Costas Vassilakis
Department of Computer Science and Technology
University of Peloponnese
Terma Karaiskaki, 22100, Tripolis, Greece
[email protected]
Electronic government employs electronic services to
facilitate interaction with citizens and enterprises and
deliver a rich and high quality spectrum of services.
Development of electronic services can be greatly
assisted, both in terms of development cost and roll-out
time, by exploiting the reusability inherent in them.
Reusability may be promoted by identifying reusable
objects in the context of electronic service development,
building and populating a repository with such
components and providing the means for developers to
locate, extract and adapt them to suit the task at hand. In
this paper we analyse electronic services to recognise
reusable components and present means and techniques
that empower electronic service developers to build
electronic services through reusable components.
Electronic services, especially transactional ones, are
a central tool in electronic government, since a
considerable number of services offered to the citizens
or enterprises, in the context of electronic government,
are modelled through such transactional services. It is
worth noting that among the basic public services listed
in [1], 15 of them (75%) are transactional services, i.e.
services that involve filling-in and submission of
electronic forms.
An electronic service is a complex software artefact,
whose development requires the cooperation of
numerous experts with diverse skills. Firstly, domain
experts are needed who possess the know-how
regarding the business processes that must be modelled
and the rules that govern them. Secondly, analysts are
needed who will interact with domain experts to extract
the requirements for the electronic service. These
requirements will then be passed to the IT staff who
will implement not only the service logic and the code
to enforce business rules, but connections to back-end
repositories as well, regarding data storage and
retrieval. Finally, the visual layout of the service needs
to be refined and optimised by experts in computerhuman interaction. During the maintenance phase, some
tasks may be revisited to cater for accommodating
changes in the environment (e.g. change of legislation,
specifications or IT environment such as databases) or
to improve the quality of the service provided.
The current practice for developing electronic
services makes little or not at all benefit of the
reusability concept: for each electronic service, all
analysis, development and maintenance tasks are
George Lepouras
Department of Computer Science and Technology
University of Peloponnese
Terma Karaiskaki, 22100, Tripolis, Greece
[email protected]
performed anew, even though the same or similar tasks
have been performed in the context of other electronic
services. This can be attributed to the fact that
electronic services are mainly viewed from the business
point of view, with respect to which each electronic
service performs an altogether different function than
other deployed electronic services, thus the
opportunities to employ reusability are limited. From a
software architect’s point of view, however, an
electronic service actually consists of smaller, simpler
building blocks, that can be reused across electronic
services in the same way that software libraries [2],
object classes and packages [3] and patterns [4] can be
reused for building software applications. Actually, in
the context of electronic services reusability
opportunities may be even higher than in traditional
application development, since reuse may extend to
requirements analysis – for example, if the “personal
detail collection” requirement is analysed for a specific
service that is based on some legislation, then this
analysis (and all derived design and implementation)
can be reused for other services based on the same
In this paper we propose an approach for electronic
service development that promotes reusability. We first
analyse electronic services to identify their basic
building blocks and recognise the opportunities to
employ reusability at various levels (single elements,
element groups etc) and varying scopes (departmental,
inter-departmental, inter-organisational and so on). We
then propose means and techniques that will allow
service developers to reuse existing components, or
create their own and make them available for other
developers to reuse. Our proposal is based around a
reusable component repository, which is complemented
with browsing and search facilities that enable
developers to examine and query its content.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: in
section 2 the basic building blocks for electronic
services are identified. Section 3 presents a repositorybased electronic service development approach that
promotes reusability and examines facilities that need to
be available for this approach to be effective. Finally
section 4 concludes and outlines future work.
Electronic services are, generally, computerised
equivalents of business processes involving filling in
and submission of forms, processing of submitted forms
and possibly return of a reply to the submitting citizen.
