Doctoral Dissertations on South Asia, 1966–1970


This volume gathers the harvest of recent doctoral dissertations on South Asia, principally from North America and Western Europe, but exclusive of theses from universities in South Asia itself. The yield-1305 dissertations based on research carried out during the early and middle nineteen-sixties and brought to completion between 1966 and 1970-is even greater than one would have guessed, eloquent testimony to the expansion of South Asian studies in the West over the last decade. It will not be claimed, of course, that the results of all this fervid scholarly industry are of uniformly high standard. In fact, "Treasures and Trivia" might aptly characterize the range of quality to be found in these 1305 entries, had not that title been preempted by Paul W. van der Veur and Lian The as a rubric for American dissertation research on the neighboring region of Southeast Asia. What is claimed is that the magnitude of the research effort here surveyed demands, if we are to go on to improve the quality and depth of dissertation scholarship on South Asia, just the sort of bibliographical controls which Mr. Frank Shulman provides in this volume. Mr. Shulman T s bibliographical services to Asian studies in general are well know to readers of the Newsletter of the Association for Asian Studies (now Asian Studies Professional Review), to which he contributes a section on current dissertation research over the entire area of South, Southeast and East Asia. South Asian specialists may not know that the present volume was preceded by his Japan and Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Western Languages.

THE U N I V E R S I T Y O F MICHIGAN CENTER FOR SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES MICHIGAN PAPERS ON SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA Editorial Board Alton L. Becker John K. Musgrave Thomas R. Trautmann, chm. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS ON SOUTH ASIA 1966-1970 AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY COVERING NORTH AMERICA, EUROPE, AND AUSTRALIA Compiled and edited by F r a n k J. S h u l m a n Ann Arbor Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies The U n i v e r s i t y of M i c h i g a n 1971 Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia, 4 Open access edition funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities/ Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Humanities Open Book Program. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-186256 ISBN 0*89148-004-8 Copyright 1971 by Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies The U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan Printed in the United States of America ISBN 978-0-89148-004-4 (paper) ISBN 978-0-472-12832-7 (ebook) ISBN 978-0-472-90232-3 (open access) The text of this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: To those among my American and South Asian friends who have awakened my interest in the civilizations and contemporary affairs of the subcontinent CONTENTS F O R E W O R D , xi I N T R O D U C T I O N , xiii A B B R E V I A T I O N S , xvii SOUTH ASIA — REGIONAL STUDIES, 3 General and Miscellaneous, 3 Economy, 5 Politics, Government, Law, and International Relations, 7 CEYLON, 11 General and Miscellaneous, 11 Economy, 13 History — Before 1800, 15 History — 1800-1947, 16 Politics, Government, Law, and International Relations, 17 INDIA, 20 Culture, 20 Art and Architecture, 20 Folklore, 22 Image and Cultural Influence Abroad, 23 Literature, 26 Music, Dance, Drama, Cinema, and Aesthetics, 29 Economy, 32 General Studies, 32 Agriculture, 33 Banking, Finance, and Taxation, 40 Economic Planning and General Economic Development, 42 Foreign Aid and Foreign Investment, 46 Foreign Trade, 49 Industry and Domestic Commerce, 51 Labor, 56 Transportation, 58 vii CONTENTS INDIA (cont.) Education, 59 Within India, 59 Indian Students Abroad, 66 History, 68 Archaeology, 68 Early to 1200, 69 1200-1800, 70 1800-1947 — Economy, 73 1800-1947 — Politics, Law, and Military Activities, 76 1800-1947 -- Society, Education, and Culture, 85 Journalism and the Mass Media, 87 Language and Linguistics, 88 Overseas Communities, 93 Politics, Government, Law, and International Relations, 97 Politics and Government — Municipal and Village Levels, 97 Politics and Government -- State and National Levels, 99 Law and Constitution, 106 International Relations, 107 Religion and Philosophy, 110 General Studies and Folk Religion, 110 Buddhism, 112 Christianity, 115 Hinduism - - Before 1800, 117 Hinduism - - Since 1800, 122 Islam, 125 Science and Medicine, 126 Earth Sciences, 126 Life Sciences, 127 Medicine and Public Health, 129 Society, 130 General Social Change, Social Organization, and Behavioral Patterns, 130 Caste and Communalism, 138 Demography, 139 Urban Studies, 141 Village Studies, 142 NEPAL, BHUTAN, AND SIKKEM, 146 PAKISTAN, 149 General and Miscellaneous, 149 Economy, 151 Education, 159 Politics, Government, Law, and International Relations, 167 viii CONTENTS PAKISTAN (cant.) Science, Technology, and Medicine, 170 Society, 172 ADDENDA, 175 A P P E N D I X A. DISTRIBUTION OF DISSERTATIONS BY COUNTRY AND YEAR, 184 A P P E N D I X B. DISTRIBUTION OF DISSERTATIONS BY SUBJECT AND COUNTRY, 185 APPENDIX C. AVAILABILITY OF DISSERTATIONS, 186 AUTHOR INDEX, 191 I N S T I T U T I O N A L INDEX, 209 S U B J E C T I N D E X , 221 IX FOREWORD This volume gathers the harvest of recent doctoral dissertations on South Asia, principally from North America and Western Europe, but exclusive of theses from universities in South Asia itself. The yield--1305 dissertations based on research carried out during the early and middle nineteen-sixties and brought to completion between 1966 and 1970—is even greater than one would have guessed, eloquent testimony to the expansion of South Asian studies in the West over the last decade. It will not be claimed, of course, that the results of all this fervid scholarly industry are of uniformly high standard. In fact, "Treasures and Trivia" might aptly characterize the range of quality to be found in these 1305 entries, had not that title been pre-empted by Paul W. van der Veur and Lian The as a rubric for American dissertation research on the neighboring region of Southeast Asia. What is claimed is that the magnitude of the research effort here surveyed demands, if we are to go on to improve the quality and depth of dissertation scholarship on South Asia, just the sort of bibliographical controls which Mr. Frank Shulman provides in this volume. Mr. ShulmanTs bibliographical services to Asian studies in general are well know to readers of the Newsletter of the Association for Asian Studies (now Asian Studies Professional Review), to which he contributes a section on current dissertation research over the entire area of South, Southeast and East Asia. South Asian specialists may not know that the present volume was preceded by his Japan and Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Western Languages. 1877-1969 (Chicago: American Library Association, 1970) and, with Leonard H. D. Gordon, Doctoral Dissertations on China: A Bibliogxi FOREWORD raphv of Studies in Western Languages. 1945-1970 (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1972). No one is exactly sure where his bibliographical daimon will lead him next, but CSSEAS Publications are pleased that Mr. Shulman has spent some considerable time and labor with us in South Asia, and proud to make his work available to scholars as a part of Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia. Thomas R. Trautmann Editor, CSSEAS Publications Xll INTRODUCTION The present bibliography was designed initially as a limited listing of current American research that would help keep South Asian scholars informed of work being done on their respective countries. It has since developed into an annotated and classified compilation of 1305 dissertations submitted to educational institutions throughout the West since 1966. As such Doctoral Dissertations on South Asia seeks to be a comprehensive compilation of recently completed theses dealing in whole or in part with the former civilizations and the contemporary affairs of Ceylon, India, Nepal and Pakistan. At the same time, this work provides striking testimony of the dynamic growth of Asian Studies outside of the subcontinent and particularly in the United States, Great Britain, Germany and France, where most of the major centers of scholarship on South Asia are presently found. The bibliography, however, should not be viewed only as a means of publicizing the existence of a significant number of largely unpublished dissertations. The reader should also find it to be a convenient guide for securing copies of materials that embody some of the latest and most advanced work within the field. Doctoral Dissertations on South Asia is an interdisciplinary work covering the natural sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences. In the process of compiling it, we have not made any attempt to select or discard titles on the basis of their relative value or intrinsic merit, for we assume that doctoral candidates will want to know at the very least what topics already have been chosen by their immediate predecessors. It should be noted, however, that bibliographic coverage is noticeably greater for dissertations completed within the English-speaking world than it is for those done elsewhere because of the unavailability of the latest data for several European countries. The compilation is essentially complete for the United States and Canada through 1970 and for Great Britain through 1969, but it lists only a portion of the relevant theses believed to have been submitted since the mid-1960!s to institutions elsewhere in Europe and it is limited in the case of Australia to work done at the Australian Naxiii INTRODUCTION tional University. Doctoral research undertaken in the Soviet Union has been omitted entirely. As may be seen from the table of contents, we have classified all dissertations on the basis of the country with which they deal and the specific subject or time period with which they are concerned. The academic departments to which the dissertations have been submitted often did not serve as a criterion for their final classification. Within individual entries we provide the author's full name, the complete title and subtitle of his thesis (with an English translation, where necessary, that we have prepared), the name of the university in abbreviated form, and the calendar year in which the dissertation was completed or formally approved. In the case of works abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI), we give the DAI reference volume and page numbers along with the University Microfilms (UM) order number. Where known, the number of pages in the dissertation is also included either in the form of the pagination for the microfilm copy (where the thesis is available from University Microfilms, Inc.) or as the number of pages in the actual typescript. Where logical categories of classification are mixed, we have been generous in supplying cross references, and these in turn are supplemented by a subject index (pages 221-28) designed to assist the reader in readily locating theses dealing with specific geographical entities, individuals, or literary and religious works. In addition, keys to all abbreviations used in the various entries are provided on page xvii; a listing of universities with their complete names is available in the Institutional Index (pages 209-20); and the numerical distribution of dissertations according to the years in which they were completed and the countries with which they deal may be found in Appendices A and B (pages 18485). Finally, an appendix entitled "Availability of Dissertations'' (pages 186-89) is included to guide the reader who is seeking to obtain copies of actual dissertation typescripts. He will do well to keep in mind the fact, though, that certain of these dissertations have already been published in book or article form or will be appearing in print before long. While this bibliography is essentially an annotated compilation, we should point out that twenty-five percent of the entries are not annotated at all and that the annotations for most of the others have been kept as brief as possible. These annotations are designed primarily to help the reader obtain an idea of the scope and nature of a particular thesis; to call his attention to certain of its noteworthy features; or, on occasion, to justify the inclusion of a title that appears to be unrelated to South Asia, They are not intended to be evaluative or critical, and their length depends primarily upon the need for them and upon the amount of information readily available to the compiler. (In most cases these annotations have been based on inforxiv INTRODUCTION mation provided in Dissertation Abstracts International.) Regretfully it has not been possible to secure information with which to annotate the majority of entries for European and Australian theses. Definitions of South Asia as a geographical area have varied to some extent within academic circles. For the purpose of this bibliography, we have seen fit to include overseas Indian communities but have decided to exclude Afghanistan from consideration. Furthermore, we have refrained from subdividing Pakistan into the republics of Pakistan in the west and Bangla Desh in the east because all of the dissertations listed here deal with Pakistan prior to 1971. Nevertheless, we have sought to indicate whenever possible the particular geographical focus of dissertations dealing with those areas of the subcontinent. As a compilation limited to doctoral research completed between 1966 and 1970 (with an additional 108 dissertations submitted to institutions in 1971 included for the sake of greater comprehensiveness), Doctoral Dissertations on South Asia updates the listings for South Asia found within Curtis W. Stucki's American Doctoral Dissertations on Asia, 1933--June 1966 (3d ed.; Ithaca, N. Y.: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1968). Our bibliography, moreover, complements a number of recently published bibliographies of theses covering Japan and Korea; China, Mongolia, Tibet, and the overseas Chinese communities; mainland and insular Southeast Asia; and the Arab World. We hope eventually to bring out a supplementary volume to this work and recommend that the reader refer until that time to the periodic listings of new dissertations appearing in the Asian Studies Professional Review, a journal published by the Association for Asian Studies. In any compilation of this nature, the compiler must continually impose upon the goodwill and cooperation of his colleagues and associates. We are happy to take this opportunity, therefore, to acknowledge the assistance of those scholars and librarians in this country and abroad who have contributed information regarding their own dissertations and those of their colleagues and graduate students. In addition, Dr. Thomas R. Trautmann, Dr. Om P. Sharma, and Mr. Kenneth R. Hall (all of The University of Michigan) have provided invaluable editorial advice and constant encouragement. Finally, both the Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies (Professor L. A. Peter Gosling, Director) and the Center for Japanese Studies (Professor Robert E8 Ward, Director) at The University of Michigan contributed to the completion of this bibliography through the formerf s willingness to support its publication within this occasional paper series and the latter1 s readiness to permit the use of its facilities while the compilation was in progress. Ann Arbor, Michigan xv Frank Ja Shulman ABBREVIATIONS DAI; DA Dissertation Abstracts International (before July 1969, Dissertation Abstracts) with volume and page numbers of the published abstract. EXAMPLE: DAI 31 (July 1970): 12-13-A. UM University Microfilms, Inc., order number for copies of the dissertation. EXAMPLE: UM70-11,666. A listing of universities with their complete names is available in the Institutional Index (pages 209-20). xvii BIBLIOGRAPHY SOUTH ASIA-REGIONAL STUDIES GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS 1 Bower, Leonard George. POPULATION GROWTH, ECONOMIC GROWTH, AND FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMS IN LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. Duke, 1969. 261p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 12-13-A; UM 70-11,666. 2 Das, Man Singh. EFFECT OF FOREIGN STUDENTS' ATTITUDES TOWARD RETURNING TO THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN ON THE NATIONAL LOSS OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS. Oklahoma State, 1969. 257p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4282-A; UM 70-21,368. Male students from thirty-one Asian, African, and Latin American countries were surveyed in this study of the "brain drain. " 3 Das, Ram Kinkar Lai. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATERIALS FOR A PRACTICAL TEXTBOOK IN SALES MANAGEMENT FOR THE EASTERN WORLD. Colorado State, 1969. 377p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4070-A; UM 70-7118. The study seeks to collect the most recent technical knowledge in the sales management field and to show its application to the business enterprises of the developing Asian countries. 4 Desai, Armaity Sapur. ATTITUDES AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES OF FOREIGN STUDENTS IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF SOCIAL WORK. Chicago, 1969. 281 p. 5 Dil, Anwar Shabnam. THE LANGUAGE FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMERGING NATIONS. Indiana, 1968. 221 p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 3119-A; UM 69-4742. Seeks to determine what can be done in the Afro-Asian nations to reduce the linguistic obstacles that stand in the way of the maximum development of individuals and social groups at all levels, while preserving cultural diversity within those countries at the same time. SOUTH ASIA 6 Ford, Charles Christopher. A CASE STUDY OF THE ADAPTATIONAL PATTERNS OF ASIAN GRADUATE STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AT MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. Michigan State, 1969. 106 p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1034-A;UM 70-15,031. Studies the reactions of 15 students from South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East to their new academic environment. 7 Jalal, Kazi Abul Farhad Mohammad. EXCRETA DISPOSAL IN EAST ASIA: A SYSTEMS APPROACH. Harvard, 1969. xiv, 263 p. An engineering thesis that focuses on South Asia as well as on East Asia and that attempts to evaluate the technological feasibility and economic costs and benefits of composting as a means of nightsoil disposal. 8 Ojha, Ishwer Chandra. SOVIET AND CHINESE CONCEPTIONS OF THE NATIONAL BOURGEOISIE OF THE DEVELOPING AREAS. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1966. 347p. 9 Pierce, Frank Nicholson. FOREIGN STUDENT VIEWS AND ATTITUDES TOWARD ADVERTISING IN THE UNITED STATES. Illinois, 1969. 366p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 780-A;UM70-13,445. Investigates the attitudes of over 600 students, including many from Asia. 10 Ranaraja, Ranjit. LE PLAN DE COLOMBO. [French: The Colombo Plan.] Paris, 1966. 155p. (Doctorat de TUniversitg) 11 Schneider, Robert Moren. PERCEPTIONS OF THE ROLE OF THE AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY IN THE AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION EDUCATION OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Michigan State, 1969. 144p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1161-A; UM 70-15,126. Seeks to assist in improving the efficiency of agricultural mechanization education by delineating the appropriate educational role of the agricultural equipment industry in developing countries, as perceived by individuals with international agricultural mechanization experience. 12 Smedley, Margaret Anne. A HISTORY OF THE EAST-WEST CULTURAL AND TECHNICAL INTERCHANGE CENTER BETWEEN 1960 AND 1966. Catholic University of America, 1970. 201p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2142-43-A; UM 70-22,694. The East-West Center in Hawaii and its programs for Asian and Pacific area peoples. Focuses on the Center's establishment, organization, and development according to guidelines provided by Congressional legislation and appropriations and State Department approval; but also provides information on the Center's students from South Asia and on their programs of study. ECONOMY 20 ECONOMY 13 Abou-Aish, Abdallah Mohamed. THE INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT IN UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES. California (Los Angeles), 1969. 1042p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5112-13-A; UM 70-9^21. Studies the effectiveness of international management /development assistance given by the I. L.O. through 1965 tojk number of countries in South Asia and elsewhere. 14 Annable, James Edward, J r . THE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY, INDUSTRIALIZATION, AND THE URBAN EMPLOYMENT PROBLEM IN LOW-INCOME COUNTRIES. Princeton, 1971. 146p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1134-A; UM 71-23, 340. A theoretical and empirical study of the relationship existing between modern and traditional labor markets in less developed countries. 15 Areskoug, Kaj Gunnar. THE ROLE OF EXTERNAL BORROWING IN THE ECONOMIC POLICIES OF UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES. Columbia, 1968. 156p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 1689-A; UM 69-15,660. Defines the hypothetical roles of borrowing in central economic planning and examines the actual effects of borrowing on the economies of several underdeveloped countries, 1948-1965. 16 Atkin, J. M. BRITISH OVERSEAS INVESTMENT, 1918-1931. London, 1968. 17 Bloch, Ernest. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF RECENT GRAIN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. New York, 1970. 269p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 3724-25-A;UM71-2264. Includes a consideration of the impact that the introduction of high-yielding wheat and rice varieties had in Asia during the mid-1960Ts. 18 Chaudhry, Ghulam Rasul. MARKETING INSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Kansas State, 1970. 243p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2575-A; UM 70-25,537. Studies development in the underdeveloped world; some emphasis on India and Pakistan. 19 Friedman, Bernard. THE IMPACT OF UNITED STATES COTTON POLICY ON UNDERDEVELOPED COTTON-PRODUCING COUNTRIES, 1946-1965. Columbia, 1970. 228p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4344-A; UM 71-6173. 20 Gropengiesser, Peter 8 DETERMINANTEN DER INVESTITIONSENTSCHEIDUNG IN SUDASIATISCHEN ENTWICKLUNGSLANDERN8 [ German: Determinants behind the Decision to Invest 21 SOUTH ASIA in the Developing Countries of South Asia.] Freie Universitat (Berlin), 1966. 316p. A study of non-economic determinants (e.g. demographic factors, social and political conditions), general economic determinants (e.g. state economic planning, state policy toward foreign investment), and specific economic factors considered by industrialists interested in investment opportunities in South Asia. 21 Mitra, Pijush Kanti. SOME ASPECTS OF LONG-TERM CAPITAL EXPORTS FROM DEVELOPED TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES DURING THE POSTWAR PERIOD SINCE 1951. Fribourg, 1969. xvi, 144p. 22 Murti, Vedula Narasimha. AN ECONOMETRIC STUDY OF THE WORLD TEA ECONOMY, 1948-1961. Pennsylvania, 1966. 192 p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1153-A; UM 66-10,650. Analyzes the factors that determined the demand, supply, and price of tea in the world market. Includes the production of tea in India, Ceylon, and Pakistan. 23 Reynolds, Stephen Eugene. CONCENTRATION OF TRADE AND THE INSTABILITY AND GROWTH OF EXPORTS: DEVELOPING ASIA. Wisconsin, 1970. 380p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1458-59-A; UM 70-13,935. Cross-sectional data for the ECAFE countries are used. 24 Rose, Donald Kenneth. SOME DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THE PACE AND SUSTAINABILITY OF ECONOMIC GROWTH IN UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. Colorado, 1969. 209p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4096-A; UM 70-5888. Explores the relationship between certain demographic and economic changes, 1953-1965, to judge whether or not population growth is a major obstacle to economic progress. 25 Sen, Keshav Chandra. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONSTRAINT AND IMPORT SUBSTITUTION. Wisconsin, 1967. 214p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4365-66-A; UM 68-1101. Includes information on Ceylon, India, and Pakistan. 26 Thornblade, James Barnard. COTTON TEXTILE EXPORTS FROM THE LESS-DEVELOPED COUNTRIES: THE COMPETITIVE CHALLENGE TO THE AMERICAN TEXTILE INDUSTRY. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968. xi, 279p. Focuses on the countries of East and South Asia. 27 Tjiam, Tjoen Goan. DIE BEZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN INFLATION UND WACHSTUM IN DEN ENTWICKLUNGSLANDERN. [German: The Relationship of Inflation and Growth in the Devel- POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 33 oping Nations.] K51n, 1969. 221 p. An analytical study of the effects of inflation upon the economic structure of various developing countries including those of South Asia. 28 Wadhva, Charan Dass. REGIONAL PAYMENTS ARRANGEMENTS: AN APPLICATION TO ASIA AND THE FAR EAST. Yale, 1968. 207p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 473-A; UM 69-13,514. Concludes that substantial gains can be derived by regional organization of payments among developing countries even when unaccompanied by other forms of regional economic integration. POLITICS, GOVERNMENT, LAW, AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 29 Beebe, Lucius. THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE PEOPLED REPUBLIC OF CHINA TOWARD THE AFRO-ASIAN BLOC. Maryland, 1969. 563p. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 3072-73-A; UM 69-16,603. Focuses on the period 1961-1966. 30 Bose, S. R. REGIONAL COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIA AND PAKISTAN. Cambridge, 1966/67. 31 Chalermsri, Somboon. LES PAYS D'ASIE ET LA COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE. [French: The Countries of Asia and the International Court of Justice.] Paris, 1969. 183p. (Doctorat de l r University) 32 el-Khawas, Mohamed Ahmed. VOTING PATTERNS OF THE AFRO-ASIAN GROUP: THEIR DEGREE OF COHESION IN THE UNITED NATIONS FROM 1955 TO 1965. Johns Hopkins, 1968. 779p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2151-A; UM 71-21,037. A quantitative analysis of the voting records of 62 Asian and African states (including those of South Asia) was conducted for the period 19551965 in order to determine the degree to which these nations voted cohesively in the General Assembly voting. 33 Gay, Roland Daniel. PUBLIC BUREAUCRACY, POLITICAL PROCESSES, AND MODERNIZATION IN SOUTH ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST: A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. Pittsburgh, 1970. 607p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6750-A; UM 71-15,585. Attempts to 34 SOUTH ASIA determine how public bureaucracy can be transformed into an effective agent of change and how the administrative and authority structures of government might relate to political processes that would make them more responsive to social forces and more responsible as a whole. 34 Hallaj, Muhammad. AFRO-ASIAN POLITICS IN THE UNITED NATIONS. Florida, 1966. 340p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 751-A; UM 67-3476. Analyzes the efforts of the Afro-Asian states to engage in coalition politics in the UN General Assembly and evaluates their success in achieving specified political goals. 35 Hazelwood, Leo Anthony. POLITICAL VIOLENCE AND THE POLITICAL SYSTEM. Pennsylvania, 1969. 298p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1335-A; UM 70-16,160. A study of 74 countries that attempts to explain political violence in terms of interactions among the structural characteristics of the social, economic, and political subsystems of the general social system. 36 Heckel, Erna. DIE ROLLE DES KULTURPOLITIK IN DEN EXPANSIONSBESTREBUNGEN DES WESTDEUTSCHEN IMPERIALISMUS: UNTER BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG SEINER KULTURPOLITISCHEN INFILTRATION IN DEN AFRO-ASIATISCHENENTWICKLUNGSLANDERN. [German: The Role of Cultural Politics in West German Imperialism's Efforts to Expand: With Particular Regard to Its Cultural and Political Infiltration in the Developing Countries of Africa and Asia.] Berlin, Institut fur Gesellschaftswissenschaften beim ZK der SED, 1967. 335 p. 37 Heine, Lyman Howard, J r . THE ATTITUDES OF THE ASIANAFRICAN STATES TOWARD THE LAWS OF STATE RESPONSIBILITY. Nebraska, 1970. 367p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1867-A; UM 70-17,725. Focuses on the challenges of emerging AfroAsian states to the traditional international legal system, which in many ways is regarded as too Western and even colonial in character. 38 Jensen, Clara Sayre. RELIGION AND POLITICS IN SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA. Illinois, 1967. 223 p. DA 28 (June 1968): 5117-A; UM 68-8122. Studies the impact of political behavior upon religious institutions and the role of religious leaders and groups in the political process. 39 Kay, David Allen. THE NEW NATIONS IN THE UNITED NATIONS: A STUDY IN THE EXERCISE OF POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN THE UNITED NATIONS, 1960-1964. Columbia, 1969. 344 p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4525-A; UM 70-7004. Focuses on the states which have achieved independence since 1945. 8 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 47 40 Kochan, Ran. ISRAELI RELATIONS WITH ASIAN STATES EAST OF IRAN, 1948 TO 1967. London, 1970. 41 Manton, Thomas Brewster. U THANT: A POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY; AN ENQUIRY INTO THE BACKGROUND AND THE MAJOR POLITICAL ACTIONS OF THE THIRD SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS. American, 1968, 385p. DA 29 (Nov. 1968): 1320-A; UM 68-14,570. Includes an examination of his mediation of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. 42 Mureithi, James Joe Nyamu. AN ANALYSIS OF THE UNITED NATIONS1 EFFORTS IN THE PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AMONG THE NEW NATIONS OF ASIA AND AFRICA. Oregon, 1970. 119p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 521-22-A; UM 71-16,829. The efforts of the UN General Assembly in promoting international law through the study, teaching, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law among its member nations. 43 Nijim, Basheer Khalil. THE INDUS, NILE, AND JORDAN: INTERNATIONAL RIVERS AND FACTORS IN CONFLICT POTENTIAL. Indiana, 1969. 275p. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 3235-B; UM 69-22,026. Concerned with the potential for conflict associated with the utilization of international river basins. 44 Park, Tong-Whan. ASIAN CONFLICT IN SYSTEMIC PERSPECTIVE: APPLICATION OF FIELD THEORY (1955 AND 1963). Hawaii, 1969. 202p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1868-A; UM70-19,512. Attempts to predict conflict and cooperative behavior between any pair of Asian countries, to delineate subregional groupings of Asian nations with respect to their conflict and cooperation, and to develop profiles distinguishing each of these groups. 45 Rai, Kul Bhushan. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FOREIGN POLICY INDICATORS AND PATTERNS OF VOTING IN THE U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Rochester, 1970. 233p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1869-A; UM 70-17,905. Includes an analysis of the voting behavior of Asian members of the U.N., 1961-1965. 46 Rodes, Robert Michael. SOVIET ATTITUDES TOWARD THE INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS IN SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA, 1945-1952. Columbia, 1966. 326p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1221-A; UM 69-15,582 . Includes a study of the development of Soviet views on the problem of colonialism prior to World War II. 47 Shapiro, Martin M. THE WORLD BANK AND DEVELOPING NATIONS: ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY AT WORK. New York, 1967. 198p. DA 29 (July 1968): 314-A; UM 68-10,090. Includes a study of the Bank's role as a mediator in the Indus River dispute between India and Pakistan, 1948-1960. 48 SOUTH ASIA 48 Snow, Donald M. THE WORLD BANK AS AN ACTOR IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICS. Indiana, 1969. 256p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 5052-A; UM 70-7505. Includes a case study of the Bank's involvement in the Indus Waters dispute. 49 Sympson, Patricia Colway. THE KASHMIR DISPUTE IN WORLD POLITICS. St. John's, 1968. 276p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 3202-A; UM 69-4139. Focuses on the involvement of the United Nations, China, and the U. S. S. R. in this South Asian dispute. 50 Turner, Jack Justin. ARAB-ASIAN POSITIVE NEUTRALISM AND UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY. Kentucky, 1969. 392p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3532-A; UM 70-2604. 51 Untawale, Mukund G. COOPERATION WITHIN CONFLICT: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN SOUTH ASIA. California (Berkeley), 1971. 817p. Employs a cross-sectional and case study approach to analyze the patterns of cooperation in the context of conflict in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, and Maldive Islands). 52 Walters, Robert Stephen. AMERICAN AND SOVIET AID TO LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Michigan, 1967. 470p. DA 28 (June 1968): 5131-A; UM 68-7755. Studies the motivations for aid-giving and the aid programs themselves. Includes aid extended to South Asian countries. 53 Weidemann, Diethelm. DIE ENTSTEHUNG DER UNABHANGIGEN STAATEN IN SUD-UND SUDOSTASIEN IM ERGEBNIS DES ZWEITEN WELTKRIEGES, IM PROZESS DER ANTIKOLONIALEN BEFREIUNGSREVOLUTION (1939/41 - 1947/49). [German: The Rise of Independent States in South and Southeast Asia as a Result of the Second World War: The Process of Anticolonial Revolutions for Independence and Freedom, 1939/41 - 1947/49.1 Potsdam, Deutsche Akademie fCir Staats- und Rechtswissenschaft Tt Walter Ulbricht," 1966. xii, 737, liii p . 10 CEYLON GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Includes studies of art, education, language, literature, and society. For pre-1947 economic, educational, legal, political, and religious developments, see the sections entitled "History — Before 1800" and "History - - 1800-1947." 54 Beg, Mohammad Anwar. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TEACHER EDUCATION IN CEYLON AND PAKISTAN. Connecticut, 1966. 248p. DA 27 (June 1967): 4149-A; UM 67-4525. Demonstrates that during the colonial period, the training programs in both countries were similar, but that since independence developments in teacher training have followed different courses. Crawford, Arthur R. GEOCHRONOLOGY OF THE PRECAMBIAN ROCKS OF PENINSULAR INDIA AND CEYLON. See entry 921. 55 Dixon, Ruth Bronson. THE SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC DETERMINANTS OF MARITAL POSTPONEMENT AND CELIBACY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. California (Berkeley), 1970. 390p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6747-48-A; UM 71-15,754. Social, economic, and demographic determinants of variations in average age at first marriage and in proportions of men and women who never marry are explored in a cross-cultural analysis of current marriage patterns around the world and in a longitudinal and subnational analysis of Ceylon and France. Eldridge, Albert F. THE OVERSEAS CHINESE AND INDIANS: A STUDY OF LINKAGE POLITICS AND THE ETHNIC LINKAGE GROUPS. See entry 681. 56 Fellenberg, Theodor von. THE PROCESS OF DYNAMISATION IN RURAL CEYLON, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO A KANDYAN VILLAGE IN TRANSITION; DIE DYNAMISIERUNG TRA11 57 CEYLON DITIONAL SOZIALGEBILDE DES LANDLICHEN CEYLON, MIT BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG EINES BAUERNDORFES INDERGEGEND KANDYS. Fribourg, 1966. 266p. 57 Kandiah, Thirulogendran. THE SYNTAX OF THE VERB IN CEYLON TAMIL. London, 1967. 58 Kariyawasam, Tilokasundari. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TECHNIQUE FOR SELECTING STUDENTS FOR DIFFERENT STREAMS IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF CEYLON. London, 1968. 59 Karunatillake, Sisil Walimunidevage. HISTORICAL PHONOLOGY OF SINHALESE: FROM OLD-INDO-ARYAN TO THE 14th CENTURY A.D. Cornell, 1969. 165p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 378-A; UM 70-5775. Traces the history of Sinhalese through a number of stagesfromthe earliest inscriptions (3rd century B.C.) to the 14th century, indicating for each stage phonemic changes and their effects on the phonological system. 60 Khurshid, Anis. STANDARDS FOR LIBRARY EDUCATION IN BURMA, CEYLON, INDIA, AND PAKISTAN. Pittsburgh, 1969. 752p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3485-A; UM 70-213. Seeks to develop a common set of educational standards. Includes the historical development of libraries and library education in these countries. 61 MacDougall, Robert Duncan. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE AMONG THE KANDYAN SINHALESE. Cornell, 1971. 1004p. 62 Obeyesekere, Ranjini Dayawati. THE IMPACT O F ENGLISH CRITICISM ON MODERN SINHALESE CRITICISM. Washington (Seattle), 1968. 179p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3583-84-A; UM 69-7071. Focuses on the impact of English critics since their values and methods of critical assessment have profoundly influenced the work of Sinhalese writers. 63 Perera, N. P. AN EVALUATION OF THE HUMAN IMPACT ON THE NATURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WILD PLANT COMMUNITIES IN THE CEYLON HIGHLANDS. Leeds, 1966/67. 64 Ratnayake, Hemapala Abeysuriya. THE TECHNOLOGY OF TWO SINHALESE CRAFTS, WITH A CATALOGUE RAISONNE OF THE COLLECTIONS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUMS IN LONDON. London, 1966. 65 Ronner, Igle. INTERNE MIGRATIE IN CEYLON ALS BEVOLKINGSPOLITIEK. [Dutch: Internal Migration in Ceylon as a Population Policy.] Amsterdam Gemeentelijke, 1967. viii, 216p. With a summary in English. 66 Sinnadurai, Suppiah. MAJOR FACTORS INFLUENCING THE USE OF HERBICIDES ON SHALLOTS (ALLIUM CEPA L.) IN NORTH12 ECONOMY 71 ERN CEYLON. Michigan State, 1966. 87p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1380-B; UM 66-8490. The prime factor was whether herbicides could compete with the cheap labor that was available. Sornarajah, M. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PROBLEMS, SOCIOLOGICAL AND LEGAL, ARISING IN THE LAW OF HOMICIDE IN INDIA, CEYLON, AND ENGLAND. See entry 773. ECONOMY Primary focus is upon the post-1947 period. Coffin, Harold G. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF IMPORT DEMAND FOR WHEAT AND FLOUR IN WORLD MARKETS. See entry 331. 67 De Silva, Dharmasena M. A. THE RECORD OF FOREIGN AID IN CEYLON'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 1948-1963. Indiana, 1966. 280p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3177-A; UM 67-3734. Focuses on the Ceylonese background, the rationale for aid, the overall record of foreign capital and technical assistance and their contributions to Ceylon?s economy, and Ceylonfs capacity to utilize foreign aid. 68 Fernando, M. A. THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF TRADE FLUCTUATION IN CEYLON, 1948-1960. Cambridge, 1967/68. Fernando, S. T. G. PATTERNS OF INVESTMENT, POLITICAL STABILITY, AND RATES OF GROWTH: AN ANALYSIS OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE OF CEYLON, 1930-1963. See entry 103. 69 Gunawardena, Raja Senanayake. PEASANT PRODUCTION OF TEA IN CEYLON. London, 1967. 70 Hewavitharana, Buddhadasa. FACTORS IN THE PLANNING AND EXECUTION OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF CEYLON. London, 1967. 71 Jogaratnam, Thambapillai. FOOD IN THE ECONOMY OF CEYLON. Cornell, 1968. 178p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 373-A; UM 68-11,628. Discusses the present food supply situation in Ceylon and analyzes the determinants of the future demand for food. 13 72 CEYLON Laporte, Robert. PUBLIC CORPORATIONS AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. See entry 292. Meegama, Sriniwasa A. THE DECLINE IN MORTALITY IN CEYLON SINCE THE END OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. See entry 106. 72 Peiris, G. H. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY OF RUBBER PRODUCTION IN CEYLON. Cambridge, 1965/66. 73 Perera, Mangalage Piyadasa. LAND DEVELOPMENT IN THE SINHARAJA FOOTHILL ZONE OF CEYLON. London, 1970. 74 Perera, P. D. A. A GEOGRAPHICAL APPRAISAL OF PEASANT FARMING IN THE WEST ZONE OF CEYLON. Birmingham, 1965/66. 75 Pfanner, Margaret Ruth Harris. AN EXAMINATION OF THE POST-WAR SHIFT IN THE BALANCE OF TRADE OF PRIMARY PRODUCING UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO BURMA, CEYLON, AND THE PHILIPPINES. Cornell, 1966. 299p. DA 28 (July 1967): 16-A; UM 67-1401. In an effort to determine the causes of their postwar export lag, the author examines the quantitative trade data of the three selected countries, the prewar and postwar markets for their major exports, and the domestic economic and political conditions affecting the supply of their major exports. 76 Silva, A. J. A. N. STRUCTURE AND WORKING OF THE COMMERCIAL BANKING SYSTEM IN CEYLON, 1949-1963. Cambridge, 1965/66. 77 Sirinanda, Kokuhennedige Upajeewa. WATER SUPPLY AND IRRIGATION IN THE DRY ZONE OF CEYLON. London, 1970. 78 Sirisena, T. A. D. FOREIGN TRADE POLICY IN LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES: A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS AND AN EXAMINATION OF SOME ASPECTS OF THE FOREIGN TRADE POLICY OF CEYLON. Queen's University (Canada), 1968. 79 Sundaralingam, Kandiah. THE ROLE OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT IN CEYLON: PRESENT PROBLEMS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS. London, 1968. 80 Uswatte-Aratchi, G. THE PUBLIC FINANCES OF CEYLON, 1948-1961. Cambridge, 1965/66. 81 Vakil, Firouz. THE ROLE OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: SOME EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. 14 HISTORY / BEFORE 1800 __92 California (Berkeley), 1970. 243p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 44-A; UM 71-15,905. Investigates the nature of the conflict between income equality and economic growth in Ceylon, India, and Yugoslavia. 82 Wadinambiaratchi, George Hemachandra. DEVELOPMENT O F FOOD RETAILING IN CEYLON. Western Ontario, 1967. HISTORY — BEFORE 1800 Includes economic, educational, legal, and r e l i gious developments. 83 De Silva, Chandra Richard. 1617-1638. London, 1968. THE PORTUGUESE IN CEYLON, 84 Dewaraja, Lorna S. THE INTERNAL POLITICS O F THE KANDYAN KINGDOM, 1707-1762. London, 1970. 85 Dhammavisuddhi, Yatadolawatte. THE BUDDHIST SANGHA IN CEYLON, c. A . D . 1200-1400. London, 1970. 86 Hettiarachchy, Tilak. HISTORY O F KINGSHIP IN CEYLON UP TO THE FOURTH CENTURY A . D . London, 1970. 87 Indrapala, Karthigesu. DRAVIDIAN SETTLEMENTS IN CEYLON AND THE BEGINNINGS O F THE KINGDOM O F JAFFNA. London, 1966. 88 J a y a s e k e r a , Mahadura Lambert Silva. THE SOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT O F THE CUSTOMARY LAWS O F THE SINHALESE UP TO 1835. London, 1969. 89 Kanapathypillai, Vamadeva. DUTCH RULE IN MARITIME CEYLON, 1766-1796. London, 1969. 90 Kotelawele, Don Ariyapala. London, 1968. 91 Mirando, Annesley Hermon. BUDDHISM IN CEYLON IN THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SINHALESE LITERARY SOURCES. London, 1968. 92 Pathmanathan, Sivasubramaniam. THE KINGDOM O F JAFFNA (circa A . D . 1250-1450). London, 1969. THE DUTCH IN CEYLON, 1743-1766. 15 93 CEYLON 93 Sirisena, Wanninayake Mudiyanselage. CEYLON AND SOUTHEAST ASIA: POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND CULTURAL RELATIONS FROM A.D. c.. 1000 TO c_. 1500. Australian National, 1970. 94 Siriweera, Wathuge Indrakirti. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF CEYLON, c, A.D. 1070-1344. London, 1970. 95 Somaratna, Gintota Parana Vidanage. POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE KINGDOM OF KOTTE, c_. A.D. 1400-1521. London, 1969. 96 Tillakaratne, Miniwandeni Pathirannehelage. CUSTOMS AND INSTITUTIONS CONNECTED WITH THE DOMESTIC LIFE OF THE SINHALESE IN THE KANDYAN PERIOD. London, 1967. HISTORY - - 1800-1947 Includes economic, educational, political, and religious developments. 97 Alagiyawanna, Kingsley Louis Victor. A STUDY OF EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN CEYLON DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. London, 1968. 98 Andradi, Wijeratna M. D. D. ENGLISH-EDUCATED CEYLONESE IN THE OFFICIAL LIFE OF CEYLON FROM 1865 TO 1883. London, 1967. 99 Barron, Thomas James. JAMES STEPHEN, THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COLONIAL OFFICE, AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF THREE CROWN COLONIES: TRINIDAD, SIERRA LEONE, AND CEYLON. London, 1969. 100 Crook, Lester Brian Leonard. THE COLONIAL OFFICE AND POLITICAL PROBLEMS IN CEYLON AND MAURITIUS, 19071921. London, 1969. 101 Dutta, Amita. EFFECT OF INTERNATIONAL LABOUR MIGRATION ON TRADE AND REAL INCOME: A CASE STUDY OF CEYLON, 1920-1938. London, 1969. 102 Fernando, P. T. M. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW ELITE IN CEYLON, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO EDUCATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND, 1910-1931. Oxford, 1968. 16 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 112 103 Fernando, S. T. G. PATTERNS OF INVESTMENT, POLITICAL STABILITY, AND RATES OF GROWTH: AN ANALYSIS OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE OF CEYLON, 1930-1963. Oxford, 1966/67. 104 Jayasekera, P. V. J. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL CHANGE IN CEYLON, 1900-1919, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE DISTURBANCES OF 1915. London, 1970. 105 Jayaweera, Swarna. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN COLONIAL EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN CEYLON AND THE PHILIPPINES, 1900-1948. London, 1966. 106 Meegama, Sriniwasa Ananda. THE DECLINE IN MORTALITY IN CEYLON SINCE THE END OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. London, 1968. 107 Piyaratna, Chintamani Hettige. AMERICAN EDUCATION IN CEYLON, 1816-1875: AN ASSESSMENT OF ITS IMPACT. Michigan, 1968. 632p. DA 29 (Sept. 1968): 803-04-A; UM 68-13,379. Focuses on the different educational programs instituted by the Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in the Jaffna Peninsula. 108 Ratnayake, Lakshmi K. A GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TOWNS IN CEYLON. Edinburgh, 1968. 109 Samaraweera, V. K. THE COMMISSION OF EASTERN ENQUIRY IN CEYLON, 1829-1837: A STUDY OF A ROYAL COMMISSION OF COLONIAL INQUIRY. Oxford, 1969. 110 Wickremeratne, L. A. THE POLICIES OF THE GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON CONCERNING EDUCATION AND RELIGION, 18651885. Oxford, 1967. 111 Wilson, David Kanagasabai. METHODISM IN NORTH CEYLON: ITS HISTORY AND ITS INFLUENCE 1814-1890. London, 1969. POLITICS, GOVERNMENT, LAW, AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Primary focus is upon the post-1947 period. 112 Appathurai, Edward Ratnasingam. THE MAKING OF FOREIGN POLICY IN CEYLON: A STUDY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. 17 113 CEYLON Toronto, 1968. DA 29 (Jan. 1969): 2336-A; Microfilm copy of the dissertation unavailable until 1973. Studies the reasons for Ceylon1 s inexperience at the time of independence in the formulation and implementation of foreign policy, the steps taken to overcome this deficiency, and the problems that were encountered. 113 Freeman, David Meadows. VALUE AGGREGATION AND THE CEYLONESE LANGUAGE DISPUTE. Denver, 1968. 593 p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3526-A; UM 69-19,351. Studies "how values are aggregated in social systems such that non-negotiable disputes become negotiable — although not necessarily resolved.TT Derived formulations are applied to data generated by the Sinhalese-Tamil language conflict, 1956-1966. 114 Gamelin, Timothy Robert. CEYLONTS POLITICAL PARTIES IN THREE GENERAL ELECTIONS, 1960 AND 1965. Duke, 1968. 310p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1256-A; UM 68-14,305. Focuses on competition and cooperation among the political parties and on the distribution and success of their nominees in the three elections studied. 115 Jayasinghe, Karunasena Hewawasan. THE EXTENSIONS OF THE FRANCHISE IN CEYLON WITH SOME CONSIDERATION OF THEIR POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES. London, 1966. 116 Joldersma, Jerry. CEYLON AND THE UNITED NATIONS. Kentucky, 1966. 351p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 2093-94-A; UM69-19,186. Examines Ceylon's role as a small state in the UN and the place of the UN in her foreign policy. Khan, Rafiuddin A. PROBLEME DER NEUTRALITATSPOLITIK IN DER WELT DER GEGENWART: DARGESTELLT AM BEISPIEL INDIENS, BIRMAS, UND CEYLONS. See entry 785. 117 Spaulding, Wallace Holmes. CEYLON'S RELATIONS WITH THE COMMUNIST BLOC, 1956-1965: THE ROLE OF IDEOLOGICAL AFFINITY IN THE MAKING OF FOREIGN POLICY. Pennsylvania, 1969. 310p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2596-A; UM 69-21,431. Studies the extent to which Ceylon conformed to her overall stated policy of non-alignment and friendship with all nations and analyzes the rationale behind the development of her relations with the Communist world. 118 Theil, A. Paul. THE POLITICS OF NATIONALIZING: CEYLON. Oklahoma, 1966. 307p. DA 27 (Aug. 1966): 522-A; UM66-8096. Describes the changes brought about in government policies between 1956 and 1964 under an administration dedicated to transforming Ceylon into a Sinhalese-Buddhist state. 18 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 119 Woodward, Calvin Arthur. THE GROWTH OF A PARTY SYSTEM IN CEYLON. Brown, 1967. 317p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 3241-42-A; UM 68-1517. Argues that the parliamentary system has operated more efficiently in Ceylon since 1947 and has become more firmly rooted there than in other new states because the party has become the decisive political unit within the country and the struggle between parties has been constitutionally contained. 19 INDIA CULTURE Art and Architecture 120 Asher, Frederick M. THE SIXTH-THROUGH-EIGHTH-CENTURY SCULPTURES OF BIHAR. Chicago, 1971. 254p. Baity, Elizabeth C. THE FIRE, BULL, AND SOLSTICE FIESTAS OF SORIA (SPAIN) AND AFRO-ASIAN PARALLELS: A DOCUMENTARY STUDY IN ETHNOPROTOHISTORY. See entry 800. 121 Beach, Milo Cleveland. PAINTING AT BUNDI AND KOTA. Harvard, 1969. 120p. plus plates. 122 Begley, Wayne Edison. THE CHRONOLOGY OF MAHAYANA BUDDHIST ARCHITECTURE AND PAINTING AT AJANTA. Pennsylvania, 1966. 291 p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3788-89-A;* * UM 67-3050. Through a study of available historical, inscriptional, and stylistic evidence, the author concludes that the excavations of the Mahayana caves were first undertaken in the mid 400fs and that expansion continued intermittently until approximately 600 A. D., when patronage was finally withdrawn leaving fourteen of the caves more or less finished. 123 BSning, Renate. INDISCHE GEGENWARTSMALEREI: TRADITION UND MODERNE NATIONALE TENDENZEN UND DIE AUSEINANDERSETZUNG MIT FREMDEN EINFLUSSEN DER MODERNEN INDISCHEN MALEREI. [German: Contemporary Indian Painting: The Tradition and Modern National Tendencies of Modern Indian Painting and Its Clash with Foreign Influences.] Halle, 1966. ii, 229p. 124 Carter, Martha Limbach. A STUDY OF DIONYSIAC IMAGERY INKUSHANART. Case Western Reserve, 1970. 519p. DAI31 20 CULTURE / ART AND ARCHITECTURE 131_ (Jan. 1971): 3442-43-A; UM 71-1668. Studies the scenes of convivial drinking, grape harvesting, and wine-making that are prominent in Kushan art in order to determine their sources of origin, significance, and meaning within a Kushan Buddhist context. 125 Czuma, Stanislaw Jerzy. THE BRAHMANICAL RASHTRAKUTA MONUMENTS OF ELLORA. Michigan, 1968. 711 p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4408-A; UM 69-2304. Seeks to establish the general stylistic characteristics of the Rash^rakutas through a study of the thirty-four rock-cut cave temples at Ellora. Particular attention is paid to the Brahmanical caves and to the extant paintings. 126 Das, Asok-Kumar. MUGHAL PAINTING DURING JAHANGIR'S TIME. London, 1967. 127 Dehejia, V. THE CHRONOLOGY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAVE ARCHITECTURE OF WESTERN INDIA (c_. 200 B.C. T O c . A.D. 200). Cambridge, 1966/67. 128 Germain-Thomas, Oliver. ETUDE SUR LES REPRESENTATIONS PLASTIQUES DU PARINIRVANA DU BOUDDHA EN INDE. [French: A Study of the Artistic Representations of the Parinirvana of the Buddha in India.] Paris, 1968. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) Concludes that parinirvana is not expressed by the stupa or by the Buddha reclining but rather by the Buddha in a seated position, especially when he is engaged in meditation. 129 Jones, Clifford Reis. THE TEMPLE THEATRE OF KERALA: ITS HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. Pennsylvania, 1967. 209 p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 4066-A; UM 68-4586. A study of the plan and architectural structure of the kuttambalam (temple theater for Sanskrit drama) and an attempt at establishing its place in the continuity of art history in Kerala and South India. Mitter, Partha. EUROPEAN ATTITUDES TO INDIAN ART FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRTEENTH TO THE END OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. See entry 152. 130 Nilsson, Sten Ake. EUROPEISK ARKITEKTUR IINDIEN, 17501850. [ Swedish: European Architecture in India, 1750-1850.] Lund, 1967. 210 p. Considers the architectural styles of the buildings erected by Europeans in such towns as Calcutta, Madras, Pondicherry, Serampore, and Tranquebar. Includes the development of a Euro-tropical or Euro-Indian architecture as the European prototypes came under the influence of their Indian environment. 131 Rahman, P. I. S. M. AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC CALLIGRAPHY IN MEDIEVAL INDIA. Cambridge, 1966/67. 21 132 INDIA 132 Settar, S. THE HOYSALA STYLE OF TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE AND SCULPTURE, ELEVENTH TO FOURTEENTH CENTURIES. Cambridge, 1970. 133 Tarr, Gary. THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE EARLY WESTERN CHALUKYAS. California (Los Angeles), 1969. 548p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1165-66-A; UM 70-15,948. Attempts to find a workable chronology for the architectural monuments of the Early Western Chalukyas of Badami. 134 Trabold, Jeanne L. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE STYLE AND CHRONOLOGY OF INDIAN SCULPTURE. California (Los Angeles), 1968. 422p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1834-A;UM68-16,587. Establishes a sequence for the stylistic development of Indian sculpture between 268 B.C. and 550 A.D. 135 Weiner, Sheila Leiman. AJANTA AND ITS ORIGINS. Harvard, 1970. 189p. In uncovering the origins of the caves, the thesis relates the iconographic and visual elements at Ajanta in their sequence of development to other sites. Folklore 136 Haque, A. S. M. Zahurul. FOLKLORE IN THE NATIONALIST THOUGHT AND LITERARY EXPRESSION OF RABINDRANATH TAGORE. Indiana, 1968. 302 p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 527-A; UM 68-11,390. 137 Misra, Bhabagrahi. AN EVALUATIVE STUDY OF THE WORK OF VERRIER ELWIN, FOLKLORIST. Indiana, 1969. 253p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3875-76-A; UM 69-22,024. Elwin studied the folklore and culture of Indian tribes, 1934-1964. 138 Siddique, Ashraf Hossain. BENGALI FOLKLORE COLLECTIONS AND STUDIES DURING THE BRITISH PERIOD (1800-1947): A CRITICAL SURVEY. Indiana, 1966. 366p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2108-A; UM 66-14,889. An historical survey of Bengali folklore, covering tales, songs, proverbs, riddles, charms, superstitions and similar traditional materials, collected and studied during the period of British rule. The dissertation shows the systematic development of such folklore scholarship in Bengal. 139 Upadhyaya, Hari S. THE JOINT FAMILY STRUCTURE AND FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS IN THE BHOJPURI FOLKSONGS. Indiana, 1967. 414p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4557-A; UM 68-7244. Based on an examination of 500 Bhojpuri folksongs collected in the Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh, this study discusses various familial aspects of Indian village life. 22 CULTURE / IMAGE AND CULTURAL INFLUENCE ABROAD 145 Image and Cultural Influence Abroad Includes studies regarding Western knowledge and concepts of India. For dissertations dealing with the British image of India before 1947, also see the section "History—1800-1947: Politics, Law, and Military Activities." 140 Anderson, William Miller. A THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INQUIRY INTO THE TEACHING OF MUSIC FROM JAVA AND INDIA IN AMERICAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Michigan, 1970. 315p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4193-A; UM 71-4556. 141 Babrge, Laeeq. LA PENSEE ET LES RELIGIONS INDO-PAKISTANAISES DANS LA PARNASSE: LECONTE DE LISLE ET JEAN LAHOR. [French: Indo-Pakistani Thought and Religion within the Parnassian School: Leconte de Lisle and Jean Lahor.] Paris, 1968. 245p. (Doctorat de rUniversitg) School of late 19th century French poets. 142 Blaise, Bharati Mukherj<ee. THE USE OF INDIAN MYTHOLOGY IN E. M. FORSTERTS A PASSAGE TO INDIA AND HERMANN HESSE'S SIDDHARTHA. Iowa, 1969. 193p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3901-A; UM 70-4332. 143 Chacko, Cherukattu Abraham. AN EVALUATION OF THE TREATMENT OF INDIA IN SELECTED AMERICAN SECONDARY SCHOOL WORLD HISTORY TEXTBOOKS. Indiana, 1970. 162 p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 55-56-A; UM 70-11,718. Concludes that India is far more extensively treated in current American world history textbooks than in earlier texts, and that pre-British India receives the greatest emphasis and independent India the least. 144 Desai, Santosh Nagpaul. HINDU ELEMENTS IN THAI CULTURE. St. John f s, 1968. 242p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4401-02-A; UM 69-4140. Assesses the functional value, significance, and extent of modification of Hindu elements in Thai culture. Focuses on Hindu influences in the areas of religion, political concepts and institutions, literature, the performing arts, and mural painting. 145 Duggal, Prakash Vati. THE TREATMENT OF INDIA IN SELECTED AMERICAN SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOKS, 1953-1968. Michigan, 1969. 304p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 558-59-A; UM 70-14,504. Determines that such textbooks have become increasingly comprehensive, accurate, and balanced during the period surveyed. Freebern, Charles L. THE MUSIC OF INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN, AND OCEANIA: A SOURCE BOOK FOR TEACHERS. See entry 195. 23 146 INDIA Greenberger, Allan J. THE BRITISH IMAGE OF INDIA 1880-1960: A STUDY IN THE LITERATURE OF IMPERIALISM. See entry 558. 146 Guerin, Yves. UNE OEUVRE ANGLO-INDIENNE ET SES VISAGES FRAN£AIS: P R O B L S M E S POSES PAR LA TRADUCTION DES PLAIN TALES FROM THE HILLS DE RUDYARD KIPLING. [French: An Anglo-Indian Literary Work and Its French Aspects: Problems Posed by the Translation of Rudyard KiplingTs Plain Tales from the Hills.1 Paris, 1968. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) 147 Gupta, Kanta. AN INVESTIGATION OF A SELECTED GROUP OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CONCERNING THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND OPINIONS OF INDIA. Michigan, 1970. 121p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1185-A; UM 71-23,766. The investigation included an evaluation of classroom activities, textbooks, supplementary readings, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, and educational background of the parents to determine their impact on the American students' knowledge and views of India. 148 Hepler, Paul Howard. A STUDY OF THE WORK TRAINING AND CRAFT PROCESSES OF A CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN WOOD CRAFTSMAN. Columbia, 1969. 191p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2279-A; UM 70-19,687. A study of George Nakashima and of his artistic accomplishments in New Hope (Pennsylvania), Japan, and India. 149 Hulin, Michel. HEGEL ET LTORIENT. [French: Hegel and the Orient.] Paris, 1969. (Doctorat de sp6cialit£) Studies the ideas of the German philosopher Hegel regarding the Orient, including China and India, and analyzes his views on Indian philosophy. 150 Karim, Muhammed Enamul. RUDYARD KIPLING'S CHANGING VISION OF INDIA. Wisconsin, 1970. 229p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6061-A; UM 71-2221. Examines Kipling's personal and artistic vision of India as reflected in his autobiographical, creative, and newspaper writings through the changing circumstances of his life in India, England, and the United States. 151 Levine, June Perry. E. M. FORSTERTS A PASSAGE TO INDIA: CREATION AND CRITICISM. Nebraska, 1967. 237p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 3189-90-A; UM 68-747. Includes the impact that Forster f s two trips to India (in 1912 and 1921), his study of Indian civilization, and his familiarity with Hindu philosophy, ritual and lore and Moslem poetry and worship had upon the creation of this novel. 152 Mitter, Partha. EUROPEAN ATTITUDES TO INDIAN ART FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRTEENTH TO THE END OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. London, 1970. 24 CULTURE / IMAGE AND CULTURAL INFLUENCE ABROAD 159 153 Nielsen, Keith Edward. TWO USES OF THEATRE AS A COMMUNICATION MODE FOR THE STUDY OF SELECTED CULTURAL CONCEPTS OF INDIA. Michigan State, 1970. 204p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 586-A; UM 71-18,257. Explores the relationship of two ways of studying Indian plays with student knowledge gain and with attitude change regarding selected cultural concepts of India. The subjects were high school students in the state of Michigan (USA). 154 Osman, Mohd. Taib bin. INDIGENOUS, HINDU, AND ISLAMIC ELEMENTS IN MALAY FOLK BELIEFS. Indiana, 1967. 284p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3584-85-A; UM 68-2339. Indicates that the principal source from which the Malays borrowed Hindu notions appears to have been popular Indian narratives rather than Hindu sacred literature and that this borrowing occurred largely as the result of indirect contact of the Malay peasantry with Hindu religion. 155 Parameswaran, Priscilla. THE ENGLISH NABOBS: A CHAPTER IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY LITERARY HISTORY. Fordham, 1970. 184p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5371-A; UM 71-8734. Focuses on the contributions to English literature made by Englishmen who had earned their wealth in India and who had adopted Indian customs. 156 Raj, Myrtle Dorai. AN INDIAN SOURCE FOR THE MEDIEVAL BEAST EPIC: REYNARD THE FOX CONSIDERED AS DERIVATIVE OF THE PANCHATANTRA. California (Berkeley), 1966. 