CHIMIA 2005, 59, No. 12
Chimia 59 (2005) 938–943
© Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
ISSN 0009–4293
Zirconium Alloys for Fuel Element
Gerhard Bart* and Johannes Bertsch
Abstract: Today more than 400 light water power reactors (LWRs) operate worldwide providing approximately 17%
of the world’s electricity demand. One important component for their successful operation is the fuel tube, made
out of a zirconium alloy. A huge number of out-of-pile and in-pile experiments have been performed to improve step
by step the fuel for higher burn-up and to reduce the failure rates of fuel pins close to zero. The influencing parameters for excellent or poor cladding behaviour are numerous and sometimes counteract each other. The process
of cladding corrosion is slow, difficult to follow, the mechanistic understanding at best incomplete. A vast amount
of literature documents the abundant tests and comes up with hypotheses and models for the materials behaviour.
PSI has supported for the past 20 years the development of high burn-up fuel cladding by microstructural research
studies and service work in post-irradiation examination of test pins. This article reviews the development of the
cladding tubes, focussing on the chemical and materials science aspects.
Keywords: Cladding corrosion· Fuel behaviour· LWR
The environmental conditions for structural materials in light water reactor cores
are harsh. The cooling water temperature is
around 300 °C. Water flow velocities are in
the range of 2–5 m/s and can lead to vibrations of individual fuel rods in the fuel
bundles. The neutron flux is in the range of
5E13/cm2s. Each fast neutron from uranium fission slows down in a cascade process
which leads to several hundred displaced
atoms in the metallic lattice (each fission
provides some 200 MeV of ultimately heat
energy and 2–3 new neutrons). Due to the
intense radiation field of neutrons, electrons
and gamma rays from beta decays of fission
products, the water is strongly radiolyzed
showing high concentrations of H2O2, OH,
H3O+, and e–aq. The options for selecting
suitable metallic materials to withstand
such conditions are small, even more so, if
the material has to be ductile, have high mechanical strength, be geometrically stable
during irradiation and should not parasitically absorb a lot of neutrons, leading possibly by itself to long-lived gamma-emitting
radioisotopes of waste.
For light water reactors the choice for
fuel element components (fuel tubes and
spacer grids, holding the fuel pins together
in a fuel element) was zirconium metal with
physicochemical parameters as indicated in
Table 1 [1]. The 4 m long fuel pin (diameter
∼10 mm, wall thickness ∼0.65 mm) containing the UO2 fuel pellets has to be leak tight
and constitutes an important barrier against
spread of radionuclides within the reactor
system and beyond. It should also survive
in the presence of steam at 900–1200 °C for
several minutes under hypothetical loss of
coolant accident conditions.
The typical damage rate of such fuel
tubes in today’s reactors lies at 1–5 defects
per one million pins, irradiated for 4–5
years to a fuel burn-up of ~50 MWd/kg
H.M. (Megawatt days per kg of heavy metals, consisting of uranium and plutonium).
The 50 MWd/kg (approximately half the
energy extracted from one fuel pin) corre-
Table 1. Physical properties of Zirc- alloys (Zirc-2 and Zirc-4) [1]
*Correspondence: Dr. G. Bart
Labor für Werkstoffverhalten (LWV)
Forschungsbereich Nukleare Energie und Sicherheit
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Tel.: +41 56 310 22 10
Fax: +41 56 310 22 03
[email protected]
[11 20]
[00 01]
Lattice parameter
a = 0.323
c = 0.515
Elastical limit recrist
Thermal conductivity
Specific heat capacity–1.K–1
Thermal neutron capture
cross section
barn (10–28 m2)
Specific mass
Kg m–3
Thermal expansion
Young’s Modulus
CHIMIA 2005, 59, No. 12
sponds to an equivalent amount of 110’000
kg of fossil fuel. Twenty years ago the average discharge fuel burn-up was only around
30 MWd/kg but also the volumetric power
in the fuel elements and the speed for power
transients during reactor operation has been
increased since. Such an increase was only
possible with systematically improved fuel
element structures. The driving force to
strive for higher burn-ups clearly lies in
reducing fuel cycle costs and volumes of
highly radioactive fuel waste.
