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2024, E. Laflı/M. Buora/M. Henig, A glass phalera
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Bu kısa makalede konu edilen eserin incelenmesi, ilgili kurum tarafından 2 Şubat 2004 tarih ve 60364499-155.01-E.149289 sayı ile verilen yazılı bir izin sayesinde gerçekleşmiştir. This brief article will be displayed in Academia beginning from January 1, 2026, as it can be filed on freely accessible online archives no earlier than one year after the release of its journal. Please e-mail me for obtaining this brief article before 2026: [email protected] A glass paste phalera seems so far to have largely escaped scholarly attention, being illusrated only in 1990 and given a brief mention in 2017. It is circular with smooth edges which depicts a bust probably of Claudius with his three children. This glass phalera stands out among the numerous militaria in Turkey, which so far has not found adequate treatment. Typologically, it fits without difficulty into a series produced in the year AD 43 or shortly after that date. Keywords: phalera, glass, Claudius, first century AD, Turkey, Roman glyptics, Roman archaeology.
Radovi XVII. ROMEC-a (Roman Military Equipment conference) Zagreb 1010, Rimska vojna oprema u pogrebnom kontekstu, Zagreb 2013, 289-297
289· xvii · romec · zagreb 2010 · radovi · proceedings · akten r i m sk a v oj n a opr e m a u p o g r e bno m k on t e k s t u · w e a p on s a nd m il i ta ry e q u ip m e n t in a f u ne r a ry c on t e xt · m il i ta r i a a l s g r a bbe il a g e Phalerae are military medals, medallions or dona militaria made of metal or glass. The soldiers who received them wore them fastened to a leather braid over their military attire, on their breastplates, which can be seen on the portrayal of an officer wearing a set of seven phalerae on the stela of Quintus Sertorius Festus in Verona, Italy, dated to the mid-first century AD, and the set of nine medallions found in Lauersfort, in Germany. 1 During Caesar's time, it was customary for soldiers to wear medals in battle, and this custom may been continued into the time of the Principate. 2
Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2015
Sahibi: Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi adına Dekan Prof. Dr. Ersin Doğer Sorumlu Müdürü: E.Ü. Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeoloji Bölümü adına Prof. Dr. Ersin Doğer ARKEOLOJİ DERGİSİ hakemlidir ve yılda bir kez basılmaktadır. TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM kriterlerine uygun olarak yayınlanmaktadır. Published once a year. EGE ÜNİVERSİTESİ EDEBİYAT FAKÜLTESİ'nin izni olmadan ARKEOLOJİ DERGİSİ'nin hiçbir bölümü kopya edilemez. Alıntı yapılması durumunda referans gösterilmelidir. Yazıların yasal sorumluluğu yazarlara aittir. It is not allowed to copy any section of ARKEOLOJİ DERGİSİ without the permit of EGE ÜNİVERSİTESİ EDEBİYAT FAKÜLTESİ ARKEOLOJİ DERGİSİ'ne gönderilen makaleler aşağıdaki web adresinde bu cildin son sayfalarında belirtilen formatlara uygun olduğu takdirde yayınlanacaktır. Articles should be written according to the guideline mentioned in the following web adress or on the last pages of this volume. ARKEOLOJİ DERGİSİ'nin yeni sayılarında yayınlanması istenen makaleler için yazışma adresi: Correspondance addresses for following submissions for ARKEOLOJİ DERGİSİ ARKEOLOJİ DERGİSİ Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeoloji Bölümü Bornova 315110 İZMİR-TURKEY Diğer İletişim Adresleri Other Correspondance Addresses: Fax: 11 02 web:
Annales du 19e Congrès de l’Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre (Piran 2012), Koper 2015, pp. 329-336.
Paphlagonian Hadrianoupolis is 3 km west of the area called “Viranşehir” in Eskipazar district, Karabük province and it is spread out over the villages of Budaklar, Büyükyaylalar, Çaylı and Beytarla. The archaeological remains are mostly in the Hacı Ahmetler district of Budaklar village. It lies basically on the Roman Southwestern Paphlagonia and on the borderline of the Galatian, Bithynian and Paplagonian territories. Considered to be founded during the Late Hellenistic period, Hadrianoupolis lived its golden age in the Late Roman period. Especially between the 4th-6th centuries AD. It is reported in ancient sources to be the pilgrimage center of an ancient city where therewere many Christian structures, that were architecturally important. Scientific works first started in 2003, with the salvage excavation done by Karadeniz Ereğli Archeological Museum, excavated in Paphlagonian Hadrianoupolis, Late Roman House in order to shed light on the structures and those periods of this city. Also by utilizing scientific methods, these glass finds will contribute to glass studies.
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