Breast Cancer Res Treat (2017) 164:461–466
DOI 10.1007/s10549-017-4262-0
A breast cancer gene signature for indolent disease
Leonie J. M. J. Delahaye1 • Caroline A. Drukker2,3 • Christa Dreezen1 •
Anke Witteveen1 • Bob Chan4 • Mireille Snel1 • Inès J. Beumer1 • Rene Bernards1,2
M. William Audeh4 • Laura J. van’t Veer1,5 • Annuska M. Glas1
Received: 31 March 2017 / Accepted: 19 April 2017 / Published online: 27 April 2017
Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication
Purpose Early-stage hormone-receptor positive breast
cancer is treated with endocrine therapy and the recommended duration of these treatments has increased over
time. While endocrine therapy is considered less of a
burden to patients compared to chemotherapy, long-term
adherence may be low due to potential adverse side effects
as well as compliance fatigue. It is of high clinical utility to
identify subgroups of breast cancer patients who may have
excellent long-term survival without or with limited duration of endocrine therapy to aid in personalizing endocrine
Methods We describe a new ultralow risk threshold for the
70-gene signature (MammaPrint) that identifies a group of
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s10549-017-4262-0) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
& Laura J. van’t Veer
[email protected]
& Annuska M. Glas
[email protected]
Agendia NV, Science Park 406, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The
Department of Surgical Oncology and Division of Molecular
Carcinogenesis, Netherlands Cancer Institute, PO Box 90203,
1006 BE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Surgery, Academic Medical Center,
University of Amsterdam, PO Box 22660,
1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Agendia Inc, 22 Morgan, Irvine, CA 92618, USA
Department of Laboratory Medicine, UCSF Helen Diller
Family Comprehensive Cancer Centre, 2340 Sutter Street,
San Francisco, CA 94115, USA
breast cancer patients with excellent 20 year, long-term
survival prognosis. Tumors of these patients are referred to
as ‘‘indolent breast cancer.’’ We used patient series on
which we previously established and assessed the 70-gene
signature high–low risk threshold.
Results In an independent validation cohort, we show that
patients with indolent breast cancer had 100% breast cancer-specific survival at 15 years of follow-up.
Conclusions Our data indicate that patients with indolent
disease may be candidates for limited treatment with
adjuvant endocrine therapy based on their very low risk of
distant recurrences or death of breast cancer.
Keywords Breast cancer MammaPrint Ultralow
threshold Indolent disease
Clinical–pathological-based guidelines, as defined by the
Sankt Gallen Consensus Panel and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, are used to recommend treatment
decisions in early-stage breast cancer. These guidelines
combine different clinical–pathological factors including
age, tumor size, lymph node, grade, and hormonal receptor
status to guide the choice of therapy. Recently, genomic
information has also been integrated into the treatment
decision process [1, 2].
The 70-gene prognosis signature MammaPrint improves
the risk assessment of early-stage breast cancer and allows
more personalized treatment recommendation for breast
cancer patients. This genomic test provides risk of distant
recurrence for node-negative and node-positive breast cancer based on its gene expression of the 70-gene signature
[3–5]. Our original validation study showed that adjuvantly
untreated node-negative patients whose tumors are classified
by the 70-gene signature as low risk have a 10-year 92%
overall survival (OS), whereas patients classified as high risk
by the 70-gene signature have a 59.5% OS [5]. Recently, the
prospective randomized trial MINDACT including 6693
early-stage breast cancer patients with node-negative or up to
three node-positive disease (EORTC 10041/BIG 03-4; NCT
00433589) confirmed our earlier findings and, in addition,
showed for the first time and most importantly prospectively
that clinical–pathological high-risk but 70-gene low-risk
patients do not gain a clinically meaningful benefit from
adjuvant chemotherapy [6]. This provided the highest level
of evidence for the clinical utility of the 70-gene signature
low-risk patients who thus can safely forego chemotherapy,
even in the clinical–pathological high-risk setting, including
patients with node-positive disease. Furthermore, the
MINDACT trial revealed an excellent 97.8% distant recurrence-free interval at 5 years for patients with node-negative, hormone-receptor positive, HER2-negative, 70-gene
low-risk tumors, who were untreated with chemotherapy [6].
