Capitalism Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our
Critical Systems
van der Zanden and
Rozanne Henzen
ISSN 2634-8950 (online)
ISSN 2634-8942 (print) Published online by Cambridge University Press
Elements in Reinventing Capitalism
edited by
Arie Y. Lewin
Duke University
Till Talaulicar
University of Erfurt
CRITICAL SYSTEMS Published online by Cambridge University Press
How Can We Achieve the Systemic
Change the World Needs?
Geert-Jan van der Zanden
Sasin School of Management
Rozanne Henzen
Sasin School of Management
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DOI: 10.1017/9781009410311
© Geert-Jan van der Zanden and Rozanne Henzen 2024 Published online by Cambridge University Press
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Transforming Our Critical Systems
How Can We Achieve the Systemic Change the World Needs?
Elements in Reinventing Capitalism
DOI: 10.1017/9781009410311
First published online: January 2024
Geert-Jan van der Zanden
Sasin School of Management
Rozanne Henzen
Sasin School of Management Published online by Cambridge University Press
Author for correspondence: Geert-Jan van der Zanden, gj.vanderzanden@
Abstract: Economic growth has catalysed enormous progress in the
world, but we have entered an era of perverse economic growth, at the
expense of social and natural capital. As the world runs further behind
on the Sustainable Development Goals, managing and mitigating the
looming environmental and social crises in an increasingly volatile,
uncertain, complex and ambiguous world will be one of the biggest
challenges, but also one of the biggest commercial opportunities, of
our time. Building on earlier research on systemic change, using the
WHAT-HOW-WHY framework, this Element presents actionable
insights for the radical systemic reinvention of our ‘critical systems’ that
satisfy human and societal needs such as nutrition, mobility,
infrastructure and health. We highlight ten emerging paradigms for
future-fit systemic change, discuss how stakeholder mindsets can be
developed and present new skills for leaders and a pathway to enable
companies to become drivers of collaborative transformation. This title
is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
This Element also has a video abstract:
Keywords: transformation, leadership, sustainability, systemic/system
change, mindset, collaboration
© Geert-Jan van der Zanden and Rozanne Henzen 2024
ISBNs: 9781009475655 (HB), 9781009410328 (PB), 9781009410311 (OC)
ISSNs: 2634-8950 (online), 2634-8942 (print)
Prologue: The Purpose of This Element
Executive Summary
2 Published online by Cambridge University Press
1 Reinventing Value Creation
2 Where to Intervene?
3 Creating the Conditions for Collaborative
Systemic Change
Final Thoughts
Transforming Our Critical Systems
1 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Prologue: The Purpose of This Element
Since the beginning of time, humanity has organised itself to satisfy its needs,
from the basic needs of feeding, housing and staying safe and healthy to more
elevated needs of developing and managing communities. As a result, we create
tremendous wealth, live longer, get smarter, suffer less, enjoy richer experiences
and our species has grown exponentially. We are left to wonder, though, is this
the right measure of success?
To a large extent, mankind’s success has come from its ability to harness
nature. In the Netherlands, where we both grew up, a populous country, a third
of which is below sea level, harnessing nature is part of the national psyche. But,
unfortunately, our eagerness to harness nature has turned into a destructive
force, eroding the very thing we are part of and depend on: nature.
Dutch culture is also very pragmatic and inquisitive, which has helped us
question things, open our minds and learn while working and living in different
countries around the world. This is where, for both of us, our curiosity originated
to question and rethink the way mankind organises itself to satisfy its needs.
As societal imbalances and tensions between humanity and nature continue
to escalate, mere incremental adjustments to legacy models are no longer
sufficient. Instead, there is an urgent need for a radical, holistic and systemic
transformation of our current models. Various scholars have acknowledged the
immense challenges involved in deliberately altering complex systems, and we
will delve into these complexities. The primary objective of this Element is to
expand upon existing ideas and establish a connection between theoretical
literature and practical approaches to accomplish actionable insights for systemic change. Moreover, the Element aims to explore the facilitation of necessary shifts in mindsets and cross-sector collaborations, with a specific focus on
the business sector (and business education), whose crucial role in systemic
change processes currently remains relatively under-explored.
In addition, from Geert-Jan: While escaping from the big city bustle, during
reflexive hikes in Taiwan’s mountainous cedar forests and dives in Southeast
Asia’s coral reefs, it became increasingly clear to me that our real measure of
success should be to live in harmony with our natural and human environment,
working with nature, not against it, and making sure we leave no one behind when
we pursue wealth and well-being. This will be the biggest challenge and the
biggest opportunity of our time.
Combining business studies in Europe and the USA and studies in environmental management and policy in Scandinavia with decades in business as
a practitioner and executive adviser in sustainability transition, I am now
honoured to be able to share my insights as a visiting professor at Sasin Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
School of Management, in Bangkok, helping to progress a sustainability mindset in a region that will be a pivotal hotspot in humanity’s efforts to mitigate and
adapt to the effects of climate change and resource depletion. Following an
article on systemic change in AACSB magazine (Association to Advance
Collegiate Schools of Business), Professor Arie Lewin requested me to share
more on this topic in an Element in the Reinventing Capitalism series of
Cambridge University Press. Given the very challenging trajectory the relationship between man and nature has been on this last century and the urgency for us
to more radically and holistically address many of our complex societal problems, I am grateful for this opportunity and hope the frameworks and thoughts
expressed in this Element will trigger further constructive thinking and action.
In addition, from Rozanne: I have been working within the fascinating world
of sustainability and circularity for the last decade, first as a student, then as
a researcher and author. It has become apparent that ideas on tackling our
twenty-first-century challenges have been voiced by many, but the action
needed is running behind. Humans are unique in the sense that we have the
power to combine ideas, have thoughts about those ideas, share them with
others, build on them and bring them to life. I want to call on you, our readers,
to change your perspective from consumer to concerned citizen, and shift from
individualistic thinking to we-thinking, to help magnify the power of these
ideas. Not that the responsibility to solve our 21st-century problems lies with
the individual; to me, it should be a combined multi-stakeholder effort, but all
individuals have the ability to take that citizen perspective with them in their
work and daily lives. And now, specifically to my fellow Millennials and Gen
Z readers because we feel the weight of the world pressing down on us: we have
the opportunity to create a new system in which we will not make the same
mistakes our parents’ and grandparents’ generations did. With the help of
creativity, innovation and trust in our capabilities, we can magnify our power
to rethink, redesign and rearrange our future and our now.
Executive Summary
Economic growth has catalysed enormous progress in the world. However,
focus on economic growth alone in many ways has become a destructive
force, promoting short-term wins over long-term prosperity, depleting natural
resources and widening exclusion. At the expense of social and natural capital,
we have entered an increasingly perverse economic growth era. Environmental
and social challenges constitute the most significant risks to businesses and
society today. There is increasing awareness among leaders, consumers and
capital providers that we must radically reinvent how we satisfy human
and societal needs to manage and mitigate these risks. We need to reinvent Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
the growth model for the societal and environmental realities of the twenty-first
century, to work with nature, not against it, and create value in the long rather
than the short term, for many, not just a privileged few.
Despite big governmental and corporate commitments towards the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), the world is running behind in the sustainability
transition. To limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid the chance of catastrophic
impacts, CO2-eq (CO2 equivalent) emissions need to be reduced by 45 per cent
from 2010 levels by 2030. Instead, based on all national commitments made as of
March 2023, CO2-eq emissions are expected to rise by 10 per cent by 2030.
Moreover, as we get further behind in the implementation of these plans, the
urgency and the need increase for radical system-level reinvention instead of
marginal innovation of the ‘critical systems’ that satisfy our basic human needs,
such as nutrition, mobility, infrastructure or health, and the ‘supporting systems’
that enable the critical ones, such as finance, energy, education or governance.
The need to achieve radical impact in a relatively short period is one of the
biggest challenges and biggest commercial opportunities of our time. As
a result, unprecedented governmental and private funding is becoming available
for our systems’ environmentally responsible and socially just reinvention.
Systems are complex because they involve multiple actors and stakeholders
with often diverse objectives and priorities and numerous connected subsystems with governance contexts and dynamics of their own. Systems thinking
gives us a valuable way to understand the relationships between the components
and actors in a system and foresee the intended and the unintended ripple effects
of our interventions in that system.
History has taught us that leverage points for systemic change are often
counter-intuitive. In this Element, we expand upon existing ideas and establish
a connection between theoretical literature and practical approaches to accomplish actionable insights for systemic change. We do this by analysing examples
of systemic change efforts in multiple systems and geographies through the lens
of a modification of the Systemic Intervention Framework originally introduced
by Donella Meadows (1999). We categorise these intervention areas as WHY,
HOW or WHAT, and bring forward the following practical insights:
1. WHAT without WHY interventions are likely to deliver suboptimal outcomes.
2. Lack of alignment between subsystems hinders systemic change.
3. Silver-bullet solutions require increased precaution to prevent unintended
4. WHY interventions require investment in collaborative processes.
5. Old mindsets are unlikely to produce a new system.
6. Big commitments need reinforcement. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
Change is complex, and systemic change in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex
and ambiguous (VUCA) environment even more so. Practice shows that interventions dictated by one actor often realise limited or counterproductive impact at
the system level because they lack a system understanding, a shared mindset and
a shared vision across stakeholders. The successful reinvention of systems
therefore requires multi-stakeholder collaboration. In this context, stakeholders
like regulators and policymakers, business, finance providers, technology innovators, empowered citizens, educational institutions and change managers all play
vital roles. They can collectively create the necessary conditions, incentives,
paradigms, values, mindsets and cultures that foster effective multi-stakeholder
collaboration. By working together, these diverse actors can drive more significant progress towards the crucial task of reinventing critical systems.
This Element explains why business is ideally positioned to lead the multistakeholder collaboration for the much-needed transformation of our critical
systems. Companies’ relationship with society is evolving from one where
companies see sustainability challenges as a risk to one where sustainability
and systemic transformation are seen as opportunities for new growth.
Businesses can convert into transformational organisations by aligning strategic
visioning with strengthening of organisational capabilities and development of
collaborative networks for impact and new growth.
The paradigm and the mindset out of which a system and its objectives emerge
are the strongest potential intervention points for systemic change but also the
most challenging ones. This Element describes ten emerging paradigms that will
facilitate future-fit systemic change and explores the potential and the dynamics
of changing mindsets between corporate and public actors and citizens. Business
education can play a critical role in anchoring future-fit paradigms and cultivating
the necessary mindset for our future leaders. Leadership skills and tools can be
developed that empower leaders to drive change in themselves, their organisations and the systems they are part of. We are convinced that by strengthening
skills such as contextual mindfulness, future consciousness, systems range, crosscollaborative competence, radical impact agility and, most importantly, purpose,
we can develop a generation of more rounded, humanistic leaders that can lead
the transformation to a future of more sustainable and socially just models of
value creation within our planetary boundaries.
1 Reinventing Value Creation
Undoubtedly, economic growth driven by shareholder capitalism has catalysed
enormous progress worldwide. It has allowed us to feed, house, move and
service billions. Nevertheless, the inventor of the modern gross domestic
Transforming Our Critical Systems
product (GDP) concept in 1934, Simon Kuznets himself, warned that a singular
focus on economic growth is too simplistic as it fails to consider the quality and
distribution of growth, or the distinction between the short and the long term:
‘The welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measurement of
national income’ (Kuznets, 1934, p. 7).
Despite Kuznets’ warning being often quoted in recent years, and proof
stacking up that our current growth model is broken, the addiction to GDP as
the ultimate measure of success seems stubbornly hard to shake in economic,
business and political circles. The no-brain default solution that most governments and central banks still seem to have for economic slowdown is to boost
consumption, increase public spending and lower the cost of credit, incentivising us all to buy ‘more stuff we do not need with money we do not have to
impress people we do not know’, and further driving inequality in the process. Published online by Cambridge University Press
1.1 It’s the Economy, Stupid . . . or Is It?
We have entered an era of perverse economic growth. Our current model is
increasingly generating economic growth at the expense of natural and social
capital. A study by Trucost (2013) concluded that the annual externalities, the
cost to natural capital, of our economic activity were $7.3 trillion, roughly
13 per cent of global GDP, with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from coal
power generation in East Asia and North America, land use from cattle ranching
in South America and South Asia, and water use in wheat farming in South Asia
topping the list of externalities.
Similarly, Goh, Pfeffer and Zenios (2015) estimated the spending on health
care to combat depression and burnout to be more than $190 billion per year in
the USA alone. Ironically, this expense resulting from the deterioration of social
capital is formally considered a contribution to GDP. Another striking example
is the expense of war. Despite often being at the expense of forms of social
capital like education or health, the $14 trillion spent by the Pentagon since the
start of the Afghan war in 2001 perversely counts towards GDP growth, while
the loss of lives and the destruction of assets are not directly accounted for in the
GDP calculation (Brown University, 2021).
We need to generate economic well-being, but not at the expense of natural,
human and social capital, thus avoiding perverse growth. Anthropogenic climate change, water and resource shortages, biodiversity loss and social
inequity, with their interrelations and knock-on effects, significantly impact
business and society. In the next ten years, they all pose an enormous threat in
terms of both likelihood and impact. According to the Global Risks Report 2023
by the World Economic Forum (WEF, 2023), eight of the top ten most severe
Reinventing Capitalism
Failure to mitigate climate change
Failure of climate change adaptation
Natural disasters and extreme weather events
Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse
Top 10
Global Risks
by Severity
Large-scale involuntary migration
Natural resource crises
Over the next 10 Years
Erosion of social cohesion and societal polarization
Widespread cybercrime and cyber insecurity
Geoeconomic confrontation
Large-scale environment damage incidents
Risk categories:
I Economic
I Environment I Geopolitical I Social
I Technological Published online by Cambridge University Press
Figure 1 Eight of the biggest global risks in the next ten years are
environmental or social.
global risks over the next ten years are environmental and societal (see
Figure 1): failure to adapt to and mitigate climate change, natural disasters,
biodiversity loss, extreme weather events and ecosystem collapse will directly
influence and be influenced by other significant risks identified in the report,
such as large-scale involuntary migration, natural resource crises, erosion of
social cohesion, geo-economic confrontation and large-scale environmental
damage events.
Our obsession with economic GDP has made us collectively lose sight of the
fact that, according to the WEF (2020), $44 trillion of economic value generation –
more than half of the global GDP – relies moderately or highly on nature and its
services, and is therefore exposed to losses of nature. But we extract more natural
resources, return more GHG to the air and generate more waste than the earth’s
natural cycles can compensate for.
We will soon see our GDP growth negatively affected by our failure to act
effectively to mitigate climate change. A 2021 analysis of climate and transition
risks by the world’s largest insurance company, SwissRe, concludes that under
the current trajectory, the impacts of climate change are likely to reduce global
GDP by 11–14 per cent by 2050 compared to a situation with no climate change
(SwissRe, 2021). By comparison, during Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020, global
GDP dropped 3.3 per cent. Moreover, because social and environmental issues
are so closely related, this also contributes to social injustice and a decline in
social capital. Agriculture and natural resources are essential for the survival of
three out of every four individuals who live in poverty. Owing to their increased
exposure to food and livelihood insecurity, conflict and the health implications Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
of extreme weather events, they are more likely to be disproportionately
impacted by climate change.
In an exploratory scenario analysis of the vulnerability and readiness of 135
countries in relation to climate change over the next 30 years, S&P Global
Ratings (2022) finds that because lower- and lower-middle-income countries
are more exposed to the effects of climate change and have less capacity to
adapt, owing to weaker institutions and lower financial capacity, these countries
are likely to see 3.6 times more losses on average owing to climate change
incidents than higher-middle- and higher-income countries. Swiss Re’s (2021)
stress tests show that climate change will impact forty-eight countries, representing 90 per cent of the world economy. The disruption and the investment
required for economies and societies to adapt are highest in Asia: China is at risk
of losing 24 per cent of its GDP without any mitigation actions, while Europe is
heading to a loss of 11 per cent and the USA stands to lose close to 10 per cent.
Southeast Asia could see GDP reduced by as much as 29 per cent.
Most of our economic growth models are based on material throughput,
population growth and the myopic belief that more people producing and consuming more stuff will grow our GDP and, thus, our well-being. Despite history
being full of examples of civilisations falling because of living in imbalance with
their natural environment (such as the Sumerian, the Mayan and the Angkor
civilisations), these last decades we are again learning the hard way that our
legacy growth model, too focussed on economic wealth creation alone, is bringing unintended and undesired consequences. Despite having created tremendous
economic value, it has become, in many ways, a destructive force, causing
climate change and depleting natural capital, promoting short-term wins over
long-term prosperity and widening social exclusion. Environmental and social
costs, inherent but previously hidden in the old growth model, make it glaringly
evident that our old model is unsuitable for the future.
Humanity’s biomass accounts for only one ten-thousandth of the life on
Earth, measured by the dry weight of carbon that makes up the structure of all
living things (Bar-On et al., 2018). However, humans have an enormously
outsized influence on all other living things and, because of that, our current
pathway looks as follows:
• The human population has grown from 2 billion in the 1920s to more than
8 billion today. Moreover, this trend will only continue, reaching 10 billion
people globally in the mid-2050s. Therefore, the biggest challenge of our
generation is to satisfy the needs of 8 billion to 10 billion people in ways that
do not surpass the environmental limits or erode the social foundations of
our societies. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
• Climate change is one of the biggest crises the world is currently experiencing. It is accelerating and bringing the world close to irreversible change: out
of fifteen climate tipping points identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), nine are already at the point of no return, such as the
warming of tundras in the northern hemisphere, which is causing a thawing of
permafrost, releasing vast amounts of the potent GHG methane into the
atmosphere and triggering feedback loops that bring the climate, and us,
dangerously close to irreversible tipping points (IPCC, 2020).
• Our global annual burning of fossil fuels is the equivalent of the growth of all
plants worldwide for 400 years. Meanwhile, relentless deforestation – the
equivalent of one football field every 2 seconds, only half of which is
replanted (FAO, 2020) – primarily for agricultural conversion, has turned
the Amazon from a carbon sink into a net emitter of GHG.
• We lost two-thirds of the world’s animal population in the past fifty years, partly
driven by deforestation and by a tenfold increase in the number of dead zones in
our oceans owing to agricultural run-off of fertilisers and pesticides (IPBES,
2019). This loss directly affects the robustness of food chains and nature’s
capacity to defend itself and us against pests and the effects of climate change.
• More extreme weather events caused by climate change will affect food
production and livelihoods. The World Bank (2021) predicts 216 million
additional climate change migrants by 2050 in Africa, Asia, South America
and Eastern Europe alone.
• By 2030, a 40 per cent disparity between water availability and demand is
anticipated, and as many as 700 million people could be displaced by water
scarcity (HLPW, 2018). Water shortages are predicted to affect one in four
people worldwide by 2050, not just in geographies like the Middle East,
North Africa and India but also in sections of the USA, Spain and even major
cities like London. In addition, water scarcity threatens to push up food costs,
which could cause instability and conflict.
