Popular Science & Technology (PST) series is being published by DESIDOC to
promote the knowledge and understanding of the applications of science and
technology in Defence among defence personnel, students, and general public. The
contents covered in each of the titles are current to the year of publication.
This title Electronic Warfare was published in the year 1988.
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1. Introduction
Today, almost everybody is familiar with fighter aircraft, battle tanks, warships and
submarines. A majority of people have seen them in action, either directly or via
television or films. But there is another kind of invisible fight involving the use of radio
and radar emissions which is always going on in the atmosphere. This silent battle of
beams is commonly called Electronic Warfare. The battlefield of electronic warfare is
global and its intensity varies according to different national perceptions of potential
threats. In fact, electronic warfare is a catalyst towards the maintenance of regional and
global balances which deter the outbreak of armed conflict.
Electronic Warfare (EW) is not strictly 'electronic', i.e., it is not conducted using
electrons; rather it is electromagnetic, and uses the entire range of the electromagnetic
spectrum, as shown in Fig.l. Because of this, some people also call it Electromagnetic
Warfare. During World War II, Sir Winston Churchill coined the words 'wizard war' and
'battle of beams'. However, the most accepted term for this field of applied science is
'Electronic Warfare'. Electronic circuits are, of course, used in EW equipment.
The basic concept of EW is to exploit the enemy's electromagnetic emissions in all parts
of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to provide intelligence on the enemy's order of
battle, intentions and capabilities and to use countermeasures to deny effective use of
communications and weapons systems while protecting one's own effective use of the
same spectrum.
EW involves a variety of concepts and definitions of many
terms which make the subject difficult to comprehend by laymen. Recognising this
problem, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a document, which embodied the basic terms
of EW and their definitions. According to this, the field of EW is most commonly subdivided into three categories: Electronic Support This Measures (ESM), Electronic
Countermeasures (ECM) Electronic Counter- Countermeasures (ECCM). These are
shown in Fig.2.
Electronic warfare is not new; it has been practiced in one from or another in every major
conflict since the early days of this century; in fact, ever since radio communications
were first used in war. Early techniques were often primitive and it was only from World
War II onwards that EW gained an element of sophistication and maturity .
Before we go deeper into the study of electronic warfare, let us have a look at the
historical development of EW and the strategic role it has played in key conflicts. is will
help to highlight the importance of EW.
The first reported conflict involving the use of EW was the Russo-Japanese War of 1905,
when Russian naval commanders attempted to jam radio transmissions from Japanese
ships. However, in this war, the Japanese were successful in trailing the Russian fleet
because they could transmit information about their movements and combat formations,
without getting jammed, back to the Japanese high command for necessary action.
World War I saw the widespread use of radio for communication and transmission of
combat information. In 1914, the Germans intercepted the communication system of the
British forces. This communication jamming in practice is considered the first real action
of EW, as electromagnetic energy had been used, not for communication, but for
jamming enemy communications. It was also during World War I that both sides
experimented with electronic deception in its the simplest forms, such as false
transmissions, electronic the espionage, dummy traffic and other similar ruses for
misleading the enemy. Direction-finding achieved great success in maritime operations
during this war.
However, specialised EW equipment began to be developed only during World War II.
Use of radar for war the operations was a major development of this period. Early sys in
1939, Germans employed Luftwaffi's LZI30 Graf up Zeppelin for locating British early
warning radars. The rad Germans also introduced radio guidance techniques for their
bombers during night raids on British military installations. Under pressure due to this
constant threat of destruction, the British eventually developed a deceptive out. ECM
called 'Bromide' against the German technique of eql dropping bombs on pre-located
The sophisticated Wurzburg gun-Iaying German radars created a sensation in World War
II. The British began to equip their aircraft with both noise jammers and passive ECM
equipment as a countermeasure.Throughout the war, there was a fight between ECM and
ECCM. Each side momentarily gained the upper hand in EW, only to lose it against a
new countermeasure.
EW technology became progressively more specialised and sophisticated after World
War II. During 'Vietnam War in 1965, Soviet SA-2 'Guideline' radar-guided SAMs
(surface-to-air missiles) and 57 mm. radar-controlled AAA (anti-aircraft artillery) made
their first appearance in the stormy battlefield, and the first SA-2 downing of a US fighter
aircraft was recorded. The US found itself severely short in ECM and early warning
equipment to meet this new challenge. To counter this serious threat, some crash
programmes were started by the USA to develop an adequate EW capability to reduce the
aircraft losses. Like the World War II, the Vietnam War also continued for many years.
In 1971, one of history's heaviest barrages of radar-controlled AAA and SAMs were
employed against US bombing raids over Hanoi and Haiphong. The US countered by
deploying every available EW aircraft including the EA-68 Prowler , he first fully
integrated tactical airborne jamming system. Thus the Vietnam War of 1965, which
continued up to 1971, clearly demonstrated the conflict between radar and ECM and
between ECM and ECCM.
The race of developing countermeasures against countermeasures continued to be
directed to outmanoeuvre and outperform the adversary's equipment and ECM. The 1973
Middle East War (also known as Yom Kippur War or the Arab-Israel War) saw most of
the latest Soviet SAM and AAA systems in action. Each side used a different region of
the electromagnetic spectrum for target tracking and guidance. For the first time in
modern warfare, a dense ground-based air defence E' system featuring the full spectrum
of overlappling SAMs and AAA was thus encountered. In addition to passive
communications monitoring, the Arabs employed a range E of ECM and ECCM
measures. Poor ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) before the war led to the inadequate
preparedness of the Israeli Air Force to counter the Arab air defences. However, after
sustaining heavy air losses in the first few days, they managed to adapt countermeasures
to suppress the radar- controlled SAMs and AAA. The 1973 war threw EW into the
forefront of modern military thinking. It brought to surface the necessity of possessing a
complete range of EW equipment, even in peace time, with an efficiently run Signal
Intelligence (SIGINT) service. This war clearly emphasised that if one fails to control
electromagnetic B spectrum and to gather intelligence, one may face F disaster.
In April 1982, the world saw another EW conflict in the Falklands War. On 4 May 1982,
a British Type-42 destroyer, HMS Sheffield, was destroyed by a a sea-skimming Frenchbuilt Exocet missile. The entire military world was shocked, for this type of warship was
supposed to constitute the main fleet defence against air attack in cooperation with
airborne early warning aircraft to detect low flying enemy aircraft. Unfortunately for
Sheffield, there were no airborne early warning radars on board in operation on 4 May
when the Exocet missiles were sighted close in. The Sea-Dart missile system on board
Sheffield, designed to engage aerial platforms at a distance, was simply unable to get on
target in time because of its slower reaction time. Assessing the war from the point of
view of EW, several innovations were employed in ground combat. Skeffield lacked the
latest EW equipment capable of countering technologically advanced western missiles
like the Exocet. Argentinian forces made very little use of EW systems, except passive
EW, like ELINT and ESM. Excellent organisation of command, control, communications
and intelligence (C31) on the part of British forces contributed significantly to its success
in the Falklands War.
In June 1982, another fierce EW battle, known as the Lebanon War, was fought between
Israel and Lebanon in the Bekka Valley . By mid-june, Israeli forces reported the
destruction of 86 Syrian aircraft, including Soviet-built 'Makoyan' MIG-23 fighters and
five French-built ' Aero Spatiale Gazelle' attack helicopters. The Israelis reported that
they, in turn, had lost only two helicopters and the Bekka Valley area had been destroyed
by the Israeli Air Force without much losses. In this war, the Israelis made use of a
special type of deception technique, called decoys (drones and RPVs, remotely piloted
vehicles) to know the location and characteristics of enemy operating systems and
weapons. Israelis had employed their 'Mastiff RPV (as well as drones) to ascertain the
microwave radio frequencies used by the Syrian SAM- 65. Two Israeli Grumman, E-2C
Hawkeye aircraft obtained electronic bearings of the Syrian missile radar system,
allowing them to plot their exact location. Israeli aircraft then destroyed the sites with
rockets riding a microwave beam to the SAM-6 sites. This led to a stunning defeat of
Lebanese forces and an incredible victory of Israeli forces. Israeli Air Force played a
dominant and decisive role In this war. What was the decisive factor? Electronic warfare.
The outstanding results achieved by the Israelis show that the new concept of real-time
warfare, supported by accurate planning of EW actions, was the real key to their success.
Another element which contributed greatly to the Israeli success in Lebanon was the
coordinated use of AWACS (Airborne Early Warning and Control System) and ECM
against enemy command, control and communications systems, called C3CM.
The classic struggle between the lance and shield, the gun and armour, the missile and
electronic systems, the countermeasures and counter-countermeasures will no doubt
continue in the form of fight between radiation weapons and radiation countermeasures
and between these counteremeasures and relative counter-countermeasures and so on.
Electronic warfare today is an utterly deadly battlefield, where victory or defeat may
come in a matter of seconds, even microseconds. Thus, in this situation inadequate EW
means certain defeat.
Many technological developments have come about as a result of military needs. An
engineer was originally a person who designed and built military fortifications and
equipment. But during the World War II, the intellectual forces of scientific research and
development were deliberately and intensively applied to the conduct of war. Winston S
Churchill was one of the first political leaders, with no significant background in science,
to have engineers and scientists as advisors, to listen to them and utilise his political
power to translate their scientific knowledge in to practical wartime technology .He was
also the first leader to recognise EW as a vital phase of military operations.
Since the end of World War II, EW has been one of the best kept secrets with tecnical
experts and armed forces. It is still in the interest of these two groups of people, though
for different reasons, to keep EW developments hidden from indiscreet and unscruplous
people. For a crew of military aircraft, a tank or a warship, an appropriate EW tactic
which has been kept secret can mean the difference between the success and failure of
their mission, or even the difference between life and death.
Therefore, there are strong reasons for keeping many aspects of EW secret. However,
there are equally strong reasons for not only the armed forces and those concerned with
National Defence but also the academicians, students and the general public being
informed about the existence and general usefulness of EW. Upto World War II, Radar
was the most secret weapon in the hands of military forces. The common man was
interested to know about its capabilities. Soon after World War II all secrets of radar were
thrown open to the public. It soon became a household word. It revolutionised the areas
of research in the academic and specialised research institutions. Today, we have a great
variety of radars performing thousands of functions for war, peace and public good.
With the same objective in view, an attempt has been made to make interested readers
aware of the capabilities, limitations and applications of the diversified science of EW.
Much of the information pertaining to EW is still classified and can be expected to
remain so. The basic principles, however, are easily derived and are easily derived and
are unclassified. This text is thus confined to the discussion of general principles of
electronic warfare and its multi-dimensional extension and growth to various areas of
2. Definitions and Concepts
In this chapter, the general principles of EW are covered. The terms ESM, ECM, ECCM
mentioned in Chapter 1 have been elaborated. Some of the major subsystems have also
been explained.
2.1.1 Electronic Warfare (EW)
Electronic Warfare is a military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy to
determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent the hostile use of electromagnetic spectrum as well
as action which retains friendly use of electromagnetic spectrum.
2.1.2 Electronic Support Measures (ESM)
Electronic Support Measure is that division of electronic warfare which involves actions
taken to search for , intercept, locate, record and analyse radiated electromagnetic energy,
for the purpose of exploiting such radiations to support military operations. Thus, ESM is
an important source of EW information to carry out electronic countermeasures and
electronic, counter- countermeasures. ESM involves, in general, gathering of EW
information through Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), Communications Intelligence
(COMINT) and ESM receivers.
2.1.3 Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)
Electronic Countermeasures are the actions taken to prevent or reduce the enemy's
effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Two major actions of ECM are jamming
and deception.
2.1.4 Jamming.
The deliberate radiation, reradiation, or reflection of electromagnetic energy to impair the
use of electronic devices, equipment. or systems is called Jamming.
2.1.5 Deception.
The deliberate radiation, re-radiation, alteration, absorption, or reflection of
electromagnetic energy in a manner intended to mislead the enemy in the interpretation
or use of information received by his electronic systems is called deception.
There are two categories of deception.
2.1.6 Manipulative.
The alteration or simulation of friendly electromagnetic radiations to accomplish
2.1.7 Imitative.
Introducing radiation into enemy channels which imitates his own emission.
2.1.8 Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECCM)
The actions taken to ensure friendly, effective, use of the electromagnetic spectrum
despite the enemy's use of EW are known as ECCM.
As a matter of convenience and simplicity, the field of EW is discussed in terms of active
and passive roles. Passive EW is the search for and analysis of electromagnetic radiation
to determine the existence, source and pertinent characteristics of the enemy's use of the
electromagnetic spectrum. On the other hand, Active EW is the radiation or re-radiation
of electromagnetic energy so as to impair the enemy's use of electronic
equipment/system, or to mislead the enemy in the interpretation of data received from his
electronic systems/devices.
In general, ESM is Passive EW, ECM is Active EW, and ECCM may be either active or
passive. Fig.3 shows the numerous divisions, sub-divisions and branches of today's
complex EW tree.
It is worth mentioning here that the above sub-division of the subject EW into ESM,
ECM and ECCM is applicable to both Radar EW and Communications EW. However,
there are some basic differences between the two. For example, in the case of radar,
usually the transmitter and receiver are located at the same place, whereas in case of
communications, the transmitter and receiver are located at separate places. Also, in the
case of radar, there is a two-way range for transmission, whereas in the case of
communications, there is only a one-way range for transmission. Another difference is
that the radar usually uses no encryption for message security. whereas encryption is used
in communications for generation of secure messages. Further, in radar EW, the radar
system is jammed or misled by creating false targe.ts, whereas in communication EW, the
communication system is jammed or misled by creating false messages.
Electronic Warfare, whether it is radar-based or communications- based, employs the
electronic devices and techniques for the following purposes.
Determining the existence and 'placements of the enemy's electronic aids to
Destroying or degrading the effectiveness of the enemy's electronic aids to
Denying the destruction or degradation of the effectiveness of friendly electronic
aids to the warfare.
EW tries to achieve the above purposes by adopting the following procedures.
Make full use of electromagnetic emissions released either intentionally or
accidentally by the enemy
Interfere with the enemy's use ofelectromagnetic spectrum in such a way as to
render its use either ineffective, degrading or even dangerous for him
Defend one's own friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The role of EW is not static. It is a dynamic and closely inter- related interaction between
ESM, ECM and ECCM and the Order of Battle, as shown in Fig.4. It is active as well as
passive depending upon the nature of threat. For example, ESM may involve active
radiation of a signal to determine the characteristics of the enemy equipment/system and
ECM may require a passive reception of the enemy signals in order to decide what signal
to counter. There is always an interaction between friendly and hostile electronic systems
in an EW environment.
Also, ECM and ECCM are electronic equivalants of action and reaction of Newton's third
law of motion. In combat-like situation, friendly forces always try to counter the enemy's
electronic systems through ECM. This ECM, in turn, causes a counter-countermeasure
(i.e., ECCM) to reduce the effectiveness of friendly systems/equipment, and this process
continues ad infinitum. The ECM and ECCM process resembles a ladder-type
advancement, as shown in Fig.5. There is always an ECCM for an ECM. One can never
achieve unequivocal superiority through ECM.
