chronic respir disease reviews.qxd
Key points
k Currently, the serious consequences of chron-
ic diseases and their risk factors are not fully
recognised by the international health community.
In the period of 1990–2020, COPD deaths
are expected to increase from 2.2 to 4.7
million worldwide.
Reducing chronic disease death rates by an
additional 2% annually would avert 36
million deaths by 2015.
The abatement of the main risk factors for
respiratory diseases, in particular tobacco
smoking, environmental tobacco smoke,
indoor biomass fuels, outdoor air pollution
and unhealthy diet, can achieve huge health
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The global burden of chronic
respiratory diseases
Educational aims
To define the burden of chronic respiratory diseases all over the world.
To underline the importance of chronic diseases recognition by the international health
To provide details about the burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): the
predicted third cause of death by 2020.
Currently, the serious consequences of chronic diseases and their risk factors are not fully
recognised by the international health community. Moreover, chronic diseases are not
only a problem of the ageing population in developed countries. In fact, it has been estimated that 80% of mortality for chronic diseases occurred in low-income and middleincome countries in 2005. Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) Dept of Chronic
Diseases and Health Promotion has suggested a new Millennium Development Goal for
the next few years: to reduce chronic disease death rates by an additional 2% annually,
in order to avert 36 million deaths by 2015.
By the year 2015, all 191 United Nations
Member States have pledged to meet
eight Millennium Development Goals (table
1). The health goals are concerned with a
reduction in child mortality, an improvement
in maternal health, and the combat of
HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Thus,
the serious consequences of chronic diseases
and their risk factors are not being considered
by the international health community, at
least in terms of financial commitments by
health and development agencies (box 1).
According to the Dept of Chronic Diseases
and Health Promotion of the WHO, the main
chronic diseases include cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) (30% of projected total worldwide deaths in 2005), cancer (13%), chronic
Table 1
S. Maio1
S. Baldacci1
L. Carrozzi1
F. Pistelli1
G. Viegi1,2
1Pulmonary Environmental
Epidemiology Unit, Institute of
Clinical Physiology, National
Research Council (CNR), Pisa,
22005–2006 President,
European Respiratory Society
G. Viegi
Pulmonary Environment
Epidemiology Unit
Institute of Clinical
National Research Council
Via Trieste, 41
56126 Pisa
[email protected]
Fax: 39 050503596
The Millennium
Development Goals
1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
2. Achieve universal primary education
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
4. Reduce child mortality
5. Improve maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development
respiratory diseases (7%), and diabetes (2%)
(figure 1). Chronic diseases are often defined
as problems of ageing communities, mainly
caused by tobacco use, unhealthy diets and
physical inactivity [1, 2]. According to WHO, in
Europe, 86% of deaths are caused by chronic
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The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
Box 1. The cost of inaction is clear and unacceptable
Dr Jong-Wook Lee†, the Director General of the WHO, in his message for the World
Global Report of WHO (2005) said: "The lives of far too many people in the world are
being blighted and cut short by chronic diseases such as heart diseases, stroke, cancer,
chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes" [3].
Dr Jong-Wook Lee died on the morning of May 22, 2006, following a sudden illness.
The authors of this review, as well as all members and staff of the ERS, extend their
most sincere condolences to Dr Lee's family. Dr Lee, who worked for 23 years at the
WHO, led his organisation to continue its mission to help people attain the highest possible level of health.
diseases (figure 1) [3]. However, chronic diseases
are also a large problem in low-income countries
(especially among those who do not have the
resources to improve their quality of life). Recent
evidence suggests that deaths from cardiopulmonary diseases and lung cancer occur at earlier
ages in low-income and middle-income countries
where prevention is not a priority. It has been
estimated that 35 million people died in 2005
from heart diseases, stroke, cancer, respiratory
diseases and other chronic diseases. Only 20%
of these deaths were in high-income countries,
while 80% were in low- and middle-income
countries (especially among adults aged 30–69
years). The impact on males and females was
similar. Therefore, a new goal proposed by the
WHO is to reduce deaths from chronic diseases
by an additional 2% per year, in order to avert
36 million deaths by 2015. Moreover, this goal
would permit a gain of ~500 million years of life
over the decade from 2006 to 2015 [2].
Figure 1
Estimated proportion of chronic
deaths in Europe, China, India and
all over the world (2005). Figure
adapted from [3].
Projection of mortality
rates for chronic
STRONG et al. [2] presented the mortality and burden of disease projections for chronic diseases
using the WHO 2002 mortality estimates as a
Other chronic disease
Chronic respiratory diseases
Cardiovascular diseases
Chronic diseases in
South-East Asia and
Western Pacific
Breathe | September 2006 | Volume 3 | No 1
baseline [3]. Globally, ~58 million people died in
2005. This value is projected to rise to 64 million
in 2015. The distribution of these deaths across
three major cause groups showed the following:
mortality of 30% for communicable, maternal,
perinatal conditions and nutritional deficiencies;
mortality of 61% for chronic, non-communicable
diseases; and mortality of 9% for injuries. When
the results are studied in detail, respiratory diseases are the third leading single cause of
deaths worldwide (7%) (figure 1). The projected
number of chronic disease deaths will rise from
15 million in 2005 to 17 million in 2015.
Conversely, the age-specific death rates for those
aged <70 years will remain the same or decline
between 2005 and 2015. The burden of diseases (disability-adjusted life-years lost; DALYs)
will rise from 626 million in 2005 to 693 million
in 2015, in people aged <70 years. The global
chronic disease goal (reducing deaths from
chronic disease by an additional 2% annually)
would determine an estimated 36 million fewer
chronic disease deaths, of which 28 million
would be in low-income and middle-income
countries, in the same time interval. For people
under the age of 70 years, the global goal would
result in 3 million fewer deaths in 2015. These
figures support the overall goal of chronic disease prevention and control, which is to delay
mortality from these diseases to older age
groups and to promote healthy ageing of global
populations [2].
As mentioned above, 80% of deaths from chronic diseases occurred in low-income and middleincome countries in 2005. REDDY et al. [5] have
previously presented the estimated proportions
of total deaths and DALYs in India. They
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The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
estimated that in 2005, 53% of deaths would
be caused by chronic diseases in India when
compared with 61% of deaths all over the world
(figure 1). Moreover, chronic diseases will cause
44% of DALYs. Previously, the Global Burden of
Disease Study projected that the number of
deaths attributable to chronic diseases would
rise from 3.78 million in 1990 (40.4% of all
deaths) to 7.63 million in 2020 (66.7% of all
deaths) [4], and that many of these deaths
would occur at relatively early ages. In conclusion, REDDY et al. [5] underlined the need to
increase resource allocation, to coordinate multilevel policy interventions and to enhance the
engagement of the health system in activities
related to chronic disease prevention and control.
WANG et al. [6] have previously presented the
estimated proportions of total deaths and DALYs
in China (figure 1). Compared to India, China
showed higher estimates for chronic diseases
mortality (80%) and DALYs (70%). Moreover,
China has the highest rate of deaths from chronic diseases in middle-aged people worldwide. It
was reported that in China, as in many other
parts of the world, the government has focused
on communicable diseases. However, fortunately, the prevention of chronic diseases is now
receiving a national response commensurate
with the burden [6].
HE et al. [7], who studied the change of the
disease burden in China caused by the rapid economic development of the country, suggested a
control of hypertension, smoking cessation,
increasing physical activity and improvement of
nutrition would help in reducing the burden of
premature deaths among adults.
Pacific region, with the majority of these occurring in China. About 400,000 deaths occur each
year from COPD in industrialised countries.
Another 650,000 COPD deaths were estimated
to have occurred in the South-East Asia region,
largely in India (figure 2). All over the world,
1.9% of DALYs were attributable to COPD in
2000 (figure 3). These results confirm that
chronic diseases are a leading cause of mortality
in low-income and middle-income countries,
such as China and India [10].
In the PLATINO study, MENEZES et al. [11]
evaluated the prevalence of COPD in subjects
aged >40 years living in five major Latin
American cities: São Paulo (Brazil), Santiago
(Chile), Mexico City (Mexico), Montevideo
(Uruguay) and Caracas (Venezuela). The results
showed that adjusted prevalence rates for COPD
ranged from approximately 12% in Mexico City
to around 20% in Montevideo.
Figures 2 and 3
A: very low child and adult mortality; B: low child and adult mortality; D: high child and adult mortality; E: high child mortality and very
high adult mortality; AFR: Africa;
AMR: Americas; EMR: Easten
Mediterranean; EUR: Europe;
SEAR: South-East Asia; WPR:
Western Pacific.
Figure 2
Estimated COPD deaths by WHO regions, 2002. Figure modified from [10].
The global burden of
According to the WHO, COPD (12th cause of
disability and the 6th cause of mortality in
1990) will be the 5th cause of disability and the
3rd cause of mortality by 2020 worldwide [8].
The main cofactors responsible for this remarkable increase are tobacco usage and ageing,
especially in developing countries.
With regards to the global burden of COPD,
CHAPMAN et al. [9] have reported that the prevalence of COPD in the general population is estimated to increase with age, reaching ~10%
amongst those aged >40 years. LOPEZ et al. [10]
reported that ~2.7 million deaths from COPD
occurred in 2000, half of them in the Western
Figure 3
Estimated COPD DALYs by WHO regions, 2002. Figure modified from [10].
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The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
In 2003, the European Respiratory Society
(ERS) published the first edition of the European
Lung White Book (the first comprehensive survey
on respiratory health in Europe) [12], containing
epidemiological and socio-economic data on respiratory diseases in Europe. Concerning mortality, the ERS report demonstrated that COPD
deaths per year ranged from 200,000 to
300,000, highlighting remarkable geographical
differences. Overall, in European countries, the
age-standardised death rate per 100,000 population of COPD ranged from 6 per 100,000 in
Greece to 95 per 100,000 in Kyrgyzstan (figure
4). According to the WHO, COPD was the cause
of death for 4.1% of males and 2.4% of females
in Europe in 1997. In general, COPD mortality
was 2–3 times higher in males than in females,
showing an increasing trend in the elderly.
However, COPD mortality increased among
females in the northern European countries in
the period of 1980–1990. For morbidity, studies
from the last two decades have indicated that
4–6% of the adult European population suffer
from clinically relevant COPD [12].
Underdiagnosis of COPD
COPD is a leading but under-recognised cause of
morbidity and mortality worldwide. Indeed no
other disease, responsible for such a high morbidity, mortality and cost burden, is so neglected
by healthcare providers.
Information on obstructive lung disease
(OLD) deaths is generally derived from the
underlying cause of death on the death certificate (COPD or asthma, International
Classification of Disease version 9 (ICD-9) codes
490–493, 496), but this information may underestimate the number of deaths to which OLD
Figure 4
Distribution of COPD mortality in
Europe (2000). Figure reproduced
with permission from [12].
(Source: OECD,
Breathe | September 2006 | Volume 3 | No 1
contributes. HANSELL et al. [13] compared the
number of deaths in England and Wales
(1993–1999) where OLD was the underlying
cause of death or mentioned anywhere on the
death certificate. The results showed that, if evaluating only the underlying cause of death, there
was an underestimate of OLD of 40%. Moreover,
where OLD was not the underlying cause of
death, the leading causes were circulatory system diseases, neoplasms and respiratory system
diseases (excluding OLD) [13].
HOLGUIN et al. [14], from the US National
Hospital Discharge Survey 1979–2001, showed
that the yearly prevalence of hospital discharges
with a diagnosis of COPD increased significantly, but mainly due to the proportion of hospital
discharges with COPD listed as a secondary
diagnosis (~12%), in comparison to discharges
where COPD was the underlying cause of hospitalisation (~3%). Moreover, hospital discharges
with primary or secondary COPD were also frequently diagnosed in association with other
co-morbid conditions, such as cardiopulmonary
diseases, pneumonia and lung cancer [14].
HUIART et al. [15] have previously shown that
COPD patients present a nearly two-fold increase
in CVD death rates when compared to the general population. Difficulty in determining the
underlying cause of death among patients with
multiple diseases, especially when the diseases
share common risk factors, such as tobacco, has
caused an overestimation of CVD as underlying
cause of death and a consequent underestimation of COPD [15].
In a study on the change of the disease burden in China, HE et al. [7] showed that cancer
(37.4%) and heart disease (31.9%) were the
leading causes of death among Chinese adults,
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The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
whereas the death rate for respiratory diseases
was 9% [7]. The presidents of the major international respiratory societies, who participate in
the Forum of International Respiratory Societies
(FIRS), requested that HE et al. [7] reanalyse their
data including "chronic pulmonary heart diseases" in the category "respiratory diseases"
instead of the category "vascular diseases". In
fact, the Presidents of the FIRS group believe
that lung diseases could have at least the same
importance as heart diseases, cancer and stroke,
in terms of public health, if the death causes
were properly re-classified. Indeed, when the
category of "respiratory diseases" was re-classified to include COPD, asthma, lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis and "chronic pulmonary
heart diseases", it became a leading cause of
death in China, with a death rate of 19%. This
highlights the importance of a correct interpretation and presentation of health statistics, since
governmental financial commitments largely
depend on ranking of causes of death [16].
In their study from 2002, LINDSTRÖM et al.
[17] assessed the under-diagnosis of COPD in
two population samples of the same age, living
in the same areas in northern Sweden. Two crosssectional studies on respiratory symptoms and
diseases were carried out 6 years apart. Among
the subjects diagnosed with airflow obstruction,
only 26% in 1986 and 31% in 1992 had been
diagnosed prior to the study as having chronic
bronchitis, emphysema or COPD [17].
A review by HALBERT et al. [18] reported on
32 studies about COPD prevalence rates, representing 17 countries and eight WHO-classified
regions. Prevalence estimates were based on
spirometry (11 studies), respiratory symptoms
(14 studies), patient-reported disease (10 studies) or WHO experts' opinion. The overall COPD
prevalence rates ranged from <1 to >18%, and
tended to vary with the method used to estimate
the prevalence rate. Thus, some of the variations
attributed to differences in risk exposure or population characteristics may be influenced by the
methods and definitions used to measure disease [18].
Indeed, in the Po Delta Valley Study, VIEGI et
al. [19] had already shown that in a general
adult population sample the prevalence rates of
airways obstruction ranged 11–57% (in subjects
aged >46 years), applying different COPD definitions. They found a disparity based on a large
prevalence of mild obstructive abnormalities
when the old American Thoracic Society (ATS)
criterion (forced expiratory volume in one second
(FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) <75%) was
applied, as compared to a clinical criterion later
adopted by the Global Initiative for Chronic
Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) (FEV1/FVC
<70%) and, especially, to the ERS criterion
(FEV1/vital capacity (VC) <88% predicted in
males and <89% predicted in females) [19].
CELLI et al. [20] have previously evaluated the
impact of different definitions of airways obstruction on the estimated prevalence of obstruction
in a population-based sample. On the basis of
the Third National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, obstructive airway disease
was defined using the following criteria: 1) selfreported diagnosis of chronic bronchitis or
emphysema; 2) FEV1/FVC <0.70 and FEV1
<80% predicted (GOLD Stage IIA); 3) FEV1/FVC
below the lower limit of normal; 4) FEV1/FVC
<88% predicted in males and <89% predicted
in females; 5) FEV1/FVC <0.70 ("fixed ratio",
GOLD criterion Stage I+). The prevalence rate in
adults ranged from 7.7% (self-reported) to
16.8% (fixed ratio, GOLD criterion Stage I+), and
for persons aged >50 yrs the fixed ratio criterion
produced the highest rate estimates, ranging
from 18.2% in subjects aged 50–54 years to
41.7% in subjects aged 75–80 years [20]. Thus,
it seems that the GOLD criterion Stage I+ can
overestimate the prevalence of COPD in older
patients because it doesn't take into account the
natural decline of FEV1/FVC with age.
HARDIE et al. [21] also criticised the applicability of the GOLD criterion to the whole population regardless of age. The extent of COPD
misdiagnosis was examined using the GOLD definition in healthy, never-smoker, asymptomatic
adults aged >70 years in Bergen, Norway. The
results suggest that, using the GOLD criterion,
~35% of healthy elderly subjects would be
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The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
diagnosed as having at least mild COPD [21].
Indeed, the ATS/ERS Task Force on standardisation of lung function tests has endorsed
another criterion for airflow obstruction definition, i.e. the lower limit of normal for per cent
predicted FEV1/VC [22].
Standardisation of COPD assessment
Since 2000, a number of initiatives have been
taken to try to increase awareness about COPD:
the guidelines on COPD by the WHO GOLD initiative [23] and the ATS/ERS [24]; the Burden
of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) initiative to
facilitate standardised studies at an international level; and the proposal to set up large, longterm cohorts of patients to better define the
natural history of COPD [9].
Better definitions of specific COPD phenotypes, better interventions and improved outcomes may permit a better understanding of the
natural history of the disease. COPD has recently been described by the WHO GOLD initiative
and by ATS/ERS guidelines as a disease that is
"characterised by airflow limitation that is not
fully reversible. The airflow limitation in most
cases is both progressive and associated with an
abnormal inflammatory response of the lungs to
noxious particles or gases". Airflow limitation is
the slowing of expiratory airflow as measured by
spirometry, with a persistently low FEV1 and a
low FEV1/FVC ratio despite treatment. This progressive and relentless loss of lung function is
the result of emphysema due to destruction of
lung parenchyma and narrowing of small airways caused by chronic inflammation.
CHAPMAN et al. [9] described the aims of the
BOLD initiative as follows: 1) to measure the
prevalence of COPD and its risk factors in various
countries around the world; 2) to estimate the
Box 2. The BOLD model
The BOLD project has the aim to develop a validated model to project the future burden of
COPD. The BOLD model includes persons with COPD and those at risk for the development of
the disease. Patients with COPD or those who develop COPD are categorised according to the
GOLD staging criteria, and then divided into smokers and non-smokers. Capturing disease progression as it influences estimates of future costs is a key component of the model. The BOLD
economic model estimates the costs related to the treatment of COPD and the types of healthcare resources consumed. The model estimates the current and future costs overall and per
capita, stratified by severity. Moreover, the model reports the number of events in terms of hospitalisations, emergency department visits, outpatient visits, mortality and quality of life. The
model is helpful for decision makers to estimate the current and future economic burden of
COPD in their region. The model can be used to: determine which components of COPD have
the most impact on overall costs; to estimate the resources that may be required in a 10-year
period for treating COPD patients; and to evaluate the economic impact of various interventions (either real or hypothetical) [9].
Breathe | September 2006 | Volume 3 | No 1
burden of COPD in terms of its impact on quality of life, activity limitation, respiratory symptoms and use of healthcare services; and 3) to
develop a validated model to project future burden of disease for COPD (box 2). The authors
reported that, up to 2001, only 32 prevalence
surveys of COPD were published, specifically
after the 1990s. Moreover, there was a broad
variability of prevalence estimates across the
studies attributed to different diagnostic and
assessment methods in the surveys. Comparing
age-specific death rates from lung cancer and
COPD among males and females in the USA
from 1997 to 2001, the results suggest that the
death rates from both diseases increased
markedly with age. However, the increase with
age was continuous for COPD, whereas the lung
cancer trend with age decreased in >80-year-old
Many authors have reported the lack of consensus in defining criteria for computing COPD
prevalence in industrialised countries and the
unavailability of prevalence figures in developing countries. To resolve these problems, LOPEZ et
al. [10] created a model that back-calculates estimates of COPD incidence and prevalence. For
calculating the prevalence, the relative risk of
mortality from COPD was required. The authors
then compared the current estimates, the 1990
estimates [8] and the range of published (up to
2002) estimates in the literature based on
spirometry. In general, the current model estimates were more consistent with the results of
the published literature. However, an underestimation of prevalence rates was confirmed when
those computed through models were compared
with those measured through spirometry in general population epidemiological studies.
