Applied Ergonomics 34 (2003) 3–15
Corporate initiatives in ergonomics—an introduction
M. H.agg*
Programme for Ergonomics, National Institute for Working Life, SE-112 79 Stockholm, Sweden
Examples in the literature of corporate initiatives in ergonomics are reviewed. Different types of programmes are identified with
ambitions ranging from time-limited interventions to continuous processes. Common elements are health surveillance, workstation
design and choice of tools, product design, quality aspects, participative aspects and education, training and information. The
implementation of ergonomics programmes varies substantially depending on the type of company, and company policies and
Some of the most developed ergonomics programmes originate from the automobile industry. Other businesses with many
established programmes are the electronics industry, the food industry and the office environment. A participative approach, as well
as ergonomics expertise, are crucial ingredients for a successful programme. The scientific evaluation of ergonomics programmes,
especially in economical terms, is in too many cases insufficient or missing. Furthermore, links to company core values such as
quality improvement are often lacking. Programmes in ergonomics are still often seen as solely a matter of health and safety. Only a
few companies have reached the state where ergonomics constitutes an integrated part of the overall strategy of the enterprise.
r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Intervention; Participation; Education; Training; Process
1. Introduction
Ergonomics is a fairly new science with its roots in the
late 1940s. Over the years the definition of ergonomics
has gradually been broadened. Increasing research
efforts have yielded a considerable body of knowledge
concerning the design of tools and workstations, as well
as organisational design to prevent worker discomfort,
illness and absenteeism, and also to improve productivity and product quality. The dissemination of this
knowledge to working life started early, but for many
years these issues were considered mainly as ethical
questions handled by the personnel department. The
main promoters of ergonomics in industry have
traditionally been national authorities such as OSHA
in the USA and researchers in the field. During the
1990s the interest for ergonomic issues in a wide sense
has grown within enterprises, as a result of an increasing
awareness of the importance of these matters for
corporate core values such as productivity, quality and
an inevitable change process (Wilson, 1999).
*Tel.: +46-8-7309314; fax: +46-8-7309246.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (G.M. H.agg).
One consequence of this is that tailored ergonomic
programmes are set up for whole companies or groups
within companies, e.g. office workers, floor workshop
personnel or designers of products. Such programmes
may consist of guidelines concerning aspects of workload, such as work postures and movements, lifts, and
also guidelines concerning equipment, product design,
noise levels, vibration, lighting, climate, procedural
information, safety and work organisation. The company staff is trained to apply good ergonomics to
promote health, well being, productivity and product
quality. The programme can be a stand-alone ergonomics programme or it can be integrated with other
company policies.
Numerous reports in the scientific literature describe
such programmes more or less briefly. These reports
often concern interventions made by researchers addressing some specific hypothesis. However, the programme
documentation is often fragmentary, leaving out information on, e.g. degree of company involvement,
long-term impact in the organisation or training efforts.
This paper aims at a critical survey of such company
programmes as an introduction to the following
technical notes of the present special issue of Applied
Ergonomics devoted to the theme ‘‘Corporate Initiatives
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G.M. Hagg
. / Applied Ergonomics 34 (2003) 3–15
in Ergonomics’’. Industrial programmes presented in
major international ergonomics journals, conference
proceedings and books, mainly over the last decade,
have been sought. The inclusion criteria for reviewed
programme presentations are that they mainly address
physical factors in the workplace and that there is a
documented serious involvement by the company. A list
of the programmes reviewed in this paper is given in
Table 1.
2. Types of initiatives
Company programmes in ergonomics involve a wide
range of measures depending on the type of enterprise,
company policies and culture, and also national legislation and cultural traditions. They may be initiated by an
authority citation (Adler et al., 1997), new legislation
(Butler, 2003 this issue), increasing workers’ compensation claims or incidence of musculoskeletal disorders
(MSD) (Halpern and Dawson, 1997) or demands for a
better company image in society or combinations
thereof. The initiative may come from the management
(Gleaves and Mercurio, 1991; Halpern and Dawson,
1997; Smyth, 2003 this issue), an already existing
department for ergonomics or health and safety (Stroud,
1999), external researchers (Axelsson, 2000b; Moore and
Garg, 1998) or trade unions (Joseph, this issue). They
can basically be characterised either as isolated timelimited actions to solve a specific problem or as
continuous processes.
2.1. Time-limited actions
A time-limited action addresses a specific problem at a
certain time and hopefully solves the problem; however,
it remains an isolated event which often has time-limited
consequences in the fast changing working life of today.
Many such interventions are initiated by researchers,
often with the main purpose of verifying some hypothesis. However, if the addressed problem is acknowledged, and the solution is accepted and implemented by
the company, the intervention may be beneficial for the
company in addition to the scientific gain.
In contrast to a process described below, a timelimited intervention usually permits before/after measurements, which is rewarding from scientific point of
view. Hence, such interventions are likely to be generally
overrepresented in scientific reporting of ergonomics
measures in the field. For a review, see Westgaard and
Winkel (1997).
Another advantage of a time-limited intervention
compared with continuous processes is that it is easier to
evaluate from an economical point of view as an
investment yielding a possible profit. For a survey of
such measures, see Oxenburgh (1991).