The design of a system is based mainly upon its objectives or needs. EW systems occupy
a special position under the category of electronic systems, since their primary function is
to be responsive to a potential threat or the enemy's immediate action. Therefore, the
design philosophy of EW systems and their development cycle do not follow the
traditional pattern set by other active weapons and electronic systems and subsystems.
There are certain salient points of difference between the design and development of an
EW system and other electronic systems, as indicated in the following
The need for EW systems is felt when the existence of enemy electronic
systems has been established or postulated.
The features or characteristics of EW systems are determined when the features
or nature of enemy electronic systems have been known or anticipated.
The effectiveness of EW systems is established only when the enemy electronic
systems are present, i.e., when the combat environment is either real or
The future design of EW systems can only be predicted when the anticipated
electronic environment created by the enemy is known.
Thus, the design of EW systems is mainly based on the electronic environment created by
the enemy. Therefore, the information on enemy activity and its interpretation (i.e.,
intelligence) is key to the design, development and planning of EW systems.
From the above discussion, it is clear that an EW system is unique in its features and
design. A functional block diagram of atypical EW system is shown in Fig.6, to give an
idea about the complexity of the system. The following are the subsystems in atypical
EW system.
2.2.3 Search and bearing equipment.
Consists of search and bearing receivers which cover a number of specific radar bands.
The receivers display on a cathode ray tube (CRT) the selected signal, its.. frequency,
type of transmission, true or relative bearing (i.e, angle of arrival of the signal) and the
antenna rotation period (ARP), if desired.
2.2.4 Signal analysis equipment.
Comprises frequency counters and pulse/spectrum analysers and a video display unit.
This equipment measures a number of parameters and their values present in the received
signal. These include the pulse repetition rate (PRR), the pulse width, the period and the
total harmonic content of each transmitted pulse. Facilities also exist to feed this
information to a remote data system, i.e., tactical indicator to display threat category,
frequency of transmission, signal parameters and other relevant data.
Data analysis computer equipment. Comprises a multiplexer (MPX) and the central
processing unit with associated memories. The binary coded decimal (BCD) signal data
from signal analysis subsystem is fed to this subsystem for threat evaluation and/or
2.2.5 Radio data transmission equipment.
Comprises a signal processor, pulse code modulation (PCM) encoder, pre-modulator and
RF transmitter. This subsystem processes selected analog signals fed from the analysis
equipment and converts them to a pulse code for application to the modulation circuits of
a radio communication transmitter.
2.2.6 Jamming transmission equipment.
Comprises special wide-band and spot tuning microwave circuits operating a power
output stage providing powers between 20W and 4OOW. It has the capability of
transmitting amplitude modulated (AM) or frequency modulated (FM) noise signals or
AM pulsed deception signals when the analog signals from the analysis equipment are
fed into it. Some systems may radiate a combination of pulsed and noise signals. The
jammer transmitter covers the same frequency band as the search equipment.
2.2.7 High power amplifier equipment.
Comprises a high-power, liquid-cooled, travelling-wave tube (TWT) amplifier, a high
voltage modulator unit, and the power supplies and control equipment to operate the
system. The frequency power output, modulation type arid levels are controlled remotely
from the high power amplifier control unit. This type of subsystem is only fitted to those
systems which can provide the excessive power and complex cooling facilities required
by large travelling-wave amplifiers. The high-power amplifier equipment has the
capacity to increase the strength of the jamming signal to at least twenty times that of the
basic jamming equipment.
2.2.8 Jammer antenna equipment.
Comprises a ferrite circulator, high-power amplifier (when it forms a part of jamming
antenna), main receiver, servo system, beam switching unit, oscillator, transmitter
antenna, receiver antennas and antenna training motor. In this subsystem, the jamming
signal is directed to the target by the antenna. A special jammer receiver, in conjunction
with a servo system, keeps the antenna aligned on the selected target. When a high-power
amplifier is not fitted, the output from the transmitter is applied directly to the transmitter
antenna. If a high-power amplifier is fitted, the output from the jammer transmitter is
applied to a ferrite circulator with one input and two output ports.
Video blanking equipment (not shown in Fig. 6). Comprises input processing amplifier,
flip-flop circuit, pulse shaping circuit, pulse amplifiers and a video mixer. A video
blanking system is used with most EW display units. The video blanking facility, by
adjusting the blanking level, minimises the interference produced by radars and all
jamming transmitters operating in the friendly EW systems.
As has been seen, an EW system is a very complex structure, consisting of many
subsystems, components and devices. The electronic components and devices associated
with the main subsystems are many and not all of them can be elaborated. However, to
provide further insight into the subject, the details about some components of the main
subsystems like antenna, transmitter and receiver and the associated concepts are given
here. The basic concepts of radar, which forms an important element of EW systems, are
also outlined.
2.2.10 Radar
'Know your enemy' still remains a valuable military maxim. Radar is the most commonly
deployed long range electronic sensor. The acronym ''Radar' was coined during World
War II, and it stands for 'radio detection and ranging', the functions which it is supposed
to perform. It can also work at night when there is little or no ambient light to illuminate
the target.
Since World War II, radar has been found useful in a great variety of applications. Its
ability to function in an all- weather environment at long ranges is unmatched by any
other available sensor. It can be fitted to ground, ship, air and even space-based
platforms. It is playing a key role as a sensor in a variety of forms in the modern weapon
Radar is a complex system. A functional radar system consists of four basic elements-a
transmitter, a highly directional antenna, a receiver and an indicator or display. The
transmitter produces intense pulses of microwave electromagnetic energy at short
intervals. The pulses are propagated outward in a narrow beam from the antenna, and
strike targets at various distances. The reflected signals or echoes are picked up by the
antenna shortly after the pulse is transmitted. The time gap between the transmission and
the receipt of echo is directly proportional to the distance of the target from the radar, i.e.,
the farther the target, longer is the time before the echo is received. A device, duplexer,
allows, the simultaneous operation of a receiver and transmitter, on differrent
frequencies, using the same antenna. The noise produced in the system is reduced to
minimum through special circuits so as to extract exact information about the target.
There are many types of radars today. They are classified according to their applications.
Radars perform a number off functions like surveillance, tracking, guiding missiles,
controlling weapons, detecting targets, etc. The various types of radars and their
functions are given in Appendix I.
Generally, radars operate at narrow bands of electromagnetic spectrum because of
operational constraints. The radar frequency bands range from 3 MHz to 300 GHz, but
most of them operate in what are commonly called 'Microwave Frequency Bands',
designated as L (1-2 GHz), S(2-4GHz), C (4-8 GHz), (8-12 GHz) and Ku (12-18 Ghz)
bands. Very High Frequency (VHF), 50-300 MHz and Ultra High Frequency (UHF),
300-1000 MHz are generally used for long distance surveillance, because of their ability
to provide over-the-horizon coverage. Search radars and tracking radars are most often
found in one of the higher radar bands, with S, C and X bands being the widely used
ones. The higher frequency bands like, Ku (12-18GHz) K (18-27GHz), Ka (27-40 GHz)
and millimeter (40-100 + GHz) frequencies are finding increasing use in mapping, fire
control, and missile guidance applications.
Some terms or concepts which are associated with radar and frequently quoted are radar
cross-section, , radar clutter, radar signature, radar silence, and the radar warning receiver
2.2.11 Radar cross-section.
Radar cross-section of a target plays a major role in its detection and location by radar.
Radar cross-section, generally denoted by the Greek letter -sigma ( ), is the area a target
would have to occupy to produce the amount of reflected power (i.e., echo) that is
detected back at the radar. It depends upon several factors like physical size of the target,
geometry of the target, radar frequency, viewing direction and the composition of the
Smaller the radar cross-section, more difficult is its detection. Thus by reducing the
physical size of the target, using effective design in its geometry (i.e.,making curved
surfaces), adopting proper viewing direction and using special surfaces with reduced
reflectivity, one can reduce the radar cross-section of a target (say aircraft) by several
orders of magnitude.
2.2.12 Radar clutter.
This is a major obstruction in the proper identification of a target by radar. Clutter
actually arises due to radar returns from buildings, foliage, sea waves, clouds, plants,
trees, etc.
2.2.13 Radar signature.
These are specific radiation parameters of a radar that distinguish it from all other radars,
even of the same type. Radar parameters include power frequency, pulse repetition
frequency (PRF), pulse length, antenna gain, antenna polarisation and antenna scan.
2.2.14 Radar silence.
Generally, it means there are no radiations emitted from the radar, and radar simply
'listens' in this mode. More specifically, it is an imposed discipline prohibiting the
transmission by radar of electromagnetic signals on some or all frequencies.
2.2.15 Antenna
An antenna is a device that can transmit and/or receive electromagnetic energy. In a
transmitting antenna, electrons flowing back and forth in the conductor generate
electromagnetic fields that propagate far into space. In a receiving antenna, passing
electromagnetic fields cause electric current to flow back and forth in the antenna
conductor at the same frequency as the field oscillations. Thus, antenna is a special kind
of transducer, that converts electric current into electromagnetic energy and vice versa.
The performance of a system largely depends upon its transmitting and receiving
antennas. If the antenna is badly designed or poorly located, system operation is seriously
affected. Like the human eye and other optical systems, the radar antenna is deliberately
designed to be more sensitive in a given direction than in the other directions. This serves
to concentrate more energy on the target upon transmission, and to increase the receiver
sensitivity upon reception. In other words, in a practical antenna, there are usually one or
more preferred directions where power detected is usually more than power detected
elsewhere. The factor by which a given antenna 's power density is larger than that of an
isotropic antenna (no directional preference) in a selected direction is defined as the'
Antenna Gain' along that direction. The maximum gain of an antenna is known as the
'Directive Gain' of the antenna.
Each antenna has its specific pattern. The directional characteristics of any transmitting
or receiving antenna, when graphed on a polar coordinate system, is called the, Antenna
Pattern'.An antenna pattern may have just one lobe, or it may have several lobes. The
measure of the degree to which the output of a directional antenna is concentrated is
called its 'Beamwidth'. Antenna beamwidth is usually specified in terms of horizontal
direction, or azimuth, and can also be specified in the vertical plane. 'Bearing' generally
refers to the direction of the antenna, such as azimuth or elevation or a combination of
Different lobes may have different magnitudes. The strongest lobe is called the 'Main' or
'Major' lobe. The localised weaker lobes or peaks which lie outside the main lobe or
beam are known as 'Secondary', 'Minor' or 'Side' lobes. Maximum energy of a signal lies
in the main lobe or beam of the radiation pattern, as shown in Fig. 7.
There is another important phenomenon in antenna, called 'Polarisation'. The polarisation
of an antenna is determined by the orientation of the electric lines of force in the
electromagnetic field radiated or received by the antenna. Polarisation may be linear, or it
may be circular. Linear polarisation, again, may be vertical, horizontal, or somewhere in
between. In circular polarisation, the rotation can be either clockwise or counterclockwise. The important aspect of polarisation is that if the transmitted wave is
polarised, then each receiver must have a matched polarisation in order to receive the
signal. Unless stated otherwise, the polarisation is assumed to be matched to the received
wave. The practice of varying the polarisation in a random manner is an ECM technique
known as 'Polarisation Diversity'.
Almost all EW systems require some form of antenna. The special characteristics which
distinguish EW antennas from other types ( e.g. radar and communications) are their
broad-band wide-angle coverage and diverse beam and polarisation requirements.
Depending upon the pattern, there are two main categories of EW antennas-Omnidirectional Antenna (one covering 360 degrees in azimuth) and Directional Antenna.
Omni-directional antennas may be narrow-band or broad-band, linearly polarised or
circularly polarised, and are used where coverage in all directions is required for warning
and or intercept functions. Directional antennas, again may be narrow-band or broadband, and are normally used with linearly polarised or circularly polarised, direction
finding systems, high-gain intercept systems, directional jamming systems and radars.
Linear polarisation is used when the antenna is of known linear polarisation and it is
desired to optimise the gain of the system, or if polarisation analysis is to be performed.
Circular polarisation is used when the polarisation of the other antenna is unknown or
variable, or if polarisation diversity for any other reason is required. Circular polarisation
is used for both the ECM and ESM functions.
There are mainly three types of EW antennas: Fixed Beam EW Antennas, ECM Phased
Array Antennas, and Lens-fed Multiple Beam Array Antennas.
2.2.16 Fixed beam EW antennas.
There are several designs of fixed beam EW antennas. Each antenna has its characteristic
radiation pattern. These antennas are mostly used for ESM and ECM applications.
2.2.17 ECM phased array antennas.
An array of an antenna is a collection ofantennas, usually dipoles, placed at equal
distances along a common line of reference, known as array axis: A phased array is an
antenna having a number of radiating antenna elements driven by some form of
beam-forming network. The elements are fed with a certain relative phase, resulting in a
directivity pattern that exhibits gain in some directions and little or no radiation in other
The primary advantage of a phased array antenna in ECM applications is its ability to
rapidly (i.e. within microseconds) and accurately point the jamming beam or beams at the
victim radars within its spatial coverage angles. The pointing ability allows the use of
narrow jamming beams, which magnify the jamming energy focussed on victim radars
through increased effective radiation power (ERP). The phased array, 'thus, find valuable
application in both airborne self-protection ECM systems and for stand-off EW jamming
missions. The accurate beam pointing capability of phase-steered array is also commonly
used to provide direction finding with high probability of intercept.
2.2.18 Lens-fed multiple beaIn array antennas.
In ECM phased array antennas, the beam-forming is done through phase steering using
phase shifters, and the direction of the beam position is frequency dependent. In case of
lens-fed multiple beam array antennas, the direction of each beam is fixed in angle and is
made independent of frequency by using appropriate time delay steering in each element.
These are used in self-protection ECM applications.
2.2.19 Transmitter
A transmitter is a device that produces a signal for communication purposes. A basic
transmitter consists of an oscillator, a transducer, a modulator and a signal amplifier. The
oscillater provides the carrier wave. The transducer converts audio and /or video
information into electrical signal on the carrier wave. The amplifier boosts the signal
level to provide sufficient power for transmission over the required distance. The
amplifier output is connected to an antenna system for transmission. The design of a
transmitter depends, to some extent, on its application.
2.2.20 Receiver
Any circuit that intercepts (i.e., reception of a signal by an unintended user) a signal,
processes it and converts it to a form useful to a person, is a receiver. A receiver usually
consists of five or six basic components- an,antenna or receptor, a front end/wide-band
filter, an amplification chain/narrow-band filter, a detector, an audio and/or video
amplifier and a transducer. When electromagnetic waves strike the antenna or other
receptor, alternating current is set up in the conductors. It is then fed to the front end. The
front end, wide-band, filter then provides amplification and some selectivity. This is then
fed to the , amplification chain. The amplification chain brings up the weak signal to a
level suitable for operating the detector, which extracts the modulation information from
the electromagnetic energy. This is then fed to the audio or video amplifier, which gives
the detected signal sufficient amplitude to drive the transducer. The transducer then
converts the detected signal to a form suitable for listening, viewing, driving a set of
recording instruments, or a combination of these things.
