The Sam Pitroda Controversy

2024, Article

In this article I have discussed about the recent controversy over a comment made by an overseas Congress party leader, Sam Pitroda who in order to highlight the national unity of India mentioned about the human biological differences in the country. The leaders of the rightist Bharatiya Janata Party(in power) critiqued the Congress leader by confusing biology and culture.

Frontier articles on Society & Politics 6,8i24, 12:06 PM Axthlop+logY Acd ilnltux: The Sarn Pitroda Controversy Abiaijit Guha The rerent a*ntr*vqrsy, whtrh wa* sparkxd *tt by a videc) interntt*'ts *f Sam Tittatla, the overseas c$:a!rm*n of the Congr*ss pnrly by ?he Statssman s?zqsuld hav* attra*t*d tk* attenti*n at the anthr*pmiogists in lndia and *ther t*unlries"Th* arrt?trrsys*tr*gtrcE inter**t sternn:ed {rcsm t*,e fael that *nthr*pulogists have b*e* sturlyirrg hury:an populati*n diffi*r*ntes, which they cali*cl 'v*riati*n' t*r r*are th*n tlre last *ne *s**dr*r] a*d titty years. &.nthr*yt*l*Eists [:ave been $truSS!iilg ever the physical and cultural differences af h*rx**s at t?t* groilp level *nd th*y l'rave tri*el ts ci*ssify h*rnar: Uraups ****d *n varia** physira\ and Lsi*laE\cal ctr"raract*ristles' ln the *ariy days of antBrr*p*trr*gy, t?'* prartiti*n*r* eiassifi*d t** prsputrations *f ths w$rl{3 i*t* various v*ry beEinning that aEt k*m*zt b*irtEs *riEinated tr*m a singl* stsck a*e* the physir*l rlitter*m*s affi$rlg thern arsse mainEy dtte t* ge*graphical and envirnnnrer:t*! factors, Taking their lcad {r*rfi the uv*Etstiunarog theory *€ th* Hnglis?: *i*lagi*L Charles Darwin t1***-18e2) and $weelish tax*ra*rraist *arr:Etss l-inr:*etrs t17*7 -1778j, ar:thr*pofmgists h** rer,*ge*z*d h*n:am i:iol*gical differenres artri the ne*d to ctrassify hu;r"*art grsups as rxon-wfitertight eompfrrtrrents being products *f a t*rtg and grarir"t*t evolutior,ary '**' anfi eauti*n*d fne:n: tlsw process nan':ed natural selectien. It nras the ar'rthr*po!*gists w1':* *cientifica*,g ehall*ng*d t** Wi*triral *r2girt *{ hurnan **ings with fassils and atb*r kin*s af ev!*:lence. &"cr"*rdi*E t* ant*r*p*l*6ists, bi*1*:giral v*ria{ion within ancl betwe** hun:an Sroilps is a rratural N*ws anrl has to be recogniz*d a* abasi*.fact, which deserves scientific ir:quiry. Al*ng with this, th* antl-rrop*i*gists painted *ut that the w*rd 'Race' is a *si*l*gicatr (13r:cept and shouEd not be c*nf*secl lffitFl t?:a t"*rm'ra*sm'. N*wadays anthr*p*l*gists no tnryr* use the terry: 'Raee'; they nolv use ti:e te rrn 'popuf*ticn'. The san:* species of ant'mals a1x* lzav* $istimct biotrmgicaB vari*?z*s, as one fine'ls arrrmng eleptrants *r tig*ru but peaple d* n*2 get emotio* alty charg*r|wh*rl they r*{*r t*'white tig*rs' ar 'Africex el*phants'1 fr*rtr the above ;rngle, 5*r* ?itr*rla's stttt€''nent as r*vea2*d ir: the press just echsed a **trsral faat", w*ic*t haci i:ser: th* grist t* thE mill rzt ?he ar:thrcpaltsgists i* lndi**the country bei*g tire 'ethrr*l*Eieal pnnadise' aee*rding t* a tatrauf, ffirit;si"I *ntl':r*p*logt*t-Sir &,rthur {"*ith" Let r"n* reiterate Fitr*da's st#terfi#rtt: 'We cruld fucld a (frilntft/ t*UQt?1*Y as diverse a*lndta,wh*re nonrrtp the east l*ok litse Chin*se, p**p\* *nth* West tr*ak like &rab, g:e*ple *nth* hl*rt[r l*olt u yLufJiu ^n like iq,hite anc{ n'rayi:e p**ple xntk* S*utl'r lc}ck li** &triaa*s... d*esn't rnatter" We are a[l brcthers and sisters tYh* Stat*sman, I Way ?