The Effect of Focus Cues on
Separation of Information Layers
Patrick Bader1,2 , Niels Henze1 , Nora Broy3 , Katrin Wolf4
University of Stuttgart 2 Stuttgart Media University
BMW Group 4 BTK - University of Art and Design
{firstname.lastname}, 3
[email protected], 4
[email protected]
Our eyes use multiple cues to perceive depth. Current 3D
displays do not support all depth cues humans can perceive.
While they support binocular disparity and convergence, no
commercially available 3D display supports focus cues. To
use them requires accommodation, i.e. stretching the eye
lens when focusing on an individual distance. Previous work
proposed multilayer and light field displays that require the
eye to accommodate. Such displays enable the user to focus on different depths and blur out content that is out of
focus. Thereby, they might ease the separation of content
displayed on different depth layers. In this paper, we investigate the effect of focus cues by comparing 3D shutter
glasses with a multilayer display. We show that recognizing
content displayed on a multilayer display takes less time and
results in fewer errors compared to shutter glasses. We further show that separating overlapping content on multilayer
displays again takes less time, results in fewer errors, and is
less demanding. Hence, we argue that multilayer displays are
superior to standard 3D displays if layered 3D content is displayed, and they have the potential to extend the design space
of standard GUI.
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.2 User Interfaces: GUI.
Author Keywords
Multilayer; 3D; display; S3D; depth cues.
Depth perception arises from a number of cues. These are
typically divided in binocular cues that result from perceiving the world with both eyes and monocular cues that can
be observed with one eye. Most monocular depth cues, such
as motion parallax and perspective, can be rendered by 2D
displays. Commercially available 3D displays are essentially
stereoscopic (S3D) displays. They add additional depth cues
by showing different images to the left and to the right eye.
Shutter glasses, for example, show alternating images for the
left and the right eye while blocking the view of the other
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CHI’16, May 7–12, 2016, San Jose, CA, USA
© 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3362-7/16/05...$15.00.
eye. Additional depth cues provided by current S3D displays
are binocular disparity (observing the world from two different viewpoints, one from each eye) and convergence (stretching the extraocular muscles to focus on the same object with
both eyes). Today, S3D displays are mainly used to present
natural and virtual 3D scenes. Previous work, however, also
proposed to use 3D displays to add an additional degree of
freedom for GUIs. Sunnari et al., for example, presented a
3D menu for S3D displays [18] and Häkkilä et al. presented
a phonebook application with a S3D user interface [7]. Broy
et al. even provided tools for prototyping 3D layouts [5].
The performance while using S3D displays has been the subject of a body of work. Froner et al., for example, looked
into fine depth perceptions using S3D displays and conclude
that the display technology is a key factor [6]. In the context
of data visualization, Ware and Mitchell found lower error
rates on 3D graph exploration tasks with S3D compared to
2D displays [19]. Surveying work that studied the use of S3D
displays, McIntire et al. conclude that 3D shows performance
benefits on a variety of depth-related tasks [14]. However, the
authors state that S3D displays can induce a number of problems including eyestrain, headache, fatigue, disorientation,
nausea, and malaise for up to 50% of the population. As the
use of extreme parallaxes and the vergence-accommodation
conflict are major reasons, observing defined parallax limits
solve possible discomfort [12]. Broy et al. identified parallax
boundaries for a S3D shutter display allowing the comfortable perception of S3D content [4]. However, these boundaries limit the 3D design space to a certain depth range.
The concept of layered user interfaces was first introduced by
Harrison et al. [8]. They state that structuring information on
several depth layers enhances both, focused and divided attention. Atchley et al. [1] showed that switching attention
between two depth layers compared to switching attention
on one depth layer requires longer saccades. This provides
evidence for a depth aware attentional spotlight. In general,
Mowforth et al. showed that switching attention from a rear
layer to a front layer occurs faster than vice versa [15].
Current S3D displays do not provide all perceivable depth
cues. They do not support accommodation, requiring the
viewer to changing the focal length by stretching or squeezing
the eye lens. As a result of the eye’s limited depth of focus,
accommodation causes defocus blur at distances other than
the focal length. This focus cue is needed to overcome the
vergence-accommodation conflict. Previous work proposed
displays that support this additional depth cue. Multi-layer
We conducted an experiment to investigate the effect of focus cues on users’ performance and task load. In the experiment we displayed content on two depth layers and compared two conditions. In the first condition (disparity), we
used a S3D display with shutter glasses to make use of binocular disparity as a depth cue. In the second condition (focus), we displayed each layer at its correct focal plane to prevent vergence-accommodation conflicts using a multi-layer
display. Although we use two discrete depth layers, we expect our results to be generalizable to displays which provide
continuous depth and consistent focus cues [20, 10].
Disparity only
Disparity + Focus
front display
Top view
Overall, previous work suggests that S3D displays can improve users’ objective performance but can also lead to a
number of negative effects [14, 12]. It remains to be investigated, however, how displays which provide the full range
of perceivable depth cues, affect users’ performance while interacting with GUIs. In this paper, we therefore compare a
S3D display with shutter glasses with a two-layer display to
identify the effects of focus cues on content recognition on
multiple depth layers. We hypothesize that:
H1: Recognition of non-overlapping content shown on different depth layers is easier with consistent focus cues.
H2: Switching between depth layers is more demanding and
slower when eye accommodation is required.
H3: Visual separation of overlapping content shown on two
depth layers is easier with consistent focus cues.
rest was used to restrict head movement to prevent the use of
further focus cues such as motion parallax. We calibrated the
apparatus to ensure that content on the displays had the same
brightness and color. For both conditions, the viewports of
the displays were carefully aligned.
chin rest
half-silvered mirror
back display
virtual back layer
virtual back layer
Side view
displays [16, 17, 2] combine transparent displays to a stack of
displays. The physical distance between the displays enables
content that can be shown at different depths while supporting all depth cues humans can perceive. In contrast to current
S3D displays, they also require accommodation and thus, create true defocus blur. Similarly, light field displays [3, 11] can
support focus cues. Recent work even demonstrated compact
light field displays with a large range depth of field [20, 10].
front display
half-silvered mirror
back display
Figure 1. Top and side view of the apparatus in both display conditions.
A shows the configuration for binocular disparity. B shows the configuration for disparity with correct focus cues.
Task 1: Recognizing Information
We developed an apparatus that realizes both conditions with
minimal adjustments to ensure comparable results. It uses
two BenQ XL2411 displays, one for each depth layer, which
support stereo 3D with shutter glasses. The front screen is
located left of a half-silvered mirror and the back screen is
located behind the half mirror. Images from the displays are
combined with a half-silvered mirror sheet (see Figure 1).
In the first task, we investigated the effect of focus cues on
recognizing information displayed on a specific depth layer.
For each trial, between ten and eleven circles were shown at
the same time. The circles were distributed randomly among
the two layers with at least one circle per layer. Before each
trial, participants were instructed to count the circles on one
specific layer and press the space key to start. After 700 ms
the circles were shown and a timer started. As soon as participants knew the answer they had to press the space key again
so the circles disappeared and time measurement stopped.
Participants said their answer aloud and the task continued
with the next trial. Participants had to complete 40 trials per
condition. Each circle pattern was shown twice for counting
on the front layer and on the back layer respectively. Participants were told to perform the trials as fast and accurately as
possible. We measured the task completion time (TCT) and
error rate.
The front layer is 30 cm away from the participant in both
conditions. The disparity condition is implemented with
shutter glasses to show S3D images. The display showing
the virtual back layer is physically located 30 cm from the
participant. Using binocular disparity a virtual depth layer is
shown behind the actual display to let the layer appear to be
50 cm away from the user, see Figure 1 A. In the focus condition the physical distance between the participant and the
back display is increased to 50 cm. Thus, the focal planes of
the two displays are separated although both layers appear to
be at the same distances as in the disparity condition, see Figure 1B. Participants wore shutter glasses in both conditions,
regardless of binocular disparity being enabled or not. A chin
We varied the total number of circles to prevent participants
from counting the circles on one layer and subtracting the
result from a fixed total number. All circles were shown in
a different color from a set of predefined colors to counter
potentially remaining chromatic differences between displays
and layers. We varied the circles’ sizes to prevent participants
from guessing the layer based on circle size. On the front
layer circles were 14±0.5 mm large. We randomly placed the
circles on a 4x4 grid to prevent overlapping. On the front
layer the grid rows and columns were 35 mm apart. We randomly varied the circles’ positions slightly (±7 mm on the
front layer). All sizes were scaled for the back layer to compensate for perspective projection.
Task 2: Switching Layers
Participants and Procedure
In the second task we investigated the time required to switch
between two information layers. A letter (Q or O) was shown
either on the front or the back layer at the center of the screen.
Participants had to press the corresponding keyboard key as
quickly as possible. Afterwards, the next letter was immediately displayed. Since letters can either be shown on the front
or back layer, for this task four transition types are possible:
We recruited 21 (5 female) participants for the study with an
average age of 27 years (S D = 3.46, Md = 27). All except
three participants had normal or corrected to normal visual
acuity and stereo vision. We excluded the results of these
three participants from our analysis. First participants had
to fill in a demographic questionnaire and answer questions
regarding visual impairments including stereo vision. Afterwards, they proceeded with the three tasks. During each task
participants had to place their head on the chinrest. After each
task a raw NASA TLX [9] questionnaire was answered. The
study took 30 to 45 min per participant. All participants were
rewarded with sweets for taking part in the study.
front-back: Previous letter was shown on the front layer and
current letter is shown on the back layer.
back-back: Both previous and current letter are shown on the
back layer.
back-front: Previous letter was shown on the back layer and
current letter is shown on the front layer.
front-front: Both previous and current letter are shown on the
front layer.
Each transition type was shown 50 times. Thus, a total of
200 letters had to be read for each condition. We randomized
both letters and transition types. With this design sometimes
neither the letter nor the layer changes. Thus, we varied the
colors of all letters from a predefined set of ten colors to give
users additional feedback about the switch. The letters O and
Q were chosen for their similarity to force participants to precisely focus before being able to identify the correct one. As
the letters are relatively far apart on the keyboard and users
had to blindly type them, a key mapping had been used during the study. The key J, which can easily be recognized
blindly by its haptic marker, was mapped to the letter Q. Its
neighboring key K was mapped to O. Both key mappings
were written on the keyboard. This remapping might have
introduced some additional cognitive load. However this applies to all conditions the same and should not affect the results negatively. We measured TCT and error rates for each
transition and condition.
Task 3: Separating Overlapping Content
In the third task, we investigated the effect of real focus cues
on the ability to separate two depth layers when overlapping
content is displayed on two depth layers. Participants had to
count the occurrences of specific words on overlapping texts
shown on both display layers. The texts were aligned to maximize overlapping of the texts, which represents a worst case
scenario for reading overlapping content. For both texts we
used the same font (Microsoft Sans Serif) and size (5 mm in
height for the front layer and back layer scaled accordingly
to correct for perspective projection). We showed 150 words
long texts taken from Grimm’s Fairy Tales on each layer. Participants had to count short common words (e.g. she, each,
snow) with three to four letters on both layers.
Similar to the previous task, first text instructions indicated
which word to count. After pressing the space key the texts
were shown until participants pressed the space key again and
the texts disappeared. TCT was measured during this period.
Participants were then instructed to type in how many word
occurrences they had counted. For this task, participants had
to complete 8 trials in total (4 per display condition) and text
fragment order was randomized for each participant. Again
we measured TCT and error rate.
Task 1: Recognizing Information
Paired samples t-tests revealed a statistically significant different task completion times for the disparity condition
(M = 4.515, S D = 2.597) and the focus condition (M =
3.167, S D = 1.344); t(17) = 3.781, p = 0.001, see Figure 2
left. The error rate was significantly higher for disparity (M =
0.186, S D = 0.218) than for focus (M = 0.106, S D = 0.140);
t(17) = 2.240, p = 0.039.
Analyzing the sub-scales of the NASA TLX revealed that
participants rated their performance significantly worse using disparity (M = 9.056, S D = 4.569) than using focus
(M = 7.167, S D = 3.808); t(17) = 2.239, p = 0.039. Participants rated their frustration significantly higher using disparity (M = 7.444, S D = 4.382) than using focus (M =
5.722, S D = 3.908); t(17) = 2.550, p = 0.021. We found
no significant differences for mental demand (p = 0.707),
physical demand (p = 0.212), temporal demand (p = 0.775),
or effort (p = 0.677).
Task 2: Switching layers
Analyzing the task completion time, Mauchly’s test indicated
that the assumption of sphericity has been violated for transition type (p = 0.019) and the interaction between focus cue
and transition type (p = 0.028). A Greenhouse-Geisser corrected two-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that the
focus cue (F(1, 17) = 26.133, p < 0.001) and the transition
type (F(2.010, 34.173) = 95.002, p < 0.001) had a significant effect on the task completion time. (F(2.010, 34.173) =
95.002, p < 0.001). Furthermore, an ANOVA revealed a significant interaction effect (F(1.946, 33.081) = 33.116, p <
0.001). Bonferroni corrected post-hoc tests revealed significant differences (p < 0.001) between the layer changing
transitions (front-back, back-front) and for transitions on the
same layer (front-front, back-back), see also Figure 2 right.
Thus, TCT for layer changing is significantly higher when
real focus cues are provided.
Analyzing error rates, a two-way repeated measures ANOVA
revealed a significant main effect for focus cue (F(1, 17) =
10.783, p = 0.004) and for the interaction between focus
cue and transition type (F(3, 51) = 2.916, p = 0.043) but
not for transition type (p = 0.380). Error rate for disparity was significantly lower (M = 0.014, S E = 0.003) than
for focus (M = 0.025, S E = 0.004). The subjective answers to the NASA TLX showed significantly better results
icantly higher for disparity (M = 14.667, S D = 3.498) than
for focus (M = 10.056, S D = 3.171); t(17) = 3.953, p =
0.001. No significant differences were found for temporal
(p = 0.889) and physical demand (p = 0.087), yet mental demand was perceived significantly higher for disparity (M =
16.000, S D = 3.181) than for focus (M = 13.667, S D =
4.472); t(17) = 2.752, p = 0.014.
Figure 2. Mean trial completion times in seconds for task one and two,
error bars show standard error.
Analysis of the first task revealed that enabling accommodation results in shorter task completion times and in fewer
errors when recognizing content on a specific layer. So we
could accept the hypothesis on content recognition (H1). For
the third task, participants also needed less time to separate
two depth layers and made less errors with correct focus cues.
Therefore our hypothesis on visual separation (H3) was also
accepted. Subjective feedback for both tasks is consistent
with objective results. They were less frustrating and performance was perceived better.
Figure 3. Mean trial completion times in seconds, error bars show standard error (left) and task effectiveness in percent (right) for task three.
In the second task, participants, however, needed more time
to switch between layers and made more errors with correct
focus cues. A potential reason is that accommodation takes
additional time which is not required for the S3D display.
Subjective feedback from our participants supports these findings. Our initial hypothesis on switching depth layers (H2)
was therefore accepted. Furthermore participants of the study
were mainly young. Previous work showed that accommodation time increases with age [13]. Older users might therefore
need even more time to switch between information layers if
they have to accommodate.
for performance with disparity (M = 6.889, S D = 4.114)
compared to focus (M = 9.000, S D = 3.8957); t(17) =
−2.133, p = 0.048. Effort was also significantly lower with
disparity (M = 11.222, S D = 5.663) than with focus (M =
12.389, S D = 5.237); t(17) = −2.333, p = 0.032 and frustration was lower with disparity (M = 8.333, S D = 5.029)
compared to focus (M = 10.278, S D = 5.454); t(17) =
−3.229, p = 0.005. However, we found no significant differences for mental (p = 0.421), physical (p = 0.078) and
temporal demand (p = 0.545).
Task 3: Separating Overlapping Content
For each condition and participant we computed the average
TCT and error rate. The task was aborted 18 times for disparity and 3 times for focus. We removed aborted trials and
excluded one participant from the analysis who aborted all
trials with disparity. Figure 3 shows the percentage of trials
which were excluded from the analysis for each condition.
As in the first task we used paired samples t-tests to analyze
task completion time and error rate. We took the absolute differences of word occurrences and user’s answers as error metric: error = |#total − #user |. A t-test revealed that participants
were significantly slower using disparity (M = 97.343, S D =
41.208) compared to focus (M = 76.766, S D = 24.559);
t(16) = 2.722, p = 0.015), see Figure 3 left. We found
no significant difference in error rate (p = 0.109), yet success rate was significantly better for focus (M = 0.54, S D =
0.324) than for disparity (M = 0.208, S D = 0.214); t(17) =
4.000, p = 0.001.
Analyzing the sub-scales of the NASA TLX revealed that
participants rated their performance significantly worse for
disparity (M = 15.722, S D = 2.845) than for focus (M =
10.222, S D = 3.859); t(17) = 5.229, p < 0.001. Effort
was also perceived higher for disparity (M = 16.667, S D =
2.612) compared to focus (M = 12.778, S D = 3.904);
t(17) = 5.160, p = 0.000. Similarly, frustration was signif-
In this paper, we investigated addition of consistent focus
cues to 3D displays when showing content on two depth layers. We showed that recognition and visual separation of content on two layers takes less time, results in fewer errors and is
perceived better with consistent focus cues compared to S3D
displays with shutter glasses.
We envision using multilayer displays to extend the design
space of standard GUI. A separate information layer could
show annotations in a text viewer or tool windows in image
editing software above the main content. Moreover, context
labels could be placed on maps or a video player timeline.
However, our results show that accommodation takes time
and makes switching between depth layers slower. This has
to be taken into account when designing interfaces for multilayer displays to avoid canceling out their advantages.
In our study, we used a two-layer display. While we assume
similar results, the effect on recently proposed compact light
field displays [20, 10] still has to be investigated. Furthermore, a combination with motion parallax that is naturally
provided by multilayer displays if the user is free to move,
needs further research.
This work is partially supported by the graduate program Digital Media of the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen, and
the Stuttgart Media University (HdM).
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