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Hospitals, Museums, Us, "MOCAK Forum" nr 2/2013 [7]

Hospitals, Museums, Us, "MOCAK Forum" nr 2/2013 [7]

Elżbieta  Sala-Hołubowicz
"A person in a specific mental state does not understand that the world that he or she perceives, sees, experiences, one that is so unique and certain – does not exist in the same form for other people". Stanisław Brzozowski I still perfectly remember the fear I felt during my first visits at psychiatric rehabilitation or personality disorder treatment wards of the psychiatric hospital in Krakow. I visited these institutions as part of my mandatory classes and training. I was very moved by the words of Bogdan Białek, who, in one of his articles, wrote ‘the fear of disease is in its essence the fear of the “Other” that is present within ourselves. We become withdrawn in the face of fear of being rejected in the very same way in which we reject those that are weaker than ourselves’.[2] I don’t think that people with mental problems are weaker than ‘we are’. Because who are we actually? On the other hand, I think that the feelings experienced when entering a psychiatric hospital may be connected with doubts about our own mental state and the fate that may become ours if the pressure of reality becomes too heavy a burden.

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