Congenital Lower Limb
Gamal Ahmed Hosny, Fuat Bilgili,
and Halil Ibrahim Balci
Fibular Hemimelia
Fuat Bilgili
Fibular hemimelia is the most common congenital
deficiency of the long bones. This disease is characterized by the absence of the portion or all of the
fibula. It would be more accurate to consider the
anomaly as a postaxial hypoplasia of the lower
extremity because it is accompanied by other anomalies and deformities of the lower extremity [1].
35.1.1 Embryonic Development
and Pathologic Anatomy
It is necessary to know the embryonic development of the fibula to understand how the fibular
agenesis or fibular hypoplasia affects the foot and
G.A. Hosny, Prof. MD (*)
Orthopaedic Department, Benha University Hospitals,
11 Al Israa street, Mohandeseen, Cairo, Egypt
[email protected]
F. Bilgili, MD, FEBOT
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Orthopedic Surgery and
Traumatology, Istanbul, Turkey
[email protected]
H.I. Balci, MD, FEBOT
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Orthopaedic and
Traumatology Department, Istanbul University,
Istanbul, Turkey
ankle [2]. The embryonic development periods of
the fibula and tibia are normally independent of
each other. The foot is in equinus; the talus and
calcaneus are in the same position horizontally,
but the calcaneus is in the lateral position in the
third week of the normal embryonic development. The fibula pushes the calcaneus to medial
under the talus, which is the normal anatomic
position during its development. At the same
time, equinus is corrected and the foot becomes
plantigrade [3]. If normal development of the
ankle does not happen, the calcaneus cannot
move to where it should be and talocalcaneal
subluxation develops in the case of agenesis of
the fibula. Moreover, fusion occurs between the
talus and calcaneus in the majority of cases. The
direction of the Achilles tendon forces axes
changes because of the calcaneus, which is lateralized. This situation can lead to tibiotalar subluxation or dislocation. The force of the
posterolateral muscles of the leg, which is lateralized on the valgus-positioned ankle, causes the
development of valgus and procurvatum deformities of the tibia with the same mechanism.
Similarly, the distal epiphysis of the tibia contributes to the development of valgus ankle with the
effect of the abnormal muscle forces [1, 4, 5]. A
fibrous band develops as a residual tissue in the
place of the absent part of fibula as a result of
proximal or complete absence of the fibula in the
type 1B and type 2 fibular hemimelia according
to the Achterman-Kalamchi classification [6].
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2018
M. Çakmak et al. (eds.), Basic Techniques for Extremity Reconstruction,
G.A. Hosny et al.
This fibrous tissue residue, which is known as
fibular remnant or fibular anlage, is a structure
that contributes to the development of the deformity at the crus [7].
35.1.2 Classification
There are many classifications including Achterman
and Kalamchi [6], Letts and Vincent [8], Coventry
and Johnson [9], Stanitski [10], Birch [11], and
Paley [12]. Most are anatomic and based on the
radiographic appearance. To be useful, a classification should guide treatment or predict prognosis.
Classification [6]
Type 1A: Proximal fibula epiphysis is in the distal of the growth plate and smaller than normal. Distal fibular growth plate is in the
proximal part of the talar dome.
Type 1B: More than 50% absence of the proximal fibula, development of the distal fibula is
present but it cannot support the ankle.
Type 2: The complete absence of the fibula.
Type 2 fibular deficiency is a limb with an unrecoverable foot, regardless of limb shortening.
It is subclassified into two groups according to
the presence or absence of upper extremity
• Type 2A: The foot is nonpreservable with
intact upper extremity function.
• Type 2B: The foot is nonpreservable with
bilateral nonfunctional upper extremities.
Salvage of the foot should be considered
for hand function.
The Paley classification [12] is based on hindfoot deformity and surgically oriented (reconstruction, not amputation).
Coventry and Johnson
Type 1: Hypoplastic fibula
Type 2: Rudimentary or absent fibula
Type 3: Bilateral fibular deficiency or the presence of “associated anomalies”
Birch et al. [13] proposed a functional classification on the basis of the functionality of the foot
and limb-length discrepancy as a percentage of
the opposite side. Birch Classification
Type 1 fibular deficiency is a limb with a stable or
salvage foot that has at least three rays. It is
subclassified according to the percentage of
limb-length inequality compared with the
contralateral limb:
• Type 1A: 0% to <6% overall shortening
• Type 1B: 6–10% overall shortening
• Type 1C: 11–30% overall shortening
• Type 1D: >30% overall shortening Paley Classification
Type 1: Stable normal ankle
Type 2: Dynamic valgus ankle
Type 3: Fixed equinovalgus ankle (subdivided
into four types according to ankle-subtalar
• Type 3A–ankle type: The ankle joint is
maloriented into procurvatum and valgus.
• Type 3B–subtalar type: The subtalar joint
has a coalition that is malunited in
equinovalgus with lateral translation.
• Type 3C–combined ankle and subtalar:
Combination of the ankle and subtalar
deformities above.
• Type 3D–talar type: Malorientation of the
subtalar joint.
Type 4: Fixed equinovarus ankle (clubfoot type).
35.1.3 Etiology
The latest theory assumes that the development
of the extremity bud has an important role in the
causes of postaxial hypoplasia (fibular hemimelia), although series of theories have been
suggested. A pathology that affects the entire
extremity can be seen even in cases where the
fibular defect is limited. The fibular area of
the extremity bud controls the development of
the proximal femur in the fetal period. Femoral,
knee, leg, and ankle abnormalities and the other
abnormalities of the foot are associated with the
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
fibular area of the extremity bud. Therefore, lower
extremity postaxial hypoplasia is a descriptive
abnormality term that includes this group [14].
35.1.4 Clinic
A careful physical examination is required to
assess the involved limb for associated anomalies
in postaxial hypoplasia of the lower extremity
(fibular hemimelia). This condition is important
in the treatment plan, decision to treat, and
informing parents.
The ankle should be evaluated in terms of
mobility, alignment, and deformities including
equinovalgus or equinovarus. Hip and knee joints
are examined for stability. ACL or PCL deficiency in knee joint may be present.
Associated anomalies that may also be present:
1. Fibular anomaly can be from minimal shortness to complete absence of the fibula.
2. Proximal femoral deficiency.
3. Coxa vara.
4. External rotation of the femoral hypoplasia.
5. Lateral patellar subluxation.
6. Hypoplasia of the lateral femoral condyle.
7. Genu valgum with lateral mechanical axes.
8. Flattened tibial plateau with the absence of
the cruciate ligament.
9. Short or curved tibia.
10. Valgus of the ankle.
11. Ball-and-socket ankle.
12. Absence of the tarsal bones.
13. Tarsal coalition.
14. Absence of the lateral row of the foot.
Pelvis and/or hip series are useful to determine acetabular dysplasia, proximal femoral
deficiency, and proximal femur deformities
(varus, valgus, antirotation, retrorotation).
A knee X-ray is useful to evaluate the valgus
of the distal femur, hypoplasia of the lateral
femur condyle, and tibial eminence. Lower
extremity standing orthoroentgenography can
show anteromedial bowing of the tibia and congenital instability of the knee due to ACL or PCL
deficiency. It can be seen that the patella is small
and elevated, and femoral sulcus is shallow.
Foot-ankle X-rays contribute to the determination of the morphology of the ankle, the contribution of the fibula to mortise, the morphology of
the distal tibial epiphysis, and the occurrence of
tibiotalar valgus, ball-and-socket ankle, and tarsal
coalition. If the calcaneus and talus are overlapped
on each other in the lateral radiograph of the foot,
the source of ankle valgus is the supramalleolar
region. If the calcaneus and talus are on top of
each other in the lateral radiograph of the foot, the
source of ankle valgus is the subtalar region [15].
35.1.6 Treatment
The main problems include limb-length discrepancy and deformity and instability of the foot and
ankle. The final goal is to obtain maximum function by achieving a lower extremity that has adequate length at maturity, alignment, and stability.
It should be kept in mind that the ultimate discrepancy at maturity is more important because it
gets worse with growth. If it cannot be provided,
the aim is a functional prothesis that allows the
child to grow with the appropriate scheduled
35.1.5 Imaging
Lower extremity orthoroentgenography including both legs taken when standing provides the
analysis of the entire affected short leg and allows
comparison with the opposite limb as a control.
The differences of the length and alignment can
be measured. The abnormalities at the specific
areas can be imaged and further imaging can be
taken if necessary.
Conservative treatment If the child has a functional foot without significant deformity and the
ultimate discrepancy at maturity would be <2 cm,
no surgical treatment is required. Shoe lifting or
UCBL (University of California Berkeley
Laboratory) orthosis in mild cases is the preferred treatment. The patient should be followed
up while growing for progressive knee or ankle
deformities and leg length inequality [16].