192p. DA 28 (July 1967): 202-A; UM 67-8631. Seeks to prove that while the epic Reynard the Fox has drawn upon a large number of wolf-fox stories of European origin, it is ultimately derived from the Paflchatantra, a collection of animal fables written 500 years earlier. 157 Rayapati, Jacob Purnachandra Rao. EARLY AMERICAN INTEREST IN VEDIC LITERATURE AND VEDANTIC PHILOSOPHY. Pennsylvania, 1970. 214p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 397-A; UM 71-19,275. A study focusing on the period 1800-1842. 158 Sedlar, Jean Whitenack. INDIA IN THE PHILOSOPHIES OF SCHELLING AND SCHOPENHAUER: A STUDY IN CROSS-CULTURAL INFLUENCE. Chicago, 1970. 403p. 159 Sethi, Lalit Kumar. KIPLINGTS ATTITUDE TOWARD INDIA: A THEMATIC STUDY OF HIS INDIAN TALES. New Mexico, 1969. 150p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 292-93-A; UM 69-11,034. Shows Kipling's warm and sensitive understanding of the complexities of both native and Anglo-India which derived from his close personal contact with the different levels of Indian society. 25 160 160 161 162 163 164 INDIA Shah, S. A. THE EMPIRE IN THE WRITINGS OF KIPLING, FORSTER, AND ORWELL. Edinburgh, 1967/68. Includes their writings on India. Singh, Bhagwan B. AN EXAMINATION OF JOSIAH ROYCE'S CONCEPTION OF THE SELF AND THE WORLD. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970. 276p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4845-46-A; UM 71-7225. Includes an evaluation of RoyceTs interpretation of Indian philosophies. Singh, Kranti Kumar. KIPLING'S INDIA. London, 1966. Dissertation in English literature. Slifer, Ruth Eleanor. THE CULTURAL EMPATHY OF JUNIOR HIGH AMERICAN STUDENTS IN INDIA. New York, 1970. 238p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2022-23-A; UM 70-21,154. Based on studies of the Woodstock School, North India, the Kodaikanal School, South India, and the American International School in Delhi. Stunkel, Kenneth Reagan. INDIAN IDEAS AND WESTERN THOUGHT DURING THE ROMANTIC AGE: A CRITICAL STUDY. Maryland, 1966. 371 p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3799-800-A; UM 67-2373. The impact of Indian history, philosophy, religion, and literature on Europe between the 1790Ts and the 1830 r s. Literature For Western belle-lettres on Indian themes (e.g. the writings of Rudyard Kipling), see the section "Culture--Image and Cultural Influence Abroad." For drama, see "Culture —Music, Dance, Drama, Cinema, and Aesthetics." 165 Awwal, Mohammad Abdul. THE PROSE WORKS OF MIR MASARRAFHOSEN (1869-1899). London, 1967. Bengali literature. 166 Azad, Alauddin Al. THE LIFE AND SHORT POEMS OF iSVARACANDRA GUPTA. London, 1970. Poet, 1812-1859. 167 Bald, Suresht Renjen. INDIAN NOVELISTS 1919-1947: A STUDY IN POLITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Harvard, 1968. v, 277p. Focuses on Premchand and on Mulk Raj Anand. 168 Boulton, John Victor. PHAKIRMOHANA SENAPATI: HIS LIFE AND PROSE-FICTION. London, 1967. This writer lived between 1847 and 1918. 26 CULTURE / LITERATURE 176^ 169 De Bruyne, Jenny Leonora. RUDRAKAVFS GREAT POEM OF THE DYNASTY OF THE RASTRAUDHA. Utrecht, 1968. xiv, 157p. A discussion and translation of the Ra^trauflhavaiykgamahakavya, a poem glorifying the dynasty of King Narayana of Mayuragiri and presenting its history from the time of its mythological origin until 1596 A.D. 170 Friend, Corinne Vernon. YASHPAL'S LIFE AS A REVOLUTIONARY AND ITS IMPACT ON HIS WRITING AS SEEN THROUGH HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND EARLY NOVELS. Pennsylvania, 1970. 258p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2913-14-A; UM 70-25,648. Based on Sinhavalokan and his first two novels, the thesis focuses on the intimate relationship between YashpaPs life and works and on his role in the terrorist movement in northern India during the 1920fs and early 1930Ts that aimed at creating an independent socialist state in India. 171 Handler, Esther. THE FEMININE PARADIGMS OF THE GADYA KAVYAS: A STUDY IN LITERARY CONVENTION. Pennsylvania, 1966. 261 p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3427-28-A; UM 67-3076. A series of descriptions (varnanas) of women from the four great gadya kavyas: the Vasavadatta. the Har^acarita, the Kadambari, the Dagakumaracarita. Haque, A. S. M. Zahurul. FOLKLORE IN THE NATIONALIST THOUGHT AND LITERARY EXPRESSION OF RABINDRANATH TAGORE. See entry 136. 172 Hart, George Luzerne (III). RELATED CULTURAL AND LITERARY ELEMENTS IN ANCIENT TAMIL AND INDO-ARYAN. Harvard, 1970. xvii, 438 p. Focuses on early Tamil and Indo-Aryan poetry, early Tamil society, Indian religion, and customs of the period. 173 Holland, Barron Gregory. THE SATSAJ OF BIHARI: HINDI POETRY OF THE EARLY RITI PERIOD; INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION, AND NOTES. California (Berkeley), 1969. 394p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1759-A; UM 70-17,578. The poetry of Bihari Lai, 1595-1664. 174 Kailasapathy, K. A STUDY OF TAMIL HEROIC POETRY. Birmingham, 1965/66. 175 Kamal, Abu Hena Mustafa. THE BENGALI PRESS AND LITERARY WRITING, 1818-1831. London, 1969. 176 Lago, Mary McClelland. ENGLISH LITERATURE AND MODERN BENGALI SHORT FICTION: A STUDY IN INFLUENCES. Missouri, 1969. 270p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3465-A; UM 70-2998. Focuses on the growing concern of Bengali intellectuals, as expressed 27 177 INDIA in the writings of Rabindranath Tagore, about English influences in Bengal and about Bengali writers' uses and misuses of the study of English literature. 177 Majumdar, Ranendra. L'tfCHO ET L'INFLUENCE DE LA LITTERATURE FRANfAISE CHEZ LES ECRIVAINS BENGALIS. [French: The Echo and Influence of French Literature among Bengali Writers.] Paris, 1968. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) Focuses on French influence upon Raja Ram Mohun Ray, Madhusudan Datt, Bankim Chatterjee, Rabindranath Tagore, Si Jyotirindra Nath, Pramatha Chaudhuri, and certain Bengali poets and critics who flourished after World War I. 178 Miller, Barbara Stoler. THE CAURAPANCASIKA ATTRIBUTED TO BILHANA: TWO RECENSIONS OF THE SANSKRIT POEM. CRITICALLY EDITED, TRANSLATED, AND PRESENTED IN 16th CENTURY ILLUSTRATIONS. Pennsylvania, 1968. 315p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3593-A; UM 69-5648. Raj. Myrtle D. AN INDIAN SOURCE FOR THE MEDIEVAL BEAST EPIC: REYNARD THE FOX CONSIDERED AS DERIVATIVE OF THE PANCHATANTRA. See entry 156. 179 Ramsaran, John Ansuman. A STUDY OF SOME ASPECTS OF ENGLISH RELIGIOUS VERSE WITH ANALOGIES FROM HINDI BHAKTI POETRY UP TO THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, CONSIDERED IN RELATION TO THEIR INTELLECTUAL AND RELIGIOUS ENVIRONMENTS. London, 1967. 180 Rao, Kolar Surya Narayana. THE NEW HARVEST: THE INDIAN NOVEL IN ENGLISH IN THE POST-INDEPENDENCE ERA; WOMEN AT WORK: KAMALA MARKANDAYA: Pennsylvania State, 1968. 356 p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1177-A; UM 69-14,559. A critical study of selected aspects of Nectar in a Sieve. Possession. A Handful of Ricea A Silence of Desire, and Some Inner 181 Roadarmel, Gordon Charles. THE THEME OF ALIENATION IN THE MODERN HINDI SHORT STORY. California (Berkeley), 1969. 445p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 2040-A; UM 69-18,963. Examines the variety of personal and social experiences in which an individual becomes estranged from other individuals, from society, or from himself as found in the literary genre nayi kahani. 182 Rutkowska, Tatiana. OSNOVNIYE CHERTI SREDNEVEKOVOY LITERATURI HINDI. [Polish: Substantial Features of Mediaeval Hindi Literature.] Warsaw University, 1968. 240p. General analysis and description of the most important stages in the development of Hindi literature (vira, bhakti, andriti). Microfilm copies available from Warsaw University. 28 CULTURE / MUSIC, DANCE, DRAMA 189^ 183 Shukla, Narayan S. LE KARNANANDA DE KRSNADASA: EDITION ET TRADUCTION ANNOTfiE. [French: The Karnananda of Krspadasa: An Annotated Translation and Edition.] Paris, 1966." 327 p. + 131 p. (Doctorat de lTUniversit<§) 184 Siddiqi, Mohammad Shamsuddin. A CRITICAL EDITION OF SAUDA'S URDU POETICAL WORKS EXCLUDING THE MARSIYAS. London, 1967. Pseudonym of Muhammad Rafi1, ca. 1713-1781. 185 Swan, Robert Oscar. PREMCHAND: A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THREE STAGES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ONE OF THE FOREMOST HINDI SHORT STORY WRITERS. Pennsylvania, 1966. 273p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 3065-66-A; UM 67-3112. Focuses upon the short stories that Premchand wrote between 1907 and 1936. 186 Tripathi, Gaya Charan. DER URSPRUNG UND DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER VAMANA-LEGENDE IN DER INDISCHEN LITERATUR. [German: The Origin and the Development of the Vamana Legends in Indian Literature.] Freiburg i.B., 1966. xv, 253p. Studies the legendsr origins in the Vedic literature (Rgveda and Brahmanas) and in later writings including the Mahabharata, Ramavana, Puranapancalaksanam, and Bhagavata-Purana. 187 Tyrner-Stastny, Alice Gabrielle. INDO-ANGLIAN LITERATURE AND THE COLONIAL INDIAN ELITE. Cornell, 1969. 402p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 470-71-A; UM 70-11,254. Studies the distortions, rationalizations, projections, and reflections of the colonial Indian elite through an analysis of the themes, portraits, and style of selected Indo-Anglian novels. 188 Walker, Vivian Marguerite. SANSKRIT LITERARY ELEMENTS IN MODERN HINDI LITERATURE. California (Berkeley), 1966. 267p. DA 28 (July 1967): 247-A; UM 67-8662. Based on a detailed analysis of some representative works by Yashpal and Hazari Prasada Dwivedi. 189 Wittig, Irene. DIE EVOLUTION DER ASTHETISCHEN IDEALE UND PHILOSOPHISCHEN ANSCHAUUNGEN DES ZEITGENOSSISCHEN HINDI-LYRIKERS SUMITRANNANDAN PANT IN DER ZEIT VON 1918 BIS 1934. [German: The Evolution of the Aesthetical Ideals and Philosophical Views of the Hindi Lyric Poet Sumitra Nandan Pant between 1918 and 1934. ] Leipzig, 1967. 226p. Music. Dance. Drama. Cinema, and Aesthetics Anderson, William M. A THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INQUIRY INTO THE TEACHING OF MUSIC FROM JAVA AND INDIA IN AMERICAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. See entry 140. 29 190 INDIA ; 190 Arya, Usharbudh. RITUAL SONGS AND FOLKSONGS OF THE HINDUS OF SURINAM. Utrecht, 1968. 200 p. Discusses this body of musical literature, lists the various categories of songs, and provides representative examples. Includes the texts and translations of one hundred songs collected by the author from among the descendents of the Hindu immigrants to Surinam. 191 Bakshi, Sri Ram V. KALIDASA: A NEW INTERPRETATION. Kansas, 1970. 259p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6765-A; UM 71-13,271. A study of the plays of this classical Sanskrit playwright. 192 Coachbuilder, Deenaz P. AN ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL RELEVANCE OF SELECTED PLAYS WRITTEN IN ENGLISH IN INDIA AFTER 1946. Brigham Young, 1970. 179p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6204-A; UM 71-12,104. Studies whether the plays were artistic and accurate expressions of contemporary Indian values and whether English can validly continue to be a language of artistic expression and communication in contemporary India. 193 Coulson, M. A. A CRITICAL EDITION OF THE MALATIMADHAVA. Oxford, 1966/67. Play by Bhavabhuti. 194 Dev, Amiya Kumar. SHAKUNTALA. RAMA'S LATER HISTORY. CYMBELINE, AND THE WINTERS TALE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN TRAGICOMIC STRUCTURE. Indiana, 1967. 350p. DA 29 (July 1968): 226-227-A; UM 68-2278. A comparison of two Sanskrit plays--Kalidasa's Abhijnanagakuntala and Bhavabhuti's Uttararamacarita—with two of Shakespeare r s plays. 195 Freebern, Charles L. THE MUSIC OF INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN, AND OCEANIA: A SOURCE BOOK FOR TEACHERS. Arizona, 1969. 176p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4476-77-A; UM 70-6670. The book is intended to be used as a guide and resource by teachers in the classroom. 196 Gamlath, Sucharita. A PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE NATURE AND ROLE OF EMOTION IN DRAMA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CLASSICAL INDIAN AESTHETICS. London, 1969. 197 Gilbert, Eddie Reid. THE NATIONAL SCHOOL OF DRAMA CONTRIBUTES SIGNIFICANTLY TO THEATRE TRAINING IN INDIA. Wisconsin, 1971. 171p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 1111-A; UM 71-16,869. Explores the historical context of a national theatre institution, deals with modern theatre training, and studies the National School of Drama. 198 James, Stanislaus Francis. THE ADAPTATION OF INDIAN CARNATIC MUSIC INTO SACRED LITURGY. Pontifical Urban University (Rome), 1966/67. 30 CULTURE / MUSIC, DANCE, DRAMA 207 Jones, Clifford R. THE TEMPLE THEATRE OF KERALA: ITS HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION. See entry 129. 199 Kal6, Pramod Keshav. THE NATYA&ASTRA OF BHARATA: A SELECTIVE CRITICAL EXPOSITION FOR THE WESTERN THEATRE SCHOLAR. Wisconsin, 1967. 266p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 3284-85-A; UM 67-12,133. An analysis of this ancient Indian treatise on Hindu theater. 200 Kinsley, David R. THE DIVINE PLAYER: A STUDY OF KRSNALILA. Chicago, 1970. 423 p. 201 Lessley, Merrill Joe. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ORIENTAL AND OCCIDENTAL ACTING THEORIES. Utah, 1969. 118p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 2187-88-A; UM 69-18,485. Includes a study of Bharata Muni. 202 Mangahas, Ruby Kelley. THE DEVELOPMENT OF RAGALAKSANA, WITH REFERENCE TO OTHER MODAL SYSTEMS. London, 1967. 203 Masson, Jeffrey Lloyd. SUGGESTION IN SANSKRIT POETICS: THE DHVANYALOKA AND THE DHVANYALOKALOCANA. Harvard, 1971. 620 p. The two most important works in Sanskrit literary criticism, by Anandavardhana (9th century) and Abhinavagupta (11th century) respectively. Nielsen, Keith E. TWO USES OF THEATRE AS A COMMUNICATION MODE FOR THE STUDY OF SELECTED CULTURAL CONCEPTS OF INDIA. See entry 153. 204 Nijenhuis, Emmie te. DATTILAM: A COMPENDIUM OF ANCIENT INDIAN MUSIC. INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION, AND COMMENTARY. Utrecht, 1970. xii, 477p. An ancient Sanskrit treatise on melody, rhythm, musical form, and performance. Considered to be a very suitable starting point for research into the theory of ancient Indian music as it is a concise compendium of almost all of the musical terms. 205 Padgaonkar, Dilip. LTESTHfiTIQUE TRADITIONNELLE INDIENNE APPLIQU^E AU CINEMA. [French: Traditional Indian Aesthetics and Their Application to the Cinema.] Paris, 1968. 221 p. (Doctorat de TUniversity) 206 Richmond, Farley Poe. CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH-LANGUAGE THEATRE IN INDIA: 1965. Michigan State, 1966. 360p. DA 28 (July 1967): 320-A; UM 67-7596. Analyzes the origin and nature of the theater and studies a selected number of theater groups that were in existence in 1965. 207 Schokker, Godard Hendrik. THE PADATAQITAKA OF SYAMI31 208 INDIA LAKA: A TEXT-CRITICAL EDITION. P A R T I . Leiden, 1966. xiv, 389p. A fifth century Sanskrit drama. The thesis is based upon a comparative study of the six extant manuscripts written in Malayalam script. 208 Subrahmanian, Krishnaswami. THE THEORY OF "SUGGESTION" IN SANSKRIT POETICS, ENGLISH ROMANTICISM, AND FRENCH SYMBOLISM. Indiana, 1969. 149p. DAI 30 (May 1970)j 4957-A; UM 70-7509. The theory of suggestion was set forth by Anandavardhana during the 9th century in his Dhvanyaloka and interpreted a century later by Abhinavagupta in his Locana. 209 Thomas, Paruvanani T. DRAMATIC FORM AND THE USE OF VERSE IN THE TEMPEST AND gAKUNTALAM: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE NOTION OF DRAMA UNDERLYING SHAKESPEARE <S THE TEMPEST AND KALIDASA'S gAKUNTALAM AS REPRESENTATIVE MAJOR WORKS FROM TWO DISTINCT DRAMATIC TRADITIONS AND THE USE IN THEM OF POETIC VERSE FOR REALIZING DRAMATIC FORM. New York, 1967. 325p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 5005-A; UM 70-7355. Upadhyaya, Hari S. THE JOINT FAMILY STRUCTURE AND FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS IN THE BHOJPURI FOLKSONGS. See entry 139. ECONOMY General Studies 210 Alagh, Yoginder Kumar. SURPLUS FLOWS IN A DUAL ECONOMY: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. Pennsylvania, 1967. 188 p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 3829-A; UM 68-4562. 211 Faulwetter, Helmut. GRUNDFRAGEN DES ZUSAMMENHANGES VON AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT UND REPRODUKTIONSPROZESS IN INDIEN. [German: Basic Questions Regarding the Relationship in India of Foreign Trade and the Process of Reproduction. ] Hochschule fur Okonomie (Berlin), 1967. 339, xxiii p. (Habilitationsschrift) A study of India's economic development with focus on production, consumption, and foreign trade. 32 ECONOMY / AGRICULTURE 217 212 Lee, Terence Richard. RESIDENTIAL WATER DEMAND AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Toronto, 1968. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 751-B. Includes a case study of the demand for, and use of, water in a variety of existing situations in Calcutta and New Delhi. 213 Mathur, Raghubir Narain. MATHEMATICAL THEORY IN WELFARE PLANNING. Southern California, 1968. 237p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1003-A; UM 68-13,582. Focuses on the levels of satisfaction that people can achieve through such economic means as aggregate consumption. Extensively uses data for the Indian economy. 214 Seth, Ram Prakash. CENTRAL CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND INDIA. London, 1966. Vakil, Firouz. THE ROLE OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: SOME EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. See entry 81. Agriculture Includes agricultural development and investment, agricultural labor, farm reforms, food policy, the growth of agriculture-related industry, irrigation, land tenure and redistribution, the marketing of farm products, and technological changes in agriculture. For agricultural extension programs, see the section entitled nEducation.Tt For agronomy, see n Science and Medicine — Life Sciences." Also see "History--1800-1947: Economy" for agriculture before India's independence. 215 Adiceam, Emmanuel. LA G^OGRAPHIE DE L'IRRIGATION DANS LE TAMILNAD. [French: The Geography of Irrigation in the Tamilnadu Region. ] Paris, 1966. xviii, 524p. (Doctorat de TEtat) 216 Arunachalam, R. M. CREDIT AND CAPITAL FORMATION IN THE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF FOUR TRICHY VILLAGES, MADRAS STATE, INDIA, 1962-1964. Purdue, 1966. 206p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3568-69-A; UM 67-5419. 217 Bardhan, K, ON PRICE RELATIONSHIPS IN INDIAN AGRICULTURE. Cambridge, 1967/68. 33 218 INDIA 218 Barnum, Howard Nelch (II). A MODEL OF THE MARKET FOR FOODGRAINS IN INDIA 1948-1964. California (Berkeley), 1969. 212p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 524-A; UM 70-13,013. Estimates (1) the market effects of imported surplus cereals on the output of foodgrains, (2) the effect of imported surpluses on the volume of normal commercial imports, (3) the market response to population and income change, and (4) the cost of a subsidy program maintaining a differential between farm and consumer prices. 219 Bawa, Ujagar Singh. THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL CAPITAL FORMATION IN INDIA, 1951-1952 to 1964-1965. Cornell, 1968. 424p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1639-40-A; UM 68-16,733. 220 Breman, Johannes Cornelis. MEESTER EN KNECHT: EEN ONDERZOEK NAAR DE VERANDERINGEN IN DE BETREKKINGEN TUSSEN LANDHEREN EN LANDARBEIDERS IN ZUIDGUJARET, INDIA. [Dutch: Master and Servant: An Examination of the Changes in Relations between Landowners and Agricultural Workers in South Gujarat, India.] Amsterdam, 1970. 273p. With a summary in English. 221 Birla, Suresh Chandra. REGIONAL DEMAND ANALYSIS OF MAJOR FOODGRAINS IN INDIA. Illinois, 1970. 140p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4353-A; UM 71-5047. Attempts to project the regional as well as the all-India demand for rice and wheat at the end of the fourth, fifth, and sixth five-year plans. Chakravarti, Aninda K. THE AREAL RELATIONSHIPS OF FOODGRAIN PRODUCTION AND AGRICULTURAL POPULATION IN INDIA, 1921-1951. See entry 506. 222 Choudhury, Parimal. AN ECONOMETRIC APPRAISAL OF THE AGGREGATE SUGAR SUPPLY RESPONSE FOR SELECTED MAJOR PRODUCING COUNTRIES. Hawaii, 1967. 419p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 369-70-A; UM 68-11,919. India is included. 223 Desai, Gunvantrai Maganlal. GROWTH OF FERTILIZER USE IN INDIAN AGRICULTURE: PAST TRENDS AND FUTURE DEMAND. Cornell, 1969. 297p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3596-A; UM 70-503. Includes an examination of the fertilizer use pattern between 1954/55 and 1964/65 among individual cultivators, among various districts of each state, and among various states. 224 Dobbs, Thomas Lawrence. FOODGRAIN PRODUCTION INCENTIVES AND DISINCENTIVES IN A NORTH INDIAN TAHSIL. Maryland, 1969. 318p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 25-26-A; UM70-11,621. An attempt at identifying and assessing foodgrain production incentive factors in Karchana Tahsil, Uttar Pradesh. 34 ECONOMY / AGRICULTURE 225 Ellefsen, Richard Arthur. THE MILK SUPPLY OF MAJOR INDIAN CITIES. California (Berkeley), 1968. 351 p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 3357-B; UM 69-3597. Compares the traditional and modern ways of producing, processing, and distributing milk in Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, and Madras. Hanchett, Suzanne L. CHANGING ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND RITUAL RELATIONSHIPS IN A MODERN SOUTH INDIAN VILLAGE. See entry 1030. 226 Herdt, Robert William. AN ANALYSIS OF THE AGGREGATE SUPPLY FUNCTION OF AGRICULTURE IN THE PUNJAB (INDIA). Minnesota, 1969. 341 p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 895-96-A; UM 70-15,742. Examines data on the eleven most important crops for the periods 1907-1946 and 1951-1964. 227 Holmes, Arnold Stewart. MARKET STRUCTURE AND CONDUCT AND FOODGRAIN PRICING EFFICIENCY IN A NORTH INDIAN TAHSIL. Maryland, 1969. 205p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 896-A; UM 70-14,940. Examines the foodgrain output market with which farmers deal in Pura Khagan Village, Uttar Pradesh, and analyzes the findings to determine whether changes in market structure or market conduct would improve pricing efficiency. Hoppe, Ulf. CHINTAKUNTA: DIE AGRARGEOGRAPHISCHE STRUKTUR EINES DEKKAN-DORFES. See entry 1032. 228 Islam, Taherul. COTTON FUTURE MARKETS IN INDIA: SOME ECONOMIC STUDIES. London, 1966. 229 Jha, Satish Chandra. INDIAN LAND REFORM RESEARCH LITERATURE: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL. Illinois, 1967. 373p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 2850-51-A; UM 68-1780. 230 Jindia, Jaswant Rai. ESTIMATION OF COSTS AND RETURNS ON INDIAN FARMS: SAMPLING PROBLEMS AND PRODUCTION FUNCTION ANALYSIS. Illinois, 1970. 124p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6246-A; UM 71-14,810. Based on a survey in Madhya Pradesh. 231 Kanbur, M. G. SPATIAL EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS OF THE RICE ECONOMY OF SOUTH INDIA. Birmingham, 1967/68. 232 Khudanpur, Govind Jivaji. ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR UNDER CONDITIONS OF SCARCITY AND FAMINE: CASE STUDIES OF PRODUCTION, MARKETING, AND INVESTMENT DECISIONS OF FARMERS IN A DECCAN VILLAGE (INDIA). Kentucky, 1967. 418p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 1712-A; UM 69-19,194. Based on a study of farmers in Arjunagi village. 233 Kramer, Fred Allen. THE FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA: A STUDY OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT. Syracuse, 1969. 35 234 INDIA 327p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 454-A; UM 70-12,787. Assesses the Corporation's performance in working with India's food distribution problems since 1965 and its contribution to administrative development in India. 234 Madhavan, Murugappa Chettiar. SUPPLY RESPONSE OF INDIAN FARMERS: A CASE STUDY OF MADRAS STATE. Wisconsin, 1969. 155p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 898-A; UM 70-3615. Studies the reactions to variations in the price of their products and in the crop yields per acre. 235 Mann, Kharak Singh. AN ANALYSIS OF THE EXPECTED SHIFTS IN CROPPING PATTERN OF THE PUNJAB (INDIA) RESULTING FROM THE INTRODUCTION OF HIGHYIELDING VARIETIES OF CROPS. Ohio State, 1967. 217p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 1957-A; UM 67-16,305. 236 Mathew, Mulamootil Philip. THE ECONOMICS OF RUBBER PLANTATIONS IN INDIA: A BENEFIT-COST EVALUATION. McGill, 1969. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 2688-A. An economic evaluation which indicates the feasibility and value of government investment in the rubber plantation industry. 237 Misra, Rama Shanker. PRODUCTION AND MARKET POTENTIALS OF SOYBEANS IN INDIA. Illinois, 1970. 121 p. DAI31 (Mar. 1971): 4356-A; UM 71-5179. Includes a study of soybean production-potential in Madhya Pradesh. 238 Mitra, Arun Kumar. INFLUENCE OF SPECIFIC AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE ADJUSTMENTS ON THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE RURAL SECTOR IN THE DISTRICT OF BURDWAN, INDIA. Texas A&M, 1966. 286p. DA 27 (Aug. 1966): 295-96-A; UM 66-6521. Provides information for this area in West Bengal on the potential farm surplus labor and the minimum farm size required to attain specific levels of income. This information can be utilized for planning industrial development and land distribution programs. Mukherjee, Tridib K. PLANNING INDIA'S AGRICULTURAL EXPORTS: A CASE STUDY. See entry 335. 239 Newell, Richard Smith. CONGRESS AGRARIAN REFORM POLICY: A CASE STUDY OF LAND REDISTRIBUTION IN NORTHERN INDIA. Pennsylvania, 1966. 390p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1163-A; UM 66-10,651. Studies the implementation of the law enacted in 1960 by the Congress Government of Uttar Pradesh which placed a ceiling of forty acres on holdings of prime quality agricultural land. 240 Nightingale, Ray Wiley. THE MODERNIZATION DECISION IN INDIAN URBAN FLUID MILK MARKETS. Cornell, 1968. 281 p. 36 ECONOMY / AGRICULTURE 241 242 243 244 247_ DA 29 (May 1969): 3742-43-A; UM 69-7294. Identifies problems in the Indian dairy market development and assesses the performances of recently modern systems in meeting these problems. Nowshirvani, Vahid Fallah. AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY IN INDIA: SOME THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL STUDIES. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968. 224p. Pant, Shridhar P. AN EVALUATION OF ECONOMETRIC AND MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING MODELS USEFUL FOR PLANNING THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN INDIA. See entry 294. Patel, Ishwarlal Chaturdas. COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOR OF VILLAGE LEVEL WORKERS IN SURAT AND MEHSANA DISTRICTS, GUJARAT STATE, INDIA. Cornell, 1967. 274p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1672-A; UM 67-12,626. Studies the effectiveness of communicating information about improved farm practices to farmers and finds that Block specialists were considered to be the most important source of information. Patel, Malvika Sumantbhai. APPLICATIONS OF STOCHASTIC PROCESSES TO INDIAN AGRICULTURE. Southern California, 1967. 148p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 2852-53-A; UM 68-1690. Focuses on the growth of agricultural yields in India. Rajagoplan, Vaithilingam. SUPPLY RESPONSE FOR IRRIGATED CROPS IN MADRAS STATE, INDIA. Tennessee, 1967. 138p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3330-31-A; UM 68-3764. The period covered was 1939/40 through 1961/62 and the crops included were rice, ragi, cumbu, groundnuts, sugarcane, and cotton. 245 Ramachandran, Ranganathan. SPATIAL DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION IN RURAL INDIA: A CASE STUDY OF THE SPREAD OF IRRIGATION PUMPS IN THE COIMBATORE PENINSULA. Clark, 1969. 224p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 2247-B; UM 69-17,715. The spread of electric irrigation pumps in this part of Madras state since their introduction in 1933. 246 Rana, Ratna Shumsher Jung Bahadur. A GAME THEORETIC APPROACH TO AGRICULTURAL LAND USE PATTERNS: AN INDIAN EXAMPLE. Pittsburgh, 1969. 265p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1748-B; UM 69-17,480. The areas of study are districts in Madras, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Ratnam, Nittala V. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF INDIA'S COMPETITIVE POSITION IN THE WORLD CASHEW TRADE. See entry 337. 247 Reidinger, Richard Barber. CANAL IRRIGATION AND INSTITUTIONS IN NORTH INDIA: MICROSTUDY AND EVALUATION. Duke, 1971. 371p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 2873-A;UM 72-312. 37 248 INDIA Ross, Martin H. FAMILY ORGANIZATION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRARIAN CAPITALISM IN A NORTH INDIAN VILLAGE. See entry 1039. 248 Sarkar, PrafullaC. THE PLANNING OF AGRICULTURE IN INDIA. Rotterdam Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool, 1966. I l l p. Deals with the governmental promotion of agricultural production and agricultural income in IndiaTs five-year plans. 249 Saxena, Anant Prakash. SYSTEM EFFECTS ON INNOVATIVENESS AMONG INDIAN FARMERS. Michigan State, 1968. 126p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 394-A; UM 69-11,160. Considers individual variables and system variables in order to account for the variance of individual innovativeness within eight villages undergoing modernization. 250 Sen, Bandhudas. OUTPUT ON INDIAN FARMS IN RELATION TO FARM SIZE AND LAND VALUE. Wisconsin, 1966. 172p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 349-50-A; UM 66-13,447. 251 Sethuraman, Salem V. LONG-RUN DEMAND FOR DRAFT ANIMALS IN INDIAN AGRICULTURE. Chicago, 1970. 80p. 252 Sharma, Devendra Kumar. ROLE OF INFORMATION SOURCES AND COMMUNICATION CHANNELS IN ADOPTION OF IMPROVED PRACTICES BY FARMERS IN M. P. STATE, INDIA. Cornell, 1967. 265p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3452-53-A; UM 67-16,368. Based on a sample of 200 farmers from the Sehore, National Extension Block, Madhya Pradesh. 253 Sharma, Janak Singh. EFFECTS OF PRICE ON MARKETABLE SURPLUS OF WHEAT IN MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Illinois, 1968. 219p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 34-A; UM 69-10,845. Based on data obtained from a farm management survey conducted by the Indian Government for the year 1956/57. Sharma, Vidya V. AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE INDIAN OILSEEDS ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN FATS AND OILS. See entry 338. 254 Sheth, Naginlal Somalal. FORMAL AND INFORMAL SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AS RELATED TO DIFFUSION OF INFORMATION AND ADOPTION OF FARM PRACTICES IN A VILLAGE IN INDIA. Missouri, 1966. 250p. DA 27 (Oct. 1966): 1132-A; UM 66-8993. Investigates the relationships between the participation of farmers from the village of Mordevi (in Gujarat) in various social groups to their possession of scientific information and adoption of new farm practices. 255 Shukla, Vishnoo Prasad. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF RE38 ECONOMY / AGRICULTURE 260 SOURCE USE IN FARMING, JABALPUR DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA, 1967-1968. Cornell, 1970. 84p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 29-30-A; UM 70-12,650. Analyzes farm organization to assess the economics of present resource use and the pptentials for increasing agricultural output and farm incomes. 256 Singh, Saraswati Prasad. THE KAIRA DISTRICT COOPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERSf UNION LIMITED AND ITS ROLE IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Kansas State, 1968. 301 p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3284-A; UM 69-5792. Studies the rapid growth and economic significance of the Union, 1946-1966, in its role as a milk supplier for the city of Bombay. 257 Singh, Shyam Narain. VALUE ORIENTATIONS AND ADOPTION BEHAVIOR OF INDIAN CULTIVATORS. Iowa State, 1967. 191 p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1540-A; UM 67-12,996. Thorat, Sudhakar S. CERTAIN SOCIAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES BY RURAL LOCAL LEADERS AND ORDINARY FARMERS IN INDIA. See entry 993. 258 Trivedi, Devinder Nath. OPINION LEADERSHIP AND ADOPTION OF AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONS IN EIGHT INDIAN VILLAGES. Pennsylvania State, 1969. 121 p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 5088-A; UM 70-7251. Examines the distinctive social and behavioral characteristics of opinion leaders in eight villages near Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, and investigates their role in the adoption of new farm practices. Upadhyaya, Mangi L. SOME LEGAL ASPECTS OF AGRARIAN REFORM IN INDIA. See entry 774. 259 Vidyarthy, Gopal Saran. FARMER'S INCENTIVES FOR ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED FARM PRACTICES IN WHEAT CROP IN AIIGARH INTENSIVE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT, INDIA. 299p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2693-B; UM 68-679. Concludes that formal education, size of holding owned, organizational membership, caste, extension agency contacts, and economic status-but not age — were associated with high adoption group farmers as compared to low or medium adoption group farmers. Vollmer, Franz-Josef. DIE POLITISCHE PROBLEMATIC DER AGRARFRAGE IN INDIEN: UNTER BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG DES VERHALTENS DER POLITISCHEN PARTEIEN. See entry 763. 260 Weaver, Thomas Floyd. IRRIGATION AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN RAIPUR DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA. Cornell, 1967. 364 p. DA 28 (July 1967): 28-A; 39 261 261 262 263 264 INDIA UM 67-9204. A comparison was made of the present humid season direct product return from canal irrigation with a proposed interseason reallocation of the available water supply. Wilbanks, Thomas John. ACCESSIBILITY AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: A SYSTEM APPROACH TO AN ASPECT OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. Syracuse, 1969. 478p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1348-B; UM 70-15,226. Based on field data from four sample districts in Uttar Pradesh. Willis, Ian Robert. THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE GREEN REVOLUTION FOR FUTURE PRODUCTION INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT IN AGRICULTURE IN WESTERN UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA. Illinois, 1970. 258p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4359-A; UM 71-5279. Studies farming in the Bisauli block of Badaun District. Wood, Dennis Harold. REDUCING POLICY CONFLICTS RELEVANT TO INDIAN FOODGRAIN OUTPUT GOALS. Maryland, 1967. 359p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4346-47-A; UM 68-6544. Selected policy conflicts of the Indian Central Government. Wycliffe, Augustine David. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND PERFORMANCE IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES. Purdue, 1968. 447 p. DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2414-A; UM 69-3000. Includes an analysis of India and Pakistan as "mixed economies." Banking. Finance, and Taxation Includes monetary policies. Arunachalam, R. M. CREDIT AND CAPITAL FORMATION IN THE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF FOUR TRICHY VILLAGES, MADRAS STATE, INDIA, 1962-1964. See entry 216. 265 Barth, Klaus. DAS INDISCHE STEUERSYSTEM: ENTWICKLUNG UND HEUTIGE GESTALT. [German: The Indian Tax System: Its Development and Present Form.] Heidelberg, 1967. 376p. Essentially a descriptive study of the system's historical development since the 1800rs and of present-day taxation in India on the national, state, and local levels. Bawa, Ujagar S. THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL CAPITAL FORMATION IN INDIA, 1951-1952 TO 1964-1965. See entry 219. 266 Cutt, James. TAXATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN 40 ECONOMY / BANKING, FINANCE, AND TAXATION 273 INDIA. Toronto, 1966. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1185-A. Reviews the present Indian tax system and relevant tax policy objectives, examines the major Federal and State taxes in terms of these objectives and suggests new ways of attaining them, and explores the problems of tax administration within the country. 267 Gupta, Danesh Chandra. MONETARY INFLUENCES ON THE INFLATIONARY TREND IN INDIA DURING THE THIRD FIVEYEAR PLAN (1961-1966). Minnesota, 1971. 117p. DAI 32 (Sept 1971): 1161-A; UM 71-22,205. 268 Gupta, Girdharilal Saduram. A MONETARY POLICY MODEL FOR INDIA, 1948-1949 TO 1967-1968. Johns Hopkins, 1970. 275p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 67-68-A; UM 71-16,722. Evaluates quantitatively the direct and indirect impacts of various policy variables on a policy-oriented econometric model for the Indian economy. 269 Jameson, Kenneth Peter. ADJUSTMENT COSTS AND INVESTMENT IN THE LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRY. Wisconsin, 1970. 191 p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5616-A; UM 71-300. A model of investment demand is fit for 25 industry groups in India, using data for the period 1951-1965. 270 Madaiah, Madappa. THE GROWING MONETARY ROLE OF NONBANK FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES IN THE INDIAN ECONOMY. Southern Illinois, 1968. 398p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3282-A; UM 69-6285. A study of such intermediaries as financial corporations, insurance companies, finance and investment corporations, and cooperative institutions during the period 1951-1966. 271 Mahler, Walter Robert. SALES AND EXCISE TAXATION IN INDIA. Syracuse, 1969. 456p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5142-43-A; UM 70-10,363. 272 Mammen, Thampy. AN ECONOMETRIC STUDY OF THE MONEY MARKET IN INDIA. Pennsylvania, 1967. 256p. DA 29 (July 1968): 21-22-A; UM 68-9221. Studies the factors affecting the supply and demand for money and the level of interest rates during the period 1948/49-1963/64. Menge, Paul E. MANAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT: EXECUTIVE BUDGET-MAKING IN INDIAN GOVERNMENT. See entry 742. 273 Mody, Raghuvir Jagmohandas. A CRITIQUE OF MONETARY POLICY IN INDIA, 1947-1967. Minnesota, 1970. 126p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3142-43-A; UM 70-27,145. Focuses on the activities of the Reserve Bank of India. 41 274 INDIA 274 Mollah, Nur Alam. MONETARY POLICY AND OPERATIONS OF THE RESERVE BANK OF INDIA, 1935-1961. Basel, 1966. x, 248p. Describes the constitutional framework within which the Bank was set into operation and critically examines the BankTs monetary policy and activities from the standpoint of their effectiveness before and during World War II, between 1945 and 1951, and during the first two five-year plans. 275 Morris, John Rayl, J r . THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MONETARY GROWTH AND REAL GROWTH IN INDIA, 1951-1964. Purdue, 1966. 127p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 1971-A; UM 66-13,235. 276 Prasad, K. IMPACT OF MONEY SUPPLY ON THE INDIAN ECONOMY, 1950/51-1963/64. Leeds, 1965/66. 277 Ramanathan, Ramachandra. AN ECONOMETRIC EXPLORATION OF INDIAN SAVING BEHAVIOR. Minnesota, 1967. 94 p. DA 28 (June 1968): 4778-A; UM 68-7371. An analysis of consumer savings in Delhi. 278 Ramineni, Ayyanna. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE KALDOR INDIAN TAX REFORMS AND THE SHOUP MISSION JAPANESE TAX RE FORMS. Minnesota, 1966. 87p. DA 27 (Sept. 1966): 587-A; UM 66-9038. The Indian tax reform report prepared by Professor Nicholas Kaldor in 1956. 279 Sastry, Vrudhula Kasi. DIVIDENDS, INVESTMENT, AND EXTERNAL FINANCING BEHAVIOUR OF THE CORPORATE SECTOR IN INDIA: AN ECONOMETRIC STUDY. Pennsylvania, 1966. 222p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1154-55-A; UM 66-10,665. Covers the period 1953-1960. 280 Singh, Prabhu Narain. A STUDY OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT BANKS TO THE PRIVATE CORPORATE SECTOR IN A PLANNED ECONOMY: INDIA. South Carolina, 1969. 216p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 4625-A; UM 70-9314. Economic Planning and General Economic Development Covers all sectors of the economy. Also see the section Tt Society--Village StudiesTT for works on community development. 281 Bellinghausen, Rudolf. ENTWICKLUNGSPOLITIK IN EINER GEMISCHTEN WIRTSCHAFTSORDNUNG: DAS BEISPIEL INDIENS. [ German: Development Politics in a Mixed Economy: The Case of India.] Bonn, 1966. 208p. Tries to determine whether a mixed economy involving both public and private enter42 ECONOMY / PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 288 prise provides the best way for a developing country to attain economic growth. 282 Bhalla, Dev Nath. THE DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION: A STUDY OF THE TRANSPLANTATION OF FOREIGN ADMINISTRATIVE INSTITUTIONS INTO INDIA. Nijmegen Rooms-Katholieke, 1969. 246p. 283 Chopra, Kusum. CHANGES IN THE ECONOMIC STRUCTURE OF RURAL INDIA, 1951-1961. Colorado, 1969. 242p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4083-A; UM 70-5832. Determines the extent to which Indian villages have changed during the course of the first two five-year plans and the degree to which the villagers have tended to change their outlook. 284 Datta-Chaudhuri, Mrinal Kanti. PLANNING IN A MULTIREGIONAL ECONOMY: A CASE STUDY FOR INDIA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966. xiv, 101 p. 285 Desai, Sureshchandra Ambelal. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FEDERAL GRANTS IN ATTAINING EQUALIZATION, EQUITY, AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. California (Los Angeles), 1968. 299p. DA 28 (June 1968): 4798-A; UM 68-8770. The years 1955/56 and 1960/61 were selected for the case study. Elleisi, Mohamed A. THE SCOPE FOR WAGE POLICY AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PLANNING IN EARLY STAGES OF NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. See entry 374. Gould, Michael A. POLITICS, ADMINISTRATION, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN AN INDIAN STATE. See entry 733. 286 Gupta, Harish Chandra. FORWARD AND BACKWARD LINKAGES IN INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Tennessee, 1970. 301 p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4365-A; UM 71-7639. Questions whether India should concentrate on rapid industrial development from the beginning or should emphasize development of the primary sectors first and of the industrial sector afterwards. 287 Gupta, Syamaprasad. A STUDY OF THE PLANNING TECHNIQUES IN INDIA: INDIA'S FIVE YEAR PLANS. London, 1969. 288 Hamilton, Richard Edward. THE DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION: INDIA'S EXPERIMENT WITH THE T. V.A. IDEA. Duke, 1966. 373p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3556-A; UM 67-6102. Determines whether the public corporation has been a suitable form of administration for projects in the Damodar Valley, investigates how the Corporation has tried to economize, and examines the controls that have been imposed upon it. 43 289 INDIA 289 Hommes, Enno Willem. OVER DE EVALUATIE VAN PLATTELANDS-PLANNING IN INDIA. [Dutch: On the Evaluation of Rural Planning in India.] Amsterdam, 1970. With a summary in English. 290 Kangayappan, Kumaraswamy. POVERTY AS AN ISSUE IN INDIAN DEVELOPMENT POLICY. Wisconsin, 1969. 218p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 31-32-A; UM 69-4409. 291 Kelkar, Vijay Laxman. OPTIMAL BORROWING AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING. California (Berkeley), 1970. 86p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5015-A; UM 71-9840. Utilizes data of the Indian economy. Lai, Amrit. NATIONAL PLANNING ADMINISTRATION: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. See entry 739. 292 Laporte, Robert, J r . PUBLIC CORPORATIONS AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Syracuse, 1967. 441 p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4693-A; UM 68-7067. The three corporations studied are: the Damodar Valley Corporation (India), the River Valleys Development Board (Ceylon), and the West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority. Nayar, P. K. B. BUREAUCRACY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF PLANNING DEPARTMENTS IN TWO INDIAN STATES. See entry 745. 293 Nijhawan, Inder Pal. ASSET PREFERENCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIA. North Carolina, 1971. 324p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 618-19-A; UM 71-20,991. Establishes that investment in socially unproductive assets such as gold, foreign exchange, real estate, and speculation in commodities adversely affects the growth potential of the less developed countries through its effect on consumption (saving), investment, the price level, growth, and allocation of entrepreneurial skill. 294 Pant, Shridhar Prasad. AN EVALUATION OF ECONOMETRIC AND MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING MODELS USEFUL FOR PLANNING THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN INDIA. Illinois, 1970. 249p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 1965-A; UM 70-21,030; 295 Patel, Viharidas Gopaldas. AN ANALYSIS OF PLAN IMPLEMENTATION IN INDIA. Wisconisn, 1968. 228p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4153-A; UM 68-17,925. Points out that while planning has improved from the standpoint of comprehensiveness and consistency, the implementation of plans has been neglected. The resulting implementational lags and failures in various projects and industries largely explain the poor performance of the economy. 44 ECONOMY / PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 302 Prakash, Ved. FINANCING NEW TOWNS IN INDIA. Cornell, 1966. 345p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1190-A; UM 66-7845. Develops a theoretical framework for financial planning in which physical, economic, and financial aspects are considered as integral parts of the decision-making process for urban and regional development. Rady, Abdel Moneim Aly Ibrahim. THE ROLE OF COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATIONS IN ECONOMIC PLANNING. Syracuse, 1967. 219p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 3841-A; UM 68-5484. Includes case studies of cooperatives in India, Egypt, and the U.S.S.R. Rebello, Reverend Francis, S. J. MACROECONOMIC PLANNING IN INDIA. St. Louis. 1967. 313p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 2847-A; UM 68-1287. Focuses on the problem of utilizing all human resources in India for the development of the national economy. Repetto, Robert Cope land. TEMPORAL ELEMENTS IN INDIAN DEVELOPMENT. Harvard, 1968. 264p. Studies the economic growth rate of India. Sabherwal, Vishal Chander. PLANNING IN A LABOR SURPLUS ECONOMY. Oregon, 1970. 161 p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 80-A; UM 71-16,838. Develops a multi-sector planning model for an economy such as India's with a labor surplus. Sarkar, Prafulla C. THE PLANNING OF AGRICULTURE IN INDIA. See entry 248. Sarkar, Rakesh Lovan. THE CLASSICAL GROWTH MODEL: REALISM AND RELEVANCE IN THE LIGHT OF INDIAN EXPERIENCE. Claremont, 1968. 254p. DA 29 (Jan. 1969): 2005-06-A; UM 68-18,288. Studies the relevance of the Lewis and the Ranis-Fei models and the Ricardian and Leibenstein approaches to India's developmental process. Tendulkar, Suresh Dhondopant. SOME EXPERIMENTS IN A MULTI-SECTORAL PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR INDIA. Harvard, 1968. 257 p. + appendices. Wood, Dennis H. REDUCING POLICY CONFLICTS RELEVANT TO INDIAN FOODGRAIN OUTPUT GOALS. See entry 263. 45 303 INDIA Foreign Aid and Foreign Investment Focuses on economic and technical assistance and on foreign business operations in India. For Western assistance in the field of education, see the section "Education." 303 Andersen, Per Pinstrup. THE ROLE OF FOOD, FEED, AND FIBER IN FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE: VALUE, COST, AND EFFICIENCY. Oklahoma State, 1969. 201 p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 3738-A; UM 70-21,336. India is included in the study of U.S. aid programs. 304 Andreas, Carol Rich. EXCHANGE NORMS AND POWER POLITICS: A CASE STUDY OF MASS COMMUNICATIONS ON FOREIGN AID. Wayne State, 1967. 245p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 3259-A; UM 68-2082. Studies the content of unsigned editorials on foreign aid which appeared in five leading Indian and Pakistani newspapers over a ten-year period. 305 Balasubramanyam, Vudayagiri Nagabhushanam. INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN KNOWLEDGE: A STUDY OF THE INDO-FOREIGN TECHNICAL COLLABORATION AGREEMENTS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Illinois, 1970. 152p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4359-A; UM 71-5034. Analyzes the role of international firms in transmitting technical know-how to Indian firms since 1957. Baranson, Jack. TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENT IN A DEVELOPING ECONOMY: A STUDY IN THE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY BY AN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION. See entry 342. 306 Blue, Richard Newton. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE TO INDIA: THE POLITICS OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. Claremont, 1967. 299p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1218-A; UM 68-10,496. Examines some of the political consequences of foreign assistance relationships which developed between the Indian Government and private as well as public firms representing the U.S.S.R., West Germany, and Great Britain. 307 Copen, Melvyn Robert. THE MANAGEMENT OF U.S. MANUFACTURING SUBSIDIARIES IN A DEVELOPING NATION: INDIA. Harvard, 1967. 322p. 308 Eldridge, Philip John. SOME POLITICAL ASPECTS OF FOREIGN AID IN INDIA, 1947-1966. London, 1968. 309 Grader, Charles Raymond. PUBLIC LAW 480: A STUDY IN UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT POLICY FORMATION. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1967. 46 ECONOMY / FOREIGN AID AND INVESTMENT; 317 310 Horvath, Janos. A COMPARATIVE APPRAISAL OF ECONOMIC AID. Columbia, 1967. 161 p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 1695-96-A; UM 69-9197. Includes Soviet aid to India. 311 Kacker, Madhav Prasad. AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF THE MARKETING ADAPTATION OF U.S. BUSINESS FIRMS OPERATING IN INDIA. Michigan State, 1970. 259p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5595-A; UM 71-11,883. Marketing adaptation is defined as "any change, adjustment, or compromise made by a firm in its marketing effort to serve adequately a foreign market, and to survive and grow within a new environment." 312 Kapoor, Ashok. FOREIGN COLLABORATIONS IN INDIA: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. A STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF SELECTED FEATURES OF BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN INDIAN AND FOREIGN COMPANIES AND THE EFFECT OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIATS POLICIES AND PRACTICES ON FOREIGN COLLABORATIONS. North Carolina, 1966. 288p. DA 27 (Feb. 1967): 2245-A; UM 67-1008. 313 Katz, S. Stanley. THE EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE CONTRIBUTION TO INDIAN ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, 1951-1961. American, 1966. 150p. DA27 (Nov. 1966): 1182-A; UM 66-12,603. 314 Krishnaswamy, Manthri Sampathkumarachar. AN ANALYSIS OF U.S. ASSISTANCE TO AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION IN INDIA UNDER THE INTER-INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAM. Kansas State, 1970. 277p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5617-18-A;UM 71-11,324. Studies technical assistance in the form of U.S. advisory services, facilities for training Indian participants, and books and laboratory equipment under Operational Agreement 28 of 1954. 315 Kumar, Kanwal. INFLOWS OF FOREIGN CAPITAL AND ECONOMIC GROWTH OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: THE CASE OF INDIA. Ohio State, 1966. 210p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3588-A; UM 67-6335. Through a study of foreign investment in the Indian iron and steel and the petroleum industries (an economic activity that led to significantly increased productivity and considerable savings in foreign exchange), the author concludes that foreign capital inflows are not only economically prudent but are also necessary to initiate the process of rapid economic growth. 316 Kurien, Mannakunnil Varughese. AN EVALUATION OF AMERICAN FOOD AID TO INDIA, 1956-1967. St. Louis, 1970. 184p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 3731-A; UM 71-3277. 317 Lodh, Bimal Kanti. FOREIGN AID REQUIREMENTS IN DEVELOPMENT PLANNING: SOME METHODOLOGICAL REFLECTIONS AND A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. Rotterdam Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool, 1967. xii, 127 p. 47 318 INDIA 318 Loomba, Joanne Frances Kroll. A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY DECISION-MAKERST IMAGES, AND POLITICAL AFFILIATIONS, AND THEIR ORIENTATIONS TOWARD FOREIGN AID FOR INDIA, 1951-1967. Stanford, 1971. 392p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 1050-51-A; UM 71-19,719. 319 Mann, Jitendar Singh. THE CONTRIBUTION OF UNITED STATES PUBLIC LAW 480 TO INDIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Minnesota, 1966. 202p. DA 27 (Sept. 1966): 564-65-A; UM 66-9031. Examines the impact of the Law on consumption, prices, and the domestic supply of cereals and wheat; and its contributions to income generation and to the creation of employment. 320 Megnin, Donald Frederick. GERMAN ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE TO INDIA: AN ANALYSIS OF ITS PRINCIPLES AND EFFECTS ON INDO-GERMAN RELATIONS. Syracuse, 1968. 530p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1268-A; UM 68-13,851. 321 Nicholson, Norman Kibby. POLITICS AND FOOD POLICY IN INDIA. Cornell, 1966. 432p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1881-A; UM 66-11,029. Studies the evolution of the Indian Government's food policy since 1947 and the role of P. L. 480 foodgrain assistance in that policy. Roberts, Paul E. AN EXAMINATION OF THE LENDING POLICY OF LEADING INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE LIGHT OF A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PRIVATE AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT BANKS. See entry 1124. 322 Roy, Ram Mohan. THE INDIA EMERGENCY FOOD AID ACT OF 1951: A STUDY OF FOREIGN POLICY FORMATION IN THE U.S. Claremont, 1969. 256p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5508-A; UM 70-9834. Seeks to relate the process of development of this particular American foreign policy to basic American attitudes. 323 Seevers, Gary Leonard. RESOURCE BENEFITS AND COSTS OF FOOD-AID: AN ANALYSIS OF INDIAN SHIPMENTS. Michigan State, 1968. 218p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1644-45-A; UM68-17,131. A study of the costs and benefits of U.S. food sales to India. 324 Singh, Daya Ram. INVESTMENT POLICY AND PERFORMANCE OF U.S. SUBSIDIARIES IN INDIA. Michigan State, 1969. 304p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 873-74-A; UM 70-15,132. American manufacturing and petroleum subsidiaries during the period 1963-1967. 325 Stoerker, Conrad Frederick. TRIANGULARITY IN CHURCH AND STATE RELATIONS AS DEVELOPED IN PUBLIC LAW 480, TITLE III PROGRAMS IN INDIA. Missouri, 1966. 425p. DA27 48 ECONOMY / FOREIGN TRADE 330 (Feb. 1967): 2581-A; UM 67-949. Focuses on the role of American voluntary agencies, particularly the Catholic Relief Services and the Church World Service, in American food distribution programs within India. 326 Stumpel, Hermann. DAS HUTTENWERK ROURKELA: EIN WESTDEUTSCHER BEITRAG ZUR WIRTSCHAFTLICHEN ENTWICKLUNG INDIENS. [German: The Iron and Steel Works at Rourkela: A West German Contribution to the Economic Development of India. ] Marburg, 1966. xi, 204p. A critical study of the planning and construction of the Rourkela iron and steel plant in Orissa State. It was built with German financial and technical assistance. 327 Tomlinson, James William Christopher. A MODEL OF THE JOINT VENTURE DECISION PROCESS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968. xi, 304 p. A study of British joint ventures in India and in Pakistan. 328 Weaver, David R. PUBLIC LAW 480, INDIA, AND THE OBJECTIVES OF UNITED STATES FOREIGN AID POLICY, 1954-1966. Cincinnati, 1971. 196p. DAI32 (Dec. 1971): 3396-A;UM72-1449. 329 Westermeyer, G5tz G. R. DAS MANAGEMENT DEUTSCHINDISCHER GEMEINSCHAFTSUNTERNEHMEN. [German: The Management of Indo-German Joint Undertakings. ] Miinchen, 1968. xxvi, 257 p. Studies the possibilities and limitations of private foreign investment in India, the composition and qualifications of the personnel in Indo-German joint undertakings, and the sociological and organizational problems of leadership in such enterprises. Foreign Trade Includes exports, foreign exchange, import controls, and India's position in international trade. Adams, John Q. ECONOMIC CHANGE, EXPORTS, AND IMPORTS: THE CASE OF INDIA, 1870-1960. See entry 501. Appleyard, Dennis R. TERMS OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. See entry 503. 330 Breuer, Helmut. DIE BEDEUTUNG DER KAPITALIMPORTE FUR DIE LANGFRISTIGE ZAHLUNGSBILANZENTWICKLUNG IN INDIEN. [German: The Importance of Capital Imports for 49 331 INDIA India's Long-Term Balance of Payments Developments.] Freie Universitat (Berlin) ,1966. 162p. 331 Coffin, Harold Garth. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF IMPORT DEMAND FOR WHEAT AND FLOUR IN WORLD MARKETS. Connecticut, 1970. 206p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6241-42-A; UM 71-15,970. Includes several Asian countries, among them India and Ceylon. Faulwetter, Helmut. GRUNDFRAGEN DES ZUSAMMENHANGES VON AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT UND REPRODUKTIONSPROZESS IN INDIEN. See entry 211. 332 Handa, Madan Lai. ECONOMETRICS OF IMPORT PLANNING IN INDIA (1947-1965): A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED COMMODITIES. London, 1968. Hodgson, Jacqueline L. AN EVALUATION OF THE PREBISCH THESIS. See entry 512. 333 Kusari, Haraprasad. A STUDY OF IMPORT CONTROL WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIA. London, 1969. 334 Mehta, Basant T. INDIA'S POSITION IN THE WORLD PEANUT AND PEANUT OIL MARKETS. North Carolina State, 1970. Mohammed, A. Y. A. THE SUEZ CANAL AND THE TRENDS OF BRITISH TRADE TO AND FROM THE MIDDLE AND THE FAR EAST DURING THE PERIOD 1854-1966. See entry 515. 335 Mukherjee, Tridib Kumar. PLANNING INDIA'S AGRICULTURAL EXPORTS: A CASE STUDY. Maryland, 1969. 188p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1305-A; UM 69-16,617. Rao, Chatrathi P. IMPACT OF EXPORT MARKETING ON DOMESTIC MARKETING OF SELECTED MANUFACTURER-EXPORTERS IN INDIA. See entry 356. 336 Rapport, David Joseph. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF BARRIERS TO WORLD TRADE IN COTTON TEXTILES, 1953-1964. Michigan, 1967. 197p. DA 28 (June 1968): 4778-79-A; UM 68-7702. Studies the economic consequences that the cotton textile quota and tariff barriers of the high-income countries of North America and Europe have for four low-cost producing countries: India, Pakistan, Japan, and Hong Kong. 337 Ratnam, Nittala Venkata. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF INDIA'S COMPETITIVE POSITION IN THE WORLD CASHEW TRADE. Hawaii, 1969. 209p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5134-A; UM70-9979. Analyzes the demand, production, and processing of cashews. 338 Sharma, Vidya Vinod. AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE 50 ECONOMY / INDUSTRY AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE 341 INDIAN OILSEEDS ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN FATS AND OILS. Illinois, 1968. 163.p. DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2412-13-A; UM 69-1443. Studies world production, consumption, and trade in fats and oils and describes IndiaTs position in the international fats and oils market. 339 Shourie, Arun. ALLOCATION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN INDIA. Syracuse, 1966. 437p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 473-A; UM 69-7777. Appraises the system of detailed import controls and administrative allocations of foreign exchange employed by the Indian government, 1961-1966. Starr, Edward G. THE COST OF IMPORT-SUBSTITUTION: THE CASE OF THE INDIAN CAUSTIC SODA INDUSTRY. See entry 363. 340 Vartikar, Vithal S. COMMERCIAL POLICY OF INDIA. Wayne State, 1966. 217p. DA 27 (Feb. 1967): 2250-A; UM 67-680. Concerned with the identification and analysis of this policy with particular reference to imports and exports. 341 Weisskopf, Thomas Emil. PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR IMPORT SUBSTITUTION IN INDIA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967. 510 p. Industry and Domestic Commerce Includes business management, domestic trade, industrialization, and marketing institutions. See TTEconomy — AgricultureTT for works dealing with the sale of agricultural products, "Economy— Foreign Aid and Foreign Investment" for studies of foreign involvement in Indian industry, and "Economy—Labor" for dissertations on the industrial work force. Also see the section "History--1800-1947: Economy" for the growth of India's industrial sector prior to independence. Adair, Charles H. THE IMPORTANCE OF SELECTED INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL VARIABLES TO THE UTILIZATION OF LEARNINGS AND RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATIONS OF MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS IN INDIA. See entry 389. Agrawal, Binod C. THE RELIGIO-ECONOMIC NETWORKS IN DHAR DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA. See entry 948. 51 342 INDIA 342 Baranson, Jack. TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENT IN A DEVELOPING ECONOMY: A STUDY IN THE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY BY AN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION. Indiana, 1966. 206p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 1979-A; UM 66-14,797. Examines the problems of technical and commercial adjustment experienced by an Indian manufacturing affiliate of an international corporation producing and marketing diesel engines. 343 Ben-Moshe, Jacob. FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IN INDIA. New School for Social Research, 1968. 351p. DA 29 (Jan. 1969): 1996-A; UM 68-17,867. Examines the degree to which the rapid expansion of the industry has been the result of deliberate governmental promotion on account of the importance of drugs and pharmaceuticals to the welfare of India. 344 Calkins, Richard Allyn. TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: THE INDIAN INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE. Duke, 1970. 261 p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5645-A; UM 71-13,796. Studies the problems of technological transfer and adaptation and examines various types of indigenous research and development. Cohen, Allan R. TRADITION, VALUES, AND INTERROLE CONFLICT IN INDIAN FAMILY BUSINESS. See entry 955. 345 Dar, Ashok Kumar. DOMESTIC TERMS OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF INDIA. Cornell, 1967. 194p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 1954-A; UM 67-16,355. In seeking to determine the impact of economic forces usually prevalent in the process of development on domestic terms of trade, major focus was placed on evaluating the causes of changes in foodgrain prices between 1952 and 1964. 