Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 375, 2000, pp. 654–656. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 375, No. 5, 2000, pp. 712–714.
Original Russian Text Copyright © 2000 by Temereva, Malakhov.
The Circulatory System of Phoronid Larvae
E. N. Temereva and Corresponding Member of the RAS V. V. Malakhov
Received June 23, 2000
In most marine invertebrates, larvae possess many
provisory structural characteristics which are adaptive
for the larval stage and are not preserved in the adult
animal. On the other hand, various heterochronies
occur during the formation of the primordia of organs
typical of adult forms: the formation of these primordia
either occurs at early stages of larval development or is
considerably delayed [1]. The circulatory system does
not typically develop even in the largest larvae of
marine invertebrates. Phoronidae is the only taxon of
marine invertebrates in which the larvae have a circulatory system.
The indications that a circulatory system is present
in actinotrochs are found in the early studies on this
taxon (studies by Metschnikoff [2], Caldwell [3], Roule
[4], and Masterman [5]). Nevertheless, no complete
anatomic reconstruction of the circulatory system of
actinotrochs has been made to date. Moreover, the fine
histological structure of the circulatory system of
phoronids also remains unknown.
The objective of this work was to reconstruct the
anatomic organization of the circulatory system of
phoronid larvae and to study the ultrastructure of this
The object of this study was the larvae of two
phoronid species at late developmental stages (immediately before metamorphosis): Phoronis ijimai (= Actinotrocha vancouverensis) and Phoronopsis harmeri
(= Actinotrocha harmeri). The general anatomy of the
circulatory system was studied by means of reconstruction based on a complete series of histological sections.
The fine structure of vascular walls and erythrocytes
was studied using a transmission electron microscope.
For light microscopy, the larvae were fixed in 4% formalin, dehydrated, and impregnated with Paraplast.
Then we made sections, mounted them, and stained
them with hematoxylin. For electron microscopy, the
larvae were fixed in a 2% glutaraldehyde solution based
on a 0.1 M cacodilate buffer (pH 7.2) containing sucrose
(100 mM). After washing, the larvae were additionally
fixed with a 1% solution of osmium tetroxide and were
stored in 70% ethanol. Then, the larvae were dehy-
Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology,
Moscow State University, Vorob’evy gory, Moscow,
119899 Russia
drated and impregnated with a mixture of araldites.
Ultrathin sections were contrasted with uranyl acetate
and lead citrate.
The general anatomy and ultrastructure of the circulatory system of the larvae were very similar in both
species studied. In all cases (if not specified in the text),
the description given in this study refers equally to both
species studied. The hemocoel, the central organ of the
circulatory system in phoronid larvae, a circular cavity
is situated between the second and first septs, i.e., the
residue of the primary body cavity (blastocoel). The
circle of hemocoel surrounds the esophagus; this is the
place of separation of both radial tentacular blood vessels and three axial vessels: the odd dorsal vessel and
paired ventrolateral vessels (Fig. 1). Tentacular vessels
run along tentacles and are completely enclosed on all
sides by the horseshoe-shaped (on cross sections)
coelomic canal. The dorsal vessel is a tubular canal running along the dorsal wall of the stomach up to the
approximate beginning of the posterior part of the
stomach. Ventrolateral vessels are wide canals between
the wall of the stomach and the coelothelial lining of
the stomach’s surface (splanchnopleura). These canals
run down to the approximate medial part of the stomach. In addition to the aforementioned main blood vessels, there are some irregularly arranged vessels forming the hemal plexus on the surface of the basal membrane of the stomach (not shown in Fig. 1).
The wall of the blood vessels is formed by monociliate epithelial-muscular cells. The cells of the wall are
arranged into one layer and are connected to one
another by interdigitation contacts (the outgrowths of a
cell enter the notches of another; Figs. 2a, 2b). Specialized desmosome-like contacts were found both on the
side directed to the lumen of the vessel and on the side
facing the body cavity. The cells of the vascular wall are
separated from the lumen of the vessel by a 100- to
200-nm-thick layer of extracellular matrix. Single thick
fibers (80 to 100 nm in diameter), which are oriented
along the axis of the vessel, are included in the thickness of the extracellular matrix (Fig. 2a). In some sections, the cell surface facing the vessel’s inside
appeared as numerous evaginations, where the layer of
extracellular matrix was shaped similarly to the curves
of these evaginations (Fig. 2a). In other cases, the internal surface of the vessel was smooth (Fig. 2b). Proba-
0012-4966/00/1112-0654$25.00 © 2000 MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica”
bb sr
Fig. 1. A scheme of the circulatory system of a phoronid
larva at late developmental stages. The number of tentacles
is deliberately reduced. Designations: dbv, dorsal blood vessel; hem, hemocoel; tbv, tentacular blood vessel; vbv, ventrolateral blood vessel.
bly, this depends on the degree to which the vessel is
filled with liquid.
Contractile filaments are located in the basal (i.e.,
facing the lumen of the vessel) part of cells and can be
oriented either longitudinally, transversally, or at different angles to the axis of the vessel (Fig. 2b). The apical
(facing the coelom) cell surface is supplied with cilia.
The base of a cilium is submerged into the pit on the
cell surface, and a short streaked rootlet goes from the
basal body (Figs. 2a, 2b). The basal body and the rootlet are supplied with the lining formed by the cisterns
of the Golgi apparatus.
