J Real-Time Image Proc
DOI 10.1007/s11554-013-0370-1
Real-time human action recognition based on depth motion maps
Chen Chen • Kui Liu • Nasser Kehtarnavaz
Received: 8 April 2013 / Accepted: 25 July 2013
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Abstract This paper presents a human action recognition
method by using depth motion maps (DMMs). Each depth
frame in a depth video sequence is projected onto three
orthogonal Cartesian planes. Under each projection view,
the absolute difference between two consecutive projected
maps is accumulated through an entire depth video sequence
forming a DMM. An l2-regularized collaborative representation classifier with a distance-weighted Tikhonov matrix is
then employed for action recognition. The developed
method is shown to be computationally efficient allowing it
to run in real-time. The recognition results applied to the
Microsoft Research Action3D dataset indicate superior
performance of our method over the existing methods.
Keywords Human action recognition Depth
motion map RGBD camera Collaborative
representation classifier
1 Introduction
Human action recognition is an active research area in
computer vision. Earlier attempts at action recognition
have involved using video sequences captured by video
cameras. Spatio-temporal features are widely used for
recognizing human actions, e.g. [1–6]. As imaging technology advances, it has become possible to capture depth
information in real-time. Compared with conventional
images, depth maps are insensitive to changes in lighting
conditions and can provide 3D information toward distinguishing actions that are difficult to characterize using
C. Chen (&) K. Liu N. Kehtarnavaz
The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA
[email protected]
conventional images. Figure 1 shows two examples consisting of nine depth maps of the action Golf swing and the
action Forward kick. Since the release of low cost depth
sensors, in particular Microsoft Kinect and ASUS Xtion,
many research works have been carried out on human
action recognition using depth imagery, e.g. [7–13]. As
noted in [14], 3D joint positions of a person’s skeleton
estimated from depth images provide additional information to achieve action recognition.
In this paper, the problem of human action recognition
from depth map sequences is examined from the perspective
of computational efficiency. These images are captured by an
RGBD camera. Specifically, the depth motion maps (DMMs)
generated by accumulating motion energy of projected depth
maps in three projective views (front view, side view, and top
view) are used as feature descriptors. Compared with 3D
depth maps, DMMs are 2D images that provide an encoding
of motion characteristics of an action. Motivated by the success of sparse representation in face recognition [15–18] and
image classification [18, 19], an l2-regularized collaborative
representation classifier is utilized which seeks a match of an
unknown sample via a linear combination of training samples
from all the classes. The class label is then derived according
to the class which best approximates the unknown sample.
Basically, our introduced method involves a spatio-temporal
motion representation based on DMMs followed by an l2regularized collaborative representation classifier with a distance-weighted Tikhonov matrix to perform computationally
efficient action recognition.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2,
related works are presented. In Sect. 3, the details of
generating DMMs feature descriptors are stated. In Sect. 4,
the sparse representation classifier (SRC) is first introduced
and then the l2-regularized collaborative representation
classifier is described for performing action recognition.
J Real-Time Image Proc
Fig. 1 Examples of depth map sequences for a Golf swing action,
and b Forward kick action
The experimental results are reported in Sect. 5. Finally, in
Sect. 6, concluding remarks are stated.
2 Related works
Space–time based methods such as space–time volumes,
spatio-temporal features, and trajectories have been widely
utilized for human action recognition from video sequences
captured by traditional RGB cameras. In [1], spatio-temporal
interest points coupled with an SVM classifier was used to
achieve human action recognition. Cuboid descriptors were
employed in [2] for action representation. In [3], SIFT-feature
trajectories modeled in a hierarchy of three abstraction levels
were used to recognize actions in video sequences. Various
local motion features were gathered as spatio-temporal bag-offeatures (BoF) in [4] to perform action classification. Motionenergy images (MEI) and motion-history images (MHI) were
introduced in [5] as motion templates to model spatial and
temporal characteristics of human actions in videos. In [6], a
hierarchical extension for computing dense motion flow from
MHI was presented. A major shortcoming associated with
using these intensity-based or color-based methods is the
sensitivity of recognition to illumination variations, limiting
the recognition robustness.
