Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (8) B3157-B3162 (2018)
Smart Gardening IoT Soil Sheets for Real-Time Nutrient Analysis
L. Burton,
1 Department
2 Department
3 Department
N. Dave,2 R. E. Fernandez,1 K. Jayachandran,3 and S. Bhansali
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, USA
of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
Agriculture sector has been greatly influenced by the recent advances in electrical engineering. Nitrogen (N), from fertilizer, remains
one of the largest input to surface and groundwater contamination, resulting in environmental and human health degradation. This
paper explores the use of wireless potentiometry in field settings for in situ N monitoring. We report a disposable IoT gardening soil
sheet, capable of analyzing real–time soil nitrate concentration during leaching and irrigation events. The nitrate doped polypyrrole
ion selective electrode (N-doped PPy ISE) sensor array sheet features a fault tolerant circuit design multiplexed to an oxidation and
reduction potentiometer that can rapidly detect nitrate levels in soil leachates. Measurement data are transmitted via Waspmote ZB
Pro SMA 5dBi radio, 6600mAh rechargeable battery, 7.4-volt solar panel, and a Meshlium ZigBee PRO access point to cloud server
and mobile device. This paper investigates the gardening IoT sheets as a viable tool for in situ nitrate mapping, and to potentially
help everyday home and commercial gardeners reduce excessive fertilizer application.
© The Author(s) 2018. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY,, which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/2.0201808jes]
Manuscript submitted February 12, 2018; revised manuscript received April 18, 2018. Published May 11, 2018. This paper is part
of the JES Focus Issue on Ubiquitous Sensors and Systems for IoT.
Majority of nitrogen (N) found in soils is contributed by animal waste and fertilizers. The most common form of nitrogen that is
plant-available in soils is nitrate (NO3 − ). Element nitrogen can also be
present in soils as ammonium (NH4 + ), nitrite (NO2 − ), and or organic
matter. As nitrate is a major limiting macronutrient for plant growth,
it is often highly explored in detailed by agriculturalist. The high
mobilizing property of the nitrate ions allows it to easily maneuver
through soils, therefore leaching and running off into waterways. N in
excess is subject to runoff and leaching into surface and groundwater
during rainfall and irrigation. High nitrogen concentration in drinking
water sources imposes a threat to humans when nitrates runoff into
surface water; the buildup can lead to a polluted state toxic to marine
life known as eutrophication. In1 and,2 researchers in China addresses
special issues of eutrophication such as the increased activity of algal blooms and fish kills as well as investigate nitrate leaching under
intensive vegetable garden production patterns. The conclusions indicate the need for innovative technology that can better monitor soil
quality for the protection of the environment.
The standard laboratory techniques for determining total N, ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite are still the most commonly used. In,3
these techniques are listed along with recommended test procedures
for soil chemical analysis. These include potentiometric methods - explored in,4–7 cadmium reduction,8–10 ion chromatography,11–13 steam
distillation14,15 and the hot KCL removal of N.16–18 Techniques for
in situ N determination using Time Resolved Raman Spectroscopy
(TRRS) has been explored in,19 however this technique is not the most
popular among farmers. Although these techniques are highly accurate, they consists of expensive and time consuming lab procedures
that can in some instances take days to obtain results. Nevertheless,
commercially available technology for determining soil nutrients are
increasingly becoming popular for its ability to allow quick and easy
measurement of soil constituents that aid plant growth and those that
cause aquatic pollution. However, these sensors are point of use only,
meaning they can only account for concentration present in the area
of the sample. Also, the technology is expensive for even most commercial farmers, therefore farmers can only afford one sensor unit per
acre. One sensor per acre can prove inefficient because farmland can
contain various terrain which can cause nutrient concentration to also
vary among different areas. For these reasons, farmers are seeking
alternative and more convenient methods to monitor the environment.
∗ Electrochemical Society Member.
[email protected]
Specifically, an affordable sensing platform is needed that will allow accurate real-time quantification of spatially varied soil nutrient
concentration for precision agriculture.
