Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Enumeration of (p; q)-parking functions
Robert Coria;b , Dominique Poulalhonb; ∗
a Labri,
b LIX,
Universite Bordeaux 1, 33405 Talence Cedex, France
polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France
Received 6 October 2000; received in revised form 2 April 2001; accepted 22 July 2001
Parking functions are central in many aspects of combinatorics. We de ne in this communication a generalization of parking functions which we call (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions. We
give a characterization of them in terms of parking functions and we show that they can be
interpreted as recurrent con gurations in the sandpile model for some graphs. We also establish
a correspondence with a Lukasiewicz language, which enables to enumerate (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking
functions as well as increasing ones.
Les suites de parking se sont revelees être au centre de di e rents problemes combinatoires.
Nous introduisons ici des k-uplets de suites qui les generalisent, et dont nous montrons qu’ils peuvent être interpretes comme les con gurations recurrentes de l’automate du tas de sable sur certains graphes. Nous e tablissons e galement une correspondance avec un langage de Lukasiewicz,
c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All
ce qui nous permet d’obtenir des resultats d’enumeration.
rights reserved.
Keywords: Parking functions; Sandpile model
1. Introduction
Since parking functions were introduced more than thirty years ago in the context of
hashing algorithm analysis [11,12], they gained a preponderant place in combinatorics
of labelled objects. As shown by the elegant proof due to Pollack (see [7]), they are
enumerated by Cayley numbers nn−2 , that play towards labelled objects the same role as
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (R. Cori),
[email protected] (D. Poulalhon).
c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0012-365X/02/$ - see front matter
PII: S 0 0 1 2 - 3 6 5 X ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 3 8 - 2
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Catalan numbers (1=(n+1)) 2n
n towards unlabelled ones: parking functions can actually
be considered as a labelled version of Dyck paths. Many bijections are now known
between parking functions and combinatorial objects such as Cayley trees, factorizations
of a circular permutation as a minimal product of transpositions in Sn , maximal chains
in the lattice of noncrossing partitions [6,8], or cells in the Shi hyperplane arrangement
[16,17]. More recently, parking functions were found to be also useful in algebraic
combinatorics [9].
Among the many de nitions of parking functions, we use the following one: a
parking function of length n is a sequence u =u1 u2 : : : un of n non-negative integers
such that there exists a permutation =1 2 : : : n in Sn (strictly) larger than u (which
we denote ¿u), i.e. satisfying, for any index i; i ¿ui . This permutation will be
said to be a certi cate for u. For instance, 3 0 1 3 1 is a parking function since the
permutation 4 1 2 5 3 is a certi cate for it; on the other hand, 0 3 2 3 2 is not a parking
This terminology is motivated by the following greedy parking algorithm, which
helps to explain in everyday words the notion of open addressing. Consider a one-way
road with n parking slots numbered 0 through n − 1; n cars arrive one at a time at the
head of the road, that plan to park along this road. Each driver has a preferred parking
place in mind, to which he proceeds. He parks there if it is free, but otherwise he has
to drive ahead and park in the next empty slot.
Example. Let n=8. Consider a situation in which the four rst cars are parked in
places 0, 2, 3 and 6, and suppose that car number 5 tries to park in place 2; unfortunately, places 2 and 3 are occupied, so it has to drive ahead up to place 4.
The algorithm succeeds if each driver nds a parking place, and fails otherwise. Parking
functions are exactly the preference functions for which the parking algorithm succeeds.
It was observed [3] that there is a very simple bijection between parking functions
of length n and some assignments of values to the vertices of the complete graph
Kn+1 called recurrent con gurations in the sandpile model [4] introduced in statistical
physics and considered by some combinatorialists as the chip ring game [1]. Since
recurrent con gurations may be de ned for any graph in which a vertex is distinguished
as the sink, it seems reasonable to examine recurrent con gurations of other families of
graphs. The rst one which comes in mind is that of the complete k-partite graphs, but
choosing a sink breaks symmetry; hence we consider the family of complete (k + 1)partite graphs of type Kp1 ;p2 ;:::;pk ; 1 , the lonely vertex being the sink.
It turns out that corresponding con gurations have many similarities with parking functions, and can actually be considered as a generalization of them. These
(p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions are k-tuples (u1 ; : : : ; uk ) of sequences of non-negative
integers satisfying some combinatorial conditions which are detailed below.