The above-mentioned architecture is valid for a simple type of receiver. EW intercept
receivers, on the other hand, have to function in a high signal density environment. Their
key function is to search, intercept, locate and identify the sources of enemy
electromagnetic radiations for the purpose of threat recognition and tactical employment
of military forces and ECM equipments. EW receiver architectures are usually scenariodependent, and hence there is no preferred general or universal architecture which is
applicable for all types of intercept receivers.
It is quite evident from the above discussions that in the intervening years between 194l
and 1982, EW technology has advanced by giant steps. Nevertheless, those historic air
combat operations in World War II over the English Channel revealed the same basic
lessons as did the conflicts employing more complex systems at a much later time in
No countermeasure is effective for ever. It is time-sensitive and time-perishable.
Countermeasures are more effective when used in a 'surprise' mode, The wise
battle planner should act accordingly.
Men make the ultimate difference in an EW engagement. A good system with an
unskilled operator will always lose to a marginal system with an alert,
knowledgeable technician at its controls.
Countermeasures, in themselves, are useful in military operations. Coupled with
imaginative tactics, countermeasures are decisive factors for victory.
In conclusion,the ability of a nation to control the three 'R's (recognition, reaction,
resolution) will tip the ECM/ECCM balance. One must 'recognise' surprises and correctly
estimate their effect, 'react' immediately by alerting corrective forces to respond and
'resolve' the situation by a military/scientific group effort geared towards a dynamic
solution-motivated mission.
From the earlier discussion, it is clear that EW is a dynamic field. The mere possession of
a certain number of ESM or ECM devices is not enough to ensure success in war. In EW
what works today may not work tomorrow, and the developments in EW systems must
always closely and appropriately follow developments in the threat. With the endless
evolution of applied military technology, electronically-guided weapons are coming
closer and closer to perfection and thus constant updating and refinement of EW
equipment is required.
Computer, for example, is playing a key role since the last few years in the development
of special threat-oriented integrated EW systems. EW and ECW techniques have now
become so highly sophisticated that EW personnel must utilise the most modern
computer equipment to assist them in complex battle operations.
The extremely dynamic and evolutionary character of EW, unfortunately, demands
constant, heavy, financial expenditure. If a potential enemy changes the frequency of one
of his radars or develops a new anti-jamming device or makes some important change in
the IR guidance system of a missile, then the potential opponent has to modify or
completely renew his own EW equipment. However, this is a necessary and worthwhile
investment for the military forces. But, this investment must be made in peace time
because the price to be paid once an unexpected war has broken out will be extremely
high.It is, therefore, vital to have regular research and development facilities for scientific
and technical research in order to develop the technology necessary to achieve and
maintain superiority in EW which has now become an obligatory route to success.
The battles in Lebanon have proved beyond any shadow of doubt that the result of future
battles will depend much less on the quantity of the aircraft, warships or tanks used than
on their quality , which naturally includes new developments in the field of electronic
technology like antenna, receiver, transmitter, signal processing and other associated
technologies related to EW systems.
If there is a World War Ill, the winner will be the side that would control best and
manage the electromagnetic spectrum best. So, this race of technology-win must be
backed up by extensive and intensive efforts in R&D for the survival of the military
forces and the security of the country.
3. Electronic Support Measures
As already defined, Electronic Support Measures (ESM) is that division of EW that
involves actions taken to search for, intercept, locate, and immediately identify sources of
enemy electromagnetic radiations for the purposes of immediate threat recognition and
for tactical employment of military forces or assets, such as ECM equipment. The key
functions of ESM are intercepting (which primarily involves detection, frequency
estimation and direction finding), identifying, analysing, and locating sources of hostile
radiations. ESM is for 'tactical' purposes that require immediate actions as contrasted with
similar functions which are performed for intelligence gathering, such as Signal
Intelligence (SIGINT}, which has Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), Communications
Intelligence (COMINT) and Radiation Intelligence (RINT) as its constituent parts.
ESM is basically a 'tactically' oriented activity, whereas SIGINT is basically a
'strategically' oriented activity. So, the ESM function is reserved for real-time reaction
which serves to differentiate between ESM receivers and ELINT or COMINT receivers,
which collect intelligence data for subsequent or non-real-time analysis. SIGINT data
generally focuses on producing intelligence of an analytical nature which is not as timecritical as ESM data. Top commanders of military forces are generally interested in
SIGINT data. SIGINT is thus closely allied to ESM.
3.2 Distinction between ELINT, COMINT and RINT
3.2.1 Electronic Intelligence (EUNT).
This is defined as intelligence information that is the product of activities non in the
collection and processing, for subsequent intelligence purposes, of potentially hostile,
non-communications electromagnetic radiations which emanate from other than nuclear
detonations and the radioactive sources.
3.2.2 Communications Inielligence (COMINT).
This is defined as intelligence derived from potentially hostile communications by
persons other than the intended recipients.
COMINT receivers directed against communication transmissions are similar in concept
to those designed to intercept radar transmissions (i.e., non-communication collection of
electromagnetic data using ELINT or ESM nun receivers) except that a different
approach is required to accommodate the communication signal structure.
Communication systems generally operate on discrete channels, are relatively powerful,
employ wide-beam antennas with poor side lobes, and use modulated continuous wave
transmissions. To avoid jamming, encryption and frequency hopping (i.e., changing
frequency randomly) transmissions are normally used. Also, in principle, COMINT does
not distinguish between the categories of message intercepted, since the sophistication of
encryption may not be apparent until decryption decryption is attempted. Thus, the
additional difference between COMINT and ELINT is the additional processing applied
to the received signal in an attempt to recover the message.
3.2.3 Radiation Intelligence (RINT).
This is defined as intelligence derived from potentially hostile communications and
weapons systems by virtue of their unintended spurious emissions, even when they are in
a non-transmitting mode of operation.
In brief, ELINT is intelligence derived about the emitter, COMINT is intelligence
derived from the emitter, and RINT is intelligence derived about and from the enemy
electromagnetic radiation (i.e., activities) utilising active techniques.
Electronic reconnaissance (which covers ESM and ELINT functions) and its operational
employment play important roles in view of the continuous increase in the number of
radars and other electronic emitters, and because of the increasing complexity and
sophistication of these weapons. Due to this dense operational signal environment, the
function of intercept receivers has been extended from that of a single aircraft detection
to the detection of warlike intentions of potential enemies, like battlefield surveillance,
determination of enemy missile launchings, study of enemy production and industrial
capabilities, political moves and covert data collection.
Study of operational environment also plays an important role in the design of intercept
equipment for the detection, location, and recognition of a signal associate with a
particular piece of radiating equipment. when a radar, a guided missile, a bomb fuse, or
an ECM system is required to operate in an environment in which there are many
electromagnetic radiators, then it is necessary to know the nature and amount of the
interference that may be present in order to design equipment that can function
properly.Two classes of information are Important for applying a suitable ECM against
the enemy's electronic systems. The first category of information can be termed as
strategic information, which include such things as technical characteristics of the
electronic systems and weapons to be countered, the mode of operation of the system,
and the nature of supplementary systems which can be employed by the enemy, This type
of intelligence information is needed to make strategic decisions, such as whether one
should attempt to counter the system and what characteristics are required for the
countermeasure device. The second category of information might be and called as
tactical information, which include such things the as whether the enemy is using a
certain electronic system or weapon, the frequency of operation of the system and
whether the enemy is shifting his frequency as a result of jamming employed. The
strategic mission primarly involves protection of a country's national assets from attack
while a tactical mission involves the use of operational forces during combat operations,
This type of information is needed to make immediate tactical decisions, such as which
particular ECM tactic should be employed so as to defeat the enemy's mission.
One of the most Important sources of both strategic and tactical intelligence concerning a
potential enemy's operations is the interception and analysis of the signals radiated by his
electronic systems. The most general purpose of the analysis of electronic reconnaissance
data is to develop technical descriptions and to geographically locate the various emitters.
An intercept receiver (either ELINT or ESM) is normally used for the collection and
analysis of reconnaissance or surveillance data. An important advantage of ESM, when
used as detector of enemy systems, is that it is completely passive. Also, it provides the
potential of detecting enemy radiations from such sensors as radars, lasers and sonars at
much greater ranges than the maximum range of those sensors.
The primary objective of an ELINT system is to compile operational data on enemy
electronic systems and weapons. ELINT is usually carried out on a regular basis, both
during times of peace and war, as well as just prior to and during specific missions.
Peace-time operations have the objectives of gathering maximum possible data on the
complete electromagnetic environment within specified areas of interest to any one
nation. The latter ELINT effort is made in order to evaluate the enemy defensive
weapons, early warning radars, ECM and ECCM, and to determine the manner in which
to conduct the mission.In general, ELINT serves a strategic role of the enemy, as well as
a tactical role in helping to develop or reprogram appropriate ECM and ECCM
equipment to meet each threat. Specially equipped ships, aircraft, RPVs, satellites, as
well as fixed and mobile land-based facilities are used for collection of ELINT .
The basic targets of ELINT are all types of radars, which are detected, located and
identified by their signatures in their operating modes (e.g. search, tracking). The
signature (i.e., characteristics) of each radar consists of measurable parameters, such as
transmitter's frequency, power, mode, modulation, pulse width, pulse repetition
frequency (PRF), etc., employed. Thus, the signature of every radar is collected, analysed
and stored. Special ELINT systems have been developed which scan each frequency
band continuously, perform a real-time analysis of each intercepted signal, determine its
signature and compare this with others in a library in order to identify and locate the
ELINT is also used to obtain data on enemy navigational systems, command, data and
telemetry an links, the control and guidance techniques used for each weapon system
(i.e., RF , IR. TV or laser) and the ECCM employed. In addition, ELINT information is
also used for direction-finding or determining the exact location of enemy radars and
defences, in order to guide countermeasures to these targets.
Thus, ELINT operations satisfy a variety of requirements. They can locate hostile
electronic systems and weapons, update hostile force electronic order of battle (EOB)
information, obtain information on specific transmitters and emissions, test hostile force
ECM capabilities,. evaluate hostile force command and control procedures and a host of
other intelligent functions which can help in tactical operations.
The primary objective of an ESM system is to intercept the enemy electronic systems in a
tactical, i.e., real-time environment. Interception of hostile electronic environment is
generally attempted to achieve three basic functions-detection, frequency estimation and
direction finding. These three elements of interception are usually integrated in a
practical system.
Detection is achieved by using radiometer , channelised radiometer or the cross correlator
Frequency estimation is achieved by using ESM receivers.
Direction-finding is achieved by using special DF antennas, which provide measure of
angle of arrival (AOA) of emitter pulses.
The principal job of an ESM receiver is to provide information on the existence and
nature of various signals usually in the minimum possible time. An intercept system (i.e.,
ESM receiver) can answer one or more of the following questions:
Are there any signals present?
What are the electrical characteristics of and directional bearing to those signals
Is there a particular signal present having certain prescribed characteristics?
Is there a signal present which is tracking the location of the intercept receiver?
Is there any new signal added in the general signal environment?
Is there an unusual signal (not seen 'in catalogues) present?
Is there a signal present that shows the characteristics of motion of a target?
Are there CW signals, FM signals, single sideband (SSB) signals?
The list is almost endless. No single ESM receiver will answer all such questions.
However, the aim of an ESM system remains the same, i.e., to provide a source of
information for immediate reaction involving ECM, ECCM, avoidance, and targeting.
3.2.7 Radar Warning Receivers
An important example of an ESM system is a radar warning receiver (RWR) which
intercepts radar signals and analyses their relative threat in real-time. To accomplish this
analysis, the RWR must have a threat library representing the enemy's electronic order of
battle (EOB, a document describing where and when specific enemy electronic systems
are being or will be used in a given battle situation) stored in its microprocessor. The
EOB is obtained through ELINT or electronic reconnaissance, which collects and records
for subsequent analysis as much data as possible on enemy non-communication
Radar warning receivers are used in military aircraft and helicopters to warn of attack by
surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles, air interceptors and anti-aircraft gun systems. They
are also used to warn tank crews and submarines of imminent threat. Once alerted to the
type, direction and relative priority of the threats, the intended target may take some
evasive manoeuvres or employ deceptive countermeasures, chaff or flares, as appropriate,
to foil the attack.Ideally, an ESM receiving system should be able to
Intercept a transmitted signal at any frequency
Determine the types of modulation in the signal
Identify the usable intelligence carried by the signal (i.e., frequency, PRF, pulse
width, scan type and rate, polarisation, amplitude)
Accurately measure the direction of arrival of the waveform so that the location of
the transmitter can be calculatcd
Process and preserve the signal characteristics for later in-depth analysis
Provide significant information to the operator (and/or computer) to enable him to
make intelligent and timely mission decisions.
In brief, an ESM receiving system must gather , process and display all signals of interest
to meet its specific mission requirements.
The above requirements are hard to satisfy for the total range of signal parameters
involved. For example, no single ESM receiver or antenna system can gather signals over
the entire frequency spectrum of interest.
Radar warning receiver is generally the simplest form of ESM receiver consisting of an
unsophisticated low-sensitivity equipment. The complexity of modern ESM receivers is
increasing to cope with the continually expanding dense signal environment. Thus, ESM
reconnaissance or surveillance receivers are generally considered more complex than
RWRs, and they are used to map enemy radar and communications installations and to
monitor radio messages. The more elaborate radar surveillance ESM receivers are similar
in concept to RWRs, except that they generallv employ more sensitive receivers to
intercept radar radiations at long ranges, have a higher direction-finding accuracy, and
measure additional radar parameters, such as coherency , polarisation, traffic analysis,
pulse rise and fall times, intra-pulse modulation, and statistical characterisation of
features (like frequency, scan modulations, etc.).
3.2.8 Advanced DM Receivers
It is difficult for the simple radar warning receivers to cope , with dense signal
environment. Their probability of intercept (i.e., performance) deteriorates, particularly
when many emitters are present in the dense environment. It needs filtering or sorting of
emissions in order to classify each signal to know the important parameters like the
amplitude, pulse width, frequency, angle of arrival, coherency , polarisation, pulse train
characteristics, etc. of the radar. Many advanced ESM receivers have been developed on
the basis of various design approaches. These ESM receivers have excellent multiple
signal handling capability in a dense emitter environment. Each receiving system has its
own relative advantages and disadvantages for a specific application as discussed in the
3.2.9 Crystal video receivers.
They have the advantages of proven technology .They are low cost, small in size and are
doing well in limited applications. However, the systems suffer from many limitations.
Their capability is limited for fine frequency measurement; the analyser has to handle a
wide open system and cannot readily handle complex and dense signals. They have poor
sensitivity, are susceptible to ECCM, and are basically incapable of handling frequency
agile systems.
3.2.10 Superheterodyne receivers.
They have the advantages of high selectivity, proven design and not being susceptible to
jamming; but suffer from their limitations of coping with agile signals, slow search
speed, low frequency resolution and needing multiple receivers for direction-finding
3.2.11 Microscan receiven.
They have the advantages of high probability of detection and the ability to handle wideband signals and frequency agile signals; but suffer from their limitations of requiring a
channeliser , minimum pulse width that cannot go much below 0.1 microsecond, and
again requiring multiple receivers for DF and a very wide IF bandwidth.
3.2.12 Channelized receivers.
They have the advantages of high selectivity, high probability of detection, and not being
susceptible to jamming. However, they suffer from their limitations of limited frequency
accuracy, limited resolution, and their requirement of a channeliser. In general, they
cannot do monopulse DF in a size- and cost-effective manner .
3.2.13 Instanteneous frequency measurement (IFM) receivers.
They have the advantages of high probability of detection, very good frequency
measurement accuracy , proven design and handling of frequency agile signals. On the
other hand, they suffer from their limitations of poor sensitivity, easy jamming, inability
to handle a very high data rate, simultaneous signals and CW signals.
3.2.14 Acousto-optic Bragg cell receivers.
They have the advantages of high probability of detection, high selectivity and high
senstivity. However, they cannot handle frequency agile signals, measure pulse width,
require channelisers, are slow in searching, and require two receivers to do monopulse
DF and the hardware is still unproven.
3.2.15 Surface acoustic wave (SAW) receivers.
They have the advantages of high probability of detection, good sensitivity, minimum
pulse width, handling frequency agile signals, having good high-dynamic range (i.e., an
indicator of the signal variations that the system can accept, and reproduce, without
objectionable distortion), handling multiple signals, doing monopulse DF with a single
receiver and being hard to jam. The limitations of the receivers are that they take
moderate time to resolve pulses that are close together, and basically the hardware is still
From the above discussion, it is evident that there is hardly any single ECM receiver
which can be employed for all purposes. In practice, either a hybrid approach or a
combination of two or three receivers is used to exploit their relative advantages to
handle effectively the dense signal environment.
To make ESM systems ineffective, a military force generally practices emission control
(EMCON), which restricts emission of electromagnetic radiations until it knows that it
has been detected. Active or radiating weapons are usually designed in such a way that
the active sensor (i.e., radar, sonar, etc.) is only turned on for its terminal phase (of .he
order of 10-30 seconds) so that minimum warning and reaction time is given to the target.
Completely passive weapons such as anti-radiation missiles and heat-seeking missiles
provide no warning for ESM systems. Friendly forces or systems, by tactfully managing
their electromagnetic radiations, try to achieve maximum advantages in the area of
intelligence data reception, detection, identification, navigation, guidance, etc. over
hostile forces or systems in a given situation through emission control. So, friendly forces
are to be always very careful and alert while using ESM systems for collection of
strategical and tactical information about the enemy weapon systems and the forces.
4. Electronic Countermeasures
Electronic Countermeasures (ECM), as already defined, are actions that are taken to
prevent or reduce the enemy's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum. ECM, are
thus means of interfering with the enemy's electromagnetic activity. These means may be
used to either deny him the information he seeks, or to give him false information or to
overload his computing capacity with so much false data as to degrade the performance
of his system and make it unable to perform its intended mission. ECM may also be used
to enhance one's own weapon systems' effectiveness. This ECM mission may be achieved
either by jamming, deception or disruption.
More comprehensively, there are four basic ECM operational objectives.
Prevent data acquisition and dissemination by hostile radars, ESM and
communication systems, by denying them information regarding the presence,
structure, composition or activities of friendly forces within the radar coverage,
and prevent hostile ESM systems and communications from receiving
information regarding the operation of friendly forces.
Saturate threat systems' data processing and operator capability t.o accomplish
timely and accurate detection; tracking of radar targets and to recognise, process
and communicate essential elements of information.
Introduce false, deceptive data into hostile electronic systems to generate
ineffective responses by automated electronic systems, and to generate ineffective
personnel or command and control actions.
Destroy hostile electronic systems so as to deny s hostile forces the use of key
elements of their radar sets and C3 (command, control and communications)
A number of ECM tactics, techniques or methods are used to prevent or reduce the
enemy's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
This wide range of techniques is illustrated in the form of a chart in Fig.8.
As can be seen from the figure, there are two major techniques or methods of ECMActive (i.e., radiating) ECM and Passive (i.e., non-radiating) ECM. Further,
ActiveJamming may be either Noise Jamming or Deceptive Jamming whereas Passive
Jamming may be achieved by chemical or mechanical means. Within each class of
jamming, there are different techniques used for denial or deceptive purposes.
This involves degradation of the effectiveness of the enemy system by generating an
transmitting electromagnetic energy .This may be achieved either by noise jamming or by
deceptive jamming.
4.2 Noise Jamming
The objective of noise jamming is to inject an interference signal into the enemy's
electronic system such that the actual signal is completely submerged by interference.
This type of jamming is also called 'denial jamming' or 'obscuration jamming'. The
primary advantage of noise jamming is that only minimal details about the enemy
equipment need be known.
Within the general class of noise jamming, there are three different techniques for
generating noise-like If interference.
4.3 Spot jamming.
In this type of jamming, also called 'point jamming' or 'narrow-band jamming', all the
power output of the jammer is concentrated in a very narrow bandwidth, ideally identical
to that of the radar. Spot jamming is usually directed against a specific radar and requires
a panoramic receiver to match the jamming signal to the radar signal.
4.4 Barrage jamming.
In this type of jamming, all the power output of the jammer is spread over a bandwidth
much wider than that of the radar signal. In other words, it involves the massive and
simultaneous jamming of the whole of the frequency band.
4.5 Sweep jamming.
This is also similar to barrage jamming. In this case,.the power output of the jammer (i.e.,
jammer frequency) is swept back and forth over a very wide bandwidth, sometimes as
much as an octave (a 2: 1 band). It is generally true that the bandwidth of sweep jamming
is wider than that of the barrage jamming, but the relative bandwidth is often determined
by the hardware used.
The actual difference between barrage and sweep jamming lies in the modulation
techniques and size of the' frequency band covered. Barrage jamming often uses an
amplitude-modulated signal covering a 10 percent frequency band (i.e., bandwidth equal
to 10 percent of the central frequency). Sweep jamming often uses a frequency modulated
signal and the frequency is swept back and forth over a wide frequency bandwidth.
Both barrage and sweep jamming are used when the exact frequency of the enemy system
is not known. One major disadvantage of this form of jamming is that it requires much
more output power than spot jamming.
4.6 Deception Jamming
The objective of deception jamming is to mask the real signal by injecting suitably
modified replicas of the real signal into the victim system. In other words, this type of
jamming is used to introduce false signals into the enemy's system in order to deceive or
confuse, and hence, to degrade that system. This is in contrast to noise type of jamming,
whose objective is to obscure the real signal by injecting a suitable level of noise-like
interference into the victim system. For deception jamming, an exact knowledge of not
only the enemy radar frequency, but all other transmission parameters is required. This
technique, in away , is spot or point jamming of a more intelligent nature. Deception
jamming is generally used for self-protection applications against terminal threat weapon
types which employ tracking radars.
Deception jamming can either be manipulative, where friendly emissions are altered or
simulated to mislead the enemy, or imitative, where false information is introduced into
enemy receivers by imitating his signals.
Within the general class of deception jamming, three main electronic techniques to return
false signals have been developed. These signals have characteristics similar to those of
the radar, thereby deceiving the radar into erroneous conclusions about range, velocity or
4.7 Range deception.
Range deception jamming is used to foil missile guiding radar systems where the tracking
radar guides the missile (or other defensive measures) to the target in range by locking a
range gate on to the target. This range gate delays the target echo and its position is
relayed to the missile to be used for intercept information.
A range deception jammer, called a 'range gate stealer', attempts to break the tracking
lock on itself by capturing the radar's range gate with a false echo and then moving it off
to a false range (time) location.
4.8 Velocity range deception.
In velocity range deception, the Doppler shift is interfered with. In the deceptive velocity
jammer operation, the CW ( continuous to the wave) illuminator signal is detected by the
jammer and a exact false, strong Doppler-shifted signal is sent back to the radar. The
radar locks on to the incorrect Doppler signal and the jammer slowly sweeps the false
signal's frequency more away from the actual Doppler frequency of the target. used When
the radar has been led far enough away in frequency, the jammer is turned off and the
radar is once more left without a target.
4.9 Azimuth (or angle) deception.
This is another deceptive ECM technique that degrades a tracking radar's ability to
develop the correct azimuth and/or elevation data of a target. This technique repeats a
replica of the received signal with an induced amplitude three modulation which is the
inverse of the victim radar's have combined transmitter and receiver antenna scan
patterns. An azimuth deception jammer, called 'inverse gain radar repeater' is normally
used to deceive a conical tracking radar.The techniques of range deception, velocity
deception and angle deception can also be applied against surveillance radars.
4.10 Smart noise Jamming.
A hybrid type of jamming which incorporates some of the features of both spot or
barrage noise and deception jammers is called a 'smart noise jammer'. This is a repeatertype jammer used in a transponder (a device that sends a signal whenever It receives a
certain command from a distant station) mode to generate responsive noise ten (the signal
sent out by the transponder is called the 'response') over a short span of range,
synchronised to the victim radar. This type of jammer generates a noise burst which is
'on' before and after the actual target return thereby covering the true return. This type of
jammer allows a low powered repeater to respond to a number of threat radars by time
Deception jammers are generally more sophisticated and of higher complexity than noise
jammers. The main reason for the higher complexity is that their performance
characteristics must be more closely matched to those of each type of the system to be
jammed than the performance characteristics of a noise jammer. There is also a need for
more detailed knowledge of the victim system's performance parameters and modes of
operation, both in advance and in the course of the actual jamming mission. This need
can be met using ELINT equipment in order to provide real-time analysis of the system's
Modern ECM systems employ a 'look-through' mode to provide periodic monitoring of
the threat environment while simultaneously jamming multiple emitters. The objective of
a jammer look-through mode is to allow the operating jammer to determine its own
effectivness, such as correct tuning and sufficient power level, while it is simultaneously
jamming the victim emitters.
This involves deception of enemy's system by employing confusion reflectors. This may
be achieved either by chemical or mechanical means. This type of jamming is also
sometimes called 'Expendable Countermeasures' (means an ECM device which is used up
in its employment). Chaff and flares are the important examples. In its broadest sense, it
not only uses the expendable passive ECM devices but also expendable active devices.
These latter devices may be either jammers or deceivers, depending upon the particular
effect desired.
4.12 Chemical Jamming
Smoke is the oldest countermeasure known to man. Long before radar had become the
mainstay of battle operations, visual sighting was the only means of locating and aiming
at enemy gunners. One way to confuse enemy gunners was to 'lay smoke', that is, to
intentionally generate large clouds of billowing smoke, behind which friendly forces
could then deploy, take aim unseen, and thereby avoid enemy fire until ready once again
to come forth and battle. In the battle of Jutland in World War I, the German naval forces
retreated under cover of smoke in order to protect their decimated flotilla from further
The use of 'smoke', particularly against laser threats, has caused a resurgence of interest
in recent times. Aerosols are the best chemical agents that are used as smoke, dust, mist
or fog. They are used as obscurants (i.e., they decrease the level of energy available for
the functions of seekers or vision enhancement devices).
Aerosols, in fact, are fine solid or liquid particles dispersed in the atmosphere. The entire
family of aerosols are not used for countermeasure applications. Only some specifically
selected chemical materials are fit for this purpose. The aerosol particle size and type are
chosen in such a way that it allows both scattering and/or absorption of radiations from
electro-optical system targets. Some forms of aerosols can partially absorb microwave
signals also.
Thus aerosol particles both scatter and absorb light. However, the scattering effect
usually is the dominant source of attenuation for a countermeasure application. The most
common types of smoke (i.e., aersol material) in use are those using either white
phosphorus having total obscuring power (TOP) of 6600 ft2/lb, MBA aerosol having TOP
of 5900 ft2/lb, hexachloroethane (HC) having TOP 4450 ft2/1b or fog oil having TOP
3200 ft2/lb.
To be more effective, the suspended aerosol or resonant particle should have a small
mass and a large scattering cross-section. This is usually obtained by using resonant size
particles with a high index of refraction. In this sense aerosols are somewhat similar to
Aerosols are ideally suited for the defence of small, valuable, ground-based targets
against visual and laser-directed air-to-ground weaponry .An automatic or remotely
operated system can provide quick, temporary protection cloud in the immediate presence
of threat.
The use of aerosols or smoke, to diffuse the coherent light beam used in a laser is still
being widely investigated by researchers for defence applications.
4.13 Mechanical Jamming
This involves deception of enemy's electronic system by use of specially designed
mechanical objects. These ( include such objects as chaff, flares, RPVs, drones, etc.
4.14 Chaff.
There exists today an electronic equivalent to 'smoke'; it is called 'chaff ' (during World
War II, called 'window'). Instead of scattering or absorbing electromagnetic energy, as in
the case of smoke, it reflects electromagnetic energy to confuse or deceive an enemy
Chaff consists of either thin metallised glass or plastic rods, or thin metal foil or wire, the
dimensions of which correspond to half a wavelength of the frequency used by the enemy
radar. Cartridges packed with large quantities of chaff of different sizes are dispensed
from aircraft, ships or vehicles. The chaff forms a cloud of metallic dipoles, as shown in
Fig.9 and appears on enemy radar screens either as a blot (i.e., clutter) masking the real
target, or as hundreds of false targets around the real one. This effectively breaks the
track of radar guided missiles. In 1973, Israeli boats used rapid blooming chaff to screen
themselves from the radars of Syrian gunboats equipped with Styx missiles.
The dimensions and physical orientation of chaff is an important consideration in its
design and use. An analysis of the action of chaff shows that for maximum signal return
one should make its length a multiple of one-half wavelength of the radar signal. This
length maximises the sympathetic electrical resonance effect, analogous to that which
occurs with sympathetic vibration of a tuning fork or piano string. It is also observed that
the thinner the chaff, the more pronounced and frequency-specific is the resonance effect.
Also, the radiated energy is strongest broadside to the individual chaff element, similar to
a tuning fork. In essence, each chaff element behaves like a single dipole with a
doughnut-shaped pattern.
Thus chaff is both frequency-and orientationsensitive. Both these characteristics are
compensated for by the typically small cross-section of chaff, which means that large
quantities of chaff can be packaged in a small volume. Thus, one can use chaff of several
different lengths in the same package to be effective against radars of widely different
frequencies. Because of their small size, the chaff elements are randomly oriented upon
dispensing. Thus their effectiveness becomes ominidirectional.
Chaff is usually packaged in units about twice the size of a cigarette pack. When this unit
is dispensed in the atmosphere it creates a radar echo similar to that of a small aircraft. If
a stronger echo is needed, then two or three units are dispensed simultaneously. Chaff is
generally used to protect tactical aircraft, strategic aircraft and ships.
4.15 Flares.
A flare is a pyrotechnic (i.e., like fireworks) target launched from an aircraft or other
vehicles causing infrared homing missiles or other optical devices to be decoyed away
from the true target.
The flares are dispersed when the heat-seeking missile approaches its target to divert the
missile from its target. This is illustrated in Fig.10.
Most dispensers used for chaff can also be used to drop infrared flares capable of
confusing heat-seeking missiles. In addition to protecting tactical aircraft, flares also
playa role in protecting strategic bombers. Early infrared (IR) weapons were very
vulnerable to decoy flares, but most recent designs use flares or dual operating
frequencies in order to estimate roughly where the peak level of IR output lies.
