Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
Lawrence McClendon and Natarajan Meghanathan*
Jackson State University, 1400 Lynch St, Jackson, MS, USA
Data mining and machine learning have become a vital part of crime detection and prevention. In this
research, we use WEKA, an open source data mining software, to conduct a comparative study between the
violent crime patterns from the Communities and Crime Unnormalized Dataset provided by the University
of California-Irvine repository and actual crime statistical data for the state of Mississippi that has been
provided by We implemented the Linear Regression, Additive Regression, and
Decision Stump algorithms using the same finite set of features, on the Communities and Crime Dataset.
Overall, the linear regression algorithm performed the best among the three selected algorithms. The scope
of this project is to prove how effective and accurate the machine learning algorithms used in data mining
analysis can be at predicting violent crime patterns.
Machine Learning, Crime Pattern, Linear Regression, Additive Regression, Decision Stump
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines a violent crime as an offense which involves
force or threat [1]. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program categorizes these
offenses into four categories: murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. The FBI
UCR program defines each of the offenses as follows: (i) Murder - The willful (non-negligent)
killing of one human being by another. The UCR does not include deaths caused by accident,
suicide, negligence, justifiable homicides and attempts to murder or assaults to murder (which are
scored as aggravated assaults), in this offense classification [2]. (ii) Forcible Rape - Rape is a
sexual attack on a female against her will. Though attempts or assaults to commit rape by threat
or force are considered crime under this category, statutory rape (without force) and other sex
offenses are excluded [3]. (iii) Robbery - The taking or attempting to take anything of value from
the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or
by putting the victim in fear [4]. (iv) Aggravated Assault - It is the unlawful attack conducted by
one person upon another to inflict severe or aggravated bodily injury. The UCR program specifies
that an aggravated assault usually involves the use of a weapon or other means to produce death
or great bodily harm. Attempted aggravated assaults that involves the use of guns, knifes and
other weapons are considered to belong to this category because if the assault were completed, it
would have lead to serious personal injury. An offense that involves both aggravated assault and
larceny-theft occurring together, the offense is considered to belong to the category of robbery
[5]. Unfortunately, these type of crimes seem to have become common place in the society. Law
DOI : 10.5121/mlaij.2015.2101
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
enforcement officials have turned to data mining and machine learning to aid in the fight of crime
prevention and law enforcement.
In this research, we implemented the Linear Regression, Additive Regression, and Decision
Stump algorithms using the same finite set of features, on the communities and crime un
normalized dataset to conduct a comparative study between the violent crime patterns from this
particular dataset and actual crime statistical data for the state of Mississippi that has been
provided by [6]. The crime statistics used from this site is data that has
been provided by the FBI and had been collected for the year 2013 [6]. Some of the statistical
data that was provided by such as the population of Mississippi,
population distribution by age, number of violent crimes committed, and the rate of those crimes
per 100K people in the population are also features that have been incorporated into the test data
to conduct analysis.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an overview of data mining and
machine learning. It also provides more information about the Linear Regression, Additive
Regression, and Decision Stump machine learning algorithms that were selected for this project
as well as the five metrics of output evaluation. Section 3 provides information about the
Communities and Crime Un normalized Dataset that had been used for the test projection, a
descriptive list of all the features that were selected to conduct the comparative study, and the
statistical data that was provided from Section 4 presents the results
from each of the algorithms and Section 5 concludes with the findings and discussion of the
project results.
2.1. Data Mining
Data mining is part of the interdisciplinary field of knowledge discovery in databases [7]. Data
mining consist of collecting raw data and, (through the processes of inference and analysis);
creating information that can be used to make accurate predictions and applied to real world
situations such as the stock market or tracking spending habits at the local Wal-Mart. It is the
application of techniques that are used to conduct productive analytics. Data mining software
packages such as the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA), the data mining
software package used in this project, are used to conduct analysis of data sets by utilizing
machine learning algorithms [8]. The five tasks that these types of software packages are
designed for are as follows: (i) Association - Identifying correlations among data and establishing
relationships between data that exist together in a given record [7, 9]. (ii) Classification Discovering and sorting data into groups based on similarities of data [7]. Classification is one of
the most common applications of data mining. The goal is to build a model to predict future
outcomes through classification of database records into a number of predefined classes based on
a certain criteria. Some common tools used for classification analysis include neural networks,
decisions trees, and if-then-else rules [9]. (iii) Clustering - Finding and visually presenting groups
of facts previously unknown or left unnoticed [7]. Heterogeneous data is segmented into a
number of homogenous clusters. Common tools used for clustering include neural networks and
survival analysis [9]. (iv) Forecasting - Discovering patterns and data that may lead to reasonable
predictions [7]. It estimates the future value based on a record's pattern. It deals with continuously
valued outcome. Forecasting relates to modeling and the logical relationships of the model at
some time in the future [9]. (v) Visualization - Enabling researchers to rapidly and efficiently
locate vital information that is of interest [7]. It also refers to presenting data in such a way that
users can view complex patterns within the data. It is used in conjunction with other data mining
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
models to provide a clear understanding of the patterns or relationships discovered. Some of the
tools used in visualization include 3D graphs, "Hygraphs" and "SeeNet" [9].
2.2. Machine Learning
Arthur Samuel, a pioneer in machine learning and artificial intelligence defined machine learning
as a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed
[10]. In essence, machine learning is a computer system's method of learning by way of
examples. There are many machine learning algorithms available to users that can be
implemented on datasets. However, there are two major types of learning algorithms: supervised
learning and unsupervised learning algorithms. Supervised learning algorithms work by inferring
information or "the right answer" from labeled training data. The algorithms are given a particular
attribute or set of attributes to predict. Unsupervised learning algorithms, however, aim to find
hidden structures in unlabeled class data. In essence, the algorithms learn more about the dataset
as it is given more examples to be implemented on. There are five types of machine learning
algorithms that are used to conduct analysis in the field of data mining: (i) Classification Analysis
Algorithms - These algorithms use the attributes in the dataset to predict values for one or more
variables that take discrete values. (ii) Regression Analysis Algorithms - These algorithms use the
attributes of a dataset to predict values for one or more variables that take continuous values (e.g.,
profit/loss). It a statistical tool used in the process of investigating the relationships between
variables [11]. (iii) Segmentation Analysis Algorithms - Divide data into groups or clusters of
items that have similar properties. (iv) Association Analysis Algorithms - Find correlations
between different attributes in a dataset. Typical application of such type of algorithms involves
creation of association rules, which can be used in market basket analysis. (v) Sequence Analysis
Algorithms - Summarize frequent sequences or episodes in data, such as Web path flow.
Sequence analysis works by discovering the identification of associations or patterns over time
2.3. Algorithms Selected for Analysis
WEKA provides many machine learning algorithms from eight different categories for users to
implement and conduct analysis on datasets: Bayes, Functions, Lazy, Meta, Multi-Instance (MI),
Miscellaneous, Rules, and Trees. The following algorithms were selected to conduct analysis of
the Communities and Crime Un normalized Data set over the course of this research project.
Linear Regression - The algorithm uses linear regression for prediction and uses the
Akaike criterion to select models; the algorithm could work with weighted instances. This
method of regression is simple and provides an adequate and interpretable description of
how the input affects the output. It models a variable Y (a response value) as a linear
function of another variable X (called a predictor variable); Given n samples or data
points of the form (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..., (xn, yn), where xi ∈ X and yi ∈ Y, predictive
regression can be expressed as Y = α + β X, where α and β are regression coefficients.
Assuming that the variance of Y is a constant, the coefficients can be solved using the
least squares method. This minimizes the error between the actual data point and the
regression line.
[∑ (x − mean )(y − mean )]
[∑ (x − mean ) ]
and α = meany - β*meanx
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
where meanx and meany are the mean values for random variables X and Y given in a data
training set. The X variable is the input value (independent) and Y is the response output
value (dependent) that depends on X.
Additive Regression - This is a meta classifier algorithm that could enhance the
performance of a regression base classifier. Each iteration of the algorithm fits a model
for the residuals from the previous iteration of the classification process. Prediction is
accomplished by adding the predictions of each classifier. Reducing the shrinkage
(learning rate) parameter helps to prevent over-fitting and has a smoothing effect but
increases the learning time. Each input feature makes a separate contribution to the
output, and they are just added together. It is denoted by the following equation.
E = Y | X |= x = α +
(x j )
j =1
Decision Stump - This algorithm is a class for building and uses a decision stump along
with a boosting algorithm. The algorithm does regression (based on mean-squared error)
or classification (based on entropy). The missing values are treated as separate values.
Decision trees have a robust nature that allows them to work well with large datasets and
helps algorithms to make better decisions about the variables. Decision trees typically
have multiple layers consisting of three types of nodes as shown in Figures 1-2 [12] and
explained below:
Root node - has incoming edges and zero or more outgoing edges
Internal node - each of which has one incoming edge and two or more outgoing
Leaf node - commonly referred to as an end node, each of which has exactly one
incoming edge and no outgoing edges [12].
The decision stump is basically a decision tree, however, with a single layer as shown in Figure 2.
A stump stops after the first split. They are typically used in population segmentation for large
data and in smaller datasets to aid in making decisions in simple yes/no models .
Figure 1: A Sample Decision Tree Model
Figure 2: Decision Stump Model
2.4. Evaluation Metrics
After implementation of the algorithms, WEKA outputs five metrics that evaluate the
effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithms: Correlation coefficient, Mean absolute error, Root
mean squared error, Relative absolute error, and the Root relative squared error. The results for
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
these five metrics will be used in the comparative evaluation of the crime statistics. The objective
of this research is to present how effective the algorithms can be in determining patterns of
criminal activities.
Correlation Coefficient: The correlation coefficient measures the strength of association
between two variables. The value of a correlation coefficient will range between -1 and 1.
The larger the absolute value of the correlation coefficient, the more stronger is the
relationship between the variables. The strongest relationships are indicated by
coefficient values of -1 or 1. The weaker relationships are indicated by a value of 0. If the
correlation is positive, it means that as one variable becomes larger, the other variable
tends to become larger. For example, as an individual's level of education increases (xaxis), the wage per hour that they will make per hour increases (y-axis). A negative
correlation means that if one of the variables grow larger, the other usually gets smaller.
Again for example, the more failing grades a student receives, the lower the probability
of that student passing becomes. Strong correlations on the scatter plots are indicated by
the data points plotted just as a straight line whether positive or negative. The more
random the data points, the weaker the correlations between the variables.
The correlation coefficient is evaluated by the equation: Ci =
Cov(T , P)
, where Cov(T,P) is
σ t *σ p
the covariance of the target and model outputs; and σt and σp are the standard deviations
calculated as follows:
Cov(T , P) =
∑ T j − T Pj − P
n j =1
∑ (T
σt =
j =1
∑ (P − P )
σp =
j =1
where Pj is the value predicted by a machine learning algorithm for sample case j (out of n sample
cases); Tj is the target value for sample case j; T and P are respectively the means of the target
values and predicted values for the test samples.
Mean Absolute Error: The mean absolute error (MAE) measures the absolute difference
between the predicted values and observed values of the target feature. MAE is evaluated
by the following equation:
∑| x
− xobs |
i =1
The absolute value of the difference from the predicted values and known values are
taken and then divided by the number of observations in the dataset. In essence, it
measures the average magnitude of the error. The values of the mean absolute error can
range anywhere from 0 to infinite. It also presents negatively-oriented values, which
means the lower the value the more accurate will be the algorithm.
Root Mean Squared Error: The root mean squared error (RMSE) is the square root of the
average of the square of total error. The root mean squared error is commonly used to
measure the accuracy of errors for numerical predictions. It is defined by the equation
below, where xpred and xobs are the predicted and observed values.
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
∑ (x
− xobs )
i =1
Relative Absolute Error: The relative absolute error (RAE) is a total of the absolute error.
It works by taking the total absolute error and normalizing it by diving by the total
absolute error of the prediction. It is denoted as follows, where Pj and Tj are respectively
the predicted and targeted values for test sample j and T is the mean of the targeted
values for the test samples.
∑| P − T
j =1
∑| T
−T |
j =1
Root Relative Squared Error: The root relative squared error (RRSE) is denoted by the
equation below, where Pj and Tj are respectively the predicted and targeted values for test
sample j and T is the mean of the targeted values for the test samples.
∑ (P − T )
∑ (T
j =1
j =1
3.1. Communities and Crime Un normalized Dataset
The dataset selected to conduct this research is a Communities and Crime Un normalized dataset.
It consists of socio-economic data from the 1990 Census, law enforcement data from 1990 Law
Enforcement Management and Admin Stats survey, and crime data from the 1995 FBI UCR. It
also consists of 2215 instances or crimes that had been reported from across the country and 147
total attributes, commonly referred to as features. The dataset contains 4 non-predictive features,
125 predictive features, and 18 potential goal features which are listed below. The associated task
for this particular dataset is regression; so the regression algorithms mentioned in the previous
section were used for the predictions and comparison [13]. The non-predictive (identifying
variables) features could possibly hinder implementation or even prevent certain algorithms from
being used: (i) community name: Community name - not predictive - for information only
(string); (ii) state: US state (by 2 letter postal abbreviation) (nominal); (iii) county code: numeric
code for county - not predictive, and many missing values (numeric); (iv) community code:
numeric code for community - not predictive and many missing values (numeric). The predictive
features include those that involve the community and law enforcement. These particular set of
features in the dataset were selected because they are believed to have plausible connections to
one of the 18 potential crime goals.
Since the focus of this project is towards analyzing the crime patterns of the four violent crime
categories, the features that will be analyzed are the murders, murdPerPop, rapes, rapesPerPop,
robberies, robbbPerPop, assaults, assaultPerPop, and ViolentCrimesPerPop. WEKA has a built in
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
visualization tool that presents a plot matrix. The plot matrix displays scatter plots that shows the
correlations between two features as shown in Figures 3 and 4. This feature along with the results
from the output evaluation were also used in analysis process.
Figure 3: Plot Matrix
Figure 4: Scatter Plot of Violent Crimes per 100K
and Assaults per 100K
The "NomialToBinary -R first-last" filter was applied to the dataset. This, instead of listing
"state" as a feature, presented the two letter abbreviation of all the states that make up the United
States homeland. All the other states were removed as features. The community name feature is
of the String data type and would not allow the regression algorithms that were chosen for this
project to be used so it was also removed from the list of features.
3.2. Mississippi 2013 Crime Dataset
The following data are reported from and are used in comparative
studies. Table 1 displays the total of all crimes (classified broadly as violent and property crimes)
and Table 2 displays a breakdown of the violent crimes. Figure 5 displays the number of crimes
reported in different cities of the state, with the intensity of the blue color used as a measure to
indicate the magnitude of the number of crimes. The total population of the state is 2,991,207.
Table 1: Mississippi Crime Totals
Annual Crimes
Violent Property Total
Annual Crimes per 1,000 residents
Table 2: A Breakdown of the Violent Crimes
Report Total
Rate per 1,000
Murder Rape
Robbery Assault
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
Figure 5: Crime Rates in Different Cities of Mississippi
This section presents all of the results from the implementations of the Linear Regression,
Additive Regression, and Decision Stump algorithms. The algorithms were run to predict each of
the following features in the datasets: murders, murdPerPop, rapes, rapesPerPop, robberies,
robbbPerPop, assaults, assaultPerPop, and ViolentCrimesPerPop. Note that perPop refers to for
every 100K of people. The algorithm that gives the lowest error values for each feature and the
highest correlation coefficient is highlighted in the results presented in Tables 3 through 11.
Table 3: Results for Murder
[Total Number of Instances - 2215]
Table 4: Results for Murder per 100K of
Population [Total Number of Instances - 2215]
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
Table 5: Results for Rape
[Total Number of Instances - 2007]
Table 6: Results for Rape per 100K of
Population [Total Number of Instances - 2007]
Table 7: Results for Robberies
[Total Number of Instances - 2214]
Table 8: Results for Robberies per 100K of
Population [Total Number of Instances - 2214]
Table 9: Results for Assaults
[Total Number of Instances - 2202]
Table 10: Results for Assaults per 100K of
Population [Total Number of Instances - 2202]
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
Table 11: Results for Violent Crimes per 100K of Population [Total Number of Instances - 1994]
The overall accuracy of the algorithms is based on the error values. The algorithm that had the
greatest correlation coefficient value also generated the lowest error values among the three
algorithms. The decision stump model was the least accurate of the algorithms for each of the
nine goal features. The additive regression model seemed to be most prominent for all of the
crimes per 100K population features except for the RobberiesPerPop, AssaultsPerPop, and
ViolentCrimesPerPop features. One could infer that this is so due to the fact that the linear
regression algorithm also factors in all other present features into its implementation. These other
features aid in increasing the effectiveness of the algorithm. Also, aforementioned, the additive
regression model adds the weights of each feature and factors that into its output evaluation.
There are some values in the RobberiesPerPop, AssaultsPerPop, and ViolentCrimesPerPop
features that are either missing or are equal to zero. Overall, given the associated task for this
particular dataset and the features that have been provided, the linear regression algorithm is the
most accurate of the three.
Finally, a comparison has been done between the model produced by WEKA and the crime
statistical data provided by Aforementioned, regression makes the best
prediction for an upcoming event by using the mean value of past events. WEKA provides
attribute information for the features that are highlighted in the attribute select viewer window as
shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Selected Attribute Viewer Information Window
Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal (MLAIJ) Vol.2, No.1, March 2015
The mean values that were provided by WEKA were modeled for crimes that occurred for every
100K people in the population. The data that was provided by was
modeled for occurrences for 1000 people in the population. For consistency, the crimes statistics
from were scaled to 100K per population. The product of this rate and
the mean values of the four crime per population features were used to scale the values with the 100K population crime totals. These projections for the MurderPerPop
and RapePerPop features are relatively close, unlike the RobbPerPop and AssaultPerPop features
whose residuals are greater. This is due to the fact that the error values from the robbery and
assault features are greater than that of the murder and rape features.
Table 12: WEKA Crime Totals
Mean per 100K
Projected Crime Totals
Table 13: Crime Totals
Mean per 100K
Estimated Crime Totals
We observe the linear regression algorithm to be very effective and accurate in predicting the
crime data based on the training set input for the three algorithms. The relatively poor
performance of the Decision Stump algorithm could be attributed to a certain factor of
randomness in the various crimes and the associated features (exhibits a low correlation
coefficient among the three algorithms); the branches of the decision trees are more rigid and give
accurate results only if the test set follows the pattern modelled. On the other hand, the linear
regression algorithm could handle randomness in the test samples to a certain extent (without
incurring too much of prediction error). Data mining has become a vital part of crime detection
and prevention. Even though the scope of this project was to prove how effective and accurate
machine learning algorithms can be at predicting violent crimes, there are other applications of
data mining in the realm of law enforcement such as determining criminal "hot spots", creating
criminal profiles, and learning crime trends. Utilizing these applications of data mining can be a
long and tedious process for law enforcement officials who have to sift through large volumes of
data. However, the precision in which one could infer and create new knowledge on how to slow
down crime is well worth the safety and security of people.
Violent Crime.
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Mississippi Crime Rates and Statistics - NeighborhoodScout. Mississippi Crime Rates and Statistics NeighborhoodScout. Accessed February 17, 2015.
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