Our previous studies have showed that screen-detected
breast cancers are associated with a higher likelihood of a
70-gene low-risk signature [7, 8]. This patient population is
increasing given the higher compliance to mammographic
screening in most countries. In addition, we also showed
that a large proportion of these low-risk tumors were at
‘ultralow’ risk for developing distant metastases [7, 8].
This ultralow risk category was previously defined on
patients’ 5-year outcome data [3]. The recent publication of
our Netherlands Cancer Institute NKI295 breast cancer
series with 18.5-year median follow-up [9], allowed us to
reset our ultralow risk threshold to establish an ultralow
risk group with very long-term indolent disease, and is
reported here. Such an indolent disease group with prolonged excellent outcome would guide patients’ need for
limited, or extended endocrine therapy.
Patients and methods
Study population
Three patient cohorts were used for determination, locking,
and validation of the long-term ultralow risk threshold.
These cohorts were previously described and 70-gene
signature results were available, ‘‘NKI295’’ [4, 9],
‘‘Transbig’’ [5], and ‘‘RASTER’’ [10, 11].
From the first cohort, ‘‘NKI295,’’ age under 55, only
node-negative patients were selected resulting in 151
patients’ samples of whom 96% did not receive adjuvant
chemotherapy, and 93% did not receive any systemic treatment, following Dutch national guidelines at the time [4].
This patient cohort was used for determination and locking
Breast Cancer Res Treat (2017) 164:461–466
of the ultralow risk threshold (patient characteristics, see
Supplementary Information, Table 1) [4]. Study design,
patient eligibility, study logistics, and clinical–pathological
parameters of the study have been described elsewhere [4, 9].
The median follow-up of this cohort was 18.5 years.
The second cohort, ‘‘Transbig,’’ age under 61, was used
for validation of the ultralow risk threshold. Details on
study design and clinical parameters of this cohort were
previously described [5]. All 302 samples were used.
Patients were all systemically untreated. The median follow-up of this cohort was 13.6 years (patient characteristics, see Supplementary Information, Table 2).
The third cohort, ‘‘RASTER,’’ originates from the
RASTER clinical study, age under 61, which is a
prospective observational study conducted in accordance
with Dutch CBO 2004 practice guidelines [10, 11]. Primarily, in this study, we used this dataset for the technical
transfer of the ultralow threshold to the diagnostic FDAcleared MammaPrint formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded
(FFPE) test. Extensive description of the RASTER study
design, patient eligibility, and study logistics of the included patients can be found elsewhere (patient characteristics, see Supplementary Information, Table 3 [10]). In this
study, 345 RASTER patients were included of whom both
fresh and FFPE sample materials were available. The
median follow-up of this cohort was 5 years [11].
The original studies followed REMARK criteria [12].
An additional patient cohort was used to estimate the
size of the indolent group in contemporary clinical practice
within the early-stage breast cancer population. This cohort
is a 2014–2015 US and Europe diagnostic dataset of 13,794
patients tested for MammaPrint on FFPE samples.
Sample processing and 70-gene signature index
Sample processing and generation of the 70-gene signature
indices was performed at the time of the original studies or
diagnostic assessment [4, 5, 10].
The 70-gene signature underwent technical advances
over time, was made available for fresh frozen, fresh-RNA
retain as well as FFPE preserved tissue, which each were
authenticated in technical updates and/or FDA clearances
[13]. In this study, we spanned the technical advances, and
transferred the ultralow risk threshold across the different
versions of the 70-gene signature test and datasets used, up
to the current MammaPrint FFPE diagnostic test (Fig. 1).