346 Das Gupta, A. K. OPTIMUM INVESTMENT DECISIONS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE INDIAN FERTILIZER INDUSTRY. Cambridge, 1967/68. Dasgupta, Biplabkumar. OIL PRICES AND THE INDIAN MARKET: 1886-1964. See entry 508. 347 Erlenkotter, Donald. PREINVESTMENT PLANNING FOR CAPACITY EXPANSION: A MULTI-LOCATION DYNAMIC MODEL. Stanford, 1970. 233p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1433-A; UM70-18,400. Includes an application of the computed results to the nitrogenous fertilizer industry of India. 348 Farooqi, Ayesha Humaira. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUGAR INDUSTRY IN NIZAMABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH. London, 1969. 52 ECONOMY / INDUSTRY AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE 354 349 Feldsieper, Manfred. ZUR PROBLEMATIK DER ENTWICKLUNG UND FORDERUNG DES KLEININDUSTRIELLEN SEKTORS IN ENTWICKLUNGSLANDERN: UNTERSUCHUNGEN AM BEISPIELE INDIENS. [German: The Difficulties of Developing and Promoting the Small-Scale Industrial Sector in Developing Countries: The Case of India. ] Mainz, 1968. viii, 282p. A study of small-scale industries (enterprises with a fixed capital investment of under 750,000 Rupees), of their necessity in the industrialization process, and of the problems encountered in promoting and financing their development. 350 Ghorpade, Jaisingh Vishwasrao. A STUDY OF RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF JOINT STOCK AND COOPERATIVE SUGAR FACTORIES LOCATED IN MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. California (Los Angeles), 1968. 304p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 2838-A; UM 69-5308. Studies the relative effectiveness, in the context of governmental policy and strategy, of fourteen joint stock and twenty cooperative sugar factories operating side by side in Maharashtra State. 351 Gulati, Umesh Chandra. SOME ASPECTS OF ECONOMIC POLICY IN INDIA IN RECENT YEARS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON THE PROSPECTS FOR PRIVATE ENTERPRISE. Virginia, 1969. 279p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4087-A; UM 70-4791. Studies some of the important measures of direct and indirect control (e.g. licensing and price controls) by which the Indian Government regulates economic activities, and seeks to determine how far these regulations affect the development of private enterprise. 352 Jagetia, Lai Chand. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ADMINISTRATIVE RATIOS AND ORGANIZATION SIZE IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES OF INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES: 1958-1967. Alabama, 1969. 245p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 4617-18-A; UM 70-9359. Mines, Mattison. THE MUSLIM MERCHANTS OF PALLAVARAM, MADRAS: THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. See entry 973. 353 Nadkarni, Vasant Dattatraya. A STUDY OF THE NEW MANAGERS IN INDIA: THEIR SOCIAL ORIGINS AND CAREER MOBILITY. New York, 1966. 268p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3198-99-A; UM 67-2207. Focuses on high-ranking professional managers. Concludes that they are drawn from certain privileged and well educated groups and that they have the kinds of individual preparation that lead to managerial careers. 354 Owens, Raymond Lee. PEASANT ENTREPRENEURS IN A NORTH INDIAN INDUSTRIAL CITY. Chicago, 1970. 436-p. A study of business enterprises in the city of Howrah. 53 355 • INDIA 355 Phatak, Vishvanath Vinayak. EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS AND THEIR IMPACT UPON THE INTERNAL OPERATIONS OF FIRMS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES IN INDIA. California (Los Angeles), 1966. 301 p. DA 27 (June 1967): 3983-84-A; UM 67-6925. Seeks to determine whether modern managerial techniques and principles developed largely in the United States and Western Europe can be used by managers in such underdeveloped countries as India. 356 Rao, Chatrathi Purushottama. IMPACT OF EXPORT MARKETING ON DOMESTIC MARKETING OF SELECTED MANUFACTURER-EXPORTERS IN INDIA. North Carolina, 1968. 406 p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4141-42-A; UM 69-10,195. Seeks to determine whether, how, and to what extent the export-induced marketing changes in terms of product, packaging, pricing, promotion, and channels of distribution get transferred to domestic marketing practices. 357 Roth, Irvin Julian. GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE ON THE INDUSTRIAL LOCATION PROCESS. Syracuse, 1968. 179p. DA 29 (May 1969): 4222-B; UM 69-8650. Studies the governments role in India, Pakistan, and France in determining the location of industry through the development of infrastructure and the establishment of industrial estates and by means of licensing and fiscal incentives. 358 Sankar, Ulaganathan. PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS IN INDIAN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: IMPLICATIONS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Wisconsin, 1967. 121p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4332-33-A; UM 67-17,010. By estimating industrial production functions, the author seeks to analyze inter-industry differences in industrial structure and their implications for resource allocation and income distribution. 359 Sen, Lalita. OPTIMIZATION OF PLANT LOCATION AND TRANSPORT OPERATING DECISIONS: A SET OF VIABLE MODELS FOR DEVELOPING NATIONS. Northwestern, 1970. 136p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 6060-61-B; UM 71-10,187. A case study was made of the Indian iron and steel industry for the Second Five Year Plan. 360 Sharshar, Abdelaleem Mohamad Abdelrahman. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THEORIES OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE. George Washington, 1970. 257p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3155-A; UM 70-27,086. Subjects public enterprise to multiple criteria of performance and examines the consistency of such criteria in the USSR, the United Kingdom, and in India, which has been influenced by Soviet and British theories on account of the long peri54 ECONOMY / INDUSTRY AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE 367 od of English rule and the more recent Soviet economic aid programs. Shyamala, Kammana M. THE POLITICS OF DECISION-MAKING FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: "THE CASE OF THE LOCATION OF HEAVY INDUSTRIES IN INDIA. See entry 754. 361 Singh, Jag Mohan. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MARKETING IN AN UNDERDEVE LOPED COUNTRY: INDIA. George Washington, 1966. 351 p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1178-A; UM 66-9834. A descriptive and analytical study of contemporary marketing institutions. 362 Singhvi, Surendra Singh. CORPORATE DISCLOSURE THROUGH ANNUAL REPORTS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND INDIA. Columbia, 1967. 243p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 3858-59-A; UM 68-5625. Concludes that Indian companies fail to disclose as much information as investors desire. 363 Starr, Edward George. THE COST OF IMPORT-SUBSTITUTION: THE CASE OF THE INDIAN CAUSTIC SODA INDUSTRY. Minnesota, 1971. 138p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1145-A; UM 71-22,246. 364 Swartzberg, Leon, J r . THE NORTH INDIAN PEASANT GOES TO MARKET. Columbia, 1970. 283p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971); 5137-B; UM 71-6266. Examines the relationship of the market economy of a town in Bihar with the peasant economy of a nearby village. Thangavelu, Rachel G. THE EFFECT OF INDUSTRIALIZATION ON THE ECONOMIC AND FAMILY STRUCTURES, AND SOCIAL WELFARE POLICIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. See entry 991. 365 Theuring, Rolf. DER EINFLUSS DER SOZIALISTISCHEN UND DER ENTWICKELTEN KAPITAUSTISCHEN STAATEN AUF DIE INDUSTRIALISIERUNG INDIENS. [German: The Influence of the Socialist and the Developing Capitalist States on India's Industrialization.] Hochschule fur Okonomie (Berlin), 1966. vii, 218p. Thiagarajan, Karumuthu M. A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONAL VALUES AND MANAGERIAL BEHAVIOR. See entry 992. 366 Venkataswami, Thurai S. AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION INTO PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS AND TECHNICAL CHANGE IN INDIAN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Boston University, 1969. 160p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2227-28-A; UM 69-18,760. 367 Warner, David Cook. BUILDING MARKET INSTITUTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF FERTILIZER IN INDIA. Syra55 368 INDIA cuse, 1969. 288p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5127-A; UM 70-10,404. Examines the financial, managerial, and physical capability of fertilizer marketing institutions in northern India in order to identify the quantity and kinds of investment required for them to provide a successful national distribution system. Woltemade, Uwe J. THE EMERGENCE OF A MARKET ECONOMY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHANGE IN RURAL INDIA. See entry 994. Labor Includes the employment of urban laborers, labor force studies, labor-management relations, trade unionism, and wages. For the agricultural labor force, see the section T'Economy—Agriculture." Also see "History--1800-1947: Economy" for studies of labor prior to independence. Ambannavar, J. P. THE INDIAN WORKING FORCE AND EMPLOYMENT PATTERN SINCE 1911. See entry 502. 368 Bhardwaj, R. C. URBAN UNEMPLOYMENT IN INDIA. Manchester, 1965/66. 369 Bhatt, Bhalchandra Jeyshanker. A CASE STUDY IN THE EMERGING INDUSTRIAL LABOR FORCE IN FOUR FACTORIES IN BOMBAY. Wisconsin, 1966. 252p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 331-32-A; UM 66-13,763. Presents an analytical description of the labor market behavior and characteristics of the factory work force. 370 Bright, Jay Bhupatrai. A STUDY OF CERTAIN ASPECTS OF THE PRODUCTIVITY OF INDUSTRIAL LABOR IN INDEPENDENT INDIA. Houston, 1969. 181 p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 45-A; UM 70-12,479. Tests the hypothesis that an inexperienced industrial labor force, without a prolonged industrial learning process behind it, prevented India in the 1950Ts from launching an industrial revolution. 371 Cartwright, Bliss Cornell. THE INDIAN INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNALS: A CASE STUDY IN NORMATIVE RATIONALIZATION. Northwestern, 1970. 158p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3670-A; UM 71-1812. Includes case studies of the industrial tribunals in Bombay and Mysore which represent a form of quasi-judicial, compulsory arbitration that have the authority to create binding, 56 ECONOMY / LABOR 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 collective contracts in labor-management disputes. Chaudhary, Roop Lai. INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION IN INDIA. London, 1966. Dawson, William Albert. TRADE UNION DEVELOPMENT IN WESTERN INDIAN TEXTILES. Wisconsin, 1971. 306 p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 565-A; UM 71-14,133. A study of the Textile Labour Association of Ahmedabad and the Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh of Bombay. Elleisi, Mohamed Ali. THE SCOPE FOR WAGE POLICY AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PLANNING IN EARLY STAGES OF NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A STUDY OF THE U.A.R. WITH COMPARATIVE REFERENCE TO THE U.S.S.R. AND INDIA. London, 1966. Fuller, William Parmer (IV). EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND PRODUCTIVITY: A STUDY OF SKILLED WORKERS IN TWO FACTORIES IN SOUTH INDIA. Stanford, 1970. 156p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2145-A; UM 70-22,170. Workers in two large modern firms in Bangalore, Mysore State. Horowitz, Grace Betty. WAGE DETERMINATION IN INDIA AFTER INDEPENDENCE. Cornell, 1969. 85p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5152-A; UM 70-5994. A study of the role of industrial wages in the development of a labor surplus economy. Krishnan, Vadakkencherry Narayanan. AN ANALYSIS OF WAGE TRENDS IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES IN INDIA, 19501960. Michigan State, 1968. 205p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 394-A; UM 68-11,068. Kropp, Erhard Werner. ZUR MOBILISIERUNG LANDLICHER ARBEITSKRAFTE IM ANFANGLICHEN INDUSTRIALISIERUNGSPROZESS: EIN VERGLEICH DER BERUFSSTRUKTUR IN AUSGEWAHLTEN INDUSTRIENAHEN UND INDUSTRIE FERNEN GEMEINDEN NORDINDIENS. [German: The Mobilization of Rural Labor in the Beginning Stages of Industrialization: A Comparison of the Occupational Structure in Selected North Indian Communities That Respectively are Near to and Distant from Industrial Centers.] Heidelberg, 1968. xvii, 223p. Examines the possibility of mobilizing surplus rural labor through a case study of six Jaat villages, four of which were near the city of Ludhiana (Punjab State) and two of which were located far from industrial centers. 379 Kuthiala, Sudarshan Kumar. INDUSTRIAL WORKERS IN INDIA: A STUDY IN MODERNIZATION. Georgia, 1969. 242p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4286-87-A; UM 71-3751. A study of workers in two 57 380 INDIA _ privately owned factories in North India. 380 Muthuchidambaram, Subba Pillai. DETERMINANTS OF INCOME IN THE MADRAS LABOR MARKET. Wisconsin, 1968. 208p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4570-71-A; UM 68-17,923. A case study of 501 male, non-supervisory, blue collar workers from two medium-size manufacturing firms in Madras city. 381 Pati, Gopal C. METHODS OF LABOR-MANAGEMENT DISPUTE SETTLEMENT IN INDIA. Illinois Institute of Technology, 1970. 231p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6223-A; UM 71-14,491. Describes and evaluates both statutory and non-statutory methods and presents a case study of how four large private manufacturing corporations resolved their labor-management disputes. Sabherwal, Vishal C. PLANNING IN A LABOR SURPLUS ECONOMY. See entry 300. 382 Sharma, Baldev Raj. TECHNOLOGY AND WORK EXPERIENCE: A STUDY OF THE INDIAN AUTOMOBILE WORKER. Michigan State, 1967. 238p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 4296-97-A; UM 68-4214. Examines the relation between social structure, as manifested in the man-machine relationships within an industrial enterprise, and personal experience among automobile production and maintenance workers. 383 Shetty, Yermal Krishna. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MANPOWER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN AMERICAN AND INDIAN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. California (Los Angeles), 1967. 413p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4320-A; UM 68-7484. 384 Warren, W. M. THE SHARE OF LABOUR IN VALUE ADDED DURING INFLATION IN THE MODERN SECTOR IN UNDERDEVELOPED ECONOMIES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EXPERIENCE OF INDIA, PERU, AND TURKEY BETWEEN 1939 AND 1958. Cambridge, 1966/67. Transportation See the section "History--1800-1947: Economy" for studies covering India before independence. 385 Dickason, David Gordon. THE EFFICIENCY OF THE MAJOR INDIAN SEAPORTS. Indiana, 1970. 240p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 5417-B; UM 71-6840. Studies the ports of Bombay, Calcutta, Mormugao, Madras, Visakhapatnam, Cochin, and Kandla. 58 EDUCATION / WITHIN INDIA 390 386 Harral, Clell Gauvey. THE SOCIAL COSTS OF HIGHWAY TRANSPORT IN EASTERN INDIA. Rochester, 1969. 191 p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3155-A; UM 70-2868. Examines highway transport costs in a social cost framework suitable for comparative analysis involving choice of mode (land, rail, or water) in transport planning. 387 Koshal, Rajindar Kumar. STATISTICAL COST ANALYSIS: INDIAN RAILWAYS. Rochester, 1968. 169p. DA 29 (July 1968): 20-21-A; UM 68-9380. Estimates the long-run cost curves for the Indian Railways. 388 Sachdev, Labh Singh. PLANNING RURAL HIGHWAYS IN INDIA. Washington (Seattle), 1970. 280p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3677-A; UM 71-1021. Includes an application of the suggested planning methodology to the State of Punjab. EDUCATION Within India Includes agricultural extension programs and teacher training. For developments in education before 1947, see the section "History-1800-1947: Society, Education, and Culture." 389 Adair, Charles H., J r . THE IMPORTANCE OF SELECTED INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL VARIABLES TO THE UTILIZATION OF LEARNINGS AND RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATIONS OF MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS IN INDIA. Kansas, 1970. 210p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 3033-A; UM 70-25,294. 390 Ahmad, Dabir. AN EVALUATION OF THE IN-SERVICE PROGRAMS ORGANIZED BY THE EXTENSION SERVICES DEPARTMENTS OF THE NORTHERN ZONE IN INDIA DURING THE PERIOD 1961-1965. Arkansas, 1967. 176p. DA 28 (July 1967): 136-A; UM 67-8708. Studies in-service teacher education in some of the Extension Services Departments of the Northern Zone of the Directorate of Extension Services Programs for Secondary Schools Education. 59 391 INDIA 391 Altbach, Philip G. STUDENTS, POLITICS, AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN A DEVELOPING AREA: THE CASE OF BOMBAY, INDIA. Chicago, 1966. 505p. 392 Arayathinal, Reverend Sebastian Carmel. SELECTED SUPERVISORY PRACTICES OF HEADMASTERS OF CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS IN KERALA STATE, SOUTH INDIA. Fordham, 1967. 303p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3397-98-A; UM 68-3712. Supervisory practices related to the teachers 1 understanding of pupils and to the improvement of faculty. 393 Augustus, Amelia. PENN SCHOOL AT HOME AND OVERSEAS: A STUDY OF A UNIQUE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION AND MODEL FOR FOREIGN VISITORS. Columbia, 1970. 125p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1590-A; UM 70-18,132. Includes the impact of the Perm concept of school-community coordination upon Indian educators. 394 Bal, Amarjit Singh. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES OF JOHN DEWEY AND MAHATMA GANDHI AND AN EXAMINATION OF BASIC EDUCATION IN PUNJAB, INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1970. 166p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5262-A; UM 71-9757. 395 Bennett, Richard George. UNITED STATES EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES IN FACULTIES OF THE MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO UNIVERSITY OF BARODA, INDIA. Michigan, 1971. vii, 325p. A study of the acceptability and efficacy of American instructional practices. Busch, Gladys M. A STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TEACHERS1 CASTE-CONSCIOUSNESS AND STUDENTS1 EDUCATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATIONS IN HIGH SCHOOLS IN INDIA. See entry 953. Chandrasekharaiah, Kananur V. THE STUDY OF THE "PERSONAL HOPES AND ASPIRATIONS; PERSONAL WORRIES AND FEARS" OF THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT IN BANGALORE CITY, MYSORE STATE, INDIA. See entry 954. 396 Desai, Haribhai Gulabbhai, A STUDY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (DEPSE) EXPERIMENTAL PROJECTS PROGRAMME. New Mexico, 1968. 194p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4179-80-A; UM 69-9240. DEPSE is the Directorate of Extension Programmes for Secondary Education. 397 Dhar, Trilok Nath. GRADUATE UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE PLANNING OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1969. 335p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1531-32-A; UM 70-17,544. Attempts to indicate important areas in which 60 EDUCATION / WITHIN INDIA 405 adjustments are required so as to regulate the planning of university education. Di Bona, Joseph E. CULTURE CHANGE AND SOCIAL CONFLICT AT A NORTH INDIAN UNIVERSITY. See entry 961. 398 Edwards, Seth Jaivant, J r . A PROPOSED COURSE INEARTH SCIENCE FOR THE SECONDARY SCIENCE CURRICULUM OF INDIAN SCHOOLS, DEVELOPED FROM THE ANALYSIS, EVALUATION, AND ADAPTATION OF EARTH SCIENCE COURSES BEING TAUGHT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Indiana, 1968. 163p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1162-A; UM 68-13,684. 399 Fernandes, Margaret. EDUCATIONAL GOALS AND PHILOSOPHY OF NURSERY SCHOOL EDUCATION IN INDIA AND THE U.S. Brigham Young, 1966. 135p. DA 27 (Oct. 1966): 1127-A; UM 66-10,857. 400 Ghosh, Bhakti. THE NATURE OF GUIDANCE SERVICES IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES. Baylor, 1966. 271 p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 2878-A; UM 67-2926. Includes a survey of the Indian secondary school guidance program which revealed that the program was inadequate in the areas of finance, guidance tools, and trained personnel in spite of strong government support extended to it. 401 Hackett, Peter. THE NATIONAL DISCIPLINE SCHEME FOR INDIAN SCHOOL YOUTH. Michigan, 1968. 202 p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 147-48-A; UM 69-12,116. The program for secondary school students conceived by General J. K. Bhonsle. 402 Hanumanthappa, Hanumanthappa Sanjeevappa. A BASIS FOR DEVELOPING PROGRAMS OF ADULT FARMER EDUCATION IN INDIA. Minnesota, 1966. 220p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1621-A; UM 66-12,205. 403 Hogle, Homer Lefevre. THE INFLUENCE OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION IN SELECTED VILLAGES OF KAIRA DISTRICT (GUJARAT, INDIA). Michigan, 1970. 180p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 3857-A; UM 71-4637. Studies the differing influences of three extension agencies on agricultural practices and production. 404 John, Aleyamma Koshy. INVESTIGATION OF PERSONALITY AND TEACHER-PUPIL RAPPORT AS RELATED TO SEX, RELIGION, EDUCATION, SUBJECTS TAUGHT, TRAINING, AGE AND EXPERIENCE OF SELECTED SECONDARY TEACHERS OF BANGALORE, INDIA. Catholic University of America, 1971. 152p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1338-A; UM 71-24,311. 405 John, Thomas. DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF CRITERIA AND INSTRUMENTS FOR AN EVALUATIVE STUDY OF THE 61 406 INDIA EFFECTIVENESS OF THE U.S. AIDED REGIONAL COLLEGE PROGRAM FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION IN INDIA. Ohio State, 1969. 237p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1449-50-A; UM 69-15,929. 406 Kahane, Reuven. HIGHER EDUCATION AND POLITICAL INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1970. 897p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 1087-A; UM 71-15,808. Asserts that the pattern of Indian higher education that was shaped by the British and the Brahmins under the threat of national disintegration is a major factor underlying present-day India r s unity and quasidemocratic stability. 407 Kale, Pratima. THE CAREER OF THE SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER IN POONA, INDIA. Wisconsin, 1970. 246p. DAI31 (May 1971): 5670-A; UM 70-24,755. Includes a survey of the teachers T attitudes toward their work and their role in relation to the educational bureaucracy. 408 Kathuria, Ravinder. SOME FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF SCIENCE AND ARTS STUDENTS IN INDIAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. London, 1967. 409 Kaur, Surjit. AN ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDANCE SERVICES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF INDIA. Washington State, 1967. 181 p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2072-A; UM 67-15,752. 410 Kennedy, Shirley Marshall. BIO-CULTURAL DIMENSIONS IN LEARNING AND TEACHING. Oregon, 1969. 137p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3464-65-B; UM 70-2517. Based on research conducted in Uttar Pradesh. 411 Khasnavis, Pratyush Kumar. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL STUDIES PROGRAMS IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES. Baylor, 1969. 165p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3364-A; UM 70-2033. Khurshid, Anis. STANDARDS FOR LIBRARY EDUCATION IN BURMA, CEYLON, INDIA, AND PAKISTAN. See entry 60. 412 Kidder, David Elwyn. EDUCATION AND MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA: MIDDLE-LEVEL MANPOWER. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967. xiii, 220p. Krishnaswamy, ManthriS. AN ANALYSIS OF U.S. ASSISTANCE TO AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION IN INDIA UNDER THE INTERINSTITUTIONAL PROGRAM. See entry 314. 413 Kundu, Mahima Ranjan. THE EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MAHATMA GANDHI AND ITS IMPACT ON EDU62 __ EDUCATION / WITHIN INDIA 420 CATION IN INDIA. Oregon, 1967. 232p. DA 29 (July 1968): 185-86-A; UM 68-10,001. 414 Laska, John Anthony, J r . PLANNING AND EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA, 1947-1961. Columbia, 1967. 243p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4146-A; UM 70-7013. Studies whether India has been able to prepare and implement a relatively optimal educational plan. Lipkin, John P. SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION IN TRANSITION: BOMBAY UNIVERSITY, 1857-1964. See entry 613. 415 Malikail, Puthenpenpura Joseph Scaria. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TEACHER EDUCATION IN INDIA WITH CERTAIN SELECTED COUNTRIES. Oregon, 1968. 205p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3501-A; UM 69-6645. Comparisons are made with the United States, England, the U.S.S.R., and Japan. 416 Mathew, Mariamma. RESIDENTIAL LIGHTING CONDITIONS FOR STUDENT STUDY, FACULTY OF HOME SCIENCE, BARODA, INDIA. Iowa State, 1967. 152p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4645-B; UM 68-5966. Investigates not only the existing lighting conditions at the school but also (1) student study practices in terms of duration of study time, (2) type of lighting used for studying, (3) space available for individual use and location of study area and study table, and (4) the extent of students 1 knowledge with regard to optimal lighting conditions for studying. 417 Mehra, Nirmal. ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS: STATE OF DELHI, INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1967. 231p. DA 29 (July 1968): 100-A; UM 68-10,270. 418 Menon, Anila Bhatt. UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE AND REFORM IN INDIA: A FIELD STUDY AND CASE ANALYSIS. Wisconsin, 1969. 151 p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 610-A; UM 70-3623. Reviews the development of the current system of Indian higher education, its policies and programs affecting students, and the present status of student personnel and guidance services. 419 Moncur, Earl. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF EXTENSION SYSTEMS IN SELECTED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Cornell, 1968. 241 p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1749-A; UM 68-16,758. Coverage extends to twenty countries including India and Pakistan. 420 Morenas, Yasmin. INTERESTS OF INDIAN HOME SCIENCE COLLEGE STUDENTS AND FACULTY IN CAREERS RELATED TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Wisconsin, 1969. 323p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 787-88-B; UM 70-3637. Based on a study undertaken at three Indian colleges: Lady Irwin, Delhi; Sri 63 421 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 INDIA ; Avinashilingam, Coimbatore; and the Faculty of Home Science, Baroda. Noronha, Reverend Peter. AN INQUIRY INTO THE CONCEPT OF SECULAR STATE AND EDUCATIONAL POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR INDIA. Minnesota, 1970. 278p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2017-18-A; UM 70-20,219. Phanuel, Mirabai Pushpanathan. A PLAN FOR DEVELOPING AN ENRICHED CURRICULUM IN SCIENCE IN MADRAS STATE, INDIA. Florida, 1966. 146p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 2952-53-A; UM 67-3496. For the secondary school level. Premi, Mahendra K. IMPLICATIONS OF POPULATION TRENDS FOR PLANNING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN INDIA. Chicago, 1968. 295p. Rolston, Faith N. IMPLICATIONS OF THE IN-SERVICE TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR INSERVICE EDUCATION OF PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS IN INDIA. Wisconsin, 1967. 160p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 522-523-A; UM 67-3413. Saini, Bakhshish Kaur. ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS CONNECTED WITH THE GANDHIAN PLAN OF EDUCATION IN INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1966. 115p. DA 27 (Feb. 1967): 2343-44-A; UM 66-15,486. Reviews and analyzes the administrative problems confronting Basic Education, interprets whether the Plan is failing because of inherent defects in it or because of its poor implementation, and suggests ways of overcoming the various problems. Saiyed, Abdur R. EDUCATION AND MODERNIZATION OF ATTITUDES IN INDIA: A GROUP-MEDIATED ANALYSIS. See entry 982. Samuel, N. Koshy. THE ROLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA SINCE INDEPENDENCE. Catholic University of America, 1971. 213 p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1305-A; UM 71-24,312. Analyzes the administrative and organizational structure of Indian institutions of higher learning after Independence and the role of State and Central Governments in the field of higher education. Sardana, Madan Lai. A CURRICULUM DESIGN FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION FOR INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGES. California (Los Angeles), 1969. 136p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 4743-44-A; UM 70-8198. Sekhri, Sudershan Kumari. AN ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS IN THE FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN INDIA. Cal64 EDUCATION / WITHIN INDIA 435 ifornia (Berkeley), 1967. 211 p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 3950-A; UM 68-5820. Analyzes the efforts of Kerala, Madras, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh to develop programs of compulsory primary education. 429 Shah, Jafar Ali. RATIONALE AND GUIDELINES FOR DEVELrOPING AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN SELECTED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST [i.e., SOUTH] ASIA. Pennsylvania State, 1970. 230p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4634-A; UM 71-6358. Focuses on public schools in India and Pakistan. 430 Singh, Lai. A STUDY OF AGRICULTUKAL EXTENSION IN INDIA WITH REORGANIZATIONAL POSSIBILITIES AT AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. Oklahoma State, 1969. 163p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4022-23-A; UM 70-21,483. Concludes that India1 s existing system cannot provide for the dissemination of extension information and the provision of related services and at the same time fully coordinate extension with research and teaching. Spencer, Metta W. POLITICAL BEHAVIOR OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN INDIA. See entry 759. 431 Sullivan, Edward Eugene. A COMPARISON OF SELECTED TEACHER TRAINING COLLEGES IN GUJARAT, INDIA: A STUDY OF EDUCATION IN SOCIAL CHANGE. Michigan, 1966. 141 p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3352-A; UM 67-1813. Seeks to determine whether differences exist between the social attitudes of students attending colleges based on the British pattern of teacher education and those at a college following GandhiTs scheme of Basic Education. 432 Thomas, T. M. A STUDY OF SOME EDUCATIONAL REFORMS MADE IN FREE INDIA: THEIR IMPACT ON CULTURAL TRANSMISSION AND INNOVATION. Boston University, 1968. 406p. DA 29 (May 1969): 3925-26-A; UM 69-7879. Includes a case study of Kerala. 433 Tickoo, Champa. A CRITICAL STUDY OF THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN MODERN INDIA: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PROBLEMS AND PATTERNS OF GROWTH SINCE 1947. London, 1968. 434 Vedanayagam, Edith Gnanam. AN ANALYSIS OF THE IN-SERVICE TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN INDIA. Oregon State, 1966. 189p. DA 27 (Feb. 1967): 2434-A; UM 67-754. 435 Vyas, Premila Hariprasad. CRITERIA IDENTIFIED BY AMER65 436 INDIA ICAN PROFESSORS FOR SELECTING PARTICIPANTS FOR THE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE PROGRAM IN INDIA. Houston, 1967. 189p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2508-A; UM 67-16,137. 436 Wood, Glynn Linhart. PLANNING, LOCAL INTEREST, AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN AN INDIAN STATE. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969. xi, 346p. 437 Yelaja, Shankar A. SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY AND SERVICES CURRICULUM IN INDIAN SCHOOLS OF SOCIAL WORK. Pennsylvania, 1967. 344p. DA 28 (Sept. 1967): 1017-A; UM 67-11,408. Indian Students Abroad Includes studies of the "brain drain/ 438 Abdushah, AbdiA. AN EXPLORATION IN DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY: RE SOCIALIZATION AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT. Oregon, 1969. 252p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1353-A; UM 70-15,328. Includes a study of the authority structure of the early socializing institutions of Asian students in the U.S.A. 439 Aitken, Norman Dale. ENTREPRENEURIAL POTENTIAL IN UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES: A TEST OF MAJOR HYPOTHESES. Tennessee, 1967. 280p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 3828-A; UM 68-3726. Measures the entrepreneurial potential of Chinese and Indian students studying in the United States. 440 Basu, Arun Chandra. A STUDY OF GRADUATE AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS FROM INDIA AT SELECTED LAND GRANT COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Missouri, 1966. 388p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 2716-A; UM 67-2845. 441 Becker, Tamar Shifron. PERCEPTIONS AND ATTITUDINAL CHANGES AMONG FOREIGN STUDENTS ON THE UCLA CAMPUS. California (Los Angeles), 1966. 336p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3519-20-A; UM 67-4493. Indian students were one-third of the sample at the University of California campus. 442 Colacicco, Mary Grace. A COMPARISON OF ITEM RESPONSES ON THE MMPI BY SELECTED AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STUDENTS. Purdue, 1970. 166p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1572-A; UM 70-18,616. Indian students were one of 4 groups of subjects to whom the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory was administered. 443 Dorai, Gopalakrishnan Chidambaram. ECONOMICS OF THE 66 EDUCATION / INDIAN STUDENTS ABROAD 451 INTERNATIONAL FLOW OF STUDENTS: A COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS. Wayne State, 1967. 147 p. DA 29 (July 1968): 14-15-A; UM 68-9957. Includes a study of the economic considerations underlying the decision of many Indian students educated in the United States not to return to India. 444 Gandhi, Rajnikant Suresh. LITTLE INDIA: LOCALISM AND COSMOPOLITANISM IN AN INDIAN STUDENT COLONY. Minnesota, 1967. 382p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3777-78-A; UM 68-1614. A study of Indian students at the University of Minnesota. 445 Hekmati-Tehrani, Mehri. ALIENATION, FAMILY TIES, AND SOCIAL POSITION AS FACTORS RELATED TO THE NON-RETURN OF FOREIGN STUDENTS. New York, 1970. 214p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6734-35-A; UM 71-13,647. A study of the T brain drainT to the United States based on a sample of students from India, the Philippines, and five other countries. 446 Kyaw Win, U. A STUDY OF THE DIFFICULTIES INDIAN AND JAPANESE STUDENTS ENCOUNTERED IN SIX PROBLEM AREAS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 1969-1970. Southern California, 1971. The six areas are: academic, financial, housing, religious, personal, and social. 447 Maslog, Crispin Chio. FILIPINO AND INDIAN STUDENTST IMAGES: OF THEMSELVES, OF EACH OTHER, AND OF THE UNITED STATES. Minnesota, 1967. 196p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4589-90-A; UM 68-7356. A study of national stereotypes. 448 Niland, John Rodney. THE BRAIN DRAIN OF HIGHLY TRAINED ENGINEERING MANPOWER FROM ASIA INTO THE UNITED STATES. Illinois, 1970. 195p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 1957-58-A; UM 70-21,026. Involves foreign engineering graduate students from India, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, and Japan. 449 Oh, Tai Keun. ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION IN THE ASIAN BRAIN DRAIN. Wisconsin, 1970. 920 p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 4987-88-A; UM 70-24,712. Focuses on migration from India and East Asian countries. 450 Orthman, William George. IMPLICATIONS OF THE BRAIN DRAIN: VERDICT OF EDUCATED IMMIGRANTS IN THE PUGET SOUND AREA. Washington (Seattle), 1971. 270p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1127-28-A; UM 71-24,070. Uses India as an example of the effects of the brain drain on a developing nation in this study of the Puget Sound area of the state of Washington. 451 Schade, Burkhard. DAS STUDIUM IM AUSLAND ALS PSYCHOLOGISCHER PROZESS: ORIEN TIE RUNGS PROBLE ME BEI STUDENTEN AUS ENTWICKLUNGSLANDERN AN DEUTSCHEN 67 452 ; INDIA HOCHSCHULE. [German: Studying Abroad as a Psychological Process: Orientation Problems of Students from the Developing Countries Who Are Attending German Institutes of Higher Education.] Bonn, 1968. xi, 283 p. Focuses on students from India, Africa, Iran, and the Arab world. 452 Telleen, Judy G. Johnson. A PREDICTIVE MODEL OF THE CUMULATIVE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF GRADUATE STUDENTS FROM INDIA: BASED UPON DATA COLLECTED ON 54 VARIABLES IN A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF 300 INDIAN GRADUATE STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DURING THE TWENTY-YEAR PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1947 TO AUGUST 1968. Michigan, 1970. 317p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1284-85-A; UM 71-23,890. HISTORY Archaeology 453 Goff, Clare Letitia. NEW EVIDENCE OF CULTURAL DEVELr OPMENT IN LURISTAN IN THE LATE 2nd AND EARLY FIRST MILLENNIA. London, 1966. 454 Mughal, Mohammad Rafique. THE EARLY HARAPPAN PERIOD IN THE GREATER INDUS VALLEY AND NORTHERN BALUCHISTAN (c. 3000-2400 B.C.). Pennsylvania, 1970. 425p. DAI32 (Aug. 1971): 683-84-B; UM 71-19,263. 455 Muhly, James David. COPPER AND TIN: THE DISTRIBUTION OF MINERAL RESOURCES AND THE NATURE OF THE METALS TRADE IN THE BRONZE AGE. Yale, 1969. 856p. DAI30 (Feb. 1970): 3383-A; UM 70-2774. A study that includes India. 456 Naik, Iqbal Abdul Razak. THE CULTURE OF THE NILGIRI HILLS WITH ITS CATALOGUE COLLECTION AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM. London, 1966. 457 Pal, AMI Chandra. A STUDY OF THE POTTERY OF THE JORWE CULTURE OF MAHARASHTRA. London, 1969. 458 Rashid, Muhammad Harunur. THE EARLY HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST BENGAL IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL 68 HISTORY / EARLY TO 1200 466 MATERIAL. Cambridge, 1969. 459 Sharma, Tarun Chandra. PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGY OF ASSAM: A STUDY OF NEOLITHIC CULTURES. London, 1966. Earlv to 1200 460 Bajpai, Shiva Gopal. INTER-STATE RELATIONS IN NORTHERN INDIA, c.. A.D. 800-1200. London, 1967. 461 Berghoff, Wilhelm. PALLADIUS: DE GENTIBUS INDIAE ET BRAGMANIBUS. [Latin title, text in German and Greek: The Writings of Palladius Concerning the People of India and the Brahmans.] K(51n, 1966. 30, 55p. The writings of a late fourth century Greek Christian ecclesiastic. 462 Bhattacharyya, Sureshchandra. THE EVOLUTION OF SCRIPT IN NORTH-EASTERN INDIA FROM a, A.D. 400 TO 1200, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BENGAL. London, 1969. 463 Brucker, Egon. WIRTSCHAFT UND FINANZEN IM STAATE KAUTILYAS UNTER BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG DER HISTORISCHEN UND SOZIALEN VERHALTNISSE. [German: Economy and Finance in the State of Kautilya with Particular Regard to Historical and Social Conditions.] Wtirzburg, 1966. 158p. Based on a study of the Kautllya-Arthagastra, the thesis focuses on Kautilya's financial administration and tax system. 464 Chattopadhyaya, B. D. COINS AND CURRENCY SYSTEMS IN EARLY SOUTH INDIA, c_. 225 A.D. - 1300 A.D. Cambridge, 1969. 465 Daunicht, Hubert. DER OSTEN NACH DER ERDKARTE ALHUWARIZMIS: BEITRAGE ZUR HISTORISCHEN GEOGRAPHIE UND GESCHICHTE ASIENS. Bd. 1 REKONSTRUKTION DER KARTE, INTERPRETATION DER KARTE: SUDASIEN. [German: The East According toal-Khwarazmi's Map of the World: Contributions to Asian Historical Geography and History. Volume 1. Reconstruction and Interpretation of the Map: South Asia.] Bonn, 1966. 495p. A scientific reconstruction of the South Asian portion of the map prepared by this early ninth century Arab cartographer. Hall, Arnold M. THE CONCEPT OF POLITICAL REFORM IN BUDDHIST LITERATURE. See entry 818. 466 Islam, Kamrunnesa. ECONOMIC HISTORY OF BENGAL (c. 4001200 A.D.). London, 1966. 69 467 INDIA 467 Kumar, Sudarshan. SOCIAL CONDITIONS IN ANCIENT KASHMIR (c, A.D. 855-1150). London, 1969. 468 Maloney, Clarence T. THE EFFECTS OF EARLY COASTAL SEA TRAFFIC ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CIVILIZATION IN SOUTH INDIA. Pennsylvania, 1968. 343p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3596-97-B; UM 69-5644. 469 Morrison, Barrie McAra. THE PROPERTY-TRANSFER INSCRIPTIONS OF BENGAL FROM THE FIFTH TO THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. Chicago, 1966. 272 p. 470 Ranawella, Gallege Sirimal. A POLITICAL HISTORY OF ROHANA FROM c, 991-1255 A.D. London, 1966. 471 Spencer, George Woolley. ROYAL LEADERSHIP AND IMPERIAL CONQUEST IN MEDIEVAL SOUTH INDIA: THE NAVAL EXPEDITION OF RAJENDRA CHOLA I, c. 1025 A.D. California (Berkeley), 1967. 229p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 4081-82-A; UM 68-5826. The expedition across the Bay of Bengal to raid the ports of the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, and its background. 472 Trautmann, Thomas Roger. THE STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION OF THE KAUTILIYA ARTHAgASTRA. London, 1968. 384 p. A statistico-linguistic study of the authorship of the text, together with an analysis of the legends of Canakya. 1200-1800 473 Aidrich, Michael Ray. CANNABIS MYTHS AND FOLKLORE. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970. 168p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4654-A; UM 71-7140. Part 2 of the dissertation considers accounts of the use of cannabis (hemp drugs) in India during the 1600Ts and 1700Ts. 474 Asghar, K. G. THE ROLE OF THE NOBILITY DURING THE EARLY TURKISH RULE IN INDIA, 1210-1266. Edinburgh, 1969. 475 Bakke, John Paul. THE DEBATES ON THE FOX AND PITT EAST INDIA BILLS, 1783, 1784: A CASE STUDY IN THE RHETORIC OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Iowa, 1966. 632p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1461-62-A; UM 66-11,641. The struggles between the British Government and the East India Company for the control of India. Borpujari, J. G. THE BRITISH IMPACT ON THE INDIAN COTTON TEXTILE INDUSTRY, 1757-1865. See entry 505. 70 HISTORY / 1200-1800 484 Brodkin, Edward I. ROHILKHAND FROM CONQUEST TO REVOLT, 1774-1858: A STUDY IN THE ORIGINS OF THE INDIAN MUTINY UPRISING. See entry 532. 476 Callahan, Raymond Aloysius, J r . THE REORGANIZATION OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S ARMIES, 1784-1798. Harvard, 1967. vii, 512p. Chattopadhyaya, B. D. COINS AND CURRENCY SYSTEMS IN EARLY SOUTH INDIA, c_. 225 A.D. - 1300 A.D. See entry 464. 477 Chaudhury, Susil. TRADE AND COMMERCIAL ORGANISATION IN BENGAL, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY, 1650-1720. London, 1969. 478 Disney, Anthony R. AN EARLY IMPERIAL CRISIS: THE PORTUGUESE EMPIRE IN INDIA IN THE EARLY 17th CENTURY AND ITS RESPONSES TO THE ANGLO-DUTCH CHALLENGE. Harvard, 1971. 479 Feldbaek, Ole. INDIA TRADE UNDER THE DANISH FLAG 1772-1808: EUROPEAN ENTERPRISE AND ANGLO-INDIAN REMITTANCE AND TRADE'. Copenhagen, 1969. 359p. A description and evaluation of Danish overseas trade as conducted by the Asiatic Company and private merchants, and an analysis of the Companyrs and the private merchants T connections with and dependence on the special Indian market fluctuations and the illegal Anglo-Indian trade and remittances of capital. 480 Fischer, David. THE DEVELOPMENT AND ORGANIZATION OF ENGLISH TRADE TO ASIA, 1553-1605. London, 1970. 481 Fry, H. T. ALEXANDER DALRYMPLE, COSMOGRAPHER AND SERVANT OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY. Cambridge, 1967. 482 George, Dieter. SANMUKHAKALPA: EIN LEHRBUCH PER ZAUBEREI UND DIEBESKUNST AUS DEM INDISCHEN MITTELALTER. [German: Sanmukhakalpa: A Manual on Sorcery and Thievery from the Indian Medieval Period.] Marburg, 1966. 303 p. An analysis and annotated translation of an anonymous and undated Sanskrit work in the collection of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 483 Ghosh, Sureshchandra. THE SOCIAL CONDITION OF THE BRITISH COMMUNITY IN BENGAL, 1757-1800. London, 1966. 484 Gurney, J. D. THE DEBTS OF THE NAWAB OF ARCOT, 17631776. Oxford, 1968. Jahan, Bilquis. SOME ASPECTS OF THE HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF EAST PAKISTAN, 1608-1857. See entry 1072. 71 485 INDIA 485 Kennedy, Brian Ernest. ANGLO-FRENCH RIVALRY IN INDIA AND THE EASTERN SEAS, 1763-1793: A STUDY OF ANGLOFRENCH TENSIONS, AND OF THEIR IMPACT ON THE CONSOLIDATION OF BRITISH POWER IN THE REGION. Australian National, 1969. 486 Khan, Abdul Majed. MUHAMMAD REZA KHAN, NAIB NAZIM, AND NAIB DIWAN OF BENGAL, 1756-1775. London, 1966. 487 Khan, Mohammad Islamullah. POLITICAL RELATIONS OF AVADH DYNASTY WITH [THE] EAST INDIA COMPANY: 17641856. Claremont, 1968. 260p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 709-10-A; UM 70-9823. Includes extensive information on the circumstances under which Avadh (Oudh) was annexed by the British and on the administrative style and prevailing socio-economic condition of Avadh in the post-annexation period. 488 Lehmann, Frederick Louis. THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TRANSITION IN INDIA: RESPONSES OF SOME BIHAR INTELLECTUALS. Wisconsin, 1967. 265p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 598-A; UM 67-3400. Examines cultural and intellectual developments in Patna and its environs with focus on Dariya, Ghulam Husayn, Ram Narayan, Shitab Ray, Kalyan Singh, Shah Ayat Allah Jauhri, and Ghulam Ali Rasikh. 489 Mahmood, Abul Barakat Mahi Uddin. THE LAND REVENUE HISTORY OF THE RAJSHAHI ZAMINDARI, 1765-1793. London, 1966. 490 Mohsin, Khan Mohammad. A STUDY OF THE MURSHIDABAD DISTRICT, 1765-1793. London, 1966. 491 Murton, Brian Joseph. MAN, MIND, AND LAND: A PEASANT PRODUCTION SYSTEM IN LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SOUTH INDIA. Minnesota, 1970. 297p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 6058-B; UM 71-8189. Focuses on drought hazard and adaptation in Tamilnadu State. 492 Pearson, Michael Naylor. COMMERCE AND COMPULSION: GUJARATI MERCHANTS AND THE PORTUGUESE SYSTEM IN WESTERN INDIA, 1500-1600. Michigan, 1971. viii, 393p. Describes and analyzes the response of Gujarati merchants and political authorities to the claims and demands of the Portuguese, who practiced a system of trade control in Asia and especially in western India. 493 Rahman, Zillur. THE EVOLUTION OF CIVIL PROCEDURE IN BENGAL FROM 1772 TO 1806. London, 1967. 494 Ramanujam, Chidambaram Srinivasachari. BRITISH RELATIONS WITH TANJORE (1748-1799). London, 1968. 72 HISTORY / 1800-1947 (ECONOMY) 495 496 497 498 499 500 503 Ranawella, Gallege Sirimal. A POLITICAL HISTORY OF ROHANA FROM c. 991-1255 A.D. See entry 470. Ray, Aniruddha. ANARCHIES, R^VOLTES, ET &MEUTES DANS LTINDE MOGOLE (1658-1739). [French: Anarchy, Revolts, and Disturbances in Mogul India, 1658-1739.] Paris, 1967. 405, lxxiii p. (Doctorat de sp6eialit6) Ray, Indrani. LES COMMER£ANTS FRAN£AIS AU BENGAL (1686-1757). [French: French Merchants in Bengal, 1686-1757.] Paris, 1967. 269, xlii p. (Doctorat de speciality) Refai, G. Z. ANGLO-MUGHAL RELATIONS IN WESTERN INDIA AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF BOMBAY, 1662-1690. Cambridge, 1968. Richards, John Folsom. MUGHAL RULE IN GOLCONDA: 16871724. California (Berkeley), 1970. 383p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 866-A; UM 71-20,897. Spray, William Arthur. SURVEYING AND CHARTING THE INDIAN OCEAN: THE BRITISH CONTRIBUTION, 1750-1838. London, 1966. Van Aalst, Frank Daigh. THE BRITISH VIEW OF INDIA 1750 TO 1785. Pennsylvania, 1970. 476p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5341-A; UM 71-7867. Shows how the view that India needed British rule achieved wide acceptance among the British public as people increasingly came to believe that India was not only corrupt but also corrupted Englishmen who lived there. 1800-1947 -- Economy 501 Adams, John Quincy (III). ECONOMIC CHANGE, EXPORTS, AND IMPORTS: THE CASE OF INDIA, 1870-1960. Texas, 1966. 420p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 330-A; UM 66-7293. Describes changes in the level, composition, direction, and related features of India's foreign trade; accounts for the pattern of this trade on the basis of the structure of the national economy; and examines the impact that this trade had on India's predominantly rural economy. 502 Ambannavar, J. P. THE INDIAN WORKING FORCE AND EMPLOYMENT PATTERN SINCE 1911. Australian National, 1970. 503 Appleyard, Dennis Ray. TERMS OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. Michigan, 1966. 73 504 INDIA 201 p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 2708-09-A; UM 67-1704. A study focusing on Indian exports and imports during the period 1903/041952/53 which concludes that while the commodity terms of trade showed no particular deterioration, the income terms of trade did. 504 Bandyopadhyay, Premansukumar. BRITISH FAMINE AND AGRICULTURAL POLICIES IN INDIA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF LORD GEORGE HAMILTON, 1895-1903. London, 1969. 505 Borpujari, J. G. THE BRITISH IMPACT ON THE INDIAN COTTON TEXTILE INDUSTRY, 1757-1865. Cambridge, 1970. 506 Chakravarti, Aninda Kumar. THE AREAL RELATIONSHIPS OF FOODGRAIN PRODUCTION AND AGRICULTURAL POPULATION IN INDIA, 1921-1951. Wisconsin, 1967. 275p. DA 28 (Sept. 1967): 934-B; UM 67-6790. Demonstrates that the distribution of agricultural population varies directly with the distribution of foodgrain production. 507 Chaudhuri, B. B. THE AGRARIAN ECONOMY AND AGRARIAN RELATIONS IN BENGAL, 1859-1885. Oxford, 1968. 508 Dasgupta, Biplabkumar. OIL PRICES AND THE INDIAN MARKET: 1886-1964. London, 1966. 509 Ganesan, Krishnamurthy. DISSIMILAR STANDARDS AND THE EFFECTS OF DEPRECIATION, INDIA (1873-1893): A CASE STUDY. Virginia, 1967. 170p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3340-A; UM 68-3111. A study of the changing ratio of the value of silver to gold during this period which concludes that the Indian economy (whose currency was based solely on the silver standard) was saved from the depressing effects of declining prices due to the scarcity elsewhere of gold. 510 Gulilat, Taye. PROTECTION AND INFANT INDUSTRY PROMOTION: A CASE STUDY OF THE INDIAN IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY FROM 1924 TO 1938. California (Berkeley), 1967. 309p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 3861-A; UM 68-5730. Shows how the industry, which initially operated from a ppsition of cost disadvantage, succeeded in eliminating that disadvantage with the help of tariff protection so that it eventually could dispense with such protection. 511 Hafner, Annemarie. ZUR HERAUSBILDUNG DES REVOLUTIONAREN FLUGELS DER INDISCHEN ARBEITERBEWEGUNG VON 1918-1922. [German: The Formation of the Revolutionary Wing of the Indian Workers Movement, 1918-1922.] Humboldt Univers i t y (Berlin), 1967. v, 201, liv p. 74 HISTORY / 1800-1947 (ECONOMY) 520 512 Hodgson, Jacqueline Lou. AN EVALUATION OF THE PREBISCH THESIS. Wisconsin, 1966. 467p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 381-A; UM 66-9921. Includes an investigation of the composition and direction of trade and the export and import price trends of India between 1860 and 1954. 513 Hurd, John (II). SOME ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRINCELY STATES OF INDIA, 1901-1931. Pennsylvania, 1969. 313 p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2235-A; UM 69-21,372. Measures the variations in output among the states and studies the economic consequences of the division of India into Princely States and British areas. 514 Lim, Margaret Julia Beng Chu. BRITAIN AND THE TERMINATION OF THE INDIA-CHINA OPIUM TRADE, 1905-1913. London, 1969. 515 Mohammed, A. Y. A. THE SUEZ CANAL AND THE TRENDS OF BRITISH TRADE TO AND FROM THE MIDDLE AND THE FAR EAST DURING THE PERIOD 1854-1966. St. Andrews, 1967/68. 516 Mudholkar, Gauri-Vrinda Govind. THE ENTREPRENEURIAL AND TECHNICAL CADRES OF THE BOMBAY COTTON TEXTILE INDUSTRY BETWEEN 1854 AND 1914: A STUDY IN THE INTERNATIONAL TRANSMISSION AND DIFFUSION OF TECHNIQUES. North Carolina, 1969. 389p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 43-A; UM 70-12,087. Explains why the industry failed to develop after 1890 into a viable industry capable of spreading machine technology throughout the Indian economy. 517 Mukherjee, Hena. THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE EAST INDIAN RAILWAY, 1845-1879. London, 1966. 518 Newman, R. K. LABOUR ORGANISATION IN THE BOMBAY TEXTILE INDUSTRY, 1918-1929. Sussex, 1970. 519 Rider, Thomas Duncan. THE TARIFF POLICY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA AND ITS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY, 1894-1924. Minnesota, 1971. 454p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1452-53-A; UM 71-22,236. Describes the conditions that led the Government to change its tariff policy from one imposing a low revenue duty on most imports to one protecting local industry and aiding domestic economic development. 520 Saini, Krishan Gopal. SOME MEASURES OF THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF INDIA: 1860-1913. Columbia, 1968. 252p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 76-77-A; UM 71-17,616. Concludes that the failure of the government to encourage economic growth was the primary reason for the economy's inability to develop on a sustained basis. 75 521 INDIA 521 Van den Dungen, Petrus HendrMs Maria. LAND TRANSFER, SOCIAL CHANGE, AND POLITICAL STABILITY IN THE PUNJAB, 1849-1901. Australian National, 1966. 2 volumes. 522 Whitcombe, Elizabeth Marion. AGRARIAN CONDITIONS IN THE NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES AND OUDH, 1860-1900: AN ENQUIRY INTO THE EXTENT OF THEIR TRANSFORMATION UNDER BRITISH RULE. London, 1968. 523 Waheeduzzaman, Abu Mohammad. LAND RESUMPTION IN BENGAL, 1819-1846. London, 1969. 1800-1947 - - Politics, Law, and Military Activities Includes American and English attitudes and policies towards India, local and national administration, religious tensions, and the rise of nationalism. 524 Ahmad, W. THE FORMATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT, 1935. Cambridge, 1969. 525 Akhtar, Mushtaq Ahmad. THE ROYAL TITLES BILL: PUBLIC OPINION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, INDIA, AND CANADA. McGill, 1969. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1101-A. Focuses upon Disraeli's parliamentary bill that enabled Queen Victoria in 1876 to assume the title TTEmpress of India" and upon public reaction to the passage of this bill. 526 Baha, Lai. THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE NORTH WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE 1901-1919. London, 1968. 527 Baker, Donald Edward Uther. POLITICS IN A BILINGUAL PROVINCE: THE CENTRAL PROVINCES AND BERAR, INDIA, 1919-1939. Australian National, 1969. Bald, Suresht R. INDIAN NOVELISTS 1919-1947: A STUDY IN POLITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS. See entry 167. 528 Barrier, Norman Gerald. PUNJAB POLITICS AND THE DISTURBANCES OF 1907. Duke, 1966. 400 p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3804-05-A; UM 67-6095. 529 Basu, Aparna. INDIAN EDUCATION AND POLITICS, 1898-1920. Cambridge, 1967. 530 Bawa, Vasant Kumar. HYDERABAD IN TRANSITION UNDER SALAR JANG I, 1853-1883: AN INDIAN STATE UNDER BRITISH 76 HISTORY / 1800-1947 (POLITICS) 540 INFLUENCE. Tulane, 1967. 711p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 4219-A; UM 68-4023. Argues that British policy encouraged reforms and innovations only to the extent that these served British interests, that Salar JangTs challenge to British authority was justified only insofar as their policy on Berar was concerned, and that Salar JangTs goal was the establishment of a stable society in Hyderabad embodying traditional values. 531 Bayly, C. A. THE GROWTH OF POLITICAL ORGANIZATION IN THE ALLAHABAD LOCALITY, 1880-1925. Oxford, 1970. Bedford, Ian. THE TELENGANA INSURRECTION: A STUDY IN THE CAUSES AND DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNIST INSURRECTION IN RURAL INDIA, 1946-1951. See entry 705. 532 Brodkin, Edward Irwin. ROHILKHAND FROM CONQUEST TO REVOLT, 1774-1858: A STUDY IN THE ORIGINS OF THE INDIAN MUTINY UPRISING. Cambridge, 1968. 533 Brown, Emily Clara. HAR DAYAL: A PORTRAIT OF AN INDIAN INTELLECTUAL. Arizona, 1967. 521p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2168-69-A; UM 67-16,520, Investigates the nationalist activities and revolutionary views of this leader who lived between 1884 and 1939. 534 Brown, Judith Margaret. GANDHI IN INDIA 1915-1920: HIS EMERGENCE AS A LEADER AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF POLITICS. Cambridge, 1968. 535 Burns, L. P. EVELYN BARINGTS LIBERAL POLICIES IN EGYPT AND INDIA, 1877-1885. Cambridge, 1967. 536 Case, Margaret Harrison. THE ALIGARH ERA: MUSLIM POLrITICS IN NORTH INDIA, 1860-1910. Chicago, 1970. 276p. 537 Cashman, Richard Ian. THE POLITICS OF MASS RECRUITMENT: ATTEMPTS TO ORGANIZE POPULAR MOVEMENTS IN MAHARASHTRA, 1891-1908. Duke, 1969. 261 p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3389-90-A; UM 70-2145. Examines how Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak organized four mass movements: the Ganapati and Shivaji festivals, a famine campaign, and an appeal to the urban population of Bombay. 538 Chakrabarti, H. BENGALI POLITICAL UNREST, 1905-1918, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TERRORISM. Oxford, 1968. 539 Chase, F. L. AMERICAN POLICY TOWARDS INDIA, 1941-1947, WITH EMPHASIS ON THE PHILLIPS MISSION TO INDIA IN 1943. Oxford, 1967/68. 540 Chattarji, P. K. THE RELATIONS OF THE COURT OF DIRECTORS, THE INDIA BOARD, THE INDIA OFFICE, AND THE GOV77 541 INDIA ERNMENT OF INDIA, 1853-1865. Cambridge, 1967. 541 Chew, E. C. T. SIR ALFRED COMYN LYALL: A STUDY OF THE ANGLO-INDIAN OFFICIAL MIND. Cambridge, 1970. Choudhury, Barbara S. NEO-HINDUISM AND MILITANT POLITICS IN BENGAL, 1875-1910. See entry 893. 542 Choudhury, Deba Prasad. BRITISH POLICY ON THE NORTHEAST FRONTIER OF INDIA, 1865-1914. London, 1970. 543 Christy, Florence Jean. ANGLO-AMERICAN DIPLOMACY AND THE DECLINE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE, 1919-1930: THE BRITISH VIEW. Georgia, 1970. 242p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5978-A; UM 71-13,037. One chapter focuses on American diplomatic pressures levied upon Britain in response to the rise of nationalist feeling within India. 544 Cody, Donald Kevin. BRITISH ATTITUDES TOWARD INDIA: A SELECTION OF DOCUMENTS. Columbia, 1970. 212p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3462-63-A; UM 70-26,770. Focuses on the attitudes of administrators, scholars, political and religious leaders, and the Anglo-Indians during the nineteenth century; and asserts that whether a group of Britons praised or criticized Indian society, they based their judgments more on preconceptions derived from the European intellectual climate than on firsthand observations. 545 Cohen, Stephen Philip. THE MILITARY IN THE INDIAN CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER: THE BRITISH PERIOD. Wisconsin, 1967. 447p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1479-80-A; UM 67-6791. Studies the relationship of the military to the heterogeneous Indian social system; the development of a modern, indigenous professional officer corps; and the military decision-making process established by the British. 546 Compton, J. M. BRITISH GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY IN THE PRESIDENCY OF BENGAL, c, 1868 - c. 1880: AN EXAMINATION OF CERTAIN ASPECTS OF BRITISH ATTITUDES, BEHAVIOUR, AND POLICY. Oxford, 1969. 547 Copland, I. F. S. THE BOMBAY POLITICAL SERVICE, 18631924. Oxford, 1969. 548 Coughlan, Heather T. THE ROLE OF THE COUNCIL OF INDIA, 1898-1910. Duke, 1971. 285p. DAI 32: 3181-82-A;UM 72-314. 549 Crangle, John Vernon. THE DECLINE AND SURVIVAL OF BRITISH ANTI-IMPERIALISM (1878-1885). South Carolina, 1968. 277p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1722-23-A; UM 70-9286. Includes information on the criticism of British rule in India expressed 78 HISTORY / 1800-1947 (POLITICS) 560 by journalists, former administrators, critical military officers, humanitarians and some members of Parliament. 550 Das Gupta, Uma. PUBLIC OPINION AND THE INDIA POLICY, 1872-1880. Oxford, 1969. 551 Dobbin, Christine E. THE GROWTH OF URBAN LEADERSHIP IN WESTERN INDIA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BOMBAY CITY, 1840-1885. Oxford, 1967. 552 Ellis, Edward Roger Ingram. BRITISH POLICY TOWARDS PERSIA AND THE DEFENCE OF BRITISH INDIA, 1798-1807. London, 1968. 553 Fenner, Francis Edwin. DISRAELI'S INDIAN POLICY. St. John T s, 1966. 183p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3395-96-A; UM 66-14,930. Studies Benjamin Disraeli T s revival of imperialism through an examination of his attitude towards India between the 1850Ts and 1870Ts. 554 Ferrell, Donald Wayne. DELHI, 1911-1922: SOCIETY AND POLITICS IN THE NEW IMPERIAL CAPITAL OF INDIA. Australian National, 1969. Friend, Corinne V. YASHPALTS LIFE AS A REVOLUTIONARY AND ITS IMPACT ON HIS WRITING AS SEEN THROUGH HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND EARLY NOVELS. See entry 170. 555 Furedy, Christine. MUNICIPAL POLITICS IN CALCUTTA: ELITE GROUPS AND THE CALCUTTA CORPORATION 1875 TO 1900. Sussex, 1970. 556 Gordon, Leonard Abraham. BENGAL AND THE INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT. Harvard, 1969. xxxvi, 662p. Bengal's distinctive role in the movement, 1876-1940. 557 Gordon, R. A. ASPECTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SWARAJYA PARTY, 1919-1927. Oxford, 1970. 558 Greenberger, Allan Jay. THE BRITISH IMAGE OF INDIA 18801960: A STUDY IN THE LITERATURE OF IMPERIALISM. Michigan, 1966. 309p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2117-A; UM 66-14,526. Examines the changing image of India through a study of fifty authors and one hundred thirty literary works. 559 Gupta, Amitkumar. THE POLICY OF SIR JAMES FERGUSSON AS GOVERNOR OF BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, 1880-1885. London, 1967. 560 Gupta, Maya. LORD WILLIAM BENTINCK IN MADRAS, 18031807. London, 1969. 79 561 INDIA 561 Gustafson, Donald Rudolph. MYSORE 1881-1902: THE MAKING OF A MODEL STATE. Wisconsin, 1969. 347p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1107-A; UM 69-9681. A study of indirect British rule in India based on an examination of developments in Mysore following the unprecedented British decision in 1881 to restore the administration of the state to the Wodeyars, its princely family. 562 ul-Haqq, Mushir. RELIGION AND POLITICS IN MUSLIM INDIA (1857-1947): A STUDY OF THE POLITICAL IDEAS OF THE INDIAN NATIONALIST ' U L A M A WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MAWLANA ABUL KALAM AZAD, THE FAMOUS INDIAN NATIONALIST MUSLIM. McGill, 1967. 563 Heathcote, Thomas Anthony. BRITISH POLICY AND BALUCHISTAN, 1854-1876. London, 1970. 564 Hill, John Lowell. CONGRESS AND REPRESENTATIVE INSTITUTIONS IN THE UNITED PROVINCES, 1886-1901. Duke, 1967. 