4.16 RPVs/drones/projectiles.
In recent times, other means of deception that have become increasingly popular are
RPVs ( remotely piloted vehicles) , drones and some special type of projectiles. An RPV
is an aircraft platform that is under remote but direct control, while a drone functions with
a pre-set sequence and has no remote control. RPVs normally utilise drones, controlled
rockets, gliders, small boats, trucks or other unmanned remotely piloted vehicles as ECM
support to assist strike vehicles in penetrating radar-missile-defended target areas by
jamming, ejecting chaff, dropping expendables or decoys (low-cost vehicles; usually with
some form of radar target size augmentation, that fool the hostile force into thinking that
the decoy is a larger and higher-value vehicle) , acting as decoys themselves, or
performing other ECM related tasks.
In other words, these decoys (RPVs, drones, projectiles and other aircraft-type vehicles)
are usually smaller than a typical aircraft target; but are made to appear larger
electronically.The intention is to trigger con' the enemy radar, thus forcing them to reveal
their presence, location and operating characteristics (i.e., the radar's electromagnetic
signature). All this information is quite vital to those forces which are trying to counter
such a radar threat. For example, this tactic of using RPV s was employed by Israelis in
the 1982 Lebanon War , to ascertain the microwave radio frequencies used by the Syrian
SAM-6 surface~to-air missiles, which were later on sucessfully destroyed on their sites
by the Israeli forces.
RPVs, drones and special projectiles containing chaff, flares or jamming equipment are
also widely used to deceive the enemy. The jamming equipment may consist of simple
jammers, radar signal repeaters, deception jammers or systems which simulate the target's
electromagnetic signature. The main objective of these decoys is to draw enemy fire
away from the real target. Consequently, they are made to follow the most deceptive path
away from the real target. The active miniature jammer of low cost and limited power
output is also an expendable like chaff, flares, etc. The placement of these active
miniature multiple jammers in the vicinity of the threat emitter saturates its receiver and
overloads its data processing system. The net result is delay or confusion in the detection
of the real target. Delivery of such a small active expendable jammer could be
accomplished using rockets, mortars, artillery, balloons, parachutes or the jammer could
be contained in a remotely piloted mini-vehicle (mini-RPV). This ECM technique finds
valuable applications in off-board jamming of anti-ship cruise missile, battlefield
communications jamming and air defence radar jamming.
With either passive or active expendable ECM systems, the objective against radar
threats is to provide a time window in which the target is shielded from radar detection
and tracking. Another advantage of expendable ECM systems is that they are operated
from a distance , without involving much risk.
Active expendable ECM systems are generally more expensive than passive expendable
ECM systems such as chaff or radio-directive decoy reflectors, and hence tend to be used
where passive systems are not very effective. This generally occurs in the lower
frequency range, usually below I GHz, where chaff dipoles are no longer practical
because they require long (about 750 feet), non-resonant streamers, called 'rope'. Active
expandable jammers can use either noise or deception jamming techniques, because of
their simplicity. Of the passive expendable jammers, chaff is the oldest, and still the most
widely used radar ECM technique.
Another class of ECM includes such techniques which allow drastic reduction of the
radar cross-section of a target. Reduction of radar cross-section of a target decreases the
possibilly of its detection by the radar. This may be achieved by use of some specific
mechanical and chemical means. A great deal of research has been done in this area, with
the results conjured up in a single world 'stealth'. Following a..e the important means for
the reduction of radar cross-section of a target.
4.18 Proper Design
Design of the target (say aircraft) and its orientation plays an
important role in the reduction of its radar cross-section. Echoes
from curved surfaces are smaller as compared to echoes produced
from the flat surfaces because the resonant effect is less and the
resultant re-radiation will be distributed in several directions.
Keeping this in view, modern aircraft are designed to minimise
the amount of flat surface area which might act as a good radar
signal reflector. Where possible, all surfaces are made either
cylindrical or conical, as shown in Fig. I 1 , thus reducing the
possibility of reflections. The effect of surface curvature of an
aircraft also depends on its orientation with respect to the radar.
For example, if the aircraft is nose-on to the radar, then not only is
the effective cross-sectional area minimum, but the surfaces are
most doubly curved and the major re-radiation will be to the side.
Thus, the radar echo will be small for a mono-static radar.
However, when the aircraft is broadside to the radar it will look
mostly like a flat surface; thus its radar echo will be largest for a
mono-static radar. In practice, it is not unusual for the broadside
radar cross-section of an aircraft to be as much as 500 times
greater than the nose-on cross-section.
4.19 Radar Absorbing Material
To reduce the radar cross-section of an aircraft still further the aircraft skin is coated with
an electromagnetic absorbent material, also called 'radar absorbent material' (RAM).
Many non-metallic materials such as mono-filament carbon-reinforced material and new
types of fibre glass have proved to be very effective as radar absorbent materials. Such
special electromagnetic absorbing coatings are given to the outside of planes. Thus, much
like a man wearing a black suit at night, the major portion of the electromagnetic energy
is absorbed instead-of being reflected, making it difficult to locate the object.
As discussed earlier, there are two basic types of radar ECM, jamming and deception.
The general characteristics of each type are summarised in Table I.
Table I: General characteristics of the
two basic types of radar ECM
General type
Equipment types
Spot jammer Barrage
jammer Sweep jammer
False target Generator
Repeater Gate-stealer
Track breaker
Primary effect
Deny position and velocity Produce false position
and velocity
Signal type
Dissimilar to radar echo Similar to radar echo
Data processing
Frequency set on
False position False
required by jammer
velocity Frequency set
Power required by Proportional to radar peak Proportional to number
of false power targets
and radar coverage
Primary problems
Minimum effective range Credible
Frequency Coverage Look- Credible target Echothrough Passive detection broadening Passive
From this Table it is evident that, in general, jammers have a simpler data processing
requirement, a simple signal requirement, and conceal the aircraft at the expense of
requiring more power. Deception, on the other hand, has a smaller power requirement per
radar at the expense of more stringent signal waveform and data processing requirements.
In addition, deception makes no attempt to conceal the aircraft; rather, it seeks to distract
the attention of the defence system through false or misleading information.
Modern ECM systems are designed to detect, classify, and identify hostile radar threats,
and to direct timely (within milliseconds) jamming responses automatically against these
threats on a priority basis. The more advanced current ECM systems are designed
specifically to cope with pulsed and CW radars. The high threat density of these types of
emitters requires that the ECM system operate under computer control, which functions
to distribute the jamming resources in an efficient manner.
A modern ECM system is intended to counter surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft guns,
and air-to-air missile fire control radars, and to degrade, by noise jamming, early-warning
and ground-controlled intercept radars.
An ESM system which intercepts and develops attributes (e.g. pulse descriptors)
of the threat.
A signal processor which filters the threat data to determine the characteristics of
each threat.
A digital computer which compares the threat data against a pre-stored threat
library and establishes the prioritised response to each detected threat.
A technique generator which translates the prioritised response into appropriate
modulations suitable for applications to the jamming transmitter.
A jamming logic which acts. as a control switching matrix to select the proper
jamming transmitter and point the steerable antennas (i.e., phased array) at the
threat or select the proper fixed antenna sector .
Jamming transmitters and antennas covering the concerned bands of interest.
The role of the digital computer is central to all modern ECM systems. It assimilates all
the collected threat data and compares them against stored threat data to make a decision
on the relative priority of each threat. It provides real-time solution to the complex
problem of allocating the jamming resources of the ECM system in the spatial, time,
power and spectral domains.
The discussion up to this point has emphasised ECM against radar targets. This is the
most prevalent type of ECM which is employed in the airborne or ship-based systems.
However, in land-based systems, a major part of EW activity is the interception and
location of short range and low power HF, VHF and UHF radio transmissions used by the
enemy in forward battle areas. Typical ECM systems include both interception and
direction-finding (DF) capabilities.
The philosophy of ECM against communications emitters is somewhat different than that
against radars. A major reason for this is that intercepted communications traffic becomes
a major intelligence source for the commander. Also, the density and methods of
operating tactical radios, particularly the netting, is different from radar. The essential
ingredient of communicaions jamming is radio direction-finding. Once a tactical
communication emitter is located, there are three options open to battlefield commanders.
These are: physical destruction, intelligence exploitation, or electronic jamming. An
accepted military principle is that enormous tactical advantages can be gained b-y
jamming or feeding confusing signals into the enemy forward communications net than
by its actual destruction.
5. Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) is defined as actions taken to ensure
friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum against an EW threat. Thus ECCM is the art
of reducing the effectiveness of an EW threat so that the cost of effective EW becomes
prohibitive for the enemy.
There is one fundamental difference between ECCM and ECM. ECCM is mostly
concerned with techniques which are embodied in the design of electronic equipment
(e.g., radar and its constituent parts like receiver, transmitter, etc. ) while ECM usually
requires a separate item or unit of equipment which operates in its own right and not as
an adjunct to another system.
Many ECCM features are incorporated in
the radar design. Thus ECCM is mostly
concerned with the discussion of various
radar design principles that have been
developed on the basis of various ECM
threats which a particular radar system can
possibly encounter. Most of the ECCM
techniques are based on the characteristics of transmitted radar pulse, which in turn,
depends upon the radar parameters like power, frequency, PRF, pulse length, antenna
gain, antenna polarisation, antenna scan, receiver's probability of intercept, etc.
Today, a wide range of ECCM techniques are employed. Some of the important
techniques, shown in Fig.12, are discussed in terms of spatial, spectral, temporal and
netting domains.
5.1.1 Spatial ECCM
This category of ECCM includes techniques which are space-based. Some of the spatial
ECCM techniques are mentioned in the following.
5.1.2 Ultralow side lobes.
A radar antenna having very , side lobes in its spectrum is an important ECCM design
technique. Ultralow side lobes prevent a jammer deceiver from affecting the radar at
many azimuths. Low side lobe levels also make the job of anti-radiation missiles more
5.1.3 Side lobe banking (SLB).
This is also a radar ECCM and anti-interference technique that prevents some of the
unwanted pulse energy entering the side lobes of a radar antenna from adversely affecting
the radar's operation.
This device employs an auxiliary wide-angle antenna and receiver to sense whether a
received pulse is from the side lobe region. If so, it is blanked from the output signal.
This technique uses an omni-directional antenna and compares relative signal strength
between the omni and the radar antenna. The omni- channel (plus receiver) has slightly
higher gain than the side lobes of the normal channel, but less gain than the main beam.
Therefore, any signal that is stronger in the omni-directional channel must have been
received from a side lobe, and, therefore, is blanked. This technique is very effective in
removing deceiving signals.
5.1.4 Side lobe canceller (SLC).
This is another radar ECCM technique, for use on a surveillance or tracking radar, that
prevents some of the unwanted noise jamming energy that enters the side lobes of the
radar antenna from adversely affecting the radar's operation.
This device employs one or more auxiliary antennas and receivers to allow linear
subtraction of interfering signals from the desired output if they are sensed to originate in
the side lobe of the main antenna. This technique also employs the same antenna and
receiver configuration as the SLB, except that a gain matching and cancelling process
takes place. Except the target signal, all false signals entering the side lobe of the main
antenna get cancelled at the output. This technique is quite effective against a single noise
jammer. With multiple jammers at various azimuths, however, the performance of this
device is not very effective.
5.1.5 Monopulse technique.
This is a simultaneous lobing radar technique that measures both azimuth and elevation
directions of a target on the basis of a single pulse, as distinguished from techniques such
as lobe switching or conical scanning, in which angular location of a target is done on the
basis of multiple pulses.
This technique of angle-tracking a target is inherently a strong ECCM feature, because
amplitude modulations of noise or of repeated radar pulses from an ECM unit aboard the
target, i.e., self-screening jamming, has little or no effect on the monopulse tracking
operation. This is not the case with sequential lobing or conical scanning, which can be
easily jammed.
5.1.6 Burn-through technique.
Burn-through means appearance of a true target on a radar indicator in a jamming
environment. Thus, a burn-through mode is an ECCM technique, in which a radar
increases its energy on the target in order to increase its ability to detect that target in a
jamming environment. A burn-through radar is designed for a very high effective
radiated power (ERP), by using high transmitter power or high antenna gain or both. The
idea is to illuminate targets in a jamming environment with high amounts of average
power to increase the detection range of these targets. Thus a radar can detect a target up
to its burn-through range (i.e., radar-to-target slant distance); any target located at
distances farther than the burn-through range cannot be easily detected by the radar.
5.1.7Spectral ECCM
This category of ECCM covers frequency-based techniques. Some of the spectral ECCM
techniques are discussed in the following.
5.1.8 Low probability of intercept (LPI) technique.
The substantial transmitter powers radiated by most modern radars allow them to be
detected by relatively modest intercept receivers in both their main lobes and side lobes.
The interception of radar transmission ultimately leads to vulnerability through the use of
either ARMs or ECM against a radar. The denial of signal interception would protect
radars from most known threats. This is the main objective of LPI radar. It attempts to
escape detection by an intercept receiver through a combination of actions. The two most
significant features associated with an LPI radar are the spread spectrum transmissions
and the low antenna side lobes.
In spread spectrum transmissions, the transmitted signal is spread over a large frequency
band in such a manner that the the enemy ESM receiver finds it hard to detect the signal.
The jamming will be less effective because it will have to be spread over a wide
frequency band.
In low antenna side lobes, the design of an antenna is made in such a way that it produces
low side lobe levels in its radiation pattern. Phased array radars are quite ECM resistant,
so it is very difficult to jam such systems.
5.1.9 Frequency agility.
This technique refers to the radar's ability to quickly change its frequency within its
operating band. Pulse-to-pulse frequency shift, or changing the transmitter frequency
radically during every interpulse is the ultimate in frequency agility. Frequency agile
radars are difficult to jam.
5.1.10 Doppler filtering.
This ECCM technique is for use on a tracking doppler radar to detect doppler targets and
to aid in defeating velocity deception techniques. An MTI (moving target indicator)
pulsed radar system uses a number of gates and corresponding narrow bandpass filters to
discriminate moving targets from a background of clutter or slowly moving chaff
particles. In essence, Doppler filtering is a radar ECCM and anti-clutter technique.
5.1.11 Temporal ECCM
This category of ECCM includes such techniques which are time-dependant or timebased. Following are some of the temporal ECCM techniques.
5.1.12 Pulse compression.
This is an ECCM technique in which a pulse radar transmits long pulses to increase the
energy on a target, while still retaining the target range resolution of a short pulse
Pulse compression technique uses matched filter for discriminating against signals that do
not correspond to the transmitted coded signal. Its implementation involves stretching the
transmitted pulse and compressing the received pulse. It permits an increase in an average
transmitted power (without increase in peak power) with no loss in range resolution.
5.1.13 Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) agility.
In this technique, PRF (i.e., the rate of transmission of radar pulse) is rapidly varied at a
random rate so that the false targets appear jittery or fuzzy on the radar scope. An
alternative to PRF agility is to change the PRF momentarily. This causes the false targets
to change their position on the scope.
This is a pulse radar ECCM and/or anti-interference technique for use on a search or
track pulse radar to degrade the effectiveness of false target repeaters, to eliminate blind
speeds in MTI systems or to increase the radar's capability or compatibility in a dense
signal environment.