Statistical analysis
Kaplan–Meier analysis was performed for the 70-gene
signature classifications (ultralow, low, and high risk). This
survival analysis was based on breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS), where BCSS was defined as the time from
Breast Cancer Res Treat (2017) 164:461–466
Fig. 1 Overview of different steps taken to establish, lock, validate,
and convert the ultralow risk threshold fresh tissue to current
diagnostic MammaPrint for FFPE tissue. Scatterplots are given for
70-gene signature indices across different FDA-cleared versions with
indication of the accompanying 70-gene signature ultralow risk
surgery until breast cancer-related death. All analyses were
performed using SPSS version 22.0.
this dataset resulted in a threshold change from the previously published 0.6 to 0.7, which was subsequently locked.
This stringency ensures identification of an indolent patient
group with 100% survival for the complete follow-up
Within the 70-gene signature low-risk population, we
aimed to identify a sub-group of breast cancer patients who
have indolent disease with excellent long-term survival. In
this study, we set out to establish the classification
threshold for indolent disease, as defined by a 100% BCSS
at 20 years of follow-up. Further validation of the threshold
was performed. Details of the steps taken to generate an
indolent classification threshold that is applicable to the
current diagnostic test are outlined in Fig. 1 and described
in the following paragraphs.
Indolent classification threshold
Initially, we established a threshold for indolent disease
using the 5-year follow-up data of the 78 patient series on
which we had developed the 70-gene signature [7, 8]. We
now revisited the threshold to establish a true indolent
classification threshold based on BCSS at 20 years of follow-up of the NKI295 series (Figs. 1, 2a; Table 1). We
used the lymph node-negative population of the NKI295
cohort (n = 151), which has a median follow-up of
18.5 years as previously described [9]. Optimization of the
ultralow risk threshold based on the longer follow-up of
Independent clinical validation of the indolent
classification threshold
The threshold locked at 0.7 was then independently validated in the Transbig breast cancer cohort [5], a nodenegative and adjuvantly untreated patient series (n = 302)
with median follow-up of 13.6 years. The additional
advantage of this dataset is that it was processed using the
MammaPrint FDA-cleared version k062694 for fresh frozen sample (Fig. 1) [13, 14]. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis for indolent, low-, and high-risk patients up to 15 years
revealed a 100% BCSS, providing an independent validation of the threshold (Fig. 2b). Five patients (1.7%) were
classified as indolent, 106 patients (35.1%) were classified
as low risk with a survival rate of 89.3% (82.6–96%), and
the remaining 191 patients (63.2%) were classified as high
risk with a 15-year BCSS of 65.5% (57.5–73.5%) (Fig. 2b;
Table 1).
Indolent classification threshold for FFPE tissue
The 70-gene signature was over time further refined by
introducing microarray single-channel hybridization and
Breast Cancer Res Treat (2017) 164:461–466
Fig. 2 a Breast cancer-specific
survival (BCSS) of all nodenegative patients (n = 151)
from NKI295 by 70-gene
signature indolent, low-, and
high-risk classification. b Breast
cancer-specific survival (BCSS)
of Transbig by 70-gene
signature indolent, low-, and
high-risk classification
providing a 70-gene signature index based on a sample’s
correlation to a predefined high-risk and low-risk standardized value [3, 13, 15]. All steps were defined in FDA
technical updates and clearances [13]. In addition, the
70-gene signature high-low classification threshold was
repositioned to zero for ease of interpretation, and then also
became available for FFPE tissue [13]. To parallel these
changes for the definition of the ultralow risk threshold, the
RASTER dataset was used where three sets of MammaPrint indices were available: the original publication
[10], FDA k070675-fresh-RNA retain, as well as the current versions of MammaPrint fresh and FFPE [13], FDA
Breast Cancer Res Treat (2017) 164:461–466
Table 1 Percentage of identified indolent, low-, and high-risk patients across different datasets
Percentage of patients per 70-gene signature
classification group
Establish threshold
and locked
n = 151 (only
n = 302
Validation FFPE
n = 345
Indolent (%)
Low riska (%)
High risk (%)
4.6% (n = 7)
35.1% (n = 53)
60.3% (n = 91)
1.7% (n = 5)
35.1% (n = 106)
63.2% (n = 191)
11.9% (n = 41)
40.0% (n = 138)
48.1% (n = 166)
(n = 1701)
(n = 5573)
(n = 6620)
Age \55
Age \61
Age \61
MammaPrint FFPE
Review in
diagnostics (FFPE)
n = 13,794
All ages
Not indolent
k141142-FFPE (Fig. 1). Using linear regression, the
ultralow threshold of 0.7 in FDA k070675, became 0.355
(regression equation y = 1.11x ? 0.022), after repositioning the high/low threshold at zero, FDA k141142. For
FFPE tissue, the ultralow threshold stays at 0.355 (Fig. 1).