353p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3606-A; UM 68-2725. The Indian National Congress on the provincial level. 565 Hope, Ashley Guy. THE AMERICAN ROLE IN INDIAN INDEPENDENCE, 1940-1947. Syracuse, 1967. 316p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1372-A; UM 67-12,066. Concludes that the United States played a significant role in the realization of Indian independence through inspiration, example, direct pressure on the British, and as a leader of anti-colonial world opinion. 566 Hutchins, Francis Gilman. THE ILLUSION OF PERMANENCE: THE IDEAS OF BRITISH IMPERIALISM IN INDIA DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Harvard, 1966. ii, 365p. 567 Israel, Milton. THE ENGLISH IN INDIA AND THE PASSING OF EMPIRE: THE ANGLO-INDIAN IN DEFENSE OF AUTHORITY, 1905-1910. Michigan, 1966. 556p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 594-95-A; UM 67-8281. Describes the nature of the particular relationship which bound to Indian civilization so many Englishmen who came to India as governors, businessmen, bankers, and missionaries and who remained there for much of their lives. 568 Jaeckel, Horst. DIE NORDWESTGRENZE IN DER VERTEIDIGUNG INDIENS 1900-1908 UND DER WEG ENGLANDS ZUM RUSSISCH-BRITISCHEN ABKOMMEN VON 1907. [German: The North West Frontier in the Defense of India 1900-1908 and England's Actions Leading to the Anglo-Russian Agreement of 1907.] Heidelberg, 1966. 296p. A detailed examination of British policy. 569 Johnson, G. INDIAN POLITICS, 1888-1908. Cambridge, 1967. 80 HISTORY / 1800-1947 (POLITICS) 578^ 570 Keenleyside, Terence Ashley. ORIGINS OF INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY: A STUDY OF INDIAN NATIONALIST ATTITUDES TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS 1927-1939. London, 1966. Khan, Mohammad I. POLITICAL RELATIONS OF AVADH DYNASTY WITH [THE ] EAST INDIA COMPANY; 1764-1856. See entry 487. 571 Khuhro, Hamida. THE BRITISH ADMINISTRATION OF SIND BETWEEN 1843 AND 1865: A STUDY IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. London, 1966. 572 Koss, Stephen Edward. HIS MASTER'S VOICE: JOHN MORLEY AT THE INDIA OFFICE. Columbia, 1966. 306p. DA 27 (Sept. 1966): 730-A; UM 66-8522. Studies MorleyTs relationship with the Viceroy, Lord Minto, as well as the ideological influences which dictated his decisions during his five years as Secretary of State for India (1905-1910). 573 Krishnaswamy, S. A RIOT IN BOMBAY, AUGUST 11, 1893: A STUDY IN HINDU-MUSLIM RELATIONS IN WESTERN INDIA DURING THE LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Chicago, 1966. 276p. 574 Laushey, David Mason. THE BENGAL TERRORISTS AND THEIR CONVERSION TO MARXISM: ASPECTS OF REGIONAL NATIONALISM IN INDIA, 1905-1942. Virginia, 1969. 276p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4375-76-A; UM 70-4806. 575 Lewin, Harlan Jonathan. CHARISMATIC AUTHORITY AND TECHNOLOGICAL INTEGRATION. California (Berkeley), 1969. 262p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4514-15-A; UM 70-6156. Includes a case study of GandhiTs leadership in an effort to compare technological integration in modern societies with human, charismatic political authority found in pre-industrial societies. 576 Malhotra, Piarea Lai. THE INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION OF LORD ELGIN IN INDIA, 1894-1898. London, 1966. 577 Malik, Salah-ud Din. MUTINY: REVOLUTION OR MUSLIM REBELLION. BRITISH PUBLIC REACTION TOWARDS THE INDIAN CRISIS OF 1857. McGill, 1966. Martin, Wulf. PANCHAYATI RAJ: DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER MODERNEN LAND LICHEN SELBSTVERWALTUNG IN INDIEN UNTER BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG DES STAATES UTTAR PRADESH, MIT EINEM GESCHICHTLICHEN RUCKBLICK. See entry 741. 578 Mojumdar, Kanchanmoy. POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN INDIA AND NEPAL, 1877-1923. London, 1968. 81 579 INDIA 579 Molla, Mohammad Kasim Uddin. THE NEW PROVINCE OF EASTERN BENGAL AND ASSAM, 1905-1911. London, 1966. 580 Mukerjee, Tapan. ECONOMIC IMPACT OF DECOLONIZATION: THE BRITAIN-INDIA CASE. Colorado, 1970. 260p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2597-A; UM 70-23,736. Studies whether British colonial imperialism in India, 1880-1914, 1946-1966, was economically advantageous for Britain. 581 Mullins, Frances Harper. UNITED STATES DIPLOMACY CONCERNING THE INDIAN INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT, 1940-1945. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1971. 582 OTKeefe, Timothy John. BRITISH ATTITUDES TOWARD INDIA AND THE DEPENDENT EMPIRE, 1857-1874. Notre Dame, 1968. 365p. DA 29 (May 1969): 3959-A; UM 69-4074. Evaluates public and private opinion as found in the Parliamentary Debates, newspapers (especially the Times), periodicals, memoirs, and biographical literature. 583 Preston, Adrian William. BRITISH MILITARY POLICY AND THE DEFENCE OF INDIA: A STUDY OF BRITISH MILITARY POLICY, PLANS, AND PREPARATIONS DURING THE RUSSIAN CRISIS, 1876-1880. London, 1966. 584 Rahman, Matiur. THE ALL-INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE IN INDIAN POLITICS, 1906-1912. London, 1968. 585 Rahman, Razia. JURY AND POLICE REFORM DURING THE INDIAN VICEROYALTY OF LORD LANSDOWNE, 1888-1894. London, 1969. 586 Ramusack, Barbara Nell. INDIAN PRINCES AS IMPERIAL POLITICIANS, 1914-1939. Michigan, 1969. 329p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 1966-67-A; UM 69-18,089. Studies how certain princes sought to accommodate themselves to changing conditions within the British Indian Empire during the inter-war years. 587 Reinhardt, William Warren. THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF THE PUNJAB, 1897-1912. Duke, 1969. 260p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3407-08-A; UM 70-2167. A study of British administration at the provincial level which asserts that the Council1 s importance as an instrument of incipient Indian nationalism was extremely limited during the period. 588 Rizvi, Janet Mary. MUSLIM POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT POLICY: STUDIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSLIM ORGANIZATION AND ITS SOCIAL BACKGROUND IN NORTH INDIA AND BENGAL, 1885-1917. Cambridge, 1969. 589 Robinson, F . C. R. The Politics of UfNITED] PtROVINCE] MUSLIMS, 1906-1922. Cambridge, 1970. 82 HISTORY / 1800-1947 (POLITICS) 599 590 Ryland, Robert Shane. THE MAKING OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT, 1919. Duke, 1970. 347p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2322-A; UM 70-21,999. Focuses on the evolution of the Act that came about as a result of Indian dissatisfaction with the Government of India Act, 1909, and of British desire to reward India for her aid to England during World War I. 591 Sachdeva, Des Raj. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES IN INDIA: A CASE STUDY OF PUNJAB, 1860-1960. London, 1967. 592 Saharay, Harekrishna. JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT, 1935. London, 1967. 593 Shahid Siddiqi, Zafar M. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LAW OF STRIKES IN INDIA. Cornell, 1971. 273p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 464-A; UM 71-17,668. Studies the development of the law between 1859 and 1969 and seeks to determine whether legal restrictions have prevented the workers from having sufficient voice over the determination and governance of their working conditions. 594 Shibly, Atful Hye. THE REORGANISATION OF THE INDIAN ARMIES, 1858-1879. London, 1969. 595 Singh, Bawa Satinder. GULAB SINGH OF JAMMU, LADAKH, AND KASHMIR, 1792-1846. Wisconsin, 1966. 311p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 606-A; UM 66-13,450. 596 Singh, Bhola Prasad. GANDHI AND ROY: A STUDY OF THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF TWO REVOLUTIONARY INDIAN PERSONALITIES. Indiana, 1968. 304p. DA 29 (Nov. 1968): 1582-A; UM 68-15,465. 597 Sinha, Chittaranjan. EVOLUTION OF THE STRUCTURE OF CIVIL JUDICIARY IN BENGAL, 1800-1831. London, 1967. 598 Spangenberg, Bradford Brooks. STATUS AND POLICY: THE CHARACTER OF THE COVENANTED CIVIL SERVICE OF INDIA AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS FOR BRITISH ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY IN THE LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Duke, 1967. 434 p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3618-19-A; UM 68-2748. Asserts that the civil service was largely devoid of esprit de corps except when confronted by a common foe and that this lack of morale was the major reason for the Indian Governments failure to construct an effective policy for the employment of Indians in the higher echelons of the administration. 599 Springer, William Henry. THE MILITARY APPRENTICESHIP OF ARTHUR WELLESLEY IN INDIA, 1797-1805. Yale, 1966. 188p. DA 27 (July 1966): 171-72-A; UM 66-4930. Shows that WellesleyTs early career in India —including his military campaign against Mysore and his role as an adviser to the Governor83 600 INDIA General of India--significantly improved his knowledge and practice of military command and prepared him for his successful generalship. 600 Stevens, Charles Joseph. INTERNATIONAL LAW IN COLONIAL AND IMPERIAL CONFERENCE DISCUSSIONS. Duke, 1969. 241 p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1870-A; UM 70-18,100. Examines the applicability of international law to selected topics of intraCommonwealth and international relations considered at the Colonial and Imperial Conferences between 1887 and 1937. 601 Suntharalingam, Ramanathan. POLITICS AND CHANGE IN THE MADRAS PRESIDENCY, 1884-1894: A REGIONAL STUDY OF INDIAN NATIONALISM. London, 1966. 602 Thompson, John Neville. THE ANTI-APPEASERS: BACKBENCH CONSERVATIVE CRITICS OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS FOREIGN POLICY, 1931-1940. Princeton, 1967. 434 p. DA 29 (July 1968): 220-A; UM 68-8968. Includes British policy towards India. 603 Tucker, Richard Philip. M. G. RANADE AND THE MODERATE TRADITION IN INDIA, 1842-1901. Harvard, 1966. xviii, 534p. Mahadev Govind RanadeTs life and activities in Maharashtra. 604 Virasai, Banphot. THE EMERGENCE AND MAKING OF A MASS MOVEMENT LEADER: PORTRAIT OF MAHATMA GANDHI IN SOUTH AFRICA, 1893-1914. California (Berkeley), 1968. 403p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1261-62-A; UM 68-13,967. Focuses on how Gandhi emerged as a mass movement leader and on how he managed to maintain the civil rights movement as an ongoing concern. 605 Wade, James Earl. PERSIA: BRITAINTS PAWN IN INDlArS DEFENSE, 1797-1841. Georgia, 1968. 168p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4442-A; UM 69-9531. Focuses on Anglo-Persian relations in the light of Persia's importance for the defense of India. 606 Zelliott, Eleanor Mae. DR. AMBEDKAR AND THE MAHAR MOVEMENT. Pennsylvania, 1969. 357p. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 2956-A; UM 69-21,466. A study of the modern political, social, and religious movement of the Mahar caste in Maharashtra and of its chief leader, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (1892-1956). The dissertation's emphasis is on the changes in traditional village life and in the political and social milieu of western India which produced discontent and new ambition in the untouchable Mahar caste, and on the ways in which this discontent and ambition were molded by Dr. Ambedkar into a political and religious force. 84 HISTORY / 1800-1947 (SOCIETY) 613 1800-1947 — Society, Education, and Culture For literature written during the period, see the section entitled TT Culture--Literature/' See also "Religion and Philosophy--Hinduism: Since 1800" for related intellectual and philosophical developments. Basu, Aparna. INDIAN EDUCATION AND POLITICS, 1898-1920. See entry 529. 607 Bose, Anima. AMERICAN MISSIONARIEST INVOLVEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Kansas, 1971. 445p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2019-20-A; UM 71-27,126. Highlights the contribution of the Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian denominations to IndiaTs higher education between 1883 and 1893. 608 Conlon, Frank Fowler. THE EMERGENCE OF THE SARASWAT BRAHMANS, 1830-1930: A STUDY OF CASTE AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN MODERN INDIA. Minnesota, 1969. 359p. DAI31 (Nov. 1970): 2298-A; UM 70-5636. Their emergence from rural Kanara district in the early 1800Ts into urban Bombay in the early 1900Ts. 609 Gunderson, Warren Martin. THE WORLDS OF THE BABU RAJENDRALAL MITRA AND SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE IN NINETEENTH CENTURY CALCUTTA. Chicago, 1969. 335p. 610 HilliJker, John Featherston. BRITISH EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN BENGAL, 1833-1854. London, 1968. Laird, Michael A. THE CONTRIBUTION OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES TO EDUCATION IN BENGAL, 1793-1837. See entry 836. 611 Leonard, John Greenfield. KANDUKURI VIRESALINGAM, 18481919: A BIOGRAPHY OF AN INDIAN SOCIAL REFORMER. Wisconsin, 1970. 437p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2848-A; UM 70-20,853. His activity in Rajahmundry and Madras. 612 Leonard, Karen Bush. THE KAYASTHS OF HYDERABAD CITY: THEIR INTERNAL HISTORY AND THEIR ROLE IN POLITICS AND SOCIETY FROM 1850 TO 1900. Wisconsin, 1969. 321 p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 712-A; UM 70-3605. Traces the formation of operating castes (jatis) or at least marriage networks by many previously unrelated Kayasth immigrants to Hyderabad. 613 Lipkin, John Phillip. SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCA85 614 INDIA TION IN TRANSITION: BOMBAY UNIVERSITY, 1857-1964. Michigan, 1966. 200p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3760-A; UM 67-1773. Determines the extent and causes of the transition of Bombay UniversityTs secondary teaching training from the British academic pattern to a modern, functional type. 614 615 616 617 618 Nagar, Murari Lai. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOVEMENT IN BARODA, 1901-1949. Columbia, 1969. 382p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 2053-A; UM 69-17,609. Baroda was the first territory in India to develop a free public library system. Paul, Glendora P. EMANCIPATION AND EDUCATION OF INDIAN WOMEN SINCE 1829. Pittsburgh, 1970. 220p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4389-A; UM 71-8006. Asserts that the influence of English education and the contribution of early Christian missions were the factors most responsible for this aspect of modern social reform in India. Sharma, Om Prakash. FORCES BEHIND THE INDIAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MOVEMENT, 1858-1892. Chicago, 1970. xiv, 335p. Concludes that the main forces included the development of printing and publishing, the spread of education, literary developments and the establishment of literary societies and private subscription libraries, and the deposit of books with the central and provincial governments. Sil, Rita Dakshina. TAGORE, fiDUCATEUR. [French: Tagore, Educator.] Paris, 1967. 252, lxxxp. (Doctorat de lTUniversit6) Singh, Rajendra Pal. A HISTORICAL SURVEY OF FACILITIES FOR VOCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN INDIA TILL 1947, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO UTTAR PRADESH. London, 1967. Singh, Vijai P. THE EVOLUTION OF A RURAL STRATIFICATION SYSTEM IN INDIA (1930-1965). See entry 1041. 619 Voight, J. H. INDIAN HISTORICAL WRITING IN ENGLISH, 1870-1920: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE INFLUENCE OF NATIONALISM. Oxford, 1968. Zachariah, Mathew. WHITER KERALA? SOCIAL CHANGE IN TWENTIETH CENTURY KERALA. See entry 996. 86 JOURNALISM AND THE MASS MEDIA 623 JOURNALISM AND THE MASS MEDIA Andreas, Carol R. EXCHANGE NORMS AND POWER POLITICS: A CASE STUDY OF MASS COMMUNICATIONS ON FOREIGN AID. See entry 304. 620 Eapen, Kadamattu Eapen. JOURNALISM AS A PROFESSION IN INDIA: A STUDY OF TWO STATES AND TWO CITIES. Wisconsin, 1969. 247p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1217-A; UM 70-3518. The states of Bihar and Kerala and the cities of Bombay and Madras were picked in this socio-economic study of Indian journalists. 621 Jain, Navin Chand. AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GROUP LISTENING, DISCUSSION, DECISION, COMMITMENT, AND CONSENSUS IN INDIAN RADIO FORUMS. Michigan State, 1969. 171 p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1635-A; UM 69-16,149. A radio forum is a club of villagers who wish to listen in an organized way to selected radio programs which are used as a starting point for group discussion and decision. The thesis empirically studies adult farmers from four central Indian villages. Kamal, Abu H. M. THE BENGALI PRESS AND LITERARY WRITING, 1818-1831. See entry 175. 622 Mishra, Vishwa Mohan. MASS MEDIA USE PATTERNS AND MODERNIZATION PROCESSES IN THE INDIAN SLUMS: A STUDY OF FOUR BASTIES IN GREATER DELHI. Minnesota, 1969. 266p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4394-95-A; UM 69-16,473. The most important pattern of relationships that emerged from the study was a systematic pattern of association among education, media use (i.e. use of radio and television and the reading of newspapers, magazines, and posters), empathy, and political participation. Parris, Helen E. FACILITATING INDIATS FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM THROUGH TELEVISION: A STUDY OF SOURCE EFFECTIVENESS. See entry 1012. 623 Pride, Cletis Graden. HOW SEVEN COMMONWEALTH NEWSPAPERS REPORTED FOREIGN AFFAIRS, 1956-1968: A CONTENT ANALYSIS. North Carolina, 1970. 282p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2331-A; UM 70-21,223. The Times of India of Bombay and Dawn of Karachi were two of the newspapers compared for indications of the strengthening or weakening of Commonwealth ties, of significant changes in the coverage of the activities of major non-Commonwealth powers, and of a growth or decline of regional interests. 87 624 INDIA 624 Rao, Nagulapalli Bhaskara. CONTROLLED MASS COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT: AN ANALYSIS OF EDITORIALS IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN NEWSPAPERS. Iowa, 1970. 240 p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4809-A; UM 71-5809. Seeks to determine the extent to which editorials from India and Pakistan during 1965 and 1966 reflected each other's stated position on issues involved in the Indo-Pakistani border conflict. Sitaram, Kondavagil S. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF RADIO UPON THE RURAL INDIAN AUDIENCE. See entry 987. Vajpeyi, Dhirendra K. THE ROLE OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION, MASS MEDIA, AND EMPATHY IN MODERNIZATION: A CASE STUDY OF UTTAR PRADESH. See entry 762. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS Includes languages spoken in present-day Pakistan but not those spoken in Ceylon and Nepal. 625 Annamalai, E. ADJECTIVAL CLAUSES IN TAMIL. Chicago, 1969. 269p. 626 Balachandran, Lakshmi Bai. A CASE GRAMMAR OF HINDI WITH A SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE CAUSATIVE SENTENCES. Cornell, 1971. 138p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 410-A; UM 71-17,088. 627 Bansal, Ram Krishna. THE INTELLIGIBILITY OF INDIAN ENGLISH: MEASUREMENTS OF THE INTELLIGIBILITY OF CONNECTED SPEECH, AND SENTENCE AND WORD MATERIAL, PRESENTED TO LISTENERS OF DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES. London, 1966. 628 Bhargava, Prem Sagar. LINGUISTIC INTERFERENCE FROM HINDI, URDU, AND PUNJABI AND INTERNAL ANALOGY IN THE GRAMMAR OF INDIAN ENGLISH. Cornell, 1968. 223 p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 583-A; UM 68-11,614. A study of the Indianness 1 of Indian English. 629 Bhatt, Sooda Lakshminarayana. A GRAMMAR OF TULU (A DRAVIDIAN LANGUAGE). Wisconsin, 1971. 588p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 945-A; UM 71-16,063. Studies the phonology, mor88 LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS 638 phology, syntax, and intra-dialectical and inter-dialectical peculiarities of Tulu and provides a lexicon of approximately 5000 items along with their morphological and syntactical functions. 630 Braine, Jean Critchfield. NICOBARESE GRAMMAR (CAR DIALECT). California (Berkeley), 1970. 269p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6577-A; UM 71-15,730. A rather detailed description of the phonology and morphology of this language spoken by the inhabitants of Car Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal. 631 Brockington, J. L. THE SYNTAX AND STYLE OF THE RAMAYANA. Oxford, 1967/68. 632 Browning, Dorothy Ann. CONTRASTIVE COLLOCATIONAL ANALYSIS WITH EXAMPLES FROM HINDI AND ENGLISH. Texas, 1967. 146p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2227-A; UM 67-14,807. 633 Casler, Frederick Howard. VERBAL STEM FORMATIONS IN PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN. New York, 1971. 159p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2075-76-A; UM 71-24,743. Examines the verb systems of 9 languages including Sanskrit in an attempt to reconstruct the different verbal stem formations in proto-Indo-European. 634 Chandola, Anoop Chandra. A SYNTACTIC SKETCH OF GARHWALI. Chicago, 1966. 103 p. The Garhwali dialect (Pahari). 635 Diffloth, Gerard F . THE IRULA LANGUAGE, A CLOSE RELATIVE OF TAMIL. California (Los Angeles), 1968. 159p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1885-A; UM 68-16,527. Focuses on the phonology and verb morphemics of this Dravidian language spoken among the Irulas of the Nilgiri Mountains. 636 Dwarikesh, Dwarika Prasad Sharma. THE HISTORICAL SYNTAX OF THE CONJUNCTIVE PARTICIPIAL PHRASE IN THE NEW INDO-ARYAN DIALECTS OF THE MADHYADESA ("MIDLAND' 0 OF NORTHERN INDIA. Chicago, 1971. 298p. 637 Fernandez, Frank. A GRAMMATICAL SKETCH OF REMO: A MUNDA LANGUAGE. North Carolina, 1968. 170p. DA 29 (Jan. 1969): 2242-43-A; UM 69-1613. A structural description of a language spoken in the mountains of Koraput District, Orissa State with chapters on phonology, morphology, and syntax. 638 Fox, Robert Paul. A TRANSFORMATIONAL TREATMENT OF INDIAN ENGLISH SYNTAX. Illinois, 1968. 132p. DA 29 (Aug. 1969): 586-A; UM 68-12,121. Based on an examination of papers written by native Hindi speakers who have attained a relatively high level of proficiency in English, the study shows that advanced language learners make errors only on the transformational level of grammar. 89 639 INDIA 639 Frenz, Albrecht. UBER DIE VERBEN IM JAIMINIYA BRlHMANA. [German: Concerning the Verbs in the Jaimiriiva Brahmana.] Marburg, 1966. xx, 98p. Primarily a morphological and lexicographical study. 640 Harris, Richard Mark. LINGUA FRANCA HINDI: A STUDY OF URBAN, EDUCATED SPEECH. Cornell, 1966. 117p. DA 26 (May 1966): 6706; UM 66-5593. Studies regional and shared variations (from the so-called Tstandard1 or 'High Hindif) in the spoken colloquial Hindi which serves as the medium of intercourse among educated people from various urban centers. 641 Hinuber, Oskar von. STUDIEN ZUR KASUSSYNTAX DES PALI, BESONDERS DES VINA YA-PIT AKA. [German: Studies on the Syntax of Case in Pali, with Particular Reference to the VinayaPitakaJ Mainz, 1966. 340p. 642 Jolly, Audrey Grace. NYISI POETIC DEVICES. Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1970. 212p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6035-A; UM 71-11,446. A linguistic study that examines the poetic devices used in two varieties of poetic discourse in Nyisi, more commonly known as Dafla (a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the North East Frontier Agency and Assam). 643 Jordan, Monika. SADANI: EIN DIALEKT DER WESTMAGADHASPRACHEN IN BIHAR (PHONOLOGIE, MORPHOLOGIE, TEXT). [German: Sadani: A Dialect of the West Magadha Languages in Bihar (Phonology, Morphology, Text).] Freie University (Berlin), 1966. xv, 196p. 644 Joshi, Dayashankar M. PANINTS TADDHITA AFFIXATION RULES. Pennsylvania, 1969. 229p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1250-A; UM 70-16,168. Sanskrit grammar. 645 Khokle, Vasant Sadashio Rao. TWO MODELS OF PHONOLOGICAL DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: AN EVALUATION AS APPLIED TOMARATHI. Minnesota, 1969. 254 p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4438-A; UM 70-5578. Applies models proposed by (1) Jakobson, Fant, and Halle, and (2) Ladeloged to 115 rules of the generative phonology of Marathi. 646 Lincoln, Neville John. A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ADILABAD DIALECT OF GONDI. Cornell, 1969. 322p. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 2992-A; UM 69-20,981. A complete description of the dialect, with chapters on phonology, morphology, and syntax. 647 Marrison, Geoffrey Edward. THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE NAGA LANGUAGES OF NORTHEAST INDIA. London, 1967. 90 LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS 658 648 Millonig, Harald. STUMME LAUTE UNTERSUCHUNG EINER BESCHREIBUNGSTECHNIK ALTINDISCHER LINGUISTIK. [ German: Investigation of a Descriptive Technique of Early Indian Linguistics. ] Wiirzburg, 1969. 158p. 649 Miranda, Rocky Valerine. SYNCHRONIC AND HISTORICAL PHONOLOGY OF SIX KONKANI DIALECTS. Cornell, 1971. 112p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 413-A; UM 71-17,656. 650 Misra, Bal Govind. HISTORICAL PHONOLOGY OF MODERN STANDARD HINDI: PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN TO THE PRESENT. Cornell, 1967. 272p. DA 28 (Sept. 1967): 1065-A; UM 67-11,345. 651 Mistry, Purushottam Jivanji. GUJARATI VERBAL CONSTRUCTIONS. California (Los Angeles), 1969. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1548-49-A; UM 69-16,920. Describes the verbal forms and their sources using the transformational-generative model. 652 Nadkarni, Mangesh Vithal. NP-EMBEDDED STRUCTURES IN KANNADA AND KONKANI. California (Los Angeles), 1970. 320 p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3534-A; UM 71-668. Studies restrictive relative clauses, sentential complements on nouns, and adjectives. 653 Nayar, Viyyath Ramakrishna Pillai Prabodhachandran. PHONOLOGY OF VERBAL FORMS IN COLLOQUIAL MALAYALAM. London, 1970. 654 Pray, Bruce Raymond. AGREEMENT IN HINDI-URDU AND ITS PHONOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS. Michigan, 1969. 202p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 2007-08-A; UM 69-18,085. An application of the Chomsky-Halle model of generative phonology to HindiUrdu. 655 Radhakrishnan, R. A PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF NANCOWRY. Chicago, 1970. 656 Ramarao, Chekuri. A TRANSFORMATIONAL STUDY OF TELUGUNOMINALS. Cornell, 1968. 160p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1886-A; UM 68-15,735. Nominals involve noun phrases and what are traditionally called noun clauses. 657 Ramish, Lucille M. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE PHONOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE ENGLISH OF SINGAPORE AND THEIR RELATION TO THE LINGUISTIC SUBSTRATA OF MALAY, TAMIL, AND CHINESE LANGUAGES. Brown, 1970. 147p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6584-A; UM 71-13,924. 658 Roberts, John Taylor. P R T H V I R A J A RASAU: CANTO II: A WORD BY WORD GRAMMATICAL AND ETYMOLOGICAL ANAL91 659 INDIA YSIS, WITH GRAMMATICAL OUTLINE, TRANSLATION, AND GLOSSARY. Chicago, 1966. 189p. 659 Rogers, David Ellis. A STUDY ON THE CONTEXT OF PANINFS KARAKAS. Michigan, 1969. 217p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2371-A; UM 70-21,778. Analyzes the method in which the karakas operate in the generation of Sanskrit words and expressions of verbal activities. 660 Ryali, Rajagopal. SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF TELUGU KINSHIP TERMINOLOGY. Duke, 1970. 207p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6395-B; UM 71-13,798. This study attempts to evolve a methodology for the semantic analysis of such belief systems as Telugu kinship insofar as the social systems are themselves revealed through the terminologies available in the respective languages and are employed by their native speakers. 661 Schiffman, Harold F . A TRANSFORMATIONAL GRAMMAR OF THE TAMIL ASPECTUAL SYSTEM. Chicago, 1969. 237p. 662 Schmidt, Ruth Laila. A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF HYDERABADI DAKHINI URDU. Pennsylvania, 1969. 157p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2515-A; UM 69-21,423. 663 Sharma, D. D. SOME PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION: A LINGUISTIC COMPARISON OF TEXTS IN ENGLISH AND HINDI. Edinburgh, 1965/66. 664 Sharma, Rama Nath. PADAVIDHI IN PANINI. Rochester, 1971. 225p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3286-87-A; UM* 72-765. 665 Shukla, Shaligram. BHOJPURI SYNTAX. Cornell, 1968. 216p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4476-A; UM 69-7403. Describes this language of Northern India within the framework of generative-transformational grammar. 666 Sihler, Andrew Littleton. PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN POST-CONSONANTAL RESONANTS IN WORD-INITIAL SEQUENCES. Yale, 1967. 355p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4620-A; UM 68-6847. Considerable attention is paid to Rigvedic Sanskrit. 667 Sisson, Ralph Richard. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE SPEECH SOUND SYSTEMS OF SOUTHERN BRITISH ENGLISH AND HINDI. New York, 1968. 206p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 425-A; UM 69-11,771. A study conducted for the purpose of predicting probable pronunciation problems of a Hindi speaker when speaking English. 668 Starosta, Stanley Herman. SORA SYNTAX: A GENERATIVE APPROACH TO A MUNDA LANGUAGE. Wisconsin, 1967. 323p. DA 28 (June 1968): 5040-A; UM 68-1104. 92 OVERSEAS COMMUNITIES 676 669 Tiwary, Kapil Muni. PANINFS DESCRIPTION OF SANSKRIT NOMINAL COMPOUNDS. 'Pennsylvania, 1968. 300p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3601-A; UM 69-5673. Portions of the text are in Sanskrit. 670 Uchida, Norihiko. DER BENGALI-DIALEKT VON CHITTAGONG. [German: The Bengali Dialect of Chittagong.] Heidelberg, 1968. 671 Ullrich, Helen Elizabeth. CLAUSE STRUCTURE OF NORTHERN HAVYAKA KANNADA (DRAVIDIAN): A TAGMEMIC APPROACH. Michigan, 1968. 258p. DA 29 (Sept. 1968): 891-A; UM 68-13,421. The dialect spoken by members of the Havik Brahmin caste of northwestern Mysore State. 672 van Olphen, Herman Hendrik. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HINDI VERB PHRASE. Texas, 1970. 236p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1787-A; UM 70-18,304. 673 Verma, Manindra Kishore. A SYNCHRONIC COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE NOUN PHRASE IN ENGLISH AND HINDI. Michigan, 1966. 287p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2142-43-A; UM 66-14,608. 674 Wahidullah, Kazi Fakhruddin Muhammad. fiTUD.E PHONOLOGIQUE DU BENGALI. [French: A Phonological Study of Bengali.] Paris, 1967. 171p. (Doctorat de 1TUniversity) OVERSEAS COMMUNITIES See also the section TTEducation — Indian Students Abroad." 675 Adas, Michael Peter. AGRARIAN DEVELOPMENT AND THE PLURAL SOCIETY IN LOWER BURMA, 1852-1941. Wisconsin, 1971. 615p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2018-A; UM 71-20,653. Includes an extensive examination of the activities of Indian immigrant groups and their interaction with the indigenous Burmese. Arya, Usharbudh. RITUAL SONGS AND FOLKSONGS OF THE HINDUS OF SURINAM. See entry 190. 676 Bahadoorsingh, Krishna. TRINIDAD ELECTORAL POLITICS: THE PERSISTENCE OF THE RACE FACTOR. Indiana, 1966. 186p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2179-A; UM 66-14,793. An analysis 93 677 INDIA of racial identification in Trinidad with focus on the conflict between Negroes and people of Indian descent. 677 Chakravarti, Nalini Ranjan. THE POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF INDIANS IN BURMA, 1900-1941. London, 1969. 678 Chakravorti, Robindra C. THE SIKHS OF EL CENTRO: A STUDY IN SOCIAL INTEGRATION. Minnesota, 1968. 150 p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 414-15-A; UM 69-11,482. Analyzes inter generational differences regarding dietary practices, friendship patterns, mobility, language, etc. between India-born and America-born Sikhs living in and around El Centro, California. 679 Chauhan, Ishwar Singh. LEADERSHIP AND SOCIAL CLEAVAGES: POLITICAL PROCESSES AMONG THE INDIANS IN LABASA, FIJI ISLANDS. Australian National, 1969. 680 Ehrlich, Allen S. EAST INDIAN CANE WORKERS IN JAMAICA. Michigan, 1969. 263p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 486-B; UM 70-14,508. Studies the ethnic adaptation and national identification of the descendents of indentured East Asian laborers. 681 Eldridge, Albert Francis. THE OVERSEAS CHINESE AND INDIANS: A STUDY OF LINKAGE POLITICS AND THE ETHNIC LINKAGE GROUPS. Kentucky, 1970. 181p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5491-A; UM 71-8582. An empirical study of overseas Indians in Ceylon and overseas Chinese in Indonesia that focuses on the interdependence of group discrimination practiced against a specified minority by their host government, and the reciprocal foreign policies of the minority T s host and home states. 682 683 Enloe, Cynthia Holden. MULTI-ETHNIC POLITICS: THE CASE OF MALAYSIA. California (Berkeley), 1967. 474p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 648-A; UM 68-10,315. Studies the processes of national integration, the function of deliberate policy formation in fostering political cohesion, and the character of ethnic pluralism in politics in a country in which Indians form a major ethnic group. Gagliano, Felix Victor, J r . POLITICAL INPUT FUNCTIONS IN THE FEDERATION OF MALAYSIA. Illinois, 1967. 355p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 3233-A; UM 68-1753. Includes the political activities of Indians in Malaysia. 684 Glasgow, Roy Arthur. GUYANA: A HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF A CONTEMPORARY PROBLEM. American, 1967. 261 p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1370-A; UM 67-12,551. Includes Indians who settled in British Guiana. 685 Gupta, Santosh Prabha. THE ACCULTURATION OF ASIAN INDIANS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania State, 1969. 94 OVERSEAS COMMUNITIES 696 219p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 487-88-B; UM 70-13,830. 686 Horowitz, Donald Leonard. RACE AND POLITICS IN GUYANA, TRINIDAD, AND JAMAICA. Harvard, 1968. iii, 448p. 687 Ince, Basil Andr<§. POLITICS BEFORE THE PEOPLED NATIONAL MOVEMENT: A STUDY OF PARTIES AND ELECTIONS IN BRITISH TRINIDAD. New York, 1966. 285p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1421-A; UM 66-8567. Includes Indians in Trinidad and Tobago. 688 Khinduka, Shanti Kumar. MANPOWER FOR INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE SOCIAL FIELD. Brandeis, 1968. 289p. DA 29 (July 1968): 341-A; UM 68-9935. A study of technical assistance experts--including several from India-who specialized in community development and social welfare and who were working under the aegis of the United Nations in 1964 and/or 1965. 689 Layne, Neville. THE PLURAL SOCIETY IN GUYANA. California (Los Angeles), 1970. 340p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6736-A; UM 71-16,337. Focuses on relations between Africans and Indians within Guyana. 690 Loh, Philip Fook-seng. BRITISH EDUCATIONAL STRATEGY IN THE MALAY STATES, 1874 TO 1940. Stanford, 1970. 265p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5814-A; UM 71-12,944. Includes the development of a Tamil-speaking school system in Perak, Selangor, Ngri Sembilan, and Pahang. 691 Malik, Yogendra Kumar. THE DEMOCRATIC LABOR PARTY OF TRINIDAD: AN ATTEMPT AT THE FORMATION OF A MASS PARTY IN A MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETY. Florida, 1966. 447p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1869-A; UM 67-13,150. One-third of the islands population is of Indian origin. 692 Mangat, Jagjit Singh. INDIAN SETTLEMENT IN EAST AFRICA, c, 1886 TO 1945. London, 1967. 693 Moore, R. J. EAST INDIANS AND NEGROES IN BRITISH GUIANA, 1838-1880. Sussex, 1970. 694 Nwulia, Moses Dikedi Elias. INDIANST ROLE IN UGANDATS ECONOMY AND POLITICS, 1900-1962. Howard, 1966. 280p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1323-24-A; UM 66-12,474. 695 Perry, John Allen. A HISTORY OF THE EAST INDIAN INDENTURED PLANTATION WORKER IN TRINIDAD, 1845-1917. Louisiana State, 1969. 171 p. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 2949-A; UM 70-259. 696 Pillay, Puballan Dooraswami. THE IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT 95 697 INDIA AND BRITISH INDIANS IN THE TRANSVAAL [SOUTH AFRICA], London, 1967. 697 Premdas, Ralph Rikhinand. POLITICAL PARTIES IN A BIFURCATED STATE: THE CASE OF GUYANA. Illinois, 1970. 272 p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6684-A; UM 71-14,915. Discusses the legitimacy and integration functions of political parties in a state where Indians form a sizable minority. 698 Rabushka, Alvin. ETHNIC COMPONENTS OF POLITICAL INTEGRATION IN TWO MALAYAN CITIES. Washington (St. Louis), 1968. 255p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1936-A; UM 68-17,202. A study of the Indians, Malays, and Chinese in the cities of Kuala Lumpur and George Town. 699 Racz, Barnabas. REPITITIOUS STALEMATED ISSUES AT THE UNITED NATIONS. Michigan, 1967. 279p. DA 28 (June 1968): 5127-28-A; UM 68-7700. Part Two focuses on the treatment of Indians in South Africa. 700 Rauf, Mohammad Abdur. CRABWOOD CREEK: A STUDY OF CULTURAL CONTINUITY AND ETHNIC IDENTITY ON DIFFERENT GENERATIONAL LEVELS AMONG EAST INDIANS IN GUYANA. Ohio State, 1969. 228p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 492-B; UM 70-14,086. Seeks to determine whether the present East Indian culture in Guyana (South America) should be regarded as a symbolic, ritualistic relic of the immigrant culture or as an active, viable and cohesive cultural alternative developing in Guyanese society. 701 Richardson, Bonham Churchill. THE RICE CULTURE OF COASTAL GUYANA: A STUDY IN LOCATION AND LIVELIHOOD. Wisconsin, 1970. 320p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 6060-B; UM 70-24,769. Studies rice productivity among East Indian farmers in Guyana. Virasai, Banphot. THE EMERGENCE AND MAKING OF A MASS MOVEMENT LEADER: PORTRAIT OF MAHATMA GANDHI IN SOUTH AFRICA, 1893-1914. See entry 604. 702 Wenzel, Lawrence Allen. THE IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF CERTAIN VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF TWO GENERATIONS OF EAST INDIANS IN CALIFORNIA. University of the Pacific, 1966. 219p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1212-A; UM 66-10,945. Primarily Sikhs in the Sutter County area. 96 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 710 POLITICS, GOVERNMENT, LAW, AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Politics and Government - - Municipal and Village Levels Includes studies of rural leadership. 703 Abraham, M. Francis. THE DYNAMICS OF LEADERSHIP IN VILLAGE INDIA. Michigan state, 1970. 248p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6170-A; UM 71-11,771. Seeks to identify the most important determinants of sociometric leadership in six Indian villages in terms of demographic characteristics, measures of socio-economic status, index of systemic linkage, and social psychological characteristics. 704 Ashraf, Ali. POLITICS OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF CALCUTTA. Cornell, 1970. 124p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2984-A; UM 70-24,918. Studies the interests and values of municipal leaders and their control over city government, r 705 Bedford, Ian. THE TELENGANA INSURRECTION: A STUDY IN THE CAUSES AND DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNIST INSURRECTION IN RURAL INDIA, 1946-1951. Australian National, 1967. 706 Cantril, Albert Hadley, J r . POLITICAL INVOLVEMENTS IN FOUR INDIAN VILLAGES. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966. 664, xxvi p. 707 Carras, Mary Calliope. THE DYNAMICS OF POLITICAL FACTIONS: A STUDY OF DISTRICT COUNCILS (ZILLA PARISHADS) IN THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA. Pennsylvania, 1969. 485p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1330-A; UM 70-16,132. An analysis of factionalism as manifested in rival groups within the Maharashtra branch of the Indian National Congress. 708 Jassal, Harjinder Singh. LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE IN TWO VILLAGES IN PUNJAB, INDIA. Cornell, 1971. 261 p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 549-A; UM 71-17,099. A study of leadership structure, based on influence and authority, in Rupalon and Bholapur in Ludhiana District. 709 Jones, Rodney. AREA, LINKAGE, AND POWER IN INDORE: A POLITICAL MAP OF AN INDIAN CITY. Columbia, 1970. 569p. 710 Mathur, Kuldeep. BUREAUCRATIC THINKING: A STUDY OF BLOCK DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS OF RAJASTHAN AND UTTAR PRADESH IN INDIA. Hawaii, 1970. 170p. DAI 31 97 711 INDIA (May 1971): 6141-42-A; UM 71-12,209. Examines bureaucratic perceptions of development and democracy. 711 Mayer, Peter Baldwin. MOFUSSIL: POLITICAL CHANGE AND COMMUNITY POLITICS IN TWO INDIAN PROVINCIAL CITIES. Wisconsin, 1971. 563 p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6126-A; UM 71-5655. Compares Tiruchirapalli and Jabalpur with regard to their respective political histories, the distribution of political influence, the relations between the political elites and their electorates, and the political styles of politicians in each of the two communities. 712 Melnick, Daniel. THE DIMENSIONS OF POLITICIZATION: LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION, SOCIAL MOBILIZATION, AND THE GENERATION OF POLITICAL ATTITUDES (REPORT OF A SURVEY IN A NORTH INDIAN DISTRICT). Wisconsin, 1970. 533p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2462-A; UM 70-19,162. Studies the conditions leading to politicization and the consequences of politicization for political attitudes and commitments. Raheja, Bhagwan D. URBAN INDIA AND PUBLIC POLICY. See entry 1024. Rao, Kondapalli Ro THE DYNAMICS OF POWER AND CONFLICT IN VILLAGE INDIA: A CASE STUDY. See entry 1037. Rosin, Robert T. CHANGING LAND TENURE AND VILLAGE POLITY IN RAJASTHAN, INDIA: AN INTERACTIONAL PERSPECTIVE. See entry 1038. Sachdeva, Des R. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES IN INDIA: A CASE STUDY OF PUNJAB, 1860-1960. See entry 591. 713 Sharma, Hari Prakash. FACTIONAL POLITICS IN A NORTH INDIAN VILLAGE. Cornell, 1968. 303p. DA 29 (May 1969): 4118-19-A; UM 69-5776. A study of the nature and form of factionalism and of its causes in the local politics of a medium-size, multi-caste, Jat-dominated village near Delhi. 714 Sharma, Om Prakash. EMERGING PATTERN OF RURAL LEADERSHIP IN INDIA. Indiana, 1967. 306p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2796-A; UM 67-15,158. Focuses on efforts to establish political participation at the grass-roots level in the villages of Rajasthan. 715 Singh, Avtar. LEADERSHIP PATTERNS AND VILLAGE STRUCTURE: A STUDY OF SIX INDIAN VILLAGES. Mississippi State, 1967. 139p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3785-A; UM 68-2540. The data pertain to villages in northwestern India. 716 Valsan, Easwaramangalath Hariharan. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FOUR CASES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS 98 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 721 AND RURAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN INDIA AND THE PHILIPPINES. Indiana, 1967. 556p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3751-A; UM 68-2371. The cases studied include ones conducted at the Block and panchavat levels in Maharashtra and Kerala. 717 Vanderbok, William Glenn. DECISIONS AND NONDECISIONS: ELITE STRUCTURES AND POLITICAL POWER IN AN INDIAN CITY. Indiana, 1969. 355 p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5502-A; UM 70-10,277. A study of political organization and the distribution of influence in Agra, a city characterized by severe factionalism and financial problems. Vira, Soma. IMPACT OF URBAN POPULATION PRESSURE UPON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. A COMPARATIVE STUDY: CALCUTTA, DJAKARTA, TOKYO. See entry 1026. 718 Woldman, Joel Malcolm. CHANGING PATTERNS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN A NORTH INDIAN DISTRICT. Michigan, 1966. 299p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2185-A; UM 66-14,614. Traces and analyzes the process of politicization in Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh, before and after 1947. 719 Woldman, Murray Byron. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION IN INDIA: DEHRA DUN, A CASE STUDY. Michigan, 1966. 241 p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2185-A; UM 66-14,615. Studies the administrative changes that have occurred in this district of Uttar Pradesh since 1947, with focus on the role and outlook of the District Officer, the head of the district administrative staff, his subordinates, and elected officials. Politics and Government — State and National Levels Includes studies of the bureaucracy, center-state relations, parliamentary activity, political behavior, and political elites and parties. For government finances, see the section MEconomy — Banking, Finance, and Taxation" as well. 720 Baxter, Craig. THE JANA SANGH: A BIOGRAPHY OF AN INDIAN POLITICAL PARTY. Pennsylvania, 1967. 410 p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1358-A; UM 67-12,725. A history of the party between 1951 and 1962. 721 Berry, Willard Miller. THE RADICAL USES OF PARLIAMENT: THE DYNAMICS OF LEGISLATIVE CHANGE IN INDIA, 1962-1967. Duke, 1971. 426p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1575-A; UM 71-24,176. 99 722 722 723 724 725 726 INDIA A study of the Lower House of Parliament in the context of institutional adaptation and change. Blair, Harry Wallace. CASTE, POLITICS, AND DEMOCRACY IN BIHAR STATE, INDIA: THE ELECTIONS OF 1967. Duke, 1970. 396p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2985-A; UM 70-23,387. Focuses on the constituency level, and within it on the polling booth. Brown, Richard Martin. INDIAN STATE LEGISLATIVE BEHAVIOR: THE UTTAR PRADESH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, 19521968. American, 1971. 843p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3380-81-A; UM 71-24,943. Burger, Angela Sutherland. OPPOSITION IN A DOMINANTPARTY SYSTEM: A STUDY OF THE JAN SANGH, PRAJA SOCIALIST, AND SOCIALIST PARTIES IN UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA. Wisconsin, 1966. 485p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 738-A; UM 66-5898. Studies the processes involved in building and maintaining opposition parties in a one-party dominant political system with a parliamentary form of government characteristic of underdeveloped countries such as India. Chatterji, Amiya. THE IMPACT OF PLANNING UPON FEDERALISM IN INDIA, 1951-1964. Cambridge, 1966. Choudhury, Rafiqul Islam. RECRUITMENT OF POLITICAL ELITE AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA AND NIGERIA. Oregon, 1967. 363p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2299-300-A; UM 67-16,151. Studies members of the Indian Parliament, 19501962, and party leaders of the Indian Congress, 1959-1962. 727 Das Gupta, Jyotirindra. LANGUAGE POLITICS AND GROUP PROCESS IN INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1966. 225p. DA 27 (Sept. 1966): 803-04-A; UM 66-8299. Focuses on the political activities and strategies of associations which have worked to promote particular languages as the official language of India. 728 Davey, Hampton Thompson, J r . THE TRANSFORMATION OF AN IDEOLOGICAL MOVEMENT INTO AN AGGREGATIVE PARTY: A CASE STUDY OF THE BHARATIYA JANA SANGH. California (Los Angeles), 1969. 425 p. DAI30(Mayl970);5039-40-A; UM 70-8129. Analyzes the effects of increasing electoral support and more extensive participation within parliamentary institutions on the party T s organization, program, and style. 729 Doss, Veda. IMPACT OF PLANNING ON CENTER-STATE FINANCIAL RELATIONS IN INDIA. Syracuse, 1969. 475p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5141-42-A; UM 70-10,338. 730 Elliott, Carolyn Margaret. PARTICIPATION IN AN EXPAND100 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT T31_ ING POLITY: A STUDY OF ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA. Harvard, 1968. v, 752 p. Feldberg, Roslyn L. B. THE SHAPING OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS: A STUDY OF PARTICIPATION AND STYLES OF POLITICS IN BURMA, PAKISTAN, MALAYA, AND INDIA. See entry 1199. 731 Franda, Marcus F . THE FEDERALIZING PROCESS IN INDIA: A STUDY OF WEST BENGAL AND THE UNION. Chicago, 1966. 434 p. 732 Goel, Madan Lai. POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN INDIA. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1969. 352 p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2581-A; UM 69-20,537. A study of political participation patterns based on national and regional opinion polls conducted by the Indian Institute of Public Opinion, New Delhi. 733 Gould, Michael Austin. POLITICS, ADMINISTRATION, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN AN INDIAN STATE. California (Berkeley), 1968. 371 p. DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2780-A; UM 68-13,907. Argues that increased political control over the bureaucracy in Rajasthan has not led to higher levels of bureaucratic efficiency but has intensified the difficulties in achieving effective developmental administration. Hardgrave, Robert L. THE POLITICAL CULTURE OF A COMMUNITY IN CHANGE: THE NADARS OF TAMILNAD. See entry 963. 734 Heeger, Gerald A. THE POLITICS OF INTEGRATION: COMMUNITY, PARTY, AND INTEGRATION IN PUNJAB. Chicago, 1971. 376p. 735 Heginbotham, Stanley J. PATTERNS AND SOURCES OF INDIAN BUREAUCRATIC BEHAVIOR: ORGANIZATIONAL PRESSURES AND THE ETHIC OF DUTY IN A TAMIL NADU DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970. 450 p. 736 Husain, Asrar. A STUDY OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF LEGISLATIVE POWERS BETWEEN THE CENTER AND THE UNITS IN INDIA, PAKISTAN, NIGERIA, AND MALAYSIA. Duke, 1967. 341 p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3729-A; UM 68-2726. Explores the extent to which the constitutional schemes of distribution of legislative power have stabilized the political process and have contributed to the development of integrative tendencies within each country. 737 Johnson, Edward William (II). COMPARATIVE APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF THE HINDU COMMUNAL POLITICAL PAR101 738 INDIA TIES IN CONTEMPORARY INDIA: SOME LIMITATIONS IN THE APPLICABILITY OF (1) SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND (2) POLITICAL MODERNIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT THEORY. New York, 1970. 234p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4230-A; UM 71-2359. Examines the Hindu Mahasabha, Ram Rajya Parishad, and Jan Sangh, analyzes their campaign and electoral programs, and appraises the net effect of their participation within the Indian party system. Kahane, Reuven. HIGHER EDUCATION AND POLITICAL INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF INDIA. See entry 406. 738 Khare, Brij Behari. POLITICAL MODERNIZATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE: A PARADIGM AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE INDIAN SITUATION. Missouri, 1969. 401 p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1614-15-A; UM 69-16,085. Delineates typologies of attitudes toward political modernization in India through a study of popular orientations toward three political objects: political community, regime, and authorities. 739 Lai, Amrit. NATIONAL PLANNING ADMINISTRATION: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. New York, 1966. 331 p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3919-20-A; UM 67-6035. A systematic analysis of national planning and its administration in India, 1947-1962, which stresses certain problems that have prevented India from achieving its planned goals. 740 McDonough, Peter James. PARTY COMPETITION AND ELECTORAL PARTICIPATION IN INDIA. Michigan, 1969. 233 p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3995-A; UM 70-4141. Evaluating data from the first four general elections, the author seeks to determine what type of party system has been developed in India, how party preferences are distributed across the electorate, whether the parties use some rational calculus in mobilizing their support, and what the balance of continuity and change is in party loyalties and in the party system itself. 741 Martin, Wulf. PANCHAYATI RAJ: DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER MODERNEN LAND LICHEN SELBSTVERWALTUNG IN INDIEN UNTER BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG DES STAATES UTTAR PRADESH, MIT EINEM GESCHICHTLICHEN RtlCKBLICK. [German: Panchayati Raj: The Development of Modern Rural Self-Government in India with Particular Regard to the State of Uttar Pradesh and with an Historical Survey.] Mainz, 1967. xx, 139p. 742 Menge, Paul Erich. MANAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT: EXECUTIVE BUDGET-MAKING IN INDIAN GOVERNMENT. Duke, 1970. 359p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 524-25-A; UM71-19,193. 102 .____ POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 749 A study of the expenditure side of central government executive budget-making, 1950-1968. 743 Meyer, Ralph Christian. THE POLITICAL ELITE IN AN UNDERDEVELOPED SOCIETY: THE CASE OF UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA. Pennsylvania, 1969. 395p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1339-A; UM 70-16,187. A study of the membership of the first, second, and third provincial legislative assemblies during the post-independence period and of the elite attribute changes which occurred at that time. 744 Nanda, Krishan K. INDIAN LEGISLATORS AND PUBLIC POLICY. Columbia, 1970. 255p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 506-A; UM 71-17,528. Studies the policy preferences and positions of the members of Lok Sabha on such issues as land reform, nationalization, the choice of an official national language, foreign aid, nuclear weapons for India, and the guarantee of India's protection against nuclear attack. 745 Nayar, P. K. Bhaskaran. BUREAUCRACY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF PLANNING DEPARTMENTS IN TWO INDIAN STATES. Pittsburgh, 1967. 214 p. DA 28 (May 1968):' 4734-A; UM 68-7504. A study of the Planning Departments of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala and of the extent to which and the processes by which they have acted as agents of change and have stimulated the rest of the bureaucracy to introduce and sustain change. 746 Neubauer, Deane Edward. ON THE THEORY OF POLYARCHY: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF DEMOCRACY IN TEN COUNTRIES. Yale, 1966. 252p. DA 27 (July 1966): 232-A; UM 66-4920. India is included. Nicholson, Norman K. POLITICS AND FOOD POLICY IN INDIA. See entry 321. 747 Oren, Stephen A. RELIGIOUS GROUPS AS POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THREE INDIAN STATES. Columbia, 1969. 364p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4518-A; UM 70-7042. Compares the political behavior of the Christians of Kerala, the Lingayats of Mysore, and the Sikhs of the Punjab from the standpoint of political integration, organization, and demand-making. 748 Papachristou, Gerald Christopher. THE POLITICS OF A DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF PANCHAYATI RAJ IN RAJASTHAN. Duke, 1971. 374 p. 749 Rafeek, Y. A. INTRA-PARTY RELATIONSHIPS AND FEDER103 750 750 751 752 753 INDIA ALISM: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE INDIAN CONGRESS PARTY AND THE AUSTRALIAN POLITICAL PARTIES. Reading, 1966/67. Richter, William L. THE POLITICS OF LANGUAGE IN INDIA. Chicago, 1968. 278 p. Roy, Ramashray. A STUDY OF THE BIHAR PRADESH CONGRESS COMMITTEE, BIHAR, INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1966. 401 p. DA 27 (Oct. 1966): 1089-90-A; UM 66-8377. Sharma, Prabhu Datta. DEMOCRATIC DECENTRALIZATION IN THE STATE OF RAJASTHAN, INDIA. Minnesota, 1967. 313p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2320-21-A; UM 67-14,650. Studies the structure and working of rural local government (Panchayati Raj) in Rajasthan between 1959 and 1963 at the village, block, and district levels. Sherman, Betty Jane. POLITICAL PARTIES AND POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF LEGISLATORST PERCEPTIONS IN THE INDIAN STATES OF PUNJAB ANDHARYANA. Minnesota, 1970. 364p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3623-A; UM 70-27,168. Determines how party leaders in these two states understand the concept of political party and how this understanding relates to their views regarding specific parties. 754 Shyamala, Kammana Manakkadan. THE POLITICS OF DECISION-MAKING FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF THE LOCATION OF HEAVY INDUSTRIES IN INDIA. Syracuse, 1969. 524p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 444-A; UM 70-12,806. Shows that the bargaining for the spatial allocation of industrial projects has resulted in greater cooperation between the central government and the states. 755 Singh, Amarjit. THE REORGANIZATION OF STATES IN INDIA: A CASE STUDY OF THE PUNJAB. Claremont, 1967. 159p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1869-70-A; UM 70-19,540. Attempts to show that the reorganization of Indian states on a linguistic basis between 1953 and 1966 was not detrimental to national unity but rather helpful to the stability of the Indian political system. 756 Singh, Daljit. THE POLITICS OF PRESIDENTIAL RULE IN INDIA. Claremont, 1970. 215p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6685-86-A; UM 71-13,735. Studies the use of the emergency power of the executive at the central and state levels and assesses the impact of such power on the center-state relationship. 757 Sinha, Phulgenda. THE PRAJA SOCIALIST PARTY OF INDIA. American, 1968. 444p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1259-A; UM 68-14,624. Examines the factors of national and international 104 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 764 origin that have affected the form and political philosophy of the Party. Sisson, John Richard. THE CONGRESS PARTY SYSTEM IN RAJASTHAN: POLITICAL INSTITUTIONALIZATION IN A TRADITIONAL SOCIETY. California (Berkeley), 1967. 402p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 654-655-A; UM 68-10,412. The origins and development of the Congress Party and its organization of power and political strategies in Rajasthan. Spencer, Metta Wells. POLITICAL BEHAVIOR OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1969. 337p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4582-83-A; UM 70-6228. Contends that most Indian students are quite inactive in partisan politics because it is to the Indian civil service that they give their political allegiance. Sukhwal, Bheru Lai. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE INDIAN REPUBLIC: AN EVALUATION OF CHANGING PATTERNS SINCE INDEPENDENCE. Oklahoma, 1969. 332p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3524-A; UM 70-2339. Considers the various factors that have influenced IndiaTs internal stability, her economic and political viability, and her survival as a democracy. Taub, Richard Paul. BUREAUCRACY IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL CHANGE: A CASE STUDY OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE. Harvard, 1966. ii, 265p. Focuses on Bhubaneswar, the capital of Orissa. Vajpeyi, Dhirendra K. THE ROLE OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION, MASS MEDIA, AND EMPATHY IN MODERNIZATION: A CASE STUDY OF UTTAR PRADESH. MichiganState, 1971. 201 p. Vollmer, Franz-Josef. DIE POLITISCHE PROBLEMATIK DER AGRARFRAGE IN INDIEN: UNTER BESONDERER BERtTCKSICHTIGUNG DES VERHALTENS DER POLITISCHEN PARTEIEN. [German: The Political Implications of the Land Reform Question in India: With Special Attention to the Attitudes of the Political Parties.] Heidelberg, 1967. 211 p. Asserts that the reform of the Indian land tenure system is not so much an economic problem as it is a political question in view of the fact that the pattern of rural economy must still be decided and that this decision is by its nature a political decision. Wallace, Paul. THE POLITICAL PARTY SYSTEM OF PUNJAB STATE, INDIA: A STUDY OF FACTIONALISM. California (Berkeley), 1966. 376p. DA 28 (July 1967): 274-75-A; UM 67-8663. Continuity and change in Punjab state were investigated particularly in regard to (1) political orientations, (2) parties, and (3) factionalism. 105 765 INDIA Law and Constitution 765 Barua, Benu Prasad. SOME ASPECTS OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL THEORIES TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL EVOLUTION OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN. London, 1967. 766 Bastedo, Thomas Galbraith. THE JUDICIARY IN BIHAR: AN ADMINISTRATIVE STUDY. Duke, 1969. 288p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 5036-37-A; UM 70-8014. Examines how the judiciary functions as an institutional entity, with some focus on its political struggles with other groups for power, prestige, and resources; on its personnel administration; and on the administration of the court system. 767 768 769 770 Cartwright, Bliss C. THE INDIAN INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNALS: A CASE STUDY IN NORMATIVE RATIONALIZATION. See entry 371. Chand, Hari. THE AMENDING PROCESS IN THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION. London, 1969. Fazal, A. JUDICIAL CONTROL OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN. Oxford, 1966/67. Imam, Mohammed. THE INDIAN SUPREME COURT AND THE CONSTITUTION. London, 1966. Luis, George Thomas. PROTECTION OF MINORITY INTERESTS UNDER THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION. London, 1970. Rahman, Zillur. THE EVOLUTION OF CIVIL PROCEDURE IN BENGAL FROM 1772 TO 1806. See entry 493. Shahid Siddiqi, Zafar M. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LAW OF STRIKES IN INDIA. See entry 593. 771 Sharma, Vishnu Datt. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT AND PRESENT STRUCTURE OF THE JUVENILE COURTS IN ENGLAND, INDIA, AND JAPAN. London, 1970. 772 Singh, Jasmer. LAUGMENTATION DU CAPITAL DANS LA SOClfiTfi ANONYME EN DROIT COMPARfi: DROITS INDIEN, FRAN£AIS, ANGLAIS, ALLEMAND. [French: The Increase of Capital within Joint-Stock Companies in Comparative Law: Indian, French, English, and German Law.] Paris, 1967. 219p. (Doctorat drfitat) Sinha, Chittaranjan. EVOLUTION OF THE STRUCTURE OF CIVIL JUDICIARY IN BENGAL, 1800-1831. See entry 597. 106 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 780^ 773 Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PROBLEMS, SOCIOLOGICAL AND LEGAL, ARISING IN THE LAW OF HOMICIDE IN INDIA, CEYLON, AND ENGLAND. London, 1970. 774 Upadhyaya, Mangi Lai. SOME LEGAL ASPECTS OF AGRARIAN REFORM IN INDIA. London, 1970. 775 Virdi, Parminder Kaur. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE IN HINDU LAW AND ENGLISH LAW. London, 1966. International Relations Includes foreign policy but not foreign aid programs. Also see the section entitled ''Politics, Government, Law, and International Relations'T under "South Asia--Regional Studies." 776 Belfiglio, Valentine John. THE FOREIGN RELATIONS OF INDIA WITH BHUTAN, SIKKEM, AND NEPAL BETWEEN 19471967: AN ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE STUDY OF BIG POWER-SMALL POWER RELATIONSHIPS. Oklahoma, 1970. 345p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 813-A; UM 70-14,414. The dissertation does not attempt to provide a detailed and comprehensive study of India's relations with the three Himalayan kingdoms but rather seeks to develop a classification tool for the examination of big-power, small-power relationships. Bose, S. R. REGIONAL COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIA AND PAKISTAN. See entry 30. 