• The global economy extracted and used more resources in the past six years
than in the entire twentieth century, and levels of waste in our environment
have never been higher (CGRI, 2023).
• Only 9 per cent of the 300 million tons of plastics we produce yearly –
roughly the equivalent of the weight of the entire human world population
combined – is recycled. Most plastics end up in landfill, and an estimated
8 million tons end up in our oceans (WEF et al., 2016). By 2050, more plastic
than fish will be in the ocean if the current overfishing and plastic production
rate continues.
• Inequality is on the rise. Of all the new wealth in the world, the wealthiest
1 per cent of the world’s population on a per-person basis captures more than
Transforming Our Critical Systems
9 Published online by Cambridge University Press
110 times the wealth captured by the poorest 50 per cent, who together own
just 2 per cent of the world’s economic wealth, according to World Inequality
Report 2022 (World Inequality Lab, 2022).
• Covid-19 had a disproportionate impact on poor people. In 2021 alone,
97 million people were pushed back into extreme poverty, bringing the
total number of people worldwide living on less than $1.90 per day by the
end of 2022 to an estimated 685 million people, according to the World Bank
(2022). Moreover, this number might rise further as the knock-on effects of
the pandemic (inflation, economic downturn) take shape.
Nature has a remarkable potential to sustain us, whether through the recycling
of our water, the digestion of our waste, the production of our food or the
removal of CO2 from the air to create the oxygen we breathe. However, as our
species expands, so does our impact. As a result, as man’s dominion over nature
increases, the capacity of nature to supply its services and to compensate for our
impact decreases, exacerbating the effects of our perverse growth and accelerating the ‘degeneration’ of natural capital. Furthermore, as our natural capital
erodes, low-income populations are most heavily affected, widening the gap
between rich and poor and eroding the social fabric.
Reason enough to stop and think. Is this the type of economic growth we
want? Instead of accelerating our demise, we need to mobilise our innovation
and collaboration capacity, not only to reinvent growth to fit within the planet’s
ecological boundaries and not deteriorate our social foundations but also to
regenerate nature’s capacity to help us solve our problems and to bolster our
social capital through higher levels of inclusion.
1.2 Systemic Challenges Require Systemic Solutions
Most sustainability challenges, such as climate change, waste and resource challenges, natural capital loss, poverty and inequality, are systemic challenges: they
involve multiple actors, stakeholders and numerous connected subsystems –
social, institutional, cultural, political, economic, technical and ecological –
often with governance contexts and dynamics of their own. As a result, these
problems are complex, with multiple causal relationships, feedback loops and
often unforeseen consequences.
Focussing on individual causal relationships and intervening in just one
aspect of these complex systems will almost never solve the problem; rather,
it will relocate the problem or cause other unforeseen consequences beyond the
causal relationship of focus. Systemic challenges require systemic solutions.
This requires a deep understanding of the complex systems surrounding the
challenges. Thinking in terms of systems helps us understand the relationships Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
between the components and the actors in a system and foresee the intended and
the unintended ripple effects of one’s interventions in that system, thus enabling
us to envision the most responsible approaches to solving complex societal
Section 2 will explore system dynamics in more detail, but for a good
understanding of our analysis and recommendations, we briefly clarify what
we mean by systems, systems thinking and systemic change. Systems thinking
expert Donella Meadows defined a system as a set of things – people, cells,
molecules or others – interconnected so that they produce their pattern of
behaviour over time (Meadows, 1999). Systems exist in the physical world.
These can be natural ecosystems, such as the marine environment, and our
social systems, such as the food or health-care systems. They can also be
socially created systems such as belief systems. When we talk about systems
in this Element, we generally refer to the system of actors, conditions and the
dynamics between them, and possibly adjacent systems, that have formed
around satisfying a societal need, such as societies’ need for nutrition, mobility, shelter, health, safety and comfort. These systems are enabled by supporting systems such as finance, energy, education or governance. All these
systems involve various smaller parts and organisations at multiple levels
that form an intricate whole whose behaviour is influenced by the system’s
structure, the interaction of its parts and the conditions affecting the system
and its parts.
Pioneered by biologists but divided over several disciplines, the main characteristics of systemic thinking or ‘thinking in systems’ arose in Europe during
the 1920s (Capra & Luisi, 2014). These ideas, especially Bertalanffy’s concepts
of general systems theory and open systems, helped to give birth to a new way
of thinking: thinking in terms of patterns, relationships, connectedness and
context. The ability to see the interdependence between multiple events happening in different parts of the world, instead of seeing them as isolated events,
allows for a richer understanding based on the incorporation of multiple and
different (sometimes even conflicting) views. The understanding that ‘properties of the parts are not intrinsic properties but can be understood only within the
context of the larger whole’ was a profound revolution in the history of Western
scientific thought. The tremendous shock in twentieth-century science is that
‘living systems cannot be understood by analysis’ (Capra & Luisi, 2014, p. 66).
In contrast to analysis (originating from ancient Greek ‘ana’ and ‘luein’,
meaning ‘loosening up’), in which you take something apart to understand it,
system thinking concentrates on putting things in the context of a larger whole.
This makes systems thinking contextual, which is the opposite of analytical
thinking. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Since the start of the industrial revolution, our focus on growth has led to an
ever-thickening web of interdependence worldwide (Senge et al., 2007). At
a global scale, cities are connected through investment patterns, consumer
choices and international trade. As a result, actions on one side of the planet,
which affect supplies ranging from pharmaceuticals to imported staple food,
affect livelihoods and employment on the other side of the planet. For example,
during the Bangkok floods of 2011, local manufacturing facilities flooded
completely and were inoperable for almost two months. As a result, global
supply chains for computer and automobile components were severely disrupted, which led to temporary factory closures and lay-offs in many cities
outside Thailand (Tyler & Moench, 2012).
The term ‘systemic’ relies on the concept of elements or components coming
together to create a unified whole or a collective of participants. Systemic means
‘of or relating to the system’ and relates to the complex interactions of multiple
actors and conditions in a system. It is often used to describe some phenomenon –
an illness, a social problem – that affects every part of an entire system. Of the five
interpretations of the word ‘systemic’ that Midgley and Lindhult (2021) identify,
the two dimensions most recently introduced in the literature on systems thinking
are ‘collaboration’ and ‘thinking and action’. Collaboration recognises the interdependency of actors in a community or business setting, leading to a need to
innovate and co-create value together. In the thinking and action dimension,
change is viewed as a process constructed in such a way that ‘participants within
it use methodologies, methods and techniques to make their thinking and action
more systemic’ (Midgley & Lindhult, 2021, p. 643). Following these definitions,
the term ‘systemic change’ refers to change involving multiple actors in a system
of often interconnected systems, such as social, institutional, cultural, political,
economic, technical and ecological systems, as long as it operates in the context
of thinking and action towards creating change, which is required when efforts to
change one aspect of a system fail to fix the systemic problem.
In the 1980s, prominent American universities and their business schools
started focussing on systemic change. It began to gain traction in business and
management fields as a way to address the complex and interrelated challenges
faced by organisations and society (Bennis & O’Toole, 2005), emphasising the
need for a holistic, collaborative and integrated approach to problem-solving
rather than relying on isolated or incremental changes. Systemic change affects
how the whole system functions (including all its components and relationships), and the change must be fundamental. Moreover, it often changes the
system’s output (the system-changing impact created).
British plant ecologist Arthur George Tansley coined the term ‘ecosystem’ in
1935 to characterise animal and plant communities. In 1993, James F. Moore
Reinventing Capitalism
used the biological ecosystem as an analogy to explain business environments
and introduced the term ‘business ecosystem’ (Graça & Camarinha-Matos,
2017). A business ecosystem is ‘an economic community supported by
a foundation of interacting organisations and individuals – the organisms of
the business world. This economic community produces goods and services of
value to customers, who themselves are members of the ecosystem’ (Graça &
Camarinha-Matos, 2017, p. 237). In an interdependent business environment,
the business ecosystem actors ‘co-evolve their capabilities and roles’ (Graça
& Camarinha-Matos, 2017, p. 237). A business ecosystem approach allows
a vast network of actors to collaborate, build systemic solutions and create
holistic ways forward. It represents a new operating logic that is essential to
achieving systemic change (Kapetaniou & Rieple, 2017). For some companies, like start-ups, the business ecosystem logic is at the core of business.
However, for other companies, a more cooperative and open approach,
collective action, bilateral partnerships, holistic thinking, sharing knowledge and capabilities or sharing risks in initial capital investments, and
systemic understanding at the individual, organisational and societal levels,
are challenges. Published online by Cambridge University Press
1.3 A New Notion of Value
Focussing solely on GDP growth as a measure of value might have seemed
reasonable when civilisations were unaware of environmental and social constraints. However, there is ample evidence today that reality is complex and that
we must strike a new balance. Our systemic challenges of the climate crisis,
natural capital destruction and rising income inequality unfairly impact the
bottom of the pyramid, putting pressure on the social contract and risking
geopolitical stability while materially impacting business. Whether we believe
that policies and regulations should be used to shape new forms of production
and consumption, or that new technologies will magically solve all our problems (tech utopianism), our growth model and definition of value need to be
revised for the societal and environmental realities of the twenty-first century.
There is a need for a new growth model that works with nature rather than
against it, that emphasises well-being in the longer term rather than the short,
and that encompasses everyone rather than just a fortunate few.
Business leaders and academic experts have developed various models to
redefine value. While a sustainability transformation is underway, challenges
and resistances remain. Nevertheless, there are currently five leading valuecreation concepts that reconceive business’s value to society (Weenk & Henzen,
Transforming Our Critical Systems
13 Published online by Cambridge University Press
1. Stakeholder Value: Central to this concept is how stakeholders work
cooperatively to create value through a set of relations among specific
groups that have a stake in the activities and outcomes of the business and
upon whom the business depends for achieving its objectives.
2. Blended Value: In this conceptual framework, businesses, investments and
non-profit organisations are evaluated based on their ability to generate
a blend of social, environmental and financial value. This holistic approach
is sometimes used interchangeably with the triple bottom line’s people,
profit and planet.
3. Shared Value: In this framework, a business’s success and social progress
are interdependent. It enhances a business’s competitiveness while advancing the economic and social conditions of the communities in which it
4. Sustainable Value: The framework views global sustainability challenges
through the business lens, which helps identify the right practices and
strategies to contribute to a more sustainable world, while simultaneously
driving shareholder value.
5. Integrated Value: This relates to the simultaneous building of multiple
‘non-financial’ capitals, such as human, ecological, social, technological
and infrastructural capital, through synergistic innovation across the nexus
economy (including the circular, well-being, access, exponential and resilience economies), that results in net-positive effects, thus making our world
more satisfying, sustainable, shared, smart and secure.
As awareness of our need to find new value-creation models grows, paradigms
shift. New growth concepts and paradigms are emerging around these new
notions of value. In 2004, Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, had ambitions for
a green GDP index to replace the Chinese GDP index as a performance measure: green gross domestic product (GGDP) is a measure of economic growth
with environmental consequences (degradation, resource depletion, cost of
protection and restoration) of that growth factored into a country’s conventional
GDP. But, in 2006, the first GGDP accounting report showed that the financial
loss caused by pollution was $66 billion, or 3 per cent of China’s economy
(China Dialogue, 2006). As the adjustment for environmental damage would
reduce the growth rate to politically unacceptable levels, nearly zero in some
provinces, the government withdrew its support for the GGDP methodology the
following year. However, in China’s recent push for greener development,
experts have argued for the return of GGDP, and China’s Five-Year Plans
now explicitly make local governments accountable for environmental quality
and ecological conservation (Wang, 2016). Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
Like the leading value-creating concepts or the GGDP, more concepts recognise natural and social capital alongside economic capital as sources of value
and well-being. In the same way that an investment in economic capital, such as
production capacity or financial assets, can yield economic profits, natural
capital (the stock of biomass, biodiversity or natural resources in sustainable
natural cycles) produces value in the form of natural services, such as clean
water, clean air, food, natural resources and medicine (almost half of our
medicines originate in nature) or even recreation space (Wong, 2001).
Moreover, societies with high social capital, referring to the extent to which
individuals are educated, physically and mentally healthy and part of a safe,
transparent and inclusive society, yield trusted, collaborative relationships that
are much more productive than societies with lower levels of social capital.
Recognition of social and natural capital alongside economic capital gives rise
to new ways of framing and calculating growth. The concept of Gross National
Happiness, pioneered by the Bhutan government, inspired Jeffrey Sachs at the
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) to develop the World
Happiness Report. It ranks countries based on a mix of criteria, including GDP
per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make choices, generosity
and perception of corruption. Even though the economic picture is uneven across
Europe, the democracies of continental northern Europe provide interesting
learning on how highly transparent, egalitarian, inclusive societies that value
natural and social capital alongside economic capital consistently rank among the
world’s happiest countries. Finland, Iceland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden
and Norway ranked among the World Happiness top eight every year from 2019
to 2022 (Helliwell et al., 2022).
The triple bottom line concept of ‘people, profit and planet’ has evolved into
frameworks that aim to optimise value creation within planetary and social
boundaries. Doughnut Economics, championed by Kate Raworth (2017), identifies the space in which humanity can optimise its well-being, while making
sure not to break through the social foundations of individuals’ equal and
fundamental rights to education, health, justice, housing, energy, food and
income or to exceed the ecological boundaries for factors such as biodiversity
loss, air pollution, freshwater withdrawals, land conversion or climate change.
The City of Amsterdam (2020) in the Netherlands is the first city to adopt the
Doughnut Economics model to inform city-wide strategies and developments to
provide a good quality of life for everyone without putting additional pressure
on the planet.
A more constructive focus on the shared value potential is provided through
the concepts of regenerative and inclusive growth, which aim to restore natural
and social capital and resilience while being economically sustainable. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Originally applied mainly in agriculture, regenerative business practices are
entering other sectors such as tourism, medicine and consumer goods. For
example, Danone (2017) is teaching and incentivising regenerative practices
to farmers in its supply chain and frames it as a crucial part of its commitment to
become water impact positive and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. At
a global level, the Bonn Challenge (2011) has already mobilised commitments
from sixty countries in the last decade to restore 210 million hectares of
degraded and deforested land. Even though the commitments are numerical,
and the quality of reforestation remains an issue, the challenge is on track
towards bringing 350 million hectares into restoration by 2030.
Nature-based solutions (NBS) are based on the realisation that nature can be
our biggest ally. Restoring or leveraging nature’s ability to provide its services
can yield substantial economic, environmental and health benefits. For
example, knowing the potentially disastrous impact of their activity on coastal
ecosystems, several oil companies around the world have started investing in
mangrove restoration projects. The high carbon-sequestration potential of mangroves, removing up to four times more CO2 from the air than mature tropical
forests, contribute to these companies reaching their carbon reduction targets
while providing essential benefits to coastal communities through increased
biodiversity, fishery nurseries and coastal protection. Another example of costeffectively harnessing nature is how New York City achieves some of the
cleanest drinking water of any city in the world (Hu, 2018). By investing
$1.7 billion since the early 1990s in conserving 400,000 hectares of the
upstream watershed and letting nature filter its drinking water, the city has
avoided building a massive $10 billion filtration plant and is saving at least
another $100 million annually on its operation.
Especially when dealing with environmental challenges, through hundreds of
millions of years of evolution, nature harbours enormous wisdom and potential
solutions to our problems. As explored in Janine Benyus’s (2002) work, biomimicry is the design and production of structures, systems and materials
modelled on biological entities and processes. In addition to us sourcing
medicines from nature, the fascinating discipline of biomimicry has inspired
multiple innovations, such as:
• reverse osmosis membrane filtering technology that is used for water purification and desalination and that mimics how the roots of mangrove trees
separate salt from seawater;
• water harvesting from the air, already deployed as an essential solution to
water scarcity in places like Ethiopia and Chile, that was inspired by
Stenocara beetles surviving in dry climates;
Reinventing Capitalism Published online by Cambridge University Press
• the growing application of passive cooling techniques in architecture,
inspired by African termites drilling tiny holes to stimulate airflow to cool
down their mounds;
• the development of nano-paints, inspired by the skin of sharks and lotus
flowers, that reduce water resistance and increase ships’ speed and energy
Many new business models are emerging to achieve growth on a finite planet,
decoupling economic growth from material use and focussing on satisfying
needs rather than providing goods, thus dematerialising growth. The sharing
economy, or collaborative consumption, aims to minimise material use per unit
of customer satisfaction by optimising the usage of existing stock and infrastructure. For example, there are approximately 1.45 billion vehicles worldwide, of which about 1.1 billion are passenger cars. However, the average car is
parked for 23 hours daily and is highly inefficient as less than 1 per cent of total
life-cycle energy input is used to move a person (Nagler, 2021). Carpooling or
car-sharing schemes, like ZipCar, Lyft or Uber, address this radical inefficiency.
This economic model has already disrupted several industries, especially assetintensive ones like transportation and hospitality. Despite this collaborative
consumption model having taken a hit during the Covid-19 pandemic, analysts
forecast that it will continue making inroads into the consumer goods, media
and entertainment, and health-care sectors and grow more than fivefold to
$335 billion by 2025 (PwC, 2015).
Anything-as-a-service (XaaS) also addresses this efficiency challenge, especially in fast-changing sectors such as information technology (IT), by offering
products, tools and technologies as a service over a network instead of on-site
locally. The XaaS models are expected to grow by 19 per cent annually between
2022 and 2028, reaching a $1.6 trillion market share by 2028 (KBV Research,
2022). For example, Signify, formerly Philips Lighting, offers lighting-as-a-service to its public sector and commercial customers. The customers pay
a monthly service fee for light; in turn, Signify installs, operates and maintains
the lighting systems. These systems are designed for easy replacement and
repair during operational life, and, in the after-use stage, they can be easily
reused or recycled. Signify reports multiple benefits of its XaaS model, such as
a 75 per cent longer lifespan, a reduction in energy consumption, and
a significant emissions and energy reduction compared to its conventional
counterparts (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2023).
In 2012, a Google search for ‘circular economy’ yielded 22,600 results; that
exact same search today leads to more than 190 million hits. The primary
schools of thought related to circular economy are performance economy, Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
biomimicry, blue economy, regenerative design and cradle-to-cradle. The last
one, in particular, is seen as a conceptual breakthrough in the maturity of
circularity, but circularity itself is nothing new: between the 1970s and the
1990s, it focussed mainly on dealing with waste; from the 1990s to 2010 the
focus lay on connecting input and output in strategies for eco-efficiency;
currently, circularity focusses on maximising value retention in the age of
resource depletion, having introduced the 10 R strategy framework of
Remine, Recover, Recycle, Repurpose, Remanufacture, Refurbish, Repair,
Resell/Reuse, Reduce and Refuse (Reike et al., 2018). The circular economy
model focusses not just on eliminating pollution and waste, circulating materials and products for as long as possible or dematerialising consumption, but
also on regenerating nature in an economic system that benefits businesses,
people and the natural world equally. Shanghai-based company Waste2Wear is
an excellent example of adopting the circular economy model. It produces
100 per cent RPET (recycled polyethene terephthalate) from pre-ocean and prelandfill plastic bottles and RPP (recycled polypropylene) from end-of-life
single-use food containers and domestic appliances and turns that into yarn,
fabrics and other finished products. On top of this, it has also introduced an
award-winning sustainable supply chain management system that is verified by
blockchain technology (Waste2Wear, n.d.).
