Brownian motion at absolute zero
Supurna Sinha
of Physics, Syracuse
Syracuse, New York 13244 113-0
Rafael D. Sorkin
Enrico Fermi Institute, 5640 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60637
(Received 5 November 1991)
We derive a general quantum formula giving the mean-square displacement of a diffusing particle as a
function of time. Near 0 K we find a universal logarithmic behavior (valid for times longer than the relaxation time), and deviations from classical behavior can also be significant at larger values of time and
temperature. Our derivation depends neither on the specific composition of the heat bath nor on the
strength of the coupling between the bath and the particle. An experimental regime of microseconds
and microdegrees Kelvin would elicit the pure logarithmic diffusion.
The so-called fluctuation-dissipation
relates the thermal fluctuations of a variable x to the
response of that variable to a weak external force is
the Smoluchowskiusually described as generalizing
Einstein relation for Brownian motion, D =kTp; but it is
not easy to find in the literature any explicit derivation of
this relation as a direct corollary of the theorem. In this
paper we will provide such a derivation under the assumption that the times involved are long compared to
the relaxation time ~, as defined below. But, because the
theorem is really a quantummechanical relationship, it will tell us something more
than just the laws of classical diffusion, which will emerge
only in the limit Pi~0, or equivalently in the limit of long
times and high temperatures. In the opposite limit where
kTht (&A, the usual linear dependence hx
turn out to give way to a universal behavior hx -lnht,
which probably should be interpreted as a diffusion
driven by quantal zero-point motions rather than by
thermal kinetic energy. The logarithmic behavior will
follow from a general formula (12) for (hx ), which will
hold for all times long compared to ~, given the assumption of constant mobility p. In what follows we will
derive this general formula, discuss the limiting cases just
alluded to, and show that some deviations from classical
behavior may be observable on the basis of current experimental technique.
In recent years there have been several efforts'
to understand the dynamics of a quantum particle coupled to a
heat bath. Insofar as our work overlaps those efforts, our
results appear to agree. The main difference is that the
cited papers make far-reaching assumptions about the nature of the medium (heat bath) in which the particle
moves, and require the coupling between particle and
bath to be linear (meaning in eff'ect that the coupling is
weak). In contrast, we only use that the response to a
weak external perturbation is linear, allowing the coupling of the particle to the bath and/or environment itself
to be strong, as it will in fact be in most situations. On
the other hand we will predict only the mean-square displacement, whereas the more special treatments can in
principle yield the full density operator as a function of
The fluctuation-dissipation
theorem, as usually stated,
refers to the Fourier transforms of the autocorrelation
and response functions. Let x(t) be some dynamical
variable (operator) in the Heisenberg picture, and let (t)
be an infinitely weak external force applied to x at time t.
(We will not need the more general form of the theorem
in which the external coupling is to a different variable
y. } the response function R (t) is defined by the relation
(x(t) )f —(x )o= R (t s)f (s)ds, —
where (
)& denotes the expectation value in the presence of the force, assuming the system of which x is a
variable to have been in thermal equilibrium with temperature T at early times; and (
)o is the same expectation value for zero force. Also let
C(t}= '(x(t)x(0)+x(0)x(t) )
be the "autocorrelation" or "two-point" function in equilibrium at temperature T. [Or, if you prefer, you can sub«a«off (x(t))(x(0)) =(x(0)) from this definition
what follows.
This would be
equivalent to working with x —(x ) in place of x. ] Then
the fluctuation-dissipation
theorem stated in the frequency domain is (with P= I lkT)
[We are using the following
form 7=( . . ):
of fourier trans-
P(v)= Jdtl "P*(t),
where 1"=e "'".]
Our first job is to transform
this relation to the time
The American Physical Society
domain. To that end, let us introduce in place of R (t)
(which vanishes for t
by virtue of causality) the
equivalent odd function
It is then easy to check that 2iImV(R) =V(R ), whence
(2) can be written in the equivalent
C(v)=( —iA/2)coth(irPA'v)[V(R )](v)+c5(v),
where c is a constant and where, for definiteness, the
part of coth may be taken:
=d/dxln sinh~x~. The ambiguity in 1/tanh (irPiilv) is
just a term proportional to 5(v), which would drop out of
(4) anyway, since it would be multiplying the odd function V(R ). ] The Fourier transform of (4) reads
V(cothirgfiv) e R
+ c,
determining C, up to an additive constant, in terms of the
Fourier transform
V( cothirPhv
= ( i IPA') coth( n. t IPA')
In Eq. (6), the coth on the right-hand side is also to be understood as a principal part, but unlike before, this choice
is forced on us, because the addition of any 5(t) piece to
coth hatt/Pfi would spoil its oddness, in disagreement with
the oddness of the left-hand side of (6). Understanding all
coth's to be principal parts, then, we have finally (in view
also of the definition of R ) the following explicit formula
for C (t) in terms of R (t):
'(Ax ) =C(0) C—
(ht) .
