WAVES What is a wave? Simply put, it’s something that causes displacement to occur in a medium. When two waves line up together, the resulting wave has an amplitude equal to the algebraic sum of the individual amplitudes. Given a fixed wavelength, if a crest (of one wave) and a trough (of another wave) overlap—i.e. the waves are in phase—their combined amplitude is greater than either one of the two waves. This is called constructive interference. In areas where a crest and a trough line up together—i.e. the waves are out of phase—the resulting wave has zero total amplitude. This is called destructive interference (Figure 1). Figure 1. From WHEN “QUANTUM” BECAME THE NEW BUZZWORD Classical (aka Newtonian) mechanics can accurately describe the behavior of matter on a macroscopic level, but its assumptions fail to hold water when it comes to the atomic level. Here are some of the things it couldn’t explain (to be explained further on in this document): 1. Black body radiation 2. The photoelectric effect 3. The stability of atoms and molecules and their respective spectra Why couldn’t it explain these phenomena? Simple—it made the mistake of modeling light as a wave and nothing else. This assumption was born out of the double-slit experiment first performed by Thomas Young in 1801 (and then performed by countless others in the years after). If light were a particle (as Physics Big-Shot Newton believed), then some of the particles from beam A would crash into those of beam B and then bounce off in random directions. However, as Young’s results show, this was not the case. The two beams of light actually pass through each other. Furthermore, they showed an interference pattern predicted by the principle of wave superposition (Figure 2). Figure 2. From BLACKBODY RADIATION AND THE ULTRAVIOLET CATASTROPHE Give credit where it’s due: A good chunk of the discussion is based on Chapter 30 of James S. Walker’s Physics, 5th ed. A blackbody is an object that (ideally) absorbs all incident radiation. This absorbed radiation is emitted over all wavelengths with a spectrum that is characteristic of its temperature—the higher the temperature, the higher the frequency of the wavelength of maximum intensity (Figure 3). In other words, while a blackbody does emit all wavelengths, the most abundant type of EM radiation that it emits depends on its temperature. Also, at a particular temperature a blackbody would emit the maximum amount of energy possible for that temperature. If it didn’t emit this, then its temperature would increase without bound, which is impossible! Figure 3. From According to the rules of classical physics, the blackbody radiation curve would diverge to infinity at high frequencies. In other words, there would be no wavelength of maximum intensity at and beyond the ultraviolet region—that is, there would be an infinite amount of energy emitted at small wavelengths (Rayleigh-Jeans Law). Since this prediction clearly defies the Law of Conservation of Energy, physicists were left scrambling for answers to try to explain the huge discrepancy between theory and experiment. Dramatists called this the ultraviolet catastrophe. In 1900, German physicist Max Planck stumbled across an exciting discovery. He found that if he modeled electromagnetic radiation as being composed of packets of energy (called quanta), then the predicted spectra would match the experimentally determined spectra of blackbody radiation almost perfectly. He postulated that a blackbody object at a certain temperature has a maximum intensity of radiation that it can emit (Figure 4). Beyond a certain wavelength, the amount of emitted radiation drops off to zero. Figure 4. From In Planck’s calculations, the energy of light can only change in integer multiples of ℎ𝑣, where 𝑣 is the frequency of the wave. This explains why low-wavelength (high-frequency) energy jumps—like those that happen beyond the ultraviolet region—are not favored. A blackbody only contains a finite amount of energy, so it will have a ridiculously hard time supplying the very large amount of energy required to emit high-frequency radiation. Very crude explanation/example/analogy/whatever ⬇⬇⬇ Disclaimer: this is really just for demonstration purposes. Take the scientific “facts” stated herewith with a grain of salt. Give credit where it’s due: Most of the discussion is based on Chapter 30 of James S. Walker’s Physics, 5th ed. Some of it is based on Chapter 8 of Ralph H. Petrucci, F. Geoffrey Herring, Jeffry D. Madura, and Carey Bissonnette’s General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, 11th ed. Suppose a perfect blackbody is supplied 100 J of energy by a light source. Because it is a perfect blackbody, it will emit 100% of the energy it is supplied in the form of EM radiation. Using the equation 𝐸 = ℎ𝑣 and using a highly-inaccurate assumption that ℎ = 1 kg m2 s–1 and Type of EM radiation Frequency (𝑣), s–1 Minimum 𝐸, J, of each energy jump Radio waves 1 1 Microwaves 20 20 Infrared 40 35 Visible light 50 40 Ultraviolet 120 120 X-rays 300 300 Gamma rays 500 500 we find that the energy required for each type of energy jump (1 type of EM radiation = 1 unique type of energy jump) makes ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma ray energy jumps impossible for this particular blackbody. If it had infinite energy, then it could emit any type of EM radiation (radio waves, microwaves, … , gamma rays), but due to our limiting condition, we see that this perfect blackbody we have can only decrease its energy by emitting radio waves, microwaves, infrared, and/or visible light. It cannot emit even the tiniest amount of ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays because these would require energy jumps that are more energetic than the blackbody is physically capable of. THE PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT