Premachandra, D, Hudek, L and Brau, L 2016, Bacterial modes of action for enhancing of plant growth,
Journal of biotechnology & biomaterials, vol. 6, no. 3, Article number: 1000236, pp. 1-8.
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X.1000236
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Premachandra et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:3
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X.1000236
hnology &
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Review Article
Open Access
Bacterial Modes of Action for Enhancing of Plant Growth
Premachandra D1,2, Hudek L1 and Brau L1*
Centre for Regional and Rural Futures, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria 3125, Australia
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria 3125, Australia
The greatest issue affecting the sustainability of broad acre cropping both environmentally and economically is
the requirement of fertilizers. These are based on mined phosphorous or other mineral ores, ammonia produced
through the Harbour-Bosch process and industrially manufactured potash. As global demand for fertilizers increases,
the costs associated with the production for each of these major nutrients increases. Biofertilizers such as plant
growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) are a possible biotechnology that could alleviate the need for addition of increasing
amounts of fertilizers. These bacteria naturally occur in soils and aggressively colonize around plant roots and have
been shown to have plant growth promoting effects. PGPB are known to influence plant growth by various direct
and indirect mechanisms; while some can affect plant physiology directly by mimicking synthesis of plant hormones,
others increase mineral availability and nitrogen content in soil. Here we review the previously characterized modes
of action for enhancement of plant growth by PGPB such as nitrogen fixation, nutrient solubilization and production of
auxins and enzymes, as well as discussing more recent proposed modes of action such as secondary metabolites.
Keywords: Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB); Biofertilizer;
Rhizosphere nitrogen fixation; Siderophores; Secondary metabolites
Globally, agriculture relies on supplementing cropped soils with
macro and micronutrients sourced from mined ores or industrially
produced through energy intensive processes. The major outcome of
supplementing crops with these fertilizers is a consistent yield, however,
rising costs associated with producing these fertilizers is tipped to reach
a critical point in the next 20 years, where the costs will exceed the
pay off, in terms of yield value [1,2]. This is particularly the case for
phosphorous based fertilizers for example, which are derived from
mined phosphorous ore, but will also become an increasing issue for
other essential micronutrients: including zinc, cobalt, magnesium, iron
and manganese, which are also sourced from ore deposits.
The main source of commercially available phosphate is derived
from phosphate rock. This is a finite resource, and both its acquisition
through mining and local depletion of this resource is predicted to have
dire impacts on the natural environment. Aside from environmental
impacts associated with the mining of phosphate rock, there are
large economic costs, which are set to rise as phosphate rock deposits
become scarce. It is estimated that world phosphate rock deposits will
be depleted within the next 50-100 years [1].
The global price of phosphate rock has risen by over 700% since
2007 during a 14 month period [1-3], and its price is expected increase
in the next significantly 20 years (along with the costs of ammonia and
potash) [1]. While demand continues to increase, the cost of mining
phosphate rock is increasing due to declining quality and greater
expense of extraction, refinement, and environmental management
[1,4]. The increases in phosphate and the other macro-nutrients costs
will inevitably drive increases in farming input prices, resulting in
parallel increases in the cost of food production worldwide.
Beneficial microbes that exist in soils naturally are known as plant
growth promoting bacteria (PGPB). The potential of PGPB to reduce
dependence on high levels of fertilizer inputs has gained significant
increase in interest over recent years [5-7]. Pseudomonas, Klebsiella,
Enterobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Alcaligenes and Arthrobacter
are genera that have been reported to enhance plant growth [8-10]
and these PGPB strains are capable of enhancing plant growth either
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
directly or indirectly (Figure 1) [5]. The direct promotion of plant
growth is based on the bacterial production of phytohormones,
enzymes, siderophores or amino acids [5]. The indirect enhancement of
plant growth promotion by bacteria is largely through the restriction of
infection and prevalence of deleterious pathogenic organisms through
the bacterial production of antagonistic substances (Figure 1) [5].
Plant-Microbe Interactions in the Rhizosphere
The thin layer of soil surrounding plant roots is known as the
rhizosphere, and is an extremely important area for plant-microbe
interactions. It is approximately one millimeter wide and characterized
by high levels of biological and chemical activities and is comprised of
plant, fungi, bacteria and soil constituents [11]. The rhizosphere can
contain over 1010 microbial cells per gram of root [11] and sustain more
than 30,000 species of bacteria [12]. The microbial populations benefit
from root exudates including: vitamins, sugars, proteins, carbohydrates,
organic acids, amino acids and mucilage [13]. These root exudates
are also capable of modifying physical and biochemical properties of
the rhizosphere by acting as messengers between plant and microbe
[13]. For instance, benzoxazinoids found in the root exudates of maize
attract Pseudomonas putida, which is a competitive colonizer of the
maize rhizosphere with plant beneficial traits [14].
Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF)
Nitrogen is one of the three macronutrients required for high crop
yields. Three quarters of our atmosphere consists of nitrogen gas (N2)
and elemental nitrogen must be transformed to usable forms before
*Corresponding author: Lambert Brau, Centre for Regional and Rural Futures,
School of Life and Environmental Science, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Hwy,
Burwood, Victoria 3125, Australia, Tel: +61 3 92517055; Fax: +61 3 92517048; E-mail:
[email protected]
Received July 11, 2016; Accepted July 26, 2016; Published August 02, 2016
Citation: Premachandra D, Hudek L, Brau L (2016) Bacterial Modes of Action
for Enhancing of Plant Growth. J Biotechnol Biomater 6: 236. doi:10.4172/2155952X.1000236
Copyright: © 2016 Premachandra D, et al. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are credited.
Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000236
Citation: Premachandra D, Hudek L, Brau L (2016) Bacterial Modes of Action for Enhancing of Plant Growth. J Biotechnol Biomater 6: 236.
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Figure 1: The modes of action for PGPB are based on either direct and/or indirect mechanisms. Direct modes of action for enhancement of plant growth by PGPB
include nitrogen fixation [18], nutrient solubilization [25,37] and production of auxins [49], enzymes [69] and secondary metabolites [106]. The indirect modes of action
for enhancement of plant growth by PGPB are largely based on warding-off pathogens [90].
it is available for plant uptake. Nitrogen is the major component of
chlorophyll, which plays an important role in photosynthesis. It is also a
building material of proteins and a major component of DNA and RNA
in the form of the nitrogenous bases. In terms of nutrient demand, plants
require more nitrogen than any other nutrient, however, there is a very
limited amount of nitrogen available in soil due to regular nitrogen loss.
Nitrogen can be lost from the rhizosphere through the following
Denitrification- Oxidative reduction of soil nitrates to atmospheric
nitrogen by heterotrophic facultative anaerobic bacteria through a
serious of gaseous nitrogen oxide intermediates [15].
Volatilization- Loss of the organic form of nitrogen as urea
(originated from animal manure, fertilizers and plant materials), which
is converted into gaseous ammonia to the atmosphere [16]
Leaching- Once the nitrogen has been converted to nitrate, the
excess soil nitrates dissolved in water can move below the root zone
under certain conditions. Generally, leaching takes place in sandy soils
with low water holding capacity where water penetrates quickly. The
amount of leaching is also dependent on subsoil moisture recharge
[17]. If subsoil moisture levels are not recharged, water is more likely to
be held in soil, therefore reduces the probability of leaching [17].
Certain microbes are able to convert atmospheric nitrogen into
utilizable forms of nitrogen for both themselves and plants via biological
fixation process [18]. These nitrogen-fixing microorganisms can be
divided into two main categories, symbiotic and free-living. It is well
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
documented that biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is facilitated by
an multimeric enzyme called nitrogenase, which consists of conserved
proteins, iron containing dinitrogenase reductase and molybdenum
iron dinitrogenase [19]. These enzymes are irreversibly inhibited by
molecular oxygen, therefore nitrogen-fixing bacteria have developed
evolutionary adaptive mechanisms to limit oxygen exposure via
leghemoglobin [20]. The nitrogen fixation capacity of bacteria is highly
dependent on moisture content, oxygen concentration and supply of
organic substrates in soil [19].
Of all the bacterial species that have the ability to fix atmospheric
nitrogen [21], rhizobia are the best described for providing nitrogen to
plants, and are well known for their ability to form nodules on roots of
legume plants. The success of rhizobium in providing nitrogen to their
legume hosts has led to the commercialization of rhizobium inoculants.
However, the efficiency of these bacterial inoculants can be greatly
affected by rhizosphere nutrient conditions.
Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria reduce atmospheric nitrogen
within the root nodules to ammonia, which is then being used by the
host plant [22]. This symbiosis process allows the bacteria to have an
exclusive niche and carbon source and in return, the plant will obtain
nitrogen. Similar relationships can be observed in aerobic Azotobacter
and anaerobic Clostridia with higher plants such as Azolla [22].