When using an electronic service, the user is presented
with a number of forms, which must be filled in. Short
documents may be represented using a single electronic
form, whereas lengthy documents may be partitioned
into multiple forms. A form may comprise of several
areas, and each area commonly contains individual
fields, which are conceptually interrelated. For example,
in a tax return form distinct areas may be dedicated to
collecting data regarding the taxpayer’s personal
details, income and expenditures. Form fields are the
individual elements that citizens need to fill in, either by
direct typing of data in the area pertaining to the field
(e.g. typing 13765 in the input area of the Zip code
field) or by selecting one of the available field options
(e.g. Yes or No for the Do you own the house you live
in? field). Fields usually come complete with labels, i.e.
descriptions of their purpose on the form. In some
cases, the number of fields needed for some purpose
cannot be predetermined. For example, if the Protected
family members need to be declared, the number of
entries may vary from one (single person) to twenty or
more, and for each one of them the name, the surname
and the relationship to the declaring citizen must be
declared, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Repeating fields to accommodate input
In the context of electronic services, two extra
facilities are available for fields, as compared to the
paper-based versions: firstly, some fields may be
automatically filled in by the system; for instance, if the
user presents a username and a password to log into a
service, the user’s personal details may be retrieved
from a registry and be automatically placed in the
corresponding fields. Another facility is to
automatically compute the contents of some fields,
representing for example percentages of a value or
column/row sums. In most cases, fields that are
automatically filled in or computed are not allowed to
be directly changed by the electronic service user.
While the above elements of an electronic service
(forms, areas, fields) provide the required functionality
to the end user, of equal importance are the instructions
that are made available to the citizens, regarding the use
of the electronic service. Instructions may contain
explanations, examples, step-by-step guides, help desk
contact details or any other material that will assist the
citizens to use the electronic service. Typically, specific
instructions are accessible via hyperlinks that are
located close to the fields they pertain to; general
instructions and examples covering field areas or whole
forms may be anchored in a more global context, e.g.
close to the top of the form or in a separate toolbox.
In addition to these components, which are targeted
for use by the citizen accessing the electronic service,
an electronic service normally encompasses a number
of complementary elements that are counterparts of the
back-office work that is associated with the modelled
business process. One important part of this work is the
conducting of validation checks, to ascertain that the
forms are filled-in by the citizen in conformance to the
instructions. Validation criteria may dictate that some
elements are mandatory (e.g. the submitting citizen’s
surname must be filled-in), limit the value range that
can be input within a single field (e.g. the text entered
in the Date of birth field should represent a valid date,
whereas the inputs in the Gross income field must be a
positive number). The most complex type of validation
criteria includes cross-checking of different fields or
different forms (for example “if the net profits field is
filled in then the net loss field should be left blank”;
“the net profit cannot drop below the 30% of the gross
profit”; “form A cannot be submitted before form B”).
In paper-based environments, conformance of
submitted documents with respect to validation checks
is conducted by either front-desk workers receiving the
document from the citizen, or by the back-office
workers that will process the form. Validation checks
that apply to a particular service stem from the relevant
legislation, which also defines the purpose of the
service, the format and content of the documents that
must be submitted, the citizen classes that can submit
the documents and the related submission periods, etc.
In some cases, certain portions of legislation may affect
multiple electronic services; for instance, the legislation
defining the format of the VAT number affects all
electronic services that include VAT numbers.
Legislation needs to be related to electronic services
and their components for a number of reasons,
including reference by citizens and workers of PA,
documentation of the service and tracking of elements
affected by legislation changes.
Finally, when a form is submitted it needs to be
filed, for future processing and reference. In the context
of electronic services, filing is equivalent to storing the
document in the appropriate repository of the
organisational information system, in a form
appropriate for further processing within the
organisational workflow. Since the system delivering
the electronic service to the citizens is usually separate
from the main organisational system (due to both
technological and security considerations), a
communication scheme between the two systems must
be established to fulfil this task.
Summarising the components of electronic services,
the following building blocks may be identified:
1. forms
2. form areas
3. fields
4. instructions
5. validation checks
6. legislation
7. communication with back-office systems
Having identified the elementary electronic service
building blocks, an issue that must be investigated is
whether these building blocks can be directly used for
the purpose of promoting reusability in the context of
electronic services. The criteria that a component must
meet in order to be considered as a reusable part may be
extracted from [5], according to which “a component is
a non-trivial, nearly independent, and replaceable part
of a system that fulfils a clear function in the context of
a well-defined architecture. A component conforms to
and provides the physical realization of a set of
interfaces”. We will now review the extent to which the
identified electronic service building blocks meet the
component reusability criteria.