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Since general case is not substantially di erent, we concentrate on the particular case
k =2 for the sake of readability. We prove that the number of (p; q)-parking functions
(p + q + 1)(p + 1)q−1 (q + 1)p−1 ;
and that the number of increasing ones is the Narayana number
where n =p + q.
The paper is organized as follows: we rst de ne (p; q)-parking functions in an
elementary way without any reference to the sandpile model and give some characterizations of them. We recall some simple facts about the physical model and indicate
the scheme of a possible proof for the enumerative result. Then, we use conjugacy
on certain words to obtain directly this result. Finally, we extend it to the case of increasing (p; q)-parking functions. Afterwards, we state the corresponding results in the
general case of k-partite parking functions. Some perspectives for future investigations
are suggested at the end of the paper.
2. De nition
We rst give some notations and conventions which we adopt throughout the paper.
Let p and q be two positive integers, and n=p + q; for any couple (a; b) of integers
such that a6b; <a; b= denotes the set of integers between a and b:
<a; b= ={x | a6x6b}:
A (p; q)-sequence is a pair (u; v) of sequences of non-negative integers with respective
lengths p and q such that
∀i ∈ <1; p=;
ui ∈ <0; q=
∀j ∈ <1; q=;
vj ∈ <0; p=:
Their set is denoted Sp; q .
We de ne a partial order 4 on pairs of sequences of respective lengths p and q: for
any two such pairs (u; v) and (u′ ; v′ ), (u; v) 4 (u′ ; v′ ) if for all indices i and j, ui 6ui′
and vj 6vj′ .
As the set Pn of parking functions, we de ne the set Pp; q of (p; q)-parking functions as an ideal for some order (here 4), determined by its maximal elements. These
can be described thanks to permutations in Sp+q . Let us associate to any permutation =1 2 : : : n in Sn a (p; q)-sequence (x ; y ) (somewhat similar to its inversion
table): for any index i6p, let xi denote the ith letter of x ; then xi is the number
of letters less than i among the q last ones of , and for any index j6q, the jth
letter yj of y is the number of letters less than p+j among the p rst ones of .
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
More formally,
xi = |{16j6q | p+j ¡i }|
yj = |{16i6p | i ¡p+j }|:
Example. Let p =5; q =4, and
= 3 6
5 2 8 4
19 7 :
For any i65; xi is the number of elements less than i in {4; 1; 9; 7}, and symmetrically for the yj ’s. Hence (x ; y )=(1 2 2 1 3; 2 0 5 4). Remark that is not uniquely
determined by (x ; y ), since, for instance, if =2 5 6 3 8 4 1 9 7, then (x ; y ) = (x ; y ).
De nition 1. A (p; q)-sequence (u; v) is a (p; q)-parking function if there exists a
permutation in Sp+q such that (u; v) 4 (x ; y ). We say that the permutation is
a certi cate for (u; v).
There is a more intuitive way to introduce (p; q)-parking functions, translating the
de nition into a parking quiz. Suppose that p blue cars and q red ones have to park
in a one-way street with n parking slots. Each driver i of a blue car asks to have at
least ui red ones parked before him and each driver j of a red car asks to have at least
vj blue ones parked before him. The (p; q)-sequence (u; v) is a (p; q)-parking function
if there exists a parking that satis es all the wishes of the drivers.
Example. (0 0 1 2 2; 0 2 3 5) is a (5; 4)-parking function, since the following parking
The following remark is elaborated on in Section 6.
Remark 2. Pp; q is invariant under the action of Sp × Sq on (p; q)-sequences. This
means that corresponding unlabelled objects exist, whose set is isomorphic to that of
increasing (p; q)-parking functions.
3. Characterization
3.1. In terms of parking functions
We show in what way (p; q)-parking functions themselves can be considered as a
generalization of usual parking functions. We rst give a straightforward criterion for
checking whether (u; v) is a (p; q)-parking function.
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Let u = u1 u2 : : : up be an integer sequence. The rank function of u is the mapping
u :
<1; p= → N
→ |{16j6p | uj ¡ui }| + |{16j¡i | uj =ui }|
i.e. for any index i; u (i) is the number of indices j such that either ui ¿uj or j¡i
and uj =ui .