Enhancement of Phosphate Availability to Plants by
Phosphorus (P) is a crucial element for survival and prosperity of
Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000236
Citation: Premachandra D, Hudek L, Brau L (2016) Bacterial Modes of Action for Enhancing of Plant Growth. J Biotechnol Biomater 6: 236.
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most organisms including plants and is the second most important plant
growth-limiting nutrient after nitrogen. The majority of phosphorus
is in its insoluble form, whilst the plants can only absorb phosphorus
when it is bonded with oxygen as in monobasic (H2PO4-) and dibasic
forms (HPO42-) [23]. A low abundance of phosphorus is typical in
many agricultural soils, and where phosphates are often complexed to
soil constituents, making them unavailable to many organisms [24].
To overcome plant growth limiting phosphate deficiency, phosphate
dense fertilizers are applied to crops regularly. However, plants can
only absorb limited amount of phosphates and the rest is rapidly
converted into insoluble P. There is also an extensive loss of phosphates
in agricultural lands via run off and much of the phosphate ends up in
water reservoirs.
Phosphate is essential for the optimum growth of most bacteria
and has a central role in many metabolic and energy producing
pathways. Microorganisms associated with hydrolyzing organic and
inorganic phosphates are known as phosphate-solubilizing bacteria
(PSB). These organisms are known to solubilize P from substrates
and make it available to plants, and hence are a possible alternative to
phosphate rich fertilizers. Bacteria of the genera Azotobacter, Bacillus,
Beijerinckia, Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Erwinia, Flavobacterium,
Microbacterium, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium and Serratia are reported
as the most effective PSB [25].
Environmental factors such as temperature, concentration of iron,
carbon and nitrogen sources can impact on P solubilizing ability of
bacteria. PSB are able to solubilize insoluble forms of P such as aluminum
phosphate (Al3PO4), iron phosphate (Fe3PO4) and tricalcium phosphate
(Ca3(PO4)2) [26]. Typically, inorganic phosphate solubilizaton is
initiated as a consequence of the actions of low molecular organic acids
such as gluconic and citric acid [26]. Organic P compounds undergo
mineralization and the resulting P will be readily available for the plants
to absorb [27,28]. This mineralization process is facilitated by enzymes
secreted by soil microbes such as phosphatases [29] and phytases [30].
Considering critical impacts of such enzymes in dissolution of complex
compounds into usable P, it is highly desirable to develop the bacterial
inoculants with high phosphatase and phytase activity to overcome P
limiting soils.
Bacterial Siderophore Production
Iron is a vital nutrient for proper plant development. Since it
is a cofactor of many metabolic pathways, its deficiency may lead to
disruption of many processes including respiration or photosynthesis. In
aqueous environments, iron exists as Fe3+ and Fe2+, which form insoluble
oxides and hydroxides. However, both plants and microorganisms are
unable to metabolize insoluble iron oxides [31].
molecular weight siderophores, which have the ability to scavenge Fe3+
from the environment [36]. Siderophores have high affinity ligands that
are able to pair with ferric ions. They have a strong capacity to chelate
ferric ions allowing their solubilization and extraction from most
mineral or organic complexes [37].
Siderophores are small peptide metabolic molecules with functional
groups, which can provide a set of high affinity ligands to equalize
ferric ions. Bacterial siderophores have been classified into three main
categories according to their structural features, type of ligands, and
their iron coordinating functional groups. They are namely carboxylates,
hydroxamates and catecholates [38]. Hydroxamate siderophores have a
1:1 (metal-EDTA complexes) stability constant with Fe3+ that nears that
of the Fe3+-EDTA complex (1030), whereas catecholates and carboxylates
siderophores can form similar complexes with stability constants near
that of Fe3+-EDDHA (1040) [39].
The ability to produce siderophores plays a central role in various
microorganisms in regards to plant growth promotion. Bacterial
siderophores from Chryseobacterium spp. C138 isolated from the
rhizosphere of Oryza sativa are effective in supplying Fe to iron-starved
tomato plants when delivered to the roots [40]. Supplementation of
fluorescent Pseudomonas strains in maize seeds was demonstrated to
significantly increase germination percentage and plant growth [41].
