eISSN: 1989-3612
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14201/art2023.31543
Un punto de vista dinámico de la generación de
hipótesis en la Abducción
Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
[email protected]
Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
[email protected]
Instituto de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (ECYT), Universidad de
Salamanca, España
[email protected]
Recibido: 17/07/2023
Revisado: 28/07/2023
Aceptado: 30/09/2023
ABSTRACT: This paper explores our proposal’s conceptual depth and implications for the hypothesis generation as conditional. To do so, we will contrast it
mainly with reading passages from one of the paradigmatic presentations of hypothesis generation: the work of C.S. Peirce. Indeed, in his work, the notion of hypothesis gains a relevant place from a logical point of view. In particular, we will
focus on (i) showing that “hypothesis” in Peirce can hardly be identified with just a
section of the rule that subsumes the surprising case and (ii) we will show that the
proposed hypotheses generation as conditionals allows for a complementary and
enlightening reading of his idea of abduction.
Keywords: hypotheses, conditionals, abduction, inferential relation, cognitive
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ArtefaCToS, Vol. 12, No. 2, (2023), 139-153
RESUMEN: Este trabajo explora la profundidad conceptual de nuestra propuesta y sus implicaciones para la generación de hipótesis como condicional.
Para ello, la contrastaremos principalmente con la lectura de pasajes de una de
las presentaciones más paradigmáticas de la generación de hipótesis: la obra de
C.S. Peirce. En efecto, en su obra, la noción de hipótesis adquiere un lugar relevante
desde el punto de vista lógico. En particular, nos centraremos en (i) mostrar que
“hipótesis” en Peirce difícilmente puede identificarse con sólo una sección de la
regla que subsume el caso sorprendente y (ii) mostraremos que la propuesta de
generación de hipótesis como condicionales permite una lectura complementaria
y esclarecedora de su idea de abducción.
Palabras clave: hipótesis, condicionales, abducción, relación inferencial, proceso cognitivo.
1. Introduction
As already presented and defended in Redmond and Lopez-Orellana
(2022; 2023; also see Redmond 2021), our proposal to understand the
hypotheses generation as the generation of conditionals was motivated
by the need for resolving and giving logical justification to the so-called
surrogate reasoning in modelling processes in science. Indeed, we positioned ourselves against understanding them as a type of representationbased thinking (Swoyer 1991; Frigg & Nguyen, 2016, 2017) and proposed
that hypotheses should be understood, from a logical point of view, as
In the present paper, we aim to conceptually deepen and explore the
scope of our proposal for hypothesis generation in logic as conditionals.
To do so, we will contrast it mainly by reading passages from one of the
paradigmatic presentations of hypothesis generation: the work of C.S.
Peirce. Indeed, in his work, the notion of hypothesis gains a relevant place
from a logical point of view. In particular, we will focus on: (i) showing that
it is hardly possible to identify “hypothesis” in Peirce with just a section
of the rule that subsumes the surprising case and (ii) showing that our
proposal of hypothesis as conditional allows us to clarify some complexities in the author’s ideas. Regarding (i) it should be added that this is the
standard reading of hypothesis in Peirce, which we will call static. In this
sense, in addition to selected and paradigmatic texts by Peirce, we will
make critical remarks on the classical interpretation of K. T. Fann (1970)
as well as Francesco Bellucci and Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (2023), which
is an excellent work and can be considered a good representative of the
static approach. Regarding (ii), we do not seek to justify our view of the
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hypotheses as conditional in his work but to show that our approach
broadens the understanding of his ideas.
2. Peirce: Abduction and hypotheses generation
The selected Peirce texts correspond to “Deduction, Induction, and
Hypothesis” (1878) and are the same ones Bellucci and Pietarinen (2023)
commented on in their article. As noted above, the overall goal is to make
it clear that our reading of the hypotheses as conditionals best explains C.