Firstly, fields, as defined above fail to meet the
triviality criterion. Indeed, an input area coupled with a
label, can be easily created by the electronic service
developer, with a total effort less than the one needed to
locate and extract the corresponding element from the
reusable component repository. The triviality criterion
is met by all other building blocks, although some
instances of specific components may be trivial, but this
cannot be generalised for the whole building block
category (e.g. some instructions may simply be “type in
a number”, but not all instructions are that trivial).
Another important criterion that the identified
building blocks fail to meet is that of the near
independence. Indeed, validation checks cannot be
viewed independently of the fields, form areas, forms or
services they pertain to; a validation check can only be
used in a context that the fields involved in the
validation check exists. For example a validation check
checking that the pre-paid taxes are less than 25% of the
gross income can only be used in a context that both a
field for declaring the pre-paid taxes and a field for
declaring gross income exist. Such a context may be a
form area, a form or the whole electronic service. The
same remark holds in some cases for instructions,
legislation and documentation. For example, the
instructions on how to fill in a VAT number and the
legislation defining the form of VAT numbers should
always be coupled with a field accepting input
corresponding to a VAT number. However there do
exist cases where instructions, legislation and
documentation may be reusable (nearly) independently
of other components, such as instructions regarding
generic navigation issues, working with forms and
fields or legislation related to the use of electronic
services in general. Thus, two categories for
instructions, legislation and documentation may be
identified (a) items that should be coupled with other
building blocks to achieve “near independence” and (b)
items that are nearly independent on their own right.
Packaging of the first category is discussed below,
while items of the second category are allowed to exist
autonomously in the reusable component repository.
In order to better serve the reusability purposes, the
building blocks of electronic services are repackaged as
A form field is bundled together with the related
instructions, the validation checks and the legislation or
any other documentation that pertains to the specific
form field. Such a bundle is called a transaction service
element (TSE). An examples of reusable component at
TSE level is the US SSN, which is a nine-digit number
with dashes after the third and fifth digit, bundled
together with the validation checks enforcing such a
form, instructions for the end-user on how to enter a
valid SSN and any related legislation and
documentation. Note that reusability scope of such a
bundle is quite high, since it may be used in any
electronic service involving US SSNs.
Figure 2 – Entering dates without typing
A form area is packaged along with the instructions,
validation checks and legislation or any other
documentation that are related to the form area as a
whole. The form area package also contains the
transaction service elements that appear within the form
area and, transitively, all the instructions, the validation
checks and the legislation bundled with the individual
transaction service elements. The validation checks
packaged into a form area may involve any transaction
service elements included in the form area. Such a
package is called transaction service element group
(TSE group). A first example of a reusable TSE group
may be a bundle of three individual TSEs allowing the
user to enter dates without typing, as illustrated in
Figure 2 (typing dates is a common source of errors in
electronic services, thus the ability to enter dates
without typing is strongly desired [6]). The TSE group
contains the three individual TSEs, the related
validation checks (e.g. disallowing the specification of
the 31st of February), and all pertinent instructions and
documentation. A second, more specialised example is
that of a TSE group allowing the electronic service user
to enter a taxpayer’s country and VAT number. Since
different rules apply to VAT number in different
countries, the validity of a VAT number can only be
determined if the country it has been issued in is
known, thus the proper validation check cannot be
directly associated with any individual TSE. The
instructions, documentation and legislation in this TSE
group will also need to cover all countries that can be
specified in the relevant TSE.
A form is bundled together with the instructions,
validation checks and legislation or any other
documentation that are related to the form as a whole.
The bundle also contains the visual form layout, the
individual transaction service elements and transaction
service element groups that appear on the form and,
transitively, all the instructions, the validation checks
and the legislation packaged with the individual
transaction service elements and transaction service
element groups. Validation checks in the context of the
form may reference any field appearing on the form
either directly or indirectly through a transaction service
element group. Such bundles are called transaction
service forms (TS forms). An example of a reusable
form is a form collecting personal details, which is
directly reusable in any electronic service. In some
cases, amendments may be needed, as for example in
the detail forms of the Greek VIES acquisitions and
VIES deliveries services (accessible through, for registered users only),
between which only minor differences exist.
Finally, a whole service is packed along with the
forms that constitute it, the instructions, validation
checks and legislation or any other documentation that
pertain to the service as a whole. Validation checks in
the context of a service may reference any combination
of fields appearing within the transaction service, either
within a single form or on multiple forms. Such
packages are called transaction services (TS).