Prevalence of indolent disease in early-stage breast
To get an estimate of the prevalence of the indolent group,
we compared the percentage of patients classified as
indolent in each of the cohorts that were used in this study
as well as in a diagnostic dataset that was subjected to
MammaPrint testing in 2014–2015 (Table 1). The percentage of indolent patients is lower in the NKI295 and
Transbig studies compared to RASTER and the diagnostic
dataset. The NKI295 and Transbig datasets include patients
diagnosed in earlier years than the RASTER and diagnostic
dataset, and are therefore less influenced by the increase of
screen-detected tumors.
We defined and validated an ultralow risk threshold of the
70-gene signature test which identifies patients with a
tumor of indolent clinical course who have excellent longterm survival. We earlier established an indolent disease
threshold but that threshold was based on only 5-year
follow-up of the original 78 patients on which we developed the 70-gene signature [7, 8]. Recently, however, we
updated the follow-up of this series and the original validation series (NKI295) to 25 years [9], and we used this
latter series to optimize and lock an ultralow threshold for
long-term indolent disease (Fig. 1a). In addition, we performed an independent validation of this new ultralow
threshold in the Transbig series (Fig. 2b) [5]. Finally, the
clinically validated ultralow threshold was transferred to
the current FDA-cleared MammaPrint FFPE version FDA
k141122, to allow use in current diagnostics (Fig. 1).
Our independent validation of the ultralow risk threshold in the systemically untreated Transbig cohort
(n = 302) shows 100% BCSS at 15 years of follow-up for
this group. With a BCSS of 100%, there is no achievable
gain in survival by providing systemic treatment to this
group. In fact, side effects of adjuvant treatment may
negatively affect long-term survival rather than provide
benefit. Since the proportion of indolent disease patients in
these older series with long-term follow-up is low, a larger
series would be needed to further establish clinical utility.
Interestingly, the number of patients in the indolent
group varies between the different studies. The NKI295
series only had a small percentage of lymph node-negative
indolent disease patients, whereas the percentage increases
to [12% in the more recently diagnosed RASTER series
where a large proportion of cancers were mammographically screen-detected, a feature we previously established
to be associated with 70-gene ultralow risk breast cancers
(Table 1) [7, 8]. Of note, the different series used have
different average ages of diagnosis: their median age varies
from a relatively young population to the contemporary
series where median age is at least a decade older, which
also influences the proportion of ultralow risk (Supplementary Tables 1, 2, 3). Interestingly, the current diagnostic series of 13,794 patients even includes a
considerable proportion of node-positive patients. We
anticipate that post-menopausal older patients who have
screen-detected, node negative, hormone-receptor positive
disease may have a larger proportion of indolent disease.
The ultralow threshold identifying patients with no
death of breast cancer up to 20 years after diagnosis may
provide guidance to personalize endocrine treatment for
women diagnosed with early breast cancer, and given it
identifies an indolent disease patient cohort, could aid in
reducing overtreatment.
Acknowledgements We thank the academic groups of the NKI295,
Transbig and RASTER for their efforts conducting these studies and
making their data available for further analysis.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest Authors (except CAD) are employed by Agendia
(RB and LvtV part-time) and CD is a Consultant for Agendia, the
commercial entity that markets the 70-gene signature as MammaPrint.
LvtV and RB are Shareholders of Agendia and Named Inventors on
the Patent for the 70-gene signature used in this study. The authors
have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict
with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart
from those disclosed.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
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