Surface Science 532–535 (2003) 832–836
Photoluminescence study of Si/Ge quantum dots
M. Larsson *, A. Elfving, P.O. Holtz, G.V. Hansson, W.-X. Ni
Department of Physics, Link€oping University, SE-581 83 Link€oping, Sweden
Ge quantum dots embedded in Si are studied by means of photoluminescence (PL). The temperature dependent PL
measurements show two different types of recombination processes related to the quantum dots. We ascribe a peak near
0.80 eV to the spatially indirect recombination in the type-II band lineup where the electron is located in the surrounding Si close to the interface and the hole in the Ge dot. Furthermore, a peak near 0.85 eV is attributed to the
spatially direct recombination. We observe a transition from the spatially indirect to the spatially direct recombination
as the temperature is increased. The measurements also show an up-shift of the Ge quantum dot emission energy with
increasing excitation power density. The blueshift is primarily ascribed to an enhanced confinement of the electron
associated with the increased band bending at the type-II Si/Ge interface at high carrier densities. Comparison is made
with results, derived from measurements on uncapped samples. For these uncapped samples, no energy shifts due to
excitation power or temperatures are observed in contrast to the capped samples.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Photoluminescence; Self-assembly; Silicon–germanium
1. Introduction
Strain induced self-assembled Ge quantum dots
embedded in Si have attracted a large interest
during the last years due to the possibility to realize
Si based optoelectronics. For example, detector
applications using Si/Ge quantum dot structures in
the active region have been suggested. Ge dots will
in this case serve as the active material due to the
smaller band gap. In spite of the fact that Si/Ge
interdiffusion will lead to some alloying of the dots
we will refer to them as Ge dots. Epitaxial growth
of the lattice mismatched Si/Ge material system has
Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-13-28-27-56; fax: +46-1328-89-69.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (M. Larsson).
demonstrated Stranski–Krastanov formation of
islands under certain conditions. This gives a simple and rather straightforward way to create Ge
quantum dots, compatible with the Si technology.
Unfortunately, both Si and Ge are indirect band
gap materials and phonons are normally required
for momentum conservation in optical transitions.
On the contrary, in SiGe alloys and Si/Ge quantum
structures, the symmetry of the lattice is broken,
which opens the possibility for optical transitions
without any phonon interaction. In quantum
structures, the spatial confinement of the carriers
will spread the wave functions in k-space and thus
increase the probability for a direct no-phonon
optical transition [1,2]. In this work, the optical
properties of Ge quantum dots were investigated by
means of photoluminescence (PL) with temperature and excitation power density as variable parameters. We discuss the involved recombination
0039-6028/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Larsson et al. / Surface Science 532–535 (2003) 832–836
processes and compare the results with measurements on uncapped samples.
2. Experimental
The two samples studied here were single layer
structures grown by solid-source molecular beam
epitaxy (MBE). At a growth temperature of 700
°C, eight monolayers Ge were deposited on
Si(1 0 0) substrates. The Ge quantum dots were
formed from this Ge layer via Stranski–Krastanov
growth mode. One of the samples was covered
with Si, forming a 160 nm capping layer. In both
samples, the average dot diameter was about 200
nm and the typical height was 20–25 nm as determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM)
studies. PL measurements were performed in a
variable temperature He-flow cryostat, and as excitation source the 514 nm line of an Ar ion laser
was used. The PL signals were analyzed with a
double-grating monochromator, together with a
liquid nitrogen cooled Ge detector, using standard
lock-in technique.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Band alignment
Since the growth mode is strain induced and the
dot formation is a result of elastic relaxation, the
sandwiching Si above and below the islands exhibits tensional strain [3]. It is known that in tensile strained Si, the D(2) valleys of the conduction
band is downshifted, which results in a type-II
band alignment at the interface between the Ge
dots and the surrounding Si (see Fig. 1) [3,4].
During the formation of the dot, the Ge rich
wetting layer surrounds the base of the dot and
prevents it to expand laterally, while the upper
part of the Ge dot is expected to be more relaxed
than the base. This will cause an asymmetric strain
through the structure. Consequently, the Si layer
above the Ge dot will exhibit a higher strain than
in the Si material below the dot.
As a result, the band offset in the conduction
band at the top interface will be larger than at the
bottom interface (Fig. 1). In Fig. 1a, the two
Low carrier density
High carrier density
Fig. 1. (a) A schematic illustration of the band edge alignment
along the growth direction of a Ge quantum dot. Spatially indirect transitions are marked A and C, while the spatially direct
transition is marked B. (b) An illustration of the band bending
effects in the structure at two different carrier concentrations.
transitions observed in the PL measurements are
labeled A and B for the spatially indirect and direct transition, respectively. The spatially indirect
transition is expected to be rather weak due to the
spatial separation of the carriers. The probability
for this indirect transition is related to the magnitude of the overlap of the wave functions leaking
into the potential barriers. For the spatially direct
transition, when both the electrons and the holes
are located in the quantum dot, the alloy disorder
and quantum confinement effects may relax the kconservation condition enough to increase the
probability for optical recombination. The third
possible transition (labeled C in Fig. 1a) is close in
energy to the B transition and can not be separated
from the spatially direct transition in PL measurements on capped structures.