With the release of RGBD sensors, research into action
recognition based on depth information has grown. Skeleton-based approaches utilize locations of skeletal joints
extracted from depth images. In [7], a view invariant
posture representation was devised using histograms of 3D
joint locations (HOJ3D) within a modified spherical coordinate system. HOJ3D were re-projected using LDA and
clustered into k posture visual words. The temporal evolutions of these visual words were modeled by a discrete
hidden Markov model. In [8], a Naive-Bayes-NearestNeighbor (NBNN) classifier was employed to recognize
human actions based on Eigen Joints (i.e., position differences of joints) combining static posture, motion, and
offset information. Such skeleton-based approaches have
limitations due to inaccuracies in skeletal estimation.
Moreover, the skeleton information is not always available
in many applications.
There are methods that involve extracting spatio-temporal features from the entire set of points in a depth map
sequence to distinguish different actions. An action graph
was employed in [9] to model the dynamics of actions and
a collection of 3D points were used to characterize postures. However, the 3D points sampling scheme used
generated a large amount of data leading to a computationally expensive training step. In [10], a DMM-based
histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) was utilized to
compactly represent the body shape and movement information toward distinguishing actions. In [11], random
occupancy pattern (ROP) features were extracted from
depth images using a weighted sampling scheme. A sparse
coding approach was utilized to robustly encode ROP
features for action recognition and the features were shown
to be robust to occlusion. In [12], 4D space–time occupancy patterns were used as features which preserved
spatial and temporal contextual information coping with
intra-class variations. A simple classifier based on the
cosine distance was then used for action recognition.
In [13], a hybrid solution combining skeleton and depth
information was used for action recognition. 3D joint
position and local occupancy patterns were used as features. An actionlet ensemble model was then learnt to
represent each action and to capture intra-class variations.
In general, the above references do not elaborate on the
computational complexity aspect of their solutions and do
not provide actual real-time processing times. In contrast to
the existing methods, in this work, both the computational
complexity and the processing times associated with each
component of our method are reported.
3 Depth motion maps as features
A depth map can be used to capture the 3D structure and
shape information. Yang et al. [10] proposed to project
depth frames onto three orthogonal Cartesian planes for the
purpose of characterizing the motion of an action. Due to
its computational simplicity, the same approach in [10] is
adopted in this work while the procedure to obtain DMMs
is modified. More specifically, each 3D depth frame is used
to generate three 2D projected maps corresponding to front,
side, and top views, denoted by mapv where v 2 ff ; s; tg.
For a point ðx; y; zÞ in a depth frame with z denoting the
depth value in a right-handed coordinate system, the pixel
value in three projected maps is indicated by z, x, and y,
J Real-Time Image Proc
respectively. Different from [10], for each projected map,
the motion energy is calculated here as the absolute difference between two consecutive maps without thresholding. For a depth video sequence with N frames, DMMv is
obtained by stacking the motion energy across an entire
depth video sequence as follows:
DMMv ¼
mapiv mapi1
where i represents the frame index; mapiv is the projected
map of ith frame under projection view v; a 2 f2; . . .; Ng
and b 2 f2; . . .; Ng denote the starting frame and the end
frame index. It should be noted that not all the frames in a
depth video sequence are used to generate DMMs. This
point is discussed further in the experimental setup section.
A bounding box is then set to extract the non-zero region as
the foreground in each DMM.
Let the foreground extracted DMM be denoted by DMMv
hereafter. Two examples of DMMv generated from the
Tennis serve and Forward kick video sequences are shown in
Fig. 2. DMMs from the three projection views effectively
capture the characteristics of the motion in a distinguishable
way. That is the reason here for using DMMs as feature
descriptors for action recognition. Since DMMv of different
action video sequences may have different sizes, bicubic
interpolation is used to resize all DMMv under the same
projection view to a fixed size in order to reduce the intraclass variability, for example due to different subject heights.
The size of DMMf is mf nf , the size of DMMs is ms ns ,
and the size of DMMt is mt nt . Since pixel values are used
as features, they are normalized between 0 and 1 to avoid
large pixel values dominating the feature set. The resized and
normalized DMM is denoted by DMMv . For an action video
sequence with three DMMs, a feature vector of size
mf nf þ ms ns þ mt nt 1 is thus formed to be h ¼
vec DMMf ; vec DMMs ; vec DMMt
by concatenating the three vectorized DMMs; vecðÞ indicates the vectorization operator and T the matrix transpose. The feature
vector encodes the 4D characteristics of an action video
sequence. Note that the HOG descriptors of the DMMs are
not computed here as done in [10] and image resizing is
applied to DMMs but not to each projected depth map as
done in [10]. As a result, the computational complexity of the
feature extraction process is greatly reduced.