Under low iron conditions, co-inoculation of maize with siderophore
producing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, resulted in larger
shoot and root lengths and higher dry weights, in comparison with
uninoculated plants suggesting application of these bacteria could
increase crop productivity in calcareous soils [41].
Studies have shown that plants absorbed radiolabelled iron from
siderophores previously exposed to radiolabelled iron [42]. This can
be observed in Fe-pyoverdine complex synthesized by Pseudomonas
fluorescence C7, which was then taken up by Arabidopsis thaliana plants
in order to fulfill their iron requirements [42].
Bacterial Auxin Production
Auxins are plant hormones that are essential for plant development.
They have a fundamental role in coordination of many growth and
physiological processes in the plant's life. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)
is the most extensively studied plant hormone and it is a carboxylic
acid with a carboxyl group attached through a methylene group to
the 3rd carbon of the indole ring [43]. IAA affects plant nutrition and
development through altering cell division, extension and differentiation
by increasing the rate of xylene and root development [44].
Plants mainly acquire Fe from the rhizosphere and have developed
two strategies to acquire iron. The first strategy involves acidification of
the rhizosphere, followed by the reduction of Fe3+ ions by membranebound Fe3+-chelate reductase, and subsequent uptake of Fe2+ into root
cells [32]. The second strategy involves plants secreting low molecular
weight phytosiderophores in order to solubilize and bind iron, which
is then transported into root cells via membrane proteins [33,34].
These strategies are often not efficient enough to meet the needs of the
plants growing, particularly in calcareous and alkaline soils. Therefore,
providing plants with accessible forms of iron is often necessary,
particularly for intensively cropped soils [35].
Plant growth promoting bacteria exhibit a variety of characteristics
responsible for influencing plant growth, including the production
of IAA [45,46]. Indole-3-acetic acid in rhizobacteria helps to loosen
plant cell walls, which may facilitate rhizobacteria to absorb various
substances secreted by roots [44]. Several studies have suggested
that elevated auxin levels, including IAA in host plants, are required
for nodule formation [45,47-49]. This was observed when low IAA
producing Bradyrhizobium elkanii mutants were shown to result in
fewer nodules in soybean roots than the wild-type strain [45]. Coinoculation of low IAA producing mutant of Rhizobium sp. NGR234
with soy bean shows that the IAA content in nodules is significantly
lower than in nodules induced by the wild-type strain [50]. This
supports the concept that some elements of the IAA established in plant
nodules is of prokaryotic ancestry and IAA facilitates nodulation.
The application of PGPB may be one strategy to increase soil iron
availability in the rhizosphere. Bacteria are able to synthesize low
The amino acid tryptophan is vital for regulating the levels of IAA
synthesized by bacteria [51], while anthranilate acts as a precursor for
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000236
Citation: Premachandra D, Hudek L, Brau L (2016) Bacterial Modes of Action for Enhancing of Plant Growth. J Biotechnol Biomater 6: 236.
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tryptophan [52]. By this mechanism, IAA biosynthesis is fine-tuned
because tryptophan inhibits anthranilate formation by a negative
feedback regulation on the anthranilate synthase, resulting in an
indirect induction of IAA production [52]. It has been shown that the
supplementation of tryptophan could increase IAA production in most
rhizobacteria [50].
IAA produced by rhizobacteria may be involved in various
plant-bacterial interactions. Most rhizobium strains that have been
investigated for plant growth promotion have been found to produce
IAA [53]. A recent study investigating the role of IAA synthesized by
Pseudomonas putida GR12-2 has confirmed that it promoted canola
root development by 35-50% over the roots from seeds treated with
IAA deficient mutant, and the roots from uninoculated seeds [46].
Reduction of Plant Ethylene Levels by Bacterially
Produced 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate (ACC)
Ethylene is an essential metabolite for normal growth and
development of plants [54]. This growth hormone is produced by all
plants (particularly in rapidly growing cells) and is capable of inducing
various physiological changes [55]. Ethylene has a very low solubility in
water, however, it can efficiently diffuse through cell membranes. Plant
cells in developing seedlings produce elevated amounts of ethylene to
increase cell numbers [56]. However, as shoots expand, phytohormones
generate a signal to limit the production of ethylene in order to allow leaf
expansion [57]. In pea shoots, it has been shown that when they meet
an obstacle during their rapid growth stage, reduced levels of ethylene
are produced. This allows lateral expansion of the stem resulting in
radial enlargement [58]. It has also been identified that ethylene is
responsible for thicker and steadier tree trunks and branches [58].