[In fact it is actually this form, rather than (2), that
comes out initially in the most straightforward derivation
of the fiuctuation-dissipation theorem; it is thus more appropriate to view (2) as a consequence of (3) rather than
vice versa. ] By taking the Fourier transform of (3) we
could now express R (t) as a convolution of C(t), but our
main interest here is to do the opposite. Let us therefore
solve (3) for C, obtaining
R(t)=sgn(t)R(~t~) .
(bx') = ( [x (b t) —x(0)]'& = (x(bt)'&+ (x(0)')
—( [x(At ), x (0) ) =2C(0) —2C(ht),
( ~t'
X c toh(m't'IPA')+c
Combining this result with (7) gives us a general equation
for ( b, x ) in terms of the response function R:
'(bx ) =
[The appearance of the undetermined constant c is due to
the possibility of redefining the zero of x without
afFecting (1). By working with the alternative definition
of C(t) mentioned just before Eq. (2), we would remove
this ambiguity, and correspondingly could set c =0, given
some assumptions on the asymptotic behavior of x and
Now the mean-square displacement of x due to equilib6 t is ( b,x ), where
in time
hx =x (t+bt) —x (t). Taking t =0 for convenience, we
have (since the equilibrium state is time independent)
—cothII(t' —t)],
set f1 = it/Piii. Here,
where for brevity we have
as before,
the principal part of the coth is to be understood. Notice
that the undetermined constant c in (7) has dropped out
of this result.
At this stage, let us specialize x to be a Cartesian coordinate of an otherwise free particle immersed in a homogeneous medium with temperature T. For an idealized
inertialess Brownian particle, the response to a weak
external force would be immediate motion at velocity
R would
U =pf, p being the "mobility;" in other words,
be the step function R (t)=@8(t) Howe. ver this idealization is plainly too unrealistic, because it leads to a divergent result in (9). [In this sense we might say that the
theorem knows that particles have
inertia. ] A more reasonable Ansatz for R must incorporate a "relaxation time" or "rise time" ~ representing the
time it takes the particle to accommodate itself to any
sudden change in (t). Such an Ansatz is, for example,
R(t)=p(1 —e
which describes the classical motion of a particle subject
to viscous friction. %"ithout making so specific a choice,
however, we will employ a cruder cutoff which should be
adequate for times much greater than v".
dt'R (t')[2 cothQt'
(t)=@8(t r)
With this R, (9) can be integrated exactly [using the disto protributional identity, P(cothx)=d/dxlnsinh~x~]
equation of quantum
duce the following fundamental
Brownian motion:
(d~ t
= m. /PR .
where again
Now strictly speaking, there is the inconsistency in our
derivation of (12) that C(t) is ill defined for a particle
moving in an unbounded space, because ( x ) in equilibrium would be infinite, and (8) would therefore assume
the indeterminate form (b, x ) = ~ —co. To overcome
this problem, one could confine the particle in a very 1ong
"box" (confining potential), it being intuitively clear that
this could alter neither (bx 2) nor R (t) in the limit of an
infinitely large such box.
The possible limiting cases of (12) are determined by
the relative magnitudes of the three times r, pi}i, and ht,
which we may call, respectively, the relaxation time, the
A priori,
"quantum time, and the "diffusion time.
there would be essentially 3t=6 distinct cases, but since
in order to apply (12), we will limit
we must have b t
ourselves to only three of them. [It is nonetheless instructive to notice that (12) becomes self-contradictory
for ht near ~ since it then equates an intrinsically positive
expression to a negative right-hand side. This implies
that (11) could not be the exact response function for any
system, even in principle. More generally, one can derive
from (7) and the definition of C(t), a positivity criterion
which any putative response function must fulfill in order
to be physically viable. We do not know how restrictive
this criterion is in practice, but we have checked that the
R of (10) yields a mean-square displacement which is
non-negative for all times, as one might have expected. ]
Case 1: pfi«r«b, t This .is the classical limit, and
(12) reduces to the classical relation
spreading which follows the quantum law (14) up to the
time t& =p—
fi/2m, and thereafter continues according to
the classical law (13), with the second term in (15)
remaining forever as a kind of residue of the quantum
era. In order for this residue to be significant, we need
p, ht IP (pfi/m)ln. (PR/2nr), or
( pfi
'(M ) =(p/P)ht=pkTht,
or p, kT(b, t —r) if the leading correction is retained.