As defined by the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA), precision agriculture is an information based management system that is site specific and uses one or more of the following sources of data: soils, crops, nutrients, pests, moisture, or
yield, for optimum profitability, sustainability, and protection of the
environment.20 The position and data dependent systems divide farmland into zones and gathers farm data inside the zones such as soil
moisture, pH, and soil temperature. The data is sent to cloud via secure algorithm that monitors 60ft × 60ft zones to suggest best farming
practices based on past and future predictions of soil quality and crop
production. Unfortunately for large scale farms, high density subsurface sensing of soil chemistry has not been fully employed.
Recent advances in IoT have opened up the possibilities for networking arrays of sensors in order to obtain stochastic data on various
soil components. The internet of things (IoT) is a global network of
interrelated devices and objects which uses unique identifiers, such
as an IP address, and the ability to transmit data over a network. Total number of IoT connections is expected to grow from 5 billion to
27 billion by year 2024. IoT has been deployed in agricultural settings for precision agriculture.21–31 These IoT systems offer a range
of services to farmers such as soil water management, environmental
weather parameters, and tree and crop monitoring. IoT has given the
farmer the ability to monitor and manage agricultural production via
cellular device. To date, wireless sensor networks (WSN’s) have been
deployed in environmental and agricultural fields for numerous applications such as to manage water resources,32 manage product storage
facilities, determine optimal harvest time, characterize crop growth,
and predict fertilizer requirements. Wireless sensor network has been
deployed in32 to monitor water content, temperature, and salinity of
soil at a cabbage farm located in a semi-arid region of Spain. Temperatures at various positions in a feed warehouse were monitored
using a wireless sensor network.33 WSN using Zigbee has been used
to monitor a greenhouse environment.35–38 The energy limitations of
wireless sensor networks also have been a focus.34
Materials and Methods
Sensor sheets, prepared in-house, were printed onto a photopaper substrate with aqueous ink, which was formed using a combination of solvents.41 The ink is composed of well-dispersed silver
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (8) B3157-B3162 (2018)
Figure 1. a) Layout of the IoT enabled soil sensor system. b) Seedling pellets on the in-house fabricated nitrate sensor sheet.
nanoparticles (10 nm) with a silver concentration of 20 wt%, viscosity of ∼ 9.5 cP and a surface tension of ∼36 mN m−1 which met
inkjet printer (MFC-J680DW) requirements. The nanoparticles were
protected by a capping layer of poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP). Pyrrole(98%), sodium nitrate (NaNO3 -), and PBS buffer solution were
purchased from Sigma and were all of analytical grade. Pyrrole, being
light sensitive, was refrigerated in the dark. Sensors were calibrated
using 0.1 M NaNO3 stock solution in PBS (pH 7.2). Separate solutions
of NaNO3 (0.4 M and 0.1 M) were prepared for electropolymerization and electrode conditioning. Sensor response to target ions was
evaluated using a conventional one compartment three electrode electrochemical cell. A Ag/AgCl double junction electrode was used as
a reference electrode, a platinum counter electrode and the screen
printed working electrode.
Electropolymerization.—Polymerization of pyrrole doped with
nitrate on screen printed electrodes was performed electrochemically
using a Princeton Applied Research Potentiostat-Galvanostat (Model
263A). A constant current of 100 µA were applied for duration of
5–20 minutes on the working electrodes. After each cycle, 100 µL
were added to cell solution to measure sensor performance against
various nitrate concentrations. Electropolymerization was conducted
with three separate pyrrole concentrations (1 M, 0.5 M, 0.1 M) mixed
with 1 M, 0.4 M and 0.1 M of NaNO3 . All solutions were prepared immediately prior to polymerization. Pyrrole is sensitive to ambient light
and atmospheric oxygen.40 Therefore PPy solution was refrigerated
and not exposed to light.
Three soil samples (L1, L2, and L3) were collected from three
12m2 garden beds at Florida International University’s ModestoMaidique Campus in Miami, Florida. Soils were identified via the
USDA – NRCS’s Web Soil Survey as limestone-derived udorthents.
They have a gravelly-loam texture, shallow to bedrock and poorly
drained. Experimental plants were grown from seeds, twelve inches
apart directly into garden bed soil, while controlled group were grown
in 10 L pots of bare loamy soil with no added fertilizers or microbes.