Moreover, ethylene affects fruit ripening process and elevated ethylene
levels in fully ripen fruits resulted in a climacteric event just before the
seed dispersal [59].
Apart from being a plant growth regulator, ethylene has a vital role
as a growth inhibitor [60]. Levels of ethylene in plants increase under
stressful circumstances such as drought, presence of heavy metals,
extreme temperatures, radiation, high salt environments and wounding
pathogenicity [61]. In such situations, plants will initiate survival
strategies, which may result in low crop yields [61]. It has been shown
that plants exposed to adverse conditions quickly respond by producing
a small peak of ethylene due to the activation of a protective mechanism
by plants [62]. If the severe conditions persist for a few days a second
peak of ethylene arises. After the second ethylene peak, processes such
as senescence, chlorosis and abscission are induced [62].
plants subjected to a wide range of biotic and abiotic stressors, can
result in enhanced plant tolerance [69].
Enhancement of Plant Growth by Bacterially Produced
Cytokinins are organic plant growth hormones that have the
ability to promote cell division (cytokinesis) in plant root and shoots.
Naturally occurring cytokinins are adenine derivatives and they carry
either an isoprene derived side chain or an aromatic side chain at the
N6 terminus [70]. They are called isoprenoid, cytokinins or aromatic
cytokinins, respectively [71,72]. Isoprenoid cytokinins are commonly
found in a range of plant species, however, there is no clear evidence of
the common existence of aromatic cytokinins in plants [70]. Cytokinins
influence cell division by stimulating the production of proteins
required for mitosis and are produced in the meristem where stem cells
self-renew and produce daughter cells that separate and give rise to
different organ structures [73]. Once synthesized in roots, they travel
up the xylem to the other parts of the plant such as leaves, developing
fruits and seeds [73].
phosphateisopentenyltransferase) have been identified as potential cytokinin
producers in Arabidopsis (altPT1 and altPT3 to altPT8) [74-76]. AltPT1,
AltPT3, AltPT5 and AltPT8, are expressed in plastids and produce
cytokinins with dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) originated from
MEP (Methylerythritol phosphate) pathway [77]. AltPT4 and AltPT7
are located in the cytosol and mitochondria respectively, and they
produce cytokinins with DMAPP derived from MVA (Mevolonate)
pathway [77]. Inoculation of lettuce plants with cytokinin producing
bacterium, Bacillus subtilis increased the cytokinin content of both
shoot and roots [78]. Accumulation of cytokinin, zeatin riboside in
inoculated lettuce plants was associated with an overall increase in both
root and shoot weights [78].
Cytokinins have recently been found to play a crucial role in
resistance to plant pathogens. Plant-derived cytokinins promote
resistance against the non-cytokinin producing pathogen, Pseudomonas
syringae by modulating the defence signalling in Arabidopsis [79].
In Nicotiana tobocum, cytokinins enhanced overall plant resistance
against the virulent hemibiotrophic pathogen, P. syringae [80]. This
cytokinin-mediated plant resistance is associated with elevated levels
of bacteriocidal activities and increased amounts of antimicrobial
phytoalexines [80]. In the context of plant biological control via
microbes, cytokinins produced by P. fluorescens G20-18 have negative
influence on the pathogenic activity of P. syringae in A. thaliana [81].
Enhancement of Plant Growth by Bacterially Produced
Secondary Metabolites
ACC deaminase is an enzyme produced by PGPB, which can
decrease ethylene levels, thus increase stress (salt and drought) tolerance
in plants [63]. There is a wide range of bacteria that have been identified
as ACC deaminase positive including: Pseudomonas, Ralstonia,
Serratia, Rhizobium, Acinetobacter, Agrobacterium, Achromobacter,
Alcaligenes and Bacillus [64-67]. These bacteria are capable of taking
up the ethylene precursor ACC from plants and converting it into
2-oxobutanoate and ammonia [68]. By decreasing ACC levels in
plants, ACC deaminase producing bacteria limit accumulation of high
ethylene concentrations in plants.
In the past, secondary metabolites were considered as elements
with a low molecular mass that are not the end products of primary
metabolic pathways [82,83]. It was assumed that secondary metabolites
were not vital to normal bacterial function, hence had no influence on
growth and development of microorganisms. Contrary to this, recent
studies have shown that secondary metabolites are fundamental for
growing cells as regulators of cellular differentiation processes and also
as cellular inhibitors against competing bacteria [84-86].
