Quality assurance of test blueprinting

2019, Journal of Professional Nursing

Journal Pre-proof Quality assurance of test blueprinting Ghada Eweda, Zakeya Abdulbaqi Bukhary, Omayma Hamed PII: S8755-7223(19)30148-6 DOI: Reference: YJPNU 1263 To appear in: Journal of Professional Nursing Received date: 15 February 2019 Revised date: 14 August 2019 Accepted date: 4 September 2019 Please cite this article as: G. Eweda, Z.A. Bukhary and O. Hamed, Quality assurance of test blueprinting, Journal of Professional Nursing(2019), j.profnurs.2019.09.001 This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. © 2019 Published by Elsevier. Journal Pre-proof Quality Assurance of Test Blueprinting GHADA EWEDAa, ZAKEYA ABDULBAQI BUKHARY*b&c & OMAYMA HAMED*d&e a Exam Center, College of Nursing, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia b College of Medicine, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia and c Prince Mohammad Bin Abdul Aziz Hospital, National Guard Health Affairs, Saudi Arabia. King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and e Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt of d ro *These authors contributed equally to this work. -p Correspondence: Dr. Ghada Eweda, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and re Immunology, and Head of the Exam Center Committee at the College of Nursing, Taibah lP University, PO Box 344, Medina 41411, Saudi Arabia. T: +966530269920. ur Acknowledgement: na [email protected] Jo Special appreciation goes to the administrative academic staff members, at the College of Nursing Taibah University (Medina, Saudi Arabia), who support an inclusive system for improvement of the College assessment process. Declaration of interest: none. Notes on Contributors: 1 Journal Pre-proof GHADA EWEDA, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, and the Head of the Nursing College Exam Center Committee at Taibah University (Medina, Saudi Arabia). She conceived the study, designed the matrices and equations and participated in manuscript writing, revision and final copy preparation. ZAKEYA A. BUKHARY*; A Senior Fellow in the Higher Education Academy for Teaching and Learning. Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases of Consultant at PMBAH-NGHA, Saudi Arabia. She participated in manuscript writing, ro editing and final review and revisions. She was the Vice Dean of College of Nursing at -p Taibah University. She managed and led the Exam Center, coordinated the team-based re work and committees for education. PO Box 42477, Medina 41541, Saudi Arabia. lP [email protected] ORCID: OMAYMA A.E. HAMED*, MBBCh, MSc, MD, JMHPE, FAIMER, is a Professor in na the Medical Education Department and Chairman of the Quality & Academic ur Accreditation Unit in King Abdulaziz University (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). She participated Jo in manuscript writing, revision and final copy preparation and providing consultation. 2 Journal Pre-proof Revised Version (Ms. Ref. No.: JPN-D-19-58) Title: Quality Assurance of Test Blueprinting Abstract Tests offer scores that measure student learning and programs outcomes. Valid examinations are needed to accurately reflect scores related to dimensions of knowledge, of analysis and different competencies in health education. The primary step in the process ro of exam development should be the construction of a test blueprint. However, a published -p blueprint does not ensure its adoption and a method to evaluate and monitor content validity is required. The degree of alignment of a test with its blueprint is a critical re element of content validity. However, the availability of a published blueprint does not lP ensure that instructors adhere to it when developing their tests and a method to evaluate na and monitor content validity is required. Usually, this is done in a subjective manner through asking students about whether the material taught has been fairly represented on ur the exam. Though useful, subjective evaluation can lack accuracy and can be biased and Jo misleading. This article study aims to present a tool of for quantitative determination of the degree of consistency between the actual test and the developed blueprint. objective verification of alignment of the actual test with the developed blueprint. Ensuring Developing an objective tool to assure the quality of the test blueprinting process, through objective verification of alignment of the test with the test blueprint, quantitative determination of the degree of consistency between the test and the test blueprint, allows to better evaluate, monitor and increases the extent of content validity of students’ assessments. 