Surgical treatment The patient’s age at the
time of consultation, the types of malformation,
and other accompanied anomalies should be considered to decide the treatment. Preoperative
evaluation includes the classification of fibular
hemimelia, calculation of predicted leg length
discrepancy at skeletal maturity, and the number
of required lengthenings and/or epiphysiodesis
and correction of knee joint deformity that may
occur later. The treatment is started with soft tissue procedures. Paley developed the SUPERankle
procedure to make the foot plantigrade in the
treatment of types 3A, 3B, and 3C when a child is
as young as 1 or 2 years of age. SUPERankle
includes lengthening peroneal tendons and
Achilles, excision of fibular anlage and intermuscular septum, osteotomy (supramalleolar or subtalar or both according to subtypes), transfixion
wires from the sole of the foot into the tibia, and
an external fixator to correct diaphyseal anteromedial bow. Deformations can be seen in the
tibia and talus joints’ surfaces as a result of the
adaptation of the ankle. Supramalleolar osteotomy is decided according to a preoperative MRI
of the ankle joint or preoperative arthrography of
the ankle joint. The presence of ankle movement
affects the decision on timing of lengthening. If
the ankle motion is good, lengthening is planned
6 months later to avoid decreasing range of
motion in the ankle joint. If the ankle motion is
stiff, lengthening can be applied at the same time
with the SUPERankle procedure. Lengthening is
made at the apex of the deformity if there is
deformity, otherwise at the proximal metaphysis
of tibia [15]. Acetabular orientation operations
are usually performed before the femoral lengthening if there is an acetabular dysplasia with the
shortness. Lengthening osteotomy in the subtrochanteric area is not performed if there is a length
difference with coxa vara, because both crosssectional areas of this region are small and more
exposed to bending moment. Instead, intertrochanteric valgus osteotomy for correction and
distal femoral osteotomy for lengthening are
Serial lengthenings should be made at regular
intervals to minimize the psychologic impact of
operations and hospital stay on children.
G.A. Hosny et al.
Approximately 5 cm for each treatment and at
intervals of 4–6 years apart are advised for a total
of up to three or even four lengthening treatments
in severe cases [15]. The parent must be informed
about the treatment alternatives and treatment
plan including number and timing of the operations and complications.
Genu valgum can be progressive and should
be corrected during the osteotomy of tibial deformity. Temporary medial hemiepiphysiodesis is
recommended in patients with hypoplastic lateral
femoral condyle because of the high rate of
relapsing in early osteotomy.
Achterman-Kalamchi and Coventry for congenital fibular deficiency are described (Tables 35.1
and 35.2).
If the foot is functional with at least three rays
and the predicted discrepancy is <20 cm, salvage
of the foot with the goal of limb-length equalization is recommended. Otherwise, Boyd or Syme
amputation is recommended with deformity correction using a circular external fixator in the
Table 35.1 Proposed management guidelines of
Achterman-Kalamchi for congenital fibular deficiency
Achterman-Kalamchi classification
Type Characteristics
Recommended treatment
Epiphysiodesis or
lengthening as needed
fibula(proximal to
talar dome)
Fibula does not
Epiphysiodesis or
support talus
lengthening as needed
Bilateral or
Syme or Boyd
associated anomalies amputation
Table 35.2 Proposed management guidelines
Coventry for congenital fibular deficiency
Coventry classification of fibular deficiency
Type Characteristics
Epiphysiodesis or
Hypoplastic fibula
lengthening as
with normal or slight
deformity of tibia,
ankle, and foot
Fibula rudimentary or Syme or Boyd
Bilateral or associated No procedure
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Table 35.3 Proposed management guidelines of Birch
[13] for congenital fibular deficiency
Birch classification of fibular deficiency
Type Characteristics
Recommended treatment
Preservable foot
No treatment or
<6% LLI
orthosis or
Preservable foot
Epiphysiodesis ±
6–10% LLI
Preservable foot
1 or 2 lengthenings±
11–30% LLI
epiphysiodesis or
extension orthosis
Preservable foot
>2 lengthenings or
amputation or
≥30% LLI
extension orthosis
Functional upper
unpreservable foot
Nonfunctional upper Salvage should be
unpreservable foot
Fig. 35.1 There is a mild level of shortness in type 1A
fibular hypoplasia; knee is stable. If the expected shortness is above 5 cm, bone lengthening and deformity correction are performed. If the expected shortness is under
5 cm, shortness compensation is possible. Anteroposterior
x-ray on the left, lateral x-ray on the right
LLI limb-length inequality
tibia or femur. If the predicted discrepancy is
≤5 cm, a contralateral pan genu epiphysiodesis
can be applied at the appropriate time [16].
Birch et al. recommend amputation for patients
with a nonfunctional foot, unless the upper
extremities also are nonfunctional. For those with
a functional foot, they decide according to leg
length discrepancy compared with contralateral
side (Table 35.3, Figs. 35.1, 35.2, and 35.3).
Paley classification is directed to the more
reconstruction rather than amputation even in
severe cases (Table 35.4, Figs. 35.4 and 35.5).
35.1.7 Application of the Ilizarov
Frame and Correction
of the Deformity
Tibia and foot deformities are corrected simultaneously in the matter of an existing hindfoot
deformity by adding foot pieces to the frame that
has been prepared to correct tibial deformity. The
frame is prepared by inserting three rings in total:
two rings proximally and one ring distally to the
osteotomy zone.
Two rings inserted on proximal metaphysis
and diaphysis are attached to the tibia with two
Fig. 35.2 Presence of severe shortness, ankle instability,
equinovalgus foot, and valgus knee, when type 1A lateral
malleolus is not functional. At first, anlage (fibular remnant) resection, ankle centralization, and deformity correction are performed. In the second stage, bone lengthening
and, if necessary, deformity correction are performed.
Clinical photo (a) and the x-ray (b) of the patient
crossed and stopped K-wires. The proximal ring
is attached to the middle ring with the four rods.
Two or three olive K-wires are used for distal
G.A. Hosny et al.
ring. These wires are inserted perpendicularly to
the anatomic axis of the tibia and attached to the
ring. The distal ring is then connected to the middle ring using two hinged rods and a motor unit.
Fig. 35.3 Presence of complete fibula absence, tibia
deformity, shortness, ankle instability, equinovalgus foot,
and valgus knee of the patient with type 2 fibular hemimelia. Fibular remnant resection, cheiloplasty, deformity
correction, bone lengthening, and ankle centralization
were performed
The hinges should be placed proximal to the osteotomy zone.
Rotational center should pass through the
anteromedial section of the tibial curvature.
Medial hinge must be placed posterior to the
patella and lateral hinge anteriorly in order to
simultaneously correct procurvatum and valgus
By laterally rotating the distal ring and by
applying distraction through posterior rod, the
valgus and procurvatum deformity can be corrected. If there is a tibial shortness, the tibia can
be lengthened by distracting all three rods simultaneously. A foot frame is added to the distal ring
to correct the equinovalgus deformity of the
ankle. A calcaneal half-ring is fixed to the calcaneus using three olive K-wires. Then this halfring is connected to the distal tibial ring by adding
three rods to the posterior, medial, and lateral of
the half-ring. These rods are fixed to the calcaneal ring with a hinge to achieve correction of the
valgus deformity. Another half-ring is fixed to the
forefoot, proximal to the metatarsal bones, by
using two or three olive K-wires. This half-ring is
fixed to the calcaneal half-ring by using two
hinged rods medially and laterally. The forefoot
ring is adapted to the distal tibial ring in a T-shape
with two hinged rods.
Table 35.4 Proposed management guidelines of Paley for congenital fibular deficiency
Paley classification of fibular deficiency
Type Characteristics
Normal ankle
Dynamic valgus ankle
Fixed equinovalgus ankle, ankle type
Fixed equinovalgus ankle, subtalar type
Fixed equinovalgus ankle, combined
ankle-subtalar type
Fixed equinovalgus ankle, talar body type
Equinovarus type (clubfoot)
Recommended treatment
Tibial lengthening
Tendo Achilles lengthening
Tibial lengthening
Tendo Achilles lengthening
Supramalleolar reorientation osteotomy
SUPERankle procedure
Soft tissue lengthening (peroneal tendons and tendo Achilles)
Resection of the fibrous anlage and interosseous membrane
Reorientation osteotomy
Supramalleolar osteotomy
Subtalar osteotomy
Supramalleolar and subtalar osteotomy
Opening wedge osteotomy of the body of the talus
Convert the foot position from equinovarus to equinovalgus
with Ponseti cast
SUPERankle procedure
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.4 SUPERankle procedure. (a–c) Soft tissue lengthening (peroneal tendons and tendo Achilles), resection of the
fibrous anlage and interosseous membrane
Hindfoot equinovalgus deformity is corrected
by compressing the medial rod and distracting
the lateral and posterior rod located between the
calcaneal half-ring and the distal tibial ring.
Forefoot abduction and equinus deformity is
corrected by compressing the two vertical rods,
which are placed anteriorly, and by distracting
the laterally placed horizontal rode. If there is a
talocalcaneal coalition, an osteotomy should be
applied to the coalition site to correct the
equinovalgus deformity. After the osteotomy,
two K-wires inserted through the talus are fixed
to the distal tibial ring with four rods.
Other semi-rings of the foot are applied as
described above, but in order to medially translate the calcaneus, small horizontal rods are
added to the rods connecting the calcaneal semiring and the distal tibial ring. Hindfoot
equinovalgus deformity is corrected by distracting the lateral and posterior rods, by compressing the medial rod, and by medially shifting the
calcaneus with the aid of horizontal rods. If
there is a lateral dislocation of the tibiotalar
joint, the talus is crossed with a stopped K-wire
from lateral to medial, and this K-wire is fixed
to the distal tibial ring with a vertical and a
transverse rod. By compressing the transverse
rod, which means shifting the talus medially, the
tibiotalar joint is reduced (Figs. 35.6, 35.7, and
35.8) [17, 18].
In cases with complete dislocation of the tibiotalar joint, initially the Achilles tendon is
lengthened, and appropriate alignment of talus
and calcaneus below the tibia is obtained. This is
followed by tibiotalar joint arthrodesis and by
proper tibial and calcaneal osteotomies if necessary. As told before, the purpose is to obtain a
functional and plantigrade lower extremity.
Removing the device The patient must be seen
during the correction of the deformity and
lengthening every 15 days; clinical and radiographic examination should be performed. After
the deformity correction and lengthening is
completed, the patient must be seen once a
month until the consolidation is over. Treatment
duration of foot deformity is 4–6 weeks on average. However, treatment of tibial deformity and
shortness proceeds approximately 3–4 months.
Because of it all of the device can be removed
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.5 In type 3B, (a) arthrography of ankle joint shows that there is no deformity on the supramalleolar region. (b,
c) Correction of the deformity with subtalar osteotomy and (d, e) fixation with K-wires are performed
when the consolidation is completed. After
removing the device, to prevent relapse, patients
can be followed up with a cast or a brace. In
cases with high risk of relapse after tibiotalar
and subtalar joint deformity correction, an
arthrodesis procedure may be considered when
the patient reaches the proper age. If there is tibiotalar dislocation with serious lateral soft tissue
contracture, arthrodesis should be kept in mind
but considered as a last choice. Arthrodesis can
be necessary for the stabilization in the tibiotalar and subtalar joint reductions after
12–15 years of age.
35.1.8 Complications
The most frequent complication of fibular hemimelia is the treatment of soft tissue and pin
infections. Infections can be treated very often
with oral antibiotics and wound care. If an acetabular dysplasia accompanies the shortness,
femoral lengthening without an acetabular directioning operation leads to hip dislocation
(Figs. 35.9 and 35.10).
Joint contractures are other common complications. They are caused by high tension over
soft tissues. For the treatment of the flexion
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.6 Patient with
fibular hemimelia,
preoperative graphs, and
clinical manifestations
contracture of the knee, a femoral frame is added
to the system after the contracture occurs or at
the beginning of the treatment. If flexion contracture of the knee is not treated properly, subluxation or dislocation of the knee may occur
(Fig. 35.11).
For the treatment of flexion deformities of
toes, a temporary percutaneous pinning or
dynamic casting may be used. In cases with early
consolidation, treatment may continue with a calloclasis procedure. Mechanical problems about
fixator may occur such as breaking of K-wires or
Schanz screws, abrasion of wires on bones during
the correction, and soft tissue problems caused
by wires or screws. In these circumstances the
frame must be revised.
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.7 Fibular anlage excision (a) and acute deformity correction (b–d)
Fig. 35.8 Clinical and radiological manifestations in (a–f) and after (g, j) lengthening operation
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.8 (continued)
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.8 (continued)
Fig. 35.9 A 12-year-old
male patient with fibular
hemimelia + PFFD and
14 cm of shortness.
Lengthening is
commenced by bifocal
corticotomy. Patients
orthorontgenogram (a),
clinical photo (b),
postoperative x-ray (c)
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.10 A hip
dislocation occurs
2 months later
Fig. 35.11 A 4-year-old patient with fibular hemimelia and proximal femoral deficiency. The knee was posteriorly
dislocated (a). After the correction of the deformity (b), reduction is granted and lengthening is completed
G.A. Hosny et al.
The Treatment of Tibial
Gamal Ahmed Hosny
35.2.1 Introduction
Tibial hemimelia or congenital absence of the
tibia is very rare. The incidence in the United
States is about one per million live births [19,
20]. The term congenital tibial deficiency had
been also used in the literature to describe the
tibial aplasia or hypoplasia with almost normal
fibula [21]. The clinical picture usually includes
flexion knee deformity, tibial shortening, and
sometimes femoral lengthening and rigid equinovarus foot deformity (Fig. 35.12). This anomaly
is often accompanied by knee instability and longitudinal deficiencies of the foot. Associated congenital anomalies of the hip, hand, or spine can
be identified (Fig. 35.13) [22]. The mainstay of
treatment was amputation and prosthetic fitting.
Fig. 35.12 Photo of a 4-year-old child with type 2 tibial
hemimelia showing severe varus foot deformity and tibial
35.2.2 Anatomy
The conventional management of tibial hemimelia was trans-articular knee amputation.
Examination of the amputated part helped the
researchers to investigate in detail the anatomy of
the soft tissue and bony structures. Tarsal coalitions had been frequently reported with this condition [23, 24]. Turker et al. [25] dissected five
lower extremities from four patients with tibial
hemimelia. All patients had type1A (complete
absence of the tibia) tibial deficiencies. Multiple
tendon anomalies were present. The ankle articulation was found to have a nonfunctional uniplanar motion (sagittally oriented). The joint surfaces
resembled two flat plates that rotated one on the
other. The talar articulation was found on the posterolateral aspect of the talus and allowed motion
only in one rotational plane. Multiple coalitions
of the osseous structures of the foot were found,
with subtalar coalition the most common. More
midfoot coalitions were found in the medial column than in the lateral column of the foot. Distal
Fig. 35.13 Plain X-ray showing complete absence of the
tibia and bifid lower femur
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints
all appeared to be mobile. The number of rays
varied from four to eight. In unilateral cases, the
affected leg was always shorter with decreased
calf circumference. Despite the absence of the
tibia and discrete musculature, the sural, deep and
superficial peroneals, and a “posterior tibial”
nerve were identified in all specimens. The dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries were found
associated with the nerve bundles. The greater
and lesser saphenous veins were also present. The
anterior tibial artery is frequently absent [26].
The posterior tibial neurovascular bundle was
found to be quite short and acted as a tether in all
of the specimens. The plantar fascia was not identifiable as a discrete structure in four of the five
specimens. An abductor hallucis mass was present in all specimens, even those with hypoplastic
or absent medial rays. An abductor digiti quinti
was present in all specimens. The lateral and
medial calcaneal branches as well as the common
toe sensory branches of the “posterior tibial”
nerve always passed under the medial abductor
mass. The interossei were grossly present both
plantar and dorsally in all specimens. A quadratus
plantae was identified in all specimens. The flexor
hallucis brevis and adductor hallucis were identified in the three specimens with five rays. The
other two did not have discrete musculature in
this layer. The multiple anomalies of the foot and
ankle in tibial hemimelia can prevent the correction of these severe deformities [26, 27].
The ankle articulation was sagittally oriented
in all five specimens. The joint surfaces resembled two flat plates that rotated one on the other.
The talar articulation was found on the posterolateral aspect of the talus and allowed motion
only in one rotational plane. The fibular articular
surface was medially oriented. This placed the
foot in a near-coronal orientation in reference to
the trunk. This combination of articular positioning and rotational motion allows the foot to take
its typical position facing the perineum.
In another study, the gastroc-soleus complex
appeared to be fibrotic, and it had its proximal
attachment to the head of the fibula. The extensor
hallucis longus tendon and the extensor digitorum
longus tendon were also fibrotic. The extensor hal-
lucis longus was attached to the lateral aspect of
the distal phalax of the right great toe. The extensor
digitorum longus tendons were attached to the lateral four toes. The distal phalanx of the hallux was
trifid. The lumbricals were observed over the right
foot. Other muscles of the leg, namely, tibialis
anterior, flexor digitorum longus, peroneus brevis,
and peroneus longus, were normal. The Achilles
tendon was attached to the calcaneum. The talus
was fused to the calcaneum [28]. The tibia was not
represented by any band during dissection [29].
35.2.3 Classification
In spite of the rarity of this anomaly, there are
several classifications. Jones et al. in 1978 [30]
reported four radiological types: Type 1A, complete absence of the tibia with hypoplastic lower
femoral condyles (Fig. 35.14). Type 1B, the tibia
is absent except the proximal anlage with almost
normal femur. Type II (Fig. 35.15), the proximal
end of the tibia is well developed, while the distal
part is absent. Type 3, the proximal part is absent.
Type 4 (Fig. 35.16), the tibia is short with distal
tibiofibular diastasis. Kalamchi and Dawe in
1985 classified their patients into three types:
Type 1, complete absence of the tibia, Type 2,
absence of the distal part. Type 3, dysplasia of the
distal tibia with diastasis of the tibiofibular syndesmosis. More extensive classifications were
suggested by Weber [31]. The tibial malformations are divided into seven main groups and
eight subgroups. The cartilaginous anlage is
marked in the subgroups with “a” when it exists
and with “b” when it is absent. This system has
not been widely accepted [32]. We used Jones
classification to classify our patients. However,
there were many cases categorized outside this
system. An example is congenital hypoplasia of
the whole tibia with normal fibula (Fig. 35.17),
separate soft tissue cover of dysplastic tibia and
fibula, and short deformed tibia with subluxed
tibiofibular joint (Fig. 35.18) [33]. The morphologic features include a dysplastic, short tibia,
proximal migration of the fibular head, formed
knee and ankle joints, and an equinovarus foot
and may be an extramedial ray (Fig. 35.19) [34].
Fig. 35.14 Type 1 Jones classification [complete absence of the tibia]
Fig. 35.15 Type 2
Jones classification
[absent distal tibia]
G.A. Hosny et al.
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.16 Type 4
Jones classification
Fig. 35.17 Congenital
hypoplasia of the tibia
with normal fibula
G.A. Hosny et al.
35.2.4 Treatment
Fig. 35.18 Clinical photo showing separate soft tissue
cover to the proximal tibia and fibula
Fig. 35.19 Severe
deformity with diastasis
of the upper tibiofibular
Conventional treatment of tibial hemimelia is
amputation and prosthetic fitting. Amputation in
the very young age [before 1 year] can be considered as congenital amputation [35]. Besides, an
early amputation allows better accommodation
of the child to the prosthesis. The level of amputation is a matter of debate. It can be designed
according to the longitudinal deficiency [36].
Spiegel et al. in 2003 reported a series of 15
patients [19 limbs] with tibial hemimelia treated
with amputation. Patients with type 1 deficiencies were treated by knee disarticulation. There
were no perioperative complications, and no
additional surgical procedures were required. No
specific prosthetic problems were identified at
follow-up. Type 2 deficiencies were treated initially by foot ablation (Syme or Chopart) and a
tibiofibular synostosis. All patients treated initially by foot ablation alone developed prosthetic
irritation in the region of the proximal fibula due
to varus alignment of the lower limb associated
with a prominent and unstable proximal fibula.
One patient had difficulties with prosthetic fit following synostosis attributable to a progressive
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
varus deformity. This was treated effectively by
fibular epiphysiodesis and medial tibial physeal
stapling 8 years after synostosis. There were no
ongoing prosthetic problems at the time of the
most recent follow-up. Limbs with type 3 deficiency were treated by Syme amputation and two
developed complications, including symptomatic
instability at either the proximal or distal articulation. Fernandez-Palazzi et al. [35] designed the
treatment according to Jones classification: cases
type 1A and 1B were treated with knee disarticulation. Treatment of type 2 was tibiofibular synostosis and below-knee amputation. Type 3 cases
were treated with below-knee amputation, while
type 4 were treated with talectomy and closure of
the diastasis to centralize the foot.
The role of fibular transfer in cases with complete deficiency of the tibia [37, 38] is controversial. Schoenecker et al. in 1989 [22] reported
secondary amputation in 50% of cases treated
with fibular centralization. Loder revised 87
cases from the literature, and he concluded that
53 out of 55 cases of type 1A Jones classification
treated by Brown procedure had bad results due
to progressive flexion knee deformity [39]. We
would narrow the selection criteria to include
only patients:
(a) With documented quadriceps strength of
grade III+ or greater
(b) Younger than 1 year, because of the greater
potential for proximal fibular hypertrophy
(c) Without fibular bowing
(d) With the physical potential to walk, with
other functioning extremities
(e) Without pterygium folds in the popliteal
These cause progressive flexion contractures
[40]. There are several modifications to the original procedure, such as attachment of the patellar
ligament to the proximal end of the fibula, step
shortening of the femoral shaft, traction before
surgery, hamstring releases if necessary, as well
as other modifications.
The most controversial topic in the treatment
of type 1 deficiencies or complete absence of the
tibia has been whether to perform fibular
centralization [41–43] or knee disarticulation
[35]. It is always difficult to test the quadriceps
muscle in infants and young children. However,
the presence of the patella is a strong evidence of
the functioning quadriceps. The status of the
extensor mechanism is critical to the decision
making, as patients with insufficient quadriceps
strength often develop disabling flexion contractures following centralization and consequently
bad result [21, 30]. Some researchers have
reported favorable results in the presence of adequate quadriceps function [42, 43]. Knee instability was reported in most cases. Long-term
follow-up of type 1A cases treated with reconstruction of the knee revealed marked instability
as the broad femoral condyles face the small fibular head. Microsurgical transfer of the contralateral fibular head based on anterior tibial vessels
to broaden the surface of broad proximal tibia to
increase the stability had been reported.
Anastomoses were performed side to side with
popliteal artery and end to end with the two venae
comitantes. Lateral ligaments were reconstructed
with local tissues sutured to the periosteum of
ipsilateral fibula and to the biceps femoris tendon
stump of the contralateral transferred fibula.
Follow-up revealed good lateral stability and fair
knee range of motion. However, this was an occasional case report [44]. However, most authors
prefer early through-knee amputation, given the
anticipated good function with modern prostheses and unsatisfactory long-term results of fibular
The progressive flexion knee deformity after
Brown procedure had been treated by fusion of
the upper fibula to the lower femoral condyles.
However, in some cases with follow-up, the
arthrodesed knee could develop the flexed position again. Management included the application
of Ilizarov frame to the femur and tibia
(Fig. 35.20). Corticotomy was done at the site of
the knee. The frame comprised two hinges at the
site of corticotomy placed anteriorly and a posteriorly placed distractor. After 3 days distraction
started allowing for both gradual correction of
the deformity and lengthening.
Management of tibial hemimelia without
amputation had been reported recently [45–48]
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.20 (a) X-ray showing arthrodesed knee in 90°
flexion deformity; (b) Ilizarov frame applied to the femur
and tibia and corticotomy was performed at the site of the
knee; (c) gradual distraction to do lengthening and correction of the deformity; (d) X-ray at the end of distraction;
(e) X-ray at follow-up after frame removal
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.20 (continued)
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.20 (continued)
as amputation was not an acceptable method of
treatment. Hosny (2005) reported the preliminary
results of treatment of tibial hemimelia without
amputation [45]. The treatment of type 1A cases
was based upon three stages. The first stage was
application of Ilizarov external fixation to the
tibia, femur, and foot. The head of the fibula was
pulled down at a rate 1 mm per day till its level
just below the femoral condyles. The side-to-side
translation was applied after changing the frame
links at the same rate to centralize the fibula
between the femoral condyles. At the same time,
distraction was applied between the fibular ring
and calcanean half-ring to place the distal fibula
opposite the talus. Differential lengthening of the
medial and lateral sides between the calcanean
and forefoot half-rings was applied concomitantly to correct the calcaneovarus foot deformity.
The frame was removed 1 month after full correction of the deformities. Then, Brown procedure was performed to centralize the already
centralized fibular head and to clear the soft tissue in between the reconstructed joint surfaces.
The fibers of the patellar tendon was sutured to
the fibula. There was no femoral or fibular shortening. The limb was kept in above-knee plaster
cast for 6 months. Then, Ilizarov external fixator
was reapplied to the femur, fibula, and foot to
correct the residual knee, ankle, and foot deformities. For the knee, posterior distractor with two
anteriorly positioned hinges was applied to distract the joint surfaces during flexion deformity
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
correction. After removal, above-knee plaster
cast was applied for 1 month followed by aboveknee splint and weight bearing. Satisfactory
results mean no fixed flexion knee deformity,
active range of motion 10°–80°, and valgus or
varus instability less than 5° [42]. The patients
who were not ambulating before the operation
could walk using knee-ankle-foot orthosis as
there was residual instability of the knee and
ankle in most cases. The centralized fibula can be
lengthened once or twice to compensate for the
limb-length inequality [49, 50]. However, most
authors contraindicate lengthening in type 1A
[45, 49] and recommend it in the other types.
Conservative treatment of complete congenital
deficiency of the tibia is long and fraught with
complications in spite of early encouraging
results [45, 47, 51]. However, after a mean follow-up of 18 years, Courvoisier et al. [46]
reported the results of four cases treated conservatively by Ilizarov external fixator at the age of
1–4. In one case widening of the fibula was performed through longitudinal osteotomy and gradual distraction through multiple olive wires
[transverse lengthening]. One case had bilateral
amputation due to progressive deformity, and
another case had knee arthrodesis. Schoenecker
et al. [22] reported secondary procedures included
four femorofibular arthrodeses and six knee disarticulations out of 14 limbs. Weber patella
arthroplasty (fibular transfer with patellar flap to
replace upper tibial surface) had been used if the
patella is present [36].
35.2.5 Foot Centralization
Multiple surgical procedures may be required to
correct deformities of the foot. However, retaining the foot is mandatory in some areas where the
people refuse amputation due to their culture or
traditions [45, 46, 48]. Foot centralization was
first described by Myers and Brown [37, 52].
Foot centralization was performed by means of
calcaneofibular (CF) arthrodesis. However, eventually a Syme amputation had to be performed to
permit use of a below-the-knee prosthesis
because of the recurrence of foot deformity after
foot centralization surgery. Various authors have
described two techniques of foot centralization
by means of CF arthrodesis or talofibular arthrodesis [53, 54]. The main problem was the high
incidence of postoperative loss of correction or
recurrence of the deformities. Other authors
reported ankle centralization with distraction and
soft tissue release [45]. Wada et al. in 2015 [55]
presented 19 foot centralizations performed in 14
patients with Jones type 1 and 2 tibial hemimelia.