*2&, p"1)" Y*,* f*st s*i-lt*nce is sigl':ificant even trrsm a biml*gical stendpmint" Brmth*rs ancJ sisters ar* born fr*rn t** sarw* par*r11s, so are all lndi*ns, alth6lug?z !o*king different *riEi*at*d fr*m tke seme stcck. Twre anthrwpci*gy! This writer being an antkr *pdoE ist rcu tc? n<>?. fimd a ny' r* c ist' *lem e r:t i* tfuiE statern ent. Vieuved i* Vitrrs*a'* statarr'Ten?. &"1*s**gh, *e highlighter{ the g>*ysi*aE variati*n among lr.:ciimns !* the ees{, we$t, Asrtf} and south he die! not stete nr even imply that pe*ple r{ *ne regicn *f fir"ldla i* bi*E*gieally '*tsp*rirsr' *r 'int*ri*r' ta the pe*pl*: cf another reEi*n. Everyh*dy kn*uns t!-rat the *au";t *l sup*ri*ri?y fttr a part"icleiar 'fi.aee' \ry&S *ne *f the fundan:e::tai characteristies $f 'ft*ri*ryt' whiclr war not fmc-snd in the ab*ve $tetflrnent at 6am There is mn*th*r element of truth Fitrca{a. little hit sf hislory. Adolf Hitier and fuisNax^i gcientists n*t onty classitied rntr1r alia the sh;lrp-n* *ed a*d ,*shit* gr**p *t tk* '{\r>rdi{ rare but tl'rey at** pr*pagated that the ld*rdics ary*re tf:* mest superi*r l<iilsj *f **r*an l**i*gs ir: 6ermany. 5s, racisn: is n*t oniy the 1""{ere *ns ca* recount c{asslf ication *f m !'rurnan Eroups ia'rto races https:/ **t aE** inv*Ev*d a kis-* a{ Sam Pitroda Controversy.html *t*r'*r.ent;'ism t}-lat is a beliet 112 Frontier articles on Society & Politics 618t24.12:46 PM - in the superi*rity oi gne Ur*up *v*r th€ *thers, in the case of #ermany ti-te cther in{erior gra*ys ot ra(* et{ording to the P{azis was the J*ws' it is nst withrut re#s*u tl:at in alB the l**ian *nzv*r*ili*,x the undergraduate syllabtss rzt anthrapog*gy c*ntains {cilrses *n t}:e c*ncept cf race and racial elassification' The University Grants {*mmissi*r..r tc* ir: its !*st Currieui*m D*v*1*Xs:":ertt Re;:*rt p*b?ished in 2**1 irt Anli:roy:r:l*gy specifica$iy indud*d n ry)*rse oil the '{*rv:*pt *t kac*, *enetic Wa*\* *t *,arc, UNESC# Staternent *n Race*[?hn[c 6roup-F*putation and Wa*.zal {lassificatisn of hur*an pop*lations' ({J*(, C*{ Rep*rt 7frfi1, p'31}. s*y that ircking dif-feres:i a*d **!*ngi*g t* t*e 5eff14 c*untry *r nati*tz is *ct th* sarlre t?:ing. Peopla of diff*rent c*untrirls may l*ok sirtilar in yshysimE fsatc-lr*s while peaple of the sa{,{\s c**r\lry ,*r nali*rz rnay lnck rnitl*r*nt" L*r*p*arz eountriss ar* g*od *xampl*s- Ds tlr'r purjabis *ncl a South lndian trib* *amed Ch*lanayakan l<:ok *irntlarT U*the* Jarwas mf Andan'ran anct th* Flagas *f Nrrth €ast hsve stsytiEar physica! f*atl;r*s? **t undawbtedty, all tf tB.lenr are lndians. These are faets and **t tictE**. lr**irally tk* &j? leaders have been trying t* ccnfuse these trvo tl.rings by trying to rness up Y:i*l*gy with aatrtare.. F*r *xatxVtle, 'r+hile r*Y:utting th* n*mariqs made by Sam Fitrcada, Fir"lar":c* rninister F,!irrna!a Sithararmazt said that 'she is frcm $outh lrrdia and she E*mks lr-rdian' {Tlt* Stat*stw#sz, * May 2{324}. ** the South ndiar:'; and tfue {-a'";hmiri Brahrnins h;*ve sir"*ilar phyxical t*atur*s? trnclia is a colintry r:t 'l|nity in diversity'" The &JF lead*rE ?i*ve forgctter: this b*sit fae:t. Long agrs, th* gre*t {srs*t W"atsiradranath Y*gore r*c*gnized this Suffice i\ t* f rliversizy *{ trr'rdia [m his irvrmtrtatrlzec{ national ar:them" rela?l:d *t"tt:r*ists ix lndia w?'* seartlt f*r t}.e hurnan heings shr,*tid *p*rttfu*ir r*q:uths anrd reveai the it is high {ime that anthrap*lagists rnci *lher r*flsons b*hind the physical vari*ti*n sci*ntif ie truth **f*r* the public. *f t"}ni'tt:tsi'ty, {rruail: [/t?:hijit #uha, {:orryt,;:r l3rrs{r,:s5rsr in An'thr*Vs*lrsg4 tlir{yasag;zr agahdyu@gnail=sem; ffiack-{* fr*rne ?aU* Frontier Vol 56, No" 49. Jun 2 - &,2024 Sam Pitroda Controversy.html 212