arXiv:1612.00914v1 [cs.IT] 3 Dec 2016
Minjia Shi∗
School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University, Anhui, 230601, P. R. China,
National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University,
210096, Nanjing, P. R. China
Daitao Huang
School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University, Anhui, 230601, P. R. China
Patrick Solé
CNRS/LAGA, University Paris 8, 93 526 Saint-Denis, France
Abstract. We study trace codes with defining set L, a subgroup
of the multiplicative group of an extension of degree m of the alphabet ring F3 + uF3 + u2 F3 , with u3 = 1. These codes are abelian,
and their ternary images are quasi-cyclic of co-index three (a.k.a.
cubic codes). Their Lee weight distributions are computed by using
Gauss sums. These codes have three nonzero weights when m is
singly-even and |L| = 3 −3
. When m is odd, and |L| = 3 −3
or |L| = 33m − 32m and m is a positive integer, we obtain two new
infinite families of two-weight codes which are optimal. Applications of the image codes to secret sharing schemes are also given.
Keywords: three-weight codes, two-weight codes, Gauss sums, trace codes
1. Introduction
Linear codes with few weights are of special interest in secret sharing schemes, as
the associated access structures can be completely determined analytically [12, 21].
Due to their connections with strongly regular graphs, association schemes [6] and
difference sets [3, 5], two-weight codes and three-weight codes have been studied in
many articles, see for instance [7, 8, 9, 13, 22]. However, most constructions, so far,
have used cyclic codes [9, 22].
A recent study introduced trace codes over rings. In a series of papers [17, 18, 20],
the authors have extended the notion of trace codes from fields to rings. The
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 94 B25; Secondary: 05 E30.
The first author is supported by NNSF of China (61672036), Technology
Foundation for Selected Overseas Chinese Scholar, Ministry of Personnel of
China (05015133) and the Open Research Fund of National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University (2015D11) and Key projects
of support program for outstanding young talents in Colleges and Universities
Corresponding author.
alphabet ring we consider here is R = F3 + uF3 + u2 F3 with u3 = 1. This ring
is instrumental in constructing quasi-cyclic codes of co-index 3 [2, 14], called cubic
codes in [2]. While the construction we use here is not exactly the cubic construction
of [14], the ternary codes we construct here are still cubic. In [19], the authors
constructed optimal ternary codes from one-Lee-weight codes and two-Lee-weight
codes over the ring R.
In the present paper, we construct a trace code with a defining set
L = {d1 , d2 , · · · , dn } ⊆ R∗ ,
by the formula CL = {(T r(ax))x∈L | a ∈ R}, where R denotes an extension of R of
degree m, and T r() denotes a linear function from R down to R. This code has two
or three weights, depending on the choice of the parameters L and m. By varying
L and R, various codes can be constructed. Compared with the linear codes in
[19], the two-weight codes we construct here are different, and the method is also
different. The localizing set of our abelian code is not a cyclic group, but it is an
abelian group. It is related to quadratic residues in an extension of degree m of
F3 , which makes quadratic Gauss sums appear naturally in the weight distribution
analysis. When m is odd, L = L′ , or L = R∗ and m is an integer, we obtain an
infinite family of two-weight codes which satisfy the optimality. We show that, both
in the three-weight and two-weight cases, the ternary image has a very nice support
inclusion structure which makes it suitable for use in a Massey secret sharing scheme
[10, 21]. Indeed, we can show that all nonzero codewords of the ternary images are
minimal for the partial order on codewords defined by inclusion of supports.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 collects the basic notions and notations needed. Section 3 shows that the trace codes are abelian. Section 4 recalls
and reproves some results on Gaussian periods. Section 5 computes the weight distribution of our codes, building on the character sum evaluation of the preceding
section. Section 6 discusses the optimality of the ternary linear codes. The minimum distance of the dual codes is discussed in Section 7. Section 8 determines
the support structure of the ternary image and describes an application to secret
sharing schemes. Section 9 concludes this paper.