The application of zirconium alloys as
fuel tubes for LWRs is a success story. Many
difficulties had to be overcome though
and in Switzerland the high-power reactors Gösgen (KKG, a Framatome-Siemens
pressurized water reactor) and Leibstadt
(KKL, a General Electric boiling water reactor) together with the fuel vendors and
Paul Scherrer Institute have strongly supported the development of improved fuel
tube structures for high burn-up. We want
to stress that this development was only
possible with a critically but constructively
acting Swiss nuclear safety inspectorate.
Zirconium Fuel Pin Manufacturing
Some important hurdles to overcome
in the zirconium industry were firstly the
metal extraction from Zr-silicate ore, called
zircon. As shown in the flow sheet (Fig. 1),
zirconium/hafnium and silicon are first
separated from impurities by carbothermic
reaction, leading to (Zr,Hf)C and SiC. During the subsequent chlorination at 1200 °C
and fractionated condensation, (Zr,Hf)Cl4
is separated from SiCl4. Zr is then isolated
from Hf (its IVa-group sibling with equal
valence electron configuration and chemical affinity, which has a very large neutron
activation cross section!) by sublimation.
Finally Zr is reduced by Mg in the so-called
Kroll process.
Pure zirconium metal is very ductile and
does not show the necessary strength and
corrosion resistance. The addition of 1.5%
of tin and a small amount of oxygen led to
a solid solution of much higher strength,
but the corrosion resistance of the product
was still weak. By mistake (and chance)
during tests in the 1950s a small piece of
stainless steel was melted together with
the above-mentioned zirconium-siliconoxygen alloy, which resulted in a much improved corrosion resistant alloy. Fe, Cr, and
Ni from the stainless steel are soluble in a
zirconium melt and in the high-temperature
β-zirconium allotropic form but precipitate
into Laves phase Zr(Fe,Cr)2 and Zr2(Fe,Ni)
secondary particles when cooled below
∼860 °C to the low temperature α-form.
Several important challenges consisted
in optimizing the thermo-mechanical tube
production process:
Fig. 1. Flow chart of zirconium extraction process from zircon ore [2]. Courtesy of CEZUS, Ugine,
Depending on the applied cold-rolling
steps the texture of the hexagonal metallic lattice, being a result of preferred
dislocation movement along favoured
crystal planes, varies significantly (Fig.
2). The resulting texture strongly influences the in-pile thermal and radiation
induced tube creep and growth.
Due to the anisotropic hexagonal crystal (the thermal expansion coefficient
in the a-direction being different from
the one in the c-direction) there are always significant internal stresses in a
tube, primarily arising from cold work.
Even after thermal stress relief annealing, some stress builds up again during cooling. Depending on the internal
stress fields, crystal orientation and texture, brittle hydrides, which form during
reactor irradiation, are precipitated in a
more or less advantageous form as will
be shown later.
Finally, the above-mentioned secondary
phase particles precipitate in larger or
smaller size depending on the thermomechanical process (T-levels, fast or
slow cooling), which has a strong impact on the corrosion resistance.
So the whole tube manufacturing process (extraction to reach the targeted tube dimensions under optimization of the texture,
adding intermediate heating steps for stress
relief or full re-crystallisation, quenching
for Laves phase particle size optimization)
is very elaborate. The companies take a lot
of care of their manufacturing know-how in
the highly competitive 6–10 billion CHF/
year fuel market. A diagram showing the
complexity of the fuel tube manufacturing
process, its influence on the tube material
properties and on in reactor performance
criteria is depicted in Fig. 3 [4].
