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Introduction to University Teaching, Learning & Assessment, Master of Education unit, University of Sydney, 1998
Reflexiones en torno a la Justicia Transicional en Colombia: Fuerzas Armadas, víctimas y posacuerdo, 2018
El presente artículo de investigación desarrolla y analiza la Justicia Transicional que se da por la firma del Acuerdo de Paz entre el gobierno de Colombia y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (en adelante FARC), para buscar la tan anhelada paz, estable y duradera. Con este fin, se evidencia un desarrollo doctrinal y jurisprudencial para lograr una debida articulación judicial de los instrumentos del ordenamiento jurídico colombiano para así implementar las medidas de atención, asistencia y reparación integral a las nuevas víctimas del conflicto como lo son los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas en el marco de la Ley 1448 de 2011, su jurisprudencia y el Acuerdo Final.
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 2007
The U.S. Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca (USAIC&FH) publishes the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin quarterly under provisions of AR 25-30. MIPB disseminates material designed to enhance individuals' knowledge of past, current, and emerging concepts, doctrine, material, training, and professional developments in the MI Corps.
Siendo 3:00 del mediodía del 20 de Setiembre del 2018, en una reunión con los socios y accionistas, brindamos nuestras ideas para poder emprender un negocio en la ciudad del tambo -Huancayo. En un consenso unánime se llegó a constituir la Empresa de Servicio Automotrices "", lo cual nos permite desarrollarnos como profesionales y emprender con las mejores expectativas de lograr nuestras metas, con mucho trabajo y esfuerzo.
Benin Journal of Religions and Society, 2021
The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is an ecumenical body of Christian churches in Nigeria; it was established in 1976 as the mouthpiece of the Christian community in Nigeria to engage in intra-Christian unity and inter-religious dialogue. Founded under a military dictatorship, CAN had since 1999 played an increasingly visible, even controversial, role in the political affairs of Nigeria. In its self-appointed task, CAN acts as the moral and spiritual watchdog of the nation, a role that imposes a degree of political force and activism on it. CAN interfaces and dialogues with the Nigerian State to protect the interests of the Christian community against marginalisation by the state and perceived threats of Islamisation. In recent years, however, CAN is fighting for its own corporate survival. Arguably, the largest ecumenical body in Africa, CAN recently fractured when, in 2013, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) ─ one of the five component blocs of the Christian Association ─ suspended its membership from the group. Paradoxically, this is the period the Christian community in Nigeria faces its harshest challenges, particularly in relation to the terrorist insurgency in the north of the country but also from religioethnic predatory politics of the Fourth Republic. However, never before in the history of Nigeria is dialogue needed in understanding and resolving the crisis of nationhood and ethnoreligious violence than at the present, and never before has CAN been uncertain of its self-understanding. Although CAN has been relatively active and effective in handling inter-religious dialogue, it has been unable to deal creditably well with intra-Christian dialogue and its role in a democratic experiment in Nigeria is a matter of confusion and uncertainty. This paper discusses some of the factors responsible for the present predicament of CAN and the changing dialogical roles of ecumenical bodies in emerging democracies such as Nigeria.
La Croix International, 2020
Journal for the History of Rhetoric, 2022
Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia, 2019
Journal Phasis - Greek and Roman Studies, 2015
Scientia : Jurnal Farmasi dan Kesehatan, 2016
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
Advances in Medical Sciences, 2020
Revista de Humanidades, 2012
Turk J Bot, 2005
Transitional Waters Bulletin, 2007
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2012
Journal of British Cinema and Television , 2022
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 1985