2. Basic notions and notation
2.1. Rings. We consider the ring R = F3 + uF3 + u2 F3 with u3 = 1. Note that, by
Fermat little theorem, u3 − 1 = (u − 1)3 . This implies that R is a local ring with
the following lattice of ideals:
0 ⊆ h1 + u + u2 i = {0, 1 + u + u2 , 2 + 2u + 2u2 } ⊆ hu − 1i = {(u − 1)a : a ∈ R} ⊆ R.
Hence, hu−1i is the unique maximum ideal of R. Given a positive integer m, we can
construct the ring extension of R of degree m given by R = F3m + uF3m + u2 F3m .
There is a Frobenius operator F which maps a + ub + u2 c onto a3 + ub3 + u2 c3 , for
all a, b, c ∈ F3m . The Trace function, denoted by T r, is defined as
Tr =
F j.
It is easy to check that
T r(a + ub + u2 c) = tr(a) + utr(b) + u2 tr(c)
for a, b, c ∈ F3m . Here tr() denotes the standard trace of F3m .
The ring R is local with maximal ideal M = hu − 1i and R/M ∼
= F3m . The
group of units R∗ = F∗3m × F3m × F3m , as a multiplicative group, is isomorphic to
the product of a cyclic group of order 3m − 1 by two elementary abelian groups of
order 3m . Denoting by Q, and N , respectively, the squares and the nonsquares of
F3m . For simplicity, L′ = Q × F3m × F3m . Thus L′ is a subgroup of R∗ , of index 2.
2.2. Gray map. The Gray map φ from R to F33 is defined by
φ(a′ + ub′ + u2 c′ ) = (a′ , b′ , c′ ),
for a′ , b′ , c′ ∈ F3 . It is a one to one map from R to F33 . The Lee weight of a vector
a + ub + u2 c is defined as the Hamming weight of its Gray image. That is to say,
wL (a + ub + u2 c) = wH (a) + wH (b) + wH (c),
for a, b, c ∈ Fn3 . The Lee distance of x, y ∈ Rn is defined as wL (x − y). So the
Gray map is, by construction, a linear isometry from (Rn , dL ) to (F3n
3 , dH ), where
dL , dH means Lee distance and Hamming distance, respectively. For simplicity, we
let throughout N = 3n. For future use, we note that scalars of weight one in R
comprize αuj , α ∈ F∗3 , j = 0, 1, 2.
2.3. Codes. A linear code C over R of length n is an R-submodule of Rn . If
x = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ) and y = (y1 , y2 , · ·P
· , yn ) are two elements of Rn , their Euclidean
inner product is defined by hx, yi = i=1 xi yi , where the operation is performed
in R. The dual code of C is denoted as C ⊥ = {y ∈ Rn |hx, yi = 0, ∀x ∈ C}. By
definition, C ⊥ is also a linear code over R. Given a finite abelian group G, a code
over R is said to be abelian if it is an ideal of the group ring R[G]. Namely, the
coordinates of C are indexed by elements of G and G acts regularly on this set. In
the special case when G is cyclic, the code is a cyclic code in the usual sense [15].
A code of length ℓm, is said to be quasi-cyclic of index ℓ and co-index m, if it is
linear and invariant under a shift of ℓ places. In particular, if the co-index is equal
to three the code is said to be cubic [2].
3. Symmetry
For a ∈ R, the vector ev(a) is defined by the following evaluation map
ev(a) = (T r(ax))x∈L ,
where L = L or L = R .
Define the code C(m) by the formula C(m) = {ev(a)|a ∈ R}. Thus C(m) is a
code of length |L| over R. Note that |L′ | = 3 −3
and |R∗ | = 33m − 32m .
Lemma 3.1. If for all x ∈ L, we have T r(ax) = 0, then a = 0.