Corrosion Process of Zirconium
Zirconium is electrochemically unstable and oxidizes to ZrO2, protecting itself
at ambient temperature against further oxidation by a passive, a few nm thick oxide
layer. With increasing temperature, corro-
Fig. 2. Texture development in Zirc fuel tubes depending on thermo-mechanical process variations
in tube extraction [3]. Courtesy of ASTM, West Conshohocken PA, USA.
CHIMIA 2005, 59, No. 12
Fig. 3. Interaction of reactor operating parameters, fuel tube materialsand fabrication process parameters on fuel tube performance criteria [4].
Courtesy of ANS, La Grange Park, Illinois, USA.
sion speeds up and beyond ~1500 °C zirconium burns under atmospheric conditions
in an exothermic runaway reaction.
No evidence has been found for Zr ion
diffusion from the metal–oxide interface
through the growing oxide layer to the oxidewater interface at 300 °C [5]. As only anion
diffusion has been detected it is assumed that
only oxygen lattice vacancies (£0) and electrons are the mobile species in the ZrO2 lattice supporting further oxidation and it has
to be assumed that local electric fields across
the oxide layer play an important role for
oxidation. The overall electrochemical corrosion reaction of zirconium
Zr + 2H2O → ZrO2 + 4H
can be split into the following two half cell
reactions [6]:
Zr + 2O2– → ZrO2 + 2£0 + 4 e–
anodic half cell
2£0 + 2H2O → 2O2– + 4H+
cathodic half cell: − water dissociation
4H+ + 4e– → 4H•
cathodic half cell: − proton discharge step
Two oxygen anions of the ZrO2 lattice
react with a new Zr metal atom at the metal–oxide interface (1), leaving behind two
oxygen lattice vacancies which will diffuse
outwards through the formed oxide layer
along the ZrO2 crystallite grain boundaries
until they reach water molecules somewhere at the oxide–water interface which
they can dissociate (2). The electrons migrate outwards via electrically conducting
sites (probably connected to the aforementioned small secondary phase particles
(Zr(Fe,Cr)2), until they can discharge a hydrogen proton (3).
The diffusion-controlled oxidation
curve flattens with increasing oxide thickness up to about 2–3 μm, reached in a reactor after ~100 days. Then the corrosion
proceeds more or less linearly with time
for 600–900 days until a secondary transition point is reached which is characterized
by an exponential corrosion rate increase.
The tiny oxide crystals have a considerably
smaller density and thus a larger specific
volume than the corroding metal itself. This
leads to a significant compressive stress in
the oxide estimated in the order of ~GPa
and, at the mentioned thickness of 2–3 μm,
leads to oxide breakdown with pore formation. Several autoclave tests have indicated
a cyclic growth pattern and very recent mi-
cro-X-ray-diffraction results seem to support a sequential growth of the thin innermost protective oxide layer [7]. The lattice
pores thus formed are probably water-filled
and then the further oxidation proceeds linearly with time as indicated. Nevertheless
the post-transition corrosion process varies significantly with alloy make-up, differs strongly between boiling water- and
pressurized water reactor conditions and is
still hardly understood. Despite this, major
improvements have been achieved, altering empirically in small steps the chemical
composition and thermo-mechanical process, allowing today much higher burn-ups
at modest corrosion rates.
In the reactor, the intense flux of fast neutrons gives rise to the production of interstitials (atoms which have been thrown out of
their lattice position) and vacancies (where
the atoms have been thrown out) in the fuel
tube cladding. The interstitials and vacancies
diffuse with different speed to sinks such as
grain boundaries and dislocations or coagulate and form dislocation loops. The net effect of these defects is an increased electrical
conductivity in the protecting ZrO2-layer and
hence an increased corrosion rate compared
to out-of-pile autoclave corrosion. In the underlying metal, neutron damage supports Fe
diffusion out of the secondary phase precipitates and to their dissolution [8][9]. This process later in the lifespan of a fuel pin strongly
increases the corrosion rate indicated by the
mentioned second transition point. The radiation-induced dislocation loops within the
metallic lattice lead to a strongly increased
mechanical strength but simultaneously to a
reduced ductility. Summing up the radiation
effects on the cladding it is amazing to realize
that each lattice atom is displaced about 15
times during the reactor exposure.