Dematerialisation models such as XaaS, the sharing economy and the circular
economy can be very successful due to lower per-unit footprint and cost.
However, the dirty not-so-little secret of these models might be harder to
address. As things become cleaner and cheaper, we tend to use more of them,
diminishing the beneficial effects of the new technology or measure. This is
called the rebound effect. For example, while XaaS brings down the per-unit
environmental footprint of IT solutions, the rebound effect of the increased
overall consumption of cloud-based services because of increased accessibility
is causing the industry’s overall environmental footprint to boom. Global
internet traffic has increased twentyfold since 2010, and data centres and
transmission networks today consume 2–3 per cent of the world’s electricity,
which is more than the entire global aviation industry (International Energy
Agency, 2022). The impact is expected to continue to grow in the decade ahead,
despite data service providers setting up centres in cold climate regions with
high availability of renewable energy, such as the Scandinavian Arctic Circle
and Iceland.
Shifting our focus of intervention, can we help societies be happier and
healthier by encouraging and providing more mental rather than material
growth? Without denying consumerism, brand builders are perfectly equipped
to optimise the intangible attributes in their product development and
Reinventing Capitalism
marketing, thus ‘dematerialising’ consumption without diminishing perceived
value. For example, Japanese culinary culture carries some of this philosophy,
mastering the art of serving one strawberry for dessert as the minimalist climax
of a special dinner. Published online by Cambridge University Press
1.4 Change in a VUCA World
Change is accelerating. In the early twentieth century, it took 75 years for the
telephone to scale to 100 million users. Mobile phones took 16 years, Facebook
4.5 years, Instagram 2.5 years, TikTok 9 months and ChatGPT amassed more
than 100 million users within 2 months of its launch in November 2022 (Milmo,
2023). The emergence of disruptive and exponential business models in
a hyper-connected, increasingly digital world is leading corporate and individual fortunes to be made and lost quicker than ever. For example, 52 per cent of
the companies listed in the Fortune 500 in 2000 no longer exist today. Within
one generation, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, founders of Amazon (1994) and
Tesla (2003), respectively, became the wealthiest people on the planet. Today’s
average tenure of an S&P500 company is less than twenty years, down from
sixty years in the 1950s (Capgemini Consulting, 2015).
Digital hyper-connectedness can be a force for good, as we have seen in
Ukrainian citizens connecting and coordinating their efforts to defend themselves against the 2022 Russian invasion. However, it can also be a destabilising
factor. Impulsive, indiscriminate sharing helps sensationalist fake news spread
online, contributing to the algorithms embedded in many social media feeds
polarising rather than uniting society. As a result, free speech has come under
discussion, and not only authoritarian governments are responding with stricter
internet controls.
So-called black swan events are on the rise. But these surprises might not be
entirely unexpected if we look at the bigger picture. As humanity continues to
destroy biodiversity and heat the planet, we also deplete nature’s ability to
provide natural protection against extreme weather events and pests or viruses
like bird flu or Covid-19. Recent events showed how sensitive to disruption
most industries’ supply chains are. Many governments are defaulting to
responding to crises by injecting enormous financial recovery packages into
the economy. However, as the world rebounds from the pandemic, supply
shortages in, for example, fossil fuels, compounded by the impacts of the
Ukraine war, translating into inflation levels not seen in most parts of the
world in forty years. This uncertainty is made investors nervous, thus pushing
up volatility in the stock markets. The S&P500 index in 2022 showed a level of
volatility not seen since the financial crisis of 2008. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Being a world population that is growing exponentially on a finite planet
requires us to urgently and radically reinvent how we produce and consume
if we are to remain within the Earth’s sustainable boundaries. Nevertheless,
despite progress over the last decades, mainly thanks to China’s spectacular
achievement of lifting 770 million of its people out of poverty in the last 40
years, in 2022 almost half of the global population still lived in poverty,
making less than $7 per day, a number that could rise further due to the
compounded effects of Covid-19 and the Ukraine war, according to the
World Bank (2022). This is forcing us to confront the ambiguous challenge
of dematerialising the consumption of a growing world population while
finding ways to provide affordable and accessible energy, health care,
nutrition and basic opportunities for the less fortunate members of our
Complex societal issues like the climate crisis, inequality, biodiversity loss
and natural capital degradation can no longer be ignored. The anticipated costs
and impacts of anthropogenic climate change are enormous. The United
Nations Environment Programme has estimated that the global cost of adapting
to the impacts of climate change is expected to grow to $140 billion–$300 billion
per year by 2030 and to $280 billion–$500 billion per year by 2050 (United
Nations Environment Programme, 2021). This has forcefully motivated
nations, cities and companies worldwide to commit to radical reductions in
GHG emissions. As of early 2023, more than 132 national governments have
made net zero commitments. In addition, more than 11,000 non-state actors,
including 8,300 companies and more than 1,100 cities, have also made net zero
commitments as part of the United Nations Race To Zero (United Nations
Climate Change, n.d.). This will require a radical reinvention of how we
produce, distribute and consume, affecting virtually all industries, supply chains
and geographies worldwide.
In this VUCA reality, companies need to reinvent themselves and the systems
they are part of. However, VUCA means that it is increasingly hard to understand and predict the future and the outcomes of one’s actions. Strategies can no
longer be based on extrapolating existing situations and legacy business models
but must increasingly lean on the agile pursuit of a compelling vision supported
by multiple stakeholders. Nevertheless, due to exponential technological progress and the size of our impact (compare a train derailing at 30 kilometres/hour
in the early 1800s to one derailing at 300 kilometres/hour today), the stakes are
too high to continue progressing through trial and error. Our imperative to
achieve change in a VUCA world increases the importance of a specific set of
future-fit leadership skills and the ability to collaborate, which we discuss in
Section 3. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
For one thing, VUCA calls into question the applicability of traditional
change management models such as Lewin’s U-model, Kotter’s 8 Steps,
and Design Thinking. These have already received criticism for paying
too little attention to the most challenging aspect of the change process:
actual adoption by its stakeholders. AVUCAworld amplifies what Herbert
Simon (1957) described as bounded rationality, that is, people having
limited information and lacking the attention spans and computational
capacity to digest the complexity they are faced with, limiting their ability
to take rational decisions as assumed in neoclassical economics.
Understanding the irrationality of decision-makers via the lens of behavioural science can be helpful. In a VUCA environment, these irrational
aspects of human nature, which include a tendency to reject change and
avoid uncertainty, memory distortion, poor prognostication of future behaviour, and vulnerability to physical and emotional states, tend to become
more pronounced. When trying to convince stakeholders to collaborate, it is
helpful to consider and influence both the fast, automatic and subconscious
decision-making process, as described by Kahneman (2011), and the slow,
deliberate and conscious process. It is also vital to become more deliberate
in framing situations, options and decisions in ways tailored to the various
stakeholders’ values and preferred languages.
Uncertainty and volatility are associated with higher risk. As people
are naturally certainty-seeking, uncertainty usually induces them to act
in ways that reduce uncertainty, such as by seeking information.
However, in a VUCA world, uncertainty and ambiguity are the norms:
priorities change, information is unreliable and results are difficult to
predict. If new information is unclear or ambiguous, information overload and paralysis-by-analysis may happen. Moreover, ambiguity hinders decision-making; this is not conducive to any kind of change, let
alone systemic change. Nevertheless, research has shown that it rather is
attitude towards ambiguity that is a robust predictor of willingness to
engage in costly social behaviour to enrich a shared knowledge base and
build a shared understanding and vision that can support decisions and
actions (Vives & FeldmanHall, 2018).
1.5 We Are Running Out of Time
In the early 1970s, Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren developed and popularised the IPAT equation to describe how humanity’s impact (I) on the
Transforming Our Critical Systems
21 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Figure 2 Humanity’s impact is a function of population, affluence and
planet is a function of population size (P), affluence (A) and technology
(T) (see Figure 2) (Holdren, 2018).
Population growth has not helped to lessen the human impact. A hundred
years ago, a newborn would have come into a world with fewer than 2 billion
people. The number of people on our globe exceeded 8 billion in
November 2022 (The World Counts, 2023). Although relative growth has
slowed significantly, the population of the globe continues to rise by 200,000
people every single day. Affluence, the amount of consumption per person, if
reflected as a measure of per capita GDP, albeit spread unevenly, has more than
tripled worldwide in the last thirty years (World Bank, 2023). This puts all our
hopes on technology. Tech-utopianists will argue that technology is a powerful
force that has brought tremendous progress in many ways, and they trust that
technological innovations will solve humanity’s problems (Hickman &
Banister, 2009). However, they frequently overlook three crucial elements
that have caused impact to rise far more quickly than it has fallen as a result
of improved technology:
1. The rebound effect: As described in Section 1.3, price reductions brought
on by efficiency incline us to consume more of what we intended to
conserve. As air conditioners become more efficient, we install more of
them. As flying has become cheaper in the last fifteen years, the number of
miles travelled has more than doubled.
2. The unintended consequences of technological advancement: The promise of positive features frequently causes us to overlook the potential negative impact of innovations. Examples are when new technology, such as 5G,
exacerbates inequality because the investment required to provide the
Reinventing Capitalism Published online by Cambridge University Press
technology is feasible only in rich and densely populated geographies, or the
way social media not only connects people but also facilitates the spread of
misinformation, not to mention the impact it has on the psychological wellbeing of many users.
3. Politics and vested interests: Even though money is available to address
issues like poverty, climate change and pollution, the adoption of technological
innovations frequently slows down due to opposed political ideologies or the
influence and interests of legacy industries, such as the fossil fuel industry.
Given the dramatic and unfavourable trend of the components making up the above
formula, the world must catch up on almost all of the United Nations SDGs.
According to the latest SDG Report (United Nations, 2022b), significant challenges
remain for most SDG indicators, especially in low-to-medium-income countries.
As of 2023, only 18 per cent of the SDG targets are on track, with most facing
serious challenges and 15 per cent of SDG targets, including those on hunger,
poverty and CO2 reversing (Sustainable Development Report, 2022). According to
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2016), by 2030,
GHG emissions must be reduced by 45 per cent from 2010 to prevent global
warming from reaching uncontrollable levels. All national action plans together,
however, might not be enough: taking all national action plans as of October 2022
into account, in the upcoming eight years, emissions are still anticipated to climb by
10 per cent (United Nations, 2022a). Moreover, in its latest update of March 2023,
the IPCC (2023) concludes that there are significant delays in implementing the
national action plans; these are pushing the Paris goal of limiting global warming to
1.5°C out of reach. The IPCC is instead projecting that without strengthening
policies, an increase of 3.2°C by the end of the century is very likely.
We are running out of time for marginal, incremental improvements. It is crucial
to recognise when incremental change is insufficient for achieving desired objectives; now, revolutionary change must be attempted (Kenny & Meadowcroft, 1999;
Kates et al., 2012). In its climate report on impact, adaptation and vulnerability, the
IPCC (2022) warns that transformational change is no longer optional; it is
necessary. To keep the possibility alive of us living within the planet’s natural
boundaries in socially just ways, we must dramatically accelerate the sustainability
transition and radically improve the sustainability of some of the most critical
systems that support us, such as the food, energy, transport and infrastructure
systems. Furthermore, we must rethink critical enabling systems such as financial,
urban, educational and social systems.
Governments are committing trillions to support mitigation and transformation
efforts over the coming decades. Sustainability is not a ‘nice to have’; it is critical
and urgent if we want to avoid the disruptions and the dramatic costs to natural
and social capital that are escalating under our business-as-usual model. We need
Transforming Our Critical Systems
radical reinvention, not marginal or incremental change of our systems. Radical,
from the Latin ‘radix’, means ‘at the roots’, not shallow or superficial. The
societal need to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change and natural
capital loss and to radically reinvent our systems is the biggest challenge and the
most prominent commercial opportunity of this generation.
The order is tall. And the tension is rising. Many of our current critical
systems are not fit for the future and need to be reinvented. But systemic change
is hard and complex; we are running out of time and the context is more VUCA
than ever. This is why we need a better understanding of how systems work and
how we can create the conditions and equip our decision-makers to achieve
systemic change.
2 Where to Intervene? Published online by Cambridge University Press
Think of any complex value chain or system as a game of Jenga: removing or
replacing one block could disrupt the whole and influence all the other blocks
(see Figure 3). By focussing on entire systems and their many interrelated parts,
we can better understand how our decisions affect social, economic and ecological problems and identify the opportunities for innovation and intervention
that will help us achieve our larger systemic goals.
To transition on time to the more sustainable models the world needs, we
need to organise and equip ourselves to radically reinvent some of our critical
Figure 3 A game of Jenga resembling a system: remove, replace
and disrupt.
Reinventing Capitalism
systems. Instead of minor tweaks and incremental change, the focus needs to be
on radical departures from the status quo to shift our current unsustainable
trajectory to one where normative goals for sustainability are achieved, and
political and economic power structures deliver the common good
(McPhearson et al., 2021). However, how can we stimulate and deliberately
steer systemic change, given the challenges described? Published online by Cambridge University Press
2.1 The WHAT, HOW and WHY of Systemic Change
The USA and the EU have launched projects of unprecedented ambition in
response to climate change. The US Senate approved a $369 billion climate
budget, aiming to halve US carbon emissions by 2030 from 2005 levels
(Morgan, 2022). The EU is backing up its Green Deal with various funding
mechanisms worth more than €1 trillion, including a Climate Action Fund and
a Just Transition Mechanism, with the objective to make the world’s thirdlargest economy climate-neutral by 2050 (EUcalls, 2022). In the Asia-Pacific
region, a study by PwC (2022a) forecasts sustainability assets under management to triple to $3.3 trillion between 2021 and 2026, showing that this part of
the world is quickly joining the race to create more sustainable models.
Transformation sometimes requires an upfront investment; therefore, financial and regulatory support in the early phases is vital to de-risk investments for
the private sector and accelerate the development of new solutions. However, it
is not the amount of money pledged that guarantees successful systemic change.
The question remains where and how to invest the resources. Which intervention areas will most effectively drive systemic change?
To illustrate that intervention points are often counter-intuitive, system
thinking expert Donella Meadows (1999) often uses economic growth as an
example: ‘Growth has costs as well as benefits, but we typically do not count
the costs – among which are poverty and hunger, environmental destruction,
and so on – the whole list of problems we are trying to solve with growth!
What is needed is much slower growth and, in some cases, no growth or
negative growth’ (p. 1). She states that vision without action is useless, but
‘action without vision does not know where to go or why to go there.
Therefore, vision is necessary to guide and motivate action. More than that,
when widely shared and firmly kept in sight, vision brings into being new
systems’ (Meadows et al., 1992, p. 224).
To synthesise Meadows’ (1999) original intervention points for systemic
change, and create a practical translation for the business community, we
have categorised these levers into the WHAT, HOW and WHY of systemic
change in increasing order of transformational potential (see Figure 4).
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Mindset &
& flows
Figure 4 Levers for systemic change. Published online by Cambridge University Press
2.1.1 WHAT: The Conditions of the System
Tweaking parameters, such as price subsidies, minimum wages, bank reserves,
taxes and funding models for transition risk-sharing, can all improve systemic
change conditions (see Table 1). However, these levers can be categorised as
shallow or low potential intervention points (Meadows, 1999). Changing
a system’s parameters can help a system find a new balance, but systemic change
will often be limited unless supported by and coherent with a new mindset and
objectives. For example, a one-off windfall tax or increased capital gains taxes for
the wealthy, as discussed following the Covid-19 pandemic to address income
inequality, will not change the system if the system is still designed to have
economic gains flow towards capital providers. It will likely only motivate the
wealthy to find new ways to avoid taxes. Similarly, setting a minimum quota for
women on an executive team will not solve gender inequality unless efforts are
made to improve women’s access to relevant, quality education and change
corporate mindsets regarding equal opportunities and participation.
2.1.2 HOW: The Dynamics of the System
A more powerful lever over the performance (see Table 2) of a system is the
ability of actors to influence the rules of the system, for example through incentives, punishments and constraints, or its structure, for example through the
strengthening of positive or negative feedback loops. This ability is strengthened
through improved information flows to and engagement of relevant stakeholders
and a fair distribution of power. A simple intervention in the flow of information –
adding a new loop of information – causes people to behave differently. For
example, sustainable food labelling and certification have increased consumer Published online by Cambridge University Press
Table 1 Overview of the WHAT of interventions.
Realm of
Leverage point
Constants, parameters,
or numbers
Price subsidies, minimum wage, emission standards, the average
fuel consumption of a car, or environmental standards. People
care about these, but they rarely change behaviour: these
interventions will not kick-start systemic change and often have
unintended consequences
The sizes of buffers and
other stabilising stocks,
relative to their flows
Bank reserves, water reservoirs, total amount of standing timber in
a production forest, or just-in-time inventories. A system can be
stabilised by increasing the buffer, but when the buffer becomes
too big, it counteracts and the system becomes inflexible
Structure of material
stocks, flows and their
physical arrangement
Transport networks, plumbing structure, the population age
structures, or water drainage systems. This leverage point is rarely
simple because the design of the physical structure has often
already been laid out and is hard to change
Lengths of delays, relative
to rate systemic change,
that causes systems to
over-or undershoot
The construction of a new powerplant and the change in demand
during its whole lifespan, or the time it takes for the ozone hole to
close after harmful emissions seize
Material Published online by Cambridge University Press
Table 2 Overview of the HOW of interventions.
Realm of
Leverage point
Strength of negative
feedback loop, relative to
impact (positive feedback
loop) they are correcting
To keep a system within safe bounds, humans create negative
feedback loops and in nature they evolve (self-correcting):
internalising external costs, pollution tax, impact fees, or the
extent to which a lake can absorb nutrients and remain clear
The fine-tuning of positive,
self-reinforcing feedback
Positive feedback loops are sources of growth, explosion, erosion
or collapse. An unchecked positive loop will ultimately destroy its
system (e.g. the more the soil erodes, the fewer crops it supports,
the fewer roots and leaves to soften rain, so the soil erodes further).