The average age of patients at the time of surgery
was 1.3 years (range 0.4–3.8 years). The average
follow-up postoperative period was 10.2 years
(range 2.2–22.9). All feet showed equinovarus
deformity and were treated by foot centralization
by means of calcaneofibular arthrodesis. At final
follow-up, four of the operated feet were plantigrade without secondary surgery. The remaining
15 limbs, however, required secondary surgery to
treat postoperative early loss of correction and/or
recurrent foot deformities such as equinus, varus,
and adduction, in addition to talipes calcaneal
deformities, and fibular angular deformity at the
fibular shortening osteotomy site. The deformities were treated either by repeat foot centralization or fibular or calcaneal osteotomy. There is a
possibility for recurrence of the deformity until
the distal fibular epiphysis closes, and the cartilaginous distal fibular end and calcaneus finally
achieve ankyloses. Foot centralization has the
advantages of preserving the patient’s original
forefoot and providing a wide landing area for
ambulation and keeping the distal fibular epiphysis, as it could be used as a “biological prosthesis.” However, there is a significant possibility of
deformity recurrence and a high rate of secondary surgical corrections which has to be clarified
to the families before deciding conservative
approach [55].
Conservative approach to type 2 and other
types had been more adopted than type 1 [45, 46,
48–50, 55]. Tibiofibular synostosis was usually
performed as a first step. Then, Ilizarov external
fixator was applied to the tibia [three rings], a
half-ring to the calcaneus, and a half-ring to the
forefoot. The proximal ring was applied to the
tibia alone, leaving the upper fibula free.
Corticotomy of the tibial was performed between
the upper two rings, and distraction was applied
after a waiting period ranging from 3 to 7 days
G.A. Hosny et al.
according to the age of the patients [the younger
the patient, the shorter is the waiting period to
avoid premature consolidation of the regenerate].
Distraction was continued till the head of the
fibula regains its normal anatomical position.
Then, the patient was admitted to the operating
theater again, and corticotomy of the fibula was
undertaken with transfixing the head of the fibula
to the upper tibia with a K-wire. This wire has to
end flush with the fibula to avoid any pressure to
the common peroneal nerve. Then, distraction
was continued for both bones till the targeted
lengthening achieved. Foot deformities were corrected gradually concomitantly with lengthening
[45]. The progressive knee deformity prevented
reaching the target length for fear of knee subluxation or dislocation. Femoral lengthening at
another stage was performed in these cases to
compensate for residual leg length inequality
accepting the disadvantage of having the two
knees at different levels which does not affect the
function [56]. Regenerate formation during fibular lengthening had been reported to be slow
[49]. These surgical steps are not fixed in all
cases as the treatment strategy has to be adapted
for each case [46]. The most challenging problems during lengthening are knee and ankle stability [46]. Ligamentous laxity and intra-articular
knee deformities are the possible causes [57].
This might be the reason behind the development
of progressive flexion knee deformity during tibial lengthening. Management of these deformities can be possible by application of the frame to
the femur and posterior release. We could not
elicit any reports of reconstruction of type 3
Type 4 deficiencies can be treated successfully
with limb (including foot) preservation. The ankle
with tibiofibular diastases in the type 4 cases
would function well and can be improved using
tibiofibular synostosis, differential distal epiphysiodesis, and osteotomy [50]. However, in cases
with marked separation and angulation of the distal tibia and fibula, osteotomy at the site of angulation can be performed followed by olive wires
application and gradual transverse traction to close
the diastasis. Besides, longitudinal traction to push
the talus down is applied concomitantly.
Cases with congenital hypoplasia had been
treated with application of Ilizarov frame to the
femur, tibia, and foot [28]. The tibial frame consisted of two ring mounted to the tibia alone with
K-wires leaving the fibula free. Corticotomy was
performed between the two rings. After a waiting
period of 7 days, distraction started at a rate
1 mm per day till the upper and lower fibula
regained the normal anatomical positions. The
femoral frame was applied to guard against knee
subluxation, while the foot frame was used to
correct the foot deformities.
35.2.6 Complications
Many complications had been reported in the literature during treatment without amputation. Pin
track infection is the most commonly encountered complication which required systemic or
local antibiotic or wire replacement in nonresponding cases. Fracture of the regenerate and
fracture fibula occurred in few cases. Due to the
foot anomalies, it was difficult to hold the calcaneus, and cutting through of the calcanean wire
had been reported [45]. Nonunion of tibiofibular
synostosis and knee stiffness were the main complications in another series [42].
Shahcheraghi and Javid reported the functional outcome of cases with tibial hemimelia
treated with reconstruction. The patients or their
parents filled out the pediatric quality of life and
the parents’ satisfaction forms. It seems logical
that longitudinally tibial deficiency, especially
when it is often associated with other limb deformities as well, cannot be a fully normal individual. They stated that the preserved limb and foot
cases—when specifically questioned—would
have all been chosen to keep the foot and the leg
where they to decide again. Reconstruction of
tibial hemimelia with foot preservation provides
good functional outcome in the majority of cases.
The reconstructed group had a better functional
score than the amputated group in the four groups
of physical, social, psychological, or schooling
scores when assessed separately—noting again
that most amputated cases were part of bilateral
hemimelia cases (Fig. 35.21).
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.21 (a) X-ray
showing congenital
hypoplasia of the femur
with normal fibula. (b)
Application of Ilizarov
frame to the femur,
tibia, and foot and
corticotomy was
performed between the
two tibial frames; (c)
distraction was applied
to the tibia alone; (d)
distraction was
continued; (e) X-ray at
the end of distraction;
(f) X-ray after removal;
(g) follow-up X-ray
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.21 (continued)
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.21 (continued)
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.21 (continued)
35.2.7 Conclusions
Tibial hemimelia is a very rare anomaly, which is
frequently associated with other musculoskeletal
anomalies in addition to lower limb shortening.
Conventional treatment is still amputation in
most centers. The debate is usually about the
level of amputation. However, in some countries
amputation is not an acceptable way of treatment.
The limb preservation option is recommended in
these circumstances which is dependent on knee
stability, the expected limb shortening, and the
severity of foot and ankle deformities. Ilizarov
principles are a valid option in these cases as
functional improvement is expected in all types
of congenital absent tibia.
Proximal Focal Femoral
Halil Ibrahim Balci
Proximal focal femoral deficiency (PFFD) is a
rare congenital disorder characterized by abnormal
development of the proximal femur and acetabulum, which results in a lack of integrity, stability,
and mobility of the hip and knee joints.
Malorientation, malrotation, and soft tissue contractures of the hip and knee are the main obstacles of treatment. Both deficiencies and deformities
are nonprogressive but difficult to manage. Limb
length discrepancy is especially problematic in
cases of instable hip and knee joints.
The diagnosis and classification of this disorder were mainly based on plain radiographs and
the relationship between the acetabulum and
proximal femur, but now we have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) more anatomical findings
to organise the treatment. Management of the
disorder depends on the severity.
The development of distraction osteogenesis
and new findings that have given us a better
understanding of the pathoanatomy provide the
opportunity to reconstruct the extremity. Van Nes
rotationalplasty can also be considered for
extremly short and unconstructable femurs.
PFFD is a confusing diagnosis because of the
complexity of the terminology. The associated
fibular deficiency, knee abnormality, foot and
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.23 PFFD type 3 according to Paley with absent
femoral head extreme shortening and less than 45° of
motion at knee
Fig. 35.22 PFFD type 1 according to Paley with wellformed proximal femur and acetabulum
ankle problems, and knee instability make the
diagnosis, classification, and treatment much more
difficult. Just for the femur, the extent of the clinical presentation can vary from a few centimeters
of shortening with a well-developed hip and knee
joint to complete absence of the whole femur with
lack of hip and knee joint. The shortening and
extent of the development of hip and knee joint
become important when we talk about the treatment of PFFD (Figs. 35.22 and 35.23). Varus, retroversion, and external rotation deformity of the
proximal femur can associate with pseudoarthrosis, stiffness, or complete absence of the femur
with different presentation of acetabular dysplasia.
The knee joint mostly has hypoplastic or absent
anterior cruciate ligament, multiplanar instability,
and hypoplastic lateral femoral condyle with
valgus deformity. The most common associated
lower extremity congenital disease is fibular hemimelia [58]. There are multiple classification systems because of all these complexities: Aitken
[59], Gillespie [60], Pappas [61], and Paley [62].
Aitken classification, which was the most
used until a few years ago, does not evaluate the
cartilaginous and soft tissue abnormalities and is
based primarily on X-ray findings. Class A is
characterized by a short femur with a wellformed femoral head attached to the femoral
shaft and a well-developed acetabulum. In class
B, the acetabulum is either adequately developed
or moderately dysplastic. No osseous connection
is seen between the femoral head and shaft at
skeletal maturity. The femur is short with a
proximal bony tuft. Class C has a severely dysplastic acetabulum with an absent or very small
femoral head that is not attached to the femoral
shaft. The femur is short with a tapered proximal
end. Class D is the most severe form. The femoral head and acetabulum are absent. The femur is
shortened and often pointed proximally [63, 64].