Proof. When L = L′ , write x = x1 + x2 (u − 1) + x3 (u − 1)2 and a = a1 + a2 (u −
1) + a3 (u − 1)2 with x1 ∈ Q, x2 , x3 , a1 , a2 , a3 in F3m . By a simple calculation we get
a1 x1 − a1 x2 + a1 x3 − a2 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x1
+(u − 1)(a1 x2 + a1 x3 + a2 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x1 )
+(u − 1)2 (a1 x3 + a2 x2 + a3 x1 )
=: A1 + (u − 1)A2 + (u − 1)2 A2
and T r(ax) = 0 is equivalent to tr(Ai ) = 0, where i = 1, 2, 3. The trace function
tr() [15] is nondegenerate, so we have aj = 0 where j = 1, 2, 3. Consequently, a = 0.
The case of L = R∗ is similar to that of L = L′ . Thus the proof is proved.
Proposition 3.2. The subgroup L of the group of units R∗ acts regularly on the
coordinates of C(m).
Proof. For any v, v ′ ∈ L, the change of variables x 7→ (v ′ /v)x permutes the coordinates of C(m), and maps v to v ′ . This defines a transitive action of L on itself.
Such a permutation is unique, given v, v ′ . This shows that the action is regular.
The code C(m) is thus an abelian code with respect to the group L. In other
words, it is an ideal of the group ring R[L]. As observed in the previous section that
neither R∗ , nor L′ are a cyclic group, hence C(m) may be not cyclic.
It is immediate to see that, by the definition of Gray map, the ternary code
φ(C(m)) is quasi-cyclic of co-index 3.
4. Character sums
This section is similar to that in [20]. For completeness, we collect it here. Let
χ denote an arbitrary multiplicative character of Fq . Assume q is odd. Denote by
η the quadratic multiplicative character defined by η(x) = 1, if x is a square and
η(x) = −1, if not. Let ψ denote the canonical additive character of Fq . The classical
Gauss sum can be defined by
G(χ) =
Now, we give the following character sums
ψ(x), N =
By orthogonality of characters [15, Lemma 9, p. 143], it is not difficult to check
that Q + N = −1. Since the characteristic function of Q is 1+η
2 , we obtain then
G(η) − 1
−G(η) − 1
, N=
It is well known [11], that if q = 3m , the quadratic Gauss sum evaluates as
G(η) = (−1)m−1 im q.
In particular, if m is singly-even, these formulas can be simplified to G(η) =
ǫ(3) q, with ǫ(3) = (−1) 2 = 1, which implies
, N =−
In fact Q and N are examples of Gaussian periods, and these relations could have
been deduced from [11, Lemma 11].
5. Weight distributions of trace codes
Before we calculate the weight distribution of the trace code, let us first introduce
a correlation lemma. Let ω = exp( 2πi
3 ). If y = (y1 , y2 , · · · , yN ) ∈ F3 , let
Θ(y) =
ω yj .
For convenience, we let θ(a) = Θ(φ(ev(a))). By linearity of the Gray map, and of
the evaluation map, we see that θ(sa) = Θ(φ(ev(sa))) for any s ∈ F∗3 .
Lemma 5.1 ([20], Lemma 1). For all y = (y1 , y2 , · · · , yN ) ∈ FN
3 , we have
Θ(sy) = 2N − 3wH (y).
5.1. The case when L = L′ . From Lemma 5.1, for ev(a) ∈ C(m), by the definition
of the Gray map, we have
2N − s=1 Θ(φ(ev(a)))
2N − s=1 θ(sa)
wL (ev(a)) =
According to the value of m, we can obtain ternary codes with different weights.
Now we present the weights of codewords of C(m) by using Equation (1). The
following theorem tells us that when L = L′ and m is singly-even, φ(C(m)) is a
three-weight ternary linear code.
5.1.1. m is singly-even.
Theorem 5.2. Assume m is singly-even. For a ∈ R, the Lee weight of codewords
of C(m) is given below:
(a) If a = 0, then wL (ev(a)) = 0;
(b) If a = (u − 1)2 a3 , then if
a3 ∈ Q, then wL (ev(a)) = 33m − 35m/2 ,
a3 ∈ N , then wL (ev(a)) = 33m + 35m/2 ;
(c) If a ∈ R\h(u − 1)2 i, then wL (ev(a)) = 33m − 32m .