Instead of introducing negative loops, it is more effective to
weaken and slow the positive loop by introducing progressive
income tax, inheritance tax, universal high-quality public
education, or green bonds
Structure of information flow
(who has and does not have
access to information)
Transparency, crowd-sourcing, or the democratisation of
information, such as providing consumers with knowledge about
where certain products come from to make informed decisions
The rules of the system, such
as incentives, punishments,
or constraints
Policies to level the playing field, governing natural resources,
incl. taxes and regulations, such as lowering taxes on the repair
of household goods to extend lifespan, reducing CO2 emissions
or addressing the current disposal and replacement culture
Power to change, add,
evolve, or self-organise a
system structure
Ability of farmers to organise the sustainable use of communal
pasture to improve soil quality for the whole community; or
workers union representatives on a corporate board
Reinventing Capitalism
awareness. They are driving consumer behaviour change, as well as collaboration
and cooperation among different actors in the food value chain (Swinnen &
Kuijpers, 2019). Similarly, extended mandatory guarantee periods on appliances
are proving to slow down the buy-use-replace feedback loop, boosting local
repair and recycling business sectors and radically reducing waste in the system.
The systemic change potential of these medium-potential levers is enhanced if the
actors and stakeholders in the system share the same paradigm, mindset, purpose
and vision. Published online by Cambridge University Press
2.1.3 WHY: The Purpose of the System
The most powerful, deep leverage points for systemic change are related to the
intent and purpose of the system: What human or social need is the system
aiming to satisfy? What type of world is the system aiming to build? In practical
terms, this refers to the objectives set for the new system, the values and mindset
from which the new system emerges and the ability to transcend existing
paradigms (see Table 3). Kramer et al. (2018) have also underlined the importance of mental models as highest potential intervention points from which to
change systems. They argue that due to the interdependent nature of the other
conditions of systems change (which they identify as relationships and connections, power dynamics, policies, practices and resource flows), intervening in
these deep WHY leverage points should be supported by consistent interventions in the shallower HOW and WHAT leverage points. For example, to create
a world in which protecting or restoring natural capital is critical and where the
objective is to dematerialise, that is, decouple economic growth from resource
use, taxing critical resource use could make more sense than taxing income.
We want to suggest a refinement of Meadows’ original categorisation of
subsidies as a shallow WHAT lever. Direct price subsidies could be considered
shallow as they have the side-effect of distorting market mechanisms. However,
while market mechanisms ideally need a level playing field to function optimally, policymakers realise that significant transformations require support in
the upfront investment required to develop and scale new solutions. Subsidies
have the potential to enable Moore’s law, accelerating the learning and cost
curves, thus facilitating the scaling of new technologies far beyond where they
would have scaled without subsidies, which might turn out to be crucial in
a world that urgently needs radical change (Wessner, 2003).
The direct industry and technology subsidies provided by China and the USA,
such as those announced under the $369 billion Inflation Reduction Act, are
putting pressure on Europe, which so far has been trying to steer clear of direct
subsidies, to join the clean tech subsidy race. However, acknowledging the Published online by Cambridge University Press
Table 3 Overview of the WHY of interventions.
Realm of
Leverage point
The purpose and goals
of the system
All 'shallower' levers, such as physical flows and stocks,
feedback loops or information flows, should be pivoted to be
consistent with the goals and purpose of the system. A system
whose goal is to bring global equity will have markedly different
design, process and material features than a system
aiming to promote free trade
Mindset or paradigm
out of which the system
and its goals, structure,
rules, delays, or
parameters arise
A regenerative’ paradigm: underpinning agricultural policies,
strengthening natural capital and supporting social foundations
The power to question
and transcend the ruling
The conscious shift from a growth-based economy to a
steady-state economy, such as asking the question
'is treating our planet as an infinite resource good for mankind?' Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
potential of subsidising research, development and innovation (RD&I), such as
through Horizon Europe, the European Commission in late 2022 adopted amendments to the state aid framework that make it easier for member states to access
Green Deal funds to financially support RD&I activities to accelerate the green
and digital transitions (Allenbach-Ammann, 2022). Leveraging public funding to
mobilise private RD&I funding and, more powerfully, facilitate RD&I platforms
and ecosystems will accelerate the learning feedback loop, amplify information
flows and allow more actors to participate in innovating the processes and design
aspects of a system. Subsidising RD&I efforts could therefore be seen as
a medium-potential HOW lever.
Mazzucato (2018) is a strong voice in favour of mission-oriented research
and innovation (R&I), demonstrating how public expenditure can de facto
operate as an industrial policy by addressing grand societal challenges such as
climate change. Mowery (2012) argues that lessons from the government’s
mission-oriented research and development (R&D) spending on national
defence, for example, could be applied to society’s grand challenges. Defence
R&D spending changed many systems beyond defence, facilitating the development of solutions as wide-ranging as the Internet, the Global Positioning
System (GPS), radar, virtual reality and even feminine hygiene products
(Frohlich et al., 2019). While we acknowledge the subsidising of RD&I as
a potential lever for systemic change, we also want to recognise the risk of
biases and the malleability of research design. History is full of examples of
subsidised research where the underlying paradigm or mindset of the sponsors
influenced the research design and conclusions. Players in the tobacco, meat and
oil sectors have been spending millions on what they call a balanced scientific
approach; what they are referring to, in less euphemistic terms, is sponsored
research to downplay the negative impacts of their industries (Keane, 2020).
2.2 Lessons from Systemic Change in Practice
In their literature review of 301 articles on interventions in the food and energy
systems, Dorninger et al. (2020) concluded that 80 per cent of interventions are
not explicitly transformative (or systemic). We identified six key learnings from
our analysis of transformation examples and literature:
1 WHAT without WHY interventions are likely to deliver suboptimal
In our efforts to create the right conditions to enable deliberate transformation to
emerge from complex systems dynamics, there is currently a disproportionate
focus on parameter interventions, the WHAT realm, advocating for leveraging
Transforming Our Critical Systems
31 Published online by Cambridge University Press
existing mechanisms such as setting targets, introducing standards or providing
subsidies, but falling short on developing new processes or rethinking existing
ones as a prerequisite for achieving system-changing outcomes. Moreover,
a singular focus on parameter interventions poses a risk of creating interventions that lack the interrogation of the dominant worldview, values and paradigms that underpin the current system (Angheloiu & Tennant, 2020).
Shallow levers can potentially support systemic change, but shallow interventions may backfire in the absence of a suitable paradigm or shared mindset
on the part of the stakeholders. This became clear when the French government’s decision to increase taxes on fossil fuels resulted in the violent ‘yellow
jackets’ protests that eventually forced the government to revert its decision.
Similar reactions followed the Dutch government’s efforts to curb Dutch farming’s nitrogen footprint by imposing limits and standards on agricultural activity
without giving enough attention to building a shared understanding and mindset
with the Dutch farmers and the public. Another, more corrosive way of backfiring is that interventions in the low-potential-parameter realm invite greenwashing or outright cheating. For example, while it lacks the adequate paradigm, the
car industry has a very significant role in fighting climate change; yet, in 2015,
decision-makers at Volkswagen and other car manufacturers decided to respond
to emissions standards by cheating on diesel emissions tests. This ‘Dieselgate’
scandal eventually caused the entire board of Volkswagen to be replaced and
cost the company more than $33 billion in fines, settlements and expenses. At
least this feedback loop was still functioning.
2 Lack of alignment between subsystems hinders systemic change.
Governance contexts, such as those of actors and subsystems, fragmented
institutional arrangements, contested policy processes and tightly constrained
or poorly delineated roles and capabilities of policymakers and administrators,
complicate collaboration for change at a systemic level (Geels, 2005; Smith &
Stirling, 2005). Creating systemic change requires a comprehensive approach
that considers multiple policy and regulation perspectives. A narrow focus on
problem-solving seems to lead to sectoral solutions, often developed in silos
that tend to maintain the status quo, while missing opportunities for larger
systemic changes (Hynes et al., 2020) and lacking consideration of planetary
justice and global democracy (Biermann, 2021). Even well-intentioned legislation aimed at prevention has yet to be successful in avoiding unintended
consequences (Hunt et al., 2020). A lack of shared vision and understanding
of the interdependencies within the more extensive system has been complicating India’s challenge to overcome conflicts among its environmental, poverty,
Reinventing Capitalism Published online by Cambridge University Press
energy and agricultural policies for decades. Efforts to support poor smallholder
farmers were negatively affecting the food system in India, as heavy subsidising
of electricity, water and fertilisers instead of investment in R&D and capacity
building resulted in groundwater depletion, soil deterioration and eutrophication of water bodies, while the state controls over pricing and distribution
complicated the creation of additional routes to market despite higher production (World Bank, 2012). Countries like Norway and Finland have found ways
to achieve more-joined-up policies for public health and a sustainable food
supply by, for example, introducing a national food policy council to provide
integrated policy advice (Barling et al., 2002).
Another example of co-evolution and interdependency is the development of
hydrogen. Even though 200 years old, hydrogen holds excellent promise as
a clean power technology. However, its viability as a low-carbon option largely
depends on access to cheap renewable energy being scaled cost-effectively
(Baykara, 2018). Collaborating with multiple actors across the car manufacturing value chain allows Swedish H2 Green Steel to scale up its hydrogenpowered production of green steel in northern Sweden, where cheap, clean
and abundant hydro-power can be used to produce hydrogen. However, against
a backdrop of a forecast rise in demand for steel by more than one-third by 2050
and the need to reduce overall CO2 emissions by 50 per cent over the same
period, this begs the question of whether the build-up of cheap renewable
energy capacity can happen quickly enough for hydrogen to fulfil its potential.
Ironically, a sizable part of the forecast extra demand for steel is destined for the
construction of renewable power plants (Levi, 2021).
3 Silver-bullet solutions require increased precaution to prevent
unintended consequences.
As often promised by new technologies, singular interventions with significant
transformational potential can have critical unintended consequences. Today,
India’s Aadhaar digital identification (ID) system, introduced to ease welfare
payments to India’s most vulnerable and to combat fraud, includes 1.2 billion
Indians (Dalberg, 2019). It allowed India to go from a digital backwater to being
the world’s largest market for digital real-time payments in less than a decade
(ACI Worldwide, 2021). However, while it brought the majority of Indians into
the system, it increased the gap with more than 100 million still marginalised
Indians in harder-to-reach geographies or populations. Many private services like
opening a bank account, getting access to food rationing or school admission,
which are increasingly transitioning to Aadhaar too, are now even less accessible
to those excluded. Furthermore, precautionary voices have warned of the tool’s
potential to facilitate a surveillance state (Amrute et al., 2020; Ritson, 2022).
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Multiple researchers have suggested that microfinance is an effective intervention for the economic empowerment of the underprivileged, reducing poverty and
vulnerability and building human capital (Swain, 2012; Arora et al., 2013).
Lending to the unbanked, since Muhammad Yunus originally pioneered it in
the 1980s, experienced exponential growth, reaching tens of millions of borrowers and winning him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. However, more recent studies
have shown that microfinance not seldom leads to over-indebtedness and exploitation rather than empowerment (Schicks, 2013) and that the sector is especially
vulnerable to economic shocks (Wagner & Winkler, 2013). Well-intended
attempts to bring about systemic change require more deliberate upfront attention
to identifying and mitigating unintended consequences. Published online by Cambridge University Press
4 WHY interventions require investment in collaborative processes.
Systemic change can take several decades and often involves interconnected
changes to social practices, technologies, regulations, business models and
societal norms. This inevitably involves conflicts over the direction and the
pace of the change (Voulvoulis et al., 2022). The deeper leverage points have
more significant transformational potential (Fischer & Riechers, 2018).
However, it cannot be assumed that change in the WHY realm will not be met
with resistance, especially when deeply held norms and values are questioned. It
is essential to tackle this resistance and to provide new alternatives and opportunities (Pelling & Manuel-Navarrete, 2011). Without creating a constructive
and trusted environment in which system partners feel secure enough to question the current dominant system and transcend its underlying paradigms;
without investment in a deep, joint understanding of the system; without paying
more attention to building and embedding the shared mindset and vision across
the system’s stakeholders, and without incentives for system-actors to collaborate for systemic change, progress is doomed to be limited.
A deep understanding by all stakeholders of the human or societal need underlying the system, the multiple actors and dynamics involved in satisfying this need
and the life-cycle impacts that the current system is causing is crucial to inform the
shared objectives in any collaborative effort for systemic change. Intra-company,
intra-industry or technology-centric efforts to reduce impact offer at best partial
solutions, often running the risk of not necessarily reducing but rather relocating
life-cycle impact. For example, the car industry moving from combustible to
electric motors does not automatically mean that the environmental impact is
reduced. In fact, it relocates most of the life-cycle impact to electricity and battery
production. Even though the life-cycle impact will come down as the world moves
from fossil to renewable sources of energy, the embedded carbon footprint of an
Reinventing Capitalism
electric car today, because of the battery (depending on size and the energy source
used in production), is significantly higher than that of a combustible engine
vehicle. Moreover, it causes enormous other impacts, such as water depletion,
toxic waste, human rights violations and others in the mining for components like
cobalt and lithium, whose ominous nickname ‘white oil’ is already unleashing
a gold rush of its own in geographies such as Chile and Bolivia (Balch, 2020).
Because demand for batteries will lead to resource scarcity and the need for new
mines, electric vehicles (EVs) might save car manufacturers but they won’t save
the planet. Published online by Cambridge University Press
5 Old mindsets are unlikely to produce a new system.
Risk management as a mindset will not bring us the change to sustainable models
that the world needs. Some important risk factors, such as regulatory risk, materialise too late, as regulation typically is put in place (long) after the damage has been
done. Instead, a risk management mindset incentivises greenwashing and lobbying
to avoid disruption and maintain the status quo. For example, Exxon and other big
oil players knew of the risks of climate change to society forty years before the
world started to change policies, a move that many fossil fuel companies have
overtly and covertly tried to delay, despite knowing the link between their business
and climate change. Risk management is not a solution, especially if targets are set
up as deals between industry sectors and governments, heavily influenced by
industry lobbyists and biased towards the status quo. In the context of the
Conference of Parties (COP) meetings, whose objective is to find a multilateral
agreement to avoid climate change, it is particularly ironic that 636 fossil fuel
lobbyists participated in the 2022 COP27 meeting yet that the 2023 COP28
meeting will be held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and chaired by the head
of UAE oil giant Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Singh Khadka, 2023).
As long as companies are knowingly causing environmental or social costs
without paying for them, they are growing their profits unethically. The
International Monetary Fund (n.d.) estimates that the implicit global subsidy
to the fossil fuel industry from undercharging energy supply costs amounted to
$531 billion in 2021. If also taking into account the cost borne by society for
climate, environmental and air pollution impacts and foregone consumption
taxes, the implicit subsidy was as much as $5.9 trillion ($11 million per minute),
or 6.8 per cent of global GDP – expected to rise to 7.4 per cent of GDP in 2025
(Parry et al., 2021). In testimony before a US Congressional subcommittee in
April 2021, teen activist Greta Thunberg spoke out about the hypocrisy of
governments boasting of lofty goals while funding the very legacy sectors
they say they want to phase out or transform: ‘the fact that we are still having
Transforming Our Critical Systems
this discussion, and even more that we are still subsidising fossil fuels, directly
or indirectly, using taxpayer money, is a disgrace’ (Cornwell, 2021, p. 1).
Internalising the environmental and social costs into the cost calculation of
companies would reflect an environmentally sustainable and intergenerationally
just growth paradigm that incentivises companies to design better systems for all
current and future stakeholders. Published online by Cambridge University Press
6 Big commitments need reinforcement.
There is no lack of ambition and commitment towards radical change to achieve
sustainability goals. However, history has demonstrated a tendency for businesses and governments to make pledges that could not produce the expected
outcomes. Many of these pledges set ambitious objectives but fail to change the
system’s deeper dynamics because they fall short of efforts to change the
paradigm and the underlying mindset of the internal and external stakeholders
involved. This results in poor incentives, shallow alignment and a lack of
collaboration and support to achieve the goals.
The highest-profile pledge of the twenty-first century so far has emerged from
the 2016 Paris climate agreement and the subsequent COP meetings. However,
despite all national commitments, based on current plans, instead of the
45 per cent reduction compared to 2010 levels that will be required to stay
within the 1.5°C of global warming agreed as a target, CO2-eq emissions are
still anticipated to rise by 10 per cent by 2030, and the IPCC moreover has
highlighted severe delays in implementation of national plans.
According to Net Zero Tracker (2022), as of June 2022, more than 35 per cent
of the top publicly traded corporations in the world committed to net zero, but
65 per cent still lack a detailed plan for how to get there. Only 38 per cent of the
pledges include Scope 3 emissions, which comprise all indirect emissions
throughout a company’s value chain and typically account for between
65 per cent and 95 per cent of a product’s life-cycle emissions (PwC, n.d.).
Similarly, in 2018, more than 500 governments and businesses, representing
20 per cent of all plastic packaging produced globally, signed the New Plastics
Economy Global Commitment, pledging to transition towards a circular economy for plastic (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2022). However, the 2022 report
reveals that signatories have made little progress.
Without further systemic changes or regulatory reinforcement, many voluntary commitments risk lending themselves to greenwashing or changes in scope,
targets or measurement criteria as time passes. Ironically, the resulting scrutiny
of corporate commitments is leading to greenhushing, that is, corporate players
being reluctant to publicly announce their environmental and societal impact
targets and strategies. Reportedly, 25 per cent of corporate players are practising
greenhushing (Speed, 2022). Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
While collaborative efforts to reduce the impact of existing supply chains
are laudable, we need to dedicate more effort and creativity to system
reinvention. We can do this by asking ourselves how the same human or
societal need can be met in ways other than the dominant legacy system.
Systemic change does not start by aiming to optimise today’s production
assets; instead, a consumer-centric design-thinking approach, focussing
on creatively solving the consumer or societal need at hand, can lead to
drastically different solutions to current challenges, often uncovering
additional systemic benefits. In this process, it is helpful to reflect on
what paradigms are underlying the old and the new systems. For example,
we need light, heat and cooling, but we do not necessarily need kilowatthours. Humans must consume proteins, but no law states that these must
come from animal meat. We need health care, but is this best achieved by
preventing or curing disease? Similarly, we need mobility, but do we
necessarily need individual car ownership?
Questioning the need for individual car ownership or the need for
moving around in the first place could help us creatively rethink mobility.
For example, car-sharing schemes or cheaper taxis through driverless cars
radically reduce the need for cars and parking space while still moving
people comfortably around. Studies in the Netherlands and Germany
showed that car sharing brought down CO2 per kilometre driven by 8 to
16 per cent compared to private car ownership due to behaviour change
and the need for fewer cars (PBL, 2015; Roth, 2022). At the same time, it
is not unreasonable to wonder whether the wide availability of shared or
not-owned cars might trigger a feedback loop that reduces the perception
of car ownership as a status symbol.
