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2010, International journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning

References Glassick, Charles E., Mary Taylor Huber, and Gene I. Maeroff. 1997. Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Salvatori, Mariolina Rizzi. 1988. “Towards a Hermeneutics of Difficulty.” In Audits of Meaning: A Fetschrift in Honor of Ann E. Berthoff. Ed. Louise Z. Smith, 80-95. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook. .1996. “Conversations with Texts: Reading in the Teaching of Composition.” College English 58: 440-54. 2000. “Difficulty: The Great Educational Divide.” In Opening Lines: Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Ed. Pat Hutchings, 81-93. Menlo Park, CA: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Salvatori, Mariolina Rizzi, and Patricia Donahue. 2002. “English Studies in the Scholarship of Teaching.” In Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground, ed. Mary Taylor Huber and Sherwyn P. Morreale. 69-86. Washington, DC: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and American Association for Higher Education. . 2004. The Elements (and Pleasures) of Difficulty. New York: Longman. .2010. “Disappearing Acts: The Problem of the Student in Composition Studies.” Pedagogy 10:25-34. Shulman, Lee S. 2004. “Teaching as Community Property: Putting an End to Pedagogical Solitude.” In Teaching as Community Property: Essays on Higher Education. Ed. Pat Hutchings, 139-144. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.