777 Choucri, Nazli Moustafa. THE PERCEPTUAL BASE OF NONALIGNMENT. Stanford, 1967. 418p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1263-64-A; UM 68-6398. Analyzes the attitudinal orientation of India, Egypt, and Indonesia. 778 Darby, P. G. C. BRITISH DEFENSE POLICY IN THE INDIAN OCEAN REGION BETWEEN THE INDIAN INDEPENDENCE ACT 1947 AND THE BRITISH DEFENCE REVIEW 1966. Oxford, 1969. 779 Donaldson, Robert Herschel. THE SOVIET APPROACH TO INDIA: DOCTRINAL ASSESSMENT AND OPERATIONAL STRATEGY. Harvard, 1969. vi, 440p. 780 Elim, Raga Sayed. AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO THE 107 781 INDIA STUDY OF SOME ASPECTS OF NEUTRALISM. American, 1967. 231 p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1495-A; UM 67-12,366. Includes a case study of Indian practices and violations of neutralism. 781 Ghatate, Narayan Madhav. DISARMAMENT IN INDIA'S FOREIGN POLICY, 1947-1965. American, 1966. 336p. DA 27 (Oct. 1966): 1093-94-A; UM 66-9830. Examines IndiaTs position on disarmament, her reaction to disarmament proposals of other countries, the impact of her own proposals upon disarmament negotiations, and the effect of hostilities with China and Pakistan upon her position on disarmament during the 1960Ts. 782 Hansen, George Eric. IN SEARCH OF SARVODAYA: THE INDIAN INTELLECTUALS' PERCEPTIONS OF THE CHINESE COMMUNIST REGIME AND REVOLUTION. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 1966. ii, 406p. 783 Harris, Jonathan. COMMUNIST STRATEGY TOWARD THE "NATIONAL BOURGEOISIE" IN ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST, 1945-1961. Columbia, 1966. 438p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1887-88-A; UM 66-12,566. Includes strategies of the Communist parties in India and the U.S.S.R. toward the Indian regime. 784 Janous, Jan. VYVOJ CINSKO-INDICKEHO HRANICNIHO SPORU. [Czech: The Development of the Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute.] Kandid&tskl price listavu mezin&rodni politiky a ekonomie (Praha), 1966. 460p. 785 Khan, Rafiuddin Ahmed. PROBLEME DER NEUTRALITATSPOLITIK IN DER WELT DER GEGENWART: DARGESTELLT AM BEISPIEL INDIENS, BIRMAS, UND CEYLONS. [German: Contemporary Problems of Neutralist Politics, as Illustrated in the Cases of India, Burma, and Ceylon. ] Freiburg i.B., 1966. 168 p. Shows how the growth of postwar neutralism has been related to international political developments; studies the course, nature, and impact of nationalism and anti-colonialism in Asia; and analyzes the influence of international politics upon three neutral states. 786 Langley, Winston Edson. INDIA AND CHINA, 1949-1959: A COMPETITIVE RELATIONSHIP. Howard, 1969. 286p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 4002-03-A; UM 70-2000. Shows that the Sino-Indian military confrontation of 1959 was the culminating outward expression of a decade of keen rivalry and not the result of an unprovoked border attack by China. 787 Meyer, Sister Marie Leonard. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE INDIAN GOVERNMENTS RELATIONSHIPS WITH WHO, UNESCO, AND ECAFE. Pennsylvania, 1967. 302p. DA 29 108 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 794 (July 1968): 306-07-A; UM 68-9224. Includes the Governments participation in the work and programs of these UN agencies and its expectations of their usefulness. 788 Nguyen-trieu-Dan. LES RELATIONS DE LTINDE AVEC LA CHINE DE 1947 A NOS JOURS. [French: Sino-Indian Relations, 1947 to the Present.] Paris, 1966. 386, vi p. (Doctorat d'Etat) 789 Peters, John Geoffrey. YUGOSLAV FOREIGN POLICY TOWARD THE NONALIGNED COUNTRIES. American, 1970. 262p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 3004-A; UM 70-23,266. Includes Yugoslavia's political and economic relations with such Asian countries as India. 790 Peterson, Clifford Errol. THE FORMATIVE FOREIGN POLICY PHASE IN INDIA, INDONESIA, ISRAEL, AND GHANA. Johns Hopkins, 1969. vi, 476 p. Rao, Nagulapalli B. CONTROLLED MASS COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT: AN ANALYSIS OF EDITORIALS IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN. See entry 624. Razvi, Syed M. M. FRONTIER PROBLEMS IN PAKISTANI FOREIGN POLICY. See entry 1216. 791 Reddy, T. Ramakrishna. INDIA'S POLICY AT THE UNITED NATIONS. Kentucky, 1966. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1869-A; Available for consultation at the University of Kentucky Library. Considers the factors inspiring India's policy and India's perception of how her policy goals could be and should be attained. 792 Schaller, Erhard. INDIENS POLITIK IN SUD- UND SUDOSTASIEN: TRIEBKRAFTE, ZIELE, UND METHODEN IN D. AUSSENPOLITIK (1947-1962). [German: India's Policies in South and Southeast Asia: Impetus, Goals, and Methods in Her Foreign Policy, 1947-1962.] Deutsche Akademie fur Staats- und Rechtswissenschaft T Walter Ulbricht" (Potsdam), 1967. 443p. 793 Secrest, Donald Edmund. AMERICAN POLICY TOWARD NEUTRALISM DURING THE TRUMAN AND EISENHOWER ADMINISTRATIONS. Michigan, 1967. 313 p. DA 28 (June 1968): 5129-A; UM 68-7722. Includes policy towards India. 794 Shah, Romesh. THE VALUES IN STATEMENTS OF AMERICAN DECISION-MAKERS CONCERNING INDIA, 1947-1962, AS REVEALED THROUGH CONTENT ANALYSIS. New York, 1967. 301 p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4686-87-A; UM 68-6105. Sharma, Jagadish P. NEPAL'S FOREIGN POLICY 1947-1962. See entry 1064. 109 795 INDIA 795 Siegel, Richard Lewis. SOVIET POLICY TOWARDS INDIA, 1956-1964: CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF SINO-SOVIET DIVERGENCE. Columbia, 1968. 507p. DA 28 (June 1968): 5129-A; UM 68-8621. 796 Stein, Janice Gross. ELITE IMAGES AND FOREIGN POLICY: NEHRU, MENON, AND INDIArS POLICIES. McGill, 1969. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 3078-79-A. Examines the foreign policy images of these two Indian decision-makers between 1948 and 1962. 797 Sullivan, Michael Joseph (in). THE ATTITUDE OF INDIA TOWARD THE NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY. Virginia, 1969. 491 p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4527-A; UM 70-4833. Studies India ? s changing attitude between 1964 and 1968 as Indian policy in matters of arms control and disarmament became less globally-oriented and more concerned with considerations of national security and internal development. 798 Ward, Richard Edmund. WEST ASIA IN INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY. Cincinnati, 1970. 361 p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4244-45-A; UM 71-5480. Focuses on India's attitude toward such general matters as anti-imperialism, economic advancement, and nonalignment as they relate to West Asia and upon her policies regarding Palestine, the Suez Crisis of 1956, the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, and Pakistani relations with the Arab World. 799 Williams, Shelton Lee. NONPROLIFERATION IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICS: THE JAPANESE AND INDIAN CASES. Johns Hopkins (School of Advanced International Studies), 1970. RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY General Studies and Folk Religion Babr6e, Laeeq. LA PENSEE ET LES RELIGIONS INDO-PAKISTANAISES DANS LE PARNASSE: LECONTE DE LISLE ET JEAN LAHOR. See entry 141. 800 Baity, Elizabeth Chesley. THE FIRE, BULL, AND SOLSTICE FIESTAS OF SORIA (SPAIN) AND AFRO-ASIAN PARALLELS: A DOCUMENTARY STUDY IN ETHNOPROTOHISTORY. North 110 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY / GENERAL STUDIES 806 Carolina, 1968. 328p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 3169-B; UM 69-1570. Parallels are drawn with the rituals of South Indian tribal cattlekeeping peoples, and comparisons are made of certain motifs appearing in protohistoric cattle-keepers 1 ceramic and rock art iconography in the Basque Provinces and in South India. Blaise, Bharati M. THE USE OF INDIAN MYTHOLOGY IN E. M. FORSTER'S A PASSAGE TO INDIA AND HERMANN HESSE TS SIDDHARTHA. See entry 142. 801 Clark, Robert Henry. A STUDY OF THE RELIGIOUS CUSTOMS AND PRACTICES OF THE RAJBANGSHIS OF NORTH BENGAL. Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1969. 607p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 5057-58-A; UM 70-7909. Focuses on that portion of the Rajbangshi community which has been strongly influenced by Hinduism. 802 Clothey, Fred W. THE MANY FACES OF MURUGAN: THE HISTORY AND MEANING OF A SOUTH INDIAN GOD. Chicago, 1968. 475p. 803 Delfendahl, Bernard. LES DIEUX CHAMPETRES DTUN VILLAGE DU MAHARASHTRA (INDE). [French: The Rural Gods of a Village in Maharashtra, India.] Paris, 1969. (Doctorat de sp£cialit6) Studies the sixty village gods of a community near Poona. Includes information on the village rites and on the relationships between the gods and the men who worship them. 804 Herrenschmidt, Olivier. LE CYCLE DE LINGAL: ESSAI D'ETUDE TEXTUELLE DE MYTHOLOGIES. LES MYTHOLOGIES DES TRIBUS DE LANGUE GONDI (INDE CENTRALE). [French: The Cycle of Lingal: An Attempt at a Textual Study of Mythologies. The Mythologies of the Tribes Speaking the Gondi Language in Central India.] Paris, 1966. (Doctorat de speciality) A textual analysis of the several versions of a myth prevalent among tribal populations speaking Gondi in which the main hero is called Lingal. 805 Holstrom, M. N. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS CHANGES IN AN URBAN VILLAGE OF BANGALORE, SOUTH INDIA. Oxford, 1967/68. Jacobson, Dorothy A. HIDDEN FACES: HINDU AND MUSLIM PURDAH IN A CENTRAL INDIAN VILLAGE. See entry 1034. 806 Klimkeit, Hans Joachim. ANTI-RELIGIOSE BEWEGUNGEN IM MODERNEN SUDINDIEN: EINE RELIGIONSSOZIOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG ZUR SAKULARISIERUNGSFRAGE. [German: Anti-Religious Movements in Modern South India: A Socio-Religious Investigation of the Question of Secularization.] Bonn, 1971. 155 p. Habilitationsschrift. Ill 807 INDIA 807 Leaf, Murray J. IDEAS, RITES, AND ACTION IN SIDHUPUR KALAN: A SIKH VILLAGE IN PUNJAB. Chicago, 1966. 369p. Or en, Stephen A. RELIGIOUS GROUPS AS POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THREE INDIAN STATES. See entry 747. 808 Ostor, Akos. THE PLAY OF THE GODS AMONG MEN: SOCIETY, LOCALITY, TIME, AND IDEOLOGY IN THE SYMBOLISM OF MYTHS AND RITUALS IN A BENGALI TOWN. Chicago, 1971. 514p. 809 Stietencron, Heinrich von. INDISCHE SONNENPRIESTER: SAMBA UND DIE gAKADVIPIYA-BRAHMANA; EINE TEXTKRITISCHE UND RELIGIONSGESCHICHTLICHE STUDIE ZUM INDISCHEN SONNENKULT. [German: Indian Sun Priests: Samba and the Sakadvipiya-Brahmana; a Textual and Religious and Historical Study of Sun Worship in India.] Mtinchen, 1966. 282 p. Presents a study of the Samba Purana, its date and place of composition, the origin of sun-priests, the time of their arrival in India and the location of their first temple, and the social standing and influence of their cult; and analyzes this solar religion and its foreign elements. Buddhism 810 Amore, Roy Clayton. THE CONCEPT AND PRACTICE OF DOING MERIT IN EARLY THERAVADA BUDDHISM. Columbia, 1970. 178p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4875-A; UM 71-6136. The concept of punfia. 811 Anacker, Stefan. VASUBANDHU: THREE ASPECTS. A STUDY OF A BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHER. Wisconsin, 1970. 520 p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 420-21-A; UM 70-8257. A study of the works and ideas of this 4th century Indian Buddhist philosopher. 812 Boyd, James Waldemar. SATAN AND MARA: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE SYMBOLS OF EVIL IN EARLY GREEK CHRISTIAN AND EARLY INDIAN BUDDHIST TRADITIONS. Northwestern, 1970. 274p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3629-A; UM 71-1800. Includes an analysis of the Mara figure as it appears in selected Pali and Sanskrit texts of the early Indian Buddhist tradition. 813 De Silva, Manikku Wadu Padmasiri. A STUDY OF MOTIVATIONAL THEORY IN EARLY BUDDHISM WITH REFERENCE TO THE 112 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY /BUDDHISM 819^ PSYCHOLOGY OF FREUD. Hawaii, 1967. 189p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 4209-A; UM 67-13,693. Focuses on the concept of the Unconscious in early Buddhism. 814 Duvall, Sister Mary Vera, R.S.M. MANTS CONCEPT OF HIS RELIGIOUS FULFILLMENT: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF TEILHARD DE CHARDIN AND CLASSICAL BUDDHIST, HINDU, AND CHRISTIAN THOUGHT. Fordham, 1966. 446p. DA 28 (July 1967): 300-A; UM 66-13,503. The study centers on the possibility that Teilhard de ChardinTs view of man in religious relation to the Sacred may be a medium leading toward converging areas between Teilhardian and classical Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian thought. 815 George, Christopher Starr. THE CANDAMAHAROSANA TANTRA: CHAPTERS I-Vni. Pennsylvania, 1971. 299 p. * DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2072-A; UM 71-26,012. Provides a critical edition and an English translation of the first 8 chapters of this Vajraya Buddhist work and includes considerable information on the architectural elements of the Mandala. 816 G6mez, Luis Oscar. SELECTED VERSES FROM THE GANDAVYUHA: TEXT, CRITICAL APPARATUS, AND TRANSLATION. Yale, 1967. 245p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 4127-28-A; UM 68-4869. Establishes a more accurate text and concludes that (1) the earliest Buddhist Sanskrit text is not necessarily the one showing the larger amount of deviations from the classical norm, (2) the Gandavyuha-sutra was completed in the early 200!s A.D., and (3) the philosophy of the Gandavyuha-sutra represents an original philosophical contribution drawn from precanonical sources. 817 Gunatilaka, R. A. AN EDITION WITH TRANSLATION OF THE BUDDHIST SANSKRIT TEXT SAMGHATA-SUTRA. Cambridge, 1966/67. 818 Hall, Arnold M. THE CONCEPT OF POLITICAL REFORM IN BUDDHIST LITERATURE. Claremont, 1969. 220p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5494-95-A; UM 70-9819. Concerned primarily with the evaluation of Buddhism as a statement of social reform and with an examination of early Buddhist literature to determine what specifically political elements are contained within them. As such, the thesis focuses on early Hindu society and classical statements of Hindu political theory. 819 Iida, Shotaro. AN INTRODUCTION TO SVATANTRIKA-MADHYAMIKA. Wisconsin, 1968. 320p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4547-48-A; UM 68-17,903. Aims at an investigation into the Buddhist philosophical system developed by Bhavaviveka (ca. 490-570). 113 820 INDIA 820 Kalupahana, David Jinadasa. A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EARLY BUDDHIST THEORY OF CAUSALITY AS EMBODIED IN THE PALI NIKAYAS AND THE CHINESE AGAMAS. London, 1967. 821 McDermott, James Paul. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE EARLY BUDDHIST CONCEPT OF KAMMA/KARMA. Princeton, 1971. 255p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1613-14-A; UM 71-23,375. Concerns the developments and modifications that this concept underwent through the fourth century A.D. in scholarly circles and among the large body of believers. 822 Marasinghe, M. M. J. A STUDY OF THE GODS IN EARLY BUDDHISM IN THEIR MYTHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL MILIEU AS DEPICTED IN THE NIKAYAS OF THE PALI CANON. Birmingham, 1967/68. 823 Mukherjee, Biswadeb. DIE UBERLIEFERUNG VON DEVADATTA, DEM WIDERSACHER DES BUDDHA, IN DEN KANONISCHEN SCHRIFTEN. [German: The Tradition of the Devadatta, the Opponent of Buddha, in Canonical Writings.] Gottingen, 1966. v, 158 p. 824 Olson, Robert Fisher. ASPECTS OF THE MIDDLE WAY: A STUDY OF THE MADHYAMIKA KARIKAS OF NAGARJUNA IN THE LIGHT OF THE PERFECTION OF WISDOM. Columbia, 1967. 230p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2330-A; UM 67-15,508. Explores some of the fundamental concepts in two basic Mahayana texts, the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Verses (Astar sahasrika-prajnaparamita) and NagarjunaT s Stanzas on the Middle Way (Madhvamika Karikas). 825 Rehm, Klaus E. DIE ROLLE DES BUDDHISMUS IN DER INDISCHEN MEDIZIN UND DAS SPITALPROBLEM. [German: The Role of Buddhism in Indian Medicine and the Hospital Problem.] Zurich, 1969. 59 p. 826 Sobhita, Kosgoda. LE CIVARASKHANDHAKA DU VINAYAPITAKA DES MULASARVASTIVADIN: TRADUCTION FRAN£AISE ANNOTfiE ET fiTUDE COMPARfiE AVEC LE CIVARASKHANDHAKA DE PALI. [French: The givaraskhandhaka of Vinayapitaka of the Mulasarvastivadin: An Annotated Translation into French and a Comparative Study with the givaraskhandhaka of Pali.] Paris, 1967. 227p. (Doctorat de lTUniversit6) Stern, Henri. HINDOUISME ET BOUDDHISME DE MAX WEBER: ANALYSE CRITIQUE. See entry 880. 827 Swearer, Donald Keeney. KNOWLEDGE AS SALVATION: A STUDY IN EARLY BUDDHISM. Princeton, 1967. 300p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3761-62-A; UM 68-2524. Delineates the soteriologi114 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY / CHRISTIANITY 835^ cal nature and function of knowledge in Theravada Buddhism. 828 Terakawa, Shunsho. THE KARUNAPUNDARIKA: CHAPTERS V AND VI. Pennsylvania, 1969. 365p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2508-09-A; UM 69-21,437. An edited translation based on the Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit version of the chapters entitled Dana ("Charity") and Samadhi ("Trance"). 829 Tran-minh-Cam. LES NOTIONS DE DELIVRANCE DANS LE BOUDDHISME ANCIEN ET DE SALUT DANS LE CHRISTIANISME. [French: Concepts of Release/Delivery in Early Buddhism and of Safety in Christianity.] Paris, 1967. 357p. (Doctor at de lTUniversit6) 830 Yamada, Isshi. EDITION OF THE KARUNAPUNDARIKAT WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES. London, 1967! Christianity Includes the activities of Christian missionaries in India. Bose, Anima. AMERICAN MISSIONARIES1 INVOLVEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. See entry 607. 831 Boyd, Robert Hugh Steele. THE PLACE OF DOGMATIC THEOLOGY IN THE INDIAN CHURCH: A STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIAN CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY AND AN ASSESSMENT OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE. Edinburgh, 1966. 832 Britsch, Ralph Lanier. EARLY LATTER-DAY SAINT MISSIONS TO SOUTH AND EAST ASIA. Claremont, 1968. 392p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 537-38-A; UM 68-10,498. Includes the history of the East India Mormon Mission, 1849-1856. 833 Flynn, Reverend John Michael. THE GORDIAN KNOT: THE PRINCIPLES OF MINISTERIAL UNIFICATION IN THE CHURCH OF SOUTH INDIA AND THE CONSULTATION ON CHURCH UNION. Catholic University of America, 1970. 313 p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6146-A; UM 71-11,063. 834 Gehani, T. G. A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE WORK OF SCOTTISH PRESBYTERIAN MISSIONS IN INDIA, 1878-1914. Strathclyde, 1966/67. 835 Hudson, Da Dennis. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF H. A. KRISHNA 115 836 INDIA PILLAI (1827-1900): A STUDY IN THE ENCOUNTER OF TAMIL SRI VAISHNAVA HINDUISM AND EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT CHRISTIANITY IN NINETEENTH CENTURY TIRUNELVELI DISTRICT. Claremont, 1970. 550p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6702-03-A; UM 71-13,702. Using the account of the Tamil Christian poet H. A. Krishna Pillai as a framework, the author studies the high-caste (Vellala) converts from Hinduism to Protestantism who maintained their caste and cultural identity over against both Anglican missionaries and the lower-caste Christian majority in the church. James, Stanislaus F . THE ADAPTATION OF INDIAN CARNATIC MUSIC INTO SACRED LITURGY. See entry 198. 836 Laird, Michael Andrew. THE CONTRIBUTION OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES TO EDUCATION IN BENGAL, 1793-1837. London, 1968. 837 Lapp, John Allen. THE MENNONITE CHURCH IN INDIA, 18971962. Pennsylvania, 1968. 355p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1110-A; UM 69-15,078. 838 Lueders, Fredrick Gustav. ROLE EXPECTATIONS AND PERFORMANCE OF RURAL CLERGY IN THE ANDHRA LUTHERAN CHURCH, INDIA. Wisconsin, 1970. 201 p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6147-A; UM 71-3139. Focuses on the activities of the clergy in community development. 839 Orr, J. M. THE CONTRIBUTION OF SCOTTISH MISSIONS TO THE RISE AND GROWTH OF RESPONSIBLE CHURCHES IN INDIA. Edinburgh, 1967. 840 Sengupta, Kantiprasanna. THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES IN BENGAL, 1793-1833. London, 1966. 841 Souza, Anthony Sylvester d \ RENEWAL OF SEMINARY TRAINING IN INDIA IN THE LIGHT OF VATICAN COUNCIL II. Pontifical Urban University (Rome), 1966/67. 842 Thomas, Abraham Vazhayil. THE ROLE OF THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY IN A SECULAR STATE: INDIA AS A CASE STUDY. Boston University, 1969. 559 p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4540-41-A; UM 70-6682. Studies the historical role of the Indian Christian community and recommends that Christians in the future be more active in politics, increase their cooperation with other religious groups in promoting national integration and development and in strengthening the secular character of the state, and vigorously defend religious freedom in India. 843 Van der Werff, Lyle Lloyd. THE STRATEGY OF CHRISTIAN 116 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY / HINDUISM 85£ MISSION TO MUSLIMS: ANGLICAN AND REFORMED CONTRIBUTIONS IN INDIA AND THE NEAR EAST FROM HENRY MARTYN TO SAMUEL ZWEMER, 1800-1938. Edinburgh, 1968. 844 Webster, John Crosby Brown. THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY AND CHANGE IN NORTH INDIA: A HISTORY OF THE PUNJAB AND NORTH INDIA MISSIONS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A., 1834-1914. Pennsylvania, 1971. 501 p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2047-A; UM 71-26,106. Hinduism - - Before 1800 845 Acharyya, Debnarayan. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF SRIKRSNACAITANYA. London, 1967. 846 Aklujkar, Ashok Narhar. THE PHILOSOPHY OF BHARTRHARFS TRIKANDI. Harvard. 1970. viii, 301 p. Seeks to determine and state the basic theoretical views bearing on philosophy and linguistics in Bhartrhari's Trikandl. 847 Anton, Helga. DIE IDEOLOGISCH-KUNSTLERISCHE ENTWICKLUNG C. SUBRAMANYA BHARATIS. [German: The Ideological and Artistic Development of C. Subramanya Bharati.] Humboldt Universitat (Berlin), 1967. x, 369p +153 p. 848 Barz, Richard Keith. EARLY DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE BHAKTI SECT OF VALLABHACARYA ACCORDING TO SECTARIAN TRADITIONS. Chicago, 1971. ca. 420 p. The teachings of the 16th century Vaisnava philosopher Vallabhacarya on the devotional worship of Sri Krsna as found in the early Braj Bhasa Hindi texts. 849 Bhardwaj, Surinder Mohan. HINDU PLACES OF PILGRIMAGE IN INDIA: A STUDY IN CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY. Minnesota, 1970. 366 p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 4125-B; UM 70-27,101. Attempts to formulate levels of sacred places (tirthas) and to establish the relationship of various levels to the spatial and social aspects of Hinduism. 850 Brooks, Richard William. THE ROPE AND THE SNAKE: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CONCEPT OF ADHYASA (SUPERIMPOSITION) IN ADVAITA VEDANTA. Minnesota, 1968. 561 p. DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2747-48-A; UM 69-1491. A critical examination of the Advaita Vedanta philosophical claim that "the world of our ordinary experience is an illusion." 117 851 INDIA 851 Buss, Reinhard Johannes. The Klabautermann of the Northern Seas: An Analysis of the Protective Spirit of Ships and Sailors in the Context of Popular Belief, Christian Legend, and IndoEuropean Mythology. [Portions of text in German. ] California (Los Angeles), 1970. 292p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2281-A; UM 70-22,804. Includes a discussion of the earliest manifestations of belief in supernatural protectors of sailors as found in the Vedic hymns. 852 Chethimattam, Reverend John Britto, C.M.I. CONSCIOUSNESS AND REALITY ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF &RI RAMANUJA. Fordham, 1968. 391 p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 631-32-A; UM 68-11,007. Indian thinker of the 12th century. 853 Chopra, Tilak Raj. THE KUSA-JATAKA: A CRITICAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDY. Hamburg, 1966. 210 p. 854 Christanand, Pancras. GOD VARUNA IN RIG-VEDA SAMHETA. Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome), 1966. 855 Church, Cornelia Dimmitt. THE YUGA STORY: A MYTH OF THE FOUR AGES OF THE WORLD AS FOUND IN THE PURAI*AS. Syracuse, 1970. 225p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6145-A; UM 71-10,900. Seeks to develop a universally applicable method for studying mythology. 856 De Nicolas, Antonio T. FOUR-DIMENSIONAL MAN: THE IMPLICIT PHILOSOPHY OF THE RGVEDA. Fordham, 1971. 323p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 1010-11-A; UM 71-20,159. Presents the first comprehensive philosophical interpretation of the Rgveda relying exclusively on the text itself. 857 Dhavamony, M. THE DOCTRINE OF BHAKTI ACCORDING TO SAIVA-SIDDHANTA. Oxford, 1967/68. Duvall, Mary V. MANTS CONCEPT OF HIS RELIGIOUS FULFILLMENT: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF TEILHARD DE CHARDIN AND CLASSICAL BUDDHIST, HINDU, AND CHRISTIAN THOUGHT. See entry 814. 858 Goekoop, Cornelis. THE LOGIC OF INVARIABLE CONCOMITANCE IN THE TATTVACINTAMANI: GANGESA'S ANUMITINIRUPANA AND VYAPTIVADA WITH INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION, AND COMMENTARY. Amsterdam, 1967. x, 162 p. Presents an essential part of Navya-nyaya logic as laid down in the first two sections of the Anumitinirupana. 859 Gronbold, Giinther. SAD ANGA YOGA. Miinchen, 1969. 192p. 860 Gupta, Ram Das. STUDIES IN THE BHAKTIRASA-BODHINl OF PRIYADASA. London, 1967. 118 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY / HINDUISM 868 861 Hara, Minoru. MATERIALS FOR THE STUDY OF PASUPATA §AVISIM. Harvard, 1967. vi, 606 p. Includes translations of the Pagupata-sutra with the commentary of Kaundinya and of the Gana-Karika with the commentary of Bhasarvajfia, 862 Herman, Arthur Ludwig. THE PROBLEM OF EVIL AND INDIAN THOUGHT. Minnesota, 1970. 572p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4838-A; UM 71-8159. Shows that the theological problem of evil can be solved by the Indian doctrine of rebirth or transmigration. 863 Hoang, Sy-Quy. LE MOI QUI ME DEPASSE SELON LE VEDANTA: ETUDE DU CONCEPT DTATMAN CHEZ SANKARA ET DANS LES UPANISAD SOUS SON ASPECT DE DENSITE ET D'INTERIORITE. [French: The Transcendental Self According to the Vedanta: A Study of the Concept of Atman According to Safikara and in the Upanigads with Regard to Its Aspects of Density(?) and Inwardness.]" Paris, 1968. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) 864 Joseph, Chacko A. HINDUISM: SALVATION AND FUTURE LIFE. Grace Theological Seminary and College, 1969/70. Kinsley, David R. THE DIVINE PLAYER: A STUDY OF KRgNALILA. See entry 200. 865 Langbauer, Delmar N. SANATANA DHARMA AND MODERN PHILOSOPHY: A STUDY OF INDIAN AND WHITEHEADIAN THOUGHT. Claremont, 1970. 268p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6704-A; UM 71-13,711. Employing an initial study of Rg Vedic materials, the principal Upanigads, and the Bhagavad Gita, this dissertation attempts to explore the hypothesis that the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead provides an adequate ontological framework for the interpretation of the Indian religious tradition. 866 Larson, Gerald James. CLASSICAL SAMKHYA: AN INTERPRETATION OF ITS HISTORY AND MEANING. Columbia, 1967. 410p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1365-A; UM 70-17,026. Presents a new interpretation with respect to the historical development and the philosophical and religious meaning of classical Samkhva. An English translation of the Karika is included in an appendix. 867 Long, Joe Bruce. VISIONS OF TERROR AND BLISS: A STUDY OF RUDA-SIVAIN PRE-PURANIC HINDUISM. Chicago, 1970. 408p. 868 Lorenzen, David Neal. THE KAPALIKAS AND KALAMUKHAS: TWO LOST SAIVITE SECTS. Australian National, 1968. In this dissertation, the author argues against the belief that these two medieval heterodox Saivite religious sects of South India were sadistic and orgiastic. 119 869 INDIA 869 OTConnell, Joseph Thomas. SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE GAUDIYA VAISNAVA MOVEMENT. Harvard, 1970. xxi, 468 p. Assesses the impact of a Hindu devotional movement upon the social and cultural integration of Bengal under Muslim rule. 870 O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. ASCETICISM AND SEXUALITY IN THE MYTHOLOGY OF SlVA IN THE SANSKRIT PURANAS. Harvard, 1968. viii, 935 p. 871 Ordonez, Victor, F . S . C . AN EXPOSITION OF THE CONCEPT OF MAN'S NATURE IN THE YOGA SYSTEM OF HINDU PHILOSOPHY. Santo Tomas (Manila), 1968. Osman, Mohd. Taib bin. INDIGENOUS, HINDU, AND ISLAMIC ELEMENTS IN MALAY FOLK BELIEFS. See entry 154. 872 Rao, K. L. Seshagiri. THE CONCEPT OF gRADDHA (IN THE BRAHMANAS. THE UPANISHADS. AND THE GITA). Harvard, 1967. ix, 302 p. Rayapati, Jacob P. R. EARLY AMERICAN INTEREST IN VEDIC LITERATURE AND VEDANTIC PHILOSOPHY. See entry 157. 873 Santucci, James Angelo Anthony. VEDIC VRJ AND /RAJ: THEIR MEANING AND RELATIONSHIP. Australian National, 1970. 874 Schmidt, Hans-Peter. BRHASPATI UND INDRA: UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR VEDISCHEN MYTHOLOGIE UND KULTURGESCHICHTE. [ German: Brhaspati and Indra: Investigations of Vedic Mythology and Cultural History.] Tubingen, 1968. 260 p. (Habilitationsschrift) A study of the origins of the god Brhaspati and of his relationship to Indra as recorded in the Rgveda. 875 Sharma, Ursula Marion. HINDUISM IN A KANGRA VILLAGE. London, 1969. 876 Shayegan, Daryush. LES RELATIONS DE L'HINDOUISME ET DU SOUFISME D'APRES LE MAJMA 'AL-BAHRAYN (LE CONFLUENT DES DEUX OCEANS) DE DARA SHOKUH. [French: The Relations of Hinduism and Sufism According to the Mai ma ^al-Bahrayn (The Meeting of Two Oceans) of Dara Shukuh. ] Paris, 1968. 499p. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) 877 Solomon, Theodore J. THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY INDIAN BHAKTI: THE AUTOCHTHONOUS HERITAGE OF VAISNAVISM. Chicago, 1966. 343p. 878 Srinivasan, Doris Meth. CONCEPT OF COW IN THE RIG VEDA. Pennsylvania, 1967. 221 p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1796-A; UM 67-12,809. Describes the concepts associated with fTcowTt 120 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY / HINDUISM 879 880 881 882 883 886^ through a comprehensive analysis of g6, the most inclusive term for "cow" in the Rigveda. in order to improve the understanding of passages in which "cow" appears. Srinivasan, Srinivas Ayya. VACASPATIMISRAS TATTVAKAUMUDI: EIN BEITRAG ZUR TEXTKRITIK BEI KONTAMINIERTER UBERLIEFERUNG. [German: Vacaspatimigra's Tattvakaumudi: A Contribution to Textual Criticism in an Amalgamated Tradition.] Hamburg, 1967. ix, 219 p. Stern, Henri. HINDOUISME ET BOUDDHISME DE MAX WEBER: ANALYSE CRITIQUE. [French: Hinduism and Buddhism in Max Weber: A Critical Analysis. ] Paris, 1969. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) Includes WeberTs study of Indian social organization (particularly the caste system), social history, and traditional religious thought. Stoddard, Robert Hugh. HINDU HOLY SITES IN INDIA. Iowa, 1966. 200p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 3143-44-B; UM 67-2684. A dissertation in geography focusing upon the relationship between the distribution of the holy sites and of the Hindu population of India. Tsuda, Shinichi. THE S AMVARODAY A-TANTRA: SELECTED CHAPTERS. Australian National, 1970. Tuck, Donald Richard. MAYA: INTERPRETATIVE PRINCIPLE FOR AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE RELIGIOUS THOUGHT OF gAMKARA AND RADHAKRISHNAN. Iowa, 1970. 244 p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 4881-82-A; UM 71-5839. Focuses on the particular manner in which they have employed the complex concept of maya. 884 Vermot-Gauchy, Huguette. RECHERCHES SUR LE BHAVISYATPURANA. [French: Studies of the Bhavisva Purana.3 AixMarseille, 1968. 134p. (Doctorat de speciality) " 885 Wilson, Frances Ann. THE KRSNAKARNAMRTA OF LILAgUKA BILVAMANGALA. California (Berkeley)", 1*967. 827p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2671-A; UM 68-183. This is a critical edition of this devotional anthology of medieval Vaishnava hymns. 886 Yuyama, Akira. A STUDY OF THE PRAJNA-PARAMITARATNA-GUNA-SAMCAYA-GATHA. Australian National, 1970. 121 887 INDIA Hinduism — Since 1800 Includes the thought and writings of Gandhi, Aurobindo, Radhakrishnan, and Swami Vivekananda. 887 Achard, Yvon. LE LANGAGE DE KRISHNAMURTI: LTEVOLUTION SPIRITUELLE DE KRISHNAMURTI ET LTEVOLUTION DE SON LANGAGE. [French: The Language of Krishnamurti: The Spiritual Evolution of Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895- ) and the Evolution of His Language. ] Grenoble, 1969/70. 888 Babb, Lawrence Alan. SYSTEMATIC ASPECTS OF CHHATTISGARHI RELIGION: AN ANALYSIS OF A REGIONAL VARIANT OF POPULAR HINDUISM. Rochester, 1969. 268p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3957-B; UM 70-2844. Focuses on sexual bifurcation, and on the opposition between ritual purity and pollution, in this variant of Hinduism. 889 Bazemore, Wallace Duncan. THE ELIMINATION OF THE HIATUS BETWEEN THE DIVINE AND THE NON-DIVINE IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF AUROBINDO. Stanford, 1970. 306p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1837-A; UM 70-18,376. Describes the relationship and effects on reconciliation between the two apparently disparate realms of vidva (knowledge) and avidya (ignorance). 890 Bruteau, Beatrice. THE REALITY AND VALUE OF THE WORLD IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF §RI AUROBINDO. Fordham, 1969. 305p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1593-A; UM 69-16,215. Concludes that AurobindoTs philosophical system is genuinely Hindu but universal and modern as well. 891 Canut-Mallison, Francoise. S ATI-GIT A: LE CHANT DE LA FEMME FIDELE. TRADUCTION FRAN£AISE DE LA VERSION GUJARATI. [French: Sati-gita: The Chant of the Faithful Woman. A Translation from the Version in Gujarati.] Paris, 1969. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) A French translation of a religious and philosophical Gujarati text concerning the Hindu woman, which was written by Brahmananda Muktananda in the early 1800Ts. 892 Cenker, William C , O.P. CREATIVE MORAL PROTEST: THE SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MORAL PROTESTOR AND HIS OPPONENT ACCORDING TO THE EXAMPLE AND TEACHING OF MOHANDAS K. GANDHI. Fordham, 1969. 291 p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5513-14-A; UM 70-11,425. Investigates human relationships in Gandhian protest and the roles of the protestor and his opponent. 893 Choudhury, Barbara S. NEO-HINDUISM AND MILITANT POLI122 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY / HINDUISM TICS IN BENGAL, 1875-1910. Hawaii, 1971. DAI 32: 3228-A. 894 Collins, John Edward. THE INTEGRAL VISION OF SRI AUROBINDO. Princeton, 1970. 303 p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6699-A; UM 71-14,366. A study of AurobindoTs spiritual experiences in order to understand the nature and meaning of these experiences as he understood them. 895 Cremer, Wilhelm. DIE UNIVERSALE RELIGION DES GEISTES: RELIGION UND RELIGIONEN BEI SARVEPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN. [German: The Universal Religion of the Spirit: Religion and Religions in the Thought of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.] Munchen, 1966. ix, 327 p. Studies the theological views of the Indian philosopher and statesman, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888- ), 896 Crossley, Ronald Cooper. THE ANACHRONISM: NINETEENTHCENTURY BRITISH PROTESTANT MISSIONARY STUDIES OF HINDUISM. Duke, 1966. 339p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3923-A; UM 67-6099. Focuses on the works of William Ward, Alexander Duff, J. Murray Mitchell, and T. E. Slater. 897 Dockhorn, Kurt. TRADITION UND EVOLUTION: UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZU SRI AUROBINDOS AUSLEGUNG AUTORISIERTEN SANSKRITSCHRIFTEN MIT EINER EINFUHRUNG IN SEIN LEBEN UND WERK. [German: Tradition and Evolution: A Study of Sri AurobindoTs Interpretation of Authorized Sanskrit Writings with an Introduction to His Life and Work.] Heidelberg, 1968. 231 p. 898 Fornaro, Robert John. SIVANANDA, AND THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY: A PARADIGM OF THE "SECULARISM," "PURITANISM," AND "CULTURAL DISSIMULATION" OF A NEO-HINDU RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. Syracuse, 1969. 253p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 456-A; UM 70-12,772. Attempts to investigate and clarify the meaning and function of "puritanism," "secularism," and "cultural dissimulation" in the development of Swami SivanandaTs Divine Life Society, as it related to "IndiaTs Official Culture." 899 Jones, Kenneth William. THE ARYA SAMAJ IN THE PUNJAB: A STUDY OF SOCIAL REFORM AND RELIGIOUS REVIVALISM, 1877-1902, California (Berkeley), 1966. 354p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2119-A; UM 66-15,416. A movement to reform and revitalize Hinduism introduced into the Punjab by its founder, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, in 1877. 900 Koller, John M. THE METAPHYSICAL BASES AND IMPLICATIONS OF INDIAN SOCIAL IDEALS IN TRADITIONAL INDIA, GANDHI, AND AUROBINDO. Hawaii, 1966. 315p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1850-A; UM 67-13,703. Examines and compares 123 901 INDIA traditional Indian writings and the philosophies of Gandhi and Aurobindo with respect to the forms of social organization advocated and the justification of these forms of social organization. 901 Le Cocq, Rhoda P . THE RADICAL THINKERS: MARTIN HEIDEGGER AND SRI AUROBINDO. California Institute of Asian Studies (San Francisco), 1969. xii, 265p. 902 McDermott, Robert A. RADHAKRISHNANTS COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY. Boston University, 1969. 202p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3985-A; UM 70-4679. Studies his use of idealism and Vedanta as a way of synthesizing the Indian and Western philosophical traditions. 903 McKinnon, Charles Paul. THE RELIGIOUS IDEAS OF M. K. GANDHI. London, 1968. 904 Minz, Nirmal. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF M. K. GANDHI'S THOUGHT FOR A THEOLOGY OF DIALOGUE IN INDIA. Chicago, 1968. 393 p. 905 Morearty, John E. THE IMAGES OF INDIA IN SWAMI VIVEKANANDA AND OTHERS: THE INDIAN GOLDEN AGE AND INDIAN SPIRITUALITY. Chicago, 1969. 263p. 906 Rustau, Hiltrud. DIE PHILOSOPHISCHEN ANSCHAUUNGEN SWAMI VIVEKANANDAS UND LOKAMANYA BAL GANGADHAR TILAKS. [German: The Philosophical Views of Swami Vivekananda and of Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak.] Humboldt Universitat (Berlin), 1966. v, 365 p. 907 Sahay, Arun. HINDU REFORMIST ETHICS AND THE WEBER THESIS: AN APPLICATION OF MAX WEBERTS METHODOLOGY. London, 1969. 908 Sailley, Robert. LA DOCTRINE DTAUROBINDO GHOSE: PHILOSOPHE INDIEN DTEXPRESSION ANGLAISE. [French: The Doctrine of Aurobindo Ghose: An Indian Philosopher in the English Style.] Paris, 1968. (Doctorat de speciality) An analytical study of the major aspects of AurobindoTs philosophical thought. 909 Sarkar, Ranajit. LA POETIQUE DE SRI AUROBINDO ET SES RAPPORTS AVEC LES LITTERATURES OCCIDENT ALES. [French: The Poetics of Sri Aurobindo and Their Relationship with Western Literature.] Aix-Marseille, 1968. 436, lxxviii p. (Doctorat de lTUniversit6) 910 Singh, Christ Kumar Paul. DIE MYSTIK BEI RADHAKRISHNAN UND DIE OFFENBARUNGSTHEOLOGIE. [German: RadhakrishnanTs Mysticism and the Theology of Revelation,] Kirchliche Hochschule (Berlin), 1966. 261 p. 124 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY / ISLAM 911 Terdjman, Jean-Michel. ERREUR, IGNORANCE, ET ILLUSION D'APRES SPINOZA ET SRI AUROBINDO. [French: Error, Ignorance, and Illusion According to Spinoza and Sri Aurobindo.] Paris, 1969. (Doctorat de sp£cialit6) Focuses on Spinoza and Aurobindo in this effort to explain the limitations of human nature as manifested in the phenomena of error, ignorance, and illusion. Islam Limited to religious developments before 1947. 912 Barranda, Natividad Gatbonton. THE CONCEPT OF PERSONHOOD IN THE THOUGHT OF MARTIN BUBER, DAISETZ SUZUKI, AND MUHAMMAD IQBAL. Claremont, 1968. 273 p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1200-A; UM 69-8931. An exploration of the nature and structure of the self from philosophical, psychological, and religious points of view. 913 Haq, M. Anwarul. THE FAITH MOVEMENT OF MAWLANA MUHAMMAD ILYAS. Chicago, 1968. 235p. 914 Hassan, R. THE MAIN PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS IN THE WRITINGS OF MUHAMMAD IQBAL (1877-1938). Durham, 1967/68. 915 Husain, S. M. SOME ASPECTS OF INDIAN ISLAM IN THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY. Manchester, 1967. 916 Lavan, Spencer. THE AIJMADlYAH MOVEMENT: ITS NATURE AND ITS ROLE IN NINETEENTH AND EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY INDIA. McGill, 1970. DAI 32 (July 1971): 528-A. Examines the life and work of the movements founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, and the polemics and controversies in which he engaged with fellow-Muslims, AryaSamaj, Hindus, and Christian missionaries. 917 Roy, Asimranjan. ISLAM IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF MEDIEVAL BENGAL, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BENGALI SOURCES. Australian National, 1970. 125 918 INDIA SCIENCE AND MEDICINE Earth Sciences Geology, mineralogy, oceanography. 918 Bennett, Edward Bertram. TURBULENT DIFFUSION, ADVECTION, AND WATER STRUCTURE IN THE NORTH INDIAN OCEAN. Hawaii, 1970. 144p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6788-B; UM 71-12,213. 919 Chakrabarti, A. K. STRUCTURE AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE LEAD-ZINC-PYRITE DEPOSITS AT ZAWAR, RAJASTHAN. Durham, 1966/67. 920 Chakravorty, Priya Shankar. MINERALOGISCH-PETROGRAPHISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE WOLFRAMIT-LAGERSTATTE VON CHHENDAPATHAR, WEST BENGAL, INDIEN. [German: Mineralogical and Petrographical Studies of the Wolframite Deposits of Chhendapathar, West Bengal, India.] Gcrttingen, 1966. 82 p. 921 Crawford, Arthur Raymond. GEOCHRONOLOGY OF THE PRECAMBIAN ROCKS OF PENINSULAR INDIA AND CEYLON. Australian National, 1968. Edwards, Seth J. A PROPOSED COURSE IN EARTH SCIENCE FOR THE SECONDARY SCIENCE CURRICULUM OF INDIAN SCHOOLS. See entry 398. 922 Frerichs, William Edward. DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY OF FORAMINIFERA IN THE SEDIMENTS OF THE ANDAMAN SEA. Southern California, 1967. 280 p. DA 28 (Sept. 1967): 940-41-B; UM 67-10,760. Geology. 923 Hewitt, Kenneth. GEOMORPHOLOGY OF MOUNTAIN REGIONS OF THE UPPER INDUS BASIN. London, 1969. 924 Johnson, Gary Dean. NEOGENE MOLASSE SEDIMENTATION IN A PORTION OF THE PUNJAB-HIMACHAL PRADESH TERTIARY RE-ENTRANT, HIMALAYAN FOOTHILL BELT, INDIA: A VERTICAL PROFILE OF SIWALIK DEPOSITION. Iowa State, 1971. 94p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2235-36-A; UM 71-26,864. 925 Mathur, Surendra Pratap. STANDARDIZATION OF GRAVITY AND BOUGUER ANOMALIES IN INDIA. Hawaii, 1969. 117p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1764-65-B; UM 69-16,659. Attempts to standardize the 150,000 gravity measurements made in India during the 1950Ts and 1960Ts that were based on various floating datums. 126 SCIENCE AND MEDICINE 926 933 Pandey, Sheo Ji. PREDICTION AND COMPARISON OF PROPERTIES OF HAWAIIAN AND INDIAN RED EARTHS USING AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING TECHNIQUES. Hawaii, 1969. 519p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3944-45-B; UM 70-4312. 927 Rodolfo, Kelvin Schmidt. MARINE GEOLOGY OF THE ANDAMAN BASIN, NORTHEASTERN INDIAN OCEAN. Southern California, 1967. 335p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3755-B; UM 68-1201. Life Sciences Agronomy, biology, genetics, marine biology, zoology. 928 Acharya, Radha Mohan. GENETIC ANALYSIS OF A CLOSED HERD OF INDIAN CATTLE. Iowa State, 1966. 169p. DA 27 (July 1966): 6-7-B; UM 66-6969. Studies the Hariana breed of cattle. 929 Ananthakrishnan, Rajagopalan. POPULATION GENETIC STUDIES IN SOUTH INDIA. Australian National, 1970. Andress, Joel M. CULTURE AND HABITAT IN THE CENTRAL HIMALAYAS. See entry 949. 930 Bertram, Brian Colin Ricardo. THE SOCIAL AND VOCAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE INDIAN HILL MYNAH, GRACULA RELIGIOSA. Cambridge, 1968/69. 931 Deshpande, Sharadchandra Balwant. GENESIS AND CLASSIFICATION OF SIX MOLLISOLS IN THE TARAI REGION NEAR PANTNAGAR, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA. Illinois, 1969. 164p. DAI 30 (Jan. 1970): 2988-B; UM 70-832. An analysis of the soils in this portion of the Himalayan foothills. 932 Fleming, Robert Leland, J r . THE BIRDS OF MUSSOORIE, U.P., INDIA: A DISTRIBUTIONAL AND ECOLOGICAL STUDY. Michigan State, 1967. 255 p. DA 28 (Apr. 1968): 4346-47-A; UM 68-4131. Determines the habitat selections, foraging positions, interspecific associations, altitudinal distributions, seasonal movements, behavior patterns, and zoogeographical affinities of 200 species. 933 Hackett, Harold Edmund. MARINE ALGAE IN THE ATOLL ENVIRONMENT: MALDIVE ISLANDS. Duke, 1969. 335p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2805-B; UM 70-20,272. 127 934 INDIA Hussain, Syed T. REVISION OF HIPPARION (EQUIDAE, MAMMALIA) FROM THE SIWALIK HILLS OF PAKISTAN AND INDIA. See entry 1226. 934 Katpatal, Bhasker Gopal. THE FRACTION OF HOLSTEIN BREEDING IN HOLSTEIN-DAIRY ZEBU CROSSES RESULTING IN MAXIMUM MILK PRODUCTION AND GROWTH IN INDIA. Illinois, 1970. 165p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 5189-B; UM 71-5150. 935 Lindburg, Donald Gilson. A FIELD STUDY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR OF THE RHESUS MONKEY (MACACA MULATTA). California (Berkeley), 1967. 140p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2703-B; UM 68-106. Monkeys near the north Indian city of Dehra Dun were studied over the course of an annual cycle. 936 Minor, Harry Cameron. EFFECTS OF PLANT SPACING ON YIELD COMPONENTS OF SORGHUM IN THE U.S.A. AND SOYBEANS IN INDIA. Illinois, 1971. 119p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 668-69-B; UM 71-21,185. Includes a study of the effects of plant spacing and planting date on Bragg and Clark 63 soybeans in Central India. Determines that highest yields are produced when planting coincides with the onset of the monsoon rains. 937 Ngere, Livinus Onyewuchi. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INFLUENCING MILK YIELD OF HARIANA CATTLE. Cornell, 1970. 122p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 3-B; UM 70-12,640. Based on studies of cows at Haringhata, India. 938 Pandya, Bindeshwari Prasad. TIMING PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT EVENTS IN MAIZE (ZEA MAYS L.) IN NORTHERN INDIA. Illinois, 1969. 77p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 478-79-B; UM 70-13,439. Based on field experiments conducted during the Kharif (rainy season) and Zaid (hot weather) seasons. 939 Poirier, Frank Eugene. THE ECOLOGY AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF THE NILGIRI LANGUR (PRESBYTIS JOHNIfl OF SOUTH INDIA. Oregon, 1967. 338p. DA 29 (July 1968): 28-29-B; UM 68-10,015. Monkeys in the Nilgiri Hills of South India. Roy, Dipak K. THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SOY PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS FOR UNDERNOURISHED PEOPLE OF INDIA. See entry 946. 940 Singh, Chhidda. CHANGES IN THE COMPONENTS OF YIELD IN DIFFERENT MORPHOLOGICAL TYPES OF MAIZE ASSOCIATED WITH PLANT DENSITY IN NORTHERN INDIA. Illinois, 1969. 73p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 944-B; UM 69-15,391. 941 Zhumkhawala, Yusuf Moiz. SYSTEMS STUDIES AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF A SYSTEM FOR HARVESTING, PROCESSING, 128 SCIENCE AND MEDICINE 945 AND DISTRIBUTION OF MARINE PROTEIN CONCENTRATE IN INDIA. California (Los Angeles), 1970. 545p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1899-900-B; UM 70-19,921. The development of a system for making Fish Protein Concentrate available to a large section of the Indian population. Medicine and Public Health 942 Dastur, Dinoo Nari. DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A TELEVISED SERIES TTNUTRITION AND MAN" FOR USE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Ohio State, 1971. 236p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1687-B; UM 71-22,462. A series of nutrition lessons that potentially can be used outside of the United States. The series was tested by women from India, the Philippines, and Taiwan. 943 Dhesi, Jagdit Kaur Jobal. RELATIONSHIP OF BODY POSITIONS AND HEART RATE DURING CHAP ATI-MAKING AT GROUNDLEVEL. Ohio State, 1970. 145p. DAI 31 (Mar. 1971): 5458-B; UM 71-7433. The study seeks to examine the physical cost of a task--chapati-making—by studying the relationship between the heart rate and angles of body bend and by examining factors related to homemakers accounting for variance in heart rate and angles of body bend. The five subjects were women from Punjab and Raj as than. Kirkpatrick, Joanna. THE OPEN WARD IN A CLOSED SOCIETY: SOCIAL INTERACTION IN A NORTH INDIAN HOSPITAL. See entry 969. 944 Madhavi, Upot Poovadan. A STUDY OF MUTUAL PROFESSIONAL ROLE EXPECTATIONS OF PHYSICIANS AND NURSES IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH TEAM IN INDIA. Boston University, 1968. 186p. DA 29 (May 1969): 4247-B; UM 69-7858. The objective was to explore on a national basis the consensus of roleactivities performed by physicians and nurses in providing health services to the family, and to identify areas of conflict in professional role-perceptions. 945 Matter, Sharleen Lou Johnson. DIETARY INTAKE AND SELECTED SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING PHYSICAL CONDITION OF PREGNANT INDIAN WOMEN FROM LOW ECONOMIC FAMILIES. Kansas State, 1970. 236p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 3511-B; UM 70-25,551. An investigation of the nutritional status of 171 pregnant women from low-income families of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 129 946 INDIA Rehm, Klaus E. DIE ROLLE DES BUDDHISMUS IN DER INDISCHEN MEDIZIN UND DAS SPITALPROBLEM. See entry 825. 946 Roy, Dipak Kumar. THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SOY PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS FOR UNDERNOURISHED PEOPLE OF INDIA. Louisiana State, 1969. 135p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 5090-91-B; UM 70-9088. SOCIETY General Social Change, Social Organization, and Behavioral Patterns Includes general community studies not focusing on the urban or village levels. For leadership studies as well as for political behavior and socialization, see the section "Politics, Government, Law, and International Relations.Tt 947 Aggarwal, Partap Chand. CULTURAL CHANGES AND WIDENING INTEGRATION AMONG THE MEOS OF NORTH INDIA. Cornell, 1966. 387p. DA 28 (July 1967): 30-31-B; UM 67-1492. People of Hindu origin who converted to Islam in the 14th century but whose customs remained predominantly Hindu and who now live along the border of Rajasthan and Punjab. 948 Agrawal, Binod Chand. THE RELIGIO-ECONOMIC NETWORKS IN DHAR DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA. Wisconsin, 1970. 281 p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1664-65-B; UM 70-15,875. Studies Hindu cultural phenomena that manifest religio-economic interdependence: the hats (weekly markets) and the various fairs and festivals of the district. 949 Andress, Joel Max. CULTURE AND HABITAT IN THE CENTRAL HIMALAYAS. California (Berkeley), 1966. 346p. DA 27 (Sept. 1966): 853-B; UM 66-8261. An investigation of the interaction between livelihood and habitat among the Paharis near the town of Mussoorie, Uttar Pradesh, with focus on settlement, agriculture and animal husbandry, and wild vegetation. 950 Beck, B. E. F . SOCIAL AND CONCEPTUAL ORDER IN KONGU: A REGION OF SOUTH INDIA. Oxford, 1967/68. 130 SOCIETY / SOCIAL CHANGE, ORGANIZATION, AND BEHAVIOR 957 951 Bhalla, Salma. INTERPERSONAL SCHEMAS: A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON. Massachusetts, 1970. 81 p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4981-82-B; UM 71-5012. A comparison of Indian and American cultures. 952 Blake, Bradley Allen. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AMONG THE COASTAL MARINE FISHERMEN OF MADRAS STATE. Wisconsin, 1970. 331p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1665-66-B; UM 70-15,881. Attempts to determine how effective the Madras Fisheries Department has been in bringing modern technology to the marine fishermen of Madras and Chingleput District. Breman, Johannes C. MEESTER EN KNECHT: EEN ONDERZOEK NAAR DE VERANDERINGEN IN DE BETREKKINGEN TUSSEN LANDHEREN EN LANDARBEIDERS IN ZUID-GUJARET, INDIA. See entry 220. 953 Busch, Gladys Masih. A STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TEACHERST CASTE-CONSCIOUSNESS AND STUDENTS' EDUCATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATIONS IN HIGH SCHOOLS IN INDIA. Indiana, 1969. 214p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 5063-A; UM 70-7430. The problem investigated is broadly related to the role of the high school teacher in the manpower development needs of a modernizing society which has traditionally operated on the principles of a closed system of social mobility (the caste system). 954 Chandrasekharaiah, Kananur V. THE STUDY OF THE "PERSONAL HOPES AND ASPIRATIONS; PERSONAL WORRIES AND FEARS" OF THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT IN BANGALORE CITY, MYSORE STATE, INDIA. Southern Illinois, 1968. 155p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3361-62-A; UM 69-6253. 955 Cohen, Allan Ray. TRADITION, VALUES, AND INTERROLE CONFLICT IN INDIAN FAMILY BUSINESS. Harvard, 1967. 356p. 956 Conklin, George Henry. NORMS, ROLES, STRUCTURE AND THE DEMOGRAPHIC CONSTRAINT ON NORM FULFILLMENT OF THE FAMILY IN URBAN AND RURAL DHARWAR, INDIA. Pennsylvania, 1971. 357 p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2219-A; UM 71-25,993. A study of social change and development in Mysore State. 957 Coone, Jim Garon. A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF SEX DIFFERENCES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SELECTED CREATIVE THINKING ABILITIES. Georgia, 1968. 182p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4828-29-B; UM 69-9478. The subjects were elementary school children in India, Australia, Germany, and the U.S.A. 131 958 INDIA 958 Cottrell, Ann Warren Baker. INTERPERSONAL DIMENSIONS OF CROSS-CULTURAL RELATIONS: INDIAN-WESTERN MARRIAGES IN INDIA. Michigan State, 1970. 388p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4281-82-A; UM 71-2050. The major areas explored in this study include (1) social histories and present social status, (2) patterns of linkage: occupational, social, and voluntary, and (3) the linkage process: factors facilitating or inhibiting interaction with Indians and Westerners in India. 959 Debysingh, Molly. POULTRY AND CULTURAL DISTRIBUTIONS IN INDIA. Syracuse, 1970. 241p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1650-B; UM 71-21, 518. Analyzes poultry distribution as an indicator of cultural variations among social and religious groups in India. 960 Dhindsa, Ragwinder Kaur. CHANGING STATUS OF WOMEN IN RURAL INDIA. Illinois, 1968. 250p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4562-A; UM 69-10,682. Investigates the relationship between the status of Indian women (as indicated by literacy, formal education, age at marriage, and the nuclear family system) and the factors of physical isolation and mass media. 961 Di Bona, Joseph Ernest. CULTURE CHANGE AND SOCIAL CONFLICT AT A NORTH INDIAN UNIVERSITY. California (Berkeley), 1967. 394p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1204-05-A; UM 67-11,609. Focuses on the frustration of the students, many of whom are from the economically depressed rural areas of eastern Uttar Pradesh, with the educational system. 962 Gulati, Krishna. AN EXPLORATION OF VOCATIONALLY RELEVANT MOTIVATION AMONG TENTH GRADE BOYS IN PANJAB, INDIA. California (Berkeley), 1967. 131 p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 480-A; UM 68-5729. 963 Hardgrave, Robert L. THE POLITICAL CULTURE OF A COMMUNITY IN CHANGE: THE NADARS OF TAMILNAD. Chicago, 1966. 344p. A detailed analysis of the political sentiments and behavior of a single caste community that has undergone major social changes during the past 150 years. 964 Harrison, Ella Vardha. CLOTHING SELECTION PRACTICES, INTEREST, KNOWLEDGE, AND PERCEPTION FOR A GROUP OF EDUCATED WOMEN CONSUMERS IN INDIA. Pennsylvania State, 1969. 243p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 785-B; UM 70-13,833. An empirical study of consumer behavior. 965 Hulbert, Katharine W. A STUDY IN HUMAN ECOLOGY: THE SEA-FISHING PEOPLE OF THE SOUTHWEST COAST OF INDIA. Colorado, 1969. 234p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1030-B; UM 70-16,493. Studies their ethnological background, economy, 132 SOCIETY / SOCIAL CHANGE, ORGANIZATION, AND BEHAVIOR 972 settlement patterns, diet, marriage patterns, and interrelationship with other groups and institutions. 966 Kee, YongTau. BUSINESS ACROSS BOUNDARIES: A LABORATORY EXPERIMENT TO ANALYZE THE DECISION-MAKING BEHAVIOR OF GROUPS FROM DIFFERENT CULTURES. Minnesota, 1970. 272p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 21-A; UM 71-18,886. A comparison of Indian and American students. 967 Keller, Stephen L. UPROOTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE: THE ROLE OF REFUGEES IN DEVELOPMENT. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970. 568p. Studies refugees in India, particularly in the Punjab. 968 al-Khazraji, Majid Ghaidan. EXPANSIVE ATTITUDES INFLUENCING MODERNIZATION AND THEIR SOCIOLOGICAL CORRELATES: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY IN A DEVELOPING NATION. Wisconsin, 1967. 190p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 794-95-A; UM 67-4932. "Expansiveness," as defined in this dissertation, includes a set of attitudes reflecting a general propensity to accept changes away from traditional patterns of behavior. The study employs data for two regions of India. 969 Kirkpatrick, Joanna. THE OPEN WARD IN A CLOSED SOCIETY: SOCIAL INTERACTION IN A NORTH INDIAN HOSPITAL. California (Berkeley), 1970. 226p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3818-B; UM 71-801. Describes and analyzes social interaction in a gynecology ward for a North Indian mission hospital. Focuses on accommodation and conflict between two custodial institutions in confrontation in the ward: the general hospital and the North Indian family. 970 Kite, Barry Alan. ICONIC BEHAVIOUR IN THE UPPER-KANGRA-KULU VALLEYS OF INDIA. London, 1967. 971 Maclay, Susan Ruth. WOMENTS ORGANIZATIONS IN INDIA: VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS IN A DEVELOPING SOCIETY. Virginia, 1969. 240p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4526-A; UM70-4811. Focuses upon those groups which have had the greatest impact on India's economic and social development: the Women's Indian Association, the All-India Women's Conference, the Y.W.C.A. of India, the Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust, the National Council of Women in India, the Andhra Mahila Sabha, and the Bhartiya Grameen Mahila Sangh. 972 Mahar, James Michael. MARRIAGE NETWORKS IN THE NORTHERN GANGETIC PLAIN. Cornell, 1966. 212p. DA 28 (July 1967): 33-B; UM 67-1477. Studies the influence of topography, demography, and socio-cultural factors on the selection of 133 973 INDIA spouses. Based on a case study of residents of the village of Rankhandi, north of Delhi. 973 Mines, Mattison. THE MUSLIM MERCHANTS OF PALLAVARAM, MADRAS: THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. Cornell, 1970. 289p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 32-B; UM 70-12,636. Studies the interrelationship between the Tamilspeaking Muslim r s economic behavior and his beliefs, values, aspirations, and social structure. 974 Moodey, Richard W. MASCULINITY AND FEMININITY AMONG STUDENTS IN DELHI AND JAIPUR. Chicago, 1971. 269 p. Morenas, Yasmin. INTERESTS OF INDIAN HOME SCIENCE COLLEGE STUDENTS AND FACULTY IN CAREERS RELATED TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. See entry 420. 975 Murickan, Reverend Jose Varkey, S. J. FAMILY SYSTEMS IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES: A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON OF EDUCATIONAL ADEQUACY. St. Louis, 1966. 323 p. DA 27 (Oct. 1966): 1128-29-A; UM 66-9118. Evaluates the influence of family background on the academic orientations of Indian youth (from Trichy in South India) and American youth. 976 Naidu, Saliah. HINDOUITE ET DfeVELOPPEMENT SOCIOECONOMIQUE DE LrINDE DEPUIS 1947. [French: "Hindouite" and Socio-Economic Development in India since 1947.] Paris, 1969. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) TTHindouit6TT is a term encompassing Hindu modes of thought, values, attitudes, institutions, and manners of behavior. 977 Nimbark, Ashakant. MEN IN THE MIDDLE: MARGINALITY OF A VILLAGE, A CASTE, AND A POLITICAL IDEOLOGY IN TRANSITIONAL INDIA. New School for Social Research, 1966. 194p. DA 28 (July 1967): 305-06-A; UM 67-5412. Based on a field study of the village of Bhoringda in Gujarat, of the SadhuBawas (a rural, minority caste of Gujarat), and of Gandhi's ideas and their relationship with current political and socioeconomic developments in India. 978 Nitzberg, Frances Lou. LAND, LABOR, AND STATUS: THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF ECOLOGIC ADAPTATION IN A REGION OF THE WESTERN HIMALAYAS OF INDIA. Harvard, 1970. ix, 190 p. A study of the influence of environmental conditions and universal land possession upon the social and cultural organization of the region, with particular focus on two villages in the northern Churah area of Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh. 979 Noble, William Allister. CULTURAL CONTRASTS AND SIMI134 SOCIETY / SOCIAL CHANGE, ORGANIZATION, AND BEHAVIOR 985 980 981 982 983 984 LARITIES AMONG FIVE ETHNIC GROUPS IN THE NILGIRI DISTRICT, MADRAS STATE, INDIA, 1800-1963. Louisiana State, 1968. 254p. DA 29 (July 1968): 241-B; UM 68-10,751. Surveys how the Badagas, Irulas, Kotas, Kurumbas, and Todas have interacted with their neighbors and have utilized landscapes within the district. Paul, Glendora P . EMANCIPATION AND EDUCATION OF INDIAN WOMEN SINCE 1829. See entry 615. Pearson, Roger. THE INDO-EUROPEAN TRUSTEE FAMILY SYSTEM: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN BASIC SOCIAL ORGANIZATION. London, 1969. Rao, Velagapudi Nandini Prakasa. ROLE CONFLICT OF EMPLOYED MOTHERS IN HYDERABAD, INDIA. Mississippi State, 1971. 124p. DAI 32 (Oct. 1971): 2220-A; UM 71-27,025. The major finding was that the inclusion of a new role of a provider in the position of wife-mother results in greater role-conflict for the employed mothers. Ryali, Rajagopal. SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF TELUGU KINSHIP TERMINOLOGY. See entry 660. Saiyed, Abdur-Rafique. EDUCATION AND MODERNIZATION OF ATTITUDES IN INDIA: A GROUP-MEDIATED ANALYSIS. Kentucky, 1968. 231 p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1656-57-A; UM 69-17,542. Concludes that the role of education in transforming attitudes and values from traditional to modern in nature is mediated by group interests. Schuller, Charles Richard. THE PROBLEM OF LINKAGE IN CROSS-CULTURAL SOCIETIES. Oregon, 1970. 283 p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5483-A; UM 71-10,781. Attitudinal survey data from university student populations in India and nine other countries was used. Sharma, Savita. NON-VIOLENCE IN REGARD TO SELECTED CASES OF SOCIAL POLICY IN INDIA. Groningen, 1967. vi, 180 p. Focuses on GandhiTs influence upon social reconstruction, rural reconstruction (e.g. agrarian reforms, community development, basic education), and the Indian labor movement. 