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Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 2020
This study aims to critic the concepts of classical and modern Arabic linguists about sentences which they term differently including: number, kalam, tarkib (sentence, phrase). Their differences are inseparable from polemics, especially in providing boundaries and terms used, both in the classical and modern eras. For example the polemic on the use of terminology and the number and meaning of both, whether synonymous or not, which then affects the elements that build it. This study uses a literature study (library research) with content analysis and hermeneutic approaches. This research found that basically the differences in Arabic experts both in the classical and modern eras were not substantive, but rather as editorial debates, technical terminology, and partial.The old grammarian tended to be complicated in providing a definition of sentence compared to contemporary Islamic scholar, it was easier to explain about this sentence.
An Nabighoh: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, 2019
The superior ability to read Arabic texts without charity is a must for PBA students. But in reality they have difficulty in this because most of the material in the language language they study is rarely used in producing language, especially with the use of various terms that exacerbate these difficulties. Therefore, a strategy that is able to assist them in applying language rules in reading scripts with the use of simple terms and explanations is a must. And the strategy of Dji Sam Soe (234) is one solution with the character of the problem at hand. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the strategy of Dji Sam Soe (234) in reading texts without a mark on cross-level PBA students in the 2016-2017 academic year by using the Quasi experimental design of one group time series design. Porpusif sampling is a sample selection technique, which is students in the third, fifth and seventh semester who have participated in Qiraatul Kutub supporting courses with instruments in th...
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, 2022
This research paper aims to study the "temporary endowment" (Waqf Muaqqat) and its role in activating social financing in Islamic banking in Malaysia, such as the oriental study in the light of the purposes of Islamic law. This article has adopted the qualitative method in its research which correlates to the theorization and regulation of the concepts of the issues in hand in their different dimensions which is jurisprudence, Maqasid, and banking. For the case study "Maybank Islamic" has been selected for viewing and assessing the various aspects related to the said topic. The study also included interviews with some experts of Islamic banking in Malaysia. The study has stemmed the following conclusions and recommendations, which are as follows: 1) Islamic banks have a significant role in intermediating between both the sources of voluntary social financing and the deprived classes of the society, 2) Bank endowments (Waqf) through May Islamic Bank has shown 2
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2017
This study attempted to prove the influence of the use of the word square in teaching vocabulary at MTsN I South Tangerang City, i.e., to prove students' ability of two classes, before and after using the learning model of word square in teaching learning vocabulary. The research is descriptivequantitative using the experimental method. The sample of this study was the students of VIII-8 and VIII-11 class in the academic year of 2016-2017. Data collection techniques were observation, interview, vocabulary test, and questionnaire for students of the experimental class. Based on the results of data analysis, the average score of the experimental class was 16,11 and the average score of the control class was 10,65. The score of to was 2,70 and the score of tt was 1,67; then, to was greater than tt. Thus, the use of learning model of word square in teaching vocabulary was significantly effective.
Mazahib, 2017
The problem of incest, including its incidence among Muslim societies, is one of the major legal cases faced by lawyers in Malaysia. Incest cases are often hidden because they are considered a disgrace of the family and society that cannot be forgiven. As a result, justice for the victims is difficult to enforce, and the case continues to occur because the law is considered not able to ensnare the perpetrators (deterrence effect). One researcher found that among the causes of incest is the ignorance of Islamic law in everyday life, especially in applying the values of "isti'dzān" (asking for permission). The concept of "isti'dzān can keep the soul and human behavior from falling into social problems. This is because the private territory (space and time) of family members, who live in the same house, including their modesty in dressed in the house, has been regulated by Shari`a in such a way. This paper is an analysis of the legal philosophy of the concept of "isti'dzān" in relation to the incidence of sexual intercourse, and the possibility of its application among Malaysian Muslim society. This paper concludes that applying the concept of asking permission to enter the private territory of family members living in the home is important to maintain the honor of each family member. This is very likely applied in Malaysian Muslim society through religious education on "isti'dzan" in schools or places of worship. With "isti'dzan" and keeping the modesty at home, it is expected that incidents of sexual intercourse can be prevented.
Jurnal Al-Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2020
The art of calligraphy painting by Syaiful Adnan and its beauty are interesting to study due to their distinctive characteristics. Adnan’s script or type of writing differs from the standard style of script from the Middle East. In his hand, creative processes and various dynamics of aesthetic aspects tend to glide calmly. Syaiful Adnan has had solo and collective exhibitions at home and abroad which present the holy verses of the Qur'an as well as hadith and Mahfudzot or words of wisdom as central themes. This research uses archival research method to study various references and documentation as well as direct interviews. Data is analysed inductively by organizing it, describing it into units, synthesizing, composing into patterns, choosing what is important and what will be studied, and present it in this article. The study discovered that spiritual aspects found in Syaiful Adnan’s calligraphy painting is a form of representation of monotheism and dhikr. The oneness of Allah...
Materi pembelajaran merupakan hal penting dalam mendukung keberlangsungan pembelajaran dan dasar dari pembelajaran. Hal yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan kesalahan dalam bidang kalam dan tidak adanya materi yang sesuai dalam pembelajaran kalam untuk agenda percakapan pagi. Pengembangan materi ajar dilakukan sebagai solusi masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh siswa dikarenaka materi ajar yang ada pondok Al Amanah kurang maksimal. Peniliti juga menggunakan media teknologi yaitu power point untuk menghindari agar murid tidak bosan. Untuk memudahkan siswa belajar maka peneliti berusaha mengembangkan materi ajar yang cocok dengan tingkatan dan keadaan siswa.Peneliti telah melakukan observasi terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan pengembangan materi pembelajaran pondok Al Amanah. Setelah mendapat data yang diperlukan, mulailah peneliti mendesain materi ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. Dan mengukur efektifitas pengembangan materi ajar yang telah tersusun sehingga m...
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2015
In this study, we addressed method and style in Arabic criticism. By the efforts of Arab critics of old and new issue, the subjects of study were as follows: First, the stylistic origins. It means a stylistic in linguistic and rhetoric and literary criticism and other related; Second, analysis of stylistic levels where we focus on stylistic study premises for literary texts; Third, a study of the method in the old Arab criticism, in this part of the study, we noted some efforts by Arab critics about stylistic and their relevance studies in this stylistic aspect; Fourth, the stylistic of contemporary Arab criticism. This aspect of the survey stood at some critics of contemporary Arab studies in Stylistics, as stated what distinguishes each study than other studies. It is included as an appendix in whale most important results achieved in this study.
Colombo Telegraph, 2024
Festschrift für Ünsal Yalçin, 2020
Centennial: A History of the Renaissance Society , 2015
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 2020
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2004
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 2001
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2000
BMC Public Health, 2021
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2002