Hence, u is such that the numbers ui + u (i) are all distinct and satisfy
∀i; j6p;
ui ¡uj ⇒ ui + u (i)¡uj + u (j):
Let ũ be the sequence of length p whose ith element is ui + u (i). Then, on the one
hand, ũ (i)= |{16j6p | ũj ¡ũi }| for any index i, and on the other hand, u =ũ .
Example. If u =4 0 3 4 2, then u =3 0 2 4 1 and ũ =7 0 5 8 3.
Proposition 3. A (p; q)-sequence (u; v) is a (p; q)-parking function if and only if the
concatenation of the sequences ũ and ṽ is a parking function.
Proof. Let w =ũ · ṽ, i.e. w1 : : : wp =ũ and wp+1 : : : wp+q =ṽ. Let =1 2 : : : n be a
permutation in Sn satisfying the following monotony condition:
∀i; j6n;
wi ¡wj ⇒ i ¡j :
We prove that is a certi cate for w if and only if it is a certi cate for (u; v).
Consider indeed its associated (p; q)-sequence (x ; y ), and let x =x1 : : : xp . Then,
for any i ∈ <1; p=, xi = |{16j6q | p+j ¡i }|. On the other hand, u (i) = ũ (i) = |{16k
6p | wk ¡wi }|=|{16k6p | k ¡i }|. Since is a permutation, it implies that xi +
u (i) = i − 1, hence:
∀i ∈ <1; p=;
xi − ui = i − 1 − wi :
Symmetrically, let y =y1 : : : yq ; then for all index j ∈ <1; q=, yj − vj =p+j − 1 − wp+j .
Hence, w¡ if and only if (u; v)6(x ; y ). To end the proof, just observe that any
parking function or (p; q)-parking function has a monotonous certi cate, hence this
condition on is not restrictive.
A corollary of this Proposition is that the set of parking functions may be considered
as the diagonal of the set of bipartite parking functions:
Proposition 4. A sequence u =u1 u2 : : : un is a parking function if and only if (u; u)
is an (n; n)-parking function.
Proof. Clearly if u is a parking function, it is certi ed by the bijection i → u (i) + 1.
Hence a sequence u is a parking function if and only if, for any i ∈ <1; n=, ui 6u (i),
i.e. if and only if, for any i ∈ <1; n=, ũi 62u (i).
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Let w be the square of ũ for concatenation. Remark that ũ is a sequence of n distinct
elements, with rank function u . So w has rank function w given by
∀i ∈ <1; n=;
w (i)=2u (i)
w (n + i) = 2u (i) + 1:
According to the above arguments, w is a parking function if and only if, for any
i ∈ <1; n=, wn+i =wi 62u (i) which gives the result.
3.2. In terms of Lukasiewicz languages
We de ne a mapping ’ from the set of (p; q)-sequences Sp; q into the free monoid
over the alphabet A ={a; b} × {a; b}, and give a necessary and sucient condition on
’(u; v) for (u; v) to be a (p; q)-parking function.
More precisely, let (u; v) be a (p; q)-sequence; then ’(u; v) = (’q (u); ’p (v)), where
’q (u) is a word on the alphabet {a; b} with p occurrences of a and q + 1 of b de ned
in the following way: consider the increasing rearrangement ũ of u, then ’q (u) is such
that the ith occurrence of the letter a in it is preceded by ũi occurrences of b; ’p (v)
is de ned symmetrically.
Example. ’(1 5 0 2; 4 0 3 4 2)=(abababbbab; abbababaab).
Observe that the positions of the occurrences of a in ’q (u) and ’p (v) are the elements of ũ and ṽ, respectively.
Both words ’q (u) and ’q (v) have length p + q + 1. Hence, we may consider ’(u; v)
as a word on the alphabet A= {(a; a); (b; a); (a; b); (b; b)}. For any word w in A∗ and
any letter (x; y) ∈ A, |w| and |w|(x;y) denote, respectively the length of w and the number
of occurrences of (x; y) in w. We de ne
|w|a = 2|w|(a; a) + |w|(a; b) + |w|(b; a) = |w| + |w|(a; a) − |w|(b; b)
|w|b = 2|w|(b; b) + |w|(a; b) + |w|(b; a) = |w| + |w|(b; b) − |w|(a; a) :
Then |’(u; v)|a =p + q and |’(u; v)|b = p + q + 2.