4 l2-regularized collaborative representation classifier
Sparse representation (or sparse coding) has been an active
research area in the machine learning community due to its
success in face recognition [15–18] and image classification
[18, 19]. The central idea of the SRC is to represent a test
Fig. 2 DMMv generated from a Tennis serve, and b Forward kick
depth action video sequences
sample according to a small number of atoms sparsely
chosen out of an over-complete dictionary formed by all the
available training samples. Consider a dataset with C classes
of training samples arranged column-wise A ¼ ½A1 ;
A2 ; . . .; AC 2 Rdn , where Aj ðj ¼ 1; . . .; CÞ is the subset
of the training samples associated with class j, d is the
dimension of training samples and n is the total number of
training samples from all the classes. A test sample g 2 Rd
can be represented as a sparse linear combination of the
training samples, which can be formulated as,
g ¼ Aa;
where a ¼ ½a1 ; a2 ; . . .; aC is an n 1 vector of coefficients
corresponding to all the training samples and aj ðj ¼
1; . . .; CÞ denotes the subset of the coefficients associated
with the training samples from the jth class, i.e. Aj . From a
practical standpoint, one cannot directly solve for a since
(2) is typically under-determined [17]. To reach a solution,
one can solve the following l1 norm minimization problem,
a^ ¼ arg min kg Aak22 þhkak1 ;
where h is a scalar regularization parameter which balances
the influence of the residual and the sparsity term. The
class label of g is then obtained via,
classðgÞ ¼ arg min ej
where ej ¼ g Aj a^j 2 . The reader is referred to [15] for
more details.
As described in [20], it is the collaborative representation,
i.e. use of all the training samples as a dictionary, but not the
J Real-Time Image Proc
l1-norm sparsity constraint, that improves the classification
accuracy. The l2-regularized approach generates comparable
results but with significantly lower computational complexity [20, 21]. Therefore, here the l2-regularized approach
is used for action recognition. As mentioned in Sect. 3, each
depth video sequence generates a feature vector
h 2 Rmf nf þms ns þmt nt , therefore the dictionary is A ¼
½h1 ; h2 ; . . .; hK with K being the total number of available
training samples from all the action classes. Let yq 2
Rmf nf þms ns þmt nt denote the feature vector of an unknown
action sample. Tikhonov regularization [22] is employed
here to calculate the coefficient vector according to,
a^ ¼ arg min yq Aa 2 þkkLak22 ;
where L is the Tikhonov regularization matrix and k is the
regularization parameter. The term L allows the imposition
of prior knowledge on the solution. Normally, L is chosen
to be the identity matrix. The approach proposed in [23] is
adopted here by giving less weight to the situations which
are dissimilar from the unknown sample than those which
are similar. Specifically, a diagonal matrix L in the
following form is considered.
y q h1 2
yq h K 2
The coefficient vector a^ is calculated as follows [24]:
a^ ¼ AT A þ kLT L AT yq :
The class label for each unknown sample is then found
from (4). Algorithm 1 provides more details of the l2-regularized collaborative representation classifier utilized
5 Experimental setup
In this section, it is explained how our method was applied
to the public domain Microsoft Research (MSR) Action3D
dataset [9] with the depth map sequences captured by an
RGBD camera. Our method is then compared with the
existing methods.
The MSR-Action3D dataset includes 20 actions performed by 10 subjects. Each subject performed each action
2 or 3 times. Each subject performed the same action differently. As a result, the dataset incorporated the intra-class
variation. For example, the speed of performing an action
varied with different subjects. The resolution of each depth
map was 320 9 240. To facilitate a fair comparison, the
same experimental settings as done in [7–10, 12] were
considered. The actions were divided into three subsets as
listed in Table 1. For each action subset, three different
tests were performed. In Test One, 1/3 of the samples were
used as training samples and the rest as test samples; in
Test Two, 2/3 of the samples were used as training samples
and the rest as test samples; in Cross Subject Test (or Test
Three), half of the subjects were used as training and the
rest as test subjects. In the experimental setup reported in
[9], in Test One (or Two), for each action and each subject,
the first (or first two) action sequences were used for
training; while in Cross Subject Test, subjects 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
(if existed) were used for training. Noting that the samples
or subjects used for training and testing were fixed, they are
referred to as Fixed Tests here.