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.24 Preoperative X-ray of type 1 b PFFD according to Paley
MRI has allowed us to understand the pathoanatomy in three dimensions. The presence of a
cartilaginous femoral neck can now be confirmed
with MRI. The coxa vara greater than 90° of
varus and flexion are common fixed abduction
Paley suggested a new classification according to MRI and anatomic findings. The shortening and hip and knee issues became important to
decide whether the limb was reconstructable. He
also suggested the SUPER hip 1, 2, and 3 techniques to solve all of problems in a single operation in patients as young as 2–3 years of age to
avoid the problems that prevent lengthening. Dr.
Paley suggested correcting all of these deformities with a technique described by himself called
as Systematic Utilitarian Procedure for Extremity
Reconstruction (SUPER) hip procedure [62].
The proximal femoral reconstruction (SUPER
hip) prevents worsening of coxa vara deformities,
proximal migration of the femur, and dislocation
of the hip during lengthening procedures
(Figs. 35.24, 35.25, and 35.26).
Fig. 35.25 Postoperative AP pelvis X-ray of patient
Fig. 35.24 after SUPER hip 1 procedure
Paley emphasized the importance of the knee
joint for the reconstructibility of deficiencies.
The most common form of deficiency is type 1.
Especially in type 1 deficiencies, if the center
edge angle is more than 20°, the neck shaft angle
is more than 110°, and if the medial proximal
femoral angle (MPFA) is not less than 70°, no hip
surgery is required before the first lengthening.
There is also no need for the knee surgery if the
fixed flexion deformity is less than 10°, the
patella tracks with no subluxation laterally, and
there is no evidence of significant rotary subluxation or dislocation [62].
Femoral deformities consist of three planar
bone deformities and soft tissue contractures.
Abductor contracture can cause recurrence.
Varus deformity is associated with extension,
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.26 Postoperative
frog leg X-ray of patient
Fig. 35.24 after SUPER
hip 1 procedure
external rotation, and retroversion, which are
caused by the piriformis muscle. Reflection of
the tensor fascia lata to use for the extra-articular
reconstruction of cruciate ligaments, hip flexion
contracture release, abduction and external rotation contracture release, and three planar proximal femoral osteotomies are the main components
of the procedure. Fixation of the osteotomy can
be achieved using plates or rush rods [62]. For
type 2 deficiencies, Paley also achieved ossification of the collum femoris of the hip with bone
morphogenic protein. However, he also suggested that rotationplasty was the most reliable
solution for Paley type 3 PFFD.
As the congenital femoral deficiency can also
affect the knee joint (both patellofemoral and tibiofemoral), stabilization of the knee is a critical
procedure before lengthening. Isolated anteroposterior instability of the tibiofemoral joint
without knee joint dislocation or rotatory subluxation does not need to be addressed before lengthening. Isolated subluxation or dislocation of the
patella should be treated before lengthening [62].
Paley described the SUPER knee procedure,
which is a combination of the Langenskiold procedure [65], which was designed for congenital
dislocation of the patella, the MacIntosh procedure [66, 67] (extra-articular reconstruction for
anterior cruciate deficiency), and the Grammont
procedure [68, 69] which was designed for recurrent dislocation of the patella. Macintosh intraand/or extra-articular anterior collateral ligament
reconstruction is performed with tensor fascia
lata posterior limb tendon harvest, which can be
obtained during the SUPER hip procedure. Extra-
articular posterior collateral ligament reconstruction (reverse MacIntosh) is performed with
anterior limb of the tensor fascia lata.
In cases of knee flexion contracture, after the
decompression of the peroneal nerve at the fibular head, posterior soft tissue lengthening and
capsular release can be performed.
When patellar maltracking is more significant,
medial transfer of the patellar tendon at the insertion
is performed with the Grammont procedure. When
fixed subluxation or dislocation is present, the modified Langenskiold procedure is performed.
Patellar realignment prevents patellar dislocation and knee extension contracture. The ACLPCL reconstruction prevents knee subluxation/
dislocation and late problems of knee instability
in adolescence. The “SUPER knee” procedure is
mostly performed at the same time as the pelvic
osteotomy and SUPER hip procedure.
In case of acetabular dysplasia, we decide the
type of acetabular osteotomy according to the
intraoperative findings. Most of the time the deficiency is seen anterolaterally. Therefore, we prefer Dega osteotomy.
Prior to the introduction of the Ilizarov method
and distraction osteogenesis in the Western world
in the 1980s, lengthening for PFFD was worse
than no treatment. The complication rates were
high with little gain in length, and permanent
damage to the hip, knee, and ankle was common.
Only ossified proximal femoral neck cases
were lengthenable after correction of the varus,
external rotation, and retroversion deformity of
the proximal femur and acetabular dysplasia.
Cases with delayed ossification and over 90° of
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.27 Monoplanar external fixator is combined with
circular ring to secure the knee joint
complex angular deformity had a high recurrence
rate. Recurrence of the deformity prevents us
from lengthening the femur in a safe way.
Stabilizing surgery for the hip and knee joint
makes the lengthening process much easier compared with the past.
For lengthening of the femur in PFFD, we prefer distal femoral osteotomy if we do not need to
perform valgization and/or internal rotation.
External fixation is the only method in lengthening of congenital cases. The amount of lengthening is decided according to the follow-up of the
patient. The quality of bone regenerate, knee and
hip range of motion, and joint subluxations are
the main criteria. The main advantage of external
fixation only is that one can secure the knee joint
with an external fixator without preventing knee
joint motion. Our most preferred method with
circular-type external fixator is to extend the fixation to the tibia using hinges placed at the center
of rotation of the knee, the intersection of the
posterior femoral cortical line, and the distal femoral physeal line. We prefer a half-ring placed
perpendicular to the tibia (Figs. 35.27, 35.28, and
Fig. 35.28 Lengthening of the femur in PFFD patient.
AP X-ray of hip, femur, and knee joint taken during the
follow-up to check hip subluxation, regenerate quality,
and lengthening amount
35.29). After fixation of the hinges, a removable
knee extension bar is inserted between the distal
femoral ring and the tibial half-ring. The extension bar is removed during the physical therapy.
We start lengthening on the 5–7th day and physical therapy on the 2nd day after the operation.
Patients are usually followed up every 2 weeks
for radiographic and clinical assessments.
Clinically hip and knee range of motion, knee
subluxation, and pin-site problems, radiologically, the distraction gap length, regenerate bone
quality, limb alignment, and joint location, are
assessed. We prefer to start 1 mm of lengthening
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.29 Lateral X-ray of the femur and knee during
the follow-up to check the knee joint subluxation if any
per day in four increments. But, as in all congenital disorders, we decrease the speed to 0.75 or
even 0.5 mm per day after the early consolidation
risk decreases (1–2 cm of distraction). As the distraction gap increases, joint motions are restricted.
Close follow-up of the joints (hip and knee) is
important. Ménard-Shenton line for the hip and
lateral view of the knee joints must be checked
for each visit during the distraction and even
early consolidation phases. In congenital cases,
especially in PFFD after the removal of the external fixator, prophylactic rush pin application
seems logical to prevent fractures and continue
the physical therapy more safely. In most scenar-
Fig. 35.30 Clinical AP view of the patient with a Paley 1
PFFD after the SUPER hip and first lengthening procedures. To prevent LLD patient will need at least two more
lengthening procedures
ios patients need three lengthening operations,
7–8 cm lengthening in each to reach the goal of
no limb-length discrepancy (Figs. 35.30 and
35.31). The first and sometimes also the second
needs to be performed with an external fixator.
However, the third lengthening, if the knee and
hip joints are well formed and stable, can be performed via implantable internal devices (nails).
The appropriate age group for lengthening is
children aged 5–7 years, 10–12-year-olds, and
adolescents. One should never forget that PFFD,
even in its less severe form, is the most difficult
lengthening that an orthopedic surgeon will be
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.31 Lateral view of patient Fig. 35.30. Flexion of
the knee joint is well preserved
Fig. 35.32 Van Nes rotationplasty clinical view
faced with during their career. Complications and
sequelae should be overcome by experienced surgeons and the team built by the surgeons, physical therapists, and care center, which is
experienced in lengthening procedures.
If the deformity and the shortening are unilateral, the physician should not forget to discuss
the benefits of the epiphysiodesis around the knee
joint of the contralateral extremity. Excessive
lengthening can be prevented so as to avoid limblength discrepancies.
In very extreme cases such as Paley type 4 and
3B and 3C cases, one should never forget Van
Nes rotationplasty (Fig. 35.32). Sometimes, the
lack of femur or very short femur makes the deficiency difficult to reconstruct. Rotationplasty
enables the ankle joint to be used as a knee if
rotated 180°. Special prostheses are adapted and
the patient is educated as to how to fit them.
Functionally, patients profit from rotationplasty,
but we should talk and help the patient understand the aim of the procedure and what to expect
(Figs. 35.33 and 35.34); although the procedure
increases the functionality of the lower limb, it
can be difficult for patients to accept rotating the
lower limb to 180°.