2.2. Continuous processes
Changes in modern enterprises are increasingly
described as continuous processes. ‘Continuous improvements’ is a basic, originally Japanese concept,
which has inspired large parts of the industrial world
(Lillrank and Kano, 1989). In line with this, ergonomics
programmes are set up as continuous processes, involving the whole enterprise or major parts of it (e.g.
(Joseph, this issue; Smyth, 2003 this issue)). In the fast
changing industrial world such an approach is inevitable
in a longer perspective, since single interventions soon
loose their relevance. At the start of a continuous
ergonomics process the major activities are often of a
reactive nature. If the programme is sound it will
mature; it will gradually involve more proactive
measures and become an integral part of the company’s
policy (e.g. (Albin, 1999; Gleaves and Mercurio, 1991;
Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003 this issue).
3. Elements of ergonomics programmes
When examining corporate ergonomics initiatives, a
number of basic elements may be discerned, as briefly
described and exemplified below.
3.1. Workstation design and choice of tools
There is a comparatively large amount of knowledge
available regarding optimal design of workstations and
tools, acceptable workloads and related risk factors.
Even if definite limits still do not exist in many cases,
there is a good basis for the identification of definitely
adverse conditions (Hagberg et al., 1995). Hence, today
it is meaningful to operationalise this knowledge into
workplace assessment systems, e.g. by three-class gradings, green/yellow/red, where green stands for acceptable, yellow for possibly acceptable (further assessment
needed) and red for unacceptable (e.g. NBOSH, 1998).
Such classification systems and checklists have been
tailored for different company needs and used at
different kinds of audits, and also in the design process
(Herring and Wick, 1998; Jimmerson, 1998; Moreau,
2003 this issue; Smyth, 2003 this issue; Svensson and
The design of hand-held tools has lately improved
considerably in terms of ergonomics. However, there are
many (often cheaper) less suitable tools available on the
market and the choice is not easy. Therefore, some
companies have established special committees with
representatives from the departments for engineering,
purchasing, production and ergonomics to assess and
test tools on the market (e.g. Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003
this issue). All purchased tools have to be approved by
the committee.
G.M. Hagg
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Table 1
Reviewed programmes
Type of business
Automotive industry Brandenburg and Bubser (1999)
Klatte et al. (1997)
Joseph (this issue)a
Joseph and Long (1991)
Jimmerson (1998)
Kilduff (1998)
Siffer and Jimmerson (2000)
Moreau 2003 (This issue)a
Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al. 2003 (This issue)a
Oriet and Ewasyshyn (1998)
Stroud (1999)
. (1995)
Svensson and Sandstrom
. (1997)
Svensson and Sandstrom
Sugimoto et al. (1998)
Beverage distribution Bugge and Berger (1994)
Butler 2003 (This issue)a
Cosmetics manufact. Smyth 2003 (This issue)a
Electrical installation Niggebrugge and Schelle (1999)
Electronics industry
Aar(as (1999)
Aar(as (1994)
Chatterjee (1992)
Helander and Burri (1995)
Herring and Wick (1998)
McKenzie et al. (1985)
Hearing protection
Odenrick and Arvidsson (2000)
Lighting manuf.
Gleaves and Mercurio (1991)
Basic contents
Health surveillance. Health dpt.
involved in audits, reactively as
well as proactively
Quality improvement through
ergonomic workstation design
Ergonomics process involving
reactive and proactive measures.
Training programme.
Dissemination to plants in
other countries
Development and application
of ergonomics assessment tools
Health surveillance
Ergonomics process involving
reactive and proactive measures.
Training of all personnel.
Integral part of quality strategy
Traditional ergonomics
Ergonomics process involving
reactive and proactive measures.
Training programme
Feedback of MSD per department
with estimated costs
Assessment model to match
workstation design to worker
Change of manual handling
routines and equipment in the
distribution chain
Reduced costs due to
improved health
No connection
between health
surveillance and
quality programme
Change of manual handling
routines and equipment in the
distribution chain
Reduced number of
worker compensation
Reduced MSD incidence
Increased ergonomics
awareness on all levels
Documentation sparse
Reduced physical
Improved working
conditions according to
questionnaire among
distribution personnel
Reduced costs due to
decreased worker
compensation claims.
Profitable investments
MSD incidence
Training of engineers and
operator representatives in all
departments. Health surveillance
with direct feedback to departments
Information campaign on posters, ?
brochures and mouse pads
Workstation design
Reduced MSD incidence
Reduced costs due to
reduced staff turnover,
recruitment and sick leave.
Profitable investments
Improved tools and workReduced MSD incidence
stations. Workforce training
Extensive traditional ergonomic
Reduced costs due to
measures. Training of personnel.
productivity increase,
Information on videos and
improved quality and
brochures. Travelling exhibition
injury reduction. Profitable
Observation and checklist
Reduced MSD incidence
tools to identify adverse
Extensive traditional ergonomic
Reduced MSD incidence
measures. Training of engineers
and supervisors
Expert-supported participatory
Several improvements
change groups addressing
regarding workstations
workstation design and work
and organisational design
‘‘Ergonomic circles’’ at each
Several workstation
department responsible
improvements. Generally
for problem identification
better team spirit
and solving. Ergonomics
training for all hourly
Initiatives adopted
by competitors
Documentation sparse
Four plant cases
in detail
G.M. Hagg
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Table 1 (continued)
Type of business
Basic contents
Aar(as (1999)
Aar(as et al. (1998)
Albin (1999)
Albin et al. (1997)
Improved lighting, furniture and
individually adapted glasses
Group training, furniture
and equipment specifications.