3 Journal Pre-proof Keywords: Blueprint; Alignment; Verification; Quality assurance; Verification; Content validity; Students’ Assessment Introduction Test scores are the basis of making influential decisions on students and programs of (Bridge, Musial, Frank, Roe, & Sawilowsky, 2003). Invalid examinations that lack true ro reflection of the course content and objectives could lead to misjudging students’ -p knowledge and abilities (Newble & Cannon, 2001). An important approach to developing content-valid examinations is the test blueprint (Kane, 1992; Dauphinee, 1994; Fowell, re Southgate, & Bligh, 1999; Hamdy, 2006). A test blueprint represents a systematic lP approach to assessment construction, linking the course content, used for teaching and na learning, to the test items, which increases the content validity of the assessment and the alignment of test items with objectives (Nunally, 1978; Bridge et al. 2003; Coderre, ur Woloschuk, & McLaughlin, 2009; Siddiqui & Ware, 2014). A test blueprint is considered Jo as a map that shows the test structure with the content areas and/or learning outcomes usually represented on the left side of the table and the measured cognitive skills across the table’s first row (Suskie, 2009). A blueprint guides item writers to develop sufficient items that cover important content areas and objectives at the suitable cognitive level, and helps instructors to be accountable for the learning outcomes they produce (Oermann & Gaberson, 2017). Designing examinations based on a blueprint can overcome challenges such as over- or under-representation of some topics of the material taught (Jolly, 2010; Malau-Aduli, Walls, & Zimitat, 2012). By allowing the representative sampling of learning outcomes and instructional content, a test blueprint ensures that a test measures 4 Journal Pre-proof what it is intended to measure and allows teachers to reach valid judgements about students’ test scores (Billings and Halstead, 2016; Oermann & Gaberson, 2017). Combining the results of item analysis statistics with the developed blueprint helps evaluate and revisit the learning outcomes and teaching processes (Abdellatif & AlShahrani 2019). A crucial element of content validity is the degree of congruency between a test of and its blueprint (Sireci, 1998). The more congruent a test is with its blueprint, the higher ro the evaluation content validity will be (McDonald, 2018). Despite being crucial to test -p development and construction, the application of test blueprint has been disregarded in re health education (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological lP Association, & National Council of Measurement in Education, 2001). Only 15 percent of medical school administrators out of (144) American and international medical schools na found test blueprint to be very important and required course directors or instructors to ur develop assessment blueprints (Bridge et al. 2003). None of the nursing course coordinators, at an Associate Degree Nursing Program, consistently documented a test Jo blueprint or required the submission of test blueprint by individual faculty members for review before each examination (Siegel, 2015). Moreover, publishing However, the availability a published blueprint does not necessarily ensure its adoption that instructors adhere to it when writing their exams, and still a method to monitor and evaluate exam alignment with blueprint content validity is necessary. Usually this is done in a subjective manner by asking the students and/or faculty, after summative examinations, questions that reflect the extent of content validity (Coderre et al. 2009; Suskie, 2009). 5 Journal Pre-proof The authors believe that introducing a tool, to objectively verify the quality of a test blueprinting process, adds value to the process and encourages its implementation by providing the ability to objectively judge and follow up the degree of consistency of the final test with what is stated in the blueprint; thus, enhancing monitor and ensure the content validity of students’ assessment. In this article the authors present a two-matrix tool that allows to quantitatively evaluate the extent of exam content validity by ro of calculating the degree of test alignment with the test blueprint. -p Materials and Methods re Two matrices were constructed for stepwise quality assurance of test blueprinting to lP reach a numerical value that expresses the degree of consistency between the test and the na test blueprint. ur Start with your own test blueprint It is important to note that there is no one ideal way to construct a test blueprint. The Jo choice of a blueprint template is based on how suitable it is to achieve the learning outcomes of the course. The quality assurance process of test blueprinting, presented in this article study, can be adapted to a wide variety of blueprint models as will be discussed later. The test blueprint model presented in this paper (Table 1) is used as an example to show how you can apply the alignment matrices on a test blueprint. This blueprint model shows the distribution of the test items over the course topics, the cognitive domains and the assessment tools. 