Case 2: r«b, t «pR. This is the extreme quantum
limit, in which (time) (energy)
fi for the time scale set
by the diffusion time ht and the energy scale set by the
thermal energy kT. In this limit (12) reduces to
if somewhat more precision is desired. It is noteworthy
that the temperature has disappeared entirely from this
expression (except insofar as it influences p and r), suggesting a quantum Brownian motion due entirely to
"zero-point" fluctuations, which are present even at absolute zero. Indeed, the striking logarithmic dependence in
(14) could also have been derived by first taking the zerotemperature limit of the fluctuation-dissipation
itself, and only then applying it to the R of a diffusing
Intermediate between cases 1
Case 3: r«pfi«At.
and 2, this situation might be described as one in which
the relaxation occurs on quantum time-scales, although
the diffusion time itself is already classically long. [A
suggestive way to rewrite the inequality r «pfi is as the
relation between diffusion constants, D,&,», „& &&DqzzztU~&
from the "viscous damping" relation
(10).] In this case (12) reduces to
(b, x )
Pts. t
one can interpret
~= pm
as the result
envisaged in
of a two-stage
which can occur nontrivially (i.e., without reducing to
big, so that
case 2) only if pirt/r is exponentially
ln(pfi/r) &b, t/pfi»1. Taking m =r/p as earlier, this
amounts to a requirement that the particle be extremely
Equations (13), (14), and (15) are all special cases of the
more general relation (12), which should be valid whenever z((ht. In other situations, or for more general
response functions R (t), one must refer back to (9) itself,
from which the spreading can always be computed as
A particularly
long as R (t) is known.
response function to treat would be (10), and another interesting case might be a particle moving in a superfluid.
In the zero-temperature limit, i.e., in case 2 above, our
formula (14) may be compared with a result of Ambegaokar, who used a path-integral formalism, and assumed a
linear coupling between the particle and an environment
comprising an infinite collection of harmonic oscillators.
He obtained an expression for the mean-square displacement of a Brownian particle in the quantum regime
which corresponds to our result given in (14), if we make
certain identifications. According to Ambegaokar (with a
presumed misprint corrected),
((bx )) =[(h/m. )/ym]ln~(toto, y)~+const.
for (1/y) &t &(piri). Here, (hx ) is given by a density
operator p which reduces to a 5 function at t =0, and co,
defines an upper frequency cutoff beyond which the linear
relationship between particle velocity and environmental
friction breaks down. Also, judging from Eq. (5.3} of Ref.
4, it appears natural to identify 1/y with our ~, and
therefore 1/my with our p. If we do so, and also equate
co, to r ', then we recover (14} from (17} with the constant set to zero.
In connection with (14) one can ask the following question: Classically, what kind of response function would
lead to a logarithmic law of diffusion? If we take the
A~O limit of (9), we find that the relevant response function should be proportional to 1/t, which is physically
impossible. This implies that the effect described by (14)
is of purely quantum-mechanical
Finally, let us estimate the thresholds of time and temperature at which significant deviations from classical be-
havior should appear. In order to be in the "pure quantum regime, we need At ((ptrt, which can also be written in the time-energy form, kTht «A. Taking
sec yields kTAtlR-0. 1,
deg (cf Ref 6) and At —10
which ought to be well within the "pure quantum regime, meaning that (14) should apply if the relaxation
time is short enough (and the "reservoir" in thermal equilibrium). For higher temperatures or longer times, deviations of the sort described by (15) might be observable if r
is small enough and a condition like (16) is satisfied.
'Permanent address: Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse N. Y. 13244-1130.
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We would like to thank M. Cristina Marchetti for useful discussions and for making us aware of Ref. 3 and 4.
R.D.S. would
to thank
O'Raifeartaigh and Siddhartha Sen for their hospitality
at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, where parts
of this paper were written. This research was partly supported by NSF grants No. PHY 9005790, No. INT
8814944, No. PHY 8918388, and No. DMR-87-17337.
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