Another experiment was conducted by randomly
choosing training samples or training subjects corresponding to the three tests. In other words, the action
sequences of each subject for each action were randomly
chosen to serve as training samples in Test One and Test
Two. For Cross Subject Test, half of the subjects were
randomly chosen for training and the rest used for testing.
These tests are referred to as Random Tests here.
For each depth video sequence, the first five frames and
the last five frames were removed and the remaining
frames were used to generate DMMv . The purpose of this
frame removal was two-fold. First, at the beginning and the
end, the subjects were mostly at a stand-still position with
only small body movements, which did not contribute to
the motion characteristics of the video sequences. Second,
in our process of generating DMMs, small movements at
the beginning and the end resulted in a stand-still body
shape with large pixel values along the edges which contributed to a large amount of reconstruction error. Therefore, the initial and end frame removal was done to remove
no motion condition. Other frame selection methods may
be used here to achieve the same.
To have three fixed sizes for DMMv , the sizes of the
DMMs of all the samples (training and test samples) were
J Real-Time Image Proc
Table 1 Three subsets of actions used for msr-action3D dataset
Action set 1 (AS1)
Action set 2 (AS2)
Action set 3 (AS3)
Horizontal wave (2)
High wave (1)
High throw (6)
Hammer (3)
Hand catch (4)
Forward kick (14)
Forward punch (5)
Draw x (7)
Side kick (15)
High throw (6)
Draw tick (8)
Jogging (16)
Hand clap (10)
Draw circle (9)
Tennis swing (17)
Bend (13)
Two hand wave (11)
Tennis serve (18)
Tennis serve (18)
Forward kick (14)
Golf swing (19)
Pickup throw (20)
Side boxing (12)
Pickup throw (20)
found under each projection view. The fixed size of each
DMM was simply set to half of the mean value of all the
sizes. For the training feature set and the test feature set,
principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to reduce
the dimensionality. The PCA transform matrix was calculated using the training feature set and then applied to the
test feature set. This dimensionality reduction step provided computational efficiency for the classification. In our
experiments, the largest 85 % of the eigenvalues were kept.
Fig. 3 Recognition rates of Fixed Cross Subject Test for various
values of k
5.1 Parameter selection
In the l2-regularized collaborative representation classifier,
a key parameter is k which controls the relative effect of
the Tikhonov regularization term in the optimization stated
in (5). Many approaches have been presented in the literature—such as the L-curve [25], discrepancy principle, and
generalized cross-validation (GCV)—for finding an optimal value for this regularization parameter. To find an
optimal k, a set of values were examined. Figure 3 shows
the recognition rates with different values of k for Fixed
Cross Subject Test. Random Cross Subject Test was also
performed with the same set of values. For each value of k,
the testing was repeated 50 times. The average recognition
rates are shown in Fig. 4. From Figs. 3 and 4, one can see
that the recognition accuracy was quite stable for a large
range of k values. As a result, in all the experiments
reported here, the value of k ¼ 0:001 was thus chosen.
5.2 Rejection option
An option was added to reject an action which did not
belong to an action set. For example, since action Jump
was not included in the MSR-Action3D dataset, it was
rejected. This was done by setting a rejection threshold
for the minimum reconstruction error calculated from (4).
This threshold was set according to the degree of similarity of the action not included in the recognition set. Let
emin indicate the minimum reconstruction error, the
Fig. 4 Average recognition rates of Random Cross Subject Test for
various values of k
decision of rejecting or accepting an unknown action
sample was made as follows:
Reject; if emin [ threshold
Decision (action) ¼
To find an appropriate rejection threshold, Random
Tests on the MSR-Action3D dataset were done by
repeating each test for each subset 200 times. Noting KT
to be the total number of test samples in a subset for a
random test, 200 test trials generated 200 KT minimum
reconstruction errors thus forming a vector E ¼
emin ; e2min ; . . .; emin
. The mean of E was then
calculated and used as the rejection threshold.