The packaging described above tackles both the
issues of triviality and independence, since any bundle
is (a) all packages contain significant information and
constitute an amount of work that is not easily
repeatable in its full extent and (b) each package is selfcontained and can be meaningfully used in an
appropriate context. Note that all remaining component
reusability criteria are also met:
(1) Components are replaceable, since any
component may be replaced by any other component of
the same class, in any valid context.
(2) All components perform a clear function. For
instance, fields may be filled, validated and included in
transaction service element groups and transaction
forms while forms can be submitted, validated and
included in transaction services. In both cases, also, the
associated instructions and legislation may be viewed.
Notice that all the component reusability criteria are
directly met for the communication with back-office
systems building block, since it is definitely non-trivial,
it is independent to a large extent of all other functions,
some implementation may be easily replaced by another
component of equivalent functionality and its function
within the system is clear. As note before, electronic
services are usually delivered through a dedicated
system, which communicates the submitted data to an
installed organisational IT system. This task can be
further analysed into the following subtasks:
1. collection of the values submitted by the citizen
2. transmission of the collected values to the back-end
3. restructuring of the information in a form
appropriate for the back-end system and insertion
into the relevant repository of the organisational
Out of these three subtasks, the two first may be
standardised, since the collection of values from a
specific service delivery environment is usually
performed in a standard way (e.g. in a PHP [7]
environment values are usually stored in the user
ColdFusion [8] programmers usually store such values
in an array-type variable; in a Java environment values
are generally collected through the relevant bean [9]).
The transmission between the two systems can also be
performed using a number of standard techniques, e.g.
RMI [10] or XML [11] messages on top of TCP/IP [12]
or SSL/TLS [13]. The third subtask is highly dependent
on the actual organisational information system, so no
global solution can be provided; instead, the
organisation’s IT staff can write custom modules to
perform this subtask, as detailed in [14].
In order to promote reusability in the development of
electronic services, developers must be empowered to
(a) locate reusable components that are pertinent to the
task at hand (b) customise these components to exactly
suit the task and (c) create and make available to other
users their own reusable components. To facilitate this
task a reusable component repository is introduced,
complemented with tools enabling users to browse,
query, populate and customise its contents. The
repository approach is illustrated in Figure 3.
The transaction element management (TSE
management) facility enables users to create templates
of reusable TSEs. A reusable TSE template contains
exactly the same information as an individual
transaction service element (i.e. label, input area,
validation checks, instructions, documentation and
legislation), but is not directly used in transaction
services. Instead, users create instances of this template
and customise it to suit the needs of particular
circumstances, since a TSE need not appear identical in
all its occurrences. For instance, a TSE representing a
person’s VAT number may appear in a tax return form
as “Taxpayer’s VAT number” in the area for personal
details, as “Landlord’s VAT number” in the section in
which housing expenses are declared and as
“Employer’s VAT number” in the incomes section.
Besides the changes in labels, the validation checks
associated with each occurrence may need to be
customised (e.g. the Taxpayer’s VAT number is always
mandatory while the landlord’s VAT number is
mandatory only if housing expenses are declared; the
employer’s VAT number may need to be verified to
correspond to an enterprise, rather than an individual).
Once a TSE template has been instantiated and
(possibly) customised, it can be used within a form of
transactional service. Note that customisation still
possible after the establishment of the link between the
instantiated TSE and the transactional service.
TSE management
TSE group management
TS forms management
TS management
Linking/ Browsing
Composite search
Figure 3 – Introducing the reusable component
A similar approach is used for TSE groups, i.e. users
create instances of generic TSE groups, which then
appropriately customise for use in services. For
transaction service forms and transaction services,
however, it was considered preferable to not introduce
the concepts of transaction service form templates and
transaction service templates, respectively, since the
cases in which whole forms or whole transaction
services will be reused are less frequent than the cases
in which TSEs or TSE groups will be. Instead, for
transaction service forms and transaction services a
clone facility has been provided, which create exact
duplicates of the source object. The developer can then
customise any component of the cloned object.
