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Al-Syakhshiyyah, 2022
This article discusses the theology of Islamic legal justice, in Qishash and Polygamy. Justice theology is a discourse that discusses justice based on religious reasoning. This article is a literature review with a normative theological approach. In the discussion it was stated that: Justice is absolute and morally binding, therefore believers are warned not to let hatred against someone cause them to violate the boundaries of justice, or make themselves deviate from the ideal of justice, because justice is very close to piety. and truth. The terminology of justice in Islamic law is interpreted as: fair in the sense of being similar or impartial and impartial, justice also means conformity and balance. In addition, justice also means paying attention to individual rights and giving these rights to their owners. (puts everything in its place).
Al-Risalah Jurnal Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum, 2019
As a law passed by God, polygamy has transedental elements that often cause various interpretations. In this context, polygamy creates a new atmosphere for restoring the values of justice in its practice of law. If men are responsible for their actions as per the Qadariyah group's thinking, then polygamy should provide justice for women. However, if polygamy means the prerogative of God to bring down the law, then the demands of justice in this act cannot be brought forward because the law has become the absolute will of God.
This article focuses on the discussion of the Kagian Islam on justice in polygamy, namely; what are the requirements for polygamy according to the priests of the mazhab, how the arguments and laws of the priests of the mazhab allow polygamy, and how is it relevant to polygamy according to the contemporary context in Indonesia. This research is a library research (Library Reserach), which is a method of collecting data such as the books of the priests of the mazhab and books that are relevant to the issues discussed. This research is a descriptive analysis, which describes, studies and analyzes the opinions of the Imam of the Schools in terms of being fair in polygamy. The results showed that in Islam it is permissible for a husband to practice polygamy on the condition that he believes or has a strong suspicion that he is able to do justice to his wives. as indicated by the al-Qur'an in the letter al-Nisa "verse 3:" then if you are afraid that you will not be able to a...
This paper proposes an idea of revitalization. This idea is based on by looking at the lawsuits occurred within the Islamic laws related to family, especially poligamy. This is proposed because polygamy is believed no longer relevant with the changing times which now requires equality of between man and woman. To address this problem, some ideas put forward to reform and re-interpretate some Islamic laws which lays into two major epistemologies: first, contextual interpretation over the texts which are the basis of the implementation of poligamy which in turn was not the core mission of Islam. Meanwhile, it is believed that the fundamental goal of marriage in Islam monogamous. The justification of poligamy by putting forward the texts do not eliminate but gradually endorse the practices of polygamy itself. Therefore, there is still a room to critique the context of polygamy by contextualizing the polygamy laws in which most previous studies were not objective and tend to justify the...
Skripsi ini merupakan salah satu karya ilmiah yang membahas tentang keadilan poligami dan menkontekstualisasikannya dalam keharmonsian keluarga pada surah an-Nisa’ ayat 3 dan ayat 129. Ayat 3 membicarakan tentang batasan jumlah wanita yang boleh dinikahi(poligami) dan ayat 129 membahas tentang keadilan seorang suami yang tidak akan dapat ia lakukan dalam keluarga poligami. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengemukakan dua permasalahan. Adapun permasalahannya (1) penafsiran para ulama’ mengenai ayat 3 dan ayat 129, (2) kontekstualisasi keadilan suami dalam keluarga. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan penafsiran mufasir mengenai surah an-Nisa’ ayat 3 dan ayat 129 dan mengontekstualisasikannya dalam keharmonisan keluarga. Munculnya penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi nilai-nilai keadilan yang jarang dipraktikan para suami yang berpoligami, karena adil adalah salah satu syarat bolehnya seorang suami untuk berpoligami. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian deskriptif...
The concept of justice is a fundamental debate and is always actual throughout the life of humankind. Justice, in the history of human thought, began since the era of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The concept or justice theorizing is still actual, not final yet, until nowadays. It is caused by its characteristics which are abstract and so meaningful. Therefore, it needs justice theorizing to find a comprehensive understanding about justice in order to find out components contained in it through research activity. One of the law purposes is justice. It needs law instruments to meet the law purpose such as Legislation, legal weight, customary law, canon law, and many others. All the law instruments can rule specific things such as provisions in the field of family law. Polygamy is a controversial problem whereby in its debate emerges various opinions primarily on the justice concept as the main requirement in polygamy. Some scholars interpret that justice in polygamy merely deals wi...
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman, 2019
This study explains in detail the question of fair meaning in polygamy marriages. So far, the meaning of fair is always different from everyone. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive study to decipher the issue of the meaning of scientific fairness. Substantive justice in Islam is always associated with the maker of the syara' (Allah). In relation to polygamy, The fair is a condition for a man to be allowed to do polygamy. justice aspects in polygamy is not an easy thing to do. Islam does not forbid or encourage let alone rule polygamy, this is because polygamy is a behavior that has existed since the time of ignorance and then tightened requirements in Islam. Islam is very strict in giving conditions until it is almost said not to be, because the argument contained in the Al Qur'an, maybe on fair terms but followed by another verse which says that "will not be able to act justly despite trying as much as possible" Although in the end the scholars agreed t...
Polygamy is still a debate among thinkers of Islamic law, both in terms of its legal status, and the concept of justice, especially human rights, because they think it is very difficult or even impossible to be able to act fairly, and considered the practice of polygamy today has out of the original purpose of polygamy. The existence of these views results in debates with groups that support polygamy. The purpose of this reserach is to formulate two concepts of justice in polygamy from two theories namely the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimation Againts Women (CEDAW) and Maqashid Syari'ah. So that with this formulation the concept of justice in the theory of CEDAW and Maqashid can be known, and applied in the practice of polygamy. In order to achieve the research objectives, there are four studies covering Maqashid Shari'ah's views on the concept of justice, CEDAW's view on the concept of justice, the concept of justice in polygamy from CEDAW perspe...
Dalam aspek perkawinan, poligami termasuk suatu persoalan klasik yang menarik untuk dibahas. Bahkan sampai saat pembahasan poligami selalu mengundang kontroversi. Berbicara tentang poligami, hal yang sering mengundang perdebatan yaitu tentang “keadilan” permasalahan ini merupakan persoalan yang cukup panjang tidak saja di kalangan ahli hukum tetapi juga di masyarakat, lebih dekat lagi jika dikaitkan kondisi sosial di era modern ini yang cenderung tidak seperti zaman dulu, yang dilatarbelakangi kemoderenan dan kemajuan yang dicapai perempuan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Berangkat dari permasalahan yang diangkat dan data yang akan di himpun, maka tampak jelas penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan subyek dan objeknya berasal dari bahan-bahan kepustakaan (literatur) berupa kitab-kitab tafsir, kitab-kitab hadis, jurnal-jurnal, dan semua buku yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Adapun subyek atau pokok permasalahannya adalah semua ayat-aya...
Poligamy has been a sensitive issue and a heated debate among ulamas, Muslim scholars, and interpreters of the Qur'an since a long time ago. Among various opinions of the Qur'an interpreters on interpreting verses considered as the source of law on poligamy and which is written in the books of the Qur'anic exegeses, it can be classified into three groups. Firstly, it is the group of interpreters who allow poligamy absolutely and extremely flexible. Secondly, it is the group of interpreters who allow poligamy but under very strict requirements. Finally, it is the group of interpreters who reject and prohibit and even consider poligamy as an unlawful act for any reasons. Within such a context Shaykh Mushthafā al-'Adawī wants to give a full explanation about the understanding on poligamy especially that is related to the concept of equality in the poligamy by interpreting qur'anic verses which are understood controversially by using the methode of interpreting the Qur'an with other verses of the Qur'an, sound narration, munāsabah al-ayāt (interralated quranic verses), and the context of the verse of poligamy itself. --- Poligami telah menjadi isu sensitif dan perdebatan sengit antara para ulama, ilmuwan Muslim, dan penafsir Alquran sejak dahulu kala. Ada tiga pendapat dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat yang dianggap sebagai sumber hukum tentang poligami dan yang ada dalam kitab-kitab tafsir Alquran. Pertama, kelompok penafsir yang mengizinkan poligami dan sangat fleksibel. Kedua, kelompok penafsir yang mengizinkan poligami namun memiliki persyaratan yang sangat ketat. Ketiga, kelompok penafsir yang menolak dan melarang dan bahkan menganggap poligami sebagai tindakan melanggar hukum karena alasan apapun. Dalam konteks seperti itu, Syekh Mushthafā al-’Adawī ingin memberikan penjelasan lengkap tentang pemahaman poligami terutama yang berkaitan dengan konsep kesetaraan dalam poligami dengan menafsirkan ayat-ayat qur’an yang dipahami secara kontroversial dengan menggunakan metode untuk menafsirkan Qur’an dengan ayat-ayat Al Qur’an lainnya, narasi yang baik, munāsabah al-ayāt, dan konteks ayat poligami itu sendiri.
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