6 Journal Pre-proof Table 1. A test Blueprint Model, as an example, for a 20-question exam* 2 3 4 5 Course topics Contact hours allocated to the topic Weight Of the topic Topic 1 2 2/8= 0.25 5 3 (1, 2,0) Topic 2 1 2 Topic 3 3 Topic 4 2 Total 8 1/8= 0.125 3/8= 0.375 2/8= 0.25 1 0 (0, 0 ,0) 2 (2, 0, 0) 0 (0, 0 ,0) 5** (3, 2, 0) 6 Number Cognitive skill of test (assessment tool; MCQ, EMQ, items SAQ) on each Remember/ Apply/ Evaluate/ topic Understand Analyze Create 2 (2, 0, 0) ro lP 20 -p 5 re 8 0 (0, 0 ,0) TOTAL Number of items (MCQ, EMQ, SAQ) 5 (3, 2, 0) 1 (0, 0, 1) 1 (0, 0, 1) 1 (0, 0, 1) 3** (0, 0, 3) 2 (0, 0, 2) 8 (3, 2, 3) 5 (1, 2, 2) 20* (7, 6, 7)* of Column No.: 1 1 (0, 0, 1) 5 (1, 2, 2) 4 (1, 2, 1) 12** (4, 4, 4) Jo ur na * A test blueprint for a 20-question exam distributed as seven multiple choice questions (MCQs), six extended matching questions (EMQs) and seven short answer questions (SAQs). **Five, twelve and three of the exam questions target the (Remember/Understand), (Apply/Analyze) and (Evaluate/Create) cognitive skills, respectively. This test blueprint model is the one used at …….. University College of Nursing. Steps for alignment of the actual test with the test blueprint during writing the exam and for verification of alignment: Columns 1, 2 and 3 of the Alignment Matrix-I (Table 2) are filled by the assigned faculty during writing the test which helps aligning the test with the test blueprint. In Column 1, the assigned faculty writes the ordinal number of test items as on the test paper. In Column 2, the faculty writes the topic number represented by the corresponding 7 Journal Pre-proof item. In Column 3, the assigned faculty puts a check mark in one of the three sub-column s based on that represents the cognitive skill measured by the designated test item. For the review process, the assigned faculty submits the test blueprint, the Alignment Matrix-I and the final test to the reviewer/s. Columns 4 and 5 of Alignment Matrix-I are filled by the reviewer/s of the blueprinting process, to verify the degree of alignment between the actual test and the presented test of blueprint. For each test item, the reviewers write the topic number represented and the ro cognitive level measured by represented by this each test item from their point of view in -p Columns 4 and 5, respectively. re In the model example illustrated in the Alignment Matrix-I, the misaligned test items are lP highlighted and underlined. question exam model 2 Item number (in the exam paper) Topic Number (as stated in the blueprint) 1 2 3* 4 5 6 *filled by faculty member(s) writing the exam 1 2 2 1 3 1 ur Colum n No.: 1 na Table 2. Alignment Matrix-I: Alignment of actual test with the test blueprint; a 20- 4 5 Cognitive skill *filled by faculty member(s) writing the exam Topic Number Cognitive skill *filled by the reviewer Jo 3 Remember/ Understand Apply/ Analyze Evaluate/ Create       *filled by the reviewer 1 2 2 1 3 1 Remember/ Understand Apply/ Analyze Evaluate / Create       8 Journal Pre-proof 3 1 4 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 17*** 18** 19** 20 3 4 3 3  3 1 4 1 4 3 4 3 4 4           2 4 3 3                  of 7 8 9 10 11 12 13*** 14 15* 16 ro In this model, the reviewers find six misaligned items and record their findings in Columns 4 and 5; *items number (3) and (15) on the exam paper actually target (Remember/Understand) not (Apply/Analyze) -p cognitive skill, **items number (18) and (19) target (Apply/Analyze) not (Evaluate/Create) cognitive skill, re ***item number (13) actually covers Topic 4 not Topic 3, and item number (17) covers Topic 2 not Topic na lP 3. ur Alignment Matrix-II (Table 3) is a framework filled by the reviewer/s to reach a numerical value expressing the degree of test alignment with the blueprint. The reviewers Jo fill Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Alignment Matrix-II are filled based on what is stated in the blueprint matrix submitted by the assigned faculty (Table 1), and fill Columns 4 and 5 of Alignment Matrix-II are filled based on the data that have been filled by the reviewer/s on Columns 4 and 5 of Alignment Matrix-I. Table 3. Alignment Matrix-II: Degree of alignment of the test with the test blueprint; a 20-question exam model* 9 Journal Pre-proof 1 2 3 4 Total Remember/ Understand Apply/ Analyze Evaluate/ Create 3 0 2 0 5 2 1 5 4 12 0 1 1 1 3 4 5 Total (blueprint) Actual number of test items representing this topic on the exam paper as observed by the reviewers Total (actual) 5 2 8 5 20 Remember/ Understand Apply/ Analyze Evaluate/ Create 3 1 2 1 7 2 1 4 5 12 0 1 0 0 1 5 3 6 6 20 -p Row No.: 1 2 3 4 5 Number of test items representing this topic as stated in the test blueprint submitted by the faculty 3 ro Topic number (as stated in the blueprint) 2 of Column No.: 1 re The degree of alignment= the number of congruent items/ the total number of test items x 100 lP For the 20-question exam model represented in Tables 1, 2 and 3: na AlT = (5+2+6+5) /20 x 100= 90%. ur AlCS = (5+12+1) /20 x 100= 90%. Jo * The reviewers transition what is stated in the blueprint (model example in Table 1) to Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Alignment Matrix-II (Table 3) and transition their findings from Column 4 and 5 of Alignment Matrix-I (Table 2) to Columns 4 and 5 of Alignment Matrix-II (Table 3). This chart reflects a comparison and calculative process for quantitative interpretation of findings, to objectively reflect the degree of alignment of the actual test with the test blueprint. The reviewer uses Alignment Matrix-II to calculate the degree of test alignment. The degree of test alignment with the blueprint will be simply