J Real-Time Image Proc
5.3 Results and discussion
5.3.1 Recognition results
Our method was compared with the existing methods
using the MSR-Action3D dataset. The comparison results
are reported in Table 2. The best recognition rate
achieved is highlighted in bold. From Table 2, it can be
seen that our method outperformed the method reported
in [9] in all the test cases. For the challenging Cross
Subject Test, our method produced 90.5 % recognition
rate which was slightly lower than the method reported in
[10]. However, it should be noted that our method did not
require the calculation of HOG descriptors and thus it
was computationally much more efficient. The confusion
matrix of our method for Fixed Cross Subject Test is
shown in Fig. 5. For a compact representation, numbers
are used to indicate the actions listed in Table 1. There
are three possible reasons for the misclassifications in the
Cross Subject Test. First, large intra-class variations
existed due to considerable variations in the same action
performed by different subjects. Although the DMMv of
all the samples were normalized to have the same sizes,
the normalization could not eliminate the intra-class
variations entirely. Second, the feature formed by DMMv
did not exhibit enough discriminatory power to distinguish similar motions. For example, Hammer was confused with Forward punch and High throw was confused
with Tennis serve since they had similar motion characteristics. In other words, the DMMv generated by these
actions were similar. Finally, since our classification
decision was based on the reconstruction errors of different training classes in (4), the class with the smallest
reconstruction error was favored. Hence, a misclassification occurred when two actions were similar and the
wrong class had a smaller reconstruction error.
To verify that our method did not depend on specific
training data, another experiment was done by randomly
choosing training samples or training subjects for the three
tests. Each test was run for each subset 200 times and the
mean performance (mean accuracy ± standard deviation)
was computed, see Table 3. For Test One and Test Two,
the average recognition rate over the subsets was found
comparable with the outcome shown in Table 2. In the
Cross Subject Test, the average recognition rate dropped by
about 10 % mainly due to a large intra-class variation.
However, our method still achieved 80 % recognition rate
overall which was higher than the rates reported in [7] and
[9] using the Fixed Cross Subject Test.
Furthermore, l1- regularized SRC (denoted by L1) and
SVM [27] were considered in order to compare the recognition performance with our l2-regularized collaborative
representation classifier (denoted by L2). These three
classifiers were tested on the same training and test samples
of the Random Cross Subject Test with 200 trials. The
SPAMS toolbox [26] was employed to solve the optimization problem in (3) due to its fast implementation. Radial
basis function (RBF) kernel was used for the SVM and its
two parameters (penalty parameter and kernel width) were
tuned for optimal recognition rates. The average recognition rates using the three classifiers are shown in Fig. 6. As
exhibited in this figure, our l2-regularized collaborative
representation classifier was on par with the SCR and
consistently outperformed the SVM classifier in all the
three subsets. A disadvantage of SVM was also the
requirement to tune its two parameters.
Table 2 Recognition rates (%) comparison of Fixed Tests for msr-action3D dataset
Li et al. [9]
Lu et al. [7]
Yang et al. [8]
Yang et al. [10]
Vieira et al. [12]
Our method
Test one
Test two
Cross subject test
J Real-Time Image Proc
Fig. 5 Confusion matrix of our method for Fixed Cross Subject Test. a Subset AS1. b Subset AS2. c Subset AS3
Table 3 Average and standard deviation recognition rates (%) of our
method for msr-action3D dataset in Random Tests
Test one
Test two
Cross subject test
97.4 ± 0.9
98.5 ± 1.1
84.8 ± 4.4
96.1 ± 1.5
97.8 ± 1.4
67.8 ± 4.3
97.7 ± 1.2
98.9 ± 1.1
87.1 ± 3.7
97.1 ± 1.2
98.4 ± 1.2
79.9 ± 4.1
Fig. 7 Real-time action recognition timeline
Table 4 Average and standard deviation of processing time of the
components of our method
Fig. 6 Comparison of recognition rates (%) using different classifiers
in Random Cross Subject Test
5.3.2 Real-time operation
There are four main components in our method: projected
depth map generation (three views) for each depth frame,
DMMs feature generation, dimensionality reduction
(PCA), and action recognition (l2-regularized collaborative
representation classifier). Our real-time action recognition
timeline is displayed in Fig. 7. The numbers in Fig. 7
indicate the main components in our method. The generation of the projected map and DMMs are executed right
Processing time (ms)
2.0 ± 0.4/frame
3.3 ± 0.6/frame
2.5 ± 1.2/action sequence
1.8 ± 0.5/action sequence
after each depth frame is captured while the dimensionality
reduction and action recognition are performed after an
action sequence gets completed. Since the PCA transform
matrix is calculated using the training feature set, it can be
directly applied to the feature vector of a test sample. Our
code is written in Matlab and the processing time reported
is for a PC with 2.67 GHz Intel Core I7 CPU with 4 GB
RAM. The average processing time of each component is
listed in Table 4. Note that the average number of depth
frames in an action video sequence (after frame removal) is
about 30.