Self-help software. Office
ergonomics clinic with advice
to workers with problems
Training programme for local
‘‘ergonomics expert’’ operators
Reduced visual discomfort
and pain
Profitable investment
in equipment due to
reduced worker compensation
claims. Change in company
Reduced costs due to
decreased worker
compensation claims and
lost time. Profitable
Reduced MSD.
Three case reports
Increased knowledge
and user control
Baxter and Harrison (2000)
Robertson et al. (2000)
Ergonomics training for
supervisors and workers.
New office equipment
‘‘Video kiosk’’ information.
Mock-up demonstrations
Participatory process to
improve workstations, tools
and procedures
Railway car repair
Laitinen et al. (1998)
Red meat industry
Gjessing et al. (1994)
Moore and Garg (1998)
Participatory process to
improve workstations, tools
and procedures
Smith (1994)
Training of supervisors and
employees in ergonomics.
Employees as ergonomics
coordinators. Employee
focus groups
Expert-supported change groups
to improve workstations, tools
and procedures
Union/management human
factors work group, providing
information, audits and
problem solutions
Participatory self-assessment
of working postures (RULA)
Halpern and Dawson (1997)
Telecommunications Baxter and Harrison (1998)
Unspecified assembly Axelsson (2000a)
Reduced absenteeism.
Less MSD incidence.
Improved psychosocial
Reduced costs due to
decreased worker
compensation claims and
lost time.
Mainly decreased
MSD incidence
Reduced costs due to
decreased worker
compensation claims
Reduced MSD incidence
MSD rates
Improved quality and
reduced MSD incidence
In this issue.
3.2. Product design
The design of a product is essential for the working
conditions when producing it, influencing the load on
the workers as well as production costs and quality
outcome (Helander and Nagamichi, 1992). The more
complex the work that has to be done on a product, the
more important these aspects become. Hence, product
design is addressed in many company programmes for
ergonomics. This concept has been developed mainly in
the automobile industry (e.g. Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003
this issue; Svensson and Sandstrom,
1997). However,
attempts have also been reported from the electromechanical industry (Broberg, 1997).
Components delivered by subcontractors often cause
ergonomic problems in assembly work. Hence, demands
are also put on such components, e.g. fasteners (MunckUlfsf.alt et al., 2003 this issue). Furthermore, work is
reported regarding the development of ergonomic
guidelines for electrical connectors, intended for subcontractors. Mechanical properties are crucial for
assembly strain, as well as for connection quality, and
hence they become an issue of product quality (Siffer
and Jimmerson, 2000).
3.3. Organisational design
Work organisation is an important part of the
modern broad ergonomics concept. In particular, the
opportunities for job variation, rotation and enlargement are of great importance for the prevention of
MSD. There is an extensive literature regarding
industrial organisation, but there are few examples
where organisational issues are addressed in conjunction
with more traditional ergonomics issues. However, the
Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) touches upon these
issues in their programme presented in this issue
(Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003 this issue).
3.4. Quality aspects
Quality improvement of products and services has
been a major incentive for the development of industrial
production in the industrialised world for several
G.M. Hagg
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decades. A major point is that poor working conditions
are related to quality deficiencies and vice versa. Thus,
improved ergonomics is one way of achieving better
quality, and there is today strong scientific support for
such a view (Eklund, 1997) and an increasing awareness
in industry of these relationships (Wilson, 1999).
However, when reviewing the present documentation
of company programmes in ergonomics, there are few
explicitly declared links between ergonomics and quality
policies. One example, from the automobile industry is
the VCC KLE strategy (KLE Swedish acronym for
Quality, Delivery and Economy) (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al.,
2003 this issue), where the ergonomics programme is an
integral part of the quality strategy. At Volkswagen
(VW) the relation between quality and ergonomics is
acknowledged and applied in a process-audit programme for production development (Klatte et al.,
1997). Axelsson (2000b) describes an intervention at an
assembly line where the aims are twofold: improved
quality and improved working conditions. These goals
are reached by a participative process.
3.5. Participative aspects
The participation of the employees on all levels in the
development of the work and its environment is another
important concept in modern ergonomics (Noro and
Imada, 1991). The worker is supposed to be an expert in
what he/she is doing the whole day. These thoughts are
closely kindred with Japanese management philosophies
like ‘‘kaizen’’ (Imai, 1986) which are also cornerstones in
the quality movement. During the last decade, the
necessity of a participatory approach has evolved into a
truism in ergonomics. Hence, in almost all reviewed
programmes it is stated that staff representatives from
all levels act in various committees, involved in reactive
as well as proactive work. Most investigators agree that
a participatory approach is essential for the success of
an ergonomics programme. However, an example,
which illustrates that participation alone does not
necessarily imply good ergonomics, is the NUMMI
case (Adler et al., 1997). In spite of a participatory
approach according to the Toyota production philosophy, severe musculoskeletal problems developed, leading to an OSHA citation. One reason for the problems
was that the knowledge of ergonomics within the
company was poor (Adler et al., 1997).