5.1.14 Dicke fix.
This is an ECCM technique to counter continuous wave jamming, swept spot-noise
jamming, and other related ECM techniques, which uses a wide-band IF amplifier and a
limiter ahead of the normal bandwidth IF amplifier in a radar receiver, so that the
recovery time from the effects of the swept jammer can be rapid. The Dicke fix or wideband limiter device can provide some clear unjammed ranges where the radar can operate
Dicke fix is, thus, a technique that is specifically designed to protect the receiver from
fast sweep jamming. The basic configuration consists of a broad-band limiting IF
amplifier, followed by an IF amplifier of an optimum bandwidth. The limit level is preset
at approximately the peak amplitude of receiver noise. The bandwidth may vary from 10
to 20 MHz, depending on the jamming environment. This device provides excellent
discrimination against fast sweep jamming ( 10-500 MHz) usually something of the order
of 20 to 40 dB, without appreciable loss of sensitivity.
5.1.15 Constant false alarm rate (CF AR).
This is a radar receiver ECCM technique wherein the receiver adjusts its sensitivity as the
intensity of the undesired signal varies. This makes the functioning of radars possible in
an environment where interference due to signals from clutter, rain, jammers and other
radiating sources are present. These undesired signals can obscure real targets on the
radar display or overload a computer so as to degrade decisions on absolute detection
threshold criteria. The CF AR technique keeps the detection of false alarm rate constant
when the radar is receiving these undesired signals. CF AR docs not usually permit thc
detection of a target if the target is weaker than the jamming, but it does attempt to
remove the confusing effects of the jamming. Thus, CFAR does not give immunity from
jamming; it merely makes the operation in the presence of jamming more convenient by
making the receiver less sensitive.
5.1.16 Radar Netting
Up to this point the discussion was limited to ECCM techniques which are applied to a
single, isolated radar . But a single isolated radar almost never exists. There are usually at
least two or three radars that feed information to a central point from where the
commander directs the conflicts in the battlefield. This combination of radars, often
called a 'radar net', increases the potential ECCM capability of the system.
The radar netting has many advantages. For example, an air defence radar allows
frequency diversity. This practice of operating radars in many different frequency bands
immensely complicates the ECM problem, since the enemy must counter every frequency
if he has to succeed in denying the defence accurate tracking information. Another
advantage of radar netting is that it allows the defender to do triangulation (i.e., a process
of locating an emitter by using crossing direction-finding signals from multiple receiving
sites based on passive detection). The netted radars can function as an excellent ECCM
device, provided the central node has some sort of automatic radar data control and data
extraction facility. Ideally, the central control must have infinite data storing and
processing capacity so as to avoid the saturation of the system at any stage.
A large number of ECCM tactics or methods have been developed over the years as a
result of continuous improvements in radar design philosophy and signal processing
techniques. Only a few were discussed in the above paragraphs. A comprehensive list of
all radar ECCM techniques is given in Table 2.
Table 2: List of ECCM techniques
Angular Resolution
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
Autocorrelation Signal Processing
Matched Filtering
Monopulse Tracker
Moving Target Indicator (MTI)
Automatic Cancellation of Extended
Targets (ACET)
Multifrequency Radar
Automatic Threshold Variation (A TV)
Automatic Tuner (SNIFFER)
Automatic Video Noise Levelling (AVNL
Phased Array Radar
Polarisation Diversity
Polarisation Selector
Bistatic Radar
Coded Waveform Modulation
Compressive IF Amplifier
Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR)
PRF Discrimination
Pulse Coding and Correlation
Pulse Compression, Stretching(CHIRP)
Pulse Edge Tracking
Pulse-to-pulse Frequency Shift
Random-Pulse Blanker
Random Pulse Discrimination (RPD)
Range Gating
Range Gate Memory
Side Lobe Blanker
Side Lobe Canceller
Side Lobe Suppression (SLS)
Staggered PRF
Transmitter Power
Variable Bandwith Receiver
Variable PRF
Variable Scan Rate
Velocity Tracker
Video Correlator
Wide-Bandwidth Radar
Zero-Crossing Counter
Cross Correlation Signal Processing
CW Jamming Canceller
Dicke fix
Frequency Agility
Frequency Diversity
Guard-Band Blanker
High PRF Tracking
Inatantaneous Frequency Correlator
Inter-Pulse Coding
Jamming Cancellation Receiver
Jittered PRF
Logarithmic Receiver
Main Lobe Cancellation
The second major military use of radiated electromagnetic energy is communicationssending of messages from one element of force to another. The radio communication
bands that are most commonly used by the military are---HF band (3-30 MHz), VHF
band (112-135 MHz) and UHF band (225-400 MHz).
The relationship. of electronic warfare to communications is more complex than to other
uses of electromagnetic radiations, because both the presence of message and its contents
are required to be protected during its transmission till it reaches its intended user.
Determining the presence of enemy message is the goal of Communication Intelligence
(COMINT), whereas providing protection to the contents of message during transmission
is the goal of Communication Security (COMSEC).
Communication Security again has two parts. The first is Operating Methods, which deny
the enemy access to the friendly messages and friendly communication channels, and the
second is Cryptologic Methods, which deny- the understanding of the contents of friendly
messages to the enemy even if he does get possession of them.
The Operating Methods are mainly concerned with common sense. For example, if the
location of a particular aircraft in flight must be concealed then 'radio silence' is imposed.
Normally, 'call signs'(to conceal the identity of the stations), frequency changes and
operating time changes ( to conceal the identity of operations) , pass words or
authentication ( to maintain the genuineness or identities of the sender and receiver), etc.
are used for communication security .There are also a number of cryptologic methods or
encryption techniques to conceal the contents of the message from the enemy, even if he
does get hold of them.
To counter an ECM, on the order of priority or requirement, the communications ECCM
equipment must adopt the following four doctrines or guidelines.
First priority. Prevent the transmissions from being observed by the enemy at allimperceptibility (also referred to as low probability of intercept, LPI) .
Second priority. Minimise the possibility of extracting intelligence from such
transmissions as may be detected- inscrutability.
Third priority. Maximise the chance of survival of the communications facility against
the threat of physical attack-physical invulnerability.
Fourth priority. Maximise the chance of survival of communications facility against
jamming--electromagnetic invulnerability.
There are a number of ECCM communication techniques to meet the above-mentioned
priorities or requirements. Some of the important ones are mentioned here.
5.2.1 Encryption.
It reduces the intelligence value of an intercepted signal, because the enemy fails to
understand fully- secured encrypted digital message.
5.2.2 Privacy.
This technique, though short of encryption, also plays an important role in the protection
of a message to Some extent. The message is semi-secured and often it is of analog type.
This technique has got much recognition due to the fact that even if it protects the
message only for relatively short intervals, it is of great value in a tactical environment.
5.2.3 Frequency hoppers.
Slow and fast frequency hoppers are the current ECCM 'fashion goods'. They are
relatively invulnerable to stand-off jamming, are less detectable and possess low
probability of intercept, but they are vulnerable to modern direction finders.
5.2.4 Command frequency change.
They change frequency when under attack, and thus provide a limited means of evading a
jamming attack.
5.2.5 Single sideband (SSB).
This technique provides low probability of intercept because no carrier is present.
5.2.6 Null steering.
This technique provides the survival of a communication facility against jamming. In this
the outputs from two or more antennas are so combined that a 'null' may be steered
towards jamming signals or other interference.
5.2.7 Null steering with smoke-screen jammer.
This is a very powerful technique for imperceptibility, inscrutability, electromagnetic
attack, except in vulnerability to physical attack. This technique uses a 'clean jammer' on
one's own working channel. The jammer, which is of an expendable type, is placed as far
forward as possible towards the enemy and null steers are used to cancel the effect of the
jammer on own-side communication.
5.2.8 Groundsat.
This is an unattended on-frequency VHF repeater that can be used to confuse the
apparent point of origin of a transmission, which can hence deflect the physical attack. It
is vulnerable to electromagnetic attack, which could take over the groundsat.
By adding a null steering device to both groundsat and receiver, great resistance to
electromagnetic attack is achieved at the cost of complexity. Also, by using smokescreen
jammer and the groundsat with the null steering, an unusual all round ECCM capability is
5.2.9 Spread spectrum.
Spread spectrum technique gives protection from interception and jamming, and thus
provides a low probability of intercept. Spread spectrum produces very low energy
density per channel in narrow-band receivers and per frequency band in wide-band
receivers. It can, therefore, be entirely undetectable. Electromagnetic (EM) attack can be
a disaster, but steerable notch filters can combat EM attack by line spectra.
5.2.10 Millimeter wave (MMW).
The millimeter wave region (30-300 GHz) consists of a number of bands. Without prior
knowledge, the ECM system must be prepared to jam all the bands, which is a very
difficult task. So, they provide increased immunity to unwanted detection.
5.2.11 Meteor scatter.
This technique uses the ionised gas trail produced by very small meteors entering the
atmosphere to reflect VHF transmissions. Such longrange transmissions (say 1000 km
and above) are difficult to jam or intercept.
5.2.12 Source coding.
Digital source coding, which involves irregular 'burst' data transmissions of short
duration but relatively high data rate provides low probability of intercept.
The battle of electronic warfare--ECCM against ECM-thus continues and every day, new
and more sophisticated technology is being called into use. The management and
integration of large amount of data, increasingly of disparate origin and type, will be one
of the major challenges for battlefield communications in the 1990s and beyond.
The battle of electronic warfare-ECCM against ECM-thus continues and every day, new
and more sophisticated technology is being called into use. The management and
integration of large amount of data, increasingly of disparate origin and type, will be one
of the major challenges for battlefield communications in the 1990s and beyond.
6. Current and Future Trends in EW
The discussion of EW will remain incomplete if we don't discuss its current and future
trends. Long experience and widely held expectations in the defence and other interested
communities indicate that EW will dominate the battlefield of future, on land, sea and in
the air. The reactive nature of the EW field as a response to the enemy's initiative is well
known and serves to generate the requirements on which the present EW systems are
The history of EW development has been quite interesting and challenging. Radar was
the first important development made by man after a long struggle with the application of
radio waves in warfare. During the early days, radar when used in warfare, provided a
remote, long distance, all-weather eye. Observation of warfare events on a radar scope
was really a pleasure for the operator, as shown in Fig. 13. Man was not fully satisfied.
He wanted to see events happening at still farther distances. He tried to increase the
detection range by increasing the sensitivity of the radar but it resulted in many unwanted
side- effects. These unwanted disturbances, called 'natural' ECMs-clouds, ground returns
from trees, mountains, etc., and un-intentional man-made ECMs-returns from buildings,
water tanks, ground vehicles, etc. began to make radar scope watching quite unpleasant.
Later on, the advent of intentional ECMs like jammers and chaff made radar scope
watching worse. There was nothing to see or hear of interest. Pity the radar operator in
Fig. 14.
At this stage, the radar clearly required some medication to get
cured from such a serious ECM disease. Man Went here and there
in search of competent doctors and continued his struggle to find
suitable medicines for the recovery of the radar. This resulted in
the discovery and development of many kinds of medicines (now
called anti-jamming or ECCM techniques). The learned
specialists immediately came to the rescue of the radar with a full
dish of 'alphabet soup' of Fig.15. This alphabet soup contained
many ECCM techniques which were named after the abbreviations of many antijamming (AJ) techniques: ASB for Angle Sector Blanking, ACET
for Automatic Cancellation of Extended Target, CFAR for
Constant False Alarm Rate, FTC for Fast Time Constant, IFC for
Instantaneous Frequency Correlator, LORO for Lobe-on-Receiver
Only, MLC for Main Lobe Canceller, MTI for Moving Target
Indicator, PIE for Pulse Interference Elimination, SLC for Side
Lobe Suppression, ZCC for Zero Crossing Counter, etc. They
poured this soup into the radar. As a result of this, the radar
instantaneously became all right. The radar operator has also now
largely recovered and started watching warfare events with more renewed interest, as
shown in Fig. 16. But the disturbances due to many intentional problems in warfare is not
over for him once for all. The radar operator will still have unpleasantness of one form or
the other. This interactive problem of ECM and ECCM is thus still going on. Man is
continuing his struggle ceaselessly at many new fronts or dimensions of technology to get
a more lasting or permanent solution to this
EW problem.
Due to the complex nature of the subject there are many and varied areas of research and
development in the field of EW today. It is difficult to enumerate all the areas. However,
there are some key areas which can be taken as most important and critical to a country's
defence. Most of the world research efforts are focused around the following mission
Radiation detection and sorting in a dense signal environment
Stand-off jamming for wide area penetration of enemy radar with minimum risk
to the attacking force
Extension of EW spectrum coverage to millimeter and optical wavelengths
Airborne early warning and illumination warning
Obscuration aids
Radar and infra-red cross-section reduction
High speed signal processing
Microwave phased arrays
Artificial Intelligence
EW Integration
Each of these key or mission areas of research and development is correspondingly
supported by a technical approach, as follows.
Development of high speed, real-time Spectrum analysis by use of acousto-optic
processing for100 to 1000 simultaneous spectral outputs
Development of programmable high-power broad-band microwave amplifiers and
high-gain radiators
Development of tunable components suitable for power covering millimeter and
optical wavelengths
Development of expendable jammers, chaff and pyrotechnic flares
Development of C3, airborne early warning and laser-warning systems
Development of aerosols and smokes that are effective over optical and infra-red
Development of low observables and stealth concepts, such as structure
geometrics and absorptive coatings and paints that avoid high reflection
Development of very-high-speed integrate circuits (VHSICs), submicrometer
silicon technology, Use of gallium arsenide for even higher speed and strategic
levels of radiation hardening in the digital area; surface-acoustic wave (SAW)
devices, charge-coupled devices (CCDs) for correlators and filters, and acoustooptic Bragg-cell diffraction for spectrum analysers and correlators in the analog
area; use of fibre optics in delay lines, signal processing and other EW
Development of monolithic solid-state transmitter and receiver modules,
including a digital phase shifter
Development of expert systems for automatic EW data processing, threat analysis,
resource allocation and decision-making
Testing,. evaluation and development of new EW concepts and techniques, in
addition to imparting training to EW systems operators
Development of systems which integrate IE0/IR/RF sensors and jammers into a
single hardware.
The various key areas of research and development as mentioned earlier, are expected to
generate a wide spectrum of technologies upon which the present and future EW systems
will be built. In the following, the discussion is confined to a number of special topics
that are related to the leading edge of today's EW technology.
These technologies mainly relate to functional parts of EW systems and other interrelated weapon systems, like antenna, transmitter, receiver, signal processing and other
associated subsystems. These technologies show great promises and are expected to bring
changes in future EW systems in terms complexity, sophistication and handling.
6.1.3 EW Antenna Technology
Almost all EW systems require some form of antenna. An EW antenna serves to couple
transmitter signals into free space and receiver signals from free space into the EW
system. EW antennas are different from other types of antennas used in radar or
communications, by their broad-band, wide-angle coverage and diverse beam and a
radiation pattern with appropriate polarisation characteristics which has the desired
spatial coverage. There are wide varieties of EW antennas, like spiral antennas, horn
antennas, helical antennas, log-periodic antennas, dipole array antennas, etc.