Environmental stressors such as heavy metals in soil, radiation,
extreme temperatures, insect predation, high light intensity and high
salt concentration are alleviated by the production of ACC deaminase
[69]. Thus, co-inoculation of ACC deaminase producing bacteria with
A vast range of secondary metabolites have been discovered and
despite their greater divergence, most secondary metabolites have
the same precursors branched into various compounds that result in
secondary metabolites [86]. Depending on their structural significance,
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000236
Citation: Premachandra D, Hudek L, Brau L (2016) Bacterial Modes of Action for Enhancing of Plant Growth. J Biotechnol Biomater 6: 236.
Page 5 of 8
secondary metabolites have distinct features that reflect their biological
activity. Apart from their involvement in medicine, these bioactive
compounds have demonstrated compelling advantages in agricultural
and industrial applications [85].
Antibiotics produced by bacteria are some of the best known
secondary metabolites and approximately 12,000 antibiotics have been
identified [87]. The majority of bacterial antibiotics are produced by
filamentous bacteria of the genus, Actinomyces [86]. Parallel to the
screening for new antibiotics, research efforts have been targeted towards
identifying bioactive compounds with other biological activities such
as herbicides, immunosuppressant agents, insecticides, plant growth
promoter/inhibitors, enzyme inhibitors and antihelmintics.
Functional relevance of secondary metabolites produced by
bacteria has yet to be determined in terms of their effects on the soil
bacterial ecology. It has been found that microbial bioactive agents such
as antibiotics are not only beneficial to hosts against various microbial
competitors, but also against other organisms including insects,
parasites and plants [86,88]. Most potential secondary metabolites are
present in very low amounts in the rhizosphere.
Bacterial Antibiotic Production Enhances Plant Growth
The production of antifungal antibiotics depends on biocontrol
ability and the degree of bacterial colonization in plant roots [89].
Bacterially produced antibiotics are mainly low molecular weight organic
compounds with heterogeneous groups, which can have deleterious
effect on pathogenic of microorganisms. PGPB can act as antagonistic
agents against plant pathogens by producing one or more antibiotics.
There are six classes of biocontrol antibiotic agents depending on their
mode of action: phenazines, phloroglucinols, pyrrolnitrin, pyoluteorin,
hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and cyclic lipopeptides [90].
Phenazines are the pigments produced by eubacteria [91].
Production of phenazines varies in different organisms and these
phenazines are released at high levels (milligrams to gram per liter)
during bacterial growth in vivo. Phenzines absorb in both the UV and
visible range that alter due to arrangement of the heterocyclic ring [92].
Functional groups present in heterocyclic ring are subjected to the
variations in their biological activity [92].
Phenazine production has been demonstrated in various
experiments and is common among bacteria with high guanine and
cytosine (G+C) content [93]. Fluorescent pseudomonads including
P. fluorescence and P. chlororaphis are regarded as being the highest
producers of phenazines [94]. Phenazine producing fluorescent
pseudomonads typically produces two or more phenazines except
P. fluorescence, which produces only phenazine-1-carboxylic acid
(PCA). In addition to PCA, P. chlororaphis produces phenazine-1carboxamide (PCN), whereas P. aeruginosa produces 5-N-methyl1-hydroxyphenazine (PYO) [94]. Not only PYO, P. aeruginosa is also
capable of synthesizing PCN, aeruginosin A (5-methyl-7-amino-1carboxymethylphenazinium betaine) and aeruginosin B (5-methyl-7amino-1-carboxy-3-sulfophenazinium betaine) [94]. A microorganism
that belongs to Enterobacteriaceae is Pantoea agglomerans Eh 1087,
which produces alanylgriseoluteic acid (AGA). Similarly, phenazines
have been identified in marine bacteria known as Pelagiobacter
variabilis and Vibrio sp. SANK73794 [95].
Phenazine is a bioactive metabolite that inhibits the growth of
microorganisms. This has been confirmed in field grown wheat, where
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
a concentration of 100 nM of PCA inhibited growth of certain Grampositive bacteria and fungi [96]. Further investigation revealed that
PCA produced by P. fluorescens in the wheat rhizosphere was linked
to the inhibition of the wheat pathogen, Gaeumannomyces graminis
var. tritici [97,98]. Similar studies of the plant pathogenic fungus,
Rhizoctonia spp. in wheat revealed that the application of phenazine
producing Pseudomonas spp. restricted Rhizoctonia caused root rot
Phenazine also enhances the survival of bacteria in anaerobic
conditions. In such conditions, endogenous phenazines enhance the
survival of P. aeruginosa by facilitating extracellular electron transfer
[100]. Moreover, PCA has the ability to increase iron bioavailability via
reducing Fe3+ to Fe2+ [101]. This is evident when a mutant form of P.
aeruginosa that is unable to form siderophores can enhance formation
of biofilms in the presence of PCA, making iron more bioavailable in
the environment [101].