We de ne a morphism from A∗ to Z by setting:
(a; a) = 1;
(a; b) = (b; a)=0;
(b; b) = −1:
With this notation,
(’(u; v)) =|’(u; v)|(a; a) − |’(u; v)|(b; b) = − 1:
Proposition 5. The pair (u; v) is a (p; q)-parking function if and only if ’(u; v) satis es the following condition:
(w)¿0 for any factorization ’(u; v) =ww′ such that w′ = ”;
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
i.e. if and only if ’(u; v) belongs to the (Lukasiewicz) language L de ned by the
L = (a; a) · L2 + (a; b) · L + (b; a) · L + (b; b);
where + denotes union and · concatenation.
(For generalities about Lukasiewicz languages, see [14]).
Observe that, for any word w in A∗ ; (w)¿0 if and only if |w|a ¿|w|b , or equivalently |w|a ¿|w|.
Proof. By Proposition 3, (u; v) is a (p; q)-parking function if and only if ũ · ṽ is a
parking function. Let i6p + q, and w be the pre x of length i of ’(u; v). There are
as many occurrences of a in w as elements less than or equal to i in ũ · ṽ:
|w|a = |{j | ũj 6i}| + |{j | ṽj 6i}|
= |{j | (ũ · ṽ)j 6i}|:
But ũ · ṽ is a parking function if and only if |{j | (ũ · ṽ)j 6i}|¿i, that is, if and only
if |w|a ¿i =|w|.
But this means exactly (w)¿0.
4. Sandpiles on Kp; q; 1
The sandpile model is de ned as an evolution process on the con gurations of a
graph, i.e. on the mappings from the set of vertices of a graph into N. We consider
here the graph Kp; q; 1 and we show that (p; q)-parking functions correspond to the
recurrent con gurations of this model. This gives a proof for their enumeration.
The complete tripartite graph Kp; q; 1 has three subsets of vertices of respective sizes
p, q and 1, X ={x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; xp }, Y ={y1 ; y2 ; : : : ; yq }, and {z}, and its set of edges is
(X × Y ) ∪ ({z} × (X ∪ Y )).
Example. K5; 4; 1 .
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
A con guration of this graph is an assignment of non-negative integers to each vertex
in X ∪ Y . Hence a con guration is a pair (u; v) of sequences of respective lengths p
and q. The integer ui (resp. vj ) may be considered as a number of grains of sand lying
in vertex xi (resp. yj ).
A toppling of vertex xi ∈ X occurs if ui ¿q; in that case, the new con guration
(u′ ; v′ ) is such that:
• ui′ =ui − q − 1,
• ∀k6p; k = i ⇒ uk′ =uk ,
• ∀j6q; vj′ =vj + 1.
The missing grain of sand is supposed to have fallen in the sink z. A toppling of
vertex yj ∈ Y is de ned similarly.
Example. Two successive topplings on K3; 2; 1 (for convenience’s sake, the sink z has
been omitted):
De nition 6. A con guration (u; v) is stable if no vertex can topple, i.e. if (u; v) is a
(p; q)-sequence. A stable con guration (u; v) is recurrent if it can be obtained by a
sequence of topplings from a con guration (u′ ; v′ ) such that, for any i6p, ui′ ¿q, and
for any j6q; vj′ ¿p.
Proposition 7. A con guration (u; v) is recurrent if and only if the pair (u′ ; v′ ) de ned
ui′ =q − ui
vj′ =p − vj
is a (p; q)-parking function.
Proof. We use a characterization due to Dhar [4] of recurrent con gurations. In the
case of Kp; q; 1 , the criterion claims that (u; v) is recurrent if and only if the addition of
1 to each ui and each vj leads to a sequence of topplings in which each vertex topples
exactly once. It is easy to verify that the order in which the vertices topple gives a
permutation which is a certi cate for (u′ ; v′ ) and vice versa.
Majumdar and Dhar [15] have also shown that recurrent con gurations on a graph
are in one-to-one correspondence with its spanning trees. This supplies a proof of the
enumeration formula announced in Section 1, either by using known results on the
number of spanning trees of multipartite graphs or by reproving them by arguments
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
along the lines of Joyal’s method [10,13] for Cayley’s formula. We do not detail this
proof since we give another one in the next Section, that has the advantage of providing
also a proof for the enumeration of increasing (p; q)-parking functions.