One way of developing the participatory approach is
to provide the operators with simple methods for selfassessment of the working conditions. An example of
this is where the RULA method (McAtamney and
Corlett, 1993) was taught and applied by assembly
operators as a basis for ergonomic changes at the
workplace (Axelsson, 2000b). Video-based methods,
VIDAR and PSIDAR, addressing physical and psychosocial factors, respectively, have been developed for
similar purposes (Johansson Hanse and Forsman, 2001;
Kadefors and Forsman, 2000). Another example of a
genuine participative process is the change of assembly
work, performed by the workers themselves, which is
supported by external researchers (Odenrick and Arvidsson, 2000). This project is described in more detail
3.6. Health surveillance
Good health among the staff is a basic objective in
ergonomics. Medical health care directly provided by
the employer is common in many large corporations
(e.g. Brandenburg and Bubser, 1999; Stroud, 1999).
Apart from being an employee benefit, it may provide
an excellent tool for identifying problematic workstations and tasks (Hagberg et al., 1997; Smyth, 2003
this issue). Prerequisites for the efficacy of such a
function are that the health care personnel are specially
trained to identify a possible relationship between a
disorder and the actual work conditions, and that they
have direct feedback channels to company management
on appropriate levels, in order to initiate appropriate
action. Detailed health care statistics on workstation
level, combined with price tags for the average
rehabilitation costs of common diagnoses, as applied
at SAAB Automobile, may highlight problem areas and
their economical consequences, and serve as an incentive
for management to change the conditions (Stroud,
Another tool for the identification of health problems
is active screening of the health of the workforce by
different kinds of questionnaires (Kilbom, 1995; Smyth,
2003 this issue). According to Swedish and Norwegian
law, some sort of surveillance system of this kind is
mandatory for all enterprises (Systematic Work Environment Management) (SWEA, 2001). This law stimulates the establishment of ergonomics programmes.
3.7. Training and information
A key issue when implementing an ergonomics
programme in an enterprise is the training of the staff.
In several programmes, the training efforts have been
declared in more or less detail, aiming at various staff
groups. For example, in the Volvo programme all levels,
from top management to shop floor staff, receive
tailored training programmes (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al.,
2003 this issue). Design and production engineers are
trained to use checklists in their daily activities, which is
also the case at SAAB (Svensson and Sandstrom,
1997). The Boots Contract Manufacturing Programme
has 2 days of training for ‘‘ergonomics champions’’,
with one staff representative from each department
(Smyth, 2003 this issue), and some other programmes
show similar solutions (Baxter and Harrison, 2000;
G.M. Hagg
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Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003 this issue). Another way of
distributing information is by instruction videos (Moreau, 2003 this issue; Robertson et al., 2000). The GTI
company in the Netherlands chose an unconventional
approach, basing an information campaign in ergonomics on two popular cartoon characters who
appeared on posters, hand-outs and mouse pads
(Niggebrugge and Schelle, 1999). In large multinational
corporations, the availability of ergonomics information
is assured via Intranet systems (Evans et al., 2000; Oriet
and Ewasyshyn, 1998).
Another aspect of training is when individuals are
trained to adopt a favourable work technique. This can
be done just by observation and instruction by an
ergonomist or by a senior staff member, specially
trained for this function (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003
this issue; Smyth, 2003 this issue). Another possibility is
to use electromyographic feedback technique for training of minimal muscle exertion (H.agg, 1998). This
approach was effectively used by Parenmark et al.
(1988) at a chain saw plant, and the technique was still
in use in 1999 as a company routine (Hafstrom,
personal communication).
4. Implementation
The organisational implementation of ergonomics
programmes varies substantially, depending on the type
of company and company policies and organisation, as
described in the presentations of this issue and other
given examples. Most commonly, the operational
responsibility for these programmes lies with the
departments for occupational health and safety or on
the ergonomics department if there is one. Usually, one
or several ergonomics committees (depending on the size
of the company and the number of plants) are founded.
A common pattern is that a central committee has the
overall responsibility for the activities, while the operational responsibility is taken on by local committees (e.g.
(Baxter and Harrison, 1998; Gleaves and Mercurio,
1991; Joseph, 2003). These working committees normally consist not only of ergonomists but also of
representatives from production and design engineering,
production supervisors and shop floor personnel.
At the start, the activities usually have to be limited to
reactive measures, but if the programme is successful
and is given reasonable resources to be established as a
continuous process, the activities are expanded to
involve proactive efforts as well. When investing in
new production facilities or new products, proactive
input to the change process is of vital importance for a
future operation with higher quality, less health
problems and greater satisfaction.
Even if the proactive efforts are developed to an
excellent level, it is important to preserve a continuous
reactive readiness (see e.g. Smyth, 2003 this issue).
Problems are likely to emerge, even in the best designed
production process.
5. Examples of programmes from different business areas
5.1. The automotive industry
The automotive industry has been claimed to be ‘‘the
industry of industries’’ (Womack et al., 1990). Hence,
the world’s largest manufacturing industry is a pioneer
in many aspects of industrial development, and ergonomics is no exception. Car manufacturing involves
many classical ergonomic risk factors such as repetitive
work, awkward postures and hand-intensive work.