Phloroglucinol is a benzenetriol, mainly used in pharmaceutical
production of Flopropione (antispasmodic agent) [102]. Phloroglucinol
is synthesized commercially via a number of processes, however
selective trinitration of benzene is the widely used technique in the
world. Phloroglucinols are naturally found in certain plant species and
are also produced by microorganisms [94]. Pseudomonas fluorescens
produces phloroglucinol with a type III polyketide synthase [103].
Synthesis begins via the condensation of three malonyl-CoAs which are
coenzyme A derivatives of malonic acid [103]. While de-carboxylation
of 3,5-diketoheptanedioate, cyclization of the activated product leads to
the formation of phloroglucinol [103].
The 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) is the widely studied
phloroglucinol produced by Pseduomonads. It can cause membrane
and zoospore damage in Pythium spp. This antibiotic acts as an
inhibitor to aldose reductase, an enzyme involved in metabolism
of glucose to fructose [104]. DAPG is not only a direct antagonist of
plant pathogen but also it is resistive in Arabidopsis thaliana against
Peronospora parasitica, a water mold [105]. Although, DAPG exhibits
antifungal activity, it also acts as a plant growth stimulator. DAPG
produced by P. fluorescens isolates containing the phID gene that can
stimulate lateral root formation in tomato seedlings by inhibiting
primary root development [106]. This indicates that DAPG can change
the root architecture by merging with an auxin dependent signaling
pathway [106].
Enhancement of Plant Growth by Bacterially Produced
Antifungal and Antibiotic Products
Pyrrolnitrin (3-chloro-4-(3-chloro-2-nitrophenyl) pyrrole) is an
antifungal antibiotic produced by many fluorescent and non-fluorescent
bacterial strains, and it is initially isolated from Burkholderia pyrrocina
[107]. Pyrrolnitrin inhibits the growth of fungi, yeast and bacteria by
reacting with phospholipid components, which leads to burst cellular
membrane [108]. Predominantly, this antibiotic is used to restrain the
growth of dermatophytic fungi, such as Trichophyton species [109].
Studies performed on P. aureofaciens indicated pyrrolnitrin has a
relatively closer arrangement to tryptophan (IAA synthesis precursor)
[110]. Further analysis revealed that the addition of D-tryptophan in
growth medium can increase the pyrrolnitrin production, whereas
L-tryptophan had no significant effect on the pyrrolnitrin production
A type of pyrrolnitrin produced by P. fluorescens BL15 strain has
Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000236
Citation: Premachandra D, Hudek L, Brau L (2016) Bacterial Modes of Action for Enhancing of Plant Growth. J Biotechnol Biomater 6: 236.
Page 6 of 8
been demonstrated to inhibit the damage caused by Rhizoctonia solani
during damping-off of cotton plants [111]. Pseudomonas fluorescens
BL15 has been shown to produce other antifungal metabolites including
HCN, chitinase and 2-hexyl-5-propyl-resorcinol [112]. Pyrrolnitrin
(approximately 10 µg/mL) is capable of inhibiting the growth of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Penicillium atrovenetum and P. oxalicum
[113]. It affects the terminal electron transport system between
succinate or NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and
coenzyme Q [113]. At such level, pyrrolnitrin inhibits endogenous and
exogenous respiration immediately after its addition to the system.
It is clear that microbes have the potential to enhance plant
growth through various mechanisms and may help to reduce chemical
fertilizer inputs. Whilst some modes of actions such as auxin, enzyme
production and nutrient (phosphate and iron) solubilization have been
well studied, there are still many areas that require further investigation.
One promising target is the area of secondary metabolite production by
PGPB as many of these metabolites have not been well characterized
and thus further understanding is required for identification of
modes of action for plant growth promoting strains. The nature of
the these molecules and the fact that they are often produced in very
small amounts, requires the use of modern separation and analytical
techniques such as high performance liquid chromatography and gas/
liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry.
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