expressed by the formula: The degree of alignment = the number of congruent items/ the total number of test items x 100 10 Journal Pre-proof The degree of alignment can be expressed for various aspects: 1. The degree of test alignment with the test blueprint regarding the total number of test items representing each topic (AlT): For In Row 1 each row (topic number) of Alignment Matrix-II, compare the total number of test items representing this topic as stated in the blueprint (Column 3 of of Alignment Matrix-II) the number in Column 3 (that represents the total number of test ro items representing Topic 1 as stated in the blueprint) with the total number of test items -p representing the topic in the actual test (Column 5 of Alignment Matrix-II), number in Column 5 (that represents the total number of test items representing Topic 1 on the re actual test), then choose the smaller number out of the two numbers. This number lP represents the number of items appearing on the test that are congruent with the blueprint regarding the representation of this topic Topic 1. Repeat this step for all the the rest of na the rows (topics), add up the resulting numbers up together and substitute in the equation ur to get the percentage of test alignment with the blueprint with respect to the total number Jo of test items representing each topic (calculations illustrated in Table 3). 2. The degree of test alignment with the test blueprint regarding the total number of test items measuring each cognitive skill (AlCS): In the last row of Alignment Matrix-II (Row 5 in Table 3), compare the number in each sub-column of Column 2 (that represents the total number of test items measuring the designated cognitive skill as stated in the blueprint) with the number in the corresponding sub-column of Column 4 (that represents the total number of test items measuring the designated cognitive skill on the actual test as judged by the reviewers). the total number 11 Journal Pre-proof of test items, measuring each cognitive skill, in the first, second and third sub-columns of Column 2, with the corresponding sub-columns of Column. For each two corresponding sub-columns, choose the smaller number out of the two numbers, then add the resulting three numbers up together to get the number of items in the test that are congruent with the blueprint. Substitute in the equation to get the percentage of test alignment with the blueprint with respect to the total number of test items measuring each cognitive skill of (calculations illustrated in Table 3). ro After the review process is complete, a copy of both Alignment Matrices I and II is sent -p to the course instructors as a feedback on the degree of consistency of their assessments re with what they state in the submitted blueprints and on which items show discrepancies. ur Discussion na guided corrective measures. lP This objective feedback can effectively be used by the course instructors to undertake Jo Publishing a test blueprint does not necessary reflect its adoption. Monitoring and evaluation of the extent of content validity is usually carried out by asking the students and/or faculty about whether the material taught and the course learning outcomes have been fairly represented on the exam (Coderre et al. 2009, Suskie, 2009) which, though useful, are not accurate and could be biased by many factors, for example, the level of student’s performance on the exam. This article study presents a tool for quantitative determination of the percentage of test consistency with the blueprint that allows to objectively judge the test blueprinting process and thus enhancing the content validity of 12 Journal Pre-proof assessments. The degree of consistency with respect to various categories can give important insights into flaws in the education system or assessment process and how to take corrective measures. For example, low degree of consistency between the test and the blueprint regarding the total number of test items measuring each cognitive domain (AlCS) could reflect a problem with the instructor’s skills to write items at the correct cognitive domain, that would call for running a training workshop for the faculty on how of to write test items that correctly target each of the different cognitive domains. Moreover, ro expressing the degree of alignment in a numerical manner allows to objectively follow-up -p the degree of improvement of alignment of the subsequent course exams with the course re blueprint. lP There are several ways to construct a test blueprint for written exams and objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs). The rows of a blueprint matrix may represent na the course or module learning outcomes (Patil, Gosavi, Bannur, & Ratnakar, 2015; ur Billings and Halstead, 2016), the course units/systems/topics (Bridge et al. 2003; Gaffas, Sequeira, Al Namia, & Al-Harbi, 2012; Siddiqui & Ware, 2014; Becker & Vassar, 2015; Jo Patil, Gosavi, Bannur, & Ratnakar, 2015) or clinical presentations (McLaughlin et al. 2005, Coderre et al. 2009). The columns may represent the cognitive skills at various levels (Bridge et al. 2003, Ahmad & Hamed 2014) or the clinical tasks such as