S. Peirce’s purpose. Let us start with the quote:
Hypothesis is where we find some very curious circumstance, which
would be explained by the supposition that it was a case of a certain general rule, and thereupon adopt that supposition. Or, where we find that in
certain respects two objects have a strong resemblance, and infer that
they resemble one another strongly in other respects. (CP 2.624)
We will only stop at the first sentence1. Peirce affirms that to explain
a surprising fact, we must assume something. The latter seems to be the
most characteristic of abduction —which does not correspond to the other
ways of reasoning: the introduction of a supposition. Furthermore, what
do we suppose? We suppose that “it was a case of a certain general rule,”
i.e., we assume that such a circumstance would be no longer “curious” if
it were a case of a certain general rule. Then, a hypothesis is a cognitive
process of subsuming a curious fact under a rule that explains it. Based
on the above, we could affirm without fear of being wrong that finding a
rule is the leitmotiv of abduction. In this sense, the latter is that we daily
look for explanations (rules) for surprising situations. It follows from these
lines that “hypothesis” is identifiable with the process as a whole and not
with a part of it. So far, we have left what this quotation says and what it
does not say concerning our topic. Nevertheless, the example Peirce gives
below adds something else that needs clarification:
I once landed at a seaport in a Turkish province; and, as I was walking up to the house which I was to visit, I met a man upon horseback,
surrounded by four horsemen holding a canopy over his head. As the
governor of the province was the only personage I could think of who
would be so greatly honored, I inferred that this was he. This was an hypothesis. (CP 2.625)
1. We find the second sentence especially interesting since Peirce postulates that analogical reasoning is subsidiary to abduction. We will leave this analysis for a future paper.
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Now, we will stop at the second sentence. We will see that Peirce
adds something new, and we will try to interpret it in contrast to the
quote above. Indeed, from our point of view, Peirce adds that the process
ends with a part of the rule as a conclusion. That is, “to be the governor
of the province” is a part of the rule “if the horseman is the governor of
the province, he is honored with horsemen with canopies.” How to reconcile that in the quote Peirce puts all the emphasis on the assumption
of a rule and here only on a part of it? It does not seem to be the same
cognitive process.
The static approach interprets this part of the rule as the hypothesis
itself. Moreover, what part of the rule is it? If we represent the rule to ourselves as a conditional, and we are not straying too far from either Peirce
or the statics approach in general at this point, the rule part is the antecedent of the conditional2. For this reason, while in (1) what Peirce adopts
as a conclusion is the conditional, in (2), he concludes the antecedent of
it. However, neither in the quote nor in the example with the new addition is any sign that abduction for Peirce consists in proposing the antecedent of a conditional and even less in identifying this antecedent with
the notion of hypothesis. Posed in this way, it even seems paradoxical
to have to look for an antecedent when we do not know what the conditional is. However, the latter opens an interesting discussion.
Furthermore, the whole secret is hidden in understanding what kind of
conditional we are thinking of here. It is not clearly about the material conditional. But then, what are its characteristics? For the moment, we will
only point out that retroduction, as defined by Peirce, points in the direction of the example: “starts at consequences and recedes to a conjectural
antecedent from which these consequences would, or might very likely
logically follow” (MS 0905, 1908)3. However, even understanding abduction in this way, from our point of view, we believe that it is not about the
antecedent but about the construction of the conditional itself. From our
point of view, the above observation is aligned with Frankfurt’s (1958) criticism of abduction: concluding the assumption of the conditional is not
arriving at a new idea because it is already present in the rule. That is, in
the case of Peirce’s example, it would not be a logical conclusion.
Let us return once more to the quote and suppose, instead, that Peirce
understands by “supposition” the conditional’s antecedent. That is to say,
2. “The form of inference, therefore, is this: The surprising fact, C, is observed; But if A
were true, C would be a matter of course, Hence, there is reason to suspect that A is true”
(CP 5.189).
3. For more details of the quote, see Robin (1967).
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Peirce would refer to the antecedent of the conditional when he says “...
by the supposition that it was a case of a certain general rule...” But even
doing this reading, which seems very appropriate, he is not identifying the
assumption with hypothesis. Rather, we would say the opposite, and it is
the thesis that we would like to defend: that the hypothesis must be distinguished from the assumption and that both play a fundamental role in
3. Assumption and hypothesis
Distinguishing between assumption and hypothesis (Redmond &
Lopez-Orellana, 2022; 2023) is a consequence of adopting our dynamic
perspective. Indeed, introducing a hypothesis as conditional entails
accepting the provisional nature of its antecedent. In Peirce’s example, we
believe our point is made clear: “the horseman is surrounded by horsemen
with a canopy” ceases to be a surprising fact according to the hypothesis
“if the horseman is the governor of the province, he will be surrounded
by horsemen with a canopy” and the assumption: “the horseman is the
governor of the province”. In other words, and we consider this very relevant: there are two moments of provisionality in this cognitive process:
on the one hand, assuming this rule (which is not necessary) and, on the
other, the provisionality of its antecedent that must be saturated to verify
the effectiveness of the hypothesis. Only the latter can lose its provisional
Let us look at another example to explain our point further. Let us consider a case from the experimental field: if we inquire about the material
nature of a piece of rock that we brought back from Mars and we see
that it expands when we subject it to high temperatures (a curious circumstance), our assumption will be that the material that composes it
is mostly metallic under the rule: if it is a metal, it expands with heat. In
other words, the hypothesis is: if this piece of rock is mostly metallic, then
it expands with heat. This last conditional would be our hypothesis if the
reason why this piece of metal expanded were a curious fact and for the
assumption that the rock is mostly metallic.
So, what place would explanation occupy in this formulation? When
Peirce says it would be explained by, from our point of view, he is referring
to the conditional itself, the rule, and not to its antecedent. We will develop
this point below.
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4. Abduction, syllogism and conditionals
Abduction, syllogism and conditional We will carry out below, to contribute to our argument, a more detailed analysis of the argumentative
scheme that corresponds to the abduction or hypothesis in the quote
and the example of Peirce that we gave above. According to Peirce, the
hypothesis or abduction is, together with the induction, another way of
inverting a deductive syllogism (CP 2.623, CP 2.625). In this sense we
would have the following:
Every governor is a bearer of servants with a canopy (if he is the
governor, he owns canopied servants).
M is P
This horseman is governor.
This horseman is bearer of servants with canopy.
We make the corresponding inversion to produce the hypothesis or
abduction, and we are thus left with the fact that the surprising fact corresponds to the minor of the deductive syllogism:
This horseman is bearer of
servants with canopy
Surprising fact
Every governor is a bearer
of servants with a canopy
(if he is the governor, he
owns canopied servants)
This would be the rule we found
to explain the above.
M is P
This horseman is governor
This is the assumption that we
must provisionally accept for the
surprising fact to be a case of the
rule, that is, for it to be (provisionally) explained.
When we say that, if we assume that “the horseman is the governor,”
the surprising fact ceases to be such,” what we are doing is stating the
rule (the conditional) under which the surprising fact is explained (i.e., the
hypothesis), if we assume that the horseman is the governor. Clearly, we
say it once more, what explains is the hypothesis, that is, the rule that only
makes logical sense in this context if we assume that “the horseman is
the governor.” Furthermore, to close this idea, nothing better than a phrase
from Peirce himself: This sort of inference is called making a hypothesis. It
is the inference of a case from a rule and result. (CP 2.625).
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NOTE: If we formalize the deduction in classical logic, we would have:
[∀x(Mx→Px)]∧(Ma→Pa), which is a valid formula. However, the schema that
corresponds to the abduction would be [∀x(Mx→Px)]∧(Pa→Ma), and we
already know that it corresponds to an invalid form and therefore requires
another way of logical analysis. To this is added that the conditional relation between the antecedent and the consequent that Peirce considers, as
we pointed out above, escapes the material conditional.
Some consequences of the above that we would like to highlight are
the following:
1. In the first place, that the characteristic of abduction, from our point of
view, is not to find an assumption but the general rule that manages to
explain the surprising case under that assumption.
2. Second, that we must distinguish between hypotheses and assumptions.
3. Third, that if abduction is considered an act of scientific creativity, such
creativity lies in finding a rule that fits the case (the surprising fact). Being an assumption in such a rule is entirely subsidiary to it.
4. Finally: Abduct is to find a hypothesis, that is, a conditional that has as a
consequence the conclusion of the corresponding deductive syllogism.
Let us look at another example: I wake up in the morning on a clear and
sunny day, but I find my car wet (fun fact). How to explain this fact? We
would say that such a fact would cease to be curious under the assumption that “today is Wednesday” given that “on Wednesdays, the watering
truck passes at 5:00 in the morning.” The great contribution of our inference is not that “today is Wednesday” but that we found a hypothesis that
explains our curious fact based on the assumption that “today is Wednesday.” And this hypothesis is “if today is Wednesday, the watering truck
passed by at 5:00 a.m.” We do not lose sight of the provisional nature of
this hypothesis (the explanation could be another), even though we were
able to verify for sure that today is Wednesday.
Abduction Scheme:
Surprising Fact: My car wakes up wet.
Rule: if today is Wednesday, the watering truck passed at 5:00 a.m.
Case: Today is Wednesday.