35.3.1 Paley Classification
of Congenital Femoral
Type 1: “Intact femur” with mobile hip and knee
(a) Normal ossification proximal femur
(b) Delayed ossification proximal femur
Type 2: “Mobile pseudarthrosis” with mobile
(a) Femoral head mobile in acetabulum
(b) Femoral head absent or stiff in acetabulum
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.33 Ankle (new knee) joint in extension
Type 3: “Diaphyseal deficiency” of femur
(a) Knee motion 45° or more
(b) Knee motion less than 45°
(c) Complete absence of femur
Type 4: “Distal deficiency” of femur
Fig. 35.34 Ankle (new knee) joint is in flexion
1/150000 birth), but it has one of the most difficult treatments. A lot of mechanical and/or biological techniques which have different success
rates are defined in CPT treatment. Prognosis of
CPT has become better through the agency of
vascularized fibula transfers and Ilizarov methods in recent years [70, 71].
Congenital Pseudoarthrosis
of Tibia
35.4.2 Clinical Diagnosis
Fuat Bilgili
35.4.1 Introduction
Congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is
defined as a bone diaphysis disorder, which presents with pathologic fracture-related medullary
narrow canal or cyst formation. It presents with
different clinical formations variant from massive bone defects related nonunion to simple
bone defect. CPT is a rare disorder (frequency
Anterolateral bowing of bone can be noticed
since first days of life. It may present primary
pseudoarthrosis in neonatal form or secondary
pseudoarthrosis after pathologic fracture in walking age. Severity of shortness in the lower extremity is variable [72].
Unilateral involvement is often seen in
CPT. Fibular pseudoarthrosis is also present
in over half of patients. Primary localization is in
the middle or distal third of the tibia regardless of
gender or size [70].
G.A. Hosny et al.
Over half of the patients with CPT have neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) disease [73, 74]. In
contrast, bone bowing and CPT rate in NF 1 is
less than 4% [74, 75]. NF1 is a multisystemic
neurocutaneous disease which is inherited OD
and occurs one in 4000 births. Bone anomalies in
NF1 may be primary bone lesion or secondary to
soft tissue damage causing bone deformity. For
differential diagnosis of isolated CPT from the
bone deformities in NF type 1, the skin should be
examined for café au lait spots, freckling in the
axillary or inguinal regions, and neurofibromas.
Furthermore, family history should be questioned
[74]. There is dysfunction in the differentiation
of periosteum to myofibroblasts or chondrocytes
whether or not CPT is associated with NF1 [76].
Bone healing is not affected adversely in CPT
related with NF1 [72].
In differential diagnosis, ring constriction or
amniotic band syndrome, fibrous dysplasia,
osteomyelitis, fibrosarcoma of infancy, and fibular hemimelia also should be considered.
35.4.3 Imaging
Simple anterolateral convex bowing or real tibial
discontinuity was seen in plane radiography
(Fig. 35.35).
There are also cyst formations starting with
bone bowing between the age of 6 weeks and
1 year of life. Cortex in the concave side of curvature is intact, intense, and thick. Medullary canal
is narrow, and cystic appearance may be noticed
in the apex of curvature. Severity of the deformity
increases when the cortex is fractured. Transverse
fracture occurs [71]. In dysplastic forms, there is
bone bowing in birth, and sometimes even pseudoarthroses already exist. The tibia is narrow like
a sandglass, and the medullary cavity is destructed
here. In these types, the fibula is frequently
affected. Bone ends could be thin, atrophic, or
hypertrophic when pseudoarthroses occur. These
radiological features define the criteria which are
the basis in differential diagnosis of CPT.
Developments in MRI give detailed information
Fig. 35.35 Preoperative clinical (a) and radiographic view (b, c) of patient with CPT
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
about bone and soft tissue around pseudoarthrosis. New bone perfusion sequence can show vascularization defects, determinate borders of
resection, and helps us to understand the pathophysiology of this disease [77].
35.4.4 Classification
These are some classification systems: Anderson
classification, Crawford classification, Boyd
classification, and Apolin classification [70].
Anderson classified the pseudoarthrosis under
four morphologies: dysplastic, cystic, late, and a
clubfoot type with associated congenital abnormalities. Crawford described four types of congenital tibial pseudoarthrosis. Anterolateral
bowing is common in all types.
• Type I: intact medullary canal with a cortical
thickening at the apex of the bowing.
Follow-up is recommended because of best
• Type II: there is tabulation defect in the medullary canal with cortical sclerosis. These
patients must be protected to avoid fractures.
Surgical treatment should be planned.
• Type III: there is a prefracture cystic lesion.
Early surgical treatment is required in this type.
• Type IV: there is fracture or pseudoarthrosis.
The worst prognosis is seen in this type. Early
surgical treatment is required (Table 35.5).
A limitation of all classifications lies in the
alteration of the disease morphology during
growth. However, initial classification affects the
El-Rosasy-Paley classification is mostly used
in clinical experience [78]. This classification is
based on three parameters: (1) history of any previous surgery (yes or no), (2) clinical examination of bone ends (mobile or stiff), and (3) the
radiologic type of pseudoarthrosis (atrophic or
hypertrophic) (Table 35.6).
35.4.5 Prognostic Factors
Some prognostic factors for CPT have been
reported [71, 79, 80]:
• If the localization of pseudoarthrosis is in distal or inferior metaphysis, control of distal
fragment becomes hard. Requirement to
involve the ankle and foot in fixation may
result in articular sequelae.
• The type of pseudoarthrosis is an important
parameter. Bone atrophy with severe deformities, significant bone shortness, and small
bone diameter with intense sclerotic lesions
are indicators of poor prognosis.
• Presence of fibular pseudoarthrosis worsens
the prognosis.
• Shortness of the lower extremity is derived
from superimposed bone edge and angulation.
Especially, the number of operation, significant angulation which resulted from recurrent
fractures, and remaining bone reserve are
important prognostic factors. Resorption of
the graft is a poor prognostic factor.
Table 35.5 The three classifications (Crawford, Anderson, Boyd) of CPT
Clubfoot + antecurvation of tibia
V: Pseudoarthrosis of fibula
without nonunion of tibia
VI: Intraosseous
Table 35.6 El-Rosasy-Paley classification of CPT
Type I
Type II
Type III
Bone ends on x-ray
Atrophic (thin)
Atrophic (thin)
Hypertrophic (wide)
Motion of pseudoarthrosis
Previous surgery
Unsuccessful surgery
Yes or no
G.A. Hosny et al.
35.4.6 Treatment Nonoperative Treatment
Treatment with cast immobilization can be
applied to very young children with mild deformity. Nonsurgical treatment also delays the age
for surgical treatment. Thus, intramedullary fixation is made of a larger rod, and a greater amount
of autologous grafts can be used. Using protective brace including a total-contact ankle-foot
orthosis (AFO) or knee-ankle-foot orthosis
(KAFO) before walking age postpones the fractures in cases with bowing and restricts deformities in cases with pseudoarthrosis [81]. Operative Treatment
CPT gets worse without treatment; deformity and
shortness are unavoidable.
The best treatment methods are intramedullary nailing method, vascularized fibula graft,
Ilizarov method, or combined treatment. In this
chapter, we will mention about combined treatment including Ilizarov method, intramedullary
nailing, and periosteal grafting.
Ilizarov method was shown to be the best surgical technique by EPOS in 2000, in a multicenter
study which was done with 340 patients, because
of protecting the bone length and alignment and its
ability of lengthening with bone segment transport
[82]. Also best results are reported in a multicenter
study which was done in Japan with 73 patients
who have undergone Ilizarov technique and vascularized fibula transfer [80]. Recurrent fractures
may occur due to axial residual deformity after
treatment with Ilizarov method. Intramedullary
fixation should be applied with the Ilizarov method
to avoid this complication [83].
The extent of resection is not defined in the
literature. Limit of resection is determined macroscopically by evaluating the bone and intramedullary space during the operation. MRI plays
an important role to determine fibrous hamartoma, periosteum, bone lesions, and the extent of
bone and soft tissue to be resected [77].
The state of the child’s family, age, the type
and localization of pseudoarthrosis, and timing of
the surgery must be kept in mind while deciding
on surgical indications.
EPOS recommends surgical treatment after
3 years of age to avoid difficulty in stabilization
of small bone fragment in young children [82].
The best results are reported with Ilizarov technique between 6 and 9 years old in EPOS. Between
3.5 and 7 years of age, treatment with vascularized bone transfers has good results [84]. A successful bone healing is concerned with type of
pseudoarthrosis and choice of the surgical technique rather than age.
There is no gold standard therapy for all CPT
cases today. There are two main difficulties about
1. Mechanical difficulty in fixation and stabilization of small, osteoporotic bone fragments
2. Biologic problem because of hamartomatous
change of the periosteum
Preoperative planning must be made to solve
these problems. Surgical technique should be
decided according to the type of pseudoarthrosis
and size of the defect.
If the shortness is little in normal and hypertrophic types, Ilizarov or intramedullary nailing
with bone graft can be applied.