Improving and stimulating public transport use would allow for
a systemic impact. For example, experiments with heavily subsidised
public transport in Germany and Spain in 2022 reduced air pollution and
CO2 emissions from car users switching to public transport while lowering
inflation, even though the schemes overshot their objectives: high popularity of the plan in Germany, where 52 million monthly tickets were sold,
also resulted in overcrowded trains and a high price tag for the government
(Connolly, 2022). Similarly, stimulating bike use through bike sharing
saves even more CO2 and significantly impacts physical and mental health
(Celis-Morales et al., 2017).
Systemic thinking about mobility and its impacts is also manifest in the
design of mixed-use developments that provide space for work, living and
Transforming Our Critical Systems
leisure all within the same district, thus reducing the need for transport
altogether. One example of this concept is the ambitious $3.9 billion One
Bangkok project that is under development in Thailand; it is one of the
largest of its kind in Southeast Asia.
These approaches, which structurally change the need for, and the mix
of, modes of transport, have the potential not only to reduce CO2 emissions and expenses and improve health but also to reduce the estimated
40 per cent of city centre space that is currently dedicated to roads and
parking, freeing it up for much-needed housing, urban farming and public
parks, all with their consequential benefits. Published online by Cambridge University Press
2.3 Complex Systemic Change in Practice: The EU’s Farm to Fork
Established in the 1960s, Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which
occupies more than a third of the EU’s budget, aimed to optimise cheap food
production by subsidising large-scale farming across the continent. While this
objective made sense in the early days, the CAP has become an indirect subsidy
to support EU-based food companies’ international competitiveness in their export
Its focus on industrial, conventional farming practices had significant
sustainability implications, driving biodiversity collapse in Europe, especially
close to areas of intense livestock farming, and contributing to the global
climate catastrophe, while eroding the food sovereignty of the destination
markets of Europe’s subsidised food, causing local farmers to be exploited or
go out of business, while at the same time making European farmers overly
dependent on the subsidies and taking up ever more of the EU budget
(Abboud, 2018). For example, according to European Commission data, up
to 90 per cent of cattle farmers’ income is derived from subsidies, despite
indications that as much as 87 per cent of global farming subsidies – approximately $470 billion – is distorting price and environmentally and socially
harmful (FAO, 2021).
The Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy is Europe’s effort to reinvent its old
unsustainable food system (European Union, 2020). To evaluate the effectiveness of Europe’s F2F strategy, we will apply the levers framework outlined in
Section 2.1. By examining the F2F strategy through this lens, we can gain
a comprehensive understanding of its potential impact and identify areas that
may require further attention or enhancement to achieve the desired systems
Reinventing Capitalism Published online by Cambridge University Press
2.3.1 WHAT: The Conditions of the System
While the measures in the CAP mainly revolved around, directly and indirectly, subsidising farming output and supply chain inputs to make European
farming more cost-competitive, current reform proposals, while not wholly
abolishing farmer subsidies, call for a mandatory cap on per-farm subsidies
to reduce the benefits accumulating with large landowners. In addition to
this, farmer income support will become conditional on farmers adhering to
the environment- and climate-friendly farming practices and standards, called
the Good Agricultural and Ecological Conditions (GAEC); farmers will be prioritised according to whether or not they perform additional activities that are
related to climate, the environment, animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance and whether or not they contribute to reaching the targets of the EU
Green Deal. The extent to which CAP measures (read: subsidies) can be
aligned with the new F2F strategy will be critical. The F2F strategy is
furthermore considering value-added tax (VAT) reform to allow member
states to send the right signals to consumers by, for example, lowering VAT
on healthy and sustainable food, such as fruits and vegetables, and encouraging a shift from animal products to a more plant-based diet. The strategy’s
potential for bringing about a genuine change in the EU food systems will to
a significant extent depend on the ability of the EU’s leadership to resolve
stakeholder resistance and continue political momentum, which has stalled
due to the challenging economic environment post-Covid and the impacts of
the war in Ukraine (Schebesta & Candel, 2020).
In comparison, in Southeast Asia, the ASEAN Integrated Food Security
(AIFS) framework and strategic plan of action, developed by the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), aim to ensure long-term food security
and improve the livelihoods of farmers in the region by facilitating systemic
change through cross-sectoral collaboration among member states and
a comprehensive approach that considers the interrelated factors of food production, distribution, access and utilisation (Association of Southeast Asian
Nations, 2020). However, most interventions are mainly situated in the lowpotential WHAT realm. For example, in the distribution aspect, ASEAN nations
mitigate market impacts through market controls and economic measures like
export restrictions, price controls, subsidies and selected import facilitation.
Successful implementation of this framework may be hindered by several
challenges, for example a lack of cooperation and legal obligation between
member states (Islam & Kieu, 2020), which might be an indication of the
limited attention given to levers in the HOW and WHY realms.
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39 Published online by Cambridge University Press
2.3.2 HOW: The Dynamics of the System
The European Commission explicitly included provisions on governance and
collective involvement of stakeholders in a legislative framework for sustainable food systems. It actively encouraged multi-stakeholder dialogue
with farmers, the food industry, civil society and academia in designing
policies for the new food system. This, for example, resulted in the multistakeholder-informed EU Code of Conduct on responsible marketing and
business practices.
Despite this, criticism has been raised that the F2F strategy was not
supported by an impact assessment, and there are some indications that
shaping the F2F strategy might have suffered from a (perceived) lack of
ability by the stakeholders to influence the structure and rules of the new
system (Wesseler, 2022). Moreover, as F2F objectives divert from the current CAP focus on subsidising farmers and companies, aligning CAP with
the F2F strategy has not been without resistance (Corporate Europe
Observatory, 2020). Farmer unions, fearing that F2F will increase costs
and reduce competitiveness, have held intense protests, like the ones that
paralysed the Netherlands in 2022 and triggered solidarity protests by farmers in other parts of Europe, and intensified lobbying efforts by farmer unions
and industries like the pesticide industry. Taking advantage of the Russian
invasion of Ukraine, these industrial farming lobbies claim that food security
is at risk in the European Union and are calling on the European Commission
to set aside sustainable agriculture objectives for the moment (Corporate
Europe Observatory, 2022).
To enhance information flows and collective learning, through the EU’s
Horizon Europe fund (2021–7) and the European Innovation Partnership (EIP
Agri) and other vehicles, the F2F strategy made €10 billion available to facilitate collaboration between researchers, industry and other stakeholders for
research and innovation related to food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and the environment.
Already, the CAP and F2F feature feedback loops through the EU
Emissions Trading System (ETS) and agriculture subsidies for reducing
GHG emissions. In addition, information flows to farmers will be enhanced
through a Farm Sustainability Data Network, with data and advice on sustainable farming practices, further supported by proposals for more stringent
regulations on feed additives, food waste and animal welfare. An essential
additional lever aiming to strengthen positive feedback loops under the F2F
strategy is to improve information flows towards the public. This includes yet-
Reinventing Capitalism
contested proposals for a harmonised food labelling framework that covers
mandatory front-of-pack nutritional data and climate, environmental and
social aspects of food products. Besides this, the European Commission
supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and invests in education
and engagement of consumers to raise awareness and mobilise action to
accelerate the transition. Published online by Cambridge University Press
2.3.3 WHY: The Purpose of the System
The old CAP was based on the paradigms that cheap food is the best way
to feed a growing world population and that, therefore, a cost-competitive
agricultural sector is good for Europe. The unintended negative consequences of that policy have forced Europe to question those paradigms.
The F2F strategy is based on the belief that healthy food produced in
environmentally sustainable, affordable and socially just ways will reduce
the current system’s inefficiencies. The emerging paradigm, therefore, is
that our food system should work with nature, not against it, and that no
one should be left behind.
While the CAP’s main objective was to produce cheap food, the comprehensive EU Biodiversity and F2F strategies, based on these new paradigms,
aim to transform our food system into a more sustainable and equitable model.
Specific F2F targets include a 50 per cent reduction in pesticide and antimicrobials, a 50 per cent per capita food waste reduction, a 20 per cent reduction
in fertiliser use, and having 25 per cent of EU farmland under organic
production by 2030.
Not all aspects of systemic change can be fully controlled, but deliberate
systemic change needs a collaborative, holistic approach with a leverage points
perspective, recognising the influential WHAT, HOW and WHY interventions
in the system. Nevertheless, as the efforts to reform the food system show,
collaboration is complex. In 2012, a global C-suite study (IBM, 2012) of 1,709
chief executive officers (CEOs) found that 75 per cent saw collaboration as the
key to future success. Yet multiple analysts have concluded that most collaborations fail to deliver sustained supernormal value (Fawcett et al., 2015). So how
can we create the conditions that improve stakeholder collaboration to achieve
the systemic changes we need?
3 Creating the Conditions for Collaborative Systemic Change
There are limitations to what can be done in isolation. Multi-stakeholder
collaboration is pertinent in achieving systemic change. Literature on Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
sustainable pathways emphasises that sustainability issues involve dynamics,
complexity, uncertainty and competing interests (Leach et al., 2010). Based on
their systematised review of literature on cross-sector partnerships and systemic
change, Clarke & Crane (2018) underline the interdisciplinary nature of systemic change and the crucial role of interaction between system-actors and
subsystems. They suggest that it is a type of change that is conceptually
underdeveloped. Kingston and Caballero (2009), when analysing institutional
change, describe two different schools of interpretation of change: one being the
deliberate creation of institutions through a political process and the other
emphasising the spontaneous emergence of new institutions through evolutionary processes. Research on innovation systems has influenced our understanding of this decentralised process of ‘emergence’ or ‘incrementalism’, the way
large-scale, systemic transformation can emerge from multiple small and incremental changes that result from co-evolutionary interactions between various
human systems, such as values, knowledge, organisation and technology, and
environment systems at different scale-levels (Freeman, 1991; Norgaard 1995,
2006; Malerba, 2002). Illustrating this theory of the multi-level dynamic of
socio-technical transitions, Geels (2005) describes how the transition from
horse-carriages to trams to automobiles happened through a confluence and
interaction of evolutions at multiple levels and in multiple domains, including
health and safety concerns, cost considerations, population growth, suburbanisation, technological innovation, economic independence, user preferences and policy decisions.
Emergence, or incrementalism, may not be able to address the urgency,
complexity and interconnected nature of systemic problems. It risks creating
specific interventions focussing on individual components or aspects of
a system and staying limited to incremental changes from the status quo rather
than the radical changes required at the systems level. Moreover, it is argued
that careful plotting of a series of small incremental victories to achieve
a significant change is impossible because conditions do not remain constant
(Weick, 1984). However, transitions scholars have investigated the governance
of transitions in socio-technical systems (Smith & Stirling, 2005; Foxon et al.,
2009; Loorbach, 2010), presuming that although change cannot be controlled, it
can be guided through goal-oriented modulation of co-evolutionary change
processes (Kemp et al., 2007). This is consistent with the belief that systemic
change emerges from the interaction of top-down institutional conditions and
bottom-up (catalytic and disruptive) innovation, facilitated by institutional
entrepreneurs and networks at numerous organisational levels (Westley et al.,
2011), and with Grunwald’s (2007) concept of directed incrementalism, which
seeks to connect long-term sustainability goals with the realities of incremental Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
decisions made in the present. Kingston and Caballero (2009) and Reimers and
Li (2012) argue for integrating elements of evolution and deliberate design into
a broader theory of institutional change.
Because systems are made up of multiple actors and interrelated factors, each
with their own subsystems, contexts and dynamics, solving complex systemic
issues requires multiple actors to collaborate (Bryson et al., 2006, 2015).
Collaboration in the context of systemic change could be defined as collaboration
between partners from at least two different sectors seeking to achieve sustainable
value creation at a systemic level, However, multi-stakeholder cross-sector collaboration comes with numerous challenges with respect to design, governance and
implementation (Vangen et al., 2015). In the context of system change, one such
challenge could be identifying the collaborative advantage: ‘collaborators must
make sure there is a clear collaborative advantage to be gained by collaborating,
meaning that collaborators can gain something significant together that they could
not achieve alone’ (Bryson et al., 2015, p. 647). The systems thinking required to
identify these advantages is essential for change but can also be uncomfortable and
messy (Senge et al., 2007). As a conceptual tool, systems thinking can help identify
these advantages, but at the same time it could allow for different and conflicting
views within the multi-stakeholder collaboration as the stakeholders involved
could have different worldviews that inform the notion of sustainability. It is
therefore essential to develop a shared conceptual ‘systems sense’ that includes
the ruling norms and paradigms.
In addition, establishing the right partner connections is necessary to create
a basis for systemic change within a specific system. According to Mishra et al.
(2019), this is especially necessary in developing countries, where most of the
world’s population resides. They argue that collaboration failures in a supply chain
mainly occur in developing countries as they encounter more constraints due to
various reasons, including resource management problems, limited economic
capacity, inadequate training, a lack of advanced technology, inaccurate available
information, low resource taxes and even no political support and weak demand
for environmentally superior technologies. Multi-stakeholder collaboration is
pertinent to overcoming these barriers as good working relationships can help
foster a shared understanding of the challenges, accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices, provide incentives and adapt education to local needs to eventually
create effective partnerships and a basis for systemic change (Jia et al., 2018).
In collaboration, we need to avoid a status of ‘deep incumbency’, for example
where the interests of specific firms or lobby groups become so entangled with
those of the government that it becomes difficult to conceptualise a functional
regime in the absence of those firms or groups (Johnstone et al., 2017).
Therefore, efforts to shape pathways towards a sustainable society require Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
addressing contested values, multiple narratives of change and the politics of
knowledge, as well as questioning dominant paradigms, empowering marginalised stakeholders and putting businesses, institutions and politics centre stage
(Stirling, 2014; Scoones et al., 2015).
System-level thinking encourages and enables constructive dialogue and
collaborative action across businesses, governments, financial markets and
civil society, transcending self-interested lobbying and defensive reactions
that hamper systemic change efforts today, as seen in some of the examples
described in previous sections. In collaborating, these systemic actors will not
only enrich each other’s understanding of the complex bigger system but
together they can create the perfect storm of policy incentives, co-innovation
systems and financial returns that will encourage companies to disrupt legacy
models and build future-fit growth models.
To enable collaboration to shape holistic system interventions, the right conditions need to be created for critical stakeholder groups to collaborate. Based on
the empirical research, the success of multi-stakeholder collaboration – and the
identification of the collaborative advantage and a shared systems sense –
depends on leadership aligning conditions, structures, processes and outcomes
so that value can be created for all involved (Senge et al., 2007; Bryson et al.,
2015). In their literature review of 301 articles on the food system (129 papers)
and the energy system (172 papers), Dorninger et al. (2020) found that only
5 per cent of the reviewed papers studied interventions on the system’s intent (the
WHY) and that the deep systemic outcomes were limited, with 5 per cent creating
a shift in norms and paradigms and only 6 per cent of the interventions leading to
more system-level collaboration.
Given the importance of collaboration and the systemic change potential of
WHY-level interventions, in this section we will first explore the conditions
that are conducive to multi-stakeholder collaboration for systems change,
before more specifically looking at how the conditions can be created to
optimise two powerful levers that have remained relatively underexposed in
previous research:
1. enhancing business-led collaboration for systemic change
2. equipping stakeholders with future-fit mindsets from which the design of our
new systems will emerge.
3.1 Conditioning Factors for Systemic Interventions
In practice, multi-stakeholder collaborations are challenging for all parties
involved, and this often leads to suboptimal outcomes. Systemic change is
Reinventing Capitalism
Figure 5 Conditioning factors for systemic interventions.
complex and contested, and its co-evolving nature raises significant questions
regarding what factors can move system-actors to collectively seek systemic
change. Different actors and factors can influence and create the conditions to
enhance the systemic impact of these levers (see Figure 5). Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.1.1 Enabling Policy and Regulation
While China and the USA are using the public sector’s financial muscle to pick
industry winners and shape systems, the European Parliament decided to drive
systemic change by using the €95.5 billion Horizon Europe research and
innovation programme to orient industrial strategy towards five concrete missions, including climate change adaptation, smart cities and restoration of water
bodies and soils (European Commission, 2021). Policymakers can greatly
encourage corporate system-actors to drive systemic change by providing
clarity and consistency of policy support, objectives and indicators. In return,
businesses can act as advocates and implementation partners for progressive
public policy.
Regulations like Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) effectively
encourage corporate players to take responsibility for their system-level
impact and align wider system partners for system reinvention and impact.
Progressive policy and regulation could even be initiated by industry itself.
Since 2012, the producer organisations of the Dutch textile and fashion
industry have been actively making joint efforts to achieve structural sustainability improvements in their sector. They initiated a voluntary EPR
scheme, in collaboration with the government, that makes textile and
Transforming Our Critical Systems
garment producers collectively responsible for the reuse, recycling and
reprocessing of used clothes and textiles, as part of the transition to
a circular economy by 2050 and the halving of primary raw material use by
2030 (Hanemaaijer et al., 2021). Producers and importers on the Dutch
market will pay a fee per product, contributing to an innovation fund to
stimulate circular and sustainable business models and initiatives within
their sector.
Not only corporate and civil society input into the design of future-fit policies
but also e-governance and societal participation in the enforcement of impactoriented regulation can help cement and anchor the mindsets required for the
transition towards more sustainable future growth models (Hellström, 2009).
Although the setting of indicators and objectives seems like a successful lever
to drive change, such efforts should be mindful of Goodhart’s Law, which
describes how a measure can lose its value for good when it becomes an indicator
or policy target. In other words, what you end up measuring is not always
a genuine and direct representation of what you set out to influence (Strathern,
1997). Instead, the indicator affects all the actions, compliance and assessments
involved in realising that target, causing it to lose its informational value and
undermining the goal (Kim, 2023). For example, to measure a country’s economic health, only the GDP growth rate is used as an indicator. This can lead to
boosting GDP as the primary focus instead of considering the economic wellbeing of all economic actors. Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.1.2 Enabling Finance
Innovative finance has helped accelerate many of society’s significant transformations, from fuelling the growth of colonisation and international trade in the
seventeenth century to greasing the wheels of the Industrial Revolution in the
nineteenth (Heaton, 1937). But capitalism has often been criticised for focussing
too much on short-term interests and financial returns and failing to correctly
internalise the multiple external costs it causes (Scitovsky, 1954; De Grauwe,
2017). Financial institutions are now in a privileged position to become an
authentic catalyst for the biggest transformation of our century. However, this
systemic transformation towards more sustainable models will require purposeful, in some cases blended, finance with a longer-term horizon, and investment
decisions that consider social and environmental costs and objectives in addition
to financial returns. Further, the environmental, social and governance (ESG)
ratings currently being championed by the financial sector still have infant-stage
drawbacks (Tricks, 2022). Addressing these challenges through international
taxonomy, simplification and possibly disintegration of data to improve
Reinventing Capitalism
transparency will restore trust and increase capital flow to sustainable investments; it will also anchor a sustainability mindset across business and finance
3.1.3 Enabling Technology
Undoubtedly, both the emergence and the rapid development of information and
communication technology have brought about systemic change. More people are
connected to more information than ever before. As the regimes toppled during the
Arab spring can attest, citizens leveraging digital technologies can complicate the
relationship between governments and citizens. The Cambridge Analytica scandal
also showed how digital platforms can be used to manipulate public sentiment in
less noble ways. But technology can be leveraged to deliberately accelerate
systemic change. Progressive governments and businesses are discovering how
digital and mobile technology can be used constructively to provide new platforms
and tools to foster stakeholder dialogue and education, raise awareness, change
paradigms and build/strengthen mindsets and behaviours. The increased transparency and accountability, as well as the secure, smart contracts capability of
technologies such as blockchain in the food system, can change behaviour towards
more sustainable and healthy food choices (Lazaroiu et al., 2019) and reduce waste
and inefficiencies in supply chains (Nandi et al., 2021). Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.1.4 Empowered Citizens
Tackling the multiple global challenges that, by definition, involve everyone is
impossible without creating space for diverse voices and solutions. In
a democratic, dynamic and diverse society, implementing solutions to problems
depends heavily on the support of informed, critical thinking and active citizens
(Angheloiu & Tennant, 2020). Improving how we structure and organise our
information flows to and from relevant stakeholders allows participatory
approaches such as policy co-design or participatory budgeting to leverage
systemic change. In addition, we can evolve participation from being consultation
only to involving joint visioning processes to gather input from, for example,
marginalised groups, thus aiding the kind of more-inclusive and empowering
decision-making processes that are essential in any sustainability transition.