Finding a hypothesis that explains does not mean finding an assumption but the conditional that subsumes the surprising fact under that
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5. Other interpretations
Let us dwell now on how Bellucci and Pietarinen (2023) analyze this
topic. If, as Peirce says: the hypothesis or retroduction consists of “starts at
consequences and recedes to a conjectural antecedent from which these
consequents would, or might very likely logically follow” (MS 0905), then the
conjectural antecedent it is not the hypothesis. From our perspective, generating a hypothesis is generating this process. The authors themselves paraphrase it in this sense: “The retroductive process of adopting the hypothesis, i.e.,
of finding a potential antecedent of which the surprising fact is a consequent,
is the first step in inquiry” (Bellucci & Pietarinen, 2023, 14). Adopting a hypothesis is not identifiable with finding a potential antecedent but with the whole
process. However, in this statement on the same page, the authors generate
some tension:
[…] the hypothesis is a proposition which, if true, would necessitate
the truth of the surprising fact. It is the antecedent of a (supposedly) true
conditional, and the conditional is the explanation of the surprising fact.
Making an explanatory hypothesis thus amounts to finding an antecedent.
(Bellucci & Pietarinen, 2023, 14, emphasis added)
We have the impression that they are calling the conditional and the
antecedent of it a “hypothesis” at the same time. Indeed, if “Formulating
an explanatory hypothesis is equivalent to finding an ante-cedent,” how is it
that “...the conditional is the explanation of the surprising fact”? The hypothesis or explanation, is it the antecedent or the conditional? Our answer: It
makes perfect sense to affirm that a hypothesis explains or is an explanation. However, this should be distinct from the antecedent from which
the surprising fact is derived. The explanation is the rule or conditional
that subsumes the surprising fact. Proposing a hypothesis means linking
the surprising fact with an assumption, that is, building a conditional. And
this connection is not just any but one in which the surprising fact would
cease to be such. And then, it is necessary to manage the assumption to
know if the rule is effective. For this, the distinction between hypothesis
and assumption is essential.
6. Assumption, hypothesis and confirmation
We consider the distinction between the antecedent of the conditional
and the conditional itself fundamental because it allows us to explain why
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the hypothesis maintains its provisional status after the former is confirmed. Indeed, the authors themselves reflect this tension in the following
For example, I can address the man in French or somehow make him
raise the coat; if the predictions are fulfilled, if he can replies in French and
a long shirt becomes visible under the coat, the experiment has had positive result, and the hypothesis that the man is the governor of the province
is confirmed (at least, provisionally). (Bellucci & Pietarinen, 2023, 15)
If the conditional’s antecedent is the hypothesis, how can it maintain
a provisional character if the experiment gave a positive result? Why is
the certainty that the horseman is the governor of the province still “provisional” if the experiment yielded a positive result? Is there any doubt
that he is the province’s governor, then? Of course not. What happens is
that, explained in this way, the antecedent of the conditional or assumption is confused with the conditional itself or hypothesis. The authors are
trying to point out above that once the antecedent or assumption has
been positively contrasted, the hypothesis (or explanation) is provisionally confirmed. In the example of the horseman, it can be seen clearly:
after reliably verifying that the horseman is the governor of the province,
our hypothesis that this is the reason why four horsemen surround him
with a canopy is only “provisionally” confirmed. The hypothesis is: “If the
horseman is the governor of the province, then four horsemen surround
him with a canopy.” As the authors affirm (Bellucci & Pietarinen, 2023, 14),
this conditional is the explanation. However, of course, this hypothesis will
be provisional because we could have been wrong, and the explanation is
another, despite having verified that the horseman is the governor of the
province. The hypothesis never loses its provisional character when the
assumption is tested.
7. Fann over Hanson
Fann points out that Hanson distinguishes between “reasons for
accepting” and “reasons for suggesting” a hypothesis. According to
Fann (1970, 4), the first points to the reasons for accepting the hypothesis as true, while the second points to justifying that the hypothesis
is a possible type of hypothesis. This distinction of Hanson (1961, 22;
1958a; 1958b; 1960) is logical because the difference is built on conceptual grounds.
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Now, if the hypothesis is the antecedent of a conditional, which seems
to be accepted by Hanson, this search for “reasons to accept” does not
seem very clear to us. Let us analyze this situation using the example of
the horseman. According to Hanson, we would be talking about looking
for “reasons to accept” that “the horseman is the governor of the province”
is true. This search, in principle, does not seem very logical since logic is
not concerned with determining whether propositions (such as this last
one) are true or not. But then we could take into account that it does not
say “seek if it is True” but rather look for “reasons to accept” that it is True.
Nevertheless, what does the latter mean for a proposition that, in this
case, is an atomic one? Think of it in contrast to any other proposition of
the same format: “The door is open.” What would it mean to accept this
proposition as True instead of looking for “reasons to accept” it as true?