Proof. Let a = a1 + a2 (u − 1) + a3 (u − 1)2 with a1 , a2 , a3 ∈ F3m , x = x1 + x2 (u −
1) + x3 (u − 1)2 with x1 ∈ Q, x2 , x3 ∈ F3m , by a direct calculation we get
a1 x1 − a1 x2 + a1 x3 − a2 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x1
+(a1 x2 + a1 x3 + a2 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x1 )u + (a1 x3 + a2 x2 + a3 x1 )u2
=: b1 + b2 u + b3 u2 .
Thus we have
θ(a) =
(tr(b1 ), tr(b2 ), tr(b3 ))x1 ,x2 ,x3 ,
ω tr(b2 ) +
ω tr(b1 ) +
x1 ,x2 ,x3
x1 ,x2 ,x3
ω tr(b3 ) .
x1 ,x2 ,x3
Since m is singly-even, s ∈
is a square in F , we have θ(sa) = θ(a) for any
s ∈ F∗3 .
(a) If a = 0, then T r(ax) = 0. So wL (ev(a)) = 0.
(b) When a = (u−1)2a3 with a3 ∈ Q, then θ(a) = 32m+1 Q. Thus wL (ev(a)) =
33m − 35m/2 by Equation (1).
When a = (u − 1)2 a3 with a3 ∈ N , θ(a) = 32m+1 N . Then we deduce from
the Equation (1) that wL (ev(a)) = 33m + 35m/2 .
(c) When a ∈ R\h(u − 1)2 i, θ(a) = 0. Then we have wL (ev(a)) = 33m − 32m
by Equation (1).
Remark 5.1 By the point of Lemma 3.1 and Theorem 5.2, a family of ternary
linear code of length N = (33m+1 − 32m+1 )/2, dimension 3m, with three nonzero
weights w1 < w2 < w3 of values has been constructed. In detail, we list the weight
distribution of φ(Cm ) in Table I. Notice that the parameters are different from those
in [7, 9, 20]. Thus, the obtained code in Theorem 5.2 are new.
Table I. weight distribution of φ(Cm )
w1 = 33m − 35m/2
f1 = 3 2−1
w2 = 33m − 32m
f2 = 33m − 3m
w3 = 3 + 3
f3 = 3 2−1
Example 5.1 Let m = 2. We obtain a ternary code of parameters [972, 6, 486].
The nonzero weights are 486, 648 and 972, of frequencies 4, 720 and 4, respectively.
5.1.2. m is odd. Note that G(η) is imaginary, which implies that ℜ(Q) = ℜ(N ) =
− 21 . The following lemma is a special case of Lemma 2 in [20].
Lemma 5.3 ([20], Lemma 2).
s=1 θ(sa) = 2ℜ(θ(a)).
By a similar approach in the proof of Theorem 5.2 and combining Lemma 5.3, it
is not difficult to obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 5.4. Assume m is odd. For a ∈ R, the Lee weight of codewords of C(m)
is given below:
(a) If a = 0, then wL (ev(a)) = 0;
(b) If a = (u − 1)2 a3 , with a3 ∈ F∗3m ,then wL (ev(a)) = 33m ;
(c) If a ∈ R\h(u − 1)2 i, then wL (ev(a)) = 33m − 32m .
Proof. The proofs of the cases (a) and (c) are similar to that of Theorem 5.2. The
case (b) follows from Lemma 5.3 applied to the correlation lemma. Thus ℜ(θ(a)) =
−32m+1 /2, and 3wL (ev(a)) = 2N − 2ℜ(θ(a)), which implies wL (ev(a)) = 33m . The
result follows.
Example 5.2 Let m = 1. We obtain a ternary code of parameters [27, 3, 18]. The
nonzero weights are 18 and 27, of frequencies 24 and 2, respectively.
5.2. The case when L = R∗ . In this subsection, we will construct an infinite
family of two-weight codes on the condition that L = R∗ .