All groups were grown under 100% sun with irrigation, weed and pest
control done as needed. The Shurflow water pump transferred fluids
from the storage tank to the sprayer with an inlet pressure of 2.06 bar
(30 psi) and an output flow rate of 4 gallons per minute, providing test
beds with water through DIG drip irrigation.
Potentiostat circuit.—The input range for the potentiostat circuit
(Fig. 2) depend on the values of R1, C1, R2, R3 and the source of input
(BATT or USB), there by having a direct control over the input voltage
of the potentiostat. For instance, a 5 volt input will yield a linear input
range in the −1 to + 1 V range. The circuit supports a power supply
range of 3V to 32V. Range of output current sensing is depended on
the negative voltage to resistor R5. An applied voltage of −3.7 V
yields a range of −150 to 120 µA (at −5 V range is −210 to 65 µA).
Alternatively, current sensing range can also be tailored by introducing
variable resistors at positions R5 and R6. Power dissipation of the
circuit was calculated as the products of voltage and current of all the
power sources. Total power dissipation at ideal state is 50 mW. The
current drawn internally by op amp (X3) is −18.9 nA and the current
drawn internally by op amp (X5) were found to be −23.34 nA).
Results and Discussion
Electrodes were inkjet printed on a paper substrate. Working electrodes were modified for nitrate sensitivity by electrodeposition of
pyrrole. As a result a thin film polymer membrane of N-doped pyrrole was formed capable of soil nitrate measurements. A prototype
sheet that comprises of 8 electrodes in a 5 × 3 inch area was developed (Figs. 1a, 1b). Working electrodes of the individual sensors
are coupled to a custom potentiostat (Fig. 2) via a TCA9548A 1-to-8
I2C multiplexer module using a flex connector. Electronic sensing
is enabled via a microcontroller and an IoT network. Individual electrodes are engaged by the potentiostat for a certain duration by varying
the control signals and time delay appropriately.
Nitrate sensitivity, detection range and the stability of the electrodes were found to have an influence on the properties of electrodeposited sensors. A constant current applied for a duration of 5–20
minutes yielded nitrate sensitive working electrodes. Pre-treatment of
electrodes in 10 mM KOH solution improved the hydrophilicity of
substrates, which also helped in forming a uniform electrodeposited
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (8) B3157-B3162 (2018)
Figure 2. Linear sweep potentiostat circuitry.
layer. Electrodeposited electrode sheets were incubated at 70◦ C for
15 min for enhanced stability.
Figs. 3a, 3b shows circular grains around 50–200 nm in diameter
for 5 and 10 minute (E5 and E10 ) long electrodeposition. At longer
electrodeposition times, larger clusters were observed (Figs. 3c–3d).
The non-uniformity and nonconductive nature of the larger clusters
were found to hinder the ionic exchange during electrochemical measurements. Linearity and sensing range was found to be affected by
the duration of electrodeposition. Electrodes deposited for 15 min
(E15 ) were found to have a linear response in the 5 ppm to 90 ppm
nitrate levels. Fig. 4a shows the differential pulse voltammetry (DPV)
current response of sensors to varying nitrate levels. Nitrate sensitivity
of sensors that were electrodeposited at varying times is depicted in
Fig. 4b. As the films grew thicker, the slope of the nitrate response
curve was found to be higher nearing a Nernstian response. Apparent
from the sensor response, the electrodes that were electrodeposited for
a duration of 15 minutes was found to have the best linear sensitivity
as compared to the other electrodes. Apparently from the sensor response slopes, electrode E15 was found to be more than 110% sensitive
to nitrate levels as compared to E5 and E10 . However, electrode E20
Table I. Nitrate leachate levels of three lime stone-derived
udorthents soil samples during irrigation cycle (LOW: 5–40 ppm,
MED: 40–100 ppm, HIGH: 100–300 ppm) as predicted by the IoT
soil sensor network.
Irrigation Cycle
Soil Sample
was found to be the least sensitive among all the electrodes, despite
having a larger area. We assume that the non-uniformity and nonconductive nature of the larger clusters are hindering the ionic exchange
during electrochemical measurements.
Fig. 5 depicts the amount of leached nitrate as detected by the sensor. Three different soil types of limestone-derived udorthents with
known carbon and nitrogen contents (Table I) were used for this
Figure 3. SEM micrograpghs of (a) cross section of the electropolymerized working electrodes. Electrodeposition of pyrrole for varying time durrations (b) 5 (c)
10 (d) 15 (e) 20 minutes, at a constant current of 100 µA.
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (8) B3157-B3162 (2018)
Figure 4. Soil leachate studies: (a) Differetial pule voltammetry (DPV) response of sensors to varying nitrate levels. Blank is water not spiked (b) Current response
of E5 , E10 , and E15 to nitrate levels (10–200 ppm).
study. Sensors were installed one inch beneath the top of the soil
beds. Readings were taken 600 seconds after irrigation allowing time
for leachate to come in contact with the sensor. Soil samples, spiked
with 100 mM nitrate solution, were used for leaching studies. Irrigation was applied at a fixed daily rate and the leachate samples from
the bottom drain were analyzed for six consecutive irrigation cycles.
The response of the sensor to varying irrigation cycles reflected the
leaching rates. Leaching trends were found to be very similar for all
three soil samples. Leaching was found to be highest for the first 2
irrigation cycles. This can be due to loosely bound nitrate. Depending
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (8) B3157-B3162 (2018)
Figure 5. Nitrate leaching in limestone-derived
udorthent soil samples.
on the nitrate leach rate, the sensor response has been categorized into
three; LOW: 5- 40 ppm, MED: 40–100 ppm, HIGH: 100–300 ppm
(Table I). When the response of the sensor is HIGH for two consecutive times, an alert signal is sent out by an external micro-controller
to the IoT network. However, stability of the sensor was found to be
degrade after 3 consecutive tests. This can be due to the deterioration
of the pyrrole surface from the mud particulates in the leachate.
Waspmote Agriculture Sensor Board Pro serves as the microcontroller and the IoT network. Data packets are transmitted via a
Waspmote ZB Pro SMA 5dBi radio, 6600mAh rechargeable battery,
7.4-volt solar panel, and a Meshlium ZigBee PRO access point. Data
obtained from individual sensors are directed to Meshlium access
point and stored directly to the hard drive or sent to a cloud service. Meshlium is a Linux router which works as the gateway to the
waspmote sensor network. Inserting a sim card onto the waspmote
sim slot allows for data and commands to be transmitted to cellular devices. A ZigBee radio transmit data frames to the meshlium,
which operates at 2.54 Ghz, using a transmission power of 50 mW
and a line of sight 5dBi dipole antenna to cover a range of 7000
meters. Out of three soil samples tested, all of them showed HIGH
leachate levels consecutively for two irrigation cycles. A leaching rate
> 100 ppm of leaching for two consecutive cycles (Cycle 1 and 2).
After Cycle 3, the leachate level was found to drop consistently. Similar trend was observed with samples 2 and 3. Hence, re-fertilization
of the soil will be based on the crucial information from our soil sheet
We developed a IoT enabled soil sensor sheet sensor capable of
electrochemically detecting nitrate leachates. The sensor sheet was
inkjet printed on a paper substrate and modified via electrodeposition.
Initial studies indicate that the analytical current response is linearly
proportional to soil leachate nitrate content, however, the stability of
the sensor was found to be degrade after 3 consecutive tests. This can
be due to the deterioration of the pyrrole surface from the mud particulates in the leachate. Sensor deterioration can be due to various
reasons, such as concentration of soil nutrients, pH, ionic composition,
non-specific adsorption on the surface of the electrode, weather conditions, and soil microbial interaction. Currently, we are addressing the
sensor abnormalities as observed from our experiments. The potential
of our wireless sensing platform was demonstrated by detecting the
soil leachate levels in three samples of limestone-derived udorthents
with respect to irrigation cycles. Measurement data are transmitted
via Waspmote ZB Pro SMA 5dBi radio and a Meshlium ZigBee PRO
access point to cloud server and mobile device.
L. Burton
S. Bhansali
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