Development of Today’s Fuel Tube
Alloys for PWRs and BWRs
As indicated earlier, the accidentally
added stainless steel to an early zirconium
alloy melt proved very advantageous and
has lead to the zircaloy (Zirc) specifications
as noted in Table 2.
Table 2. Elemental composition of standard- and advanced LWR fuel cladding alloys [6]
Sn w/o
Nb w/o
O, ppm
Fe, ppm
Cr, ppm
Ni, ppm
CHIMIA 2005, 59, No. 12
Fig. 4. Comparison of
corrosion resistance of
various advanced PWR
fuel cladding tubes
(the Framatome-ANP
results were analyzed
on fuel tubes from
nuclear power plant
Gösgen) [6]. Courtesy
of ANT International,
Surahammar, Sweden.
ide thickness. New cladding variants with
lowered tin concentrations and with added
1–2.5% of niobium have been found from
such programmes worldwide, which corrode less and allow today nearly twice the
burn-up (Fig. 6).
Why some of these Zr-Nb alloys (depending strongly on the thermo-mechanical
manufacturing treatment!) corrode much
less than the earlier applied Zirc-4 tubes is
still under investigation. Detailed microstructural and micro-chemical analyses
performed at PSI (Fig. 7) with transmission
electron microscopy, viewing at the metal
oxide interface of two alloys, have shown
that the diffusion profile of oxygen and the
morphology of the boundary at the metal–
oxide interface in Zr(Nb) differ strongly
from Zirc-4 [10]. The corrugated boundary
of the Zr-Nb specimen possibly reduces the
stress field. At even higher magnification
the atomic structure at the boundary revealed a direct transition from the hexagonal metallic lattice to the monoclinic oxide
lattice (Fig. 7 inset) and absence of speculated amorphous interlayers. Such analyses
help to experimentally support or disprove
mechanistic assumptions about the corrosion process.
Zircaloy-2 which includes nickel is
applied under the oxidizing conditions
of BWR water chemistry (normal water
chemistry as compared to newly applied
hydrogen water chemistry). The boiling
temperature of BWRs (slightly below 300
°C at 7 MPa pressure) being approximately
30–40 °C lower than the exit temperature of
the PWRs (operating at 14 MPa), typically
leads to 3–4 times lower general corrosion
rates (cr), as can easily be seen when evaluating a typical rate law curve [11] for the
post transition Zircaloy corrosion regime:
Fig. 5. Zirconium-oxide thickness profile of advanced Framatome-ANP Duplex-PWR cladding,
irradiated at Gösgen power plant, characterized after irradiation at PSI. A corrosion resistant outer
metal liner has been processed onto a base Zry-4 tube body. The oxide thickness increases from
bottom to top of the fuel pin, showing distinct minima at spacer positions.
cr = C2 exp (–Q2/RT)
with Q2/R = 14000 K–1
C2 = frequency factor, T = temperature
Zircaloy-4 is used in the hydrogen-rich,
electrochemically reducing conditions of
PWRs. As Ni supports unwanted hydrogen
uptake in the metal, Zirc-4 has no Ni addition. After about three yearly operating cycles Zirc-4 shows 60–100 μm oxide thickness. The fuel with a 0.65 mm thick standard PWR-Zirc-4 cladding and a burn-up of
∼30–35 MWd/kg has then to be unloaded
for safety reasons. As thorough safety-oriented experiments have shown, fuel with
>100 μm oxide layer would possibly not
survive controllably under hypothetical loss
of coolant accident conditions. The reader
should also keep in mind that corrosion is
a statistical effect and that there are always
some local environmental differences for
individual fuel tubes (due to differences
This is the reason why today BWRs
can still use the old BWR cladding variant
Zircaloy-2 even with higher burn-up. Apart
from the general corrosion, leading to a homogeneous corrosion layer, BWR fuel has
however suffered from early-in-life, nodular, spot-like corrosion. When growing,
these spots have interlinked and have led
to strong patchy corrosion. The result led
to premature corrosion-related tube withdrawal. The remedy against nodular corrosion was found in fabricating cladding with
significantly reduced size distribution of the
secondary phase particles. A late annealing step is applied during tube production,
heating above the α→β phase transformation temperature (~ 863 °C) followed by
fast cooling, a so-called late β-quenching
step. The dependency of nodular corrosion
on the intermetallics size distribution can
in heat flux, variations in surface deposits
being heat transfer barriers …) leading to
variations in oxide thickness.