Most of the EW systems in use today use fixed, wide-beam-width, broad-beam antennas
for ESM applications and mechanically scanned or switched wide-bandwidth, narrowbeam antennas for stand-off ECM missions. But the mechanically scanned antennas are
ineffective for simultaneous handling of multiple threats, which is quite common in a
modern threat environment. To overcome this difficulty a new technique called
'electronic steering' has been devised. The electronic steering of an ECM transmitting
beam is achieved through two approaches-the phased array and the lens-fed multiple
beam array. This system provides wide-bandwidth, high efficiency, multiple threat
handling capability, low side lobes and optimum signal-to-noise ratio in the presence of
noise sources. Many more antenna developments are in progress.
6.1.4 EW Transmitter Technology
Three main components, travelling-wave tube (TWT), voltage controlled oscillator
(VCO) and digital radio frequency memory (DRFM), are associated with a transmitter
power source. TWT is a versatile source of RF power generation. VCOs allow a jammer
to effectively function in a high signal density environment and respond to a variety of
multiple threats. DRFMs are basically threat waveform storage devices which are capable
of being used as exciters in a jamming transmitter. In this, first the threat information
content of an RF signal is stored in the digital memory .The signal can then be
reconstituted at some later time by sampling the digital memory. Emerging technology is
playing a key role towards the improvement of size and performance of these
ECM jamming systems that evolved prior to 1970 generally employed cross-field type
transmitting tubes (e.g., magnetrons and carcinotrons) which were used in noise jammers.
As the threat. expanded, it became apparent that noise jammers needed to be
supplemented with deception type jammers. In addition, power management concepts
called for versatile RF transmission capabilities which could rapidly switch from one
mode to another. This led to the extensive use of TWT amplifiers, which provided
attractive characteristics like wide bandwidths, high gains, ease of modulation in the
amplitude, frequency and temporal domains, etc., in ECM systems.
There are now two dominant types of TWTs-the helix TWTs and the coupled-cavity
TWTs-which are found useful for ECM applications. The helix TWTs are used in broadband operation for self-protection ECM applications. The heat dissipation properties of
the helix structure generally limit the power handling capability of this type of TWTs,
particularly at frequencies above 10 GHz. The coupled-cavity TWTs used in narrow-band
operation are considerably heavier, but are capable of much higher power operation than
the helix TWTs. They are extensively used for stand-off jamming applications, where
maximum power is more critical than bandwidth. Atypical TWT operating at 2.5-8 GHz
bandwidth can give 200 W power and at 7.5-18 GHz can give 100 W power. There is no
currently available technology which has the potential to supplant the TWTs in the
foreseeable future. Thus, much efforts are being made towards the improvement of their
performance in terms of broader bandwidth, higher power capabilities at higher
frequencies, higher efficiency, greater packaging density, etc.
At present most ECM systems use TWT transmitters. However, recent development of
solid-state gallium arsenide (GaAs) field-effect transistor (FET) amplifiers have made the
use of these devices practical for ECM transmitters which operate in the mid-to highmicrowave frequency range (e.g., 2-20 GHz). In addition to this, FET amplifiers offer a
number of advantages over TWTs in the areas of reliability, linearity, low-voltage
operation, small size and weight, less cooling required, broad frequency band operation,
and lower noise figure. These potential advantages have resulted in considerable
developmental effort aimed at increasing the power output of GaAs FET amplifiers. The
main disadvantage of FETs With respect to TWTs for EW applications is that TWTs can
ultimately supply far more power, particularly for wide-band use. Thus, the present stateof-art generally restricts their use to low or moderate power applications. However, the
growing developments indicate that GaAs FET amplifiers may, in the near future, replace
moderate power TWTs (e.g., 40 to 50W (CW)), and eventually challenge high power
TWT amplifiers in the over 100 W class.
In some cases, high power FET amplifiers have been accomplished through power
combining of multiple FET devices and using internal power matching techniques.
The most basic oscillators used in VCOs are transistor multiplier oscillator, Gunn
oscillator and FET oscillator. An ideal VCO should have fast settling times, low posttuning frequency drift and accurate frequency repeatability. Only fast settling time to the
incoming frequency can allow the following of frequency agile radars. To be effective,
the VCO should be able to tune in 50 to 100 ns and have a set on accuracy of the order
developmental efforts are concentrated.
DRFMs are key components of modern deception ECM systems. They have
instantaneous digital bandwidths of the order of 400-600 MHz and threat storage
capability for this bandwidth of the order of 50-75 µs. In this, increase of instantaneous
bandwidth is the critical area of development. Advances in gigabit digital logic using
GaAs technology is expected to increase the instantaneous bandwidth to the 1-2 GHz
region or beyond.
6.1.5 EW Receiver Technology
The high threat density confronting the modern EW receiver is the driver of receiver
technology .The EW threat scenario for a receiver is changing day by day. For example,
during 1970s, the pulse density used to be about 40,000 pps (pulse per second), but, today
it is touching the range of 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 pps. Also, the frequency range in
1970s used to be some selected portions of 2-12 GHz, but today the range is of the order
of 40 GHz. Similarly, the pulse repetition interval (PRI) in 1970s used to be either stable
or multiple pulse trains, but today it fluctuates in many modes--stable,jittered, staggered
or pseudorandom. Not only this, during 1970s the EW receiver used to confront such
radar features as single frequency , inter-pulse processing, but today it is facing more
complex radar features, like multiple frequencies, frequency hopping, spread spectrum,
multiple agile antenna beams, intra-pulse phase shift, coded modulations, power
management, digital processing, large time bandwidth product radar signals, increased
duty cycles with lower peak power, bistatic operations, weapon systems using multimode seekers (IR, laser, RF), etc.
From the above description, it is evident that no single receiver can handle effectively
such a dense electromagnetic environment. To meet the challenge of complex threat
scenario, a wide variety of EW receiver architectures are employed as described in
Chapter 2. They exhibit relative advantages and disadvantages in terms of sensitivity,
selectivity, probability of detection, capability of handling frequency-agile signals,
dynamic range, frequency accuracy, simultaneous signal resolution, susceptibility to
ECCM, design reliability and cost, etc., to handle a specific threat situation.
An EW receiver covering frequency ranges 100 MHz-18 GHz, 26-42 GHz and 88-120
GHz consists of several components. Microwave multiplexing filters, microwave low
noise amplifiers, doubly balanced mixers, pin diode switches, bandpass filter
channelisers, local oscillators and fine channelisers using SAW filters are the most
commonly used key components in the design of a microwave EW receiver. These
components represent the key technology in EW receivers.
Many developments are taking place in low noise amplifiers and SA W delay lines. Most
modern EW systems have replaced low-noise TWT amplifiers used in older equipment
with wide-band low-noise RF solid-state pre-amplifiers which have high sensitivity.
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) delay lines are the key components of channelised and
compressive receivers. Their small physical size, high stability and excellent broad-band
characteristics allow the construction of a large number of continuous bandpass filters
and matched filters, which are most suited for real-time spectral analysis.
6.1.6 EW at Optical Wavelengths
The role of electro-optic/infra-red (EO/IR) techniques in modern EW has become
increasingly important in recent years, particularly as a response to radio frequency (RF)
and microwave (MW) countermeasures. The use of optically-guided anti-tank weapons,
for example, proved an effective technique in the Mid-East wars. E0/IR ( 1200 Kilo GHz20000 GHz) has thus earned an important place in EW. The modern EW designer or
system planner who ignores the E0/IR portion of the spectrum does so at his own peril.
E0/IR techniques offer a number of advantages; for example, the wavelengths used are
well separated from RF and MW portion of the spectrum, requiring the enemy to
diversify his EW resources. Also, E0/IR signatures are typically multi-faceted; signal
accomplished in the spectral, temporal and/or spatial domain. Small sizes of the devices
due to extremely small wavelength or equivalently the high antenna gains of the small
apertures used provide additional advantages. The E0/IR systems thus find valuable
applications in missile warning, over-the-horizon communications, night vision,
surveillance, acquisition, fire control, laser designation and ranging. The heat-seeking
sensor on missile systems is the most lethal utilisation of E0/IR technology. pyrotechnic
flare which acts as a false target or as a decoy to the approaching heat-seeking missile is
the most effective countermeasure used today.
However, these advantages are tempered by some drawbacks that can be of crucial
importance in operating conditions. The E0/IR system primarily suffers from lack of allweather capability; that is, clouds, precipitation and humidity can degrade or even negate
an optical system. Also, optical systems are limited to line-of-sight applications. In
addition, the optical surfaces are notoriously sensitive to dust, smoke and other
particulates usually found in a battle area.
E0/IR is playing a key role in detection and signal processing techniques. Developments
in sources (such as laser), detectors and signal processing are expected to give the system
designer new flexibility in achieving high goals of exploitation of the total
electromagnetic spectrum. The emergence of heat-seeking missiles has put more
emphasis on the development of more pyrotechnic flares. Also, the recent emergence of
laser threat has made the need for the development of laser-threat warning and response
systems more urgent. Major problems lie in target background discrimination, optical
channel obstacles m the atmosphere under water and dust. The E0/IR systems are
expensive to design, engineer and build; however, with simplification of components and
improvement in functions, their operation can be improved. Many development efforts in
all these key areas are currently in progress.
6.1.7 EW at Millimeter Wavelengths (MMWs)
Millimeter waves (30-300 GHz) present new opportunities for a number of EW
techniques. They find most promising applications in fire control, missile guidance and
counter mortar/artillery location, due to their high angular precision and narrow antenna
beams. This emerging set of applications of MMW systems is an adjunct or replacement
for electro-optical or infra.:red (EO/IR) systems currently used in the battlefield,
particularly for target acquisition and fire control. The MMW system is not blinded by
smoke, fog or other atmospheric obscurants unlike the E0/IR systems.
In addition to this, MMW systems offer a number of other advantages over MW systems,
like smaller antenna diameter required as compared ,to MW systems for same antenna
gain/beam width, increased angular resolution, improved low-angle tracking, increased
beam width, increased immunity from unwanted detection, increased Doppler sensitivity,
reduced chaff illumination volume and smaller and lighter RF components. The high
antenna gain and accompanying narrow beam width in MMW systems make them useful
for efficient search of large volumes. Currently missile guidance is the most potential
application of MMWs.
However, the MMW systems do have' some limitations. They are inferior to E0/IR
systems in angular resolution. Also, MMW radars cannot be expected to provide the
detection/tracking range of MW radars. They also show propagation attenuation at certain
frequencies like 35 GHz, 94 GHz, 140 GHz and 220 GHz. The effects of propagation
attenuation at these frequencies must be considered while designing, particularly the
MMW ECM systems. Atmospheric attenuation can actually reduce the amount of jammer
effective radiate;d power (ERP) required to jam a MMW radar in a self-protection ECM
mission. However, the allocation of some absorption regions of MMW spectrum to
raiders makes them quite attractive for LPI applications. Another limitation of MMW
systems compared to MW systems is that several ECM techniques which are successfully
employed in the MW region such as chaff and radar camouflage are apparently less
effective at MMW frequencies. In particular, chaff dipoles made of aluminised glass
fibres tend to become too small to be practicable above 35 GHz, and thus above 35 GHz
spectral reflecting particles such as aerosols are required to be effective against MMW
The propagation effects of MMWs are severe; however, at this stage of technology,
ESM/ECM does not offer a significant problem to the MMW radar designer. A number
of ESM systems which operate against MMW radars are currently under development.
Also, parallelly, many investigations are going on in the development of suitable aerosols
and smokes, which are most effective countermeasures against current MMW systems.
6.1.8 EW Low observability (or Stealth) Technology
The reduction of cross-section of a vehicle to escape detection falls into the class of
techniques called 'low observables'. If low observable technology is carried to its ultimate
limit, it is called very low observable or 'Stealth Technology'. Both low observables and
stealth technology play key roles in ECM systems.
An aircraft is considered a low observable if its cross-section detectable by a radar can be
reduced ten-folds. It produces many desirable effects that find use in ECM applications.
The desirable effects of low observability are made clear in the following description.
It is well known that the effectiveness of a self- protection or stand-off ECM system in a
radar jamming situation is a function of the ratio, /Peff where is the shielded target's
radar cross-section and Peff is the ECM system's effective radiated power (ERP). Thus,
for a selfscreening range or stand-off jamming range, the amount of required jammer
ERP is therefore reduced in direct proportion to the reduction in cross-section. In other
words, if the cross-section of a military aircraft is reduced by a factor of 100, the
jamming ERP required to screen it from enemy radars is reduced by the same factor. This
behaviour provides several desirable effects in favour of low observable technology. For
example, an ECM system requiring large complex, high power jamming transmitters can
be replaced with a system that is entirely solidstate. Low observable technology in this
case provides the same level of ECM effectiveness while' reducing the complexity, cost
and weight of the ECM components and increasing reliability .Low observable aircraft
can penetrate through a dense threat environment to accomplish a mission, which is not
possible with a conventional aircraft. Thus low observable technology is expected to play
an important role to improve the ECM effectiveness of current and future military
Stealth technology is used to make an aircraft virtually impossible to be detected or
intercepted. This is achieved by reducing drastically the radar cross-section of a target
vehicle. There are apparently three methods for reducing the radar cross-section of an
airborne vehicle. The first is to provide small radii, curved surfaces without any sharp
discontinuities to the airborne vehicle. The second is through the use of anti-radar
coverings. One form of anti-radar Covering absorbs the incident radiation such that
reflections are suppressed. Another form uses interference coatings such that the incident
and reflected waves mutually cancel. The third method is by controlling the reflected
energy such that it is re-radiated away from its direction of arrival.
The air-launched cruise missile has significant stealth technology. Its radar cross-section
is reduced to one-thousandths of a B-52 s~rategic bomber. It has been stated in the
literature that stealth technology will be incorporated to some extent in all future US
military aircraft and missile systems. Many details about stealth technology are, however,
still highly classified.
6.1.9 EW Fibre Optics Technology
The emergence of fibre optics has opened a new window to the world of EW technology
.As EW systems become more densely packaged and use high data rates at greater
bandwidths, fibre optic components and subsystems offer the system designer new tools
to address the complex issues required for physical and functional survival in the hostile
operational environment that will be encountered ill the final decades of the century.
Fibre optics has the ability to transmit great amounts of information over long distances
with low power consumption and to provide immunity from electromagnetic interference,
interception, ground loops and cross-talk. Fibre optics also promises lower cost, lighter
weight systems with high reliability and survivability .
Fibre optics is currently finding use in fibre-guided missile system. The concept used in
the fibre-guided missile can be. extended to a number of other fixed and mobile systems
in which the fibre can be used to separate sophisticated signal processing from
expendable portions of the weapon system. Their use in transmission lines and signal
processing is under investigation for EW applications. In the next decade, the
applications of fibre optics will grow beyond the role of being simply a noise-free, lightweight replacement for wire. By developing the necessary electronic interfaces and
special purpose fibres, the great bandwidth potential of fibre optics will provide the EW
systems designer with low loss, light-weight delay lines and antenna feed systems in
which a single fibre transmission line will cover the complete electromagnetic spectrum
from audio to microwave.
The only serious limitation of fibre optics is that if a fibre is damaged in the operation of
a system, it is difficult to replace it immediately.