3.1.5 Empowering Education
Educational and leadership development organisations play a pivotal role in embedding the mindset, supporting the systemic understanding and developing the transformational skills of decision-makers and change agents across stakeholder groups
Transforming Our Critical Systems
in our systems. Due to societal support being a critical aspect for the shaping and
implementation of systemic change, the role of civil society and community organisations in building capacity and mindsets and facilitating collaboration among
stakeholders should not be underestimated. Free education from online platforms
like non-profit Khan Academy and Coursera, each with well over 100 million
learners, is democratising education and could play an important role in helping to
change perceptions and build systemic understanding and collaboration skills.
3.1.6 Effective Change Governance
How can governance facilitate or contribute to shaping or steering systemic
transformations? It is tempting to focus only on the hard aspects of planning and
managing a collaborative change process. However, critical and often underestimated are the soft factors of collaboration, the interaction that is needed
between system partners in order for them to build trusted and constructive
collaboration. Investment in these soft factors improves the effectiveness of the
hard factors, which are strong foundations, alignment, momentum and inclusive
leadership (see Figure 6 and Box 3). New hybrid forms of governance, such as
multi-level governance, adaptive management and decentralisation, have
become prevalent. Although these terms are conceptualised differently in practice, they share core principles: adaptive learning, self-organisation and diversity in cultures, institutions and processes (Vakkuri & Johanson, 2021). Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.2 Business-Led Collaboration for Systemic Change
Complex societal issues, such as the climate crisis, inequality, systemic racism
and the degradation of natural capital, cannot be ignored by businesses anymore.
Transition arena &
Change vision
Strategic partner fit
Concrete change
Financial viability
& incentives
Pathways &
& learning
Building on small
Hard factors
Soft factors
(Constructive interaction between actors to build trust)
Shared purpose
Diversity & inclusion
Inclusion of
stakeholder voices
Shared vision
& narrative
Strong foundations
& joint learning
Celebrating small
Early commitment
for scaling
Shared ownership
Uphold coalition
culture & values
Empower change
Figure 6 Hard and soft success factors of the collaborative transformation
Reinventing Capitalism
Contemporary studies of transition management focus on the complex
adaptive systems nature of transitions (Barton et al., 2018). According to
Loorbach (2010), transition pathways generally identify four areas of
• Strategic: Create a transition arena, particularly focussing on frontrunners and collaborative visioning.
• Tactical: Develop a concrete transition agenda, including possible
transition paths and barriers to overcome.
• Operational: Encourage transition experiments and attempts to scale
up promising options.
• Reflexive: Monitor, evaluate and reflect on actors, actions and progress
towards the transition. Published online by Cambridge University Press
The importance of the relational aspect of these collaborative efforts, in
addition to the conceptual and action-driven aspects of systemic change,
was recognised by Senge et al. (2007). A 2016 study of thirty-nine
complex cross-sectoral collaborations by Xynteo, GLTE and Royal
Dutch Shell (2016) highlights the soft factors that are critical for successful collaborations and shared practical recommendations. Investment in
these soft factors improves the effectiveness of the hard factors (see
Figure 6), which are:
• Strong foundations: Partners should have a strategic fit and invest in
building personal relationships. When co-developing a clear shared
purpose, to clarify the reasons behind the partnership and the mutual
necessity, it is imperative to ensure that the partnership is diverse and
includes quieter, potentially influential voices.
• Alignment: Engage a wide range of stakeholders, gathering, sharing
and evaluating data to come to a shared understanding of the context of
the system challenge. This builds trust among partners, helps to identify
potential conflicts and supports change efforts. Convert the shared
vision into a short, engaging narrative; focussing at this stage on the
why rather than the how or the what will help to keep the collaboration
on track later. Appointing a neutral anchor can facilitate this process.
• Momentum: Maintain a collaborative mindset and ensure that new
personnel joining the project understand the work’s collaborative nature
and shared objective. Encouraging mutuality and joint learning from
pilot results and communicating quick wins builds trust internally and
externally for scaling. Agreeing on early in-principle commitments for
Transforming Our Critical Systems
49 Published online by Cambridge University Press
scaling will allow the collaboration to keep the momentum into the
scaling phase.
• Inclusive leadership: Identify where in the system the energy is to
initiate change and empower change agents to drive the process. Foster
a shared feeling of ownership and responsibility for change and ensure
that the collaboration’s own culture and the project’s values come from
enough different voices to be upheld by everyone.
This is true not only because these issues are materially affecting business and
posing operational and compliance risks (Rogers, 2019) but also because policymakers and regulators are driving change, and increasingly discerning consumers
expect businesses and industries to have a positive impact on natural and social
capital (Mohr et al., 2005). Never before has the perfect storm been so promising –
policymakers, business actors, finance, talent and consumers all desire change
towards more sustainable approaches.
Businesses must play a leading role in solving many of the environmental and
social challenges we face because governments do not have the expertise or
permanence to do the work alone. Governments are limited by their borders and
cannot attack systemic problems that are global in nature. Besides, they are limited
by election cycles (Senge et al., 2007). Governments need the skills and knowledge
of businesses to develop the transition’s technical specificities and to institutionalise
the transition mechanisms. Businesses have the reach, agility and intellectual and
innovative capacity to be powerful drivers of the sustainability transition
(Scheyvens et al., 2016). Risk sharing through blended public and private finance
also facilitates the transformation to sustainable models (Choi & Seiger, 2020).
According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, in today’s climate of economic
and existential anxiety, polarisation and disinformation, business is the sole
institution trusted by the public as competent and ethical compared with nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), government and media (Edelman Trust
Institute, 2023). As a result, business is under pressure to step into the void left
by government. The public expects businesses to lead on societal issues, driving
collaboration with government, restoring economic optimism and advocating
for the truth. This would increase levels of trust and support for measures
proposed by both governmental and business leaders while accelerating the
sustainability transition the world needs.
Societal stakeholders have compelling reasons to collaborate. Business is
inherently motivated to organise resources to respond to needs and capture
commercial opportunities in suboptimal systems. Governments are focussed on
shaping systems that support societies’ needs as effectively as possible. And in free Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
societies it is only when business and government effectively satisfy societies’
needs that citizens are willing to extend them their licence to operate and govern.
As described earlier, collaborative systemic change is often a complex coevolutionary process involving multiple actors and subsystems; however, it can
be initiated and driven by a dominant actor with a strategic agency. Governmentinitiated institutional or systemic change is often associated with top-down, centrally planned change efforts. For example, one could think of the rigorous city
development and digital transformation efforts driven by the Singaporean government (Tan, 2020). This could also take the form of a powerful multinational driving
implementation of a transformational new policy in its supply chain. Even though
this section focusses on business-led collaboration for systemic change, the concept
of strategic-agency-driven systemic change begs the controversial question of to
what extent authoritarian regimes are better positioned to address systemic issues.
Gilley (2012) suggests that authoritarian regimes may effectively produce policy
outputs related to sustainability challenges, but the impact on policy outcomes is
unclear. Several authors have suggested that systemic change is more likely to
occur in authoritarian regimes when there is social pressure for change and when
the government is able to make policy concessions or during times of crisis (Chan,
2013; Chen & Xu, 2017).
In the same vein, the complex and multi-stakeholder nature of many of our big
challenges would lead one to expect that societies with a collectivist mindset
could be better set up to collaborate to face systemic issues than individualistic
societies. Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede (2011) observed there to be
a radical difference between the extreme individualism prevalent in the USA and
Europe and the collectivist cultures of East and Southeast Asia. The relatively
harmonious public response to the initial Covid-19 outbreak in East and
Southeast Asia compared to Europe and the USA seems to illustrate this.
Measures to curb public behaviour in East and Southeast Asia did not meet
with public resistance. They managed to limit the spread of Covid-19 relatively
successfully. At the same time, EU and US outbreaks got out of control in large
part because of a strong reluctance of the individuals in those locations to adopt
a common behaviour. The EU and the USA survived more by the grace of the
virus mutating into a less deadly variant than because they managed to contain
the spread through behaviour change. At the root of this collectivist behaviour
is the paradigm that societies develop more harmoniously when people display civil behaviour in the interest of the whole rather than individualistic
behaviour guided by self-interest.
Systemic change efforts can also be initiated by a corporate actor or coalition
of actors mobilising entire supply chains to take innovative approaches to old
problems. An example of such a business-driven and regulator-supported
Transforming Our Critical Systems
transformation of critical systems is when telecommunications company
Vodafone in 2007 launched a mobile money-transfer system, M-PESA, in
Kenya (McKinsey & Company, 2022). By leveraging the country’s high
mobile-phone penetration rate, M-PESA offered a new service to the unbanked
members of Kenya’s population, who previously had to rely on inefficient and
insecure cash-based payments. Financial institutions, regulators and the Central
Bank of Kenya worked together to support regulation. Today, nearly 50 per cent
of the country’s GDP flows through M-PESA, and 2 per cent of Kenyan
households have been lifted from poverty. At the same time, more than
51 million customers use M-PESA across seven African nations.
Visionary corporate players and progressive supply chain partners that take
leadership positions in the reinvention of the systems they operate in will reap
unprecedented benefits. Empirical evidence over recent years has shown that
purpose-driven companies at the forefront of the sustainability transition attract
highly motivated employees and see higher sales growth from increased customer loyalty and higher levels of innovation; they also improve operational
risk and supply chain resilience, and see this reflected in higher valuations and
lower cost of capital (Freiberg et al., 2020).
But how can companies develop into transformational organisations, and
become drivers of systemic change? Let’s first explore what makes transformational organisations different. Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.2.1 Transformational Organisations
Making the world into a better, more sustainable place requires more than
a smart marketing campaign, ticking a few ESG boxes or installing EV charging
poles. To transform our value-creation models into models that build economic
but also natural and social capital, we need leaders and companies that go
beyond lip service and greenwashing. It requires companies that feel responsible not only for their operations but also for the value and impacts to society
that they create through the wider systems in which they participate. These
transformational organisations have social responsibility and sustainable thinking ingrained in their culture and day-to-day decision-making at all levels.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has evolved constantly in the last decades (Moura-Leite & Padgett, 2011). Carroll (2016) defines the economic, legal,
ethical and philanthropic dimensions of CSR behaviour in his much-quoted CSR
pyramid. Maon et al. (2010) offer a multidimensional, dynamic perspective of the
CSR development process, based on a stakeholder-oriented conceptualisation of
CSR that integrates moral, cultural and strategic aspects, together with its organisational implications. Even though the combination of political, economic,
Reinventing Capitalism
& profit focus
Follow regulations
Risk management
Driver of innovation
& new growth
PR focused
Financial focused
Sustainability in
vision & strategy
Sustainability driver of
culture change
& shared-value
Sustainability orientation
& charity
(regenerative, inclusive)
License to operate
Only financial
Scope 1,2
Scope 3
reporting &
incremental SDG
Systems range,
Net Positive
Industry assoc.
collaboration partnerships
Driving systems
transformation Published online by Cambridge University Press
Figure 7 Evolution of corporate sustainability strategy.
social, environmental and regulatory trends may vary by region, from our experience assisting companies across multiple sectors in their sustainability journeys,
a pattern emerges regarding how corporates’ responsibility towards society tends
to evolve in practice; this is true for most companies, from the most inwardlooking to those that are increasingly outward-looking and transformational.
Understanding this evolution will help companies recognise where in the evolution they are and how to evolve more quickly. Five stages of evolution can be
identified (see Figure 7), each with distinct characteristics in terms of the motivation and scope of the organisation’s socially responsible behaviour, how it
engages stakeholders and how it communicates its contribution to a more sustainable world (Van der Zanden, 2022):
1 Basic Phase
In the period before the social and environmental costs caused by business were
recognised as compromising our longer-term ability to create corporate and
societal value, most businesses had a different predominant focus. As Milton
Friedman (1970) phrased it, ‘the social responsibility of business is to increase
its profits’ (p.1). Externalities, the social and environmental costs of doing
business, were typically not considered the responsibility of the company unless
they directly affected the company’s capacity to operate. Companies concentrated on maximising shareholder value, frequently in the near term, as capital
markets evolved towards expecting quarterly financial reporting. Relationships
with stakeholders like suppliers, employees and local communities were largely
transactional; companies would draft in industry associations to lobby for their
interests. If profits allowed, some owners of companies would donate to
Transforming Our Critical Systems
philanthropic or charitable causes to enhance their reputation and preserve their
social licence to operate. Some companies still behave according to these basic
2 Compliance Orientation
Stricter health, safety and environmental regulations reflected an increasing
societal awareness of the need to protect workers, communities and the health of
our planet. As fines, sometimes retroactive, could be severe, companies became
concerned about abiding by the rules and ‘doing no harm’. During this compliance-oriented phase, CSR often moved from the HSQE (health, safety, quality
and environment) office, where it tended to originate, into the public affairs or
communications space, as companies expanded their legal and communications
departments. In this phase, CSR activities and partnerships with NGOs were
frequently oriented towards showing the company to be a decent member of
society, while restricting disclosure of environmental and social impacts to the
legal minimum. Published online by Cambridge University Press
3 Risk Orientation
Environmental and social factors increasingly constituted legal and reputational
risks to businesses. This was in addition to operational risks, like supply chain
disruptions, which could also have a significant material impact. Often guided
by the head of finance, companies in this stage of the CSR evolution handled
these risks by adopting a more structured approach towards evaluating the
material risks to their business. They introduced ESG rating as a framework
through which to quantify the level of risk embedded in their sustainability
performance, although this not infrequently led to some form of greenwashing.
They also began to publish CSR reports, disclosing the risks and impacts via
materiality analysis. They primarily used stakeholder engagement to monitor
and manage potential conflicts.
4 Competitive Awakening
As businesses began to understand that tackling sustainability challenges could
result in better resource management, increased resilience, lower cost of capital,
stronger innovation and new market opportunities, sustainability began to take
on a more strategic role. This is where the chief sustainability officer – one of the
fastest-growing new roles in recent years, according to a PwC study (PwC,
2022b) – entered the picture, and frequently the board room. To fully capitalise
on this competitive potential, companies in this phase attempted to articulate
a vision for sustainability as a new growth opportunity and to engage in
Reinventing Capitalism
programmes to integrate sustainability throughout the functional areas and
levels of the company. This was frequently done in conjunction with voluntary
disclosure of impacts and mitigation measures on a broader range of sustainability issues, as well as setting and reporting progress on specific and incremental SDG targets. Because, typically, the majority of life-cycle impact occurs
in the upstream and downstream supply chain (Scope 3), companies engaged
their supply chain partners, exploring opportunities to collaboratively find
solutions with positive impact and/or commercial promise. Published online by Cambridge University Press
5 Transformational Organisations
Nowadays, an increasing number of enlightened leaders are championing
sustainability because it is the right thing to do in order to build a better,
more sustainable society. They recognise that business cannot prosper in the
long run if it is at the expense of natural and social, or human, capital. These
leaders demonstrate vision and purpose; they feel responsible not only for
their organisations but also for the larger system in which they operate. Rather
than lobbying for industry interests, transformational organisations advocate
cross-sector collaboration and rally stakeholders across the supply chain and
industries into joining forces for the sustainable reinvention and transformation of the systems they are a part of, whether the food system, the energy
system or the health system. In addition, transformational businesses act as
advocates for progressive, holistic public policy, as both hard policies, such as
laws and regulations, and soft policies, such as subsidies and tax incentives,
impact the performance of a system. This advocacy, at the same time as
businesses demonstrate that market demand exists for sustainable solutions
and pro-climate reforms, will give policymakers the confidence to support
systemic change. We can see this already happening in the food system, where
investments in bovine food additives and other methods for lowering emissions from livestock are being developed by several corporate players. At the
same time, governments around the world are subsidising $360 million in
research into alternative, sustainable proteins, including cultivated meat and
fermentation-based foods (Good Food Institute, 2022).
Companies that demonstrate transformational leadership in addressing complex societal issues, like plastic waste, inequality, migration and water scarcity,
are deliberately pursuing the creation of shared value, exploring regenerative
and inclusive growth models. A crucial function of the chief sustainability
officer is to be a catalyst of cultural change, building a transformative movement rooted in a sustainable mindset and collaborative behaviour across all
company levels (Greenwald, 2023). Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Because of the enabling role of finance, the banking sector has great
potential as a driver of systemic transformation. As of 2021, nearly
5,000 financial institutions managing more than $120 trillion in assets
had signed up to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment
(2022), committing to incorporate ESG considerations in their investment
decisions. The ESG rating concept championed by the sector to enable
investors to optimise social and environmental impacts alongside financial
returns could establish a powerful feedback loop influencing investor
decisions. Critics, however, say that ESG rating was invented by the sector
rather to create a new service offering (read: revenue opportunity) and
investment category, a way for some banks to gain credibility in their
efforts to capture ESG funds (Tricks, 2022).
After an initial gold rush into ESG funds in the decade up to 2021 and
ESG funds outperforming non-ESG returns, the infant-stage drawbacks of
ESG rating (complexity, cost and quality of data, lack of transparency,
inconsistency across rating agencies, ambiguous weighting of different
categories, risk of greenwashing) generated controversy and even political
backlash in the USA (Temple-West & Masters, 2023). Addressing the
ESG rating challenges is essential to restore trust in ESG investing, return
capital inflows and further anchor a sustainability mindset across business
and finance sectors. An international taxonomy, simplification – perhaps
focussing mainly on the ‘E’ – and possibly disintegrating the rating to
improve the transparency of ESG data and the weighting in the rating
process could all contribute to this.