3.2. Excitation power dependence
The PL dependence of the excitation power
density was examined in order to investigate the
mechanisms of the carrier recombination. Fig. 2a
and b show the PL spectra for varied excitation
M. Larsson et al. / Surface Science 532–535 (2003) 832–836
Fig. 2. Normalized PL spectra of Ge dots. The excitation power dependence is shown for two different temperatures (a) 10 K and (b)
30 K. The quantum dot related emission is below 0.95 eV, while the emissions above this energy are contributions from the substrate
and the wetting layer.
power at two different temperatures, 10 and 30 K,
respectively. Typical emissions from the Si substrate and the thin Ge wetting layer are observed
above 0.95 eV, while the quantum dot related
emission occurs below 0.95 eV [2,5–7]. At low
temperature (10 K), a significant blueshift of 25
meV of the Ge dot related emission is observed as
the excitation power is increased from 3 to 100
mW. Other groups have earlier shown a similar
excitation power dependence of the Ge quantum
dot emission [2,5,6]. The shift can be explained in
terms of a type-II band lineup, where the electrons
are located in the Si, while the holes are trapped in
the Ge dot. The Coulomb interaction between
these spatially separated electrons and holes will
bend the energy bands at the interface to form a
Hartree potential on each side of the interface
[5,8]. At high carrier concentrations, the band
bending will shift the electron and hole levels to
higher energies due to an increased confinement,
resulting in higher transition energies (Fig. 2a).
State filling could also cause an effective blueshift
of the PL peak at sufficiently high carrier densities
[6]. When the temperature is increased to 30 K, the
emission spectra look quite different for all excitation powers (Fig. 2b). At low excitation power,
the dot luminescence is divided into two branches,
centered at approximately 0.80 and 0.85 eV, respectively. When the excitation power is increased
from 1 to 150 mW, the intensity of the high energy
peak increases faster than the low energy peak, to
totally dominate the spectrum at high excitation
power. It should be noted that the energy position
of this peak (at 30 K) is always higher than the
blueshifted low energy peak observed at high excitation power at 10 K, strongly indicating that
these two contributions have different origins. It
should also be pointed out, that the high energy
peak does not shift with increasing excitation
power, implying that band bending is not affecting
this transition.
3.3. Temperature dependence
Fig. 3a and b show the temperature dependence
of the luminescence at two different excitation
M. Larsson et al. / Surface Science 532–535 (2003) 832–836
Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of the PL spectra from the Ge dots at two different excitation power densities, (a) 10 mW and (b) 50
mW, respectively. The spectra shown in (b) are normalized with respect to the quantum dot emission.
powers. At low excitation power densities and low
temperatures, the low energy peak at 0.80 eV
dominates the spectrum (Fig. 3a). As the temperature is raised, a redistribution of the emission
intensities from the low energy peak to the high
energy peak at 0.85 eV is observed. When the excitation power is increased to 50 mW (Fig. 3b), the
temperature behavior is quite similar as for the
lower excitation power, but with one notable difference: The low energy peak is up-shifted due to
band bending, as described in the previous section.
This behavior is consistent with the high energy
peak as being due to the spatially direct recombination, while the low energy peak at 0.80 eV is
related to indirect transitions across the dot interface. At low temperatures, the only possible
recombination channel is the spatially indirect
transition across the interface for which the electron is located in the Si surrounding the Ge dot,
while the hole is confined inside the Ge dot. A
higher temperature results in an increased probability for the electrons to populate the higher energy level inside the dot, which opens the
possibility for an alternative recombination channel in addition to the low energy emission at 0.80
eV. In our case, the probability for the spatially
direct transition at 0.85 eV increases. For this
transition, the overlap of the wave functions is
considerably larger than for the spatially indirect
transition, resulting in a more efficient luminescence.
3.4. Uncapped structures
The PL from uncapped dots is detectable, but
the intensity is significantly reduced due to the
strong non-radiative surface recombination. Fig. 4
shows that the shape of the spectra of uncapped
dots differ significantly from those measured on
the capped dots. The position of the quantum dot
related emission band is down shifted to a peak
energy at 0.77 eV. It is established that the capping
of self-assembled Ge islands will result in increased
intermixing of Si and Ge [7]. The intermixing will
accordingly up-shift the band gap of the dot. As a
result, the emission of the capped dots is expected
M. Larsson et al. / Surface Science 532–535 (2003) 832–836
direct (B in Fig. 1a) and indirect transition in uncapped dots (C in Fig. 1a) due to the small band
offset described above.
4. Conclusion
Fig. 4. Normalized PL spectra from an uncapped dot structure
at 30 K with a varied excitation power.
to occur at higher energies than in uncapped
structures, which is in consistence with our experimental results. Furthermore, no shift of the
transition energy is observed as the excitation
power is increased. This behavior is expected, since
the small band offset at the bottom of the dot is
not sufficient to capture enough electrons to give
rise to any significant band bending. As mentioned
above, the intensity of the emission is lower than
that for the capped samples, due to competing
recombination via non-radiative surface states.
This fact implies that the surface recombination
will ensure low carrier densities and consequently
no detectable energy shifts due to band bending.
At increased temperatures, no second peak at
higher energy is observed in contrast to the capped
dot sample, in consistence with our band lineup
picture. The energy position for the emission
should be practically the same for the spatially
The present PL study of Ge quantum dots
embedded in Si shows two different dot related
transitions. Based on the experimental results, we
suggest a type-II energy band lineup that gives
possibility for one spatially indirect transition,
which is blueshifted with increasing excitation
power together with one spatially direct transition
inside the dots. Temperature dependent measurements show that the direct transition is a more
efficient recombination channel, as expected.
Measurements on uncapped structures show only
one quantum dot related emission band, which has
excitation power and temperature dependencies
that are consistent with our model proposed on the
recombination processes.
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