6.1.10 EW Signal Processing and VHSIC Technology
The present VHSIC technology thrust is aimed at meeting the high speed, low power
consumption and military environment operation signal processing requirements in EW,
communication, radar, precision guided missiles and microprocessors. Semiconductor
technologies represented by VHSIC chips incl~e such classes of technologies as
complementary metal oxide semi-conductor (CMOS), silicon on sapphire (SOS), N-type
metal oxide semiconductor (NMOS) and oxide isolated bipolar (OIB).
A number of EW signal processors using VHSIC chips have been designed for
intercepted signal analysis, like the CAM (content addressable memory), WAM (window
addressable memory), etc. More advanced EW signal processors which can function
effectively in a dense signal environment are under development.
6.1.11 EW Integration Technology
The integration of E0/IR systems and RF systems, as shown in Fig. 17, into a single
hardware is another emerging design technology for the future EW systems. Such
integration allows multi-sensor fusion and correlation which vastly improves total system
performance and reliability. To be more cost-effective, integrated EW /EOW is used as a
force multiplier. By integration, each sensor can make its unique contribution to the
overall mission success.
Also, the integrated use of EO/IR and RF allows the optimum deployment of expendables
and monitoring of their effectiveness against a threat. Integration can also provide
defence against anti-radiation threats and optimum use of ECM.
For years, EW systems have been stand-alone systems in most of the applications.
Further, various elements such as radar warning receivers (RWRs) and jammers in
tactical aircraft have been separate and distinct systems with little or no interface. Now
there is a trend and EW requirement to combine the RWR and ECM into a single system.
Not only this; serious efforts are being made to integrate elements of EW and the weapon
system or platform to gain overall control of the dense signal environment.
6.1.12 EW Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has added a new dimension to EW AI is an evolving computer
technology which in the broadest sense attempts to capture in computer software the
processes by which humans solve problems. It has been identified as one of the important
military technologies of 1980s.
The reality of present AI applications is that they allow the implementation of a smart
adaptive computer program, which can examine stored data and action on rules to draw
inferences about the data. The inferences then allow the computer to interact with the
knowledge source (e.g., user or input sensors), to request new data in an iterative manner
until a conclusion is reached.
Several applications of AI have been identified in the field of EW. These include the
fusion of multi-sensor data as a decision aid to threat analysis systems; to act as an expert
adviser to decision makers in C3I and C3CM systems; reconnaissance, surveillance and
intelligence data processing and threat assessment; sensor resource allocation and
planning; and information retrieval and routing. Recently, AI has been used to compile
and monitor the hostile air defence electronic order of battle (EOB) in support of a
mission while penetrating enemy air space. AI, thus, has a lot of potential use in future
EW systems.
6.1.13 EW Simulation Technology
Simulation generally means recreating a situation or environment for study and analysis
of problems. EW simulation involves1he presentation of EW data as would be
encountered in a realistic combat environment. Simulation technology serves many
important functions in the field of EW.
The growing importance of EW in both strategic and tactical roles in modern combat
philosophy, together with the advent of increasingly complex EW systems, have made it
necessary to devise new and effective methods for the evaluation of equipment and the
training of personnel. Traditional weapons can be tested and evaluated by firing against
targets to prove their effectiveness. Similarly, their operators may be trained on the firing
range. In contrast, since EW is primarily intended to thwart or deceive the enemy, rather
than provide destructive effect, its effectiveness can only be demonstrated in the presence
of a real or fully simulated combat environment.
EW simulators are important in many ways. For example, they are useful in the
development of new concepts and techniques to counter enemy radars and weapons.
Also, when accurate data is used to simulate the performance, it is possible to say with a
high degree of confidence whether one's own new development will be effective or not.
In other words, it provides a practical mechanism to assess the effectiveness of the
developed EW systems or hardware. Further, in the case of EW, simulation is not an
alternative method, but the only means short of war, of creating a realistic environment
for evaluating a new receiver, signal processor designs, alternative jamming techniques,
optimisation of ELINT , checking ESM system performance and for training EW system
A number of EW simulators have been developed in many advanced countries like USA
for various purposes, such as dynamic electromagnetic environment simulator (DEES),
air force EW evaluation simulator (AFEWES), and naval EW training simulator
(NEWTS). The advent of minicomputer and the recognition by design engineers of its
tremendous flexibility have both had a great impact on simulation technology. Formerly,
both size and cost considerations had restricted the use of computers to huge simulator
systems, but the relatively low-cost minicomputers have opened up a great many new
field5 of application.
6.1.14 EW in C3 Systems
The ability of a military force to exercise command and control over its individual units,
to communicate the basic data on minute-by-minute events to its control centres, and
commands back again is considered to be one of the most vital factors in the success of
modern warfare. This concept is commonly called Command, Control and
Communications (C3) system or simply known as Command and Control system.
Any C3 system, whether strategic, tactical or theater, consists of the following basic
Sensor subsystems which gather information about location, movement, and
activities of enemy and friendly military assets
Navigation subsystems which inform friendly forces of their own location
Command and confusion centres which assemble, integrate and display enemy
and friendly force activities to decision-makers,. who then assess the threat and
command appropriate response
Communication links between the sensors and command centres and between the
command centres and the forces to permit the transmission of information and
An air defence system like Airborne Early Warning aircraft is the classic example of a
command and control system. The latest development in this class is the AWACS
(Airborne Warning and Control System). Due to the significant advances in modern
technology .AWACS is the only system that can effectively provide vital command and
control functions in a wide range of strategic and tactical missions through the entire
spectrum of peace to war. AWACS, in short, provides full, long-range surveillance (
detection, tracking and advance warning) of high-or low-flying aircraft (hostile as welt as
friendly) , in a large volume of air space, as well as effective countermeasures to enemy
ECM. Although AWACS are among the most effective air defence systems available
today, they also happen to be the most expensive (30-90 million dollars).
Many command and control systems are also characterised as C31 systems,
where I stands for Intelligence. When C3 systems are employed as force multipliers they
become prime targets for enemy attack because, when neutralised, a force divider effect
is accomplished. The neutralisation of C3 systems is accomplished through the use of C3
countermeasures (C3CM). The basic methods employed with C3CM are exploitation,
deception, jamming and destruction. With this framework, as shown in Fig. 18, EW is a
subset of C3CM. The basic aim ofC3CM is not only to neutralise the enemy C33 system,
but also to protect its own friendly C3 system from the enemy's destruction, jamming,
exploitation and deception; an ECCM activity similar to that employed with radar and
communication sensors.
EW plays an important role in the operation of modern C 3systems. According to the
modern concept of warfare, EW is considered as one of the basic elements of an overall
military strategy , which when used in conjuction with other military assets, provides a
means of neutralising a hostile force (force divider effect) while concurrently enhancing
the power of a friendly force (force multiplier effect). EW thus, in modern warfare, aims
at the neutralisation of an enemy's C3 system while ensuring the capability of operating
one's own C3 system. To make the C3 system ineffective, the overall system may employ
any method like destruction, jamming, exploitation or deception. To protect the friendly
C 3system the overall system may employ a host of other methods. For example,
destruction protection of a C3 system may be achieved by employing such concepts as
mobility, redundancy, hardening, distributed architecture and covertness; jamming
protection may be achieved by employing such concepts as low probability of intercept,
bistatic operation, decoys, netting, ECCM, mobility , and passive operation; exploitation
protection may be achieved by employing such concepts as communications security
(COMSEC), decoys, covertness, mobility and operation procedures; and deception
protection may be achieved through such concepts as COMSEC, redundancy and
operational procedures.
6.1.15EW in Space
The activities of EW have not been confined to battlefields on the Earth alone, but have
extended their influence. to the space also. Man's conquest of space has brought a new
dimension to arms technology , communication systems and method of surveillance with
consequent innovations in the field of EW.
The use of satellites for military purpose began in 1958 when the United States launched
the communications satellite SCORE which simply transmitted a pre-recorded message
from space. Since 1958, more than 2000 military satellites, .initially experimental and
later operational, have been launched by the USA and USSR alone, so as to have a secure
world-wide satellite communications network free from all interferences including
jamming and deception. Space EW now includes and will include for many years to
come the military EW functions such as surveillance, reconnaissance, warning,
survivable C3I, detection, targeting, weapon control, weapon delivery and target damage
assessment. Till now about a hundred reconnaissance and early warning satellites like
Ferrets of USA and COSMOS of USSR have been launched for electronic
reconnaissance on ICBM launchings in general and 'to gather electronic intelligence on
friendly and enemy radars. The ELINT operations through satellites are conducted to
satisfy a variety of military requirements like location of hostile elements, updating of
hostile force electronic order of battle information, obtaining information on specific
transmitters and emissions, testing of hostile force ECM capabilities, evaluation of hostile
force command and control procedures, and a host of other intelligence functions. To
make the functions of ELINT satellites ineffective, there are a number of anti-satellite
systems today.
Military space systems are making the transition from their two-decade old role of
mission support, principally strategic intelligence gathering and long-haul point-to-point
communications, to active missions requiring reliable operation during warfare. A wealth
of self-protection techniques are being designed into spacecraft to defend them against
various levels of jamming, attacks from anti-satellite weapons, and electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) effects.1'he most promising survivability enhancements now being reviewed for
possible integration to next generation space-based systems are-laser shields, optical
manoeuvering/evasion, EMP hardening, orbital decoys, ECM, stealth or low observables,
spacecraft proliferation and high-altitude orbits. There is a growing race between ECM
and ECCM systems employed in space by the Superpowers. To defeat the Russian
jammer system,the United States is building systems like the MILSTAR (Military
Strategic- Tactical and Relay) EHF(Extremely High Frequency) satellite communications
system which offers both extensive anti-jamming as well as laser and EMP hardening.
The system has many ECCM features built into it like frequency hopping over a very
wide bandwidth, narrow-beam, high-gain antennas providing excellent spatial
discrimination, nulling, COMSEC/TRANSEC and sophisticated signal processing.
In March 1983, the US President, Ronald Reagan in his famous 'Star Wan' speech,
officially announced a new defence doctrine based on space-age weaponry. He said that
the United States would abandon the old strategy of detente achieved through the threat
of massive nuclear retaliation and would pursue a new strategy based on the ability to
prevent nuclear war. It would be a defensive strategy employing weapons designed to
intercept and destroy incoming enemy missiles. These weapons would be 'directed
energy' weapons, high energy lasers, in particular .
NASA is planning to set up a permanent space station and an Electronic Warfare
Command and Control Centre by 1991. The Superpowers are already studying future
electronic combat in space and 1991 is not far away. The era of space fiction is over. I t
has become a reality and a sort of electronic 'star wars' could be what the future holds in
store--a space shuttle fleet fitted with high energy laser weapon systems patrolling the
'skies' ready to intercept and destroy enemy ICBMs still in their booster stage.
The Superpowers are exploring the possibility of employing two types. of
countermeasures to nullify the effectiveness of 'space-umbrella'. Countermeasures against
the platforms or space-stations (shuttles, Soyuz satellites, etc.) and countermeasures
against directed energy weapons. Both require threat warning receivers for immediate
detection of enemy radar, laser or IR source. ECM equipment similar to that used on
Earth could be employed against the platforms onboard jammers and expendable
jammers, chaff, IR flares, radar absorbing shields and so on. Against the laser beam, laser
decoy mirrors and space mines of any other electro-optical countermeasures (EOCM)
which may emerge from technology progress could be used. Of the $26 billion targeted
for SDI (Strategic Defence Initiative) research for the next five years (1986-1991), USA
has slated some S200 million for self-protection space-based systems studies.
It is likely that in future international crises, space will provide the perfect arena for a
show of strength by the most technologically advanced superpowers in these new fields
of military art and connected branches of applied science. A crisis could be resolved in
favour of the superpower who could control the space more effectively through the use of
EW-based spacecraft, satellites, ICBMs and radiation weapons.
From the increasing influence of EW in space, one can conclude that if one's way of life
is worth defending in one's towns and villages, it is worth defending in space.
Design philosophy basically determines, first, which EW techniques are to be
incorporated into or closely coupled to a hardware so as to make it effective against
various threats, and secondly, how they are to be interfaced with the rest of the system.
Current EW systems are viewed from mission requirement point of view. How a
particular threat {e.g. missile, tactical communications, anti-tank weapons) against air,
naval or army platform is met effectively has remained. the crux of the EW problem since
beginning. Many EW techniques have been evolved over the years to counter such
threats. Design philosophy has primarily been the key basis for the development of all
these EW tactics. From the discussion on the current EW scene, it is obvious that EW
mission requirements are pursuing two distinct EW design philosophies-the stand-alone
EW philosophy and the suppression of enemy air defence (SEAD) EW philosophy.
The stand-alone EW, also called 'self-protection EW' design philosophy meets one type
of EW mission requirement. The primary aim of EW in this mission is to provide
protection or survival of the system against a particular threat. The stand-alone EW
design philosophy, in fact, is a carry-over from the electronic threat environment which
existed from World War II through the mid 1960s. The threat in this time period
consisted of a few radar directed threats, well known in their principles of operation as
well as frequency bands. EW was then a single countermeasure taken against a thinly
deployed (both spectrally and geographically) array of hostile weapons. The basic EW
encounter was a one-to-one situation, and each platform carried the EW equipment
necessary for success in this environment. This philosophy still exists and that is why,
most current platforms (aircraft, ships and troops) which operate against enemy actions
have as a minimum requirement a radar warning receiver (RWR) with atleast quadrant
threat direction-finding capability. The threat warning function is many times coupled
with a defensive capability in the form of a self-protection jammer in combination with
decoys, such as chaff or flares or which can divert weapons from the intended target.
However it is difficult for anyone platform (particularly airborne platforms which have
weight limitations) to carry enough EW to encounter today's sophisticated threats, even in
a survival sense.
Suppression of enemy air defence (SEAD) design philosophy is another EW mission
requirement. In this design approach EW techniques from many platforms are combined
with other non-EW military assets. C3CM plays an important role in SEAD mission. The
primary aim of EW is to provide effective support to the C3CM mission. The function of
EW in this strategy, is to neutralise certain critical enemy radar and communication links,
which helps to degrade the overall enemy air defence C3 structure while preserving one's
own C3 capability, which is directing the suppression mission.
Thus, current EW design philosophy is playing a key role in the modern warfare a~ both
fronts-self-protection of the system by itself, and degradation of enemy communication
network in association with other systems.
The fear of war and potential of EW systems to handle such fears effectively has led to
the establishment of many research and development organisations and production
agencies in many countries of the world. There is a tremendous demand for EW systems.
A number of EW companies with varied specialisations have come into existence to
meet this growing demand. Today EW has become a highly competitive market. The
various companies around the world earn millions of dollars through sale of EW
equipment. Advanced countries like USA, USSR, France, UK, Italy, West Germany,
Netherlands, Sweden and Israel are the leaders in the EW market. However, efforts in
developing countries like India, China etc., are also going on in a limited scale to develop
EW systems to meet the defence requirements of their own countries. Many underdeveloped and developing countries will have to depend on foreign sources of. supply till
they establish their own design, development and production of state-of-the-art EW
systems. A list of leading companies in the world and their I specialised EW
products/services can be found in Appendix 2.