Controversy is often concerned with which
method will cause significant bone loss in atrophic form. In this situation, vascularized fibula
and Ilizarov method with bone transport are better options.
35.4.7 Ilizarov Technique
The first user of Ilizarov method in CPT is
Ilizarov himself. External circular fixation
enables us to use a lot of combinations which can
be adopted to the type of pseudoarthrosis. Small
bone fragments can be stabilized, and limb length
discrepancy can be treated with the same procedure. External fixation could be extended to the
foot according to anatomic location of
Ilizarov method includes direct compression
or progressive compression depending on the
amount of excised dead bone in pseudoarthrosis
zone. If the amount of excised bone is little, direct
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.36 Drawing incision (a) and determining the resection area under fluoroscopy (b)
compression is enough. If a lot of dead bone is
excised, progressive compression with segmental
bone transport is required for healing and lengthening [85]. In order to support healing, simple
OsteoGen bone graft, inter-tibiofibular bone
grafting, or a periosteal graft could be applied in
the same procedure or in the second stage [83].
Recently, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) is
another option for graft [86].
Complications of Ilizarov method are recurrent fractures, persistent axial deformities, and
pin tract infection. It is offered to add intramedullary fixation to external fixation to decrease the
rate of axial deformity and recurrent fracture
[72]. Hemiepiphysiodesis or tibial osteotomy
may be necessary to treat ankle valgus deformity
caused by growth disturbance or persistent pseudoarthrosis of the fibula [87].
Paley defined a technique using periosteal free
graft as a source of osteoprogenitor cells in the
periosteum from the iliac wing. This technique
includes completely excising the diseased periosteum in pseudoarthrosis zone and wrapping with
periosteum graft after filling it with bone graft
and then external fixation together with intramedullary fixation of the tibia and fibula [88].
35.4.8 Operation Technique
The patient is prepared by putting a pillow under
the hip so as to make the whole lower extremity
and iliac crest stay open at the radiolucent table.
Sterile tourniquet is performed. The pseudoarthrosis area is opened through an anterior longitudinal incision for type 1 CPT. A transverse
incision is used for type 2 CPT (Fig. 35.36a, b).
Thick periosteum is incised longitudinally at
proximal and distal until normal periosteum is
seen. Hamartomatous periosteum around the
pseudoarthrosis site is excised after dissecting
During dissection of the fibrous tissue hamartoma, posterior tibial neurovascular bundle
and anterior tibial artery must be paid attention
to. Proximal and the distal segment of the tibia
is shortened by osteotomy to avoid fracture
after multiple drilling. The same procedure is
applied to fibular pseudoarthrosis. Proximal and
distal segments of the medulla are opened by
drilling. The bone ends are brought into contact
with each other. In type 1 CPT, minimal resection is adequate to vitalize the bone ends.
However, more bone resection is required in
type 2 CPT. Opening the tourniquet and looking
at the bleeding in the bone suggest the border of
dead bone to be resected. If the bone defect is
more than 3 cm after dead bone tissue resection,
bone transportation is performed with Ilizarov
type of external fixation by making the proximal tibial osteotomy, and defect is eliminated
gradually in CPT type 2. After lengthening is
completed, periosteal bone graft is applied to
pseudoarthrosis. Intramedullary rod (Paley
G.A. Hosny et al.
modified nail) is placed when the tibia is healed
at both sides and external fixator is removed. If
the bone defect is less than 3 cm after the
removal of the dead bone at the pseudoarthrosis
area, bone fragments are brought end to end by
making acute resection. Osteotomy is performed at the proximal metaphyseal area for
lengthening, and intramedullary rod is placed
Intramedullary nail including K-wire,
Steinmann nail, Rush Pin, or flexible titanium
nail is chosen according to diameter of the bone
and age of the patient. This rod is applied from
distal to proximal above the medial malleolus or
from proximal to distal at the proximal tibial
metaphysis. Recently, Paley has modified FassierDuval telescopic intramedullary nailing. In this
modification, the nail can be locked with K-wire
at the distal tibial epiphysis to avoid ankle joint
stiffness to allow elongation of the nail during
growth (Graphic 35.1).
For taking periosteal graft and autogenous
graft, an incision is made on the iliac crest
(Fig. 35.37a). The iliac crest apophysis is split in
the middle to expose the inner table of the iliac
wing bone and medial periosteum. Medial periosteum is separated from the underlying iliacus
muscle and removed in the form of a rectangle
with a blade (Fig. 35.37b). The cancellous bone
is taken from the ilium at the same time. As soon
as the periosteal graft is taken, it immediately
shrinks. The periosteal graft is meshed to restore
its size by using skin graft table (Fig. 35.37c).
Suture is placed at both ends of the periosteal
graft to easily wrap around the bone. Periosteal
graft is wrapped around pseudoarthrosis with its
algorithm according to Paley classification
Type 2:
Type 1
Proximal tibial and distal fibular
fragments are longitudinally
cleavaged and invaginated end
to end.
Fixation with IM rod into the
tibia and fibula.
It depends on bone defect after
debridement of
If bone defect is < 3cm
If the bone defect is >3cm
-Acute shorthening and
proxiamal lengthening
-Partial acute shorthening and
proximal lengthening
- Application of ilizarov external
fixator and beginning bone
Type 3
- Application of preconstructed
ilizarov external fixator after
preoperative analysis of
- Pseudoarthrosis area is not
- Gradual shorthening until bone
contact at distal.
- If the fibula is intact, make
osteotomy of fibula.
Wrapping iliac periostal graft
around the pseudoarthrosis
area and putting autogenous
- Gradual correction of the
- Fixation with IM rod after
compression of pseudoarthrosis.
- Wrapping iliac periostal graft
around the pseudoarthrosis area
and putting autogenous graft
Application of ilizarov external
fixator and compression of the
Graphic 35.1 Treatment algorithm of CPT according to Paley
- After correction, begin
compression of
- After healing, take off eternal
fixator and apply IM rod to
prevent refracture.
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.37 Taking the periosteum graft from the iliac crest (a, b), preparing (c), and placing it on the pseudoarthrosis
field (d)
cambium layer toward the bone (Fig. 35.37d).
Cancellous bone graft is placed like greenstick
ring all around bone at the pseudoarthrosis area.
Remained periosteum and bone graft are placed
to the fibular area. Recently, BMP-2 is applied to
the pseudoarthrosis area in addition to autogenous graft.
The wound is closed in layers.
After closing the wound, a two-ring pediatric
Ilizarov external fixator is applied for type 1
CPT. A foot ring is added to control the foot position. The frame is fixed to the bone with three
proximal K-wires (two of them are olive, and one
of them is straight) placed to proximal metaphysis
and three wires placed to distal metaphysis. These
wires should not have contact with intramedullary
nail. A walking ring is applied not to give full load
at the postoperative period. Three-ring frame is
applied for both lengthening and compression of
pseudoarthrosis in type 3 CPT (Fig. 35.38a–d).
Follow-up protocol: Patients are invited for
control once a month until healing and once a
year until skeleton maturation is complete
(Fig. 35.39a–d). Evaluation of Results
Follow-up until skeletal maturation is required to
evaluate the result of treatment in CPT. Johnston’s
postoperative evaluating method can provide an
objective comparison in different series [89]. At
this evaluation:
Stage 1: Complete union and complete function when bearing full weight. Mild malalignment (≤10° in the coronal or sagittal plane) or
limb length discrepancy (≤3 cm) does not require
secondary surgery and affect the outcomes.
Stage 2: Incomplete union (transverse or longitudinal cortical defect in union) but function is
good. Protective brace is needed to prevent
refracture. Sagittal deformity (>15° of valgus,
procurvatum or recurvatum) is present. Secondary
surgery is required.
Stage 3: Recurrent fracture occurs or persistent pseudoarthrosis is present.
G.A. Hosny et al.
Fig. 35.38 After resection of the pseudoarthrosis area, insertion of intramedullary nail and application of circular
external fixator. Radiological (a, b) and clinical (c, d) views of the patient
Congenital Lower Limb Deformities
Fig. 35.39 Radiological (a, b) and clinical (c, d) view of the patient after healing
35.4.9 Complications
It must be primarily emphasized that the patients
with diagnosis of NF-1 must be followed up in
terms of complications in NF-1. The most common complications are as follows:
• Ankle valgus: Proximal migration of lateral
malleolus causes firstly tibiotalar valgus instability and then asymmetric growth. Treatment
consists of epiphysiodesis of medial malleolus
or supramalleolar osteotomy [74]. Distal tibiofibular synostosis to prevent this deformity
is another option during primary surgery.
• Leg length discrepancies: The reason may be
the disease itself or iatrogenic. If the length
difference is less than 5 cm, treat with epiphysiodesis of the other side. If there is significant difference, lengthening can be
• Recurrent fractures: It occurs as a result of
significant residual deformity, especially persistent axial deviation. It can be prevented by
protective brace. If it occurred after union, it is
a symptom of a persistent axial deviation.
Initial treatment is conservative. If conservative treatment has failed, then revision surgery
is needed.
Nonunion: Revision surgery including vascularized fibular transfer is indicated [90, 91].
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