985 Shaw, Eugene Francis, S.J. AN INTRA-INDIA ANALYSIS OF SELECTED COMMUNICATION-DEVELOPMENT VARIABLES. Stanford, 1967. 217p. DA 27 (June 1967): 4357-A; UM 67-7968. The empirical research investigates the structural circumstances of communication development within India and assesses the contribution it makes to the country ! s internal economic and political progress. The major variables selected for 135 986 INDIA consideration were urbanism, education, linguistic homogeneity, bilingualism, and cultural differences. 986 Singh, Justina Arjun. "MODERN" DRAPED SARI REPLACES TRADITIONAL COSTUMES OF EDUCATED INDIAN WOMEN AND THE RELATION OF THIS CHANGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION IN INDIA. Pennsylvania State, 1966. 444p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1531-32-B; UM 66-10,475. 987 Sitaram, Kondavagil Suryanarayana. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF RADIO UPON THE RURAL INDIAN AUDIENCE. Oregon, 1969. 139p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1669-A; UM 69-16,685. Seeks to determine whether radio increases the awareness level of the rural population, whether increases in awareness vary with the type of subject matter broadcast, and what the demographic nature of the rural radio listeners is. The study was conducted in ten villages in Hassan district, Mysore State, during February and March 1967. 988 Srivastava, Bhupendra Kumar. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF THE ORAON OF NORTH CENTRAL INDIA: A STUDY IN CHANGE AND STABILITY. Southern Illinois, 1968. 204p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3599-B; UM 69-6309. Studies the impact of modern forces of change, e.g. a spreading marketing economy, industrialization, and political democracy, on a tribal people of North Central India. 989 Strizower, Schifra. THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF AN INDIANJEWISH COMMUNITY. London, 1967. 990 Subudhi, Purna Chandra. FATALISM AND THE CASTE SYSTEM OF INDIA: A CASE STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF PLANNED SOCIAL CHANGE. Wayne State, 1966. 165p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6184-A; UM 71-12,070. Seeks to determine the nature of fatalistic beliefs in contemporary Indian society, the way these beliefs influence behavior, which beliefs are changing, and how these beliefs and changes in belief patterns are expressed in different castes, different communities, and different socioeconomic classifications. 991 Thangavelu, Rachel Grace. THE EFFECT OF INDUSTRIALIZATION ON THE ECONOMIC AND FAMILY STRUCTURES, AND SOCIAL WELFARE POLICIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Columbia, 1969. 396 p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1896-97-A; UM 70-18,862. Based on a study of India, Indonesia, Brazil and Chile, the thesis examines the impact of industrialization and the effectiveness of the social welfare policies undertaken to alleviate the problems created by the changes brought about by industrialization. 136 SOCIETY / SOCIAL CHANGE, ORGANIZATION, AND BEHAVIOR 996 992 Thiagarajan, Karumuthu M. A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONAL VALUES AND MANAGERIAL BEHAVIOR. Pittsburgh, 1968. 162 p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4557-58-A; UM 69-10,058. The research was based on data obtained from managers and students from India and the U.S.A. 993 Thorat, Sudhakar Shankar. CERTAIN SOCIAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES BY RURAL LOCAL LEADERS AND ORDINARY FARMERS IN INDIA. Michigan State, 1966. 133p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1459-A; UM 66-8496. A study conducted in the Bhor and Velhe Community Development Blocks of the Poona District, Maharashtra State, which concludes that rural local leaders are innovators of recommended agricultural practices and that the rate of adoption of various practices is associated with education, caste, income, size of landholding, information sources, and value orientation. Upadhyaya, Hari S. THE JOINT FAMILY STRUCTURE AND FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS IN THE BHOJPURI FOLKSONGS. See entry 139. 994 Woltemade, Uwe Jan. THE EMERGENCE OF A MARKET ECONOMY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHANGE IN RURAL INDIA. Texas, 1967. 238p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 1952-A; UM 67-14,904. Studies the economy and social structure of the traditional village; the impact of communications, commerce, Western landownership concepts, and agricultural improvements; and the response of the old multipurpose institutions to that impact as village India undergoes the transformation from a non-market to a market economy and society. 995 Wright, Roy Dean. MARGINAL MAN IN TRANSITION: A STUDY OF THE ANGLO-INDIAN COMMUNITY OF INDIA. Missouri, 1970. 203 p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2530-A; UM 70-20,826. Finds that the community is marginal to the dominant, particularly Hindu culture as well as to the social structure of India, and that it also is social-psychologically marginal to India. 996 Zachariah, Mathew. WHITHER KERALA ? SOCIAL CHANGE IN TWENTIETH CENTURY KERALA. Minnesota, 1968. 443 p. DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2817-A; UM 69-1561. Studies Keralan society in 1900 and 1960 respectively to explore the transformation of the area from a pre-industrial peasant society to a westernized society. 137 997 INDIA Caste and Communalism 997 Barnett, Stephen Alan. THE STRUCTURAL POSITION OF A SOUTH INDIAN CASTE: KONTAIKKATTI VELALARS IN TAMILNADU. Chicago, 1970. 241 p. 998 Burkhart, Geoffrey L. AGNATIC GROUPS AND AFFINAL RELATIONSHIPS IN A SOUTH INDIAN CASTE: UDAIYAARS OF SALEM DISTRICT, TAMILNADU. Rochester, 1970. 319p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3813-B; UM 71-1372. Investigates the structure of marriage alliance among caste members. 999 Claus, Peter James. KINSHIP ORGANIZATION OF THE BANTNADAVA CASTE-COMPLEX. Duke, 1970. 361 p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5769-70-B; UM 71-10,437. A study of the formation and integration of the various sub-groups among the Tulu-speaking and Kannada-speaking members of this extensive caste-complex of Dravidian peoples living in Mysore State. Firmer, Stephen L. A CASE STUDY OF CASTE FERTILITY DIFFERENTIALS IN ELEVEN PUNJAB VILLAGES. See entry 1010. 1000 Lynch, Owen Martin. THE POLITICS OF UNTOUCHABILITY: SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN A CITY OF INDIA. Columbia, 1966. 267p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 1996-97-B: UM 69-15,569. Studies social change among the Jatavs or Camars (leather-workers) in Agra City, Uttar Pradesh. 1001 Morris, Patrick George. ASPECTS OF CASTE DOMINANCE IN A RAJASTHANI VILLAGE. California (Berkeley), 1969. 311 p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 490-91-B; UM 70-13,122. Focuses on a cross-caste comparison of family structure, kin groups, marriage, and caste panchayats. Nimbark, Ashakant. MEN IN THE MIDDLE: MARGINALITY OF A VILLAGE, A CASTE, AND A POLITICAL IDEOLOGY IN TRANSITIONAL INDIA. See entry 977. 1002 Pfeffer, Georg. PARIAGRUPPEN DES PANDSCHAB. [German: Pariah Groups of the Punjab.] Freiburg i.B., 1970. 211 p. 1003 Ramana, Venkata Kanisetti. CASTE AND SOCIETY IN AN ANDHRA TOWN: A STUDY IN URBAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE. Illinois, 1971. 248p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 1089-90-A; UM 71-21,215. Explores the internal and external consequences of urban location and life on the social structure and organization of caste communities in the industrial town of Visakhapatnam. 1004 Sanwal, Ram Datt. CHANGES IN CASTE IN RURAL KUMAON. London, 1966. SOCIETY / DEMOGRAPHY 1005 1006 1010 Sebring, James Marshall. CASTE RANKING AND CASTE INTERACTION IN A NORTH INDIAN VILLAGE. California (Berkeley), 1968. 214p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 3173-74-B; UM 69-3694. Based on a study conducted in Almora District, Uttar Pradesh. Concludes that it is impossible to construct an overall caste ranking for a village since there are many different hierarchies, conceptual and interactional, which can be elicited from Indian villagers of different castes and which are observable. Steed, Gitel Poznanski. CASTE AND KINSHIP IN RURAL GUJARAT: THE SOCIAL USE OF SPACE. Columbia, 1969. 259p. Subudhi, Purna C. FATALISM AND THE CASTE SYSTEM OF INDIA: A CASE STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF PLANNED SOCIAL CHANGE. See entry 990. Zelliott, Eleanor M. DR. AMBEDKAR AND THE MAHAR MOVEMENT. See entry 606. Demography Ananthakrishnan, Rajagopalan. POPULATION GENETIC STUDIES IN SOUTH INDIA. See entry 929. 1007 Carroll, Richard Lynn. MEASURING DIFFERENCES AMONG FAMILY PLANNING ADOPTERS IN URBAN AND RURAL WEST BENGAL. George Washington, 1967. 222p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1982-B; UM 67-14,385. A study of urban, suburban, and rural women who have adopted the Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device as a way to limit and space births. 1008 Dubey, Dinesh Chandra. ADOPTION OF A NEW CONTRACEPTIVE IN URBAN INDIA: ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION AND FAMILY DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES. Michigan State, 1967. 179p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2346-48-A; UM 67-14,496. Adoption of the IUD (Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device) by Elder, Robert Ellsworth. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION IN A NORTH INDIAN STATE: THE FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM IN UTTAR PRADESH. Duke, 1971. 449p. Firmer, Stephen Lawrence. A CASE STUDY OF CASTE FERTILITY DIFFERENTIALS IN ELEVEN PUNJAB VILLAGES. Brown, 1968. 165p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 402-03-A; UM 69-9955. 1009 1010 139 1011 INDIA Tests the hypothesis that caste fertility differentials are associated with caste differences in education and level of living. Lance, Larry M. INDUSTRIALIZATION AND URBANIZATION OF KANPUR: AN ECOLOGICAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS. See entry 1021. 1011 Mani, Srinivasa Balasubra. FAMILY PLANNING COMMUNICATION IN RURAL INDIA. Syracuse, 1970. 369p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 6392-B; UM 71-10,947. Examines how anthropological knowledge and methodology could be used effectively to improve family planning and birth control prospects in India. 1012 P a r r i s , Helen E. FACILITATING INDIATS FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM THROUGH TELEVISION: A STUDY OF SOURCE EFFECTIVENESS. Michigan State, 1971. DAE 32: 3099-A. Prabhu, John Coelho. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DETERMINANTS OF FERTILITY IN INDIA: A CODIFICATION OF RESEARCH FINDINGS. Massachusetts, 1970. 174p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2523-A; UM 70-23,039. Seeks to identify the social and cultural variables which determine fertility levels in India, to find out the direction of their influence on fertility, and to explain the fertility behavior of the Indian population. 1013 1014 1015 Premi, Mahendra K. IMPLICATIONS OF POPULATION TRENDS FOR PLANNING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN INDIA. See entry 423. Sharma, Rallapalli Sitarma Subrhmanya. ALTERNATIVE FAMILY PLANNING STRATEGIES FOR INDIA: A SIMULATION EXPERIMENT. North Carolina, 1971. 153p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 769-B; UM 71-21,001. Examines the results of eight alternative family planning strategies on ten-year trends in fertility rates for India through the use of a demographic microsimulation known as POPSIM. Simmons, George Bradford. THE INDIAN INVESTMENT IN FAMILY PLANNING. California (Berkeley), 1969. 298p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 534-A; UM 70-13,166. A study of the national, government-sponsored Family Planning Program, and of the use of the IUD in rural parts of Haryana State. 1016 Talwar, Prem Prasad. AGE PATTERNS OF FERTILITY. North Carolina, 1970. 209p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2502-B; UM 70-21,234. Includes consideration of basic age patterns of fertility in a number of Asian countries, among them India and Japan. 1017 Vaidyanathan, Kunniseri Eswaran. POPULATION REDISTRI140 SOCIETY / URBAN STUDIES 1024 BUTION AND ECONOMIC CHANGE, INDIA, 1951-1961. Pennsylvania, 1967. 371 p. DA 29 (July 1968): 338-A; UM 68-9247. Measures and analyzes internal migration and its relation to economic conditions and changes. Urban Studies Bokil, Kamala. MOTHERST PERCEPTION OF THE PARENTCHILD RELATIONSHIPS OF ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN URBAN INDIAN FAMILIES. Florida, 1966. 161 p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1290-A; UM 67-12,913. 1019 Dutt, Maya. JAMSHEDPUR: THE GROWTH OF THE CITY AND ITS REGION. London, 1966. The great steel-producing center in Bihar state. 1020 Hyma, Balasubramanyam I. THE RURAL-URBAN FRINGE OF A GROWING METROPOLIS: MADRAS, AN INDIAN EXAMPLE. Pittsburgh, 1971. 328p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1652-53-B; UM 71-23,655. Investigates six criteria: historical aspects and metropolitan growth of the city; land use patterns and changes; population characteristics; interactional patterns (transportation and communication systems); the impact of expanding urbanization on agriculture; and administrative organization and planning aspects. 1021 Lance, Larry Michael. INDUSTRIALIZATION AND URBANIZATION OF KANPUR: AN ECOLOGICAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS. Purdue, 1970. 255p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4287-A; UM 71-2641. Includes an investigation of the changing locational patterns of various types and sizes of industry in this Uttar Pradesh city, examines the relationship of industrialization to urbanization, and studies the changes in birth rates, death rates, and literacy. 1018 1022 Misra, Jaya Krishna. STRUCTURE OF URBANIZATION IN INDIA, 1961. Chicago, 1969. 223p. 1023 Pandeya, Pradyumna. THE IMPACT OF INDUSTRIALISATION ON URBAN GROWTH: A CASE STUDY OF CHOTANAGPUR. London, 1967. Raheja, Bhagwan Dass. URBAN INDIA AND PUBLIC POLICY. Syracuse, 1970. 462p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2996-A; UM 70-24,108. Discusses the factors and forces that contribute towards urban and metropolitan growth, and their problems in 1024 141 1025 1025 INDIA the framework of policies and programs at all levels of government in the Indian political system. Vatuk, Sylvia Jane. KIN AND NEIGHBORS IN THE URBAN MOHALLA: A STUDY OF WHITE-COLLAR MIGRANTS IN AN UTTAR PRADESH CITY. Harvard, 1970. viii, 344 p. A study of two neighborhoods (mohallas) in Meerut City, with focus on household organization, kinship and marriage, and neighborhood structure. 1026 Vira, Soma. IMPACT OF URBAN POPULATION PRESSURE UPON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. A COMPARATIVE STUDY: CALCUTTA, DJAKARTA, TOKYO. New York, 1967. 549p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 661-62-A; UM 68-10,100. Investigates whether population increases in rapidly industrializing urban areas generate conditions or problems which are largely similar in more than one metropolis. 1027 Wiebe, Paul D. SMALL TOWN IN MODERN INDIA. Kansas, 1969. 281 p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2646-A; UM 69-21,595. A community study of Gudlur in Andhra Pradesh, describing its setting, social organization, the processes that characterize its social life, and the social and cultural position it plays as a small town between the larger towns and cities and smaller villages within the region. Village Studies Includes community development. See "Economy — Agriculture" for agricultural development and innovations in specific villages. Abraham, M. Francis. THE DYNAMICS OF LEADERSHIP IN VILLAGE INDIA. See entry 703. 1028 Danda, Ajit Kumar. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND LEADERSHIP IN AN INDIAN VILLAGE. Cornell, 1966. 374p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1321-22-B; UM 66-10,243. Evaluates the impact of the Indian governments Community Development Program on Jhabiran, an average-size north Indian village. 1029 Ditner, Brigitte. ETUDE SOCIO-ECONOMIQUE DTUN VILLAGE DE L'INDE PENINSULAIRE, GUDI-HATHNOOR (ANDHRA PRADESH). [French: A Socio-Economic Study of a Village in the Indian Peninsula: Gudi-Hathnoor (Andhra Pradesh).] Strasbourg, 1968. 204, viii p. (Doctorat de sp6cialit6) 142 SOCIETY / VILLAGE STUDIES 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1035 Hanchett, Suzanne Lorraine. CHANGING ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND RITUAL RELATIONSHIPS IN A MODERN SOUTH INDIAN VILLAGE. Columbia, 1970. 315p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 45-46-B; UM 71-17,499. Examines the multiplex response of one village (Bandipur) with regard to post-Independence reform measures instituted at the state level--especially land reform legislation. Hiebert, Paul Gordon. STRUCTURE AND INTEGRATION IN A CENTRAL INDIAN VILLAGE. Minnesota, 1967. 416 p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2241-42-B; UM 67-14,618. Studies the social bondings in a village—Amrabad in Andhra Pradesh—which is characterized both by extreme social fragmentation and by remarkable stability and integration. Hoppe, Ulf. CHINTAKUNTA: DIE AGRARGEOGRAPHISCHE STRUKTUR EINES DEKKAN-DORFES. [German: Chintakunta: The Agrarian and Geographical Structure of a Village in the Dekkan.] Frankfurt a.M., 1966. 211 p. A detailed case study of the agricultural life, structure, and problems of a Telangana village currently undergoing major economic and social changes. Hulbe, Sindha Kashinath. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THROUGH PERSUASION: CASE STUDIES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN AHMEDNAGAR BLOCK (INDIA). Texas, 1966. 466p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3179-A; UM 66-14,395. A history of the Rural Life Development and Research Project's efforts to initiate change in ten villages. Jacobson, Dorothy A. HIDDEN FACES: HINDU AND MUSLIM PURDAH IN A CENTRAL INDIAN VILLAGE. Columbia, 1970. xii, 554 p. Jassal, Harjinder S. LEADERS AND LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE IN TWO VILLAGES IN PUNJAB, INDIA. See entry 708. John, Melathathil Johanan. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES RELATED TO THE ROLE PERFORMANCE OF THE GRAMSEVAKS. Iowa State, 1966. 145p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3948-A; UM 67-5598. Studies the role performance in the Indian Community Development program of the official change agents who operate as a link between the governmental agency and the village people. Leaf, Murray J. IDEAS, RITES, AND ACTIONS IN SIDHUPUR KALAN: A SIKH VILLAGE IN PUNJAB. See entry 807. Mahar, James M. MARRIAGE NETWORKS IN THE NORTHERN GANGETIC PLAIN. See entry 972. 143 1036 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 INDIA Minz, Boniface. IMPACT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON AN INDIAN VILLAGE IN THE DISTRICT OF RANCHI (BIHAR, INDIA): A STUDY OF PLANNED SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE. Fordham, 1969. 503 p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1653-54-A; UM 69-16,233. Seeks to identify the factors facilitating or retarding villagers 1 cooperation in innovative programs and attempts to evaluate their significance. Nimbark, Ashakant. MEN IN THE MIDDLE: MARGINALITY OF A VILLAGE, A CASTE, AND A POLITICAL IDEOLOGY IN TRANSITIONAL INDIA. See entry 977. Rao, Kondapalli Ranga. THE DYNAMICS OF POWER AND CONFLICT IN VILLAGE INDIA: A CASE STUDY. Michigan State, 1969. 243p. DAI 30 (Dec. 1969): 2648-A; UM69-20,918. Focuses on the impact of Panchayati Raj (democratic decentralization) upon the interrelationships between caste, class, political power, and the pattern of conflict in a village community in Andhra Pradesh. Rosin, Robert Thomas. CHANGING LAND TENURE AND VILLAGE POLITY IN RAJASTHAN, INDIA: AN INTERACTIONAL PERSPECTIVE. California (Berkeley), 1968. 438p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 952-B; UM 69-14,979. Focuses on a single village in the marwar region. Ross, Martin Hill. FAMILY ORGANIZATION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRARIAN CAPITALISM IN A NORTH INDIAN VILLAGE. Wisconsin, 1968. 282p. DA 29 (June 1969): 4569-A; UM 68-17,934. Examines the relationship of family organization, religious institutions, and village social structure to the use of agricultural technology in a Punjabi village during the early 1960Ts. Simon, Sheldon Robert. CHANGES IN INCOME, CONSUMPTION, AND INVESTMENT IN AN EASTERN UTTAR PRADESH VILLAGE 1954 TO 1964/65. Cornell, 1966. 306p. DA 27 (June 1967): 4000-A; UM 67-1412. Studies the village of Senapur, Kerakat Tahsil, Jaunpur District. Singh, Avtar, LEADERSHIP PATTERNS AND VILLAGE STRUCTURE: A STUDY OF SIX INDIAN VILLAGES. See entry 715. Singh, Vijai Pratap. THE EVOLUTION OF A RURAL STRATIFICATION SYSTEM IN INDIA (1930-1965). Wisconsin, 1970. 318p. DAI 31 (Apr. 1971): 5540-A; UM 70-24,722. Caste, landed property, political power, education, and occupation are identified as five important dimensions of social stratification in this study of the changes in the stratification systems of three villages in Uttar Pradesh. 144 SOCIETY / VILLAGE STUDIES 1044 1042 Smollett, Eleanor W. OCCUPATIONAL CHANGE IN AN URBAN FRINGE VILLAGE IN MYSORE, INDIA. Columbia, 1969. xvi, 285 p. 1043 Thangaraj, Thangadurai. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE ANDAMAN ISLANDS. Boston University, 1967. 486p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1916-A; UM 67-13,290. Thota, Vykuntapathi. A STUDY OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IN INDIA. Michigan State, 1966. 164p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2045-A; UM 66-8497. 1044 145 NEPAL, BHUTAN, AND SIKKIM 1045 Belfiglio, Valentine J. THE FOREIGN RELATIONS OF INDIA WITH BHUTAN, SIKKIM, AND NEPAL BETWEEN 1947-1967: AN ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE STUDY OF BIG POWER-SMALL POWER RELATIONSHIPS. See entry 776. Bernier, Ronald M. THE NEPALESE PAGODA: ORIGINS AND STYLE. Cornell, 1971. 1046 Caplan, Lionel. LAND AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN EAST NEPAL. London, 1967. Examines the changing relations between the Limbus, a tribal group residing in the easternmost portion of Nepal, and the Hindus (particularly the Brahmans) who have lived within their region since the mid-eighteenth century. 1047 Dhital, Bhaarat Prasad. ROLE OF AGRICULTURE IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NEPAL. Iowa State, 1970. 336p. DAI 31 (Oct. 1970): 1468-A; UM 70-18,882. Appraises the performance of the three development plans (1956-1970) and identifies the role that agriculture played in them. Gaige, Frederick Hughes. NATIONAL INTEGRATION IN NEPAL: A STUDY OF THE NEPAL TARAI. Pennsylvania, 1970. 764p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 519-A; UM 71-19,226. An inter-disciplinary study of the problem of national integration, including such aspects as Indian migration into the Tarai, the open border between India and Nepal, citizenship and language controversies, and the dual currency system. 1048 1049 1050 Gurung, H. B. POKHARA VALLEY, NEPAL HIMALAYA: A FIELD STUDY IN REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY. Edinburgh, 1965/66. Jerstad, Luther Gerald. MANI-RIMDU: THEATRICAL FESTIVAL OF THE SHERPAS OF NEPAL. Oregon, 1966. 274p. DA 27 (Apr. 1967): 3540-A; UM 67-4292. Mani-rimdu is a the146 NEPAL, BHUTAN, AND SIKKIM 1051 1052 1053 1054 1060 atrical production presented annually by the Tengpoche and Thami monasteries of northwestern Nepal. Malla, S. L. FISCAL POLICY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NEPAL. Manchester, 1965/66. Mojumdar, Kanchanmoy. POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN INDIA AND NEPAL, 1877-1923. See entry 578. Pal, P . STUDIES IN THE SCULPTURE AND PAINTING OF NEPAL. Cambridge, 1965/66. Panday, Devendra Raj. NEPALTS CENTRAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION: AN ANALYSIS OF ITS EFFECTIVENESS IN AN INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Pittsburgh, 1969. 296p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1225-A; UM 69-13,322. Finds that the organization has accomplished little because it has undergone many structural changes that reflect political instability and personality conflict rather than an improved sense of purpose and direction. Pant, Thakur Nath. THE DEMAND AND SUPPLY OF NITROGENOUS FERTILIZER IN NEPAL. Maryland, 1970. 223 p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5629-30-A; UM 71-13,598. 1055 Paul, Robert A. SHERPAS AND THEIR RELIGION. Chicago, 1970. 650 p. 1056 Paul, Sherry Ortner. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: A KEY SYMBOL IN SHERPA CULTURE. Chicago, 1970. 524p. A study of food in religion, folklore, etc. 1057 Peissel, Michel. L'ORGANISATION POLITIQUE ET SOCIALE DU ROYAUME TIBETAIN DE GLO, DIT LE ROYAUME DU MUSTANG. [French: The Political and Social Organization of the Tibetan Kingdom of Glo, Otherwise Known as the Kingdom of Mustang.] Paris, 1969. (Doctorat de sp6eialit6) One of the few studies available of this isolated area of northern Nepal. 1058 Pradhan, Prachanda Prasad. BUREAUCRACY AND DEVELOPMENT IN NEPAL. Claremont, 1970. 144p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6683-84-A; UM 71-13,726. Urges the growth of such non-governmental institutions as political associations and strong interest groups to pressure the public bureaucracy into implementing the country's development plans more successfully. 1059 Premble, John Charles. THE INVASION OF NEPAL: JOHN COMPANY AT WAR, 1814-1816. London, 1968. Riccardi, Theodore, J r . A NEPALI VERSION OF THE VETA- 1060 147 1061 1061 NEPAL, BHUTAN, AND SIKKIM LAPANCAVIMSATI: NEPALI TEXT AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION WITH AN INTRODUCTION, GRAMMAR, AND COMMENTARY. Pennsylvania, 1968. 538p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3599-600-A; UM 69-5659. "The dissertation represents the first investigation into the history of Nepalese language and literature and its connection with the Sanskrit tradition." Schmid, Robert. ZUR WIRTSCHAFTSGEOGRAPHIE VON NEPAL: TRANSPORT- UND KOMMUNIKATIONSPROBLEME OSTNEPALS IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DER SCHWEIZERISCHEN ENTWICKLUNGSHILFE IN DER REGION JIRI. [German: The Economic Geography of Nepal: Problems of Transportation and Communication in Eastern Nepal, Examined in Conjunction with the Developmental Assistance Being Offered by Switzerland in the Jiri Region.] Zurich, 1969. 247p. 1062 Schroeder, Mark Cabot Waldo. THE IMPACT OF THE SONAULI-POKHARA HIGHWAY ON THE REGIONAL INCOME AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION OF POKHARA VALLEY, NEPAL. Cornell, 1971. 248p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6248-49-A; UM 71-15,640. A study of the impact of improved transportation, achieved through the opening of the highway in April 1968, upon the traditional subsistence economy of the previously isolated Pokhara valley. 1063 Sharif, Mohammad. PERCEPTION OF VILLAGE NEEDS BY FOUR CATEGORIES OF NEED DEFINERS IN NEPAL. Iowa State, 1969. 149p. DAI 31 (Aug. 1970): 839-A; UM 70-13,632. Attempts to determine the local development needs and the consensus regarding those needs among villagers, Panchayat members and workers, and Peace Corps volunteers. 1064 Sharma, Jagadish Prasad. NEPALTS FOREIGN POLICY 19471962. Pennsylvania, 1968. 337p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 1216-A; UM 69-5667. Essentially a descriptive study. Thapa, Bhekh Bahadur. PLANNING FOR DEVELOPMENT IN NEPAL: A PERSPECTIVE FOR 1965-1980. Claremont, 1967. 148p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 893-A; UM 68-10,551. 1065 1066 Tisinger, Catherine Anne. THE MODERNIZATION OF NEPAL: A SOCIO-ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE. Pennsylvania, 1970. 415 p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2573-A; UM 70-25,741. Posits that Nepal has not yet entered into a true process of modernization although there have been significant changes within the country since 1950/51. 148 PAKISTAN GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS For studies of the languages spoken in Pakistan, see the section under India entitled "Language and Linguistics.TT Also see under India "Religion and Philosophy--Islam." 1067 Ashley, Walter Edward. PHILANTHROPY AND GOVERNMENT: A STUDY OF THE FORD FOUNDATIONS OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES. New York, 1970. 184p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4241-A; UM 71-2259. Includes Ford T s grants to the Pakistani Planning Board. 1068 Bernot, Lucien. LES PAYSANS ARAKANAIS DU PAKISTAN ORIENTAL: LTHISTOIRE, LE MONDE VEGETAL, ET LTORGANISATION SOCIALE DES RfiFUGIES MARMA (MOG), [French: The Arakanese Peasants in Eastern Pakistan: The History, the Plant World, and the Social Organization of the Marma (Mog) Refugees.] Paris, 1967. 797p. (Doctorat d'Etat) A detailed history of this group and a study of their technology, agricultural methods, food, economy, and family and village organization. 1069 Bokhari, Masud ul Hasan. LYALLPUR: A STUDY IN URBAN GEOGRAPHY. London, 1968. Chaudhury, Muhammad Mushtaq. LAHORE: A GEOGRAPHICAL STUDY. London, 1966. 1070 1071 Huq, A. M. Abdul. A STUDY OF BENGALI MUSLIM PERSONAL NAMES TO ASCERTAIN THE FEASIBILITY OF APPLICATION OF A MECHANISTIC RULE FOR THEIR ARRANGEMENT. Pittsburgh, 1970. 93 p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6639-A; UM 71-14,487. A dissertation in library science which determines that it is impossible to have a mechanistic rule for arranging Bengali Muslim names. 149 1072 PAKISTAN 1072 Jahan, Bilquis. SOME ASPECTS OF THE HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF EAST PAKISTAN, 1608-1857. London, 1969. 1073 Khan, Mohammad Zafar Ahmad. KARACHI: A PREINDUSTRIAL CITY IN TRANSITION. London, 1968. 1074 1075 1076 1077 Khurshid, Anis. STANDARDS FOR LIBRARY EDUCATION IN BURMA, CEYLON, INDIA, AND PAKISTAN. See entry 60. Mia, Ahmadullah. INFLUENCE OF URBAN TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ON COMMON MANTS ISLAM IN EAST PAKISTAN. Case Western Reserve, 1968. 255 p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 4024-25-A; UM 70-5123. The findings show that adherence to the fundamental elements of Islam is not reduced substantially when the rural cultivators are under the influence of urban industrial conditions. Pride, Cletis G. HOW SEVEN COMMONWEALTH NEWSPAPERS REPORTED FOREIGN AFFAIRS, 1956-1968: A CONTENT ANALYSIS. See entry 623. Qasimi, Abdus Subbuh. A CODE FOR CATALOGING MATERIALS IN URDU, PUSHTO, AND PANJABI. Columbia, 1967. 223p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1833-34-A; UM 67-14,081. Designed to produce a code that will supplement the rules of the American Library Association. Ritze, Frederick Henry. RESPONSES OF PAKISTANI COLLEGE STUDENTS TO A SELECTED AMERICAN FILM. Columbia, 1967. 166p. DA 28 (Oct. 1967): 1455-A;UM67-12,704. A study in mass communications analyzing their response to the film character, color, music, and main theme as well as to specific film aspects that were liked or disliked. Spielmann, Hans-Jurgen. DIE BAWN-ZO: EINE CHIN-GRUPPE IN DEN CHITTAGONG HILL TRACTS OSTPAKISTAN. [German: The Bawn-Zo: A Chin Group in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of East Pakistan.] Heidelberg, 1967. 342p. Studies the history, political and economic situation, and religious and social structure of this group of five thousand villagers scattered throughout the area. 150 ECONOMY 1084 ECONOMY For agronomy, see T'Science, Technology, and Medicine.TT For economic developments in present-day Pakistan before 1947, see relevant sections under India. 1078 1079 1080 1081 Ahmad, Kabir Uddin. EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION AND INVESTMENT PLANNING, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PAKISTAN. London, 1966. Alam, Syed Nurul. THE EXPERIENCE OF AN OVERVALUED CURRENCY: THE CASE OF PAKISTAN. Yale, 1968. 229p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 452-A; UM 69-12,889. Assesses the use of multiple exchange rates by Pakistan in 1959 and thereafter in order to permit a partial devaluation of her currency for certain imports and exports. Basit, Abdul. PROJECTIONS OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY OF WHEAT AND RICE IN PAKISTAN: 1970-1985. Washington State, 1971. 113 p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 45-A; UM 71-18,561. The time series data for the years 1959/60 to 1969/70 are the basis of most of the findings in this study. Beier, George Joseph. INVESTMENT AND PRICING OF ELECTRICITY IN WEST PAKISTAN. Washington (Seattle), 1970. 98p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3119-A; UM 71-939. Focuses on the WAPDA system. 1082 Bhuiyah, Mujibur R. IMPROVED PLANNING AND CHANGING STRATEGIES FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN EAST PAKISTAN. Michigan State, 1968. 233 p. DA 29 (Jan. 1969): 2008-09-A; UM 68-17,058. Explores the reasons underlying the 30% increase in East Pakistani rice production during the second plan period. 1083 Chaudhary, Muhammad Aslam. AN ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN WEST PAKISTAN. Michigan State, 1971. 293 p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1148-A; UM 71-23,172. Analyzes the system f s response to various institutional and economic forces including a rapidly expanding demand for fertilizer within the country. 1084 Chowdhury, A. H. M. Nuruddin. DIRECT CONTROLS ON FOREIGN TRADE AND THE STRATEGY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN. Stanford, 1969. 146p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 882-A; UM 69-13,935. A study of the economic justification for using such direct controls as exchange controls 151 1085 PAKISTAN and quota restrictions for stimulating economic growth. 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 Chowdhury, M. K. THE APPROACH TO PLANNING IN PAKISTAN. Manchester, 1966/67. Doty, Theodore E. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY IN WEST PAKISTAN, 1954-1969: AN EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO HIGHER EDUCATION FOR AGRICULTURAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. See entry 1150. Eckert, Jerry Bruce. THE IMPACT OF DWARF WHEATS ON RESOURCE PRODUCTIVITY IN WEST PAKISTAN'S PUNJAB. Michigan State, 1970. 155p. DAI 31 (May 1971): 5627-A; UM 71-11,824. Dwarf wheats are highly responsive to fertilizer, resist lodging, and produce yields that are several-fold larger than those of indigenous wheats. Farooq, Ghazi Mumtaz. DIMENSIONS AND STRUCTURE OF LABOR FORCE AND THEIR CHANGES IN THE PROCESS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN. Pennsylvania, 1970. 381 p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 32-A; UM 71-19,220. Assesses the quantitative and qualitative aspects of manpower resources in East and West Pakistan. Farruk, Muhammad Osman. THE STRUCTURE AND PERFORMANCE OF THE RICE MARKETING SYSTEM IN EAST PAKISTAN. Cornell, 1970. 247p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2576-A; UM 70-24,032. Seeks to bring out the system r s organizational, institutional and functional features, to analyze the system in terms of competition and marketing efficiency, and to provide the basis for public policy towards marketing. Gotsch, Carl Hugo. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND PRIVATE INVESTMENT IN AGRICULTURE: A CASE STUDY OF THE PAKISTAN PUNJAB. Harvard, 1967. 264p. Guisinger, Stephen Edward. EFFECTIVE PROTECTION, RESOURCE ALLOCATION, AND THE CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTECTED INDUSTRIES: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN, 1963-1964. Harvard, 1970. ii, 270 p. A study of the use of tariffs for the purpose of protecting domestic manufacturers. Haque, I. U. THE EFFECT OF A CHANGE IN THE TERMS OF TRADE ON THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF PAKISTAN: A STUDY OF THE THIRD FIVE-YEAR PLAN. Cambridge, 1967/68. Haque, Md. Shamsul. THE ROLE OF MANAGEMENT IN THE SURVIVAL OF JUTE, THE LARGEST INDUSTRY OF PAKISTAN. American, 1967. 316p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3549-A; UM 67-5564. Seeks to determine whether the industry can sur152 ECONOMY 1093 1094 1095 1096 1100 vive growing competition from other jute-producing countries and from the use of substitute fibers. Hashem, Abul. AGRICULTURAL TAXATION IN A NEWLY DEVELOPING COUNTRY: THE CASE OF PAKISTAN. London, 1967. Hashmi, Sharafat All. METHODOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING FOR UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PAKISTAN. Southern California, 1967. 275p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1575-76-A; UM 67-13,748. Demonstrates how selected quantitative techniques of scientific economic research can be applied to the ex post evaluation of the action taken, and an ex ante examination of the action contemplated in the general area of development policy. Haydar, Mohammad Afak. RURAL WORKS PROGRAM IN PAKISTAN. Southern Illinois, 1967. 242p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3650-A; UM 69-6275. The community development program as it operated in East Pakistan, 1962-1964, and in West Pakistan, 1963-1964. Hecox, Walter Edwin. EXPORT INCENTIVE MEASURES IN PAKISTAN. Syracuse, 1969. 375p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3168-A; UM 70-1954. Concerns Pakistan's stimulation of foreign exchange receipts via export incentive measures, within the context of maintaining an overvalued exchange rate through appropriate commercial and exchange rate policies, between 1963/64 and 1964/65. 1097 Heerema, Douglas Lee. A BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS OF PAKISTAN FERTILIZER PLANTS. Iowa, 1966. 217p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 2666-67-A; UM 67-2626. Examines the performance of these plants during the period 1959/60 to 1964/65. 1098 Henemier, Stanley M., J r . ESTIMATES OF VITAL RATES AND OF POPULATION, LABOR FORCE, AND EMPLOYMENT FOR LONG RUN PLANNING IN PAKISTAN. Pennsylvania, 1969. 477p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5743-B; UM 70-7805. 1099 Huq, Abul Kalam Muhammad Sayeed ul-. A PRICE STABILISATION MODEL FOR PAKISTAN JUTE. London, 1966. Husain, Zia ul-. PAKISTANI FOREIGN TRADE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT: AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS. New York, 1968. 164 p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1023-24-A; UM 68-13,485. The main premise is that in the absence of accurate information on savings and investments, and their determinants, an econometric analysis of Pakistani external gap can be used to assess future foreign resource needs 1100 153 1101 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 PAKISTAN for economic development and to evaluate the possibility of rapid transition to self-sustained growth. Hussain, Sayed Mushtaq. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF AN UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRY WITH A SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PAKISTAN. California (Berkeley), 1968. 269p. DAI 30 (Sept. 1969): 887-A; UM 69-14,919. Islam, Abu Isa Aminul. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE EFFECTS OF IMPORT LICENSING AND EXCHANGE CONTROL. London, 1969. Kadri, A. H. IMPORT SUBSTITUTION IN RELATION TO INDUSTRIAL GROWTH AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS OF PAKISTAN, 1965-1970. Manchester, 1966/67. Kamaluddin, A. F. M. THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORT IN EAST PAKISTAN. Aberdeen, 1966/67. Karim, Abdul. FINANCING OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE CAPITAL MARKET: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN. George Washington, 1966. 418p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1520-21-A; UM 66-11,526. Analyzes the various sources of financing domestic investment in Pakistan and the problem of mobilizing savings. 1106 Khan, A. R. PLANNING AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE APPLICATION OF A MULTI-SECTOR PROGRAMMING MODEL TO INTERREGIONAL PLANNING IN PAKISTAN. Cambridge, 1966/67. 1107 Khan, Akhtar Hasan. DOMESTIC SAVING AND FINANCING OF ECONOMIC GROWTH IN PAKISTAN (1955-1968). Tufts, 1970. 286p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3141-A; UM 71-883. Focuses not only on the magnitude and rate of domestic savings but also on how investment is financed in both public and private sectors. 1108 Khan, Mahmood Hasan. THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURE IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN. Wageningen Landbouwhogeschool, 1966. xii, 163 p. Focuses upon the role of agriculture in Pakistan's economy, some major reasons for the country1 s agricultural backwardness, the State's role in agricultural development, and the prospects and problems of self-sustained growth between 1965 and 1985. 1109 Khan, Mohammad A. NON-AGRICULTURAL LABOUR CONDITIONS IN WEST PAKISTAN; ANALYSIS, EVALUATION, SUGGESTIONS. Basel, 1966. xiv, 138 p. Studies the supply and demand conditions of non-agricultural labor, trade unions and 154 ECONOMY 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1116 employers organizations, working conditions and social welfare, industrial relations (including strikes), and the mobility of rural workers to urban areas. Khan, Mohammad Irshad. ECONOMICS OF FOOD CONSUMPTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN. Stanford, 1969. 221 p. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5131-A; UM 70-10,473. Analyzes the demand and supply for food, both present and future, and discusses the reorganization of Pakis t a n i agriculture to serve the need of the economy beyond selfsufficiency in staple foods. Laporte, Robert. PUBLIC CORPORATIONS AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. See entry 292. Lowenstein, Edward Robert. THE ATTACHMENT OF EAST PAKISTAN RURAL MIGRANTS TO FACTORY WORKER OR CULTIVATOR ROLES. Michigan, 1969. 207p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 4032-A; UM 70-4134. Studies w o r k e r s ' p r e f e r ence for either industrial or agricultural work. MacEwan, Arthur. DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES IN PAKISTAN: A MULTISECTORAL AND REGIONAL ANALYSIS OF PLANNING PROBLEMS. Harvard, 1969. xi, 431 p. Malik, Saleem H. DER JUTEMARKT UND SEINE ORGANISATION. [German: The Jute Market and Its Organization. ] Erlangen-Ntirnberg, 1966. ix, 233 p. Miller, Raymond Charles. THE PORT IN A DEVELOPING ECONOMY: THE CASE OF KARACHI. Syracuse, 1966. 380 p. DA 27 (June 1967): 3989-90-A; UM 67-7085. Uses an interdisciplinary approach to demonstrate the special benefits of social overhead units such as ports to developing economies. Mohammed, A. Y. A. THE SUEZ CANAL AND THE TRENDS OF BRITISH TRADE TO AND FROM THE MIDDLE AND THE FAR EAST DURING THE PERIOD 1854-1966. See entry 515. Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider. COMMERCIAL POLICY AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN PAKISTAN. Princeton, 1966. 281 p 8 DA 27 (June 1967): 3990-91-A; UM 67-5741. Examines Pakis t a n i commercial policy with regard to its probable influence on the composition of domestic investment, 1953-1963. Naseem, Syed Mohammad. IMPORT SUBSTITUTION AND INDUSTRIALIZATION: A PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR PAKISTAN. Yale, 1968. 265p. DA 29 (May 1969): 3736-A; UM 69-8397. The model is implemented for the Pakistani economy for the period 1963-1972. 155 1117 1117 1118 1119 1120 PAKISTAN Nayimuddin, M. A STUDY OF FISCAL POLICY IN PAKISTAN 1950-1951, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS CONTRIBUTION TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Manchester, 1966/67. Niazi, R. THE FISHERIES OF PAKISTAN: THEIR PRESENT POSITION AND POTENTIALITIES. Exeter, 1966/67. Qamar, Ijaz Ahmad. SOME COMPARATIVE LEGAL-INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF AGRICULTURAL CREDIT SYSTEMS IN SELECTED COUNTRIES: ADAPTABILITY TO PAKISTAN. Wisconsin, 1970. 341 p. DAI 31 (Dec. 1970): 2579-A; UM 70-15,910. Seeks to resolve the problem of an insufficient flow of funds into the countryTs agricultural sector. Qureshi, Mahmood Ahmad. PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING AND CORPORATE REPORTING IN PAKISTAN. California (Los Angeles), 1969. 264p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 449-A; UM 69-12,807. A critical analysis with recommendations for improving professional accounting in Pakistan. 1121 Rab, Abdur. PERSONAL BUSINESS INCOME TAXATION IN PAKISTAN. Harvard, 1968. iii, 281 p. Rapport, David J. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF BARRIERS TO WORLD TRADE IN COTTON TEXTILES, 1953-1964. See entry 336. 1122 Richard, Sandra C. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND MANAGEMENT EDUCATION IN WEST PAKISTAN: A STUDY OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP IN THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. Texas, 1968. 180 p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3274-A; UM 69-6207. Concludes that government policies obviated any role that management education might have played in improving industrial management practices by permitting high profits in spite of production inefficiencies. 1123 Rizvi, Syed Ikram. AN ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF THE SECOND FIVE YEAR PLAN OF PAKISTAN. Southern California, 1967. 199p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2396-97-A; UM 67-17,696. 1124 Roberts, Paul Edward, J r . AN EXAMINATION OF THE LENDING POLICY OF LEADING INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE LIGHT OF A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PRIVATE AND PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT BANKS. Iowa, 1968. 208p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 387-A; UM 68-10,686. Focuses on the World Bank Group and the United States Agency for International Development and on their loan policies towards four countries, including Pakistan and India. 156 ECONOMY 1125 1126 1133 Roth, Irvin J. GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE ON THE INDUSTRIAL LOCATION PROCESS. See entry 357. Safa-Isfahani, Manouchehr. ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEMS OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. Syracuse, 1967. 365 p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4694-95-A; UM 68-5488. Includes the assistance provided by the Agency for International Development and other American sources to the government of Pakistan. 1127 Sattar, Mohammed Abdus. UNITED STATES AID AND PAKISTAN'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Tufts, 1969. 349p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 888-A; UM 70-17,385. Evaluates the contribution of American aid to economic development, 1951-1965. Scherpenberg, Norman van. PROBLEME DER BETRIEBLICHEN INVESTITIONSPOLITIK IN WIRTSCHAFTLICH UNTERENTWICKELTEN LANDERN, DARGESTELLT AM BEISPIEL PAKISTANS. [German: Problems of Capital Investment Policies in Economically Underdeveloped Countries, Illustrated by Means of the Example of Pakistan. ] Bonn, 1967. 277p. 1128 Stern, Joseph Justin. GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, AND REGIONAL EQUITY IN PAKISTAN. Harvard, 1968. vi, 295 p. 1129 Tabors, Richard Dean. SPACE, PLANNING, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF REGIONAL PLANNING IN EAST PAKISTAN. Syracuse, 1971. 306p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1656-B; UM 71-23,475. Examines the theoretical and pragmatic consideration of the process of regionalization and regional planning in East Pakistan since 1958. 1130 Talukdar, Md. Asgar Ali. AN EVALUATION OF MARKETING IN PAKISTAN. Florida, 1968. 248p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1284-A; UM 69-17,048. A descriptive and analytic study designed to assist in improving the system of marketing. 1131 Tepper, Elliot Landis. RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION IN EAST PAKISTAN. Duke, 1970. 313p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 514-A; UM 71-19,194. A study of the origins, functions, and institutional manifestations of this part of Pakistani development program. 1132 Thomas, John Woodward. THE RURAL PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM AND EAST PAKISTANI DEVELOPMENT. Harvard, 1969. iii, 314 p. 1133 Tims, Wouter. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNING: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTANI THIRD 157 1134 PAKISTAN FIVE-YEAR PLAN. Rotterdam Nederlandsche Economische Hoogeschool, 1968. 210 p. Tomlinson, James W. C. A MODEL OF THE JOINT VENTURE DECISION PROCESS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. See entry 327. 1134 1135 1136 Vaince, Zafar Ahmad. TRENDS IN AND PROSPECTS OF PAKISTANI EXPORTS TO THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, 1951-1970. London, 1967. Worku, Debebe. THE ECONOMICS OF WATER USE: AN INQUIRY INTO THE ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR OF FARMERS IN WEST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1971. 170 p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1177-A; UM 71-23,095. Concludes that West Pakistani farmers, who are quite sensitive to economic incentives, respond readily to policies which have positive incentives and react otherwise if the policies undertaken are incorrect. Wycliffe, Augustine D. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND PERFORMANCE IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES. See entry 264. Yaqub, Muhammad. THE TAX STRUCTURE OF A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN. Princeton, 1966. 226p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3594-A; UM 67-5757. Attempts a quantitative analysis of the response of tax revenue, at constant tax formulas, to changes in economic variables in Pakistan. 1137 Youssef, Nadia Haggag. SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND FEMALE LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A COMPARISON OF LATIN AMERICAN AND MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES. California (Berkeley), 1970. 299p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3670-A; UM 71-871. Pakistan is one of the five countries analyzed in this study of the gainful non-agricultural employment of women. 1138 Zaidi, Mohammed Baqar A. THE RELATIVE EFFICIENCY OF CAPITAL IN CERTAIN AGRICULTURAL INVESTMENTS IN WEST PAKISTAN. Washington (Seattle), 1966. 154p. DA 27 (June 1967): 4001-02-A; UM 67-7692. Calculates the rates of return on investment in education, water and fertilizer, chemical plant protection, and improved seeds. 1139 Zeuner, Tim Heinrich. DIE VERERBUNG LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHEN GRUNDEIGENTUMS UND DEREN AUSWIRKUNG AUF EIGENTUMS- UND BETRIEBSGROSSENSTRUKTUR IN SIEBEN TYPISCHEN DORFEN DES PANJAB IN WEST-PAKISTAN. 158 EDUCATION 1144 [German: The Inheritance of Agricultural Land Holdings and Its Effect upon the Structure of Property and Management in Seven Typical Villages of the Panjab in West Pakistan. ] Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Hohenheim (Stuttgart), 1968. 147p. A case study of Lar (Multan District), Kali Suba (Gujranwala District), Dyalghar (Lyallpur District), Niazian (Rawalpindi District), Khane Nepal (Lahore District), Laliani (Sarghoda District), and Sakhi Sarwar (Dera Ghazi Khan District). EDUCATION 1140 Ahmed, Akhtar. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE EXPECTED AND ACTUAL ROLE OF THE THANA EDUCATION OFFICER IN EAST PAKISTAN. Northern Colorado, 1970. 227p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2029-A; UM 70-23,196. The study was designed to identify the duties of the Thana Education Officer, to compare them with his performed duties, and to determine the relationship between his performed duties and his opinion on selected aspects of his duties and his personal characteristics. 1141 Ahmed, Manzoor. AN ESTIMATE OF EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS DETERMINED BY MANPOWER NEEDS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1966. lOOp. DA 27 (May 1967): 3648-A; UM 67-6071. The study questions the desirability of maintaining the existing educational structure in view of the current maldistribution of educated manpower within the economy. 1142 Ali, Mohammad Ashraf. A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF THE GOVERNMENT COMMERCIAL INSTITUTES OF EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1969. 146p, DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4168-A; UM 70-7098. An attempt also was made to provide an insight into the manpower requirements for typists and stenographers in East Pakistan. 1143 Ali, Md. Azhar. POST-INDEPENDENCE DEVELOPMENT OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 188p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 396-A; UM 68-11,888. Essentially an historical account of primary education, 1947-1967. 1144 Ali, Mohammad Sadat. IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEMS IN IMPLEMENTING THE EXISTING INTERMEDIATE COMMERCE 159 1145 PAKISTAN CURRICULUM UNDER THE BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION, DACCA, EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1969. 313p. DAI 30 (Nov. 1969): 1716-A; UM 69-19,210. 1145 1146 Baroya, George Manor anj an. RELIABILITY, VALIDITY, AND COMPARABILITY OF FORMS L AND M OF THE "VERBAL REASONING" AND THE "NUMERICAL ABILITY" SUBTESTS OF THE DIFFERENTIAL APTITUDE TESTS FOR USE IN EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1966. 233p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 2865-66-A; UM 67-1095. The tests were to be used among the boys and girls of Classes VIII, IX, and X of the English-medium high schools. Beg, Mohammad A. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TEACHER EDUCATION IN CEYLON AND PAKISTAN. See entry 54. Begum, Kamrunnessa. THE CONSTRUCTION OF OBJECTIVE ACHIEVEMENT TESTS IN ARITHMETIC FOR CLASSES ONE THROUGH FIVE IN BENGALI MEDIUM SCHOOLS IN DACCA, PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1969. 147p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4299-300-A; UM 70-7101. 1147 Bhatti, Mukhtar Ahmad. SOCIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1967. 353p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2592-93-A; UM 67-15,065. An analysis of (1) the religious forces, (2) the population increases, (3) patterns of rural-urban living, (4) social stratification, and (5) organization for and planning policy of the government towards education. 1148 Briley, Frank Elliott. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM IN FOUNDRY AND PATTERNMAKING IN PAKISTAN. Maryland, 1967. 280p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2431-2432-A; UM 68-501. The metal casting industries of Pakistan. 1149 Cole, Marvin Mallonee. AN APPRAISAL OF THE MASTER OF EDUCATION PROGRAM AT THE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY OF THE PANJAB. Indiana, 1966. 207p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1684-A; UM 66-12,649. At Lahore, West Pakistan. Doty, Theodore E. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY IN WEST PAKISTAN, 1954-1969: AN EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO HIGHER EDUCATION FOR AGRICULTURAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Washington State, 1971. 442p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 49-A; UM 71-18,568. Studies the University's assistance first to the University of the Punjab and Affiliated Colleges and subsequently to the West Pakistan Agricultural University at Lyallpur. 160 1150 EDUCATION 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1158 Fyzennessa, Noorunnahar. A STUDY TO DETERMINE THE SOCIAL STUDIES CONCEPTS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1969. 219p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4305-06-A; UM 70-7130. Givens, Richard D. A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF VALUE CONFLICT AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF COLLEGE STUDENTS IN WEST PAKISTAN AND EASTERN KENTUCKY. See entry 1244. Gorgani, Tanwir Jehan. GUIDELINES FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN. Ohio State, 1966. 271 p. DA 27 (Mar. 1967): 2728-29-A; UM 67-2447. Includes an assessment of current practice in Pakistan as reflected in a prototype district, the Karachi District. Habibullah, Mohammad. A PLAN FOR THE CERTIFICATION OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS OF EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 204p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 601-A; UM 69-12,487. Haque, Mazharul. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE SCALE OF INTELLIGENCE FOR CHILDREN OF EAST PAKISTAN OF FIVE TO ELEVEN YEARS OF AGE. Colorado State, 1967. 149p. DA 28 (Feb. 1968): 3071-A;UM68-424. Hashmi, Shamim Ahmad. EFFECT OF PREVIOUS ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF FIRST-YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS OF EAST PAKISTAN ON THE "VERBAL REASONING" AND THE "NUMERICAL ABILITY" SUBTESTS OF THE DIFFERENTIAL APTITUDE TESTS. Colorado State, 1966. 120 p. DA 27 (Feb. 1967): 2391-92-A: UM 67-1115. Huq, Md. Noorul. AN APPLICATION OF THE UNITED STATES TECHNIQUES AND PRACTICES BY THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EAST PAKISTAN TO ACHIEVE SOME OF THE SOCIAL STUDIES OBJECTIVES COMMON TO BOTH CULTURES. Colorado State, 1967. 235p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967); 393-A; UM 67-9623. Huque, Abu Obaidul. AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HIGHER SECONDARY PHYSICS CURRICULUM AND STUDENTS1 FAILURE IN THE COLLEGES UNDER THE COMILLA BOARD, EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 141 p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 408-09-A; UM 68-11,893. Ibrahim, Shamim. THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NON-VERBAL GROUP TEST OF INTELLIGENCE FOR CHILDREN OF CLASSES I-VI IN EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 76p. 161 1159 1159 1160 1161 PAKISTAN DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2566-A; UM 69-2849. Iftikhar, Samuel. A PRAGMATIC APPROACH TO THE SOLUTION OF EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS IN PAKISTAN. Syracuse, 1969. 292p. DAI 30 (Feb. 1970): 3363-A; UM 70-1956. Explores the feasibility of applying John DeweyTs pragmatic theory to the Pakistani educational system. Ilyas, Muhammad. BUSINESS TEACHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES, ENGLAND, AND WEST PAKISTAN. Connecticut, 1970. 387p. DAI 31 (Sept. 1970): 1118-A; UM 70-15,541. Educational aspects studied included (1) philosophy and objectives of the program, (2) organization, administration, and supervision, and (3) curriculum practices. Jamshaid, Mohammad. A STUDY OF FORCES THAT HAVE INFLUENCED CHANGE IN SECONDARY SCHOOL MATHEMATICS (GRADES 7-12) IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE WORLD WAR II AND THE POSSIBLE IMPLICATIONS FOR PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1968. 527p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 2890-A; UM 69-4760. 1162 Kalam, Muhammad Abul. DEVELOPING A STRATEGY FOR AN EFFECTIVE SCIENCE PROGRAM IN EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 263p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 493-A; UM 69-12,491. Focused on the needs of secondary schools in Dacca. 1163 Karim, Abul Hashem Muhammad. A COMPARISON OF GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE CITY OF DACCA, EAST PAKISTAN, IN TERMS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION RESULTS AND INSTRUCTIONAL EXPENDITURES. Colorado State, 1968. 156p. DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2482-A; UM 69-2852. 1164 Khan, Anwar Khalil. ADOPTION AND INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS AMONG TEACHERS IN THE PILOT SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF WEST PAKISTAN. Michigan State, 1968. 200 p. DA 29 (Apr. 1969): 3378-A; UM 69-5894. The innovations investigated were (1) the introduction of vocational curricular subjects, (2) the teaching of science through the laboratory method, (3) the employment of educational guidance, (4) the use of objective tests, and (5) the in-service training of teachers. 1165 Khan, Musarrat Ali. A COMPARISON OF SOME ASPECTS OF MATHEMATICAL ACHIEVEMENT OF SIXTH GRADE PUPILS AT LAHORE, PAKISTAN AND BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. California (Berkeley), 1970. 135p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 672-A; UM 71-20,834. Probes the effectiveness of mathematics education in two different cultural situations 162 EDUCATION 1166 1167 1168 1169 1173 where modern and traditional mathematics programs are followed. Khan, Serajul Haque. THE DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY EDUCATION IN EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1967. 211 p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4460-A; UM 68-7150. A comprehensive history. Khatun, Halima. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ANTHOLOGY OF ORIGINAL STORIES IN BENGALI FOR THE STUDENTS OF CLASS I AND CLASS II OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS OF EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 136p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 494-A; UM 69-12,492. Portions of text in Bengali. Khatun, Sharifa. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE SELECTION OF DIVERSIFIED ELECTIVE COURSES IN SELECTED HIGH SCHOOLS OF EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 206p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1045-A; UM 68-11,895. Kibria, K. F. Md. Gholam. A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE COMPONENTS OF A PROPOSED STUDENT PERSONNEL PROGRAM ADAPTABLE TO THE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES IN PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1970. 88p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3294-95-A; UM 70-26,932. 1170 Latif, Abu Hamid Mohammed Abdul. A STUDY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM IN EAST PAKISTAN, 1947-1961. Colorado State, 1968. 122p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1046-47-A; UM 68-14,731. Ascertains the nature, procedure, and objectives of curricular changes. 1171 Lodhi, Tanweer Ahmad. DEVELOPING A PRE-SERVICE EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR AGRICULTURE TEACHERS AT WEST PAKISTAN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, LYALLPUR (PAKISTAN). Ohio State, 1966. 172p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2087-A; UM 66-15,108. The study was limited to selection and recruitment, curricula, and professional laboratory experiences. 1172 Malik, Din Muhammad. PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON NATIONAL EDUCATION FOR PAKISTAN, 1959. Washington State, 1966. 190p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1550-A;UM66-13,569. The Commission submitted proposals which became the instruments of national policy for the future expansion and reform of education. Miah, Abu Taher. TWENTY EDUCATORST OPINIONS ABOUT BUSINESS EDUCATION IN RELATION TO BUSINESS NEEDS IN EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1969. 182p. DAI 31 (July 1970): 314-15-A; UM 70-12,684. The opinions of thirteen business educators of East Pakistan who held important posi- 1173 163 1174 1174 1175 1176 PAKISTAN tions in the government commercial institutes, and of seven American educators who worked in the Institute of Education and Research of Dacca University. Mian, Hidayat Ullah. DETERMINATION OF GUIDELINES FOR THE EXTENSION EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP FUNCTION OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, WEST PAKISTAN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, LYALLPUR, PAKISTAN. Wisconsin, 1969. 