diagnosis, investigation and treatment (McLaughlin et al. 2005, Coderre et al. 2009, Siddiqui & Ware 2014). The weighting of a topic can be based on the contact hours assigned to each topic (Bridge et al. 2003, Ahmad & Hamed 2014) or the impact of a topic and frequency of clinical presentations (McLaughlin et al. 2005, Coderre et al. 2009, Patil et al. 2015). Teaching staff can have different opinions on which design of a blueprint matrix is more 13 Journal Pre-proof practicable, and a teacher can make changes in a blueprint matrix to make it more applicable to the course content and objectives (Izard, 2005; Oermann & Gaberson, 2017). The quality assurance process of test blueprinting, presented in this paper, can be adapted to whatever blueprint template used. Alignment Matrices I and II cells are modified to match the variety of alternatives used in the test blueprint. of Conclusion: ro Subjective evaluation of the extent of the exams content validity through -p questionnaires, though useful, could lack accuracy or be biased. This project study re presents a tool for numerical verification of alignment between the actual test and the test lP blueprint which allows to objectively monitor and evaluate the blueprinting process and the compatibility of exam questions to the learning outcomes intended to be assessed. na This The presented process of quality assurance of test blueprinting is expected to make blueprint application more practicable and valuable in guiding faculty development ur programs to improve the validity of students’ assessments results. The tool presented in Jo this paper study is applicable to a wide variety of blueprint templates. Notes on Contributors: Acknowledgement: 14 Journal Pre-proof Declaration of interest: none. of References: Abdellatif, H., & Al-Shahrani A. M. (2019). Effect of blueprinting methods on test ro difficulty, discrimination, and reliability indices: cross-sectional study in an integrated -p learning program. Adv Med Educ Pract, 10, 23–30. re Ahmad, R. G., & Hamed O. A. E. (2014). Impact of adopting a newly developed lP blueprinting method and relating it to item analysis on students' performance. Med Teach, 36(1), S55–S61. na American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & ur National Council of Measurement in Education. (2001). Standards for educational and Jo psychological testing. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association. Becker, L. R., & Vassar, M. (2015). An assessment blueprint for the Advanced Medical Life Support two-day prehospital emergency medical services training program in the United States. J Educ Eval Health Prof, 12(1), 43. Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2016). Teaching in nursing: a guide for faculty. 5th ed. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders. 15 Journal Pre-proof Bridge, P., Musial, J., Frank, R., Roe, T., & Sawilowsky, S. (2003). Measurement practices: Methods for developing content-valid student examinations. Med Teach, 25(4), 414–421. 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A handbook for Medical teachers (4th ed., pp. 126– 129). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. na Nunally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw Hill. ur Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. B. (2017). Evaluation and testing in nursing education Jo (5th ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company. Patil, S. Y., Gosavi, M., Bannur, H. B., & Ratnakar, A. (2015). Blueprinting in assessment: A tool to increase the validity of undergraduate written examinations in Pathology. Int J App Basic Med Res, 5, S76–79. Siddiqui, I., & Ware, J. (2014). Test blueprinting for multiple choice questions exams. J Health Spec, 2, 123–125. Sireci, S. G. (1998). The construct of content validity. Social Indicators Research, 45, 83–117. 17 Journal Pre-proof Siegel, T. J. (2015). Assessment Practices at an Associate Degree Nursing Program. Retrieved from Suskie, L. (2009). Assessing student learning: A common sense guide (2nd ed.). John Jo ur na lP re -p ro of Wiley & Sons. 18 Journal Pre-proof Revised Version (Ms. Ref. No.: JPN-D-19-58) Title: Quality Assurance of Test Blueprinting Highlights  The construction of a test blueprint is the primary step in the process of test of development to ensure content validity. ro  A crucial element of content validity is the degree of congruency between a test and its blueprint -p  A published blueprint does not ensure that instructors adhere to it when writing their re exams, and still a method to monitor and evaluate exam alignment with blueprint is lP necessary its adoption and a method to evaluate and monitor content validity is required. na  Subjective evaluation of the extent of content validity through surveys can be biased ur leading to inaccurate judgement. Jo  The authors present a tool for numerical verification of alignment between the actual test and the test blueprint, which is useful required for objective monitoring and evaluation of the degree of adhering to the blueprint when writing the exams to ensure the compatibility of exam questions to the learning outcomes intended to be assessed. 19