5. Enumeration by conjugacy
In order to enumerate (p; q)-parking functions, we establish a relationship between
conjugacy on words and conjugacy on integer sequences, then we use a generalization
due to Chottin of the so-called cyclic lemma [2].
Recall that two words w and w′ are conjugates if w =w1 w2 and w′ = w2 w1 . Let ”
denote the empty word, then any word w has |w| factorizations w =w1 w2 such that
w1 = ”, which we call proper factorizations in the sequel. Hence it has at most |w|
conjugates (one of which is equal to w, for w2 =”). The number of di erent conjugates
of w divides |w| and each conjugate is due to the same number of distinct factorizations
(see [14], p. 8).
We de ne a related notion of conjugacy for integer sequences:
De nition 8. Let u =u1 u2 : : : up be an integer sequence such that for any i; 06ui
6q, and let k belong to <0; q=. The kth q-conjugate of u is the sequence sqk (u) dened by
∀i ∈ <1; p=;
sqk (u)i =ui + k mod q + 1:
We denote by s̃qk (u) the increasing rearrangement of sqk (u). Observe that the q + 1
q-conjugates of a sequence are all di erent, but this is not the case for the sequences s̃qk (u). However, each increasing q-conjugate corresponds to the same number
of q-conjugates of u.
Proposition 9. The mapping ’q induces a bijection between q-conjugates of u and
proper factorizations w1 w2 of ’q (u) such that w1 ends with a letter b (and realizes
a bijection between increasing q-conjugates of u and conjugates of ’q (u) ending with
a letter b).
Proof. Let w =’q (u), then for any k in <0; q=, there is a unique factorization w =w1 w2
such that w1 ends with a b and |w2 |b =k. Clearly
’q (sqk (u)) =w2 w1 :
De nition 10. Let (u; v) be a (p; q)-sequence; we de ne its conjugates as the pairs
(sqi (u); spj (v)), for all i and j in <0; q= and <0; p=, respectively.
The following Proposition is a special case of Theorem 4.2 of [2]. We give its proof
for the sake of completeness.
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Proposition 11. For any pair (w′ ; w′′ ) of words in {a; b}∗ such that |w′ |a = q, |w′′ |a =p
and |w′ |= |w′′ |= p + q + 1, there exist exactly p + q + 1 ways of properly factorizing
w′ and w′′ into w1′ w2′ and w1′′ w2′′ so that (w2′ w1′ ; w2′′ w1′′ ) belongs to L.
Proof. There are (p + q + 1)2 pairs of proper factorizations of w′ and w′′ , which we
gather in p + q + 1 classes with respect to the value of |w1′ | − |w1′′ | mod p + q + 1.
Each class is constituted of one pair of the type w = (w1′ ”; w1′′ w2′′ ) and its factorizations
as a word of A∗ . The cyclic lemma due to Dvoretzky and Motzkin ([5], sometimes
attributed to Raney) claims that there is only one proper factorization w1 w2 of w such
that w2 w1 belongs to L. Since each class corresponds to a di erent word w and since
there are p + q + 1 classes, this ends the proof.
Note that only (p + 1)(q + 1) among the (p + q + 1)2 ways of properly factorizing
w′ and w′′ are such that both w1′ and w1′′ end with a letter b. Moreover, any of the
p + q + 1 decompositions whose existence is claimed by Proposition 11 satis es this
Theorem 12. Exactly (p + q + 1) among the (p + 1)(q + 1) conjugates of any (p; q)sequence (u; v) are (p; q)-parking functions.
Proof. Each conjugate of (u; v) corresponds to a di erent way of properly factorizing
’q (u) and ’p (v) into w1′ w2′ and w1′′ w2′′ so that w1′ and w1′′ end with a b. By Proposition 11, exactly p + q + 1 of them are such that (w2′ w1′ ; w2′′ w1′′ ) belongs to L, and by
Proposition 5, this is the condition for (u; v) to be a (p; q)-parking function.
Corollary 13. The number of (p; q)-parking functions is
(p + q + 1) (p + 1)q−1 (q + 1)p−1 :
Proof. The ratio of (p; q)-parking functions among the (p+1)q (q+1)p (p; q)-sequences
is (p + q + 1)=(p + 1)(q + 1) by Theorem 12.