In order to increase the burn-up for
PWRs, new cladding variants have been
tested intensely with a lead at KKG (Kernkraftwerk Gösgen) in Switzerland together
with the respective fuel vendor (Framatome-ANP, Erlangen, Germany) as depicted in Fig. 4. Promising test fuel pins
resulting from such campaigns have then
been shipped to PSI, where they were carefully analyzed with respect to corrosion,
creep, growth, oxide spalling, ductility and
hydriding. As a typical result of such tests
Fig. 5 shows the axial oxide profile of a 4 m
long pin, and a metallographic tube wall
cross section at the site of maximum ox-
CHIMIA 2005, 59, No. 12
Fig. 6. Comparison of various advanced PWR fuel cladding materials. The Framatome claddings were
all irradiated at Gösgen power station [6], Courtesy of ANT International, Surahammar, Sweden.
concentrations of reactor water impurities
are extremely low. But as shown in the
water chemistry papers in this issue, these
small concentrations, due to the enormous
water throughput, can lead to significant
annual loads of corrosion products of iron
and nickel onto the large fuel core surface.
In order to achieve low corrosion rates
and to re-precipitate soluble metallic ionic
concentrations at the cooler circuitry surfaces away from the fuel core, a pH (~7.3
at temperature) is selected with the highest (temperature-dependant) Fe solubility
at the hotter fuel surfaces compared to the
outer circuitry (steam generators for PWRs
or recirculation lines for BWRs). Nevertheless as chemical additions of Li, B, and Zn
are applied in PWRs and Zn, sometimes Fe,
and noble metals (Pt and Rh) are added to
BWR water, there are sometimes new unexpected fuel cladding corrosion phenomena
encountered, presently some of the BWR
plants in the United States demonstrate
high amounts of surface precipitates. One
such problem also arose at KKL-Leibstadt
where at some time the fuel showed excessive corrosion at the spacer regions. The
spacers contain Inconel hold-down springs
and the excessive corrosion was probably
linked to an electrochemical effect, a process however which could not be reproduced
under autoclave conditions out-of-pile. The
phenomenon at KKL could be suppressed
by reducing the Ni/Fe ratio in the reactor
water, adding Fe concentrations in the ppb
Cladding Mechanical Behaviour
during Irradiation and Hydriding
Fig. 7. Comparison of oxide-metal interface of two irradiated claddings which strongly differ in corrosion
rate. The analysis was performed at PSI by transmission electron microscopy. The more corrosion
resistant cladding (a) shows a corrugated interface, possibly reducing the oxide compressive stress
level [10].
nicely be seen in Fig. 8 [12]. The mechanistic reason however for the occurrence or
absence of nodular corrosion is still pretty
vague. It is a fact that the process requires
oxidizing water conditions which are absent
in PWRs. The intermetallic precipitates of
the alloy, which survive to a certain depth
within the oxide layer before they are also
oxidized, seem to play their role either in
electron transport or in break down of the
protective, dense innermost oxide layer. In
BWR fuel cladding however, going towards
too small secondary phase particles to omit
nodular corrosion leads to strong late in life
uniform corrosion at the time when the secondary phase particles have been consumed
through the above-mentioned irradiationinduced amorphization and dissolution
(Fig. 8).
