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1994, Physics of Fluids
3 pages
1 file
This paper presents the velocity field of the longitudinal vortices found in the wake of a circular cylinder, as measured using digital particle image velocimetry (PIV). Vorticity and circulation of the longitudinal vortices are presented, based on instantaneous velocity distributions in a transverse plane behind the cylinder.
The three-dimensionality of the velocity field in the wake of a circular cylinder has excited considerable interest and debate over the past decade. Presented here are experimental results that characterize the underlying vorticity field of such wakes. Using particle image velocimetry (PIV), instantaneous velocity fields were measured and from these the vorticity of the longitudinal vortices lying in the region between Karman vortices was found.
Journal of Fluids Engineering, 1996
This paper presents data showing the three-dimensional vortical structures in the near wake region of circular cylinders. The in-plane velocity field was measured using a digital Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique. The vortical structures are found to include inclined counter-rotating longitudinal vortices in the braids joining consecutive Ka´rma´n vortices. A simple vortex-pair model is proposed to estimate velocity perturbation induced by the longitudinal vortices in the near wake region. The perturbation resulting from the longitudinal vortices is shown to induce spanwise velocity modulation and a velocity spike of a nominally two-dimensional vortex street.
MATEC Web of Conferences
The circular cylinder turbulent wake is studied experimentally using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. The vorticity component parallel to the cylinder axis is evaluated from measured velocity field. Dynamics of the vorticity field is analysed using the Oscillation Pattern Decomposition (OPD) method. The 3 dominant modes corresponding to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd harmonics of Strouhal frequency are detected and presented. The corresponding topologies are characterized by waves of vortical systems. The results are similar to the dynamics of velocity field, however the procedure is much easier to implement, as only half number of degrees of freedom are active.
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 1996
HA cross-correlation particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique has been developed to measure the spatiotemporal in-plane velocity vector field evolution of time-dependent flows. A novel iterative two-stage crosscorrelation scheme of two sequential images of flow tracers has been incorporated in the image analysis. The implementation in hardware and software of this complete recording and analysis system are described. The expected accuracy of the velocity measurements was investigated and is discussed. The technique has been applied to study the near wake behind a circular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers (Red). The measurements presented pertain to cylinders with d = 12.5 and 25 mm (l/d = 19.5 and 9.8, respectively). The respective Reynolds numbers Re d are 875 and 769. Two planes of this flow are considered in this study: (1) plane normal to the cylinder axis (xy plane) and (2) a plane containing the cylinder axis and the stream direction (xz plane). Instantaneous in-plane velocity vector fields and out-of-plane vorticity fields are presented for both planes. The effect of spatial resolution on peak vorticity is discussed using velocity vector field measurements in the near wake of the cylinder that were conducted using different spatial resolutions. The three-dimensional nature of the near wake of circular cylinders at low Re d is demonstrated using quantitative in-plane velocity vector field and out-of-plane vorticity measurements. An upstream influx of relatively high velocity fluid into the stagnant near-wake region in the xy plane and the subsequent deflection of the fluid normal to this plane as it approaches the stagnation region at the cylinder are shown to be responsible for the generation of three-dimensional flow in the near wake of a circular cylinder.
Experiments in Fluids, 2009
The vortex organization of cylinder wakes is experimentally studied by time-resolved tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry at Reynolds numbers ranging from 180 to 5,540. Time resolved measurements are performed at Re = 180, 360 and 540, whereas the transitional (Re = 1,080) and turbulent regimes (Re = 5,540) are investigated by snapshots separated in phase by more than p/4. The vortex structure evolution is visualized by the 3D vorticity field, revealing a regular shedding at the lowest Reynolds, whereas at Re [ 500 the Bénard-Kármán vortex street exhibits counter-rotating stream-wise vortex pairs (characteristic of Mode B) dominating the 3D motion. The regime at Re = 360 produces a transitional pattern where the counter-rotating vortex pairs (Mode B), coexist with profoundly distorted shedding of oblique elements forming a chain of rhombus-like vortex cells. In the turbulent flow regime (Re = 5,540) a large increase in the range of flow scales is directly observed with the appearance of Kelvin-Helmholtz type vortices in the separated shear layer consistently with what is abundantly reported in literature. The statistical description of the secondary structures is inferred from a 3D autocorrelation analysis yielding two span-wise wavelengths for the counter-rotating pairs, an inner length given by (twice) the distance between counter-rotating elements and an outer one given by the distance between pairs. The uncertainty analysis of the present tomographic PIV experiments reveals that this approach is suited for the investigation of vortex wakes with a typical error of 2 and 10% on the velocity and vorticity vectors, respectively.
The near wake produced by a circular cylinder oscillating translationally in a quiescent fluid or, alternatively, by oscillatory flow past a stationary cylinder at low Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) and Stokes (β) numbers has been investigated using Particle Image Velocimetry. All but one of the two-and three-dimensional regimes of the Tatsuno & Bearman [11] map were investigated. The findings are successfully compared with previous experimental observations and numerical simulations. Twodimensional Particle Image Velocimetry results of regime B show how the symmetrical pattern of vortices around the cylinder becomes three-dimensional. Additionally, the instantaneous results of regime E confirm that there is an intermittent change in the direction of the V-shaped vortices around the cylinder.
Physics of Fluids, 2010
Using a phase-averaged technique, the dependence of the wake vortical structures on cylinder yaw angle α (=0°–45°) was investigated by measuring all three-velocity and vorticity components simultaneously using an eight-hot wire vorticity probe in the intermediate region (x/d=10) of a yawed stationary circular cylinder wake. For all yaw angles, the phase-averaged velocity and vorticity contours display apparent Kármán vortices. It is found that when α≤15°, the maximum coherent concentrations of the three vorticity components do not change with α. However, when α is increased to 45°, the maximum concentrations of the coherent transverse and spanwise vorticity components decrease by about 33% and 50%, respectively, while that of the streamwise vorticity increases by about 70%, suggesting that the strength of the Kármán vortex shed from the yawed cylinder decreases and the three dimensionality of the flow is enhanced. The maximum coherent concentrations of u and v contours decrease by m...
Epj Web of Conferences, 2022
The 3D structure of the wake behind a circular cylinder in a cross-flow is studied experimentally using stereo PIV technique, Reynolds number was around 5 thousands. The statistical characteristics along the cylinder axis are effectively constant and thus 2D, however instantaneous flow-field in the wake is fully 3D. Within the wake dynamical flow, the streamwise vortices and spots of streamwise velocity component pulsations are detected.
MATEC Web of Conferences
A circular cylinder in crossflow is subjected to the study of 3D dynamical structure of its wake. The typical dynamics is characterized by quasi-periodic behaviour called Kármán – Bénard vortex street with the typical frequency in dimensionless form known as Strouhal number. The experimental study relies on stereo Particle Image Velocimetry method, the plane of measurement is perpendicular to the flow in the distance 3.8 cylinder diameters in streamwise direction. Reynolds number was around 5 thousand. The structure and dynamical behaviour of the wake along the cylinder axis is studied in details. On the top of the known streamwise velocity deficit definition of the wake, the streamwise oriented dynamically evolving vortices are detected. For the detailed dynamics examination, the Oscillation Pattern Decomposition method was used. Waves of various structures travelling along the cylinder axis as well as some pulsations were identified. The wake dynamics is characterised by the strea...