(a) If
(b) If
(c) If
5.5. For a ∈ R, the Lee weight of codewords of C(m) is given below:
a = 0, then wL (ev(a)) = 0;
a = (u − 1)2 a3 , with a3 ∈ F∗3m , then wL (ev(a)) = 2 · 33m ;
a ∈ R\h(u − 1)2 i, then wL (ev(a)) = 2(33m − 32m ).
Proof. By a similar approach in the proof of Theorem 5.2, the result follows, so we
omit the details here.
Example 5.3 Let m = 1. We obtain a ternary code of parameters [54, 3, 36]. The
nonzero weights are 36 and 54, of frequencies 24 and 2, respectively.
Example 5.4 Let m = 2. We obtain a ternary code of parameters [1944, 6, 1296].
The nonzero weights are 1296 and 1458, of frequencies 720 and 8, respectively.
Remark 5.2 Comparing with [4, 19, 20], we obtain two new families of ternary
two-weight codes based on the obtained trace codes over R in Theorem 5.4 and
Theorem 5.5. The weight distribution is listed in Table II.
Table II. weight distribution of φ(Cm ) from Theorems 5.4 and 5.5
f1′ = 33m − 3m
w1′ = 33m − 32m
w2′ = 33m
f2′ = 3m − 1
f1′′ = 33m − 3m
w1′′ = 2(33m − 32m )
w2′′ = 2 · 33m
f2′′ = 3m − 1
6. Optimality of the image codes
In the previous section, we have constructed two new infinite families of ternary
two-weight codes and a new family of three-weight ternary codes. Now we study
their optimality.
Theorem 6.1. The image codes φ(C(m)) of length 3|L| are optimal based on the
following cases
(i) m is odd and L = L′ in Theorem 5.4;
(ii) m is a positive integer and L = R∗ in Theorem 5.5.
Proof. Recall the 3-ary version of the Griesmer bound. If [N, K, d] are the parameters of a linear ternary code. Then
≤ N.
In the case of (i), N = (33m+1 − 32m+1 )/2, K = 3m, d = 33m − 32m . The ceiling
function takes two values depending on the position of j.
• 0 ≤ j ≤ 2m ⇒ ⌈ d+1
− 32m−j + 1.
3j ⌉ = 3
• 2m < j ≤ 3m − 1 ⇒ ⌈ 3j ⌉ = 33m−j .
d + 1m
= (3
(33m−j − 32m−j + 1) +
)/2 + 2m − 1 > N,
which collapses to m ≥ 1. Thus, this completed the proof of the case (i).
For case (ii), we have N = (33m+1 − 32m+1 ), K = 3m, d = 2(33m − 32m ). By a
simple calculation, we can easily obtain that
X ld + 1m
2 · 33m−j
which collapses to m ≥ 1.
33m+1 − 32m+1 + 2m − 1 > N,
7. The dual Lee distance of the trace code
Similar to Lemma 3 and Theorem 4 in [20], we can calculate the dual distance
of the obtained trace code. We still prove them for completeness.
Lemma 7.1. If for all a ∈ R, we have that T r(ax) = 0, then x = 0.
Proof. The proof is similar to that of Lemma 3.1, we omit it here.
Theorem 7.2. For all m ≥ 1, the dual Lee distance d′ of C(m) is 2.
Proof. First, we check that d′ ≥ 2. The approach is the same as Theorem 7.2 in [20].
Now we will prove it by showing that C(m)⊥ does not contain a codeword of Lee
weight one. If it does, let us assume first that it has value αuj 6= 0 at some x ∈ L,
where j = 0, 1, 2. This implies that ∀a ∈ R, αuj T r(ax) = 0, or, T r(aαuj x) = 0,
and by Lemma 7.1, we have x = 0, which contradicts the assumption. So d′ ≥ 2.
Next, we show that d′ < 3. If not, we can apply the sphere-packing bound to
φ(C(m)⊥ ). Naturally, we obtain
33m ≥ 1 + |L|(3 − 1),
where |L| = |L′ | or |L| = |R∗ |. That implies (3 − 2 · 3m )32m ≥ 1 or 32m+1 (2 − 5 ·
3m−1 ) ≥ 1, respectively. It is a contradiction when m ≥ 1. In summary, d = 2.
