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2010, International journal for the scholarship of teaching and learning
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On Method 19 2 The Crisis of Representative Democracy 25 The Crisis of Representative Democracy: Empirical 26 The Crisis of Representative Democracy: Conceptual 33 The Road Not Taken 40 The Realists' Objections 44 Con temporary Solutions and Their Limits 47 3 The Myth of Direct Democracy 53 Rousseau's Mistake 56 Repre sen ta tion, Modernity, and the Prob lem of Size 61 The Myth of Classical Athens as a Direct Democracy 66 Direct versus Open 74 4 Legitimacy and Repre sen ta tion beyond Elections (Part One) 79 The Prob lem with Consent Theory 83 Definitions 85 Lottocratic Repre sen ta tion 89 Self-Selected Repre sen ta tion 93 On the Accountability of Non-Elected Demo cratic Representatives 98 Conclusion 104
La época monárquica abarca desde la fundación de Roma hasta el año 243 de la era romana; es decir,. del año 753 al 510 a.C.
Cálculo 1, Versão 1.02 (26 de fevereiro de 2015). Sugestões, críticas e correções: [email protected] v SUMÁRIO SUMÁRIO Cálculo 1, Versão 1.02 (26 de fevereiro de 2015). Sugestões, críticas e correções: [email protected] vi Prefácio Oriundo principalmente do estudo da mecânica e da astronomia, o Cálculo, chamado também Cálculo infinitesimal, nasceu no fim do século XVII, com os trabalhos de Newton 1 e Leibniz 2 . Hoje em dia, ele é usado em todas as áreas da ciência, e fundamental nas áreas da engenharia. A presente apostila contém a ementa da matéria Cálculo I, como ensinada no Departamento de Matemática da UFMG. Ela tem como objetivo fornecer ao aluno um conhecimento básico dos conceitos principais do Cálculo que são: limites, derivadas e integral. Ela também prepara o aluno para as outras matérias que usam Cálculo I nos cursos de ciências exatas (física e matemática) e engenharia, tais como Cálculo II e III, EDA, EDB, EDC... A apostila começa com um capítulo sobre fundamentos, fazendo uma revisão de vários conceitos básicos em princípio já conhecidos pelo aluno: equações, inequações, plano cartesiano e trigonometria. A partir do Capítulo 2, o conceito de função é introduzido. A noção central de limite é abordada no Capítulo 4, e a de derivada no Capítulo 6. O resto do texto é sobre o objeto central desse curso: a noção de integral, o Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo, e as suas aplicações.
The paper deals with the descriptions in the Russian chronicles of a strange military custom of Novgorod’s people to take closes off before difficult battles. It provides an overview of the references about military activities of Novgorod’s people as a single combat unit. It assumed this custom was connected with Scandinavian military heritage (something like berserkr’s behavior) in Novgorod’s culture.
This paper studies the violent death of the bog men Lindow Man and Oldcroghan Man, as well as the texts comprised in the corpus threefold death motif found in the insular medieval texts. The bog men have long been considered as exceptional individuals, sacrificed by the priest of their community in times of war or famine. This study will be focusing on their status, whether they were kings, priests, or individuals with a disability. The sacrificial and executional hypotheses are reviewed through the archaeological data, but also with the geographical study of their place of deposition. The medieval corpus of the Threefold death comprises the tales of the Irish kings Muirchertach mac Erca, Diarmait mac Cerbaill, Suibhne Geilt, Lóegaire mac Néill; but the tales of Lailoken and Merlin as well. The hagiographical texts using the threefold death motif, such as the Vita Columbae will used to study the motif in its religious context. The historical and political context of the texts will also be used to highlight the potential influences of these contexts on the corpus, as well as to observe how the scribes could have influenced through the contents of the texts. The evolution of the motif and its use will be viewed in a chronological order to study the change in the author's use and development of the motif. The study of these violent deaths in these archaeological and literary examples aims at observing the differences between these examples, but also their potential relationship to the beliefs and religious customs of the inhabitants of the British Isles in the Iron Age and Middle Ages.
The reader might ask from the very beginning: why searching for new names for the State while there are other real priorities? This question is legitimate but can easily be refuted for many reasons the main of which this treatise outlines. We had tackled in previous scientific and unscientific articles the condition of contemporary Arab-Islamic thought and the possibilities of its contributions to modern thinking. Here, we propose a concept and name for what occupies our mind more than we can describe, seeing the ongoing turmoil in a region that has contributed so much to human history and civilization, a region which every hegemon wants to conquer, a region that is exhausted but can still give a lot for its richness on various levels. This has been published in Arabic by Nama Centre for Research and studies, Beirut, Lebanon, as رسالة في الدولة الائتمانية: سبل الخروج من العقل التجزيئي
Resumen: La Ética es una disciplina filosófica compleja y paradojal: por su composición, por su dinámica y por su función ambivalente en la cultura. Pero también, precisamente a causa de este mismo carácter-complejo y bipolar-, la Ética actúa al propio tiempo como una sorprendente cantera de preguntas que movilizan para la acción. Como fenómeno complejo, la Ética se estructura en tres dimensiones: conductas, valores y normas. Funciona en una duplicidad de procesos, que se despliegan en pugna constante, ambigua y simultánea y se desarrolla en torno a un fin: la felicidad. Aunque, como sabemos, es ardua la discusión en torno a su contenido y a su relación con el bien. El desarrollo de la Ética profesional es un ejemplo de este carácter complejo y bipolar de la disciplina general. De un lado, toma en consideración el mandato generalizado e igualitario del bien y la felicidad. Pero de otro, pone su atención en los rasgos, intereses y facultades peculiares de una parcela de agentes morales, distinguidos, diferenciados, de los demás por la superioridad técnica o científica de su marco de trabajo. Así pues, advertimos también que en su composición, se desencadena otro juego interesante de elementos rivales y exigencias paradójicas, que provocan que, sobre la cabeza de la Ética profesional, todo el tiempo penda la "guillotina de su infamia" y la pregunta en torno a su utilidad y validez. Por último, observamos asimismo que el marco económico, político y social de la postmodernidad acrecienta y agiganta la ambivalencia de nuestra disciplina, poniendo al descubierto su extrema fragilidad.
dinamicas grupales, actividades ludicas, liderazgo, compañerismo, respeto.
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