Comorbidity of asthma
and COPD
In Europe, direct and indirect costs of COPD and
asthma were estimated at ~€38.7 and €17.7 billion in 2000, respectively, accounting for more
than 50% of the costs for all respiratory diseases
(€102 billion) (figure 5) [12].
Although asthma and COPD have usually
been regarded as separated entities, with distinct clinical courses, recent studies have pointed
out a relationship between these diseases. SILVA
et al. [25] showed that physician-diagnosed
asthma is significantly associated with an
increased risk for chronic bronchitis, emphysema
and COPD at follow-up. VIEGI et al. [26] illustrated
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The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
the relationship between asthma, COPD and
airways obstruction using a proportional Venn
diagram. In particular, the authors aimed to
quantify the proportion of the general population with OLD, and the intersections of physiciandiagnosed asthma, chronic bronchitis and
emphysema in two Italian general population
samples, in relationship to airways obstruction
determined through spirometry. About 18% of
the Italian general population samples either
reported the presence of OLD or showed spirometric signs of airways obstruction. Furthermore,
asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema
largely coexisted, predominantly in the elderly
(6.7% in males aged ≥64 years).
Indeed, both endogenous and exogenous factors play a role in the pathogenesis of asthma
and COPD, and both diseases involve genetic
predisposition related to altered immune or
atopic responses to irritants and pollutants,
resulting in inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness [27]. This notion has brought forward some reconsideration of the Dutch
Hypothesis, advanced in the 1960s to sustain
that various forms of airways obstruction, such
as asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis,
which share airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness, might be considered as different
Ambulatory care
Inpatient care
Lost work days
expressions of a single disease entity (chronic
non-specific lung disease).
Prevention of chronic
EPPING-JORDAN et al. [28] presented a novel planning framework that can be used in these contexts: the stepwise framework for preventing
chronic diseases. It was reported that "the framework offers a flexible and practical public health
approach to assist ministries of health in balancing diverse needs and priorities while implementing evidence-based interventions such as
those recommended by the WHO" (box 3). These
include: promoting smoking cessation and controlling occupational exposures; encouraging
healthcare systems to track patients' smoking
and occupational histories, and to perform
spirometry; developing early COPD identification
programmes for all smokers and those with occupational risk. These recommendations can prevent COPD and respiratory diseases.
In this context, the ATS position paper on
occupational burden of COPD and asthma estimated that population attributable risks due to
work exposure are ~15% for chronic bronchitis
Figure 5
Distribution of costs (excluding
mortality and rehabilitation costs)
for a) COPD (total cost €38.7 billion) and b) asthma (total cost
€17.7 billion) in Europe (2000).
Figure reproduced with permission
from [12].
Box 3. Stepwise framework for preventing chronic diseases
The stepwise framework includes three main planning steps and three main implementation steps. The first planning step is to assess the current risk factor profile and burden of chronic diseases of a country or subpopulation. The
key information required by countries is the distribution of risk factors among the population. The second planning
step is to formulate and adopt a chronic disease policy based on prevention and control of the major chronic diseases; this policy should provide the basis for action in the next 5–10 years. Moreover, complementary policies should
be developed at the state, province, district or municipal levels, depending on the configuration of each country's
governance. The third planning step is to identify the policy implementation steps. These are the implementation
steps: core, expanded and desirable. In deciding the package of interventions that constitute the first core implementation step (implementation in the short term), each country should consider the following factors: capacity for
implementation, likely impact, acceptability and political support. The second implementation step is the expanded
step: interventions that are feasible to implement with a realistically projected increase in, or reallocation of, resources
in the medium term. The third and last implementation step is the desirable step: evidenced-based interventions that
are beyond the reach of existing resources [28].
