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AI-generated Abstract
The Farming Systems SIMulator (FSSIM) is introduced as a generic bio-economic farm model designed to provide flexible and reusable assessments for various agricultural scenarios and policy impacts. FSSIM integrates two main modules, FSSIM-Mathematical Programming (MP) and FSSIM Agricultural Management (AM), and is adaptable across different farming systems and environmental contexts. The model has been successfully applied in multiple regional studies to analyze supply responses and assess the sustainability of agricultural practices, offering important insights for policymakers and farmers.
SEAMLESS integrated project aims at developing an integrated framework that allows exante assessment of agricultural and environmental policies and technological innovations. The framework will have multi-scale capabilities ranging from field and farm to the EU25 and globe; it will be generic, modular and open and using state-of-the art software. The project is carried out by a consortium of 30 partners, led by Wageningen University (NL).
Environmental and Agricultural Modelling: Integrated Approaches for Policy Impact Assessment, 2010
SEAMLESS integrated project aims at developing an integrated framework that allows exante assessment of agricultural and environmental policies and technological innovations. The framework will have multi-scale capabilities ranging from field and farm to the EU25 and globe; it will be generic, modular and open and using state-of-the art software. The project is carried out by a consortium of 30 partners, led by Wageningen University (NL).
In this paper, the software development and test applications of a component-based generic farm system simulator is presented. The Farm System Simulator (FSSIM) developed within the EU FP6 SEAMLESS project ( is an integrated modelling system developed to assess the economic and ecological impacts of agricultural and environmental policies and technological innovations. Based on the semantic link of biophysical and microeconomic models, FSSIM seeks to describe the behaviour of the farmer at the farm level given specific biophysical, socio-economic and policy constraints, in order to analyze in an integrated manner the behaviour of the whole farming system. FSSIM is a modular system which involves a mathematical programming model (FSSIM-MP), and an agricultural management module (FSSIM-AM) that has several model components to generate the technical coefficients needed by FSSIM-MP. The respective model component of FSSIM-MP and those of FSSIM-AM are developed in different modelling environments by using C#, Java and GAMS, while data is stored in relational databases. Model assumptions, interfaces and causal chains, along with available data sources are specified in a declarative fashion, serving as the building blocks of a semantic-aware integration framework based on ontology-enabled knowledge base. A set of ontologies describing model components and databases for FSSIM has been built. Ontologies set up clear definitions for loosely integrating models in an open environment. In this way, model components are approached as autonomous agents confronting to open interfaces and strict contracts, and are automatically integrated into the FSSIM framework through OpenMI+ pulling model linking approach. An application of the FSSIM modules to different farm types within Midi-Pyrénées region is given as a case study.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2008
SEAMLESS integrated project aims at developing an integrated framework that allows exante assessment of agricultural and environmental policies and technological innovations. The framework will have multi-scale capabilities ranging from field and farm to the EU25 and globe; it will be generic, modular and open and using state-of-the art software. The project is carried out by a consortium of 30 partners, led by Wageningen University (NL).
Proceedings of the …, 2006
Abstract: The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) is a mature and stable modelling framework used widely in Australia and elsewhere in the domain of farming systems research and extension. It is capable of simulating a diverse range of farming systems including ...
SEAMLESS integrated project aims at developing an integrated framework that allows exante assessment of agricultural and environmental policies and technological innovations. The framework will have multi-scale capabilities ranging from field and farm to the EU25 and globe; it will be generic, modular and open and using state-of-the art software. The project is carried out by a consortium of 30 partners, led by Wageningen University (NL).
Agricultural Systems, 2010
The disciplinary nature of most existing farm models as well as the issue specific orientation of most of the studies in agricultural systems research are main reasons for the limited use and re-use of bio-economic modelling for the ex-ante integrated assessment of policy decisions. The objective of this article is to present a bio-economic farm model that is generic and
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