Vascular walls have different widths, which also
vary depending on the degree to which the vessel is
filled. Nevertheless, the walls of lateral and tentacular
vessels are, as a rule, formed by flattened cells, whereas
the wall of the dorsal vessel consists of elevated, bulbshaped cells (Fig. 2b). In the latter case, the nucleus is
situated in the widened apical part of the cell. The cells
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Fig. 2. Ultrastructure of the elements of the circulatory system in a phoronid larva: (a) a structural scheme of the wall
of the ventral blood vessel; (b) a structural scheme of the
wall of the dorsal blood vessel; (c) aggregation of erythrocytes (the scale marker is equal to 1.4 µm). Designations:
am, amoebocyte; bb, basal body; c, cilium; cc, coelothelial
cells of vascular wall; bms, basal membrane of the stomach;
ex, extracellular matrix; lv, lumen of vessel; mf, myofilaments; sr, streaked rootlet; tf, thick fibers in the extracellular
of the vascular wall have ovate or flattened nuclei; the
chromatin is arranged as large lumps. The nuclei contain one or two nucleoli. The cytoplasm includes the
channels of rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and vacuoles with loose content (Figs. 2a, 2b).
The lumen of vessels contains loose granular material. Single amoebocytes occur in some vessels (especially in the vessels of the preintestinal plexus). These
are the cells that have irregular shapes and outgrowths
(Fig. 2b). In these cells, the nucleus has a large nucleolus. In the cytoplasm of amoebocytes, we found the
vesicles of smooth reticulum, which vary in size, and
vacuoles with loose content.
Erythrocytes form round-shaped aggregations in the
cavity of the circular hemocoel, which are easily discernible in live larvae, owing to the presence of hemoglobin, a bright red respiratory pigment. Ph. ijimai larvae have two such aggregations; in Ph. harmeri larvae,
four aggregations are typically found. Larval erythrocytes are ovate or irregularly shaped cells; their diameter is 5 µm (Fig. 2c). They are arranged close to each
other; however, we did not found any specialized cellular contacts between them. The nuclei of erythrocytes
are ovate and have one or two nucleoli. The cytoplasm
of erythrocytes appears electron-dense because of
abundant microgranular material, which is likely to
represent the respiratory protein (hemoglobin). Sparse
mitochondria have a dense internal matrix. Transparent
vesicles of various size are found in the cytoplasm of
erythrocytes. An unusual feature of larval erythrocytes
is the presence of rudimentary cilia (Fig. 2c). These
rudiments are represented by a basal body which is situated near the surface of an erythrocyte and has a short
streaked rootlet. The basal body and the rootlet have a
lining of packed cisterns of the Golgi apparatus
(Fig. 2c). We did not observe the undulapodia of cilium
in any section studied.
Larvae and adult forms of Phoronidae differ considerably in the general anatomy of the circulatory system.
This fact is in good agreement with the fundamental
difference in the structural pattern of larvae and adults.
The entire phoronid body is known to be formed in the
course of metamorphosis from the ventral metasomal
outgrowth; this is why the main axes of the larval and
adult forms do not coincide [6]. The change that the circulatory system of phoronid larvae undergoes during
metamorphosis remains poorly studied. We can only
assume the presence of some accordance between the
larval and definitive circulatory systems. For example,
the circular hemocoel of larvae is likely to bring the circular vessels of the lophophore into origin. The radially
directed tentacular larval vessels can be considered the
primordia of the blind tentacular vessels of adult forms.
The dorsal vessel that runs along the intestine displays
very fine correspondence with the medial vessel of
adult phoronids. Probably, two short lateral larval vessels correspond to the primordia of lateral vessels of
adult forms; however, this question requires a special
A comparison between the fine structure of vessels
in larvae and adult forms is equally interesting. Emig
[7] distinguished four types of the organization of
blood vessels in adult phoronids. Strictly speaking, larval vascular walls do not completely correspond to any
of these types. Most of all, they are similar to type 2 in
Emig’s classification [7]. This type is characterized by
the presence of a uniform cellular wall (which is
formed by coelomic myoepithelium), extracellular
matrix, and a discontinuous intravascular endothelial
layer. Thus, the only difference in the structure of the
vascular wall of larvae from that of adult forms is the
lack of endothelium. However, appendiculate amoebocytes, which are particularly abundant in the intestinal
plexus and in the dorsal vessel, may fulfill the function
of endothelium.
The erythrocytes of larvae considerably differ from
those of adult forms in the general shape of cells (erythrocytes are spherical in adult phoronids and irregularly
shaped in larvae), density of cytoplasmic hemoglobin
(in adults, the cytoplasm of erythrocytes is characterized by very high electron density), and the presence of
rudimentary cilia in larval erythrocytes. The latter feature suggests that erythrocytes have originated from the
ciliate cells of the coelomic epithelium.
Taken together, these data indicate that, the circulatory system of phoronid larvae is characterized by a
high anatomic complexity and a relatively high level of
cell differentiation. Probably, the early development of
the larval circulatory system is related to the important
role of the circulatory system in vital functions of
phoronids. In fact, having a relatively low level of differentiation of other systems of organs, phoronids are
characterized by very complicated, voluminous, and,
moreover, closed circulatory system.
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