Breathe | September 2006 | Volume 3 | No 1
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Educational questions
1. What are the principal
risk factors for chronic
2. Why is it so important
to know the burden of
3. Chronic diseases are a
major contributor to
death and DALYs in
which low-income
4. What are the recommendations for reducing
the prevalence of
Page 10
The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
and for asthma, and 19% for lung function
impairment [29]. Moreover, DRISCOLL et al. [30]
reported that, in 2000, there were 318,000
deaths worldwide from COPD due to occupational airborne exposure.
FRIEDMAN et al. [31] described the effects of
traffic changes in Atlanta (GA, USA), during the
1996 Summer Olympic Games on childhood
asthma events (sample of children aged 1–16
years living in the five central counties of
metropolitan Atlanta). They compared the 17
days of the Olympic Games (July 19–August 4,
1996) to a baseline period consisting of the 4
weeks before and 4 weeks after the Olympic
Games. The results of the study showed an association between the prolonged reduction in
ozone pollution and lower rates of childhood
asthma events.
CLANCY et al. [32] assessed the effect of the
ban on coal sales on particulate air pollution
and death rates in Dublin. This study is very
important because there is little direct evidence
that diminished particulate air pollution concentrations would lead to reductions in death rates.
Concentrations of air pollution and directly
standardised non-trauma, respiratory and cardiovascular death rates were compared for 72
months before and after the ban of coal sales. In
Dublin, average black smoke concentrations
declined by 35.6 μg per m3 (70%) after the
intervention. Adjusted non-trauma death rates
decreased by 5.7% (95% confidence interval
(CI) 4–7%), respiratory deaths by 15.5% (95%
CI 12–19%) and cardiovascular deaths by 10.3%
(95% CI 8–13%). Therefore, it was shown that
control of particulate air pollution can substantially diminish human respiratory and cardiovascular death rates.
KUNZLI [33] has recently estimated the health
Breathe | September 2006 | Volume 3 | No 1
benefit that is possible to obtain through an
abatement scenario of the main risk factors for
respiratory diseases and, in particular, of smoking,
environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and outdoor
air pollution. It was estimated that >70% of
chronic bronchitis cases could be prevented if the
prevalence rates of active smoking, ETS and particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter <10
μm (PM10) annual means were reduced to 5%,
2.5% and 5 μg per m3, respectively.
These data provide support for efforts to
reduce the air pollution caused by vehicular traffic or combustion sources in order to improve
human health.
It is essential that the Millennium Development
Goals are expanded to include the reduction of
chronic disease, comprising respiratory illness.
Indeed, by reducing deaths from chronic diseases by 2% annually, 36 million deaths could
be prevented by 2015.
Moreover, chronic diseases are not only a
problem for rich nations. In 2005, 80% of
deaths occurred in low-income and middleincome countries, in particular among the countries that do not have resources to easily pursue
healthy choices.
With this review, we hope to have underlined
the importance of considering chronic diseases
in the mainstream of global action on health
and the need for all sectors of our society to
contribute to reducing health risk factors and
promoting better quality of life. Indeed, a multisectoral policy approach is essential to reverse
the negative trends in the global incidence of
chronic disease [34].
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The global burden of chronic respiratory diseases
1. Horton R. The neglected epidemic of chronic disease. Lancet 2005; 366: 1514.
2. Strong K, Mathers C, Leeder S, Beaglehole R. Preventing chronic diseases: how many lives can we save? Lancet 2005; 306:
3. World Health Organization. World Global Report 2005. Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment. Geneva, World Health
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Suggested answers
1. Age, smoke and air
2. Because COPD will
become the third cause
of mortality by 2020
3. China: chronic diseases
contribute to 80% of
deaths and 70% of
4. Promotion of smoking
cessation and control of
occupational exposures;
encouragement for
healthcare systems to
track their patients'
smoking and occupational histories and to
perform spirometry;
development of a
programme for the
abatement of indoor
and outdoor air pollution; development of a
programme for improved
Breathe | September 2006 | Volume 3 | No 1