6. Increasing (p; q)-parking functions
A (p; q)-sequence (u; v) is increasing if, for all i¡p and j¡q, ui 6ui+1 and vj 6vj+1 .
The set Ip; q of increasing (p; q)-parking functions clearly constitutes a system of representatives of the orbits of the action of Sp × Sq on Pp; q .
In this section, we give two di erent proofs of the following result:
Proposition 14. The number of increasing (p; q)-parking functions is
(p + 1)(q + 1)
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Note that these numbers are usually known as Narayana’s numbers and have many
interpretations. For instance, they enumerate plane trees with n + 2 vertices and p + 1
leaves, or noncrossing partitions of <1; n + 1= into p + 1 blocks.
The rst proof is an adaptation of Pollack’s one for counting parking functions:
Proof 1. Consider a circular parking lot with p + q + 1 slots numbered clockwise 0
to p + q. The corresponding parking algorithm is similar to the usual one, except that
preference p + q is allowed and treated like any other: if slot p + q is occupied, the
car moves clockwise to the rst empty slot.
The mapping (u; v) → ũ · ṽ realizes a one-to-one correspondence between Ip; q and
sequences w of length p + q such that:
• ∀i6p + q; 06wi 6p + q,
• ∀i¡p + q; i = p ⇒ wi ¡wi+1 ,
• the parking process leaves slot number p + q unoccupied.
Clearly for any preference function satisfying the two rst conditions, one slot is
left empty, and by symmetry there are exactly as many sequences with a given empty
slot as with any other.
Hence the number of increasing (p; q)-parking functions is
which is of course equal to the expected result.
The second proof shows that this result is also a straightforward consequence of
Theorem 12.
Proof 2. Consider classes of Sp; q closed by conjugacy and by the action of Sp × Sq .
Let C be one of these classes; C is a disjoint union of orbits under the action of
Sp × Sq . All these orbits have the same cardinality, since the action of an element
of Sp × Sq is the same on all conjugates of a sequence, and each one contains exactly one increasing (p; q)-sequence. Moreover, either all elements of a given orbit are
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
(p; q)-parking functions or none of them is. Hence, in C, the ratio of increasing (p; q)parking functions among the increasing (p; q)-sequences is equal to the ratio of (p; q)parking functions among (p; q)-sequences. Finally, since C is a disjoint union of conjugacy classes in which the ratio of (p; q)-parking functions is the same (by Theorem 12),
the ratio of increasing (p; q)-parking functions among the increasing (p; q)-sequences
in C, is equal to
(p + 1)(q + 1)
Since this is true for any class C, their ratio among the total number of increasing
(p; q)-sequences is the same. But the number of increasing (p; q)-sequences is
thus ending the proof.
Remark that another generalization of parking functions called k-valet functions is
de ned in [8], whose particular case k =2 is isomorphic to increasing (p; q)-parking
7. Generalization
It is natural to introduce the set Pp1 ;p2 ;:::;pk of (p1 ; p2 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions in a
similar way as (p; q)-parking functions by dividing the elements of a permutation into
k intervals instead of two.
We adopt the following notations: let n and k be positive integers, and (p1 ; : : : ;
pk ) be a composition of n into k parts, in other words, a k-tuple of positive integers
such that p1 + · · · + pk =n. For any i ∈ <1; k=, let qi = n − pi .
A (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-sequence is a k-tuple (u(1) ; : : : ; u(k) ) of integer sequences with respective lengths p1 ; : : : ; pk and such that
∀i ∈ <1; k=; ∀j ∈ <1; pi =;
06uj(i) 6qi :
For any permutation =1 : : : n ∈ Sn , let x = (x(1) ; : : : ; x(k) ) be the (p1 ; : : : ; pk )sequence such that, for any i ∈ <1; k= and any j ∈ <1; pi =,
xj(i) =|{16k6n | k ∈ <i−1 + 1; i = and k ¡i−1 +j }|;
where 0 =0 and, for any i ∈ <1; k=, i =p1 + · · · + pi .
Example. Let k =3; (p1 ; p2 ; p3 )=(3; 2; 4), and
28 4
3 6 5
19 7 :
Then x =(2 3 3; 1 6; 2 0 5 4).
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
De nition 15. A (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-sequence u is a (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking function if there
exists a permutation such that u 4 x .