Impact-oriented funding could facilitate projects that aim to improve
system-level impacts. The private impact market grew to approximately
$1.2 trillion at the end of 2021 – up 63 per cent since 2019, according to
the Global Impact Investing Network, an international think tank on
impact investing – but it is still a small part of the total assets under
management (Hand et al., 2022). The European Commission has made
€20 billion available through the Just Transition Mechanism to support
companies and regions through the transition to carbon neutrality. In
addition, to increase transformation funding, the EU Invest Fund and the
European Investment Bank (EIB) are allowing highly regulated banks to
offer riskier sustainability credits by offering sustainability guarantees
covering 70 per cent of bank investments.
Scandinavian Nordea Bank is one of the pioneering banks that are
proactively driving system transformation by taking on activist shareholder
Reinventing Capitalism
roles and growing their sustainability advisory offering to help their corporate customers develop transition plans or simplify ESG reporting for SMEs.
The bank also mobilises innovation partners to develop new sustainable
products, such as financing for circular business models. Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.2.2 How to Become a Transformational Organisation
Most people and companies want to be good citizens and contribute to a better
world. But how do you mobilise an organisation’s resources and capabilities so
that the organisation can purposefully evolve towards being transformational,
creating value by driving change towards sustainable models of growth within
itself, its supply chain and the larger system it operates in?
A guideline for transforming organisations, provided by Serfontein et al. (2009),
describes factors such as strategy, organisational design, organisational culture,
leadership and communication. Karp (2006) highlights the role of leadership during
transformations and, given the chaotic nature of change processes, advocates for
taking a systemic view and applying principles of self-organising to foster
a facilitative environment when transforming organisations. In practice, harnessing
the power of business to build a more inclusive, equitable and regenerative global
economy, movements like B Corp are encouraging a growing group of certified
corporate members to become champions of systemic transformation and promoting a systemic mindset through adherence to the B Corp standards.
While cultural and strategic contexts can vary, we have extracted a framework
based on three essential pillars from our observation of the evolution of organisations with ambitions to demonstrate sustainability leadership and systemic
agency. Companies that evolve successfully into transformational organisations
ensure that they invest in developing strategic clarity, shaping their organisational
behaviour and building the required ecosystems for innovation and scaling of
impact. Within these three building blocks, further concrete steps can be identified (see Figure 8).
1 Strategy and Foresight
The most successful transformational companies dedicate resources to openmindedly and proactively exploring strategic scenarios and evaluating how to
prepare the company to move into new markets and realities. This can take the
form of disruption teams, which are tasked with monitoring potentially disruptive
forces, such as technological developments, supply- and demand-side disruptions
or institutional change, and reinventing the company, that is, self-disrupting
before being disrupted, which D’Aveni (1999) describes as a sign of strategic
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Strategic vision
& foresight
New growth
Organisational capabilities
& learning
Impact & new growth
Innovation Collaborations
for new
Figure 8 Roadmap towards becoming a transformational organisation.
supremacy. To avoid the limitations of incumbent mindsets, these disruption
teams often include external agitators and report directly to C-level to protect
them from the immune system of the core business.
2 New Growth Narrative
Scholars have underlined the powerful role of narratives in change processes
(Sonenshein, 2010; Vaara et al., 2016). Narratives mobilise change most effectively if they communicate the purpose and the strategic imperative for change
through the value frame of the stakeholders (Parmar et al., 2010). Building on
strategic foresight, transformational leaders develop and anchor new narratives
that inspire internal change and enable external market position. They describe
a vision and objectives, inspiring and empowering the organisation to develop
concrete measures to achieve these. Published online by Cambridge University Press
3 Leadership and Learning
In many cases, developing a company into a transformational sustainability leader
requires updating the competencies of its key personnel, especially their communication and joint visioning skills, so that they can excel as change leaders through the
transition process (Doyle, 2002; Vakola et al., 2007). Getting a critical mass of
people in the organisation to operate with the right mindset and skills can be
achieved through talent acquisition, ‘hiring into the new mindset’, and developing
existing employees into change agents. For example, aluminium giant Norsk Hydro
found an effective way of learning how to embark on the sustainability transformation journey. It invested in two-way learning exchanges between leaders from its
strategy, innovation and sustainability areas and senior executives from other
industries, leading to a sharper vision, deeper understanding of critical transformation skills and identification of unexpected collaboration opportunities.
4 Future-Fit Culture
Sustainability cannot be just a statement from top leadership, an investment in
clean technology or a CSR report prepared by the communications team. In
Reinventing Capitalism
line with Meadows’ (1999) categorisation of mindset as a powerful lever for
systemic change, building a future-fit culture not only enables companies to
effectively capture the potential benefits of the sustainability transition but,
more importantly, equips them to credibly drive transformation in the wider
system. For example, during the 2010s, Dutch beer giant Heineken deliberately
created a sustainability movement by encouraging people across the organisation
to propose, shape and lead sustainability initiatives. Activating and channelling
this enormous source of latent energy made the new values visible and anchored
the Brew a Better World culture that today is a critical driver of Heineken’s
EverGreen strategy for balanced growth. The strategy includes systemic commitments to have a carbon-neutral value chain by 2040, and ambitious targets on
social justice and responsible consumption (Heineken, 2021). Published online by Cambridge University Press
5 Integration
Sustainability must be integrated into strategic and daily decision-making to
effectively translate the sustainable culture and values into material impact and
new growth. Stefano et al. (2018) claim that the contribution of human
resources (HR) departments in facilitating more socially responsible and sustainable organisations remains unclear and presents a framework with which to
classify the role that HR might play. Leading companies reflect their sustainability objectives in HR strategy and appraisal systems, making sustainability
an integral part of target setting for business and operational units and tying
ESG indicators to the remuneration and long-term incentives of leaders across
the organisation. Building on previous Unilever CEO Paul Polman’s promotion
of purpose-driven values under his Sustainable Living Plan, new CEO Alan
Jope introduced Unilever’s Compass Strategy, engaging the entire organisation
in translating sustainability strategy into business objectives across all areas of
the company, such that it guides everyday business decisions and powers
purpose-driven innovation and high-growth sustainable brands.
6 Innovation and Acceleration
The times when companies used to compete largely based on their in-house R&D
capabilities and focussed much of their innovation on incremental improvements
of their legacy business are long gone. Navigating today’s fast-changing environment and the complexity of sustainability-related challenges, companies that
emphasise open innovation, bringing in new capabilities, insights and expertise,
are more likely to create radical reinvention and scale successfully (Inauen &
Schenker-Wicki, 2012). Companies that aim to be at the forefront of the sustainability transition have started to set up corporate accelerators to in-source
Transforming Our Critical Systems
innovation capabilities through collaboration with start-ups, resulting in access to
new technologies, industries, markets and customers, giving start-ups access to
expertise and resources in exchange (Kohler, 2016; Moschner et al., 2019). This
can range from Unilever’s Foundry (Unilever Foundry, n.d.), an entire floor in its
Southeast Asian headquarters in Singapore that is available for start-ups, to
Microsoft or Amazon fuelling their innovation ecosystems through, respectively,
their $1 billion Climate Innovation and $2 billion Climate Pledge Funds
(Microsoft, n.d.; Amazon, n.d.). Published online by Cambridge University Press
7 Collaborations for New Growth
Capturing new growth opportunities while driving sustainability in society
requires building purpose-driven and cross-sectoral collaborations. These can
be supply chain–, sector- or issue-specific. For example, H&M, IKEA, Adidas
and other founding members of the WWF-initiated Better Cotton Initiative
(2021) created supply chain transparency and demand for sustainable cotton,
now covering 2.2 million cotton farmers or 20 per cent of the world’s cotton
production. In Thailand, companies like CP Group, one of the largest agri-food
companies in the country, engaged supply chain partners for education, training
27,000 rice farmers in the country on how to work with low-emission rice
cultivation techniques, leading to a nearly 40 per cent reduction in the carbon
footprint for white rice (Bangkok Post, 2022). The strongest collaborations are
driven by opportunities to accelerate new growth, such as Yara and IBM
collaborating to advance digital farming to enhance both the lives of farmers
and the sustainability of farming, aiming to cover 150 million hectares or
10 per cent of the world’s arable land (IBM, 2022).
While system innovation is frequently viewed as a threat by legacy industries, some businesses have realised that reinventing themselves and how they
interact with customers may increase their success. One of those is consumer
goods giant Unilever (2020), which increasingly uses systems thinking to drive
the redesign of products and processes. The company has been vocal about the
need for policymakers to support systemic changes, and it is leading advocacy
and initiatives for change in the energy, water and agricultural systems that it
forms part of. In Southeast Asia, Unilever is making efforts to address the
region’s plastic waste challenge. By creating demand for recycled materials,
backed up by public commitments to halve its use of virgin plastics by 2025, and
empowering and engaging the informal waste sector, the company is fuelling
the development of a plastic collection and recycling ecosystem in Southeast
Asia, with the objective to drive circular business models, reduce waste,
improve lives and capture savings in the process. But while larger plastic
Reinventing Capitalism
containers fit this solution, finding circular solutions for the 40 billion smaller
sachets Unilever sells annually continues to be a big and controversial challenge
(Brock & Geddie, 2022; McVeigh & Holliani Cahya, 2022).
3.3 Future-Fit Mindsets
Getting citizens, policymakers, industry and scientists to come to a consensus in
terms of the complex nature of sustainability challenges, as a precondition for
collaboration for systemic change, is a process that requires effort and time.
This is particularly true as it is increasingly recognised that a change of mind is
required, a profound shift of awareness of the changes needed that is on the
transformational level of a paradigm shift (Laininen, 2018). Political economist
Polanyi (1944) already recognised the importance of mindset by defining
transformation as a profound alteration of human mentalities that generates
new institutions that in turn reconstruct the economy, the state and distributional
relations. In line with Meadows’ (1999) identification of the deep potential of
paradigm and mindset change for systemic transformation, what paradigms and
mindsets do we need to drive the right kind of systemic change? And how can
we build these mindsets and amplify this powerful lever? Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.3.1 Shifting Paradigms
Kuhn coined the term ‘paradigm shift’ in 1962, referring to a shift in science
from Newtonian to Einsteinian physics (Voulvoulis et al., 2022). Paradigm
shifts occur when ‘the anomalies and shortcomings of the current paradigm
are repeatedly pointed out; proponents of the new paradigm speak loudly and
with assurance about it and are placed into positions of visibility and power; and
energy is focused on converting those people who are likely to be open-minded
to the change’ (p. 3). Unless due to some revolutionary innovation or discovery,
the process of a paradigm shift is often triggered by a period of crisis or
accumulation of anomalies. This leads to a phase of exploration and critical
thinking, of challenging the status quo and finally of scaling the new paradigm
and the models and systems that emerge from it.
Interesting parallels exist between trends today and events that led to previous major shifts in mindset. The European Enlightenment, following a period of
religious intolerance and polarisation in the first half of the 1600s that resulted
in Europe’s most devastating Thirty-Year War, triggered a loss of faith in the
church and monarchy, the institutions that dominated society at that time. The
scientific revolution brought critical thinking, while discoveries from geographic exploration at the time fed curiosity and brought new ideas, the
exchange of which was fuelled thanks to urbanisation, the spread of the press Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
and increased literacy. This empowered society to reinvent itself and change its
purpose so as to improve the human condition on Earth rather than serving
religion in the hope of an afterlife.
Today’s world is in a climate of (geo)political polarisation, growing social
inequity, failing institutions and, as mentioned before, a lack of public trust
in government, NGOs and media (Edelman Trust Institute, 2023). The
situation is further destabilised by the impacts of the recent Covid-19
pandemic and the ever-clearer disrupting effects of the climate crisis.
Coupled with rapid technological progress and connectivity, the conditions
seem right for Enlightenment 2.0, a recalibration of paradigms: a different
understanding of welfare, progress and freedom. While the list in Table 4
does not pretend to be exhaustive and universal, and the changes are gradual
rather than absolute, it does show ten shifts in paradigms and mindsets, in
line with Enlightenment 2.0, that we see emerging.
Enlightenment 2.0 calls for an open-minded mindset, characterised by contextual curiosity, the effort to understand the broad spectrum of information that
makes up the full picture, sometimes coming from antagonistic sources, and the
willingness to question existing paradigms. This mindset can be supported by
skill development in the areas of empathic listening, conflict resolution, shared
visioning and collaboration and the creation of podia for civilised dialogue,
today’s equivalent of the English coffee houses or the French and central
European salons during the first Enlightenment, where facts and feelings can
be heard, identified and considered when discussing and designing collective
action. The ‘light’ in Enlightenment 2.0 is the light of reason of the futureforward mindset, of comprehending our place on Earth in a new system more
befitting the emerging paradigms.
3.3.2 The Dynamics of Mindset Change
While literature generally suggests that cognitive, emotional and cultural factors bring about paradigm shift and the accompanying mindset change, the role
of emotions in psychological change garners particular attention (Frijda et al.,
2000; Wood, 2000; Marsella & Gratch, 2002). In line with this, McPhearson
et al. (2016) argue that inspirational visions can be key components for behavioural change and action. More information transparency on, for example, lifecycle impact, hidden subsidies or the societal business case could be a cognitive
driver of systemic change. However, combined with deeply emotional, spiritual
or eye-opening experiences, it could also change the social sentiment and
trigger cross-stakeholder empathy and collaboration. This was the case when
Apollo astronaut Bill Anders took the Earthrise photograph from the Apollo
Reinventing Capitalism
Table 4 Ten emerging paradigms for a sustainable twenty-first century.
(a) Published online by Cambridge University Press
spacecraft on Christmas Eve in 1968 (Anders, 1968). Seeing the beauty and the
vulnerability of our planet from space was the beginning of a change in our
relationship with the world and our understanding of our shared fate (see
Figure 9).
In addition to the cognitive, emotional and cultural dimensions, we would
like to add a fourth dimension: the leadership itself of the change process.
Transformative leaders build movements, energising stakeholders by creating
a sense of urgency, helping them build a rich, joint vision of the challenge at
hand and inviting them to reflect on how individual stakeholders’ purposes align
with the shared purpose. Transformative leaders deliberately lead their employees and other stakeholders, such as investors or consumers, to new paradigms.
When former Unilever CEO Paul Polman, days after taking the helm of the
multinational, famously announced to shareholders that Unilever would move
from trimestral to annual financial reporting, not only did he signal and set
Transforming Our Critical Systems
63 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Figure 9 The Earthrise image: creating shared fate and responsibility.
expectations towards investors but he also catalysed a longer-term mindset and
ignited a sense of purpose with his employees and supply chain partners
(Skapinker & Daneshkhu, 2016).
Another company leveraging its size and credibility to drive a consumer
paradigm shift is Ikea. After being one of the first large retailers to ban
incandescent light bulbs in favour of the hugely more efficient LED lights, it
is now replacing its famous meatballs, of which it sells more than a billion
per year, with plant-based versions. According to the Sierra Club, the production of a plant-based burger generates 12 times fewer GHG emissions than one
made of beef, uses 50 times less water and requires 20 times less land
(Steinbauer, 2020); thus, Ikea’s swap will help the company meet its objective
of being climate-positive by 2030. But, more importantly, it will encourage its
customers to adopt healthier consumption patterns for them and the planet.
Given the all-encompassing nature of systemic change and learning from the
challenges and failures described in Section 2, for successful implementation, it
is essential to align the cognitive and emotional mindsets not only of the
decision-making stakeholders but also of the citizens affected by it. We will
therefore explore the reciprocal dynamics of mindset change between decisionmakers and stakeholders, particularly citizens. Widespread Mindset Shifts – Manipulation versus Engagement
Digital technology can be used to influence paradigms, mindsets and behaviours. Gladwell (2000) describes in his book The Tipping Point that an idea can
exist underneath the surface in a society or among a small group of people and
then, seemingly overnight, suddenly erupt everywhere, changing the way an
entire society acts or thinks. Or drinks . . . As the benefits of oat milk compared Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
to cow milk went viral on social media early on in the Covid-19 pandemic,
consumers in the USA turned to oat milk, causing a 478 per cent rise in oat milk
sales in the second week of March 2020 compared to the same week in 2019
(Iversen, 2020). Social media making indiscriminate sharing so effortless
carries the risk of conditioning people to follow trends and support opinions
in shallow and frivolous ways, and sometimes influence is lost as fast as it was
gained. Even though this is not new in sustainability circles, one current online
phenomenon that can influence mindsets towards more sustainable models is
de-influencing, where influencers – content creators in a specific niche or with
specific expertise, a large online following and the ability to influence their
audience – encourage their followers not to buy or do something as an antidote
to consumerism and our linear way of living. The hashtag’s popularity –
currently 300 million views on TikTok and growing – makes it part of the
internet discourse at large. Almost half of Gen Z (born between 1996 and 2012)
makes purchase decisions based on influencer recommendations, so deinfluencing could well become part of the wider mindset shift needed to address
systemic issues (Global Fashion Agenda, 2023). If de-influencing moves
beyond being another social media trend, it has the power to mark a shift in
the current cultural zeitgeist and help catalyse the tipping point from short-term
materialism to a paradigm focussed on long-term well-being.
But, besides social media trends, recent history has also shown examples at
the other end of the spectrum of how digital technologies can amplify and
accelerate deep mindset change, sometimes with radical consequences for the
relationship between corporations, governments and citizens, as several Middle
Eastern and North African regimes learnt when they were toppled by digitally
connected citizens during the Arab spring.
A distrust of large foundations, science and governments and a fragmenting
social fabric characterise today’s society. Facts are viewed as subjective; even
the most provable and basic ones are disputed (Wardle & Derakhshan, 2017). In
this post-truth era, ushered in by US claims surrounding the Iraq war (Bayoumi,
2023), objective facts seem less influential in shaping public opinion and
political views than alternative facts based on personal biases and emotion. In
the digital age, there is always a danger of manipulation of public opinion
through information disorder, such as the prevalence of spreading disinformation and fake news. The Cambridge Analytica scandal showed how digital
platforms can be used to manipulate public sentiment in less noble ways. In
a defensive move against the power of social media, several governments
including Russia, Turkey, Indonesia and China have taken steps to regulate
and control its use, while at the same time leveraging its manipulative potential
for their benefit. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Transforming Our Critical Systems
Several scholars have argued that to negate the force of information
disorder, it is essential for opinion-makers, scientists and influencers to
provide society with reliable information and to focus on responsible science
(Vogt, 2021; Tanwar et al., 2022). This seems to be in line with the system
lever described by Meadows (1999) as the structure of information flows:
who does and does not have access to specific information at specific places
influences how people behave or don’t behave, based on that information.