The computational complexity aspect of the major
components involved in different methods are provided in
J Real-Time Image Proc
Table 5 Computational
complexity and speed-up
Computational complexity
of major components
Li et al. [9]
O(J 9 KhD2)
Lu et al. [7]
O(KhMP ? P3) ? O(NhH2)
Yang et al. [8]
O(m3 ? m2r) ? O(r 9 nc 9 nd 9 log(nc 9 nd))
Yang et al. [10]
Vieira et al. [12]
O(m3 ? m2r) ? O(nc 9 r2)
Our method
O(m3 ? m2r) ? O(nc 9 r)
Table 5. In [9], the bi-gram maximum likelihood decoding
(BMLD) for Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) was adopted
to mitigate the computational complexity with the complexity of O(J 9 KhD2) [28], where J denotes the number
of iterations, Kh the number of samples in the dataset and
D the dimensionality of the state. As was reported in [7],
the complexity is mostly due to the Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and HMM. The computation of
voting of joints into the bins is relatively trivial. The
computational complexity for LDA is O(KhMP ? P3),
where M is the number of extracted features and
P = min(Kh,M). The computational complexity for HMM
is O(NhH2) [29], where Nh denotes the total number of
states and H the length of the observation sequence. In [8],
the computational complexity for PCA [30] and NaiveBayes-Nearest-Neighbor (NBNN) classifier is stated as
O(m3 ? m2r)
O[r 9 nc 9 nd 9 log(nc 9 nd)],
respectively, where m denotes the dimension of a sample
vector, r denotes the number of training samples, nc represents the number of classes, and nd represents the number
of descriptors. In [10], the computational complexity of
SVM is stated as O(r3) [31]. In [12], the computational
complexity of PCA and the classifier are stated as
O(m3 ? m2r) and O(nc 9 r2), respectively. Table 5 provides the speedup for a typical set of parameters: J = 50,
Kh = 200, D = 30, Nh = 6, H = 27, M = 125, r = 100,
m = 50, nc = 8, nd = 40. As can be seen from this table,
our method is the most computationally efficient one.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, a computationally efficient DMM-based
human action recognition method using l2-regularized collaborative representation classifier was introduced. The
DMMs generated from three projection views were used to
capture the motion characteristics of an action sequence. An
average recognition rate of 90.5 % on the MSR-Action3D
dataset was achieved, outperforming the existing methods.
In addition, the utilization of l2-regularized collaborative
representation classifier was shown to be computationally
efficient leading to a real-time implementation.
Approximate speedup for a
typical set of parameters
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Author Biographies
Chen Chen received the B.E. degree in automation from Beijing
Forestry University, Beijing, China, in 2009 and the M.S. degree in
electrical engineering from Mississippi State University, Starkville,
MS, in 2012. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas,
Richardson, TX. His research interests include compressed sensing,
signal and image processing, pattern recognition, and computer
Kui Liu received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from
Nanchang University, Nanchang, China in 2005, and received the
M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Mississippi State University, Starkville, M.S. in 2011. He is currently a graduate research
assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University
of Texas at Dallas as a member of Signal and Image processing
Laboratory. His research interests include real-time image processing,
3-D computer vision and machine learning.
Nasser Kehtarnavaz received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and
computer engineering from Rice University in 1987. He is a Professor
of Electrical Engineering and Director of the Signal and Image
Processing Laboratory at the University of Texas at Dallas. His
research areas include signal and image processing, real-time signal
and image processing, biomedical image analysis, and pattern
recognition. He has authored or co-authored 8 books and more than
200 papers in these areas. He is currently Chair of the Dallas Chapter
of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Cochair of the SPIE
Conference on Real-Time Image and Video Processing, and Coeditor-in-Chief of Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. He is a
fellow of IEEE and SPIE.