Hence, the need for ergonomic considerations is
obvious. Consequently, some of the most well-established ergonomics programmes reviewed in this paper
originate from the automobile industry.
The UAW/Ford manual, which was developed in
cooperation with the University of Michigan
(Joseph and Long, 1991), constitutes the basis for the
Ford process of today, involving reactive as well as
proactive measures (Joseph, 2003). The proactive
activities address workstation as well as product design.
Being one of the major car manufacturers with plants all
over the world, efforts have been made to transfer the
basic concept to other continents by translations and
adaptations to local conditions. Ford also carries out
applied research in-house (e.g. Stephens and Vitek,
More specific guidelines for design and production
engineers have been developed at SAAB Automobile
. 1995, 1997), which also has a
(Svensson and Sandstrom,
developed process (Stroud, 1999). Similar work is going
on within the General Motors Corporation (which owns
SAAB) to achieve a global corporate standard in
ergonomics (Stroud, 1999, personal communication).
At present, detailed technical guidelines addressing
physical factors are available (GM, 2000) but there is
no description of the implementation process, training
efforts, etc.
The third big manufacturer in the USA, the Chrysler
Corporation, also applies its own ergonomics programme (Oriet and Ewasyshyn, 1998). This programme
includes traditional elements and has been established
for a couple of years. However, the available documentation is sparse.
VCC has developed an extensive programme and
process, with all the traditional elements, as referred to
above (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003 this issue). The
process is an integral part of the quality philosophy (see
above). VCC was purchased by Ford in 1999.
Recently, the since long established health care and
ergonomics contractor, which to a large extent has been
G.M. Hagg
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responsible for the development of the ergonomics
programmes at VCC (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003 this
issue), has been exchanged for another contractor with
little experience from the vehicle businesses (MunckUlfsf.alt, 2002, personal communication).
In Germany, VW has an extensive programme in
health surveillance (Brandenburg and Bubser, 1999).
The health care staff are also involved in ergonomic
audits, as well as in the development process of new
production units. The company also applies quality
development through improved ergonomics (Klatte
et al., 1997). However, these programmes seem to have
no connection. Mercedes-Benz has developed a system
for assembly production planning, which also takes
ergonomics into account (Bullinger et al., 1997).
However, it is not known whether this system is applied
generally within the company or what other initiatives in
ergonomics are taken.
For the last couple of years, the Rover Group in
Great Britain has been developing an ergonomic process
partly based on a self-assessment method (ABA, German acronym for Associate Job Assessment) from their
former German owner BMW, and also with development support from the University of Loughborough
(Piotrowski, 2000). Peugeot in France is also venturing
into an ergonomics programme initiated from their
health department (Moreau, 2003 this issue). This
programme mainly focuses on MSD prevention through
the development and application of ergonomic assessment tools for reactive as well as proactive measures.
Even if major trends in production planning and
organisation have originated in Japan during the last
few decades (e.g. kaizen and lean production), Japanese
reports of ergonomics programmes in the Euro-American sense are sparse. Toyota reports about a programme avoiding back pain when remodelling assembly
lines (Sugimoto et al., 1998). However, the case report
about the Toyota transplant, NUMMI, in California
indicates deficiencies regarding traditional ergonomics
(Adler et al., 1997).
5.2. The electronics industry
The electronics and computer industry has grown
enormously since the Second World War. In spite of
great progress in the automation of manufacturing,
many tasks still require manual handling of different
kinds, often at high repetitivity rates. At the same time,
many new surveillance tasks requiring advanced technical knowledge have appeared. Thus, programmes in
ergonomics are needed in this sector.
One of the major companies, IBM, has for several
decades applied ergonomics in production, and the
activities have slowly matured, becoming an integrated
part of the business during the 1990s (Helander and
Burri, 1995). The programme incorporates all the
elements discussed above. In the paper, four case studies
from different plants are described in addition to the
ergonomics process. The measures are also evaluated
economically and indicate substantial profits.
In a study of a telecommunications manufacturing
plant, a positive effect on MSD was obtained by a
change of tools, and training in ergonomics of engineers
and supervisors (McKenzie et al., 1985). Another
successful intervention project addressing traditional
ergonomics issues such as vibration levels, seating,
postures and static loads, workforce training and health
surveillance yielded a positive effect on MSD problems
in an electromechanical plant over a period of 8 years
(Chatterjee, 1992). Similar results were obtained by
applying an observation technique and checklists
(Herring and Wick, 1998).
Aara( s and colleagues have long-term experience of
introducing ergonomics at a company that manufactures telecommunication equipment (Aara( s and Westgaard, 1980; Aara( s, 1999). The main focus of the
programme is the reduction of MSD through changes of
workstation design in electronics assembly (Aara( s,
1994). The programme has been evaluated regarding
the occurrence of MSD, and also in economical terms.
As a result of substantial reduction in staff turnover and
sick leave, the investments in better ergonomics were
demonstrated to be highly profitable.
5.3. The food industry
Within the food industry numerous adverse ergonomic factors are found. Especially in slaughterhouses
and poultry industries, high repetitivity rates, high
manual forces, awkward postures, and a cool environment create large problems. Hence, these businesses
have appeared among the highest figures of MSD in
official statistics for decades (e.g. NBOSH, 1999).
Solving the disorder problems avoiding worker compensation claims are the main incentives, while quality
issues are less emphasised.
The problems in the red meat industry in the USA
caused NIOSH to launch three intervention studies at
three plants (Gjessing et al., 1994). One of these studies
is also published and described separately (Moore and
Garg, 1998). These studies were all supervised by an
external expert in ergonomics or organisational behaviour. The summarised conclusions strongly advocate
participatory approaches, involving staff members on all
levels, i.e. engineers, supervisors, and operators in teams
for ergonomic problem-solving. Other crucial prerequisites were training in ergonomics and team building for
all participants, as well as support from ergonomics
expertise and management. Experience from the implementation of another programme in the red meat
industry was very much the same (Smith, 1994).
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. / Applied Ergonomics 34 (2003) 3–15
5.4. Transportation
Local distribution of goods by lorries and vans
includes loading/unloading under varying conditions,
which are often not controlled by the distributing
company but by the customer. These circumstances
often imply unacceptable conditions for the workers.
For example, at the Scottish brewery Scottish &
Newcastle (S&N) a majority of the draymen required
early retirement due to MSD (Butler, 2003 this issue).
Two main lines of approach were chosen. Firstly,
vehicles, containers and transport procedures were
assessed from an ergonomic point of view, and several
improvements were implemented. Secondly, the cellars
of the customers were inspected, and minimum requirements regarding physical accessibility were set and
implemented. This latter problem is somewhat simplified, since S&N owns many of the pubs and restaurants
where the deliveries are made. Similar problems in the
Norwegian brewery Ringnes were solved in very much
the same way (Bugge and Berger, 1994). The measures
were evaluated economically and found profitable. The
positive outcome has led to the formation of a
Norwegian network (LUKS), involving other beverage
and food distributors who apply the same kind of
solutions. In Sweden, these problems are addressed in a
national project (Maximum five steps), where the
Swedish Brewery Association is one of the participants
(Ros, 1999).
5.5. The office sector
Today the ergonomics of office work is linked to a
considerable extent to the fast development of information technology. The use of computers is associated with
numerous MSD (Punnett and Bergqvist, 1997). Sight
problems associated with VDUs are also common.
Aara( s and colleagues have addressed these issues in a
telecommunications company by company standards
for office lighting and furniture, VDU placement and an
individual optometric investigation with free special
spectacles to be used at work (Aara( s, 1999; Aara( s et al.,
Another approach is described by Albin and colleagues who have started ‘‘office ergonomic clinics’’, where
employees with MSD receive medical treatment but are
also advised regarding computer ergonomics at a
demonstration workstation (Albin, 1999; Albin et al.,
1997). Yet another approach is described by Butler 2003
(this issue), who has developed a display screen
equipment programme as a part of a larger programme.
Baxter and Harrison (2000) describe a programme
where selected operators from different telephone
operator offices were trained for 2 days in basic office
and computer ergonomics. These operators serve as
‘‘local experts’’ in their departments and teach ergo-
nomics to their fellow workers. This programme has
been evaluated economically, and indicates substantial
In three described cases, different variants of office
ergonomics programmes in three companies are reported (Robertson et al., 2000). The training of the
employees regarding office ergonomics in general and
handling of personal adjustable equipment are emphasised as key elements in the programmes.
5.6. Miscellaneous
A large enterprise making mainly cosmetics and
healthcare products initiated an ergonomics programme
by employing a full-time ergonomist (Smyth, 2003 this
issue). In the paper, the progress after 2 years is
reported. The programme includes ergonomic considerations when developing new equipment and processes,
training of ‘‘ergonomic champions’’ among the operators within each department, learning proper working
techniques and continuous health surveillance. The
immediate identification of early MSD and corresponding problem-solving is especially stressed.
Machine-sewing work is associated with static, sometimes awkward, postures. Hence MSD among professional sewers are common (Schibye et al., 1995). An
ergonomics programme in a sewing industry was
introduced by Halpern and Dawson (1997). The
programme involved several improvements of the workstation and tools, organisation and also a structured
resting and stretching schedule on a participatory basis.
The approach involved expert-supported change groups
with representatives for all staff categories. Risky work
situations were identified by the experts; they also
suggested changes to the change groups, who modified
the suggestions before final implementation. One
example of measures is the conversion from sitting to
standing workstations. Another is the introduction of
rest and stretch schedules. The programme resulted in
substantially reduced MSD problems over a 5-year
Baxter and Harrison (1998) describe the enforcement
of ergonomics at BC TEL (telephone company in British
Columbia, Canada) via a strong Human Factors
Working Group, consisting of both union members
and management members. This group is provided with
the resources and the authority to carry out ergonomic
changes and training in all areas and levels of the
MSD problems and high absenteeism characterised a
railway repair plant in Finland. A programme addressing procedures, tools and materials handling on a
participatory basis improved the situation significantly
by creating a better psychosocial climate, reducing
absenteeism and MSD (Laitinen et al., 1998).
G.M. Hagg
. / Applied Ergonomics 34 (2003) 3–15
Another example where MSD problems initiated the
development of an ergonomics programme is reported
from a lighting manufacturing company (Gleaves and
Mercurio, 1991). At the heart of the programme are
ergonomic circles formed at each department, with
representatives from all staff categories. The ergonomics
work is centrally coordinated by a steering committee.