351 p. DAI 30 (Mar. 1970): 3931-32-B; UM 69-16,975. Millat, Badrul. A PROPOSAL FOR THE RATIONAL PLANNING FOR FUTURE CHANGES OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION IN THE SOCIAL STUDIES FOR EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1967. 218p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4386-87-A; UM 68-7154. Mohee, N. A. M. Faizul. A PROGRAM OF INDUSTRIAL ARTS FOR THE SCHOOLS OF EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 213p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 623-A; UM 69-12,545. Explores the possibilities of adapting to East Pakistan American practices and procedures in organizing, administering, and teaching industrial arts in the public schools. Moncor, Earl. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF EXTENSION SYSTEMS IN SELECTED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. See entry 419. 1177 1178 Muizzuddin, Sheikh. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TEACHERS IN TRAINING IN CULTURALLY DIFFERENT AREAS OF WEST PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1966. 131 p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2073-A; UM 66-14,864. Compares teachers from Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar. Mustafa, Ishrat Ahmed. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CURRICULUM OF THE PRIMARY TRAINING INSTITUTES OF EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1967. 240p. DA 28 (May 1968): 4515-16-A; UM 68-7155. 1179 Naqvi, Shakila L. CONSTRUCTION AND INITIAL VALIDATION OF A VOCATION INTEREST INVENTORY FOR USE IN PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 316 p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 499-A; UM 69-12,496. 1180 Omer, Zubeda Zafar. A HYPOTHESIS FOR TEACHING URDU TO BILINGUAL CHILDREN IN PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1966. 248p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2101-A; UM 66-12,674. Rahman, Binito Wajihur. AMERICAN TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AND THEIR 1181 164 EDUCATION 1182 1183 1184 1185 1188 APPLICATION TO THE SCHOOLS OF EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado, 1968. 650p. DA 29 (Feb. 1969): 2614-15-A;UM69-2865. Rahman, M. Obaidur. EFFECTIVENESS OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES IN GRADES IV, V, AND VI IN SCHOOLS OF DACCA, PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 136p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 606-A; UM 69-12,499. The three instructional approaches used were: the traditional lecture method, the enriched textbook method with commercially produced instructional materials, and the project method with student improved instructional materials. Rahman, Syed Abdur. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE EXTENT AND CAUSES OF DROPOUT IN CLASSES VII THROUGH X OF THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF DACCA, EAST PAKISTAN, DURING 1965. Colorado State, 1967. 153p. DA 28 (Aug. 1967): 405-06-A; UM 67-9627. Found that the major cause of dropout was non-payment of school fees. Razvi, Syed Shameem Ahmed. AN ANALYSIS OF SELECTED EXISTING PRACTICES OF PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION OF PAKISTAN AS A BASIS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION PREPARATION PROGRAMS. State University of New York at Buffalo, 1968. 199p. DA 29 (Sept. 1968): 783-84-A; UM 68-12,452. Rohman, Khondker Mostafizor. AN INQUIRY INTO THE PROBLEMS OF CREATIVITY IN THE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 198p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 176-77-A; UM 69-12,500. 1186 Sabir, Syed Sbaihuddin. DEVELOPMENT OF AN OBJECTIVE ACHIEVEMENT TEST IN URDU LANGUAGE FOR CLASS IX STUDENTS OF THE URDU MEDIUM SCHOOLS OF DACCA CITY, EAST PAKISTAN. Northern Colorado, 1970. 107 p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2197-A; UM 70-23,219. 1187 Salam, Syed Abdus. AN EMPIRICAL STUDY TO INVESTIGATE THE FEASIBILITY OF DESIGNING OBJECTIVE TESTS WRITTEN IN THE BENGALI LANGUAGE FOR USE IN SCHOOLS OF EAST PAKISTAN. Syracuse, 1966. 90p. DA 27 (Nov. 1966): 1206-07-A; UM 66-9862. 1188 Shah, Farhat. SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF CHILDREN IN PAKISTAN. Wisconsin, 1970. 102p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6288-A; UM 71-321. Based on students in Lahore. Shah, Jafar A. RATIONALE AND GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN SELECT165 1189 PAKISTAN ED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST [i.e., SOUTH] ASIA. See entry 429. 1189 1190 1191 Shaikh, Asghar Ali. AN ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING PREPARATION OF TEACHERS TO PROVIDE READING INSTRUCTION IN PAKISTAN'S ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Washington State, 1966. 133p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1692-93-A; UM 66-13,583. Shaikh, Md. Hafizuddin. THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TEST OF READING COMPREHENSION IN BENGALI FOR CLASSES THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE. Colorado State, 1968. 123p. DAI 30 (July 1969): 193-A; UM 69-12,501. For elementary school classes in Dacca, East Pakistan. Shaikh, Md. Shahadot Ali. RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCE STUDY COMMITTEE AND THE TRADITIONAL PHYSICS COURSES IN GRADES XI AND XII IN COLORADO AND A COMPARISON OF RESULTS OBTAINED IN COLORADO WITH THOSE OBTAINED IN DACCA. Colorado State, 1969. 141 p. DAI 30 (Oct. 1969): 1345-46-A; UM 69-15,727. 1192 Siddiqi, Shaukat Ali. APPROACHES TO PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND THEIR FEASIBILITY FOR PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1967. 363 p. DA 28 (Jan. 1968): 2529-A; UM 67-15,160. 1193 Sultan, Talat. EDUCATIONAL ROLE OF BASIC DEMOCRACIES IN PAKISTAN. California (Los Angeles), 1969. 426 p. DAI 30 (May 1970): 4881-82-A; UM 70-8211. Concerned with improving the relationships between local communities and the schools that serve them. 1194 Tasneem, Zainab. DEVELOPMENT OF A GROUP MENTAL ABILITY TEST FOR STUDENTS OF CLASSES IV, V, AND VI OF THE ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOLS OF DACCA CITY, EAST PAKISTAN. Colorado State, 1968. 85p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 594-A; UM 69-12,505. 1195 Zafar, Muhammad Iqbal. IDENTIFICATION OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN PAKISTAN AND PAKISTANI EDUCATORST DETERMINATION OF THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THESE PROBLEMS FOR STUDY IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1966. 139p. DA 27 (Jan. 1967): 2019-20-A; UM 66-12,699. 166 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 1199 POLITICS, GOVERNMENT, LAW, AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS For foreign aid programs, see "Economy." For political developments in present-day Pakistan before 1947, see relevant sections under India. Also see the section entitled "Politics, Government, Law, and International Relations" under "South Asia--Regional Studies." 1196 1197 1198 1199 Ahmad, Muneer. DEMOKRATISCHE ENTWICKLUNGEN IN DER PAKISTANISCHEN BEAMTENSCHAFT: ZUR DEMOKRATISIERUNG DES BERUFSBEAMTENTUMS EINES ENTWICKLUNGSLANDES AM BEISPIEL PAKISTANS. [German: Democratic Developments in the Pakistani Civil Service: Towards the Democratization of the Professional Civil Service of a Developing Country, with Pakistan as the Example.] Minister, 1966. iv, 158p. Ahmed, A. ROLE OF HIGHER CIVIL SERVICE IN PAKISTAN. Bristol, 1966/67. Andreas, Carol R. EXCHANGE NORMS AND POWER POLITICS: A CASE STUDY OF MASS COMMUNICATIONS ON FOREIGN AID. See entry 304. Ayoob, Mohammed. PAKISTANI ALLIANCE WITH THE UNITED STATES, 1954-1965: A STUDY IN LOADS, CAPABILITIES, AND RESPONSIVENESS. Hawaii, 1966. 224p. DA 28 (Nov. 1967): 1877-A; UM 67-13,689. Contends that the United States has not been sufficiently responsive to P a k i s t a n i needs and demands. Barua, Benu P . SOME ASPECTS OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL THEORIES TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL EVOLUTION OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN. See entry 765. Bose, S. R. REGIONAL COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIA AND PAKISTAN. See entry 30. Fazal, A. JUDICIAL CONTROL OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN. See entry 768. Feldberg, Roslyn Lee Berman. THE SHAPING OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS: A STUDY OF PARTICIPATION AND STYLES OF POLITICS IN BURMA, PAKISTAN, MALAYA, AND INDIA. Michigan, 1970. 427p. DAI 32 (Sept. 1971): 1639-A; 167 1200 PAKISTAN UM 71-23,748. An historical analysis examining the level and trends in political participation. Focuses on six analytical components of political systems: citizenship, federal-state relations, administration, representation, elections, and associational inputs. 1200 Haider, Syed Mohammad. JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION IN PAKISTAN. Duke, 1966. 474 p. DA 27 (Dec. 1966): 1898-A; UM 66-11,084. Traces the evolution of certain doctrines in decisions of the Supreme Court and the High Courts of Pakistan and tests the efficacy of judicial review as a means for controlling bureaucratic power in the country. 1201 Hasan, M. THE TRANSFER OF POWER TO PAKISTAN AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. Cambridge, 1966/67. Hashmi, Zia Hasan. THE DYNAMICS OF CONTEMPORARY REGIONAL INTEGRATION: THE GROWTH OF REGIONALISM AMONG IRAN, PAKISTAN, AND TURKEY. Southern California, 1970. 328p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3621-22-A; UM 70-27,052. Examines the economic and political institutions of regional cooperation for development among the three countries. 1202 1203 Hoque, Abunasar Shamsul. ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM IN PAKISTAN: AN ANALYSIS OF REFORM COMMISSION REPORTS IN THE LIGHT OF UNITED NATIONS DOCTRINE. Duke, 1968. 570p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1275-A; UM 68-14,309. The reports of 28 commissions established by the Pakistani government between 1947 and 1962 with the purpose of reforming the countryTs administrative system. Husain, Asrar. A STUDY OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF LEGISLATIVE POWERS BETWEEN THE CENTER AND THE UNITS IN INDIA, PAKISTAN, NIGERIA, AND MALAYSIA. See entry 736. 1204 Husain, I. THE FAILURE OF PARLIAMENTARY POLITICS IN PAKISTAN, 1953-1958. Oxford, 1966/67. Husain, Iptikar. LA FONCTION PUBLIQUE AU PAKISTAN. [French: The Public Function in Pakistan.] Paris, 1968. (Doctorat de sp6cialit£) An analytical study of the Pakistani civil service, its historical evolution, public role, composition, responsibilities, etc. Husain, Syed Adil. POLITICS OF UNITED STATES FOREIGN AID TO PAKISTAN. Colorado, 1968. 376p. DA 29 (Oct. 1968): 1275-76-A;UM68-14,384. AssertsthatU.S. aid policy toward Pakistan has been governed more by strategic and 1205 1206 168 POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT 1207 1208 1216 political considerations and less by developmental and altruistic factors. Islam, A. K. M. Aminul. CONFLICT AND COHESION IN AN EAST PAKISTANI VILLAGE. McGill, 1969. DAI 30 (May 1970): 4887-B. Concludes that with economic development and political modernization, village politics has become a matter of open, competitive struggles among individuals and among groups for influence and power on the village level. Jahan, Rounaq. NATION-BUILDING IN THE NEW STATES: PAKISTAN, A CASE STUDY —THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EAST PAKISTAN AND THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN 1958-1968. Harvard, 1970. vi, 440 p. Illustrates how disequilibrium may arise in the development of a country1 s different sectors, i.e., economic development, modernization, state-building, and nation-building; and shows how failure to develop adequate nation-building policies, in spite of success in other sectors, may endanger the state as a viable unit. 1209 Kamlin, Muhammad. DOMESTIC INSTABILITY AS A FACTOR IN PAKISTANI FOREIGN POLICY, 1952-1958. London, 1969. 1210 Khan, Fazal-ur-Rehman. WINDING UP OF COMPANIES BY THE COURT, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION IN PAKISTAN. London, 1969. Male, Beverley Mary. PAKISTANI RELATIONS WITH THE MIDDLE EAST. Australian National, 1969. Malik, Moheman Danishwar. ELECTION LAWS IN PAKISTAN. London, 1969. Maniruzzaman, Talukder. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN, 1955-1958. QueenTs University (Canada), 1966. Mannan, Muhammad Abdul. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JURISDICTION AND POWERS OF THE SUPERIOR COURTS IN PAKISTAN. London, 1969. Qureshi, M. A. BRITISH RELATIONS WITH PAKISTAN, 19471962: A STUDY OF BRITISH POLICY TOWARDS PAKISTAN. Oxford, 1967/68. Rao, Nagulapalli B. CONTROLLED MASS COMMUNICATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT: AN ANALYSIS OF EDITORIALS IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN. See entry 624. Razvi, Syed Mohammad Mujtaba. FRONTIER PROBLEMS IN PAKISTAN'S FOREIGN POLICY. London, 1969. 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 169 1217 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 PAKISTAN Reinhard, Gregor M. STRATEGIC PROBLEMS OF THE INDIAN OCEAN AREA: THE IRAN-AFGHANISTAN-PAKISTAN SECTOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL FRONTIER. Catholic University of America, 1968. 431 p. DAI 30 (Aug. 1969): 789-A; UM 69-12,307. Analyzes the contemporary conflicting strategies of the US, USSR, and China to establish various degrees of control over the Iranian-Pakistani frontier area and the overland routes through this region to the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. Shariff, Zahid. MODELS OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS: COMPARISON, CRITIQUE, APPLICATION. New York, 1966. 213p. DA 27 (May 1967): 3913-A; UM 67-6064. Critically studies the comparisons undertaken among models of comparative politics in order to evaluate their application to non-Western polities. Pakistan is used as a case in point. Singh, Katherine Lowe. CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN PAKISTAN'S INTERNAL POLITICS: THE AYUB YEARS. Claremont, 1970. 280 p. DAI 31 (June 1971): 6686-A; UM 71-13,736. Focuses upon the basic political issues of the period, the government structures employed to resolve them, the groups active in the political process, and certain related factors. Swidler, Nina Bailey. THE POLITICAL STRUCTURE OF A TRIBAL FEDERATION: THE BRAHUI OF BALUCHISTAN. Columbia, 1969. 197p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4479-B; UM 70-7079. Zahir, Muhammad. THE LAW RELATING TO DIRECTORS AND MANAGING AGENTS OF COMPANIES LIMITED BY SHARES IN PAKISTAN. London, 1966. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE 1222 Azmi, Abdul Razzaque. PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ON THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF RICE (ORYZASATIVA L J . British Columbia, 1969. DAI 31 (July 1970): 8-B. Studies four varieties of rice, two of which-Kangni-27 and Dokribasmati--are from Dokri, Pakistan. 170 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE 1233 1223 Calkins, James Alfred. THE GEOLOGY OF THE WESTERN LIMB OF THE HAZARA-KASHMIR SYNTAXES,- WEST PAKESTAN AND KASHMIR. Pennsylvania State, 1966. 188p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2476-77-B; UM 67-11,181. 1224 Chaudhury, M. S. THE POTASSIUM FIXING AND RELEASING POWERS OF THE CLAY AND SILT FRACTIONS IN SOME BRITISH AND PAKISTANI SOILS. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1967/68. 1225 Fatmi, A. N. THE PALAEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE MESOZOIC ROCKS OF WESTERN KOHAT, KALA CHITTA, HAZARA, AND THE TRANS-INDUS SALT RANGE, WEST PAKISTAN. University of Wales at Swansea, 1967/68. Hussain, Syed Taseer. REVISION OF HIPPARION (EQUIDAE, MAMMALIA) FROM THE SIWALIK HILLS OF PAKISTAN AND INDIA. Utrecht, 1969. Issendorf, Arnd von. UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUM NAHRSTOFFHAUSHALT EINIGER BODEN DES INDUSTALES IN WESTPAKESTAN. [German: Maintaining Nutrients in Some of the Soils of the Indus River Valley of West Pakistan.] Bonn, 1967. v, 71 p. 1226 1227 1228 Jahan, K. A. STUDY OF THE FUNGUS FLORA OF RICE SEED, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PATHOGENIC SPECIES OCCURRING IN EAST PAKISTAN. Queen1 s University (Belfast, Northern Ireland), 1966/67. Plant Pathology. 1229 Latif, Mir Abdul. THE STRATIGRAPHY OF SOUTH EASTERN HAZARA AND PARTS OF RAWALPINDY AND MUZAFFARABAD DISTRICTS OF WEST PAKISTAN AND KASHMIR. London, 1969. 1230 McCarthy, Vincent Cormac. IXODID TICKS (ACARINA, IXODIDAE) OF WEST PAKISTAN. Maryland, 1967. 551 p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3929-B; UM 68-3371. Merchant, Najmuddin Mamoojee. A SYSTEM DESIGN FOR WASTE WATER RECLAMATION AND RAISING FRESH WATER FISH IN OXIDATION PONDS IN THE LOWER INDUS PLAIN OF WEST PAKISTAN. California (Los Angeles), 1970. 184p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 4811-B; UM 71-3831. 1231 1232 1233 Shirai, Akira. SEROLOGIC CLASSIFICATION OF SCRUB TYPHUS ISOLATES FROM WEST PAKISTAN. Maryland, 1969. DAI 30 (June 1970): 5615-B; UM 70-11,641. Siddiqui, Q. A. SOME EARLY TERTIARY OSTRACODS FROM WEST PAKISTAN. Leicester, 1966/67. 171 1234 1234 PAKISTAN Sorrwar, Gholam. UPPER CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY OSTRACOD FAUNAS FROM KOHAT DISTRICT OF WEST PAKISTAN. Michigan State, 1970. 238p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2862-B; UM 70-20,534. A study in paleontology. SOCIETY 1235 Ahmad, Mahbubuddin. THE METHODOLOGY OF STUDYING FERTILITY DIFFERENTIALS WITH REFERENCE TO EAST PAKISTAN. London, 1966. 1236 Ahmad, S. Saghir. CLASS AND POWER IN THE PANJABI VILLAGE. Michigan State, 1968. 155p. DA 29 (Aug. 1968): 679-A; UM 68-11,032. A study of social stratification and power structure in a village community of the West Panjab. 1237 Ahmed, N. U. THE PEASANT FAMILY AND SOCIAL STATUS IN EAST PAKISTAN. Edinburgh, 1967/68. Aschenbrenner, Joyce Cathryn. ENDOGAMY AND SOCIAL STATUS IN A WEST PUNJABI VILLAGE. Minnesota, 1967. 322p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2238-B; UM 67-14,595. Marriage between the children of brothers—a practice characteristic of Islamic societies — is examined in the context of the social organization of the village. 1238 1239 1240 1241 Ashraf, Muhammad. AN ANALYSIS OF THE DETERMINANTS OF ILLITERACY IN PAKISTAN. Indiana, 1968. 134p. DA 29 (Mar. 1969): 2877-A; UM 69-4721. Analyzes such factors as historical background, economy, social structure, demographic trends, religion, tribal customs, languages, the educational system, and female status. Badrudduza, Md. ATTITUDES OF PAKISTANI ELITES TOWARD POPULATION PROBLEMS AND POPULATION POLICY: A STUDY OF PROFESSORS, LAWYERS, DOCTORS, AND GOVERNMENT OFFICERS IN PAKISTAN. Cornell, 1967. 330 p. DA 28 (July 1967): 298-A; UM 67-3785. Examines the knowledge, perception, and attitudes of Pakistani professional elite toward the issue of the country's population growth, problem, and policy. Bertocci, Peter J. ELUSIVE VILLAGES: SOCIAL STRUC172 SOCIETY 1242 1243 1244 1245 1247 TURE AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION IN RURAL EAST PAKISTAN. Michigan State, 1970. 234p. DAI 31 (Jan. 1971): 3813-B; UM 71-2030. Bhatti, Mukhtar A. SOCIOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN. See entry 1147. Chipp, Sylvia A. THE ROLE OF WOMEN ELITES IN A MODERNIZING COUNTRY: THE ALL PAKISTAN WOMENTS ASSOCIATION. Syracuse, 1970. 430p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 1030-31-A; UM 71-21,516. In focusing upon the leaders of the Association, the author studies their attitudes toward the traditional role of the woman in an Islamic culture and their success in bringing about social change in a traditional society. Cho, Sung Tai. A CROSS-CULTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE CRIMINALITY LEVEL INDEX. Ohio State, 1967. 87p. DA 28 (Mar. 1968): 3775-76-A; UM 68-2966. Studies an individual's tendency toward or away from criminal involvement using as case subjects prisoners and laborers in West Pakistan, Greece, and Korea. Givens, Richard Dale. A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF VALUE CONFLICT AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF COLLEGE STUDENTS IN WEST PAKISTAN AND EASTERN KENTUCKY. Kentucky, 1970. 264p. DAI 32 (Aug. 1971): 680-81-B; UM 71-19,370. A study of second-year students at the University of the Panjab and Eastern Kentucky University to determine how students reared under a relatively traditional value system would react to instruction at universities where values associated with modern societies predominate. Hara, Tadahiko. PARIBAR AND KINSHIP IN A MOSLEM RURAL VILLAGE IN EAST PAKISTAN. Australian National, 1967. Islam, A. K. M. Aminul. CONFLICT AND COHESION IN AN EAST PAKISTANI VILLAGE. See entry 1207. 1246 Muyeed, Abdul. STRATEGIES EVOLVED IN A DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM OF PLANNED SOCIAL CHANGE IN RURAL EAST PAKISTAN: A STUDY OF THE PROCESS OF INSTITUTION-BUILDING AND ITS INTEGRATION IN THE POLITICOADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE. Michigan State, 1970. 394p. DAI 31 (Nov. 1970): 2473-74-A; UM 70-20,504. Studies the program conducted by the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development (PARD) at Comilla. 1247 Rahim, Syed Ataur. DIFFUSION OF INNOVATIONS IN A DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM: A STUDY OF COLLECTIVE ADOP173 1248 1248 1249 1250 PAKISTAN TION OF INNOVATIONS BY VILLAGE COOPERATIVES IN PAKISTAN. Michigan State, 1968. 169p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1957-A; UM 68-17,123. Based on a study of eighty cooperatives at Comilla, East Pakistan. Raza, Muhammad Rafique. A STUDY OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN TWO PAKISTANI VILLAGES. Cornell, 1966. 174p. DA 27 (Sept. 1966): 833-A; UM 66-7839. Argues that socio-economic status, as a multidimensional criterion, gives a more holistic picture of social strata than some of the singlefactor criteria like family prestige, occupational prestige, and caste. Shah, Iffat. A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARATIVE STUDY OF VOCATIONAL INTERESTS. Minnesota, 1970. 201 p. DAI 31 (Feb. 1971): 5049-B; UM 70-20,236. A comparison of physicians and engineers in Pakistan and the U.S.A. Sheikh, Nargis Ahmed. TEXTILE BUYING PRACTICES OF A SELECTED GROUP OF FEMALE PAKISTANI CONSUMERS RELATED TO SELECTED BACKGROUND FACTORS AND CLOTHING BEHAVIORS. Pennsylvania State, 1970. 182p. DAI 32 (July 1971): 412-13-B; UM 71-16,670. A study of women belonging to two socio-economic groups in Karachi. 1251 Siddiqui, Habibur Rahman. FAMILY, SOCIAL ENGINEERING, AND POPULATION PROGRAMS: A STUDY OF PHYSICIANS, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, LAWYERS, AND PROFESSORS IN PAKISTAN. Cornell, 1967. 345p. DA 28 (Dec. 1967): 2359-A; UM 67-16,369. Compares professionals in Dacca and Lahore with regard to their preferences and motives toward family size, family planning, and personal knowledge and use of family limitation methods. 1252 1253 Taj, Kokab. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE ATTITUDES OF MARRIED WOMEN AND COLLEGE STUDENTS TOWARD FAMILY PLANNING IN A SELECTED COMMUNITY OF HYDERABAD, WEST PAKISTAN. Southern Illinois, 1969. 117p. DAI 30 (Apr. 1970): 4682-B; UM 70-7320. Winter, David Kenneth. AMERICAN PROFESSORS IN WEST PAKISTAN: A STUDY OF CROSS-CULTURAL RELATIONS. Michigan State, 1968. 221 p. DA 29 (Dec. 1968): 1914-B; UM 68-17,159. Investigates the pattern of interaction between American and Pakistani professors in both their social and working relationships. 1254 Yusuf, Farhat. DIFFERENTIAL FERTILITY IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN. Australian National, 1966. 174 ADDENDA Information on the following dissertations concerning Ceylon, India, and Pakistan was received too late to be included in the main body of the bibliography. 1255 Aall, Ingrid. THE CONFLICT OF TRADITION AND CHANGE IN THE WORK AND PUBLIC IMAGE OF THE BENGALI ARTIST ABANINDRANATH TAGORE: A STUDY OF THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN TRADITIONALISM AND MODERNITY. Chicago, 1971. 372 p. Abanindranath Tagore, 1871-1951. 1256 Akanda, Safar A. EAST PAKISTAN AND POLITICS OF REGIONALISM. Denver, 1971. 393p. DAI 32 (May 1972); UM 71-29,414. 1257 Alex, Alexander Varghese. COSTS AND RETURNS ON INVESTMENT IN EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY —INDIA, 19501961. Indiana, 1971. 388p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2252-A; UM 71-29,554. Seeks to determine whether or not education played a productive role in the Indian economy during the 1950Ts, and from various estimates and returns concludes that there was overinvestment in human as opposed to physical capital in India during this period. 1258 Anderson, Robert S. THE LIFE OF SCIENCE IN INDIA: A COMPARATIVE ETHNOGRAPHY OF TWO RESEARCH INSTITUTES. Chicago, 1971. 1259 Bailey, Charles James Nice. INFLECTIONAL PATTERN OF INDO-EUROPEAN NOUNS. Chicago, 1969. 221 p. Beane, Wendell. THE GODDESS DURGA-KALI: THE STRUCTURAL UNITY OF MYTH, CULT, AND SYMBOLS. Chicago, 1971. Biswas, Renuka. A STUDY OF THE SLUM CLEARANCE OF 175 1260 1261 1262 ADDENDA KANPUR. Columbia, 1971. 223p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3429-30-A; UM 72-1274. The study documents the needs for slum clearance, reviews the legislative background, presents the roles of agencies in the implementation process, surveys a sample of current and former slum dwellers to report their attitudes and motivation toward rehousing programs and the impact of slum clearance on their living conditions, and analyzes the overall impact of the slum clearance program. 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 Bloss, Lowell W. ANCIENT INDIAN FOLK RELIGION AS SEEN THROUGH THE SYMBOLISM OF THE NAGA. Chicago, 1971. 265p. A study of Indie mythology and of serpents in Indian religion and folklore. Bowles, Lawrence Thompson. A HISTORY OF MEDICAL EDUCATION IN CEYLON, 1942-1967. New York, 1971. 227 p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2450-A; UM 71-28,523. The major portion of the text concerns the growth and development of medical education in Ceylon from the opening of the University of Colombo until after the second medical faculty was officially recognized in Peradeniya in 1967, but the author also devotes a section to tracing the evolution of the island's medical education prior to 1942. Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce James. A MODEL OF COALITION BEHAVIOR: THE CASE OF INDIA, 1967-1971. Michigan, 1971. Converse, Hyla S. THE HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRST OCCURRENCES OF THE DOCTRINE OF TRANSMIGRATION IN THE EARLY UPANISADS. Columbia, 1971. iii, 477p. Dilthey, Helmtraut. VERSAMMLUNGSPLATZE IM DARDOKAFIRISCHEN RAUM. [German: Meeting Places/Assembly Points in the Region Inhabited by the Dards and Kafirs. ] Heidelberg, 1970. ix, 212 p. The Dards and Kafirs of Chitral and Gilgit Agencies in Northwestern Pakistan. Donnelly, Michael B. THE INVARIANCE OF CATEGORY AND MAGNITUDE SCALES: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY. Loyola University of Chicago, 1971. 86p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 3027-B; UM 71-28,116. In this study, two sample groups —Indians and Americans — judged and rejudged the seriousness of criminal offenses by both category and magnitude estimation procedures. Elwan, Shwikar Ibrahim. CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY AND ISLAM: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Emory, 1971. 367p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3383-84-A; UM 72-298. A systematic study of the influence of Islam on the constitutional organiza176 ADDENDA 1276 tion of the contemporary Muslim states. The investigation is limited to the Sunni theory of government, and Pakistan is singled out as "the only modern Muslim state that has professedly built its political system on Islamic principles.TT 1269 Faneuff, Charles Thomas. ACTION RESEARCH: DEVELOPMENT OF A PILOT MODEL FOR TEACHING POPULATION DYNAMICS INFORMATION IN THE GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS OF MYSORE STATE, INDIA. Oregon, 1971. 242p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3119-20-A; UM 72-922. The study indicates that children in Mysore State can learn an appreciable amount concerning their life situation and its relation to the global population problem surrounding them. 1270 Fein, Helen. IMPERIAL CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: A STUDY OF THE SANCTIONING OF COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE IN THE PUNJAB, 1919. Columbia, 1971. xii, 425 p. 1271 Goldman, Robert Philip. MYTH AND META-MYTH: A CRITICAL STUDY OF THE EVOLUTION AND MANIPULATION OF THE BHARGAVA CORPUS IN THE MAHABHARATA. Pennsylvania, 1971. 771 p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2640-A; UM 71-26,016. 1272 Harper, Judith Wiltse. THE DIVARUS OF THE MALNAD: A STUDY OF KINSHIP AND LAND TENURE IN A PADDY CULTIVATING CASTE IN SOUTH INDIA. Washington (Seattle), 1971. 154p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2495-96-B; UM 71-28,420. A study of a caste of peasant paddy cultivators in the Malnad region of Mysore State which describes how access to rights in land is constrained both by the internal forces of kinship organization and by external forces such as population density, paddy prices, and taxation rates. 1273 Jacobson, Jerome. MICROLITHIC CONTEXTS IN THE VINDHYAN HILLS OF CENTRAL INDIA. Columbia, 1970. xviii, 487p. 1274 Jeswine, Miriam Alice. HENRY DAVID THOREAU: APPRENTICE TO THE HINDU SAGES. Oregon, 1971. 241 p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3254-55-A; UM 72-939. Studies the influence of Hinduism — particularly as expressed in the Laws of Manu, the Bhagavad-GIta. and the Sankhya Karika—upon the thought of this noted nineteenth century American writer and upon his book Walden. 1275 Kaelber, Walter O. TAPAS AND INITIATION SYMBOLISM IN THE VEDA WITH PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THEIR MUTUAL INTERRELATION AND CO-ORDINATION WITH THE SACRIFICE. Chicago, 1971. 1276 Kick, Wilhelm. SCHLAGINTWEITS VERMESSUNGSARBEITEN 177 1277 ADDENDA AM NANGA PARBAT 1856: EIN BEITRAG ZUR GESCHICHTE DER GEODASIE AUF FORSCHUNGSREISEN UND ZUR ERSCHLIESSUNGSGESCHICHTE HOCHASIENS. [German: SchlagintweitsT Surveys of the Nanga Parbat in 1856: Contributions to the History of Surveying Undertaken during Voyages of Exploration and to the Opening up of Inner Asia.] Miinchen, 1966. 208p. Nanga Parbat in the Himalayas is the world's seventh highest mountain. 1277 Kirsch, Ottfried C. DIE SIEDLUNGSGENOSSENSCHAFTEN IN WEST-PAKISTAN ALS BESONDERE GENOSSENSCHAFTSFORM: IHRE BEDEUTUNG FtTR DIE ANGFANGLICHE KAPITALBILDUNG UND FUR DIE EINFUHRUNG MODERNER PRODUKTIONSMETHODE. [German: The Collective Settlements in West Pakistan as a Special Form of Association: Their Importance for the Initial Formation of Capital and for the Introduction of Modern Production Methods.] Hohenheim, 1967. viii, 121 p. 1278 Knipe, David Maclay. TAPAS IN CORRESPONDENCE: THE RELIGIOUS SIGNIFICANCE OF HEAT IN ANCIENT INDIA. Chicago, 1971. 160p. Focuses on the significance of fire in early Indian religious practices. 1279 Lethcoe, Nancy Jane. THE BODHISATTVA-STRUCTURE IN KUMARAJIVA'S ASTASAHASRIKA-PRAJNAPARAMITA-SUTRA. Wisconsin, 1971. 519p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3413-A; UM 71-24,469. Describes in detail the various types of bodhisattvas found in Kumarajiva's translation of the Agtasahasrika including their attainments, failures, and distinguishing characteristics. 1280 Lockwood, David Edson. THE "LION OF KASHMIR" SHEIKH MOHAMMED ABDULLAH AND THE DISPUTE OVER THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JAMMU AND KASHMIR STATE AND THE INDIAN UNION. Johns Hopkins, 1971. 1281 Ludlam, Kenneth William. FEEDING BEHAVIOR OF SIX COMMON ANOPHELINES OF WEST PAKISTAN. Maryland, 1971. 78p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3417-18-B; UM 72-634. Host preferences, population dynamics, nocturnal feeding behavior, and endophilic tendencies of six common types of mosquitoes were studied in two West Pakistani villages during 1965 and 1966. 1282 Maan, Abdul Hamid. ORGANIZATION OF AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES IN AN IRRIGATED AREA OF WEST PAKISTAN. Pennsylvania State, 1971. 228p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2272-A; UM 71-28,710. Critically evaluates the development proposals submitted to the Government of Pakistan by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development as a result of the In178 ADDENDA 1289 dus Special Study of 1967, and offers suggestions for possible improvements in the Bank Group plans. 1283 Maniyar, Vinod Premchand. IMPORT CONTROL POLICY OF INDIA. Wayne State, 1971. 156p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2260-A; UM 71-29,769. Assesses the effectiveness of import control policy in achieving IndiaTs developmental objectives and discovers that while the policy has been successful in a number of respects, this success was not without its costs. The author concludes by offering a transitional tariff proposal as an alternative to increasing the economic efficiency of domestic industry. 1284 Masica, Colin P . A STUDY OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF CERTAIN SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURES IN RELATION TO THE DEFINABILITY OF AN INDIAN LINGUISTIC AREA. Chicago, 1971. 1285 Mitchell, Nora. THE INDIAN HILL-STATION: KODAI-KANAL. Chicago, 1971. Dissertation in geography. 1286 Morris, Wilda Webber. PATTERNS OF ELECTORAL POLITICS IN CEYLON, 1947-1970. Illinois, 1971. 274p. DAI 32 (Feb. 1972); UM 72-7008. 1287 Murthy, A. N. Krishna. DEVELOPING AND RESTRUCTURING REGULATED MARKETS IN MYSORE STATE, INDIA: AN ALTERNATIVE FOR IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF MARKETING FOOD GRAINS. Tennessee, 1971. 180p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2272-73-A; UM 71-29,480. Includes an analysis of the major defects in the existing regulated markets, suggests a uniform staffing pattern for all such markets, proposes a model State Agricultural Marketing Board to supervise the activities of regulated markets in the state, and prepares a model framework for a Market Development Research and Survey Unit at the state level. 1288 Naimi, Mohammed Omar. DECISION-MAKING IN THE DISRAELI GOVERNMENT IN REGARD TO ARMED INTERVENTION IN AFGHANISTAN: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH. Oklahoma, 1971. 355p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3401-A; UM 71-27,633. This work analyzes the decision of the British Government to declare war on Afghanistan in 1878 in order to defend India from possible foreign aggression. 1289 Pastner, Carroll McClure. SEXUAL DICHOTOMIZATION IN SOCIETY AND CULTURE: THE WOMEN OF PANJGUR, BALUCHISTAN. Brandeis, 1971. 282p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3132-B; UM 71-30,143. The author found that the women had developed particularistic adaptations to those aspects of social structure 179 1290 ADDENDA controlled by men in either de jure or de facto fashion. 1290 Pastner, Stephen Lane. CAMP AND TERRITORY AMONG THE NOMADS OF NORTHERN MAKRAN DISTRICT, BALUCHISTAN: THE ROLE OF SEDENTARY COMMUNITIES IN PASTORAL SOCIAL ORGANIZATION. Brandeis, 1971. 260 p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3132-33-B; UM 71-30,144. Discusses the formation processes of Makrani nomadic social organization, from the level of the herding camps to the social and geographical boundaries of nomad territoriality. Also examines the ongoing interrelations of the herdsmen with the sedentary communities of the region. 1291 Pisharoti, Kattoor Achutha. FACTORS INFLUENCING FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM PERFORMANCE IN INDIA. North Carolina, 1971. 272p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3467-B; UM 71-30,625. The author sought to determine (1) the extent to which program performance has been influenced by the socioeconomic context within which the program operates, and (2) the extent to which program performance has been influenced by the administrative resources invested in the program. 1292 Prebish, Charles Stuart. THE SANSKRIT PRATIMOKgA SUTRAS OF THE MAHASAiyiGHIKAS AND MULASARVASTIVADINS: TEXTS, TRANSLATIONS, AND AN INTRODUCTORY EXPOSITION. Wisconsin, 1971. 745p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3415-A; UM 71-24,478. The translation of the Mahasaryighika-pratimok^asutra is based on a manuscript found in Tibet by Rahula Sankrtyayana and edited by W. Pachow and Ramakanta Mishra, and that of the Mulasarvastivadin-pratimoksa-sutra is based on a Gilgit manuscript edited by Ankul Chandra Banerjee. 1293 Reed, Wallace E. AREAL INTERACTION IN INDIA: COMMODITY FLOWS OF THE BENGAL-BIHAR INDUSTRIAL AREA. Chicago, 1967. 209p. 1294 Rizvi, Shahzad Ahmed. AN ANALYSIS OF UNESCO-SUPPORTED TELE-CLUB PROJECTS IN SELECTED COUNTRIES. Wayne State, 1969. 299p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3467-A; UM 71-29,783. Studies the process of adult education through tele-clubs in India, Japan, and France. 1295 Roy, Mrinal. KAMARUPA-KAMAKHYA BHAGATS: A STUDY OF A CULT IN ITS SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE. Oregon, 1971. 153p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3134-B; UM 72-968. Studies the formation of a secret cult practiced by a group of Oraon individuals (a tribal people centered in the Ranchi district of South Bihar). The cult was first learned by an individual member of the group from a Hindu living at Kamakhya in the Kamarupa district of Assam. 180 ADDENDA 1296 1302 Salehi, Mohammad Mehdi. LEVEL OF INDUSTRIALIZATION AND POLITICAL IDEOLOGY OF INDUSTRIAL WORKERS: A FOUR-NATION STUDY. Michigan State, 1971. 113p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3449-A; UM 71-31,299. An examination of some of the stratification conditions which structure the political orientations of automobile workers in India, Argentina, Italy, and the United States. 1297 Sayyid, Muhammad Abdul-Wahid. PRONOMINALIZATION IN URDU. Indiana, 1971. 171 p. DAI 32 (Nov. 1971): 2669-A; UM 71-29,591. The investigation is primarily concerned with constraints on pronoun-antecedent relationships in simple and complex structures of Urdu and their implications for linguistic theory. 1298 Sen Gupta, Bhabani. THE FULCRUM OF ASIA. City University of New York, 1971. 389p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3401-A; UM 72-1009. Probes the motivations and impulses of Soviet and Chinese strategy in South Asia and examines India1 s and Pakistani mercurial relationships with their formidable Communist neighbors. 1299 Shaikh, Abdul Quader J. THE CORPORATE INCOME TAX AND THE GROWTH OF THE CORPORATE SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF INDIA. Massachusetts, 1971. 256p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 2883-A; UM 72-643. The study attempts to analyze and investigate the impact of the corporate income tax on the overall growth and formation of corporate enterprise and, more specifically, the effects of taxation on corporate investment, savings, profits, dividends, rates of return on capital, methods of financing, and the rate of capital formation. 1300 Simmons, Ruth S. THE BERWAS OF DELHI: SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MOBILITY IN A CASTE OF EX-UNTOUCHABLES. California (Berkeley), 1971. 1301 Singh, Inderjit. A RECURSIVE PROGRAMMING MODEL OF TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE IN TRANSITION: A CASE STUDY OF PUNJAB, INDIA. Wisconsin, 1971. 598p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 2874-A; UM 71-25,216. The dynamic microeconomic model for the development of the agricultural sector is tested for the period 1952-1965 for the central districts of the Indian Punjab and succeeds in explaining the tremendous increases in output and productivity, the mechanization of selected agricultural tasks in an apparently labor surplus environment, the structural changes in regional resource use, and the growth of commercialization. 1302 Stephenson, Alan Lynn. PROLEGOMENON TO BUDDHIST SO181 1303 ADDENDA CIAL ETHICS. Claremont, 1971. 182p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3416-A; UM 71-21,645. Investigates the doctrinal bases of Theravada Buddhism in order to determine their potential for the creation of a social ethic. Includes an examination of the concepts of samsara. karma, dharma, Nirvana, and shunvata. 1303 Thompson, Marion Elizabeth. A STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION PROGRAMMING WITHIN THE STRUCTURE OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS. Wisconsin, 1971. 940p. DAI 32 (Dec. 1971): 3469-A; UM 71-23,334. Includes a brief consideration of projected plans for communications satellite systems in India. 1304 Vesper, Don R. KURUKH SYNTAX WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE VERBAL SYSTEM. Chicago, 1971. 161 p. 1305 Wirsing, Robert G. SOCIALIST SOCIETY AND FREE ENTERPRISE POLITICS: A STUDY OF THE URBAN POLITICAL PROCESS IN NAGPUR, INDIA. Denver, 1971. 182 APPENDICES APPENDIX A DISTRIBUTION OF DISSERTATIONS BY YEAR AND COUNTRYa 1970b 1971C COUNTRY TOTALS 1966 1967 1968 1969 Australia 2 2 2 5 7 18 Canada 3 2 3 5 1 14 Czechoslovakia" 1 COUNTRY/YEAR 1 Denmark 1 1 5 8 Germany (East) b 4 6 b 24 8 8 3 2 51 65 52 48 26 1 2 3 4 France Germany (West) Great Britain Italy b Netherlands Philippines 15 Poland Sweden Switzerland 12 8 34 1 10 1 46 242 3 3 2 15 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 United States 141 143 142 178 201 107 912 ANNUAL TOTALSd 238 241 224 253 241 108 1305 As defined within the scope of this bibliography, i.e. dissertations dealing in whole or in part with the countries of South Asia. Records are incomplete. Included for the sake of convenience; records are incomplete for the United States and are unavailable for other Western countries. Annual totals must be considered approximate only in view of incomplete data for several countries, notably Germany. NOTE: Dissertations recorded as being accepted during an academic year (e.g. 1966/67) are entered under the latter of the two years. 184 APPENDIX B DISTRIBUTION OF DISSERTATIONS BY SUBJECT AND COUNTRYa COUNTRY/SUBJECT Australia SOUTH r F Y T O N T N n T A c CEYLON INDIA ASIAb 1 Canada NFPAT NEPAL pAKI " gTANd 1 12 3 3 8 3 OVERSEASe 1 COUNTRY TOTALS 18 14 Czechoslovakia 1 1 Denmark 1 1 France 2 26 Germany (East) 3 7 Germany (West) 3 33 Great Britain 7 42 148 1 2 3 10 5 9 1 46 33 7 242 3 3 Italy Netherlands 1 1 34 10 2 1 15 Philippines 1 1 Poland 1 1 Sweden 1 1 Switzerland 1 1 2 1 6 1 United States 57 17 618 15 141 64 912 TOTALS BY SUBJECT 75 65 872 22 194 77 1305 As defined within the scope of this bibliography, i.e. dissertations dealing in whole or in part with the countries of South Asia. Records for several Western countries are incomplete as is noted in Appendix A. Dissertations dealing with South Asia as a whole or with two or more specific South Asian countries. Including dissertations dealing with Indian civilization and history before 1947 and with areas in present-day Pakistan before India's establishment as an independent state. e Dissertations dealing with areas in present-day Pakistan before her independence in 1947 are included under "India." Including overseas South Asian communities, South Asian students at overseas educational institutions, and India's image and cultural influence abroad. 185 APPENDIX C AVAILABILITY OF DISSERTATIONS While certain doctoral dissertations cited in this bibliography have already been published or will shortly become available in book form, the majority of them have never appeared in print except as journal articles. Most are available, nevertheless, for purchase on microfilm or in xerox form. The following guide outlines the availability of such works on a country by country basis: AUSTRALIA: For copies of dissertations submitted to the Australian National University, write to: The Library; Australian National University; P.O. Box 4; Canberra A.C.T. 2600. In some cases access is restricted to staff and students of the Australian National University for a period of five years and such theses may be consulted and borrowed by others only if the author gives his permission. The author 1 s permission, moreover, must be secured before photocopies of a dissertation can be sold. Copies are available at cost, and for microfilms this will usually be between Aust. $8.00 and $15.00 while xerox copies will be about three times as much. Copies are not usually supplied directly to research workers; application should be made through the library of a university or research institution. CANADA: For microfilm copies of dissertations, write directly to: Canadian Theses on Microfilm; Cataloguing Branch; Room 414; National Library of Canada; Ottawa 4, Ontario. Inter-library loan requests for these same theses should be addressed to the reference branch of the library. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Write directly to the library of the university to which the dissertation has been submitted. DENMARK: Each dissertation listed in this bibliography has been published and should be available at major academic libraries. FRANCE: For copies of dissertations submitted to the University de Paris, write to: Bibliothfcque de la Sorbonne, 47 rue des 186 AVAILABILITY OF DISSERTATIONS ficoles, Paris 5 e . For dissertations submitted to other institutions, write directly to the libraries of the universities involved. It should be noted that since 1952, the Center for Research Libraries (5721 South Cottage Grove Avenue; Chicago, Illinois 60637) has received annually from the Ministry of Education of France all printed doctoral dissertations from all French universities in all subject fields except medicine. Furthermore, abstracts of many (but not all) dissertations accepted by the University de Paris may be found in the following publications: (1) University de Paris. Faculty des lettres et sciences humaines. Positions des thfeses de troisi&me cycle soutenues devant la Faculty (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, published annually), and (2) University de Paris. Annales de TUniversity de Paris (Paris: lTUniversit6 de Paris). GERMANY: Microfilm copies of most unpublished dissertations submitted to universities in West Germany may be ordered from the libraries of the respective institutions. Copies of printed doctoral dissertations are available at several university libraries outside of Germany, among them The University of Michigan Library and the Center for Research Libraries (5721 South Cottage Grove Avenue; Chicago, Illinois 60637). GREAT BRITAIN: Regulations vary from institution to institution, but in most cases the written consent of the author or of his university must be obtained before photocopies can be provided. Write directly to the university concerned or consult the editorial note of the latest volume of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB), Index to Theses Accepted for Higher Degrees in the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland for further details. ITALY: Write directly to the library of the university to which the disseration has been submitted. NETHERLANDS: Most dissertations have been published and are available in the collections of several university libraries outside of the Netherlands, among them The University of Michigan Library and the Center for Research Libraries (5721 South Cottage Grove Avenue; Chicago, Illinois 60637). In all other cases, write directly to the library of the university to which the dissertation has been submitted. PHILIPPINES: Write directly to the library of the university to which the dissertation has been submitted. 187 AVAILABILITY OF DISSERTATIONS POLAND: Write directly to the library of the university to which the dissertation has been submitted. SWEDEN: The dissertation listed in this bibliography has been published and should be available at major academic libraries. SWITZERLAND: Most dissertations have been published and are available in the collections of several university libraries outside of Switzerland, among them The University of Michigan Library and the Center for Research Libraries (5721 South Cottage Grove Avenue; Chicago, Illinois 60637). In all other cases, write directly to the library of the university to which the dissertation has been submitted. UNITED STATES: Copies of dissertations abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts and in Dissertation Abstracts International may be ordered directly from (1) University Microfilms, Inc.; P . O . B . 1746; Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, or (2) University Microfilms, Ltd.; St. John's Road; Tylers Green; Penn, Buckinghamshire, England. Order by the author f s name, the dissertation title, and the dissertations UM order number, specifying whether a microfilm or xerographic copy (bound in hardcover or softcover as desired) is to be prepared. Microfilm copies are available at $4.00 each and paperbound xerographic copies are sold individually for $10.00 ($2.25 additional for hardbound copies) regardless of the number of pages in the dissertation. Prices indicated in issues of Dissertation Abstracts published before 1971 should be disregarded, and all prices are subject to change without notice. Surface postage within the United States will be prepaid by University Microfilms if payment accompanies the order. Otherwise, a small handling and mailing fee will be charged the customer, who is invoiced at the time of shipment. Shipping and handling charges must be paid by the customer in the case of all foreign orders. Dissertations submitted to the University of Chicago may be ordered directly from the Photoduplication Department; University of Chicago Library; Swift Hall; Chicago, Illinois 60637. 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The reader should keep in mind, however, that recently completed dissertations lacking a UM number in this bibliography will likely become available from University Microfilms by June 1972. 189 INDICES AUTHOR INDEX All numbers refer to entry numbers Alagiyawanna, Kingsley Louis Victor, 97 Alam, SyedNurul, 1079 Aldrich, Michael Ray, 473 Alex, Alexander Varghese, 1257 Ali, Md. Azhar, 1143 Ali, Mohammad Ashraf, 1142 Ali, Mohammad Sadat, 1144 Altbach, Philip G., 391 Ambannavar, J. P., 502 Amore, Roy Clayton, 810 Anacker, Stefan, 811 Ananthakrishnan, Rajagopalan, 929 Andersen, Per Pinstrup, 303 Anderson, Robert S., 1258 Anderson, William Miller, 140 Andradi, Wijeratna M. D. D., 98 Andreas, Carol Rich, 304 Andress, Joel Max, 949 Annable, James Edward, Jr., 14 Annamalai, E., 625 Anton, Helga, 847 Appathurai, Edward Ratnasingam, 112 Appleyard, Dennis Ray, 503 Arayathinal, Reverend Sebastian Carmel, 392 Aall, Ingrid, 1255 Aalst, Frank Daigh van, see Van Aalst, Frank Daigh. Abdushah, Abdi A., 438 Abou-Aish, Abdallah Mohamed, 13 Abraham, M. Francis, 703 Achard, Yvon, 887 Acharya, Radha Mohan, 928 Acharyya, Debnarayan, 845 Adair, Charles H., J r . , 389 Adams, John Quincy (III), 501 Adas, Michael Peter, 675 Adiceam, Emmanuel, 215 Aggarwal, Partap Chand, 947 Agrawal, Binod Chand, 948 Ahmad, Dabir, 390 Ahmad, Kabir Uddin, 1078 Ahmad, Mahbubuddin, 1235 Ahmad, Muneer, 1196 Ahmad, S, Saghir, 1236 Ahmad, W., 524 Ahmed, A., 1197 Ahmed, Akhtar, 1140 Ahmed, Manzoor, 1141 Ahmed, N. U., 1237 Aitken, Norman Dale, 439 Akanda, Safar A., 1256 Akhtar, Mushtaq Ahmad, 525 Aklujkar, AshokNarhar, 846 Alagh, Yoginder Kumar, 210 Areskoug, Kaj Gunnar, 15 Arunachalam, R. M., 216 Arya, Usharbudh, 190 191 AUTHOR INDEX Ascheribrenner, Joyce Cathryn, 1238 Asghar, K. G., 474 Asher, Frederick M., 120 Ashley, Walter Edward, 1067 Ashraf, Ali, 704 Ashraf, Muhammad, 1239 Atkin, J. M., 16 Augustus, Amelia, 393 Awwal, Mohammad Abdul, 165 Ayoob, Mohammed, 1198 Azad, Alauddin Al, 166 Azmi, Abdul Razzaque, 1222 Babb, Lawrence Alan, 888 Babr6e, Laeeq, 141 Badrudduza, Md., 1240 Baha, Lai, 526 Bahadoorsingh, Krishna, 676 Bailey, Charles James Nice, 1259 Baity, Elizabeth Chesley, 800 Bajpai, Shiva Gopal, 460 Baker, Donald Edward Uther, 527 Bakke, John Paul, 475 Bakshi, Sri Ram V., 191 Bal, Amarjit Singh, 394 Balachandran, Lakshmi Bai, 626 Balasubramanyam, Vudayagiri Nagabhushanam, 305 Bald, Suresht Renjen, 167 Bandyopadhyay, Premansukumar, 504 Bansal, Ram Krishna, 627 Baranson, Jack, 342 Bardhan, K., 217 Barnett, Stephen Alan, 997 Barnum, Howard Nelch (II), 218 Baroya, George Manoranjan, 1145 Barranda, Natividad Gatbonton, 912 Barrier, Norman Gerald, 528 Barron, Thomas James, 99 Barth, Klaus, 265 Barua, Benu Prasad, 765 192 Barz, Richard Keith, 848 Basit, Abdul, 1080 Bastedo, Thomas Galbraith, 766 Basu, Aparna, 529 Basu, Arun Chandra, 440 Bawa, Ujagar Singh, 219 Bawa, Vasant Kumar, 530 Baxter, Craig, 720 Bayly, C. A., 531 Bazemore, Wallace Duncan, 889 Beach, Milo Cleveland, 121 Beane, Wendell, 1260 Beck, B. E. F., 950 Becker, Tamar Shifron, 441 Bedford, Ian, 705 Beebe, Lucius, 29 Beg, Mohammad Anwar, 54 Begley, Wayne Edison, 122 Begum, Kamrunnessa, 1146 Beier, George Joseph, 1081 Belfiglio, Valentine John, 776 Bellinghausen, Rudolf, 281 Ben-Moshe, Jacob, 343 Bennett, Edward Bertram, 918 Bennett, Richard George, 395 Berghoff, Wilhelm, 461 Bernier, Ronald M., 1045 Bernot, Lucien, 1068 Berry, Willard Miller, 721 Bertocci, Peter J., 1241 Bertram, Brian Colin Ricardo, 930 Bhalla, Dev Nath, 282 Bhalla, Salma, 951 Bhardwaj, R. C e , 368 Bhardwaj, Surinder Mohan, 849 Bhargava, Prem Sagar, 628 Bhatt, Bhalchandra Jeyshanker, 369 Bhatt, Sooda Lakshminarayana, 629 Bhattacharyya, Sureshchandra, 462 Bhatti, Mukhtar Ahmad, 1147 Bhuiyah, Mujibur R., 1082 Birla, Suresh Chandra, 221 AUTHOR INDEX Biswas, Renuka, 1261 Blair, Harry Wallace, 722 Blaise, Bharati Mukherjee, 142 Blake, Bradley Allen, 952 Bloch, Ernest, 17 Bloss, Lowell W., 1262 Blue, Richard Newton, 306 Boning, Renate, 123 Bokhari, Masudul Hasan, 1069 Bokil, Kamala, 1018 Borpujari, J. G., 505 Bose, Anima, 607 Bose, S. R., 30 Boulton, John Victor, 168 Bower, Leonard George, 1 Bowles, Lawrence Thompson, 1263 Boyd, James Waldemar, 812 Boyd, Robert Hugh Steele, 831 Braine, Jean Critchfield, 630 Breman, Johannes Cornelis, 220 Breuer, Helmut, 330 Bright, Jay Bhupatrai, 370 Briley, Frank Elliott, 1148 Britsch, Ralph Lanier, 832 Brockington, J. L., 631 Brodkin, Edward Irwin, 532 Brooks, Richard William, 850 Brown, Emily Clara, 533 Brown, Judith Margaret, 534 Brown, Richard Martin, 723 Browning, Dorothy Ann, 632 Brucker, Egon, 463 Bruteau, Beatrice, 890 Bruyne, Jenny Leonora de, see De Bruyne, Jenny Leonora Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce James, 1264 Burger, Angela Sutherland, 724 Burkhart, Geoffrey L., 998 Burns, L. P., 535 Busch, Gladys Masih, 953 Buss, Reinhard Johannes, 851 Calkins, James Alfred, 1223 193 Calkins, Richard Allyn, 344 Callahan, Raymond Aloysius, J r . , 476 Cam, Tran Minh, see Tran-minhCam. Cantril, Albert Hadley, J r . , 706 Canut-Mallison, Francoise, 891 Caplan, Lionel, 1046 Carras, Mary Calliope, 707 Carroll, Richard Lynn, 1007 Carter, Martha Limbach, 124 Cartwright, Bliss Cornell, 371 Case, Margaret Harrison, 536 Cashman, Richard Ian, 537 Casler, Frederick Howard, 633 Cenker, William C , O.P., 892 Chacko, Cherukattu~Abraham, 143 Chakrabarti, A. K., 919 Chakrabarti, H. 538 Chakravarti, Aninda Kumar, 506 Chakravarti, Nalini Ranjan, 677 Chakravorti, Robindra C , 678 Chakravorty, Priya Shankar, 920 Chalermsri, Somboon, 31 Chand, Hari, 767 Chandola, Anoop Chandra, 634 Chandrasekharaiah, Kananur V., 954 Chase, F . L., 539 Chattarji, P. K., 540 Chatterji, Amiya, 725 Chattopadhyaya, B. D., 464 Chaudhary, Muhammad Aslam, 1083 Chaudhary, Roop Lai, 372 Chaudhry, Ghulam Rasul, 18 Chaudhry, M. S., 1224 Chaudhuri, B. B 9 , 507 Chaudhury, Muhammad Mushtaq, 1070 Chaudhury, Susil, 477 Chauhan, Ishwar Singh, 679 Chethimattam, Reverend John Britto, C.M.L, 852 Chew, E, C. T., 541 AUTHOR INDEX Chipp, Sylvia A., 1242 Cho, Sung Tai, 1243 Chopra, Kusum, 283 Chopra, TilakRaj, 853 Choucri, Nazli Moustafa, 777 Choudhury, Barbara Southard, 893 Choudhury, Deba Prasad, 542 Choudhury, Parimal, 222 Choudhury, Rafiqul Islam, 726 Chowdhury, A. H. M. Nuruddin, 1084 Chowdhury, M. K., 1085 Christanand, Pancras, 854 Christy, Florence Jean, 543 Church, Cornelia Dimmitt, 855 Clark, Robert Henry, 801 Claus, Peter James, 999 Clothey, FredW., 802 Coachbuilder, Deenaz P., 192 Cody, Donald Kevin, 544 Coffin, Harold Garth, 331 Cohen, Allan Ray, 955 Cohen, Stephen Philip, 545 Colacicco, Mary Grace, 442 Cole, Marvin Mallonee, 1149 Collins, John Edward, 894 Compton, J. M., 546 Conklin, George Henry, 956 Conlon, Frank Fowler, 608 Converse, Hyla S., 1265 Coone, Jim Gar on, 957 Copen, Melvyn Robert, 307 Copland, I. F . S., 547 Cottrell, Ann Warren Baker, 958 Coughlan, Heather Turner, 548 Coulson, M. A., 193 Crangle, John Vernon, 549 Crawford, Arthur Raymond, 921 Cremer, Wilhelm, 895 Crook, Lester Brian Leonard, 100 Crossley, Ronald Cooper, 896 Cutt, James, 266 Czuma, Stanislaw Jerzy, 125 194 Dan, Nguyen Trieu, see Nguyentrieu-Dan Danda, Ajit Kumar, 1028 Dar, Ashok Kumar, 345 Darby, P. G. C , 778 Das, Asok-Kumar, 126 Das, Man Singh, 2 Das, Ram Kinkar Lai, 3 Das Gupta, A. K., 346 Dasgupta, Biplabkumar, 508 Das Gupta, Jyotirindra, 727 Das Gupta, Uma, 550 Dastur, Dinoo Nari, 942 Datta-Chaudhuri, Mrinal Kanti, 284 Daunicht, Hubert, 465 Davey, Hampton Thompson, J r . , 728 Dawson, William Albert, 373 De Bruyne, Jenny Leonora, 169 Debysingh, Molly, 959 Dehejia, V., 127 Delfendahl, Bernard, 803 De Nicolas, Antonio T., 856 Desai, Armaity Sapur, 4 Desai, Gunvantrai Maganlal, 223 Desai, Haribhai Gulabbhai, 396 Desai, Santosh Nagpaul, 144 Desai, Sureshchandra Ambelal, 285 Deshpande, Sharadchandra Balwant, 931 De Silva, Chandra Richard, 83 De Silva, Dharmasena M. A., 67 De Silva, Manikku Wadu Padmasiri, 813 Dev, Amiya Kumar, 194 Dewaraja, Lorna S., 84 Dhammavisuddhi, Yatadolawatte, 85 Dhar, Trilok Nath, 397 Dhavamony, M., 857 Dhesi, Jagdit Kaur Jobal, 943 Dhindsa, Ragwinder Kaur, 960 Dhital, Bhaarat Prasad, 1047 Di Bona, Joseph Ernest, 961 AUTHOR INDEX Dickason, David Gordon, 385 Diffloth, Gerard F., 635 Dil, Anwar Shabnam, 5 Dilthey, Helmtraut, 1266 Disney, Anthony R., 478 Ditner, Brigitte, 1029 Dixon, Ruth Bronson, 55 Dobbin, Christine E., 551 Dobbs, Thomas Lawrence, 224 Dockhorn, Kurt, 897 Donaldson, Robert Herschel, 779 Donnelly, Michael B., 1267 Dorai, Gopalakrishnan Chidambaram, 443 Doss, Veda, 729 Doty, Theodore E., 1150 dTSouza, Anthony Sylvester, see Souza, Anthony Sylvester dT Dubdy, Dinesh Chandra, 1008 Duggal, Prakash Vati, 145 Dungen, Petrus H. M. van den, see Van den Dungen, Petrus Hendrikis Maria Dutt, Maya, 1019 Dutta, Amita, 101 Duvall, Sister Mary Vera, R.S.M., 814 Dwarikesh, Dwarika Prasad Sharma, 636 Eapen, Kadamattu Eapen, 620 Eckert, Jerry Bruce, 1086 Edwards, Seth Jaivant, J r . , 398 Ehrlich, Allen S., 680 Elder, Robert Ellsworth, 1009 Eldridge, Albert Francis, 681 Eldridge, Philip John, 308 Elim, Raga Sayed, 780 Ellefsen, Richard Arthur, 225 Elleisi, Mohamed Ali, 374 Elliott, Carolyn Margaret, 730 Ellis, Edward Roger Ingram, 552 Elwan, Shwikar Ibrahim, 1268 Enloe, Cynthia Holden, 682 Erlenkotter, Donald, 347 Faneuff, Charles Thomas, 1269 Farooq, Ghazi Mumtaz, 1087 Farooqi, Ayesha Humaira, 348 Farruk, Muhammad Osman, 1088 Fatmi, A. N., 1225 Faulwetter, Helmut, 211 Fazal, A., 768 Fein, Helen, 1270 Feldbaek, Ole, 479 Feldberg, Roslyn Lee Berman, 1199 Feldsieper, Manfred, 349 Fellenberg, Theodor von, 56 Fenner, Francis Edwin, 553 Fernandes, Margaret, 399 Fernandez, Frank, 637 Fernando, M. A., 68 Fernando, P. T. M., 102 Fernando, S. T.G., 103 Ferrell, Donald Wayne, 554 Finner, Stephen Lawrence, 1010 Fischer, David, 480 Fleming, Robert Leland, Jr., 932 Flynn, Reverend John Michael, 833 Ford, Charles Christopher, 6 Fornaro, Robert John, 898 Fox, Robert Paul, 638 Franda, Marcus F., 731 Freebern, Charles L., 195 Freeman, David Meadows, 113 Frenz, Albrecht, 639 Frerichs, William Edward, 922 Friedman, Bernard, 19 Friend, Corinne Vernon, 170 Fry, H. T., 481 Fuller, William Parmer (IV), 375 Furedy, Christine, 555 Fyzennessa, Noorunnahar, 1151 195 AUTHOR INDEX Gagliano, Felix Victor, J r . , 683 Gaige, Frederick Hughes, 1048 Gamelin, Timothy Robert, 114 Gamlath, Sucharita, 196 Gandhi, Rajnikant Suresh, 444 Ganesan, Krishnamurthy, 509 Gay, Roland Daniel, 33 Gehani, T. G., 834 George, Christopher Starr, 815 George, Dieter, 482 Germain-Thomas, Oliver, 128 Ghatate, Narayan Madhav, 781 Ghorpade, Jaisingh Vishwasrao, 350 Ghosh, Bhakti, 400 Ghosh, Sureshchandra, 483 Gilbert, Eddie Reid, 197 Givens, Richard Dale, 1244 Glasgow, Roy Arthur, 684 Goekoop, Cornells, 858 Goel, Madan Lai, 732 Goff, Clare Letitia, 453 Goldman, Robert Philip, 1271 G6mez, Luis Oscar, 816 Gordon, Leonard Abraham, 556 Gordon, R. A., 557 Gorgani, Tanwir Jehan, 1152 Gotsch, Carl Hugo, 1089 Gould, Michael Austin, 733 Grader, Charles Raymond, 309 Greenberger, Allan Jay, 558 Gronbold, Gunther, 859 Gropengiesser, Peter, 20 Guerin, Yves, 146 Guisinger, Stephen Edward, 1090 Gulati, Krishna, 962 Gulati, Umesh Chandra, 351 Gulilat, Taye, 510 Gunatilaka, R. A., 817 Gunawardena, RajaSenanayake,69 Gunderson, Warren Martin, 609 Gupta, Amitkumar, 559 Gupta, Bhabani Sen, see Sen Gupta, Bhabani Gupta, Danesh Chandra, 267 Gupta, Girdharilal Saduram, 268 196 Gupta, Harish Chandra, 286 Gupta, Kanta, 147 Gupta, Maya, 560 Gupta, Ram Das, 860 Gupta, Santosh Prabha, 685 Gupta, Syamaprasad, 287 Gurney, J. D., 484 Gurung, H. B., 1049 Gustafson, Donald Rudolph, 561 Habibullah, Mohammad, 1153 Hackett, Harold Edmund, 933 Hackett, Peter, 401 Hafner, Annemarie, 511 Haider, Syed Mohammad, 1200 Hall, Arnold M., 818 Hallaj, Muhammad, 34 Hamilton, Richard Edward, 288 Hanchett, Suzanne Lorraine, 1030 Handa, Madan Lai, 332 Handler, Esther, 171 Hansen, George Eric, 782 Hanumanthappa, Hanumanthappa, Sanjeevappa, 402 Haq, M. Anwarul, 913 ul-Haqq, Mushir, 562 Haque, A. S. M. Zahurul, 136 Haque, I. U., 1091 Haque, Mazharul, 1154 Haque, Md. Shamsul, 1092 Hara, Minoru, 861 Hara, Tadahiko, 1245 Hardgrave, Robert L., 963 Harper, Frances L., see Mullins, Frances Harper Harper, Judith Wiltse, 1272 Harral, Clell Gauvey, 386 Harris, Jonathan, 783 Harris, Richard Mark, 640 Harrison, Ella Vardha, 964 Hart, George Luzerne (III), 172 Hasan, M., 1201 Hashem, Abul, 1093 Hashmi, Shamim Ahmad, 1155 Hashmi, Sharafat Ali, 1094 AUTHOR INDEX Hashmi, Zia Hasan, 1202 Hassan, R., 914 Haydar, Mohammad Afak, 1095 Hazelwood, Leo Anthony, 35 Heathcote, Thomas Anthony, 563 Heckel, Erna, 36 Hecox, Walter Edwin, 1096 Heeger, Gerald A., 734 Heerema, Douglas Lee, 1097 Heginbotham, Stanley J., 735 Heine, Lyman Howard, J r . , 37 Hekmati-Tehrani, Mehri, 445 Henemier, Stanley M., J r . , 1098 Hepler, Paul Howard, 148 Herdt, Robert William, 226 Herman, Arthur Ludwig, 862 Herrenschmidt, Olivier, 804 Hettiarachchy, Tilak, 86 Hewavitharana, Buddhadasa, 70 Hewitt, Kenneth, 923 Hiebert, Paul Gordon, 1031 Hill, John Lowell, 564 Hilliker, John Featherston, 610 Hintiber, Oskar von, 641 Hoang, Sy-Quy, 863 Hodgson, Jacqueline Lou, 512 Hogle, Homer Lefevre, 403 Holland, Barron Gregory, 173 Holmes, Arnold Stewart, 227 Holstrom, M. N., 805 Hommes, EnnoWillem, 289 Hope, Ashley Guy, 565 Hoppe, Ulf, 1032 Hoque, Abunasar Shamsul, 1203 Horowitz, Donald Leonard, 686 Horowitz, Grace Betty, 376 Horvath, Janos, 310 Hudson, D. Dennis, 835 Hulbe, Sindha Kashinath, 1033 Hulbert, Katharine W., 965 Hulin, Michel, 149 Huq, A.M.Abdul, 1071 Huq, Abul Kalam Muhammad Sayeedul-, 1099 Huq, Md. Noorul, 1156 Huque, AbuObaidul, 1157 197 Hurd, John (II), 513 Husain, Asrar, 736 Husain, I., 1204 Husain, Iptikar, 1205 Husain, S. M., 915 Husain, Syed Adil, 1206 