In the first case, we should rely on observations via testing (extra-logical
task). And in the second, what should we trust? In addition, if we want to
protect the provisionality that a hypothesis must keep, we should distinguish between having “reasons to accept” that something is True and that
it is True. Having reasons is clearly not “having observations.” The reasons
would give logical sustainability to this statement. Nonetheless, how to
understand this for an atomic of the type “the horseman is the governor”?
What would these “reasons for having or accepting” be true for an atomic
proposition? In general, what kind of relation exists between a statement, a statement that is a hypothesis, and having reasons for accepting
it? From Hanson, this seems to suggest that the distinction between an
atomic proposition and an atomic one that is considered a hypothesis is
that “I must have reasons for accepting it” for the latter. But why? What
kind of distinction is this for atomic propositions? The distinction between
accepting a proposition (understood: accepting that it is True) and having
reasons to accept a proposition does not seem like a real logical distinction, but rather the consequences of a larger scheme where these propositions gain their status based on the use that is given to them. The latter
seems to be presupposed in Hanson. But this presupposition, according
to our point of view (Rescher calls it an enthymematic base; see below),
is the most important and defines what type of structures we are considering here. We believe that Hanson is guilty of the same thing he accuses
when he says, “They begin with the hypothesis as given, as cooking recipes begin with the trout” (Hanson, 1961, 31).
Nevertheless, suppose that we still set out to find reasons for adopting a hypothesis on probation and regard this task as essentially logical as
something we will decide on conceptual grounds. So we look for these reasons for “the horseman is the governor of the province” [A], that is, reasons
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ArtefaCToS, Vol. 12, No. 2, (2023), 139-153
to consider it a hypothesis on probation. If we do not know first what it
means that A is a hypothesis or why A is a hypothesis, how will we find reasons for it? That is, we cannot say that A is a hypothesis because we have
found good reasons to consider it so because it would be circular. If we give
someone the task of looking for good reasons to regard A as a hypothesis on probation, they will very meaningfully ask us: A hypothesis for what?
And that question makes it evident, from our point of view, that A is not the
hypothesis. A is part of a larger structure that gives it meaning.
We believe that a possible way out of these complexities is to rethink it
from our perspective. Indeed, from our point of view, what Hanson affirms
makes sense only if we consider that the hypothesis is the rule, that is,
the conditional that links the surprising fact with an assumption. Otherwise, the reasons for accepting a hypothesis are confused with having
the assumption that appears as an antecedent of the rule as true. Indeed,
“analyzing reasons to accept a hypothesis” gains all its meaning if the
hypothesis is the rule as conditional. Giving reasons for a conditional is
giving reasons for the connection we have made between the antecedent and the consequent. Accepting it as true would, in this case, mean
accepting the conditional as appropriate for the case we are considering.
If this is so, the sustainability of the conditional is guaranteed for mere
reasons, and we are left with the task of evaluating the antecedent of the
conditional or assumption. And the latter is the one that can gain the status of True without changing the provisionality of the hypothesis that is
maintained. In our perspective, having “reasons to accept” a hypothesis
means – paraphrasing Rescher – that the fulfillment of the antecedent
gives us reasons to support the fulfillment of the consequent. For example, in the hypothetical statement “if x>5, then x>4”.
Summing up, we then affirm, for Hanson’s case, that “finding reasons”
for the hypothesis makes sense if the hypothesis in question is the conditional that has A (“the horseman is the governor of the province”) as
antecedent and the consequent is the surprising fact. Now, how do we
build reasons to accept a conditional? Normally -this is our point of viewthe scientific context supports or shows agreement with the reasons for
accepting a rule. Moreover, these reasons anticipate the testing of the
hypothesis. The scientific context consists of the scientific community
and the consideration of theoretical approaches en route in that context.
Naturally, this context only supports good reasons that are not a guarantee of success: the trash can is full of hypotheses with good reasons.
Finally, let us ask ourselves what a hypothesis is. It is not a categorical
proposition or affirmation of the type “the horseman is the governor”. The
latter does not explain anything. The explanation or hypothesis is that “if
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ArtefaCToS, Vol. 12, No. 2, (2023), 139-153
the horseman is the governor, that is why four horsemen surround him
with a canopy.” Being a hypothesis is not a type of proposition like conjunction or disjunction. Being a hypothesis is a relation or interaction that
we establish between two statements, where we agree that the truth of
the first gives us reasons to support the truth of the second. The latter
exceeds the purely formal expressions. This has led many authors to
qualify this relation, and we believe that, quite fairly, as inferential. Let us
dwell on just one of them: Rescher (2007).