Observe that the limit case k =n corresponds to usual parking functions, while the
case k =1 is degenerated: the only (n)-parking function is a sequence containing n
letters 0.
This de nition gives rise to developments analogous to above. As proofs in the
generic case are essentially the same as in the case k =2, we only state the results.
For instance, (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions correspond bijectively to recurrent congurations on the complete (k + 1)-partite graph Kp1 ;:::;pk ;1 , hence Pp1 ;:::;pk can be put
in one-to-one correspondence with the set of its spanning trees.
It can also be obtained that increasing (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions are isomorphic
to k-valet functions on (p1 ; : : : ; pk ) de ned in [8].
The characterization in terms of Lukasiewicz languages suits as well:
For any (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-sequence u =(u(1) ; : : : ; u(k) ), let
’(u)=(’q1 (u(1) ); : : : ; ’qk (u(k) )):
’(u) may be considered as a word over the alphabet Ak ={a; b}k . For any letter w in Ak ,
let |w|a denote the number of occurrences of a in it, and (w) = |w|a − 1. This de nes
a morphism from A∗k to Z such that, for any (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-sequence u; (’(u)) =−1.
Proposition 5 becomes.
Proposition 16. Let u =(u(1) ; : : : ; u(k) ) be a (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-sequence; u is a (p1 ; : : : ; pk )parking function if and only if ’(u) belongs to the Lukasiewicz language Lk de ned
by the equation
w · Lk
Lk =
=(a; : : : ; a; a) · Lkk + (a; : : : ; a; b) · Lkk−1 + · · · + (b; : : : ; b; b):
This enables to enumerate (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions and increasing ones thanks
to an argument of conjugacy:
De nition 17. Let u be a (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-sequence; its (q1 + 1) · (qk + 1) conjugates are
the k-tuples (sqi11 (u(1)); : : : ; sqikk (u(k) )), for all j ∈ <1; k= and ij ∈ <0; qj =.
Proposition 18. For any word (w(1) ; : : : ; w(k) ) over Ak such that for any i |w(i) |a =qi
and |w(i) |b = pi + 1, exactly (n + 1)k−1 k-tuples of proper factorizations w(i) = w1(i) w2(i)
are such that (w2(1) w1(1) ; : : : ; w2(k) w1(k) ) belongs to Lk .
As a consequence,
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
Proposition 19. The ratio of (increasing) (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions in the set of
(increasing) (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-sequences is
(n + 1)k−1
(n − p1 + 1) · · · (n − pk + 1)
Hence, the number of (p1 ; : : : ; pk )-parking functions and increasing ones are respectively
(n − pi + 1)pi −1
(n + 1)k−1
8. Perspectives
8.1. Products of transpositions
Since the number of parking functions of length n is equal to the number of decompositions of the (n + 1)-cycle (0 1 2 : : : n) into a product of n transpositions, it seems
natural to seek for an interpretation of the number of (p; q)-parking functions as the
number of decompositions of a circular permutation into a product of transpositions
satisfying certain conditions.
Edges of Kn+1 may be considered as transpositions, so each spanning tree of this
graph corresponds to a set of n transpositions and hence to n! di erent factorizations
of a circular permutation; and the enumeration follows since each of the n! circular
permutations has the same number of decompositions.
Trying to obtain an analogous result for (p; q)-parking functions, we consider all
the spanning trees of Kp; q; 1 and compute all the possible products of the transpositions corresponding to their edges. We observe that every circular permutation on
{0; 1; 2; : : : ; p + q} is obtained by this way. However the number of times each of these
is obtained is not uniform as it was the case for Kn+1 .
For instance, K3; 2; 1 has 216 spanning trees, each one consisting of 5 edges, which
gives a total of 25920 products. The circular permutation (0 1 2 3 4 5) is obtained 131
times, (0 1 2 4 3 5), 211 times, (0 1 4 2 3 5), 261 times, (0 4 1 2 3 5), 186 times, and
(0 1 4 2 5 3), 316 times.
8.2. Hyperplane arrangements
The number of parking functions is equal to the number of regions in the Shi
arrangement of hyperplanes, and bijections between regions and parking functions are
R. Cori, D. Poulalhon / Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002) 609 – 623
known. It would be interesting to nd arrangements of hyperplanes whose numbers of
regions is equal to the numbers of (p; q)-parking functions.
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