Husain, Ziaul-, 1100 Hussain, Sayed Mushtaq, 1101 Hussain, Syed Taseer, 1226 Hutchins, Francis Gilman, 566 Hyma, Balasubramanyam I., 1020 Ibrahim, Shamim, 1158 Iftikhar, Samuel, 1159 Iida, Shotaro, 819 Ilyas, Muhammad, 1160 Imam, Mohammed, 769 Ince, Basil Andr6, 687 Indrapala, Karthigesu, 87 Islam, A. K. M. Aminul, 1207 Islam, Abu Isa Aminul, 1102 Islam, Kamrunnesa, 466 Islam, Taherul, 228 Israel, Milton, 567 Issendorff, Arnd von, 1227 Jacobson, Dorothy A., 1034 Jacobson, Jerome, 1273 Jaeckel, Horst, 568 Jagetia, Lai Chand, 352 Jahan, Bilquis, 1072 Jahan, K. A., 1228 Jahan, Rounaq, 1208 Jain, Navin Chand, 621 Jalal, Kazi Abul Farhad Mohammed, 7 James, Stanislaus Francis, 198 Jameson, Kenneth Peter, 269 Jamshaid, Mohammad, 1161 Janous, Jan, 784 Jassal, Harjinder Singh, 708 Jayasekera, Mahadura Lambert Silva, 88 Jayasekera, P. V. J., 104 AUTHOR INDEX Jayasinghe, Karunasena Hewawasan, 115 Jayaweera, Swarna, 105 Jensen, Clara Sayre, 38 Jerstad, Luther Gerald, 1050 Jeswine, Miriam Alice, 1274 Jha, Satish Chandra, 229 Jindia, Jaswant Rai, 230 Jogaratnam, Thambapillai, 71 John, Aleyamma Koshy, 404 John, Melathathil Johanan, 1035 John, Thomas, 405 Johnson, Edward William (II), 737 Johnson, G., 569 Johnson, Gary Dean, 924 Joldersma, Jerry, 116 Jolly, Audrey Grace, 642 Jones, Clifford Reis, 129 Jones, Kenneth William, 899 Jones, Rodney W., 709 Jordan, Monika, 643 Joseph, Chacko A., 864 Joshi, Dayashankar M., 644 Kacker, Madhav Prasad, 311 Kadri, A. H., 1103 Kaelber, Walter O., 1275 Kahane, Reuven, 406 Kailasapathy, K., 174 Kalam, Muhammad Abul, 1162 KalS, Pramod Keshav, 199 Kale, Pratima, 407 Kalupahana, David Jinadasa, 820 Kamal, Abu Hena Mustafa, 175 Kamaluddin, A. F . M., 1104 Kamlin, Muhammad, 1209 Kanapathypillai, Vamadeva, 89 Kanbur, M. G., 231 Kandiah, Thirulogendran, 57 Kangayappan, Kumaraswamy, 290 Kapoor, Ashok, 312 Karim, Abdul, 1105 Karim, Abul Hashem Muhammad, 1163 198 Karim, Muhammed Enamul, 150 Kariyawasam, Tilokasundari, 58 Karunatillake, Sisil Walimunidevage, 59 Kathuria, Ravinder, 408 Katpatal, Bhasker Gopal, 934 Katz, S. Stanley, 313 Kaur, Surjit, 409 Kay, David Allen, 39 Kee, Yong Tau, 966 Keenleyside, Terence Ashley, 570 Kelkar, Vijay Laxman, 291 Keller, Stephen L., 967 Kennedy, Brian Ernest, 485 Kennedy, Shirley Marshall, 410 Khan, A. R., 1106 Khan, Abdul Majed, 486 Khan, Akhtar Hasan, 1107 Khan, Anwar Khalil, 1164 Khan, Fazal-ur-Rehman, 1210 Khan, Mahmood Hasan, 1108 Khan, Mohammad A., 1109 Khan, Mohammad Irshad, 1110 Khan, Mohammad Islamullah, 487 Khan, Mohammad Zafar Ahmad, 1073 Khan, Musarrat Ali, 1165 Khan, Rafiuddin Ahmed, 785 Khan, Serajul Haque, 1166 Khare, Brij Behari, 738 Khasnavis, Pratyush Kumar, 411 Khatun, Halima, 1167 Khatun, Sharifa, 1168 el-Khawas, Mohamed Ahmed, 32 al-Khazraji, Majid Ghaidan, 968 Khinduka, Shanti Kumar, 688 Khokle, Vasant Sadashio Rao, 645 Khudanpur, Govind Jivaji, 232 Khuhro, Hamida, 571 Khurshid, Anis, 60 Kibria, K. F . Md. Gholam, 1169 Kick, Wilhelm, 1276 Kidder, David Elwyn, 412 AUTHOR INDEX Kinsley, David R., 200 Kirkpatrick, Joanna, 969 Kirsch, Ottfried C , 1277 Kite, Barry Alan, 970 Klimkeit, Hans Joachim, 806 Knipe, David Maclay, 1278 Kochan, Ran, 40 Koller, John M., 900 Koshal, Rajindar Kumar, 387 Koss, Stephen Edward, 572 Kotelawele, Don Ariyapala, 90 Kramer, Fred Allen, 233 Krishnan, Vadakkencherry Narayanan, 377 Krishnaswamy, Manthri Sampathkumarachar, 314 Krishnaswamy, S., 573 Kropp, Erhard Werner, 378 Kumar, Kanwal, 315 Kumar, Sudarshan, 467 Kundu, Mahima Ranjan, 413 Kurien, Mannakunnil Varughese, 316 Kusari, Haraprasad, 333 Kuthiala, Sudarshan Kumar, 379 KyawWin, U, 446 Lee, Terence Richard, 212 Lehmann, Frederick Louis, 488 Leonard, John Greenfield, 611 Leonard, Karen Bush, 612 Lessley, Merrill Joe, 201 Lethcoe, Nancy Joe, 1279 Levine, June Perry, 151 Lewin, Harlan Jonathan, 575 Lim, Margaret Julia Beng Chu, 514 Lincoln, Neville John, 646 Lindburg, Donald Gilson, 935 Lipkin, John Phillip, 613 Lockwood, David Edson, 1280 Lodh, Bimal Kanti, 317 Lodhi, Tanweer Ahmad, 1171 Loh, Philip Fook-seng, 690 Long, Joe Bruce, 867 Loomba, Joanne Frances Kroll, 318 Lorenzen, David Neal, 868 Lowenstein, Edward Robert, 1111 Ludlam, Kenneth William, 1281 Lueders, Fredrick Gustav, 838 Luis, George Thomas, 770 Lynch, Owen Martin, 1000 Lago, Mary McClelland, 176 Laird, Michael Andrew, 836 Lai, Amrit, 739 Lance, Larry Michael, 1021 Langbauer, Delmar N # , 865 Langley, Winston Edson, 786 Laporte, Robert, J r . , 292 Lapp, John Allen, 837 Larson, Gerald James, 866 Laska, John Anthony, Jr., 414 Latif, Abu Hamid Mohammed Abdul, 1170 Latif, Mir Abdul, 1229 Laushey, David Mason, 574 Lavan, Spencer, 916 Layne, Neville, 689 Leaf, Murray J., 807 Le Cocq, Rhoda P., 901 Maan, Abdul Hamid, 1282 MacDougall, Robert Duncan, 61 MacEwan, Arthur, 1112 Maclay, Susan Ruth, 971 McCarthy, Vincent Cormac, 1230 McDermott, James Paul, 821 McDermott, Robert A., 902 McDonough, Peter James, 740 McKinnon, Charles Paul, 903 Madaiah, Madappa, 270 Madhavan, Murugappa Chettiar, 234 Madhavi, Upot Poovadan, 944 Mahar, James Michael, 972 Mahler, Walter Robert, 271 Mahmood, Abul Barakat Mahi Uddin, 489 Majumdar, Ranendra, 177 199 AUTHOR INDEX Male, Beverley Mary, 1211 Malhotra, Piarea Lai, 576 Malik, Din Muhammad, 1172 Malik, MohemanDanishwar, 1212 Malik, Salah-udDin, 577 Malik, Saleem H., 1113 Malik, Yogendra Kumar, 691 Malikail, Puthenpenpura Joseph Scaria, 415 Malla, S. L M 1051 Maloney, Clarence T., 468 Mammen, Thampy, 272 Mangahas, Ruby Kelley, 202 Mangat, Jagjit Singh, 692 Mani, Srinivasa Balasubra, 1011 Maniruzzaman, Talukder, 1213 Maniyar, Vinod Premchand, 1283 Mann, Jitendar Singh, 319 Mann, Kharak Singh, 235 Mannan, Muhammad Abdul, 1214 Manton, Thomas Brewster, 41 Marasinghe, M. M. J., 822 Marrison, Geoffrey Edward, 647 Martin, Wulf, 741 Masica, Colin P., 1284 Maslog, Crispin Chio, 447 Masson, Jeffrey Lloyd, 203 Mathew, Mariamma, 416 Mathew, Mulamootil Philip, 236 Mathur, Kuldeep, 710 Mathur, Raghubir Narain, 213 Mathur, Surendra Pratap, 925 Matter, Sharleen Lou Johnson, 945 Mayer, Peter Baldwin, 711 Meegama, SriniwasaAnanda, 106 Megnin, Donald Frederick, 320 Mehra, Nirmal, 417 Mehta, Basant T., 334 Melnick, Daniel, 712 Menge, Paul Erich, 742 Menon, Anila Bhatt, 418 Merchant, Najmuddin Mamoojee, 1231 Meyer, Sister Marie Leonard, 787 200 Meyer, Ralph Christian, 743 Mia, Ahmadullah, 1074 Miah, Abu Taher, 1173 Mian, Hidayat Ullah, 1174 Millat, Badrul, 1175 Miller, Barbara Stoler, 178 Miller, Raymond Charles, 1114 Millonig, Harald, 648 Mines, Mattison, 973 Minor, Harry Cameron, 936 Minz, Boniface, 1036 Minz, Nirmal, 904 Miranda, Rocky Valerine, 649 Mirando, Annesley Hermon, 91 Mishra, Vishwa Mohan, 622 Misra, Bal Govind, 650 Misra, Bhabagrahi, 137 Misra, Jaya Krishna, 1022 Misra, Rama Shanker, 237 Mistry, Purushottam Jivanji, 651 Mitchell, Nora, 1285 Mitra, Arun Kumar, 238 Mitra, Pijush Kanti, 21 Mitter, Partha, 152 Mody, Raghuvir Jagmohandas, 273 Mohammed, A. Y. A., 515 Mohee, N. A. M. Faizul, 1176 Mohsin, Khan Mohammad, 490 Mojumdar, Kanchanmoy, 578 Molla, Mohammad Kasim Uddin, 579 Mollah, Nur Alam, 274 Moncur, Earl, 419 Moodey, Richard W., 974 Moore, R. J., 693 Morearty, John E., 905 Morenas, Yasmin, 420 Morris, John Rayl, J r . , 275 Morris, Patrick George, 1001 Morris, Wilda Webber, 1286 Morrison, Barrie McAra, 469 Mudholkar, Gauri-Vrinda Govind, 516 Mughal, Mohammad Rafique, 454 AUTHOR INDEX Nilsson, StenAke, 130 Nimbark, Ashakant, 977 Nitzberg, Frances Lou, 978 Noble, William Allister, 979 Noronha, Reverend Peter, 421 Nowshirvani, Vahid Fallah, 241 Nwulia, Moses Dikedi Elias, 694 Muhly, James David, 455 Muizzuddin, Sheikh, 1177 Mukerjee, Tapan, 580 Mukherjee, Biswadeb, 823 Mukherjee, Hena, 517 Mukherjee, Tridib Kumar, 335 Mullins, Frances Harper, 581 Mureithi, James Joe Nyamu, 42 Murickan, Reverend Jose Varkey, S.J., 975 Murthy, A. N. Krishna, 1287 Murti, Vedula Narasimha, 22 Murton, Brian Joseph, 491 Mustafa, Ishrat Ahmed, 1178 MuthuChidambaram, Subba Pillai, 380 Muyeed, Abdul, 1246 Nadkarni, Mangesh Vithal, 652 Nadkarni, VasantDattatraya, 353 Nagar, Murari Lai, 614 Naidu, Saliah, 976 Naik, Iqbal Abdul Razak, 456 Naimi, Mohammed Omar, 1288 Nanda, Krishan K., 744 Naqvi, Shakila L., 1179 Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider, 1115 Naseem, Syed Mohammad, 1116 Nayar, P . K. Bhaskaran, 745 Nayar, Viyyath Ramakrishna Pillai Prabodhachandran, 653 Nayimuddin, M., 1117 Neubauer, Deane Edward, 746 Newell, Richard Smith, 239 Newman, R. KM 518 Ngere, Livinus Onyewuchi, 937 Nguyen-trieu-Dan, 788 Niazi, R., 1118 Nicholson, Norman Kibby, 321 Nielsen, Keith Edward, 153 Nightingale, Ray Wiley, 240 Nijenhuis, Emmie te, 204 Nijhawan, Inder Pal, 293 Nijim, Basheer Khalil, 43 Niland, John Rodney, 448 201 Obeyesekere, Ranjini Dayawati, 62 OTConnell, Joseph Thomas, 869 O T Flaherty, Wendy Doniger, 870 Oh, Tai Keun, 449 Ojha, Ishwer Chandra, 8 OTKeefe, Timothy John, 582 Olphen, Herman Hendrik van, see van Olphen, Herman Hendrik Olson, Robert Fisher, 824 Omer, Zubeda Zafar, 1180 Ordonez, Victor, F.S.C., 871 Or en, Stephen A., 747 Orr, J. M., 839 Orthman, William George, 450 Osman, Mohd. Taib bin, 154 Ostor, Akos, 808 Owens, Raymond Lee, 354 Padgaonkar, Dilip, 205 Pal, AMI Chandra, 457 Pal, P., 1052 Panday, Devendra Raj, 1053 Pandey, Sheo Ji, 926 Pandeya, Pradyumna, 1023 Pandya, Bindeshwari Prasad, 938 Pant, Shridhar Prasad, 294 Pant, Thakur Nath, 1054 Papachristou, Gerald Christopher, 748 Parameswaran, Priscilla, 155 Park, Tong-Whan, 44 Parris, Helen Elizabeth, 1012 Pastner, Carroll McClure, 1289 Pastner, Stephen Lane, 1290 AUTHOR INDEX Patel, Ishwarlal Chaturdas, 242 Patel, Malvika Sumantbhai, 243 Patel, Viharidas Gopaldas,295 Pathmanathan, Sivasubramaniam, 92 Pati, Gopal C , 381 Paul, Glendora P., 615 Paul, Robert A., 1055 Paul, Sherry Ortner, 1056 Pearson, Michael Naylor, 492 Pearson, Roger, 980 Peiris, G. H., 72 Peissel, Michel, 1057 Perera, Mangalage Piyadasa, 73 Per era, N. P., 63 Perera, P. D. A., 74 Perry, John Allen, 695 Peters, John Geoffrey, 789 Peterson, Clifford Errol, 790 Pfanner, Margaret Ruth Harr i s , 75 Pfeffer, Georg, 1002 Phanuel, Mirabai Pushpanathan, 422 Phatak, Vishvanath Vinayak, 355 Pierce, Frank Nicholson, 9 Pillay, Puballan Dooraswami, 696 Pisharoti, Kattoor Achutha, 1291 Piyaratna, Chintamani Hettige, 107 Poirier, Frank Eugene, 939 Prabhu, John Coelho, 1013 Pradhan, Prachanda Prasad, 1058 Prakash, Ved, 296 Prasad, K., 276 Pray, Bruce Raymond, 654 Prebish, Charles Stuart, 1292 Premble, John Charles, 1059 Premdas, Ralph Rikhinand, 697 Premi, Mahendra K., 423 Preston, Adrian William, 583 Pride, Cletis Graden, 623 202 Qamar, Ijaz Ahmad, 1119 Qasimi, Abdus Subbuh, 1075 Qureshi, M. A., 1215 Qureshi, Mahmood Ahmad, 1120 Rab, Abdur, 1121 Rabushka, Alvin, 698 Racz, Barnabas, 699 Radhakrishnan, R., 655 Rady, Abdel Moneim Aly Ibrahim, 297 Rafeek, Y. A., 749 Raheja, Bhagwan Dass, 1024 Rahim, Syed Ataur, 1247 Rahman, Binito Wajihur, 1181 Rahman, M. Obaidur, 1182 Rahman, Matiur, 584 Rahman, P. I. S. M., 131 Rahman, Razia, 585 Rahman, Syed Abdur, 1183 Rahman, Zillur, 493 Rai, Kul Bhushan, 45 Raj, Myrtle Dorai, 156 Rajagoplan, Vaithilingam, 244 Ramachandran, Ranganathan, 245 Ramana, Venkata Kanisetti, 1003 Ramanathan, Ramachandra, 277 Ramanujam, Chidambaram Srinivasachari, 494 Ramarao, Chekuri, 656 Ramineni, Ayyanna, 278 Ramish, Lucille M., 657 Ramsaran, John Ansuman, 179 Ramusack, Barbara Nell, 586 Rana, Ratna Shumsher Jung Bahadur, 246 Ranaraja, Ranjit, 10 Ranawella, Gallege Sirimal, 470 Rao, Chatrathi Purushottama, 356 Rao, K. L. Seshagiri, 872 Rao, Kolar Surya Narayana, 180 Rao, Kondapalli Ranga, 1037 Rao, Nagulapalli Bhaskara, 624 Rao, Velagapudi Nandini Prakasa, 981 AUTHOR INDEX Rapport, David Joseph, 336 Rashid, Muhammad Harunur, 458 Ratnam, Nittala Venkata, 337 Ratnay ake, Hemapala Abey suriya, 64 Ratnayake, Lakshmi K., 108 Rauf, Mohammad Abdur, 700 Ray, Aniruddha, 495 Ray, Indrani, 496 Rayapati, Jacob Purnachandra Rao, 157 Raza, Muhammad Rafique, 1248 Razvi, Syed Mohammad Mujtaba, 1216 Razvi, Syed Shameem Ahmed, 1184 Rebello, Reverend Francis, S. J., 298 Reddy, T. Ramakrishna, 791 Reed, Wallace E., 1293 Refai, G. Z., 497 Rehm, Klaus E., 825 Reidinger, Richard Barber, 247 Reinhard, Gregor M., 1217 Reinhardt, William Warren, 587 Repetto, Robert Copeland, 299 Reynolds, Stephen Eugene, 23 Riccardi, Theodore, Jr., 1060 Richard, Sandra C , 1122 Richards, John Folsom, 498 Richardson, Bonham Churchill, 701 Richmond, Farley Poe, 206 Richter, William L., 750 Rider, Thomas Duncan, 519 Ritze, Frederick Henry, 1076 Rizvi, Janet Mary, 588 Rizvi, Shahzad Ahmed, 1294 Rizvi, Syedlkram, 1123 Roadarmel, Gordon Charles, 181 Roberts, John Taylor, 658 Roberts, Paul Edward, J r . , 1124 Robinson, F . C. R., 589 Rodes, Robert Michael, 46 Rodolfo, Kelvin Schmidt, 927 203 Rogers, David Ellis, 659 Rohman, Khondker Mostafizor, 1185 Rolston, Faith N., 424 Ronner, Igle, 65 Rose, Donald Kenneth, 24 Rosin, Robert Thomas, 1038 Ross, Martin Hill, 1039 Roth, Irvin Julian, 357 Roy, Asimranjan, 917 Roy, Dipak Kumar, 946 Roy, Mrinal, 1295 Roy, Ram Mohan, 322 Roy, Ramashray, 751 Rxistau, Hiltrud, 906 Rutkowska, Tatiana, 182 Ryali, Rajagopal, 660 Ryland, Robert Shane, 590 Sabherwal, Vishal Chander, 300 Sabir, Syed Sabihuddin, 1186 Sachdev, Labh Singh, 388 Sachdeva, DesRaj, 591 Safa-Isfahani, Manouchehr, 1125 Saharay, Harekrishna, 592 Sahay, Arun, 907 Sailley, Robert, 908 Saini, Bakhshish Kaur, 425 Saini, Krishan Gopal, 520 Saiyed, Abdur-Rafique, 982 Salam, Syed Abdus, 1187 Salehi, Mohammad Mehdi, 1296 Samaraweera, V. K., 109 Samuel, N. Koshy, 426 Sankar, Ulaganathan, 358 Santucci, James Angelo Anthony, 873 Sanwal, Ram Datt, 1004 Sardana, Madan Lai, 427 Sarkar, Prafulla C , 248 Sarkar, Rakesh Lovan, 301 Sarkar, Ranajit, 909 Sastry, Vrudhula Kasi, 279 Sattar, Mohammed Abdus, 1126 Saxena, Anant Prakash, 249 AUTHOR INDEX Sayyid, Muhammad Abdul-Wahid, 1297 Schade, Burkhard, 451 Schaller, Erhard, 792 Scherpenberg, Norman van, 1127 Schiffman, Harold F., 661 Schmid, Robert, 1061 Schmidt, Hans-Peter, 874 Schmidt, Ruth Laila, 662 Schneider, Robert Moren, 11 Schokker, Godard Hendrik, 207 Schroeder, Mark Cabot Waldo, 1062 Schuller, Charles Richard, 983 Sebring, James Marshall, 1005 Secrest, Donald Edmund, 793 Sedlar, Jean Whitenack, 158 Seevers, Gary Leonard, 323 Sekhri, Sudershan Kumari, 428 Sen, Bandhudas, 250 Sen, Keshav Chandra, 25 Sen, Lalita, 359 Sen Gupta, Bhabani, 1298 Sengupta, Kantiprasanna, 840 Seth, Ram Prakash, 214 Sethi, Lalit Kumar, 159 Sethuraman, Salem V., 251 Settar, S., 132 Shah, Farhat, 1188 Shah, Iffat, 1249 Shah, Jafar Ali, 429 Shah, Romesh, 794 Shah, S. A., 160 Shahid Siddiqi, Zafar M., 593 Shaikh, Abdul Quader J., 1299 Shaikh, Asghar Ali, 1189 Shaikh, Md. Hafizuddin, 1190 Shaikh, Md. Shahadot Ali, 1191 Shapiro, Martin M., 47 Sharif, Mohammad, 1063 Shariff, Zahid, 1218 Sharma, BaldevRaj, 382 Sharma, D. D., 663 Sharma, Devendra Kumar, 252 Sharma, Hari Prakash, 713 204 Sharma, Jagadish Prasad, 1064 Sharma, Janak Singh, 253 Sharma, Om Prakash (Ph.D., Chicago), 616 Sharma, Om Prakash (Ph.D., Indiana), 714 Sharma, Prabhu Datta, 752 Sharma, Rallapalli Sitarma Subrhmanya, 1014 Sharma, Rama Nath, 664 Sharma, Savita, 984 Sharma, Tarun Chandra, 459 Sharma, Ursula Marion, 875 Sharma Vidya Vinod, 338 Sharma, Vishnu Datt, 771 Sharshar, Abdelaleem Mohamad Abdelrahman, 360 Shaw, Eugene Francis, S. J., 985 Shayegan, Daryush, 876 Sheikh, Nargis Ahmed, 1250 Sherman, Betty Jane, 753 Sheth, Naginlal Somalal, 254 Shetty, Yermal Krishna, 383 Shibly, Atful Hye, 594 Shirai, Akira, 1232 Shourie, Arun, 339 Shukla, Narayan S., 183 Shukla, Shaligram, 665 Shukla, Vishnoo Prasad, 255 Shyamala, Kammana Manakkadan, 754 Siddiqi, Mohammad Shamsuddin, 184 Siddiqi, Shaukat Ali, 1192 Siddiqi, Zafar M. Shahid, see Shahid Siddiqi, Zafar M. Siddique, Ashraf Hossain, 138 Siddiqui, Habibur Rahman, 1251 Siddiqui, Q. A., 1233 Siegel, Richard Lewis, 795 Sihler, Andrew Littleton, 666 Sil, Rita Dakshina, 617 Silva, A. J. A. N., 76 Simmons, George Bradford, 1015 Simmons, Ruth S., 1300 AUTHOR INDEX Simon, Sheldon Robert, 1040 Singh, Amarjit, 755 Singh, Avtar, 715 Singh, Bawa Satinder, 595 Singh, Bhagwan B., 161 Singh, Bhola Prasad, 596 Singh, Chhidda, 940 Singh, Christ Kumar Paul, 910 Singh, Daljit, 756 Singh, Day a Ram, 324 Singh, Inderjit, 1301 Singh, Jag Mohan, 361 Singh, Jasmer, 772 Singh, Justina Arjun, 986 Singh, Katherine Lowe, 1219 Singh, Kranti Kumar, 162 Singh, Lai, 430 Singh, Prabhu Narain, 280 Singh, Rajendra Pal, 618 Singh, Saraswati Prasad, 256 Singh, Shy am Narain, 257 Singh, Vijai Pratap, 1041 Singhvi, Surendra Singh, 362 Sinha, Chittaranjan, 597 Sinha, Phulgenda, 757 Sinnadurai Suppiah, 66 Sirinanda, Kokuhennedige Upajeewa, 77 Sirisena, T. A. D., 78 Sirisena, Wanninayake Mudiyanselage, 93 Siriweera, Wathuge Indrakirti, 94 Sisson, John Richard, 758 Sisson, Ralph Richard, 667 Sitaram, Kondavagil Suryanarayana, 987 Slifer, Ruth Eleanor, 163 Smedley, Margaret Anne, 12 Smollett, Eleanor W., 1042 Snow, Donald M., 48 Sobhita, Kosgoda, 826 Solomon, Theodore J., 877 Somaratna, Gintota Parana Vidanage, 95 Somboon Chalermsri, see Chalermsri, Somboon 205 Sornarajah, Muthucumaraswamy, 773 Sorrwar, Gholam, 1234 Southard, Barbara, see Choudhury, Barbara Southard Souza, Anthony Sylvester d r , 841 Spangenberg, Bradford Brooks, 598 Spaulding, Wallace Holmes, 117 Spencer, George Woolley, 471 Spencer, Metta Wells, 759 Spielmann, Hans-Jurgen, 1077 Spray, William Arthur, 499 Springer, William Henry, 599 Srinivasan, Doris Meth, 878 Srinivasan, Srinivas Ayya, 879 Srivastava, Bhupendra Kumar, 988 Starosta, Stanley Herman, 668 Starr, Edward George, 363 Steed, Gitel Poznanski, 1006 Stein, Janice Gross, 796 Stephenson, Alan Lynn, 1302 Stern, Henri, 880 Stern, Joseph Justin, 1128 Stevens, Charles Joseph, 600 Stietencron, Heinrich von, 809 Stoddard, Robert Hugh, 881 Stoerker, Conrad Frederick, 325 Strizower, Schifra, 989 Stiimpel, Hermann, 326 Stunkel, Kenneth Reagan, 164 Subrahmanian, Krishnaswami, 208 Subudhi, Purna Chandra, 990 Sukhwal, Bheru Lai, 760 Sullivan, Edward Eugene, 431 Sullivan, Michael Joseph (III), 797 Sultan, Talat, 1193 Sundaralingam, Kandiah, 79 Suntharalingam, Ramanathan, 601 Swan, Robert Oscar, 185 Swartzberg, Leon, Jr., 364 AUTHOR INDEX Swearer, Donald Keeney, 827 Swidler, Nina Bailey, 1220 Sympson, Patricia Colway, 49 Tran-minh-Cam, 829 Trautmann, Thomas Roger, 472 Tripathi, Gay a Char an, 186 Trivedi, Devinder Nath, 258 Tsuda, Shinichi, 882 Tuck, Donald Richard, 883 Tucker, Richard Philip, 603 Turner, Jack Justin, 50 Tyrner-Stastriy, Alice Gabrielle, 187 Tabors, Richard Dean, 1129 Taj, Kokab, 1252 Talukdar, Md. Asgar Ali, 1130 Talwar, Prem Prasad, 1016 Tarr, Gary, 133 Tasneem, Zainab, 1194 Taub, Richard Paul, 761 Telleen, Judy G. Johnson, 452 Tendulkar, Suresh Dhondopant, 302 teNijenhuis, Emmie, see Nijenhuis, Emmie te. Tepper, Elliot Landis, 1131 Terakawa, Shunsho, 828 Terdjman, Jean-Michel, 911 Thangaraj, Thangadurai, 1043 Thangavelu, Rachel Grace, 991 Thapa, Bhekh Bahadur, 1065 Theil, A. Paul, 118 Theuring, Rolf, 365 Thiagarajan, Karumuthu M., 992 Thomas, Abraham Vazhayil, 842 Thomas, John Woodward, 1132 Thomas, Paruvanani T., 209 Thomas, T. M., 432 Thompson, John Neville, 602 Thompson, Marion Elizabeth, 1303 Thorat, Sudhakar Shankar, 993 Thornblade, James Barnard, 26 Thota, Vykuntapathi, 1044 Tickoo, Champa, 433 Tillakaratne, Miniwandeni Pathirannehelage, 96 Tims, Wouter, 1133 Tisinger, Catherine Anne, 1066 Tiwary, Kapil Muni, 669 Tjiam, Tjoen Goan, 27 Tomlinson, James William Christopher, 327 Trabold, Jeanne L., 134 Uchida, Norihiko, 670 Ullrich, Helen Elizabeth, 671 Untawale, Mukund G., 51 Upadhyaya, Hari S., 139 Upadhyaya, Mangi Lai, 774 Uswatte-Aratchi, G., 80 Vaidyanathan, Kunniseri Eswaran, 1017 Vaince, Zafar Ahmad, 1134 Vajpeyi, Dhirendra Kumar, 762 Vakil, Firouz, 81 Valsan, Easwaramangalath Hariharan, 716 Van Aalst, Frank Daigh, 500 Van den Dungen, PetrusHendrikis Maria, 521 Vanderbok, William Glenn, 717 Van der Werff, Lyle Lloyd, 843 van Olphen, Herman Hendrik, 672 van Scherpenberg, Norman, see Scherpenberg, Norman van Vartikar, Vithal S., 340 Vatuk, Sylvia Jane, 1025 Vedanayagam, Edith Gnanam, 434 Venkataswami, Thurai S., 366 Verma, Manindra Kishore, 673 Vermot-Gauchy, Huguette, 884 Vesper, Don R., 1304 Vidyarthy, Gopal Saran, 259 Vira, Soma, 1026 206 AUTHOR INDEX Wiebe, Paul D., 1027 Wiersma- Te Nijenhuis, Emmie, see Nijenhuis, Emmie te Wilbanks, Thomas John, 261 Williams, Shelton Lee, 799 Wills, Ian Robert, 262 Wilson, David Kanagasabai, 111 Wilson, Frances Ann, 885 Winter, David Kenneth, 1253 Wirsing, Robert G., 1305 Wittig, Irene, 189 Woldman, Joel Malcolm, 718 Woldman, Murray Byron, 719 Woltemade, Uwe Jan, 994 Wood, Dennis Harold, 263 Wood, Glynn Linhart, 436 Woodward, Calvin Arthur, 119 Worku, Debebe, 1135 Wright, Roy Dean, 995 Wycliffe, Augustine David, 264 Virasai, Banphot, 604 Virdi, Parminder Kaur, 775 Voight, J. H., 619 Vollmer, Franz-Josef, 763 von Fellenberg, Theodor, see Fellenberg, Theodor von von Stietencron, Heinrich, see Stietencron, Heinrich von Vyas, Premila Hariprasad, 435 Wade, James Earl, 605 Wadhva, CharanDass, 28 Wadinambiaratchi, George Hemachandra, 82 Waheeduzzaman, Abu Mohammad, 523 Wahidullah, Kazi Fakhruddin Muhammad, 674 Walker, Vivian Marguerite, 188 Wallace, Paul, 764 Walters, Robert Stephen, 52 Ward, Richard Edmund, 798 Warner, David Cook, 367 Warren, W. M., 384 Weaver, David Roll, 328 Weaver, Thomas Floyd, 260 Webster, John Crosby Brown, 844 Weidemann, Diethelm, 53 Weiner, Sheila Leiman, 135 Weisskopf, Thomas Emil, 341 Wenzel, Lawrence Allen, 702 Werff, Lyle Loyd van der, see Van der Werff, Lyle Lloyd Westermeyer, Gotz G. R., 329 Whitcombe, Elizabeth Marion, 522 Wickremeratne, L. A., 110 Yamada, Isshi, 830 Yaqub, Muhammad, 1136 Yelaja, Shankar A., 437 Youssef, Nadia Haggag, 1137 Yusuf, Farhat, 1254 Yuyama, Akira, 886 Zachariah, Mathew, 996 Zafar, Muhammad Iqbal, 1195 Zahir, Muhammad, 1221 Zaidi, Mohammed Baqar-A., 1138 Zelliot, Eleanor Mae, 606 Zeuner, Tim Heinrich, 1139 Zhumkhawala, Yusuf Moiz, 941 207 INSTITUTIONAL INDEX All numbers refer to entry numbers AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Ambannavar, 502; Ananthakrishnan, 929; Baker, 527; Bedford, 705; Chauhan, 679; Crawford, 921; Ferrell, 554; Hara, 1245; Kennedy, 485; Lorenzen, 868; Male, 1211; Roy, 917; Santucci, 873; Sirisena, 93; Tsuda, 882; Van den Dungen, 521; Yusuf, 1254; Yuyama, 886 CZECHOSLOVAKIA USTAV MEZINARODNI POLITIKY A EKONOMIE (Institute of International Politics and Economics) Janous, 784 DENMARK K0BENHAVNS UNIVERSITET (University of Copenhagen) Feldbaek, 479 CANADA UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Azmi, 1222 McGILL UNIVERSITY Akhtar, 525; ul-Haqq, 562; Islam, 1207; Lavan, 916; Malik, 577; Mathew, 236; Stein, 796 QUEEN!S UNIVERSITY Maniruzzaman, 1213; Sirisena, 78 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Appathurai, 112; Cutt, 266; Lee, 212 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Wadinambiaratchi, 82 FRANCE UNIVERSITE DTAIX-MARSEILLE Sarkar, 909; Vermot-Gauchy, 884 UNIVERSITE DE GRENOBLE Achard, 887 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS Adiceam, 215; Babr6e, 141; Bernot, 1068; Canut-Mallison, 891; Chalermsri, 31; Delfen209 INSTITUTIONAL INDEX dahl, 803; Germain-Thomas, MAIN (Frankfurt University) 128; Guerin, 146; HerrenHoppe, 1032 schmidt, 804; Hoang, 863; ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITAT Hulin, 149; Husain, 1205; FREIBURG IM BREISGAU (FreiMajumdar, 177; Naidu, 976; burg University) Nguyen-trieu-Dan, 788; PadKhan, 785; Pfeffer, 1002; gaonkar, 205; Peissel, 1057; Tripathi, 186 Ranaraja, 10; Ray, Anirud- GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITAT dha, 495; Ray, Indrani, 496; ZU GOTTINGEN (Gottingen UniSailley, 908; Shayegan, 876; versity) Shukla, 183; Sil, 617; Singh, Chakravorty, 920; Mukherjee, 772; Sobhita, 826; Stern, 880; 823 Terdjman, 911; Tran-minhMARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITAT Cam, 829; Wahidullah, 674 HALLE-WITTENBERG (HalleUNIVERSITY DE STRASBOURG Wittenberg University) Ditner, 1029 Boning, 123 UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG Chopra, 853; Srinivasan, 879 GERMANY (EAST AND WEST) RUPRECHT-KARI/-UNTVERSITAT HEIDELBERG (Heidelberg UniverFREIE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN sity) Breuer, 330; Gropengiesser, Barth, 265; Dilthey, 1266; 20; Jordan, 643 Dockhorn, 897; Jaeckel, 568; HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITAT ZU Kropp, 378; Spielmann, 1077; BERLIN Uchida, 670; Vollmer, 763 Anton, 847; Hafner, 511; Riis- HOCHSCHULE FUR OKONOMIE tau, 906 (BERLIN) RHEINISCHE FRIEDRICH-WILFaulwetter, 211; Theuring, HELMS-UNIVERSITAT BONN 365 (Bonn University) LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHE HOCHBellinghausen, 281; Daunicht, SCHULE HOHENHEIM (STUTT465; Issendorff, 1227; KlimGART) keit, 806; Schade, 451; ScherKirsch, 1277; Zeuner, 1139 penberg, 1127 INSTITUT FUR GESELLSCHAFTSDEUTSCHE AKADEMIE FUR WISSENSCHAFTEN BEIM ZENSTAATS- UND RECHTSWISSENTRALKOMITEE DER SED (BERSCHAFT T WALTER ULBRICHT" LIN) (POTSDAM) Heckel, 36 Schaller, 792; Weidemann, 53 KIRCHLICHE HOCHSCHULE FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNI(BERLIN) VERSITAT ZU ERLANGEN-NURNSingh, 910 BERG (Erlangen-Nurnberg Univer- UNIVERSITAT ZU KOLN sity) Berghoff, 461; Tjiam, 27 Malik, 1113 KARL-MARX-UNIVERSITAT JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE LEIPZIG (Leipzig University) UNIVERSITAT FRANKFURT AM Wittig, 189 210 INSTITUTIONAL INDEX JOHANNES GUTENBERG UNIVERSITAT MAINZ (Mainz University) Feldsieper, 349; Hiniiber, 641; Martin, 741 PHILIPPS-UNIVERSITAT MARBURG/LAHN Frenz, 639; George, 482; Stumpel, 326 LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAT MUNCHEN (University of Munich) Cremer, 895; Gronbold, 859; Kick, 1276; Stietencron, 809; Westermeyer, 329 WESTFALISCHE WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAT MUNSTER (Minister University) Ahmad, 1196 EBERHARD-KARLS-UNIVERSITAT TUBINGEN (Tubingen University) Schmidt, 874 JULIUS-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITAT WURZBURG (Wiirzburg University) Brucker, 463; Millonig, 648 GREAT BRITAIN UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN Kamaluddin, 1104 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM Kailasapathy, 174; Kanbur, 231; Marasinghe, 822; Perera, 74 UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL Ahmed, 1197 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Ahmad, 524; Bardhan, 217; Basu, 529; Bertram, 930; Borpujari, 505; Bose, 30; Brodkin, 532; Brown, 534; Burns, 535; Chattarji, 540; Chatterji, 725; Chattopadhya211 ya, 464; Chew, 541; Das Gupta, 346; Dehejia, 127; Fernando, 68; Fry, 481; Gunatilaka, 817; Haque, 1091; Hasan, 1201; Johnson, 569; Khan, 1106; Pal, 1052; Peiris, 72; Rahman, 131; Rashid, 458; Refai, 497; Rizvi, 588; Robinson, 589; Settar, 132; Silva, 76; Uswatte-Aratchi, 80; Warren, 384 UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM Chakrabarti, 919; Hassan, 914 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Ahmed, 1237; Asghar, 474; Boyd, 831; Gurung, 1049; Orr, 839; Ratnayake, 108; Shah, 160; Sharma, 663; Van Der Werff, 843 UNIVERSITY OF EXETER Niazi, 1118 UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Perera, 63; Prasad, 276 UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER Siddiqui, 1233 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Acharyya, 845; Ahmad, Kabir U., 1078; Ahmad, Mahbubuddin, 1235; Alagiyawanna, 97; Andradi, 98; Atkin, 16; Awwal, 165; Azad, 166; Baha, 526; Bajpai, 460; Bandyopadhyay, 504; Bansal, 627; Barron, 99; Barua, 765; Bhattacharyya, 462; Bokhari, 1069; Boulton, 168; Caplan, 1046; Chakravarti, 677; Chand, 767; Chaudhary, 372; Chaudhury, Muhammad M., 1070; Chaudhury, Susil, 477; Choudhury, 542; Crook, 100; Das, 126; Dasgupta, 508; De Silva, 83; Dewaraja, 84; Dhammavisuddhi, 85; Dutt, 1019; Dutta, 101; Eldridge, 308; INSTITUTIONAL INDEX Elleisi, 374; Ellis, 552; Farooqi, 348; Fischer, 480; Gamlath, 196; Ghosh, 483; Goff, 453; Gunawardena, 69; Gupta, Amitkumar, 559; Gupta, Maya, 560; Gupta, Ram Das, 860; Gupta, Syamaprasad, 287; Handa, 332; Hashem, 1093; Heathcote, 563; Hettiarachchy, 86; Hewavitharana, 70; Hewitt, 923; Hilliker, 610; Huq, 1099; Imam, 769; Indrapala, 87; Islam, Abu I* A., 1102; Islam, Kamrunnessa, 466; Islam, Taherul, 228; Jahan, 1072; Jayasekera, Mahadura L. S., 88; Jayasekera, P. V. J., 104; Jayasinghe, 115; Jayaweera, 105; Kalupahana, 820; Kamal, 175; Kamlin, 1209; Kanapathypillai, 89; Kandiah, 57; Kariyawasam, 58; Kathuria, 408; Keenleyside, 570; Khan, Abdul M., 486; Khan, Fazal-ur-Rehman, 1210; Khan, Mohammad Z. A., 1073; Khuhro, 571; Kite, 970; Kochan, 40; Kotelawele, 90; Kumar, 467; Kusari, 333; Laird, 836; Latif, 1229; Lim, 514; Luis, 770; McKinnon, 903; Mahmood, 489; Malhotra, 576; Malik, 1212; Mangahas, 202; Mangat, 692; Mannan, 1214; Marrison, 647; Meegama, 106; Mirando, 91; Mitter, 152; Mohsin, 490; Mojumdar, 578; Molla, 579; Mukherjee, 517; Naik, 456; Nayar, 653; Pal, 457; Pandeya, 1023; Pathmanathan, 92; Pearson, 980; Perera, 73; Pillay, 696; Premble, 1059; Preston, 583; Rahman, Matiur, 584; Rahman, Razia, 585; Rahman, Zillur, 493; Ramanujam, 494; 212 Ramsaran, 179; Ranawella, 470; Ratnayake, 64; Razvi, 1216; Sachdeva, 591; Saharay, 592; Sahay, 907; Sanwal, 1004; Sengupta, 840; Seth, 214; Sharma, Tarun C , 459; Sharma, Ursula M., 875; Sharma, Vishnu D., 771; Shibly, 594; Siddiqi, 184; Singh, Kranti K., 162; Singh, Rajendra P., 618; Sinha, 597; Sirinanda, 77; Siriweera, 94; Somaratna, 95; Sornarajah, 773; Spray, 499; Strizower, 989; Sundaralingam, 79; Suntharalingam, 601; Tickoo, 433; Tillakaratne, 96; Trautmann, 472; Upadhyaya, 774; Vaince, 1134; Virdi, 775; Waheeduzzaman, 523; Whitcombe, 522; Wilson, 111; Yamada, 830; Zahir, 1221 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER Bhardwaj, 368; Chowdhury, 1085; Husain, 915; Kadri, 1103; Malla, 1051; Nayimuddin, 1117 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE Chaudhry, 1224 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Bayly, 531; Beck, 950; Brockington, 631; Chakrabarti, 538; Chase, 539; Chaudhuri, 507; Compton, 546; Copland, 547; Coulson, 193; Darby, 778; Das Gupta, 550; Dhavamony, 857; Dobbin, 551; Fazal, 768; Fernando, P. T. M., 102; Fernando, S. T. G., 103; Gordon, 557; Gurney, 484; Holstrom, 805; Husain, 1204; Qureshi, 1215; Samaraweera, 109; Voight, 619; Wickremeratne, 110 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BEL- INSTITUTIONAL INDEX FAST Jahan, 1228 UNIVERSITY OF READING Rafeek, 749 .UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS Mohammed, 515 UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE Gehani, 834 UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX Furedy, 555; Moore, 693; Newman, 518 UNIVERSITY OF WALES AT SWANSEA Fatmi, 1225 ITALY PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITAS GREGORIANA (Pontifical Gregorian University) Christanand, 854 PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITAS URBANIANA (Pontifical Urban University) James, 198; Souza, 841 NETHERLANDS UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM Breman, 220; Goekoop, 858; Hommes, 289 AMSTERDAM GEMEENTELIJKE UNIVERSITEIT Ronner, 65 RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN Sharma, 984 RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT TE LEIDEN Schokker, 207 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT TE NIJMEGEN Bhalla, 282 ROTTERDAM NEDERLANDSE ECONOMISCHE HOGESCHOOL 213 Lodh, 317; Sarkar, 248; Tims, 1133 RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT TE UTRECHT Arya, 190; De Bruyne, 169; Hussain, 1226; Nijenhuis, 204 WAGENINGEN LANDBOUWHOGESCHOOL Khan, 1108 THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Ordonez, 871 POLAND UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI (University of Warsaw) Rutkowska, 182 SWEDEN KUNGLIGA KAROLINSKA UNIVERSITETET I LUND (University of Lund) Nilsson, 130 SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITAT BASEL Khan, 1109; Mollah, 274 UNIVERSITE DE FRIBOURG Fellenberg, 56; Mitra, 21 UNIVERSITAT ZURICH Rehm, 825; Schmid, 1061 UNITED STATES UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Jagetia, 352 INSTITUTIONAL INDEX AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Brown, 723; Elim, 780; Ghatate, 781; Glasgow, 684; Haque, 1092; Katz, 313; Manton, 41; Peters, 789; Sinha, 757 UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Brown, 533; Freebern, 195 UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS Ahmad, 390 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Ghosh, 400; Khasnavis, 411 BOSTON UNIVERSITY McDermott, 902; Madhavi, 944; Thangaraj, 1043; Thomas, Abraham V., 842; Thomas, T. M., 432; Venkataswami, 366 BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY Khinduka, 688; Pastner, Carroll M., 1289; Pastner, Stephen L., 1290 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Coachbuilder, 192; Fernandes, 399 BROWN UNIVERSITY Finner, 1010; Ramish, 657; Woodward, 119 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CAMPUS Andress, 949; Bal, 394; Barnum, 218; Braine, 630; Das Gupta, 727; Dhar, 397; Di Bona, 961; Dixon, 55; Ellefsen, 225; Enloe, 682; Gould, 733; Gulati, 962; Gulilat, 510; Holland, 173; Hussain, 1101; Jones, 899; Kahane, 406; Kelkar, 291; Khan, 1165; Kirkpatrick, 969; Lewin, 575; Lindburg, 935; Mehra, 417; Morris, 1001; Raj, 156; Richards, 498; Roadarmel, 181; Rosin, 1038; Roy, 751; Saini, 425; Sebring, 1005; Sekhri, 428; Simmons, George B., 1015; Simmons, Ruth S., 1300; 214 Sisson, 758; Spencer, George W.,471; Spencer, MettaW., 759; Untawale, 51; Vakil, 81; Virasai, 604; Walker, 188; Wallace, 764; Wilson, 885; Youssef, 1137 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES CAMPUS Abou-Aish, 13; Becker, 441; Buss, 851; Davey, 728; Desai, 285; DiffLoth, 635; Ghorpade, 350; Layne, 689; Merchant, 1231; Mistry, 651; Nadkarni, 652; Phatak, 355; Qureshi, 1120; Sardana, 427; Shetty, 383; Sultan, 1193; Tarr, 133; Trabold, 134; Zhumkhawala, 941 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF ASIAN STUDIES Le Cocq, 901 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Carter, 124; Mia, 1074 CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA Flynn, 833; John, 404; Reinhard, 1217; Samuel, 426; Smedley, 12 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Aall, 1255; Altbach, 391; Anderson, 1258; Annamalai, 625; Asher, 120; Bailey, 1259; Barnett, 997; Barz, 848; Beane, 1260; Bloss, 1262; Case, 536; Chandola, 634; Clothey, 802; Desai, 4; Dwarikesh, 636; Franda, 731; Gunderson, 609; Haq, 913; Hardgrave, 963; Heeger, 734; Kaelber, 1275; Kinsley, 200; Knipe, 1278; Krishnaswamy, 573; Leaf, 807; Long, 867; Masica, 1284; Minz, 904; Misra, 1022; Mitchell, 1285; Moodey, 974; Morear- INSTITUTIONAL INDEX Miah, 1173; Millat, 1175; Moty, 905; Morrison, 469; Oshee, 1176; Mustafa, 1178; tor, 808; Owens, 354; Paul, Naqvi, 1179; Rahman, Binito Robert A., 1055; Paul, Sherry W., 1181; Rahman, M. ObaiO., 1056; Premi, 423; dur, 1182; Rahman, Syed A., Radhakrishnan, 655; Reed, 1183; Rohman, 1185; Sabir, 1293; Richter, 750; Roberts, 1186; Shaikh, Md. Hafizuddin, 658; Schiffman, 661; Sedlar, 1190; Shaikh, Md. Shahadot 158; Sethuraman, 251; SharAli, 1191; Tasneem, 1194; ma, 616; Solomon, 877; VesWorku, 1135 per, 1304 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Amore, 810; Areskoug, 15; Ward, 798; Weaver, 328 Augustas, 393; Biswas, 1261; CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Cody, 544; Converse, 1265; Sen Gupta, 1298 Fein, 1270; Friedman, 19; CLAREMONT GRADUATE SCHOOL Hanchett, 1030; Harris, 783; AND UNIVERSITY CENTER Hepler, 148; Horvath, 310; Barranda, 912; Blue, 306; Jacob son, Dorothy A., 1034; Britsch, 832; Hall, 818; HudJacobson, Jerome, 1273; son, 835; Khan, 487; LangbauJones, 709; Kay, 39; Koss, er, 865; Pradhan, 1058; Roy, 572; Larson, 866; Laska, 322; Sarkar, 301; Singh, 414; Lynch, 1000; Amarjit, 755; Singh, Daljit, Nagar, 614; Nanda, 744; 756; Singh, Katherine L., 1219; Olson, 824; Oren, 747; QasiStephenson, 1302; Thapa, 1065 mi, 1075; Ritze, 1076; Rodes, CLARK UNIVERSITY 46; Saini, 520; Siegel, 795; Ramachandran, 245 Singhvi, 362; Smollett, 1042; UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Steed, 1006; Swartzberg, 364; Chopra, 283; Hulbert, 965; Swidler, 1220; Thangavelu, Husain, 1206; Mukerjee, 580; 991 Rose, 24 UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT COLORADO STATE COLLEGE Beg, 54; Coffin, 331; Ilyas, (since 1970, University of North1160 ern Colorado) Ahmed, Akhtar, 1140; Ahmed, CORNELL UNIVERSITY Aggarwal, 947; Ashraf, 704; Manzoor, 1141; Ali, MohamBadrudduza, 1240; Balachanmad Ashraf, 1142; Ali, Md. dran, 626; Bawa, 219; BerAzhar, 1143; Ali, Mohammad nier, 1045; Bhargava, 628; Sadat, 1144; Baroya, 1145; Danda, 1028; Dar, 345; DesBegum, 1146; Das, 3; Fyzenai, 223; Farruk, 1088; Harnessa, 1151; Habibullah, 1153; r i s , 640; Horowitz, 376; JasHaque, 1154; Hashmi, 1155; sal, 708; Jogaratnam, 71; Huq, 1156; Huque, 1157; IbKarunatillake, 59; Lincoln, rahim, 1158; Kalam, 1162; 646; MacDougall, 61; Karim, 1163; Khan, 1166; Mahar, 972; Mines, 973; Khatun, Halima, 1167; Khatun, Miranda, 649; Misra, 650; Sharifa, 1168; Latif, 1170; 215 INSTITUTIONAL INDEX Moncur, 419; Ngere, 937; Nicholson, 321; Nightingale, 240; Patel, 242; Pfanner, 75; Prakash, 296; Ramarao, 656; Raza, 1248; Schroeder, 1062; Shahid Siddiqi, 593; Sharma, Devendra K#, 252; Sharma, Hari P., 713; Shukla, Shaligram, 665; Shukla, Vishnoo P., 255; Siddiqui, 1251; Simon, 1040; TyrnerStastny, 187; Vidyarthy, 259; Weaver, 260 UNIVERSITY OF DENVER Akanda, 1256; Freeman, 113; Wirsing, 1305 DUKE UNIVERSITY Barrier, 528; Bastedo, 766; Berry, 721; Blair, 722; Bower, 1; Calkins, 344; Cashman, 537; Claus, 999; Coughlan, 548; Crossley, 896; Elder, 1009; Gamelin, 114; Hackett, 933; Haider, 1200; Hamilton, 288; Hill, 564; Hoque, 1203; Husain, 736; Menge, 742; Papachristou, 748; Reidinger, 247; Reinhardt, 587; Ryali, 660; Ryland, 590; Spangenberg, 598; Stevens, 600; Tepper, 1131 EMORY UNIVERSITY Elwan, 1268 FLETCHER SCHOOL OF LAW AND DIPLOMACY Grader, 309; Hansen, 782; Mullins, 581; Ojha, 8 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Bokil, 1018; Hallaj, 34; Malik, 691; Phanuel, 422; Talukdar, 1130 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Arayathinal, 392; Bruteau, 890; Cenker, 892; Chethimattam, 852; De Nicolas, 856; Duvall, 814; Minz, 1036; Parameswaran, 155 216 GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Carroll, 1007; Karim, 1105; Sharshar, 360; Singh, 361 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Christy, 543; Coone, 957; Kuthiala, 379; Wade, 605 GRACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND COLLEGE Joseph, 864 HARTFORD SEMINARY FOUNDATION Clark, 801; Jolly, 642 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Aklujkar, 846; Bald, 167; Beach, 121; Callahan, 476 Cohen, 955; Copen, 307; Disney, 478; Donaldson, 779; Elliott, 730; Gordon, 556; Gotsch, 1089; Guisinger, 1090; Hara, 861; Hart, 172; Horowitz, 686; Hutchins, 566; Jahan, 1208; Jalal, 7; MacEwan, 1112; Mas son, 203; Nitzberg, 978; OTConnell, 869; O'Flaherty, 870; Rab, 1121; Rao, 872; Repetto, 299; Stern, 1128; Taub, 761; Tendulkar, 302; Thomas, 1132; Tucker, 603; Vatuk, 1025; Weiner, 135 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII Ayoob, 1198; Bennett, 918; Choudhury, Barbara S., 893; Choudhury, Parimal, 222; De Silva, 813; Roller, 900; Mathur, Kuldeep, 710; Mathur, Surendra P., 925; Pandey, 926; Park, 44; Ratnam, 337 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Bright, 370; Vyas, 435 HOWARD UNIVERSITY Langley, 786; Nwulia, 694 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Balasubramanyam, 305; Birla, 221; Deshpande, 931; Dhind- INSTITUTIONAL INDEX sa, 960; Fox, 638; Gagliano, 683; Jensen, 38; Jha, 229; Jindia, 230; Katpatal, 934; Minor, 936; Misra, 237; Morr i s , 1286; Niland, 448; Pandya, 938; Pant, 294; Pierce, 9; Premdas, 697; Ramana, 1003; Sharma, Janak S., 253; Sharma, Vidya V., 338; Singh, 940; Wills, 262 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Pati, 381 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Alex, 1257; Ashraf, 1239; Bahadoorsingh, 676; Baranson, 342; Bhatti, 1147; Busch, 953; Chacko, 143; Cole, 1149; De Silva, 67; Dev, 194; Dickason, 385; Dil, 5; Edwards, 398; Haque, 136; Jamshaid, 1161; Kibria, 1169; Misra, 137; Muizzuddin, 1177; Nijim, 43; Omer, 1180; Osman, 154; Sayyid, 1297; Sharma, 714; Siddiqi, 1192; Siddique, 138; Singh, 596; Snow, 48; Subrahmanian, 208; Upadhyaya, 139; Valsan, 716; Vanderbok, 717; Zafar, 1195 STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Bakke, 475; Blaise, 142; Heerema, 1097; Rao, 624; Roberts, 1124; Stoddard, 881; Tuck, 883 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Acharya, 928; Dhital, 1047; John, 1035; Johnson, 924; Mathew, 416; Sharif, 1063; Singh, 257 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Gupta, 268; el-Khawas, 32; Lockwood, 1280; Peterson, 790; Williams, 799 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Adair, 389; Bakshi, 191; 217 Bose, 607; Wiebe, 1027 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE Chaudhry, 18; Krishnaswamy, 314; Matter, 945; Singh, 256 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Eldridge, 681; Givens, 1244; Joldersma, 116; Khudanpur, 232; Reddy, 791; Saiyed, 982; Turner, 50 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE Noble, 979; Perry, 695; Roy, 946 LOYOLA UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Donnelly, 1267 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Beebe, 29; Briley, 1148; Dobbs, 224; Holmes, 227; Ludlam, 1281; McCarthy, 1230; Mukherjee, 335; Pant, 1054; Shirai, 1232; Stunkel, 164; Wood, 263 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS Bhalla, 951; Prabhu, 1013; Shaikh, 1299 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cantril, 706; Datta-Chaudhuri, 284; Heginbotham, 735; Keller, 967; Kidder, 412; Nowshirvani, 241; Thornblade, 26; Tomlinson, 327; Weisskopf, 341; Wood, 436 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Anderson, 140; Appleyard, 503; Bennett, 395; Bueno de Mesquita, 1264; Czuma, 125; Duggal, 145; Ehrlich, 680; Feldberg, 1199; Greenberger, 558; Gupta, 147; Hackett, 401; Hogle, 403; INSTITUTIONAL INDEX Israel, 567; Lipkin, 613; Low- COLUMBIA Basu, 440; Khare, 738; Laenstein, 1111; McDonough, go, 176; Sheth, 254; Stoer740; Pearson, 492; Piyaratker, 325; Wright, 995 na, 107; Pray, 654; Racz, 699; Ramusack, 586; UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Heine, 37; Levine, 151 Rapport, 336; Rogers, 659; Secrest, 793; Sullivan, 431; UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Telleen, 452; Ullrich, 671; Desai, 396; Sethi, 159 Verma, 673; Walters, 52; NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL Woldman, Joel M#, 718; Wold- RESEARCH man, Murray B., 719 Ben-Moshe, 343; Nimbark, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 977 Abraham, 703; Ahmad, 1236; NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Bertocci, 1241; Bhuiyah, 1082; Ashley, 1067; Bloch, 17; Bowles, 1263; Casler, 633; Chaudhary, 1083; Cottrell, 958; Hekmati-Tehrani, 445; HusDubey, 1008; Eckert, 1086; ain, 1100; Ince, 687; JohnFleming, 932; Ford, 6; Jain, son, 737; Lai, 739; Nadkar621; Kacker, 311; Khan, 1164; ni, 353; Shah, 794; Shapiro, Krishnan, 377; Muyeed, 1246; 47; Shariff, 1218; Sisson, Nielsen, 153; P a r r i s , 1012; 667; Slifer, 163; Thomas, Rahim, 1247; Rao, 1037; 209; Vira, 1026 Richmond, 206; Salehi, 1296; Saxena, 249; Schneider, 11; UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROSeevers, 323; Sharma, 382; LINA AT CHAPEL HILL Singh, 324; Sinnadurai, 66; Baity, 800; Fernandez, 637; Sorrwar, 1234; Thorat, 993; Kapoor, 312; Mudholkar, 516; Thota, 1044; Vajpeyi, 762; Nijhawan, 293; Pisharoti, Winter, 1253 1291; Pride, 623; Rao, 356; UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Sharma, 1014; Talwar, 1016 Aschenbrenner, 1238; BhardNORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIwaj, 849; Brooks, 850; Chak- VERSITY AT RALEIGH ravorti, 678; Conlon, 608; Mehta, 334 Gandhi, 444; Gupta, 267; Han- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN umanthappa, 402; Herdt, 226; COLORADO, see Colorado State Herman, 862; Hiebert, 1031; College Kee, 966; Khokle, 645; Mann, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 319; Maslog, 447; Mishra, Boyd, 812; Cartwright, 371; 622; Mody, 273; Murton, 491; Sen, 359 Noronha, 421; Ramanathan, UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME 277; Ramineni, 278; OTKeefe, 582 Rider, 519; Shah, 1249; OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Sharma, 752; Sherman, 753; Cho, 1243; Dastur, 942; Starr, 363; Zachariah, 996 Dhesi, 943; Gorgani, 1152; MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY John, 405; Kumar, 315; LodRao, 981; Singh, 715 hi, 1171; Mann, 235; Rauf, 700 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT 218 INSTITUTIONAL INDEX UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Belfiglio, 776; Naimi, 1288; Sukhwal, 760; Theil, 118 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Andersen, 303; Das, 2; Singh, 430 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Abdushah, 438; Choudhury, 726; Faneuff, 1269; Jerstad, 1050; Jeswine, 1274; Kennedy, 410; Kundu, 413; Malikail, 415; Mureithi, 42; Poirier, 939; Roy, 1295; Sabherwal, 300; Schuller, 983; Sitaram, 987; Vedanayagam, 434 UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC Wenzel, 702 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Alagh, 210; Baxter, 720; Begley, 122; Carras, 707; Conklin, 956; Farooq, 1087; Friend, 170; Gaige, 1048; George, 815; Goldman, 1271; Handler, 171; Hazelwood, 35; Henemier, 1098; Hurd, 513; Jones, 129; Joshi, 644; Lapp, 837; Maloney, 468; Mammen, 272; Meyer, Sister Marie Leonard, 787; Meyer, Ralph Christian, 743; Miller, 178; Mughal, 454; Murti, 22; Newell, 239; Rayapati, 157; Riccardi, 1060; Sastry, 279; Schmidt, 662; Sharma, 1064; Spaulding, 117; Srinivasan, 878; Swan, 185; Terakawa, 828; Tisinger, 1066; Tiwary, 669; Vaidyanathan, 1017; Van Aalst, 500; Webster, 844; Yelaja, 437; Zelliot, 606 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Calkins, 1223; Gupta, 685; Harrison, 964; Maan, 1282; Rao, 180; Shah, 429; Sheikh, 1250; Singh, 986; Trivedi, 258 219 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Gay, 33; Huq, 1071; Hyma, 1020; Khurshid, 60; Nayar, 745; Panday, 1053; Paul, 615; Rana, 246; Thiagarajan, 992 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Annable, 14; Collins, 894; McDermott, 821; Naqvi, 1115; Swearer, 827; Thompson, 602; Yaqub, 1136 PURDUE UNIVERSITY Arunachalam, 216; Colacicco, 442; Lance, 1021; Morris, 275; Wycliffe, 264 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Babb, 888; Burkhart, 998; Harral, 386; Koshal, 387; Rai, 45; Sharma, 664 ST. JOHNTS UNIVERSITY Desai, 144; Fenner, 553; Sympson, 49 ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY Kurien, 316; Murickan, 975; Rebello, 298 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA Crangle, 549; Singh, 280 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Frerichs, 922; Hashmi, SharafatA., 1094; Hashmi, Zia H., 1202; Kyaw Win, 446; Mathur, 213; Patel, 243; Rizvi, 1123; Rodolfo, 927 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Chandrasekharaiah, 954; Haydar, 1095; Madaiah, 270; Srivastava, 988; Taj, 1252 STANFORD UNIVERSITY Bazemore, 889; Choucri, 777; Chowdhury, 1084; Erlenkotter, 347; Fuller, 375; Khan, 1110; Loh, 690; Loomba, 318; Shaw, 985 INSTITUTIONAL INDEX STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO Aldrich, 473; Goel, 732; Razvi, 1184; Singh, 161 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Chipp, 1242; Church, 855; Debysingh, 959; Doss, 729; Fornaro, 898; Hecox, 1096; Hope, 565; Iftikhar, 1159; Kramer, 233; Laporte, 292; Mahler, 271; Mani, 1011; Megnin, 320; Miller, 1114; Rady, 297; Raheja, 1024; Roth, 357; Safa-Isfahani, 1125; Salam, 1187; Shourie, 339; Shyamala, 754; Tabors, 1129; Warner, 367; Wilbanks, 261 UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Aitken, 439; Gupta, 286; Murthy, 1287; Rajagoplan, 244 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Adams, 501; Browning, 632; Hulbe, 1033; Richard, 1122; van Olphen, 672; Woltemade, 994 TEXAS A & M Mitra, 238 TUFTS UNIVERSITY Khan, 1107; Sattar, 1126 TULANE UNIVERSITY Bawa, 530 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Lessley, 201 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Ganesan, 509; Gulati, 351; Laushey, 574; Maclay, 971; Sullivan, 797 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (ST. LOUIS) Rabushka, 698 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON (SEATTLE) Beier, 1081; Harper, 1272; Obeyesekere, 62; Orthman, 450; Sachdev, 388; Zaidi, 1138 220 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Basit, 1080; Doty, 1150; Kaur, 409; Malik, 1172; Shaikh, 1189 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Andreas, 304; Dorai, 443; Maniyar, 1283; Rizvi, 1294; Subudhi, 990; Vartikar, 340 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Adas, 675; Agrawal, 948; Anacker ,811; Bhatt, Bhalchandra J., 369; Bhatt, Sooda L., 629; Blake, 952; Burger, 724; Chakravarti, 506; Cohen, 545; Dawson, 373; Eapen, 620; Gilbert, 197; Gustafson, 561; Hodgson, 512; Iida, 819; Jameson, 269; Kal6, Pramod K., 199; Kale, Pratima, 407; Kangayappan, 290; Karim, 150; al-Khazraji, 968; Lehmann, 488; Leonard, John G., 611; Leonard, Karen B., 612; Lethcoe, 1279; Lueders, 838; Madhavan, 234; Mayer, 711; Melnick, 712; Menon, 418; Mian, 1174; Morenas, 420; Muthuchidambaram, 380; Oh, 449; Patel, 295; Prebish, 1292; Qamar, 1119; Reynolds, 23; Richardson, 701; Rolston, 424; Ross, 1039; Sankar, 358; Sen, Bandhudas, 250; Sen, Keshav C , 25; Shah, 1188; Singh, Bawa S., 595; Singh, Inderjit, 1301; Singh, Vijai P., 1041; Starosta, 668; Thompson, 1303; YALE UNIVERSITY Alam, 1079; G6mez, 816; Muhly, 455; Naseem, 1116; Neubauer, 746; Sihler, 666; Springer, 599; Wadhva, 28 SUBJECT INDEX This subject index is limited primarily to geographical, literary, and personal names appearing within the titles of respective dissertations and in the accompanying descriptive annotations. The names of Indian cities, districts, and villages, moreover, usually appear twice: as main entries, and as subentries under the states in which they are located. All numbers in the index refer to entry numbers. Amrabad (Andhra Pradesh), 1031 Anand, MulkRaj, 167 Anandavardhana, 203, 208 Andaman Islands, 1043 Andhra Pradesh (State), 730, 745, 1037 -- Amrabad, 1031 - - Chintakunta, 1032 -- Gudi-Hathnoor, 1029 — Gudlur, 1027 — Hyderabad, 612, 945, 981 - - Nizamabad, 348 — Telengana, 705, 1032 — Visakhapatnam, 385, 1003 Anumitinirupana of Gafig6sa, 858 Arcot, Nawab of, 484 Arjunagi village (Deccan region), 232 Arthagastra. see Kautil^ya-Arthagastra Assam, 459, 579 Astasahasrika-prajnaparamita" sutra. 824, 1279 221 Abdullah, Sheikh Mohammed, 1280 AbhiiflanaSakuntala. 194, 209 Abhinavagupta, 203, 208 Agra (Uttar Pradesh), 717, 1000 Ahmad, Mifza Ghulam, 916 Ahmadiyah movement, 916 Ahmedabad (Gujarat), 373 Ahmednagar Block (Maharashtra), 1033 Ajanta, 122, 135 Akhii Bharat Hindu Mahasabha (All-India Hindu Party), see Hindu Mahasabha Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh), 259 Aligarh movement, 536 Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh), 531 All-India Muslim League, see Muslim League Almora District (Uttar Pradesh), 1005 Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramji, 606 SUBJECT INDEX Aurobindo, Sri, 889, 890, 894, 897, 900, 901, 908, 909, 911 Avadh (Oudh), 487, 522 Azad, Maulawa Abul Kalam, 562 Badami, 133 Badaun District (Uttar Pradesh), 262 Ballia District (Uttar Pradesh), 139 Baluchistan (West Pakistan), 454, 563, 1220 — Northern Makran District, 1290 — Panjgur, 1289 Bandipur (South Indian village), 1030 Bangalore (Mysore), 375, 404, 805, 954 Baring, Evelyn, 535 Baroda (Gujarat), 395, 416, 420, 614 Bengal (including West Bengal State), 246, 458, 462, 466, 469,477,483,493,496, 507, 523, 538, 546, 556, 574, 579, 588, 597, 610, 731, 801, 808, 836, 840, 893, 1007, 1293 - - Burdwan District, 238 — Calcutta, 130, 212, 225, 385, 555, 609, 704, 1026 — Chhendapathar, 920 — Howrah, 354 — Serampore, 130 Bentinck, William, 560 Berar (Madhya Pradesh), 527 Bhagavad-Gita. 1274 Bhagavata-Purana. 186 Bhaktirasa-Bodhini of PriyaDasa, 860 Bharata, 199 Bharata, Muni, 201 Bharati, C. Subramanya, 847 Bharatiya Jana Singh (political party), 728 222 Bhartrhari, 846 Bhavabhuti, 193, 194 Bhavaviveka, 819 Bhavigya Purafla. 884 Bhonsle, J. K., 401 Bhubaneswar (Orissa), 761 Bihar (State), 120, 364, 488, 620, 643, 722, 751, 766, 1293 -- Chotanagpur, 1023 — Jamshedpur, 1019 — Ranchi District, 1036, 1295 Bihari Lai, 173 Bilhana, 178 Bombay, 225, 256, 369, 371, 373, 385, 391, 497, 516, 518, 547, 551, 559, 573, 608, 613, 620 Bombay University, 613 Brahmaflas. 186 Bundi, 121 Burdwan District (West Bengal), 238 Calcutta, 130, 212, 225, 385, 555, 609, 704, 1026 Candamaharosana tantra. 815 Caurapanca^ika. 178 Central Privinces, 527 Chamba District (Himachal Pradesh), 978 Chhendapathar (West Bengal), 920 Chingleput District (Tamilnadu), 952 Chintakunta (Andhra Pradesh), 1032 Chitral Agency (West Pakistan), 1266 Chittagong (East Pakistan), 670 Chittagong Hill Tracts (East Pakistan), 1077 Chotanagpur (Bihar), 1023 Cochin (Kerala), 385 Coimbatore (Tamilnadu), 420 Coimbatore Peninsula (Tamilnadu), 245 Comilla (East Pakistan), 1157, 1246,1247 SUBJECT INDEX Dacca (East Pakistan), 1144, 1146, 1162, 1163, 1173, 1182, 1183, 1186, 1190, 1191, 1194, 1251 Damodar Valley, 282, 288, 292 Dattilam, 204 Dayal, Har, see Har Dayal Deccan region, 232 Dehra Dun (Uttar Pradesh), 718, 719 935 Delhi, ?225, 277, 417, 420, 554, 622, 974, 1300 de Lisle, Leconte, 141 Devadatta, 823 Dhar District (Madhya Pradesh), 948 Dhar ma, Sanatana, see Sanatana Dharma Dharwar (Mysore), 956 Dhvanyaloka. 203, 208 Dhvanvalokalocana. 203, 208 Disraeli, Benjamin, 553 Dokri (East Pakistan), 1222 Duff, Alexander, 896 Dwivedi, Hazari Prasada, 188 East India Company, 475, 476, 477, 481 Elgin, Lord Victor Alexander Bruce, 576 Ellora, 125 Elwin, Verrier, 137 Faculty of Home Science at Baroda, 416, 420 Fergusson, James, 559 Forster, E. M., 142, 151 Gadya kavyas, 171 Gana-Karika, 861 Gandavyuha-sutra. 816 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, 394, 413, 534, 575, 596, 604, 892, 900, 903, 904, 984 223 Gang6sa, 858 Gaudiya Vaisnava movement, 869 Ghose, Aurobindo, see Aurobindo, Sri Gilgit Agency (West Pakistan), 1266 Goa (Union Territory) — Mormug&o, 385 Golconda, 498 Government of India Act (1909), 590 Government of India Act (1919), 590 Government of India Act (1935), 524, 592 Gudi-Hathnoor (Andhra Pradesh), 1029 Gudlur (Andhra Pradesh), 1027 Gujarat (State), 220, 431, 492, 977, 1006 — Ahmedabad, 373 — Baroda, 395, 416, 420, 614 — Kaira District, 256, 403 — Kandla, 385 --Mehsana District, 242 -- Mordevi village, 254 — Surat District, 242 Gupta, ISvaracandra, 166 Hamilton, George, 504 Har Dayal, 533 Haryana (State), 753, 1015; see also Punjab (State) Hassan District (Mysore), 987 Hazara (West Pakistan), 1223, 1225, 1229 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 149 Hesse, Hermann, 142 Himachal Pradesh (State) — Chamba District, 978 — Upper-Kangra-Kulu Valleys, 970 Hindu Mahasabha (political party), 737 Hosen, Mir Masarraf, 165 SUBJECT INDEX Howrah (West Bengal), 354 Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), 612, 945, 981 Hyderabad (State), 530 Hyderabad (West Pakistan), 1252 Ilyas, Mawlana Muhammad, 913 Indian National Congress, 557, 564, 707, 751, 758 Indore (Madhya Pradesh), 709 Indus River Valley, 43, 47, 48, 454, 923, 1227, 1231, 1282 Iqbal, Muhammad, 912, 914 Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), 711 Jabalpur District (Madhya Pradesh), 255 Jaffna Peninsula (Ceylon), 107 Jahangir (Emporer of India), 126 Jaiminiva Brahmaiia. 639 Jaipur (Rajasthan), 974 Jammu, see Kashmir and Jammu Jamshedpur (Bihar), 1019 Jana Sangh (political party), 720, 724,728, 737 Jhabiran (north Indian village), 1028 Jiri region (Nepal), 1061 Kaira District (Gujarat), 256, 403 Kali (goddess), 1260 Kalidasa, 191, 194, 209 Kanara District (Maharashtra), 608 Kandla (Gujarat), 385 Kangra-Kulu Valleys (Himachal Pradesh), 970 Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), 1021, 1261 Karachi (West Pakistan), 1073, 1114, 1152, 1177, 1250 Karakas of Panini, 659 224 Karchana Tahsil (Uttar Pradesh), 224 Karnananda of Kyp$adasa, 183 KarunapundarIka, 828, 830 Kashmir,'467, 1223, 1229 Kashmir and Jammu, 49, 595, 1280 Kautilya, 463 Kautiliva-Arthagastra. 463, 472 Kerala (State), 129, 392, 428, 432, 620, 716, 745, 747, 996 -- Cochin, 385 Khan, Muhammad Reza, 486 Kipling, Rudyard, 146, 150, 159, 160, 162 Kohat District (West Pakistan), 1234 Kongu (Deccan region), 950 Koraput District (Orissa), 637 Kota, 121 Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 887 Krsnadasa, 183 Krsna-Lila, 200 Krsnakarnamrta of LilaSuka Bilvamangala, 885 Kumaon (Uttar Pradesh), 1004 Kumarajiva, 1279 Kusa-Jataka. 853 Kuttambalam. 129 Ladakh, 595 Lady Irwin College, 420 Lahor, Jean, 141 Lahore (West Pakistan), 1070, 1149, 1165, 1177, 1188, 1251, 1254 Lansdowne, H. C. K. Petty-Fitzmaurice, 585 Laws of Manu. 1274 Locana? see Dhvanvalokalocana Ludhiana District (Punjab), 378, 708 Luristan (West Pakistan), 453 Lyall, Alfred Comyn, 541 Lyallpur (West Pakistan), 1069, 1150, 1171, 1174 SUBJECT INDEX Madhvamika Karikas ? 824 Madhya Pradesh (State), 230, 237 — Berar, 527 -- Dhar District, 948 —Indore, 709 — Jabalpur, 711 — Jabalpur District, 255 — Nagpur, 1305 — Raipur District, 260 — Sehore, National Extension Block, 252 Madras (City), 130, 225, 380, 385, 560, 611, 620, 952, 1020 Madras (State), see Tamilnadu (State) Mahabharata. 186, 1271 Mahar movement, 606 Maharaja Sayajirao University (Baroda), 395 Maharashtra (State), 253, 350, 428, 457, 537, 603, 606, 707, 716, 803 — Ahmednagar Block, 1033 — Bombay, 225, 256, 369, 371, 373, 385, 391, 497, 516, 518, 547, 551, 559, 573, 608, 613, 620 — Kanara District, 608 — Poona (City), 407 — Poona District, 993 Mahasamghika-pratimoksa-sutra, 1292' Majma' al-Bahravn. 876 Makran District (Baluchistan), 1290 Malatimadhava. 193 Maldive Islands, 933 Malnad region (Mysore), 1272 Markandaya, Kamala, 180 Meerut City (Uttar Pradesh), 1025 Mehsana District (Gujarat), 242 Menon, T. Krishna, 796 Mitchell, J. Murray, 896 Mitra, Rajendralala, 609 225 Mordevi village (Gujarat), 254 Morley, John, 572 Mormugao (Goa Union Territory), 385 Mulasarvastivadin-pratimoksasutra. 1292 Murshidabad District (Uttar Pradesh), 490 Murugan, 802 Muslim League, 562, 584, 588, 589 Mussoorie (Uttar Pradesh), 932, 949 Muzaffarabad District (West Pakistan), 1229 Mysore (State), 371, 561, 671, 747, 999, 1042, 1269, 1287 — Bangalore, 375, 404, 805, 954 ~ Dharwar, 956 — Hassan District, 987 — Malnad Region, 1272 Nagaland, 647 Nagpur (Madhya Pradesh), 1305 Nakashima, George, 148 Nanga Parbat (mountain), 1276 Natyagastra. 199 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 796 New Delhi, 212 Nilgiri District (Tamilnadu), 979 Nilgiri Hills, 456, 939 Nizamabad (Andhra Pradesh), 348 Northeast frontier area, 542 Northwest frontier area, 568 Northwestern Provinces, 522, 526 Orissa (State) — Bhubaneswar, 761 -- Koraput District, 637 — Rourkela, 326 Oudh, see Avadh (Oudh) SUBJECT INDEX Padataditaka of Syamilaka, 207 Palladius, 461 Pallavaram (Tamilnadu), 973 Panchatantra. 156 Panjgur (Baluchistan), 1289 Pant, Sumitra Nandan, 189 A Passage to India. 142, 151 Pagupata-sutra. 861 Peshawar (West Pakistan), 1177 Pillai, H. A. Krishna, 835 Plain Tales from the Hills. 146 Pokhara Valley (Nepal), 1049, 1062 Pondicherry (Tamilnadu), 130 Poona (Maharashtra), 407 Poona District (Maharashtra), 993 Praja Socialist party, 724, 757 Prainaparamita. 886 Premchand, 167, 185 Priya-Dasa, 860 Prthviraia Rasau. 658 Punjab (State), 226, 235, 388, 394, 428, 521, 528, 587, 591, 734, 747, 753, 755, 764, 844, 962, 967, 1002, 1010, 1039, 1270, 1301 - - Ludhiana District, 378, 708 - - Sidhupur Kalan, 807 Punjab (West Pakistan), 1086, 1089, 1139, 1236, 1238 Pura Khagan village (Uttar Pradesh), 227 Pur anapaficalaksanam. 186 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 895, 902, 910 RafiT, Muhammad, see Sauda Raipur District (Madhya Pradesh) , 260 Rajahmundry, 611 Rajasthan (State), 428, 710, 714, 733, 748, 752, 758, 1001, 1038 — Jaipur, 974 -- Zawar, 919 226 Rajendra Chola I, 471 Rajshahi Zamindari, 489 Ram Rajya Parishad (political party), 737 Ramanuja, Sri, 852 Ramavana. 186, 631 Ranade, Mahadev Govind, 603 Ranchi District (Bihar), 1036, 1295 Rankhandi (Uttar Pradesh), 972 Rastraudhavamgamahakavya, 169 Rawalpindi District (West Pakistan), 1229 Revnard the Fox. 156 Rgveda Samhita. 186, 854, 856, 865, 874, 878 Rohana, 470 Rohilkhand, 532 Rourkela (Orissa), 326 Roy, Manabendra Nath, 596 Royal Titles Bill (1876), 525 Royce, Josiah, 161 Rudra (deity), 867 Rudrakavi, 169 Saiva-Siddhanta, 857 Sakadvipiya-BrShmana, 809 Sakuntala(m). see Abhiirianagakuntala Salar Jang I, 530 Salem District (Tamilnadu), 998 Samba Purana, 809 Samghata-sutra. 817 Saihvarodava-tantra. 882 Sanatana Dharma, 865 Sankhva Karika. 1274 Sanmukhakalpa. 482 Saraswati, Dayanand, Swami, 899 Sati-gita. 891 Satsai of Bihari Lai, 173 Sauda, 184 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph van, 158 Schopenhauer, Arthur, 158 Sehore, National Extension Block (Madhya Pradesh), 252 SUBJECT INDEX — Tiruchirapalli, 711, 975 — Tranquebar, 130 Tanjore (Tamilnadu), 494 Tarai (India), 931 Tarai (Nepal), 1048 Tattvakaumudi of Vacaspatimigra, 879 Telengana (Andhra Pradesh), 705, 1032 Thoreau, Henry David, 1274 Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, Lokamanya, 537, 906 Tiruchirapalli (Tamilnadu), 711, 975 Tranquebar (Tamilnadu), 130 Trichy, Trichinopoly, see Tiruchirapalli Trikandi of Bhartrhari, 846 Senapati, Phakirmohana, 168 Senapur, Kerakat Tahsil, Jaunpur District (Uttar Pradesh), 1040 Serampore (West Bengal), 130 Shakuntala, see Abhiifianagakuntala Siddhartha. 142 Sidhupur Kalan (Punjab), 908 Sind (West Pakistan), 571 Singh, Gulab, 595 Sinharaja foothills (Ceylon), 73 Sinhavalokan. 170 Siva (deity), 867, 870 Sivananda, Swami. 898 Sivaraskhandhaka, 826 Siwalik Hills, 1226 Slater, T. E., 896 Sri Avinashilingam college, 420 Srikrsna-Caitanya, 845 Srivastava, Dhanpatrai, see Premchand Stephen, James, 99 Surat District (Gujarat), 242 Swarajya party, 557 Syamilaka, 207 Taddhita of Pajiini, 644 Tagore, Abanindranath, 1255 Tagore, Rabindranath, 136, 176, 617 Tamilnadu (State), 215, 216, 234, 244, 245, 246, 422, 428, 491, 601, 735, 963, 979, 997 — Chingleput District, 952 -- Coimbatore, 420 — Coimbatore Peninsula, 245 — Madras (City), 130, 225, 380, 385, 560, 611, 620, 952, 1020 — Nilgiri District, 979 — Pallavaram, 973 -- Pondicherry, 130 — Salem District, 998 — Tanjore, 494 227 United Provinces, 564, 589 Uttararamacarita of Bhavabhuti, 194 Uttar Pradesh (State), 239, 246, 258, 261, 410, 428, 618, 710, 723, 724, 741, 743, 762, 961, 1009, 1041 — Agra, 717, 1000 — Aligarh, 259 — Allahabad, 531 — Almora District, 1005 — Ballia District, 139 -- Badaun District, 262 — Dehra Dun, 718, 719, 935 — Kanpur, 1021, 1261 — Karchana Tahsil, 224 — Kumaon, 1004 — MeerutCity, 1025 - - Murshidabad District, 490 — Mussoorie, 932, 949 — Pura Khagan village, 227 — Rankhandi, 972 — Senapur, Kerakat Tahsil, Jaunpur District, 1040 SUBJECT INDEX Vallabhacarya, 848 Vamana legends, 186 Vasubandhu, 811 VetalapaficavimSati. 1060 Viharilala, see Bihari Lai Vinaya-Pitaka, 641 Vindhyan Hills, 1273 Viresalingam, Kandukuri, 611 Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), 385, 1003 Vivekananda, Swami, 905, 906 Vyaptivada of Gafigega, 858 228 Ward, William, 896 Weber, Max, 880, 907 Wellesley, Arthur, 599 West Bengal, see Bengal Whitehead, Alfred North, 865 v a s nh a i i i7n ias * P > t-'v, i y y Zawar (Rajasthan), 919 CSSEAS PUBLICATIONS CSSEAS Publications include two series, Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia and CSSEAS Special Publications, which consist of monographs, collections of articles and bibliographies by University of Michigan faculty, graduate students, and guest lecturers. 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