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Lecture notes
Geothermal systems are classified in three main categories: (a) volcanic geothermal systems with the heat source being hot intrusions or magma chambers in the crust, (b) convective systems with deep water circulation in tectonically active areas preferably of high geothermal gradient, (c) sedimentary systems with permeable layers at great depth (2-5 km), including geo-pressured systems often found in conjunction with oil resources. Some 50 years ago geothermal fields were divided into high-and low-temperature fields or areas. This division was based on (arbitrarily) inferred temperature at 1 km depth. It was soon realized that most of the former are related to volcanism (>160->300 °C) (category a) and that the latter draw heat from the general heat flow of the crust (just above ambient to >160°C) (categories b and c). The temperature range given here is based on values measured in boreholes in Iceland or silica and gas geothermometry. Other subdivisions have been proposed by adding an intermediate group between the two main ones. There are several types in each of the two main groups. They are described below, emphasizing the geological control. A third category constitutes the so called hot dry rock. The thermal resource there is abnormally hot, usually intrusive rock of very low permeability and not harnessable so far.
The terrestrial energy current flowing from the mantle to the surface of the Earth is more intense at plate boundaries than within the tectonic plates. At the surface of the Earth, the most obvious manifestations of this energy current are active volcanoes and high temperature geothermal fields. Geothermal assessments have only been carried out for a limited number of countries or regions, while the distribution of active volcanoes in the world is fairly well known. As the volcanoes and the high temperature geothermal fields are manifestations of the same energy current, the distribution of active volcanoes should reflect the geothermal potential of the world. An empirical relation between the number of active volcanoes and the technical potential of high temperature geothermal fields in 8 regions of the world has been established in the paper. This relation is consequently used to estimate the technical potential of high temperature geothermal fields in the world as a whole. The result is that the most likely value for the technical potential of geothermal resources suitable for electricity generation is 240 GW e .
Geothermics, 1978
Although the emphasis of United Nations' assisted geothermal projects has been on demonstrating the feasibility of producing geothermal fluids, the potential capacity of individual fields has been estimated by both the energy in place and decline curve methods. The energy in place method has been applied to three geothermal fields resulting in total resource estimates ranging from 380 to 16,800 MW-yr. The results of these studies must be considered highly tentative, however, due to inadequate reservoir data and a poor knowledge of producing mechanisms. The decline curve method has not given quantitative results concerning ultimate field potential because of the relatively short duration of well tests (several weeks to a maximum of 11 months). In all cases, however, the decline of flowing wellhead pressure, field pressure, and flow rate has continued to decrease with time. A new method for making regional assessment of geothermal potential is described, which is based, in r~e~u' on an assessment of the probable range of the power potential of geothermal fields as inferred from a ency distribution analysis of fields already under development throughout the world. Depending on the reservoir containing dry steam or water, and its location in a region of groundwater recharge or discharge, average power potentials can be expected to range from 36 to 3360 MW.
Open-File Report
Geothermal resource is a clean energy resource in the earth crust related to convections of ground water transporting heats (thermal energy) from deep levels to shallower depths where the thermal energy can be tapped and utilised economically. Based on temperature, this resource can be classified into (i) high temperature or high enthalpy geothermal resources (water temperature ≥225•C), (ii) intermediate temperature or intermediate enthalpy geothermal resources (125•C ≤ water temperature<225•C) and (iii) low temperature or low enthalpy resources (40•C≤ water temperature <125•C). High temperature resources occur over the regions with heat flows equal or greater than 65 watts per m 2 , associated with volcanic zones near active margins of lithospheric plates or close to the earth hotspots. In high enthalpy geothermal resources, the thermal energy can be converted to electricity using direct flash turbine generator. Intermediate temperature resources also occur near active margins of lithospheric plates, or hot spots. In intermediate enthalpy geothermal resources, the thermal energy can be converted to electricity in the power plants with the help of a secondary fluid of low boiling point to drive turbine generator. Such power plant is known as binary cycle power plant. Alternatively, the heat from high enthalpy or intermediate enthalpy geothermal resources is used directly for drying timbers. Low temperature geothermal resources can occur anywhere. Low enthalpy geothermal resources provide thermal energy that can be used for space heating, drying crops, or running air conditioning systems (reverse heat pumps) for cooling. The geological conditions favourable for the existence of geothermal resources, and the extent of the geothermal reservoirs can be explored using appropriate geophysical methods. The geophysical measurements can be made on the ground surface, or from an aircraft flown over the explored area. This book describes and discussed the geophysical methods that have been used for the explorations of geothermal resources during the last 60 years. It provides important reference for academics as well as for earth scientists working with a geothermal power company.
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2020
A comprehensive catalogue of undergound temperature, heat flow and geochemical data was first prepared in 1977 by the Institute of Geological Sciences (now renamed the British Geological Survey) and published by the Department of Energy in 1978. It was compiled under terms of contracts between the Commission of the European Communities (CEC), the Department of Energy (DEn), and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) in aSSOCiation w1th its component body the British Geological Survey (BGS). A first revision of the earlier catalogue was published by IGS in 1982 incorporating new data acquired between June 1977 and August 1981 and including the data published in the first catalogue. 'lhat revision comprised listings of the underground temperature, heat flow ana geochemical" data but not the maps or detailed notes incorporated in the original catalogue. This second revision of the catalogue incorporates new data acquired between August 1981 and April 1984 and includes...
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