For the reusable component repository to be
effective, however, developers must be provided with
appropriate tools to locate reusable components. The
classic mechanisms for locating items within a
repository are searching and browsing, which are both
provided in the proposed approach. Through searching,
users enter patterns, which are matched against the
contents of the repository, and the components that
qualify with respect to the matching are included in the
result. The search pattern may include free text search,
either in all sections of elements or in specific ones (e.g.
label, documentation, validation rules, author, keywords
or any combination of fields) and the type of the desired
result may also be indicated (for example, “TSEs
only”). The simple form of querying, however, can
prove ineffective in the context of the reusable
component repository, because search mechanisms
usually target single objects, while the elements of the
repository are composite, thus the relevant information
is dispersed among several objects. Consider for
example the case of a developer searching for a TSE
group representing a citizen’s details, i.e. name,
surname, address, social security number and phone.
Searching for an item containing the strings “Name”,
“Surname”, “Address”, “SSN” and “Phone” will
probably fail, because each of these strings is contained
within the relevant TSE, while the TSE group contains
only links to these TSEs. Searching for a TSE group
named “Citizen details” might also fail, because the
TSE group may have been named “Citizen data”,
“Personal details” etc. In order to address this
shortcoming, structured searching is provided, which
allows for the developer to specify criteria that
contained elements should fulfill, for the containing
object to qualify for the result. Using structured search,
the query to locate the citizen’s details TSE group could
be formulated as retrieve TSE groups having (a) a
contained TSE matching “Name” (b) a contained TSE
matching “Surname” and so on. Users are assisted in
entering structured queries by a graphical user interface,
illustrated in Figure 4. In the depicted query, the type of
the result objects is specified (TSE group), it is also
stated that the resulting object should be linked to (a) an
object whose description matches “Name” and (b) an
object whose description matches “Surname”.
In structured queries, a criteria relaxation approach
is followed, according to which an object may appear in
the query result, even though not all defined criteria for
linked objects are met. This feature has been considered
useful since developers may thus locate reusable
components that are similar to the components they
seek, and can then instantiate (or clone) customise these
components. In the previous example, a developer
might locate a TSE group containing the TSEs “Name”,
“Surname”, “Address” and “SSN”, but not the “Phone”,
which could however be added to the specific instance
created for the service under development. The
relaxation degree (i.e. the number of criteria for linked
objects that an item in the result set may not meet) can
be set by the user stating the structured query.
Complementary to searching, browsing mechanisms
are offered to the users. In this case, users are presented
with a classification scheme (or taxonomy) for reusable
components, and are able to drill down this scheme to
locate the desired components (see Figure 5). The
classification scheme may reflect the organisation’s
structure (e.g. by department), be based on the
components’ semantic aspects (e.g. income tax
components, real estate components), or follow any
other convenient structure. Multiple classifications may
also be present, to provide for alternative concept paths
for locating specific reusable components. The actual
reusable components are located at the leaf nodes of the
classification scheme, whereas non-leaf nodes
correspond to classes of reusable components.
Regarding the structure of the classification scheme,
it must be noted that although it is displayed as a tree,
the internal structure is a direct acyclic graph. This
allows for linking the same reusable component into
multiple concept categories, enabling developers to
more easily locate an item. For example, the “Personal
details TSE group” may be linked under the categories
“Generic reusable components”, “Income tax/generic
reusable components”, “VAT/ generic reusable
components” and “VAT/periodic declaration” (slashes
indicate drill down points within categories). The gain
offered by multiple linking to concept categories incurs
however a cost, since these links have to be established
manually by domain experts. It must be noted though
that linking may be performed incrementally after an
item is placed in the repository, so no heavy burden is
placed on the creator of an item to establish all the
necessary links upon the insertion of a reusable
component into the repository.
Figure 4 – Using structured search
Figure 5 - Locating reusable components through
In this paper we have discussed the issue of
reusability in the development of electronic services.
We have showed that by appropriately decomposing
electronic services in their constituent parts, it is
possible to identify portions that may be reused across
electronic services, minimising both the recourses
needed for development and testing and the service roll-
out time. We have also presented a repository-based
development approach for electronic service, which
allows for components to be placed within a repository
and then be extracted for use in other services. Future
work will focus on intelligent agents that will analyse
the components created by users and automatically
propose the use of existing components. Using
semantics-based techniques, as those discussed in [15]
for facilitating browsing and searching within reusable
component repositories will be also investigated.
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