However, similar to the erroneous belief that more growth would solve many
of the problems caused by growth, it is not simply strengthening of the
responsible scientific information flow that will mitigate the problem of
alternative facts. Rather, what is needed is de-polarisation, relaxing defensive
attitudes and reviving the willingness to acknowledge all voices. This
requires platforms for constructive dialogue. The importance of constructive
dialogue in conflict resolution and de-polarisation has been widely discussed
(Yankelovich, 1999; Ropers, 2004; Ercan, 2017). However, accelerated by
Covid-19, large parts of our communication have moved online, radically
changing the nature of interaction and necessitating a rethinking of public
engagement and dialogue online. In more open societies, social media still
plays an important role in shaping public consciousness and enabling citizens
to engage with politics in new ways (Miller & Vaccari, 2020). But this is not
always a straightforward process. Many governments are exploring ways for
technology to enable constructive stakeholder dialogue while finding
a balance between protecting citizens’ rights and ensuring public safety.
For example, through its minister of digital affairs, Audrey Tang (2019),
Taiwan has arguably been among the most progressive at introducing digital
democracy, allowing connectedness to facilitate input rather than conflict,
promoting citizen-led fact-checking and public opinion collation, and applying cyber security for civil society. Citizen Power – Activating a Virtuous Cycle
Besides citizen power nudged on by governmental influence, we see more and
more frequently that societal action born of intrinsic motivation can also influence corporate or government decision-makers. Intrinsic motivation can be
cognitive, emotional or value-based (Schulz & Siriwardane, 2015). For
example, in the Netherlands, 900 citizens together with the Urgenda
Foundation sued the Dutch government, demanding that it do more to prevent
global climate change, in the first-ever climate case. They won in 2019 and
inspired other climate litigations worldwide (Leijten, 2019). Globally, citizens
unite in Extinction Rebellion, a non-partisan and non-violent network to bring Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
forth a true sense of urgency for the climate crisis, organising citizens’ assemblies and promoting participative democracy using disruptive direct action
(Extinction Rebellion, 2022).
In the case of the following example, intrinsic motivation is values- and
emotions-based. After years of non-participatory decision-making by the local
government, in which Jakarta’s poor kampung settlements were demolished to
make way for flood protection measures, in the face of eviction threats the
increasingly marginalised citizens of Tongkol formed the Ciliwung River
Community, a forum of about 1,000 households, to facilitate the discussion of
strategies to claim back their community. They rebuilt their homes 5 metres
from the waterway, created clear access along the riverbank, cleaned up their
river, planted trees, set up a community-wide composting and recycling
scheme, encouraged self-sufficiency with vertical vegetable gardens and
became ‘guardians of the river’, attracting tourism to a part of Jakarta that
was largely hidden from the public gaze before (Dovey et al., 2019). The
Tongkol citizens showed the local government that citizen empowerment
could lead to community-based upgrading of urban systems and an ecofriendlier future for the city. They influenced the approach to flood management
in Jakarta and beyond.
Empowering citizens through engagement and information can start a virtuous
cycle, enabling them to understand the bigger system perspective, to think critically, to realise their responsibility and potential, and to keep companies, institutions and politicians in check (McGann et al., 2021). Climate change will have
unavoidable impacts on populations and urban systems, especially in Asia where
many large cities are exposed. The example from Jakarta illustrates that decisionmaking processes should be inclusive and participatory, inviting the citizens that
are most affected by climate hazards to play an active role in determining how best
to avoid them, build resilience and pave the way for systemic change.
Policymakers that proactively evolve participation beyond consultation through
joint visioning processes, gathering input from citizens and enabling more inclusive decision-making processes, such as policy co-design or participatory budgeting, build the kind of stakeholder support that is essential to any systemic change
or sustainability transition (Angheloiu & Tennant, 2020).
Following the principles of The Wisdom of Crowds (Surowiecki, 2004),
yearly more than 2.3 million volunteers worldwide collect data in thousands
of biodiversity projects. This so-called citizen science, in which the public is
involved in scientific research, spans multiple disciplines such as psychology,
astronomy, ecology and environmental science, biodiversity and tourism. The
strength of engaging citizens in science lies in the potential for getting new and
outlying perspectives that could be crucial in addressing the complex, wicked
Transforming Our Critical Systems
problems of our time (Rowbotham et al., 2019). Most of all, citizen science
creates a sense of inclusiveness and has the opportunity to translate global
problems to a local scale and reality; this is much needed in the current posttruth era. Published online by Cambridge University Press
3.3.3 Educating Mindful Leaders
The inability of our institutions to avoid war, banking crises, business and
religious scandals, inequality and climate action failure has eroded trust in
capitalism, business and government leaders to the lowest level in decades. As
a result, a leadership change is taking place. Traditional leaders that are uncomfortable in the VUCA environment are receding into the historic paradigms and
values they are comfortable with, such as the pursuit of short-term profit. At the
other end of the spectrum, a new generation of leaders who are mentally and
functionally equipped to drive change in a VUCA world is emerging.
Models emerging from the scientific Enlightenment and industrialisation have
brought a lot of economic growth. However, in our singular focus on GDP
growth, we have forgotten about the importance of the quality and distribution
of GDP. We need a more widespread recognition that well-being for individuals
and society emerges from a balance of natural, social and economic capital. We
must build models and systems to satisfy society’s needs that stay within environmental boundaries and don’t erode societal foundations. How can we embed
this vision and future-fit mindset in leaders to help them make better decisions in
their personal realm, in their public or business organisations and, most importantly, in the bigger systems they participate in?
Business schools are pivotal in educating and equipping future leaders as
agents of change. To change the systems in which we operate, we need to equip
our future leaders with the mindset, skills and tools to drive systemic change on
a playing field that is becoming increasingly VUCA. This requirement adds
a whole new layer to the traditional functional areas of management education.
Sterman & Sweeney (2007) and Valerdi & Rouse (2010) concluded that
systems thinking performance, even by highly educated people, can be poor.
This is consistent with research by Palmberg et al. (2017) and Ndaruhutse et al.
(2019) revealing that, currently, education does not adequately develop systems
thinking competence. It coincides with calls for policymakers to move systems
thinking competencies higher up the educational agenda (International
Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity, 2016). Other authors
suggest that incorporating systems thinking in education could benefit students
by helping them acquire a more holistic view of and a mindset that facilitates
addressing sustainability challenges (Hofman-Bergholm, 2018; Žalėnienė &
Reinventing Capitalism
Pereira, 2021). In addition, systems thinking supports interdisciplinarity by
building shared thinking space and knowledge that cuts across the boundaries
of various disciplines (Barile & Saviano, 2021). It also encourages public
engagement with science through intentional, meaningful interactions that
provide opportunities for mutual learning between scientists and members of
the public and thus promote familiarity with a breadth of perspectives, frames
and worldviews (Stave, 2002).
The Sasin School of Management in Bangkok believes that in an increasingly
VUCA world, successful leaders must continuously transform themselves, their
organisations and the systems in which they operate in sustainable and profitable ways. Sasin addresses this need by teaching mindful leadership, which
identifies six interrelated capabilities (see Figure 10) (Van der Zanden, 2023): Published online by Cambridge University Press
1. Contextual mindfulness: the humility and critical thinking needed to seek
and make meaning of intelligence from a range of sources, to connect the
dots between disparate data points while being aware of filters and biases,
and to engage with trends before they become clear and present.
2. Future consciousness: the ability to imagine the future through divergent
thinking, using multiple lenses and scenarios, while applying multigenerational empathy and agency over the long-term futures of humans and society.
3. Systems range: the sense of leadership responsibility and stakeholder
empathy that is needed not only to run high-performing organisations but
Figure 10 Mindful leadership skills, critical for sustainability transformation.
Transforming Our Critical Systems
The sufficiency economy philosophy is based on the Theravada Buddhist
principles of moderation (Pho praman), reasonableness (Mi het phon) and
risk-resilience (Phumikhum kan nai tua), providing strategic guidance for
companies in their aim to be responsible, sustainable businesses. It applies
the Buddhist practice of mindfulness in business decision-making,
improving systemic understanding and stakeholder awareness, and contributing to prudent risk management and shared value creation: Published online by Cambridge University Press
• Moderation is the prudent management of risks based on normal, sound
business grounds. Moderation provides a balanced approach towards
stakeholder relationships and risk–reward opportunities: balance is the
path of virtue, a middle way that provides a buffer against risk, where no
one stakeholder can trump the interests of the others, and which prevents succumbing to irrational exuberance and market distortion.
• Reasonableness is driven by a win–win mentality that builds trust,
mutuality and cooperation rather than competition. It calls for understanding the full consequences of our conduct for other stakeholders,
not only in the short term but over the long term as well.
• The risk-resilience of a company and its surrounding system, and thus the
company’s present value, is increased in the sufficiency economy by
building financial, human, social and reputational capital through the
application of moderation and the avoidance of unreasonable relationships.
The sufficiency economy promotes two-character virtues, which are
particularly relevant in today’s crisis of distrust, polarisation, greenwashing and misinformation – knowledge (kwam ru) and integrity
(khunatham) – as essential pillars for quality of management and constructive stakeholder relationships.
Mindful leaders consider their actions’ long-term future and systemlevel consequences, which requires knowledge and judgement, not passion, in making decisions. Integrity, the moral faculty of self-control and
regard for others, requires deep reflection on ourselves, our values, beliefs
and biases in relationship to our stakeholders’ potential, needs and values.
It is built through good governance, transparency and keeping promises.
also to co-shape and enrich the systems in which we operate by understanding the relationships between the components and actors in a system and
foreseeing the intended and unintended ripple effect of one’s interventions in
that system.
Reinventing Capitalism Published online by Cambridge University Press
4. Cross-collaborative competence: the ability and capacity to successfully
engineer and lead transformative collaborations with non-traditional
change partners, mobilised through a compelling shared vision and trusted
5. Radical impact agility: the ability to keep a relentless focus on delivering
radical impact, despite being surrounded by VUCA, deploying disruptive
intent, an entrepreneurial bias for action and the mental and physical agility
to continuously question the status quo and to explore, develop and evolve
radical new models of impact and value creation.
6. Purpose: the self-knowledge, integrity, moral compass and clarity of purpose that will inspire others to reimagine and align their activities with the
bigger purpose.
Integrated into the teaching of mindful leadership are the principles of the
sufficiency economy, an ethical philosophy introduced in 1997 by Thailand’s
King Bhumibol Adulyadej as an alternative to an economy of excess risk that had
caused the economic crisis of that time. His Majesty’s vision was of an economy
that is sufficient rather than excessive, with a concern for gradual, holistic
development across all of society, not just for affluent urban elites, and that
proceeds with care, economy and foresight to prevent mistakes (Mongsawad,
2012). Numerous sectors have successfully adopted the philosophy in Thailand,
most notably the financial sector, improving stakeholder satisfaction and reducing
both risk and cost of capital.
In his address at the leadership forum The Performance Theatre, former
professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist studies at Columbia University Bob
Thurman (2014) explained how the Buddhist belief in reincarnation translates
into a powerful transgenerational motivation for sustainability. As we deteriorate our natural and social environment, we deteriorate the conditions we will
have to live with after reincarnation. Only when we leave the world in a better
state than we found it do we have a chance to reach Enlightenment.
Agricultural societies worldwide survive by the grace of the interdependency
between man and nature. Especially in smaller-scale agricultural communities,
this has translated into the concept of stewardship, living sustainably in the
environment and preserving natural capital for the next generations. Eastern
wisdom traditions have a deep-rooted conviction that everything is connected
and that all forms of life are equally sacred and deserve to be preserved. The
paradigm at the base of the Western mindset, namely that nature was created in
the service of man and is there for man to exploit, might have accelerated the
destruction of natural capital for economic gains. But progressing awareness
and insight into the need to restore natural capital and build its capacity as our
Transforming Our Critical Systems
ally against many of the challenges we face as a society is giving rise to a boom
in regenerative practices, and interest in biomimicry.
Irrespective of the underlying religion, life philosophy or wisdom tradition,
the right thing to do is to educate more mindful leaders to empathically
understand the bigger picture and equip them to lead the (re)design of the
systems that we live in to create future societies that are more in harmony
with themselves and with nature. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Final Thoughts
The size and the increasing urgency of humanity’s environmental and social
challenges require a radical reinvention of the critical systems that satisfy our
needs. Of course, the transformation of complex, embedded systems is complicated. However, deliberate efforts to create the conditions that are necessary to
strengthen future-fit mindsets and collaboration among stakeholders are crucial
points of intervention, enabling systems to emerge that produce a new kind of
growth that will increase well-being for all without eroding natural or social
Mindset change and collaboration in a fast-changing world plagued by
polarisation, distrust and failing institutions are difficult but possible if we
strengthen platforms for constructive dialogue and engagement, encourage
stakeholders to build a shared understanding of, and vision for, the bigger
picture surrounding our shared challenges, and create the space for ourselves
as individuals and as connected members of society to question the paradigms
that underlie our behaviours and decisions.
The looming environmental and social crises could accelerate Enlightenment
2.0 if we decide to channel the forces of change for the better. Navigating this
grand challenge and the corresponding opportunities will show us whether more
liberal or authoritarian regimes will deliver systemic change more quickly and
more sustainably. We will learn whether businesses, governments or citizens
will be the most influential driving force in bringing the remaining stakeholders
together for collaborative transformation towards future-fit systems and how
the conditions for such collaboration can be improved. Nevertheless, the most
profound driver of positive change will be our ability to become more mindful
and, collectively, to respectfully align our mindsets on the type of world we
want to build. We are in this together, as Carl Sagan (1994) eloquently said in
Pale Blue Dot:
The earth is the only world known so far to harbour life. There is nowhere
else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes.
Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the earth is where we make our
Reinventing Capitalism
stand . . . To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with
one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home
we’ve ever known. (p. 13) Published online by Cambridge University Press
Systems thinking, mindfulness and transformation dynamics are still underresearched and under-prioritised in education. Yet, educational institutions play
a pivotal role in equipping the leaders who will shape humanity’s future with the
mindsets, skills and tools they will need to drive radical, positive change. Our
mindful decisions and our ability to change in the next 30 years will determine
our collective fate in the next 300 years and more. Published online by Cambridge University Press
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Acknowledgements Published online by Cambridge University Press
We want to thank the colleagues and critical minds that contributed valuable
thoughts during the production of this Element. These include Charmaine Che,
Warintorn Chokbancha, Ranjit Gupta, Dean Outerson, Alfonso Pellegrino, Niklas
Rydberg, Pattarake Sarajoti, Piyawan Srioanchan, Iman Stratenus, Lars Svensson,
Pinnaree Tea-makorn, Supakanda Tongboonrawd, Richard Welford, Steven White,
Steven Young and, last but not least, Rosalind Yunibandhu. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
Arie Y. Lewin
Duke University
Arie Y. Lewin is Professor Emeritus of Strategy and International Business at Duke
University, Fuqua School of Business. He is an Elected Fellow of the Academy of
International Business and a Recipient of the Academy of Management inaugural Joanne
Martin Trailblazer Award. Previously, he was Editor-in-Chief of Management and
Organization Review (2015–2021) and the Journal of International Business Studies
(2000–2007), founding Editor-in-Chief of Organization Science (1989–2007), and Convener
of Organization Science Winter Conference (1990–2012). His research centers on studies of
organizations’ adaptation as co-evolutionary systems, the emergence of new
organizational forms, and adaptive capabilities of innovating and imitating organizations.
His current research focuses on deglobalization and decoupling, the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, and the renewal of capitalism.
Till Talaulicar
University of Erfurt
Till Talaulicar holds the Chair of Organization and Management at the University of Erfurt
where he is also Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences. His main
research expertise is in the areas of corporate governance and the responsibilities of the
corporate sector in modern societies. Professor Talaulicar is Editor-in-Chief of Corporate
Governance: An International Review, Senior Editor of Management and Organization
Review and serves on the Editorial Board of Organization Science. Moreover, he has been
Founding Member and Chairperson of the Board of the International Corporate
Governance Society (2014–2020). Published online by Cambridge University Press
Editorial Advisory Board
Paul S. Adler, University of Southern California, USA
Ruth V. Aguilera, Northeastern University, USA
Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Helena Barnard, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Jay Barney, University of Utah, USA
Jerry Davis, University of Michigan, USA
Steve Denning, Forbes
Rebecca Henderson, Harvard University, USA
Thomas Hutzschenreuter, TU München, Germany
Tarun Khanna, Harvard University, USA
Peter G. Klein, Baylor University, USA
Costas Markides, London Business School, UK
Anita McGahan, University of Toronto, Canada
Rita McGrath, Columbia University, USA
Heather McGregor, Edinburgh Business School, UK
Alan Meyer, University of Oregon, USA
Katrin Muff, LUISS University Rome, Italy
Peter Murmann, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Tsuyoshi Numagami, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Margit Osterloh, University of Basel, Switzerland
Andreas Georg Scherer, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Blair Sheppard, PwC, USA
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Yale University, USA
John Sutton, London School of Economics, UK
David Teece, UC Berkeley, USA
Anne S. Tsui, University of Notre Dame, USA
Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary, Canada
Henk Volberda, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mira Wilkins, Florida International University, USA
Sarah Williamson, FCLTGlobal, USA
Arjen van Witteloostuijn, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
George Yip, Imperial College London, UK
About the Series Published online by Cambridge University Press
This series seeks to feature explorations about the crisis of legitimacy facing capitalism
today, including the increasing income and wealth gap, the decline of the middle
class, threats to employment due to globalization and digitalization, undermined trust in
institutions, discrimination against minorities, global poverty and pollution. Being
grounded in a business and management perspective, the series incorporates
contributions from multiple disciplines on the causes of the current crisis and potential
solutions to renew capitalism.
Panmure House is the final and only remaining home of Adam Smith, Scottish
philosopher and ‘Father of modern economics.’ Smith occupied the House between 1778
and 1790, during which time he completed the final editions of his master works:
The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations. Other great luminaries and
thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment visited Smith regularly at the House across this
period. Their mission is to provide a world-class 21st-century centre for social
and economic debate and research, convening in the name of Adam Smith to effect positive
change and forge global, future-focussed networks. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Reinventing Capitalism
Elements in the Series
Taming Corporate Power in the 21st Century
Gerald F. Davis
The New Enlightenment: Reshaping Capitalism and the Global Order
in the 21st Century
Edited by Arie Y. Lewin, Greg Linden and David J. Teece
Reinventing Capitalism in the Digital Age
Stephen Denning
From Financialisation to Innovation in UK Big Pharma: AstraZeneca and
Öner Tulum, Antonio Andreoni and William Lazonick
Comparing Capitalisms for an Unknown Future
Gordon Redding
Transforming Our Critical Systems: How Can We Achieve the Systemic Change the
World Needs?
Gerardus van der Zanden and Rozanne Henzen Published online by Cambridge University Press
A full series listing is available at: