Suitability of Valleys of Cantabria Area for a UGGp Proposal
Jaime Bonachea 1, * , Alberto González-Díez 1 , Javier Hernández-Blanco 2 , Juan Remondo 1 and Victoria Rivas 3
Citation: Bonachea, J.; González-Díez,
A.; Hernández-Blanco, J.; Remondo, J.;
Rivas, V. Suitability of Valleys of
Cantabria Area for a UGGp Proposal.
Land 2023, 12, 2177.
Academic Editors: Bogusława
Department of Earth Sciences and Physics of the Condensed Matter, Universidad de Cantabria, Avda. Los
Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain;
[email protected] (A.G.-D.);
[email protected] (J.R.)
Mancomunidad de Municipios Sostenibles de Cantabria, Ed. La Lonja, 39740 Santona, Spain;
[email protected]
Department of Geography, Urban Planning and Land Planning, Universidad de Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros
s/n, 39005 Santander, Spain;
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract: UNESCO-designated geoparks, intended for conservation, seek to drive economic development via geological heritage education and tourism. Since 2018, within the framework of
the European project Atlantic Geoparks (Interreg Atlantic area program), the Valleys of Cantabria
project has been promoted to declare a UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) in the Cantabria region
(northern Spain). The Valles de Cantabria proposal, aligning with UNESCO objectives, evaluates the
region’s geopark potential, emphasizing sustainable development and societal education. Covering
600 km2 in eastern Cantabria, the territory involves 19 municipalities and has a population of 60,600.
The geological context, ranging from the Triassic to the Quaternary periods, reflects the complex
evolution of this territory, which has been influenced by tectonic forces, geomorphological processes,
and sea-level changes. Detailed reviews and fieldwork performed by experts, including university
researchers, have identified 66 sites of geological interest (SGI). The geosites, which have different
geological–geomorphological significances, have been assessed according to their scientific value
(including educational importance), potential of use (mainly geotouristic use), and vulnerability or
risk of degradation. The geological heritage is directly related to the high biodiversity of the area.
The challenges of this territory, such as depopulation and the low income of the inhabitants, can
be improved with the declaration of a geopark, which would help to create new job opportunities
related to geotourism and sustainable development. UNESCO recognition could catalyse scientific
research, address socioeconomic challenges, and foster rural revitalization, strengthening the symbiotic relationship between geoconservation and local economic growth. Collaboration with other
Atlantic geoparks has enabled the exchange of experiences that will hopefully deepen in the future.
Consequently, the aim of this work is to explore the potential of this territory in terms of high-quality
geological features and biological and cultural heritage, as well as to evaluate the socioeconomic
context that makes the territory potentially suitable for promoting a UGGp.
Baran-Zgłobicka and Wojciech
Received: 26 October 2023
Keywords: UNESCO geopark; sites of geological interest (geosites); geotourism; Valles de Cantabria;
northern Spain
Revised: 14 December 2023
Accepted: 15 December 2023
Published: 17 December 2023
1. Introduction
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A geopark is an area designated for nature conservation declared by UNESCO to
contribute to the economic development of a territory through the dissemination of its
geological heritage by means of education and tourism activities [1,2]; this also relies on
the biological and cultural heritage of the area.
Geoparks are the cornerstone of geotourism, a concept first defined in 1995 in England [3] as the development of tourism based on visiting the best examples of the geological
values of a territory [4]. Geotourism, or geologically based tourism, deals with natural
and built abiotic environments [5], combining geological values with other natural values
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of a biological or sociocultural nature; this can act as a tool for the development of rural
environments affected by depopulation.
The UNESCO Global Geoparks Network totals 195 territories spread over 48 countries.
Spain, with 16 geoparks, is the largest contributor at the European level and second only to
China (41 geoparks) at international level. The last Spanish territory to join the UNESCO
Global Geoparks Network was Cabo Ortegal [6]. In 2018, the project Atlantic Geoparks
was launched under the auspices of the European Commission, framed in the Interreg
Atlantic Area Cooperation Program through the “Transnational promotion and cooperation
of the Atlantic Geoparks for sustainable development”. This project involved partners
from different countries, including eight geoparks in the European Atlantic area (Portugal,
United Kingdom, Ireland, and Spain) and two aspiring territories (France and Spain).
Despite the significant number of geoparks declared in Spain and due to the great potential
that geological values offer to relaunch the economy of depopulated rural areas, a great
social interest in promoting new geopark projects persists. Thus, Volcanes de Calatrava [7]
is under consideration for declaration in 2024 and three other candidacies (Huellas de
dinosaurio de La Rioja [8], Costa Quebrada [9], and Valles de Cantabria [10]) have been
working over the last few years to become UGGps. In the present work, we analyse the
Valles de Cantabria proposal.
All of the areas must harmonise with the requirements of the National Strategic Plan
for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity approved by the Spanish government under the Law
42/2007, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity. In addition, they have to contribute to the
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UNESCO’s 2030 Agenda through the strategy
designed by establishing synergies with other geoparks.
The present work analyses the reasoning used by the team who drafted the proposal
for the Valles de Cantabria candidacy as a geopark. Are there elements of geological
heritage with sufficient scientific value and quality to make them worthy of conservation?
Are there other complementary biological and/or sociocultural natural heritage elements?
Do the existing elements possess didactic capacities with potential for geotourism? Does the
territory need the geopark for its socioeconomic development, as established by UNESCO?
Is the proposed territory complementary to other nearby geoparks so that together they
can show the geological evolution of the planet? This article intends to provide answers to
some of these questions.
The remainder of this manuscript is organised as follows. The first part presents a
description of the study area, especially with regard to its geological and geomorphological
characteristics. Next, the methodology used to collect and examine the information is
presented. This section is followed by the results, with examples of the main geosites
identified, their relationship with other natural and cultural values, and the socioeconomic
context, highlighting the needs and potentials of the aspiring geopark territory. Finally,
within the discussion section, the connections among the aforementioned aspects are
1.1. Study Area
The aspiring area is located in eastern Cantabria (Figure 1), bordering the provinces
of Burgos (Castile–Leon) and Vizcaya (Basque Country). Its surface covers approximately
600 km2 and is characterised by steep slopes with heights ranging from 0 to 1600 m above
sea level. The distance in a straight line between the coast and the summit areas (to the
south) does not exceed 35 km. The proposal includes the participation of 19 municipalities,
with a total population of 60,600 inhabitants that increases during summer. The predominant economic activity in the coastal and urban areas is the hospitality and tourism industry,
livestock farming still plays a major role in rural environments, and the fishing and the
canning industries are predominant in the fishing port areas.
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Figure 1. Location of the applicant territory, including municipalities, rivers, and main roads.
1.2. Geological Setting
tt territory is located in the eastern sector of the Cantabrian Mountain
The aspiring
Range in the Basque–Cantabrian Basin [11–14], where crop out materials from the Mesozoic
(Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous, with ages ranging from 230 to 94 Ma) emerge overlapped
by a wide variety of Quaternary deposits (Figure 2).
At the upper Permian (Lopingian) and Lower Triassic, the Atlantic Ocean and the Bay
of Biscay began to open. It is in the last stage of the Triassic when the sedimentation of clay
and evaporite (Keuper facies) from the Upper Triassic (Norian–Rhaetian, 227–201.3 Ma)
takes place, which gave rise to the formation of salt diapirs and constituted the take-off
area for the dipping faults originating during the Alpine Orogeny. Volcanic activity during
this period is revealed by the intrusion of ophite [15].
During the Lower–Middle Jurassic (ages Pliensbachian, Toarcian, and Aalenian, 190.8–
170.3 Ma), the opening of the Atlantic Ocean continued, the Bay of Biscay opened up, and
a marine transgression took place, contributing to the deposition of marine sediments
(limestones, dolomites, lime-dolomitic breccias, and microcrystalline limestone). The
geotectonic evolution changes of the Upper Jurassic modified the sedimentation regime,
allowing terrigenous deposits to appear [16]. With the opening of the Bay of Biscay, a large
sedimentary basin was created and the Basque–Cantabrian Basin compartmentalised into
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blocks with horsts and grabens, in which currently a differential accumulation of Mesozoic
sediments is present, with an average thickness of up to 15 km.
Figure 2. Geological map of the aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark (aUGGp), with the location of the
sites of geological importance (SGIs).
The Cretaceous succession [17–22] can be divided into three large groups or complexes
that cover, from bottom to top, ttthe following periods: Late Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous, and Lower Upper Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian, 105–93 Ma),
with the last two predominating. The first group (Tithonian–Aptian, 152–125 Ma) is mainly
composed of detrital materials of continental origin corresponding to alluvial fans that
gradually filled up the basin, although, on some occasions, these could also have been
deposited in coastal areas (Purbeck–Weald facies). This sedimentation was strongly conditioned by the action of the W–E (Cabuérniga fault) and N–S (Ubierna fault) faults. In the
second group (Aptian–Albian, 125–100 Ma), sedimentation is mainly marine, although it is
characterised by its lithological variability, with frequent lateral changes of facies (Urgonian
complex). This sedimentation was controlled by a series of faults that originated during the
rift stage and led to the opening of the Bay of Biscay and by a shallow sea that favoured the
development of large reefs on the raised blocks formed by bivalve molluscs, mainly rudists,
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among which the endemic Pseudotoucasia santanderensis stands out. Although carbonates
dominate, terrestrial detrital intercalations are frequent and linked to deltaic, coastal, or
platform environments. The third group (Albian–Cenomanian; 105–93 Ma) is characterised
by variations in the thickness and facies of sediments in a deltaic environment of detrital
materials (sandstone and shale); these sediments overlap laterally on the previous group,
producing sediment thicknesses greater than 2000 m (Supraurgonian complex).
At the Early Cretaceous, the Iberian plate, pushed by the African plate, collided
with the European plate, initiating a phase of deformation that led to the cessation of
sedimentation in the basins and the raising of the Cantabrian Mountain Range during the
Alpine Orogeny.
From a structural point of view, the materials are deformed by a series of deformation
structures typical of a higher structural level. These are folds with a large radius of
curvature and brittle-domain faults with mainly N–S and NW–SE orientations. The whole
com-plex is affected by a fracture network of traction character with conjugate conditions
to the previous ones. There are three important systems of faults in this area showing
recent seismic activity [23]. Besides those previously mentioned, corresponding with
the original deformation trends and with the deformation existing tensor there are: the
eastward prolongation of the Frente Cabalgante de El Escudo de Cabuérniga W–E, called
the Arredondo–Ramales fault; the NE-SW Selaya–Arredondo fault, and the S–N Ramales
strip. These fractures condition the layout of the main river valleys.
1.3. Geomorphological Setting
Landforms in the area are the result of the dismantling of preexisting relief due to
the erosive activity of external agents, leading to landscapes of different morphogenetic
environments, such as glaciers, rivers, the sea, karstic processes, and slope movements. The
connection between these morphogenetic features provides evidence of the Quaternary
climatic evolution and sea-level changes. Furthermore, the geomechanical properties of
the bedrocks condition the morphology of the fluvial and slope features. Consequently,
river activity eroded the relief, causing the valleys to recede in favour of areas of structural
weakness, helped by eustatic sea-level fluctuations, which also facilitated the shaping of the
current coastline [24,25]. Regarding the role of sea-level variations, according to the marine
isotopic stages (MIS), the erosive process that led to the excavation of the Asón estuary
was originated by the last episode of sea-level decline during MIS2–MIS3, with a much
lower sea level and the coastline located a few kilometres away from where the present
one stands. This marine descent caused the hydrographic network to become encapsulated
and the river valleys to be strongly incised below the current level, in favour, in this
case, of materials that are not very resistant (Keuper facies) and are intensely tectonised.
During MIS1, the end of the glaciation led to a sea-level rise, resulting in the flooding of
coastal lowlands (formed by diapiric depressions) and in the transformation of terminal
segments of river mouths into estuaries. This initiated a significant sedimentation process,
encompassing contributions from both continental and marine sources, including sand,
silt, and mud. The subsequent regression meant the progression of beaches and dunes
from sand bars, after which, protected from the waves, in some cases semi-enclosed coastal
lagoons were formed and finer sediments began to be deposited, developing muddy
plains linked to these low-energy conditions during the latest Quaternary. Within these
Quaternary deposits, the following are the most relevant: beach deposits, dunes, marshes,
terraces, and river deposits [26].
The higher areas show a more abrupt relief, with considerable slopes and elevations
(1300–1600 m.a.s.l.) due to the presence of massive reef limestone and stratified limestone,
marl, sandstone, and clay. The intermediate areas, with a gentler slope, are composed of
sandstone and clay. In lower areas, there are diapiric structures but also limestone that
generates a strong and irregular coastline.
During the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM), dated in the Cantabrian range around
44–29 ka [27], the presence of glaciers at heights between 950 and 600 m originated moraine
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deposits and erosive forms, such as U-shaped valleys and glacial cirques, in the landscape.
Within this environment, identifiable glacial forms still remain, both depositional (moraine
ridges, closures, dam lakes, glacio-lacustrine deposits, snow-capped moraines, etc.) and
erosive features (cirques, snow-capped niches, over-excavation basins, edges, etc.). The
moraine front reached the lowest level in Spain [28,29]. Its eastern moraine (very well
preserved) serves as a barrier to a group of five very well preserved dam lakes. The western
moraine allows the connection of the main moraine chains with those corresponding to
five smaller cirques built during the retreat phases towards the headwaters of the valley.
The lower moraines (550–600 m) are attributed to the MIS5–6 stages and related to Alpinetype glaciers; the second ones correspond to the MIS2–4 and are related to Pyrenean-type
glaciers (900–1000 m). All these morphologies are being partially dismantled by landslides
and torrential processes.
The large areas of massive Aptian limestone throughout the territory of the aspiring
area have undergone intense karstification, giving rise to a great diversity of karst forms
both at surface and depth levels [30–32]. There are extensive areas of limestone pavements
and a large number of endokarst forms such as shafts, caves, and other underground
conduits that reach developments of kilometres in length. The factors that have determined
this peculiar underground Gruyére cheese-like “orography” are the type and nature of
the materials that form its relief (easily soluble Cretaceous limestone) and the climate
(alternation of cold and hot periods, with different amounts of precipitation in the form of
rain or snow), mainly during the Quaternary.
2. Materials and Methods
A working group composed of university professors and researchers from different
fields reviewed the documentation available for the territory and investigated the features
of potential geological interest and other natural and socioeconomic data to assess the
geotourism and educational potential of the area.
The bibliographic review included over 150 bibliographic references on geological–
geomorphological aspects; the importance of and interest in this sector of the Cantabrian
Mountains has led to an abundance of scientific research over the years. This review was
followed by additional analyses and fieldwork, resulting in a list of geological features
considered potential sites of geological interest (SGIs). This initial list included both SGIs
already contained in existing inventories and new ones not previously catalogued in any
official inventories. To obtain a sound SGI inventory, the most significant sites were selected
through a semiquantitative evaluation based on the work team knowledge and their expert
For this evaluation, a worksheet was completed for each geosite according to the
methodology proposed in [33] for the Basque Coast Geopark; Figure 3 shows an example.
The worksheet presents, in a synthetic and alluring manner, the description, assessment,
and characterisation of each SGI. The description includes a brief explanatory text on the
peculiarities of the SGI, with graphic material, location, and accessibility. The assessment
and characterisation part reflects the intrinsic value, the educational and geotouristic
potential, and the vulnerability and risk of degradation of the SGI.
To characterise SGI intrinsic value, the working group considered the type of feature
(geomorphological, hydrogeological, tectonic/structural, stratigraphic/sedimentological,
paleontological, petrological, paleoclimatic, etc.), geodiversity, and previous literature.
The assessment was based on the singularity of the SGI within the geological context, its
usefulness as reference model of the geology, its relevance, and its state of conservation. The
potential for use was assessed by analysing the comprehensibility of the feature, its aesthetic
value, spectacularism and beauty of the environment, observation conditions, accessibility
services and infrastructure, and association with other cultural, natural, or recreational
elements. Finally, different threats were evaluated for the vulnerability assessment. All
variables were weighted from 1 to 4, and the final value for each section was computed
using the arithmetic mean; the final SGI catalogue was compiled according to these values.
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Figure 3. Description and assessment form of the Miera Glacier valley geosite.
To evaluate the socioeconomic weaknesses that could justify a need to promote the
development of the studied area, the working group analysed the evolution of population
data (inhabitants, density, aging rate), available income
ff per capita, and type and evolution
of the productive sectors. Possible synergies with other tourist and recreational resources
(availability of tourist facilities) were also explored.
Simultaneously, a digital cartographic inventory was prepared; this included the
geological, natural, and cultural heritage selected to promote the project according to the
criteria proposed for this type of study [34], namely potential for geotourism use, intrinsic
or scientific value, type of interest, presence of other complementary values, and existence
of conservation designations.
3. Results
The territory analysed has an important geological, biological, and cultural heritage.
The main existing elements are presented in order to offer resources related to geotourism
and geoeducation that is suitable for all audiences and constitutes an excellent opportunity
to promote the socioeconomic development of this area.
3.1. Geosites
The final SGI catalogue includes over 66 sites of geological–geomorphological interest
(Table 1; Figure 4). Eight of them are of international importance, five of national, fifteen of
regional, and thirty-eight of local importance, and they are included within the following
Spanish geological framework of international importance [35]:
Carbonate and evaporite karst systems in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.
oasts of the Iberian Peninsula.
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The Pb–Zn and Fe mineralization of the Urgonian (Aptian–Albian, 125–100 Ma) in the
Basque–Cantabrian Basin.
Table 1. List of sites of geological interest (SGI) of international (code: 1–8) and national (code:
9–38) importance included in the geopark proposal. Geological interest (Ge: Geomorphologic; Pa:
Paleoclimatic; St: Structural; Hy: Hydrogeological; Se: Sedimentological; Pe: Petrological; Pal:
Paleontological; Str: Stratigraphic; Me: Metallogenic; Cul: Cultural); main use (Sc: Scientific; Ed:
Educational; Geot: Geotourism); general description of the geosite.
Main Use
Valle glaciar del Miera
Mineralizaciones de Fe en
paleokarst de Peña Cabarga
Polje de Matienzo
Sistema hidrogeológico y
lapiaces del Mortillano
Diapiro de Liendo
Dunas de Sonabia
Estuario del Asón
Cueva de Covalanas
Bosque fósil de Trengandín
Deslizamiento de Ajanedo
Sistema Cueto Coventosa
Sistema hidrogeológico de
Cueva del Valle
Depresión de Liendo
Spectacular example of glacier morphologies
Global Geosite UR005: Fe deposits as oxides
originating from the oxidation of the Aptian
One of the largest poljes in Spain and Europe
More than 140 km of underground conduits,
cavities, torques, and exokarst
A diapiric intrusion that brings Triassic
materials into contact with Cretaceous materials
The inactive climbing dunes rise the slope of
the Candina Mount forming an orthogonal
An example of a Cantabrian estuary,
lithological and tectonic control related to the
sea movements occurred during the Neogene;
natural park
Prehistoric site, with paintings from around
20,000 BP, declared World Heritage in 2008
Intertidal fossil forest with peats and abundant
tree trunks dated around 3000–4000 years BP
An unstable area with a large complex
landslide, rock avalanches, and rock-falls
One of the largest and most explored
hydrological systems, considered as a sanctuary
for the practice of caving
Karstic development of more than 60 km where
the Silencio river rises
A large depression dating back more than
30,000 years BP, close to the coast, whose origin
is being investigated
These SGIs show, among other things: (a) glacial morphologies: glacier circus, ancient
glacier lakes, and moraine deposits, which appear at lower altitudes in the Iberian Peninsula;
(b) karstic processes: large cavities and pits, underground lakes and rivers, wells, or
exokarstic forms (this area represents an exceptional Cretaceous limestone cave system, one
of the largest known in the world); (c) coastal-type forms and wind modelling processes:
aeolian forms, beach-dune systems, cliffs, estuaries, etc.; (d) fluvial processes and forms:
meanders, river captures, or terrace deposits; and (e) paleontological sites represented by
the presence of a fossil forest in the coastal area, dating from about 3000 to 4000 years BP.
These elements are of great interest for the study of the climate during the Holocene
and to determine the position of the ancient coastline [36].
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Figure 4. Examples of geosites in the aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark (aUGGp) Valles de Cantabria:
(a) Miera glacier valley (SGI 1); (b) Matienzo polje (SGI 3); (c) Mortillano hydrogeological system
(SGI 4); (d) Cueto Coventosa hydrogeological system (SGI 22); (e) Covalanas cave World Heritage
Site (SGI 8); (f) Sonabia climbing dunes (SGI 6); (g) Asón estuary (SGI 7); (h) Liendo diapir (SGI 5);
(i) fossil forest in Trengandín beach (SGI 9); (j) Liendo depression (SGI 38).
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The international and national relevance of the geosites has been proposed because
of the existence of bibliographic references and research projects. The sites include: Miera
glacier valley [17,27,35,37–44]; iron mineralisation in Peña Cabarga Paleokarst (included in
the Global Geosites Project); the Matienzo polje [32,45–47]; the Mortillano hydrogeological
system [18,22,48–52]; the Liendo diapir [31,32]; the Sonabia dunes [26,32,42,53,54]; the
Asón estuary [24,55–64], and the Covalanas cave, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since
2008 [64–66].
A new site of geological Interest called Marismas de Santoña has been recently added
to the Spanish Inventory of Geological Sites of Interest (IELIG for its Spanish acronym);
this includes the estuary of the Asón River (code CV063) [67].
Among the proposed geosites, glacial and karst morphogenetic systems are the most
relevant, due to their originality, size, and state of conservation. The glacial system is
composed of five large units or systems, all of them located on the southern edge of the
aspiring territory. One of the most representative examples at the international level is the
Miera glacier valley (Figures 3 and 5). The glacial forms and deposits present different
states of conservation and development; the coexisting forms (cirques, valleys, moraines)
were built in different glacial phases, mainly attributed to the MIS2 and MIS3 episodes [29].
The maximum glacial development in this area occurred between 44,000- and 29,000-years
BP [28]. Glacial remains appear at elevations around 600 m above sea level, representing
the lowest in the Iberian Peninsula. A wide range of slope processes (landslides, rockfalls,
mudflows, etc.) act on both glacial deposits and rocky outcrops, dismantling glacial
morphologies or acting on the exposed reliefs.
Figure 5. View of the Miera glacier valley from the Covalruyo viewpoint. The valley extends from
the village of La Concha (573 m) to its headwaters at Portillo de Lunada (1350 m) and the foothills of
Castro Valnera (1718 m) and presents a typical glacial valley shape (a defined U shape), representing
one of the best examples of glacial morphology at international level.
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The large extension and thickness of massive Aptian limestones (which account for
approximately half of the territory) have been affected by intense karstification, resulting
in a great diversity of karstic forms, both on the surface and underground. This territory
therefore presents extensive karren areas and a large number of endokarstic forms: chasms,
caves, and other underground conduits that reach kilometric lengths. Of the 82 largest
caves in Spain, 15 are located within this area. The Porracolina System or Alto Tejuelo with
173 km of development (Figure 6) and the Mortillano System with 145 km of development,
constitute the 1st and 2nd largest systems in Spain, the 3rd and 6th in Europe, and the
12th and 15th in the world, respectively [68]. The Cueva del Valle System, with 60 km
of development, occupies the 4th place in Spain and the 55th in the world. The second
largest pit in the world and largest in Spain is also present in this territory: the Gran Pozo
MTDE, with a 435 m long vertical drop. This is the fourth largest in volume in the world
and the largest in Europe [69]. Some of these caves have been used as shelters, at least for
the last 45,000 years, and important Palaeolithic cave art has been found in them, such as
the parietal art findings in the Covalanas cave that are around 20,000 years old [70].
Figure 6. Underground karst formations present on the territory of the aUGGp (photo courtesy of J.
It is also worth noting the presence of several poljes in this territory, among which the
polje of Matienzo stands out as one of the largest in Spain and Europe, along with others
that are less developed. It was formed over the past 2.6 million years, which means that
the caves of the region could contain a record of the climate and environmental changes
throughout the Quaternary [47]. The intense dissolution of the limestone has produced
important deposits of terra rossa in this polje, resulting in excellent agricultural production
areas. The 26.4 km2 Matienzo depression includes 200 km of explored passage.
Of the specified number of geosites selected in the study, almost 70% show high
relevance to serve as references for geological heritage in a geopark proposal. A total of
45 of them have obtained a high or very high rating due to their intrinsic value (scientific)
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and potential for use (educational and geotouristic). Obviously, the highest-rated ones
correspond to sites of national and international importance (Table 2).
Table 2. Assessment (minimum value: 1; maximum value: 4) of sites of geological interest (SGIs)
presented in Table 1.
Intrinsic Value
Potential for Use
Vulnerability and Risk
Valle glaciar del Miera
Mineralizaciones de Fe en paleokarst de
Peña Cabarga
Polje de Matienzo
Sistema hidrogeológico y lapiaces del
Diapiro de Liendo
Dunas de Sonabia
Estuario del Asón
Cueva de Covalanas
Bosque fósil de Trengandín
Deslizamiento de Ajanedo
Sistema Cueto Coventosa
Sistema hidrogeológico de Cueva del Valle
Depresión de Liendo
However, some of them are, at the same time, those that present the greatest risk of
degradation, such as the fossil forest of Trengandín (SGI 9), the Covalanas cave (SGI 8), or
the Asón estuary (SGI 7). The vulnerability of these geosites responds to different realities.
In the first case, it is due to its fragility in the face of natural processes, such as coastal
erosion and in the context of rising sea levels; the carrying capacity of visitors is important
in the second case, whereas the human pressure due to the diversity and intensity of uses
is important in the surroundings of the Asón estuary.
3.2. Biological and Cultural Heritage
Conservation of geological features is closely linked to the safeguarding of biotic
elements; the combination of these two elements represents an integral aspect of overall
environmental conservation. A total of 39% of the proposed territory is located in protected
natural areas: 13 SGIs are located in the Marshes of the Santoña, Victoria, and Joyel Natural
Park, 37 are either within a Special Conservation Area, a Special Protection Area for Birds
(Natura 2000 Network), or Wetlands of International Importance on the Ramsar Agreement
(Ramsar Convention), and 33 are located within one of the Important Bird Areas and
Biodiversity (IBA) (Figure 7).
Some of the best examples of the interrelationship established between geological and
biological conditions are as follows. A colony of tawny vultures, considered the only one
in Europe on sea cliffs, is present on the eastern coast of this territory. The coastal limestone
massifs host the best-preserved Cantabrian oak groves (Quercus ilex) in northern Spain,
a species that bore witness to the environmental conditions of the Paleogene–Neogene,
when the climate was warmer and drier. The Santoña Marshes are included in the Ramsar
Convention and owe their relevance to their ornithological interest, as these are considered
“the most important coastal wetland in the north of the Iberian Peninsula for waterfowl”
due to the high number of species and individuals. The role of these coastal wetlands is
especially important for a large number of waterbirds on their migration routes, as they are
one of the few resting and wintering stations available for seasonal movements between
northern Europe and northern Africa.
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Figure 7. Protected areas within the aUGGp Valles de Cantabria.
A large number of historical, cultural, and industrial elements, including an important
civil and religious architectural heritage, complements the natural heritage in the future
geopark. Archaeological areas, many of them with the remains of ancient human settlements from the Palaeolithic to recent times [37,65], show the human occupation in many of
tt caves or shelters (Figure 8a). In this territory, there is a UNESCO-designated
the existing
site, the Covalanas Cave, declared a World Heritage Site in 2008 due to the presence of cave
paintings. The occupation of the territory by the first humans took place in prehistoric times,
at least since the Lower Palaeolithic, up to the present day, when the first manifestations of
paintings in caves and shelters appeared. The Covalanas and El Mirón caves constitute an
extraordinary archive of information from the past, given that the prehistorians represent
more than 40,000 years of human occupation, from the last Neanderthals to the beginning
of the Bronze Age [37,71]. It is also worth noting the existence of megalithic constructions
(Ilsos or Yelsos) that indicate a human presence in the area during the Neolithic period,
which should be highlighted and geoconserved for the use and enjoyment of inhabitants
and visitors. In addition, there are 73 Assets of Cultural Interest (BIC) declared by the
Government of Cantabria and 10 Assets of Local Interest (BIL), among which are churches,
chapels, towers, palaces, mills, etc., (Figure 8b).
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Figure 8. Inventory of cultural heritage: (a) underground explored caves, archaeological sites,
protected caves, and Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe; (b) religious, architectural, and
industrial heritage sites.
3.3. Socioeconomic Context
The studied area, as a whole, shows a stagnation of the population throughout the
present century that will be maintained in the next decade, according to the projections of
the Cantabrian Institute of Statistics. The population in this area also show relatively low
income (about EUR 13,990 average per capita; Table 3 and Figure 9a), especially in rural
areas, in comparison with that of the total population of Cantabria (EUR 15,919) and of
Spain (EUR 15,817).
The population of the territory analysed is also characterised by an uneven distribution
in which the most inner municipalities lose inhabitants at the expense of those located
closer to the coast. The population density and ageing rate are both clear indicators of this
process, revealing an evident spatial pattern (Figure
This behaviour corresponds to the economic expectations of the inhabitants, who move
towards areas with greater diversity of economic sectors, more employment opportunities,
and better communications.
In rural environments, which make up most of the territory,
livestock farming still plays a major role, although the farming of cattle, especially dairy
cattle, is in recession
tt (Figure 9d).
Therefore, the municipalities in the studied area present different social
ff and economic
characteristics. Combining the indicators used above, more than 50% of the territory has
been classified as “Rural Area of Cantabria at Risk of Depopulation” [72] because this
meets some of the following criteria: less than 2000 inhabitants, population density less
than 12.5 inhabitants/km2 , or ageing rate greater than 30% (Table 3).
As a result, the final picture shows great inequalities in a territory that requires
development initiatives and alternative attractive
incentives, especially for the population
of the most depressed areas.
The goal of the proposal for the Valles de Cantabria candidacy as a geopark is to
ensure a sustainable and spatially balanced development that involves the local community
and considers their interests and needs. The declaration of this area as a geopark could
result in an enhancement of its cultural, historical, and natural potential, which could
attract both visitors and residents. This could generate tourism-related jobs and strengthen
local identity. In this sense, cooperation and participation initiatives have been created by
different organisations to enhance the socioeconomic development of the territory through
promotion and conservation actions. The necessary commitments have been made to
develop coordination and joint management with the Government of Cantabria, the rural
development groups, the Cantabrian Network for Rural Development (RCDR), the Eastern
Land 2023, 12, 2177
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Coastal Action Group (GAC), and the associations and town councils, that is, all the bodies
and institutions present in the territory.
Figure 9. Socioeconomic indicators in 2020: (a) income per capita; (b) population density; (c) ageing
rate; and (d) evolution of livestock herd during the twenty-first century.
The already existing infrastructure, oriented to sports, historical, and nature activities,
could be used and/or adapted to incorporate the diffusion of geological aspects, at both an
tt ff
educational and a touristic level, with
relatively little effort and cost. Currently, around
30 active tourism companies offer tourism activities that are always in touch with nature
and understanding the geology of the surroundings while respecting it. Bird watching,
canyoning, canoe descents, diving, hiking, horseback riding between forests and beaches,
kayaking, mountain bike routes, mountain trails and races, orienteering circuits, photographic routes, sea excursions, speleology, surfing, paddle surfing and big sup, via ferrata,
and climbing, are some of the activities implemented in the territory that could be related
to the dissemination of geological heritage (Figure 10). For example, this territory is intertt
known for its varied and rich underground
heritage, which has attracted interest
from speleologists from different countries since the mid-twentieth century. The Coventosa
hydrogeological system is one of the most relevant karstic systems among those most visited by speleologists, not only from Spain but also from other countries, especially UK and
France. To promote the value of speleological activities, new itineraries have been proposed
within the candidacy, focusing on the most representative karst elements and including
visits to underground caves or climbing activities adapted for people with disabilities.
From a historical point of view, three routes present in this territory have been recognised
as the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”: the Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim
Route, the European Routes of Emperor Carlos V, and the Route of the Prehistoric Rock Art.
Land 2023, 12, 2177
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Any of these routes can easily be transformed into interpretive trails and viewpoints that
address geological, biological, and cultural themes with an integrated approach (Figure 11).
Figure 10. Distribution of active tourism companies linked to geotourism in the aUGGp.
The area has a network of 12 Tourist Information Offices that provide
information on
the resources of the territory (Figure 12), as well as on the different activities
carried out
in the area. They also offer general information
about existing services and facilities for
tourism (accommodation, hospitality, communications, landmarks, viewpoints, etc.). For
instance, in collaboration with public administrations, guided visits to farms, workshops
related to rural activities, routes traversing various geosites offered by specialised
etc., are organised.
Finally, since the primary activity has and has had an important weight in the economy
of the area, there is a high number of local producers (more than 40) from the primary
sector who depend on agriculture or organic farming, livestock, or fishing. Thus, there is a
high quality of agricultural and fishing products and a well-established agro-food industry.
Different food products are produced
in the territory, such as cheeses, yoghurts, jams,
typical sweets wine, vegetables, semi-preserved fish, etc., with quality marks awarded by
the Government of Cantabria (D.O., I.G.P., Controlled Quality, Mountain Products, and
Certified Organic Agriculture). A database including the local companies or local producers
has been compiled (Figure 13). The development of the area based on geotourism and the
development of local products could be integrated through the Geofood initiative, which
has been successful in other geoparks.
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Figure 11. Different
routes or trails that cross or go around some of the geosites; some are geointerpreted.
Figure 12. Facilities and infrastructure present in the aUGGp.
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Figure 13. Local producers working in the aUGGp.
Table 3. Municipality data: demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and the risk of depopulation 2020. Data obtained from [73].
Area (Km2 )
Density (Inh/Km2 )
Gross Available
Income per Capita
Bárcena de Cicero
Ramales de la Victoria
San Roque de Riomiera
Global Geopark
Cantabria region
Risk of
Land 2023, 12, 2177
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The conservation and dissemination of the geological heritage offers the opportunity
to maintain and generate new employment niches that are necessary to fix the population
in rural areas while preserving local traditions and villages. The aim is to maximise its
potential in order to achieve a more balanced distribution of attractive activities throughout
the territory and, therefore, a more equilibrated distribution of population and income.
4. Discussion
This territory has its own signs of identity and an extraordinary natural, cultural, and
intangible heritage of great value. The area displays examples of depositional and erosional
landforms caused by glacial, karstic, hillslope, fluvial, and coastal processes developed during the Quaternary from materials of the Basque–Cantabrian Basin. Moreover, its geological
heritage includes other elements of interest from its geodiversity, such as stratigraphical,
structural, mineralogical, or hydrogeological features. Lithostructural control is evident in
the configuration of the area, but epirogenic and eustatic fluctuations are also involved. The
importance and interest of this sector of the Cantabrian Mountain Range have prompted
numerous research works and the area has been studied by different authors over the
years [28,48,49,74–77].
The significance and quantity of geosites presented in Tables 1 and 2 (20% of the total
inventory) categorised as of international (8) and national (5) interest, would, according to
the authors, justify in itself the declaration of this territory as a geopark. The intrinsic value
and the potential for use of these geosites account for 60% of the highest scores, indicating
their importance based on the evaluation carried out.
In addition, most of them also have a low risk of degradation, which facilitates
their use for geotourism and geoeducation. On the other hand, the declaration of the
area as a geopark could indeed promote its geoconservation, as it would facilitate the
implementation of measures such as restricting access and/or regulating uses.
The environments, processes, and geomorphological landforms are well distributed
from the head of the valley to the coastline, showing strong contrasts between the sea
and mountains and between the more rural inland and the coastal areas. In addition to
the variety of geomorphological elements, the quality and state of conservation of the
most outstanding features are also of note. Some of these areas are among the largest and
best preserved in Europe because, although somewhat modified by human activities, they
essentially retain their nature.
Due to its characteristics, mainly those of a geomorphological nature, this territory
could be considered as complementary to those existing in other neighbouring communities,
such as the Basque Coast Geopark (Guipuzkoa, Basque Country) and the Las Loras Geopark
(Burgos and Palencia, Castile–Leon). These geoparks have collaborated steadily throughout
the years and shared experiences that could be applied to the aUGGp presented herein.
Geological features are closely linked to biotic elements whose combination is part
of overall environmental conservation. In fact, some of the geosites are located in areas
designated for biodiversity protection. The entire territory forms a scenic landscape with
a clear geological–geomorphological basis. The limestone massifs serve as genuine topographic landmarks that are scattered and prominent in an environment characterised by
lower relief. These act as excellent viewpoints, providing 360◦ panoramic views of the
surrounding areas.
The geosites not only contribute to enhancing the area but also play a crucial role
as drivers of socioeconomic development, strengthening the prospects for declaring this
area as a geopark. The proposed geopark offers a wide range of diverse landscapes and
geosites, providing the territory with significant potential and numerous possibilities for
the development of activities related to geotourism and geoeducation that have not been
fully explored to date. Also worthy of note are the accessibility and optimal observation
conditions of the geosites, which facilitate their management and enhancement, as well as
those of the entire territory.
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This territory serves as an excellent field laboratory, which facilitates the understanding
of the functioning (and its modelling) that affects the Earth system. Due to the good
conservation state of the geosites, they are easily identifiable and understandable, even for
non-specialists, rendering them suitable for both geoeducational and geotourism activities.
An infrastructure is already in place regarding the didactic and recreational use of the
natural environment, and this could be used for the promotion of geological resources.
In this sense, all materials generated in the proposal preparation could be useful for
this purpose.
Obtaining UNESCO status would also encourage the development of a greater number
of scientific research projects (some are already underway), which would undoubtedly
contribute to a greater knowledge of this territory. By doing so, it would be possible to
reconcile the comprehensive knowledge of the geological heritage and its dissemination
and enhancement with its conservation in the short, medium, and long terms.
Finally, becoming part of the UNESCO Global Network of Geoparks represents a great
opportunity for this area given its severe issues of depopulation and territorial inequalities.
An adequate management of these resources could create new job opportunities and
contribute to the economic relaunching and community revitalisation of the rural areas.
The implementation of actions related to the declaration of a UGGp could constitute a tool
for sustainable development in this area. This would contribute to population retention
and cohesion in the territory, as well as to the establishment of synergies between urban
and rural areas.
In short, geoconservation and socioeconomic development can establish a mutually
profitable (win–win) relationship. The preservation of geological resources and their
promotion, through sustainable uses, not only contribute to safeguarding geodiversity but
also generate opportunities for local economic development.
Author Contributions: All authors contributed to material preparation, data collection, and analysis.
The first draft of the manuscript was written by J.B., and it was later discussed and improved by
A.G.-D., J.H.-B., J.R. and V.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research was funded by co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme
through the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (Atlantic Geoparks,
EAPA_250/2016), “Influencia del cambio climático y de la actividad humana en los procesos y riesgos
geomorfológicos” (29.P052.64004, Universidad de Cantabria), and “Caracterización de materiales, formas y procesos recientes para mejorar la gestión de los recursos y riesgos geológicos” (29.P209.64004,
Universidad de Cantabria).
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: We thank the team of Atlantic Geoparks project, in particular, to the Mancomunidad de Municipios Sostenibles de Cantabria.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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