These circles have come up with solutions to simple
ergonomic problems as well as proactive work at new
investments. The investigators also emphasise the
improved collaboration between workers and management.
In order to reduce the repetitivity of manual assembly
work in a company making hearing protection devices, a
change process was initiated (Odenrick and Arvidsson,
2000). This case is an example of how external
ergonomics experts provide documentation of the
prevailing situation as a basis for an improvement
process based on the operators’ own experience and
ideas. Teams of operators were formed, supported by
the researchers, and solutions concerning how to design
the new workstations, as well as how to change the work
organisation, were developed by the teams.
In a venture to improve working conditions as well as
production quality in a company with unspecified
assembly work, positive results were reported regarding
MSD as well as quality (Axelsson, 2000b). The
approach was based on participative self-assessment,
applying the RULA method (McAtamney and Corlett,
6. Discussion
The programmes reviewed in this paper are the ones
that happen to be reported in scientific literature. These
programmes most likely constitute only a fraction of all
ergonomics programmes and processes in operation all
over the world. Furthermore, the selection of available
reports is a difficult matter. There are, for instance, a
large number of field interventions reported by researchers, where the involvement of the company is doubtful.
The chosen reports are considered to have genuine
company support; however, in many cases this is hard to
assess. To my knowledge, only two reviewed programmes have a representative from top management
as a co-author (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003 this issue;
Oriet and Ewasyshyn, 1998).
The scientific quality and wealth of detail in the
reports varies considerably. Many of them are mainly
descriptive with little or no evaluation and critical
discussion. This is understandable when the author is a
company representative who may not have an appropriate scientific training or, even if he/she has, cannot
express criticism due to loyalty with the company or
ventures. Only a restricted number of programmes in
this review have been evaluated by unbiased external
researchers (Axelsson, 2000b; Helander and Burri, 1995;
Laitinen et al., 1998; McKenzie et al., 1985; Moore and
Garg, 1998). It is hard to critically assess the general
structure a company programme is based on, often
meagre, from reports written by people involved in the
activities. Few general directives can be given regarding
an optimal programme for a given company, since this
depends on a large variety of local factors, such as the
type of enterprise, company culture, national legislation
and traditions.
One conclusion is that more research, performed by
external independent researchers, is needed to critically
evaluate corporate initiatives in ergonomics. However,
this does not imply that other reports are of no value.
The fact that they have been carried out and reported
must signify that most of them are likely to add value to
the company. Furthermore, the assembled documentation provides a picture of the state of the art regarding
the practical application of ergonomics, and can serve as
a reference for practitioners considering venturing into
similar programmes.
Yet another problem is that all reports, including
the scientifically good ones, are success stories. It is
most likely that there are also programmes which
have failed, and, maybe even more interesting,
programmes that were never started due to resistance
from the management. It would be most valuable to
also have such cases reported, so as to be able to learn
from the mistakes of others and to learn what
hindrances there are for the introduction of ergonomics
in working life.
A good question is: What parameters should be
addressed in an evaluation of an ergonomics programme? The ultimate parameter from the management
point of view is, of course, the profitability of an
investment in ergonomics. Some investigators carry out
such estimations (Aara( s, 1994; Albin, 1999; Baxter and
Harrison, 2000; Bugge and Berger, 1994; Butler, 2003
this issue; Helander and Burri, 1995), while others limit
their economical evaluation to an estimation of the
reduced costs (Brandenburg and Bubser, 1999; Halpern
and Dawson, 1997; Moore and Garg, 1998). A
conclusion is that ergonomics programmes should to a
greater extent be fully economically evaluated in
accordance with suggested methods and given examples
(e.g. Oxenburgh, 1991, 1997) in order to demonstrate
the economical value of such investments.
A large number of programmes are evaluated in terms
of MSD incidence and/or worker compensation claims
(see Table 1), which is most likely equal to reduced costs.
This mirrors the fact that most programmes are driven
by health and safety professionals and ergonomists,
whose main concern is the health and safety of the
employees. In many cases, this seems to be a sufficient
motive for sustaining a programme: ‘‘The protection
G.M. Hagg
. / Applied Ergonomics 34 (2003) 3–15
and promotion of the employees’ health are at VW
above all a humanitarian and social obligation’’
(Brandenburg and Bubser, 1999). ‘‘One of VCC’s core
values is environmental care’’ (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al.,
2003 this issue). Aara( s states that a scientific evaluation
of the effects on the workers’ health and comfort caused
by the measures taken in ergonomics is essential for
management approval at his company (Aara( s, 1999). A
company policy of this kind is unfortunately too rare.
In several evaluations of the effects on MSD, the
claimed improvements may be caused by other courses
of events within the company or the surrounding
society. A demonstration of contrasts in the outcome
in relation to suitable reference groups within and/or
outside the company strongly supports a claimed
improvement. Such comparisons are rarely seen. The
possibility of a ‘‘Hawthorne effect’’ should be considered. Initial positive overreactions due to the measures
taken are likely to be common. Opposite effects can also
be seen. Increasing the ergonomic awareness in an
organisation may also stimulate workers to report
disorders that were previously not regarded as work
related (Halpern and Dawson, 1997, Moore and Garg,
Yet another common outcome of a company programme in ergonomics is the impact on company culture
and psychosocial climate (Albin, 1999; Gleaves and
Mercurio, 1991; Laitinen et al., 1998). These effects are
hard to quantify but are most likely of great importance
for a company in that they increase the commitment of
the employees.
As stated above, a participative approach has become
more or less mandatory in ergonomics today, and
almost all programmes include such elements. However,
it is hard to know, based on the present documentation,
to what extent the programmes live up to such
declarations in practice. Own experience from Sweden
indicates that declarations regarding participation may
easily be overlooked, for example when the change
process needs to be speeded up (Fredriksson et al.,
In several programmes, it is stated in general terms
that working conditions are important for product
quality. However, with three exceptions (Axelsson,
2000b; Klatte et al., 1997; Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003
this issue), these declarations are not substantiated any
further. In spite of a strong focus on quality issues
today, especially in the automotive industry, the
connection between programmes mainly addressing
physical factors reviewed here and quality programmes
is weak. In the publication from VW regarding health
and safety, quality is mentioned once in a subordinate
clause (Brandenburg and Bubser, 1999), while there is
obviously a parallel programme within the company
focusing on ergonomics and quality issues (Klatte et al.,
1997). The workstation assessment tool used by Toyota
(Sugimoto et al., 1998) seems to be applied in parallel
with and independent of continuous improvement and
quality management programmes. It has recently been
claimed that up to 50 per cent of quality problems in the
manufacturing industry are due to a bad work environment (Axelsson, 2000a). From this perspective much
remains to be done regarding the integration of quality
and ergonomics programmes. However, in this context
it should be noted that while the link between operator
performance and product quality is strong for instance
in the automotive industry, it is much weaker in other
businesses such as the red meat industry (Moore and
Garg, 1998), beverage distribution (Butler, 2003 this
issue) or the cosmetics industry (Smyth, 2003 this issue).
It has already been concluded that increased researcher involvement is desirable for critical evaluation.
Another aspect of this is that researchers can provide
expert input to the process. However, the role as expert
must be strictly separated from the role as evaluator. It
may be claimed that the well-established programmes at,
e.g. Ford and VCC are, to a considerable extent, results
of the long-lasting symbiotic collaboration with local
research institutions. The value of researcher involvement is also emphasised in the Rover presentation
(Piotrowski, 2000). Several other programmes rely on
external researcher support (Axelsson, 2000b; Laitinen
et al., 1998; Moore and Garg, 1998; Odenrick and
Arvidsson, 2000). If expertise is not provided by
researchers, it should be assured from consultants or
hired professional ergonomists. Lack of expertise may
jeopardize serious intentions, as shown in the NUMMI
case (Adler et al., 1997).
Ergonomics can be introduced in various ways,
ranging from bringing in consultants to solve single
problems, to the incorporation of ergonomics in the
overall strategy of the company. Unfortunately, many
companies still consider ergonomics as a health and
safety issue only, and have not realised the potential of
ergonomics for the development of the total efficiency of
the company (Porter, 1998). Hopefully, more and more
enterprises realise this potential as, e.g. described in the
KLE strategy at VCC (Munck-Ulfsf.alt et al., 2003 this
issue). In most cases, this is a maturation process which
must take time (Albin, 1999).
In recent years, emphasis has been given to the role of
variation and duration aspects of the workload to avoid
MSD (Winkel and Mathiassen, 1994). Rotation between
workstations is recommended in general terms in several
programmes, but it is remarkable that working hours,
breaks, job rotation, etc. are rarely addressed. Generally, the connection between work organisation and
adverse physical exposure has been overlooked. In the
Ford programme presented in this issue, it is clearly
stated that ‘‘Ford’s primary control strategy is to use
engineering controls’’ (Joseph, 2003). However, the next
sentence declares that ‘‘the most effective controls often
G.M. Hagg
. / Applied Ergonomics 34 (2003) 3–15
involve a combination of both engineering and administrative controls’’.
In the presentation from Peugeot in the present issue,
these conditions are clearly illustrated by the increase of
the MSD incidence rate when the cycle time on the
assembly line was drastically reduced, in spite of
substantial measures to improve traditional ergonomic
conditions such as heavy lifts and awkward postures
(Moreau, 2003 this issue). Own experience shows very
much the same reactions when introducing an assembly
line with improved postures instead of off-line workstations (Fredriksson et al., 2001). Moreau is aware of
these shortcomings in the present ergonomic assessment
tools at Peugeot. Thus, in companies where there are
monotonous, repetitive work tasks, e.g. in car manufacturing, electronics assembly work, or meatpacking, a
much clearer focus on organisational issues is needed to
achieve an improvement of working conditions.
Corporate initiatives in ergonomics are important for
productivity, quality and staff well being in many
A participative approach is a basic prerequisite for
the success of a programme.
Expertise in ergonomics, external or internal, is also
More research should be carried out regarding the
effectiveness of such programmes.
There are few examples where quality and ergonomics programmes are integrated.
A majority of the programmes reviewed are mainly
considered as a health and safety issue. Much work
remains to be done in order to achieve an integration
of ergonomics and general company policies.
There should be a clearer focus on organisational
issues such as job rotation and working times.
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