8. Rescher: Enthymematic basis [BE] and pragmatic context
Rescher introduces the notion of the enthymematic base to be able to
differentiate between certain types of conditionals:
The bonding of a conditional to its enthymematic basis is such that
one of the effective ways of classifying such conditionals is by the subject
matter at issue. (Rescher, 2007, 7)
That is, the subject matter at issue determines the type of conditional.
That is, somehow, the pragmatic context determines the type of commitment between the antecedent and the consequent. And if we restrict ourselves here to the case of abduction that concerns us, we could affirm that
this subject matter at issue is the scientific context in which an attempt is
made to subsume a surprising fact under a general rule. Of course, this
does not definitively resolve what kind of relation there must be between
the antecedent and the consequent for it to be an explanation of the surprising fact. However, whatever the case, which seems very relevant to us,
this relation is inferential.
But let us continue a little more with Rescher: from this idea of the
subject matter at issue, he proposes the distinction between conditionals
built with a rational and causal criterion. He is the first one that especially
interests our work. Rescher gives an explanation of it from the following
example: “x>4 because x>5”. In the latter, Rescher says, we are not saying
that x>5 causes x>4 but rather (interesting formulation):
[…] our entitlement to say the one thing provides for an intellect to say
the other. (Rescher, 2007, 13)
And then, Rescher establishes a distinction (very interesting for our
approach) between performative and inferential. Those of the inferential
type maintain implicational consequences, and, he adds next, it is the
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ArtefaCToS, Vol. 12, No. 2, (2023), 139-153
case of evidential conditionals. It does not give further details regarding
each one, but we retain for our approach that they can be understood as
conditionals in which both parties have a logical relation of the same type
as those that have premises and conclusions in reasoning4.
These Rescher’s notions help us to describe with greater precision the
rational and inferential nature that we believe is present in a hypothesis
generated within the framework of an abductive scientific practice, that
is, one that seeks to find an explanation for a surprising fact. Therefore,
if to abduct is to give a rule that explains, this rule establishes an inferential commitment between its parts, and that can be described as “if the
antecedent is fulfilled, we have reasons to believe that we can sustain the
In Peirce’s example, the hypothesis supports the following commitment: if the horseman happens to be the governor, there are reasons to
maintain that this is the reason why horsemen surround him with a canopy. Of course, this would (provisionally) explain our surprising fact only if
the assumption of the rule is fulfilled, that is, that the rider is the governor.
For this reason, Bellucci and Pietarinen (2023) developed a simulation of
testing that the only thing that makes evident is that we must separate the
assumption tested from the hypothesis itself.
Latest observations: The analysis carried out up to here needs to
account for why the antecedent and the consequent were connected in
elaborating the hypothesis. That is, there could be many other connections with the consequent since it is not a relation of necessity between
the parties. Inferential but not necessary, i.e., we would be in the field of
so-called non-monotonic or ampliative inferences. We could even present
abduction to some extent as a kind of defeasible reasoning. As we pointed
out above, we preserve this fundamental character of abduction only if we
distinguish the rule’s antecedent from the hypothesis itself.
9. Conclusion
In this paper, we explore the conceptual depth and scope of the notion
of hypothesis generation as inferential production of conditionals. The
4. In this sense, Rescher continues Strawson’s idea for hypothetical assertions: “We
should be prepared to say that the man who made the hypothetical statement was right
only if we were also prepared to say that the fulfilment of the antecedent was, at least in
part, the explanation of the fulfilment of the consequent” (Strawson, 1952, 85).
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ArtefaCToS, Vol. 12, No. 2, (2023), 139-153
latter was coined to give a logical justification to the process of surrogate
reasoning in the practice of modeling in science. For this purpose, we contrasted our notion with fundamental texts by C. S. Peirce on abduction5.
The same exercise was carried out with selected texts from the paradigmatic book by Fann (1970) on abduction in Peirce and the most recent
text by Bellucci and Pietarinen (2023) on the same subject. In all of them,
what we seek, on the one hand, is to make evident the complexities of
identifying “hypothesis” with only a section of the rule that subsumes
the surprising case; and on the other hand, we show that our proposal of
hypothesis as conditional allows an illuminating complementary reading
of his idea of abduction.
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Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca / CC BY-NC-SA
ArtefaCToS, Vol. 12, No. 2, (2023), 139-153