Influence of Water Chemistry on
Cladding Corrosion
Water chemistry has quite a significant
effect on cladding behaviour although the
The irradiation damage leads to embrittlement and loss of ductility at 300 °C as
shown in Fig. 9. When heating the cladding
(under hypothetical accident condition) far
beyond 300 °C, the irradiation defects heal
out and the cladding behaves in a ductile
manner. At 800–1000 °C it can even balloon and break up when the internal xenon
and krypton fission gas and helium pressure
overbalance significantly the system pressure (which can occur under loss of coolant
conditions). So the embrittlement at 300
°C is not primarily a safety concern under
operation and even under hypothetical accident conditions. It is rather of a mechanical
fuel handling issue after unloading at room
temperature. The cladding is therefore requested to have at least a remaining ductility of 1% plastic strain when unloaded from
the reactor core.
The mentioned 1% plastic strain criterion has to be fulfilled by high burn-up modern fuel. It can be hampered if hydrides,
which form during hydrogen pick up in the
cladding, precipitate in an unfavourable radial direction. This again can be omitted by
CHIMIA 2005, 59, No. 12
Fig. 8. Relative in reactor corrosion rate of BWR and PWR claddings
in relation to the size distribution of the secondary phase intermetallic
particles (SPPs). Too large SPPs lead to early in life nodular corrosion in
BWRs, while too small SPPs are dissolved during irradiation and lead to
late-in-life corrosion enhancement in BWRs and PWRs [12]. Courtesy of
ASTM, West Conshohocken PA, USA.
the afore-mentioned texture orientation of
the <0001>plane of the hexagonal zirconium crystals being slightly off the radial
axis as indicated in Fig. 2. The hydride embrittlement effect is more important at room
temperature, as hydrides become ductile at
higher temperature and dissolve as the solubility limit increases.
While the embrittlement and remaining
ductility give an indication about maximal
mechanical loads which can be withstood,
they bear no information about a possible
fracturing process, crack resistance, and
fracture growth speed. Such tests are now
being evaluated at PSI and other labs worldwide, although the geometries of the cladding tubes do not allow the application of
classical fracture mechanics tests.
Conclusions and Outlook
Despite the demanding conditions in
light water reactors the defect statistics of
fuel show only a few leaks for a million of
fuel pins. However the fuel burn-up is being pushed to still higher values until the
average core burn-up approaches the limits
for fuel with a U-235 enrichment of 5%.
This value is at 65 MWd/kg for BWRs and
70 MWd/kg for PWRs. Whether the U-235
enrichment is also going to be pushed further up depends on the importance which
nuclear energy production is going to play
in the future. On technical grounds high
burn-up tolerable cladding is today available and during the last few years the improvement steps are focusing on large grain
UO2 fuel which will release less gaseous
fission products into the fuel pin plenum.
Research is also focusing on high burn-up
fuel with its behaviour during hypothetical
accidents [13].
Fig. 9. Total circumferential elongation (rel.) measured at PSI by burst
testing of unirradiated and irradiated cladding in function of cladding
hydrogen concentration. The irradiation embrittlement dominates the
hydrogen effect. If local wall thinning is considered, the remaining ductility
after irradiation and hydriding still lies at 10–50% of the original ductility.
Unexpected cladding damages could
occur due to alterations in water chemistry.
Further optimized water chemistries are
sought for the best protection of core structural internals (mainly in BWRs) against
stress corrosion cracking (see F. Sarott:
‘Water Chemistry in BWRs’ [14]). In the
area of PWRs, water chemistry changes
are expected towards higher pH regimes,
for further reduction of general corrosion
phenomena on stainless steel and Inconel
surfaces. For all these steps care must be
taken to move on with evolutional, small
steps and thorough, careful system control.
Received: June 6, 2005
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