8. Application to secret sharing schemes
8.1. Determining minimal vectors. It is interesting to determine minimal vectors of a given p-ary linear code. Minimal vectors in linear codes arise in numerous
applications, particularly, in studying linear secret sharing schemes (SSS). We say
that a minimal vector of a linear code C is a nonzero codeword that does not cover
any other nonzero codeword. The basic property minimal vector of a given p-ary
linear code was described by the following lemma [1].
Lemma 8.1. (Ashikhmin-Barg) Denote by w0 and w∞ the minimum and maximum
nonzero weights of a p-ary linear code C, respectively. If
then every nonzero codeword of C is minimal.
Next, under Lemma 8.1, we investigate the minimal vectors of the three-weight
and two-weight codes which constructed in Section 5.
Proposition 8.2. All the nonzero codewords of the image codes φ(C(m)) are minimal based on the following three cases
(i) m(≥ 6) is singly-even and L = L′ in Theorem 5.2.
(ii) m(≥ 1) is odd and L = L′ in Theorem 5.4.
(iii) m is a positive integer and L = R∗ in Theorem 5.5.
Proof. In the case of (1), by the preceding lemma with w0 = w1 , and w∞ = w3 .
Rewriting the inequality of the lemma as 3w1 > (3 − 1)w3 , we end up with the
3 · 33m − 3 · 35m/2 > 2 · 33m + 2 · 35m/2 .
Since m is singly-even. The condition follows from the fact that 3m/2 ≥ 5.
The proof of other cases are similar to those of the case (1), we omit them
8.2. Secret sharing schemes. The purpose of determining minimal vectors is to
determine the sets of all minimal access sets of a secret sharing scheme (SSS). An
SSS were first introduced by Blakly and Shamir at the end of 70s twentieth antury.
Massey’s scheme is one of the famous SSS. Massey’s scheme is a construction of
such a scheme where a code C of length N over Fp . On the other hand, it is worth
mentioning when all nonzero codewords are minimal, it was shown in [10] that there
is the following alternative, depending on d′ :
• If d′ ≥ 3, then the SSS is “democratic”: every user belongs to the same
number of coalitions.
• If d′ = 2, then there are users who belong to every coalition: the “dictators”.
Depending on the application, one or the other situation might be more suitable.
By Proposition 8.2 and Theorem 7.2, we see that three Secret Sharing Schemes
built on the image codes φ(C(m)) in Theorems 5.2, 5.4 and 5.5 are dictatorial.
9. Conclusion
This paper is devoted to the study of trace codes with defining set L included
in an extension of degree m of the alphabet, the local ring F3 + uF3 + u2 F3 with
u3 = 1. These codes are abelian, and their ternary images are quasi-cyclic of coindex three (a.k.a. cubic codes). Their Lee weight distributions are computed by
using Gauss sums (see Table I and Table II). These codes have three nonzero weights
. When m is odd, and |L| = 3 −3
, or
when m is singly-even and |L| = 3 −3
|L| = 33m − 32m and m is a positive integer, we obtain two new infinite family of
two-weight codes. Both are shown to be optimal, by application of the Griesmer
bound. Applications of the image codes to secret sharing schemes are also given.
It would be interesting to replace our Gaussian periods Q, N by other character
sums that are amenable to exact evaluation, in the vein of the sums which appear in
the study of irreducible cyclic codes [11, 16]. This would lead to other enumerative
results of codes with few weights. The parameters of the two-weight codes we
constructed are different from those in the classic paper [4], and also from more
recent constructions like [12, 17, 18]. Writing a new survey on two-weight codes
seems like a challenging but very useful project.
10. Acknowledgement
This research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China
(61672036), the Open Research Fund of National Mobile Communications Research
Laboratory, Southeast University (2015D11), Technology Foundation for Selected
Overseas Chinese Scholar, Ministry of Personnel of China (05015133) and Key
Projects of Support Program for outstanding young talents in Colleges and Universities (gxyqZD2016008).
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